II News From all Nations. .-.Gold closed in New York on Taos day nt; —Several-New Hampshire hOeses have died of hydrophobia. —A bag - containhig, four ghastly human heads was fond en a Cahlornia beach. —Some of our cities are cleaning tip to receicr, a Nita from the eholLpi in proper 6tylt). 11•1 • • ' —Massachusetts has- had com pplsofy education lair on its statute books for years: ----Auioug the patients iri the Insane Asylnirttn ilarriA)im; is afathcr knel.two dangh trrs. -3n.time R mulberry tree becomes a silk: gown—and a silk goon becomes a ico- —The Memphis. .Appeat tonthingly anodes to “the short an annals or tho • • —Florida claims to Lave better cropo this year thin during any year siuc.,the Rastou, of nest• .Almond \. Y., kiika laituself becatige ot --4-Niagara FaiiT'Hletels linvo a high- POtnr Wirtlit`ta.- It's I.' • <••• --;-Neyada has a tirinliing.§al on c4llOl the 'Hears.: Vicky tutdc;rstltn:.llll,_ , fit r.e,,k;of things. -.- . . _‘,.larg,p•ileet is now engaged in rum-?:era? tQCry off the' coft.si catelilas thri3 far been small- • . . .;- --- The Vermont .collectors Ofintef )l4ll"rev,Tr...e have settled their acennn4 in fOll, :.truare Stith tfia,liiiitt3tl States •gpvcrr.- %,i/s.e. , - _. • - t -, --efilifornia figs are ripe, and .. some of Vio gEolvaiis will dry cxme , lileritble qnantitios. Lek ycar ()he gr:Aver .7,01 d 2000 pounds of flO f:-on] one Irec.- Persons a.ro warned by . Mrs. sinirnong of St. Paul not to pay her hnFband any' money until their prize fight for the char . :- is ciccidetl.,=,_ • --X newly .elect - ed Texan constrt, Li,: , 1.0: . ,.:tc..1 that he eOuld "clean out" every in. hr.l.it:ixt . ,;and began ou cum McCabe, who tort h w_i th killc. l ., Lino. . . 'A -- arUg,St , liar, .been sued for dating( F in Wavvrly, N. 'S:.ifor sellitiglau.lanum to a urtn`a wife, and the-jarr have awarded tiarhagcr, to tlicqrasbancl. ' ' ,-- • .. , --Thete is a..walndi tree in Addi . .5 , 0, :Vt., five feet al , i ten inelif44 in eirentnrer (lnce. (q.t.. ki.inflred-and twenty feet linih, and, it. :i• ,t , . t.•.• feet to the first litut. . 7 linniburg, Germany, a socie 7 tyl a Lccn lennol fur the .rzection of stone c..,lllrn::s for! blil-posting i. - 'Lich are c.lso,blbef pri"ffiliod. with drinking lortntains.. r • -It is said theke arc almady 50,-. (10 or.1:1 - 61.3 - otcrs rr.gisthrer.l in Tti[as, and the Ansun number will be in vrcasLd biAore the ob.,:tion. Sherman recently up wi in Sew lurk was most, shamefully bylmelimen, and Li of opinion that it is thr. l W4i;rst r:, - ;vcrn , 4l city thofw.i.l4l. • St. Louis v. , man cougTht ti trtianCUMry, which dlcll tthilef in his praises sloth_ The owner' of the bird; now suestam for danitigt , m, fur trot taking proptr rl , .fe of it. i.lebief:Justico Chase is about to a -"Whiitu House" of his own at Mat)agan eett, 114., so thatite will I).:.stir , t-, roach that whi; ainLition has co 'long, cravog. —A Stilten ishind, "excursion party go into c light at Long , . flranch on the tli3tri, during which - pistols and itnirca Were :freely need. 'The disturbance Wm quelled by tlit —Liberh i t; last seasofi" produce 300,000 pinuad of fn;zar, 35,000 pomade of cot , to‘; 10,C00 pound. Of ginger, and 20 tuna o ‘ldte-arror.Toi)t- the latter Lein, prepared lc. a:larket. ' 7 The, "Califoniifi Silk Corupa tii factory at South San Francisco, 16.11 start cii short tune ago, and thousands °fen grow cts ero visiting to er^ how tht• machinery --"The last word"is the most of hir,ri iii marlthaes. - liubband and ni,re striyq to get it than they n: uld s , truggle:to get, pc3ascssion of a .lighted ! - 2 . Star, of IVilming - t•m, N. C., Leads its cations departments after • feniwritnt mauncr: "Palmetto. ‘ o Star Itc-arns", Tnr , , , entitw." rot - 1 . "Chip Ilaslet."l • yacht race 'between the of Pawtucket, and Sadie, of IleVerly, the 30th, at Providence, tt. L, for a plate val uta nt was won by the .:41 , 1k. by twenty hilentes, The "Prugsiao (!),;$., Ga.:cU ii-yzohitt. the Ilimmanian government intends to submit to the li..gblature a bill indemnifying qi - vditers La. goet•riimeut is --The editor of an pastern paper received a bank note detert , lr, returned thanks,and modesttyuAked - for some bank cotes to.tc•st , —A collision occurked on the ~, 4 'Natal Itafircail, new Fairyvilk station, frit•irtht trains, from neglect r,f alb rnk4. .Twn men ‘vere injured. • . -- Tile chglera ha appo'are,cl tt Itol.nrg. At Igrettigpbcrg, them; were one hnudi ed new ea4l and I , .renty-ninol deaths on ,:•e 27th, and eighty new cases and (iffy dentin+ ( - 41 the 2tqh Arignst. ---:- - George H. 'AfeNenn, aged' eleven. cc :Ir.:, WaS E , thick . by 11r;htning, in Irsi•bilu-,ton, on Tu , Arty, and instantly kilted. A Mrs. ;.-.1c1:- 4:: was a l sn struck, an d . will prolrably bel?.rile u.:1:1. ;• 4 • ! —A strangor * the midnight New yor% train for Do!iton,wlic-n near WurelicediT 3.londaT ninrlin.t..pnib-d tho Bull-roplz.and boinediatnlT junr. , Rl from tho train: His body was not found: • . , . eitiztrip, of, a • iklassaclal .- tt4 4r.rn have writtoi,to Gettf:ral ..Butler that oy earnest:). dertire tO listen 13 him, as they 1•::.• "r+-1434eti:'. lvith ranch inter( .st.. his Spring , - azldrenA. • . • 0 ...- . -it is sail that there are m ore • v•cple from Philailelphia ta. Narragansett Pier than there are front any fit city. In fact, it is 'said' they were the titet to appreciate. and ini •.. prove th,,,natural'advailtas.7e,= of (ltd pliCce. • ion for double the ;nount uY spacu ti,c,l list rear ha4ebeen made the corning Cinckraitti 1-7.y.pnsition, If,r exhibition g„„as has br.Prj. in ercarva st,Vt'piy p. r et=lt, above , thaspacc used in n7O. I=l ,e, . . ; -- Last Ivi-0, - . .filittillg -deeds_ RIM Ipmds to .the anidmit of . .iST,!,(O were received int Vtalr:---470,Nsf in . ..iii - , r was Ainped from l'it.elie . f. •r New York, and $30,001 . 0 trout — the NVal.liet Dr:others' mll. ,_ ~ - : -=David Tilton, ,o f -.IN cm, Tori i con ,.‘ieted in itutralo of_smugqiing,. has been sel; teneed to five month;' l: iii in tho Erie ' C,•nnty Penitfulti:Ltn aid to pay a tine of ono thousand dollars.l 1 •• - . - - • - compr6mise has been ag,reed - :on in the FlR‘neli A9sembly in regard to pro :longing 51:1!Thi0n475 term of M. Gam . I;etto has Withdratcn his proposlti,n for the dis . .lution of site Assembly. - —,--p-overnort'enter hat: issued in t, the governors of ev.. tato and • teicitorv. urging thenato co-np.;rite in recur :i:!,4' a fail representation aithe--natiotral agri • fc1:1 orai conL•rse, - ,, to. i e hCUat Nr.sliville on ;`t lie 3d -of Oe.t;:ber n(nt. The .Spanish government has ,5..-4roniribgated a decrec of - stinuesty applying to political offences. The -preambie says that g , s l vcrurnent i well awarc of the puwerloss riess of its adversaries, and of its own ability to depre4ail rev7,lt. • The hark Alice Campbell,of - iLoston, from Gottenhnsg, vith iron, was picked tip abandoued.one liandresi and Seventy mites .'solith of Block I laiid, end bronglit into N 4 , p , ,rt on tlr , 30th by The' pilot-boat Leggett. :IN - 0 papers were On tioard. —A public meeting held in South on Ilie.3oth aPproted the selection of !d0 -ratan Gurney;.as British Commissioner un !di-r the Treaty of Washlugton. It is said that Gurney has rrieeived-English claims to the • -amount of £1,400 against the United litaics. "Piorincial Correspond formal treaty has been eon ichuted. fyetireen Germany and Anstria; ithelr n have wipe to a geed tinderstandfng as to itha,maihteiaimer , of peace. The Vienna Press gona-nal to Russia. . —Ednitma. Chase, of Minot, : now zeirly 96. years of age, is probably the oldest Mason to ilrb State of Haine. He was "appren ',.ticed" iti Mk-kr:a:tie, lkan, passed and raised April 11,1 - in - St. Jobs'i Lobo, Newbury port, ?de's.' -. • • ---)C'fod :,ceic ent occurred' in a i , ing;tiltir war 4 Alington, liiinsfe+, 801110 days hgo. ).Ir. Henry Pridy . old his wife' were re . pirnin7, nl ine wrigo.n, and theirehild ren stcinl Ihrnt %.oining ran to %le/C(11110 ILIUM - . Their. sudden ..tpprarfince and cries of lileasnre rrigiitened.tlie mines mid then ran away. al", tragnn RLa tAertllniaNi and Mrs. Pride iu.otant.: E2NB=III radfora frporter. EDITORS:I E. 0. GOODRICH. • . S. W. AiIL.VOR.D. IN Towanda, Thuriday, So #. 7, 1871. REPUBLICAN. STATE TICKET • FOR AUDITOR GENEILIL. • Col. DAVID 'STANTON, 01? DENVER FOR SURNETOR GENERAL : . Col. ROBERT B. BEATH, OP SCEMYLKILL Republiarti County Ticket. Col.. G. P. MASON, or BRADro . r.D Co (SUbject to tlesioxi of fferatorial Cauforvuoo.l BLlit~3Lc2'aTf\T=~. P. H. - BUCK, cir LtitArsvuir. MAJ. B. S. DABTT, or CANTOS Bono'. I.CSOLIATE , S. D. HAIIIiNESS, or SrraNartr.Lr 131 , -rna-T, A - rror.Nts,* • CAPT. J. iB. REEVES, or AT:ir'ss Tr.r_kstmt,.n. WILLIAM B . CNYAN, or (1 Nvit.Ll COMILIESIONEE. MORRIS SHIM ID, ere VELLS A.. R. BROW 'or limmeß Tyr THE COUNTY TICKET. _ We last week gave tho proccealugt; of the Count ; Convention holcl osi the The Contention wa's verc 9 9th nit •armoniois, and the.ticketxlaced . in nomination.one wilieh gives g ne.ral satisfaction. , We had our per,.;._',eal preferences, but never ,expqssed Them - hi these columns. 1111.3 we done so we suouhl have favoierl the -n6n-)i- nation of some of the ernliantc:, who were unsuecessful. The eandidafc . for Senator, Cul. G. F. 31AsoN, has tlbrays been an honest exemplary citizen of , the county, a business roan of. large- experience, and perhaps as well acc i xainteit with the wants of .the egiuity as any wan in it. •If his nomination is ratifiec 14 - y the conic-roue° meets al Scranton to-day, the .peotde of district will Dever have eause to r gret his eledi-iou to the positintl. ' For the LegiFilat-ure P. 11. 11,7 was nontiliatc:(ll43nacchunat Bu‘k has served oho term in tilt, Legislature, and hig ability adclea t to his experience will ri hi front rank in that hoar next v:i:'( His tuNtili.,:ical'.; rcnowinatioil evidente uf the 'high esteem in wi ho is hell at home. His 511, - 2,tz::: , ; be etrally qatifyiug to th cans in other parts of the State. - Fen-the other member Maj. II S. .Tharrtr, )of Canton, was nominated. Maj. P A LI-, was one of the tirst men in the comity to I rc•Fpolia to the for troops to aid ° in suppresni.; tho rebellion.. He'raiscd a cavalry cola pany •in the wtstern part of the! county and was clion,captain., He was afterwards promoted to -..lajor, and ,served his country faithfully throughout the war. At the dawn of peace he estliblishe,d i , ! - 1 business •at Canton where he Las since remained, honored and respect. ! ed by all who know him, as a com,ci- I entious, upright man. He has s been a prominent and carms , -t te;.n- lIIMNIEMEEfi cause whenever eccasien presents. For Associate Judge STEIULN 1.); 114KNE.-:s, of .- Springtl6l(l, was 'l3l).ai incited. Mr. HAI:NNI, active Republican ever .a ganization of - the Firty, and this is - not the first tiine he has biA:n ored- with a position at the 11, -- ,1 - , of the pariy. His nomination 1,0 warmly ratified at tho ri!,..; WILLIAM Iii r 7iYIN, 01 G V.:LS the choice of the com'eution for Treasurer, nud his noiNiciti•in entire sa.iis . friction to tic party. H. is an 14i,liriti1ont; farinc.r tlie%rtputation of being an upright, nonedl.; I>iinl neighbor. Thy lunch, of - tlic county' will he enrclull . ;,ftcr by hint. The nonfifiet. fur CummissiJner, MORRIS SUE:FARO. of We-119,1S an active youngk.-.publiertn,-„,who has tl.e ' enemy many in, that, stronghold of democrac:yr.ll4 : liearty suppat accorded to hint, by. those best acquainted with hint i.. tin...higli eqt compliment to his titm:ss for the position. During the building of the jail it is peculiarly..fitting that act i v e, stiring, energetic en be sel:Tted . .to manage the financial affairs of t 1:: ;, county. Capt. 3. B. RE1.11:, of Athens, as nominated without opposition for the responsible poSition of District At torney. The 9.tptain was an excel lent soldier, au`d - we predict will be a vig i lant trustworthy and courkots -District At torn ey.lllll, The office of". comity Auditor, al- 2 ways an important position is doubly so at this time,v‘ht.n theef - pen:litures of the county tti'e .to be largtily,in-. creased. `For this Office, of Herrick, Nvng nominated. The selection was ak3o one and the com pliment wellmerit.:!d. The gentlemen : , seeking nomina tions fol. the various offices to be itili ed,this falLwere all well, qualified for tic positions asked, and - would bave been supported by the party just as heartily as their successful livals. Republicans of Bradford, the tick t. is before Yon. 'Now do your duty, and roll up an old fashiontal majority, and thus pave the way to an easy victory next fill. - 45..1-las "Gen." licatildleris. • the Democratic - candidate for Anditor- . General been ordered honie: or .why is j t that we hear no mon., 1. - oni. him ? Hc~tstartesl 010 on an electio.uceriug, sour some time • ago,' but' his efidrts appear to have been :;o diseonraging that he hat: -r, f ir t lfly :t2 , !,1 1 - 1111fsil , off by - the - Deniocratio '`authorities." When last heard. fr,;.111 h(!ii! , tve lie vies cont _ . Arri ?sn, ,n(1 IIIPORTANT FACES. The follov. iug imprirtaut facts, gleaned from the recent 'speech by Hon. (Mambas Delano at a Republi can meeting in Ohio, should ',acorn- initted to memory, and used d's ar guments in favor of cox:tinning the present National- AdMinistration in poker anothrr term, by every Repnb- ]icaniu the United States. The cola- paiison between the r.clmiuistration of Johnson 'and that of President Grant, in respect.to - financial ability, et! - )tionly and faithful verformanee of glut;-, Elrongly in favor of the hit ter, and cannot fail .to attract and rivet public attention. We gi7e the. fact's its prOented 'uy Mr. Delano:. - i. .Receipts from Internal Revenue. —During 186 S, President Johnson's Administration, which was anti-Re publican, had fall control of all brach es of the Government, and the entire receipts from internal revenue sourc es-were $i91,180, . When - President Grant's Admin- istration came into power a new tax bill went into- effect, .by, : Which the tax on spirits was .reduced from two dollars to fifty. , cents, the tax on to bacco from forty to thirty-two cents, and over one hundred other articles including cotton, 'boots and shoes, clothing, leather, soap, sugar, etc., put on tie free list; thereby reducing taxation $78,000,000. And yet the receipk from internal revenue, dur ing the first fiscal year of President Grant's Administration were t3155,- 23-5,5C07, which would ba saving to the country of i 2,72,000,000... Thir teen million dollars were saved in tobacco alone, although thetas . had been reduced from forty to tadr ty-two and sixteen cents. 11. The ,expenses of the Revenue Bureau. - rimier President Johnson were; in round numbers, $8,00p,000, while' under the first fiscal year of Grant's administration they were re T d need - 111. The Recipts from, Cut.toms. In no ilepar.Lment tire, -the honesty and ceonOnly of the present adminis tration two - conspicious than ill the collection of the revenue- Boni toms. Although Secretary gives the exact figures, for cot - lye - Ai. : enee sake we will simply seite than round numbers..' During the4lscal. - years 1.,:117 a"nal.808 the total receipts from customs'. were ::1310,Q00,000. Dining the two yeaxs of the precut Allministritiun the receipt froth the same viere $4.10,000,U001;44:4- jog a net gain of (IQ laillioni• from this one 5010e6; Xi. Total. Receipts and Expendi -tures. Fon 1.4 two years ending "March-1, 1,t); r4 7 ccipt.; tiler.` the year: ca the . prese:it ending March 1, 1871, the total net reccip. ‘vc - re . 8'74:1,04)0,00o: stitcws iacrease of the re \ - elote anlomith: , 1;485,100,0 it). all t:L s:tvejralthott - gh tavitioll lleyl : A :18,01)0, 1 ,100. ti . The expenditure for the last Iwo years- o; President Johnson's rt. ign Were 4410,000,000, I.frt during thy first. two years of (I rani's rule en4l -1, 1871, ill.: exia were is':1:1:1,090,000, ',dug (if 5127,ii01/,000. lib ol her wer4h; Pro-:lent reecivorl nr.re. than l'ret-ilent • Johnsoil, totiii gain to the Covernaimit of DV! we nr)t. i•, ilt2 art• Irc_lll.l ;.9: I . ll ' ll • , .1 uVil :111y 011,• . ], CVC . S. it IA:. that 1' 7 'o_4l'l6)li, iLL, arc I.coni, of 4 :11 , ..it cle•;iro al, i! , Lr ;lc 1),, • 1...(n, A v:iti. 6OLL ' S bUt* {,)/tilt.; 1.11(1 pnro, • - ws, is ~.. ~ is r B =II 1.1.• :o,la I lit 1 . 1:•, plar. ..-•> tf).9lq-qk, ,•.-1 , it•I; I.- :It MEE f:tcts hay,: 7 the ?) of the temi amt.() pnrty :it ont e j;n,1 4 .0 , ., - publish th.el.-)llowing•eard from Bev. I'. Comm.:, oni: of tlieolde:4 and ae)- zenlims advocates of ftie CDIIP in the State: EI)FroT;' PrN!!`7 , Yl.V*..Nl', -- 6 -1 .: - ;•:Iffli7( )7: Haiviil7 titct . t. crr , nl si - .;tf , rll prlT_)c•rs ' pi:l)ns! 5i.: 1 ,..7 , ,,tr7 , 7! (if Ali , rw , t 2f;tli, th , ? Tolioy in re . ,7,irri tU tiel:Pl Anr. , ti - J fi•Ji el:!trr. ,- t:r of rcis intenil7,p:7 ir, • of 1 ,- ;',l it) Of tOr.ll)..`r",;`:•l' Pr,,fll: ::-; •:11 tion frsr thr. • !. :f it •=.ll:tr. ch:tr;:ctcr'. I. is wz.lv roo;:.. , lnLlsl - I , y a v( tt who, : , (..parated ft.c)ll.. thfs• - iltain thi• ti ! ,,tir '•. , 1•:...e . (1); a”.l njw,,llent 11:61 it.:i v,itit ive , -e::! - t!a, gin of the Good Tclap!ars. \,ho t as joinA 1-y a few. ,en nt of good char.l3- tcr, havit.g thorn kriieve that the C:1`4 , 2 11::1 lioc u "sfdtroll'‘ .. Pre::iIVIIL Of thr May cl , i1"11- ii; , ll, :11:01 induced thein . to unit with hint in a call for the August mectirc.r. On the :loth of June, the • tat- C:!.trid - - ;i%ennuittee al , lointc.l, and the leaders of the An gust. movcreent accepted - po,itions in that cum:id:tee and met with it July 11. Hz.ving accepted this position under the authority of the May Con vention, the August Convention should have been abandon:A, as the reasons assigned for it_no longer ex isted. 'But . tlicse ;nen :net, and in spite of efforts to prdvent it, plae cd in nornination rr State tickel. To justify their action, they thco -- wt , are actin as individunisovith out any _official authority. - Now they claim .•tncial character, a-nil say they "have formed - a party, t'-ze: - • . From these facts it will is • this action is ndtbir , .z le .is then rebel lion agein. , t the :tittle it n.f Ckuivention, of which these hien !tt,iii elaini to Le • a part. Teirii,eraitee men, us a I;ody, therefore arc iu no Ray re i•t p , :usiiile - for this 'ticket. Al ready several liistriet Convehtions iii-various.parts 01 the State have re pudiate.: this action, the State Cen tral Cot:it:tine:: are preparing to do so.:uitl.ot'.:er fol low. Let this factit.n he treated licre. aft:lr to as not to - invehe r..ny 111 - :11 truc . to his and faithful to his nlotiges. •-• • While we do not believe that the interest§ of the party are pmerally subserVed by pgrsonal colitro , versy,. yet inasmuch a. 4 we gave place to 3.lr;LAsomes letter to Mr. ,HooßEn, our readers will undoubtedly be in terested in the reply, and we subjoin Dttatt 11110TUIrdi GI:0110E :—Vre Cer tainly cannot complain of you that "we have piped and you have not danced, 'for the you performed in the Ilr.rourtut of last weep,, yen. could not hare excelled, if "uli Nick " had been fidd.hr, and con one of Teta ertilianter's witche,. or could yea have made a more, in d-cvnt exposure of yourself, even if clad only 'ill a cutty sari: Bat your article wag positively refm.hing, tis the movt vigeren*, albeit rather slangy, column of Anglo tiaxon that we have eeen in 3,11 y pap :r in Bradford County h five yeart, gives olle a healthy SCCr , LII.IOII to meet with a min whd Meidlc exprep.es himself. The peraonal abuse, von-attempt i 3 a luirt ion of your stock in trade, and cheap and thin as it is, ihas had the effect I;cretofure of frightning your Opponents ' who have been chary of casting their pearls before yon. is your mode of warfare as peculiar to von as the mephitic odor is to the skunk and about as agreeatbio to well bred people , • • It isof a piece with your profanation or tile. sa6rtd w, ruesto 'gain the cheap applause of a thotightless crowd, the !trill.; of. the swearing, l'a,rtOn by the religions d.nnagognc. So keep on. "Call us pet names Georg..." and -shobt off yourlBre crackers. 'Tlt.• pI awoyon and don't • hurt ns a bit. _ Von are too inndi a t• - •,;;.dy Gauge to tinder and that Illonor..and shame froni condi tion rise," that no eireninstanees in life can make a man a "small affair," who itai honor and Irtlth in his seal. A.; George Landon, the poor rTenelier, "pleading the caul e. of the 0p pp•e:4,,,1 in 11u gate," the: e was something of tip: hero about you; ac. cr.-:•Lnat;:r Landomem bith•r,l poilticiall and otliee ;!;•uta gfigr,(4, yon tit•nrcely 6,4 t• cojovvipt. and '''' ;. r ahove •pity. . . You min„t surely Late been 1. , 01,h,; %oar heart when you of the tliat 3ott "had a r=cugorf hunian un-annes,J,' aua ;lot area con:ll:ding ;.,,•. , :tme:f Greeley c.u: soothe - your soullpr giNo of your fellowe. • Thu ep and "ass which veA. bestow ilpou IN With linen Christian liheraliti, tuns! , las. , At: nytat .1)y ours ae crair,4o.toc-,, wit, are con tent to aric4fr i vv.l.74ioni, of a per,:or.r.l hature,as t‘otween 11,3. .1.11(: - , are porti,:u.: oC your bt.l-0 ,uh.turio, a part of th: , cheap thi thuul r, and rosin-dust In , ittidtlg that yOu have ugod years to fright eu your optloni.ntst with, till von have grown to 1.4:1;e.v ! .. in their onlc.aey, and . thrust them for wr.rd en every cx-cs.Aon. We retort With, natu... a great deal mearkr and far more trutit 4 ' fol ; but there. Cotrideration doe ee'on nu. !Ince - you hart. the. 41i,olity of a I Chrlijan ti: •: who “reinc.inbred tLc Mimi-- . sippi eve r since it xv...is crcek," you have a-turauller of the Itrt publicnn part slum long heloili its formation. von too, We ,•arly a Ilepta•lieail, being Violently affect -ed•that. vrhea enly . cight years old, ci.stain ly 1 . lore 'heard na,-grown, - and yet stran•;,.• to say v.., veto for .Tan:,~ Willey. things W(1 , 3 (11131. , 1.7 lilieiatia.whii•lt we could net ran - etion, or aid net tA disorgtinia•• ur difsintegrate any pt,rti,e) of the ;;rank old Ilepuldiean party, r.deeli saved the nation, .and we intend not (•• be warned tenni oar duty either by the oppo‘i tiga el fikiel3 or the praise and flattery of our Ca. fl Can pin say ns trutell? IVe boll •ye that :t is only threngli ..rgrinized parties that :ill!" true pro.,:rt an he . made. If as •-y•eo 3:•• W 0 k. Elll '••• r•tk. a DUl:Cirol, 11.4 i•• iariti.rtaliz•• •- the s•ek - Isline • ss that th.• I all ttu that greedy arebitioio, , iti•t• •11:••••1 •.:fre• yon your fitting pluee as high ad ••t at• the temple of c.- •rg, :n.l •.i'.••• a to tle_ ceay n9r. ile• t•ritrelph.... , of (11, !•.•,7 :S.': ',II, •:• I •.t. your •••••-a l ,••, ~ 1 , It WI: • •11•1 a• nuli you 1.4 Mi• leer hour • ,l, I • I e 'D. r• MIZE 1, th , , • I,:en C.+ 4 . , •;;r • •.t t i ,• n',:,:;.1. r ?: n .t.,li'auk! :111.1 avF•ii:•-m' tht•re CO TPS • - a • • 11:: L • .; ttio „” f, 7.-11 I .ran EMI }~'' ~~ , . ... ~ MEE Th e roalinv ilt ". • t 1 3 . C.( 1), BE HOOKER is._ 14.1thOlt. ~. nr:ui~ <, ::.:d c, ‘ ; , 3 •-•,r r I'4,lTt. . ..• . 1 EM ~~. ~ ~.,. ~x. ;., . • • MEE =II : • c.i 1 . 11:' . :110 Jr :. I•i ; na 1.;• ; .• ;.:. •:, L:1,1 1.1 . 'l..t , J • • ~L L... 1 r I i.•;f 7,; 41 1 .•111/ th,."! 4, 1 r,Aer 1,, V. I , 11:1.• Ir7ro 7•••• 4.! :r•• • :1 ir.• . • 1:. • y. ill' 7.- r- - 1 • ; ' ^ •, • i N BEIBMIE • tli:C. y 4.14 • j: , 1,. f. ; 2, .• I'. 1.. ! ,•• I • •• v. , .• tz v ••1 •.. L. t't •. t at.:. .±, t MEISIMISME f. 11,4 r; ...t t-• n .a: , ' ' ll,ll II 1.111 1.,.••••• t if 11:. 7 t•, .1 7 1-•;:k:t Oil 1, 1 • ;•• 11:1 , (1''!1C• ";:th r ti.at !' • t..• at• 3 V:.:1 . 1 4: 1 11, i'.l% I, 3: s , ‘-f 11:11 r. bl.L•qiy r.; loos Ic‘rtit ni 1.:rz , q13 1 . i.p:tvar.l it t , ,t, t.:i • 0: t,, , V;1. • 71 , •• '• 11.11'.. t . ,111/k arC r, tit a: -fir+.•. lr n.rt: half c. •i- 11: , •11rwr. r ;.••••( sr ;. i.• :.-• :•••• • ~: (.6; ;.; V: • i •.• lid I's I it... :.'• Si clito:••• t.v'it. •• :,, , 111VP. , , W. 1 ., 1; A" , • ;,. • "C; I -I:nt in II,: gnu ,t.) V, 1 1: h.; 1.,•1_,•:• • t,. 1 ! ,• •r. r - 1 4 114, , 1 1 MINI 11113:10=1:1 r,%:;7" 1)1l.)re StliYntg.o flic LaLi to air lic it a =EN :113 Delacwratie party hig , „;- t ,1 it anti tionjt!er:,aiin.„ ; tilat Taco:'_ 1, whilo the 11.. - ...iocracy op - ttosed it. At contest, the Deinocracv ','ore defeated., The peo ple either knew thes-?,partizans were is falsehood, or they ac cepted till' justice of itapartial nut irage before it was an , issue in so that when enfranchisement carte, its a. , loption was so acceptable that oppeition to it was 'feeble, and. now, in a few years atter its aelop- Eon, we have the very inen wno most biiterly opposed,- eagerly emloming it, !t:lt rep.ll U. If there is anything in hirtory more infamous than t 111.,; conefact. it *ORM be a partial - finelication of the Demo cratic leaders if they could produce the precedent. =:== Lta-t ;ralify [is wish, Cul; 3lecand le:•.:,, the Democratic leader of this :1110lile anti he don ' t like pablielife. lie has put our . ecord Li:, opthion that' "the post of honor is at nonie." Of course, a thinks a uhlie pi.>ition dishonorable fur him. It Ivenid he dishonorable forhini to aLandon his "private station." That very ralgener : Wt. liA hele . ocraTic t• , force I hiw. !Ate opic r; ill coiae to hi:- ; , :a.•,c he, di,:honor -..nd elect itut to his "post of honor," which i.; idivate - Let him be • • LiTTE - 11 FROM WAEIBINGTON. Wasniscranc, D. C., Aug. $l, 1871. Eternme : We are at present not Only In, the mild of dog-clays but In the undid of ntide of sensations, sufficiently °ldling In chiractor to awaken (ho mast languid among na horn their long listless mid-iitlnuner &saw. !IVA awn upon our drtirry senses,i dent.; opemeuts at the • roue;. corn, of wholesale robberies And contemptibbi Anti, practised by a set bf men who, undor the guise, of oftlec4 of the law and Justice, hadut dons of vice and abodes of ill-fame for the pm. pose of setting upon, and tiansferring their di ) eottcn gains to their own pockets. 1 . Jt wolild seem impossible from the array of facts presented to the' public, that IL greater Acme of vileness or villiany could be well eon. ceived or enacted.. From the manner in which the law has boon administered irreertitin quar ters, we aro forced to believe that If We have the veritable Timtnany Chiefs themselves among us, we have at least reprcantatlves who follow well the teachings of those illasrtions thers. Close upon thissnbiliition of villaniea, came • rut wur.nr.n on Pennsylvania 'ratline of john 3tcdartliy, a ' well hnoWn man about town, by 0 of t 4 gembltn;ffraternity of the district. From mank causes this man McCarthy was conspicuous be fore the public. Possessed of - a remarkable fine ,personal appearance, refined -taste In dress and pleasing manners, he became whiely /known to the Washington public. raii3csord of generons impulses, warm attachments and a true friend of the poor. he found manyfrietell in the circle of his acquaintance. It_ is said be was a ' reform ed gambler, but whatever his fan.ltal l or past record may have been, no matter ; during the past few years, it 'generally understowi lie had been striving to elevate himself from the def.,.radition into which he had fallen tea posi tion of respectability.. by this lie had incurred the deadly hatred Of - his once been tsnupanions; who becoming iuspired With a belief that he now, was upon the eidz. of their-eiternies had, it appears, without CaU 4 C" dr provocation, resolved upon Lis destruction and death, hi nce this fearful tragedy and coo! premeditated: reorder. Within a few monthe past, this is.4.he seconil llSlagsination committed by this class publody, and the most frequented thorongbfares, of' the ctity.under the thin excuse of persq.nal fetids and quarrels. Theso fearful deeds,- evidence, of the little value placed upon litmo i life by these gentry, have aroused the police atitliori ties to the necessity of earnest action:, . ,-• The suppression 9f all gambling louses, we arc gild to leant has been folli determined upon ; and the evil to Le rooted out of the dis trict if poesitle. will thqir efforts with a hope that tlle:cbeShreessful. The many crimes ani.deallis, s-rrow's and mis eries concealed away down in thec , ecret cham bers of many a heart, canned by these gildcd denS of intaiato arc but little !Mown to the out side vrofultl,, La.t of4;il ( - ',l , lllrh 11, o sins evil ,Flovtiun. itly I. l ;ca in Laid by a ccrt,:..in cl,:a4 of wo men, nexiom, to be km r,.:1 to the w ,, :, 1 11az , great mor;.T. r , f •rinel-; ana beo,:fa.,:tore of the,r. ahl to ,Le 1i,z1a...n family g,.roraUy : ctrl from prcsent al . .tvaraneeF they still L: c: entircly,grailfl , l The eolmmis of the pnlr lic prints :Ire daily with long 11is7.13ion:. up'ei imm , rak. ear,seQ am! temptations, desires nal , motive. of br,g - nlos.turn ,, d (.ht, and t wool Ting g g. 2 ~ r ,•vt•ry • i,:s• e:, the ,1:1,J. , ct f.pr.(r.r to ..t I,:r.vity tl, y th, ~f r.l.l•o'y st butts tvlietliir 5n,....1: pul , li.-.tii9l:.; arc not I•ros. an-tive of ::vira evil than. .Too.l. pnt the object ti.es:Aa-lic..i Ilace in view to gay ilic least ig, r,, ohsrliablelono and whether ostentanion , ly or 1 ,,i1. th , to i,i .oniothing noble in thn t3.:i (lay 1..... vi. !nip ~,1 iii , : , :: ill, insely.s. Tlicy t , x1111,..t .1. adr.iirali:o einimi.te. to ilioliaile of pnbliv • . ,inion, in ihi.n, : t , .i. xtild a helping han , l ..,::pled Alt:: -.1 - ..r..is od ely_cr ," 1 encouragi.- • nt to Tilos.2 a:17.10 , : i 1 hit u,'iterly iiior.r;o-ss ic. :-•nal , lo („1" tip ,.._! : s io r.2inrn t., tip ; , :tilc , 7 1 .- :Thl , arel ....:-... A.i an rvid , ..nfir thi.t their , f.:rt4 in 0,14 il.irortb.'t ;:re not r•ritiiely traittel il , necei.s, , r,r of x.,nr 1 riAllior.ablo on 41n , 1-iy ev0!,1 , 17 Li t, Via.. ti“. , C.' Ili' of oor-r id ,, - slc. , ~., -,r .iiwition- , - l y t!oe , rres....ws• of gf2V.•ral liN.p . , no of ;e•tori•iti-tbionsoi, uho then and t`o , re el , ,,resst.'d a nigh they might loci ive tlicouratztrni.iit at,11, -, Ap ir. their ileteruenittio.: iikm., , f.,,rrgt u , fenliti. , -• thLir phat:.lon. , l eilii;iJ 'lion v..,v t lo le-•.4..v, r,pi,iti,:. - go .14.11i,y ;,...,1., d ~,,,..:, p•, n -,,, : I ..f -ip;,,:,1 1.1:' . -,..1,:,1,' , 11, l. r. ,•I b ISE : A . l : • , • MEE lEEE MEI MIMI J r t! it trs;l!,! l'r tl,. lEIIIE 1 n :to • ',•; • 1r t, 1111: ITIEI DEEM MEM Tuf ,111, 1 ILL; tt,4s.onlhled t• MBES ' 1' .. I MIME r• - ' 1 7 Th , I at , i7 , l in t “....,11t. rat u;i;h• lul: , • :‘,Li tiC,•: }tn.; IFif,l Ve:l tn+tclit•l ti , i It I -,:•3111t.c T:1 ti 1 , . ry; •, I • Ltrt.sap,y MIMI tri..nne.l .alp !v.: in rnt;:. rr. tid. :ztor:n •Tcro I-tn (11-,,: SE r. .V V r 1 :mid ti t .. .111,1 t cf tL it many f.it 'quaint .lr•rai ESE r 4;: Non', th MEE .21y )1 0 .7 , that from h . + :•13tr;...,v,i:t1 0.:!( thc:- •1 1,1!! =9 th. , - ,:npltby i:.• • 1:,11,11c en.nl,l),:rati.-a and :1: .? :1•.:,1.:;1 , 1in • n•ut., - , - al Cr. pt. the goo,l rez,:a o'itragl 411.1 utters ~f r.Lti :.ts %sin In as vr..baLillty has '....h70t to th.Jr . euglll:: - D,p -plrtno.:lts the int,r,st or the 11,publicaniar ty, I t.1: ,1 good a the uhL,lt coro.try: =I W:1.7.: a hare I. , (t.ri made re liavo nit.ar,s of kti.ir,stlig ; but the . dein , r.s.traiions o have rtr,ritly bech lt‘hig, of a et...tract,: iinfitekatlj !cod to siiiipositi.at that- they are. title a few. It is, i•er,liap:, Litt jttstic,‘ say that in taany la- Departratoitf r.re : hot a.,yar, or the I,tatas ai , , ,, ohlthatnt6 art , grat•c• to tL, pafty 4i:a a di:ttet reward for trea. ite—The Hagerstown. Mail, whose Democracy none will dare -to deny, pitches unglovecl into the "new -de: parture" 'MCI), and concludes an edi torial on "The Senselessness of De partures a., follows: Departures, forsooth !: Ind depar tures from what ? Simply a il•parture fromPriite3lple . 1 A departure frora the principles enunciated by Wash ington Adams, Hancock and Seffer son, Clay and CalhOuni- 7 -that white men should rule in thelland! New lights have' recently sprug up—Lin c.)lus, Butlers, Grants,Beechers,Stuu ners, Greeleys, Phillips's, and even Fulton—who have taught, and some whom still teach ,a new departure," or properly speaking an "old depar ture" from an old truth—that of DntocitAtc . PlaNClPLES The princi ples taught by these new lights indi cate thz , rqutittient Tar: NECIIIO Is nn• AN I\"c' * Lrrio ••() TI11;, mum IS r kr.r., awl the "new departure" 'into Iwhich soup.- ' uuthinkingikolocrats have been en '. tiecti' is simply :1A1,7,71.1.1'11. the Ti 110t , ;L:ti OY ILi. rtmr, a.l4;;:t th, piclui at; ry rAint thvrablio that-:n• t.t% MOEUE=I n•.. .",1, !I 4, , Wit nop,--r.:(` =MEE .1i • l: 1 le, 1.1 ....1 c :i i 1 ;Or. .o. 11•• MEM fundamental principle of the t'edral as 'well as the Deratxtratics irathers nboVe mentioned. Whenever we hear a Democrat talking about "Dem ocratic Departures,7 wn at once as mine lie does not know ,what he is talking about,' or has abandoned his ancient faith. . SEirThere • appears to be a L lively quarrel between Thiers and Gambet ta.. Dispatches inform us that Thiers had made up his mind to resign, but finally reconsidered the matter. . The present government of •France is be ing made detestable to the people by' the jealousies of ambitious deraagou gues, and the indications are that the election of anew Assembly . will soon be demanded. ' ' TiocA torrrs - ,- 7 The 'Repel)lieruis haviS nominated the followingeounty 'ticket: , .• B. B. Strang, Stat© Senate. John I, Mitchell, Assembly. H. NV. ;Williams, President Jag(); L. B. Smith and Dr. MeNaughton, Associate Judge. .1 T. 0. Hollis, County Commissio , ner, J. F. Packard, County. Auditor.• tte..Duringthe twenty-eight mouths President Grant has managed the government,.the public debt 1128 de creased one hundred andAlty (!t" dollar. During the same • period ithe Public debt of the city of New has been increased under dun, oc rat i c f re»ii dol. Whichlparty deserves thel'cou tidenc;.; of the THAT'S THE W.v THE u The d.luieeratid fiapers'are continual-. ly 'harping about the tans and de claring that the money • all goes to. support the.. administration. The public dubt • statement - for Anguat _shows a dectreaSe 'during .the month of a iac a nazi ‘i tarb rinilliri,islrt dollars. New Aifartisemonti. ECSURANCE AGENCY, TROY. PA, FIRE, LIFE aua ICCIDENT INSURANCEeffected ID flrst.o 1L a eot4panies. Also Land Snhreying..and , COnveyanriug. Twenty • seven years axporllno% Orders by mafl .prmaptly at tended to. H. A. CASF . ---r- -------- - pSTRAY.—Came rut° the enclose tire, of the midersigivd in Leßoy township, on the morpin. , of geptember 1, 1871, two.._Brvwn :Stare's,. ,out or l•: years old. The owner is here by untitled to ,comn fordird, prove property, pay share s, and take them away, or they will be dis po,,l of ar-7.ording to law. CARPENTER 110AGLAN D. Fe., Sept: ft, 1571,w3 , . • NOTlCE.—lllvdng been appointed . Trtistec of the PRtato of Ilemiett Gilmore. Ist,. of Banton townsfilo. Ilradford county. Pa., de, by hoe. last will and tebtament: I hereby warn and forbid all p,rnone from purchmaing any property on the premia,:s. from Isaiah Gilmore, or r,novir.! the earn, without my eonperit, under, penalty of pros. cation. WA!. S. JAYNE. per 4-w3 Tnnoti , :e. WARD HOUSE, DUADFORD COUNTY. YENN'A tins popular house. rueently Lased by IfessiN. Scm & sfrArN, and haviiiglmsti completely reflttcd. remenkled, and reforrdsbed, affords to tho public comfort+ And modern convouletscvs of a first crvts HoteL Situate oppogite Urn Park cm Main t, it is .•ruin. utl7 etnivoni.mt far porsonx Towanda, . ittyr for pl..a:inre or business. serr,"ll 411P-O.iS. Proprietors. L i NEW F,LEM Pr. W. B. Kri.i.r of this place and Pr. C. M. Sr - iN try of Athens, hat,. f..rtned .t copartnership far the. pno - tice of DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS URANCUES And may be found at the office "of lir. Kdty, ever W:cltizint k.lactes Mtorr to ToWanda, iwelia.ted at ail tine,n to treat patients In a firat-eljois mantirr. N.ll worlc warranted an ri-pri,Arnteit., - Pitract,l without .pain. ti, of Otto (as. MEE lir. Stanley will LN , at ILa office. cu Sat ilrilays 2:14 furtlier , • Aug. 30. - .1..tt KELLY St. EITOLEY. THE WIIEELEIt k WILSON • '1 .1 1 SeNvimi: Ilaeltine; BEST TIM. _EARKET I , ,oittianry . ttio Qtly nreltui FIE PEE " !Iv SALES I.NCREASIN(i I==lllll .1 1 , :; t 1" - .111S/IN rm:PEN:rm. BIitiMELL COMBINED ,- .Clov e rl.lowefshor MIME ST:PAIIATC)II., Thlt r.lachine Separates. itnllf. and Man; Closer Sa..l at one open:ton; capacity rang- Inf.! from 'do to 74 1 toishelsosir day. arryfEttn4 to i7e,1.1 of rood. Atter the elovet'ti fed into thu Thri , altinn 1.!3•141der. the se,l rootaine.l. therein lA deposited into a ha , , r inea+nre at the rile of the machine. NO 11£71ANULLi, or NI +TT Luirscis cli.vat.iir conyc.: - R j_the tthhalle4 chair lack to the II all,: 11.1rp,r. TI all oitc clocatili conviriya 'the light tikied, e., lu t t tho Fanntrv, 31L11. SIREMI , Two Tfrors;v: , :n ± - s - OW IN I.7SF. thrm:lll(nlt. to AW.V.:DED FIRST Ix1r.:XIII711 at 75 State Fairs sinc, Send for Cuyvz2. L l rfAt`' . au l Colored klngrailng giv.• cnALlpiet.. ' arAN'Tinkriunrs.:6 CO.. Slfrol, • Ifarrialmrg. Pa. Home' rutory; South 13..t1.lt111ana. Au Attvut•waut(".l for Bradford Co. jartg,3oll4"tra EXTIII. NEWS ! ~ t qck of thc,att.•_d I:,:ady Made Clothlug ryvr broni.7l)t v.) tbbi L.larl:Qt, by who understand< seleettn:i ult , c aad tinT.11.4 , ,. Goods, an 1. • '."o"c•xx3:tct at E. scuwAurrs: Clothing Store, one Ellyn* mouth of Powelr& amt n , ,body; either or alive, can Lent Savvartee CLOTILINO, 1:111, NISIIING GOODS. kc., ,kr tin• City of Tosr.zpau, or injilt. entire State of roan sylvantt. And at S,hwartz."B you' can imp .& 13coassktea,C1 and bea1.1.,5 monoy Kit for a, :hew e±;Pr IrCAtiCACOC). TAT •11.13 •Iti.tahT 1;.71 TOWAIcDA; lEMIE • 'r7.llV %BRET • yeal licror:111.1t13 1111! ry A, .a 3i~~i,zl ~,. Dead. ''' to EMEZ CODDING, RUSSELL, TOWODA; Atik•ailkoUou to their factlitlea f kinds of tUILDIN(3 4 .. MAT SUM' A 8 LIME, SASH, 0 txx)u.s. Naas, ~~ PA,lirrs, Allure at thor lowestl ALL KINDS 6 HEATING A; COO ItANOM AND NSW G-Al4 ELk. G. 3.9. GLOB/03. ouln rrrED UPON F.! 1100F8 PUT VITU TIN 0 00:1D15CT01:143 AND MADE AND I TUE 33F:S9r CL SOLD Ad Tll ALWAYS O'N HAND., 'KNIVES & FORDS .thied July 4th by the FOR SALE AT 75 t I'otlicti3 PLATED WOE, " DRAM K IRON, STEEL, I= (kern ' Fru IIY TILE CASE 0 Angnpt 1, 1871 • G 0 TO TAYLOR M= GO TO TsyLon fi For a TAQLOR.' For New Sprin, GO TO TAYLOR Fur s New GO TO TAYLOR For, all the' littl toiti and 11,64-* GO TO TAYLOR GORE'S For Hats and Caps, all the Latest Styles. 10 IX) TAYLOR GORE'S'. For Gouts' Furnishing Goods, Bows, Ties, 'kg ALL WORK WARRANTED. • I CUTTING 'DONE ON SHORT . NOTICE. 96 . 1tA1N TOW' ar1.19'71 - & CO., CO3l - . SHAIVLS,SKIItTS,DRESS GOODS, turatihing 11l PRINTS " AND . .OING HA MS, N3M DONt,ESTICS; - N OTliO N S, , BLINDS, WALL PAPF.M, '.l -Is' • .. cxyrs hNb situnt, 'AML ;I:o4 THIES; I= c G STOVES; TOWEL", CO )5E:4, k U 1 ES, Have s vet p.m! and well anoortetl htock of DRESS GOODS OR? A4.OTBCE BLACK liEB!;TAA';1I, GBEkCiill INEO SLATE E TUOUGUS :gMgMI IMMEiall p.A.BAsoLs AND SUN - 1j 11.11;EL , lii wax ANll 6TYLES. COUNTY A spkuaid an!+vrtatilt:, at 11 Fellows STA.3I.P.k.'D • 'SKIIitTS, BLACK• S. PER SET PO•WDRR; BEA CIIIN&SE .GRASS CLOTH t .7sa.i• ~' DOZEN CURE'S 'ew Sprin;:f •Shit READY . , .3,IADE I,witruE: AND CORE'S ISZ!1=;IM (-I(>IITYS r r ir.E tZE i rREST Z 1 ETY OF , - PL.!/N-d• F. INC F m:Ess.G o()/),z;, Styh:s in Pitnts GORE'S FULL LINE OF BLACKsIL Spring Ovrrcoat ORE'S ANOTIEER, CASE 01' ;-•• . WilS It uric vhillin;; a y461....at 19WELL ,k. Co'S: I=l commg TABIF i LItdNS, NAPI“NS AND MN lIIIMI OSIERY, GLOVES MITTS;. STREET, DA, PA New ii.dvertigemede wurrx GOODS. CLOTIDI AND elt*intEltda.l, csnrErs AND. on. H NTS. *k, CA PS 1=1!Z=113 I'OWELL A; CO'S IN lil •_... • • ~= At-I'OWELL . 1 / 4 : CO.'S. LUWELI..I• ICON WHITE IIAtAIORAL SKIRTINGIi • siowEleL„,thy, =I=1:1111Mil=1 lu tottli,a au¢ rlatu, all abakleo, at I'o WELL A: CU'S 111:IT UIT AVM tltitt‘f at t'utit U 1.. eu"~ At roIyELL CO.r .111 t Nery aitc.ll , ; St r .' ~ T ELIN GS, - grt.: ) at ‘army 1191% iu ,tock, at ,"" rOW ELL All Stz.v, , , tity;c4 and Cobrrr, at lit r %VHITE PIQUES, NAINSQOKS, PLAIN, AND CHECKED OVi.k'NDIES, iloox, AND swiss att'sraxs, C4 , IIIIILICS, dklf, a wry larde stpck, at i` pERcAL,S, CAICOEH,. AND Sew fty:es opened daily at FANS! FINS !! ! . Tdc 1 - , , rcutet variety. nt 4 lill rOW tNn_a 41. A. E urnoLEAALI: /I.:LCF:74. c A i rrec tm Ivry verllervtajr;l7 C. sobject t) changes 4 . ..at1y. Wheat. 0 bush re., li. Rye, 0 Mash - - 13:wkwhea4, " -bush. Corn, r brtsl4..-1 ..... •,... Beans, 0. bush - • Butter (mils) 0 ft) , • do (dally',) It !h Ego. 0 dos Potatoes, 0 bush Flour. 74 barrel OWOng, .... 'We:nom' or 'chum: —14110,a • (;ern ;. Rye 58 tbs.; Oat" 32 Um.: 81.4rh - W - 1611%,..; 48 Mk; !Jeans GAl;r:us lbs.: ; Timothy tired :41 : • Drii.l :;:: I)c4'l Aimless 21 ibe.. Flax 5., , t1 iO Ibrt. CENTRAL COAL •YARD, IL M. WELLFA, Propr:et,,r Until fttrthrr n , ,tki• p'r;rei.at yard ar, AVATIIGUITY COM 1..„ Egg. or !o. ° 2 • .Btovr, or NoR. 3 aluts.4: lint, or No. ... .... . L'LIZSAN N*l !Ti; /2.4.11 proketi Largo Btotro, • :tint -- • : • TN. following,atltlitional rtrtrgro -.4)11 iteliverint x coal within !to; borough I:ut:4. .51tote. EYtra hp• . : ;:r;• ) m 1 c , Ovii.rt.nr ton.: -25 " •• D'W• L.avo Orthro, At,4v C. 41 curve Nrw !Shirk, rinith • se- 00k:a niuHi la all ~..aso tbaca..b. Tcra-an,l?, Aug. 30.'71 T OWANDA _COAL Y 1 ,IW, ' , ANTIIIIACITE.AND DITI.IIIINOI', - Ct.%! /tie underalgin3di having le_wi , ,,) the 0,1.11.. : ..... LCeltat-the old . Itarrlay lla.iti." aul jn.t ..,. ~.: . • large Coilhotute and OM , • np , m tha pi • 7.'n.....- .• w pretiared VI fitrineh.the citi.rns '.I T.r, . - ,r,' I vicinity with t/iepliteront Id ii,hkand ell! , , ::!.. - • named reale tip.".p the ino. , t 1- aFr , II4' , IY IHr!t, nnantity.dt•y!rea. /'l'ici , .11.1 the_ YJrl mrt.::: - i notice . . . . stove ...- Large Er Small Evg " • Liimp , - Plyrciritli Nut ' ....: 21 PPittstonNnt - Barclay " Lump ' • . . ' Run of 311 ms ... . Fine; or Blacksmith Sullivan All thracit'• The folldwing additional charge l.•.;;11 h: delivering C , al within the borou:•1: n.,:-.. Pei Mit.. ,rxt mute. Extra '6•.- elrr. , , ii,, , .. 11 .11:1111'on. ;Ur, .. Qrj0n...2 . 5 . 03-Orders ma. t , - r,Aid and Ellzabeihi% Drug Store. -- * Vg.,.. Orders must Ir.. - ...who a,....1,p.; -the cash. _ . t .; ,VA,ED .t:SIONT .*, Towanda, June S. 1g1i1—.....° • . _ .The oldest, large§t, and ''safes't purely - Mit tual Life Insurarme Corn- , .spany' in the ,Unite d. States!' THE MUTUAL; Life Insurance Co", < 'KINGSBURY, Agent' Attorney • fact..-for - Mrs. Wm. H. MILLi?,k, in the settlemeniof her in terests=-arising out of t 4 Estate of the late C. L. WARD. _ • . OFFICE: - Con - Alai; 61) ,Stan 'Sts '1.1"71-tf 17RQU11.1.11-T'S C ITOLE , R A "CORD-I,AL', r.r, r..1,, , •1 in all • guilt a , ~ ,t Cf1 , .1-I , IIV ( . 1:07.1:, 1. I St's7 , 7l , tq -I:wdrt.‘lNT. I , t • , • 4 i+ plvasmt t on t•goka'.• i‘dy. • I ,, rniatn , p accompniite•R cni•l3 bottl, Tt:-:nr , Nut_; V;ltti`P! ,11.1 W IT' Ii "Thig may rert;fy tltmt I 11.1.,• .•• ' ITrqui,a4' of 11 - I'ilk, - -11r,rn. .• ti nt -nll !.•w.l' I nil rrlat,ns of IV,. C , and r0nt1t1,.11 , ., of the 151.11,,D , . t." 1,0), of ; our - II ivil±,z iirrivrd frof 1. - Choloya , , vrtl. , rr.ltlou It] r • ZIA. 1. I r:. '• .jt 1 , a plemt Vr.it2,ll,!‘: , sri r.- l:rom . r.vpotirmcc m tho ot Pr. t'htdon't Cordial. I hay- the roniody I I , avo ov, r trr .1• paw: th, :•AMI" I bar „ 11,-1 the f.‘t , ,11 . 0. a'. I 1 snyttw that It 10 rt . mod p.,omory. ardl Cramp; 011..r0d . t0 the .7%11f,T.!N t 11.• I ha:, ..xporiozwed tho vial front Pr. tr. tul kart' -r i mek iii action, an l I rr,rat , l ,t ko.. .r rt.'mirdon 1 It to all Ant'ett'il.witlt ',tr. I t I=l • I'r. rrciabnlt's CLPI , ra r0r.1,11. Stain. ar.l • N‘ll.,•re. 1 • SUPPLIES: TILE _F.'A.LL .J. E rowELL k cu•s TIA \V I ('.' K 11.1 )1- 11 I. Vc .CEQCKERY • . CHINA, • • Gl..\!•i:-iNV.% SPUN FAVA r l IP SUI=I:IZ PLAT Fl) \V.I N;1•; ri,vvELL & co's IM=IEIN=II ITATARI N 0 FTC. _ - • llE‘D.t,!‘"Nitr! 1, I:1th I • Nati ,, 11:111;i131 ,1- CML:pri•;•..: , thr• cnntltll•v POWELL A: CO!S . - ti; Wl,ltkil,! char, 2..1,1111/I,4iS Mey Mar; r. to th.• Ashmtant hlismas.ir s At - thee.h thmso Iwahiirm.-tcrs'., i. m Figiwat'isy ono o'r umy. and attested, Isy the rouut I " s lr4's . - of a Miriam?, IM , 'cation by the .Ihhitaut 4lcueral, th• be dim,. Mil to high an oechon tet the comp.inv.. 'The: , will he au o'.: , • 7 „k ' Imast quarters to ismicrinic.s , l who A% ill Ise turnishoh wifti and at the same tune thrte v.1:I toile furimslwili one to be t to, It ( s o - in:M:l.l . er, •the Other ~s Cieuvral, wst - li the ele . hon I —, r' ,- itiscouterfnants,.&.c.. will he Into-:o •' • nn rs-inlichlort I s om!. aft 'r. aIT: % to mhmarts•ra. eti 11 , 1 own uniform. with enhils,l to rt 41! , :tiv•an allowance out of '.• St, Nos:lion fhb of suisplcomm. of ~t the term of srersl ,- . : ,7.ar'i t s lieu.. lc GINGFIA3IS. Ij kowt.a.L fo Itbzolloatoons. 2 61 41, A i • :n r. •• • i • 1...1 NE • $1 It. M. \"Y Ltd ISM tit lii , ll - 31 , !. r• 07 1, • nr ; OF NEW TORK -ALSO; TO WANDA, _ OM =ENE =I l'r,ll =MIN Milli i r. B _ Mil MEM MEM IMO 1