.s3rlntlhxrtil: ng of Strawberry , Leaves After Fruiting._ ' ton number of strawberry grow re expressed incredulous %un of. .the practicability of this ti:) . which' , .w•e reply that in case •that has come under our , it has been a complete sue- Indeed, one - gentleman' in _ _ Fyn ers ions plan, every. notic eess. Nexv, York stated last fall to E E us the t.he hadpractised it uniformly' for mght years, and, had never - 4een - obligixi to reset his plants or renew his bed; while•thelnxurittrice of his '. I plan s, and size 'and quality of his be ' , s were matters .of great notorie ty. i his - own neighborhood.. The : prtip iety of cntling off - all the old and , N.hausted stems, leaVes, etc., af r ter f iiting, - will not be questioned', we t li i nk, by . 'i s tuy one. We would only - add, by . way of caution, that whe ever the plants arethus mown, and tops' et-It off, it is imperatively-. , nece sary- to protect the' crown with , • -mulch, until - d - T . shoots out_ a icnt gnantity. of fresh _ green s to enable it to tike care of it Thee-folloWing letter, cenfirrna=• MBE lc: t'oP of our ideas, Was written recent ,- Irat- , inith, of Peoria, 111., to the nitrs' Club, * New York City: ;- Observing ' frequent inquiries le,of the canners' Club ;regarding propriety of. mowing, strawberry its after fruiting, and that the _ le - := , have:,been rather shy in giv an opinion, I offer. the following bricnce of my osstiJ About ten irs' ago, noticing, as had : frequent-. leelirred`before, that after fruiting; weather being hot anailry„many nn- - plants apparently fresh :and lthv in the morning, would lie C(m the ground* withered, and d:aingly nearly 'dead at- night, as 414-4,..1.1 something . ' had severed the , 1t curd alit - off-the supply of Moist tl•., This being often repeated i ior ip i odh, half. .of the Plants, would rr;etkiies be dead; and the rest , r•:itly injured. All Strawberry.grow •; have witnessed the Bailie., It is :111(.11 here sunscalded. On eXamin .tion I found the roots whole, sound .1 din good order, except as .dry as ,chip. The following ,hypcithesis ves then suggested to—my Mind as he probable cruse: After •puttinef orth their utmost strenkth- in the production Of a . bonntiftrNield, the f p mit noW, like all egetf atinimatc-di n Aare, -including npu, '' - ''' i . - ' s requires ;i'seaSon of rest,i a n 1 cannot at onee, replace the c-x -T 1.1 tusted e.l4.ergy of the rootlets so i as o ;;abler4l. sufficient moistures to Ineet the excessive deipand for evap t ration from the leaNes. The root: •t iereby -being •sueked, dry, death nee Is :sa rily follows from - starvatipn. Tlic :needy, then, noistfie in remoVin _ t ie dem - nand. for 'evaporation. a t Th - test-was made by inow-ing a poLt i iot ended 1:. t o i) a Stith tc h c i l Zr t fe .4 c i t " s * i ll it':( fm • t es. "- w s i : a ::; s i n n l t ., , ten my practice has been-,after fruit t 01,7,:to i mow them close to - the ground!, 6.nd if OWweatluer is' hot „and dry, ciittcre" the leaves .-ev,:•uly ov e r vii • beds, and after thiifiking• them fu: . iheir nice acid fruits, bid them resit • / I ' , r Anust and Solite:1;14 it l ' i i' ' Nvl t, r e Ae' until co l : l ii i e with tile i- life - f est or 1 , 11 , nut( N,(.11, 1 nilitohms. ' this lreatn-il.:nt iwver lipsL• a p!aut, imwevry hot th • aveathcq• inay to-. .Ift( t: .kt4mst rail s jlie.y . reconr.loll..r. t.:l--gi•ow, pultii i ",, Is o It , tww-- rinit‘ , :rs, tint . eoverit tlii:-.gronu(r with , iat -, ,e, darlt,.thrif fidiage, and fife largcsf and ,freSlicfst nen erownsfi)r. the next year's er(», :ilia novcx fail in giving- a first cla .s yirld fp . r the sPasoil.".— 11;,,lielitioxi t. cc= HYDRATE OF OHLORA.D . Tiloral i)reper hi,nn.a.lc by iiassi 1; - :, 1 4,11 , :f chloritiorg! , ‘s tlifoni.,4ll__,.pure 141 ri - : ie.!, lue'atol With -sullikririF acid, 1 it I c.. rinli.‘ chloral,l4l , lt_ni - separat e d bei I,e r r, (:titled over - litec,: - ; the ehlorine tar: e, . t -- thii - plare , of the hydrogen in the ii. Feohoi aifd forms, also, hy - drochlO•ic 1 acid; -this, by a furtlicr ileeomp;osi -1 lien, becomes chloral. It is in fill. i . bib.: mi. Oily, eolorlii•ss liquid, harm. :1-.!odor very much lilie that of a r p( melon.' The hydrate which ig or i Hardy used - is formed by the addit or rof.water., in which the chloral c s tallizcs in :Mow-white needles. • I , I c:: the mode ,of administration t is the difficulty lies, there being u., :!',c-ans of determining .what consti tutes.a. proper . quantity to, take a :Itty givo time. When taken i,at f the system,.eitherArough the ino it; Ur I,y injection under the' skin, 11 Om, chloral come; i; with the alkali in the bl 01 it. Jec miposos, and forms ehlorofo I 11 r ins 14.11 tly cailionizes : the bb oii or in ‘4l4ir•words, elia6ges the f esl - into dead venous 1,)( 1 which, spreading, thy C mighoutL 1 ,0,12.4 Onv the senses: eratv: , a•nrore or less onbplete :11 thesia: But how- is - this to rt, , I7tted ?, The fact 1110 e by w 01,1 , n-of - Orin or cluoraf produces d at is et unknown, ahnostre.ery pl ys ciao hitying a. ipecial theory - on,tll subject., How, then, is it pc sib e t tell what - quantity produce sec and what death? Its'eliffits 'are 'e different, - with difrerent„individ There arc examples where the pa lent had taken - only four grains of thi. drug, yet death ensued. In ther cascs-40 grains havC been adm nis tered without .injurioy: efteet.. repoeter lately visited se t.ral promiueut physicians of / New 'or]; rite to learn their experiences vith the drug: They all testify tha • its u. , :e.yei'luirt:s the utnwst caution, and seine Ptillent (Tiition.tha it-s employMent is ouly . .ustilialae it the eases off d• I=!1 "FAsrutisthu,-. -- Fa. Its mive thanioil or 'sorrow. I dienee to fashion. is•a greater t hats gi•essibu of the laws of woman' • na . faire, a greater injury lq her ph_ sica' and. inetital constitution, tha Lirdshiris of poverty and ne , l“ The • Sla‘4.! wonmn at her - task st: lives and grows' old, and sees t • o three,generations --of her mist ess( pass away: The waslierwoman, wit scarcely a ,gay of ho-Pe toeheer er lier'tOils,. liYe to see her fas'ioi able sisters all extinct.. The ki he mai_ is hearty and strong, why i ii lady has twbe mwd like a sick ail) It is a sal trutlt i that "fashion par per - jd • lliorueu Ire , always wog hk: for ail gOod endsr-aof Jill; they hte but little force of c'har.retpr, they lur si 11 le'sl; power of us littl'c Plqsieal eiteigyp Th•e\ li to no gileaf Their are la formed-m thehatifts of thillineri. r servants, and to b fed to • ordeF• they rear chil4en i Pervints and _, do all, -Ave to conceivo and give 'birth. And when reared wha they ;d . What .do acy amount t , _ Weak scions of the (Ad stock ? W ever heard : of a fashionnble wo am child exhibiting any Virtue and pci cr of mind for Which it. became co rent ? Read the biographies o ou grpat and good men and WOlllen ()* of thew had a faahiUnabio 1:11 th Clothing. ITMEREE 110SENFIELlAS: WOLFF. ~.. e V .. -r. .. eso underslgued would TCFpectrully lutunn / • citizer.s of Towshda and vicinity, wo du hereby .. .• that our stock of • 8P R Ist`G 0-0 DS, •thintprising everything in the live ut - LOT I-lINGF GENTS FURNISHDIG, DEIVI2/:. DOIZEIN, AND CASSIMEUE OVERCOATS, Anil all of the LateFt Style at OATS, PANTS, AND VESTS, And t.,11 of the lat.•nt Styles of . , LAYS, e &C., wriicov;il b., :Tom at PIIOI redacca prices that; It ill astmlish the Come to the i•toro 1:081 ., ..NT1EL1) h WOI.EF aud ,icatuine our gv:lx :rha prlees before tuirchasltht 'ne,Nutisfy youre,lveK We' givaratitee nil Ao give nitre satisfa.-tiott We are thankful to our unmet. I.us customers and frfends for their pat litieral pat onage and solicit a cautiutiance of the sane. 110SENFrELD WOLF F, - • 113 MAIN ,STIIIIE.T. TOWANDA, ra. feb.l'7l iNext to E".T. Mr.rcitet, d G - THOSE GETTING THEIR CLOTIIINO ' MADE' TO Op.1.)111:. • ntuay two faimz,. First, to GET THEM" W11"1".111:: FT•ItST-CLASS CLUTLIING MADE -+- St , con,ll•3•. • winuth THEY .ARE 'BOLL CLI LAP And-in eirder tu, abh:. ,z.nat art Ar cheap et, merchant immt. wisb.n. , tan,l 11111 and kbovc I,ow, where and what M inty a, a I,r4dical coati ; and a PRACTIC:i'L T AT. t.O 1 I Iu all braLcLeg I z pro:o,a to hr.% had EItiIiTEEN YEA ' EXPERIENCE 1.1424.1/ a ctittcr m t,11., of 11 IIM!E=11 NEW. YOIIK CITY. I do illy and 'cutting, and divide Iny !1• , 111:111.'SO that let , ot It will do—and With I , ;tv rent and ether v.mpete.,.. in pre- Tortinn,thns of ',.arryin:2 , n 1 the very r. ailing th , will :t isdltzt I CAN ST:Lri (mops CAILAPER Than 1111.11 aita kildmlvag, Id ;t tt;r111-1.1vcs, 11;ivf illlll, .y otiti r 14t 12fge to t 0. 1 ,11.1 t, It: zi!• I cA1,1 0 :1,7, thubt pay accordtiii. - 3)—,i , tkoy. DO 13L - SINE6S Ti LIVE BY SIT If • c.17".:11.- , .. 1 by . t t.:- “:1 11n;:t . T..1 , .t. MEM c o :11EN'S .1NI) CLOTHIN(; TT ATS AND:CAPS A:l M:grant 1. Lll.l -• 1,1 nt L•, •-t rat 4, katlk ~ rioth M iiinrc TISS E.. .1., . 1 %V. , h,• ,. t.. l'lr ~.:.; t! . ..•'1. , .:1 , ' ..1;1.. , ,:1•41 ::::.t :: - ..:11. 1.1::It tilt 0,••; , c..11:1.1:::t1) k :. 1::111,1 1. lar;: , rt 1,1.11 111 ~MILLINELY EilE;Enls. ,r.t•1 1 .10 r..a—)ll. r pat roue for thrir pnEr.l , W.O at' srEEZ, , EL, nt that w - . 11 V , En p „ eftn - •• ~ntacl3::. eut the v: ,e. 6n , a:s, t;!,, E•f, • HAIR AND_ VANCY GOODS, Sll^l.l PF. (ir'r7l'r Lt ie,i (Julian.,, ;,ml wttli thf•al,ve nly DRESS ;And I ulu/n%Av prcparLA t CUTTIN(I and FlrrlN(i ;ti io th• nty!,• - •,. ,1, , ,r1 Entrant, U. xt door Alercur'..-, up ,ta!rA . April 4.'71 1E \V()O DS I l AT THE tiIGN OF THE HIG IioNNET B. A . •1) ETT 11.. W ”11.•1"1:1.t ilr.nt Caro h• u! V9MESTIC D r•ANcY DRY GOODS, CHEAP, PRINTS, ipINGII.OIS, 'rlchl\i,P, 1c 111 - IITE • GOODS LINEN t;cn DRESS GOODS, PLAIN AND GROSGRAIN SILKS Extra gnalitp SHAVVIS, - LACES,' LACE CO.LT4IIS, g l:] , NOTIONS, MEAL HA Lit G 0 0 D PL L 1 F. It Y . 0001) S , _ I • lituy 0: - - 070-; 111:11 tn.. 1:11:1 V !' .• •v Y ,r'; Teu•ar , :a,'A7•-il 1,71-1:n 1 --- 7 -----=-- - i --- -:-.:—• • - - Ils, , puny, . ( 7 IDER. YINEOAR AT tul ! - rcik k 741:RCPT.'S. If i 1 7 1001AEY'S ,13AKING POWDER! 1 I, Tic-' cry- cp ~ t *wt.: offer, d to fli public, P 0 .. . -. , .1un13.7. , F.C3 X .'.. :kr-El:cut. re OOD. .-ro.L.&ssi•:, , -; FOR 50 (ic rot Pet : C -411, m at T'OX fi MEncrws. vet. c I 0 _ I Q„ASH, BOORS,AND 131:11NDS ki 1 2711 preps:Ca t) r4r.aiST/ A: n Allied D ,,, TK, 1. 1, And 111111.1 N or any style, tln;sl - ..nres. ‘.ra ?lion ir 11°Iffr. /tall,' in Yotir ovl.rtz ton yo u - ant,to sine the artfrl, , x, mud I , e taro tilat yo:t adi tit 1.7).2 doors that will not a:tritt:i. Larli . on ry. r • Towanda, July I:), ESE Such iv+ Ili= I fantll.-!•0! it 1,11, 11€ r,;,•, ( , W,l I . : If P. 11 I T EMI= Y: 1: Asti Books and Statoinery. D umas Fon 187/ PAPER 6; ENVELOPES NE)I 7 -YORK PAPRILS 'SCtIIOOL BOOKS rf.:XS, /NH, * MUSIC, STATIONRY IrieruniN BLINK BOOKS YINEEE- NOTIONS.; TrAranaa, Nur. 12, lt(Gs lEscellanoon.s. TOWANDA Marble Works. - GEO. .IIcCABE & SON 'lure ju;t s r,.:.,ir.,l the Largest aN,ortlncilt nl A3IERICAUND M 4 iz-.23 P .u! rx!tib;l,l In .Lis to ut the ptil)lle. • Ticy La, or Wilt/NI/ to re, r MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &c., ic AT THE LOWEST TEH3I:.-7 I I :1:1:::1,1111, , rf ve,•r , J.3lPvm .1 t.%1;1:1 nlir McCABE & SON I•t1 it.NT IL', I 'lllO t . V , ),(.1 51 u0tt•V314.;3 tai baud tall alit; • r011.100V: :42{ ,. ..rtmseut of ov a ry. t 1.113:: rtnssucting ly ul PORK, FLESH AND SAL'i .:.\M. • 1 . 5)1.T1:i. 1.4 • 1.1.• T C. FLESH lianl THE kAKES U\lLi tht ,r,s••a•.' r••• - ,,11- • -1.••!: , .t !!••1.• e. zl t!, ot.l ..!!.J. Cr!: :At i, 11.•%1.3.i:p."; r.rr•!: CI. • - :•--, ! 1 Port !'•!•••. r: IS!, ' A t ' LLt '.,:.it' • r . •__ {I (;-T NATIONAL ILt.NE, . TuwAxi•A. (' kill' ! - ;1 - 1aq.US FUND L'NI:6I:AL I.ACILITILs lot tl.l tran of 3 G EN . E 1: A I, BANKING I; USINES.S INTENE:"T AID ON PEPO• 4 ITS ACCOrDING TO r. rt.• CAE!: ,iIV Y.:: To TAI: Cur:, .I . ..rte, r•-ny thr r Ir laud, th, prin. I t tut, ttittl ititt o 1 Etltttpt., t. 113 r.rt- ct 7 TICKETS • To vr ti.na the ~1 1 rom,try, by 1.,,t :,:c.lawr ;,2. 1 2, RATZ.s. GI•14 .I.I•OWELL. Pre..l4iorit. TON - 311t1:1. Jtlnt•2l. 1,4 C;) pEusaNs iN tili.iZell OF HOLM :\ Y . PRESENTS, dust ttot for:;' t tliat JULES II II C't EN 1 , JEWELLER d SI,IT ! ,sJII fill, Ouc donz north vj MERCER'S NEW ELocti: 'coz.,,Lazilly tia4l+o .0, 0 10, tuck .$1 euitAl4. - a. .LA.DTES' WATCHES, AMERICAN WATCHES S \VP - zS WAICIVI:S, of all dosompt:unp. Tt.hrie.'rt.id Alt 6 ortment of (R)LI) C11. % .1N:3, FINE 00Li% V El W ..'' I_, _P,., - "Y" , Q 333 cLucis;or ALL STYLES FROM TILE citr-u, 12=13 41OLD. SITTER - \\T , STEEL SEECTACT,IN 'ANL LVL . of intpalroj 0c,71,t.N I; A "'MO; TiNG . .'7/'/:"_ TA 'LES. MEM ~~.•: n, 'a:.. lam r• - y..,•::atlf:f• tila4 , ll at Ca!: ab sr 4... 'So JEWELIII . ANP 17A. EANTED. T , wan,l^.. 1S"70. ru AND A high-bred st•":1:0: - = 1 •:•' •• dun, Ve'r"-.Kalt lir.ml;; i.fr.lll(l . tiaru. 7!lesser.r , r: or ri; pi•ants; dark i,sy. 1:s !:awls in , l 3 ineh.'s Li,h. 1 3,0 7 , jr,. r, ci - ,llntry 110 in lieautifiil, l•loixl like, action gri•ist r 10,• :•• ' • ar?il •' a'::•.•,•it !aril - 1114i," cross. •rt , 111.1%t5.-E-attri t. U.:;_at taut , if v , -kr!..e. 't I,r r..fan,l‘4l 1n any uvcut. arra 1r73 rroven it: Pat:- We hat f o ..talauu.; ant ptsture. fel reiscembie terins. Best posallau tatfitu 'Start,. nil ra4.. Sca:on, Mardl to :.111 L& :NIONT.Ozr fritY OUR TEAS AND COFFEE, 'zcow - Er.r. k arr En. GEM FIII;TT THE be,t its tr% . and retAlt. J4ly 1. IicCADE t auf T EE ONDEASI,TED, HAVING Putchasedthe "ea kof at in Um Arm of 3 8 razat a CCL, to now Sulam! I to otter to . the citizens of Itradford CionniY and "'kW* largo grid sea aelectod ',Wet of 6,R.0 - t . O 2 ' Mach I bare pntclimedler Cash. and feel cowl:Went that I can sell at as low 114 res as can be pttrultssed elsewhere. I now otter tct• the public a splendid stock to O O TEAS, COFrEES, SUGARS, , AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO keel) coubtautly ou baud. 'Oll6, !Lk:US. LARD. Ina all kinds of /ISM,. WoulA lean tlit.attentival of ib♦ public to our Can't re TV.it • N Li quality or price. Jesse Oakley's Celebrated bona• fry, New York Chemical anal Bonn. l'lclec call and cialnino oar Block cf -aro &F , Stortliktt of YANKEE NOTIQNS, TUILLT SOAPS, tc., k.c. I will pay the bighr.tcsßh price for COVNTI:Y 1 1 11C)D,T5C1 , .... Forwent!. give tli4 a call lire All personairdellte r d to the late ltrtu Iplease cal and tuake inuuedlate payuieut. • • C. It. PAltilt Towanda. March, 12.1:4,7. G ROCERY S.ND PROVISION McCAB k ED\ V A DS Wl4oltbale and lie4a:l Dialer» to FAMILY GL'•OCEItIES ML:l,O2lZ's K, We do mgt (1,(/1 .t Lill i rn. , r to i 211k:w•ratt, an the Leeti. Our assortueut is PIIZST ('LASS GOODS pa:,; f-r •. kNII.S :114,1, I, - WM. I:1 0 W )EOI'LE'S AOC • 4 :10•Lli ND GROCERIES AND PIZONISiONS, or 1.1:..11: w!". 1, •"1,1 tho vml i•rt,•t: $1 . )4,th0 411,00 k) FRCIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, - cs • FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, G tAIN, &c a. N. 131:11`.i. C:isltie•r , Al/ . ..11 we pay eckAl l 1,4% ' A enn.tant e:lpply 1 , 1 ..,01120!) Salt, all oized Churzu, 13ntt.•r all.l lo:ok throuub our Ftnek.nrul «r will 110 our tont to Ova., you: W. A. W.:CA:WELL Aptil THE OLD MAIN STREET Uttri•tacire Valet (pry. CARRIAGES AND WAGON ,\ the ,tand of u. II :SIMS STREET'. - TOWI:(DA, PA LATEST STYLE .AND TINISII 1a,1...5:111:4t[t.1::, , 1:6v.1 but COMPOSVIpti I,;9XES PLATFoRm. ;SPRING WA.GONS 'l'h•• last EaSt[•it stork is in the inanufactnie tl;s3kes arc all raved otzt—tv.t.k2Trt,l, .11'AliltANTED EQUIL . TO ANY , C111110:1 TO ANT - IN TMS SE.CTION S' Att, Wont. WARD-us - 1 : m lat nr!.l9'7: A ir A F I E , L-p • ror Vale by ' 11SX 1g 31E1ICI:V. Thit.. Soar Wilbstaali kind* of (Int: l ing in cold Water, either, liana or /Lott, am anyolther e , oap will by thr old fv‘hioned way of boilinv. and warranted not to 113jt,ro tho,cloth. 11.(tnemhrr, no lot water and no ~.- a vleL : to. - le.: x. atn,r. Try it. and eatiay.youre, ckoceru;a. H.. IL PATCH, . STAIWU. smaucLius, svicks, ki . • 'law tiaud a large Etock of RYE DO., BIiCKI,VIIEAT DO. STOCK OF TOBACCO, WOODEN WALE C. B. PATCH I= S 0 ISE PItOVISIONS, ALIVAYS , COMPL-ETE. u• , tblug but tiIiOCMC.I AN STORE, A Ile•N a 1 colt:ll , .tc etock CODFISH, MACKEREL UEIUU c , I'O ;K, MUTTON 4-- HAM, MODERN STONE WARE. YANKE.F: NOTIONS.;"' DATItYMEN, JAMES 1311YANT tn , of EEO h 411 of U.; BEST STEEL _AXLES, To4cUlt r 11.,t14 th, Tn Li,zlit Wv`rt ME TXMIT.II WAGONS , ri•:.lt(,y ”1.1 ALL WUE.F. BOLL, .%s to f.niFb, and Ss to :larebil:ri• JAMES BRYANTI • COLD SELINSIIINIi SOAP. F URN ITURE . : NEW FL.RIII! . GOODS! Wo are no otlortng at mr Whokaalo mat Retail FURNITURE EMPORItIIII, The greatest to to,y..mente to those In want ot FIRST - CLASS . FURISTrURE I The attention of the public is erpedally called to our recent hoar purchithea from the lath Great Aue timi salts of • i r .CliAiBE L AND PARLOR PITT?, ITT3 - 12.1M iv„ n. bow off - e:ring • - WALNUT MARBLE. TOP SETS AT $73 AtO : , NICE PARLOR SETS; At $5O 00,. To, , ,Altvr with our.Coilipkte St,,A3; of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, STANDS, ..SP,RING BEDS, - MATRESS,S, LOOKING-GLASSES; ALS LI tact everlttlittit to 1 found t a Firatclias • CLIEAMIL THAN THI: CifLAM:ST l) Tii.vr WE ARE NOW ITANVIAC- I tartuu, and .40 uR r Fywr.ls of our orin 'Adam cboalwr r than ykAcali 'boy city.) wule wxxls CoLevrlwrv. Limber tAlen.lu ;Ala uge fur wrAls. We ale. furtilFh, :qux.u.tc IVCRIII, C.llir-4: %ND ConIN.3 .111k1 %, IviNe FINEsT -11EARSL , 11• Its .•r, t ot Ttm•aula. Jai/. 11 Ib7l LONG GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Vir>, Pp, WILLOW, ..c:\ 1:1 FLOUR, FEED, M FAL, c., COIL _MAIN'AN 1).„1:1Z1.DOE 1 ,I, c•Ill att, t./ 1111 uli‘, II I, ??.i' rola t• r • I r.,tt 1.. 11:.\:, $ll t?: 11,1 1:11 :Ala "I:Pr , • 1 1,, • -1,. Ord,: r r r~lf'f it :ail t rcril . lir r.tn) "FL.!: l':.'.ll*.T_ Si 7 It A ) , ,": st • • A NEW. INVENTION And ai,ll/-,1 t,: , :r • sn / . /,,//..1/m/11(:,1 1 ,5 , 1 •1.. II 114, /// 11, .11/ • 1'\•t• lll turn:tw' ritll,r ,tlll run ~ t , any 1 n t .1 4 4,1.1 a. tal,ing a:1 ti,• 11 , 111 a Inn . it d„—criln• (rt ,sr. :its r -In . ti 1:0.,,r feria, .111 , 1 /11 n•:.• jannea att-t ,- 1 ,, 1 to t:,l 1 , .111 a 1.11:101,, 1,, r a loa: o i:art (•1 tar ,r, , a fr-no tht• nrtnnid and piao:n .1 I,a up...lath, tint 11.12-,10 , auta: , • ,, ,r.th.._ the .Irt:•.. 13,!(• ~1 trs• TI:, 11:ts 1.1.•11. anti inn and fr• 01. -Wi•• I 1.. , +t,., 1 ,02 1. - Twf:4l.l:. fn.!: t.. •;flat np.,. frnf 1,3c1,:5., that hal L., It ..tS: .1 f:u4l {.L.: •d fth on. •,-.2,ranTi.l in 1 , 31t1,1111r, I f at'a'.:, ..1-1 n:4tema/ or w. - 4.14'0tn.4-..p to vf. 1•• nt. The riti:tPr Itar 13 rani.,.! at both elpia on 3-1 kl 11311,•• tll , ` I. 3.1 Ilt TL.. n.r.A•hint. L 133 3 r 10.1 c01tr..11111.0 tIIC htegr.ahtleg of the gr.e.ind r 1;ic!"_ it ti, roig ‘ti w 1 ,71 11p , 41: ::,:111.1 a. ttp. , : l CN rn rrollvd. c THE ItEA.I.I 8.111 1\ 'ACHIM:: a'.1. , 1.1,1c-f. F.llOO. r ',..ay.:4; a Iv:v.:v:lv. This In:rhino has .11 rv,is nt:z..r Iv Ir, athl le sv ti t ..t van 1., Cr.! any -1, ~!; ;L t. sn llat: 1,7,1 r•:t thr levrr. • IT, 11.1 v•• L 1 : •.., t,,, , zrmr:nr . ,..-t•n•i, •-..... On , ii•l7ky TaL. r• ; t1......vc , 11-1:n - .n Tasl•lr raln• and tip , P.itytn MaLfacturlin . (' gopany• 11.11:, s, rc,-I'...inn it,' ..t. Vl`, U. 7t 1:aln, in t,.... at s01.1.•,11, or 1 - • tall. 31aAillactnred at - Almoh.l„trh.77any vonnty, Lr L.& .. nhws..;:c. C: F. NICHOLti, Cren'l Avl ~ ~ 1 . 1.:.!,;- , / roviANDA . :Pa. STILES 1, - .. Me1:1...A.F,4.1....t... t.: tl, WI moat palt. I th. CWIUt:. ' is I . To- Mk:l42l;g are now h.:. f:c , .11 of Goo, t!..;•:r since filo Jarman - ,thry in, :t -tont:ozi cif thcirfri. \V r v.„ Our gr,li.ll, N.rt • am 1 \V, nat I” , t, r:1:21 - tkof peer a. Jan. 1,71. VRESH AND NEW TEAS, 1)01:IP:lit the r• ,, nt ik , Uno in pri,r. 1<11.1nr: rheap FUN. &s. Jan. I. I<7l. - vox .31ERCUP, :Ire Zen. D. 1t...71: V 0 X MERCI.7II are KellingjNew _E" and Fruoat Ge,pdx. .1471. 19 , 1372: FOX NIERUCIt :L s- (;rl) s 1 , .1-;1. Pox & .11:ET1C1.71; .pirrry)l:;- ' • I; ()X. kf:.• 11ERCCE` :-.t. :zin g J_ 11 E.)1E3ITIElt thnt 11 TAd : -1.1..1 that u,• w••ra:11,;_ 1:1 , J. 31,, J.N. TICIIIGAN FINE-CUT TOtIC , Co --c , ry cht.,:t.c---a. • J. - al. 1:77. VOX & •ILERCT:II (To not. (161 in 6U 44y 1 ER CUSTO3IERS can rely upon W g i ttitg. the very I x ,:t the tuark..t affortlii tont at Mara r ri,,. . E. T. 170. X. T, , avatt,la.. J. 19.'71. HENRI' mEnbri. ._: , . p LASTE It., • PLASTER 'PLASTER. .. A fnll kripply of Frr.,h Or-0r.u , 1 Cayni"3 iimater frrmr - Yangur. Pitch b •,1.4 nt Lh. Firb4ribe..rs tulit. at tooth of lh.twi.urso.l I Cruel. uirijly prt , pan.] 2.0 vairatt.c.l •2 pure artiuk. zp1.12 JAMES .F4PY: rarnituro NO. 101 MAIN STREET. Ever offered in MI/ Market. Furutt i:re Sturc ROSEWOOD CAS KKrs evk ry ISURIAL MUM:, CAI'S, k. =9 .7.'s:'ll'—%; SON EMI VAT Laws TOWANDA. COP T. 1.1, REIM S 1 T c, ;-; Eli I:.\ (`:" 1-7 ni ', METE srLEy 11.1E.T.5. FLT:: d• SiEi:Cl'3l FOX k !477:7"..CT1 Mazufactoiles.. c A.:A. FOUNDERY& !WHINE SECIP Tito rixide;il balitag parethiaett the liandi7 • 1)= 36 o c i 31 i krt; l i g it ' 4411 (*nu t their buidaesa, with virgmissoustus CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, . 31 A 1 , 1 DRILLS . , And all kinds of. h -MILL IRONS MARL TO ORDER. EgGINES REPAIRED; j And all - work worroutcd to give shtbSoctiou 31ACETEN'ES Of the latrtd moll imprort4.lkinds LuauitarUarr.l Qua ktpt conettney on handle:A.ly for nee. 1 ) , L 0 U G 11 8 , 4 31D1:411LL. IRON Alill . 1%101)1:1.1 LE..1.118 Of all kinds., OULTIV4TORS, COHN PLOUGHS MB IPLOtiGli (* luds. and Um. Lust improvelucuts kept couetzut!y uu IrAud. CHURN POWERS, LARUE -AND SMALL 4.1.zr. STOVE' CASTINGS ELLAIL ORATES, SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES; LAr.GL: fl ON RETI-LT-S ...tl.l litlAL+ ct caStin4s trumist'd t 4 March 30. 1870. 3tF.AN 4 S IIOCXIVML .B1—)0.0") Still ti.ntitine to ntionfacinre their celebrated HORSE FOWERS s; CLEANERS, and will,_•11 a 1614... r waehine, for lens money than (can be 1 , 414 ii-cwhern In the . 74. , r1.1. Wo claim for our ., thcy Netil.ibi ac nirtch, or more, thin a , ty “ti,er, Anil Are snore durably built. We nupernitend our work and nee that it is wet! down. We ‘%ti‘n,kiad I)lscr.t.pflVl: CITALLK/Clii4, id et:r ou ONE AND TWO HOUSE POWERS 071% TURES:IEIZ SEPER-ITURS T 11.7 ("AEA-VI 1:S, N 11, b , .t3a, I,l;_tc; AW AND (it:NT SM.L duza• to order 01 v. to; 1. (.111 1,-(1..n. Vd "0.) (.1 UO2lll. `tiN.:lll.lV 0 3 (I 0() 11 A' , ,L.:•• 2, . • NEW CAP. P 1( FACTORY) (i. F. ]tuna Cu:A TOW'ANDI:- PENN A. HENRY STOLEN 'CO., a./11,;;;;:, to Li.. i ; la i tort:Ll:us - 11;1 11 1.V,, 1:1 , 111 M Llaf K • !.• t. , {IT L..17...1 iltil t..• :-1 F.!.111,1" AldtIAGEs, AND DPEN EVE PLATFO AVACON:-:, 'A 1:J1 'AND SEELETOI3 :%1‘3.1.• tlii I, Iwt.t P.- If 11th city (;:irr...%.; I . 4 .41• It, cll,l h . " I,f, 1 . 3,1•. tt'• y INSPECTION. 1S P: p,lili pre , . isf.•r'r i .l.' , , ALti Irf W.A./M.4.A T b D. Ti 1 2 1.: Lh.Fi.cr I=l 11.13:,%r! t!,.• vitro3gf• I ,, riaerly ex rr.,,r,cttutty a 01 WC Farlle. ro:r.kn:lN:l,i•LourtLY ATITNI)a) ,:rr:w Tt,c'anrl::. May 2:1,:1,M.--11' NEW - PLANING MILL Tl, 1.AN:n...:1,11:II a lar,f, and c.. m _Of TOIC3IILI3. and Ith uiil 71,-t 111•••loru aLa m.prove,l tur thv ; .I\D BLINDS Art• 1,7,.N.1rt .1 to fc:. wltutlxrlarg., 1111, Las :1 I.trgt. n-ty ..f styli. , ankl paltcrn, tur..•ll c%apoz- that.-titeyean he 0;z,1 IP) /IA NI NC, If.llll (dtk.X)VIN;i e- 1%,-Nrk tr•J o;nory. wt!: ~,,;;; 41tIr Le. 1101147.. wild t. t 11 , ;w: wore than twitl ve to fourteen tmle , .1,141. t. m:11 [lnd it larin.ly for the:r iuterol to l,ly of 1:4, or bring their lumber anal:aye it N.,,,rk,N.1 Nur t !a •!lE•l , •rv.. ymtr Floorimr...er other hiteher, and tt"bile ymir team ip feeding, Lave it i•rmlnci out and- take it home with you. We will. pay C.IrII for riNE, AND IIENILOCIT, LtiAllll2/ ‘l , •ll;erotr.Cour Imober yard. Come had 6(..4% its, or if coq cm: . wrjtC. Towanda. - Ft b.. 18:;4 B-13INDERY.-THE - Au"li, iN ITell r• Ini)v.,l to ttio ling. third gory, ulo.re will be B. t i 0 I; - B I ,N I) IN GI Su all It- v.:riot:ft branritcs, t..rta, aft r.. , aqotvable as " t•l:+cs " .1.11w.1,ry Will be uUdet the 11. C. 11.111T.LL:1:21 Asa 11:?:.1(x. an 1 ail vorl; &me a F , t)1,1 aa. , l, mum , r W!ileh cannot It 31 . 45.1 c . N, rs,ol',l Lao , okA. &c., born 1 In cvt•ry varioty att , •na:oll Witt pith} to Cm' .12,:31:14: :and Lin•lipg of WANE BOOKS. ' To any clf , :rcil ra , iiirri: 4 irtici: firility dun bility 1, All Ntiork'will toady fur dull-very . wlu'rri‘ronti , 4l . imbhe 371,1 Lrr !Pet • Tols'anfla. Atri. ,, 4 2. I 'l;4l—tf. BAKERY _A:4;D DINING IZ.OOIL, 1,1(K-k Lm -4.11 DREAD, PIP :S. CAKE,CRACKERS, 11 D DAIL V A.MI 51,1•1 11‘31.111 wt• wail an•clumutint*; tlte 111 , '4c pitl..r a lunch ur a p.txl tn,al at all of th• day ::11,1(v,a1r.g: Ctr:-.TERs AND' cia7,lll ON 11 IND-1)1. 1 1tING THEtT: SF. %NON. Also a f:ce Grocc , rios, Confecli,mit , ri Fruits. ` :nay 1T704! ST:Orr . DEICE LIST ----tASCADE MILLS . - ur. per sart .. ~. .. LEM 9 00 C , 4•4trn trin , 1inz..1:.;11111y..1 , ,u...a,t 0ni..n.'3,8 Um ca. pacity of tile. Taal iS 4 l.nrlcirta for' a tar t , amount of work. H. B. isalmu. - Camptvalt„ . July - XI. 1S 9. - ' 4 , THE BEST KERCYSENI.I.OIL IN town by the finFittity or retail at ) FOX & 31MICRICS. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR,' FISH, k c., whtileFale ant tt•tap. .:ray A LL liiNDS GROCERIES AND Pftwumasi.atktol.eilalit ind rrtsit. at Mty • C. PATCWS. ' • 00AL 'TAR, by the Galion or Bar- . rtl. ter Lai.. by VIC OAS COMPANY. Z=====EMl===SlMM MA 13 SI11141.; BIBOTHE BS HARDWARE STOKE, 31EItt4IIR'S NEW 8 . 1.10C11, TowAlsm. PA.; WARE Tee auk. Wo km on Mad and aro roceiviot-t HOUSE : FURNISHING GOODS; Our l'iluts,.olla, i . e.; aro of tilO beatqnality tad will be sold very low. We arc at ageuta Tor the Oreat • •l• la - a/CAN STEAM 81E4 (8AN1101t2•M PATENT), Ma only roll:Atli! tYm Proof :ilia Iniast. SCHAGHTICOKE POWDER CO, SUP HER PHOSPHATE Is very lar4n and numexiiired out.of tt,o btst ukatcniaL We arc also iitiopari4 Joliblug oT all kludx. We are the 9uly ageritA for the enelehratc,l new The be.t. "ictsokiltg fttuve ttl tine, aivi every the warrante4 to girt natistaztion. March 10,'70.• M==ii 31,05 T COM.PLETE vrcilES, CLOCKS. • SILVEN iVARI•;. Lll- F•,. 11. t 1,4, W. A. • CII:1:11 LAIN. 11.1.,N1`,1 STULI:N 11. S. irrE ilitlll.4l that. ,tok.ll Lad botiat at 1,,t tom 11,:rtrt , . anit that Lrran oar: Li It •r m^nto to t11:t1t any :n thc,,,untry. . '-• p[PORTANT TO. ALL AVIIO vAz.rn T111:11; strinT • the Weak • ,. ..le.vt'aen- I and the t pr gt;rl...d. • ND 2', SI ',WIN C: CONCAVE CONYI: CIIYSTAL LENSE , ., LONDo!k: The Cane the k'or.ll -tat Sreeta, h. 9. 111,':,1A by ahos nortituh , nre ....... •a hev time I,.•n•re th e thr. and inert as, a demand tor [Lint tilth 1..11 aoknowletit.:nient their o , '!l' to the rhnidy ;hattinp[ritt - to any ut i ti.'r to the tuarket L. B. nopGrrdi 1: co The inajorfty of S. o e, tnolos, thiestlN7 imprirtrd) awl no Clatter Lew thw '1111.1:11 het a poor worthlosi art:LloeQ i:las.,os, I:.win rally eat prcr,sed;) they aro :natl.? mith,nt any calealition reeprof!ng- lxneilt to the eye. and llzerrforo Ito great cong.,l.7:itat rt 'poor' as:4l beak 1.110115311.0.4 . 731, ur , Xi 17.he-,e. now which and fath.rue th, oye.'nliore the objects net dim. 41U:- short 11,lce, or require, an 'ldeas, ly stinntt )wht and therrforr destroy; in were tho'y property muted, wont I f, • rre,rvert a tag` tnno. The advantage:: glairae,t the (7..tzgave Couvet Cry&tzl tilaation are the f. , ihne fig t T1 ,,, L0T151 , 4 are Irkiitin f d et the ts-si mai, - fiat. phr, and hard. ahotria,:e oray , for opti‘ial purr.:'Nes, they are therefore not table to izetscra felted or don. E They confer a terdlifiney and dietin \ etne, qt ViSlOll mgt found iu aa;y .rthcrlla They ran be used epudly well by day or candle light without tiraug, or hitigning cyfs. They - arc ground v..atheinatially true in the con.• car t• convoz mirror, accot ding to the plti'.osepl.y of nature. and Allan, of cornea of the err, thereto'', a.Froaing nature only in teal of forCing it: , That the ler:AC.Bam eentOed correct into the frames. They can lk uagd longer , than any citl..•r rheowc without changing to a higher power, TheN•amc4 are made Ktrong and dnrabh by cape rietiged workmen and warranted to give , ati,faction. NM. A. CIIAMBECLIN. . Dialer in Wale:mg, Jewelry, and Silver:Ware. TO WWI. • da, Pa.. the sole Agency for these glasses itt Ilmlfonl county. No red!..X.S employed. July 11:. P• 570-11 , THE BEST' AND CHOICEST 5X'611"1,2;(7 tOPAIICOi,?, $2 2S . 4 50 McCIDE k MTX Irir Sue that - Every rudozu you buy b,ar, tb:t iustriptibu. airdwan. the place to tray alt kinds of larva' stuck of -, WMB, USU. BLINDS, GLASS. PUTTY. . „ AND . LEATIIER BELTING FAIRBANKS'S' SCALKS, Bauoirs mvio Baca riur stork of 4 1‘,TN'clq - A.I2M comma :s.rpvE, A.k.Li =I EWEL 1 Y, L 1-) .NV A. 1Z 11; i (jOLl) CiLI4, ', El Et =MI 21.111 :Or 4 1 C 3u- , t rrl;trzn•d c:ty. and flat . . PaiLADlfaiii..cOrTlcAL I ut 11:v of the 1= 11=211=1 S.l" F 4 u '7' 07: Y N' 0 ..:;-.l*; 11E1 --3 D .DL3II4IT uF 31.111SLAND bee . : It. Im7o. and 11.611C111,014' D it. H. C. PORTER, SON ,& CO., OLD asu DRUG STORE, zarAztromri rut rr Tr.Am, ecraez Rata and Pine Strut* Towanda, Ps.; Ebro rocenUy Wadi:ratty to their istock,a full and complete amortmeut, constituting au extensive reo het/. embraciadmsmy articles used in the arta for mechanical purposes, &rerun) , aoloctol with , regard to tbo lavereosire is , anta of the public, which be (Wr44:onatantly mrppliod with !malt puriliakes, bad on the moat reamotutble tenni at .Wholemle or itetall„Conalating of. Dimas, MEDlmrs, - AO,lnnucius, rAms, 071 X, vAmciatts, ' ALCOHOL ANI?, s,um, ti.EI4OSENE -01 z WICKS; ' Sj , crio, Lard, Wtttrtle., 'fANNEIt'S AND • Toilet Asti! to all tlieir variety, - SPONGES; II VS, koraatten, Hatr-Tip*, Pcitn.mery, POCKETBOOKS POP 1'.,110 - N.ALE,- • Pocket Suing, Itazorm, . TOUTJi. SE:11,1 PORE • WL•71.1 AND LIQNALS; Toisitceo, Sxtrri 1 ) 11'} AND CIOAIIS, Ganteu,'Field - aztd Flower Seedtt, portent, Stutpetisorter, Elhon . idttr Pruett, Pren 4 . . PluuPs. 'lu:thing Mugs, NUrsing..W.Mcs, NII , IIcS. Nipple tint•lls an tShiel.t , Syrne* . 4.s, BM -Pans. Sf.lf•fical gE7..-ttit Jars, Ther; mutattunt, FLavering I.xtracts, SG:ma Jugs, Glass Ware. nottlo4, CO0044*(11. t.. Prick, and Stare belong, PiodA Tad a o,Am- LAcidtion. 4.e.,.1.10 tdc, Ecleale and limareratlt, te Medic:Atli:a, ala anithe uopaia. F ?0,1411t, ~ M-/i74 1) C ]l ° N Es . All repre.entod. I'erion/4 at a ilihtaucc cab ITCPCt e their orticrs by, stanq. nr which will roc...lro'llrolupt and careful atWuLion advice. given gratuitoW4 at Cie. cliargiiw, only Air rwdlcine. : r. /Id - Thankful for past lity,ral-atronage, would z es; pectfutlyauzu,itna,totheirlriiw.l.4 and thi/nitid:c.tlat no pain. mhall be eared to- satisfy, awl zucriethe Mu t:Lunt/on of thor c0n44010,1 and patronage. - - • tram Sund•kys tor pr, , erii•tiung Iron/ 9 to 10 mw., and 12 In. to 1. and 5 to. 1; IL C..l'UltTl:r zON a Co' / .741 y 1 ea—yr. F\V. B B 0 W • • • . 1:;17 ZIAIN STIaiXT, I:OWANDA, is ViIiOLESAtE AND itli':PAIL r s - „ . th,...•pub lie lir gere,:al Veit Li. Laii.d 'a aLI.I. Rct • , . 1)11U , 3,A." • :- . . .31ED1(31ISE,S CUE 11t,;A1...5. , I'.ll\'l'>, • / ()IL . . 1".11c.; , i15 - If:i - WIN 1x.0. , , - r; LA,- - B,' • N ..., ' , D.l. , E;;Ttirt:.s . , .. • • AU the v. vtlar PURL WINE LIC2UPES O or lte.d.ai +c'cl • • • Faucy arvi Tokl,t 1 -4 ..i., - I._ P. , , , SOajis 1.,: LI:07 t:. , 11.0.1011. • ' . • 1.;.511iuw, :,1,r, , .:•-•,1,-*. an , l CoruhtTi ;ii.ottg,e, r. /t...ir ..1.',..u-.la , ~ . IC- lli Ln.,41. -, V- ' . . .1.:a, , 1ti...: ('- 1.1 1 :-., . 1',.,1,, tatl,ll'.l.le c0u1t,, , , . . T. ~ I.' t .1 . :,, 1 1t..r,.. -.• . , l'ulf 1;,,x,.F.. . 'Toot 11 1 ,,, ... - .1; rs, ', . • __Tuot.i. Ara.....).,,••• - . ....-- ..v.ij, 'T... , )1.11 SonpF! At t 4,•th-r .4:l', I , • 1,- , . -. 1 , •. , 14 to tlie,lirn4 tralr too intp.w.r::u. •-,p • I, Ath.it:. I , ,mg m g tic ±,:;clicy ut Le ' •U. S. • IEA COM - riA.NY, 1 . .+? •1s • ;113. -4! 1 r. It a ~.00.:1111311........1 tuc h. V". 1 1. . _ n1y 12,-7 ...stabk-)11.1, ,DT. EMI= , G E 1.; A t.,k _1 I S FOOTS`(.2z SI-10MS =I . . . ' . - ... . , ~, 1 TAI,: 1 . 1 ri ..i' r•Z,..t2( ti 3:,. • rl l• ~ 1,1,124 a lar:o .a:h. IV ! 41. fi'.. , t Irett...lrtut 1.-4 r) f) Th SV.NMES AND FALL 'TRADE, Whkb uc otT.or low to: Cath. Cone.lsLiug of GENTS, , ' 'Si) . - crij - I.,DRENs • WEO. B.E ED -PEGGED Ipo TS J: EPA ifiV.Ve.: Xi:A TLX PONE Th toirpl‹..l, - ., 121,, ‘N Ft 31...:4 a cUaLtiu.a...,:c of the E7OllO . =I Towanda, A is: s! CAND:. ! . _CANDY 1! - CANDI'I,I!- MIZE .1 t "F. I r Wholt.,llo nr..l:: C on. c0n,,,;,L 4ZEFF.IIENCE6.: L.- S. C1112:11;1:. .1r..1 t 1, 9 ~f;'..1,1, \ C .S; I \t' ;1; Ch•—•lat. 11! •, (7;', ry D.:11...1...., Wirt Strl . l,', 1 , ; Drol , l ;:l .ti C s...;t: L.•: ; I,2•ltAl.tr,,Al;not;Ll 1;-s. 0 Lini G 1:7 l• ' ana Goa. ciwwinz. :wan Nuts. Fi i!;r: ~ a!pl ,s. _ti iu gvitvrnl. S I.ITOII. 7, 41 I No. 121. 1 .4, Wa1.1 t, II0(ITS si-IOVS 3. 'AND .I.IIIF • • ' , 1.. C. tn...lt.sttr'llt.;• nicf4 that :it-, , taiht.:!„ , tlth 61 . 10,,th:;: - Itt• l r.,t:l.Ct,,th IEI . • , . .nt .1....:1,1‘0,•1 , .,.0. unti l ttip , tlp.r.day. .1 . 1:i , c.r.,L , n; .., al : , ,..-11:!..li - ;nd t- w , . A, inZit trN. tk. , ?l" Ik/ leave 4 ll•. 1:, 11111:11 ,1:::::. 1,, , it ., 1110,13 A 1.42 . tl, !t:alse .uch ar ratigt.m, tits t!Lat, :. ;1 11...-1:i, , t), - 1 . .7u I., , nie . , , •.1 1 . ....t.• 1 7V, t..t:11.110 .1 • n . t•. / ;- . 4 . .1' . c • ••• • ca tn..- 7.-tat.lo.azi .c. hr . - L...., .1. t• - -, Al 7-, ~.1,,, ,-,.. ~•,,,, ~....11,,,,2:,..1.-• •• •••••• Factory NNIIIV11• Will hr t1, • ,p0tt.,.,1 .•‘; • .t•III` ,• 11 Olt Illtp!it . :11.1IIII tit • . I.tr.S•t tl/ ".N '•t'.:..;: Y'l.ll•9•••ttttl, i'lt., Apl il P, 1 , 71--.:A 5? . . ITERY ,CHIOC - 11.,.' (IREEN 74 - 1 V .`Black Tc.t n... , 11cn;.; Cii.. , ...f.i.t rt. tt.-1 I.v - FOX & SlVnt'.... . . . , Neiv work 'v c.m mak,: Vt.)ll Wall OW libove Aulihht I 11.1.11::ierl".,,T„Ii is nt77::,7,-.,„,1..,\:;.,1.,1„.1,,.1-.;,,:,T,A,./...i....i1.‘..,1-:. ' tr r quick, ' \ „ /,‘ ' Fbr ratitc,• Nay Or "t`Vitll talliti, tI , IVIII I ,r ' t s l We 611 Milo Vitt'l:l for roil thiii. or WeA . arl t",1 , V1• 111 , . m ... ... A 1 . 1.11 4 , .. ..- • y. , ~, .•1"1-- . _ .iot..e. ni. tin i., ,n, 1 , 4. :LC It . f,t c.et'thick. ' . ~ . I a., Fhister "...4.....r ‘1 , •11., Ult•r• •• tV • 1 1 it, 1 ..1 I;.. -•- ' W1,1•.‘11 It . ll.ltt. tll,lll %VIVO 10;:h 11 . 1•C:A; 0? We I:l•Lt.47.•{Vt` .., '.1.1 I pla,tr.t 1. , 1.4:1.1. .I'..r izah. by .' .. . . thciii to you lint. -• .. I. M. WII.I-. 1 . , . , so p.m iMe , cl tint .tagoe with' 3 brick In yt,ltr hat. • 7 : ,,,i ITT!. • ' , T.....tc..., I. I • • • —.•• " • C°". 7l- ..,r, S:, ' MYER, ARE SEL - L , ! ttlz TEA very cheap. - . - • • i 4 . ANNEI) FRUIT N - J.ry It tW, ht ,• 1-) J...1.1.-1 . ..t. 1.7.:1. / 70. ::. NERCUL Witlv.ut spur etqc.l.n.ing aul yor,:• Lzer .vt • soolase, Foi.l‘rwes that arl I: ,, zzost athi perfectly fai-. - ff,aities that have waiters that am'brok at the Of., To thin relalr•.ahnp is • the pare for to ,:zo - To get. th.-ta rc-vampc,l, uvatb Audynlnrf t wen pr , teNed the wet alla ,N 1 N.1.1.--4r; t:.. thi; t. OAli ANIL) II IC KO'fl Y. 'l'll\ 111111 a:l.lvvrk no -t `.x:.I::I:S? ~::3• \v I:I:.IILy P.IPE-N:r. ` to (If 0,j0,V,.ird,,,.t.ht.,r • • —", „t. , r: ' .ty„r.. , . M. C. ,Yrtt,t • t., AN*-. A No. ;NV t.,.t. E. BOLII , IS Cp. 11;t1r,cci Commisslmh 31erclIzinc, • . 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