radfotA Xtepothr. '60(1.41. ;: AND GENERAL. kk a ):-.. - The anniversary exercises . of , kliu Presbyteriau Seedily School will come oil , ou sanday evening vex% at O'clock. . . • ge- Tire . several • roo ms' in the : En- Om: house were neatly. decorated On Alio t , ortlf,.ntul were thrown open tu the vtniting tiretnen:• . • - . . , . , ' first" installniput oni the capital. o r toek of Unto Towanda 'Banding: and L an Asgociaticm, nill bo called for on 'Monday evening nclt. PO' Four or *fire k neat dwelling - 1 - ,,i1,(-s are. root' to be orOctiA on Mkt wtrcet, lotA-reccutly soil by Dirs. D. F. BAIL- I=l=l linnilred and thirty L. I,cidcd With cosi, passed this place tuacth ward ono night last week. One e,ogin6, the " l'-lurnodort . Stockton," drew 110 of thx.M. IWl'Naiad Piro CO. have_ been presented by torndr7 citizong' . of this 'borough, with a beautiful silk tug, worth t 45." Tho ma nee Wtts collected by Miss EartA 0., Bra.4rwn: and -.W. H. pucka; have bc4iit one hundred and ' , feet front (ii land, der York Arenno, from Col. J. F. l . r..xNs. We learn it is their intention, to bad upon it at onto. Towanda 'Glen has passed to the hands of a - cornpait . r, who will proceed at °wc to fit it up. This Mightfal spot am% the uiaoi othorplact;s of interest in this vicinity, wilt - rintlenbtedly attract uvany visitors td To. witudn. • • . rs.. A party consisting of \Y„ A. HOLCO,3III,'IV. T.'fJPAil'Es, ' Pi. 11. C. Purser, C. S.. basest u.,-G. D.; )11.iONTANTE TILACT; . Btllitull on 'Monday fora two Ari.vb.; 1i hint el,4nnion among the Atliron- • - priat.to-day the third let b: r fi ou, tll t;alifornia pptTV, and 110.0 another ppvar next vrea. TLC writrr Lae tliaidis for licr thoughtfulness in giving nig integesting doicriptiuum of the.places ris u by thy Varty. Tqe Itlmett'Aisrliat lugs been while we think the !me dr rithiable; and interesting lexelonges, saS• that the ree . ept change has int :, 1•1••• Ned its arpearauce. It 1s aittig!.;ther too ' it., lengtri. • A 'NEw DEPAItyI I T.—TwO of .0111" boot ;:ziorritt and E. cm..vrsos, and are atiout 1•••••- . • 1.0•11•-•li j••b luintiug this Ilkley. We 12,,••• thilr 11 . 111 . y Lo realized, but y ;.;s•t ?it . ). iila Jinn • ,61-4Y . '41.11e .irk. Nrhielt ert.a led the m night Wao bY 'the tfJ!!!..apat T.. 0 a 1, , a barn und ,heas at prtnlo.a. Th. fir , 10. Tin. 1•!,:: I•.r • I,IHPJ. It ;;a, iilidt,ttbrcdis the earl, ,Jf /11cl`littla Eal .. '' 7 ' ...i'. .4,r, 39, 0 1 1 141tr;10 contimiet 411; vik 0, ,-. J. 11. Iv., .;; ,ii:.-1,61.) ; .tif ,Ns-i.of - ,,,,,i, l in t. 14: , -,• wad rpm ,„.;-.1.-} ,- ,mi..;;..* . ;liiv: !ii --i., Mont -1 r‘..,., awl 31;• ';:t......ii;ges.:-t a tty - ',N;rty iiim lie rt• - -1 ..,......i.',l, :210.0 1141 ..1 11n.j6 , r , Srp;i:Iiillij. .1y; the 1:; , .;;;11;;;;;., Mr,lilyyvitlq;;ll:o4le 1;;;;I:‘e in , ; ,I;11 , 1; ;;• 1.1..ti1. .. ' 4.2 "1"' .;.)- A. roan r.au,( l ,:risit flu. right to tt . ,nh a' tram of oars noar Fri;lg.. hfroct, Sat.rii.lay 11*:),-;i:it 3 aedi up.duan an ,lohaolont.irtFf•l oral rah, front thc.folatc where l'; , ph0 , ....e0n0-a hat braiacd. awl . .41,1;•, - ,satn•tivil that ".eight - 0 :11 . 11't I ![.r.,A SIN ,, t - I.11: ri.NK or , 1 1:1%.111 , kr ://ulNtl nn Stlndy 111 , , r11-, 8 . , 1102 of Mr. E. ii , AF,r,r, ill Monroe t liy lightning, the eh cttie linid down at tither cud of the • and hole !nix': donn rafterk and ilie veloir. Lt one--roiitn it leitoind • slccping child. NoClatn.. by lily nn-the Al an installation of oiticers u W:n4linitit'u(ltro I)ivisiou S. Ni'. 63; 11,.• tolftrwin installed for the • .1•1:0.11.7 July 1: W. P.- -I.l4;u6kpi,:ttsTr-tif-. . W. A. )1.11:1, - - LEI Alumna,. • A.tat. s.. vrn 01.51si•mt , . . fkr.uN M. Itn.ttsAta, cfln 11' M. 11. ()ARR. A. I'. I. S. .I"iis-I)irria:l:. Kurtit-LNDALL, I Ch.q..---Ee‘. E. M. 111‘.11. = I California excur -4•1. tii;:,(,"l, with the oNeeption of %1" 1 1. t..1.:rh0 elifeeis to I.Ki Vomit ,•.1 - aeon Iti•rr, Itocif.trimt.,, of Troy, l'Al• I a - of Smithfield, have just .11 o..fi front a trip to California. • - 7.11.i1ail of the ',null; Ltandock Throt.b -* . ;0,1 Mr. FoLLEvs, Id the Iriveriy Adro a ci it on file Fourth. f. employ of l F. J. gwte to Ithaca, N.Y., to attitly -.•. I:nalwr, Dr. M. M. BRowN. 1 . '•‘. 11.1•1:\• wilose • iothistry, the I:piseopal Church at 1• s‘as ettl,:ted, has returned to the field ; • on abgetier of several •lr• :4,:d1 the stut/h4; r in Athens. 11;t.4 ph•asure of td,hr.;''''otir old ;. 1. th- 00 the !!•• and Leafy aut! pa.:4 us a %. • , 1,, I •!;••• •I pr.••••••,lia,;• ,'II t 0.1/1:1.1L:ti.)o, form of 1:1:::sr.Y, of t 1 • t;•1' alYiVt all It , " We ito c *it . a rule tiZyer to c..rwt I,qt al,lvertik.lit,ldytt I'. cf. !• ' , i• 7 iq , N1•1':11 n(l.' •tl 011,;11, 72. •, ii:l tray ail r gTII "*"• - F ;- ,onintioaeat,, , 11, Ilowevvr, irtrn a "r:1.u.L.T. , t1, lvi , l.r la” tbotigli nttt •' ' 1 t•!trq-0..;;;I • It.LMISP4 rr, June 30, Ih7l. • • , : 1 that c , rotr.try to your-usual you .r.,lvorthie oar ( . 4 . - P. U. 1 , 1- bkr.• to ..re or .! • V.hom- character may he_miess il,rtAinty from the ft,l - «titer of wino, i nn old New tio w•rttrtaitileadverti.edaddres s •1 1 i . l 1, i , !/.1 — .N.4.ii - YtinK, .June 19, 1871. - y,,, 1 an!' SPhl, 413 ttlere i,4 zio F: CO 1 , •' • ' r 11•:_Nrt5,....11 s'.tet.t." = • ThO Episcopal Sunday-ichool of- • Alle (4/ . olt ThorAlay last: --They- took f6r, WsalnAn7, intenAing to hreild 1:1 grove * Ifitt a tumor thower I , I 1 , 11 . 0 d arrival pt .thi. d'Vinft tu that duligh trill place, zli,. truce; compelled to remain at c I,`,t and the ears. ;Through the po- i •4 ~f Pui...tn, the gentlemanly elation , t Wyttlnnifig, the , :iCpot building was ' with swing . s, A.c.;iso Cuit the children thennv . eqnst-ris well as they could - the gray , . „As the time - for re- J- flint, Mr. Aliiihk;TUEltr Offerf'd-i:j ..'t, 4 :•14yer :stf: giro Glen. rxrix*: I rcs•rcuirirlo. At3:lstheepress Came hroy,rtil the whole company Were I .'n.! ranT honneattbe ?lite of fort} Nothing occurred to mar the 4. :If , lir Illpinnv3i4 of the occasion. It ti he remembered 'by the f elittrelt. Quito a number of the i..„ ,:t., 4i.tollit.r.n.vaubers of tlui congreg‘- ',.,!1, II n t r MI MMIMM auiutz. Luoi," of Owego. and his motor, Mrs. 8.14 linctisow, bin lust returned from a tour weeba jolt. Theta friends Enßoston, New Uric and eielrts. - The Sunday-4 . 1400t library otthe ILL Church is bean; ig replenished with nearly werntrilre dollars' worth of boob and pepeni. ' ' W. E. Etiora, of this town, showed tis ape* mon stalks of white winter rye measuring eight foot two inches, _premien!' his farm. Prot. 11. IL Plintzron (now cd Phikwhipida) favored us with it piece of sheet undo of his own 'imposition; MOW "Waiting he the Itespers"--a soug and charm. Words by 11.1 es duce C. I'ml:furrow. The solo expresiee the wdrds nicely sad the chorus LAW of :ilk and Inspires both singer and bearer With iore of the beantihd theme. . , Notwithstanding the Istanbul, meadows gm' erelly Will produce alighkerop. • —Mr. F. A. Dsanciw, of Cornell thitveratty. is At home again during .racation. ?sum Isioel- i ; tug well;and although a temperance man is. to - extrollent spirits. i • Mrs. Anise Cr.zrr.t.ako ti new living with 90D, I, Burns Cxxver.aso, in - Wyalnsinip She: fa In her one imndredth year and is 'iron; 'and hearty. T. Jnne 30, '1871.' - - • 50,..1n the Appropriation by Con gfaza for the supply of stamped,envelopes and newspaper wrappers. fur the fiscal year ending /iine.3o, 1872, it is provided : "Tharp° carrel. 4e, as furni.hed by the Government, shall eon.' taro Any lithographing or engraving, and` Da piiutmg except a printed'rsqltest to retnralhe letter to the writer;" and in eonforsoltY' with this provision the Postmaster General hismodi. fled the ' Regulations respecting special request envelopes." ' On and after July 1, 1871, cards and redittelts *Oat i?e limited to the following matter First—The " name rif Ike writer," whether indiridual, lino, company or corporation. Becloud—The "post-oftlee addient," including number and name of the street, nioneefeity or town, county , and State. Third—A request to return if not dsltverod within a given numblor of days. The occonpation of the writer, as " Merchant,* " At torney-at-law,3 "Claim Agent," "Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries,' t Sc., ao„ will be rigidly excluded. • ' "Special devices" and the "additNi, of cor respondents' will not toi) printed under any cart cumstances. An advance in the prices now charged will take effect on the date above given. sir Hr. CLARK, whose bid for build ing the jail was accepted, refused to execute it contract under the specious 'pretense that he had made a mistake of sortie twelve thousand Sellars. The fact that Me bfd was anly a few' thousand dollars more than the estimate made by the architi-ct, nuns, WAS quite conclu sive evidence to many that his figure s . wore made understandingly, and were quite as high as they should have been. .11is ezense, there 'fort., for thr,mitig op the lob looks decidedly weak. Cinder the ad% iec of many prudent and care ful men, the •Conariisaiuners have decided to erect Ile 1,11;141111g .theuniehrs, and have em ployed Mr. FRINn, tince. - nsful andeespe riene,d Iniiker,to sliperintend it. 31r.F, is con fident that the work 'call be done for sixty-live thou , and allt)NN e have no doubt he will c.unph t, them figurer.. Re lias ready ck.iumenc,...l Making contracts for mate rial, and will pii , h the work forward as,tdw;,-Tilli In this connection we.desire to proncitinee - API 1111.111,1111fli z 'Aly fah.c a statement pot in &cote: inr.j,j• &• ! iikriiiii.; and corrupt 111..11, that the ti;rinitissilitlVlß p.:1 , 1 - S..Ver:l) 01011S:111d dollars more for the 11 than)t was mirth. The linti . i is. the party from whom the . lot was pm / chased would be glad to taki i it Lark and c e hind. the monty. rirties who know anything; at:9o it, know this to be the ease, The only object of the rumor ruferrt-4 to tsito injure the Eputation of, he Conneiaskineis. Their conduct isGre s garil to the jail ini'abore enApicion end open to itrn rts::atio», and el. ilsl. nor readers to inform I hem stalv v s upon the othject bobrrt , giving heed to these c.i!iiinniiiiis reports. _ A I'ItaiSEXcoETET • AcT—A LITTLE Gnu, On the 2ilth:\nit., as the passon.. ger train ou the S. it E. It.lt waa passing north thringli tlio village of Monroistott, At a%Xmt VrZ. the little daughter of Mr:`.} :7:tivrger Was ili,er,vered on the trail:. This little morsel of ititi•restitig lintitanity is alsitit two years Mit atol ltad m 1 ,10111 5. coucindud thst . thr can-were something to be trVII art well as to rifle on. When ltr‘t klicovered she was slNgt six roils from the engine: The engineer. Ur: Erivrann, Fox, WA?, at the time .washing himself in the back part of the limiter, whetethe extreme ilaw ger was first oiseorereit to him. True to bin inanty instincts, lie flew to the rescue—whistled "11.0111 brakear pulled Ins lever eleati orer, rev.rsing the 'action of the Engine, tbefeby 'checking the riVed Of the train as much av*••• sible and - then in an instnnt was ont o the cowcatcher Joel in time to snatch the Mae it from in front of the engine, alring her from inetant death, avid front harm PaTe a sharp Calt nirher forehead h}• one of the screws at the en- ' Mr. l'ox wasp's/ or# Gig in that caso, or ht tie FANNIL: would have ben ott'it of time in a monfont., Snell nett of daring intrepidity as tins deserve at loud a passing notice. This'woirld hare been a sad day in Mr. and Mrs. Swzrfs fatuity had Mr. Fox been one foOt farther from their child. Mr. Fox. Kilt please accept the warm thanks of Mr. and Mrs. litri:Er, for the presertatidn•of their little darling. res, and little Fawn: has just been in to see me.and show the woundon her head, Andel, is as thankful as she can be.- .Nrromtly. We present the thanks of the whole town to Mr. Fez for this noble act, and hereby tender him the hospitalities ill the place for any day alien he is at leisure. A ItnekorsT. 405 Y, MR. EDITOR: I thought I would tell you how a very mall party epent their Fmican Wishing to escape ttic excitement ride!' always attimils" the larger• gatheringli, and to refresh themselves front the toil of daily . occupation , , this little company u luich was com posed of only, ttnir gentlemen ih.terntined to e yote it to gniet social. enjoyment. Sugar 'tun was our point of il t epartitre, which we left about ii a.m., and reached a beautiful lake at " -Amu -I.):aU. hour's cucttred a VlCll trif\ul or fly• beautit.B ft.& our repast. TIN , dresmtl / nerc cooked anti coffeg mad:: Li mode picnic, near a large spring in the v‘iicsis; with abundant provi from Inlay, fornhilnal a dinner fit fur His Highness, or any o her man. Dinner and‘c:i;ais being disposuil of with pro-- 'salisralst \ j::ii all,tlw party, the remain 'der of ';ilny , as "11 , 1.4 in 80611-- -enjoyment; ~ 1" chg. u'hati 4Apirlipore ips.cai•s, which of ir paha,' •imen tat. About rit 0 darn, reaching ilsi ,thounselvesand sanimontiry t• to rnmst pleasant limn-tit en'. nriim Now, Mr. watat. , l to inform 1, , t. la not such c'scbration quite as pat ri.,tir :1,4 the tinging of bell .and ;horning intich grmrowder ? It certainly 4..osts lets both of tithe, money autatrength. Each of - ni were ready for work the next day, and wen t .at. 'it with - a wilL 'No sore beads; nqr. bloodshot eyea, uor expreasions of diptgnst with any of nit. Hoarinany who attempted to. celebrate that day can say as much? Hold up you hands I- 7 connt ! • 2d. Is it not quite as refining, elevating and becoming? Esch.one of us went home fresher for the visit ; more invigorated by thet - change of :lir, Feene and occnpationL end' with 'better and higher motives and better reap. latigns than ever. 3a. Is'itherc not as ranch appreciatitin of the benefits of inatitationa, as stron,gan attach ment fot country 'in the enjoyments of thesisa• vial privileges as in the great gatherings, the thi;oat-splitting hurrahs of the mob, The guar- Ads, the whisky guzzling And .various other ft (totems winch attend our pope* . Fourth of July. .celebrations ? Now, Editor, I have written this' in no carping or fault-finding-spirit, but merely. to sitggest.some questions for -the thoughtful to I am not vain enough to suppoie that I can rorolutioniziOhn - popular practice if wished, and l do not know that , t would• Nish tog I could; but certainly thoughtful people Might to consider mai consider Well whether all the va-t eXta•nattilre of filial, and mooey,,the deterioratima of morels, the quarrels and Gad eaffs which are incident to the way itf doings, ,aro really 'to be, tolerated' longer as the most patriotic and profitable way of spending the I Fourth. d Yours; W,,X. Ii I.' STONE Tax Flmonsf ; AN TcroraiDa.--;The nlnety-dlthik atveeiarT of ow National Birth. Day'was duly ,ohaerfed in this plena, Ilbe iangemenlvwere maim dtmotkin bbe , Independent Order_olOdd Telloiri:whowks celetwahsl the 23th Atudeetwl'ot Braltilk Lodge on-that occasion. - . . The day wan ushered in by &bathing at, is as - timed "lute: -At an eariphoni the people be gan to pom In from every direction, end before, 113 o'clock The streets were literally erowded: The following Lodges of LO. of .OJ. only - during the thremuut; Tinkhannoelt, No.; FM; thstrribe Celpter.Offs New Albany r -• 002; le. thelsl 43 . 5. iWYwhothi. self Airesbequin, ; Leer ille, 435; rryags ! ,,a; Cant* 321 ; ltanoia, 019; Newtown, 8; Birighatiaton. Encampments bum Canton, Waverly, andWy -341105.' 3 3 3 law deligstiotil *00.. 0 ; 4 , 1210 g. Ainelgallteals Engine' Company, of Owego, ' „with kluge stommer; and Independent Hose Co., etEltoin,with a ,beautibti. siirer7pLated hose carriage, came s on the Oiltp,_and were, met atilt* &Italy,' the-Tommi6 -Ph* Department and escorted to the Engine House: The farmer 't er° . . the 3 11 " 4 ., d Fru94ll4 and t/ e kt rer of 2414,110. 3. Ahwaga Steamer waa snap neA•bythe Franklin boys, and the hose ear. aiag. by I bo **X 'bud OA* k the EDO* Bowe, where the members of the two vi#ting companies *ere twitted to .partake of refresh menu which hulkeen prepared for them by our Ore companies. Om Bantu. made the welooming address to the 'odd 7ellows, ha B. Ileumums Chief Engineer and L. It. Isom of Naiml,zweloomed the Firemen in neat and nppeortateiposchea. jnet this that I ■ek one or two At about 12 . 4eckiek a procession was formed on lain street eau the patine square, under otnamand of Writhe' (Gen. assist• ed by /iaj. C. F. CU", Its): rincison, and J. la the eviler previrrusly, arranged, and searched me the route laiti_d6wn by the ootninittei timbered over one thousand Odd-Fellow. and Firemen, and presented a very Imposing am% orderly appeer.' once. lb° procession returned to the Public equirii, where wore Interesting °creme/des were held. .Itev. WY. MoGraxitgar Opertedthe. exercises • frith prayer, after which. r. G. I. Bursa, of New-Trek, delivered an 'able and eloquent address, which was listened to .with good attention by the entire audience. The speaker's resists were particularly interelting to members of the order. At the conclusion of Abe-address, the invited guests were marched to Mies Grove, where an excellent dinner had been provided by Bradford Lodge. It was sin cerely regretted that 4 ie heavy rain which pre vailed tin the siternes4n interfered somewhat with this Important put of the prograturfls; and most of-the company returned dampened la apparel if not-in spirit.. Taken altogether, the celebration.wes a decided nieces., and re flected ,redit upon. the committee, as well as' all who participated. Very little -drunkenness was noticeable, and only one or two fight. cc- I correct to disgrace our town. . LaFranee's Band, of Elmira, and the Lellays ,' villealand, furnished music, and added much to the enjoyment of the . i . perandon. Alter the shower in the aft-moon, a trial of steamers took place between the Ahwaga. an Anundinag, and the Lint*, and Franklin of this place. The contest wan a Kline one. The Ah wags was the first \ to get a stream of water, and the Lintz second. Although the Franklin took longer to get up steamove believe it was admitted by all that it kept up a 'better stream and with two 'stream, threw water further than either of the otheni They were so even ly matched that all had reason to feel prviid. In the evening a tint...display of tirevrorkiwu witnessed, from boats on the river and from sex eral private residences. TVe luisiviens places were cloaca, so that our entire community were enabled to participate in the festivities of the day. The follairing notice we clip from The 42mi n, Gfiletto. It tells what the Elmira boys think of their reception : INDErt:NvErr nose, :co. This compipy of oar gallant yonng firemen were among the most promittent guests of the occasion. As usnal, they deported Iliemseltes in a style worthy of their excellent ridrutation iithonie, and attracted special attention from ever - ybody in Towanda during their visit. They -sere. the special guests of I:Ogrue No. 2, of which L. it. ruosr is the sprightly and courteons Foreman—a hose heating indicates that lie is puseissio4l of the finalities of a tine fireman-as well as the rharacteriAies at the gentleman. In these respects it was unite• evi dent, too, that his fellow officers and associates a ere not unworthy of their gallant f.xenridar. Upon the ani mal of.the tniht onr "boys" were met and greeted by the "Naiads," CiTry cour tesy extended, and then escorted to the band somety furnished rooms of the lattuf. After a little necessary preparation, omr buys were conducted to cheery apartment., in which was a table boutitifidly sitread with et erterns of a tirst-class lunch. Here, lii a few appropriate retharks, the Foreman extended t;.e hospitali ties or tha "Naiads." Mr. Oise Lin E. llErn; on the part of Inde pendent 3,. made an appropriate response. Some charming ladies, assisted by a commit tee of the "Militia,' then proceeded sei VC up the very appetizing edibles, which after the airy ride of the morning were relished with keen zest. The tine appearance of Ind-pendent 3in the line elicited general remark. Their neat and tartly uniforms, of new dark Line shirts, black pants, white gloves, white neckties, and pretty dark bind caps - with silver bands, with their well Induct! and .perfect step, sprightly, youthful knit, stately mien, and pi erupt evolu tions; and tiet7 handsome lose carriage, - coeld not fail to attract the attention of the 'meets tors un the line of march. Many were tk4u plea sant evidences of favor and welcome. , Which cheered our gallant "Independents' on the march, and right promptly and prettily in res ponse to the signal from their affice. a, were re turned the graceful salutes whicbricknowledg ed the swea t unties, the waving of -handker ehiefa,.and bonnets wilt' which they were hon ored by Towanda's faitgailies. Atter the parade in& dinner at the grove, the Independents were. I treated to a line trout supper at the " Naiads' " riwwria, where more happy interchange of sem timenti and gore pleasant incidents marked the courtesies of the day. Aa a memento of the occasion, a very pretty oil painting, wan preseated by the Naiads, thro' their Ferman, L. R. FROST, to file Indepen dents. The gift was accepted on the part of the Independents by C. E. Been, In his usually happy shim The "iambus," of Towanda, likewise extend ed to the Elmira boys cottriesiee of the moat cordial nature, which left; upon` ihe minds of our boys the most pleasing impression of their entertainers. 111 S ., lin. ALYOUD: I Will gay that. I hare knotiu Bev. Dr. BAVJDE 1141 3 00 1844 "Bd can indorse the statenieptikin this circular. I shthild be glad if you iroidd giro it a placo in your paper. . Yourkrery respectfully, Ilerryall, June 7, 1871. 13. Coos, PRI:11314-11.1A; LIMPITAL, TO OE oronot .ro ALL wrruovor istsreet SO "Cairo, COVATILT, oe CO -I.ok."—The "Presbyterian Alliance" has re ceived end accepted an offer from Her. ,E. D. ISAViDLII2 . S, 'lull grounds and baildmi„,,ei situated in West l'hiladelptda; for the purpose of an Hospital. These.gruunds oemprise more than two.and-a-ludf acres. None more beauti ful or salubrious, more suitable or convenient, could be found in the more thickly populated poi tion of our city. Theobuildings_, valued by competeut judges at lotS / 00.1, will be stoniciont for the licit ten years. be church I.": to be come responsible for s4o,ooo—coni.ifiting of ground recta and mortgage's. Dr. acid Mrs. I riatronmeare to receive an annuity of 0,000. By competent real estate agents, the_ prOpei 1Y is estimated at trout 1100,000 to:1 , 150,000, and the increase in the value of it will, in each (ear, more than cover the amount for which tore . have rendered (ourselves reisponsible. Dr. iistiotnene, Our Agent. will he engaged is receiving subscriptions mild 3100,000 *WI bare been obtained. We could obtain no person of e (pull tact, act ivity, and resource as the Doctor, those cervices in securing for oar city, her quo , to of '33,000 men, thd.so saving us from the as. ' ceuity of g draft in the late war, and whose its the Foundericid Prinetioal of alsrge Editcatitmel Institute are so well known and se highly appreciated in this cootnninnity. . • , Wm. - T. Eva, o Wm. 0. Johnstone, (tee. W. Musgrave, - F. W. Hastings, Matthew Newkirk, Wm. J. McElroy, Alfred Mervin, !Amt. op Hcegiffnis,'Houleoft, I= BiwCe the &hero-pained property was aceept. ed. Pr. liinttocus has stu ceedod to purchasing, to: $17,000" hwlVecreMt locamplete the square, which contains three-and•oso-flfth acres, tonna nil by one street of 50 feet in width, two of GO, and ono of 80 feet. The iota of the 'llllbilihre is Gfty-seven thontind dollars [ISI,OCA]. —We, the undersigned. acquainted with the Tainerof real estate in the City of Philadelphia, consider the propatty sitnattid, in West Phila. delpbia. bvjtnded byPowelion Arentle. Thief ninth sweet. William or Boudireit and Filbert en eeta—au entire aqua., with all the improve. silents thereon s —donated by the Bev. Dr. E. IL tisowneas ter JI Presbyterian Heepital, to be mirth, and if for sale would command. at- least one hundred sad sixty thOusaild dollars; Chariesli. Nuirtietel. -111chardoon k Janney, Annesley B. Goren, Ferdinand J. Dreer, Samuel C. Bunting, • dprg. 1871. 1181. Hv.ityinerr Bacrrnas have got their Unot and Shoe Ilanntsetery starlet . They expect to -employ about fifty "men. Fe . bare no doribt they will do a large -business, sift) should receire the slipper's anti encourage ment or all dealers in 9ris section. Their min titian ter .-lionoratile dealing and prompinots will be saaLtined this new enterprise. Foie Rmr.—A Bart on Main atroet. Enquire at this race. , 1 - _ . .. INMEEIWUXIAL' ; '....tirgs77YOri #1111,15 ToLt - t & v i e,. : , . , ..!, i, : ...,..1,...._ •_.,,., ;.. ...s ~...?-).! 1, .1 M :.• , -,-- "f - ....';!' 11 .' ,tr, m a 11111. Athi• mid !hipped Chtigo . . as. 'rib good hoists for rentlow. Znqctlre of Onartm & /Wain. t - liargsins ii"/ White Piques, at Tutan & Co.'s. . • : 4 9 118 . conplete - Aock at TA. Loa a ciew)nlita LbT,:r !pr„eatits,at TAY , J Ni3w Stripe Percales, at TAY • - • ..strunairus Cptton Gods ma reek, ist 'l:anote Co: s. - • TAYLOB It Co. are wiling ale American satst rectum/price: TO— White Growliue . and Shet land Maids, plat iupencd at TArzon Black_ Lining for Grenadines at Tau° AA c.d.'4' sir Satin Stripe.. -Piques, large Stock at iedsoed priers; at, Tatung k Co.'s, ler Guipure Laces, new and choice Patten:m*lst received at TATLOI C0.'.4 NO. White Nainsooks and Yietioris Lamm Si Taros at 00.11. ' _ , SS. The now " Tam) Tatou," fur sum, at Tartiork Co.'s. - Brown taid Buff Linens, Also aniw Cloths, for soles, at Evan June 22--4 w. ' I Piqua, Percales, and a full line of Lawns and tight _Prints, at Juno - Evlats & Ilsizarxu•s. stir A largo assortment of Mar milks Counterpanes for sale cheap, by Jane 29-9 w it® - Notwithstanding all MO re ports to the conttary tho /Mow Improved Sew ing Machine does lake the Imul in sales sad gen era worth. _ A.fall assortment of . Viet,oria Lawns,iiit,ripo awd Corded 3lnallne for white. Ev.vcs ;;Allumkru's. snits, at Zane 22-2 w. I. The soda water drawn at F. W. Daows'e Drag Store is said to bo the best to be had in town; no aro Lis . drugs and isunlicines,,tho purest WAXTED.—Four or five good farm ti m id & to who m .teady employment anti ;.,..0;:5.4.1 pay Win be.giren.- I.7lxter, Ps., Jtine 28. 1871 . The woven wire :mattress is rnmrarndell by physzciana and health gaardi• am; attbe best bell now In. lice•. Call and ex amine them at rsurcr 1:=1=1 . Ng> & WATKINn have a few of their Young Warrioi'' . lloviing fdachitiea l kft yet. They have sold a large nnmber tot em; and defy any one to produce a better ma chine. M=l • MM. Dnring this season when Ftuit jg being put np for future use. it is worth while to call at Wirsu All A Ili.xea's skid get the circw tar of the Mason **mil. Co. which gives true 'ltud, fhll directrons for cannin; luitof all lintlF. SiEr It is• the duty of etely wise and prudent merchant to protect himself against loss by fire with ample insurance and to secure his books likewise in a good fireproof ale. Such are Martin t Co.'s, sold by Countlso, Lt Co. Ltnient Wias-rte—At the Tow: unlit Fnrnitnre Mannfartor.‘,., where the highest prier Rill - he paid in rattle for Fire finndrrd Thousand feet of Whitorood and Bassietxxl Lumber. Also AA, Oak, 31aple and Cherry Lumber wanted, m FOR SALE:--=-Seeolol-bauil Top Bug gy, in gotal order. newly painted. Will be mold cheap for went Pri,e only tial. In quire at H. Spet.t.,; 4 C'artiag , factory, Pine street, Towanda, l'a. July 12, 1S71:-.2a11tr,. The person who took the fol low-41;i articles, or any our of thou, from the Elwell HMO!? wu the Fonrth o" July, will confer a favor by - retoping them: I linen coat; 1 large size boggy whip;Cl umbrella; I oil-cloth apron : I black lap b!anket. /ter Farmers in want of Mowing Machine% Tkireshers, - VC:, can find the Rawson. Earcka, Clipper, Dodge, Ohio and Daeke,e Mowers and Reapers, and can be tarnished with Pelletier's, Emory or Licxxis'. Horse 'Powers, Threshers and Cleaners at manufacturer's prices, at Comitzto, Eviusrxt, F. Cnoss is the book man of this section. Ile has natural talents in that direction, and his lung experience &mg him every advantage which could ltar wished for In that line. We confidently recommend him -to the patronage of all In mrant of books, station ery, pictures, cm wall paper. Ile can satisfy the moat fsetialoils. , on. We ,pnvnjf. flip following tes timosaial fromo. D. I;.tratrrr, - }lni., proprietor of Fottodrr arid Machine Shop, Tolman's, l'a. : B. Z. tin - oats-:it: The Wilson Improved tit-wing Machine I purchased from you some three months ago has been in very_ active use ever since, and has gi e s good satisfaction. I would not have bought 3 machine with a tom bii.ed price on it at all, and so was well pleased to find a machine on hide the combination which has proven, in my judgment, equal to any in it. The difference in the price I consider so much money saved. We have used Machines in our family made by the ring and think Veil of them, bnt my daughters prefer yours without regard to price. " . 0. D. Danimar. Towanda; Jniie li, 1571.—1 f. . . rtE r usa OF CONDiFFTEE OY 3.IIISWING AMINE At A trial betwcon Clipper and Yottng Warrior .towing Machinett, held at Athol!, Jnlc fi, th • eommittee .snake the fol. • lowing report : That hothroaeltittes did their work to per fection. Qn appliCatiota of dynamometer; the Clipper;-rotting five' feet, aholed as tight eranght as Topng Warrior rotting Roar feet. In rePurtio.7 loPoirg-ho relatiro- Merits of the two machines, nor cision is in Aaror of the Clipper. ' . J. P. Kersar., W.-11. Span, Hark:tar- TASOII. Also at Lollayarille, .7"14 7, the in competition with Sprawl.° and Yankee, was ,tlc.- cided by a committee to be the lightrA arkit and awarded the preference. ILIO W / -36 MACII;OL f htlid...—At a tri al of Mowers, on tile farm ofJonx I).u.uwix,. of . Pile township, July ith, the Clipper, Yanace, Sprague, and improved Wood appearea on- the. grounds. And whereas, two of a courniioi : nt, three persons selected for the perppe:et, b 446.1 renicrrieg the hay, decided in ter,*er the Clip ve.the undersigned, actirtfigeuti tor. the Improved Wood, Sprague, atftardielllinicis. - having viewed the grimud sinixt thoreneavil thelisy, appeal from the inalokitY s repor , t rot. Chat eommi . tee, • claiming tho Clip Per SloWi2.r fshij beaten in CqualitY of aliitis,,4nit three opposing Machines tMet the iliptter* tytr 'Woes* of draught from *Wit'. poundso . . - We therefora challenge the tiOstf:tor 14'01141*, al Ottlionday afterniiim, Jul l'lthime thellaint' of Jc . vtgra 11.111ARPIR, of Le (Signed): ;< plaantMlr, Cmanass A ~.COLita,t, Lixr.Bl4: 4 lolslo._ Loll4ynille, July 10, 1871.' - ,- - - ' ' • . . . _ . . . *Er" Ittelti*sto_ place like hrime,” wither Is iliiiivaitolter place is the "mita suicitob artit 44o] &mut 4 t w tfation ...... 1 . ,c) bulbul% ka poeics i vpm c p.Te , o4s, tosta,b-' iiiikimmti 4f- ' - 144 " "' • . ,_ , - '; i' lu lfo'll - 11-1 EV: W0.0D13171111,-WATTLdtalkotaidolitath• Gelb ZaWlL.Taita ri.)11171, tiritselloir Vac' Bheln,Alleuti W. Woodburn to Della L, see- Dud ailteir . ofl). 0. Wattle*. Esq. , ill of Rouse. 111 - 4018 . 14-7.10114141=.4.-In Wyecm,'Jnlyill. '71. 1 i by that 0"e. IlylvannajW. &OW& o. W.T., go Teina I:kneline, of Wyse,. m .,., ..1 filltit'•:.:ll)ifitell on the ou. day, by the mama; Milton B. Rine, of ; - 'll3. ' hi"? LTc 42 41i5i#, 8 4 0 . 111 K4 114 ~- •'. Ei T2 7. , 1101iTOitaammil380143-At the - le:E.Tanton.• age, in Ewa., July 4,1871, by The ant/4 Jos-' 8 4•4".rilottart to A4 I 9L Ferrwi. 24 1 0 Ithe^ i. oft, , • ;.. ~...1 •, . .. ;:.... z . 1 W - --Atirtilat - - - : argtikn r iirsi the' 'iinother - In Warren, Jmy 14 lnil, by Bev. W.V.Preir a 4 6 B. Allyn and 8. E. Hin t " . Oeh..c't 7r... t. rj ,' ~I 2. if 1 . WEILaI-OWEN.-it, Nurnrocton, July 311371, by Ilev.'ilalloelt Arnoftrong, Everton 'Welch, 01 Dttnninka g _Luserne..county, ?a.. to 144116 , 'IL area, otahinztatteat. L. CARL--BEACIL-At the residence of the ttido's • wage, Erutna Botch. F.sq.;*tn 'Leßow, July 3,4871, by Rev. J. J. Tartan, Lewis 'ierl to •Atlellen Beach, all ot Leßoy. - • i ,RODERTEt.-K1244.--.113* that same, *4 lho Itethl odist Parsonage In East Canton, July 4,1871, Newton Boberts to Caroline Ring, all of Can ton. • - , . RINEI4.4III.ADLET.—On the evening of; fray 3, 1871, at the house,. of the 'officiating clergy. man, Rev. V. M. Coryeli,Edward J. itioes,._ Apalachin, Maga Co.. to Emma /1... Bradley, of W i indhsin, Bradford Co., ' IXCKFI=II, ' VANICOIB.. At the' Me time and place - b7 the same,..ll • Rockfeller, of !Maze; Pa., to ,Ipkta Nan- Rear, of the same place., GRAY—DULL—By Ilarrolikha. of Camptown, ;MO 80,1871, Robert 0. Gray. _of _ Hpringvillo, finagneharma.Co., ha Katie Da% of Wyaluaing, Bradford Co., Pa. . . EILENBEIIGER—NYATTS. —ln Elmira, All' 4. Id7l, by Rev. J. J. Royce, J. Sidi=Hden homer, ef Shawnee, Monroe comit, PA., and Miry R. Watts„ of Towanda. - . DAILLINO-+DdDIT.—At the Methodiat phillOt= • age in Windham Centre,. by Rer. F. X. High, it. N. Darling to Wm Elizabeth feat, both of Jackson Vall4 nehanna Co Fa., rune 28,1871.' • " • • STONR—MONTOOWERY.—In Leßoy Pe. Pme 21th, byller. 0. C. Hills, Mr. C. A. Mono and Rim Louisa A. ltoritgornery, both or Leßoy. • • . BIDLACE—CRAFEE.—At the house of - the bride's father in itheahetpilaJnly 2d. 1871, by - Wm.& Parideon. Itr:lierseafk - Bidlitek and Miss Harsh E: Chafee, both :of the above - namod place. - • Evaxs Muntrrn. DIED. ELIBCIiiI.= June 2/, MI. in the, of Asyltim, Mrs. Lnnira sgtsi BIM istLEs.—.,lnge 21, 1671', Wilmot rat inning. lie died anatainefl with a rreeintra ,hope in .Terms. lie chose for his funeral text, "Except a *llan 'tie born again, he cannot pee the kingdom of. God." In the bloom of titan hood, 2.5 yeara okl„ . . • . P 2, 3-4 fiENILY 31(:11•Itt , Tai loi, r.treet. A. B.'B.witn. 4ry o n *ant reliable and safe : Fire get -4 policy in erlitinental, or New 17;r1:. Agvnt. Tokran , ln, ra. . . • • • N' 1)O/Sous in.khteel to au litcribcr; vitlicr by itu:e or bo:ik uccoliot,. trill pleat-c the ?i4e• .korrirlWAtly, ur cen,r, will'be ' Stamtling Stow, i. - 10; Bay thd:li'::i±:y.tait:eitlx row male I.y 21;, 1`17.1 _ PI CNICIP* Oltfi.‘NS Alcrr'?itr.l.OVEAN. ,elling firm -class PiatioF, Org,atts &rat 3Lefo,:lemn , at reilaerti urv....4 and .m ea , y terms. Per, , ,r/, , A% . 00 att . Sll na n t a a g,14.1 lustramms, • ill find it greatly to their advantage to gis c ay A call before pittelra.ll4, , , rdAewliere. Coi.::,_1'.1:::4.‘01; A Co., Tolfanfla, Fon SALE.—A dwelling -house and four acres of land in Canton rear de pot, with a nuhiber or trod. irers thereon. A very deArable Loeatian. Terms racy. Apply to JOllNtlentorrit, ar L. W. LANr.,,Tiyar.utls, JIM '2'2, 1871—tf. , WILL ItE. SOLD Open Bttp:;tv with pe- , 1%., and ,hartm. Nearly DI`TV and iu golldSt 12(10 -will doI,l Cur t'lso. Alply to IL tin t.t x,y Cu., Carriage gactirrn or at the ;Ake of ;Shull Jim! 11, 1571-=2trl2ag. O. ritogy J: Co. LOST. -* Oa Wednesday, Ihil, a CaltAin TroDtaining; Fundry acrount4 of ,alto! ottiv: to tle.lo4t.r. Tl,u tinder tclll Itc , ,tiborally rewaided on losNing edict Bitok either at F. E. Invdt's stort•, Standing, stone, of at tlai Itr.runnst E. A. Mt:tin...Ll. Windliath, July 12, 1871--Iw, S. C. IVIIA.NoIc. SPECIAL NOTICES. is... Crogriet setb for sale; • very 318)nrowt.nt, l'a. Jun( 7, 1871 Jan. lA, It 7! ==l9 Y.kNYLL'sor. & . if•rel:ant Tail u'r, 114 t curl Cava, atreet, Wax erly, S.T. May •S7l. 13. Casccad© Mills •hace -tuned the shwk oti Theat intended to last un til after harrest,fanil will now p.y from $1 , 50 to $1,63 for Winter Meat, if rumors have hand.hand. We would also sufrgest, it some of those who , able to get. their Incoming crop of wheat dry enough to thresh ont of the held we can giro them for It u much as they ran proba bly get et om time during the coming season. Camptown; drily 12, 1871. , • Never_ —Onr quarterly settlenaen Rill COMIIIeUCC July list, amid cuutiuuu to 10th We hopo Lim eusionairs will look" to it. All book amounts mast Ix:Fettled by cash. ur notes on naterrit will be ehirged on book. Heine biro (RUM to settlaln Janairy, also in April. We hope they, will took to it indsireeosts; we itin4 hire our bootie dcttkd. Some notes are pest e and matt he paid. We can't do busi— ness thout espital. I,trrr.trrroh I:lNrwt.. Caratrtown; Jane 21, 1971-4 w. ; • CoustY ComninosEß.—The name of Ern Moonr., of Listei;4lll-be premmt ed to the nest Eepublican County Convention u a candidate for County-tknatuissloner. 11r. Moony. has been- an earnt st working Republican , ever since, the organization of the party, slid norer before- asked anyttfltee. The finitueu of the comity wonid be faithfully and economi cane Mlnagettby UM, no is a manor excellent and'irenia make a good onic'er. He has been disabled !rum pciformimr, manual' la bor hkr the ast two years frOm the efleets• or an injury. .InregAir, the batrtichip of Ulster has not had a candid:At: for any otlicc for twer thirty years. - Utsrxr. Ton - xani . - THE icnaly Two NI ur.EL This Mower is in the inarket as a competihir with all other Mowers for the patronage of the farming,puldie. it has g ,, t to stand or fall up on it , uan merits; sud s of-course, is ready to meet our oral' of its competitors in fair and honorable trial,'" to - try tiaes," is any kind of grass, or upOn any ikind aorface. 'Messrs. Kinney r Watkins, `agents (it the Young Warrior, hive particularly ch.d.lenged the Two WheteKirby to meet it In triaL I shall be pleased to gratify them. Beir?!.; the chal lenged party. I bare the right to clieuyo time and place for trial bnt will only ask that the trial be held as near Towanda as possible, (as the centor of tho county) shere tho larre, number of our farmers can attend - otherwise Messrs.Fot. W. par choose theft own' time and grontid.• The Kirby does not 'ehallenc,.L., but is willing-to meet any Mower in fair trial rriee of Mower ' 4 feet 3 inches cut, 410fi. 11.31. Wr.t.t.r.s. (loner:0 Agetit. . Towanda, 'Tool. il, hit.—tf. etrilax:—l regret that again. uccce&lxv for me to cantion the people in cen tral Bradford against the many taliehooila cir culated freely by some trAcoling nursery agents representing Nor York nur.ries, about' my apple ant other One 11r.,N,taates4w par ticular, represents that my apple -trecal" are lernsy," etc. Ali statements nt the lite ,afe - to. .tbfly fair. I neel not can!i•ni the ,people against patronizing, any agtwfit raptesontunt Frost's _Watkins (N. Y.) Nursery.. The people in this county have dealt with _said Frost's ac,euts before 'ant/ought to know than bi this time. bare t,OOO to 10.0(n I years old apple .bees as tine as any in the StAte. During • the - miming fall and's - nib-it, (Usk. Willsun and &kV, f llyrthritp,uill eatwasit Inc orders and will delis -4.lol,othirlg but fit - at clay: irarrantell stuck. , It. lei. Wm.i.a..N. .TAiwaudi l'a. June Li; 141. . - Fat iosunuicc. against loss ;;:or 111„ailbx18\i' Io . }a amn -IMt i T l4). - ' . " Toxandli. Ps. - S)l3iirlu: gar 's north aide, of Pu • tfeinarr... Dec. 1.1870. , . f - rilfir l ithoile Islaml.Lime kept 'eon- r , . - . ' ' It. 31. WELIM.. oisior,fin imutinr Whittnrsoting. at • - . ;,.: 2nr i a s i. ...ii tl i j:re:'',Lli ILL .11 ::44/29; 1371: _ - . Ati, - .A;ltocalkii7.l,l4.• . , .. PlitairrS !FLAVORING EX ....11406; Do , no.t.fomt that Tea is Sad ' B St . 4eices for 50 vetitA. • Jim 18,4871: w i i , l =l, * "; p 7b rt = ( ="P e ": . FM, it MeaCITR: 1 r!eaiii.Fiehl Peas; also some ehoiee ' , Jane 15'71..• ixtintieti Garden rota, at - (`.: TIRIED FRUIT- of ALL - KO:DS 'far. :P4, 157 x. Ai Mix:m I. , , - - For-fr. t COWELL 'MR. -1, ii. I= %t-314-1-4-445 43A.T.,r034, ie. • — iLiAceilleralt“Itialfli101911111111 rfif) moo * ty of the Lithusbet Piano pmt keibirlfealtsabiltAlftt tuning Company, of ew Ha . Com, •beamineswealftftrilisti the best Judge:Sof mimic in apart. of mut try, who attest the fact that the new by which these Pianos are constructed a Zrii i iri tatt licam =4lteres o . . i tit • riZthrrea=ker= e tac..‘ 4lo '.• ..' reason o aUhellizetit .. • - .. .% ba i- - lam 'of ITZWMtruntents in the' Eq , ••• • • Scale, which distributes the teusionef the • •'"!‘- n rir it reier f " r ga "k V ji* ' • fit axiom strain tni v e oat par bi t i m securing mach grater s trerigttt, du. ra , attilpoweerd leteg• In tune, - dia. :tab ram of 4 10 trim o ur zs r air . the so = Board, gives greatly increased power :of vibra tion: tbroseboattlitentire bistpfh,fttproduoes a parer tone and better:accompanintent to, • voice than any ether insinsateek. Ottr ,ana , staidly inaeadng bust it usrares-itt that, our ...., — le Juiplac a• mmerlor .is . all te-iny betted Is appn—ist ia - 01t.. -- present greatly minced prim — list: it'Ul OWL° Itior the btotent at..shiorp . ll. 'look earclay Into the mutts of this rano. Lam- I her** frobillandlP aisUqmilefralf mlt*lala swab lti mindruction ; compare its true With ethers i ePf ••410 - biliftrfliftdotaMs made ; ass the opinion of these who hemp them ; read the testimonials' bi our PIM and net* 15419., ft *MOW persons les estalli other pianos to turcbass atie which yen wouldimon after desire exchange for a its. Abaft& • Sontelethieri in talter . Tianeti have endeavored to check therit i r z hieressis% WP. simity of th e Liftable by *Ong es t they are not darabie, an. To. those we wpold say Oat stsftneMM Oft loprodoe• 'limb . 7 monv eta singtelissn't - Of oar make 'hat `has tailed in any particular whatever. On the, _es 4m m a p A parties Ilse have eintif ablitt Ming the Ave yew', state that they keep is lane longer than any other, andthat the/ se. 1 -teetUy improve' Sy. age.. fiend • for descriptive pamphlet with testimonials. ~- ~ ..- • Cass; Pumas* OS.; ' , May 2t, Mi. , Agents, Towanda, Pali • . Now. A,dvatigemat& N a- L.O (..) 7 - .74yA= •-- • - -• : A T' l 00D S ! • • Beautifig Javanese silks, z at, Taykit & CO:b. Iticli d i Ncw Style Surg64, flatidliotue l'laids, Wash Poplipo, Hantisky,ue Dress Goods, Cheap Drt.. Gpuds, White Vititic, Litions and Napkins, White Guutls, Fancy Goods, bbous and Trhumiugs, Cloths and tias§iwores, Ctttonades and Checks, Kentucky Jeans, Yankee Notions, Hogery.tind gloves, Hata and Capr, Lathes and Children's - Shoes, Carpets ILTI Oil Cloths, Sheeting 9sl Skirtings, Priuts an& GinAana, ALL KLNDS DRY 'a- o s BUtGAINS Mill zoranda. April 12, 1471 T HRESIIING ILWIIINFAY (4kITFIE TlEStdr! 1 , Tito mtniariber Mannfactorers' General Agotia, offern to ,the Farmer,* of liradbied and adjoining emotion; a fall slit .11 . I,C AEU, A,NIX .11.1tSti }; iiitilN GMAC iIIN:ES! ILSILDEVS SPLENDip GOLD !MLL. ONE, Two AN - D.Timm HOME RAILWAY , ,POWI I SEERVIIIMS:aink er:ravreas, war-stars algtxo4'l - xwatifot.cum's norm. powmp., nrarsurns 'AND ROMA ea. It you want the bed Horse Polrer„ or, the beat Tbrtrber and (leaner. 0r411 . 27.11 beat Comatta• Itlyn,ther 1: TaliESELlisa Ih Arcalp,ti call arm WElLfik • " word to the wise "is, (or ovum To st.)•"lsl4Wient." The subscribor has had 21 piers rsperience in the Threshing Machine Snide, and is pugged. Maude Pumas, Thruster*. and Oman win in! onymbibitkon Jidy lat . . 11060-vsie VractlAss atti) nit ' =I Mil at Taylor Cu.'s at Taylor k Co.'s. at Taylor -43r,.C-o.'s., at Taylor nt Titykir Co:s 0, Tailor & Cu.'s. at Tavlur dt, Cu.'s. Taybir AL Co.'s. at Taylq,r at Taylor 4; 0026. at. Taylor & Cu.'s at Taylor Ak, Co.'s. at Taylor Az Co:a. at Taylor & Cc' ~'s. at Taylor 3, Go.:'s. IP - at Taylor & Cu.'s. at Taylor k Co.'s. at Taylor & at Taylor A: Cufs. at Taylor at Taylor lc, Co.'s. uE Tayhir Ec Co.'s TAYLUI► & CU Araottg which arc NZ= ==il3 .vatt:4Atamiliftib. IC I ITOTI ealag - EMI " DEP . M-. • 8:-.VIOXIT/A2 aativi SMA: ealivicriVicax- PRINTS' AND omatumt_ ezooa MOTIIIII •ND CAMINVILES 'DOME lei CS : 12)/4 4 4 -7 i • • - ' CLUSTI3. AND OIL CW/114. - I • 'A • WALL PAPER, ';....il,stEs:ll;cts , . vourii A3D Mir, CLUOCI2II4, ' ' • . , - • - • . • ,1111 • 0 • yea *lle e4ll - amportail stack . , • 7, • - . DRESS GOODS, BLACK itEIINAICI. GRENADIti, . At rowizr.; : • . trini . dRUOLS A I ND SUN Unb,,M- LO Lti rt-to .vsp Letevl bTvw . • - ovleuttlid.r.zoiphiciat. at BLAcK warm BALMO L L 13EltriNcps in •uicty, at f CifiNESE lu eatircs and plain, all obadcs, POWELL • • READY ,KIDE WllIT4!: - AND kB ' Harr iIiGITS tre openFd this srerk, gtt • • THE GREATEST VAULTY OF PLAIN cf, FANGY DRAYS GOODS, dt rusrarz A CO'S. . , . -Fvu, LINE OF - BLACK SILKS iort recel7cll • 4 .Very dkoay., : . PON • VELL c CbtS. NOTHEII CASE, • OF • W.ISII ,POPLINS, at one stillitnOi • • !DWELL k arti. • • TABLE LINENS.,iI4IICIN:'S AND • a great mkt , titrlV in stock, at • - ' :Toinfihfr. • T_TOSIERY GLOVES AIITT'S. • F. . . 411.19Lics. Ettylelt cad Colors, at vomit-I.k GYM • Waal& NAINSOOKS, .nrilli-AND-CHSClliirOittiAlippS. • ';'• •IJOOX AND = SWISSi USL /NH, _ VICTORIA Laws, 3Avolrrs. wunircs. IC. -iratekervatocl4 , POWELLI CO'S. pias,*.CALICOES; AttlY .." • 1 . • -. ...', 00013A118. Ilsv .' ~,t- '7, • " -; • " POitittdi* IMAM! , PANS) i!: ! '•' - • ..,,theiti42tegicortkr.-A ■ ~1 - 1646lic at , s iliftittiktagt E pi t y T. rrsim • COMPOUND FLUID' ttt. " " r -• ?; +.r .? EXTRACT- CATAINI3A _ _ i f..) 0 ‘A.i. . G AT. .- .. , , • • ' .1 1. 1 ;* , •••••• Vr I :a. . 17 1 1 toillonAT rairrs-rtuw r,rrnurr Ow alt i r ANEIIairIik,ESTIUCT CATAW-I " 4 . { ar ~„t4 r tAuvy, t3itego Sick • or Nermau lloulacke. Coatroni{.4c. W/trg Veleta/We, CORWlliaglll.o Arqrviiry, oit . . , ticrivat,Priegc, . -11,cae Fab: an: the moat delightfully ple.anankiar. larllVlDdilaji castor 'all. masmesis, dr: Thera le uotlong more acceptable to flip ntozaaeb. natcy Chico tow, oicolo,ucitlic;r i =+orkso7_ .1.06 taltali.ritior sake:di:v*4d of ' ear. .After a flaw days' use of them. nada atOplig oration of Van entire system taken idare an to appear ngraraltasa Via weak and-enervated, whet/4M grishtur from irdpradenro or discus. -U. T. lielni tvld's Compound „Mold rof trna Ottani* (trap*. -11ess we not asmss.mieted. from P.m ha that coate4 pills do not diasolve, but papa through the -stomach without. &lambing. cour.-rinputly ad m* produco desired rittsd., THE Cd UNAPE l'lLLAbejw plytaant Jn pact and cork, Arun necessitate thelrUttit anrar.enated, ..roVr czxzseka ;pa': - FOWELL, t'CUr~ = _ . cogro, uN.u„,yLijl.D_ EXTRICT. 'WIII radicilly exterudnatil from ilia akstem Scrofnla HlPkiths: Yeses soroa r tilcva'ffi Sara Ww. Sorti,Eiegs, Ikwellonth.. !taroWrad,'Wronilitts, akin DIRCIiaa, Salt Ahearn. Caillrn . Ittinning from the Ear, Whita Swellings. Tumors, Cancerous affections. N'odeq. Itickenr, Glandular' Saclljng. Night 'Swaatit. Triter, Itwoors, or all kinds. Chronic Ithetimatjani, Dispecoata. ..41 as 1 that elto 11:thed In the system for stars. Iktuo prtfkifod e ipreit fitr the hisive 4'014114 It aha its blood : purifying . proT,ertlem aro greater than anc ether preparation vtlfarskj‘krtita. gives tho colic; Pleadolis door and heathy' rah' /t , .regtorog - th* patient to a state of health and parity. F.ir blood. reMOVINI all shrouio constitntional wiling - front an 'owner stato , of. the Idoe'd. And e only reliable and, effeentil ktoesn remedy for' etitre of pain. and strellinz of the bon't-e, ul cerations of the throat. and lelzs..Wroteltes. rtmpleA. on Mellen, erysipelas anti eruptv , n- , of the skin. and butittitYib^ tier. Per BOttlt 4 . • , FOWELL s 1.3)% FLUID TA: ACT ;Al Mammal evert mar luf DLOA:toe ;n been ttwiaii.. fine "INA tho 111.1 , 1,1” r and Lullanniiinn "fine Ifiettey,. Ilorration of the Kidneys and Bladdrr, Itrieuttii, of -Ttrine. of IN! Promtrate g rand, stom in the C a i rn . 1314 ()ravel, DelooNt,;• and 31tuotim ur IftPqr Dfaeltarge% and fat enfetbleil Mot &limte ontiegtritions or beth..eive., astir the fol lowing syrertoeux;" 1e.);,,..5it0a to eierti.,l). 1.1,3 of power, lona of ,ininnial,.ilirMinty pt broathita. weak nonce. trenat,lina, T ~ I newarei Wakeful niwai.Mausw:aa of tnaion, fludlttM of flip bodY. erupth.o 'of thee Jae*, paila coUn nttlie tutis..tdar Afet. ui. rt,.. • p.rsone tr•uti th`'; a 501 ,;f P. , to tn. an:i from 33 to 34; or itr t., .lexhle aft,rrimiltiennut .of ,paimf child.rou. POWELL 'lt CJ"3: Ituallus.ukiirxtr.2keT 1 ,„1 in;: froth habits of dissiti . aiaii: ati4 imprivieu .ces it% We, iniptititieA inagii:Liitmak/ur whielf boat and fTectiiins ur c .. 1 . 4 . ntvtiou with lik.:l,lli - SOLVS ituot: = . • . • ._ ' .11-1 Witty aro-a:101ot pccuil a r to Liilirn,l.llo " }:Xtra..:t = Ratan is m 2,0111410 by any uthur relll'ect?-44. Chlorosit or ltsteqtioo_ Irr , tfothtraty. Pailittanc....,4 or Serprtssiou of tittstowary...Lt 44:wit:Ups. Clettratstl or Sehttraa stahy.of the ['tote,Lsticerrlavvitor Matra, glertlitY, an 4 for ail sotoplalot4,...,neider.t "to the izez, whether arising frow. Waist:rel.:9u yr hah lta qt dtatrlpatlem It' preicrits...l 'extol:wit sly by the meat entinquf physic:l4s and luidwiws fur el, fe , •bletliuttt deltOte ennshillthatn, of both ,tet.,. alp] all ages (titbit:ldol with auy . of the :11•ove or - • POWELL k . . • Carta 144,1 get .4riiing from Imp 11.4,0 , c of . .Diszipetion. etc., .-' . . In all their AbAtroV-ar tittle erpeigie. •Ilttie or.r..v ehange in diet, no.inennyenierv'e, and no expeeienrd. It csusasstretrent.-desirei itrut"gtvecl strength to Ifrituttr. thereby Immuring 'Obstructions, . prevent ing and caring.fthrictoreit of laic 'Mena, .IMay - lig pain and ihdlatnatiOn. to • frequent In thief - class at diseases, and exnelling allvpoisonona matter.- . Thiariaanda wholAyee been tbsonctints of - incour petent persons; and who Lace paid heavy , leis to be„ mired in a short time, Wive , telzthl the' harts been deceived; and that the " has, by the Irso of powerful astringents," been dried up . in the sys tinwteilarealt. outing taro *gins:had Zahn: and perhaps after Marriage. - • • ' Use .ILELifliOLD's EXTISCT r.rcur fn. all 'Affeetigrat and .01meg' , of Ufa Urinary organs. whetberpristinglaMale'er renale..froni whatever cause onguiating."and no matter of bow long stand /Rice. (f.VE DOLLAR .1 4 V1., ?Tr et: A:75 I'ER rforrz.R. - , • . rownt. 1 or.l H 111:=11 =NI E. Moat D A. - .)kr:S. is 4 4,; L ~I* A ,~ .~;; Al 11MCIIY T. lIMXIBoLD'pi =I tut tiI:LAT .7 . . B L. A IS.I. ES o . H. T. `IIIIL,9IBOL,D':-.; E..X.ritACT BUCIIU 'IIENT IiELit.BOLLYB IMMEMI • U.S W-A1 II Cannot tk,intrpassoil a -Fire IN - .1,11. awl will 1.4 found the only P I)ClifiC i - e-ineay in evrry .opcica Cutanedus Rgeetion. ° lt spv-milly eradicates. DIM.' Spots.rbtitio Dl'Yuctss, inclirrationa!of the Cntitaeone Ilstwillft; eq.:111.1,0s Redness and In. cipicnt Inflatuation;-Hives," Iletb Patches, Dryness of Ocalp or Xiith Trust Ilitrrt, and for all purposak. for *Vett Salves or Ointments 'are used; restores the sldnio a 'hate of portly and softness,, and insures coartitinell healthy. neton to - the tissue of its vesi.ds,'on *filch' depends the 4,l2'tnahle dear ness and vivacity :ki4 corn Igsfon Po intich sought and - admired. Due owevet yalnalan is a Iremixly soalatislicdtitnetn of Otto Wu. If; TP gelinbold's Rose Wash has long suitaincd. its principle claim to, unbounded patronage., by mrs . Sessing ! pi aliti es4clitc , render it: . Toilet Appohlaco of the moot ruperla• tics and congenial "chsrM:ter, conab ming - in en ele: rot formula those prominent _cmptisites, narstx and Elllcsey—the , invariable aecompairnerds of its nst—its a preservative and'releshernf the comprcor tow: - It ta azLeatallant Lofton l!tt . r alarisrs of a bypMlitte nature, and affair-Injection roc. 41eaiii,1 or the Urinary 4.11.1?i/a) . as.,arislipg frnm habits of dissipa, ton.- used In dootrollettdve with the EXTIIACTI.4' HUMID, B.IItBnAIIILLA, and CATAWBA. Kan. PILL'', iii tuck disaaara a,. xrcrumuctuhil.,4"aunot biragrnitated. xor- TEX? - - aturexiiiicit tiretttani acCoriipany . t.lio card dues, , . iihritlende- of_the most. 'responsible' end: relhible yharacter furulitedou Appliu ation. with hundreds thousands of living witnesses, and upward 01 50.000 unsolicited certincates and recurrirwirniatorc Ictters. maxrforwhlch ero from the highest E.ourc/a, including eminent.. rityskidus, Cleroutent Mates men, etc The proprictof bas never resorted to - their publication Lathe tictsepapare; he does net do. thateeina the fret that his littidt 4 e'rent tes Wow:Ufa Preparations, and do net neet to bo propped. ,y • -.: HE,Nut TiliguatoLvs, ',. GENUINE iI2EPAZianChY.S... • ;Natrona tottnr.addrleftrr : frctu". avel "" Z• sr,taraillib up watt) OF riiENTY YEARS_ • ' • •:; • Bold by VettattirtfOrlithere. Address , : hAt e t, fon tlthatt conftdettea. to it LVITT. tIEI I 3I AMA brogltt and Chemist. ' ' Cl awi tirP U. T., aItU4DOLPed , Deur ind tv bootie: Igo: IPht ltroadway, 'Sew Tint, .ot to TL: itgLAIISOLID% Medical Depot, 104 Booth Tenth Stteet,Phtladelphis, Pa. BMPAINTaproprreRFLITs., Ask for JIRIVAT ' Bri.V.ool,D'th TA ICZ ICO 071 U% A. Its ;Legat MITYISTRATOR'S'IWICA----, • ..nufoigiiii fig terebir QlYdb that all o lierons lndii,t d, io. Urn eata&o of G.H. BTONE, lath Mi r 3".4insing, ave.' arctramestiiittcr Make Iramplist4 ptytaezt, and All 1101tatta bOffigteltalvis *phut ASA eittatz' mu.ns duly atithantlatettfor attttiltn.ne . s - mut?. Adraut,trutor. :"., July/2'71•w6 7E 7. (Mee persbas 41010 tattcclailiotAreterlN triliklatetof TukravAra, actagesk. Aro xvitterta to maim 4.Trwa9citato ,i4y tnent'said ail persons havfng . claiDia agifimt OPtate-xust present 'Meal "drily - auftimitleat, be - ttlettnant.• • - inlyl2:7l-1,6 2, ' ' 4 - I,2fr4_, far .COVET, TrestualirAda.7,7 ifattgrztater kvrovALL. -( 45 0 '0E 1 4 1 49*PgicSit. aataarnutr 2.1 , s ,4 • 4, - IN , ITAXIMPTCY. Fl'elriospviirsgetYPlOWsirs , -talbiratrieShit•hy Oteirniitic6 Of his sos4tzasut of assipact. of hh,r .thien Tow Audit boreihrb,dif trict,,who bag boat .Vjojits , ,lA/harattt PethOnL of his crmlitoric by (h p Dildrkt • Coull - or gala bin . Arict.;; - • • ; lg. C.EL4D1117., . . . ti; . ...... BY ._., voTrct IS HERE .`. GIVEN' 4- that api,,lieration 'will noanatle at !loft-at an4,o - Leglidatatire of Pentsylcatift, for the in.. corporation of a Sayings !lank. to be &nat.:m..114 the To wandalliatintpt tank, - to hate a capital 'of lift‘;;; , Itgonttana.: &alarm, 'With anther''/ to.'inrrea. , e; the agave to any ainChat.not -czar:o(llin , three lot oar( 1 thottratul dollars. Th.) Mi, , ,, , ,e2t4 Qf said I ham!: aro , to rtverraxagraclon .40,posit and-to itterount 7WtY. bills, kr..ands to ex . ereteet.treieral lianktug pritrikiter, to he trait NI in tin.rang,h" of Towand a.. coo tity Bradford', *MI 31107 . ty,40 , ..-c , tabgpii.. brtilitfi 4 r.t 11 1 other platealn Kahl e. nnt.l:, I . ' ') .2.4unt )5,11,417zi :' • , -,. , ',, : . ri • ' t A thrrNis' rvat.— Ton . s NOTIG.L' brivfxiifven dial allperaeas •to4e.catateoU7olWlllrOLCOTD, late of IV:A rro top. dirt , arc requrftfAko make aximedlita raylntl)t aad haTipat•siairos agalnat cr..tat , taulat. Ihrtarat tlatia : .kay antlai'mtl=ia , tl f . rct.t.l , -- 'r, , ,ent,;": • I LURES r. w9Lcorr, • loltu2'2ll-wlk Adatlni,tratcr.. • --•- - XIP,C.U . SkO r rS ?.),1N OTIC E.,__: 'to is titii!ltrattreli.that all penotnir indebt d Le Uottatita of.K4l44,oannsci,date of Att,ot,t, bnia';',lepttott, ant, r,* peri to4 , :, to ,w,ago_tuaue•liat;, i pant:fart. att4 all - -,,,attinir claims again, imizt emtata nitot prescrti:: them duly antanttfrat.:tt fir . ItAtlonz_nt. '-' i.. fil.rY I; TOZEIt. .- '' . , luumli-ar.a.....:. ',. . • :. -• . " '• EXA:ntOr.... - A ly.simisTrtAtoirs.NoncE.,- Xotke ber , bi Oren to all 'peri.")' 13 a ituT,M , .(l to the estaul GOAAFF;4I,IYAAN.ER, Lit* of ra, tornil.4. iii:o4st..d," must iriale initirthnie ray indlp sad aII pe:rwmit clatm,4 of„.2.inst ,a?•1 eetate.laiust, sp.:eat Wont.. rittlr authenticated ir 'atitlerefent.' " • ..LSA . 1 1 41. f . Agrulaittor. 11%1141y given that ail Z, •:+n4 _ JP the faVite 0 4 • 3411A3l'illikir.. doceaseiT,' aro"' reintlkted 'to make .POirrgat. and ill posittinslanibig anima again c:state rualatVrextut 'drily antlictitrat,,l tor ' 4 Ttet'T . 4 , ll+;• • BrmAmnzkAcriiily.- . • J; T. 01.131BERLITN. :AILTITA.RY N . • • 4 ! RmA-N.l. 4 t'ntlx=l l , 3 ato f.,„3.-nnutle4 of Bmllorl,'"Tip,m, • . Sullivan. , . cori:pam, - I eis•ful...l, Huo.tilia:Caey - have . i 5 taLll lutalit; tt I.llrkgigh th;tiw,lll - 40,1t . ittart.ra , c,, a uojilleatloU fact, one i‘rrlV!ere !.. , :titionkr.4 for patl, ntt attept,:dll'.) - C.,;:niv:, lor 1:1.n. +v 9f a Imarnuah.- -On r,;.c41,, , ,t:0f 4:ntch Na.iutzilt • limurz.l, atrejtir,l t. , frt,!'d'au ulection tit 4-Ir•et, Alto thr:ri:VTll.l. be an 4...ti•er fr,r: tie yr h. , a,lwtart,rs h.) will ir,th and at tix blue there will. be tiro r-lie tt:rui-hr t.: tie r :he other a, rro:terntatt'' be. - or.; • . ,uu.rt - and- bqn,l•.„ Lea,l,juart.zu,.!,,Lek; 4 t;rm.i , ,, , 4l,Ys.,;:arr,ii. i:• 1”.r111111ifOvin, , 1:1 0 12:4 anpwara , :ti fu:; , {. .• i•Ft • a,fl; tht:,terta. , q*: t'. coN, 6:4 101,:31,,u , - - . • • Icr t.,. 111 T . , <,:t.y '7lrl: - • Wzt-'1!".t."1 , ....: T.. . • I.• I - • ~11:L'. ..,, •; • ( 1 •• it t. 114. 1, . . U. : rf,-4; Jlaltimor. fitv nn.l rerosly.. Louils..Stc.c.iis,,ar.d. Cast.. 1., $4l, Li, 3 11E , , Si. Id., , • I. F.Y": '• • it . . ~ 1 ,.1:: • ...- t..•:.:1,r.11 i/: IT ':-.. •1:.,c.• 1 1.1.. -1 .V.....":.:i:.-..; , '.'l •L' r.,.: 1 z .... -.. '...•4',..i,2..., 1',:t..tri.7..7, ra. . • ,''' - 1 : - ,...-.. 7.:.,0t 1 ..w.f . ...1.14.1...u..11 & C0.....1;:y../1..•:',.. 11111;ere.towil. • I'l,l. '7 , •.:.• ••••• :•'.r.'..-. 1,1:1,;.•:',..t. t... . 'llcm. ft; .1. 1;;.',;t: Tat- .Aiti.r•i. s'• 0t , ..:J.i.31.1::'1,... t,".. r: Ant.:4::::...., q - ::., .1.". ...et 01:1t.t. as Li.:: , 47 ,1111:. Jr.l] , 11. l'' , .-ri. .• 1..-.1..- W. 11. ]11vcr..4,..4 W.. 11. 11,• ; :7r •!, .11i's.f.-. : -EA .I: , . . r tho t„. a,v tito tbc. Trotre. • • . Ty'. 1- • York.. Yu stvilaas 05 , 1r.Int,ini;utti.ous'f , lur:Id jp , Tiart, 1 , 1 - 1 t ~ C . O. D..:' If S‘q.kd fur Circatir contnibing:L:gt s, p.;,;m11-01..r waLLr d. Foil sALE AND TO ItE.NI 'l l t mtraic STOI AINE IMNI)I2E.D 1.1n5T-CLAS3 Pixso.; 04.:, IDNDRED. : AND 11:10DED.:s • t TtikrIII:NDILED cATI,Ert 24N9 CIRTRC OR( itAS. f.h.• riuVr.s. Cpricluets, .Flutog. thr-fltrg. - 1 ,-, c all String, Instrnint at,. • • • ' • • Drumi. 110/.144 Lte.. • NDI'.cI'ItUCTION LOotti - • • :Tarr • . P • I S From the onto, tirtzt-elaFea ,roalmrst in • the 1. 4 ,1.1, t. ,t ° StOteS, as F. CL F LIgbto fi CO.: 'Di:etter rnm.. firm, way. Weber:: New Valli., 1.141.1t.tt and Mutton liTathewsheic. iv , :n Ct.: - C. 1110: , r. iThiliatelphix; and linpbe in Italthaw.ro. Trout It. Sllonirg.T. NCW Hamm,, et.; ,: Pe.nrib , t. Peltoti & en..• NOW TA/Tit. (.117Olist0h9 t.‘o.l2l,eat,Nt - .60:len , - 'teed, American Oita% a1;-cl• . Buraeti _ Combination Organ. One. ATM t-rit-ftor rm.pk% the Only %tore of the, Itintl,ita USQ.t.I.IIIANICA COLLIIIIATE . . .12.CSTITVTE, • t . • -TOWANDA, DFORD . . . . . .. - . This institution has just 'Oren .11.orotuzhly riTair, , i lnel , traprovd..l, and wilt b, ro:or..ri-rd TrE.stli.`,l, '' rirat-T.I.MIEE. G. 1S O. EN33I'S.SI-1, C0:43LERC11.1.... SCU.:Zlll'lt.i . .i.: Cl - -.'t: "'' •", IC 1. - DEP.Ii. T3M`.:T.B.' - , . . ' The Es :tutu Cerr... ,- E comprises sprcial attsnt....!: k ~ i," prcrarattir." j irptrzctlon arid • 1•11;her. acad.. i,.... 1 binnobos. eassica eiccpb..d., ~. , . ~ : . , 'rho Coituri:cztr... all the. adt ant5 , .... , :s- of' ;.nr 1, -, ,!...,194.Rirrcial SchnoLi wit h nc.:‘s . .ary acadcp.i.! s tnd is .„. 7Thtlioltm tr.. thornugh -drill In roUon 54.11,-1. siudialtu nd -Tbectry and rrainicO ni .Teueldne. • - Thri ,Sctr.N - rivlc; :411.-e.al insirwten in the seien..-.. . .011AttittnI1 , 5 . an 'est..us.iv.- eolle•!Ciln of. r.rps.rats-t rrei....utly relta:iso,..latul ettpr.lied—and othsa branch,' tt,lially yur z oto4l ix! College, :o.>aeru, lAngliagC..i , b(Ang : rubstitut.td for sticiatt. ' cwo.prcar,,,thorow..;liprc32..ratiouri four our best C-. 4. ~ lego4, etruiluedern T.,..1ngu0z.,.......• ' ..Orssnresrsz brinclve.7.lluffic:. Oratvi.m.-. P7111:1U!. 1 antlerisSie netllt. illßtrClei:Jr:;.. . . Marti atld II:olltus way 1.1,,:: .cbtakw4,t i n th.„ , In-*, , „ tutu. Apvly 19 G. W.'hyan and 'E. I'2...Quinlan, A.-:-.4 am , . "'rine:pals. Towanda; for C•',rcalar4 and vari.-.k.1 , - ' 3p - LLErt , FOX, ..,.._ Mil . . . . . , . Aug:l4;7o. ~ 1....1 ,- ;•.' i;;;E:Vii-.).:•,- BIM =II EWE r ! . • z. , • EMME=I