cufturtd. '.g [Fcir She Ittronren.] in the Shade. .Garden: It boy and my fdher k of :hoeing- in' the field, upon some: hot vould fancy to myself here I might, work in ir, and keep perfectly it would be, thought ,trader a thick shade of When I teas gave me the t gar4en or corn day!in Jttly, MIZE= summer wetitlA! How fin: I, to hoe corn appletrees, or. a deep ravino, where the 13 un con not scorch 'with his ivhoro coolr4eshiin bubble forth fr-lim the to water my thirsty fierek rays, Jul - spring-s wonld roolsOn.‘af'. l , by 11111 re ftAind . the i< I T ,ect" to shade s .l have 1;11 of my - boyhood: I lard near my house,- gty . with apiple - trees: 11th of the: place (this_ LI, tell ine that the or I rields abun antly, but eky year f : apples. I among e.. , branches -tang by insects, and ,mni.-- , e of- the excellent _. _ t0.,1-ilet.l the place to itarc'..all CM M=E2 nii•nicr perup firA Otani Oftp . n. this 11111 see (;Tylv t ftrx t.Lese. 'art Aitt p rP:1! 111 i Ottliti‘ ;12 I.'-ut 1 - wasl linalit In fact up, for N.c.-allt §peak 'or the shade. , the tree arelhot lack hey sceiu to be making. flint ii theabundance of love - s. T. 0 trees arc low, the branc4s peit i att. the foliage green and luxuriant!, shutting ,out quite cf feetiNlely thel;ig - ,ht of the sun. Find-. inn theat the previous occupant of the (i, orcliard had cultivated 1116- soil be "neath,as well gathered the fruit over head, 1, , 0f Co trAe, ( . sneh is the pow er of . eampl ) had the soil ploughed ;Lind put to .service as a garden. I -i,•ulo aroun I among my neighbors :-11-4. - na.‘le fre inent trips to the stores, ~. rot:url - pg - a I kinds ..of seed—pota tte,-., i--fn, t matoes, beans," squasti; ' •v. - lmtcv r seemed 'to. be called ma: thus .eqUippeq l ay hand . and stakes to proceeded to' line o 4 ange my 11.11:4s for a :‘..r intde. p got well arwork, I had n that corn and tour: of grow in- the shade. d that father'• ci...rn al rather light-complesion . ling under shade trees acted that tomatoes hay i t de. of their oirn, and ax ripen .before the- ear s planted in. a iiiinn . )011(1 a feiv patches be , .ces which received sun at through the middle o there I planted tiles taf , les.• But potatoe's \Vat .grow,,anywhere. lon,g :tops'-- under trees, at' and there as i. c, - errun'evevything. Po not -o dainty in Opel 1, .1 will pot Alicia whet-. vo couljll.i. shade at leai , on from is•ating storm.. .nted by my -stakes ant rens:. tihlntmg iny pa, - with the irees,.so that i :ate vegetables an I .•,.; two birds With on • ltivating tau crops wit vork at 'the same tint : !. . fancied, I will have n y (011se4inence to' hoe, far. reels grow under a doub e ple tree:; and, potato top '. ' a eooling protection ovoi .d refreshinog breezes sti 1:m• !. ,, .11;%11s: ..;hall, liar cc 'f Ma - v 'blossoms, an Jam! f4iagts, I:ui a tas' N i S, t .11)1AO:i 41 1 their set / i-hi. , a, upon some inornir with hue in by, j. .rwx!, atiti-kanl '. , '7: IL S .111.6 r I. ha preuionitie / ti,y r would 1 1 - rem , m l )er , I ztiiJ Ifuraltr . Vciity of sh, it ~t lilil'll' to fro - ts Ino.o I,i:lN'. So t Ott! Lglit :w,l (lit" i.Luity. 1 §1:1 VI., Slo,Cl, =Mr tto,:\ t-;.t , ;ire L. Wits, an *. ..•v v 1.1 proEct i ' I ssiu.l ti , in line fruit; stunt,or t• the sathe .Ind then I weeds .of at how can rcil ~ itad() of al v v it. at n r th de, l!lofragral zilvright. iv .11;. tflin t i% , ~:,rt!i .., . oat inV garden, I iit!l,• , ::•1 : , .t e::Ieli end of tit.:n; Inc with cheerin g :iy.:•!; ~f" : , :ifl(lrefil i ii g ' ',Vitil . such fanci(is rivi .;,fl, i!,:,•-•tnind as I antic nin :ter labor, do you wo - llte.l-nty seed liberal y .f . ,,,-,r,1 .sith ~.pii to t! , ~•ui , ::tion of ga •ilialing' i.aial, I had la ger hop .1 ever realize: My Sc , for.. - the trees , ad put t finer -. foliagL The rol les. were stra ght wh i Or ( between tie orcha a : apple Iblosso r as open(Lurking ' my- garden for ,-- isefaut. to th.i .hell, tu., •• , D o- the sight. I The thick Iv.: extravaganit of leavA ay of situtin. dared tO .blt -the sees which hid i, in its sproatii g, the ,lex v. the trees; is n4w sttult4ld ‘ssive foliage. ! Trne,thc i.e. to - scorch the workini ir , encouragement to EL around_ the rnmy sho t sooner bent than bruktu, lii. of weeds •t: ven • nuclei . a de of 6 - rierfi tf.l 'vege a -I:wceits. and ill Illalit . er It liCrl i A will glow in a iy 4 •i:Illy - if . yon want to cml i ll plants on I the salt le :he _potato ttipS grew vel.y ~xpected, hut It they gr w nip assunder etvery tint( z....ii them - , a %void:nes:s tl : ihiiel l exiA:cti ig. An, :pros:.:ed - that Hie tali i id w'ill be 0. 77/ s ma ll i „„ (. , am working in'this tangy 1 1,1 shin vegetalles.,l c-i - n till 1 , . ei'io.Nigli t ) beep tal i I gq v..itLout my .1 cii )04g lino:A.:ell T off by t .ii u,.,inl. Beside 2 the Jill S : th,: shade .alid iley i'lic cud' of any pour vieti u myself, tray have Ulu-nII.A 1 have eoneladed; tl,al : 1 p , r4ir....tion are bet 4.- ..r. Lim, •I 'final insidiously ' y thi% - e . :cri f l hiseetsr. 'I he V, how I im.iQi . iied Loading d watei at tim e end . of •ay found it llt ,, rtf. 11;leftSfUlt IA) . `c otbi., - r side c',l the ya •d; Nittertli6, wno lit•ar the N 111- ei:lint! ,1 :111 , 11•F r 0118 wh ell 'tl' 4;:l1r to . ' grow in • ii id re aggravate inv dis. once ~,tll, sing one ill `4ID front the iwindow it "bl6w do you like work nl lc ':'• Ilr a.pasking neigh ;s With lunch inure trnt . Friend I'-' v ~i ipply the ME =I J 1 • ,t -__•ttt •Is tl,an i .ha „v.t:He up ii !Lcir moil Th ,~; ~'n~ili~ I , l;l ti ^i aliiH~ ME :71.g • . - I,j I e:1 • . ::~ ..t;.: !j 1 .. ..f •~:.:~i1 }' .•lat': •~ 11 '1 as.' .!, i I IVi ~1 to 14,.1-;,:ro, ME .t 'r; f~~ .i i... itb 1.t.11(1-ent MEE 1 1 0, 'like t lurk. 0.1:- 1 A ;It( ,is( e.l I • latle girls 0 . 11p!-i of CO have frolic tin t !,;:sin g ME 1,10.w' , 1) e MI (` illifoit, • iteiing MIMI MEE •r rum:l .:;u:11 -1)2(..trl ,v,tll . .4 i,:appfunt mot (lulling" have U wiser for 1;11, til( thin;: I . . - I IThave made, svrce good whirr I hope to INT. ver again try to rase. two the san:o soil at the sane, r:z . • , licit work wheitl u•rntj to thereof.. I will ur what I dernd. • er (Taint ehiel i ens before hatch d.This prov4ib 7 roin *he Ling lage-of tki i e d to the I,m n- rde will reit( :1 I IlilNl 111 =I I Will IR -1.111 :e.u4 L. In f vileerfully .will .ne MEI lrallr , lat(11 \ a \c.~•: . il i g4 large r 1: - .10. 4 ;'growu. li. . -1 ?•1; thiwkfl •i:;;11 MEM I PERM ROSENFIELD & WOLFF. 1 We the undenttgued would reavoctfully inforai • citizerwof 7'cnratuta and viclulty;wo •do hereby • .. that bur Mock of SPRIING (.‘iOtODIS, crr4thiug to the line of ±, fr is N- c+ GENTS FIIANISHENG,: DOEZEnt. MC I) iO.VERCOAT-S, • - Anil all of the Litntst Style or t. 'OATS; PANTS, ,AND VESTS, HATS, CAPS, .be reduced prices that it atll.ashittrh the roiiinannity. Come to the store of ItOSTIFLD k WOLFF and examine oureoil% and prices before pnrchasing, and satisfy 'yourselves. We guarantee all tp give satire satisfaction. We are thankful to our gamer one cuetomera and friends for theta past liberal pat ronage and solicit a-continuance of the saute. FOE 4 ENFIELD & WOLFF; •-• • 115 MAIN STREET. TOWANDA, pa. 10).1'71 . - (Next to-roik Mercer's). . THOSE' GETTING THEIR CLOTHING ISI&DE TO OiDEIL X9ll Should study two thing.. First, to GET THEM WHERE FIRST-OLASS CLOTHING IS MADE • , rcondly. :WHERE THEY Ant: SOP) CHEAP . ; , i. And In order to be aide to sell& rood article cheap the merchant must understand his business, apd kndw how, where and what to buy as. a practical man dues; and a PVACIICAL TAILOR In all ita braiadica I prOfers to be,liaving had EIGHTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE In the hosinese. lihve bleu I cutter some of the I au My own hnying, rt•lititg,atut cutting. ami thrhle my profits with no man. ap that 1e413 of an—and with low rent -ami otbur cipengeH tn prp2 iiorboh. thus Mating the Lost; of carrying bu the businetss eery tuna reading the alio\e.Yun will ewc why it le that I CAN SELL GOODS" CHEAPER Than men - following rim boa/nem:4 and baying or knowledge of it therm‘elvea, have to etni , loy others a , largo salaries to attend to it, at'd enatotnera tuns "pay amordlngly nr tbny, ayaelt DO BUSINESS TO LIVE BY IT If you doubt the 3b-le siateuiPut, be cotmuced by • , .1 ug HENRY 11AIHILS. mcrohaDt Tati...r. Bridge Ht.. Tvaiatula, Pa. Ang.lo.'7o 1 IL OIEN's AND BOYS' CLOTHING Ii kTS AND CAPS ( - All pix,.lr warrant• soil t Litt lut,tt rain Muth •torn m Morn-rt. AIISS E. 7. KINGSLEY, Wo:Jfet. t !Munn tint lade sof Towanda and ‘ninity tlnkt r 1 I.'c ps bully uu Inniff a largo supply of M ILLIN~~Z " G(x)an, KtitAbte to the mason. Thanktog her pat rons for their hboral patronage heretofore, sho o es , sores them that no C%1.111011t1 mill by sparcul to en. sure a ortottunance of the rams. She also has a fine seleetton of HAIR AND FANCY • GOODS, Such au Ku•l Gleire.,, Lint• C011ar,.,, Ce:4, . I lia‘C 3.18,1 rt , ,, l, in eon nection with the ahorN my DRLM 1111iING eoablt4laticut, and 1 ant gow 1 prepared to do .. S A - CUTTING and FITTING .- - . I in the latest Cliiltionalph . ,'ntylen On Fhort nonce. Entrance next dour to Fox A.• "Me cur's, up stairs. 1 April 4,'71! , IN4W GOODS AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG BONNET B. .1. PETTES ,t, to., Are now off,rurf a rat Candy of FANCY, DRY (=DODS, CHEAP, 1 3 . 1triT.S: 117SLiNS, GINGHAMS, - ' LINEN AND WHITE -GOODS D„ItESS PON. AND GIIOStifLUN N - r,xtr. q,zality SHAWLS, LACES, LACE ,gp /YANKEE NOTIONS, (Alt gar( en )112 - I,ket t• HJAIB GOODS. M 'LINER Y . G 0-9,D Sc. ts eren i of their uses esynri- Pt ary quantity. qua:ay or prate that. the instrkri 35 ; !1:ters sipl.l:e 1 at \r;t• yorl: pre ,Towanda, April 20. 1F71.:-.9111 DURE CIDER VINEGAR -AT FOX k NIERCUR'S. T\OOLEY'S RARING POWDER ! The very riest ever offered to the public, ftold j0n15.71. FOX ts ItERCUIt. aOOD MOLASSES FOR 50 ,' c cat per gallon at FOX k. MEIICTIR'S. • Oct. 6,M. • r SASH, DOORS, ANT? BLINDS, -I amuirepared to tarnish litlndri i lioors,•Sain and Wills of any style, aino, or thick:l2cm,, on Snort potter, Rand' in your tankers, ten days before you Taut t,•Tuse the articles, and be sure that you will doors that ;will not' shrink or mccll. Terms cash mu delivery. Towanda. July 19, 1.571. at i mn Be pttitint I fpi J. 11.- N.l: Clothing. AND Suctijas CASUIISEItE Aud all of the Late?". Mtylen of Poet IlnilLwei .1U NEW YORK CITY A C 0 11 S , , Ul:.\:,E f:: Milliners: 11a,14-errhirfe. lien! ('r , f'~l.., stcu TICKINtis. Ac ism) sruEmys, Ac G 0 0 DJAI, S. I L K S COLL A RS, nrAL AND lIMATION dralqr,lg GEo. CSSII Books 'mid Stathbleq. DIARIES FOR 10,71 PAP & KtiVELitsPES. NEW 2 YOVE PAPERS_ SCHOOL • BOOKS Mu 810, StATIONItY AND Pzcruu BrILIN'K BOOBS YANKEE NOTIONS 41e- .• !Towanda, Nur. 19, 1863. MisceUOLs. TOIYANDA Marble. !Works. GEO. McCABE & SON • Elate Just received 'the lafgest assurtuwut ut AMERICA A .. D ITALIAN MC & R.OE3 LI ! • Ever exhibited in thi. .4..ition. to which, flay invite the attentliju of the ',MA... - They keep tat Laud or fuiruhlh to order NI 0 N'U 11 1 1. E N T S, • TOMB STONES,I MANTLES, &c., ui i , ti rry etslc AT THE LOWEST TEIfIIS Pyrronerin wnnt of an3ithinn in our lino are re ipectfuity 11.% our stock. • - _ 31;CA_BE . SON. 1 Tr•Nott•.(in. May 1. IK - a. t CENTRAL 11IABliET. . i The subacriberm ~.- t ill continue to lay cowtautly on hand n full ajod compe te suosortnient of every. thing portalti •to their huainefie, cousistiug 124461- ly 01 BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT SUGAI4CURED lIAM'S, . MUTTON, bErs, .3.4.:1.1t, l'lLlf.. i . ' VOt'I,III. _, 1'3,1r.:5.V.3 r, . t LARD, ii io i, c . l l'..i..l. 1 DRIED LIEU% / T.,L1,01y, ke.„ta., Alfa, F \ . I ' S IRESH 1110111 THE.LAKpi triTErIS DECEIVED DAILY Bt tlir;: r.Nypon. I,Tio o'ster6 In large or. small rinahti.. PtuHl be fortoshe‘l. oil short notice., At the oh! .end, (:) , NTI:AL Mantzgr, Montat/ye's Mock, first door nort4 of Pr. Portert. Pots. U KELLUM, I J I Feb 91. IS7O-tf NA,TIIO NAL BANK ',La" . T.9WAND A .. • y Fuxp 40;000. 7 . Thia' i ntr.k oftrrs CsNOSUAL FACILITII:S for Mt ti--.4lkietion of a I ' GENERAL RAISING T US/A7,6, ;. INTEREST AID ON DM:6ITH Accor.Drso TO AGI • SYT.CIAL CAUZ GIVEN 1,0 TIM COLT:EC/10N Ur NOM. ILND Cam's& • . . Partir t g r hin g ais sta artotra to any part of Chit dl Sates, England,.l.crland, Scotland, t pttt. ripal ettirs and towns 'Or Europ ,, , can li-rr procurt drafts for that porpos.S. I f.IXNA6E T.ILWErh • To of hone the old contdry, by beet eterne.l or ead It4r, Uncs, ihraps ati ketttit. IMPVCIM ILNTLfk. 11!Offs( pout for U.S 1P4)414, Gild a,.dS4r-r. J. POWELL, Preaklent. Towanda, Juue24. 180, PERSONS IN 1 OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Mus 4 tak tort that JULES_ If IJ Cr" IiENIN, JEIVE EI? (1;7 5.31 TB, Uccy4.T n qih t NlAir fiLocK,rritr. NDA IS V./6 ,1111th' . re'.•it itq ,, uLliGcits to lan stock of. is othlE SUILIbiI, !Ur prcsetitn. such a,. LADIES' WATCHES, AMERICAN WATCHES • of all descriptfoON A.!Ao a ot•letiod somorm,,t of GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLi 1 - E., 7 .TT M T?., , all n 4. CLOCES OF ALL 3T17.43 FROM TUE CHEAP 2 . .) TILE Enit• rioLD. MIXER: AND I STEEL SPECTACLES AND . EYE-GIASSES to fltlall eager. of finpaire,t A"Ew T ICS T C(711..V0n.i TING , c'PECTACI.I.* tkiB patmt I alo enabled to exchange 0ta<2....s a: any Uwe wabont eatri , charge. Call and sm. ;. - . - I N'cI.OO.T.S. W.kTelll:. - i A I) .IF.WELIti Itl-IPAllill , . .07.T1 *sr-psis - rm. , . '------•., Towanda. Dec. s, Isi9. • " ' TOW.A.NDA. " -:-Tlitis high - bred 1: iitalllou %c.c.s airelby A1: 4 14,-3-ra(11:4-r-, ~ ?,, , , n n4, s ir,. nys.dyk's -liiirrililt , ton,,ian;•• dun, Vrn - low 1 Black Hawk ; grand lani, - yessengrr: on, whit, pa.tern behind, black pnints:. dark bay. IN hands and 3 inches high, 4 y .ais old In Jnly. ii, is one ~I a. , ir...t requarlzable in:Wats tilo C4nsntry has pr o . dii,,,i. He is livantihil. kind, and blood like. action tierfoci, posaeselr:;j r strength.. 'He is in c 10,.,• proxiluity to two of the most- notable stallions in this nation: .. Ilamblntonlan"' and -Ethan Aten, - a fortunate crcms; - TERMS-4100 to ineure. $25 at time of service. which will pot be retina...l in any event, and 175 when proven in foaL We have fme. stabling. and pasture, on•reasonalla4ternas. Beet posalble care taken ofMarea. All atieldents and escapee at owners ri.k. Beason, March ' Novendwr pen, Towaeida.Max.l:l":l - MIX tr. lIONTNNIT_ TRY OUR TEAS AND COFFER!, It OWELL k. IfTER. --- THE GEM FRUIT . ..TARS, THE beat to use, wholesale and teiail. - July I. . WCALE S MU. to O O 1 - E BEI N. N. LETTS. Cae Lirr SWISS WATCHES, arocorloi and. Proisions. THE IDIDERSIGNED, HIVING Ptirchuotha suttee totereart of R. H. PATCH, In the Aria of J. a. rent 05.; to acne Fevered to our to the citisoao of Watford Ocruaty ead "Ant, ty. e Lugo and well ielociad stock of GROCERIES, / 'WIWI I. have ruchatul P 2 Carl, and fed coilident that I cut 'Mat as low Agoras as can bn plUT.l.failorl elsewhere. I now offer to the public a ar4endid. stock of i aiLiS,, COFFEES, SUGARS, sAtirxirs, 8P1C173. &c. llare ez(liatid a large itack of . AKItON / FLOUR, GRAIOI DO „.:'lrrE DO., DUCTiIiIiAT -DO. • . I kee,p constautly oarlistgl. I'OIII, IIASf3, Lraw. and ail 'Wide of .ILSII. Would call the attention of the imablic ' Sto our Can't Be Mat • STOCK OF TOBACCO, - In quality ur price. Jesse oalJey's Celebrated Tann- MMII!EM Ploase cal and claroino our stool of WOODEN WARE large ar.orttuout of YANSTE NOTIONS, TOILIZ SOAPS. ke.. k.e. I *III ray the hicheist cash price tor COUNTRY PRODUCE Farrucce. gi‘c ue a call befuro elliug elsewhere. C. I. PITCH..II. Alf person to the late firm MSC eat and Inalt'4lnwctllato paytzwia c. u. rercu. Tu•.va7nla, Mardi. 12. 11,67. G ROCERY AND PROVISION S 'l' 0 12, _U. : McCABAL & EDWARDS, ho'caak• and Retail Dealers in FAINIII,Y 6.14.0 F, RIES I - l' .4 . 0 7 i 8 I 0 N laterit'S 'NEW DLOCK; TOWANDA. PA. 0.7 ti 11,1_,,Aary CL1111( rate :It! the aitt;rcut nxt.cleN we keep. Ottr assortment is ALWAYS COMPLETE Are A 11 t:wli:t:g tolt FI 11 ST CLASS Cr 0)0 . I) S. . . -Ca. , l, 1 •.::, 1 for ranneri rroducf, : ..I. .1.13112 S Mt CABE. 1114n:111. 1870. ' IJ. E.1)1VA111)S. pEOI.'LES • 01.10CEllY AND PROVII-loN STUBS .A7l'll, CC)1.:". ANL. MAIN e. 7 A cc:: ctciLck oS il.cwk GROCEMES AND I'IIOVISIONS, Which u 111 1'.•• 1. t t R. COI3PI~+Ii )11C.KEILEL, IIERIUSU, I'OlU(, IkaTTTON, ljAll, FIZtilT 01' ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOYT VElf - i.); MEAL, MAIN, R.CIUY g•t. !PT ; . WV pay for DAIRYMEN, A ronstmit ,u1,10.y of Salt, all nized CLurrut; ; butter and I .1 thr,l4.!, our r.t....k.:amt ore will at, our 1.-et. )..u. W. .1. '1:41-:AVII'LL. Towau,.l2l..Sprll THE OLD MAIN STIJEET • Ca rritz Fay Lcn•y. AIV)1; r 1;17A-NT ' al , AND WAGON 3, Of cNt.'l - 2; dr -Cl - .1;t:....1, at 0.1.,5td bt.a:nl}.4 0. Ii BEII )1 IN : 4 11:U.LT, TOVANDA; air Nvork 411 of tla LATEST STYLE AND;LFINISH. In tlit n..anufad.n, ~ 1 mn:;cse. 1+ need but BlisT STEEL AXL-EIS, L-r 001111'0*ITION BO,XES' Li;?;? Work PLATFORM .SPRING WAGONS MEI L OIDEIt WAGONS •:* t com't Mtiy him! Thebest r13(.4.1 in thi• mantifazttirc or t%limis. Spok. h - nre all riNt-.1 ent,-not F.3lVf ‘l. ALL :vor.'s SOLD 117.11111.1NTED EQUAL TO ..ANY .14 to fativit. Dad a= 20 (P.trat,illty:l .INl,* IN TIIIS-,iECTION bir ALL Wo¢c WATILMT.D. JAISIES BRYAN'T! 214.1.0'71 A.RFIELD'S COLD WATER SP7.I"•IVA.SDING SOAP, For salr by TWA Soap will waall all kinda of (11.411112 g In Cold Water. Other:Lard r tudt, al. any other ftoap will by the old faa.•i.'uod way ~f and warraoled_n:ot to Injnr , ... the ..71.41. 1:4-1141 , tul,r,no hot. water and IS , 11:11.:!--.111:t. a N 4117-4: i.hz 21(4 II eatin(x. Try It. and sat, yout..• •. rarigt. F R Er . • , / • NEW FIR ! NEW GOODS! FPo•.# now offering \orir Vbcbuialo and twin PITENITURE \EMPORIUM, 15'0. 107 The pleated Infigoonsents to, ooe In want of FIRST - CLASS . NITVRE! I:1w offered in this imarkitt: \ \ti The attention of tho pUbtic Ss , onwiarty aUe.l to our recent boar porrharica from the late Ore Ate. tion Sales of ' . CEMII3ER - ANti PARLOR - WALNUT MARBLE . TOP SETS AT $7.5 00. And . NICE . PAIILOR SETS, At $5O 00, Together with onr.Cornplote Stock • of BEDSTEADS, f3U.REAI.IS, CHAIRS TABLES, STANDS,. SPRING BEDS,•MATRE,SSES, • ,LQOIiING-G LASSES, And everything to ho roun.l In a Fir:A.l.lBa Furniture Store, CIILIAL'EIt THIN TILL' Clik:ArLiT ItTuring inE au n aro 17fier WAR s E o ° f 0 1 TTr 11*.t.n"minAnC-u -facture cheaper than you cart buy cityiade goods eltiewbere. Lumber taken lu exchange r gootht. We Alan fitrulat EIVETALIC BURIAL CASES, 6: , 11) corms me aloo Lavi •tb. Go. NI di li %%1 - 041 tLio Dtpot Fr, Townula, J. 11, 1671 AT J . . LONG, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD, WILLOW. AND WALL, FLOUR', FEED, 3I E c„ C 011; 'MAIN zAND ; 6 - BRID E I ca:: the 11.L1.c t•, tar: al.v.rtlitent t , f.r...1 ,- . -- 'wl/.41.1 alwro, 1101 at:4 wilt 1, Lly lf,:t tv.ark, t rates of . 7AS : .. COFFEES, AN , 1" - 04 !AC, tariff llla or olti,A• at !,n, •• -7 • • 1-0•••1:•1. a:l4 i.r att, Mll_ of the In thy llort I, :Icy Catr:hgy I • ...11..$1,t1t.clOt .1 .I,lvuuti, 'y r, , t1,..t, I,t the ,'• ~ i 1 Vs',l 1' %11 , I ~f Ni 14 4 •1 , • 1w.1 , 11 r !II • r.l: thy i' .•tv RAlysoN INTachine. A NE-.W `INVENTION. Anil applied to etery :::setine.; is I , i, caustruetii con do inq have to use the let;er in turn:lf.; either way. It will run lan any line just as nazi a• on a stra.uhi tine, talitin , s`.l the stile nrossnel; Iron: the *Dot .• s. It has a pstit sirvi will describe lon circle either air. halt the ;.:hur for the liortsis atulttrner. t.- :moue :;• 71...nti41 ur attacheilto the lowir ;num., to fo r :, lot, rtalint; a th, froxn tio granite. an I 1.:4611.• •t twel. ritstn. th.• .1:::- int;.whis:ls i nod :es?, iatij tine tit. Lite. malting Inc. of the lizlintbt dealt IJaa.i,l4l' a IL The hia , Line Lam ,t 1•1 v - reni.d.t .:• , ii tin a 21, I,:aet• of c . . L 4 1 CU-t.or Win 4 : 1. t.p n nt,.cl Fpnti^, with wr.l-lat it an.! way re that ran dej - 4.nd rp6n I:as!ni..! a :1:3C1.1r , r: that canal. It ha; cast rtr, i•ixatt. - , a:1,1 1,, tli plated :Nisch:ries are warrant, 1 in cvcry particciAr. If any part 1-real, In tr-atertal or worknianehiti urw part,. 17,11 , •-nt withutzt extra charge. The rigger Itar is carried at pith hc...ln; can change the %heck s, 23 I , ) rta thrrt• hei,ihts stubble. The Litt:chin, /222 a Itriltdo :anger I, ar, and will conform to thq tue. lt ii ! ties of thn ground user which It is drawn. doing lip good work ilivm tirvven ground as , tir , rieNt.l3 ground. THE REM'', BAR MACHINE Iras a ,Louble.f. , blin...7 Finer tar havlng a long l tu• onelltaLng mothm. Thin mchitx, has w - htht at both end,' of Oa darer bar. in F. arracre.l that you oau yet t cat h1.:::6! •nll , l 4 - a% back nnt rithott rah.imt the letcr. W,. • al4e two znanuf:wtone4 ol • the :Nnity the well-I:noc7n Taylor link , . art the; DaytrY: :klant:faeturin< IL2 malln,et . a , ; 4 Lc•trah,: u l at wholesale or r Mantif..cturt,lzt Allejatly r. nut:y. N by 1. J.: S. RAW ON. C. F. NICHOLS, Geu'l ap1.2r."71 • TOWAND STILES F.tern ; a t 01 tli, ,ntinty. O. k MEI:CUR are now reetiv -1, inc a frr.ll stock of fles3.lm In t*f•ir boncl.t tiv. Ist the tnytto the at 4 ,: tertion tlvir frinzvls, Wt. p tte it , town. Oar :•. - rAI c! Wo P• II at !, , w( niart,l Jan. 19. 1.71. VEESH A ND NEW TI SS, btmght thf• -111.1 , 1:n. :•.1 7rL a, , al r:.-pat FON: A: Jar, Fa, 1.71. FOX & .11E1let.711 arc selling Gro cvr, P at r. , :411. I?. 1471 r, OX k 9111Ctili, arc selling New and .I.m. 19. 1 , 71. • • OX 91ERC1313 arc selling , F : "Jan. la. 1,77. Fox k mEnctrn arc selling first - ...n,q Gothls only. • • .Tali. 19. IQ7I. - - Fox k MERCI - I2.:Lar6 selling ch , ...aper thart^o, - Pr. ' t - ' - 19, 1.371. - PpEArEIIIIER that, ix:i; are - selling (i...m.da at i -' RETAIL! I . v 1 .11! , 1 that 7.`r ~1 111-.• r.r.,14. n. , .: 1. I Jan. 19. 1171. FOX .':. 13.1111CI'L. A,TICITIG AN FINE-CUT TOBAC i T_L cu—vory .1v.i. ,,, --at .13u. 19, 1 , ..71. - YON: 4 SIFAICUIVS. _ .._ 17`i ON: &, MERCUIt do noti deal in 1 Shoddy 0 , ,,..1K. ' . Jan'. 19, 1.'71. (ID; U CUSTOMERS can rely u p o nN..._./ szett:eig the Teri best thy' market s!Tords audit lowest pricer. . E. T. FOS. _Towanda. Jan. 19. 4 71. HENRY .ItEncim. pLASTErt. - : PLASTER, afFILCIT. A full 61, 1'1 4 Y of Fr.!sli Gronna CayU a l'lsstor frnrt 'rat4:cr. I'l4-11 t Co.'s bade I,t the subscribers 9i.e111, I,t woutiA of liouLiu,rilL-1.1 uteoly rrs: par.o.d awl vtarrultvil 1011, ap1.12"11- in.• We are . now offering. itostWooll CssEEtS. Of o-vry ROUES. CAL'S, .tc FINEST IIE.11::-E 111 thifi ,!) of f.,...11:1tryi. .J.l:',ll.`i U. Fr.thlT ❑u'a. ' G. 1 11,0e1 TOWANDA., PA SPIC E , IIM:111 Eur.vr,r OF 14 1 71 PATENTED NOvEmBEItt 1.7 d. SULKY ItAKKS PLASTER •uily Maatthis.' FOM)ERY s BIACTIM SBOP. The an tler l haring Forehand the Fottndri and Machtne Shop lately owned_ bi Join Carona are prepared to do all lands of week a ng to thelr btudness. with promptness and way.... MILL CEA - RINGS,' CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, "MA N. , D I L'L .And all kinds pt • UILL N' zuor. To ouTsrp.. ENGINES REI'AirtED, And all work warranted to give . a3tint. t ion SHINGLE. MACHINES , Of Ow Latekt, luDet, itsiproVl.4 kinds tianufactturd and kept constantly on hand ready for use. PLOUGHS, \ • AND WOODEN Dr %Arm (Jf LIE kir.tla. CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS , PILOUGH.I'OINTS UL arite truprontr.cuts kept col/phi:lly ou hand. CHURN YOWLRK,' LARGE AND SZIALLCSIZE S 'l' 0 V E• CAS VI. 11 0 S ciaaAr. GRAM, SLID AND SLEIGH . SHOES LUtGE IRON , SkTTI,Es And all - kluds of castings farnisLed to • Warctt 30, IS7O. .LEANS k LOCKIVELI« & co., ittiku. to otaaid'a.ditre their celcbrated SE, .P HOEOW S - .. EIZ3 • ..CL.EANE.IIS, v. ill ,•tli a ti-tt-r loath:rat for lees money than r ;:p..b, 1a I In the, werrkt. We claim for cur thwthiies that. they will do l am Muck, or more, aLiy oilier, and are more durably built. We n,l oar, work, and eve that it la viall down. We will send PISCRIPT:VE CATitool3l:so or our u.sichluLq, ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, tf Hors. , THRESHER gt SEPERJTORS. 1 711ILF.SITER c.. 1 CLEAVERS, F-ANNING MILLS, CH:CI:L.6 AND 11-to .-e.AW sAw AM) tinNr . 311 LL work doer to rirder Hive 11,5 a cal! Ih.torr \"4 "03 `5X:411.1.1. '• 0 3, (I 0 0 'I. U ' - mz. 2:1,41). EW C.1.1:111.1GE F.SCTORY ! ... Vu riue., 11 NI du and rm I. Sireet.A. back 02 G. F. 31 CU.'d TOWANDA; PENN'A HENRY 'ST(; ( I,,EN k, CO., I:e,lcsliuny t 3 14:, I ',afro:.l iLat NEW . CALIZL\ .I*.N.CTUIVY whcre aral IL: , tau Lly puu S!./.1.1 a full aaCCIL t 4 Lt 0: ` CARRIAGES,. TOl' OI'EN BUGGIES, PLATFORM . I.VAGON, T1.(.))1: SCI,h)",;. A.NI) SKILII63I ME LNSTECTIOti OF HIS 111,1,1:1, pruvimiti to I Lc: ALL 11 - 01;li WARI:A.YTED tyItFECT SATISIACTIOA Thankful for the Lberal patronage formerly ex tended and, respectfully ask a cuntlnnance of the tame. - !It - PAIRING ; l'ilo:kiDTLY ATTENDED TO 11. 7-:\V PLANING .1 Lavin.: built 3 aid comtuc , -- dr.;., 3:11: al tlit• C0;0t......1.1 Of T 4, 1 , 6311da. aid - filled it tt ,t :• 4r..1 for • ' N l / 2 ;,A•-li AND INDs It wlarlia.: large, oz •.!1 We , Lan - . 41010 a Large ra rt,iy tbol.:b. , at,:atyle and pattern, ,L,Lh clwapvr than they cau be 1,a , ,b. 'ION , AND sul:u4JL SAWING, will be tl,: , ne t. F , :;! Our Pereolis and itet tiozo than twelve to f011rt.,.0. mtb ., 11.-tart, will find it laigely for their Int-rLut lviy t,, , o - .llrwo their lar.tltur and hare f.or ry. 3-or griFt of I:oonntt. or tlthrr r. ana l while your team to fee,lmg. liaNt ;;: ,, ,m'.l dut and o:ie it horn-with. We all! pay.r PINE AND 11E110Ct.' Luati:val Innib,r yard. Conic and ; 'A rite. • Towanix, Feb.. ISi 1. L. IS. noDGERS ..: CO: 11()Oli IINDERY. ,- --TITE PUB 1, - tfully inf , ,nth.--1 that th. , 11,11;1;-114i tlery bb,. n r. , ut0r..,41 to LI, - 14,1ort:r" Du:Ming.: thfra uh, rt. LOVN , XINDINGI In &II tt v.•0: , 010 t , :rn: rott.t.torialtlo ...the trlne. Tlte,lttnth.:ry will be under tL e t H W7TITAKER An el.prriett, rorflor, and ail work *lli Ltyrunti.tly dons ita 3 , •t:de and whicb vannot excvl . l(.4ll Ne , :t . 5pap0r...01.11100%x...02..1x0tnd 411..ty ,tyle. lt:trtloltlar at:tilt:oli thll bu t t!,2 3:1 , 11:1111.111,: ut LL.LNE ni)ons To ,Lemrcd ru, iu quality au.l dura bility will 1.0 'ran.muted. All work will l) fesity for dolivery v.lirii pronileca a the pubila am! per feet p.ato - f.1,1,0 • Toivan2a. Atwtod 2. Ir,r4—tf. BAKERY AND DINING : ROOM F :r o, t north ,of Ward Hoc, BIiEAM'PLES;CAUE,CRACKERS: BAKED DAIL y 1 auLl Iteta.l 4 ' Tn oqr TIC!: .3IS wif will 7 1 ,,, Inttdate-tho public ....MI eitlicr a tuned or a goo‘l meal at all of :La day as 1.,:‘,../altg• orsTF.n ,,, .‘Nr , ict Cfl JON 11. NI) DrutNo THElrrsEAso:s.:, .1.1.0 a iitm as.. , rt.Lout of Grocefies, Com4ect.Luzu , ry, Frt;it:;. ay1T7.1.1.f NV. SCOTT k CO. p ItICELIST-C.ISCA DE mua,s.. Flour. 1,„„t quahty, Rack .f 2 25 .; huudros: ..... 4 SO Ccutout grindin g - araally (lone at °ace, as the ca pacity of the sarial:ut fu; a large amount of work. 13. INGRAM. • Caruptoat July 23. We. THE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN tosin the ainantity or retail at FOC. k. NERcnyvic: - - COFFE E, TE ulioleßfle' • • 4uly I.,WrCAI3E _ _ ' .4 LL KINDS' GROCrEREES . A Piosixionoi .who!onde and retail. at 3day,29. C. It. PATCi'S. COAL )y till (gallon or 1..1.1 sal: IN th t - 17.15 CUMFANY • ESEI SSE n 411;...,t! MILL Hardware. MARSHAWBROTHERS HARDWARE STORE, - , 31BRCUB'frKEW BLOCK, TOWAIiDA. PA" 1/4 tbo place to buy all "ktrula of JEC 'A. V 7 A IZ c • or cash. We two du baud arid' aro reCetYlog a large titoelret HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Dc•ons. atm, -t at- I'UTIY ♦ND LE - ITHEIL LELTiNO Our raints, Oda, 14c., arc of the beet iptality and will be sofd very tow. ire are also ap..nts for tho Great • AMERICAN STEAM SATE, (HANDoirs.B I%7'i:sTh • The only reliable Fire Pr. Also FAIRBANKS'S. SCALES; SCIIAGHTICOKE POWDER CO:, - BAIiGiVB naw DOSE SA.qI.IER PHOSPHATE Our titocrot IN - aIN-WATZFJ Is cat/largo and a.anufetetured, out of the bee material. ,:4"ie ' are also_pregoared to - do Jobbing of all kiu :cella only agents for the celebrated new'',. • • EMPIRE 'COOKING • STOVE, Tho bent cooking biuire to uw:. and, every Moro warranted to give satiqtaction. March 10, '7O. THE. - LARGEST MI MOST COM.PLET.E. ALaohtuctst vt j E AV E L it: 1-, W.. 1 T(411 ES . (1, : („) S. 1' L TED W 4 li SILVER AV E, GULL LNG S, (;OLD ,k .r th, 1.4 • 11. , v u rxiZOAtt,,:, huCt hic tale itt the wal-Lnewn ttere 1. •3~=~ A. L.) II A3l .A. 1 N Mr C . mt•triii: . l Cri• city. iri•l Vat ,trr himself that his stuck has been trunght at b.); tutu fi7.115:( A, and that h, can otlir 1., tter inducts-, 11121.1t3 to rilreli.l.7S 7:1 V: Ilr•t-,1.1 4 F-::00t1t; tli i nny Cstabtiphment ti thn ,onnttji TXPORTANT TO ALL WHO -JIL VALUE THEIR SIGHT! Tho sight of tho 3Asirtett. tite weal strchetboa . ed amd the perfect prrecrTed. _ PITIL.I.I)ELITLI,OZTICAL For the Inaiirtfa.-turing of the, CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES, LONtioN pr.: IV- FL.t.!IT.T ITTFA Th.: Con Cave ,C , nvec Cryt.t.:.l Specta<lc 4, made 1., - . ; tlie above Itc,gituk are now a long fima before tho pit hhe, an,' Ch.i rapid and increased chi:nand tor . tarn/. i combined ith tho untvert•al acknowl, - ,lgnieut of :their clear:lets In 1, ',,....i0.A and ease to the 4 ye, shows plainky -that they are .111+,..,rn,r to :illy otlier glas.c.., tn.thp ialailn.l. , . Tho majority of Spectacles, ;nio,.3tly importoh mid no matter how fine the fraiac, contain but 3 r ,- K4' and worthless article of glasses, igeuerally er pressed:). they are Made to I , s' 8.4,1 only. without any calculation rospec.ting, benent to the eye. and, therefore the great complaint of poor and weal; sight. Thousands are using - now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects gThilim after short usage. or require an intensely strong light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were they , properly suited. would be pre , ,reed a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave G'uce e Crystal CiLak,ses are the fo:low ing The Lenses are ground of the I,st material, pure and bard. and made only for opti..!al purpo,s, they arc therefore nut Kahle to get serat.thed or dun; They confer a brilliancy sal di,talLtto sa of 'Lou not found other glass. • They can be used equally well by day or candh tight without Sarin.: or fatiguing tlie;eyea, They are ground niathernatically true In the con cave convex mirror, a. corthng tothe philosophy or nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting nature only - instead of forcing it. That the leases are centered correct into the frames. They can be used longer than any other glasses withoutchanging to a higher power. ' Tho frames are made atrolut and durably by cape fie aced workmen and warranted to give saLishwtlon. W 11: A. CIIANUMBLIN. Dealer iu Watches. Jewelry. and Saver Ware, Towan da, ban the bule Agency, IJr these );lasses lit Bradford county. No l'edlers employed. July 12, 1,:e70-tf • • . THE BEST AND CHOICEST SMOKING T 0 C , • • N MASUPACTIME.I),AT G'T.Ol► Y NO. 1, ME • SD DISTRICT or IMRYLAND. rirc t)i'at 1.:v.;17 k.zeka.:.;.! Tun buy tu•ln+l that Istsuiption.k Ptk•.“; - 1 7 t , . Drags And Medicbics. R. H.: C. PORTER, SON & CO., D ♦2 p OLD CASH DRUG STORE, LIfrIISLIFIZLD r • r: - rs TLATa, Coinir Main sr.,' 141:4; Streets. Toraric . . flare recently added larwly to their stock. a fall and cOmpleto assortment, coushtutlng an cztensivo tiety-embraehm many articlps us- in thu Arts for mocha** purposes. carefully selected st•Ah to tho progresalin trouts of the public, Which irt re e rd bo kept constantly applied with trull porrhascs. -mud offeror), on the most resaottabWtonils at Wholes:de of Wall; mudding of Dnuas, IT,EracrNts, oms; VIVNLInie. * ALCOIIOI,. AND TURPENTINE.r i , And , a:1 14.10 s kEROSENE QR COAL ~04,, AVICZ.I, Sperm, Lard, ,Ne.tith TANNER'S AND INIACHINE OILS, Kane,' and Tpl AstidN3is el: their STONGES, DRliSIIES,.80111;, CO3IBS. • t i mnlde4, EfaEr-Dien, Perfmr. , ÷F: ; POCKET 13OOKS, P01,'.2" mob-Aik. F ic]et liuheL Razors, TOOTH. SEES .A-ND HAIR PREPARATIONS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For . • . . „• TlTnAcco, SN-urr,. rirm AND . C 16.5,115, Ciardan, Field and ilA:al. Sreds, Traanei,..tinp porters, Sawpooorieg, Should , n- liracTa. 1:ma.... _Puliqn`; Teething. Rkne:S. 1.;•41V5. Shills aud. Shieltl.4; Lea Pans, Srll-84ialing Fruit Jun, Thett- . rqumeters, krialtpring Extrutia. Swmtv Jug's, Wam. Bottles, Male, Corks, Bath Bela. end Stove Elackint, TeeMe, Atilt.. Ltunit.ny kc ., vutaittic.,le--je. Rol/iris...laz • lc Me;!acmes,. :ad al; p •pu.lxr . MEDICI ES All articles warranted as rel , r..e rerAvns nt 16.116tuice eau receive their orders by stall:el r r nail, which will ruce:No.prompt and careful...attention. all, given gratnit.iunly at the °Mee. • char;.ring only for medicine. , C fur pant liberd j atronage, air/1..1111,x- t.l.tb,iririVlA,t,i and the pt ❑ . hr.that tio.inina-shall be etpared to sittiqy, ani - inert the eon- LIMA hat bf . th. , trieJatideuee 'and pa 'lint). 4sr th:,u SutAtAye. us 'trout 11 to 10 and 1: tn. to 1, and sto G . a. • 11. C. POItTZI2. SoN & Co. ./.14'.2f 1. r 4 .. .11 It 0W - N • Isi TOWAND.t. YJ WIIOIESALE AND RETAIL DRiTTGIG-IS'l l . - - '11,6 oult,criber .11,1:100.114. VS b., the pub lic to ...., , 1144 - .11 tint he 1:Jh,11 1•.:4 a Lit , go well - DI:UGg.‘• • Clii.:vllt.aLz. , , VAII'.SISIILS • MEI 4 •,• 4•.•. t• •..•1 •!1• . ,u• • ,Us,, 11:111; '•?.. - 11 ,- ,1: . . AND : 1.T.21.7011S 1111M119 rattcy evcry ' i;••••-tt•r-, Batt.: t•tt-• •• • •:. 1;., •, 4.1. t tt' - rv , "••• - , • " T• ' Ala and Tooth s.z,ar .led art:, 1•.,h Iltrtv. trade t 0..., unzw,r6u, Lo• uti-n. • P s? ncy 01ttle ' -0 U. S. ` 'lE_l (011.11.).6 . Y, • e , f. I ,S . . , . .r• tlt., • ti I • r. T. r. lr t4‘l.!: - ..•. J:ct. :11, I 1-I:ctz aria G 13.1',A T It CI IN E3OO I TS,& SHOES - • L W IILPr FA:uth vua JI W4rti- I 1 7 N:•1 wt 11 to it,ted b(0.1.,f • . It f) f , N I) D FALL TIiADE •.:1- r 01:NTS Ta•aß.'7u AND CHILDREN S. .AVE:iR Lot )Ts T 1 N LY 120_\E AND ItEADVIt..N Iq:UMISED T1,11.V111 of the =I TJ:\3tl:i i. :a ' 1 ~ - A , • CA.).;DY' CANDY!! . CANDY!!! 11.1 SI: 7- - .. tor 1 - RE 1, Pi, IL:RE Whoi.t•-a`•• comret 3 t. " 11 (11 1 li. f. (1 Tiaa, 01.::n' itar Cr . .1%; U. y J tinl.Am.„ • Dui Land. -1, C:n.nnAon., 1. , :" ;• Pi 1 M.0tt0..... • , . . I. ~z i• i. 4... .. )• • • • , ~ :I•.t. ' 1''..,,..t., • 0 .',.. am 1 , :11.1 ~. C.,r.ver,i':: •!: 1,..,11. t- . ... - 1:0••, , z.,,-tiratno,l: clear,. aliA • . ... Ungar . ..l4 , ys, c.. 11144 Erll tt,.1.11:11 • altd 0,,1.,, ,‘,7,.... I. iran,: , :.. azil 1.e.4 , 1.1,,,,.•. ' C:Ac•Altl.. , Oydit. l'isattv.t , . 1.',•:.,,pr'7,: , :ut , 1 • • l'illwrr.... , - A. :111',. 1 . ,1,42..,1 :it:ti c 1,;.4,,,L, 1ti.,1.• : 7x. , 1 , u:...,. 1::•..„:1“ ',.`..-:, tj. , L1,..1.:...:1,.:',.. , at ' tzt•t.., r . ei. . . . 3 . s ~.: V. S i 11 -rill. . 11i.1” , ,L;t.... t . , , ,i,Ln.. i;%., ~:: :. L . „', 7...;,..14;. m.:,,,,.,,t. W. ,, :•1 ii , ‘i,,, Ma.•!..1:-. . • 1' , .w. , ..1'.1. It t% I t . •'...•.".' . • ':- ~..,•••::' • • 13(.90TS A.:1)! -- ;!!'().1..:S : )1 , 21DE .141) itE.1...11.:1:1 , 4_ C. •: , ;I:I.Si_)N, Ha) , 1::4 , 14., .t to 3.,,,,tivrtodzt,, that are cumstant:y Nitth :•;4.•,.$ for tow an.t. 1:4.1t. th r i l l, to great , Ihm,lvantatte,ilhtil inutittr dap. Tato e ,, nAtant. wa for tino liana t,t mork, - and the to have it imme.lilt,•l3 - . 11'14 .0,11,...,0, in, to 1,,n1:, raiwettl,lit..2llat ' • . . ; •Wlthrurt your ;,..; • Laing an.l tout[ tiiat 11)1 vt.rruct!S talz. 14:oi that Lave pmkrn tiv:t Are broke at the ta. To this repair-sh , p.ts tho plave for to go To thou re-;-atupotl. hortlY tij.ped or I,ill-:.1;;yi. Andy - our levt w , ltproteteil froluthe - wetztl:Lt thui-ohl New work we can nilikel'on w:11, 111..• We Call Illake the.lll fjOr yon tltiu. 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