Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 24, 1871, Image 1

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is published every
aing by S
P, advatu
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qtr llntibre
klay. Mort
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xclusivoi subserii-
11 !Li ATlcs-1 CFINITS per
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Inserted according to
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Cards, fits lines, (per
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nplilets.Bill 1
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LTEIt Office
•nod 1S:40
rinting lin
winner and
r circulation than all
tied, Mates it the best
n Pennsylvania.
i. in Plain and Pitney
dispatch. Handbills,
leads, Statements. &c.
'nted at the shot - test .
is well Ira /Tired with
1 ,63. t-of new type. and
can be executed in
I at the lowest rates.
in the
cards. I'a
rr vr.rioty 11 '
The Itr.rf
I 'oLEY;
:ne, Pa. All
Licensed .Auc
ails promptly attend-
May 9,1870
A :VD I'2
.", s,Tt
711. Ht
S.& X - DER SD. N
re ot the • • ,
Towiinda,, Pa.
occupied tip Idercur
and Some.
si' Ship
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c•utlooeftoutli of
, .
„ .11,; siat r .
r 1:ootlm! promptly a
a t.. Cottage any
shlngton Street, be.
tR, Chicago, Illinolß.
[ 1. lorni
atentß made
-May 10,'70.
1. 1.1 lno I
, and Walla St
lAunrhased and
~v -
n.iticr. no
, _
; in all famhionable
MS in Merenes New,
Drir. , . Store.
1 ALL JUN .- M
R . IS. BRAIDS. FRl2h,
anni r and latrst stvl4
). Trail'', rra<ouabh.
• 3- '4lYircHF.s.
In tbv 1,,,t
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10.00 [ 15.00 I 20.00
13.1X11 20.00 430.00
1871.T . 1 - i5.00 33.00
S. W. 4.k.E.V1t1TL.13, IPablisher.
22.00 I 30.00 I t 5.00
nonsoym cAnDs,
LAW. Towanda, Ps. suns 77. '66.
WM. Fa l ent,. ATTORNEY AT
LAW, Towanda. Ps.: Offices with Enuesdin
Smith. south side 'Meknes Block. :el 14.70
ICZTEL...AT LAW. Mee—corner of-Main and
Pine Streets, opposite Porter's 'Drag Store.
-1• Am over Wickham k Mack% Towanda, Pa.
MIT 2d. '7O. •
Au , Once in Patton's Block, OTC" Gore's Drug and
Chemical Store. • Jan 1.'68.
South Aldo of ?dorm's Neurpock, up eters
April 21, '7o—tf.
• AND C06C16 . 1:14.0/1 AT LAW. Towanda, PS. Par
tlenlar attention paid to bnsineas in the Orphans'
Conrt. July 20.. E
• xis AT LAw.lDlstrict Attorney for Med
ford Cottnty), Troy, Ps. Collections mode and prompt
ly remitted.. feb 15, '69—tf.
T kD. C. DEW fn.', Attorneys•;at
•Law. Towanda. Pa...baring formed a co-part !
nerstip. tender their professional services to the,
pnbllc. Special attention given to =EBY DEPART
ME Tof tho business, at the county east or Am-
Dealer in all
Tivwanda, Pa. All
ended tat Pirtientar
French lioaing.
where. . • __
TOWANDA. Pa., Dec. 12. 1870.
AT LAW, TOWILXI4I, PL Partladle attention giv
en to Orphism' Court brutinirea, Conveyancing and
Collections. air Office in Wood's new block. Beath
of the First:National Bank up stairs.
Feb. I: 1871.
H. WAIINEIt, Physician and
C• Surgeon. teßaysrille,'Bradiord Co., Pa. All
calls promptly attended to. Office Arid-door south
of Lortaystrille, noure.
IVEV't/ AT LAW. TOW111:011; Pa., having entered
into copartnorstrip, offer their professional services
to the public. Special attention' given to business
iu the Oephan's and Register's Courts. ap114"10
G , 'Pral Firel E . - C. ELSDEEIC.
I..7lit}:h, \t"•tning,
(0.Y1. ,
NETS AT LAW, Towanda. Pa. The undersigned
Laving associated themselres together in the practice
of Law. offer their professional seimices to the public.
March 9, 1970. •
-treet. "ppoF.le the Court Honer, Towanda. Pa
- (7.1q:11. HAS
I'Fitr.STi.:NDUNT. Towanda. M. Office with
IL. M. Peel, second door' below the Ward HOttfu',
Will be . a.t ihc.ofilee the last Saturday of each month
and at all other times when not called away, on bnel•
vi•ee connected with the Supentendency. All letters
thotild hereafter be axhlrcracd as shore. dec.l.:O L:
\ It nitlNr
Ft . Worl:
an Connor to
mtld on hand Woolen
'arnq. and an kinds n,t
- ---
T. ' S _
Offers It profenaintial serrirea to the people of Wy
alnaing and vicinity. Office and residence at A. J.
Lloyd's. Church street. Ang.lo.lo
I G 7 ,
Y,driAN AND Sl - riEnit.
on, donr Iraq of Reporter blinding Red
dun corner Pine and 2nit street.
Towanda. Juno 22. 7F.•
Tows W. mix t .. ATTORNEY AT
L..w. Towanda, Dradr, , rd Co., P.
d 17",' .1. IL l'ar)..Tat
tr• Pcibi
.tine tlon, at all t 11,.• :,
1 11 0 T H E 11
rt ienlar attention paid to Collections and RrphLus'
Court busirass. Oflice—llescur's New Block, north
Public Square. is , apr. 1, '69.
ionlnce that in compliance with the request of
his numerous friends. he ls,now prepared to admin•
1,.t.-e—Nitri us Oxide, or Laughing Gas, fttr the pain
less i xtraction of teeth:.
Is•II:tys, ill , . May 3. 1 , 70. I y
at, of the College of "Plo - sletins antrSurgeonx,"
NOW York city. Class 1543-4, ZVI'S exclußiVe attention
to Ito' practi, oof Ins profession. Office and mmidenee
on t h e 1,10,1'11 F+:l-IP . 01 O , TH 11111, adjo4lllo.l /IPlary
jet 14. 'l3;
In Ittti,l at t,.11 ttittp,s
, - 11atta- -
TAR. D. I). I►entz..t, has
pun•ha.sed 11. Wood's property, between
Merenr's and the Elwell llottFe, wliere he hag
hi: office. Teeth extracted without pain by
use - bf Towana °et. 20, I:lo.—yr.
11l ThwarulS. un I,r the
ills of I:trhavge. and
Phlladelpkia: and all
as also Ei land, firr-
Ley, receive deposits,
:ute firm of I....upQrte.
sfol lON of
ud adj.ininv coulltieß
g brininefet tor about
ka] able one through
G. F. .li.f.."()N,
A. G. 31ASUY.,.f.
110 RDIN G. —A feiv bgarders can
tirst-elaas rooms with board. by artily
ing at tio. 32 Second street. F. E. POST. .
ly " :_sT R 06 - MS
- - - -
Wo. a, prepared to feed the linngrd at all tandem of
the day and even:tug. Oystern and lee Cream In
`.0.9.. MM. _ .
Marolx 30,1870. SCQTT k CO.
)LL N,
Prr.vt*: ,, ug, ~
, Drug
elinnupyo , ,
•, varni,h, YonlAa- iCO
offitairo Winrf, Awl
a- 1, poriSo.-s
„a- I.l , l*.•rit 111 . 1n , f1. 17e
.-‘ all 13 , 0 rs of flw
llavingleased this I.lMiso, is now ready to acoommo.
date the travelling pultile. liopalris nor expense will
be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give
him a call.
North side of the public square, east of Ifer
curs new block.
l i kavirm iiiirelins"d and thoroughly relitteri..thim ofd
and well.hnown stand. formerly kept.hy Sheriff Grtf
fl.. Creek, is ready to
cool amminnicslatiioni and satiaf actnry treatment
tp all who may favor him with a call.
It Star 1 "oC "Lo.- t 23. o. . '—tf.
lf 011
roitl: or to .Lmdon
I ani
tca nlvar , lo.
A n , ll , rn,r , jual:ty of Old 11w..1,11 Rau; junt
11.„ 'Laving leased and lately fitted np
,bovc Hotel, lab ly kept by him as a salcUt and
‘earding on the south side of IAtIDOE.
STIITIET. mat to tbe rail-road. is now prepared to
celentain tile public with good arrotnadations on ro,
No trouble or expenem will be
~red urVommodate those calling on him. Ides
furnielled with choice' brands of Cignrs
sl stabling attached. WM. HENRY'
T , r,tn , ll, June 1.3s11.•tol May% Proprietor.
TT , R> , !
-NA tiir . l\l,l:rtand of li. B. Ingbanes Wo;Arn Factory
'aria Sa.alnill,
. • in •Ilalige for'
)t: llI\G :MILL
in cif an'experienced builder,
the pribv nvay eSpect a
From p.m r,ent enlargement of this water power.
work can ter done at all wasona of tho year and soon
as F.Olt in. .% Iu eouneetion with the sawduill we are
able to fortiah Nita 02 eaw'd 1/17111..T to order.
(•amt.t.oOn. May = 1' 4 70. -1 7
that ht,
1. t , t•tt 11 , • pru
t • .71. ..11.rt - n , .
) 111.11)
rottrr. Corn M...a1.
f.ale at
~ USN CII, Y1.,el my `~1,'."
and promptly paid. • 'lnsure in the
Authorized Capital_ " 500 . 004
(`ash Capital $200.00.1
..z•to patrot?b•.- hay nal!,
both ways, when.tht.y•
G. F. BUYIVI4III.II, Vice Pres. D. H. KIINI„ Secy. .
J. A. RECORD. Agent.
angT7l- Towanda', Pa.
• - :,
,'''' WednerdaY , August I V I J cisniknet, Scotch Honey:Orange, Raison, Lem-
'miss:on apply itr ,I on and Ginger Cakes, Washington Jumbles and
. Vi.latlLL, AM.. i Co'ffe Biscuit, anctall kinds of Crackers at
Principal. i Milrch 4.'70. ' 'W. A. 'ROCKWELL - 8-
rd tried Beef , 1
kthaw Trout, at re tail. 1 DRIED and Caltlcr.D /BUM. It ,
FOX a: .MESCLIt. i , 1114 ,__7/221°. /SC°. -,l,oSflir. ; REELER S.
!COWELL k ZdYEIL ' c --- -:.,-- ----- COWELL& min.
'Near th• Court Hour,.
Ilarnetui. kc.. of all I.ll , ' St g of this'
d aga:n.t Insn I rTim, without auy es-
24 '7l
111:,AY7 SIX ROLL' PLANZ'SG AND llNTCllnslar
U 1 ml:3 .11 Asnai you':
g ,
, 1 v
MclndaY. J
2: 8:00 TOWLNDA 12:20 7:10
2:}o 8:10 BA/LCLAT JUNCTION 12:10 7:30
3: 8:30 ......,110NROE 11:50 6:40
8: 9:05 WILOOXS.—.... 11:15 6:05
3:45 3:55 ....NEW ALBANY-- 11:03 5:55
3:0 9:25 .......NELLERS:. ..... 10:55 5:45
8:0 9:50 DI:SHORE 10:30 5:20
P. M l .' A. N.A..13. T. at.
E. F. aoaDat.A. ,
J • 25.11. - - detel Passenger Agent.
hest and most direct line to Philadelphia, Bal.
tiniore, Washington, and the Routh;
passengers this rote take Pennsylvania &
Wear York Railr loy oad train, u
passing Towanda at 7:15
6..11.. make close connection at Bethlehem with Er,
mow train of 'forth Pentra Railroad, and arrive In
Philadelphia at 505 P. IL, in time to take night
trains either fotilie South or West.
passengertars are at the Depot on arrival of
alltrai convey paSsengers to the various Depots
d t i p ail p t its of the city.
• •
. . .
Leave North Penn'a Railroad Depot, corner Berko
and American acre .1., Philadelphia, at 7 :SS A. M.,
arrlvtng at Towanda .4:59 X 'H., same evening.
Mann'. Baggage 'Reprise colltcta and delivers bag
gage, Mike No. la' Bout : I itch street. PhiLadelphia.
FreightieCelved at Front and Noble streets, Ptah'
delphia, and forwarded br Daily Fast Freight train
to Towanda, and all points in Susquehanna valley
with quick diapateh. ELLIB CLARKE,
Cien. Agt. N. P. IL R., Front and Willow Sta.
Nov. 21.1870. Philadelphia.
pA. &N.Y. CANALS. R.R. CO.-
To take erred. 'Monday. kW 15. 1871.
i. No.l
i 411.1 i ss, 7 45!. - Elmira 1440
3 30,12 40 830 ' :Waverly 11 45
3 40;12 481 840 - Athena...,... 11 33
4.20' 1 ^_ol 9 15; --Towanda 1048 ,
5 1r.,, 2 09;10 15 .....Wyalusing 9 501
'5 35...227 10 35, --Lacey-rifle. .... "9 31'
6 021 2 47'11 00' .... steshopren.... 908
6 OP! 111 07 .... Ifehoopany...: 900
G 40; 3 21,11 .35, ...Tunkhannock/ .. 835
7 50i 4 25' , 12 55. Pittston .. 735
8 151 4 45' 1 15 ....Wilkes Dime— I 7 10
.... , 7 - 15 4 lit —Manch Chunk-- ... f.
P li, 812 535 • .... ' . Allentenrn A M
8 25, 5 60' Bethlehem ... . '
8 50' G 25' -... —Easton.— ..
I• 10 20 815 ....rhllrult Iphia
IrM 'l'sll
30 leaven Towanda at 7 10: Athena
8 NI; arrive at Elmira at 9 10 A. M,
319-aura Elmira at 5 50; Waverly.
40; arrive at Towanda at 7 25 r. a.
f .
Down Trains dine st White Haven. rp Trains
dine at ratdor.
Painsengera to and from ticiiTork and Philadri
Oda without change of rare, •
Down train connecta at Alleritowti anti Through.
fast Expreas for Rarriehurg..littaburg and the Scat.
M.D . ,
oincressor to D. S. k Co., Lookers.)
Iteeeivea Deposita, Loa Slotey, Mak..a Collec
ttona. and does a
To persons desiring to send money 'to ANT PART
of the United States. Canada of Europe. this Bank
offers the best facilities-and tho lowest terms.
To and from - Nora Scotia, England, Inland. Scot
land; or any put of Europe and the Orient, by the
and 5e11,4 (lola, Silver, 1 - nitea Yates Bonds
rnarl.•Lt rates.
Agent fur the rale of 'Northern 7 3 10
W3l. S. VINCI:NT, Cashier
nH 111 T,I S'.% I -!N ELT RCI . ' 1 !
to any person producing any 31i.thi ine shore in.: hall
as many li. too. lw . rznanent cures ne Dr. Trrsrn's
Vseirrants: Ithrrataric Itsainnr. Used inwardly
only. A pleasant Medicine. tris• from Injurious
drugs. Warranted, under oath, to have permanent
ly cured 95 In every 100 patients treated in the pist
ten years. !•, , •t` I , St2IIII)11V). It is the pre
scription of Prof. Jos. P. - rifler, M. Is., a graduate;
the Puivennity of l'ennsylyania, , A. Is:EL—now
one of l'hiladelphies oldest re,zular physicians, and
Psofe.sor i t Cheiniatry, and I'oxlv.4o,Ty,—syno Las
made Nenrlgia. Chronic. and Intlaniatory Itheurna
tism the specialty of his ssitire professional lite—a
tact stiticheil for by the signatures accompanying
each bottle, and other testimonials of many promi
nent renowned physicians and clergymen. To pro
tect sufferers from poisonous quack nostrums and
useless expenditure of money. a:legal signed guar
antee, stating exact number of bottles warranted to
cure, will be`forwarded gratis tti any sufferer lend
ing by letter a full description of affiction. ,In f. 1.11.1
of failure to cure, amount paid positively refunded.
Mislicine sent anywhere by express. collect on de
livery. Afflicted invited to write for advice; all in
formation &nil medical *drier sent by letter gratis,
AddrestrDr - . - J. P. }TILED., 29 South Fourth street,
Philadelphia., Pa. •‘ The Ilemisly is sold or, obtained
by Druggists.
This well-bred stock ham , will sore mares the
pre Sent season, from April 1. to -Aug.. 1, at the Liv
ery Stable of lirsoancav & SoLossoN, Towanda- Pa..
from Monday noon to Saturday morning ; and at
Stieshenum. Pa.. at the farm of:L. S. KING,LV/Ili.
duntig Saturday and Monday forenoon.
TEnns.—s2oby the season. 'acme) , due at time
of service. 1:10 to insure one mare, and ?50. for two
mares owned by one person. Monet due as soon as
the mare is known to be with foal. Any person
having a mare insured, and parting with her le fore
the time of foaling, will be held accountable forij
insuratice. l'astnre furnished for mares from
ante at $51,...t . nlontL All accidents and escaia.s a
he owner's risk.
PED/Gll.l".7..—raChell Wam eirea by the ccb•ln'ate,
trotting At:II:ion. Geo. M. Patcbvn. be by.Casoins - M
Clay. Le by Henry Clay. ho by Andrew Jackson. 11
by Young Ilashaw. Le. The dam of Patches v. - a
Durock. grand dam Mesaenger.
May 1..1',61.--tan
' Tr, 67,,,r sbould 1. eept and
ue.. , d by I', ty farmer that ketTri either Cattle or
11 , q - Fea.,ev , ry.Varnidrr and. Livery' Stable Kee p
esery l'llyslelan nd florae Farier for it will may
times cure pain and lamener.s whenothernie
tlll , have Miners and . Ititilr.iad. Men.
hould certainly keep it, for it is unsurpassed for
oruses and sprains. li aoksmitha should keep it
for their own use and for their customers tender
footed horses, as nothing equals it for tmder feet.
Every bpdy suffering from pain and lazneness of any
kind, burns, cats, wounds or any eruption of the
skin. Corns, Chilblains or any disease requininz an
outward application should certainly keep this
orated Medicine. r, very bottle warranted to give
satisfaction. Flu' sale by Dr. 1.1. C. Porter Son k-Co.
Porter k 'Kirby and F. W.Brown Druggists, Towanda,
Pa. ,And 'by every 'Druggist and dealer in Brad
fad and adjoining counties. -
Johnston Holloway and Cowden, wholgsale Patent
kfedicinepepot. ltro. &e 2 Arch street PhiLadepllna,Pa.,.
Wholesale Agents. •H. ifROWNIti TAYLOR,
ju1y1 4 3"70-ti , Proprietor, Leßaysville. Pa.,
The tinderaigned Lave made arrangements to in
sure Carpenter's CIIFSTS OF TOOLS. covering
thrEl WHEREVER THEY MAT IRE. All 41f . ..tiring Fitch
insurance ire resTectfully Invited to give n■ a caIL
Insurance Agts.. Towanda; Pa.
C 0 E!
The lIF-ST. most DESIRALLE, and most ECO- or of that grand' old specimen of an-'
NOMICAL FUEL for culinary purposes durnur sum- . • ,
rue?. For sale by the cient s,atuary, the Cardiff Giant, said
• TOWANDA CiAS comrANy• to haVe been dicovered in the neigh
• Twelve cents per bushel at the* Cilia Rouse, or tf
teen cents; delivered. TusY3o,D , 7n. borhood of Syracuse. The name was
CRYSTA.LriE DE .FRANCE. not inappropriate in another aspect,
This new and beautiful Perfume is ti n titres as -01.. of our party, a gentleman of
stronger than any other perfume ever ponderous proportions,. but no' less ,ji
fore the public. It is made from French Crystals.
Also Powell's celebrated Coeoannt. Oil, an elegant man : than his size indicates, claims
preparation for the hair. Fur sale by C. -IL Fl- '' . I naternity in the country which has
uns.F..-dealer in g eneral groceries and rrovislons, ~
Cister. Pa.; GORE & ORE(. - ORY. sheslic i nin; I'llA., within her borders the city of Cardiff,
z& - nnEw. Athens; 31'KEE. may Franklin- s. Fnklin- I :
dale'. • .„,•,• 71 . e . 4 , and we ocCasionally call him the,Car
-__:_— -- difftiant, instead of Alf. The path'
T AKE TROUT, some very , ilr_e
leading- to the ' spring, we marked
_,1....4 one,s, at a very low prier, by
June le.. 1871. , FOX &•sir.acrr. " To• Arctic Spa, and Lake George ".;
WOOL !-50 0(s0 11)s. wanted by i .
th6lake being au artificial one con
TY. W. A. Itocmmt.t.., for wkitch the 1ve10..1 I.strnettd under the direction of Sam,
puce will be Paid. J"''''' 7l- t f • for the purpose of preserving our fish
. QUGAR OF ALL kI.NI)SitET.AIL- !-was named in linnor of him.
~ alive,
in at wholesale pricer at- ... '• ' Our teamP being itcw in readiness
• • FO.X A.. ,MERCUR'S. _•- in.. all its appointments, we were pre-
FARMERS, bring tour pp:Ance. pared for the pursuit . of the objects
and sell to • 'rut isi, , imacra.
Jan. 19 , 1871. i • -of our visit to the wilderness. The
23, 1871.
M 2102111.
No. !
7. STATIONS. '34.
„tame at an Incorporated Bank
Of :iteamers away. on han,l
, - •
, \‘'
elttieb itreirg.
AT D. mvsnravE.
Fur adoption at any ono's option,
A bcantiful femalo child;
With golden hair and skin BO fair
As the snob•-drift niadfiled.
Its eyes are blue as the deepest Imo
Of the breezy summer heaven.
COme, take it away, for nothing, I pray,
A fall surrender given
" Who was its mother r is that what you say?
Well, really, I cannot tell ;
She wasihere just one month, and wont away
Iteforo•she had gone quite well.
She never said, or living or dead,
Of ita father one word to-me,
But the bitterest tzars that ever Were shed
Baptisedit on ra.rl7;.nee.
And slie tined again ind again to kiss
Ita lips ore she went away.
"At list, Oh Godl has it come to this?" .
Was all that she could say.
Then over her eyes she claim' her hands,
And forth from the door she fled;
And who shall say if now she stands
With the living or eleepS with the dsad!"
Then who will hare this image of God, -
With a soutthat cannot die?
Is cheaper than anything else He bath made,
Yet do one comes to buy:
A. poodle dog, a parapet,
And a chattering cockatoo,
Are all worth ever so much a head,
And 11C3rea in the market too.
No. INo
2. 136
tnt God's _pint likeness in this sweet child,
With a soul to lu e win,
Is offered for nothing si.all,und yet
The bids cvaiio slowh• in. 0.
011 childlessnian or w,itlian trlw lust
.Of this wOrld's to spare,
O think of this, then 3n to your. room
And bit tn`•(iud, if yon
5 33 9 45
451 Bto
4.20 8 19
3 23,7 20
4.1 17.7 00
16 30
2 30,6 00
1. 35'4 45
1 15 4 20
10 4.5
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The first work of a party in the
wilderness is the !erection of the • ne
cessary camp-cabins, and. making the
requisite preparations fur camping
oat. For the first night we occupied
by permission the quarters previous
ly erected by a party of gentlemen
from Syracuse, who fora nnmber of
vbars have made lan annual visit to
'Smith's Lake, and who were to re
'turn on the next 'evening.
While some of the guides were en
gaged in getting breakfast, the King
and Widey with a guide : went on an.
exploring expedition along the west
ern shore of the lake for the purpose
(4- selecting a suitable place for the
nr.s'r CAMP.
Others of our party went out upon
the. lake to fisli for trout. At-bresk
fast call, our King and Widey return
ed, and repOrted 'that they had cho
sen a lovely spot for our camp near
a copious spring 'of the purest cold
water, on the western shore of the
lake, and about one hundred rods
north of Cainp Syracuse. Our fish
ermen Came to breakfast with speck
led beauties enough to supply our ta-•
ble for the day.
.Breakfst.oyer, we vacated the Sy
racuse camp,. and repaired to the
spot selected for Our place of abode
during our stay.'' We found iton an
elevation about twenty rods from the
lake shore,: -approached by an easy
ascent, and overlooking almost the
entire lake. The work of- erecting
our camp-cabins,' cutting out paths,
trimming out undergrowth, and set
ting our quarters in perfect order,
occupied the time of our guides, un
der the SupervisiOn of the- King and
Widey as rcliitects, for nearly two
,'and; the building will stand
as a MonnMent tp the good taste of
the superv3ing architects. The guides
are indispensibleP and we Were fortu
nate in securing the services of faith
ful; good men, who fully understand
their duties F andi applied themselves :
cheerfully to their work ; profession
al guides and Woodsmen, yet they
were men of integrity and correct de
We erected firSt a sleeping, apart
ment, twelve by i•ixteen feet, and dis
tant about ten feet a dining room
and kitchen, siXteen by thirty-tWo
feet, inclang 'leanto
sixteen. , These" were covered so
as to 'see'm ly us, with the
bark of the spruce trees, which grow
to a large fAze nud in great Ann
dance about. the 'lake. Onr bed was
made of the.bonghs of 'the hemlock.
with which we covered the ground
to the depth of six or eight inches,
over - which light blankets were
spread,- and for pillows we filled small
tie'ks,'•wh'ich we had with us with
'boughi This preparation with our
heavy blankets for covering, made a
comfortable bed.' Onthe completion
of our quarters, Ore named it
11.'Ar 15'71
and erected upon our cabin a largo
cross, inscribed With the motto, "In
Our paths or streets
wereqegularl! laid ont and marked.
The olie leading to the lake we nam
ed Pennsylvania Avenue,. and • the
one leading, froth this to Camp Syra
cuse we named Cardiff street,' in hon-
[ siax pr.D.]
C.\IIP T( \VASD.\,
111(1ANDL188 or muscuriox no* QUAIVIEB.
cool and exhilara' ling effect of the at
and relaxation from care,
gave each and all-of our party a keen
appetite, and no party, it' is safe to
say, ever enjoyed their meals •with
greater . relish. During our stay it.
was'a continual feast of yennson,,sal
mou • and speckled trout, with plenty
of the best of bread and corn cakes,
made by our guides, butter, maple
syrtiP, Potakiea, tea and coffee, with
condensed milk, pickles, etc., etc.
Our dining table was constructed of
s: j l
a single piece of spruce bark, four
feet in , width an ten feet long, turn
ed the'inside up, giving it the ap
pearance of a. broad piece of sole
leather, nailed upon a frame work
and set upcin posts. driien into the
ground, 'around which seats were ar
ranged. 'We were well supplied with
tin plates, cups, knives and fcrks,
spoons, and all the appointments ne
ce-csutry for setting our table. Oar
cooking apparatus was ample, con
sisting of- a sheetiron stove, teapot;
coffee-pot, frying-pan, , broiler; etc.,
and a number of our guides were
irst-class cooks.
Whilst partaking of our first break
fast at Camp T#anda, Wide,' dis
covered a strange taste in his tea,
and passing it tolAlf, says " taste it,
it's queer," Alf tasted, and then by
way of compariso l n,, took a sip of his
own, and says, Mine is-just like it?!
Taking ,a, second) taste; he made a
discovery, and slinging his cup at
the cook, he. exclaimed, " dangi it,-its
salt! They haclweetened tligir tea
from the salt eu Being pr4s mptly
rebuked by the Rhin' for indecorum
at table, the most becoming dignity
wa's maintained thereafter during our
There were id, the wilderness, in
Our •yicinity, fly other parties of
pleasure-seekers. Two from Syrb.-
CUBE' at Smith's Jake ; one at Tup
per's Lake—the ,R :v. Mr. Murray . ;
one at Albany Lake': these were tou
rists taking sketches for the purpoSe
of writing 114)(34 ; and one we met
as We' were returning, at Red Horse—
tie,- Rev. Mr. Itish, Rector of the
Kpi se , pal Cininfla, at Lowville, son,
and a student. ' 1 With -the Syracuse
.:. ;I tie: :en NV.I 1‘..M1 ill . well . acquaint-,
ed. One of theft camps being near
us, and - the other about two- nXes
distant on the nerthern shore of the
lake, there was a mutual feeling of
:good neighborhood prevailed among
'us, and frequent visits were exchang
ed. Senator NOien, of Svracuse,bc- .
ing one of the patty farthest fromus,
their camp was called Camp Noxen,
and the one nearest us, Camp Syra
cuse. We take pleasure in acknowl
edging the genetous .hospitality of
of both of yiese patties. The utmost
good feelini; preNJ,ailed, and all strove
to contribttte their share to making
our stay mutually pleasant and en
joyable. It is said that 'a fish diet
tends to secrete ;.n increase of phos
phorus in the bf,thu, which - if true,
may account for the exuberant bub
bling up of fun, rind the general good
nature, and genuine humor exhibited
by our entire
.paoy. _
The hunting was usually done in
the night-tima, by. floating in boats,
as described last week. As but two
of our party beside . the guides, bad'
viz :
'gnus, Widey and Benjamin, the,
floating was mostly done by them.
Bog Lake, two miles north, and Har-.
rington's Pond, near by were visited
by Benjamin and a guide, without
success, except in the killing of a
loon, and the--ca4hing of some large
trout. Widey 'penetrated to Tup
per's Inlet, eight ~ mile cast, accom
panied by Alf and gUlde Knowlton ;
and remained absent all night: Widey
for the - purpose of
. floating for deer,
and Alf for that Of fishing. They're-
turned next day Without having cap
tured a deer, but reported that
Widay had shot at one; and had no
doubt mortally w o unded him, but he
run off into the thick bushes, and
'they could not follow him: They
had seen and had a fair chance to
have shot another, but for an unfor
tunate, and ludicamishap that be
fel Willey while attempting to fire.
He had arranged a strap running
from one of the oar-pins of their boat
to the other, and around his backfor
a support. In turning to. take aim,
he pressed hard. upon thastrap, and
pulled tri g ger ; the cap failed to ex
plode, and simultaneous with the
snap of the haminer, the strap slip
ped from the peg„.nnd over went
Widey on the flat of his back, heels
iiit ; Wider "went 'off but the gun
didn't, and the deer gave a loud blow
or whistle,, and 'skedaddled out of
' daiV;er.
The next iloatinr , expedition was
by guides Lewis and Collins, at Har
rington's Pond : they met with sue..=-
eess, and returned iu the morning.
with aline two-years old deer. This
supplied us wilti meat for several
-days, and enrlad tn. to repay the
hospitality of our Syracuse friends,
by actling them a saddle in place of
one'they had previously sent us.
Ike, with
,Hamthond, next
tried his luck in .11qating . at Albany
Lake, but returned in the morning
and reported ii — , - Sh - ot at a deer, but
failed to sceure'hiru.
Others of our party devoted them
selves to fishing. King, Sam, Ike,
Alf and C.oful,, were quite successful
in this line. A set-line baited with
minnows was kept out for salmon
fishing. In this manner more . sal
mon could be caught than we could
make use of. Their weight ranges
from one to eight pounds. The siteck 7 ,
led trout fishing, With rod and 4,
was fine, and we found no trouble/in
,supplying ourselves with_an abun
dance for use i
,eaCh day. • /
• 1
At the suggestion of the 'Syracuse
gentlemen, a regatta was arranged,
in which the guides from Ahe three
camps were to compete/fur prizes. -
They were to row oue mile, by start
ing from a point.oppo,ite Camp Sy
racuse, north a half, miile, and turn
ing round a boat buiVed out in the
lake, row back tO the starting'point.
The contestants Lwith their boats, en
tered for the firSt,.a two-oared ,race,
for three yrizeS, with their positioni,
as drawn i by lot, were as follows, viz:
let.—James Leria, urin, Camp Towanda. '
241.—Dantre4$+nowl on, Roquette, .
' 3(l.—V. Edwards, fix Ten Wing, Comp Syracuse
4th.—Charleo Smith,f Champion, -'• "
tith.--Jolni Hitchcock, liarali, "
Gth.i-F*l. Comstock, 4th, "
In/this race the prize was won by
Chaiies Smith,. boat Champion; The
second, by D. iinowlithi, boat Ra
quette, 4nd the' third as to distance
and time of reaching the starting
line, *as fairly won .by James Lewis,
boat Turin ; but as he had misunder
stbod the rule requiring' him to re
-him te'the line on the opposite side
of ,the steak-boat frimi where : they
- started," it was a question 'whether
the judges should not award the third
-prize to the next boat in : : V. Ed
wards, of the Green "Wing. It was
finally arranged by swarding an equal
prize to each. Candor compels us to
say that considering the disadvan
dzige of rowing clumsy and inferior
boats, 'so far as their capacity for
speed is concerned. Knowlton, Lew
is, and Edwards, made much -better
time tkanlir. Smith, of the Chiimpi
on. In fact, either, liith a boat , of
the capacity of the Chiimpion, would
have far out-distanced him. As it
Was, Ur. Lewis unquestionably 'row
ed a greater distance in the same
LILO than either.
The second was a .four-oared race
with a cockswain, 'for a single, prize.
The 'contestants, boats entered ; and
-choice of position, were as follows
lat.—D. Knowlton, Boat Roquette, cockswain
A. Hammond W. L. Collins, C. Towanda.
2d.—Chas. Smith; I B. Champion, cockswain
V. Edwards, 1. Stone, Camp Syracuse.
• Prize awarded to Smith and Ed
wards, boat 'Champion, and fairly
won. The third was a paddle race,
for a single prize. Contestants and
boats as follows, viz
Albert F_enton, Turin, CaniThyracuse.
D. Know/ton, Gm:en lying, Camp Towaptli.
Prize awarded- to".D, Knowlton.
really the most skillful and
interesting race of the three,'wherein
Syracuse " gricefully yielded " to,To
.wanda. The whole affair passed off
pleasantly, and was the first regrea
ever , performetd on the waters ..of
Smith's Lake. This will tend to im
prove the quality of the boats used
in ttanSporting pleasure-seekers to
the.wilderneSS hereafter: Every guide
promised to have a faster boat nest
This was to be our .
-I.l'T \Y CAMP,
as we were to start down the river
on our homeward trir the nest morn-1
iier , . The prospect of •para t ion seem:.
ed to be regretted by all, as our in
tercourse had proved 'a source of rap
tnal enjoyment. .
The evening set in very dark, with
heavy rain, and the most of us
od early to rest ; but Sam and Ike,H
teenier , that our camp \should- not .
break up without another incident in
its history worthy of note, devoted
themselves to the composition sf im
promptu poetry of the machine kind,
to the- amusement of thT party: A
verse was composed and sung sepa
rately, applicable to each member,
and the poetry was of no mean Or
-der; full of genuine - wit; and good
hits. Each verse, as the two walked
out in front of our sleeping' apart
ment, Was" lined in solemn tone, and
sung to the tune of " the three bleak
crows," when they would-return to
the -dining room; comprise another
verse, line-it and sing as before: This
performance over, they too turned in
to rest, and all slept quietly till morn-
Oar guides rose early- and got our
breakfast in readiness, but it was yet
raining copiously ; after partaking of
breakfast, our luggage was all packed
ready for, our departure. The storm
broke away abort nine o'clock, A. U.,
when 'we bid "good bye " to, Camp
Towanda,' , took to our boats ,in
the same order as Ave came, and
headed towards the outlet of the lake
'for home. As we came opposite Camp
Syracuse where the American flag
was floating high, we drew up in line
and 'gave the party three rousing
(leers, which were as heafrily re
sponded to by them. They then fired
a salute of musketry, which was re
turned by us from our boats, anti we
said" good bye," and rowed on 'our
way, amid cheering and waving. 6f
handkerchiefs until we rounded.: the
point out of sight.
We made ranch better time going
down the stream, than when we came
up. All the party reached the "Wild
wood Home ' that evening, except
Benjamin, with guide Lewis,- and
Crofut, with guide :Higby. These
remained at Burnt Lake Camp the
latter until morning and the former"
until late-in the evening, when they
left, prepared to float for deer on the
.may down. They were encouraged
to do this from the fact that we hadl
seen . - . Sive deer -_along the shore of
Albany Lake, on the way' down!
,Widey made two shots at them, but
at an-unfavorable distance; and lOU
_ably neither shot reached its Mark.
At Burnt Lake Camp, the Bey. :3-Ir. -
Irish, before referred to, a -time plea
,sant gentleman, with his son and a
student, were in eanf,).. )I . e enter
tained our friends 11,,, , t3b1y and
pleasantly, and when I;enjamin .and
Lewis departed, be 1 , ,/poke for them
the best of luck: • It/awas arranged.
between Crofut and/Higby - and them,
that in, the event/of their killing • a
deer, they",shouhY stick the tail- upon
a pole, and. post'. it in the stream so
that it could be 'seen .by the former
as they•passgil on down in the morn
ing. Benjamin charged his gun with
twelve buckshot in each barrel, and
left in fall faith: that he . would be
successful. After restiing for the
nightiCroftit and Higby departed on
their way' at hour, . and had
proceeded • _about five miles, when
they,,canie . -siiddeuly, upon a pole in
,the Midst of the 'streani, upon whiel
was tied the-tail of. a deer. On look
ing to the right
r •bank, they plainly
saw Where P. deer had been dragged
througlita - grass and into the boat.
" Yon ni ! spring the loeks thd deer's eyeballs
Of tire!
Still ; still as a shadow! hush: nigher, yet
Crark, splash! draw him in! now away biGood
Tlirou the lily-pads blithely from floating; f r
Iliistiniz for decr •
to camp,‘thr.nuFll the sliailuNr, frtini
floating fur &cr.' .2 I
Three cheers were-given by • Crofut
and Rigby, aiZl they named - the F;pot
•Bucktail Point, and -passed on. On
arriving at Stillwater, they found
covered bra blanket at the.lariiiing,
a monster buck, with heavy antlers,
and. minus his tail ; his enttals hav
ing been • taken out prepartory for
transportinghim,to No. 4. Walking
Wildwood House," they
found Benjamin,- the deen:slayer, as
nimble - asn 'lox and highly gratified
With his success.' Our whole party
inoii in,. wiiwere in readiness to start
:.for ;No. 4, upon the arrival of the
. . , . . ... . .
• . ..
. .
' - ".
1, ' i . I '.-- , - ..,.
.... :...,.....,,
t"li ,I,r -.1-it--,-.•.‘
~q p,... ,_
• .
...'.% ' .:.- : . . .
. '
02-per Annum in Advance.
team which was to be sent WI by Mr.
Fenton..' The gratification at Wog
able to take out the largest buck cap
tured in. that wilderness for many
years, was mutual. He was a real
king of.thedforest, and the wonder Is
that'among so many hunters he had.
chanced to live so long. After an ex
cellent dinner gotten up for in by
the accommodating host and hostess
of the ":Wildwood Home," Mr.' and .
Mrs„-Wakawen, we left for No. 4, the
most' of our 'party walking through, a
distance of eleten miles, in less than
forir hours. Gur luggage and the
bnek came through safely by Mr.
Fenton's wagon, and our whole -par
ty in good health and fine spiritsar
wed at N - 6..4, by four o'clock, P. 41.,
*here after partaking of one of the
best. of suppers, we rested for - that
night. ' The accommodations at this
place are ample and of the first - class.
Messrs. Fenton and Green, the pro
p-rietors, are gentlemen, and although
many. miles 'in the interior of the
wilderness,' with communication only
by private road, this hotel has aiood
patronage during the summer months
and the names of many of our most
distfngnished persons may be found
on their register. -
After an early breakfast, and hiv
ing made arrangements,for jerking
the saddles of our 'venison, and the
forwarding of it by express, we took
passage by \wagons for Lowville r and
soon were
. err 01."1117E IVILDEILIMB, e
'arriving at Lowville before noon,
where we got our dinner, and left at
half-past twelve, I'. ,at., by the Pica
and Black River Railroad for Utica.
We stopped off for three hours , at
Trenton Falls, a cascade on ii . grand
scale, formed by the waters - of West
Canada creek, second only to 'Niaga
ra. The acConiniodations for -visitors
at this, place , are on a magnificent
.scale, a full description of which may
he found in an interestinglittle work
written and published some vears
since, by.N.,,P. Willis. It has become
(jaite a celebrated place of resort,
and the grand hotel was well tilled
~with giiest , : . .
Arrivinc , at Utica . at
NV eight, r. M., O stopped at "Bagg's
Betel," for the night, and left for
home at nine,, A. n., next dayf arriv
ing at Towanda; safe and well; :at
seven r. n., increased in- weight,: our
strength invigorated, and well pleas
ed with Our trip. . • . . ,
• [For the RErortTEn.] ,
A few weeks since, the writer o
ed in the columns of this paper a fe
thonghts on keeping the peace: I ,
was stated That all citizens should as
sist their officers in.,upholding the
laws and in punishing criminals.
That may we not do. more than this,
by-seeking,out and arresting the very
beginnings of crime? It is a terrible,
fast that hardened criminals are. sel-
doui reformed. They pay the pence
ty of one vice only to commit another
more- flagrant than the first. The
passions of men long nourished are
like swollen streams. 4, They cannot
be stayed. They rush forth with
wild fury, carrying destruction in
their course. It is better to check
the vicious tendencies of men ,before
they pass beyond control. The rivu
let by the hillside can be easily turn
ed, while the great river rolls on' its
way and none can hinder'. The gart
dener finds no trouble in bending
, the young twig, but the tree that has
onee_grown crooked, remains crook
ed forever. So, there is little/need
of crime' if men are guided rjght at
first, and no laws can hinder crime
when society has oncegrowa corrupt.,
. Men sini in thought yefore they
commit the outward vi ie ze. The im
pure in'heart are only siting for a
fit occasion to bee; me villainous in
conduct. The littl thief of to-day
may be guilty to-ftiorrow of -highway
robbery. The planwho now hates
his neighborts7y at last murder hini.
Here we. see plain preventive of
crime. Jake care of your thoughts
and society/will exrience no trou
ble from yoar d The pure in
heart are/upright in life. The clenns
ed. fountain sends feral health ?
giving waters. i
iniportamt that our children
shefild be well trained. They who
avelaught lessons of obedience and
lood order in the family seldom turn
out bad citizens. The child who firs'
learns to respect parental law,
finds it-easy after Ward to respect the
laws of his .country . andp•the
. higher
law of. God. ;-
When our neighbor who has been
generally Well behaved, plays his first
mean trick upon us, need on
our part_ of Christian. patience. A
little filminess tempered with forbear
ance; is necessary. . Speak to him in
a frank, epen-heai:tea way; and he
may soon be led to see his fault and
be saved from a vicious life. It is a
great- mistake to Make public some
trifling of lice which our neighbor
has committed, and pass him by
without. one Word of friendly reproof.
It is better far to tell him his fault .
between you and him alone: It is
folly to prosecute our neighbor for
some personal • insult -- in which the
community at large is in no way, in
terested. • Let us 'rather pracliee.; the
Christian rule of forgiveness.. A spir
it-of love shown -forth in patiently
bearing injuries, has saved._ niftily; a
man just started in a course of crime.
In order to. prevent crime and in
su :e the highest. peace of gociety, all
good' citizens should observe_ these
three things :
1.. Be pure-Minded themselves.
Check the first tendencies te-wai'd un
lawful deeds.
2. Train their children to a careful
'obedience. - \ • .•
3. Forgive personal injuries, and if possible the heart of the of
fender. • \ -J.FL N. .
"Issoua brotherin-law realy such
a lazy renew r asked one gentleman of another.
"Laiyr was the reply, "why he', so lazy that
he has an artist employed by the month to
draw his breath with a crayon.* •
A =gyp:NAN who had a"deif servant
was advised by &recta to discharge him. ''so,
no," replied the gentleman, with much feeling;
the poor-creature corddaterer hear of another
situation: -
GET married. -tning men, and be
quick about it. Don't Wait for the nulknntrun
—for the girls to become angels. 'You'd look
well beside an. anger, wouldn't lon, you poor
fellow? .
''—= ;.--'' t'' ,
c :•, ;:,;_is , t ~'
~ ~r."~
NUAtiin 13.
Etonol4 iiiiiminia:- . LThe follow
ing artists, safaris% to myself, ap
peared as editorial in the. Troy Ga
zette of this county, August 10th. I
ask you to publish-it in your paper
with the accompanying comments.
Trusting you will'see the justice and
propriety of, so doing, I am. .
'Yours truly ,
Oni adrlce to any' one wbB attempts to kill
Another politically:hi. "be sure , and kill him;
dead." 'Don't 'leave the victim to struggle
about, get hiinself into cznrventiotta, 'play the
oppelistun, and finally (get up,:and give you a
thrashing.. Such a " killing".as that,ls a poor
investment of time; •As a general Thing we do
not uprove of killing men anyway. There is
y some ivied nee to which mankind can
be put, besides making ghastly corpses of thorn,
or shelving them as mummies, that if you ac-..
cidently disturb, you are certain to hear rattle
their teeth, and give - forth hollow sounds that
are notsoolhing, coming from dead folks.
• But if you mass killyour fellow man, do not
fail to do SI effectually.. There is an instance
in *lint that may serve sea warning to these
who talk of reading others oat of the rty,and
still more tp those belligerent pa who.
if their wishes are not acceded to, threaten - to
"make &Mee howl." '
_ A few yeah ago there was iii Bradford , Coun
ty, a man whose ability as a speaker and a pe
htical manager was of common reniark, not
only in this county but elsewhere in the State.
Even'in other states his ability was conceded,
and. that he was a head and shoulders above
any (Aber Man in the PennsylvantaLegislature.
Certainly there was-no man whose opposition
.toanv measure in ttie Senate lia4 a greater ef
fect, than that of our Senator. But enemies
wished him put out of the way, for reasons bet
ter known to themselves than 'to the piblic.
Hints, dark and Unsatisfactory, were- heard,
innuendoes stirred in the papers, talk et brit).
ery and corruption grew thick; but there was
m all thefte nothing tangible. Some of the
papers which were most active,.had no - open
charges to make. They knew how to
"damn with faint praise,
assent frith cavil leer,
And without sneering tea d 1 the rest to sneer,"
while others openly 'charged corKription; in „that.
indetinite method of.neensation,.that has made
our paper; fair saropLa ,Etanswill
journalism. Wo marvelled thit the senator
did not answer ttr,wo papers,. at least in a card.
We widerstand it is'norlasliionabre„ especially
in politics, to answer indetinite charged of die,
_honesty, but it is a duty conOstent
.with Chris
tianity and good Morals, when a public. man iK
assailed in a public manner; that he should call
his accusers to a statement-of fact. • "Let not
tour good hf evil spoken of," is a duty that no
honest map in politics or out, can .afford to
neglect. We otlere,dnizr columns to his ene
mies to make charges, invited them to 'make
plibli: the corruption and. intrigire, but never
a word was published anywhere that ,led ris to
believe anything but that lion. Ot'orge Landon
was an honest. , .man, abd'had honestly and con-' ••
si .tently dune his duty by' his' constituents.' -
But his' enennes weie active. The people be
lieved in him, and it was only by the roust
strennou's opposition that be Was tinallydefeat—
ed for ,the Senate, having first beaten his' ac
overt fairly on their own field. Well, Landon
was "killed," . But there was a great mistake
Mall this attempt at slaughter, theylorgot h
"kill their man dead,"- and for a corpse he „r
altogether too lively. to he eomfortahle. A
corpse, with the amount of brains he 'ear ed,
It tongue that never failed to stir' en's
411 2
hearts with keen pointed W teasords,teasa' nger-
ous sort of cadaver to have lying aboup loose.
One might as well trust a bull in a/crockery.
store. -
Bart Laporte ; and others had " idled" the 1
agitator, but he continued . to agit ii neverthe
less, and afte.r.being "killed" wa the strong
est man in the county. Then w A Landon's op
portunity; had lie been a tru great roan, to.
hive risen above the petty c arrels.. and -bick
,erings of-local pOlitics and "w th an abiding con
fidence in the triumph o right, established
himself more firmly thaniyer in the hearts of
the people. But he whoin his enemies failed
to kill dead, accomplisAed that deed for them,
and. gave them a n ow ieacape frcim over
whelming, defeat. the teeth of the fact that
there sic a score omen ,in our, county -who
have first given
,syay to personaltine, and
ended with a•conyplete snrrender ' fo e enemy, i
George Landon bent over to' the TAmociacy,
and thus Cottl lifted 'suicide this 4c killing
himself demi. But while be was.tlying "lie did,
a miscellany us lot of thrashing alymt that cost
118.80ITIO•Sti es .
In view Irli , eorge's dying struggle;, we again
reiterat the assertion that it is best . in trying
to kill ^ man, to kill him dear!, and .if any man
Ls spa" ing to become what Ilantilinl would call
a ' md, damp, Moist, uncomfortable body"
p /
t . he rty C is an n e o gi s a rt n re ce r . *ay' than to give rein' to. his ,
• octal feelings of pique, and '.cut loose' frum
your article, laalf eulogy and .half
obituary. Having listened to such
slang for a long time, forbearing all
response until forbearance has ceased
to be a virtue, I gi'e the matter now
a passing notice. Whether the article
is your own 'production, expressing
your sentiments and breathing your
animus, or is the billions overflow of
some outside partisan, is. immaterial?.
You place it in the editoes, column,
and _thereby assume its paternity. I
send-my communication to the. RE
PORTER rather than to you for two
reasons: first, I wish your article to
have a .wider' circillation than the
. Gazette can give it; and secondly, I
dare not trust- you with the reply,
for he that will invade the sepulchre
of a dead man, pitching over and ex
posing his seared bones, would -not
hesitate to garble, steal, Or suppress
a manuscript. You ,give rue 'great
praise for talents possessed and jinn
'ence once exerted, Please consider
yourself thanked. Thel \ only --repr:et
is, that ale complimenteannot be re
turned without* violating the truth.
Let this. suffice • for - introduction!
Now to businees! The hub of your
article, and the bald lie which von
wish to cheat the public into believ
ing iethis. in your- min language:
" George London, went over to th•Dent
n,tocracy, and thu. _committed suicide by
killing himself deal". The answer
shall be specific, and easily :under
stood. _
My Republicanism isA)r than
the party, a party' both o or and
aid, without pressing into iti service,
slander and falsehood. The grand
principles of that party as inow - sq
ceived and established—Mserty ,'for
all—every man equal before he law
—he that obeys,supports and end.
the goveitimenta shout help by is
,ballot to mould and 'fo that gov
ernment--these and lirndrekprinci.
pies I advdcated .long before you
heard my name, possikly berate your
beard was grown; certnly when rot
ten eggs were the arguments of gain
sayers, a weapon of attack surpassed
in meanness only by your late article,
Parallel with these Sublime princi
ples, and in harmony_ with them, is
this great Country to run hencefOrth,
and no party ignoring them willbe
permitted long to hold the places Of
power and trust, for the American
people have thus— • deciiied, •by
both ballot. and bullet ; lind the
decisiOn is irreversible: HaVingest:
tied for these same principlm f Then
they were hissed at and despised, I
shall not now be lied out—of their
love and support when they are tri
umphant, enthroned in grandeur and
glory the land over, always: have'
been,. am now, ever shall be with the
party* upholding these ideas and
against all - partick - oppo* them-.
- 1 . ),0 • yoncomprehehd? Does, the
statement 'penetrate the clouds and
darkness round about: you? _ If so,-
we pass..
. Two years ago when Geo. Stevens
democrat and John B. !finds republi
can were opposing candidates forthe
'office of County Comaissioier, re-
garding the office IS a Ftrely busi.
ness one, Where taxes are levied, col-
lected and disbursed, knowing Ste
vens to be imeasnrably the most
competent man for the place, I voted .
for him versus Hinds—and hundreds -
of staurich.Republims did the same.
For this vote I make no apology;
should give it to day under the same -
circumstances. Thitis the only Dem
ocratic vote I have given for twenty- .
five years, it this.makes 2ne a Demo- .
crat, what say you of . all . the - other -
Republicans voting for Stevens as I
did ? Are they also all Democrats, '
gone over, hook and line, bob and,
sinker, and "demd dead" anyou say _
lam ? 'Where do yen put (freely,
who at the same election said through..
the Tribune "whenever an 'unfit or
incompetent man is nominated by the
Republicans, scratch his name from /
the ticket; and if his Democratic-op
ponent is competent 1434 reliable,
vote for hfin." Will you announce•
in your next issue that Horace hits
collapsed, swashed over, gone "demd
dead'' with the rest? -
Whyrfriend Hooker 'tis better to
be right with a .Democrat than wrong
.with a Republican—better to
. copy, a
saint out of the *church than imitate
a devil in it, better to worship noth= -
ing than to adore , and reverence an .
ass.—though he sit in the chair edi
torial. With - all its defects however;
your article indicates more - Tents'
activity than anything injolr paper
fora short, age past; and if coming
into contact with" a dead man thus
stimulates your own genius, would it .
not be to the edification of Vow read-.-
ers, were you to tie- ypunilf perma
nently to'the inspiring corpse of some •
one who in his life had brains? •
In your closing paragraph we are .
informed - "Landon . has cut loose
from party allegiance." Let me tell , „
you' that ' no sensible 'find true man.
yields unquestioning . allegiance . to-
any' issociotion of his fellows ; wheth
er .ecclesiastical or political, 'following. • _
blindly theiPmiuidates, be they die- .
tated by meanness or wisdom. Such •• -.
allegiance may be yours it is , not
mine; it is . becoming a tool,-notbe.. ,
fitting a man.. But I am excommuni
Dills are cheap, and plenty.
The poor old. Pope fubnines his aft#,--
themes against Victor Emapuel, and - '
the Gazette flimb - p upon stiltsa iidt•
plays Pope-- in Bradford . Co:, The. ' l.----
King . of Ifraly united is shriveled by _
,the glare of the one and Landon,
dead is crispedby the - touch
_of the -
other. Ye mighty disposers of htt- -
man destioies—be propitiated!. Stay
your hand of wrathful realedictionl'
Who can tong. abide .- your -.thunder ;
bolts of terror !. Jupiter upon Obitu- •
pus grasping' the, lightnings is in
comparison but , a 'pier-ninny.. - -:
• A. S. frooker r Editor.of the North; , - ,
111 Ti"r Gazette ; I am now done with
: , 0 ,,, and in letting you -drop have ,
Onlv_to itriologize to ..the *reader for
'making-so much of a sinalllfar . r.
. in ,-,- oneral terms' I, have a few'farther. . I ani ill the Republi
c "-
1 party. I ain needed there, if. for
o other : purpose than to scourge its
liarS, who labor :issidiously to betray .- -
the public into the belief that I am. a
renegade, and I . shall-continue , the: '
scourginguntil on their partainend-: ''''
ment follows-lashing .
f •., . - ,
• Belonging' to th e party hoWever,. ,
does not impose the obligation to •
obeyinaplicitly thC 'commands of any '
clan, though they assume_ 'to told.
politicially.the keys of : .death, if not
hell. Gentlemen, you who volunteer
to read my . funeral service, for two .
years you have stood Ron the street.
corners, with pouting eyes and innt- ,
,teringlips whispering to every, pasi- my alleged' dereliction, ' all for
the purpose of poisoning the public
mind that yeti might have the wider
and freer course. Becoming bolder
you speak now through -the press.
I 'Toted for James G. -Birney. I plead. . 7
for Republican principles when those , •
principles had-no offices inibeirtift_
and when many of you were voting
with the elavoeacy.and pleading . for.- -
plantaton supreniacy. I love .those
principles to-day more, ardently' than
then, and hate political hypocrites
more intensely than ever. fly the
genii's of consistency,. you are not
the men to read me out of any r party
Where the rightiof Man are respected
and Liberty is, the divinity adored.
Whenever you attempt it, I bid 'you
defiance, - and hurl unutterable scorn
and contempt full into your _teeth.
To you I make no promises of fealty,
but I demand that the Intelligent
people shall, rule; and if being with .
them and for them gives a "title to
their'respect, that title shall ever be
mine. You say lam -dead. Why
not, then let me rest in quiet? Why
repeat the thing ten thouland tithes
with Tien and lip and type?
Is it upon the philosophical prin.
ciple_that when a man affirms any
thing, the truth of which he doubts, •
it is only by continued 1-eaffirmation
that he comes himself to believe his
own assertion? If so, work on; and
you nuty ultimately believe yourselves
whether others do or not. Meantime
remember, that ghosts of the dead
have sometimes sent a shiver - through
the souls ;of the guilty that the speech
of the living could. never- produce.
These lines are not written in ill hu
mor,but with 9. painful sense offiuman
meanness as - some times.manifested.
As Brougham said to Vietoria so we
say to you formally, " Have a care to
yonrscl:•es, for your doines are sera-•
licill co- ,, peralP with any party I;.ts
the right, I will I: the'slave
,if , no part y
Fur the wrong. Such is the recreanpy
and treason of • . •
FAT 11E\.— . It is a striking fact '
that most persons want to weigh
more-than they do,and measure their
health by their weight, as if a man
were a pig, valuable in proportion to•
his heaviness. " The racer is not fat;
a good plough horse has but a mod
crate amount of flesh. 'Heavy men-.
are not those which experienced con- i
tractors employ to build - railroads"
and dig ditches. Thin - men, the
world over, are the men for enditr
ance; are_ the wiry and hardy;'thin
people live the longest.% . The-' truth
i is, fat is A -.disease; and, as a' -proof,
fat people are never well a day at a
time; are not suited for hard work..
Still, there is a medium lietween . fat
as a butter-ball and thin and juice
less as a fence rail. For mere looks,
moderate rotundity is 'Most desira
ble, to have enoughil . esh to cover all
angularities.' To accomplish this in
the-shortest time, a man should'work
but little, sleep a great gait °flu,
the • time; ' allowing nothing to
worry him,. keep . himselfy a joyous
laughing mood, and live chiefly on
albuminates, such as boil d cracked
wheat,' and' e, and oats, and corn,
and barley, with sweet milk and fat
meats. Sugar is the; best .
known. - I .
A wEsrEnx paper, describing the
debut of n young orator ; says: " li e broke the
ice teheitiouslv with his opening, and
most drowned With applause." .
PEACILES. and potatoes are,the prize
ir9ps this oFason..