News "Piot -o,3lllrabi ---Tragurer Spinner ,ezlicick 4 home again next mouth. • ;;" ; • '! Captain Hall of the Pillar tape dition; leases a yvtfe.and childrenlit Cincinnati. Wisconsin abolitt! hod g rand-ants on the'first of July. ' • !—When lffisecrari'doctore disagree thug shoot one another in the neck. - --Ono Indian in Oregon was banged himself forpro.,. e Dolly eyes are inna .111 .Bit; inhigham.. They ECU them by the'bogaboad.k. . anCoP.e.otiqut , ilukY beakikdr* to suunnon ton sheriffs sale. --A. ;dissatisfied sea lion! ! impUtated a man's legntan Minot& mfMapric. Baltimore young•llisdy. 11;.s opun - cd a school fur American I dall'en in France. —There are 2,700 in. the patio echoon of Lancaster. ---.The Boston -Yacht Cirib.vigited the koala on Julyith. - , - --Sevpn steateshiptileft Ilew York fur Enropo on Saturday, car ,rying a very large number or passengers. --The Democrats of Clinton will Loll thair county com i Ontion on tbiiitla of An gbdt. —A horse thief named 'Littlejohn, dug out of A,we.steru-jail last neck in just ten tuiunt es. 1 . -=General Kilpatrick is On his farm imin New"leray and ia preparing a" w lecture for next Fr. —Gen. I;fooker is still Michigan, and his`health hi said to bo greatly improved yjnce he went there. i . ? —Mr. Edwin Forrest is said.. to hate already made a =ober'. of *lbeafrical en- Fagementa for neat season. • —. fe6aale lectttrer says , the only, ,rlecent:think alxint • Adani was - a rib, arid that wont tikniake sratiethingelse. , . •—r,,,altimore,' with a popfilatitin of three hundred thousand, ham church accummo , Ahttions for out; hundred thermal:4.- . ---Bismurk had. to kiss sixty-ha:bd . Rome roung ladies at a• "recent reception, and di l it 'without the-assistance of a clerk. • An Indiana court roomwas re cvntly enlivened by spinning Scotch snuff on the inuttache of a sleeping lawyer. • ' ; —Miss Blanche- Davenpott, the -L44, , enna-: daughter of E.,L. Davenport" is going is Europe to 'study for he operatic stage. • -; —Twenty-one ontana,:laches re venny arrived at Rio City on - their way East. not ono of whom was ttended by a gentleman. Jainos, a member of the. titato r,egislabiro from Doddridge connty in ls&N, shot himself on Jnne 30, a Wheeling, Va. —The French Government _has demanded the • early evacuation of tho forts near Paris, now occupied by the Germans. —A commission has been appoint edliv France to tale ovidenee in that conntrc and England na to thv 'working of commercial treaties. .•--Cren..Tohn C. Fremont intentl ... _ J.. spend the summer months atMonnt Desert on the coast of Maine, "where ho has purchased r small island. - -...,. i . - —1 shark eanght . off Charleston . bad A pair of Mint's, a scalp, -two cannon . bails • _ and a package crr . . , :nday school tickets an Lis stomach. . 7 . - %.:, . . .. - —An enter - piising farmer, in order to supply the market with fresh eggsAtings his hens along and lets thentlay in the wagon ontlra waY4 - a •. _ -(—lt is said: that the wind blows with such force in Colorado, that when a ninti logo; his hat he hastn telegraph to the nest „ station for some one r .t,it. . --Sam DatterWorth, the* friend . of General Sickles in the Key affair, has graft( enormously rich, it is said, in California, and is . rated .ft t $2,000,000. , . II --Washington is about to lose on of ittriuu6t aneimit Willard's is to be dismantled, and its well-wornlitrnittire ;;old to the highest bidder. " —A. new coffee-pot astonished a ponma, family in Indianapolis by blowing off the top of the athve, and fignkhing them their eatiee in the manner of a sfiliwer bath. —During a tliunderand hail stoykr. at - Rockford, Ala., 11 dog _was killed, by light ning while being fed by a child. The child was not hurt. —A woman advertises itt ate Nash :ilk papers for her children, sit*T that idin tin:: had twenty-seven, and hnowg:.,the wlwrra bon t s "family three of them : —Who having no 'ren'ard for his character, would not be a New Turk Alderman, WIIOSO iuc , ugh is 4arionsly estimated at from SSOO,OOO a year? • I . week a car containing six tpils of tireti6* dollar gold piec s es and n million t , tiqratjp mntilated.enrrency, j):ll.mtrfrigni San l )11110e0. to Omaha. is a curious factoiemonStrated I n . the recent British census, that the. , Impala: tion.of Ireland is actually ICES than the number ail /riali who are in the United States. • . • is feared that the National Assembly -will, from the result of the recent elections, be greatly disordered,and -that it will to gain a working majority. is estimated - that the people of the United States pai-$100,090,000 a year for medicines and medical senicer, eschisire of 25,000,000 for patent medicines. —A snake about fifteen feet long was gligC.OVerOd BOUM time ajto in Ule woods on the side of the count) - road _connecting the Leesluirg with the Washington tnrnrilo, . tretnendons titorm passed over the lower portion of the city of Wheeling, on the 4th; unroofing eoveral /tow ns. .nroat.dtirn zige wiit.cdone to The iwheat and corn crops in blaTslaall connty.• . - - • —There are ninny practical inns-. t rations in Mjnnesota (lone point of agreement between eats and rate--their taitte tor' spring eblekens. Poison, powder. and shot aro the • 4n:it - preventive& - -The - birds Richmond, Var, are protected by . the city fathers. - An making it unlawful tb throw stones at, or snare them, has been passed. The penalty is ten dollars for cseh offee•c. • —Among the thousand and one knick-knack•V the trade in which pours wealth into The coffers of Bostonians, bean-poles form inoonsiderahlo item. Forty thousand &resold in their city levery year. little boy who had been. intik.; ling the air Melodious with bis , nProallimm cry ing was asked what was tlto matter, tp which ho refilled ! .".I've got the stomach , ' ache, and I'll have it if I've a mind tO.'. i'Utica Herald assorts 'that unless the country obtains some accidental out let for butter now unforeseen, the crop for 1871. will, taking the average of the season, be . sold below the cost of proltvfiott. the - nominating conventions for ..S4lmylkill county,- the ?6110niti; Democratic muninations were made : Judge, Mu. H. Walker.; AasOcutte Judge, John Slattery.; As- KetilblY,Shrlf•S Xing, James • Ellis, William Uhler: . —lloWn arriorig the -Passtunagnod (ly Indians in Maine, when a man N ets drunk, . they strip him, bind hinfhand and foot,lay hint prone upon the ground, and suffer 'him to be the prey of black flies and intisiptitocii until he promises to reform. . . —An Irishman having jumped in to the watbrito sive, a' Man from 'drowning, op . on receiving', a quartelTront the person as a re ward for the.service, looked first at the money: and then arlaim, and at last exclaimed: "I'm overpaid for the job. —A. poor toper,' a last resort for more drink, took his "tilde r3l !lawn• for liquor,' but the landlady refused to take - it, " - said he, "if she won't take my word nor God's word, it's time to give it up." And . e went and signed the:pledge and kepi it liithtnlly, • E. E. Hale is credited - 'with saving.: "Never is hospitality more charm -, tug, nowhere are hests`more sedulotts,nowhere • are women more lovely, never:is sympithy more-genuine, or talk moro wirty or more true,' than at Class Day' and at commencement. - j . Coffey, Esq., of .Shippeas burg, announces-himself ,s a candidate for the House of Itrpreseneatives, siibjeet to the decis ion of the Democratic voters. of Cumberland. countyii. Mr. Colfey:Was fen the last- few years editor of the raCry Sentinel at Shippensburg. 2 -The 'mayot of St. Joseptr, gave permission to wcitizen. to kill two dogs arhich annoyed him; and -the next morning the • mayor found,two of - him own dogs - dead. with. Lis own warrnt ofpermission fir their killing . pinned•on their bodies. Though be.lutsn't ex actiy got the hydrophobia, that mayor is mad. -2fon: Wm.A. Wrilktee, late Speak-- cd.the State Senate., and chairman of the --Drnaocratic Btate Central Ccurinittee, has been , renoritirtAtea for the State •Slinate by the., pc coooisoy of the Clearfield' district. This driffrict in overwheltningly Democratic; and has; been - represented in the State Senate by Mr. W!dlttru . for a number of years. fradford Ittport!r. • EDITORS I •--- E. 0. GOODRICH. S. W. ALI Toianda, Thursday, July 3klB ItEPUBLICAN STATIC TICKET. FOA AIIDTIVIt GaNEILIV. Col. DAVID ST.ANTON, . 11:113tAVE; • " 4 meotii of the Itepiib lityptlimr - Committeti - of - Dif&ferAlubtfr - ti Le Lell tf.therlizrorpm offioe,ia the barough of Towanda, uesday Jay 2141871; at 2 !Mock p. m. for the traps4iiikur of impcirtantbusbess. A full altendan&l& riifinested. B. IV..ithonrctlen. The TontMing named gentlemen coMpose the gtandlng Ct nmittvc, Dana:nen Boris, D. F. Panic, G. W. Dal - Na,M. D. Fansomi,3l. drain,. J, M. Team . , Jae DON.LIVI:,, D. 8. ram' and 8. W. Wenn:, ' THE VICE PRESIDENCY. The Republicans of Baltimore ret' cently formed a "Gnaw and Cram,- ox Club," favorable to there-nomina tiorl of President GnArr, with , Sena tor CAMERON as this . 'colleague upon. the ticket; in 1872. This -action: has called forth the following explicit and authentic exposition, of the dis.. tinguished Senator's iio6 'aid feel: ings, the frankness of whieli should increase the cstecu in which he is already regarded by every Republi. can. The article, which- 'appears, in the Harrisburg Telrgraph, of -the Gth inst., is' as follows': "Ten VICE l'ltE6lDEttcY—Attl) Sostrrnixo!—By the authority of Senator Cameron, and at tus request, we are called en, to. an nounce, iiiS , 'opipion as to candidates in thelom ing Presidential contest; And to further - amine those who 'mine hia opinions In political affairs thaPtheinjudicions agitation of the subject of candidates at this time, forces him to break a Silence which shert:d hare continued until the campaign now in ANtl?gretts in Pennsylvania had 14en ended. Ho is not, and *ill not be a 6tudiflate. for the Vice Presidtaacy under any circumstances. Nei does be attach the: slight eat "importance. to that :subject. But nu the Presidential nominee his convietians are mann . - r cd and stroll.. . - "He desi a c renomination and reelection of Presider' Ciraot for many weighty ',reasons, believing li to be the very man, of all men,: to bring th errantry out of its 'financial and jx.i-.. laical map irations. His management of the i_ revennes. has been ume.- iiticent. The, steady payment of the natiol debt Lore beenttie alone crowning achievement not one of his admin istration, but of practical fittueicring.. The amicable adju44 meet of our foreign relations— , ant partimatily the negotiation of the Treat) of \Vashington, wives evidences of the highest order of statesmanship. His devotion to the-, mow ef Pinierielii labor-la sturdy Ai! 'sincere. The anxiety he -csinstantly shops 'to find the true r.datimirs between comintace and manufac -tures, and his honest desire to fi:rward the highest interests of both commend him alike to the producers and the exchangers of industrial wealth': And his inflexible determination to enforse the laws - Makes him a perfect ()nicer, in all roapecta. - : 4. " Honest, capable, straightforward, inilcat ble; and brave, , Le,combines all the elements of power through which alone the South/can be restored to peace, order and prosperity.. That part of our zomitre requires nothing, so much at this time as a cl r ear conviction that the laws of the land are to he either loyally obeyed or mercilessly enforced. They must learn that the right of a .Northern,Ettitetn or Weld -,- man is as tempts:to in Pie South as anywhere elsq.and that the absolute freedom of political' discussion and action-in every part of thilretem try is the dearest of all those rights which 'the war for the Unien settled: There can be n peace until the Sonth,yields this print , ; and un der Grant they will learn it soonest. lie can neither be wheedled nor bellied.. And for this reason he is the Lest President for that turbu lent section. "These reasons, amongst others, control the juvlAmeet of Senator Cameron ; and lie is so anxious that Grant shpuld be re-elected that he looks with chagrin on any and all matters which shall divert the attention of.the people front that subject. Pennsylvania Rill do Ler duty in the future as in the pastrami will find her reeemperse in her devotien to el% U liberty, and the Great Captain andcr uhom civil liberty is BO well maintained: • IThe determination which the Sen 7 ator here expresses, does infinite creditto his head and heart. With that "self-sacrificing 'devotion to the success of the Republican party, and the advancement of the best interests • of the country, whteh has ever been a loading featurof his political cu rler, lie sees that the early agitation of the subject of the Vice Presiden tial candidate, is only - calculated to foment • discord, and damage,' the prospects . -of the party for snecess this fall. Wlik this determination is creditable to I.tiln; and while we doubt not the-time has conic, when' full of.years, and frill of honors, he.. 'desires .for the balance of his days the ens .and' quiet, of private life, yet, the country and the party can hardly spare the 'exp - erience- gained by a long, :active political. and -public life; and Will press upon.lim honors which he cannot well refuse. Gem Giumunes -views in regard to the renomination of the present Chief Excentive, are well and clearly put.. They will strike Cho Country with great force, and we presume Rill meet the hearty .concurrence -of the great majority Cr the Itepnblican party. The indientiotis point. to his I renomination With entire unanimity; and to his triumphant re-election. The Country- needs just _such a result, to give quiet an 4 peace to the land,: and Stability •to . our national credit abroad. The rights guaranteed by the 4tmendnients to the Cristitution can only be fSecured republican ascendency, for,while the Aemocraey concedes their 'justice by the " new departure, ". yet there earl lie no cer tainty- that. they will be • c cirried - out, • except when the Government is ear nestly deterniined to ntake . - the - laws 'respected, and life and propqty .• cure both North and Smith. • The administration 'of Gen. GuA--r has called forth.rmjnit criticism and . an imadversienfrbinfault-funling and 'captious dtepublicans, but as its poli ty develops, and the people. have an Opportunity to .kee how - s faithfully and honestly the Government is adminis tered, bow the debt is reduced, the taxes-. lessened, dangerous and vexed ones - `.l i ons With .foreign nations' satis faetvily divulged; and ~pr Caeli and prosp zrity: within our own borders, - the Nation says : Well done, thou good tad faithful servant:" There is confi dnneethroughout the country in' Gen. GaAxX's honesty ,and wisdom —a belD If that he aims to have au economicul and upright 'edniinistra- . tion—and* a conviction , which every day s trent ; Over* reniunina.- tiOn , is not. yogy politic, but codenlat ed- Co_prc, g - r,akke' th'esneceass Of- the .and advance the highest i atit:cds . Ofilte Country: . , 'of( appm cato3lii tztA n of tho' . j."rebi dential" !: • cannot ....... • . fee . dpwn tl\O ling Amongst,' the .. , -. , .• 4nikthe - re 7 election of Gniair mate illy, tli e PF.44bil at= 'Of h e ' . -: 7 , , .::"..: .:' .. . of the • . : :..,,, akiii4,:: ~ - ~,- e 1 " ... 744 .‘ ' l 2 -. ‘ - :e,.: of **-- 4 _,,,-,.,WitiAitr i Mitliiii- e policy w i`ch has been piusuc4. -- i , . "sober second - thought of. tho'bi>-• plO" is idvitys Tight, and in this clam, I 7: . A . e ,nii3iiiibi, J lßirfelitiec - teZ. MEE --mil. At on Monday, a decision was rendered in the case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvan i-X-Williemsilname- tor of Mines, - against Bernie! Bon?, nell,lr:.; and 'nib:irk Aunt; for the first time since.the Iliinc} ~Ventilation law was enacted; fifteen months-ago,. that law has been ripristived and ea forced. The cludges *inst the *d-- fendants,,who are the owners -. and managers of a, colliery in __Liittirne county, are that in the wine there is no communication with any' second opening or outlet which may serve as a place of egress, for the miners; that a theta' tube was not maintained from, the top to ,the bottoth etthe shaft, to serve as a means of coliversation be- tween persons at the top and bottbea of the shaft; that there was-no )lufft; eicnt *covbring for the carriage for raising persons from , - the mine, and s that there was no ,suitable brake' to the dram. This' i caine- up. in cataity before the Hon. Garrick ding: The •iTudgi, in !onelrling his remarks, said that the Court,' in the dischargo of its duties arising un der, the provisions of this_ act, and with no other motive-than that spring ing from it sense of etrreiritohligation, world, whenever occasion mighty arise, and as lOng as,this iaw remains upon the statute book, Administer it ; Strictly, and in MicOrdance-with its plain and unmistakable tenets. - The Court, in accordance with the deci sion, coptinned*, until furthe order, the • injunction • made at the com mencement of the action to prevent he defendants from working-the col iery. TUE GLIMAN calcu laion. iu tangible form has been.mide of the imniensity of the sum levied by Gerfitany upon France si indemnity. Necoril -,, to this‘caletilatiou if tle aniouut were paid in - English cover= eigns, whic s li for the purpose of cal ciliation in lind „numbers, may be, taken - at $5 each, the weight would be '1,568 tons, 1 - 2 quarters, and 5.5-71bs. Piled up, one upon the oth er, thesecoiris would reach a height of 191"niles, ft - trltu e ls. 11 poles,' yar 1, 2 feet, 2 inches; placed edge by • ge they. would exteu4,2,962 miles nearly; use for paling they• :would cover more: than 19 acres tif \ grattnd; melted down they.woUld make a mais . containing 2,811 cubic feet of solid metal; and, - supposing one man to count them over ,at. the rate of 109 a minute for 12 hoirsa day, it would ttrielhini . 222 days to com plete his task. THE' CANA!, FILLS TT) cOAL„M —On the lid instant the water in the . Canal broke through the bottom into the - old workings of Alt Burroughs Colliery on the Plains, and formed hole from. 21.; to r 30 feet in diameter,. and about (RI feet in,idevtli_to the chamber of the immense .amount of water soon poured in and also filled to . a considerable extent the Enterprise Colliery, owned by SWOY Eli. • The vast amount of lurid came(l into the mines will require maelklithe aud',..eiPense to' remove. The Lehigh Valley -Mt . Clomp iny, the Owncrs of the canal, are busily engaged in filling up the break. The water was prevented - from , entirely filling the mires by means Ofi coffer- dams on each side of the . break.— Pitt,if»i Gazelle. r. The Reiniblicatt party not on= ly eared the life of the . Government and defeated a wicked. rebellion or ganized to distroy . it, butit has man secure a confidence 414 credit of the nation which it never before possessed:'' nVen with an im mense'nationat debt; it is easier for the Government to ',harrow money now than it was when it liad nodebt. The reason• of this Is that Republicans, now rule, in Whema the people have. confideuix,„ . Whimeyer4niuteiers are willing to trust an adrainistrutipti, too peeple Can with safety rely . upon it They who pay. their debts, are they who do their duty, and . deserve. to be trusted. - te3.. It is estimated that the wheat crop of Jersey couuty,lllinois, for 1871 will yield 1,000,000 bushels; and it ik undoubtedly the largest and best crop since 1861. Redish has 12,000 . bushels, Tilliam D Landon, 5;000, Henry 0.- - 'AL.wiey : 6,ooo., Judge Oliver T. 4,0.00, James -F. Barnett -4 4,(100, James ; I). Russell, 3,1500, CoLi: Fall C. Wallcer 4,500;6 i3irkenineyei 3,500 Isaac R. Ely 3,000 CoLIV.4I. Sr.,.Fulkerion 4,00 k Wxu. -3.V.A.damsi. . 3,000, Wm. Kirby ;3,000; and John D: Donghertyb4,ooo. . • De" Anotherterribie Rail Road ac cident occurred en . ;Tuesda.T, list be tween and Hickman en the Mississippi, to a passenger train pass.: ing over a weiik bridge—fell through in a ruin into a little river—the Harp-, eth whieh it qjbsses, about eighteen . miles from lii slwiUe.. Thu read is it• poor affair and the- struetaru at toss the stream proves to hut() been tri ado to bearthe weight ,of the train. ifteen perils* were kited-outright and twenty-five Wounded. , Gen. 14' ; ‘:1AN reamk ihe - 15,0- : ', itrray, lieecuse he result of the war le, put "nun': the rebellion,- - 14 - !ktl4 ; he to emancipate the slave net! earanchisa:. the fr en: - He now 'soli; loyal teen. . -of till ra,eub and color , to vete for him. thlcy so? THE OALIFOIIII4 tICIIIRBIO3IBTI visa i'sumr. z• - , Our Je*Apn •• . .1602°_TAlkird, 4 4jV i rgive Tburnst,7 : :14114.,110int '''! • • Wire Party, ' vs foriiiiena Safi ire had all desired— a .4' 4 ',social life of California. illation for the next ,t; • • t - Of -Mr. Itaurrcee, one of 61111. llis residence •is situated a . miles from the city. Sending a carriage for manse, be had arranged country seats on the way to hie own.: Thos were laid mitt with infinite varletprzsdAsste they sold be In no other landiers prodigal in all the . gilli of the "e&th, - Incladrnrinditnited gold from ipaip .vistains at Itict appeal optlsail owners. Th cf Writ Itht deeir'ind ihe it easy to fancy -one's -Alf to gngland vislttae tlio hems or the: We atertakl to hi= Vect* r e 4 o lllB b l o. 3l.l ;xhi 106mA !dine; *Wes, wands la ;td. this altogether: too‘ ; ' lt *U b otla ot.tho choicest; weeds, n 11611160 sithaliipillotta care, at en enormous exposit: A "tirectiintne". !deaf id to. the hooie.for • giving and receiving orders. Should fallen forint/ea xodneeita pam 'peredpeetepants. idhp . (sfr9f ci.lveon.lx.asts, qry, siyAd 4kispl , locts 0t t4c 4o*st, slmmine, ration. At last we diire ,made? p. Racions archway, And are crliertd inti)t-iitii ortlintr: 41/Ib lien, bit PalaCe. Innumerable mirrors magnified and extended thd ricw, re; tatting our dreams of oriental tplendor and magnificence. name twenty feet in` height opened into each other—some With 'deers of glass raised by weights-into eerresponditig pan titian* in the wall r -.others*ere hcid back by at tack. made tit siirarwifichilicptied hate &pacts in tho floor. Chandeliers of hung beet £he. eti4ius!‘ . The Agoonl were !matte of highly polished woods. - The- dLawing.-roopt, slwae l so situated as to be seen from all ,points, had a carpet of richest lictes,.githag-tiMs the neilled . idea of inymth. ' Cho k es! pain t tinga -decorated the trails and r a r e rasca:antrbranzes 'from el lsiide wet ife'verY. * ' The gronuds received Melt share of atten 'Liu/4 arid not the fetaflnt'ertstir4 orbit leas that tame .1.4)V here" 'Oat thirty: /tie Of:hts ;eighty hesste.44 -but tAig vide tyell. worth . ..look/6g at; A ivalk wasiklad allowed n s thriingh the kitchen and ilartudry, dem/mute where we eau air. s or beVe4 Cl 2u)/enjtho paz, fm mil main Labor of the house. We should 51 1 ? thr6 . k.;,01 12 1 1 /oe ` itt ti) col:Nan/put their cod T 14,7- - A niiii - e - deitti4lk appVinteil, gild:. de s :: *ions repast: maid t hive Veen , pi - Tat - Oa: 'lt was served by txv(PPerfecrty trained and still ! fal trenchwaiters. • • How cutii 1, on? Aes4itiAil .toad the. rt of vntertiiitiott Uer graceful and unaffected manner-7as rtennittant tion, end the nnutmlAnce of this lairy-like: abode moat inctimpicte .without her, 'to perfectly did she,kuu - monizo and snit-if. .1 Sel dom do we see wealth placed in the hands of. One so fitted to 4014 and witobi'' it. - Friday night (June tttli) we spent at San Jose. This city has about 12,000 inhabitants and mut. pr4seil ni by its stir and activity. Our old friend, - Gen. Isu.l r, resides here. Ifo carnet° sec us at the - hotel and incited ns to dine with-him the tie:,t day. In tlie morning me visited the Alma den onieksilrer mines, eleven mf's? trim the city. We rentr,red into a. tilturit h r Healzan and Cornish miners fir todiles• each of whom carried a candle ti a Lnal loo}: _fork. After examinitig . and totrhing the ore it, it, Orit.i'lLl l_mt ate, we cliu. rwa again into ,laylight • feelirui htth. ws..t L.nd trieh otn - Jan:poled feet ; far ~, Tho pr0.., , s - of mitivei ling j ibe gnteL i 1 c i into vapor and info a morbte. n'r eondifior; 'by the cona , ..libilig 11 ,, Wf of -cnI(l, wa. Atn4vn ns. The metal, as it i i r e v c 1 its way slnii,gib ftonse.:and wutnel np the day tr a ',ben their theatre.. Thus I aving/Kt eat. with their chop 11, intaolto op;nza; offcr,told and tlriuk to theiriiluls, and ituttaa tlolusetcyr huunila b) . 'Aida the ;Imam of eats hecanni.uo, harmunion4; we aro . . preparett not frotohoar6ay h - .lt i'; um personal ohe.crvati:nt, that " theheathen (lira is poeureir,' Twenty-ar‘t• tholvarol Jr 11:c? , :, rnri o n t .: bringis Swett the isTalation of San Fralleißto. which bowls in Juhlitkal of a 3: -aprinkling , i, of peopt speaking twenty•differmat thalOet.s . : 11411 . 'day only remain'', before we mutt Litho our LW teat c of the city, and our eyes and fret become weary in our anxiety to ~yike the Of it. .Wu gaze .at the par..iers by and shop ... a.tteraately. .TllO articles in the - gruatrit dcn,anil at 0144 sea-au ar , ,.lo, mid rota. ~I;(- :oirht 1 , , caM3ltsingolar iu ~or tapt,,:ratl:uua• we:slionlil .14 n a mo ; lin Jrcrs toil cov.l it with a a ihter sail.;—!ant this is . the .. 3 . 1. i;;,; 1 do , here. .I i. pas . s.oin. holy in ;ars and lon. friervi amlkinlr I:K.- , 41.1e10 , i- in a lacy shawl: With a clear t4ty aril a siimm7:l4 'sun, winds may at any inornent arise making the heaviest clotting a' necessity. What a city of e:ptraata! %rhea shall . re see its like; agate? Onr leisure- raumrst b , nio'ro'pidly 10 , /lying, ae , turd we )itiplete speedy o• 4 r . prepara tionPCs the To SerriitoValley---w miry werely . eruerge!adder if lint wiser peop e. Thati.m- - phoratiodeutled, we pur,,o-e turidn;; our rates ca-twartr - aucl liapit.l . Unii tuwarih , home. 31. LETTER FROM WAIEIIRGTOff. VA4zuserroy, no* 30, 1b7.1 : Able onnaber of the of tided : 4.cent F .a,bnalesry4e atconnt. Of a. trip by the Aiglr Joints to 4arpfr's Ferry and vrhereha ;bulge_ IkitL fs 'made to tio contit for the presence of Jefferson's fleck :nits present in.sition, by vtating it AvascarritA there by Jra-rr.rsos iu lii;saildle:har,s, etc., and that to balance the weight thercol, ha pa the Con-' athution it ho other end of said bags, adding. as a invtlar explanation, "the Coestitntion had considerable ?De ed in these days." All which is very comic, but we doubt if the writer trf paid article reeliretl knit inivemnie it mast b. Mild to iiitioiatiiliettils of otir es-Atkin:Ky.% G: uurat ichowe devotion to Conitititiori as teas" neay bveasily; c~pjs~irrgl , nLcn that P9nistitittion r tive r ram inn redress the: Outrage of a Ina, of sootlicra Vhicatty 7 -11:ayrn race the inark!.-1 fiva Chas,l 4 .g . 'and Avoid 'o l.o lli t#: katlelr biza for at te.ripting to a crtaln b 21 trig in their tvuttA. xh.vth. r titizow; ''f Mar6.1 , 1111.4-tts hid airy this' eltivllryTr•-relhonal tor...speet. , ' The real opinion of oar taco Attorney Omer ! , al rosy* gathered front the ids - ea*. midi* which the writer heard It** on *0 math* whe n ,llgtged hy Denali* .palt!. Wan o ornate tiffbilishailitiltr * centione IVO 'ilia Ad* ~14) mmoit.*:4PrillatigOV~Lq sew A 8 2. l r*..thuciat: and WV' thororighlY roused'', ho citclittned 1314 We. propose to ran this Governmelit Irate:Atm De claration of Independence in front; ire shall follow the Constitution where it squares with .4 1 E 1 gie liiiStitry!',. And Rhein it differed itninad, and Dina ood . rliv hare ai - tart niter mangled banner which - does not . PlAAV 4 o •STmillions,it, ~frett and four millions 14 1 1( ( And not the least of the great victorice sot RI - heWirli - thit tEit: ein — orstiit:; :1541140,cowitigttiolos were roado for the peepli, mad not OP POP*, Pic 'the nonstiSillotti: we Iniro an.ponstitntioua is the,Wdl of .the Tmple, and that the power that creates '4:greater then the thing -*god. a rea For , soars Pilita lia%* li‘ 4 d and 'sniVfred under it !brut of thicernment brought into being by a ecenintridiser between right und wrong, and run hip ininbrity 'of our • popido , thin, which protected by i clink in its. Tula mental late, s rystem 'so cruel ?and demotallz- Mg, that so deadened, 'and dulled the national sense: of Justine and right that we not onlystibinitted to' the ettlbreement of it higitive :dare law, tut hewed tho hetittiefore the dic tum of the Deed So3tt ilechion,usy; thronghont the South, the infamous doctrine that capital should own labor, that all laborers white or. black should be slaves. Such a doctrine as this toned : utterance goltunttx of De and ether foninals or the highest standing ariit were . read endorped and idea eated hy the noverLdng class of that section. . , . iinfh rAs rho state -or . pnblic opinion antler utfte eitinstatlinr ax it - wirti°- and etrell the itato of morality to, wttiolt Me' 14114o:its Ur "the lost rause' wonlel ftist remand cur natio: The wonder iii that ainangs poirple turbo imet, men sian be fitnlt# 'aim trill yisrstfler ydar vote • Pit the majority of .411 e, Democratic party do t_ fnemen :advmatc ditch atri pcycr Imre rtdiic4 . iu . laborinkclaeses, 1)44.14 antic their Tei,yl.4t to preveht emancipation in one lanA, and nre . 'eveu nono'rereittin,' , 4 their" elfortil only to' qtaidt tbera take a ,frtsh lurid and etrirk to be t ter the nide tbriiir ii? the reconatrnelion metienre*: atter tbefatlial have obtained control 'or the, Gov erntrumt by a pretended :ancintoseence: in the solidity of the Yak '- Trait vontstitation 'hod -conalikniblv weiglit in Ulnae dart," to thus ,inibilthl all the tgMeow' indigeation of 'aprottil; pkuplo, jest- Ohs of their frsec tem and make, thcin t4 l ne l Y submit to iriinit at 'home and ,abroad on ac count of system which,- majority of themyronli bate nnlicaltatingly prarrouttepl In the' lgingnagm of Mo . Onus ":mm of all rillatnim" Tint at last are - hitecilearrte! that wi cannot 1 , 1 ad authority ris's bar whet: cnikd to socinutt Tor mar tuitional Vranseresstom and 'that Chnl Till punish fur sin, even though piuk•ctod by the constitution and henceforth nu great 0:0 p.qent wrong can caibt uMiuestioned stitomrf this people muter cover of law. Front henceforth thh people mai take truth, lot - authority and not a•lth. , rity for tnrtfi. =1 NkMES.—'rhe West Chester denounces Cicn. less, {he Democratic candidatii for Auditor ( leneral, as a "vile, debaiicli; ed trickster;,7 a "political prosOnte that is governed by the most scilich and : sordid niotivc§." We are Mit prepared to combat this Democrat ic testimony as to the private Char acter of their caudidato, tint sineecrly hope Ilia, it is not as had, ris icpre sented. t 24 What the Democratic ,party did, and what it 5t for doing 'it, is IlmS tersely set forth by a votempo- rary: It anpported ~.3.32d boatel). . It . Csillutel,a:lred -au.lwa4 iwatea y . It s": 111) rt pet;..- M-any-prfr , t• '3)O Win bt.";:ten. It adv.eatvil rE•pudattatm--antl WAn ht./di l l!, 1i nlgatee•d oral law. , and v-ent.r.t) Afflreago atl,l wa. akji. Ne.s , Aavertizements LCAI3LE ItEAt EST ATE F 01: SALE—Onr hd rrPt. onr lot any dr.tred midth or lengtli. eanited nearlYi .11 ,6- rute. O. 1). Bartlett'a Foundry. Or prop , rty fc , t the latrlarnN4 \laYer.•on. Apply to • jn151211 _ ELIZABETEL 11A.KINSoN. 101 ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all boat" mill:int* and nut- , n dm. , this Ann up 1 , 0". 1 4,Ily brat toolt be hotlleol by the luetaut, or the taint. wilt phw,l In ntlaW hand^ rot collortloy. ; :2-113.411.11.1. ItaItYTHERS. Towanda, July 1. Ls:l. N EW T.“LOR SHOP.. . st..trr.brsti. lies oixa4,l a Tailor Eolltma %Vat Market. formerly oer riod 1.'11.1.7ary, Tali ler. Yrolle long experiesa . he feel' tmatklent can glvo full . 141.1 01 1. en Cl 4 LIC time stall thuc(. Tourtuti. Jn1T10,•11..73m SPAPLDINO. \ 0.-iIIIOX.—XII persons TI are he r 7 ei) 3 .. N.." , obuni4 aroinat porvSaPlng, 2 note 01'ml by. INI in , laitri:rarl - Alr May or ¬ June.ls7l. to the I:Am Li:414131n )10..1 Gumpau,y, aS OW suit. %SM. , oi.taiu•••l thrmuth Stara anti we 'lair rr,01c,•,1. me raw then for. ati,l*lll not..val ,the nem eel t'''e' couir'Re'l IT low- . PATRICK 811E1.111N, • PATRIeIi SIV.I.TON..Ir. iVillialtataiirthe. 21, 10n...w:5. •k - 12 RI:D(4:E LETTING: --,Settlo4 pro= postla trilt bo.iotetbroit it WC Akira ot eliarl..l , -Taylor. to prank am trallably, oak SATE 'lnky, .it - tir 49.1971. mail 2 o'clock p.m.. for' tl?eArrilldlnt: ' awl eomplettOg of a bridge a4•llori TolouvlrNrer L.,. tztar Isai.l place. ,Siv--tfloatiorm,i for theaara4; rialy fit Peqn at tbe• Comm' aalover'e etlife. --and at the lit Orr ' of (~74arle.a Taylor, for aria tiaya,previunsio Laid let;it t • • -.. Ezr, . , , ,, Loo3tr, .. 1 _ ~. ' • . ...1.: (7: KELLOGG, • •- -,, , Cofinmboamarta. cdtinuotaioner Mx, July 13, 1.7.1., • Vt. W A 11.11 - ANGE 311}1 N a aifilawthar bating earno to tha coicitittion that thia•go,4-unegOare ahlta to Taylor their work al 1141 lune ail another, and that lo• ' , aorta trmi nakt malice nothing, has come to ata•!• co:2,4lllam* to Mirk, for ready Alta July lOW al cloak• all ota• outnta. and work for the ..rgady," Irreapectou 0.0 - persona, and all persons 112d1.1444 to tam no ..0 kitul aettle at ono. Tlin following will be the pne.s for horm• 141toew; 3.1 costs; Toeing. eviler.; tiettiug, 12 cents, and all oiltor work in Ira- Thia is 110 wind, Lot uo•an, F. C. fIOCKWY.L.L. June Z.), "LEGE AUCTION SALE S'alactrUCl. JUnei "4. UOTEL FCINITI: RE ! NV::: _MONDAY', JLT LY 1711-1, . . , . I / Ct , :irtir twilit: at 1 , 1 o'clye 1; a.E.I" • . , t • . I . . THE. ETUNITURE OF Tlll , l Villa) Iluti TOWANDA, TA., And will coptinrA from lay to ay null all it , ills- posotl of -The prop( rty ronaista C.abliget Ware o 4 r all Dc' rlstrails. Bedding. B ed . Snrinws„ Bureaus, Solis, a:writes, Chairs . Tal e (Arrirtir. Crockery. Silver and Ptstrd Ware. tibutaware, Storrs and Illdre Pitm, hollow Ware. Tiwirarr, Limps and Chandeliers. . air We will also sell for cash on accisuat al, 'whom it way coticern, a lot at cuaclanuctl Waage, to pat 'tor storage and hotel bills. TERMS—AII sales of $lO -or less. cash; orer $lO and not to excfte , 4 $25, three months credit; Ores! $25 and not to ezekecl SM. skc months credit; 'Over f!A), nine months ereett. An. notes Tto be psyable at itatik: itlth appro‘ed endorsers.!'irlth latent/I. A Jaluctipaof ten pus ttmt• will 1..4. made roe rash on all bids over $lO. Lt. MOE, Anctknrer. p1y12 . 71/tr. nu:l most- DnITABLF. lead irtpeiti:t . MAL rrut. for coltnarS - purytk‘te dagtihr,staro. etz•i•. For ?We t the _ • ' • - • .• • ' TOWANDA OAR COXPANT. . Tweble mulct pro bttlatel, at tilt' .4;r1.4 Ifotii.... or fit, t;en real .Iftlicrrtd. :'- tria330.140. - . - - -- -. ... . . Till' ,' LEST FRUIT 4.11t.S IN USE at JcC.UiE It 3nrs.- EMI REWAREtia-' 4 114 tax, wig pm.aiedisLiat" ust isakelLll4lt . 41;,D, L . - .. . . .. _ •, !t • --4 , 1 v, z.; • • • bi p . . • - , •-• i m mulux.- Lox. Ornos and door cut r is tor Rein dews. comer ie and _,..,_,.. , • Towanda. Jaw Zt. MI. A large lot of Loathed , Nets riling at $3 50 per =lidos!' them oat. Also a Ana lot of Liam Ilboots. Thus goods are °Bored at a grant lx J egaln 1.. U ' 11131PILRET DUOS. - 11110 . _ .• D URING THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS (iEITER . i 4 ARGiINI3: BOOTS (SHOES THAN FSEIt DEIPOLE. CASII I;UYEIIS TILE LiTOL':ii Ss it is ESrECIALLIC . DArTED • V S E TR.11).1:, And the gLititl3 will be tiold ut VEItY LOW PIIICES! HUM 111101.11Eits: Towanda. 1:471. THE 'lO , WA is DATF - 11 : 1E, - • .11, b '112t , .4 DENTAL AND IXLAND MARINE IN, URANGE .-1 1; II ...V CI 1' 3iKE'AN - fi TItACY, rinsT co3Fxs,l7! TAKEN AT KEASONA.DLE BATES sir Pig lotaics pruzupt4 adjust ! at gas agen , Y. . Men, not Ton Din.llVUlt.ll eot-runec Lus.t4 Tie relleeing Ine duly- ItuLtiorfzed to Sakti, inmarance for tbltimency: J. A. Itncostn, L. S. ANIkOLD. Jon] V D. L. finix.rgluVL. C. ' Mice In Patch'' block. Main E.tiTt•ti TOWarati, J111'615, TW7I , : - • • • T '" -ffottacs, 'ICKHAM & BLNCK, , GLASS TOP' JAR LOWST FIGURES Toistoda. June 8, UM. VARSI FOB SALE.—A good.Farrn' .1: sit9aked plc mix: trt•ch Tonna& and two mike from Iktonaocton borough. containlng 125 acres, 40 acres , cleared, with a good barn and young orchard on the ramie a. Timber enough on the land lo pay for >be turn. Ma hums.* Attuned on the main mad: leading frOm Towanda to Albany. Tenni tO intitlawdmaars.. • '041.30-4/lIIET. HOUSES AND LAT 4 IN, TOW- Vett\ 1101%01 - 611 TO, It. RALE— . Situated de Poplar SCllliet abaft Nfeatern: Menne. Theis homes arc nem bring. built a'nd will be completed on August Ist.' - Good teen cistern. and cellar with each ittether taartitnlara aadresa or enquire of „ , .W. t' !tea; White'''. mad Mao More. Towanits, Wa'ICES OF :UAL KINDS WiitlLE nd aroicntt tt • rox_k-mzectrem, i•. T. sainu OE =1 We will offer will du well to' TO TILL I= OY . IN.WELAVut WHOLESALE MEE MA! , t ) H iMPROViaI i IST A. FILL !ANNOY fiErr.nAr. I FIRE WORKS, us the quattltvat New Advertise/was. MEE ~~. =MI MI , - i 1 i 1 d -. '' ci .. 1 :•Isift,ll4:cr • E . ::-- - a - •, . ... .0 .0. -.• :„..p., ~. „ • .6. 0 C4' c, 0 -'', E td 1 0 E 4 If. VI in .4 = • « 4., „ca... iki: 6.4 A. Az co • 1 . * -7 "Ir . ' %%, 2 • 1 . 0 -g,• e• Y , ' . '` • bO CP ' • 7 ,.... /INI Z a 1 .0 . ,1 O, : /,.‘ • ~i .i • 'it-! , . et • ' h. v 1 ..,1:,:n 0 _.b !, • ... t , E 0 . ... .- - --, 0: - .I .% !-. , r . . .., I .. • p .•,. A . ...1 ... 6 , ~.., - s ,9..,. i ... ._ "a . If 4 IF 4 L :. M t : :.,t '4' t " . .Zirg... 6.- -t''''' - .. i - g A c! ' a ':' i g. i z .0 - .fr..1 ,) ,.. A a.: P 1.... .... 44 i a 2 p 4 .x ) Ls i • ' _• - 0 t. . - MI . 4 t &•••• v::- : • I* t 0 x.' .41 • & 4 •1 '5 . • . . r_i I* ,e, ' V IV • ;t4 ; ''' . . • Li Jo t z P _:',4.:€ 4 -0 14 , zi .. - 1-1 -. . - A , ,;',..* .c.-4.• ,E4` -:-- :s .. t,4' i 1 '''f i.: 0 /le. 1 . •;, 6 -' . ' • t . :1 • --2 . o ei t- z• -' " 141 •''.. O'' E 4 •= - IF.O. - 1 - . L-. E-4 - -.-5. E E-t - = ' .f.' . t. , :••• ...:' .. • - .:; . ii • , ,- l' - '' 1" 't4 —% • • E 3 , - -4 • .• . • lg E 4 ..4"' ?:: ''' ::•2.;.-; .. P :1 - ' , l:•' • 4 -- 1 ...''l' ;. lit • :•:. ...; - - •'.4 .. . 11 . • ~.I =l. D i - -9-'-...0' • z: C.' ig :....• . ...., a ~,..- . . t 8 A 2•C • ! = =I GP TpiAnoit it:GoiLE's • ..14 1 6r 3bnr New SFriu;,, , , Suit. GO TO TAYLOV, 601. E S GO TO TAQLOR & GORE'S, For:Stw Style:; ill rants GO TO TAYLOR & GORES Fur a Nuw- Spring Overcuat • GU 'FU TAILO )Itt'S tile in etti7 MEE tom :90 GO TO TAYLOR GORE'S rot Hats awl Cat,::, all the Lati:A MEM GIME “O' TO TAYLORk (401M:7; fur -Gents' Bows, Tio - , Sc AJIL WORK WARRANTED CUTTING DONE ON stioßT 6 4 A . l N ET, TOWANDA, l'A MMINIIMEM ANOTIIER NEW FIRM. Io 13 it NI f . ir • LawriCtliAN EVER. J. W. ALLYN A-, CO • - .. . . lievima purchased: the Furn iture Store of D. l ' L. Picimue In Nareur's Block. haw soidi.,l lamely to their eta, and now oiler Y , FIIIINIIIfIUI of eTcri ileecription at prima which will DEFY, CO3II'DTFIZON. • • • flaying purchased tho stock for fl, Cl they feel warranted In mayihg that they cast Offer greater In. &temente than any ethic r eatabrutbment in the county. ' Towantla. ..14..rd 20. 1871. MONEY SAVED, BY PUBCBASII , BI TUVE STOVES AND HARDWARE Orwril. Pa., 20.'70 ROYAL BAKING POWDERS at COWELL &MYER'S. EMN i ,-: IMO ‘l , For a Ntw IM9 0 --., ffli NOTICE. t. 1111 t;Z) ill lIMELI nticrnßoA Nov tivaiisomonts. • - - - :THE HIRB 4'l'wo Wheel Mo*et ` , TT- 4 TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS! Tide ne is-up with the pines and al.ww•ti of4ll in eneeril of its lez•fing It stands the eon* rank', sinwng ningle mower'. ••ie of Orel el alkowiennea new and Ws ,• - w pzintßzsiott., En r ~llnatl9n lone - errs LEADING midnEs Are the following: . A Jointed connecting rod. pitman that erfir=t ar t14......4.0..7. position of tbe. .e tr•tilltng• noeido draft: . .nojirright on - the cower' neeka; the .1 •• • -• •• -betVledinome(orrightfararmyhe desired and thAsilAnge road! . iirt•lntin . porgy,.. w ithout stop- • I e. cntting;:, or, ,ougct-bar, can Flo- 1 raisV3 to any angle- to as 'trees, stunme, or othor. ' 'obs :01 , 1olded •Orra- foe trisunknatieb, oc intro ded, by, - the ,ao}e. -nee ~the, kit•W,c PA:WO 'throWing out of gear, stopping the t!ato , or tbo driver' leming Ida inst.. The (Wryer! mat' ltt ll9Cei.-! Bibiii from the rear 6f the`fnieldike, bf - say4. and com fortable; and is arranged on the principle of n admitthag.of .babltrieg the,Wniebistel , eafectly, sad srelierhig the horser,neaki !fell weight. • ,• r It hi* many other Ataluible• pointe foo nnenerona to inentiotphere: made of tint-else! material!, - well Miele and finished in cr(wy part—rendering ite• It rant* nn4nentlfBXar. I. tarn to kalif do.c.ted, and it t 414. urolbrilbur fanneiratayel.teen. okays for. ; iiwil4 . , - 41(artined to ha - the klkUng illowitm•lLackine, bring adiptod for i orloeflihutd; and E!trat . 07 • 1:• • MaunfarbtrOd .„ „ D.. M. OSBORNE . ck, • Atouim..7:l% AGENTS FOB .1311ADX0BD _CO nurriwiptrom - Pond: - fur tikalnig Add 11J - ,• CILVRI.M W. SCOTT. in for, lildtf ;mu and - . IL man, tiouth . Crodr, tor;*utia ' StOWELT Sitgae.lttin. Pa., for Terry, Wit mot and Wyaluming. ' -71 - 1 d entscribk.itil sulttll4 - . 17' . _ It Y Drutfora, thor 111 W: watt toact ae aginsts to the. rwrll.l,:t.stvrn.cutiulltis t!, I+miu+y~.auia null nu;tl.h.e,ut,ru • NtAlt lock. begin. _ulna W 3Lubc..u.cutult.3; rcac,ltitr4 to .11Ki 111111. or ttwm.ah Ln ay;luL; altvady aymiute.l. . F. machines will iit...ureiltilAtic7,l4 lea-liar, StaticuA. isultbklibcr 11: 31 Widaitg, Gent.- Apt..en-it ; TowANDA, PA iv OOD'S . cELEBRATED HARVESTING 31 . ..:1 Oh ' iNgSI 1 ' - - 1 ~, 6 ritICE itEbrtrti ) ik)?! IK7I. . . • lia r s b,ri a faro; ii watt the farnerr;h4 the .1,144 year : k. tit 1, tunr.nfaiirrt- .1 for' pr . 1•671: . %he, Alt /It ..f. . dA,PEIt 08 . Hdli*Elt Will .•ul , takt,'s.,l.e - 1: - .. , tbic• t..., 4,l:xi:ran:lila im.:ll:u.: -"rill ri:, 1 ity.•::..5 , ;:',.. 11,-o•.: z:n,T:otrf,,ti—u Qf rjr.l of. Sig':. •1.. . ;.I •. T.,l(illT.Nl::ti .01' 'DitAtToirr;. 10:1;ily:•ty r—ry c• A:r ma.nrt,kin(l, [~i;; the ~%~ :. EIN 0.11'1140 a ',:1110. 1 .:::1,:41 ., •11, 1,.1..!ra. 'S't. MEINIEIRE ZEE ! "." " ° M. C.•:• - 1ummt , 14 Jr.thu O. fur T , rry: 'A. J. 1.4t0n," . :1; ,, nt fleW: t.i••rtriat • - Ir,. W.11‘1)131.1. 1, C. C. 1 , :. ... „ •41 . .:: :n:*•nt Starnlnt,t Stu ••,.y •:11u-111::. 31 .1 F,• T,,,n e s, nt f t , • • nyv • ' T 1" 1,701 7 .M.'r \VA 111:101.i M • 0 nre .—lsake , r+ , l(l. Uu , ntaelithi.nt* Aant 31“ , aml till! ree.r tti, n•.eler of! algojea . pm '2 ,2 l.+re en+ In e,4e11 , y rp, in+awll.l:4 - liA..telt..i.. •v TI CE: Lit; I ITEST D ra MO: -,"L' DIT!,!-.NRLI I;As.l - !: -:r ‘N INI: W. ,3 ,1 aVJ_I)3 It Tlt A C .. t. . t=idt• th- um - ill,: •7 , ; t Gttt t "r 1. • 1:1 , :cas, atol P L 't." l , :".nn whh:Lt .art , (t trop: (Z. •(1:1, •.•1.1 S'o SIDE DI.Z.AFT• Can 11,x. .r hue w,t •;, crthuilt p“,-; tir,; ' 7 eLosnioraliDED :` 11..! /141% 1.. 1 1 at, 1111:1,/ teil frona2-1 , ..,. t.‘. . . • ' i TEAM. c .I.N •,Al -. .k1.::. ' ' sl.6lti - 17.!.Ci.)t . C.:12 'TO Cf.,Oti- IT. ; . ',7" Can::. t %ILIA' 11,, to 1 , 1'1114 1." "3 - 071 r Laty.yr prove oltr az . ..,crtikat that iii: 1•:::1.: :..1.:V.'21:1: "...,LAL.k: IVAT4IS,— mwltra S • • G4tNT ditINDElt • .I.INI T. \ 1111::1 31.0NVF:1-. aSJ ,• Tlll.•,2Vann TICE - ra Weritue7..• 1.11:C\'• o::' Tilt: r • - It tt, only th 19 t I 11.-r:• th,• I', - ..e. Virmo• - "M.,' althea, d Ens - ravim; illustrates a very simple Inctru.. went fees Grind:rig the knives of a :11.1;vinz 'l4l;l:rimier 1, a .;C- toter;, a:1;1 operates in the way of a:: ~r heary ,:sd dnil, ae ,lenvii iu tle , gravin,:. gs.tat ;1 , 1%;11141gt. I•y the in.' ovine i.-. that the lintve•i f t r tnni d utthont, r ,.. then, th.a, by sav:t.g , mud& titue.• In cane knitc aitillvf or nicked. tie, Griteler c'an'ine at any point in the ile4l. and mom -nis tla• Cult , Iran be put iricemph to oiler. Any parson- .rilinary Md.tcniet.t qnh hly learn t-; kir.nder. and not Mid it a Lanier work than to grindin any nth...r nfailnec." • Ayr, Patent:\ 7::•!rier tirindcr, it: re by Anicrican Co.. hi an in, trunicat Is•rfectly Fliarrellil);: MO, irlg With. nut the ;ruble thehn It is in the. foret of a hand' drill, the. solid Emery Cone. which is' the what - lie:Um:agent, being re% (+lye!? with rapidity : ai.-m nn,-snug If s , , simple that its I,e_alas• a...plired in a ric:n.ient's :acme; who pa.: nvm.'r .1....pc15e with . it.r Farming at • out ot MOIe the knife , bar through the ...mania till en , - side rf eleh seetien is in sm•11 - pisitnm that it can grouni without striking the gnt‘rd , t. get ,Inivij Ott you' right knee bchind the her, take the tiamild. of the erimler !Hock in your left band, place the 11; i tt or b stock against year ody, re sting the . riflery 6 e W 1 1 ,44 On the - bevel of the section. and brace yetsi left elbow against inside of left knee. Gilnd the lntid of iXTtioll with point of emery cone and point of ~.e-tion tion with base or largc'end of emery cone, MOVin, emery cone back a^.l firth ever - the section by means of A . V3ying y.etr body haek and forssard, in this nary the trholt-face of the emery • cone is use t alike and is not 'vent in hollers. In griudin; cult a nick tit- break: don't held the, emery .bah in the time; too icing a.; thcr4 may he a h Loaf. In grinding any' section.. get down' square hkdarel the cectien. Lew...lightly, turn slow,ly tilt yin can hold it properly, then turn tint. If the ornery core) riazept, rot can rub it at; with tt ,nietta of brick or sand st, , ne and water. halt a tinulite, . 11. 111. C . • tune I3.":1-w4 ' . Agetts for Draillord DON'T FAlL.—Don't 1 . 4i1 to .se x, cum 2 goolt snpply of• . • GRAPY. Vp•ES. - • • Propagithsl in Towanda. c tuaequuntly aeelnuated to llradferd. Co. soil. All the desirable varieties for main as low na elsewhere. Every.. (nut that has a let cantina a.plare to traid one or moreif thes-e de lirious knit bearing vines. DOTI% 141 hriOtitet . fall pave without starting some of 7The , e -triat -that will grace your table with awl add to life so much plachre. . • • Strawbr_rry plants for rain. .1.00; .or 144. - Call nod lrare your:orders for fail 9r spring gettiog. •,. Oppostte the 3lethrrhst Church. . Jut," 13.71. - • C. NELSON: DISSOLUTION.', --The qb-partner-. ithfp legetoiere existing bilwedn the tinder. isitised,in the. Grocery tuml. Prol,irio6 haeinesii, is herci.y dimmlred from thiFt date. The heftiness will Lime. The Im4iiiemi herrifter ihteotiducted by W. S. 'lGuney: mho - will settli all acemuds duo the , • W. Si. xix.Nry. !Ttorauda, ;nue P. 171. !irir. • • . fft - -01Nit.!A ND A 24! EpT 8 . •. vaftiLEBALE.PUICE , h - v etltricetWl (wog, ggganOguay; by C. h. ?Ai cir subjccttr ehangrg . Wheat, 3iasl. T.....:..,.._ ars. 4 p bean • uckgrheat Lush. Oita, laugh; ...... Baal% It bsh. • • • • Butter trollg) • dogairy.r. "wave' :tegiii-: , ct dolt_ .!• .. . . 16.44t0rq. blivb.;A.'• • r Flour, harrel.... • , r••• ;• •• ... .• • •i 00 V: Pt Onktfilt; btigi • , • Onang.f—Wheat Ogib• Col 40 mn oitt 1b... typli* lbs.; Oats 32 lbs.: ,Barley 42 !b e;; 48 lbs.: P.cant 42 Mg:: Bran 29 lbs. ; Clover B,cd Thnotikliteltd. 44 lha. h , Deind Peaches 3311,., ; DrieglApples 22 lbs.. Ilan Seed 40 RIR. °WAN . DI - COAL 'YARD. , . . . . . BITUNINOLTB tutu s. • e muteretgntd, tiro Coat YAM at,' INV* lathe old 4 1.1archi Btallit;" and .inig rditt-hartei, anatttlke Upon the prenr:wo:zr., atrtr.fiforitreilticittthrtolitho (4 To - stgo•t : , „„,! witti ttro flbicut kin4s an 4 ef thr ; It:llicit *oats nfiwn'theinogt ri•n!.Onol.IO ii: ..rn ilit atit;ty d , estre.l. et lentil tart!, • Largit Small . Punt , ' vonottl Nnt iittgton - Nnt ' 4 Bar4lay.." - • Run of Mims "•* :,:i•."'Vote. or,l3lnannuilli' An tbra , ll , , ..... Th e following tulititionsl chargrg wilt t.,e n:ad(;'f. tcniirrie.;;;Poz.llt.tlritow,li • 'Per Ton.'. iiltiosi4.,:}4tra•tor carrying in, .".9 Half 7 rin.',.311 1 17 , 1 •Qr.T0n...23 ." " - ' " " 27 •• Ordnrli n y be Ida at ill', "Irar4 l . cortn.r atitt Stectis, .or at rfsrfrr Drug Store. , els..Ordird navel in alleaxeillie actahparlir,l ihtlearb.i - •.. WARD k I.lo!C'f ANIL Tow - snag, 18712—tf. . R r• : • •td.:-. NV:ELMS' . • (..1 0 Ylt D. . -nazi further notice price. , at ar.t, ar , .. • • , Egg. or No. 2 stove. or Nog. 3 riu.l".l ty, • Nnt. .No. . ...... Snilivan Anthracite Coal . • -Treparcil..Lunip .. . , ... . • -• .*; The rolloNctng Ivoll T. .1” , • , r1 tletivertng coat wahha ..Per tcni i.11.-tr. I . Esti a f.. .r 44. in lief t0n.... , . • ,• .. lyngrer t") 1: • ° " " " at my .0.4 s. ..emrl'New -1/,' &twill 4.1/' Order.; taunt' iii all, tho cash. J 1,11.1, 7, 71. I 11111 , - *.k. Y. . 13t>.1 Irr"ru , ..ra • i!..CNI.F, 44y r • • (.1:7. , ..4;t1. • .. , oI.I'.LE TP.At.K • ( : , ,Np - CINt7• , V' • .IrAY 15t1:, 1 , 54, 1: - . kays. WaNt-tly - abo:vdth., NI 4 ,HT LX1•113.5.4-174:.: I !. rea:..r t, L'.t to '11:-.1:!•ro,1;, t . - WAY ..; ~.:..1.e.-rd. • .. . .. • - i : - .17.1). ST., I). N.Y EXPI.:I=-- ,, ;. '.-;;r;'.:1:,<• e.c,-.1,t. 1. • ito..- 1 :.••.1. r. z.... 1.),0,1.,:t.'ilc:01:111:1. (...":,,,...• t: ;..1,1111, .!" • "..5.1,%. ..:it. , i , at• pr.:1,51.. - t1 5tat.. , ... , :.5.' . : - rt!!:,:.!'”11 . . - t , WI 1::::::: i:1,.. - - N• - .1:1111•I illlT , r,..r . ii 1,.. - .‘,1 - ::z1.; 1ti .4 3::: 4'::4 , 1:: -. ,'. r..3.:iy ti:i:, trail; from NC , w Vl , :', - . I, .1:11:14i.;.": , - :.....tT.I:I. 1',.:14:, , 5r.• ::t.t.v•lt."l at If :n.11.-11,vi.1;... • T,11::.: ..., t. , ,, , i . r..... 0, n :, (.:,:,.11 , it,ott ,•r:lr. iro76 p - ~' 1 , . M I . i T. : : Z.TIU•lay , -,`:“ ., Tt1 . .1 for l'• ~.. 1 . :'1, v• 7,.1: , 1.•_.•:;•. , :1:,.,1 - Itl , fr. 41— MI EN Mittedialicout ME 7()I,E1):). - 631:111.1: • ~ .4.1t1 Z 1! 10.)!1t`...4 Ft Cr! , e:FN AI ! ' C: .1 • 1r. , .13.1 , ," • ALL.I ail 1.G113%et ,1. calrsc: `XFSI`. RE 1911951 E tr, !LI L. ...1.,: .!11..;•.!) , • •A 1: , .t. rl nt .•••• T,:r. • s TLAIN : 1 2.; 1.. 1.1.- , ..7 - ..z,NT,T•t.TION ME , • • . - - A" '.: 1 - 1;;;'1..1 . . 5r,c, ti,..n.i...•,;.........n. ei.t • ~. •_! - :.11 11-'.:sT fi'. ',IN .11.1 y t• , •• r • v. - 7 •••••i - 5,..; Evir,r. - •,' cPII--N . : , •7Tr1. - : i'f.l::-.7:.5tir..1.- cx... , : , ..., .... ••• •.: :•:•,.., \ - ,,, , i ww, :ff.,..,1,001..1 t...,, , ,:„ .: :.-. Yl . f :.• i:...;.1 1 , ;',. ni. Em.•lanit ....•,:. !..,,:,...,, C...1.1: - ..-, 2.,.,. , ..11;-0 -- r.ith'.,l trazt: to N. i' n...,....i.-Lc:NrrNSITI EX.'ii......*:i. 74,,,:.. .'.. 1 , - -.. , ...,.....,•..f!•: 1.: fr.-- •y - Cal. , w.5.,-,, , . , . ,- . . , a i 1 cY• !mi.. t. .1 . I . .it ..f N•v.: .7.•:,,y P.n.:i t , . I.'il;:iii:• , ,pini. 11.4 . t.i.r.•1 rt.. 1101 Wltit:Lni;•,..... .... . N- , •.• 1••) - }: •xitit .t.t....tnitir 4 roil :ftt.rt . ..ii'it ;,.;! triv -.. .n• ••ir •Ni-s I 'zi•l7rtil C!..: .t. Ati , e.h4,t i.: ~...:It T., Cir , A4-Atntioll4 at... 1 ,•:o) . poi• Ls e a,t1 . 0 .- sk. e C10t.t.,. PA•l,ll3PrenV trait: to Nt.,...1 12: 0 3 p.m. --,-DAY,EXPRESS, Ptimlaysex,epto,l,, , .... 'n,tin;l at 3'.•1 - .1 , 0y t'lty wlth tit:ditiat Kap'. ••-•• t - - .1•1-1 .:•:etc .. .bir.T . 11 vlrc. - ,..4, for 111.11.1 , 13 , 11: k. ' y-t,,,, Ir t prAl , 3lqP .t...t.irin it n,ler•ntio. t;•: - . - ..•. I- "- ' im :twin lin-, , Nti', • anl imptc , . - •••it Dran - ing-P.•••• , 111 rc, -1"::y CV 4 traTti front Intfriilrt to-New York . :1:27 . p.:31.'—....CC0M lODATION TIIA.KC.. .1,•'•• • :. : •:. , .: ,, 1. - :•Nt.atltkl. . , . . 8 . IT a. tn.—ELM - Mk M t IL. ; Stmtlay, 0,-i t.t.i.i C.rl2 p., rt.-,-N ENV YOll7. MA .t 7,. Snittaq r\ . lt , f 'a .4•! P.m —LIG irr.c; >zi ; ExyßEss. doily. ert!il in-: at rat: rt - A . T. f',,r.N,.varl:. : at .1001.-y ('Ol , -.7,1 , 57.:11.:t ExrmssTrain of New .Tris, , y 1t...!: - . , 1 i • I:aittlittir, and Wail.invt.‘n: am.l at S. ‘," Yat , , 't ,i.l .trtill,tt. Express tralut.)r Dos ton anitSi•t• I •••...• - i tiitit•s•....u.. , id,,p,-. at All priucipal ,:zti ,, t,:ai,l ~. Lc , :sug ii‘int, on main line. i Sl.•Pitm Coodit tritcctliupaity this tra:r.l:o•.- -, '.. 1 N. i ,-.11e.i. ' • I 3 : 0.1 - .. Iv . —WAY..II;IIIC, lIT, Sontlaii, t Or , ~,.C...1 ' • •• . 11.17,, - ;.l6E' CIIEC.K.F.TI THIXI" , ill-- , V.." . . I .V and emnpl(lo ...I.0:-1.1 T 1•71 0 ,7 - ,.?• f6115:,,, , ,, ,- Tratm; gm the Erie I:attn.:ay anl , ' TI• 01104 lils".. haA : ZrO.:Tltlyiecll p111,1:41,-1. 1 ,-, r , c , crtr(.l c a tpv!i , ...r.t-oh -ti tty. Thlo..t A.:( ,, ' th , ....t.'ett:panv. . . i ' L • li. IttefiEt. 1 L. Gl2ll I Sal 4 -; O,!LAIAId rAt A .CO 1: D tjr.; , lr..nt. • • IN! ANII It i51 , 14:1,.i11t 1.1 it - ' rep'cto Ik,;turt,c,lt . _ ..-71.• . .7 :,• ecrl:fy T 1.71.",p11.1.....t or - ,VIlLe=-Por:re ts. t'::" .9entirfo.:nt or :ill .311 the raiti:ons iv,a.thy epr.lid,fle... r:n , l people of vcr..eormly. 111011.A5,Z% 1(3 , ;111 , ; tlariNtA lutlt-11 bc:to-at from tal:.! q1: 1 1mV.•• t'ttra,:tl. am Ire. , t.• r. • -0. t.• prtp.trd4f•nt !:1 , :4...•;..0•,..t -; .. • ?ABA, I:1:1:S! • " •1 • ••• al , rny • • !,•, ••,..7••,! r 1 , r666.6:. th( • ! I •:1 t/..• !,•.+: I 41:1v, , : • ~.I 16.11, .1 r I •, , ry :! a L:Tro. ..i"::.1. 1 14 th:it t!,•• 14:44t• f 'k r : 44:4;4 Paw- an-1 1•111`1 ., . ' 44. ":117-.TON I ft.- - Ls's; •, , i• I - rc• .•I I It • as lo ,:••• v. • . : . . , 1.:. an.l Is k F L %VAT EP. tir.l.T-..WASLItn, =MEI F;.'411 , V•73. , 1.1 311 4intVP of t'Ldt hard or -oft. n 4 cttior. •• , 11 the * ola ta.shniutt.l wny of boinil4;111,1 .ininre ttlo :•14 - 411.. Romont,•;-. no hot thrg hot ift:lther. yonniz.if. - ,•• , • TICAI :rt • titt , 4lnn board:lL: h0n.... an rai'as-tty f ! ” 4 arjinno , l7tinn 'f to t"' tor lwalth rut , 1, labnr• 113!•n:i nt up. Th , r..:• titnble • ”:;_llt4; n!1 NNN Totrindl. TIM , ' 1i.71-t! G. S M H, SARS.CP.IVILLA, SODA \VATI: A:4) illizeg t'oruer elle:4llrd unl WaturStreets. ATI orders promptly attended to." • S .f‘llt t. LL r l e N. x . rj ul l ik. " A • g! k' ( I . IEN ANIL . BLAU TIKA. attli roc p. at .15.1.471 . _ . • - A • 141 ltiT, sowio -1,/ vvry pricm;, by 1 . , v V W. 'A. ii(X`XWE.LL. Vittic!, the 11,21 J ;. v.. 01 ". . . • pfttS,74 $1.41.1 c, 1 r,,, 2 Of 4 INS BEI 1 R. I ,M. tl}J,L;_ OM ~,;1•, • t t- rmi. !:i:. 1 • • : El =II TOX WIZ& t