Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 10, 1871, Image 3

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    ford Ateporter.
J. cfmi,x, A utin has beenap
31astei' at WffiOx.
__. r
Si trAno, of - Waverly,
forty acrt't; of fioWay cntg, which
will yicla riuo tativircil - bushcht to
is Ilrtnviltovn, Post 011ie° is
eI t;#11 a 41M1y Mail from the P.
The ottieo haH been removed to
:1m .1, itch, iien' ' the . j&lorrivkatt Mon
-11. Sr..t.voil l Dapiwointed P. 31.
. -
-rlnge:neut.:J:l il) been emu
cvlebratinn in this place,
.4uvi•ral eininent-spealieN will
3:1,1 ,no of tht.:,best ht - ass bands. in
hay boon engilged. In the oven
f'r the beriefit of the colorer
- _ •
MILEs 131snor, well and fa
ain yiciatty, flied at the resi
• in-law, TnomAs S. liEr.xl;, in
erening last, after:
WI) id! ho :bore with Christian
1 fib aranoc. 11lis ago was about
I:nriotl in the brick church
Ti Tuesday.
.0111%rietter ; re' ceive . (1- by W.
rrotlionotar ) '` we learn that a
iintei! W t. 11.11..aucor, tirasdrown
rivi rIl at Quincy, 111., on
illy. From ilis;liarge papers found
rs ,, iCit is suppoSed that he formerly
rottitty. If lie:has any relatives
.Iy, ther,catr letirri all tile partiett
pg to SAMUEL L. ;SWllktr, ltox. 3347,
• Bllos. have their
1 .,; manufactory in successful opo
o m-w hav c over thirty; names . on
and aro (144 increasing, their
wtlclirr in the businefs :laded to
persoN ertnco and correct business
r failure impossible. Moreover,
rpiise ui 'Which every citizen dould
re•:, :o• Towanda has mew got to
J,1,.1:1n0g c,:tali...litnt.nts to sus
calling attention to the
tm , titille last week,
- na commenet
- '1 1 tv
: t ntad, t ofr,i•
,14,11“ ,, •(1,t;ring a tli.":,,110.)
l• •; 1011
I th, {.•r
- .1 ,•-•
Sine:• .1. IC. P yscN,
-• .11 T •31 ,, t1:1' 11.1 y Invasur
,, 11.7 s sent
. = • 'l. I .7,1, eb.,-1. on
2 ,71,11: :10111
t 4 of'
3 ,
a .Tim amecs.
1 the
1 -.a!Li-
I\! ,, ffilay la-t
:II: . ',ill , 1•VIt
c 'a t all ilatig'er9lis,
!.1 F , 1,141 n der,asr,
t , , For
1,-, 1.1% t I;arclaj - ;,
rattle ter (; o'clock air
mt.], na. tli,:i•f.vtrod
IL , A.:l- , :1'111J: 1)r. P.,t:r:-.1
:Ili 1 .:ii the I'llo co1:11.f1Ilit:5
The fife ...a,
nag , . 11. n: 00 , 1:t . TIB
,r , , :!t plin.l-11,,rus
(~:01 , :qati.,1",.,r
" I :t • • lo•pt.
7.• !i• '1 "
lu• M
L:atch ga:lic of ,Ris,e
i. 1., t nUn l i 4/111 , i , On 11 a
.1.111. it, Aq
. (41
. i'l li~~ . .. `.l ill: ..~~L~:.
1 1 1 • I . I.
' .
4 . lo , !!•11, 12 I
i 7 , 11!1'.1•1', h.
Tr. vb . , w
~ , zrt•t: to :11111.611:1Ce
. 1: , , ;., wLv h Itrr!,d
hir. , !h , •:-11 . 4 .13,v,
• •• hay 3rr. S
... n. :1!
; ' .• •,• :11
• the 111,1:
. 1
to LiPl ' prt , ill4 , ‘ tau th3t.
t 1 . ;;1:1 it wia
I: . ‘t as hi v•lze, iTupiving
:uh~ , „! xlb
: •tr.y,
';",,.. !:.: : ;arr.,
;•. .: ;Lc. al)-
5;1 Lan by
'.,v thy !n
fal!. -If
. :Iv
H. H—,6.!......1t11. i.s;
• B. M. 11 - .AN, \Vcst
A. s. D.
,:f,•`111: 1 /4:2:3:e11!..L1L1-I.Y.
~' ~:nnl~ia
E. - IL.
. f' ;3l)
•. 1:: \ VAN, 61A11Viiit‘ ;
1. t Orsl.ll
I? .!Lvt, W IT:u~t
I •
•.. J 1.. iL LAt111 . 11, , .
!::. 'v.', !••11 :0 :1 ,,,
,Tllll. /A
I . ll* t• /ate
r,LI r:141
r ;ticu I fi..1l Lc
Ir y tia , yS fit
,E: tint] Mn,„
: . 4.1 Si ri n g'.
and fami
``' " 1 " 1 1; ~, l imy. The Col
'iL ..t an , l is :is jnvi
dulivertil two
•n. ti:,• Pr , ..,hyterian Church,
s. :, !min of
• abili
. knn nt lle will of:-
t , idp,t ;,:ct Sundae.
sti.v.i's I\in preach - in the Episeo
vn cvening; next, and ail
: r:t cj. f confirmation. lie will viit
flz On the morning of the
11.1 tuna
k:.l_l.'s a: r rt.watidl,i, 'ris
, )1; at ScrantAiri."'
V 1 +-:11
Se- On Stmaity night an attempt
was made to fire the building occupied hyJeaN
S. IVII.LarpoN, grQcer. The fire was just com
mencing to brmi, when a passer-by discofered
it, thereby saving not only Mr. Wrixistos's
store, but in all probability several others. As
there arc evil disposed persons in onr midst,
bent oa destroying property, it behooves all
good l t itizens to act as special . agents in and
about heir pretniscs. Destitute as we are of
the reipusite facilities for battling with th•
flames, it vtild . be impossible to successfully
contend, if nee the element pit the start in
closely built sections of the town.--,4theis
—On lastiFriday afternoon, about ill o'clock,
the dwellin4. house of JonS - nArnSf.tNifon Canal
street, caught fire and )vis consumed with
greater portion of its contents, and an adjoin.
big house owned by Tuonus It. DAVIS, and oc
etipieil. by widow WILLIAMS. Mrs. WILLIAMS sav
ed her ftirniture. We believe Mr. BATIIII.SIN has
an insurance of i 250 upon his household goods.'
The houses destroyed were small frame build-
ley Division still loves to live - and flourish in
the secluded but b;.antifel valley of AsyMm. It
has nut become g,r4at in numbers or in` name,'
but its influence it good an a humble way.
It, as well as the g , at things of earth, has its
seasons of trial, wht n the Tlverse elements try
their strength upon i ft. The-Division his thirty
five members, wide, prospect fur a fur
ther inerrac in numbers. So long as its mem
bers shall bear aloft the principles itf temper
ance and integrity, it wilt,livc to grow' like
tree pla5KITy the water courser, whose !caws
aball neither wither, nor fade.
Now that I have written so small a letter, it
may not he Out of place to add that we have
had fur a long time Itgootdinterest in the Sun
day school Work. The library was recently in
ereaseu by bout fifty dollars' worth of the best
selection of books. It is amusing to sce how
children will pitch iir to read a new lot of
boi,ks. The school was never iu better condi
tien than iniw. It is ally sustained by such
persons as Mi. Fontrs, "the miller," who can.
_do acceptable and pleasing work in the Sab
bath school as well as in the mill. But I must
not, ii;ritc a lung letter. Many good people in
larger place may wonder at such a state of
improvement far out in the country. The only
way I can atieount fur it isdlits :.ill these good
things are necessarily the outgrowth of a thrif
ty, intelligent and happy commanity of farm
Tlwre are 11:XICell -known mineral wclh and
springs in tliiisonnty, located ars
1: - .rougli of Towanda, at JAS. Et.l.Prfs, a w• II;
Towanda tai,., uu PArro);'s farm, 1 well Anil 3
s;orir:gs : GLI MITI! k c .: PATTON'S fllll.l, .1 Spring ;
51o:ro's larto, 1 e;)riog ; F'n.t>r at 1
spring; CULL'S Lirni im the- Bend, 1 qq - ulg,,_
North Tow and,' wp., Co ts. BiZtWN (arm,
W( 11 ; TAT t..0:1, rato, 1 Wyrix v.% p.,
IVti lI'S farm, 1 Tring ; tap., Mrs.
Wit kr. , N's, 1 Ppring ; near West-. Franklin, 1
spring ; near Troy;l : 1 sprirv; In-ar Cant- zi,
;11inilegna, 1 aprinj;.•
'De? a'ewe named 'irt.l!, and si.rings are
rally. sitliditiroim (itil; : :two of tit:m. fir
6:t.e,‘ 1, ,I t 1, •en :lull) zed :\1,111:1,41.1.1 aad
P le ate well both ut whieh are
grcat : eur.e:ire elrtn,:t. 31m
n, h. ate : and PATI-ON., c t 11
i clialybcae that, if a f.•Ny
t!e. ti,., tur- tmt-gall'ar, put int.,a ti:mider
hit.' the ,tat r, it tii,lll-, in a few mimit,t<, turn
i 1 a purple cetur ; au.t, f the, water 'is :111 , 7‘“d
to r , main in the tiimbh!r a few htmr,, till!
.tr.::t thy in -1,1 1 . of it a.
''' .11t;_ti,
. •. 1: I:
to tlt ,s 'sitziti.., flo• 1., " :atc.1 Stat . . , :111.1
it, Nrr.t-r . . .•rf..111: ,- .1 ar , as
t• TII.; rj.l t•
n.lnn , Nsliat t• :,r,•
11.1 t slirin;. - .7 !war romie w:ts for
nvrlynlje:: nt ' 1
ft•r cur , of t
La:~ti nc 1/ .1 , .2 1;n:
`" -
L r,.--X'
sTINA .IN. mrNT II!. lILT lA} I:. —A c.41-:e
-,pt:1,1. :"I tht
s tiat: , •••l a4l:. ;-,v-
.111 , ealrl:, , •1
El 7.i , 13::`,1ti. :tlt
qt ,
t. , thP k1.i71-4,
1.1;.• bt•r4 01, tip evoir:A:i , •ll t,n)o.
`.ll !,• t1:11.• I ~1 ":1,
, -r
1 . far'. .r. 41 thrat,
Zl- 1 11.11 1 , r1:41:1 --.a4
anv.:vz. •••;r: l '
A r.t.thr,:l
t: ,
turne-.1 nlr , thy TICS
tIO/1 In.. 1 , ••••:1 11112 , 1.1i•1- -`Ol ilit• 1•.',1••,• . ,1‘,11, II
t• lIIIIi`t tr • VI I• 155 Of .
C.lri.l,lly, ,I 3 k•I tics. I I' k
ii '7)4 t 5,‘5 , 1 i s
I ; ,,, t11:1:/"I'3,1%/.:, t). , •111 t , ,
1:y the v.:13, L:3 : ' 4l le tl C. to
the 1.1.-f.
:it the tins that Mr. .i.)Hs: IV.I t'ett
dre th .wwlhl
"py, cinr+
. i=e!.. in the
Tlht an. r •
1 :,
11 , rllnlw ni,
, !.Orricn, Fe L. 2, 1'47. AESC(iNII-
1.:1) ,fit, , ~:1 Sividny I:kriiik.; la-t • an
'4.!1,1.1e, appreiik. , to tilt prkt r ing
twoli 5 ket lor 2 iielies• high,
ktilt.l l pal.• a 4./wit
.Ile wta 4 , 4-vtit:y clad !yent away, but
a, - 11 tri..try it-wertain , :.lll.•
....I ^Mil ent.lCt•4l to till!, (11',, , Ttiorl I,y th , ,Ne whore
~r loot al obliLratioti to hie o.rn,
it t. lil .,, Laf/k h.: gill h , prov:.k.l /•••.:1/
his Apparel. The‘tbory az:.l
r..:iivinalde t•Np,•nsos paid for aporilku-
gum and dt hc. ry to his maskr. All per.
rm l s are forbid I , oring hull at thoir
.1%1 the f . y.lin,..7 marl may rc• as,,y/rod,
he.may lut2 (.1/ lu o•k
-runi,11,,;• lat..r,
't • ' J./EN tu.
„ •
tfr :it 'A 1.1.• a•-(• g,‘
/:11 Utlf•lior acid a i/140.1r fawr
tt...;Y" 11. : A. was
, nay ~;
0, .44 r. ::rott.l.l when a re
::t 44 that r. niari...l that h,
u nk. , • ihit n.P.V Oh. 4 : 6:11,1.1i:1"J there to
1.0,1 tie , ;_-:44t!orita7l that if
go to 1..n1.1 , 41::e -4-.41!41 eo l i: 4 . thiNg
orth I it i. iiitll of us.: what
e‘.'ty ilynt;.;ht worth tio-
Uoing. IV.- tear:: V4at a bc..tatifn!
. 11 h.. , c
cently 1: (1;,,i5..._re:1 near Tows-.1t13, t hat . ap
Twat: n. t . , hare 1,,,41
tiler° are .::ally ' other
tli?.gs 1., 1,, seer, w tho vh:inity of Towanda
that have , not yet bt eu duly - appreciated. Tliere
are !Alit lew places on this continent that star
pa.;,s the valley of the Susquehanna, in beauty
01 5,.;( nary, taking the vehole length of the rot
; and T o audn ainiWysox full
eh are of th• .7 : e , fa: a lit:lk Limli at t .11111r:/1
:her it 'an' ling through roe N.,.:1:.y, and tit'' "'.'l
hip , rolotis I , ,Ity pile ~ f r,. s 111 the ..3-t, I ." I ‘,'
11. von I the I , eatitifill plain, of Wysex, all,l an- I lir
,ttoht . 'r }tile allo ist equal on th, tierf,li r that is, tmin i
en hs poi pass on tht i , Jit,l to 1 1:.-r-Inl- t• ' t, ~I
And t'not 1 2 onti 11111 with it, be.totif.d, slt- , •t of l tit
water, arid its glen 'or ravine, tool r is-a 1,, i '
along its outlet a , -; it descends to the -W , j .,: 1• i f t ": 1
Here is sentething tlali't Is 'aid about this II s::_ti
place by one who neater saw it but onto', :::,tl
. ?-infl
c ,;1141 th, i",:f0: - e ap i q , ....•:ate its he:tut:ea. ' .k - i l
young, lady of this village, a graduate of - i•tir !
N.,rn).11 School, knowing that 1 bad forrneidy kr- - t, ,
li‘etT in Ilratifttr , l, aslzed if 1 had t4r been t , l . , ' l '
l'otal 11111 : receis ing an answer in the ar.irnia- I 1. 1 3 1
the, she replied-: " Well,. is' it Intl it ninet de-"'
Irglitful Itlat-e •" iilit i sartlsiy, had been there ' I
to a urcinc'w :Ili a party of coin: iz folks fr'ini I if,.
Roil - 16, and hie :-.t.01 'silt. thought - 11 w,.. 111, 1 I.l' i tin
difficult lo 111111 anywhere :nor- I...train' sttn
cry than around 'lliis charming tittle lal.e. - 1 1 .'
Judge -I:t.tas LEWIS, itonan of tatite, , torei au ail- I ,:i '
inner of Is anitful rest to rv,„onee lvtight a few . I gr
aeres on the eastside" of this- little lake, with I 7",
the intention of ereetinti a suninter retatlenee, I t id
but inifortunistely fur Pond Hill, he became a
judge of the Supreme . Court, which probably tine
diverted his attention [corn this sobbed. With be,
a hotel here, and suitable 'accommodations fur I
guests, and wit,a pleasure- boat en the lake, I It;
this place migh beeotne quite a resort fur sum- ! 1 1 , 1 1
titerr exeur.i,ntirit t _s• Aneing other th i ttnr:l worthy ! i s
of note . near Towanda' is a gorge or ravine at t to'
the lower end bf Breakneck Narrow-s. , Mr. I 11 '
WILGSUN , tint ornithologist, who travel, , A air,: i ,ri,
here, on a journey from Pliiltdeiphis t- -, Ninga- 1 to
ra Falls, about the eoritittenceineot of Alt: pr.,- 1 Ist
sent century, found in this ravine, he sad 4, a i ~,
plitye where ou tirurg oil h., 1.-....10L tit , ' rePurt ' II;
wood be reveiborated cir,tho echo repeated six
o • seven times. The exacOicality of thi s c url.
ola place has not finoo b4n discorefed; but
Nrhaps might be by diligen i t search. Ilr..Wtix
tx traveled h4surly and on foot, and observed
u • - erything worthy of notice, and gives a glow;
I . g description of the beauty of tiro scenery all
Ong the Buscinelumna, from Wyoming , or
ilkesbarre all the way np•to Tioga Point, or
hens. 'lf zny.memory serves me right, /dr.
itisox was a whole day traveling front Wy
a x. to Judge (loon's; so of' course he had
a midant time to look around and see all that'
. i
s worth siring. We will aay,nothing about
tl o scenery along the Towanda Creek and
a wand the coal region : this mast be seen to
appreciated.' It is -true that in Californiabl '
den the Colorado, whore there are perpon
d enlar ledges of rocks from half a Mao to a
n ile high, scenery more grand may be found
tl an . we have here, bat it is doubtful if there is
a y ore - beautiful. Then why go abroad till
w • sea - all that there-is iorth seeing at home.
. L. H. Euxu - rr.
31211i,silehl, Tioga Co., Pa., Aug. 3, I:71.
~,,• •
ii.oNon To TUE I.IEROIC D.F.AD.—The
ci ens of Smithfield arc erecting a memorial
nionninent In honor of the sohliers from that
town who died ill the Vnhin army during. tles
publicrhellion, It is to stand on the square,
ii front of's hotel. The foundation
at d base are already in,position, and the shaft
w ( 1
II be raised some time this month. Gov.
G :Are is to delii - er areaddrets oti tlw; ( = lot i on ,
T wont was C. - A:Titledl.,v W. - 17,, Srottn I: Co.,
ol:Waverly. the Ehterprise'giv4thc , following
d scription of it ;
It is of the finest Italian T 0
aoutseventcmsTltliitsa %hivtn
p , Ace, seventeen feet and six incheahigh, made
u A as follous : A ;:;nite base' four feet square
b, two thick; a marble base three feet square
b . one foot thick; the die is three feet tigh by
j./ .
Outs -eight inclies Square, upon which is 'es
t u insTriketions; the base to column- 4s very
'', atly moulded, and is one foot thick L'y.twen
ty inches square; the spire. surmounted by a
shear -head, is nine feet high and sixteen Inches
to.uare•at the base ; the whole is set upon ma
s, ory extending eighteen inches abort e gromuL
hound the spire is coj'ed the American nag,
w th laurel wreaths between the folds, festoon-
I, at. the wp with cord and tassels. The sur- .
fate below the Hag is highly polished. The
ni,mument was designed by Mr; Powers, and
thk , work is excellent.:v wrought and a credit to
the establishment. Wig regard it as the finest.
11101111111 MA t vcr turned out in ali . Southern
ti. T. 1. ,
11, r \V.
1.)1J1:411 p. ;., A. .1. 11,),
1; , -, J..1111 .J 11. 1'1.... .1'
1!. I
irkt 1%1, V I-.
: i LI-, CI:
flo2 montunent ni to be sot up wilco. time he
evil the Inch and Will of this mouth,. with
ceremonies. tio . . Geary has protnis
to deliver the address, but has not yet set
e day. All the Posts of the G. A. B. anil Ma
us in this seetwn are cripectisito par
ipate to the extreises— Agrznil and tinpod-
I; &twill:Ai - at:on is counted upun.
• INsunrrn,;N:,.
Tptl,thc IN,Ft of the in: , :ram , lit, :L.,
1 I. *p!avi_d, thj is sc:iption r. ad
, I IS 51 ,, N1'311 - .l,'T
Iir.."1111., CITI•IENSII,W.Ns:II
1.111 :1 • IIII'ATI:l11F11,III.11t,1:11-s
'l' 1111
,111:111. , 11: 111:s
11 , ,K , 11:S .11 TIII I ;
;.IVa:- I
'I. TO 'I an . ...
u :•••••1,• I.t 1.-t na
- :
• 7, 570..
i', It i• r, 4
!•: , S.. ~ : f• %%That.
N. 1.
-pt. CD. 11 4 .
.F. .;th !:. !... I:. C. •
1. - .1.•;•.: 1, I', 1
. .
.1 , 1 • : .
1, _t!
1, • 11
I \
ri Vt 7- .: P.... 1 •?.
X • •:. 17,-1 o , PE.
Pa. (•.•
(•... Pa.
r 2.1:,6. P - . " ; 11
.4111.'4 l'a.
I;. o ;Lit C Os.
1: . . N. V.
' ;.111t i o 1.1.1
• 1:. !!:
2 :- ". 1' . k,/.
.lira (if
;" ,, C,, , ,v;•....; 1.. -T.• •i•-
1 n.
11 •t 11 ••• %• 11 1
•.1 t • 1.11 t • 11i
l‘‘ /1 .!I:it 11:eli ut•r,
,:t.,l‘ 1.31:1,4• !It t :I I It•i .
L';•, 'lt:
', ~4 1 '1
th ,
• ti i ! I
j 1 ,
1:12 - 1111:IT
Ti..o II II:Ili . • COIAIIrrk /r.l
atlr.2.g N% 11 . 11 . ,t1 WI II! /I:IL E11...ha
MA rut:, a l'reacl.4.2 . aIIII 11Wl•;i.
- W 1' 1 , 1%•:1111I - I,
• a• - . 4••I ;IA aPt.IIC_7Iv sts
14, 111....121.. II•1 . 1111`. uIU
21ty :221222!., r r1 , 22M2 , 12r1
2322. ti.222i..n- ‘2.2: 2 2• li, 112,21 222222124. '11,,k-
•:: a tl , lll it.iV spirit tit
!, to gathpr r.
vm preacht-a fi,t nothlng
la! (. - eurn.:l wit:l No ' r,:.t/I,ur, h , •n
11).,:v.tia0. ti.. Matsa
:s“ci‘ 13, ;
tiQ Water,' I 1
ri fr. 111" 17.r1. ITartwort's
1: , 1111 :+l;s-P.l.ary
^ . ' t irt -r •t t tl r••' r,
1. .1).1 .• " • n LC. or tray. 1, , 111 tbto
:1%1 of t• •.:1 of
atm lU cou:,t•_•ft At; r, thc org:tllizatt , •:t Of
[rocs t(A...•
Eld. (I Nov. 2, n0, 2 1 1 [1 1
t.: 1,11ir.• rani,: Suit:
tincen Ilirttirr tip tlii• rivrr. Nov.
z!iiod I , cfort
.•,,., op ra•,,,, iv• r I'2.
Ir. to 1'0.4 I P.t.n/te pr!satil 2 (
at r•••. 1,
• ;.••, anti 14.••••,,t•iii•.1 tlio•
I t•: . r.l :.1 acIn•11
fa, a 1 , t , :•'...e.. it. io•le Ii • •", ;,.: l.s• i
,1 •a,,,.15, v; t o , ti./ et•::, „It:. I . at. to : ,, 1 , , i
CA, exi•oetitc.t a to cttc•t at 2 e'ei..,-i.'. lea my ,
;01:iffni nt hail :- : he 7: rt.."... : , ;:t. I vls ii
'...1, i
Wcar, - , and al:o •-t -.i.tlt, ili; , : \,•ry ~;11.1
! , 11 . I , 11:11:..t l 1:;:1;..1 I ' , !1'.....:,.r t:•:, ..::r;
• Alt, r ; , r(. clime;
• a I.l:• of I,, e t, °a ; ! ..t..
' cr, .h, 1 0 - ,•-- d the h..... P....: ;,.. t,i r e‘andp. 1
cl,,,adid following that duten to the ting,i;:e
-0,.2 ravcr, I. rat fit on preaohittiz 0:11 . 0, 114 . 1,•,
d three tuto,,t a ilt.y. mini Til—o..• . 1:o%.
MI I retail-led to Sn r .:( t r eyleek.
'in: Wt • 1:10.,, , 131 - Nor. If; ' 1 :0; , •!. I Ind r: re:ea-
from I',:i ma t.ttili, IV, a tuml...; of I,:cthrt.t. ,
.1 :lister, e.ttee tete .11 J ti.'lli lc ttirra of their !
tiding, utade a rclation of thi•ir Christian ex-
rience; and adopted the tiandistleld Articles
Vait h. 13y the advice of Eld. Rich and a num
ot lirethren-drom a diatamee, I gate ;tLicni
r:;-lit hoot of followAtit as a elitirch -Of
I 'St; l , mending them tit (10l and theword
. Tr: 1 1
Ili grilee, v,litel is al;:t.. Vi litt:I1 them up In j
.1 m. et ho'•• faith t' iiii- . 1 ii tli a silderne:.3.
t i •„•,,i s o cca l..i.a,, our licio,ts it., rc enlarged aim
t ••uti:l4 lined 1. - 11 6 blotto nix 11c. It Iscemeiti
inoiiltat, I imagine, like l'anl'a bidding jfek,
4thfre fart:wen; we tallt r la and ptay'ed till 1 . .
Initht, and alinoit breaks of do'. 'hos was
,t1...11 of e trofort to niat.y •etni..... I tamp!
I next day and ]:each , tl, and liarhaed an eal
Ort Whe wag ridded t.) ne ohardi. -
I' Itrtr-e I,eru.guite, Llt t.tti,: ju4lllt.y, tiglity,
ril.l-ys—have riad,ti tvit linnarcti wid st.v. - 11-
i. nial.h, pi , :Jelled ell , itztildr , :d and ttirt.f.
4p ..,f4 lie:Li:3 tire—htli liiled lire church
iii)ire.? , - -and .hare 5-P; n n 11141 1 .0 tt , ;')(.43:it,t-
Pre Ler 1."
ti it, e,iiiwt:!••elit me:r.liershili, tip, cli:11 oh
ru-t i.. %,--ii Neali . , far:Ely t... - the .I.rti. It
zi,i,ted of i.ii:ilit didividit .1,. li.wit ly, 1::::d. Mi
-1 Rich, Elistia Iheli, Jr.. !'asst I 1:,,,,,, M0,..t.
1,17, .I.lames:l3;ctl,,,v, 1'1:o , o, 1%01., 1'0g:.,-2. -
11 a: ,,
: , 1 1.‘,1:a. 1:•,,e.
he spring after tit,ir orga:l::.ati..:i. they re
c:let a baryil.: ttromid and a
tac l utdlliir ff .yainghty (Jul oa
12 t h 11, 1.1.1 , harch tyre)k, flue!
• np.t, 21, after
I ~ t:onal and the reception of
) I,aptnqii, v"te , l
•t,t• C. , 7117.11;:ny0 •o•: , ti.'ll tore
%e-ard, and a 141:tal,l, al, f“;
ItoS/Fe, east dr.,
Ilarbi•r, and Eli l'ar..ons, el,o-41
,t'conitinttr..f.•." f
Ve tarn Aivi-r leaf of tILZa satac lanai and
the following sugge.tirt: item :
'3l:ty G. 181,9. Church wet in the meeting
se—opened by singing aild Prayer.'',
t be observed that this last record was
de jna one month and thirteen days after
ni)potiltint•rit Of the eremnittee.
w'a. t , of hewed_ logs, Uith gaiter-
Oar( and is n:tl,l to kin% - Lren 711
,t and snbstnntill ttrt o,lln. fur
'he s,t4, of il,h4 piaec. :or the
... itntita 4.t thl oil Come-
J, ono - 4:11',e caa of ti 4..,r4 , ..ent Nlllage of
R 1.,44141444.4 hn. de•api44.ar4-4.1. and 14 .4 th
the e .1,44..tne11t 1,1 , h. 1,; o; elturretwsit
li a,
•• 111thi:1 1 d
In those grourids thiqrapose,awaiting the com
ing of their Lind ; there aro the treasured jew
els-of very many of the villsgerik - sirtd at the in
habitantli of tho eonntry around; add to that
spot hank Many 0I- tho living IN the lbws of
their final rat.
The present, larger house of worship, in the
southern part of the village, was constructed
ribrint 1832; [and handsomely remodeled Omit
The church Was had mingled seasons Of pros
perityand.adversity. I'eace, and consequent
advancement, crowned the first two years of its
esistencb.= During that period, its mernbership
was Marked frotn eight to sixty nt
whom were baptizildictoits lellowship—au in
crease not surpassed in the history of the do
nomination in this cdhntry, considering the
sparseness of the population. Since that time,
the church has enjoyed other revivals. and
many precious souls have been gathered into
the kingdom through its influence. Including
the present incumbent, the aged Thomas S.
Sheardown, it has had twenty-two
Mar its coming years be more glorious \ than
ite lorther! T 110111.13
stir-,oflicers of :Rome Lodge,- No.
169, I. 0. or 0. F., for quarter commencing
August 1, 1371 :
W. C. T.—W. W. WoonramN.
W. V. T.—Miss Arr. CELVELL
W. /3.--t. / S . SLELY.
W. E. F. Gorr.
W. T.—Miss Ella T. Y9uste.
' W. C.—D. D. WoonisrnN.
W. M.---F.
R. S.—Wm.,llraltrrr.
`W. A. 8.--Miss B. L WA/I'LL& --
\V. D. M.—Miss-Own Msysann. -
W. It. S.—Miss GRACE KiNNET.
W. L. B.—Miss ELLA CAnr. - -
The Lodge is doing a good work in Dome.
• DM- One day last week, a man
presenting himself to be a- drover, came to
1 hia place and offered for sale a horse - , buggy
.and harness, at a price. -which convinced Mr.
t W.% LIS un>9l: that it was stolen property, and
as soon as the drover left, Mr. W. and En. Bur
n:rams started in pursuit, and.after a short-1
ride caught him near Maj. ll. ; tir.'s. The fellow
showed fight, but when he found that his pur
suers were too much for him, confessed that
ho stole the property in Ilingliimpton. The
thief was locked up, and the owner of the horse
and 'buggy telegraphed to; Alio tame On and',
took bir property home. : . .;
ta- A first class cook wautea at
tt. Ward.lionse. at m) a guud pastry cook.
Fun SAI.E.—A platform wagon for
one or two hormo.
ft`..ll.loro of i thosc luscious Pcaehes
from Dclaw.tirc, rtc...ivotl daily, by .
D. W. S.
WAiCTED !—An apprentice to the
landismithin ; ,, busine.o, mo n gothi 1,07. e
E. En ~:.^.a:.
rrrn \V. gives leis
• 1.. :t OW
. • %, t• 1;1.1 . 1•1:4 1 .St.0 hiv I,llYitleSS
t I'. 1
F. NV. 1:1:ov... continue:, to .t•il
Drug, 5.1.,171.. , :.,•i50.; at A0..1
;.. • ~f
L-1 If you arc in want, of! frt•Stt
:41:.!, tlic 4.a g ,..,; lgf
(i. L. .K ELLEN, on Bridge SL,
C Ti•getcll:lei.
We r.n.1 , .. , .:0:11:•1 h-Thas arrnNgt•mentm Lrr
oi;r:11:4 p.• tlit. ar
I),IvA .ir.•. 9
L • - :.;.7" Goods surd tuuck clteaper titan
:, nn r h at ilaplwnre St.,rt,
IV. :. , 1.•.•,,5“r to
s. N.
i, . i
6t.r.D.- A nuw, full and coniplete
(;,vorything f••••eter .l y I.,•pt at t 31,%-o
-1..11:an Oru,ll. l'a.
W. L. P9l7.cutrr , ,N.
v•• The tuiden•igned kill open
.11 , 4.! at OrA 11:1, Aug. 2N, to
.f 3 to it for
Engi,ll; 1.4.ii,1.4,r branches, $.4 .
7, 1,71
I .. .
.1,..t .
First dass Farin property in
,nrcrl : i t 1• p‘v rate. 1111111 la
3.•i\ \b. !-.l l :Toskai.da, I'a.
N.trth Qidr.
t., nit-, 1 b) k airollllt .1' by tint,s past
dte, nwl:i.• 1 tkat, such aces unts
nm•'t re S •pl. 1, Is7l, (q- collec
tion n 1:1 be 1:. M. WEI.Lr-q.•
Towanda, 9, I'7l.
/Ns will 14(...11 at his !;tore, in Jlercnr"g
Illock, until iktolier 1, t, ini•leellineoris
Franios and Wall Papyr, at
to ro.".111 r , ,r 3 tiitit ,. r E,tOck.
t .12 oof 7y .ez. , l y , ••••• lf uti.
— Persons in want of cards; en
hva..Vt, in fact tiny
tit, printin , .; init., win Itt , ar in mind
that mc't.t!ti ,it 1..A.1,r woe.; flout ally . .ttlxr
ifilice in thii .n. Ine,r
rtgl h a v e
.1 with OA-, orti.., a ttut.ta
11.aNTynt:'s Boot talil
ifcioe north or
DAY, ::INI,I;I;s.PN:S tgijee, and is at
mort roman, lit place la wan to get tiorl
done. Lu)thing in the line, from the tine t
to tli:• doncoa fliort notice, at al
at tat,s.
l''6rsons intending' to paper
I ri;::: IP.; let
it all parer tell- low, nun'
Ir e. iminipr,r(...l. Ile
stot.: uC INA paver ct cont, an Li•
I:. Tits in th,• internal
:it of his .Curt• this L.ll.
ate,. The undorsigeed, coal dealers
of Towanda Zorouz,b, lwrehy give notice that
aR~r thi.• Ivo givc uo rrttiii for coal to
:ArADEMY.—The Fall
t-ria 11114 term of tlfi,f school, under the di ll.v. H. F. rOcunANn A. it : , assisted
1.4• 111-4. Augusta li,fv, , n, vill comm. nee en
Moods}' Septemlitr 4, 1 4 ;71, siireontinue twelve
eel:,.. Tuition from 1'175 to :frp. Board aid
can fihtained at reaszoiable rates.
Tao*: d.—irinf.: fir, advantages of a first-ellys
sdnol, in a pleasant location, and al a moder
ate nral thiA a good opportunity.
Lam' We,_fit3 eltizent of Northern
Bra Mord, claim it mt onr right to a eandidhte
fur tilt , neat I.44,•islathre, and do therefore rro
vent the name .f J. 0. DAVrea, of Windham
tap., as a caodidate Tor that °Mee, and we eon
sid/r Lim erci'y way worthy of the position.
•• WiLdham.
- ST1:111rV Bon - wics,
8: G. CuArrix,,- Warren.
• litatmar )
C AXI TOWS ACADEMY. :---Tho 41.1 term
opens Monday, August 28. , 1871, and ,continues
13 wecka,nnder tho ellsrne of C. L. SrErEna.
Tuition:from $3.00 to $5.50. Good tiosixd,_ or
r.r those to Lard thELLISCIVeII,
( 1 .1!4l.! oLtaine,l ,ui rua mat .ie tt•mig. Those
nut aclitialllkAliNith Mr. STLVENK arc leerrcd,
1, , , -- NrMiAinn l'ref. F. A. Ar.r.i.s, 8n1.4.
A.... 17E! N :y.
WI hint :: BI.ACE
It. 31. WELLvs,
S. Cast, t Co - rr. 1.1.LN65,
At.mfixt., ' (7010
We pre t the following tes;.
timonial from 0. D. isaimnerr, film& proprietor
of Foundry inid liactine Hitblf, tbwsuida,
8. Z. Suosz*—"Sir:- The Wilaon improved
BeiriVllol6llllo I purchased from you , acitue
three months age has been in very active use
over since, and has given good satisfaction. I
would not hate knight a machine with a corn.
.bined price en it at all, and so was well pleased
.te 11pd a Machine outside the combinatiou,which
has proven. in my judglizent, equal to any in it.
The difference in the price 1 consider so mud"
minv. - yravfd. We havti used inathines iu ouf
Lisuily Made by ihe!ring and thing e ell of them,
but my datighiem Prefer your% slihoul tegaA.
_price. 0. D. Mum-arr.
Towanda, 411E11311, 1871.—tf.
tar tracing, pnrchased the Metros
po'itan rd-are !Wore, at Orwell, ra., of 8: N.
Buosscr, kigether with its extensive-stock of
Goods in great, variety, at s bargain, ind bay:
ing alEo added a large stock of new goods since,
I am non prepared to offer to tLe public good
goods in almost andleas - tvarie, at very — hut.
prices. Great care has been taken to sek:ct
‘oods to suit the people. Frew a long and
careful experience as n salclmay, and the many
Pleasing acqiutintences tornled wltlr cuPtoniers
while iu that capacity, I Lope. to he able, 'by
close attention to business, to satisfy all who
may favor me mith their patrbnve, Irali in
quality and price of goods desired.
W. L. PExtuxtus.
. •
Orwell, Pa:, Aug. S, 1871.---Iw.
ES— Drug Store- and fixtures fur
sale in the village of Wyalesing, Pa. Nil
%%Min fifteen -
31illinefy Shop and Goods for .ale.
Store 'louse for Sale dr !tent, .epp'eslte PosL
Office. •
, Dwelling !Tense for sale, IGx2l, .on frospeet
Dwellinz l!uttse for sale, 225 . .."3, en Main St.
Dwelling Dons , e for gale, Secondstreet.
I .
Dwelling House for sale, 21x4% on Front St.,
-well stocked with fruit,ishade and ornamental
trees: Good well and 6stem. flunk well and
thoroughly finished: Fur further particulars,
tall or address J. G.
, Wyalusing, F ' , August 7,
IMIThA.C.R-1101tTON.—At 'the. how. , of the
bride's father in Sheshegnin. Aug. 1., 1871,
Ilylter. D.Tidsan. Mr. Win. Lidlack to
Miss Emily II rton, all of the above place.
ELY—IIACOIC—At the reshienee of- Mr. W,rn.
Grant, Wilmot two., Bradf o rd c ounty, July
- 94, fell, by the Rev. Mark ,Derrimsn, Mr.
Daniel Ely, to Mra. Mary PnFan, both of this
PEMOREST.--in 'Windham,ly
Sirholus l'hnioria.t, iu tlin 78th his
STRUBL}.—In Ilornt , i , July 27. 11.1-4„
wife of Geo. Strubl , . ngol p•Ari am] 4
McCAIII:.—In Lome.. l July 21.• Mrs. Nancy
3lcCabo, aged t 8 yt rs. .
. .
WOOD.--In timithlkh , July 25, ~ r r .
tine, afkr an illneSS'Or 3 Th4llltll., :Tare .T.,
wife of Deacon Willard • A. Wood, aged 3.1
years, 10 months.
Slie•WaS a faithful ..
:I A.z. fro:n :ie*: labor:
T 7 SNISQN.—In Standing. StniKi, An 3, 1571,
Hattie, O. tt4:114.r Mrs. 7l.try Dennisn,
aqi-1 I year, 2 nt.iiiti: anil 2 1 (I.ty, -
Thi. sccl, fottiiling, by her mill psi ,;rarity
:n tli.l) , non. lo•r. , c•lf
t ::11 IVith 1%:1 , ):11 Cam , in ult.:.-t. Not
1•c t of thr• but
I.nuli of the 11111.le ul:n•t.• 11
waitinz. mamma.
I u - tln• limo for you to ~-010
dind share tho j.,y4 with no , on
-In our rattior's home.
brigig.• rtr& e
F,nt S kr.l'... —A' dwellin-honse and
Gorr ;.;iri•!, iifilmil m Canton It.irougli, near cle.
pot. 11; it a nucilicii of fruit trees - tii..rooti. A
vcry 11.•:iraliiiii , ...ciliion. Toying ..a•y. .Iliply t.
Jon N :II cr.: i 1 i:Ti r, iir IL W. I. %•..i., Towaiiiia. Pa.
Jiitio 2.2, I:7l—U.
M ,
clothing, ILO, nti.:
1ir,141 t,
1 , 1.ay \VaN(.::::,
COY' Rhode Island Liaie lent eOll
- oh hand for Whit it
Mar. '29; r+7l.- W. A. I::o7.w!:Lt.':,
Llcn,.. Do not fort that Tca is sold
at hiL Tor 50 cud.. Jan. 10, 1.71.
Se' Field Peas; also sonic '.!Luiee
Bard, n Pen., nt •
Mar. 'IM, I'l7l. . ro
For. SALE.--SecOnd-halla Top hug
try, in gliwxl order. newly 1” , aub
cheap for want •of rtico 0.1,1 y $11;:, lu
quirt. at It. 4rrt.1.3 d ro.`g Carriag • 1 , .....t0ry
July 12, 1,71-2•4lwa.
Vs. 3" I Dace just received a large
stool: of Tca. bought since the redtiction in the
linty on tea Of ten cents ter pound, and offer
them at the low prices aunt-tett :
Best Young' Hylton. $1,25; Good Your liy
son, sl,nO tOolontr, in to 90 cents : llywm Fine,
75 cents: Ilyinn Good, rl cint:;; Best Japam
$1.40. Call anti
18, 1811.
Thu Cascade Mills have coni
slimed the at •of Wheat intended to hat Un
til after harvti.t., and will now pay from :11.50 to
$1,65 for Wmter Wheat, if tamers have any it.
hand. We would also suggest, if some of those
who are able to get their incoming crop of
wheat dry enough to thresh out of . the field, we
can give them for at as ranch as they can proba
bly get at any time during the coming seisroi,
Camptown, Jul" ; 12, ISll._, • • ScilooL.—Tl?o undersigned
will open a fall term in the Vamp School Illattml,
in Herrick, on 310mPtv, Amt. 2*l, T 471. SPe'vial
attention given to' those preparing to teach.
Higher 'Math:lit:Otos and 'Languages, ancient
and modern, tar'!glit. Tuition:l'3 to :G. For
further irif-rmativci 54.(.
I ) .IANt , S, OV.ti ‘ ANS AND ' XIt:LODEUNS
,Wc are (.11ing• tirgt-clas• Pianos, Organs alit
Tchsleons at rctina•d_pricrs and on easy tt,rny.
Porsonq who arc in want Of n good ingtrumetit,
hill 11;14 iy gr. aqy t
. thrir - advantagt givrf.t,
c4ll rnrchpt.tog
rASC.ktill.: a CO.. I;
1571. '
.'r owat:nl;.,
Cov.vry ComMIVIONEIL—The name
of ErnAs• 'B. Moons!. el' Ulster, will be preeent
cd to the nest Republican County Convention
as a candidate for County Commissioner. - Mr.
Moor.e hnic been au earnest working - Republican
ever since thi; organirttion of the party, and
has never before asked 3 U (1111(1% - The finance
of the county would r e -faithfully and 'economi
cally managed tiy Lin . He is a zusn of excellent
lajudgment and would make , a good officer. Ho
ss been disabled from performing manual' la
bor !or the past two years from tho_ eflects of
an injary.• Mot-core-, the township of Ulster
has not had a candidate for any ram for over
thirty years. Ut.crr.o Tow:cants!
TOWAMM.. IlkiDl3' (.OrI.:TY. P.l.
alk t.
This. in.tttution , ytl contlue o .ta SVreerith
110:NDIY. AUGUST 28. 1671
rbt.tourik4 of study are English. Nomiat, Corn
tacriisl, Academic. 3deatitic and Clasidizal, in all of
which the instruction is systematic and thorough.
The Principals will be assisted in, nil!, Tenons,
departments by a large and - erry.execllent corps of
instructors—three graduates,. experienced tearbere
having. hero recently en..-ageel--and no effort will •
spsesl to make the institute: , in comfort, discipline
and general cflldency, second td no other Pil2ll/1r
institution. •
The Mueical DeNuttneut will be ithder the cLarao
of Profrxsor H. Fr. Jolla nnimisen.
This Institution is now in thoroth repair..
In addition to, the extensiee imprinvnents dnring
the part pear ; nhte apparatus, maps iMit charts. and
wort ipprovisdipatent desks and nods f'r the
study and rei !Milan rooms hare jnat been pur
The Principal of the Normal Department will
organize August 28, a Teareliens' Clan', and by
SPECIAL ATTENTIMi aid to complete the most tlior
utgll comae pOsailde 'luring the time. '
Tuition from 1...) $lO. Limnd and room In the
Inatitute St. If ikstrable, students may obtain
rooms in_ tostn and board Wei - 1180re*, Early appli
cation for board and rooms at the Institute should.- be
made, as the IWIL/la are Lein rapidly Irajpecod.
For further particular', or Mal t a apply to
Ryan and E. E. Quinlan, Print TOlratida,
3 PDX. .
5ug.971.. ; President Word Trustees.
A AUCTION.—The sg 'scriber will
.cx. sell at Public halo at the IWyabasing Planing
Mill and Furniture Manufactory, on TIIIIIISDAE
AUGUST 17.1871. conruncricing male o'clock a.wiL. a
large quantity of finished and unfinished Furniture,
consisting o 1 Bedsteads, Unmans, Stands, Cbtirs,
kc. Also so lot orTurnitiki, a quantity of •hard
wood Lumber, one 50 horp)...power Steam Boiler, one
Gray llorse. one Buggy Wigon, one Lumber Wagon !
Harness and Bunko Robe. one Capstan, s and.
Pulleys, and all ollMrrsonal property=uging
to•the bankrupt estat of T. 1. Lacey.
ang3-wll A.signe, in Bankruptcy of T.l Tsccy.
M% I MMIE===
E W-{1001)81
Bich Blank Silk ,
Lam roplins;
New. Style Sergcs,
Handsome, Plaid;
.Mash Poplins,
& Co..
C4cail Dress (itkxls,
11lite. Ploe.s,
Linens and Napidnii,
Whitt) Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Ribbons and Trituru - lugs,
Cloth 3 and -CaBsinicres,
Cotionades alai Cheeks,
licutucky Jean's,
Yankee Notions,
llosicry and Glove's.,
thits and Cdpm,
Ladies and Childrrul's
CarpiLs aii.l Oil elutll.4,
Sheeting aut.]
, Ta (k. Co.'s
1'11:1t:i and Gin:4llllms,
Apr‘l 12-1 , 71.
t:=S 9
Gto. L. Ktaa.l:u
1.31 , Tur.irsos
Tmrantla, Jane 8. 1871
known Dap' O'Connor taint, rontsining about
RI acres, filastea in Asylum township, Bradford
, TuritY. Pa-. 'hen* rit miles from Towanda, is
offered fur Pale. There is atvwd 50 acme Unproved.
well watered, and good Anlidingy thereon. For fur
ther partlettlara enquire of Daniel Sullivan, in 3lon
roe township, or the undersigned. •
CAU TI 0 N. l ---Mlwrens, my wife
Catharine ham left my bed 'and boara withont
just cause or provocation. All perwone are hereby
forbid harboring or, trusting her on my acconnt. as
I will pay no ilebtA of her contracting after tblp
date. MINOIt I'. 81LE...
North Athiuot
VOR SALE. —A . House and Lot on
Rallroa,Vatretl. opposite John Beidlerosn's
residence' and convenient
,to th e Iron Works, The
house is new, contains 5 room and a brick basement:
a well and other nfecessarg con e nder on the prern
i/Seg. tinply to:. WM. at the Bradford
•Wge stree. Towanda,' Pa. an;411 . 714f
CUR are retailing all kindi of Groenies at
wholesaleprieca. The larr,est stork In town. Goods
first class. Priemlow. _ E. T. FOX..
Sept. 2?,*70.- lIENRTX MERCCR.
on Poplar Street abore• Western Avenue. Theme
houses are-now being-built ,ated will be completed
ou An teat lit Good well cistern, and cellar with
each house. For further particulars addre.ta or en-
quire of
Unne'hi":l4f] W. ,BIII.MHAT.I..
At Red, White, and Blue Store, Thwaada.„ Pa.
mvssFIELD. now, co:, PA.
The next term vrIII commence Weanesday. An;:usi
30, 1871: For catalogue or aatuiseion apply to
• ' C-ILAS-11. VERRILL. A.M.,
- an, tichL Jetty 20.'71. Pritwipal.
DON'T FAlL.—Don't fail to so
cure a gaxl trupplr of •
Propagated in Towanda, consequently acclimated,to
nadd used Co. solL Alf the. desirable varieties for
sale as law-sa elsewhere. Every one that has a lot
can find a place to Craig one or thare of Idiceude-
Helms fruit bearing vines. Don't let another fall
past without starting eome of these fruit vines
that eel grace your table with such beauty and add
to life so much pleasure.
Rtrawberrypiacits for sale, per 100. or 1000. 6'ol
and leave your orders for fall or spring setting.
Opposite the Methodist Choral.
Towanda. June • L.C. IiELSOM.
- • '
IVDORK, liatas! Lard, Dried' Beef,
.I.TlGckerel, Ciscoes, Mackinaw Trout, at mail
'Am 19, 1871. • . FOX .% MERCCII.
- 0 a It
at TII4
titirnl Jtipaticat
at Taylor, h Co.'s.
at Tnylor & Co.'s.
tit Tayhirr&
at 'Tailor & Cu.'B
at T:fylur C0..1i
at I;itylor &. C ill
at Taylor &
Taylor h Co.'s
at Taylor A:
at Taylor, A: Co.'s.
at Taylor
al. Taylor Co.'s.
Taylor'St Co.'s.
• at TAN
- at Tavior
at Taylor Co.'s
at Taylor Cu.'s
at Taylor Co.'s
at MIN 10: C.):6
ut TavlJr & Co::;
tt Taylor &Co.'s.
It'll 0 l l ' ~, 4 L E
LT thr• .t•ttttt!t) at
lion. FAISZIS B. STREET - 88, President Judge
n the Balt JUdielal Distrie4, canalstang of the coun
ties of Bradford and Susetuebantis,, and Hons. Zr.iltr-
LO3 VilblidX Owl J. yr. Taxienta: AasocistelaJgea,
In and for said &Sillily ef , ltraelfeed, fascia/Med their
prttept bearing date.' thil 31st ay . a July, 1871,
no dirneted. for holding a Court of Oyer Sm.!
Terminer. Bimetal Quarter Sea:dens of the Peace,
Common Mesa, and Orphans COart at Towanda.
for the cefunty tif Branford, on. 111.0adaY, svo44):-
la6r. Ifni, to contlitne tiro - week*.
"Notice la Cieref , hertby ;then in 'the Coroners,
- . ilk‘.l3l:ittioes of the Peace, of the enmity of Bradford,
at they he then and there In their proper Ferret,.
Ili 10 o'clock in the forenoon of acid day, with Ye.
ferils, Inquisitions' and other remembrances, to do
these' Chile's which to Oinks-office , . Ipm:claim , lobe
dolie:.andlitosii ‘''..lea are bound li2,“recognizance,e?
,urtnerwise to proiecute • sgainst ft.! prisoners who
are or may be in the jad of said county; or %id/urinal
•be bound to appear at the laid court are. to be then
end there to pros,-ente ItgailiFit'ulu as shall be Jon.
are rtaineittaid to be . putiattial ia,..their atten
dance, agreeably to their notice.
Dated at. Towanda, the 51 day of f July, in the
year of our. Lord, one thousand eightlinielred and
, • seventy:eon, Anal ) Or tho intiCiS:l4&uet, of the
,Unit..,.,d Stab s, the , iluety-fonrtir.l
, - '' •.
J. B. l'All rinlET, ,S4erily.
stattpmEr. cot - la, 1871. .;
. .
Arnlr S 1.) ; Albany, l•ar:ah Lre.;
eilbrrx , i!; Athena Born', Jertudab
Collin.•: Vantoti' Bora', John Vanityki. ;. Canton
Iferriek Crandall; toltisci r Oic -
Granville. John Kelley - , Monfut."l.:nro,', E C
Sw..a.t; Monroe twp.,, 'Lyman Irvine; Orwell, A
ll!alr: P.hlgherry, II 21, Voorhis; Springfield. rtnil
an! Itowu; t3hrhh,gffat, John Grillln
Emmons Amek: Stand:l7:l4one, «N Taylor: Tow
anda Bora% II T Juue; Loc1;1064.
John IA nna ; Windham, Abram hoardmjal: Wrax•
Thah-1 Wellx.:"Teue Wy31 , 4 , -tu:: - . nob:.
Ilano..1 ! ; NU:wt. J Vaughn.
A:11 , 11A 13....rn. Ben ry Baker. F A !Ohm. C T Fluster/ :
Alba Dom' , AM\ Vil.on: Albany. p 31iller; Bur
lington-Boro., L D Wright: .13urligton tnp., Jar.ob
Morley; Barelay, Enos 31Kiee. Nichol:La ‘Ferritor,
Wililam ltiorthrupt; Franklin, Wm Lantz, James W
Lurie; EnaPP, Molllater Catlin, J
Hallett, A A lin...knell: Litchfield, E 31 Iladlock;
Leßoy, Cnrtia Kelley.; IT II Ittardatee;
111.nroe twp., Joseph Johnsmn. Wni A Erllone:
S W Stevens. "Daviii; itidg.;•berrs; J•iferson
Carley; 81),:olte.min, Peter, olfe., Charles IT Ames:
Smithfield, Clarm;ro. Yoorttia: Silvania: A r:=Titik
ham : Towanda Boni, John Meredith. Pinar. Small
A (. Mason, teen Ii !teal; Tr,.v
Pleree: Tr.o.• t•vp..*Santnel Cobb. JefferAon ValiNoy.;
171,,ter. 11, nry Wellt .4, .kll,ert Alfred
Itsmin , m,l; Warro-i, `Nathan Young, t•:. - rti , ,,v,
T::lvEu l: - 2L'^.n -.t: 'n;..
Athoil.i por.i'..loliyi Frall.l; Allirlin P.rp., Alltii,a
us' Hi -- Iliiwen Merrill; A•yli'm . Jar , i' , E;11.'rl• - ::
A:rnartakili. 11 S' t lieel'ir; Liarria . r. ,Tliouws Cli•rmo,Jy:
W II 'llrfrarn. frw Dickey. E . A Tlitrinpion; Illirling
tr.ti`Ovi, ...I.l.l(aiitlA: Cantata Pail— \Vin Lkwrcwor...
Viilitml7:.l. lir S AyOro: rirarAle. S:liipp , lll - ;•Altarray;•
t l.
llrrri , k. Z. , plirr Platt: Liiii,lil. Jtiliii 11 . E, an;
I . o•Roy,.l:,bert 'Aragon, Jr:. vi W.iler , r; 310;Irm'
tu'r, Lyman Mai Imsn;.l'ike Hunter L.wi'; Ridge
-I,”rry, Co:i. Pare el: 110thr t...p rii /I Taylor; Small
-6,1.1. S s Yiimirt. Dhritt Elia .slew , ; E f: l(iiigali-y;
; , iinitll Criqk. A )1 . lkimiliti.z. Amirt-w Wort , tilyke:
Spriri:ll. , !.l. Wm A Thillorii: Shra.liermin Ciiver
Skimirri.Tray 71 ,- rrei'. .7 NI Wilfintir: Troy 1, - 1. , .. G.
1.i11;,n, Pali-! Ilir:,l:+ll..t.,loez Ca,e;"Terry. I:rii-lii , a
Sli,parii; Tii...ariir.l. llpiiltiii -Thlinfirin; l': , .t.‘r.'rl W
11olrorr.1,; Wrgerc. gblihori Etill . Wihnot, William
ErTitlie , r. ri 11 11.irtriti; WL alii , iti;. S C riiay: , .. , l;
Welle.i. Charli, T.tos. ,- - .
1 Tian!. 1.70..
SmUlt vs. 0...1. ... ; ..
Mielvtel Fitter vs. tie., alol Clershiln i•et
S. W. v 4., L. n.trainl• r ........ ap.,•• r.l
1. ('haft.., 'ruar.l
Snolll Lent v.. Geo •Psi 'll
E. G. 1%, her Gard ' ejectraent
, t..; -, he,11 Lace. It-niamin • • • - . ,;,1,31
w. ....
Franklin N... 7. K. .........
F.' It. et al A. B.
.Ifr. Van..l.•tmarl. ...T. , 11n
a orm:1:1 NT. Vv.: ill.. • a= , 3
Nathan E.lmin,t-r •
garrins4 f . ,71, , v.. Jr:nu- A. ••
WiTA v8-1 , ...g, Sp
liar: v - v. , . • S. N.
Jacub ST/17th • . • Z
N. L. Fox iliram
Sm:th 1 . . r t ....._ .
Fitag 11..1111131;.11 • 4..1. V. L. 1.0.11i1;1 . •'/ A
Molt I. A.l; .::•;;1.11
0. 11. I):tri , on g. S. N.,
0..”. T. C-;.1.•'..
e. F. wan . -
Imilaoy of Vran ......
r=. I ;.
0.1). 1.1!
=. Antl:=,- Ln • •
'lt. C. Vrshar::., l l,. cLas.
vs. .1. .-1;;.; 74
10m. tt. 311.;
D.C. 1 1- 4:4.
11;• . V. P.4..1. L.
7.. Y. C';;;;21, S - ;;;;;. J. D. 11.1tbonr... .. ..... .
SGthl ::ate r.;tl;runl , l, M ut
471. It 10 We: n 1 n tn. W..A.T11 ,11 1.%5.•
_i , , that thi , re 11%4 14, r , fa! : il
..ix, thr , of t.f W:11, itrlol.l
tlit.ll , :mty 11112,11.2r,1. 714 . 0,1f1ts ~1
F l3ll ac. 't xt - litre.x.ra 13. F. l'sy
-1..r awl iltnuri E.
Final A. 1 . .1.11."-,01nrclia . h , •f A.-J:1, 3-
a ..f a„ ad: .'r of Cl-1,1... ,
,1'11.111: , ....Tr.. • . .1.,
F. 11.41 a,. D. •-: 11.rana
”f D. H.
Partin) 11 1111 , 77.1,1.1
evtta It. I:ayr.o.r,
Part. d o: 1"," , ...a.T.A. If T1..T.11-.
11. P. -I. 1. L. .•••1. ,
1 . ..11,1 I Thnann, F77.krn. ,•: V; . .';:17:1
Vinal nee't nt R,T11 , . r.: St.• :111.1 Do'r.••
ekr . ..l of Sr-r.r •
Part'al a , -e't ItlrA. 44. C.:AS„,,d, 10,1* r •-f C. 1..
Final ner't of ,t":11 .- t of A. N.
1tu , ...11. do, ..1.
',‘•••• t I'. C!.1r...1D.
I. 111. :r 3,
FiL31..117: 4 •1 of 0. 0..1% . -1 1. -If P. w.
‘l.• ',l
Port,•l 't • ,•: Wi •
1:14 Me'St•al.
Final nev't of • 110,..1r Trn
rs.r'n of Jame , 0. Troy.
Final a..c't cf P. Ile.. g.uir,l'..tu ,
A. It.", r..
Fmal f O. NoVo, r'r of Wilnaru S. Li
on,. -
r:nal 1..
Final • ,
aee't of If. Conj.:111ln, 'a lin';
' , al, at,: .
Final r. o ,, nlF.nn 211,1 W.
, T:nol:r. don't!.
(4.1 , 01:n A. l'Art ,, n' , rfr 1%11,01y
T.tC4l , praiAollo pr , tvorty t r , ft he tl,e Er.
. ,
thefollOtritor dproilonte; •
E.-ate of .Tames . !Cfrikin.rm.
•• 1 , ,•1-11 QniA.
" William Lew - 1 , .
.• Datl4. •
• • t hsen AtrCar . m.
" SanlUei
C. S. Merrill.
Tbc a1,n..• will be to the 4-ArpllAn's
Court of, Brad fof‘r County fe'r cotitirlaati , in ...nd al-
TIITT.SpAT, SEPT. 7. 1971.
C. F.. (ILA...III)INa.
anufl-t.l LotOtsto,
r'STITI) STATM f r t 1 W. P,:strla
l'enugylYanla. ,•
thaeleFt We 11... of Ilradfned enanty, n iblatrapf
the Aet of e ..zei,‘ of Nfarelt
3 1.0...1 fora di,- , ellarga from all las debts, and
el.urna peen - able rtneler pr.ali . t Aot. ores., of the
COI/rt. Not/1 , 1.1 ' heroin . raven. to all pervons
,b-1.1: and other perunn,
alp ear tha 111th day of Ar6l 4 BT. 1P , 71. at ID
to-k. aon., le't's Jr.. Ite;1
t, r is Itankrutey, at I is ofni... at Towanda, to
show eaas,, If any tliev •, , el# 1 IllselArzr
not lo' granted to sald Illn'grnrt. And
further. hon 2i, en. that - the Seentld and
Tuinl lfotiit , •_!,4 er, , ,htn, of the , aid Itavhrnpt,
mquirod by *I, 2717, and 24th Si.:tionA r ,of raid t,
arillbe hell tln. sa:. , l,Vbxtister. at the tame
alit 31- , ANDI.I:-.‘4.
, •
that th” ticod in, r.
:u:: of Ow i•f Ponn,d) aria for
corpirati, di of a SaN'.ll:• , /tank. to kt14 . ,,11 3 , 4
Tor sins Savings Dank. to hat, a capital of :My
tliottand 1•):11r, %vitt) authorltr to itte: , -;`,.);^
11 , 1.. t. :111V afii,:t.t not ex: l s - di:l;4 thri, lrindr,l
thaa , ind tla• id,;,,t;of said dioa , „ arc to
ri,i - LiNi•Jiwney on (41).511.' and t, discount
to ex , r , laeg^nrroiliatil:ini::
to lx' lointed in tip I , ? , rongli of T,randa. vontity of
Era lfor j. nitit ai'itliority t , •-••••••11‘it , Ii s. at
ntto'rplus•ii to na:,l raunty. •
xJ is hereby riven that all oor.ons to
estate of riAnnrET flIT,NfOltE.,l4to of c3nion.
are i0g0,,,t, , a to ma:in iiamoailte
trent. au.l all 1er,,0n. , 1 hav;og kzaio,t thu
aaldePktlnTortst,pr. I.:MI: , dills' al:tVr•nti
"LAl fin' s.:'ttljlne4t. \VM. S. JAYNE. '
.'_a_Notim herfby si r en that all yellow; Indebted
to the estate of G. 11% STONr.. lato of WyalnainA deo,
are rtnursioll to make imruodiale payment, 0,1 all
porn u. havina a:Tail:lst nattl'estale rnmq
meta Went duly authc,nticated f‘rr aettlement.
C. R . 11031L'T,• .
• Administrator.
EetTO N T 1" CE.
;dice heroh7 cfrpti that alrprrsons indebtpd
to the`estate of .woun LIWTS, late of Tuscarora,
lloreaKe,l, aro reheated to make immediate
rrient, and all 'perAons Larit,4 clAizaa a,„"ainst
eetite mast rr-rrnt them ''11117.• anthrritic-nt. , (l for
I , ..ttlement. • • MILTON
ju1v12 . 71-wf,
. • rte,mt,r.
jul3 - 12 - 71-m - G
NOtire fa berrhy given that all Tiersettallidebted
to the estate of BURTON KLNOSLWRY. late of Tow
an.!a, dm 'd, are rug nepti,d to make 11:11711, , Allatc- pay
taent, and all "pcmcas having claims against said es.
tat" . .nrc,t prccnt the4eirne duly inthentiratod for.
. lILIWENA S. KlNGsnrity.
Gr.orGE S. KM - ISM:MY.
Jmy 1 svf
AD'' LSTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Is iv• nivrn that all i . tersona indebted
to Vie estate of JOSIAII. WOLCOTT, - /4to nl WWII . ' 1,
t Wr.,Aerd..llrt. mat4diume4lste Toippent
and all persons havßif.: claims against !mid estate
mast 1,n..50. at them duly anthenticated for Inettlo
inent.• LOREI B. WOLCOTT..
XRC T 0 frs TI C E.-
A-4 nithe Is berrbi given that All - persons indebt
ed t 4 the estate of Snag U. SPAS Drso.lste of Atlemi
.barn'; deceased, aro rfsinestpil to make ingsediate
payment. and all persoms luctug.clsima 'against
said estato rutts present Them duly authenticated
for settlement. GrY IL TOZER:.
- Executor.
Notion is ltembv,gty'on to an 1 crotoia . 4
trrne egtatis of RAIITEL WARNTR • Cato .of
tnwt.bilk- dp,eameil. tuust mate . inunc , liato• pay
swat. an.Eall h*vth datum against *314
present thew duly liuthdutieate,l f•ir
sentdeinv , nt. • A.S.I.IVAILX.Ea,
22,11—wr; A dint niFttntor.
of randry writs of Venti. Ex. ar4l FLFa. iaanett out
of tho Court .it Com. flea , . of . 13,railturd Co. and to me
directed...loll h0,exp0x....1 public ea,
_le at the Court
Honaa, in th of l'frwanolia, - Bradford Conn,
ty, on Tilt; it.tipAY, At."(7,1:81' 31. 1:27i, coLunit:a2iEg
at 1 o'elock p.m.. tier followintt .I...w.trilled lot, piece
gr parcel et land. .Fatuate I.l.x...TetTy trcp., Golan:led'
ttf, r.loverf: On M. north by Imblle hlghatylead.
top triim 41:51,ttrt to Altenar; cast by_larld'nfillcliard
Yadderp,...l,. mouth az.;.llwett-, by pennl...
crinitnina. rotitairling I.3..aer.!!.ninre ;.;rcpt
4 acres inuirovCd. !fouls,. awl .fl:w
fru.t..j.rekw . ,thercutt. •
F..t , ze.l and taken info eaectitlon 'at the suit r 7 J A
31.ratn J090n0.,n.,2.1. '
31,80—The fril4wing fle , sc"ribed. Int, 1.1. , er or !.ar
eal of laud, situate lit Vf,yeox tap., bounded to' 101.
I,,wv: ata cozier eke tine of lot, her, to.
fore entrveyed to Charlea . !llomali by J 1' Kirby and
wile: ths.nce north . lol.t.'and
sonthv. - eet enrttor f•f a k.l conveyed to Jr4lll
nPnicY tV Ma*" and wife; thence alatt,t,•:litte of
„Aim ,tame 22.4 feet to/tho west tide of IL,. piiblle
Ile - htriyad' .,
, ,n to ollorrtnati's r.4l.2y;" Conte
the aatue Routh 40.1 1, p. and... 3? Min. eak". , .... , 0
fret In tlo. 'northeast corner of sail. Ileman's
- thence alptntAno of tbi, Alamo Reath 42 thig.
to tho - plbee of IXOntslng;, couttiining .one
:n.'l 511 perelfea. more or 1.-as. all ttopro - .e.1.
otltrr lot, piece Or parcel of laTid, aint
ale in W.y, , oitwp.aiforesald:
at al.orn.-r nn tiro welt aid.,
51..1y Highway". f,O feet northwest Iron, the
northeast earner of lot conveyed to John Ilatiley;
thence along aaid highway north 40 drir. and :a. two
west 0:10 feet to a corner; thence north 31 deg'.zso, non
West 213 feet'to ,'corner; Llien.fe Ty dew . ..4nd .
- wert :425 feet t 3 a carne;; thence gone, 21
deg. and tiff tiyl; rut :120 fc , ,,t' tom pool cornet;
tbrluv actor !tc, min.r
t. tendP-o,t to a
4144114 : r; tlif,lo:e. nOrtli Vitt. alo .4 1 to , - . 1.
1.0 tto the ',lnce "of hi , . lei;; Contairlo.' r ; 4, 3 , 4:4.:5.
1:4or.• .liool, "
other lot. yae.e or parcel of Ait.l
- in IrYa - ox tap. afore-aid. • fle.cril , .i
corni , r eget etal• of pilt-Ii•
from Tov , ' Boroil;zll to ••
Eddy 7' 1111 , c f... t. pnoth'easterly along • sal.l
high...ay from the Fonth line 'of Lneinda
tnlining north 70 .lee. and 34 3'20 fret
'toa sontli 30
to a Corner: them, south 1 11.1 (leg. -and :10 isoii:"fia.;
:36'J nof to a earner: srittth arl , l :1(.!
11:111. Wert :130 fort tan cur. - rant lophwaV
aforesaid; •tltenee aloe:; the same . north,4o deg. end
30 tuiti. w4l 445 fe•ct to corner!aloup the
Brune north 21 d , l.t.'and ‘ ll,o 01111. west, 1 , 30 1. to tl,
place of beginning; toniaining 2 ~:;its anti C:t pert
ches, more or let's. all improved. • . '
..A.L.Ac-One other lot, pleCe orpaset4 of land., ratn.
ate In Wyrox tap. aforesaid, 11,tanibull - a, tuI:OVA - .'
D.:jading at, the uartlicast eorner.of a lot cou , ...yed
to Ili.rding .Nfitllook: thence nortli.3.l Llc;:.and aq
minutes welt "1:!..) fret to a cX,rtLo.r; tLence e. - . 0111 711
:i0 rain. tfr..t ak...111t INO foci-to P. , . ,i
.7":".Y. Canal & ft. Co:: theiLt,o aloe.;; poOth.
erly 170-fert to nctrtlywr•gi, o;:r?!.. - r Of ealfilKel-'
tram 1111tIlock lot 7 there , : alonc line of 1 4, a4:10 north
dop, and :Vrnit ei - ottt IAS fort to olace
, r-- r
--r pafee...i f
, t'-n,
11..r . intzin.: at. tie 'a• to 14i , •Coui .1 3 .r tvl 5rif••71114.71e , ..
0.1,1 y"
'north 21 d.:. ant 3) ti:.:T.L.'wr,t.
313 rare:. Nr0..1 3. f. tto a
ii,-1.,..• d,•c.and root
-le,. iii)rtlnv , of ,4:,1 k.
lo): al.•ni tit•••,:if:e. u , ...1!1 '79 'dr.!: 'awl - :30
To 0. ~t to Ilio
121 pc:c . hrt• nt 12:1.1. more at
Srin an 1 tal, -, n 'tot.*
Kirby ti -Walter
ALSO-11c, , roll.:wintz rlcacril, ,, .l lot: pi. v. , . or 1„....aku.1
'of la oil, Fitonte in Wy.4ox. twp.. Issanio fo:14)1w.::
i 40.11,:, at 1.41 , •• ...nor,
or I . :11114. , 1ir0wn , ..... 4:1th 0.44. r.-I
at, 1 ech,' q fr..: an , t
al , .ra. Los I 1 •
..s.• : 2: - .
ws st t. 10 4:C
ar is 11% I, In
ai 4%2 I:1,r q . th
tot , t - 4.4u5•
s - rlncaal. with a r.
I:::.raatt . I , .• _
71T. ,4 0 ‘'•
~,, . at
r; , rtil 1.7
thtl. west t't:: S-10 : . :•;,...1/•• apt „ u a 11, h;tt-::
of stt;tl Sogar k; .:
ti .% 41013 ;0:n. ea-t: -.1;1 044 , 1 t- Tt, T
•;!. • • ••10,!il101..! 4 wrvs
1 .
. •
by(.. r . ,••
If" in , ro -r :•••• , .1••••:n4. 11•••
t..,•0,••• • -.*! • .1. `. ...s. -. .r.j
;.“1••••••..- 1:. •1•• ,
rp , ir t - r• - q •
C.hlolill"..??11., '127 john
f,•!ll..vnltz 'IL-, 1
Itlit I 1::: ,,, ;: . I
Qv' I L- H. , •;tlt I. /t.
Cr‘ Plt:10 Boartt.ty Dn.! ./1 , 4.11 t'.ll
•..t . :
t •I: • t
by tin. I - 4.1t . ' •N 21.1,1 I;?
). 1:. 7 •. T 1 II It !: ..•: !
cunt/Intl:LT ar••. 1
Ku.,.1•1 ! r:
tl , -
a -
' \
. -
:,- • '.
1. ot: • :. : .: f •-!
erl.Ft by .702 r,"
. .
. .. ,
. .
flq-- 1:,,r..:.L ~•...-. : :.-,:',...! 1. : 4 ..,'. --.---
. 2:,1.1.1:1 - i.", ‘,..- r.'. 11, :. ~. . .
S :7,1 :11".4 t. 11, '. ir.t , J .•\.-.,.':!...-..'-. :''t f.' 7 • •• ' A
tc .‘-., %., ~ .11, . .- . 1-:,
,—; or 1:411.1. s.!ttlat. ,, in 1: ,, r.." t". - p.'., 1 4 . -, 1 , 71`.. - ..1 r..+ `,•l
- ...1'.... - ..n......!..; :.t a. :::..'...., an : ~ . ...n“. ~ ,^.'n• - , f
.1' , .?, - -1 , 11 . 5.,1.-y'- 1 ,, t: tf , . ...... by 1 4 , , , 1. :.i11t..1.,,. fi11 ; , ..‘. 1.11:..1....:., - . , -t '..v...,::. 1 i-Iti 1,.. 4 1...,•.- u, th...• n ,-;.
~1!),”1:.:u alma c. ;:t . .... , .4 ..., i ~,,, I
~.1!1`,- a ,z. ,%:,•:-.: •,,, .::..1 140: r. < t., Oh-L.. If
11.rat..1. , L11,111, t.! , ...! . .*, ...... v.: , • 1 ...!. ..?..z.uf ~, , rin
2 0. , •....•,t :;:. nr. , l 2-10...p,r,f, 1 : a 1 ., •ta1 , ...!1•,,t. , -
1:.,,t1.. a.t .. 4 - N . r 4-!* , n•1'..17 ~ n, -..,- 1 ..... , '........n• ,watt,
Z., t:t ~.7., t V. , :,, , , .21:a 4- 10 .1” r,L, .:. t.;1.11.• P!' l, ' , . , .of b '-
gi1.111.'.1;.; ; CtTht..:l7l:::,:: if a-4 - ,.5 an.tylo: , r..-!...,.: ,t. - 1,.2
in , l.•nirf., 3 .. 1.-nit. g :ler,: i11i! , r.',11 . :. at.t:t a fscnl , ll
11.':it , o - And an nl.l. b !az.; ..t..1.;•• t.llO, ~,:.
s ,1 into•t/." PI .t 4.f
ri....7117 C0. • .4 11,` !! Hi!rn, an
HAM,. . -
AT:so—Thp {nib, - t.
Col of lank .ittatt , in Wilmot bong 1, .1
11,w ftl , t , 4, ••••nr- Rnit errol7, Fontli by Jonathon
Un ill:
wo,t§ sa.,l .11.-xanl, I , tonaa,: :
ono a
fratueddirelling Uonse etor,“t:•
:'. 4 .i, ,,, 1 • antrialzrn eNt..• , 1ti. , 71 :It C.l , 5 . 1:t
. .
hail Tilr f. , llnwinz tlrscribt I‘.t. Nr•
`.C,`;1,.r......p.,';1.0nza1ed f.)!.
1,),&4; )n earth I.y lin& of L K na y p. eartl s
r.ouall by - Gonrg , .. la +t br
,` rabta:Ti , lz 73' ~ f ierf,,
31.0:a 3) 30:vs finprov.,l, wall ❑ fn.i!) , .ll:arn.
11...m1 11,140 rnud fmr frnit
S. izod ati.l t:I.
man 13t mfer cs Tilamb y frarl".
Al-, at the r
A. SO—The folowiluf . C.t. ptr. e - or par
et..l of land, 6.tnat, to Try loon - Idea ..-u;
F. at a in - the ,line of Laud; Of
S W thence'sonth rod:, :dent: the rine
nt Lands Stnitir to the north. , a,t eorner lif
lantl.t fortrierti - John.on. Rill ahlr. ,ii
-ceased; thenee:czut :dew: the north line land. of
111 to a pA.t Vie%
northw....t e.r.'n.'r of 1ar...1g of ',end cgtr.t ,
and tho hne of Patrice:lin-I:et throe
al:: ti: • 1; , 1:1:e abo'tt ;;,) r `Nit , to a IN' ,
in tho.lin• I'yrran - tin
thene , .•I,t alonif tune of .111,1 and,l
lined lanes Mad; tk.
place of beainlnt7; -containing 2u) more oc
f1:1111, 1 hen: se then
and t.,1;,-.1 int , . P . :••;•ntit.4 at I:i.. en.t
k.,Migtalv.vqlo.epit II Willi or.
• r.ll:.witn:•il,cribed 'lot. pi••ei. .17 liar.
eel of lanil...tuatt. in Sonth 3 ., the ton - thea,t r of a '
coutraett..l to Stepluot r,rna - a. and rn - tinin.f,
wit I'ol- - ierehes to a cortari 1...e11, 4.4 1-..91
I. a corn. r; thouc., In a lin.: to th, ttr•t
mentioned lino li+9 tern. h, i tit a. r.kcoer;
A.nith alon.:t'ilioyae. of re'e ;ati.l
r , th. , hezinntn-r:
niore,or al.olit ihrtror , L With
~, :11f loz barn tirith a ft
frn.t tre• th. i , , , ,
nO.l r.t I -I
t vs A M :ITre
•• or 1"r•
I of Inn .I..sithato in I;urlin.,..b
follmirA:tbil rth by
,cast s r
IY. bY . Ill.'. highway, iut .D.ll , lington
bon.' r.. sr” . .l 4 l:l , l4:roLiainiu,z I:iore or
board i•or:i hor: - ; bara
11 •
cth .
er pieYe 9r prire , ,i of laitiVaam
ate in 9a1,1 t,
the porill I,y 11;6114 la7n,-; e92t. I , y J.1.1.1.`9
S'' ' utl; by the above sit Cy
trom I;;:tl:iimmi 1.1 Srmilinelil;
cm:taming *,,mre or it , se.. aimirt 4 1 1 herea
improved, witl 3 frArmid Imaf,:e,_trdined bac/ and nn
apple orchard Ca,
S. •Iled and dik.on . into, e.Arentiocn at illi;t ( 5114. t of
S , nanthi SVAnnan 1:6 Vatlel rre
ALSO—TIo, too:Town:A do dd. 1010000 or par,
eel of land . .iwan• loomnolo d tot
lore.o: On Coo !north to land of 5 •1: 84 - 14. v. 4 a„ctil , 7
:I'ffen.!i'treet in qa1111 , eroo!. gontli and treat
Wattlo ; o•ronton.u:na qrre. mooro•kor ir o ;pro.oved,
wotli iwo o :ranted otwi hoar... - s Sad coo .front7..ol
Irirn thoroon. .
• .
5c1.1.4.3r3tut taken hilt the edit 4 , C I.
Absody vs S F Washburn and M A.WaAllyorn..
At.stl—Ths fotla.sing o.•
eel of lath). , (4ranville•twp„
Orl north by. lands of Jolt', FeLti,a
ail Freeg;ft .Ity Jr rut W,..13:1,•rt•ff1,
4ith Lry SylVe , ttlf" by Scol.iy v ter
and Charles Parri.rti , r: acr.grin
or loss, 110 improveinrnts. .
and taken kilt., at the snit of
J. bn I. rergifson's use vs William
.‘.12 , 41-11te following ibTertlieil pots of land, ~itns
au- ZLot. No. 10, 11. 12 :oil
1:1 -111e;clint's Eubslivlshitt of liazt l'pwatul t. s id
bto No. 10. 11 and 12 le-ing earl! - 75 t tg.out
Italu . ;!rt...t of said No. 1.1
A , front-on iatil )fain street, and ail of
sot lots hug 15ii fief as surt ., yi,l \C-<t II
Morgan, Esq. Said lots is-ing the salmi. as soli! l‘y
Fred,-rich Fli•sehut to thoilefiiilant,ll-WS,ihwer
A and talon into 4 , cecution suit . of
fahanan Str. , ,tl, vs 0,0 Vl Soln«rr.t D.
ALSO—The following deiscribeil lot, piece or, par.
ya of :aI:A.-situate : la Wyalusing two.. bunudd,l a=
follows; On the north by land of liarriSon Lamb
'and David Itt.f.Nn. east by gala bari.ll.ll,A, n. sonfli,
lay the highway leading from WYalrifinr.t to
weet by land of said Ilarrison
entitatuing acre. Loma or les.a, naprov,t, with
one two-story framed Luttae, pith. fralued barn. and
A building fOrailorly need as a blae.tianith shop, and
a few fruit trees thereon. , - j-
Seized and taken into e.v.•eittion -at :Ili , 5,,,. of A-
Lewis vs Alma Drinham. .
ALF4l—The following, described 'lot, piece or par.
ret oflarrtl. Situate In Irdniet.twp.. bounded as
low:.Beginning at a pine, thence - north b 2 deg.
ea.0.....p) per. to a- pine, thence north 'l2 deg. eo.t
perches to a .tone heaps thence Nccat lei per.
to a stone heap; thence it.)rth 67 per. to astonolteapt
thence nest S 7 perches ti a post in warrant
line:thence sough 22 dg. west:Writ:T. - to it stone heap,
• th.:11..43 pie to a Corner It; the.
I; thence alorw Fail .r9ad eolith 15\-
144 , e5. 2,1 percher; thaw« hycrevk north An dew..
wL.At 15"per‘2.eks woutti • 40 tka. Item. 20 per.
to the mad: thence north 79 deg. tart ,5 'perches;
thence fonith 42 ileg. per. to - a- 'comer in the
thole. , south 15 to a. hot:,
lock; thette...! out% 22 dcg. ireat 2t.,4 po ton stsr,;, -,...
400 p ni.watrant lint,lll36llCo east $1 awl ?AI o.r: :
to a down heinlorli. rotor-r of Jer.enir Pell ''....arrant:
thengo 22 tlir,r. wert...4l per. to the place 'of beirisir
ning: eontalnlorr 42' agr,...a and pa 1,,1r t ...h.ea, mom,
or tern, about,' . .617 aerirA. iraprove4. with a frahr , E
Longo, framed burn. with abed attached, ara:rrpple
or,grard trial Other !milt tree. lltertov., - - .
, eerized and tikin Into ex...mut:On LE the qtztt. of ..11.11% -
, ton.fronwt 0); J 5 Gana,14m,,1.•
Ala° atie molter` - A 1t- le i-i „TR . rlaro'rTe.' -. . •
ALiVe-, he follo - eingd , r),:rtbe..l tut, Mem,. ~,r.pir...
eel' of land4.:tuate io Wysoz two.. bounded as tot ,
toga; Begturilng at a corner net lien of tin , aOtilhal
N0b1E. ,. & Montt:lye. lot PO fret
-cast of. Iliebastla
.Knonder,' ziorthe:r4 roruc - r: thencernortlt :I de.... -anr.l
.3 1 .i.nain.. wert.")7s feet to a rorner; thence- north T 9
deg. and KO min, ti:it 5. 35 , : ,,, t;'then,,a0 yorth 7o dog:
:la min. ems. 1:71 feet to , ft - corner On fat e rof
the tarn, of - Epeptten Stricklt rid; Jr::-Uanll:6 ahl!r , ..,
line of the 1. -arnexoalh e drg. 4 1 14 Pr ruin eall.l3 0 :/...
feet, ti filo NlClittteivst rorl2 , !?' ref R 3 1 ,1 Sitriektan,l'o
fatal on btu? of :1t ,Ira lc 3ftnttarrye lot bereto:m...
• nre•ntlaried:lL.!we 31, ,ng no., • 0, - . Th e ~, a 1,,,,,,,0411,.n?,
deg. we,l 570. feet to th.• ph..., of I,ollnniWe;,.,gl.'
tairitiwlG acre?, and UT; por, It., rn , rro .or,lerca, with •
a.latr , tramed unto, 10i.wn.,... CIX.,- '' l'a.:11, lf , X"--I.'" '
• framed Ertu - n. - other. cait.l 0 . ..1 , !ti,..... and P' ,, rt C "
. . r park t. 1 1 ,, 1 -,,, n. - '
- , Setzv - il al.! tiken lido r: v . ...41'g, at too au:: 7.4 rJ I' '
..lillrby..ra Cbarleit 110mx,..
• .
A 1'..',f..)--T.1., follte.:itur - tb.,, , ,,...i1 . .../ lot, pier° or, par
cel ofland aintAte En Canton t...t( . ,.., I,o,tiokil Jo; 101-
Iowa: lot tho s ;:rturtli by /ands of A K Areal!. cart by
E114h3 11p , k" , yell, smith br (.111a.rn , 14 - 1:OU11,,11, vii•l4 t,'
A A .tatolt, efratair:ing ro acreF, ;note Or . .1 , .." . .4, r,1r . .,u.t
.1.:. - acres knXj , n , refl; no Ifrolldror, , .. .- ". ' . •
- .. f• , •!:". ,-, 1 aOtrt"..11O:11 lilt, ox,rUtioll a1..1.11 , ,.,11.1 ~...: 1.: Wi
Elliott v.. A Itf fla , kett and A P IflOrett. ,
' AI ti:)—The following dee,..rlik.l.l lot, pitt a or in,.
0.1 o: land, Filnat.• Ili Ail4,,ny top.. b9;11; , 101 ci, f , 1-
- linv%:-- On 110, north by a r.u;.:rierY 1 , 4, sort im - hrut..
of nrs.S IV ti.g.....)1, emit)) by said )Ira? s IV Match
and ht n•nrmn.u, by ctfil :!11 3bl;nri(-1:: Poll
lainirtg ant -I nor,', ....a . )re or 1..-t, - all • irul.r2 , ved. to , . •
'.l . _liniblin; , , ..
--1.1r.),...1 an I taken. iron ex'l , lll.lon at !Iv! ~..nit of I) , i - -
.. - .,1 Xrayolan'.., it. , • ye . XV. tiatCil. .
‘.l '
- _ .X.1. 14 0—T!,,, f ., ll4iiiti! 4 , ..rCribed.lOr illerli or p.a.
ea of land, war:atein , ban- twp.. boonded a„, f..f.,.--
ti - wt.: I', , gluning at a. poi nt on the catt Inn; of - thr..• .
reriv;elC turnpike at th- northwest, overier of -a lot -
deeded by' J S Campbell to Ralph flf,wenar thewat
:tort 11.4. th.g... and 31.1rnin. 4;3,4 . 57 foetio a e - ,,r,; titenee
tont!, K 1 dcz, :gi rule]. ea - 4 2.rto fe,d. 0 a corner;
thrust: win tit •/' dri. and :'al min. treat'n7 feet to the ,
nortbea,t ....rri) ,- .r o„fraid-Stoven,..* lot, nonuse north
It; ,Ir. end a') min, trod ' along xafd het ~,,,,V•
lino for the place of 1. ,,- ;!n;nritri . containing .11.4t0 -
arrtare f-,.t, morn or 1,......... all intpror.....l . will, a '
fframed dwelling mrr
Vini.r•theo. . . •-- ... - -• .
Seir , - , f and takenjutoexecntiotr at' the end of ,7 , 1 C
7.kf -, orner. nne• 0.4, „t damplxdL ~--... ‘,. - ."
Afr , ..*--Thr,folitiaing deserlheirl lot. pli:,, O rFate
et.: vi taint.. xitmate in Terry 'toil., ism'.. toll no (Orr
10‘1 ,, : On the north by the pr:Llie high.iay ; , ..rnar.„.r
front Trin to Albany, cut -bp land of .7 ^, Irtyrr., ' by E.l Shepard :no! Trevinan 11 ,
1-,l[c,ir: ennt:nnlng 1 acres and r.....t.1,tr,h,,,
,of lurid. wort- Or 1, to,, al..ont 1 Itell , partly iniprort,l, •
..... - o. Imilrligg,.. - `'- .
fAlci.Tribto- exTuti.m• nt of
- .A )1 P 1111r4e1, r
l'Erazr, VA>7.1 . V.1:1-717.
3 , 112'71-2 1
Not',viv,, th at :tn.
t '. 1 : 17 11C:E1.417.1 , LEY nf
-I . 4liii^ , :t
viml al7 ix.r.ra - tx 7,atintt , ;Tairris
/414i+Is a lily, ft.r
',r•til7l.,vr: • , Adrrlini.'lltrilc. •
f 4 VI flirif inelnl,trd
t• - r 11 'I NILIOLIY;1.
of Wilmot
rf• • tr.' • til
vrirAona 1:r+111Q• •
, hll7 . t u2ln ietik r 2t4,1
- 17 4 1 X E N
;AN. tielt Prrrttlq . l•lld , !l/te . i
i•• r••• •-• , ";•" C. ~ : ,
t• ,, 1
claims n. , tni t Arm?.
••' •
•• • I;F,NJA ,
• •,. F. Fiji
t. • -.
. ;., ti ~. ; . ~...
?ll ~ ~ !,
l .1
ap_ ,• I ;;; J T.l.var
• ..-
ILL7 - 1. - ..0z1 - Ni •
11 • 11.- i• • / '
• • .• •Nr.r.
f 4.: th; ;
; •;.!;:,: - Y • rotrmyi .
•! • .; !r.t ,u,-h now,
,•.,; wca
, ns. - tlon tp — c4. , 1..;•
I . • -
-lc. an I • n , t,t!; , :l voivo Ptr
. 11::.:A:1:2 fin;
• ,! ,•!!•! •!!! nr• 717:.
)1.:1,r110 . :;
!7 , 7 . •.% I:. pr.-.
/ rpit”
e iho 'atte,ll7l-
uteut : the i'••ll,ttitutt•ea et 0 1 ,4
,cen,monw., : ott i 1-
I'l`' •• o
k. ruble for .their reit
imr,:;3; l 4. 1., the pt•ef,,e!et,,, ~ f Ahe tilt urtkel.•
tLer-o:, to
:. 4 Liketttut the t• - ;ixtk:ketion pt . th Sixth Artie h of
111, et , , is Le it litt.l.,,,z,tutt
. -
•' A. St/t;• I . i - l ~ .I.tirer Al.: - . 11 be eh0..11 by the. ..
i; , .. , 1. !..• t,r.. or Vac, Stato. at slitla tints, aihL rcr
5 ,,-I, t,.,,..„ ,-,1.,,,!,, a, F111:I L,., prek , eribe:(l , by ia'A." •
. ' .7.1.1rE.`i - 11. ‘VErtll, -
:•i,e,z7,:cj-.4 the l . l, lap , rctflrt.Trt..- , , , rit.apicc.. ''
. .
' IVI.T.LI.V:kr A. W.kLI.ACE. •' f,
• • ~ , .
• -•
' - _ • S,pr:tlief o` the Scaaatrg
i tj.-on.rve 1 MO ilftw.:th'dity of Jtnte.. Ann, Doi)if^.l,
, n, t:. , -.4.n.1 ,-I; •14..•:"rt5.1.-guLl Her. eLAy-tia. . /
- ' ..i . I. / -
.. ,
. .
I'l' pi:. <1 anal ck7 - rtill.,l for Publication, Tur.r . tant to
.0. , 'l" , ntr \ Art! , ..!.; t i t 1.... C.abtaution. :.
I • . • I'. JOISZDS_N,
f . , , • •• , f h
- . S4O-Pti-- 0. t_e Conilriigwealth.
. . ,
of the. enTIITTSMII`rea!i)I, )
I.l.tili,t)titr., July sth. 12171. : ( jultla ;k
_ _
F oit . k.l.lll; ..NTE) TO RENT.
I'l:.'ti i-cr,Atisl`,~
- rtr-ry 'SI . E.LODEJN-5
:1 c.tiaNT:r cirrizc.rx
i - . •1 I'l!it.,.
:A %St/ .I:ll:triunt.:tts.
Ft' m th' "hl7 r i l,.,,akrr. 11l "the I:pit6.l ,
".;•a% t'4+4. 1 1 ,•clier
W. N,a• Yarn: Curn,tona
tt'a ,- .7,11,k. New Ilaw..ti et.: C. .11 , 7jr,
:u.-11.11tt44,1r". 1r , 102,t•911,
It. Tray, Ct ;
N”w York. Um:lmq the
organ. ::ml tam Ilurt)vtt
Orv - hn: Into door . 11.,r,
d:..••••.*:or t • :L.!dna Towdua. , .
• •
NO: n.l CITZRTNUT S1:1117.1.7, 1111T.A
Frsr.: over. $.1,000,006
IN ',)MI rllll
- .
TY:I - 1 nr..N . A.NN
, •
.. • _
l'OrtES /. ( 'St.:ED‘jN APPROVED
;Laid annnally oc semi-anuailly or
a Ilan will be r.A.CIt., for of th e
SA 7.T Pr , ,ident,
• SA:til'EL .E..STOKII.S. Vier 'President.. .
lIONO, A.V.R. and Actuar.Y.
N" ENS, S4ol,tary.
ii. 1., 7ott
It - ANvA rof: SA Lt. be aisrot...l,•t:
privat, ...ale. a large eOrtier lot fionting P 4 fer.t
'train a , ..1 , 1 120 ou Wiv.hington street. apt 1.& kr' on
.erect. cunt adjoining the Baptist cloinsh.
niatang ig C.w.t oEctre.t front: with a %ranted dwell
ing house, e.mhining 15 To. , nni and a gAtelietii,a
wood--lionse, two nmall .
a .wel! of cavellcut Wcter —never lef4 than 1.1 feet of
nester—choice fruit trees; small fruitA, and: a grap
cry thereon.
I will sell ifalnigether or ilivido iptu . kik . to at - -
cow modal,- purchasers.
I Lave alto upwards of 2) lots in - Pattoir,faildi
tion to Towanda which I will all to Ineehanioa and
ail on-long credit. • I
Emiir,ot tlritlliths k rattoni . at thrir oilli•e
Tir - ,,100 ',tree!. lb& enbseribiir, corder
and Washington streets.
atitt Cii-ound at 1.13 X k IkERCUIt'S.
kns: 31.3.:P • '
rem:, 1 , 71:
:FE' att. ,
' ; • lt • .
'.111•4 ),L..r.r..u../
.i.• pt
T .
; 7 t • .14
I i
;II r.t•s t • - tn pa 71:0 .
•IP.• r:4 , , 11.(1
• T.. s• 1/!4Zli:cl.lp - , 11 th.k.
;.y "th.?
'ir Olt.;
'~t" ^i;
t n
1 . - ..:,titul44i t 4
n rr,ylvanla
J,AIN \V. .
liS F)1
_A_. .0 S
f:enrrill AGeutß