Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 13, 1871, Image 1

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    TERMS err runuckilcin.
Tar. 13nADIVIID BarOrratapriblithed ovary
Tlanalay MorningALISIID, at Two
Dollars per annum. in advance..
gii-Advertisfug Weill CMOS excbaidvo anbocrip:
nos+ to We Paper.
gpocIAL .NOTICES inserted at riirrica C6lllll per
the or fret insertion, aud rim atm per Mug tbr
ituheequeat Insertions.
LOCAL NOTICES, sumo stile as. raiding matter,
awrarr carts a Una. •
ADVESTISEMENTEtwIII be Unterted according to
the following table. if rates
j $1.601 3.00 6.00 , 41.00 10.00 15
r; -7 . -- trili r i. r 2.00 6.00 . 1 8.00 110.00 1 16.00 I 20.00
.gig -, Titio I 7.00 110.00 1 13.00 120.00 30.00
3.00 1 8.50 1410011 18.25
Olniun I 5.00 12.00 11L00 I 22.00 I 30.00 I 41.
rota ri 29.00 I 40.00 I 60.00 1 MAO $lOO I $l6O
- - ,
ki m inistrator'saud Executor's ICohoes, $2 ; Audi
t oe'r °Urea $3 ; Business Cards, Ins lines, (pee
ferl:s, additional liner St each.
ye, ly advertisers are entitled to quarterly changes.
t rt , •,:ept advertisements mud be paid for* advance.
iwolotions of Assecistious 00mi t tunicatiott.
sr Maitad or individual interest. and notions of ye?.
'V laces and Pmdlut, etceediagfvelines, are charged
els cane per lino.
' The REPORTKR haVing a tirger circulation than all
tb. parent, in the county combimsl. makes it the best
adrerti.ine maltnm,in y ticnthern Pennsylvania.
Jou PRINTING of every, indOMPlain and Pane,
c o , orik done with neatness an .- Handbills.
Ai ant s Cards, Pamphlets, , glatments. k e.
of wry variety and stile, printed at The shortest
bolfre. The Errorrrnn Office is well stilly llod with
power Presses. a :ood nssortmeat Of new type. and
460611111 1 g in the Printing line can be sx.ecnted in
the innst artistic manner and at the lowest vatea.
31 ( .2,. TINGLEY, Licensed Auc
. Row, rA: An cans promptly attond
.110 r -SE, FIGN - AND fnr,sco PAZ ICTZR,
liatid!.. Sept. 15, 1870-yr _
Miners and Shippers of the
SI. 7 LLIVAti r it ., 2fTIIRACITE coAL.
mar.V7l • Towindi, Ps.
formerly occupied by "hiercur
k Morrow, ode door south of 'Ward Boum.
ramp. 'maylo-'7ll • w. S. VINCENT.
~ DEALER, NG. IGO Waal:na= Street, be
tw,,o. Lasalle and Icedla Masotti; Chicago, Mimic
Es - al - Mints pnrchascd and sold.- Incestmenta made
and Roney Loaned. May 10,10.
/ crruso in all fashionable
gtyl,ll on abort males. ROOMS In Merettr'S ?taw>
k. Main-at., over. Porter k Rirby'a-Drng Mora,
MR&' M. R. GAHM.
.T01'311113. Pa... April 13; 187 Q.
Erg. made in the bed mariner and latest style,
at the , Ward Hongeßarber Shop. i Tering reasonable.
• ;
Viwanda, Der.. I, 1469.
G A YLORD - ,8R05.,! General Fire
.rng, inAurance .Agenc.i. Policies covering
and - damage ranged by lightning. in Wyoming:
rnii ~l ber reliable eornpanies, , withont nddttionat
(i , A1.1.011P.
'll',ainging. May , 23, '7l. S. C. 4e'XII.A.4tT).
74 P,P MoNIMETON. PA.. pnyp partienlar attention to
Wanona, Sleiglip„Xie- Tire Pet and
rtl±:nrlng done on - eliort oat n. i Work and charges
03raliti. ed 12,15,69.
y :wain ,Thtablishett liini , tratiin Gin TAILORING
BUSINESS,. 141inp nvi , r Sem,. Rork of
eqrry dvseripti , in flour In tbr litest
April '2l, I ,4 7A.—trf • _ _
e1wn1:1.1 anitiliiiive 47
'l. public that h. I;eeps con4antly nn bind Woolen
1111,111,",ls. Yarns, awl all at
- l'rtiprieter.
.(I . i'. S. It 13 S.S E ''. L: S
tiE"NE , ,'LL
f.VV L' II :1 E!, A (71; NC Y,
l'.v. , nt•nr and Mannfactand'inf the celebrated irnn
i , ,r-nn, Pianns. Wareroomm, tip. 722 Anil - tit. Phila.
li , 1" ,, ,N ell tho Priz- Mvdat . iof thn World 'a Gre..t.
F‘',ll , n.•i. I.nndyn, En 7. The hi g he.t priz,..,
1 .-= ‘ , -, f •.vll , :i and -- xii^rvver emlilldtvd. (Erfalolitth.•
e 11l :2.,L) mar:29:7l-3m
.1 1 1 .1. - 17.1' ON.- & BROTIiEIt,
if , • .
Dr llor al
Sk Iy; . FL'lt:' t kC
]•mid at an LIMPS
ill ;itv.Pri2, }fain-^.t
/.. •.. u\V TO:f•
• nestuy.une.l 'l'd
nprilPti n Banking. Towanda, under the
rilme nf G. P. MAMON
- _
They aro .'io firs* Bills of Exchant.;te, awl
- yoke rollectiOnifin New York, Phibabtlphia, anti all
ttrfionti of the United States, as Mao England. Grr•
t:.any, and France. 'To loa'p Inoney.receito
ge:L•ial Iffinkiff?.s •sllsinee'..
$:. F. Mason was Ofte 1f tilllantc lir.' of Laf.of-to.,
n' a: Co., of Towanda.l a., atur.his knowl,lffo of
!.I. n.i:IIC,R rn^n of ltradfOrd and adjoining conntieit
no , llla‘inf; been iu the banking businea ftir about
fait• ii Ceara, snake this ionise &desirable ona through t., make collectirus.i• G. F. MASON.
'f , twantlatt Oct. 1: 11146. , • A. 0. MASON.
N E 'W
1? I lii-M!
AT 110N110ETON, JA.
;:••t Cirr.ceria - and.
I;eeopcno Lamps.
,1•• , . I Oita.
Ci2al.3 and Snuff, Pure Wince and
1 H the IreFt (Inality, for medicinal purix - r.‘es
. 14,, , ,ds FOl,l at the very lowestprices. l're
• .olp•mt wirefnAS , compounded at all Loup, of the
' i v..nn4•b'n. Pa.. Jill'!" 24.,
.• 1.1 . 111? OF xTr.Angrurs 'nom on TO
QT , EENIVTOW:ti OIL LT17:111 . 00L.
Sleek Star Lino" of' Lly
railiirt every week.
'of Packets from or to London
•, a mouth.
to rane,and, Ireland and Scotland pay
4.1 t 11. •11:111a.
1 rf ti rt.11..r partivulira, Apply to Willi:qua k Gulon,
1..% ay. :s.;ew - IrT*, or
G: MASON & CA., Bankerm,
Towanda, Pa.
t 1,1„-,,,
. UN .'r 'and Satnatlay, to and
..t I, , lii.lowlt-rrj to land Matte an,l l .Vaawni.teriii.
of thlir favorite line urn built pr.
1 ',• •r t t i•,`• Trlyk, and fittlid
1 , , r,..p,-,17-Avith all tho tst , .Klern tmlier.)ve
, • - ir.rtire Liz. rafety, cornfort. and
:1. , •ii••.• of ri,-.114444fr5. Pasaaire,_ltatea,
; • i•\ I • :N: 547.. 'r.,or,iing to location.
4 . 4. 4 -ria 1'::N TICKETS. $1.:10, evettring,
• • • , • $:53. STI-2:11:
r it frion:is in thr 01.1
re,inrofl re.t , r. For fnr
• It. or to S. C.. MEANS, (,',•ntra
• •'7l
t, - ,l:\ - I..:p,sßurix3 ' MILLS
- - •
I 7 ' .. I_J 0 Vs, I
` a )13111.1 Vtiul fur male cheap for'ICASIT
• I )
'ay . ; • r . Onutity of GItOUND CAYUGA
SEEIC. Gl•l):ougf.r
•. C.,, a Oats tateu iv cielvtuge for
q-eireßit, give notice thattie new
i Y. ~i
• •.$ arid that he it pt7e.
ILI Wu! uti short Lvti~r.
WIT 3 t. hnokwhes And Itye Flonr, Oorn Meal,
• rt-3. grab. 4tr.-; alTrzys on hand and for sale at
. ,
PAI:TICULAR NOTier.,..rVersons jiving* on the
IPi Aido of the river, deering:to patronize my mlll,
"1 1 / Iwv. their ferryzo paid both ways, when they
Lring *ids of ton blabois and upwards. '
ap1.4:11 I- • r. 8. AIMS.
nen& Scotch Flattery, Orange, Raison, Lour
en and Ginger Cakus, Washington Jumbles and
Cutiee Mama, asutall kinds of Crackers at
• ' Mutt 4, , I W. A. BOCILWEIL.73:
S. W. A-14V011.113 . , Publisher.
001711111:LLOX AT /AV, Taillight, P.
Law Towanda. Pa. Ana 27.'G6.
7 V LAW, Towanda. Pa.. Moe with Elhanan
Biuith, south aide Bermes Block. April 14.70
'LA TIMM AT Lair. Orioe--eoroer Malt and
Pine Streets, opposite Porter's Drag Mae.
• Ike over Wickham k Tp wands. pi.
May 11. '7O. 0 -
-1.-/ Office In Patton's Block,- ark: Gora's Drag and
Chemical Morn. Jan 1.'66.
&nth side of Iferenea New Block. UP iriirs.
Aprll 21, 10-11.
C - 001KICLLOIL LALW:TOIrilidl, Pa. Par.
Court. Ocular attention paid to-basinemin the Orphans'
• szy AT LAW (District Attorney for Brad
ford County), Tro7, Pa. Collectioas made and prompt
ly remitted. • fob 15. 19-41.
T &D. C. DAYITT, Attorpeys-at,
u • Lase, TOwanda, Pi:, having formed a copart
nership, tender their professional aervices s to Ike
public. Special attention given to EVERY DEPART
IIMPT of the business, at the county . aest;Or else
where. JACQB DoWITT.
D. currort DzWITT.
TORAiDA. Pa., Dee. 19.1870:
"Er LAW. Towanda, Pi. PirtiellbS attention gle.
en to. Orphans' Court trasinesit. Conveyancing and
Cellecticras. Jar Mice in Wood's net. block, *with
Of the First National Bank, np stairs.
Fsb. 1. 1,471, , •
H. WARNER, khrsician and
Snrgeon, Leßaysrine, Bradford Co.. Pa. All
collo promptly attended to. 'Moo first door south
of Leßow/111e Rouse.
Sept. 15, 1870.-yr
Philadelphia. Attorney -at - law. - with
Samuel Robb. Esq.. 230 South Fourth street. Rusks
nos iu any.of the several courts of Philadelphia
promptly and faithfully attended to. mar.lsll-3m
axiom AT' LAW, Towanda. Pa... haring entered
into copartnership, otter their Vrofessitmal services
to the pnbllc. ftpecial attention giant to loudness
In the Orphsn's and Register's Courts. api 14'70
ICZTA AX LAW, Towanda. fa. 'The undersigned
haN tug asrcviated then:m.l% - ex together the prartieo
of Law. offer their profearional 'aenices to the pub lie.
31arelt 0. 1870.
Main Erma, opposite the Court !Rinse, Towr.n.a.i, Pa
01. 27,10.
• PERINTESPENT: Towanda, l'a. Other with
11:' M. Peck, reemel door below the Ward Ifouse.
Mlll be at the office the last Saturday of each month
ruttat all other times whennot called away on bus--
noes connected with thtt Snperiteudenc3'. All letters
shotbl hereafter be addressed as allure. de0.1..70
B EN. atdopY, INT p.,
rinlll6,,i xs - D StuGEON,
(Mira hh profroi;rinitiii porvieliii to the, nenpin nf
nO4 roinity. ,OfTice and teilidenco at A. J.
Lingd',; Church Ntrtili: • . Atig.l9,":o
, •
CAP LAW, T,,,can,11. nraaford Co.. Pa. •
rnrtirti!ar attrttion paid to Collections mgt Orphans'
C..tirt Oflce—Metcnr'e New • Block, north
war Spurn
D hE I t RY, , nla an
noun., , , WI in conipliance with the requert of
itiK'nunierons frientia, h. , iii now prelliare.l to
I-tt.r Nitr. - •ns Oxide, or tannin for the pain.
, v . :traction nt teeth.,
I,,.r.aysvill”, "May 3, 1810,—ly
. _ _
-- o. LEWIS, A..(411 . ADIT-
Al ate of the Coll , • ge of 'lll ymicirri s mint Surgrons."
NAT Tork city, 1A13 2 4. gives t•crinoiTe attention
to the practico of hi, profeAsipn. Oft". and rreddence
caxte.rn slope of Orwell llill, adjoining Fleury
Fines Jay 14, 'C9.
D R. ]). D. S'ALITH, //etzlN/, has
G. ii. Wood'n prc , perty, between
and the Elwell Hon.,. whore he hag
I,Wlttol-11i3 0:11 , 2C. Teeth eMtrr•Cte4 without p , in I*"
ram. - Towandt, 0et..).10.
- 00ARDING.--A few boarders can
_l_neclare first-claAa rooms with ward. by apply
ing r 4 Nu. 32 Sei,,,nd street. 1. L. POST.
On Stain Staeet, near the Cmitt
'• _ C. T. 8111T11. Proprietor
Ont. 2. 1814.
Near the Court llourmi. ti
We are prepared to feed the hungry at all times of
the 'day and evening. Oysters and Ire (frown in
their ii.eaaonß.
Starch 30. 1870,
Raving leaped thin house, Is now ready to accomMo
date the travelling public. Nopains nor expenne
-be apartd to give satisfaction to these who - may give
him a call.
la-north side of the public square, cast of Mee
'cur's new block.
RummE'RFTETin CREEK 110-
TEL. -...
Raving purchased and thoroughly refitted this old
and well-known stand. formerly-kept by Sheriff Grif
fis, at the month of Rummel-field Creek, is ready to
give gixiil accommodations andsattsfactory treatment
to all whci may favor him with a call.
Dec. $3, 868—tt --,: - f.,i •
M . F I , : iNS, , HOUSE, TOWANDA,
Horses, harness. /cc. of all meats of thla
liot;:icy: inoire.,l against lons by Ftre, without any cx
tra charge.
A superior quality of 01,1 English DIM Ale, jul,t
rervived. T. It. JORDAN.
Towanda, Jan. 24.'71. Proprietor:
Th,,tilno7ribrr having 16ased and lately rat,.l
the above Motel, lately kept by him as a sillricitt
linardlng house, tin the 1401Ith ride or
KFREET, next to the rail-road, is now pre: seed ti
ententain the public with giicid accomadations our: a•
clisrm.s. tremble.or expense iril 1,
.-parerl to mmininoitate th - ose callfrig on' Mir.
bar Is , furnished with choice brands of Cif!az:i,
Liimore. Ales. /et:. '
4;1..4 iitablint i cattielii4l. WM. HENRY., /
Towanda.lim • I.liiil. o tol.llay72 Proprietor.
'; ( OWANDA, PA.
T 4 re
ineleraigned haring filled np tWe honee for
a flute' and Reatanrrint, will open for linsineen Day
1871. The pnblic will find a Tory neat and coin
niOdioiza hotter, with Musical Entertainment a; to
gether with four of the beat Billiard Tables in this
.aection. AU are invileal- to call and Milian° for
apLitrii-tr C. W. scilwENv....
mATcllnsta, MOULDINGS. &c... 1
At the old stand or U. B. lugham's Woo!Mt Factory
and Sawruill, - in
In Clargrs of an expertenced Mechanic and builder,
thcl l public may expect a -
Ftden the recent enlargement Mt, tbla water power,
wort. can be done at all seuanna of the 'yaar and moots
se 14:11,L in. In connection wit) the nawmtlll we are
able I to fuFidah ot. sawed lumber to enter:
Cara l ' , town. May
The rindersigsml tolro mule arra:limn:mats to in
sure Carpenter's CRESTS OF TOOLS, •covering
them trunimin turf siAs DPAII &airing such
instunr Lco are respectfully invited to Ore as a calL
&O i° Ern. Insurance Ants.. Tcnrantia„
1..11) CUR at+'reialllng all ktults of Groczrkirit
wholesalopticea. -The largest stack in town. Goads
Ors/ class.. Prioca,lon. E. T. TOL
Sept 29,10: - Mann atECti.
D. W. sCoDr k CO
COD. ;MAIN AND num: z 141:Lz.L-rr,
t ..-................ _
VAN & ERIE 1111.11310AIL—Tathig client nn
Monday. ?an. 23. 1871. .
inrrrirssan. lITATIOWS. . I Naurtrnrszn.
P. IC L. IL . f P. at: r. N.
2:30 BIN „TOWANDA 12:20 7:10
2:40 8:10 BARCLAY JUNCTION 12:10 TAO
9:00 8:30 ......;morittoz n:ein 6:40
3:35 2:03 WYLOOXB 11:15 6:05
3:43 3:55 ....NEW ALBANY.... 11:55 5:55
3:35 9:23 . ........NILLERB 10:55 5:45
4:20 1 9:50 - D1:1111ORN 10:30 .5:90
T. IL IA. X. 1 • . . A. 14. P. Y.
• Gaul Passenger Agent.
I I ..)11U=N"Ir."7 .WMV7=Mni
Shortest and mostdlrect line to Philadelphia, Did
thnotr, Washington, and the Swath.
Passengers by this route take Penktytranha k
New York Rad/road train. passing Iltsessida at 7:15
A.X., nit*s close connection at Bethlehem erith Et
preempt:llin of North Penn'a Railroad; and sertvein
Philadelplda at ISM P. U. In Unto to take nista
trains either for the South or Rest.
ity manager airs are at the Depot on arri of
a 1 C ,
tral convey pasiaongars to the various D eat
p rta of the city. '
Leave gorth Pen i s Railroad Depot; corner Berta
and Assetioan etre -Philadelphia, at 7:954 311..
arriving at Towanda 4:59 P. 7d., same evening.
Atann's Baggage Espy collects and delivers bag.
gage. °Mee lqa. 105 Soot I ifth street. Philadelphia.
?might reeelyed at. Front and Noble streets. FLO&
delphia, andtorwarded Ire Daily Past Freight train
to Zawarsta.nad an pants - In Braga/than= Tansy
with quick dispatch. — EI.L.DS CLARKE.
Gen. Aitt.. F: P. R. 11.,..Pe0nt andiTilknr
Nev. 21. 1870. A Philadelphia
pA. k N.Y: CANAL Sr. R.R. CO.-
AanAromunrr or PASSENGER runts;
To take effect Mondury. Key 14, 1871.
No. N0..4 No. No. No, o.
33. 9. I 7. 1 STATIONS. ;34. X.• 36.
'— ;
P II •X• -• DI I 1 Tie
' rat ;rx
2 43,11 58 ' 7 ' 43 ; Oinks 12 40 533 945
3 30 1 12 40 830: - Waverly '1145 5009 00
3 40 1 12.48 8 401......Atb0ns .. 11 35 451.880
420 120 .9 2.5!.......T0wand5. 4.. 10 48 4 20:8 13
516 2 09110 15' Wyainsing.....!, 930 3 35,7 20
535 227 10 33; .....Laceysilio. ... ; 931 3 17,700
6'021 2 5711- 00.. Mothoppen.... 908 300,638 300
602 11 07, ...Maboopany.... 1900 16 30
G4O 3 21111 as, ,Tunkbannock.'„ l .l 835 230 600
750 4 35112 531......Pitt5t0n. 1 735 1 3514.45
815 4 45' 1 15' Wilkes Parre....l 710 1.15,4 'Ai
.... 715 4 10' _Manch Chunk... 1...., In .431."..
r r l B 12 535 .....Allentown AM943 4. Ng
8 25i 3 6 0 1 . ....21,•111108.m ....' 9 Nit ...
1 8 30; 6 251 ...... Easton 9N)
.I 1 !
.10 20 8 151
. i
...Phil7el4lphis.... ! t 7 35'
11 45; 9 30: Now York 16 001
I' : '''' ' I -:.'.1.1
0. leaveß.Tpwanita at 7 In; Athena, 7 Wa•
y, h d 5; arrive itt.laniina at 9 1 0 A• ?a,
O. ::1 lear , a Elmira st.s 30; Waverly. G 30; Ath-
G 1': arri':e at To.esnita at 7 2S r.
ma Traint, dine at White. I.lairen -, 4:p Train's
• at Pitt:
a.en_zves 1 , , and from New Tort and el.
wltleuit change rare.
'veil train con,ne,t, Allent*n with Throngh
Express for Ilarr abutlt, Pittntitirg and the Wert.
• . It. A. l'ACliFtt.
This Oil has proven itself a medicine 411411011.7.11,ed
In the mire of /thenmatic lameneax of any kind re
quiring an ontwltrd application. We defy the medi
cal world to brii a material better adapted to the
alleviation of pain and lameneam_ in Man or !leant
than in this medielne. It , v ,, rkm upon tho Nine prin
ciple as its ncareat kin—Electricity ; and altbongli,
like all of our,best niedicinea, It anmetlinem fella, 3 et
the cages of failure ITV very rare, and art always
comptie. It works like magic upon burns.
fromt hitem. sting of Inv*. and all external poimoni.
Every family mhould have it in came.; of fresh cute.
brnimem ar sprains. -It Will not annuiltr - eidomt meal-
leinea when Arrlteli to . rore. It is no quack
prerimrahon, hnt im compomed of nine of the held
material. known'to mctrria compoondeal up
eh wientific principles. AP a - Irmo. medicine it-i.
t.,klng the lead of anything In the market. Bey It
add try it. If yon do not like IL return - it and re
crive wont monay back. For male by all drigMsta and
deml-ra in medicine. Prier errata per I.ottle.
apr. I. '52
Mere opened a new •
In the room over Miss Kinz.l,.y's atnre
(one door Knuth of lA , x t Nlcreltr'l4): w111.71' they arc
prepared to do all Li ads bf work in the Dress Mak
tut: line, at reasonable rates. .
Of the latest style retsived as goon as
They will also give instruction in
Sept. 25,70. , . LYDIA G. EATON.
(Successor to B. S. Rusudl ' k Co., Bankers.)
Roxives Depo•:t4 Loans Mor.ey, Stakes Collec
tions. and dots •
same as an Inocorporated Bank.
To persons desiring to send money to ANT rurr
of the United States, Canada or Europe, this Dank
offers the beat laddlara and the kneed km& g
,PAS - s-sar, TICKETS
To and from KIM Scotia, - England. Ireland. Scot-
land, or any part of EnrolA and the Orlout, by the,
Of Stenincra always on hand.
Buys and sells Golit, Silver, UMted States Bonds
at market rates. .
Agent for the sac of Northern Pacific 7 3-10
If. C. IfEItCVIt. Preeident.
W.V. s. VINCV.X. Cashipr
to any person prtwincing any Ifedicine allowing ball
as many I.lvinrt, perniaiwut cure. as Dr. Firama's
Tuutrantr. Ilmrnavry Tim.r.ov. Used inwardly
may. A pleasant Medicine, free- from Injurious
drugs. Warranted, tinder oath, to have permanent
ly cured 95 in every 100 patient. treate4 In the pot
ten 'Pont*. (8"e testimony), lids the eel- ntific pm
arription of-Prot. Jos. P. Fitter. Ai. D., at,'taeluatrol
the rcivervity of Pennsylvania. A. D., 1tr13,-now
ime of l'hilmlclpitta's Oldest regular physicians, and
Profe., , or of Chemietry. and Toxlcology,—.o - no has
made Noitri:ria,Thronie amp Inflarulatory Ithemos:
than UL. ep , ‘ , :ialty of his entire professional
fact v.,11-11, , 1 for Ly tho eh:natures accompanying
each b ttl'-. and ',Cr r t•••4:rnoniala of many proml•
vent renown...l ptiy• and clergymen. To pro
tect ene,rers front quack nostrums cud
( . 11.1. , Itinr , of mom/y.)16 . 1,gal fugue,/ guar
antee, ctatiou exact number of bottles wsrrantod to
cure, will be forwanled gratis to any 'utterer send
•ing by letter a hill ,L,cription of affiction. lO ,case
M failure to cum, amount pail positively refuticd.
P , Tit ailylkit..r• by express, collect oit de
'livery. Afflicted invited to writ., for sarim, , all In.
formation and tmadical advice sent by letter -gratis,
Address Pr. I. P. kTFLER. 29 South Fourth street.
Philadelphia. Fa. The Remedy is sold or obtained
by Drugsisis.
AND flow THEY WEI= g.t1 , 1; ; .1311truirams
AND Tau:amt. of ova Eit. - .l.x.f.lAbc J. P.
/Icl3.lbe, Sr. illustrated and twaritifull3
bound. Tlle mont 41tItiff ' initructive,and
"might after boe.lei.u3ned for care: Farinating Ps
fklion. - authentle as tiators. practiot! roar
Itlchard." with leseona more ele•ating for popular
irarpON.. than the profornidert
Accra!, are clearing from $430 to $2.00 pyr month, .in
opita of hard times. Sufis wit and eusds,. and. de.
livers qtlendidly. Send fur eirolar, etc., and!. net
tiro extra terms. GEO. 3IACLE.L.`I, rubliisberi
. 119 tiansom Mstet.lnaf..s' delpitia.
mar. 21'.71-3in
p TOll E N. •
This well-bred stock horse will servo mane the
pre 'sent season. from April I, to Aug. at the
ery Stable of Sitcom:rag tbikoics. Towanda e pa.,
from Monday noon to Saturday morning ; ains at
Bh...hew:tin. Pa.. at the - farm of L. 8. Entusettar,
during saturilay and Monday forenoon.
Tzars_—s2o by the. season. Money duo at time
of service. $3O to insure one mare, and $5O for taro
mares owned by one person. Money due en soon as
the mare is known to be with foal. Any person
hairing a mare inenied. end parting wilt Les bilorr,
The time of foaling. `rill be held accountable for the
Insuratace. Psi-taro furnialteo foe mares from a die
tan...slat $3 per inOZ:I/. Ste.ialenta iul escapes
the wiruer's risk. • •
PiBIGILIDC-I'atc.Len was aired by the cerebrated
, lion. If. Patelen, ho by Casbiu
Clay. he by - Henry Clay. be by Andrew JackiOn„ n
by Youchalastunr, Sc. The dam of Patolion
.L•trook. grand darn Messenger,
May 1.8. 1861.—Can
Immo mud We= rarria. at
March 10. 1869. LONG k KEELER B. .
around Mader, far sato at Umboars Valk
Mattroston. tota.Bll W. A. =JEWELL.
1 i v.q • "I.?
Prnprietor. LPRayrvill , .. Pa'7l
teltdeb ink).
Young Kitty sat knitting. " 11y -darling," I said.
"I have .hail a moat beautiful dreamt _
Shall I tell it ?"
.Bbo tare afslight shako of the
held ' •' • K .' 4
And auswerod : "I'm turning the seam .
I rcr.ched for the meilt, speckled soft like a
That :Ate held in Ixti fingers ko .
But the answered: "I can't leave my work—
' only think!
Ind knitting a sock fora doll!"
Tin% teen mo so, Kitty, my den:little one
Yon , nro dying to hear-111 bo-bonndl"
Jnst init,",slic said, smiling bright akthe
"Just wait till 'l've knitted around."' ""
I waited impatient, and then I drew near,
And, trashing the curls from her brow,
I said : "Are you ready, my Kitty, my dear?*
She answered: "I'm narrowing now!"
Still nearer I drew—put my arm round her
Anil, breaking of silence the seal,
Repeated "Dear Kitty! why, what. la yen?
blister -
She ausiereil::," rm setting the heell` '
I smiled and I froSined—l-looked up at the
clock— ;
At the ivals 'math the fireatick aglow,
413 d then at dear Kitty—abe held up the sock
Baying : Would you put white in the foal
"Yon shall hear me, Kitty,
And then, if you kill, son
She sheickk loose the hand
And the : " Tm jag binding am
"I dreamer' of a cottage embowered with ttoea
And under the bluest of Ales— '
'SW° checked me with—"S4'fartber. off, if you
kr needles will get to your eyes'!"
"I dreamed . you were there, like a roec at my
And that lose, Kitty, lure mado tot rick!"
" I told yon to sit farther off,.otfee before!"
She an-wert.d : "I'm dropping. a stitch!"
She keit led the last, and had broken the thread
When I efi..l: "Am I uulc a friend?
Or may I le„ 11., ' She
"Pray, 4n. ye t4rtetied the end:"
"W.ll .art ?" Itcru tho tr:
uot1.11,;: tv .'-) but-10
Fu: t:,c A 1 fiat 1
. 1.11
it wa, A h.•r gort way,,t,) say, 5 , ,:
u•s ./ctromt.
BY Jr.v..c I:GELOW
Who is this? A careless little tuid-•
Shipman, idling abont - in a great city,
with hiS pockets full of money. He
is waiting for the coach; it comes up
presently. And, he goes on top of it,
and begins to look about him.
• The coach stops; the midshipman,
with his hands . in his- pockets, sits
rattling his Inouey and singing.
There is a poor woman standing by
the door of the village inn; she looks
care-worn, and well she may, for in
the spring her husband went up to
London to seek fur work. He goes
for work, and sbe was expecting soon
to join him there, when, alas! a fel
low workman wrote her wOrd how he
had met with an accident, how he was,
very bad, and wanted his wife to come
and nurse him. Bat as she has two
children and is destitute, she must
walk all the way, and semis sick, at
heart when she *thinks that perhaps
he may die among st:angers before
she can reach him.
She does not think.of begging, but,
seeing the boy's eyes - attracted to her,
she makes a courtesy, and ho with
draws his hand and throws her down
a sgvereign. She looks at it with in
crulous joy, and then looks at him.
" iys all right," he says, a'.d the
coachistarts again, while, full of grat
itude,'she hires a cart to take her
across the coatry to the railway,
that the , next night she may sit at the
bedside of her sick-hustiand.
The midshipman„, knows notion'
about that--and he never mill know.
The passengers go on talking—the
little midshipman as told them'who
he is, and where ho is going. - Bat
there is one who has never joined in
the. onversation; he is a dark-look
ing and restless man—he sits apart,
he sees the glitter of the falling coin.
and now he watches the boy more
closely than ho did before.
He is a strong Man, resolute and
determined; the boy with his pock
etsffull of money will bo no match
for liim. Ha has told the other that
his father's house is in the parsonage
at Y—, the coach goes within five
Inilvs of it, and ho means to got out
at. 11:o nearezit point, and walk, or
rather ran ov,:r to his homo' through
the great wood. •
Thu luan_decide.:7 to get dc::7,7n, too,
and go through tb ! 7: wood; he will rob
the little perhaps, if he
.ciies out and strn. , ;,';les, he will do
WOr6G. The he-thinks, will have
no'ehanco aw.inst him; it, in quite
impossible that he can escape; the
way is lotely, and the sun will be
No. There seems indeed little
chance of his escape; the half-fledged
bird, just 11nttered down
_from its
nest, has no inure chance against the
keen-eyed hawk than the little; light
hearted sailor boy will have against
him: •
-And now they have reached the
village where the boy is to alight;' Ho
wishes the other passengers "Good
evening!" and runs lightly down-be
tween the scattered houses. The man
has also got down, and is following.
:The path lies -through the village
churchyard; there is evening service,
and the door is wide open, for it 'is
warin. Thelittlo midshipman steals
up the porch, looks in and listens.
The clergyman has just risen from
his knees in the pulpit, and is giving
out Ilia text. ~Thirteen months - have.
passed 'since the boy was in the house
of prayer; and a feeling of pleasure
_induced him to stand still and listen.
lie hears the opening sentence of
the sermon; and then ho remembers
his home, and comes softly out of the
porch, fall of Ardt) and serious
pleasure. The clergyman bas re
minded him of his father, and his
careless heart is filled with the echo
of his voice and of the prayer& He
thinks of what the clergyman - said
'of the care of our Heavenly - Father
t • •
I t,
nr.y ,1 N • 1.1 f. 1,(.)
for us; he'remembers how, when he
left home, his bather prayed that' hh
"might be preserved - through every
danger; he does not remember any
particular dangex that ho hue been
exposed to, except in the great storm;
but he is - grateful that he 'has come
"home in safety, which he supposealo
will-be some day, that then the provi
dence of God will watch over and
protect him. And so he presses, on
ward to the entrance of the wood.
The man is theta before him. He
has pnahed himself into the thicket,
and cut a heavy stake; he suffers the
boy to go on before, and then comes
out, falls into the path, and fellows.
It iatoo light at present for his deed
of darkness, and too near the en
trance of the wood, but he knows
tlmt.shortly the , p athill branch o ff
into. - two, and the one for the
boy to take will bek and lonely.
But what prompts the little mid
shipman, when not fifty rods from .
the branching ` path , to break into 'a
sudden run? It is not fear—he nev
er dreams of danger. Some sudden
impulse, or some wild wish for home,
makes him dash out suddenly: after
his saunter, with a whoop and a
bound: On he goes as if tanning a
race; tho path bends, and the Mao
loses sight of him. " But I shall hare
him yet," he thihks; "he cannot keep
up that race, lon." The boy has
nearly reached the place *here the
path divides, when be starts
.up a
white owl, that, can scarcely fly as he
goes whirling along close to the
mound before hint. He gains upon
it; another moment and it will, be
his. Now he gets the start again;
they come to thebranching of the
path, and the bird goes down the
wrong one. The temptation to fol
low it is too strong to be resisted; he
knows that somewhere, deep in the
woods, there is across track by which
he cauNget into the track ho has left;
it is only to run 'a little faster, and he
shall be home nearly as soon.
of girls,
on her
On ho rushes; the path takes a
bend, 'and ho is just out of sight When
his pursuer conies where the paths
divide. The boy has turned tb the
right—the nian z;:kes the left, and
:he fAster tlioy both run the farther
!hey .:re' a• nn .der.
Ti - io %chine, dwl.siilt lend: , him on;
the path gets darker and narrow; at .
List coI iinds that ho has missed it at
together, and his fc..t are on the soft,
grunild. He flonnile:rs about among
the trees and stumps, vexed with him
self, and panting after hiti race. At
last ho is npOn antipik track, And
-pushes on as -fast as ho can. The
ground. begins sensibly, to .descend;
he has lost his way—but ho keeps
bearing on to the .left;, and though
it is now dark, he thinks ho must,
reach the Main path sooner or later.
Ho does not know this part of the
wcOd, but runs on. Oh, little mid.:
shipraau! Why did you chase that
owl? If you had kept the path with
the dark man behind you; there was
a chance that you might outrun Mtn;
or, if he had overtaken. you, some
passing wayfarer might hate heard
your cries, and , conic to save you.
Now you are running straight on to
death, for the forest waters are deep
and bla`pk at the foot of the hill. Oh,
that the moon would come out and
show it:to you!
. The moon is under a thick canopy
of heavy black clouds; and there is
not a star to glitter on the water and
make it visible: The fern under
hia feitt as lie runs, and he slips down
the- gaping hill. At last be strikes
against a stone % stumbles , ' and falls.
Two minutes more, and he will fall
into the black Water. • •
" Heydey!" ivied the lioy—" what's
this? Oh; how it tears my hands!!
Oh, this thornbush! • Oh, my tirin 1
I can't get free I" he 'struggles and
pants. -" All ‘ this comes of lo(tving
the path; I shouldn't have cared for
-rolling down if it hadn't been for this
brush. The ferrokras 'soft enough.
I'll never stray aWay in n wood at
:night again. There, Tree it last! And
my jacket nearly torn`off my . back !"
With a good deal of patience, and
a grest 'many scratch's,. he gets free
of the thorn which had arrested his
progresb4 when his feet were Within
a yard of the water, Manages to
scramble to the bank, and makes the
best of his way through the wood.
All this time the dark passe
follows the main track, and beli e
that the boy is before him. At last
ho hears a mashing of dead boughs,
and presently the little Midshipman's
voice fifty yards before him. Yes, it
is true; the boy is on the cross track.
Ho will pass the cottage in the ;wood
directly, and after that
i tis pursuer
will come upon him.
The boy bortndli into the path; but
as he sees the cottage he is thirsty,
:mit so het that he thinks he must
ask the inla?itunts if they can sell
;lin:, glas f milk. . •
rs cwt.:holly, and
:-its aith:g for theintilk foot
' stci. ,They are tilos:: of his
prn who goes on with the stake
in hand, au,T and impatidnt that
he has not yefeonie np withahim.'
The woman goes to the dairy for
andithe boy-think; sheds gone
a long time. lie drinks it, thanks.
her, and takes his leave.
Fast and faster the man runs after
him. •
It is very dark, but there js a 'yel
low streak in the sky, whore the moon
is plowing up a furrowed mass of
grey clouds, uttd one or two stars are
blinking through the branches of the
trees. Fas - the boy follows, and fast
the matt runs on, with his Weapon in
his . hand. Soddenly ho hears the
'}„rayons whoop—not before but behind.
him. ' He pushes himself into the
thicket, and raises his stake road y
when the boy shall pass. -
On he comes, running lightly; with
his hands in his pocket- A sound
strikes, at once the ears of both, and
the boy turns back from the very jaws
of death to listen- It is the sound of.
wheels, and it draws ' , rapidly nearer.
A man combs up*, driving, a grn. "Ifil
loa!" he says, in a loud, cheerful
.voice. "What, benighted young
" Oh, yon, Mr. D-----?" says
the boy." No, I'm not benighted;
or,lawir, rate, I know my way out
of th woods."
e man drew farther back among
the shrubs " Why, bless thee; boy,7
he heard the farmer say, "to think
of our mooting This way. The
parrri told me be. was in how; of
snug thecisome day this week.
give thee a lift This is a lane plate
to_be in _this time o' mitt,
"Lone," r e p.. the langhing;
"I don't mind that, and if you know
the way it is as safe as quarter
So he gets into the farmer'i • gig,
and - is once more out of the reach of
the pursuer.
But the man knows that the farm
er's house is a quarter of a mile near
er-than the parsonage, and in that
quarter of a mlle there is still a chance
of comipitting robbery. He deter
mined sUlkto makethe attempt, and
cuts. across the *aids with such rap
id strides that he reaches the farm
er's gate imit as the gig &liar itp to
it. , -
Well, thank you, farmer," asps
the midshipman, as ho prepares :to
get down. -
I wish you good night, gentle
men," said the man when" he passes.'
" Good night, friend:lh° tamer
- " say, my boy, it's a dark night
enough; bit I bare a mind to drive
you on to the parsonage, and hear
the rest of this long tale of years
about the sea serpent."-
The little wheels goon again. They
pass the man, 'and, he stands still in
the road to listen till the sod-died
away._ Then he flings his stake into
the hedge and goes 'Welt again. His
evil purposes bare all been frustrated
—the thoughtless boy his baffled hits
at every step.
And now the little midshipman is
at borne; the joyful meeting has ta
ken place; and ,whei they have all
admired his g rowth ; , and decided
whim be is like, and measured his
height on the window, frame, and
seen him eat, his supper, they began
to question him about his adven
tures, more for the pleasure of bear
ing him talk than from any curiosity.
." Adventures !7 said the boy, seat
ed between his father and mother en
a sofa. " Why, ma, I did write you
an account of.the voyage, and there's
nothing else to tell. Nothing hap
pened to-day, or at least nothing par
' "You T mo by .Lc-coat'.:. we, told
yon of ?"
"Oh, yes, papa; and when we got
about twenty Wiles there came up-'a
beggar, while we .' Were changing
horses,' and I .threw down (as I
thought) a shilling, but as it kW I
saw it was a soveteigu. She was very
honest, and shofed me what it was,
but I didn't take it back, .for you
know, mamma, it is a long time since
I gave anything to anybodt!!
" Very true, my boy!' his ,mother
answered;_'' but you should not be
careless with . your mon y, and few
beggars are worthy objet of charity."
" I suppose , you got down at the
cross roads?'_'• said his, elder brother.
"Yes, and went through the*i;roods.
I ,should have been here sooner, if . I
hadn't lost my way there."
" Lost ybnr way !" said the. moth
er, alarmed; "my dear boy,, you
should not have left the path after
" Ob, ma,"• said the little inidshii)-
man with a smile, " you are always
thinking of -danger. If you could see
nie sometimes sitting at the jib-boom.
end, or across the luaintopmaa cross-
trees, on would be frightened. But
what danger can there be in a wood?"
" my dear boy," she answers,
" I don't want to be over-anxious,
and make my children uncomforta
ble byiny fears, What did you stray
from the path for,"
" Only. to catch s little owl, mam
ma; but I didn't catch her, after' aIL
I got , a roll down a bank, and caught
ay jacket against a theiu=bush, which
was rather unlucky. Ah ! three lame
holes in my sleeve. And Bo / scram
bled up again, and got into the right
path, and asked at the cottage for
some milk. What a long time the
woman kept me, to be swe. I thought
it would never come. Bat, very soon
after, Mr. drove up in MI gig
and brought me on to the gate."
" And so this account of your - ad
ventures being brought to a 'close,"
his father says, "we disciover there
are no adventures to tell."
" No, papa, ,nothing hatpened—
nothing particular,l mean.' -
Nothing.particuar. If they could
have known, they would have thought
lightly, v 4 comparison, of the danger
of kb-boom's end and the maintop
mast cross-trees: But they did : , not
knot, any more than we do, or - the
dangers that hourly beset us. f Some
danger are aware of, and we do
what we 'can to provide against them;
but the greater portion of them our
eyes do not behold. • We walk secure'.
ly under His guidance, without whom
"not a spa:roc:J:lll , Al to the ground;"
and wo have hade,ape3 that the an
gels admired, and ‘.ve came home atid
say thqt nothing has happeoed—at.
least,, nothing particUlar.
It isnot well that oni\rainds should
be much exercised at the se bidden
dangers, since they are so, .and so
great that no human art or \ foresight
can prevent them. But it is very well
that we should reflect constantly on
a loving. Providertee which watches
every footstep of a track always.bal
ancing between time • anCeterni4s;
and that such reflections should make
us both happy and afiaid-,rafraid of
trusting our souls too much to an
earthly guide or earthly security—
hapriy from the knowledge that there
is One with whom we may trust them
wholly, and with them the very hairs
of our heads are numbered. With
out such-trust' , how can we rest or be
at peace ? Bttt with , it we may say
with theTsalmist, " I will both lay
me down in' peace, and sleep, for
thou, Lord, only makest me.dviell in
safety." -•
A POETICAL genius describes ladies'
lips as "tho glowrns gateway of pork. and po
DEvorms to pnblke opinion wits
orinood by i lady aged 80, who recently
rigid a man • of a orarcaparabrigly appropriate
ago, because, oho said, ha comet about my
holm an much that if I don't marry him .peo-..
pie L
Tar...great point in sdrertisi_ng_ is
to arouse Tile fair set &WS ho id all
the curiosity is the
A- nonionr, ' , oath says of s cer
tain eongregsfien that they pray their
knees =Bonds" and prey on their neighbors
the rat of the week: \ •
m artist's adieu to his picture—
Tos!)? assgalt
. :-- - • 1 ,. I . 3i'lri',i'l -..!
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• mem the Maks Mass.) Wit.)
A V= TO Tall 0040:1336.
The .recent; crud inibrisglio i. with a
- consequent disordered marti=w
ing . out of an alleged we
combination, which culminated so
forebodingly as to bivoke the abol
ishment of " duty " on amil, his hap
pily been met and passed by without
material damage: During the panic
the timely and, generous assurance of
partial relief, with the honorable ful
fillment thereof, by the Erie railroad
company, contributed in no small de-
Iree to abate the intensity of the cri
sis, besides relieving thousands from
the impending famine,und brighten
hag many a gloomy fireside chilled
with the penury of ill-requited, tho'
honest toil. With this eventful peri
od still-fresh in our minds, it might
not be uniubmitith:4l to recount a
(menet visit:to the coal property,
the E. R." It Co., .with a cursory
glance at the same. . •
Referring to $ map of Pennsylva
nia, near the Notih-eastern part of
the old Keyetone State, at a parallel
of 42 degs. of latitude, we see Brad
ford county, near whose - centre, on
the banks of - the yoetie Busqueluin
no, is the, entesprisuig town of To
wanda, tram which, taking the 7 i.lll.
train for Barclay, after a ride of some
live miles to Greenwood, we wai
n:team to rise on an up grade. of Bey
enty er eighty feet totw irai p/mil until
we reach the foot of inotui=
bin,- some sixteen miles from Towan
da. Here,; under the shadow of this
beetle-brewed eminence, of 4 4
its mineral wealth and extensive beds
of coal, one cairluirdli fail to be im
. with the workings of that
ificent ' law of compensation,
which regulates the economy of nii;-
trire in the distribution of her mate
rial resources, so'that_as rapidly as
one provision fails, another opentlp
from the exhaustless storehouse a
further supply for the wants of 'civi-
lization. Our huge forests swept
away in the advance of - agriCkulture
and commercial requirements, are
here replaced by endless stores . of
fossil. fuel ; what we lose
. on o ne
hand wo_guin on the other ;.and thva
by the reystrrions workingsvof that
organic. Taw, exact adjustinents of
o'ir resources are., adapted to our
wpts. .
/Persons at all nervous should by
all means walk np the mountain by
a safe though circuitous road some
two miles in extent ; but the lortu
nate.possessor of sin itccidental poli
cy with the willingness to brave, all
mishaps, can climb these empty coal
cars and ride up in the plane a half
mile or more-at an angle of 50 or GO
degrees. - Those heavily laden coal
cars' We have just met . descending
midway the plane - are-drawing . us ;up
by the-aid of the long wire cable at
tached to both.. The cable has paxt
ed a great number of times, and the
Cars generally have broken to atoins
before reaching the bottom, but no
tr ,
lives have been lost. If hear
anything snap, jump qui . without
stopping for an cxo.ana on. At the
" top " we get sou thik Empty train,
and ride a mile to the mines. Those
long rows - of whitewa.shedhonses and
shanties are whore. the miners live.
The first church you see , is a .Ronian
Catholic the next a Presbyterian.
Those little neat "balloon frame "
.stnictures 'contain • at night, from
.or 'four to twenty or thirty
souls. The Erie IL R. co., ..which
owns these mines, is constantly
building dwelling-houses, but the
supply dins not 'keep up with • the
demand; . yet in lees than s year it is
to be hoped the accommodations will
be sufficient.
We aro now at the " Shute," a huge
frame structure seventy or eighty
feet high, firm the top of which the
Coal is dumped from the Cars as they
come-up out' of the mines, down this
long inclined plane into the " pock
ets "ready to' load, the empty train
which we have just left. Climbing
these stairs at the side of the 'Wrote * "
we stop It each "guard," so as not
to be hit by a stray lump of coal that
might dash over the side , of - the
chute as it rushes down into the
pockets below. !teaching' the tap,
we stop at the weigh-houses and find
that this little car," just out
of the pit; contains about one ton of
coal, which. is registered as soon as
it - is dumped. We see the " dinaper,"
reaching into the car, bring out A
little brass check which hangs on a
hook. This check contain a num
ber which4esignates the mniei\who
has just sent out the , load, and he is
credited accordingly., If hied coal is
free from slate or bone, he - is allowed
full weight; otherwise ho is docked,
"pro rata."
If you want to go into' the mines,
don't wear nice Clothing, for it,is a
dirty place, between , thy.: black rain '
sweeping through the roof overhead,
and the black mud underfoot. • Come
preptired_ with suitable apArel- , -
overhauls and smock-frocks. :Hang
ing by a little hook to yourhatband ?
a miner's lamp, which looks hie a
diminntive coffee pot with the wick
coming 'out= of the. nozzle, we stow'
ourselvesns closely together as pos
sible in this little mine car, and a
.very small mule birds us /in on . the
tram- 4 3.; n :1f you happen to -ba air
\feet or in height, I should say
don't in move than a quarter or
half a mile, for you will find it.
inconvenient after leaving the car to
walk about with your body bent and suit the. height of the
" gallery;" some three and ene-half
or four feet in height only. _The
main entrance is called a "drift
Mouth," Ala the main avenues
" drifts "or "gangways:" At right
angles to the drifts are ether bulimia
ever four or) five\Lards; these I are
called " breasts," an generally eve- .
rage l eight yards in width and iseven-.
ty.pertis in length, each miner"
pyinghis own " breast "und mining
his coal therein. As.&Lk° passea
along be sees the miners at work With
their picks, some lying upon their
backed others upon :their Mdm-4none
'standing, except in the main gang;
way; as the speostiill not admit of t.
The Water trielden down on you in
large drops, as you' pass along, an
.nom infrequently .you see miners at
wok lying down in three , or four
inehea of water, their persons so be
grinnlied and blackened that hardly
a tract, of the Canada' is discovers
blein, them; es they work !don& the
02 per Anntun in Advance:
- roof has to be propped with , heavy
supports se large round as a man's
body. Oacsaionally you hear a re
port followed by a dense smoke, the
result of a "shot," as a last is de
nominated here; for in this thick vein
of bittiminous coal we find a stratum
of slate and bone a foot or , , Fighteen
es in thickness,. overlaying and
in,g the whole, and which must
be removed before the coal can be
gotten out.. , ,
But it is no* noon, and'as *con
tents of these plethoric dinner-canS
are being discussed, we will 'make
some inquiries of these miners 'as to
their labor, etc, We find they receive
from sixty-five to eightrfive cents a
lon for mining the coal, with due al
lowance forthe location' and atten
dant difficulties; they provide their
own Powder and tools, and can earn
from three to four dollars per day;
but during the rebellion they easily
increased these_wages three-fold. 4
very large pregortion of these men
are Scotch,' followed. by •
and Welsh, for very rarely do we
find an American miner. The ma
jority of these miners Immreenee to
or in the mines at the early age of
ten and twelve years, going in with
their parents, assisting the loading
of cars, driving the mules or tending
the doors used, for exciting . currents
of air for the purpose of ventilation.
Occasionally we find a miner between
fifty and sixty years of age stilrat his
postidelvingwith unabated activity,
but the majority are. largely under
thirty-five yaws- of age; their daily.
round of labor is necessarily arduous
and monotonous, and the damp; dusty;
laden air they inhale contributes not
little to undermine and soon break
down the most vigorous, though the
sanitary regulations and provisions
are ample and salutary to the fullest
extent. One instance was here re
lated of an old miner . seventy-four
years of age dropping down dead in
the mine with his pick in his hand.
They purchase none but the vorybest
of 'staplerovisions, and are - indeed
fastidiously particular in their- selec
tion of these commodities.
They are generally honest,paY them
debts promptly, and are always , ready
to relieve plt - others' misfortunes.
They .are paid monthly, and no "pay
night," passes without a liberal. con
tributionlor some benevolent object,
when from one to tit hundred • dol
lars is readily raised ainong, the.three
hundred menleniplOyed here. There
are a u. n bet of .other bituminous or
soft - coal in this fieinity,. and
all being wor ed: while in 'the an
thracite, or . s coal
. regions, there:
is ter ri ble sufferiak and privation,
caused by their long strike.
The Barclay • miners are a very. in-
telligent class. of men us a whole, who
respect themselves and .are muCh,res- .
peeled, - and,under the able and WTI . -
cient manageMent of the Courteous
perintendent,-Maj. llobert McDow
e , chief mining engineer of the.grie
company, tie miners are producing
nearly double'the amount of coal they
were formerly doing. A. meeting of
miners.was held it, few, days ago, ankl
a ComMittee duly appointed. waited
upon-the Major, asking for an: ad
vance of ten cents more on. the ton,
whiCh was - .promptly relnsed; but
finally;_ uppu-s, Very strong appeal be
,ing made to the superinten ki en Vs syM
patilies; he'fleeided to allow themlve
cents more per ton:
111 relate out 'Theident which '
should Prop Orly belong to Harpers
Drawer; illustrating th.o Hibernicisms
one often meets with iirthe newly inf.
ported son of Erin. It is imperative
upon every man to bring his receipt
for board before his account is allow
ed or made out, and upon each blank
form is printed the stereotyped indi
cator, sign here," directing the man
where to write his name, upon-receipt
of the amount of his account.: Not
long since , a young miner, fresh from
the " Old Dart," called upowthe ac
complished !and gentlemanly cashier
and boo keeper, C. W. Tidd„ Egs,
for the amount of his acxxiunt.', - He
was requested to produce his reciipt
for board, and after a short absence
returned and'presented the following
document, which is copied from the
original, " verbatim 'et literati= ":
Maur 2161, ' Dere Bur—
Austin .1' /allergen is quite agreeable
Sign here r
Austin F lanergan.
Which was intende4 for a receipt in
full, including the receipt for . board.
Once more out of the mines, we re
trace our , stops and Walk down the
winding road to the foot of the moun
tain, for although we rode up 'the
plane on an empty train,. the going
dawn on .a loaded one is qnite a dif
-ferent - matter, for if an ~.acciaitit was
,to-hap Pen one could not get off quite
so easily as in coming* when there
would be a momentary stoppage to
allow the cars: to reverse their mo
tion'. . J. S.
A ItEnuaxemat Si Silver
Spring, Florida, is on great
est curiosities in the Sim ;bursts
forth in the:midst of the most fertile
country , in. the State. It bubbles - Nktp
in. a basin near, one hundred feet
deep, and about an • acre in' extent;
and sending from it a deep stream'one hundred feet wide,. and
uteri.; fix .to, eight miles to the
Ockla • • river. In the spring it-,
Self fifty boats may lie-at anchor=
quite a fleet. The spring thus forms
a natural inland port, to which three
steamers now run regularly from. the
St. Johns, making close connections
with ocean steamers at Palaka. The
clearness of the water is Andy won
derful. It seems even t raore trqnspa
rent than air; -you see the bottom.
eighty feet below the bottom "of your
boat, the exact form 'of the manliest
pebble tinTentline and color of the
leaf that has stink and all the pris
ruatie colors of the rainbow ar© re-.
fleeted. Large fish swim in it,. every'
scale 'visible, and every movemen's,
disfinetly -seen. If you go to, the
spring-in a boat you will see the fis
sures in the rocks fronrwhich theriv
er pours upward like an inytztea cat-
' la following ‘uwarning
la MIMI grs it few miles
Y : • "Wu: notice, that whose
tr=on•theorgronnda will 1
~- _ . 1
Garvin is no more evi,dence. of
wisdom thin &paper aillia& is of a ibid.
It has been sn,ggested that the st)e
culler structure ot the eyes which
causes the color in theta, also mks
Ot digerenee in the capacity . to4kworn"
objects, and measuring their dhitance,
sad, of Zatiags43.lng colors; and
that this difference is in favor of-light r
•ci:4lpred gas.: Itacealiviagia warm 1
Aireateitisizilliliaire dark eyes, and ,
it is , said comparative l weak eyes.
This May be 'aimed fact that
they nre.unitectuthinied to,, avoidthe •
oil's; rayS,'''aro4`, consequently , their °
eyei are not - strengthened and" yer- .
bated by expoitirefp the Vit.: l and •
some persons find ni this fact au,. ox
, ition of the_ knob:kat of - tropical _
rues for bright and gaudy - colors.
Sir &din Herschel is in douht as to
whither•we can perceiee . three pri- •
mart' colors or four, and deteet their
combinations. In other words, ho
is not certain 'whether the primary
colors are red, blue,' and yellow, or
red, green, blue, and yellow. - Mr;
Strait contends th i at yellow. is .net
primary color, brica compound - of red
and green, and that green. is a pri- •
'miry and not a compound of blue
and yellow, althengh he [Omits that
these two will produce au imitation
of it.- Ha alga arses.thet white is a -
distinct and prithary color, and not,
the corebinatioriof all the colors as is ,
generally taught -
This' question is attracting some
scienti!ic.. attention* .England, in
connection with a very practical sub
ject. Some pers . :me - affect to find an
ezEilanation of the uniform success of
t.helGermans and the uniform defeat
of the 'French, in the late war, in the
fact that the former are a blue or
grey eyed people, while the latter aro
dark-eyed. Prior tp the war. it had
.: - .
been reanarked2hy , the persons charg- .
ed with inidancting the-English sol
diers andvolunteers in thel use of
arms of precision, ~ edally rifles,
that very few - dark-eyed men distill - -
pushed theintelves as , marksmen,
while the blue or eyed men prov
ed apt, pupils ethe best
shots: s And, as modern werfarii is
carried on Mainly. by " weapons of
precision," as they are- called, requir
intnectirate use to snake them effee-• .
tire, it is evident that the better 'the
marksman is, the more efficient ;sol
dier he will be. It is -mentioned, as
.11 remarkable fact, that- the first 'lca
pole= had no French riflemen in his
armies; those: whom he - employed
were, chiefly Swiss or Germans. - It
sis generally conceded that the
pot-gan is a better arm than the nee
dle-gnn; and the fact' that it did in
ferior execution in the war is thought
to be owing to the superior madman. .
ship of the hlue-eyed Germans.. This
accords with the general • exPerience_
which shows that blue, Or ,grey eyes;
as u rate; see' further and last 4onger
than black.
• r se .f\P
= posted
from Now
r 'ls found
o obi* and
Ina lecture MI the Friis of the=,
young in Brooklyn,4lev. DewittTal- •
inage said •: One class of temptation
comes from tiro, dishonest . or loose' _
,What • licipe is there - for -
.n boy . Wilolearn's in the store. That - zt
liedis c7;.ensable; that 'men - ought to •
be honest—w,lA•n it. : 'pays; that -it is
wrong 0 cheatunless . yon ' , tan •do
it Well. The boy soon learn% to cheat •
so • sharply that he is finally prOniotett
to be head elerk, • One morning. the '
- employer ~conics to the store' and
finds that the l'afe-.has - been- broken
open. MIS the. head-
. cler - :ber.-..n,
there.? Diu; and he• r •never. will lie ,
theragaiii. He has acted on no
neiv.prineiple—it 'was taught in the
store. • • : . .
There is a class of young... men in
New York and Brooklyn who are
cgled " - drituiiers." They ha;:e_
tale business —there is a lawful
way to - transaet it; and :in unlawful
way. There are mnenihers of this class
VibC) take in . erehants.froni; the West,
and the country rouncrabout,through _
the dregs . .'of the city, showing
them " hitrodueinrithem in
to ,24sinc.s anci.- - helfs Of "-vice.
There is a pri•.-ate.drawer in the store
where money is kept - torpay. the ex.-
pense of the private excursions. The..
proprietor is, perhaps, a pzOfes.sedly
religious map, and may bein a pray
ef-meeting - clerk is at work.
•What Wills result of this dissi.=,
pation to the clerk ?. Some . day he, -
will come into the _store ragged and)
drunk, and then he will be called " a
disgrace-, to the establishment," and
he will he kicked out.. Young - 114ir
of .this lissOciaticm stand round these
clerks! _ Thiconrage therd to be hon
, eat, and if honesty leads„ them to
want, put your halide. in your pock
eta and help them. Many a.yonng
man co: mmene a his dhisip4tion :ha a
fashionable dub-house and" ends in
dainnation-at the Fivli Points.
Tun MaliUN Som.—The heti mil
soul is active. It cannot be kept in
a state of rest. It must either be en
gaged in deireloing itself by constant
exercise, orbe drinking intathe cov
er-of meanness. The two spheres are
entirely separate..: The one stretches
out in - the illimitable fields of beauty
which God nifolds as it rises higher
and higher tmtil a halo of brightness,
reflected from the Divineeffulgento,
fills it withl rapturiS,and reposes filial
ly amid-the bowers- of the true, and
beautiful and the good. The other
leads downward and atones for its
laclvof intellectuality by feeding the
I b a g& passion. It Atters the first
breathings; of snsp Von, it suspects
the characpr of some one; it acts up
on this suspicion; it waits • for the ef,
feet; it takes - the effect-and makes it
a new cause, and then God pity the
victim. ` We have seen the blighting
curse of slander seize' its fair victim,
and drag , it 'down to death: There
gloating over its success like a demon
seeking now spoils,and -thus - continue
its work , until Hell . - gapiu - g - open at
est swallows up the fiend.
Lewis; in his' book "Our Girls,t!
lam tonished that -a -young svo,
Ulan who , * ambitious of a char t fine
skirt should,drink tea.: It is a great
enemy to fair \ complexion. As soon
as tea , drinkincr becomes - a regular
habit, the eye or the discriminating
observer detects ii4h the spin. It com
rornikc the' cOnaplesion,, probably,
kyy deranging the liver. Weak tea or
coffee may be used pecasion - ally,
modcrate quantity, without harm;
and those svho live-rosict\ir. the open
air, and aro occupied withliard work,-
may drink either, _in c&sidoroblo
quart ities, withottt noticoablo, hex-
15ut I ...ZVI - SC 4111 young 'wiz))
would prmerre . a suit, clear
quiet_bir, nerves, to avoid , all - drin.
sold, walt is an-mot:Bent
to diinlcene er two, glasses
water on Iying down at night, and on
rising in the morning. If yda have
good teeth E ind aka help the-food in- .
to ;bur stomach, without using tiny •
fluids, except the saliva, it wdl,ui the
long run, cniatribute much - to yotir