Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 31, 1871, Image 4
11 Xnricultizral. A.l3 , )ti Farm Turri.--.-Ey ery orchard not carefully watched is likely to become infested with suck ers growing abont the foot-of "the trees, and. nothin g • gives - a more tan= -tidy *aflp . ealanee. .. Young orchards 3aust be. exainined at least once. a war. and have nil thelonekers. care ; _ reinoved: 7 For . quite young trees'lltis: : ork Should be done'parly in_th& - sprinr , ;as cutting away —con siderable wood and_leaVeg has a:ten dello., to retail growth;: qut unless thk• znir6s ;of sliv,ker , very large, it sh9lid be done now, - if omitted be f4e. From 14 - fgc trces„ it is always I ,,, 1 741. suekes at the tr( ,,, A r l t timc• r s 01: tlic trees are freel;, , , as t:Re' ' , :vork may be . . . . , .. ...t,,i , .: cif.A . ..tually 1,,: - .For2Led, 1:P1. t 1: ;111 be leb liaille to stnrt again. The I‘;‘)r, , t thing that etr:i if done', is eut iiig.t.h.,..clicrs k,ff with 11. Viiife° in . :-:.t , ..41 a way • that !;licirt . stubs are left, :'pre ut the secolid time. If the arf. nr only Ono eft elitiV may ilc 61sily ;I na 11.. • -'" - y *" tL , elll 011.1 at :1 With 141t.14 ,ilia theit with a, stiff cow hid t:uot, Fhieu ti e f.,. , t nCTt the' tree 911,1 on thP sticker, ' pd olio nratdit t:)the tuht t 4 snuill at.l and -cut them, oil When t.t!orotn;l:, , done - wit; ly rye-Ili-Tear; 'tha" appear, stamerpieliCy are :_..!,y _got rid :of..A Acgitiv . I,: , _•pt, . (.I. , :in orchard ,jis I.)eiter and. more iir , Altable inievery way, an uneirl fosted With Sackers, weeds: grass and bushes. . - Ht 4 TO FE NELTAY.—Giving t , p) ;iiuch food to poultryin a short space tiine, is very bad If one - notice-s i heir 'habits he will perceive that the process of picking up their food un (l..r 'fainary, or what we" may. cull the-104.tural c. , ).ndit.i(Os a , very ploNv Bruit: by grain is the Ideal :aid v.ith tile -Aggregate . flo small 1:10%ilt ana the like, into the (Ter. t aig6-.,tiun'greaqy: But in tin, 1110,1 t. of feeding poultry, eat thrown down, and tier. I , inis.alloweli to - peg away" at such r7ite that their crop is filed too • I..ipl. , Wyt, and the procesi , of assimila -114.a. is slow, painfal and incomplete. rti wolidi2r that •so many eases of - choked craw are iiiet:with nnder this Main- other aiBemic,s , vhich rtffixt Atielzent: :uight be pre % entea by breedef., , , were -ti little pre :l7'o,l •;ilft: , /r :* it Hug 1V . 111:111-,, ;',l_l"e,l t 4 Crer? " ' - . ~. s!-m . agc , 1(•!It of th; Alio n•suit , 01 air f•x i 1 . 4,1 - '1,11;•,• !Is ! i .. •_.... r 1 I/ESS • • )1,.: Pr ),.-. )1. iNI 'ft - Ns tbc% geek s ftftv.••. ist n:.~.i' yc•an.: . 11,2 41:-Iteis of r.-1v:n! t , .:t l ;( ruu'l ti:e, :,voragv of the fourtecr. crops in four vera.l-4 bu:thels to ttly acre. no of t ,:rry to the , ,i::ll of large crcp fr. , ni thin z;•_ , t , tilr.g. :itatr.tii to he the of the earl 2n thc. 11,1%e t n fti) ,il, EOM IMO BE A v. ri!..l - .1: :1.11 Et:F.7 BSEI ~ ,; r;.... ~T, 4 /: .4t ME i 1 ~ .1":1311.c; f •1 EEG )/ ,•: - I.rt, •priviu. EMI . 11.; ,•, :16:1 ir , yzlestiun, •'‘ s '1244 4.i VC d:•,,1,. to 1. 21 11 , f• - -‘ll (.f 01 , no:t...•)tis weeds:, ,Z;:111 1111 1••1 tailuattly cause. tilt 'loath of tiff; Olren.t care •Init.s: of course be itny tht. Art; flst •i lot ; '\yith . .crflinnry •- I.L:gf.:allo,uut : - .llrfattc•Qatlife 'n a shlirt Foo, • with flit- i-fc••••t• • rostilts. - 1- AMIS I.:'o!'T ./ eautiona person's against I)(Fa.e.hes in the evening; essertil: , the - ,t they are deprert.:afe to the eirg: exhaust - thesystem,owinrr t ( , the' prusie acid they contain. The following method pf prepar peaches is probablrnew to nioq ,if our readers, but is said to :flake a riot apetizireg dish: _ Take goild then‘S.with tbv:ul, halve. then:, place them at side down, in hot, 3n,:;cr-or lard. Let fry tti a nio, that; t; - 7: aTT(I. tl 1 the v , tl BM 10 grit is I rc,11,-i1:, ~ T atcd, ‘‘?:1 I;( I:pti awl 101!it - tho r,t •1! , e up 1, , • I= I-:,. little Ail,: let thohi two lionrs.' befit Lc:it tog . ctlicr the of :faxggs 2 t:.11 , 1. , . F•ep-Jorr, of cr•l'li :‘.1141 3 tp..1)1?:0 , 0 , 41 r, Of. Sligar, stir lilt., the I , :iLityr milk; !et if 1 , - ,+ thr-oti , p.ur ~I ;, c • • •: .t f!-' ~.s.? 1 vri . p oro , ••,to l • t• it: i 1 . ,• 17. , 1 1 , tlt 1 :i - ~- i: niglit , i:f-. , •.- ,‘ : 4; vi.•• '-i :0 ;-/i r, •.; iiiiik, 11 i6e;- ; . ;f .t. '.- 3 , ioll.,,tit ,rr , 1:1* Ikon's cg ; ..r Nwtvu.-q to tastv, alit' ,ait - tiria ;1tztr;2«..., , , :.44;.-r it Lai - , 1,4;e3: In ii.; ',,0.u1t 111; , lit Ili: it :17. IP:11 1 f,tl: :t 11 ,, :11 tilt.‘ b. , tt( , 11. all i : Ukia l';. ellp of , :t!ii . I)oll,;iiyake it . tot) liing;'qn ii,..1;. '1:1.J:., Ifal: t%::: 1-1 f.:111;:,.:.::_t BA - rTrlt -thie pint of soul• mi;1;, c.f;•atm-,'a ::ute n .'t : 171'1:"..0 of i l l I)• . ,ur, i;. t ttle 7:1.1 4.1 ?„.•%. -17 r .1 • • -I ;I. EH =ERE t.4t2 `.Lc yolii4 of scat deft tage:ll-. 6n,1 10,1 otic I of int - 1;c: Ip2t..t lrf the cf4g.s to FA fi; - wlth two triitlespo(:?nfuls spr( au on the don(: pit bad: ai thr , orNii'to lEC=EI .111:rt_1:I; ~ ~i~tl, }t'-,' F"a' T o TitosTe, GETTThG YOU 1.1 7, 3 - 11 tr'Otittiy (WO rira, to 'GET THEM WHERE FIRST:CLASS .2\, IS!ADE BCCOtally =MEE TREY 111. E SOLD CII: And in order to be 41.4 e sulfa good article &leap the merchant meat nniturstand Ids bnalhess, aril know hew, }there and what ti 'hny as a/practical man does: antka In all Its I,talielleK I pior,s:: to to, tiaraw -.1 al EIGIITZEN EX1:1:1111_NCE (.7 In tin. c titt ,, r 1n t ( :Ix tle • t x-Ew YOLK LIT_ I Io my .Alll bllyinj,Z, t;q:'; and cgitling, and divide thy prontA with nu than, eu that !kis of will v.ith low rtut and. othcr caw" r -In rim port!on, thus thaLant the cost of carry 1.! v. u.thu • t\ H y jt ie I (JAN SELL 000DS CliE_OEll . • Thau Ji!) kri.x. , :l-1;i4•4.1 tt thr.:riso:vt•s, tf! large •••.0.....11-.. to iitir•ibl to 'it. :Intl P 3 3 , , WC , Oralll;7lY y: -DO BUSINESS TO .LIVEI By . IT you .14.,unt ul..ove stattonetzt, convinced by . , on Atq 4 .lo '7l Ell • .; MEN'S A?D BOYS' CLOT#.INVT, AN C l'r S , eold sat 114 Iwnicht rat , s. south n, rec :u 11-I.lle;uau . := bi3•1'.1"71 • t• MISS 1•:. .T. IcIN'GSLIIY,j WiFhtog ttforni th.• ladieg TOW3LIt t a tgLl tact flag kg.g,gpe cg.grogtant:y go, :mud Prp‘.ll:gur g.f MILLI.N .Hoods, F.l;:tabb, tbv Tbattklill btr pat. roue for Vie:: LLcrzl patron-,-.- I,,r,,tpfare, sbu sa sures thtiu tLat n., bof snared in en. contitrual,.... of *ttic sauh. La=_ selection of Such a s ( me „... 1 4 4 ;t1 ' • prepare -1 t• CUTTINO Stud Fl In the lAte..t PPaLP,II4I,I.• r Entrant, . Apr:l'4:7l NEw GOODS AT VIE 4.l(i\ (sf:' 131(1 ti yeti 1• D . OIITE':iT 1t: AN Pi F N,CI DI vF, Df g ; o: :`,IF-J,l'!•, (.1 u_. ....t h. ' - 1_:1 is; 1- - ,N 't 7•••• 1) ',VIII ..,, stivpile,l at New li,r[ "few. =la, Apr.: 2 , 0. F . O.R .S.I.LE AND T( RENT }l. 1 V•HT:I, 11131 IMM=ll=l 12111 =3 =I Clothing. . I • 'InkIR cw - rniNG zuyE Ti).' PR .. ACT7CAL TAILO MEM TAl`nr. Ilrifigt! St . v". 1111 j :lie 0 p s, I= A ±.:13, Millie y. 11A!E !=NI:_ P.l\:(.7k lirrl (11f C.:;(1 ;, i• 4.- B A. I'ETTES A: iii!II!IIIIMIIIIIIIMM11111?1 (iooDS, EEO r:: , A 1%; I) L PLAIN AND (ill MS I L K MIMI SHAWLS ;LACE YANKEE UM REAL AND DUT U.V I It )DS JI L N 11 Y fi 00 D , or :•r7Cle w' ii I ll' Ili eIT • S 71.V.L . T.TSIC S r l l o. - Z l . ~ .Nl._ 111"& . 1.1' , ..D ,7:1.P.:-;2,4 0 .A.S5i , PIA . NoS, • '.` ill - NT i:1 ...!,D CHI - I:C:1 r, ~' i I :, . 11:1:1-„, 1. I ~,,/, , 23.ri0:40- ..i. , ,t,•.. lianic.4, I ;1.,...4',,, l. •:l /.1,.. Al,oll/1 ,, /, St . 00: to: a:.. 1rt!;,... , 1.31,t - 111t...1at: , r . . .. , ,; i11:, , , lt: , nct-,1 , 4. VELT Ml::IC:j NI. ' INSTI: 4 '''T.Irj;s: 11l 'OK', FOL '"':' 311'\(•1111 =BM i‘r's .' I ,1: - );I A_ 0 -S From theibnly 3 - 11:t :!:: or+ in the 1Nt.,1 State N, a ,, F. C. 1.4.,hte ~ e ~, r Lr6A., :Alm- Way. We1,.. , r. NeW Yerl and CronstonF L.,. , , - .1.4.4: nZ.111;,.. li - , lt, :;... Ni . Ct. , C. 3.1111. i. Ph:::ttle'llin,,zlll..lize'..., , / ...,:o: , . 711e1 Nicoll , from 3. Shote.uper, 'N•••,* IN, 11, C't . 1•4.1 , )u1n t. Pelfr , & (%).., New Y,'Pri• 0:1 - ::.:- t!, c••it•Liat , • , l Golien li,cl Atti ,, tic.a. (.r;.:,lt, a;/..1 tl. Ltlrllt II COVlliTia.. i:.O Orvan. Oro 1.. r ~,+t 411 )1.2:,•11et. By Ic, tile , m!y sto, ~: 11, 1.../: I ~ 3 ,, ,, - ,, 1.1 i m./Fr.2R'7l /........._....__ :. . `4 NOTIIETI NEW il 7 IMI. .. L, , • . VITIZIN IrrIUTIZE"." Ail j S. AI;I; Y C o Having t!it‘ "f L. L hay, 11.1.1-1 lar i them atoek, .1-'I7RNITT:RE V•tj +lc6:::lrt on at' to v h.c, L v.:11 pEry COMPETITION ti.• l• 1••••:: I - arlutvd itt 1:•,, , oir•': r in -o,at. eg"" - ..a.111•1:•1.1•11t tL 'in !!..7. • puRE . VIN:E(IA,;. AT rox 1 ) 001., E 1(..N, T.. r !i••1 t• - • •••••1 • Fox • - OQ.D. 310LAS,SES }Olt 46 Fi2X Oct. '7O. • SASH. DOORS, - AND BLINDS. zu. pr:parefl. to liurulnll. Sash 1,44 B:t 2 as or any ttikkuet , s„ on hhott tiolice. Matt yot?; crnlcni t,u• 63yr trforc watit to use the. articles. ar,thi , Knro that you 11111 gel do , . , re that will nut Tenna cae..l ; rag 4, :iwxy. fiIIJE GVM TIDE _/ .4 it/ itCY • Bookal and -Statoinory, BURIES kO r t 187 i ' I ' PAPER ,47 EN'TF.LOPES 1 MED NEW-YORK PAPERS NM SCHOOL BOOKS PL: 15, INK, Mrs,' STATIC/\I:Y AND L BLINN. tooKti YANKEE NOTIONS Nov. I.r. ItlCs • a 1 .1)_1 e k';; L CT . 4'o. \ '3IcCAIE & SON " I 1 rAy.7l. i,, tl. Lt AMERICA. 1. 7 ,41) ITALIAN 1 •1 1 I& A. R L _Th" ! \\„ 1. - Sor 1.1:4 t on. Invltv tl;.t• ..ttoltiou ;4, t.- 111 •, , t, 011 Lt 1 or furt:rdi t. , • • IR, Y- TOXII3 STONES, MANTLES, &c., ;OODS, AT TEE LOWEST TERMS :71 W 1 ,1,1 aliy1:1111s• t'3l! and ••,Itl' =MB ME !,-.a MIIIDEMEIEB CENTIL MAIINET inza MU= 1:11.:1 111 b.1.1:§1 a :all an,l 7.l,,,rtulnlit r perta:uing to tit, it vonFiNtalw :y BEEF. PO ILK, I'iIESII AND SiII.T MERE UTTON VEAL, 11-.151.Tzt 1301,0 1.,:111.1.) S - FROM THE LAKES. CO., NEM • ,it ottne,ti.t., r, Li ! IN6111:+1.-; '1.•• ?h•::. •L: I sv- I ' • "P•4'•• .LciLsT _ , it 1() (' [7:.i Sr: Fumf c•lt . r. li ti S ri E1L11,..8A YR - 1.V6 , I,7INESS. )S'l An) U Arcor.l.r.s.-, C Cr. L. to rue C , ,t.ri.,roN !..1; • • WI: LIM: EA, to our t'•. I, 1: •., t , f`r tl,• pntl r, • tcn nd t•mi.• •d i••• , •• pr „ rurr thlt pra-1,..,•••• LACE io N , T • U. I,y I,et -ttsu ula.'syt , au Lau.l: OM OVEiI 11.:;:v puid fc.r an I Si!rer, POWELL, rrctqa,.nt. N. - LETTS, JR.. Towau,lt, r - DERSOSS IN SEAlteli QF P HOLIDAY PRESENTS JULES HUG . - 1 Fir EI. I! ;.11, E SN I 7\71, rIII=ZINEJ , II 1, l•. 3.1114...•11A , h:r 4.74501.1!, ;.!771.4!•): 49e12 LADIES' WATCITE.S, I • • 1;011) CIL\ FINE GOLil - rr 7,17" 01 ALL t'l2-1...i3 Qt)1.1), F'l.4 ER k::1 1 S I L sn,c-rAcLrA EYE•GLASSYS Lt of tr tA TENT .1 erf, fit). I lING sricr,i(v.; t,•nt I n 41 t.ti 1.4 I:411 1, I. a t.h.f. t titrr , .. Call Ino • • wvrtlins AN'D J}:wralth, HEYAI/1 cv,:nekNivn. ... I - - • riIIi)WANDA.”--This high - -.cap he!, ,, •! • j rtu,, - prtc,l an.», No•go,.1:1•;; (ft , , ihltn -t.`flt - I: .hitl• •;•+.t7t 4 .. •!;•: ••: ; , a ,tl 0.1 4:l'y, H. t•,t- .%:•arunlet tt.c 4 - outtry laud. and blood LI •. ptitt . ...7tll. )11 ~,, of the — CF . ,II. ,:hotahh ttLit•ha:',l '• /nail treat tattll,l3 . , •.705F. Th at Tull.; , - ;.f F WlCir Id be rcent. e tn ,l 411tri P.,11. WO //IVO ilft• MULY.oIi!?: rar.• 41 . ;. - 4..t7e-g. AU t•gtril. atul 't - tt• t tg wr•lt r 1 4 71. • 7‘iiranttt:,,..tar.l:..7l MIX k. IVHEET, ltA rzkiT-71 2 5* t , .' Rra;tt ttow'ine plitg,titr . :a. A irrivillia rarn , rr . r.. une,t s.ttc , r work 'AI 7;-• r cn 1: 71 NY ELtl:.§-7 ' Tawmatll.:l-2 Pic-rui,D4 Mlccellancorts. MIEN XI 0 N I: 31 EN T S, of ,very onr Ia 1,• .17 sup; CUEDIIAys ME I= It. tit. =EI Tu'V.Y A 21i 3 01p 4t i,OOO REEMENT. TICKETS I= 1 tllat ISEMIEI=I I::ITCAN WATCHES \CI:; WATrili:S, • 1 , ted SFF.It; =EI IF:: =I j.sT TO THE PF-ST -, ~i~c,~~ aad~f' rovisioae. UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Ynrch mai the entire lathreet et El IL a PATCH, tho& , nriai of J. B. PATCH CD .. is now prepared 14 • ' • - to off.* to 1418 citizens of Bradford ConntYliladv:elni' ty. tl r Ind weU selected stock of • • I , 0 SIItUN FLOUR, GRAHAM Da l 4 GRO-CERIES, Wtacti I have purcitaaed fur damn. and feel cc:undo:it that I can I,e/1 at as low Itnnace, a's, can be park:loused eibe.wilt . te. I lOW off”e to tbv public a spltuald stock 111 'TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, ; - STAltull. sALLII."-Tl:4, u 7. liavc w Laitt: c Lirge-rtovk of RYE DO., I:I2CRVatEAT 1K) I keip Lit, LL1.113, LAUD. aut) all kinds FISII. Would call Ow or tliq pubtis- t. iair Can't 1.;t• STOCK OF TOI.iACCO, inailly or price J , ,f,F(.. o:4ley Celebratv4l 2r)l. New An.l trowi; nag aL,I c L2114:1. , . 011: Au:6 of WOODEN WARE. 1..141:e a , :witli.,eut 01 YAN.L.Er: TOILET FIC4PS..\r:, 2f.c. I pry the lorho-t COUNTRY PRODUCE. l'ut,v:r. a , 4 cz:2 ..212124 All per&mtn ith.lebted to tilt. late :Inn will prtiame ,41.1 u.akr 11IiIIVAIVu I. GROCERY _IN . I) .PROVISION S 0 I-2, I-E ItA \ t C DNVA 13 D , \ • AM Y GROCE It I S \ t P 1? 01:is10Ns IN . 1 r EMI ILR'AY FIRST ULA •,•.:!'t 1, AWN!, I)1V PEOPLE :> • =I I= 1 01tOCE1;11::':i PROYISIONS •ir 1 t t r t,r c()DFI-Sll 74 VC.'.li.E.-iLI. lIEUINyt;, a i'l iii K FECIT-01.' ALL I.IE-16:11•TIONS, )101)1:1'.! , : STUN F. I ,VA IIL \o, Y.Nli F,F, NOT 1u FLOUti, VELD, MEAL, 011:11N, &Ic EIIIMMEMITEI ii!kTMTITE.N I A ,orn.tant t , t Arl.t.k. S.. Utit.tvr 71114. Pluxo (~111 a sail do atm you. It' A ,1::;c1;1t ELL T0wam.1.3.,..*.pril 2:4 1%.4). THE (,L - i) ?LAIN Ti:I:ET , t)ry. L'C , IES%BitY.kNTI CARRIAGES WAGON.,, TfrV.\ NI , A, l'X LAITST -, '1 ' 'V L 11F,ST 6TiT.L AXLES, m ITION PLATIVIni \VAGONS LUMBER WAGONS .. Th.• Wll, ,•:,. e 411-. \VALI:ANTED EQUS.L TO ANY t,. to !:ni,!: rr ') a , t , + .Ittr - .1.111tv. -(". I . IIIOIVTO Y.'. IN f!II:n :•ECTI.oN / :!`)'•'.:'. Wet.r . IrM2.i. tSTEZ, - 6 3 = IiAT A it ii . I E.' .1: I) :. S C"LI. ';-j' For tcl•• Th s.,ap 0." , 11 kitpls CnI•1 I !• , 7 trly r ivift tht • • . •-:•!• I.; , 1,1 , 1 w.l - 2,11t....1t1, , t Cor L. 11, r, :1. • 0.011!-- ( -I. WI V.:, T. r..r. 0 it. ECM • C. B. PATCH ±:L. iAlil .ia~l L....: P~.. ~ia:- i:. c t.. IA pc.. NUTToN HAM, Mli lEEE! -ti.d tx. I A.:,;1) FiNl:ill t:t T tl S L rIA Wttl, BM harA 1111/flllll/1 r. v, - WoRE TAMES 1311YA1\ Fl 7.16 At: :i4E.I!CI'IL I r, Trani tui L ci. c " - '-- - -- FURNI T U R E . ' H -, I I.ZEW, FIRM! NEW 600D13•1 wcs. are now oecrit; at our Wliolosalo Qui Retail • • 1 1 F N u 11 . 1.) 0 - 11 I Ir . M, • 4 Np. 1 . 07 ]LAIN 'IL(• to Urns.) 111 wanr, , i FIRST - CLASS FURNITURE! 1-"N , r ufft.rol 11: tLis trieket 71.3, atteatiwr of Vv.. !titbit,' tG on: ;c.c. - AA 11:1, late It M . :- ton 2i bon of CFI t1II;i:i. - AND PARLOE F"URNITUIR.I We an r, , ,w tZuzin4 - \V A i,N171: MAE LI LE TOP SETS ;7.; 4 P:13 NICE PARLOR SETS, At ssu 00, To ;Ala' OL BrDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAJIIS . TABLES, STANDS, SPRING , BE.Wj, MATRESSTS, LO. iINCI-ILASSES, • 1 1;1:d it: s Fir:: clam rartaure tqv Cif \NI; • 71f AN fI: en.E.Al'l.l,l' 1 ) 1:311:V.M:11 TIIAT \ E W MANI' I. ut!..•r cln,de ~ 1 0:17 owtt snaLti, cg,.31” r can bily : - . 4041t4 HL.:,. 1.1:24Lcr talen cv.^l,3l:zi, ~V~•'li- !•n-.: ~ AS:sETS * 1 1111.1. 'll-riNS .kL-LC- eAI. ' AEA xc 21A1, t.v, N 2. -11 F. A I: : 4 12- 11=1111!11 1::..,. 1 •C 0 1 :.;1:41' IMM2!1111113S LONG (I'lif CERIES AN I) PROVISIONS, ~,- 1 ~ ,—. ~ ~> is •.:.~:: L MEM ,Fr 0[1: F.Evi), 311::11" : ATTOS'S LL, oit 31.iINONDABIZIDGE STS Tf I'A =NM lEEE _ 1:0P F r,'_, • • I (' E h, r • •.! - - If "v"t) 81%)Nvin(* - IMEEZEI A NEW INVEN I 0 .N EIIMIIIMIESIIIIIIII 41.1,1,1 •.•, • • • :%!# ICA; r rt, ~1 ;.11,r . for f!. r 4 . -L ; 4. 1 1 •,[ •,• , •••• "2 t• z:I, :.• ' 7,‘ t; , P• -t:. MI y 1 2.1 • a, . L 1 l.•' I an , • OE PEES TEE NIII 1 . ~l LdY IL~I~, ? I. 1:21“. :17,1 th itr. t.ll ufa;a4:• :V , •I :Lt ie or r• t.lll =Ell .• C. F. NI 4 'HOLS, Gclll Ag't. 451 k _ TO7A'S I,A 1% t", ,• part ZGI: 1Z ~ l .\ 1 a !:••••;t .7.1. .lannia7y. t I I MEE • -• ••. • • • nt 1•••3•. •• • • :••-•: A 4 ' P\ & MERCU R Yir' 1. 7- 'OX it1.1:11,C1.1.1 '4l VOX. & MERCLR Rrc staling first nli,•as .1, ,r; 1,x)1 N. cif than rr, )1E11(1 - 11 MI: Et liin I ,n I). 1)1 7 ,11.:11.:1.1.1-: that t;t• It E..T A 11, 6,1 ,-t 1 • • I ON; N11:1;ut IC . _ : FIOX .V tit) 11(11. ilval . ;al, 12. • :1. i~CUSIOIEIZS can rely k • th, 14 - 4 , 4 ;zlLor Lth:: it ): T. F•%. EOM ;LAST.F.P, A ILAS T E 1 =IS r , 1!• f-vn: ;r, Varz 4 49-41'. IBM /141311443Zi0i t FOUNDERY di MACHINE SHOE The teederelved hating purchased the Tonna* and Muhl= Shop lately owned by 'John Carnian. art prepared to do all lands of work e=ing to their baldness, with prompt :ma and • MILL. GEARINGS',. CIRCULAit _M A . .I!T * DI; S;HINGI,E • mAc.m.sts of al. lat. rt au : u: , , t : i.,; , : - . A.,: kluds towilti,..trak d add U• ;.t (..::: 1.: ,: - .1'.; •+:/ Ic.ud r:: 1y f , ..d. u:.... sIi•L•3IIL•L. 11:0:1 ANL 140 , ..WEN IE./.3.11, CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOTRIIIS it AND • PL 0 U .11 . ; POINTS th, kept KTOv CELL A% GtATES, SLED AND • SLEIGH SHOES, . J-V i tta: IIN k:n.le of f tn.n!shett JSaz MEANS 1: 1:0C1: W BI -40 & CO , $ "11.• '• 1, L., POWT:IIS NEM 6::1': t lilt, 3Uonv7-IL.III 1.11 4,11. We clam' for :Jr Le...•:‘,. Lu.:t. Wt. Ft!. 2; I lA.: lain/ 211, .1 :< '• • '• W, A ME ONE AN?) TV,*() TIOI:SE I'OAVERS, 7 II: ;1 I 'IZ ,f,15E1'.,;.)7.1.7.,,,1C5, ffMMIN;2 . t. L, , W AND wo.;;; thole t ord o r. e UP a cull bt V(I . ' OD allOaCl'vnt. NEW C.II:IzIAGE r:~. . ~•. :, M-. E ll= ;~..f %1.. . „ ...c l'Ci‘' ' AZI) k)Pi:N 1',U61: ME =MEE =1 =IBM I..SPEC : r Li_ IN !M=l=ll fr%•11 , 1.111 - .2 1,1. .1 • • .111:111131, I` (1f i•L9 NT is \\* . P L.\ NI i .4. IM3IIIIIIMI ~! 3: , • !th • 1:.;4,4 n;lti . rutt •ru, 11 A . l, :.:•;.!1, I t.e • i • 1: MI ' .. 1:'1~.I~'.i !:1 4+.0... • ql rte.' I r zr. z. 11.1 7,;•:;.:;1 t;;.ez lEEE ICE :t U. Nrci 1.:17 t'Ar : •ii 1.3 r VINE AND HEN:LUCK 1.1:)111C.I: t1...11,',r0.1 41 cur Cotift, Ic4, er ,•! t 11., L. L. ItOrgiEaS & Cu. .12.N1).1:1:Y. --THE • I. mronu. - .1 thit U. ry .11:14 I .rtt / it:- :t• r t Ltni Ikltt re M. t• ' IJ ail it, 4 ..rt t.*.n, is rea , miabholl3 •• Emp3 I sv.D tankt I.;‘..AV A .1:1 y.;, :tmir.tly. 3 311 1.; ' ••! 1.:1 i~, ~~:! TI I %;•:r,t,i AND DiNi:;C, U(101j ~ .13n. 1,. BEI1 1 :1), PTO, ('ATiE.CTI ACliEliS, In nur 1:uoMr: Wf cal I. A 111 , ..x1, f.r. ! :111•11. at a:1 t. 17 1, - ll. .141 y nr..l i 1 , 4 ‘::l.lci - cr.I:ANT -ern-oz.; s.: Nt• nia)ll,7o-tf !,+'s C. .1.1. . . .C - g1".1.4'..:',.7 Prlfl:l'y 1.; :ii.. ..!. ,Ir,rw.,3s tl.f. cy_ . rlt.itt Or t'le null lf , ritirwlit f ,, r a lart:e inionnt 'of ic::: , :t. • 11. L. INGILk.II _ . Czur,%; , , wn..7uly 11111 i IJEST IZEItOSENE OIL IN J7.-a quarlthy . or rcta:l f at • i.ux ,PL,ISTEIt. Lll V 414 all kilidn, of 1 . 1141, It O C N S 11.1.1)/: ro 01:DIJi. ENGTNES I.IEPAIRED,. tiy,zlv, I' L I: G s , nil Inlde cozEtialt.:y ?,12t1 CHITS • '!I.'OIVERS, 1. Ait , a L A.: , IA SIZE A :•1 I -S (•!11 Ch F. . ; IL:, EREEffil .1 .V _V I -;- MIMI= O> V (I 00'I ti r_CL! ;\ , • HENRY 61 — ,..L.EN ;.s Ci) F '•.. 4 I= !!I:n.v a ,: ~ '~ FA)IILY • MFOrli WAkriONS, IMEI 11111 r.“;' HIS Wo 7•'• INIZEIRE . I. er 1, :.c ~a: 'f ~.. .i =II ANL , 111,INVS .•'~~ :\ ~._ :.1 1i 1~. ..~.~ ti. 1J ::~•I. , ,~.j ME 1 t . —• ' • i•••• , ; - 1 , 1 to 'o,.^ A 1:0- 1 . ly :..r t!Lt ir III•t ,-, t )Q•1: t.:1,. /: Low., WttL : ...1, : ,r 1.; I L. I ! FI t :~ ti? 77.?:: ! ‘:\ r t 1, , ,n• I 1.:11,rt. 'v :::u and dar, f ••• t:k • : •1: •I,pt I • r . BM T' - : MEE ?/ ~C7. 1~ i~:, I !. , 6.,11 at Wl,,lezaN , aL.,I IMMNIIIII 'NV. SCorr iAsTI.--- , cA sex]) E MILLS. •• fIOITEE, TEX, Ster..lll, ME A LT, KINDS 611()CEIIIES AND A •at wlarArgs . , and rrtail, at ! C. B. .I'AT.CII'S. 'Stay - "PAL TAR, IJS -, the Galkin ia• Bar- Vto tr., r;A`; Gabon MAR.6IIALL:I3RO7LERS WARDWAO sT4g • I±SERCUR'S BLOCK, 11 1Z _ID "R 7; A E For cagla. Wa taro uri hard atig grain:a:Mug a . • largo stock of ; „ . HOUSE FURNISHING pOODS, • AND LE4TIIEW BELTI.N.GI , . o:lr.raltate. Oils, 6:0.. are of the brety.l:4l,l.y al.ll win to. sold very lea . We are ISO al. i .t.lte for the Cleat .• -.. 1 . . , . . . "rvitICAN STEAM The only re2ta le.Y r Prbof FAIRBANKS'S. Sc ,SCHAGHTIC,OIiE. SUPHER PHOS,P T.IITA. In very ! ir We fire rl,.r;•t) We axe the only 4.4ents for the RUHR E COOKING a warraut.l,l to eatlefaxtion. T lf E L. A 1; ti MOST WATCHES, .1- - : .1 SILVER - WAltr, MI MEI GOLD CHAINS a:.' ';‘, *., MIMEO , L.•. .~ - ~, ....~~ RN i . • , 1* L %.10-: - ,1 I - I_, 1 . MEM MEM 6311101 E=!111 11111 t , lll th.llr , t4. and that .10.1.,an to 1 , -'. I"=t I= TINIPORTANT AL VALUE TIIEIII SIGHT j, • The s:;ht of the aged agsit•t,l.l, 11:e tvva!i l tit/. 11,,tialt. rT.e t`d aIId the irY.c 4 1 , 1 -4 .7,i. r's 01:TkAL r th - o %a autifaci%priz tll,l CONK Arr. CONVEX. ‘LoNIiON . ~ M;”..:, D,ANI , TIN - IVO (a...ii+ F0:1 W.l: ,X 01. IN 'j YLANIZI) IiY7N. . 1:1le Concm'e Convex ety , ..t H_ al Srertacks, Inlay ty the above tindattite are now e.long time betore -tier riblie, and the r4pLiand it2Ccase.l demand for ttrc,.: cembinect with the tinivk acknowlttlgn.letit; ot their etrantees in visi9n unit' i•lge to the eye, t. , hott A 1:1.11itly that they rc,,, sur.tevr to any eth, r rlase,e; in the niarko. PL 8.13 .13 tok-Lin -I:,—iin - . The majority of Str•ct..cietz, hi/petted) ant no matter how fine tin , c `out a goor and worthless article of glasses, (g. nerallyi east or t.resFed:l they are malt. tri be sold only, withont any calculation 'respecting benefit to the eye, an l therefore the great complaint of r4,or and real sight. llionsands are uszng glaait Ft now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the object; get dim , after short usage, or require air intensely. strong light and therefore , L.stroying the Fe.a.t., were they' properly suited: wou!,l ty.‘ tir,,, , rve4 a tile War... Tht , a.hautag e l ittr the Conve , .. Crystal tila, , scs are the 1 , 114 , ,wing : The I.enars are - gr. , und of thq befit it mt Cci.a. cur, and hard, and male only fur optical purp4es, they. are therefore not liable to g'et aoratchr,l 'They confer fiqmillianey an.i ofsk i ls, foitul to any other gla.,;s. • T l lcy can bo u•••,1 l.y day or zan•lie hg lit without tiring or. tatigiung the They ^to virolind t ..n, cave c.nrex ling to the 4‘; vatiirok and i)( LL.- til , •rt4ori nature 4;t Thatthe ti , are en t-red cort , vt into the franicii. They ran be ti cd longscl than any ()Uwe silthout changit,i; t‘i a higlwr poorer. • The, ft - attic-A aro roalti mtriinc: antt,iturabi, by call, o 1 r. - orktuvn aua waritakfratogivo WArA. 'C~YLLItI3t 1111\, Dealcr in Wateh. Ware. , Towan• ila, I'a., Las tho'v;le ti• Bra , liortlei , itt+ty. July 1247"-t( THE BEST Atib CIEC)ICIEST . S .11 K I7' I; .1 C 1 .1 0 I=l Iffl ECM . .. 1 • F 11 l! 7' 0 Ikl - Y. •• .r.C,O\t. - I 11 eiv b•lv. tlO,l =IEEE Etard‘w>. TONVASDA. PA:, lattio Nan , to bay all kinds rot DOOM, BUD. 13LLIDS, GLAW,, ruTryt (SANDt)RN'S PATX.NT), •ItAW DO Our dock Df =III . • I TIONESE EMMEtZI xt.w. k larch 10.'70. E S T E T E ECM 133E1 E W E II LUCKS It t: L A L ll LL lIIN C; 1 c.' .:~ c ~d st rL~y~oa ISM Ii A 1.1 N ‘ , lO. :II • ;•ity, MIME= h. t:// L•`7LLI: LA 011-c ilaakl;:r.• 114 . ALL WHO !.:5ANL'"l"l:lt .11 ' rnsTra , .-r Drv: and Medicines. DR. H. C. PORTER, SON:4 CO., OLD . CASH DRUG STORE, 2 1 ;i7.1 1 r1 yr.:Arm Corner 3liiit aria Vine Street., Towanda, Pc. Etre recent 4 largely to their stock, 3 full and complete assort:xi:cut, conatituting an ntenalre stet, embracing many articlos• toed In the Arta for mectiardial pOrposbe, carefully self.ncted with regard to tho Proarosin t ro Want* of tile piblic; which wilt be Mgt c.,oustaritlY gittindied with fresh' purchaoca. and menu un tho. twat rcaoovable W 111121.14 thrholeaalehr Retail, coniiating 94 - Ithancins, Cm:31k4.1, FAmN, ' ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, yAINL Iratlo.l4, K,E4O:4;Nr.: Ugf,, LA3.11•3, SIiADES; WICSS, (11.101.titri-14 • Sperm. La.!. . • TANNEIt'S. ANI) 'ALACTILNE rancy and Toiivt Art!, yarl•ny, •.• • ST!ONGE:i, .11RUSIIES, , •PoniA4l,4, ' : • PCICKE7' //Oh' T i :Vo.!‘",•l/S, • (SAFE, Ai . VO 4 Ea j rocket TOoTlf, 11. 1 41 t VP4.I'AILATION.-1, ER. CO., • ViTS.I:3 .LN/) HAT-E. TOL , . Ce;), 7 .IND CIi3ARS, . . tlarder4 1% , 14 and kluvivrTrlll,ll.. , , Sur porter Snsl . .ertso'rii•E‘, 14nd' 11.3311;4. TetAllihg " Nippio • 14-0. :Syrtlfug rm.:v.llr% up,LuettaTt, i1,711111p1; }::V.....rACIAL St, Jugs, Mims Ware, Dotiles, ViOs, Corke, :t”,•• nuanitawl. ilotattir; F. , *.•rtie arlil 11 , awt•pstr.- ianil all t!,O I\4IIA.A • - • M•E.DICINES. ST=OVE, • . arti,•lem warralltvd a. rt-i:rtLlat- - wl. tlieitall.Ce caa 11,7,•i•.i, ily+tag.l er.` rash. which wlt 01.1r4:te prolalq .114,1kal !!r:Aqit , ols!,* ht" 'clan.tinz on:y • - ti - o - nta:31.11.:11or I,3Linlage,,..toalt r pv..tftlyattv•etuce to ttge..:: frietaL4 Ai,: the t•nblic.tlizt 1..1:1-; .41AI be Kparell t, :ituituunt tltv tittltatton of and treat 11' to V u:in, awl .11:1 IT. (.'. seNs: • \ F v. B 0 N • • • INEEEEZEMESEIMEMEE WIICILESALE A. 'P : ' RETAIL DIZTIO-Ca•lprxi. '11.,,,,5cri1,r r , . spuctfally a:1nc.4:.(,,... 2.1, t..,11,., pr.h.• tie in gcn. , ::..11.t 1,,.1,.., ..:n., Llll.l 1 1.•::,.t .1 .. ..14 lk t... 11 lagecte4 stock-of , ' LiftEGF, • ' 31ED1C1.V...% CIII.IIICALB, ~ . . i'AINI . , OIL, f . VAL:C/8/ILS 'A rN i)tsw CIL A$S „. , :,. ..• .1..C.,..1., ....;-t •. - i-i - z..; Al c.e a x :r„ th•• 0.11.. i'tRE AVINE Ni) LIOUORS For. E.i.t1,7 4:141 • t‘i) rt'.. I 11,11 •:,, n1 4. 71 . 1: , 111t , 1••1) 4 , ) 4 ' t .1:-.. GREAT 1 S. LEA COMPANY • GREAT INDUCEM.:_i't.i =IS 11221 IN 7:" . "•0... , G.LIE A. 'I I: A H.i- Al NSt I:,c pj &- • -T SL:M: , ii;',:- .1:L) l'_`;.LL .._11i.:11A, GENT: MINE I:IIILDREN S WE_VR SI:11 ED ...I:Vb /;f,JOIS MI E 1 ,1 IR ING .YEA Y I"( .!:.VE V.. 7.1.) LEAD? t li N yr.,.. , mistu. • 4, 1,1 ech,Lizaxwv tZ~::~^,:i r., t • f =I r'vaul3 TI OUTS AND MADE AND r 113 , lltttats all'fll.4! ~ t t5.. ,- 0111111,1:1t0 Cult are ef; cAlive• p.tL boot:. and Shoes for rew . e.oh.., etc . am.•l 14v.. La,! [oh...nye thol!t, tm titeit grLit ,aw.therh, ,, ,... - . Thv eett,tatit - } call fur this , knt.l ^t:old the .1.e. , ,1re.t9 hare • 2:‘ 7' tun: q" 01, •pyr:•:• To v..t• 1. , LralTy 1.10.4,:e.1 f;•4-t:‘i 111 coLYt, ..cu_,tt 4 1 ,1 tlw N , A"N•qt “111 el I ‘V t • .111 17: 1.,•• - :1`1 • . . Al .7.: . - ar vr;:j. :1. T.,. - . , ..:111.1:0••. 11, V I N.c.V,N 111! ,4 1.11"litiS 4 k" t` t v '' ;[•l.\ ' i IN Pilll OFFICE ON MAIN :sTIIEE're. a (4111. - iti A • - • - • TrA. ' ; riONV7l,l:lili • 'Ati - i•It:.• 10. ' 3r.n.• "I ' T.K.‘,7)-ctic,;,.• • • _ _ - • L,\A.l) .el• it ) " ' • • t:c)WELL S. +'‘._ : .. ` ,e ' 13ZEI I:a rr.lng t;if.,l,; F6r .11,r1;c111 =MOM E 1: C EMI BEIM s t , ,:rl; T.A.t.rt I tlf. , l'trtvz v. IL^ it.. tl.k. IMIEMIS ~ , IBM BEM ..~ MENDS SSE . .;'! '' LADIES, I u , z -- ro to.:Dry..; !S MOE MI EMI EMI I=BEIMMIE LIGHTxrNi.; MEM 1 1;. VINorNT NATIC*L 'LIFE INSUARACE OD. 'Or Ca A. 041.111TI . CLItITAL. 111,4; 0 06,q4.4 -PAID zx ruts. CliartA.rqd I}fCgiagrees, 124 - 1 CLAREICE fl CLARK, Prin4ljt ; JAY CYJOKL:. Crairw.p.n fluauco and LIMY b. COOKY:, Via kr . n.sidetkt; •EItELLSOR W. MKT, liecrttary and Actuary The .1./IVALitagek t.: tii , N;!ti , ,nal Ltfa%lneursie,, • . . 1. It € a liAtionaltr.inTrany.:/ ha rt,r, .4 tiy c,. / ,..., , 2. It bag a paid np cap:t`il of7Ono 3111110/1 11...1i.:/.. '.!.. it Gar rr , lON I a t , i, 0 r pro_c:rr...q. ; . . 4 .It furt,!4!l/.a la4l// . itLaitraLe.. t;.: ..,/ ...,..1, ; . ...,. v -patlie/o, 1.r,t1:// hal/1.. , // x.////1,z,; , S. It is detlrcttd iLd..l.. , :talti:j ' , . • ; i'.. T.i./l rb to ra , v1 , 41:411:2 , RI;-L.... :.,/,,:,,,,, );.:, . . agi..r.;4;., c,r 11..i,tt,thkr,tat.,1:,:iil ' 12 : 1 1 ,0 1.....7-17.•,:.1., .. 7. Thi• twii..l,, nr, plain c. , ,;' , .r . ...:.•:. , . ~ , , i . J. , 01 , ....t• r;,, ta1..r.4..ft/i te tuutt m. 4 1.ir4.., , ti. M sollir,,ra art r..://..ft;:f. , /tit4.,.. J. .1 - 4, / , inoLtvicii are i-x5...11211(1,,1a w. . co.. - N C. .p.l..untrz. a A. G. >r,tvo7.: inl vfi•in:ly Jan. g, 1?0, faIIDTIN - . •._ - 4. • TALE INSL'IL C0M1.7!.1:,;;Y Nu - .;;.7 , 1,1,;.! . :, J , ..1:.,1V..0", 2 , ! . .' , V :1 . .: F., ": (Ivo 10 ,- NVAL I.);CoStY. IlloproVe•: 1 . ,.. 11 - 116 of POi:c.lo tit 1,11...ra! for I.•ayfil,•t:t pr •:• 71•...:•: Arft-lf,i),!elry itiefr , htiry th , l Q.ll , az:;,' thy nelong the funned. Au -s; ISIVID.END • wAiTozi if PECKIIII3I,_ 1 ni..411711. WILLL'fM 'r.llooKint, Lr(211::t EVEREN.:CE. , JAY CCoosr. A.: Co., Baniox.4. taalt—fo. ' 76n% Wor)i.sult'k rebant , S. A.. MELIEL, DUITA ,: rn' T.. Is. Pr.rr.niko:...!,ll:l.lit.ll,r. ,;,1)12 "i ft TOWANDA WOL;KS TILL !LIVL .rSyrr❑truac:a Cu, r.Lop inn. ,, euluu df the br tt LUMILE... AV ..1 . ,0 0 :C I'i..l':ful.\i 11'_1 iL COVERED,AND OPEN IT( iturs MIIIIIIMME!11111111111 OAK AND ,--.1 i.\ . ENE= BNB VC, cLt, and 5..4171::.11,..,lt, t.rx:tr4l, tht Y ay 'o:N. : re • ‘;. ./ -: G. NV. Vr.S,-'l:.yr.: T • l'(,)1 1. 4 • ColllllllSSioll ii t *: IMIE lEEE .111 1 . t t_.. \ ME I w > 1• ,a, GEM STILL v•X‘ 'l* = MMIE=I =I 6:0 W !: I: at Vr.4 , : II .1, • .e• A. I P;F:V1 , 101 . :±. L., atteutiorl,t ec.the xv...,• g Ate.elt-e c^^ , l: Pat.isfacttoz. tie 9:t~ thatlkfill Gt .tiee r I , et putr.1L:1,..•.e,.1:1,1 -1 , 11 .• • !E=EM .ITT? : )LLSSES, Ille:i ir t y L \V I IJ \ I; A (i 1..:1,.~ ~' ME En ERE 1==:1 IA) \\ s't it t s Mll==l =BM O) LEN 1' , , zon, whit:4 a1 . :;;1:,..w;.;t, I.; `.7-•. . • ArEni CHOICE crIZEIIN' z ; . • .1' , % INi:-. Insarance. ECM INIZI •'.rN -.:N.,. .. ' L',4. 7..t.„REt 4,Lt, Tvw27.lta, ..-.I(3rIZICVLT CII.IL En EZZLIES MERE OE IMO i-J 1 = y:;::,N. .._ f NM MEE LI I= ljAsi.kN • l'%! •\ Li .1 -~'ll;i~ MI ME ;r MEI BEI