tadfild IttVoter* 'fiooAL AND GENERAL 2 ---.11.1" The- btu places will all be 0 c , ..,ed on tho 3 mir A mognfficenkdisplay of 'Thu; Werke on the evening of the Youth . • I j Therii will beioinisiness done: tovris 011-theith. yo„, The California, excursion way par , ti are on the home. I They 4111 probab ly mach here some time nest week. oirialet)o4olt Hose. - Company, of Elmite, are to be lbe guests et Naiad, o. 2, of this place,' on the Fourth. +y The anneal amnion of the .late - at tho L.btgl , Yates B. 8.. ems ea last . Thep visitedholm listlins, - Oetters sad kibern. They bad ssisplistillet est. and seemed to envoy ;themselves hugely. • •'_ • 6®. The bids for building UmJail . were opened on Wednesday afternoon. The bigkest bid was f 160,000, and the lowest $65,- sm. I ,Jonzt CLatr, of Elmira, wis the success. • • air An excnrsion train will leaTe Onc•gu for Towanda on Tuesday, July 4th at 7 returning *rise' at Owego at 9 pan. 'rickets will' e i sold for the round trip at _ • • sto- F.. E. Posy has our thanks for a hair-dozen bottles of English Pop, a very plea= 1 , 311 i summer, drink, manufactured, by himself and veld at Soorr's Bakery, and all the princi pal regnant& : 10 1 3- The ladies of the N.E. Church 'a Towanda, 'will furnish refreshments ,during the day and corning of July ith, 111011, In the Cosit House Hall.: Protoeds to. be applied:. to ihr`Chnreh,OrganlumL ~ re. GEopqr. 14ointr, a lad of about cars, .fell from:the:bride ore? the railroad track on.Bridgo street on Tuesidny afternoon, and received quite_a- semen) injury. His wrist Was broken, nod he:was otherwise bruised. • Oal- We regret to learn that CRAB. IlrcrEvr, of Albany township, had -bis Fled arm brain Mangled on Saturday last, by corning in con tact with a ‘ cirraliir saws Drs. _NrwTos and RAU. ct llenroeton. were called. and decided that iatvln WAS necessary. The arm was takeri off above Ihe elbow. ' e )_ .iktr‘ A new time table went i nto i I lied on the S. & E. R.R. on kiondaymorning- Isvt. Two trains are now ran daily 47.acli, way., The firsftrain loaves Towanda at:ed:3o 'a.m., nsAi andp;tirtis at 12 : 15 p. c aftcrncon train' 1::.;:t s It 3 o'clock and ro ~ sat 7. 'MA. drunken row occurred on trest On Saturday night; or rather Sunday morning last. Policeman COWELL attempted .to arFeat the offenders; goy& worst of it. Boor= in attempting tAid•ofacer Cow- ELti, also received a blow. Tli rowdies es :raped. Ahivaga,Steamer, No. 6, and Tioga loose Company, No.-7, aro, to assist in the celebration of the comkng c Fmartlx of July in To wanda, haring accepter an invitation to go to that place prrsrtdons to the arrangements haling been made to celebrate in Owego.—Gazette. vrtvELsoß Wh rerly, N.Y, have ezeaTated for Cellar `prepara tory tp bnilding a brick store adjoining their present stand. • Tnerwill o .put , up two itortea sniolir Waveily flank—iron front, and fine show_windowe:of Tingle French plate glabP.. - . • 1 stir Valley Lodge, No.-446, LO. of .F Jo( Shcshognie, hat' been re-institlited, and pir following officers elected : • B:rroan. Krosnrnr..7 S..C'y . —G. V. - -F.nwr: Goan. iffiT ; H At an election held on Tues day the fellowing,persons were made vlblirs in Tcnianda Ledko, No. WO, K. of P.: t . • R.G.-0. GoOnmtotort. • . , F. COVtli.4. ' Trustee—M. J. to:co. - Foußvi.—We_ Inv° received an invitation to be present at 'a celebration in Canker 4 eity,Kansas; on the Fourth. As we expelA a very isilerpstilig time at borne, think ne shall have to send-our regrets to Mr. Caw at:l4 i:lteusive preparations arihinaking for a C'ele - - • Liza lien a t Green Ridge, Eicrantoi,en the Fourth. , trg.. L. TAYLOR, of Granvill, his recently invented and patented ?that only rrtialde lief Loader OTOI Offerett4o tilb1,111;1C. -It et piononnced by tboltewho hire tested it to ltt• 11110 g. useful toTenti,on i , and one which is ti ~t nett to cone into universal use. f. oleo has a combined Land Roller, Seed r and Fertilizer, which should, attract the lti , M of fartue'rs. ',AI meeting of the colored ^n+ of Towasida, held In tb church June IS7I, WILLIAA Bnows was chosen chair- and I. J. livrt.mt , secretary. Resolutions passed to hohi a Grand Celebration in this go. on or abont the 15th of August, in honor ti.ep . as6age of the Fifteenth Amendment. Other notice will be given next week. • .7s; The.Gaiary for July enters its t" till volume with new and, handsome .'type. It rp rich, as usual; in prose/fiction. " Lady Ju tlitli'n tale of two'Continents;" by- Jusvitt appreiiehing its close; "Ought wo to i"l.4;t Mrs. EDWARDS, i 8 a -clever •.`oVeriand," by J.. W. De Foimsr, is cori , helt:r The Editorial Miscellanies, scienti- Ec uml bterary; are very. good. Subscription per tritium. Sum.DoN It Co., New Yolk. gEk:. By reading a notice in anoth- the reader nill see that the Mores • tail business places of Towanda are to be closed r.n:thr. coming Fourth. This agreement should carried out. The custom of closing ,*•,[•• • •:n lia4 Veen observed here for min• - , ar,t. Intrwe: learn that' of late it has ?It rrarlire. of some to open their doors happenti to request it. This is Ittawr 1.1.T1 unjust toiraryd other dealers. Give` r•-,rIP to understand-that no business will the coming Fourth, and - then strictly-to the agreement. • • 4: N.Y. RR., JULY FOURTH. - - Iliad ;gam to - the regular trains to which extra be rittacheA, there will be a spe4al trw: l L. in Cm Wyalusing and Towanda, leaving tie. P-I Hier idsce at six o'clock; s.m., and arid,- In ,g at Towanda tibont - scren, a.m., stopping IDA the ipiermedisitiiiitatiorta, and leaving TOWSI4a . frirli;l'3)llSiDg at live.o'clock, p.m._'l • I Ther•• will also be a.epocial tarrangement lm the k Erie Railway, by whieh train mil? I,'“e Detsbore at seven, a.m., aniir: ll 4 Dreands it BSe, a.m., and returning will fear° Towatida for Dushore'at fire. 1 1416 - ; WI. At a meeting of the stock• holders of Ole TOWlttldi BUiliste and /min A** sixiatictly held on, Honda' 'ereelag, by-taws 3 i ere ( adopted and • following offloent elected.: l'rrsHent—s s't 'Jr - - •1 • • •I • A . G. • • Alvord, G. D. Montan.To; Thibi„lkamona, jam 31. midani, 3 : years; ,/,14-. elioniplacy, W. 'A. ChamberifiGias: Bryant, :I. - W. Taylor;i years; G. R. H. Patch, 19.1.1, Dodge, 1 year. •, Tlu firett leatalraent its stock will be dim. and - pyabkon.the_l7th day of July. EMI D '& 7 , a visit to - annual, azi,l ihpot, a few‘days throttsh . thW P 0111 67 f e ” Stfgoti Aleut Cizeirare we wets showe ihrougb the exbetatti shell the Erie Cole === any. This :estatabthment' Shes i o X l PkTment to about six hundred men. The main building' : ia tins Imnized and twenty' fest - M %lama, alid! eight hundred feet in length, and contains 'h&j sides the shops, - suitable offices far the Supsin baldest and other officials, a spacious hall 'for' the use of employes, and s apod-sized library, room which is well supplied with good books. • A few yenta since the Erie Oinipsny gave a. large and valuable lot to the borough, *in iftdoli &large school builiitig his been 'stunned. ?capable ofseopunnodathig di Modred scitqlatu. buena duispiehanna ; Depot ti b uil t on side of the Bruatnetuuma river, and' his Inany, attractive featires. i Mr. Home gave. us a drive through the town, and we were agree. ablyourprised st the buniber of fine stores and beautiful residences to be seen. ThP,."Ottorstc,ca House." is one the best I betels bi the Ihte of the Ws Bout The table I is supplied with everything the market afibrds, Iwhile the sleeping rooms aro large and elegant ly furnished. ~tom. A correspondent . of • the Erni ra Advertiser, writing from Troy, eve: . town - has been thieuged the past Jlrt night with visitors to our Springs. Several hun dred strangers registered at our famous , hotel last week. Many editors and wise doctorwpar took of Judge Lames cos quality, and went their iway - rejoicing. The pl. glades" gave their un solicited testimony to the abundant curetive properties °tour mineral waters. CC —We had the pleasure of viewing ir few . days since an ezquisito,pabitingef the scenery of Ar menia Glen, exec uted by B.Y. - Buzau of this place. For fine tone and harmonlmis blending of tints, this painting. will compare favorably with many efforts of more pretentious artists. The Glen, from which this View was taken, is located one mile distant from this town ; con tains three beautiful falls, is ono mile in length, and when known bids tar to rival Watkins and Havana gorges. —Our EMe House and-Lockapvillte com pleted in sixty days. Gentlemen troubled with congestion of the brain, will then be aceommo. dated with cool apartments and cold water ap. plicationa. —Thp beautiful mansion of S. W. PONIMOT is rapidly approaching completion. Mr. Pons , nor deserves the thanks of our citizens for his public enterprise and efforts to enhance the beauty and attractiveness of our little sown. For many years a resident of Bradford covmt. helic has ever been forward and first in every pub . , 'lnn Footers Li TOWA'SDA.-Our na tion's natal day will be appropriately celebrated in this place by the Odd. Fellows, firemen of this and neighboring places participating. The committee of arrangements have spared neither pains nor expense'to render it ono of the most imposing demonstrations °Ter witnessed in Northern Penturylearda. Tho procession, under command of Grand Marshal, Gee. 7i. J. Manua., will be termed as follows . First Licision.—The Fire Dapartment of To wanda and their invited guests from Elmira and Owego, ender .command of Assistant Marshal MaituL,Ern Second Dirision.—Lodges from Tunkban nook, Granville Centro,,lcaw Albany, Mcshop pen, Wyalnaing, Shealieljnin and Laceirille, der command of Assistant Marshal Cluing. Third Dicision.—Ledgcs from Troy, Canton, Waverly, Emirs, Binghamton, Wilkes-Barre and Towanda; tindOr command of Assiatan Marshal l'ErEnsoN. Encampments from Can Un, Warerly, and Wyalusini, will occupy their proper place In the linti; also bandi from El mira, Owt..!;go, Lellaystille, and Tankhanmxii. The proecasion will form on Parkland 'Main btreetn, at the zinging of the Cu_nrt }Souse bell, at 11:15 a.m., precisely, and move at 12 in., over the following route: tip Main street to Locust, up Locust to York avenue, down York avenue toldain, down Main to Lombard, itikLombard to Second, down Sec ond to Grant, down Grant to Main, qp Main to Public Sipiare, - when the procession will Like - aeats and listerato an address. DAUXZA, Or New York, After the address the column will re-form and march rip Pine t;treet to Third, np Third to Lombard, out Lombard to Chestnut, thence to the Grove Of Wm. Mix, where, the Odd Fellows and Firemen still'-. find dinner prepared for them. After partaking of dinner they will again re-form and march do7n Chestnut to Main, ,down Main-to I'ublic Stmare, when the column will be dismissed, .-- A trial of lire engines is expected to take place about 4 p.m. ' - .Cannon will 1)9 in charge of-Capt. T. B. CAMP. A salutt of one gnu at midnight, a National Sa inte of thirteen guns at sunrise, a salute of thir ty-seven guns at 10 o'clock, a.m., and firing at stated intervals during the entire day. I=l • We clip the following items from the Athena Gleaner : —The Bradford County Medical Society held an adjourned meeting ou the 13th inat., at the Troy House, iu the village of Troy. The Presi dent of the Society being abs.eut, Dr. E.—A. Evr.r.rrr was 'elected President pro fen,. On thotion,-Dra. It. A. ELT, of gurlington, and J. E. Ilocliwum.,(..f Troy, were elected mem bers of the Society and took their seats. Dr. G. F. lionros read an interesting paper of a Cast: Ctl what seemed to be .'4eplira )oa. SeVerkl other cases were related orally. A committee was appointed, consisting of Dra. Donvos and MILLs, to write an obituary on the.death of Dr. E: 11. Masos. - ‘ The c;'animittee reported the: re suit of their labors, which *as received and or dered to be embodied in the sanitary report to the State Medical Society for publication. Drs. •G. F. Howros, EDWAUD IRILLA, R. IL Et.r, EvErayr and F. P. Am.Es were appointed delegates to attend the State Medical Society. Dr. E. P. ALLEN was appointed to make the report to the State Society. On motion thc Se cietY adjourned. - E. P. AL .EN, See . y. —O. I'. Baularin, of Troy, is putting up' a ,dwelling-house on land just west of Taos. MAE wr-Lis house : A portion of the building is to be made into a store. Mr. BALLARD has suffer ed largely by flies at different •times, having) been the recipient of some ten of those warm -receptions, the lap of which deprired him of house and home.' • —At a }Ate Sunday-School Convention in -Morseheada, we notice that our townsman, D. 1. Faux, read an essay on "The Teacher Be fore his Class," which is spoken of by the re porter as "full of wit and humor, and at . the same time pregnant with - - the most vital and practical truth." . --Jons CC. CnanimaLantrof Sheshequin, has a heifer two years old only, ,shied of milk at a milking, makingl,43 lbs. per day. Who can produce a two-year-old that will . beat this? t -- ---• dir•--' _se. We did not aceompnny the editorial excursiouists en their trip 'to Virginia, but last week in company with a small party c ladies and gentlemen of this place, Made a short hip . to . Watkins, Geneva, Auburn, Sc, The party consisted of Col. E. OVER TON, Ju., and wife, Toro; D. Mosraavr. and wife, 'Mrs. Ina D. Hrairnumr, and the writer and wife. We left Towanda on. Thursday afternoon and remained in 'Watkins overnight. In;the morning we took k stroll through the Gbm, and came to thecon elusion that a previous visit had not disclosed halt the beauties of this Wonderful spot. The walks and stairs are keptiin good order and neatly'swept. The "Glen Mountain -House" has been enlarged and placed under the super. vision of au cape:itneed - and gentlemanly an• perintendent, who evidently "knows how to k'Scp a hotel." After partaideg cif some refresh ments, we proceeded to explore the upper Gleu, which has manymore attractions than the first. bc: much has been said in praise Of this place, that It is unLecessary for ns to multiply words in recommending It to pleasure seekers. It is pronounced by all to be one of the grandest "places on the Fontinent. After "doing" the Olen we cfasseil Seneca Like In the Onondaga, one of the magnitident steamers owned by the Morris Ewa Post Co.. The day was pleasant and the ride enjoyed by all. On arriving at Auburn the. ladies of the party exprialsod &great desire to see the inside of the State'. prison lo cated there. On making some inquiries in re gard to it, they were informed by the hackman thatit was too late ; "but," said dela:, "if you hive friends there, I have no doubt you will be alloWed to lied' them." Making our way to. tho prison wo Were politely told by the agent that the boarders had all retired and the es tablishment was closed. ()n being told by one •of our ladles that we were to leave on an early _train in the morning, and that she "bad come • all the way to Auburn to soli the inside of the prison," Mr. Iloss, the agent, very kindly ac companted us through the establishment, show ing everything of interest except the convicts, rind invited us to call at pis o'clock in the morn ing and see them all at-breakfale. .TtIO prison occupies ton saes of ground and has accommodations for thirteen hundred men. There were nine hundred and seventy-one - at the time of our visit, and another one was brought in that evening. • Mr. 800 informed *that the men tit the most part seemed cow tentei, and that no trouble had ever been ex- perienood with that& ¶1 are kindly treated' an well fed. Oar party paid f,seamild i gt,o it Wader women vesw. rimy et the convicts at work. Taken tt.' tellbek itege Icickkbpa II We. 14'111100 foe the train on the & C. H. rt. *. , feel- Lug ourselves under _way obllizatons.lll .8.84 ticamarteiles anti attentions ns.- He is evidently the right man in the right! place. The . compact Imre hospitably enter tained at the FIB Brook Ham, bz Watkins and the St. James, In Intarn. We take plea fln remmunconlipg, the gentlemanlyezzad ging-pmprietorset &Me hotils *Pewit - dr lie..; The trip was ucomplishod without the oe eurrenee of anything to mar the pluasure, of tbeamasion. Cat. Oix:Fr= l btleigegYe expedition, seemed to enjoy the trip and oon tributed much to the good cheer Which prorail ed. The trip was plouant 'without being tiro. some. • IN THE COUNTRY--A NIGHT AT OAR, Ilna.,",Wrainteso Tawirsase--On Tat WWI AID Arren'Aartmu,7-A Gmiants "Horn WAR* Ma," &c,—How true that "Kan made the city, but God the country.' "Tbeutniiendotur e.reld teetund pile, the intrickte canting, the mate masteistroke of man, all become most insigni ficant when compared watt the wooderftd ban :diwork of God as `found in the country—the mountain, the galley, tits umbrageous' trees, the sweet-scented dowers, herbs and grasses. —Taking the doio train on Stittsz tiftegPoce lapt, we arrived it Rummerfield in tine season, where we were Compelled to "wail the arrival of a conveyance to carry our party to its desti nation—about' a par sad a-half distipst on. sr.th• "Frenchtown 'Mountain." We repaired to the hotel, once owned and kept by our worthy townsman, az Sheriff Wm. Gums; atid were cordially welcomed by Its present L peopriekir, Pyres. Luc:mass* forierly of Wilkes-Barre. He is a genial, loquacious Teuton, and endea vors tii do all in his power to render the stay of his guests pleasant and 'agreesige. Hisuxit's band, of Towanda, being of the party, two were shown into the parlor, and the band invited to play. Mr. Wx. &mixt' asked 'Mr. L. how it was that, being a Berman, ho bad never learn. ed music ? Mr. L. replied: "My father always wanted me to become • musician, buil' object ed on tho SToWnd that all the mtudtians I bad ever seen or known were a set of blockheads and didn't know anything else. I wanted lobe a blacksmith, and he accordingly gratified my wish in that respect." On opening the blinds in the cozy parlor, kr: L. remarked, "Mr. drums built this house ; there is nothing half way about it "—which I. evidently true, judging fronithe appearanoe of his elegant residence in Towanda. After the baud had performed a fait pieces to the apparent jatisfaction of the inmates of the house, among whom wore some ladles andchil dren from Wilkes-Barre, we wore invited to seats on the pleasant portico and entertained for an hour by the cheerful conversation of Mr. Lam:tam:sea, who discoursed of his children, dogs, and other subjects. His second son run- . ning by at ono moment, he said —"That is a great boy ; he won't work, though ; all ho will be good for will Le to bay and sell tattle. Ilt is a good judge of cattle. He is chasing 'bees now ; confound them bees} I don't like 'em. He'll chase them bee s fifty miles, but he won't work. Ile planted some melons last year be hind the barn and took the best of care of them, and they were growing nicely. I said, • Prran, whose melons are these? who dtd this?' I'm- Tee. replied, 'These are trible,' father.' But ho won't work yhe must bay and sell cattle." A couple of dogs—an English holland a shepherd —came up just then. "That is an English bull dog five years.old; I like the other one the best; though,•whieh is a shepherd. He will go over there and get the cows, hilt he teon't go if he don't think they there. I teb yon, them dogs know more than you think they do." • And thus he garrulously ran on until the ar rival of our cheerful, genial, hospitable host, Mr. JAILER Do:totter., no doubt a worthy des- 'eendetat of that famous and ancient family, dia ting-nished in Irish history for their many gcxat and honorable faits—the O'Dottoutia. His residence being but a short mile and a-hall' Up the mountain, the party concluded to slowly make the ascent on foot. About midway np, the vie', looking across the riser into French-' :town, is grand. The western sun throwing his slanting rays upon thisbeantifullandicape, was like ilacing "apples of gold in pictures of sil 'yen". -The silvery, serpentine Susquehanna at i our feet—a little further on the L.u•oure home- stead,' with the silent, solitary monument which marks the resting-place, we'snppose, of the el der LAPOItTL, stinding'ont in bold . .rebef--th broad, frnt , trions screw of Hon. 11.. LAIVIITE„ with the opposite mocintkiii iii the background, served to makou most delectable picture. - On this monutain height the band awakened the long silent echoes to. sweet strains of music, which Aldo roused shoats from 'parties on the opposite Tede of the ever that made , the welkin ring. Perhaps similar music had never been made in that spot before. We finally arrived at Mr. Do:conre's, where we were gracefully and welcomely received by Miss DoNonrh, a sister to our host. A seb 'stantial and bountiful repast was placed before us, the greater portion o which speedily dia -1 appeared before the vigorous appetites that at- I tacked it. A (tiger and neighborly conversation occupied the intervening time before the hour for festivities attendant upon a genuine, old fashioned "housewarming," which was to take place on that evening. Me. D.;who is a well= to-do and industrious young farmer, has just had enclosed a roomy and convenient dwelling, and the young mon and maidens from far and near had/teen invited. to lend their presence and aid in dedicating it:for future use. They came fitxn all ,directicins—rolmst, intelligent young men, and fresh, "clover-fed,"handaorne, healthful damsels—and at in early hour danc ing.commenced, which was continued, witt.out an unpleasant event of any kind fto mar the en joyment, until grey streaks in the east betoken ed the near approach of the day-god to shed his overtopping and circumambient beams up on earth's toemingartininws —We noticed among other things a promia ing.young limb of the law from Towanda in it tendance, and quietly thought it was it strange place and occasion in which to do Angle-ins. We trust he may not be Foyle-d, however, in any rightful undertaking. - The locality is called "Oak. Hill," and is 4n• Wyalusing township. The land is well improv ed, and the crops obserrable look promising. We also had an interview with our old friend and comrade, Trren Sums, who after many, veins' service 'for the "Gaited States, appears hardy and hearty. —ln the morning, walking down the moun tain, drinking in its charming sights, cheerful sothels, dewy sweets and fragrant odors, with eye, car and nostril, *é could not help en in- . nate longing for home In the conntrg, far-from the din and bustle of city life. • VERDV.ICT. B RADFOItD COUNTY TRAc.iiin'S ASBO marmx.—Thio third quarterly meeting of this Assc elation Was held in Troy, on Friday and Sabatvlay;Jrine 9 and 10. . The following is a brief account of the proceedings s• Friday, June 9.--The Association assembled at 40:3E1 a.m., in the beautiful and commodious school building. After reading of the Scrip tures and prtOor by Mr. Wentz, the President appointed the Corresponding Secretary to- act 44 Recording Secretary in the absence of Kiss Darns. Minutes"! last meeting read and ap proved. - . • The Business Committee presented the fol lowing topics and resolutions for consideration: 1. What are tbecanseeof the declining health of pupils, and the remedies? What are the prominent causes "of Mire in teacing ? par 3. how can the cordial co-operation of • ents be best secured? !.'Whit are some of the best modes of pre venting tardiness, and seenripg regular atten dance at school? S. What are some of the beat modes orinspir lug pupils with enthusiasm in study, and culti venue habits of self-teliance ? 8. In what way can a teacher best impart moral instruction in School? . 7. Resolved, That the time for morning and efterrioen recess ought to be extended to 72 minutes in the summer semen. 8. Resolved, That the action of the Legisla ture in taking =cascara to prevent the too fre quent change of textt,books, meets with our hearty approbation. Adjourned till 1:30 p.m. • At 1:30, Prof. EL H. Muttoi opened the dis cussion of first question ; wasiolloVed by L Mc- Pherson, who objected to the remarks of the late speaker, not conceding that the health of pupils s declining. - Mr. Dean believed the mind 'mitt tired by action, bat that the pupil was wearied and dim coursged.by long terms of school, long daily sessions, and the presentation of too many ant. pets at one time; that the people bad not ar 7 rived at a proper ratdesstanding of mental cul ture. Prof. O. W. the whohr . Zr erii in t ok: • Btis :Mos et Wm esloomeso 4seqpie - 1 6 ° 0-1 04120 6. 01 4 44 12 ~V 1 f* habil ih.tf === ' h7 4 4= s til 04 71 " 3 " *Shred the tate u utheftletohe euthrmat Of the tpus. lion : Reacired, That tesehers should bo careful of the health of scholars. ._ • • Ii was adopbid. • ' After recess and ran*, bdt Button Intro &iced I,loblrd topic, which wanably,dlaenseed by News; libber, Ryan, Itneney, Watson and. linttuanon, expeaieneca were Mated. many wile remarks let falkinterrating toliaten era ; ilt of which will prove unit& to lens "ex perienced techeri. . Adjourned tin 730 pas: Met pprinatit to oidjottrameilL After music and answering - Of queries., Miss Howland reed "Dlastertatian tin Bout Pig," by . Charles Lamb.. Miss reekhain followed with an interesting essay—subject, "The World bet ter now than ever before." • Miss Kate Adams atteu recited " The Bell of Ate: after which Prof. L. D. Watson war - introduced and deliv ered a Ane discourse upon the "Elements of a Successful Charsketer." 'Adjourned till Saturday at 8 'a.m., Eintorday, Arne 10.—After the devotional es-i ereises were conducted by Prof. Hutton, the! -Treasurer's report area road. , Committee on Membership reported the fol lowing new members : Mimeos Mary.a. Parsons, Mary Ballard, Laura McClelland, Mary Hunt, Sarah Ayres, Mary E. Zullock, Laura Cornell, Kate Adams, Mary E. Smith, Sarah E. Ballard, Nettie WillottrOuid G. W. Ryan. Appointments for next session made as fol low. Zedurer:4tar. Geo. Landon ; Alternote —Rev. —• Gilbert, of potterrille ; Declaimers— :asses P. Coburn and Frank Chaffee ; Beadily '—Annie Baldwin, Helen Brister; Essayists-- Ella H. Payson; Lottie Back. Buiriness nlittee—P. H. Back, B. W. Little, J. B. Marsh, leas A. V. Eilsereirth, Kiss Louie Bosworth. Topic 5 was then discussed by A. A. Beesley, G. W. Ryan, H. E. ritcher, L McPherson, ILO es Howland, Witham, Kellogg, Peckham and may P.osobation 8 discussed by Prot. liyan,7L Mc- Pherson, J. B. Guild and A. A. Keeney. Adopt ed. Resolution 7 discusatd by IL E. Pitcher, A. A. Keeney, G. W. Ryan. Ladd im the table. Resolution 9: Resoleeck That the thanks of this Association artidue,suid ars hereby tendered to Prof. L. D. Watson the his instractive and practical address; also to the instructors and people oflW/we for the conveniences, cordiality and extended to us during the present session. Unanaimuly adopted. Adjourned to meet in Laney/villa the second Friday and Saturday in September. 11. E. Prreuxa, President. IL A. Pear; Coe. Sec.' BIIUMI LOCAL. „, , LAArss.--Yery choir) rut - .1. - Amon 41: CO :S. We, the undersigned, business taws and Irma of the Bwrough of Towanda, do agreo to close dud (cep closed our respect lie placeis of business on Tuesday, the 4th Jay of J 41 13 08 7/• First:National Dank, • D. Sullivan, Marshall Brothers, J. Huguenin, J. 8. Allyn Fe Co.. Taylor h. Gore, Humithrey Bros., - W. A. Chamberlin,' Powell h Co., Jna. W. Goodwin, . A. F. Baldwin, R. A. Penes & Co., A. IL Warner, G. F. Mason h., Co., Chas. F. Cross, Merennalank. W. S. Kinney, J. 0. Froei Sane, M. J. Long, Taylor & Co., Ridgeway A Ercrctt, Montanyes, - IL Lewis & Son, Alex. Solomon, Geo.L. Keeler, H. Jacobs, Cowell h Myer, Evans A Hildrclb, J. Carroll hi • Rosenfield Wohl, H. HAMS, Ac., ac., Ac. J. Beidlcznan, Foa RENT.—A:Barn on Main stree Enquire at this office. 1151... Plain black and striped Gr.en adines, just resvired at taws' OM. Two. good houses for rent low Enquire utOrarrox h Eu.nnEr.. ,Bargaina in White. Piques, at -TATIDE C.,:arrrs..—Complete stock at T.» • Lon 16.. White Linen for snits,nt TAY • eta- Neiv Stripe Percales, at TAT COs. Val" Bargains -in Cotton Goods his week, at TATUM tV 16. TSYLOiI IL Cu. are selling the American AA at a rectum; prier. M. White Grenedine anti Sbe and Shawls, net openvd at TANLon. Bkck Lustre Lining for (imagines U se- Satin Stripe Piques, large steel at roJaced prices at TAYLOR war Guipure Laces, new and choice Patterns Just re:calved at TAYLOD h CM'S. _ b. liihite Nainsooks and Victoria Lawns at Tsrunt Co.'s. IS- The new "Tessa Linen," for atjAncia h. Co.'s!' tor D. is the duty of every wise and peadent.werchant to protect himseltagainst loss by fire with staple insuraticO, and to ware his books likewise fa s good firematsafe. Bach are Martin It Co.'s, sold by Cooraso; Buss= Stir Brown and Bar Limns, also Gram Cloths, for fruits, at ETINS Itumurrn's. Juno 22-2 tr. te - Piqua, reicales, and a full line of Lawns and light Prints,. at Jow Eva:cs t Tlttonmes. Str• A large assortment of Mar &sales Counterpanes for salo - et2esp, by "June 22--2 w. ETAXI ti HILDHETtI. z A hill assortment of Victoria .I.owns, Stripe and Corded lifludins for white snits, at . Estes h , Ha,DtaanS► lime 22-2 w. • • • WICKHAM 43r, BLACK have s spirnaid assortment , of Ere Works for the All of the new designs in this line, Including the magnideent 'Balloon &rift. Whmo.—:Tour or fire good farm hands, to wttoto•stet* emploTment and good pay wfll be given. • Mater, Pa., June 28, 1871. ge‘. trim Jorne Km-ostm offers her fino selection of Mllinery and Fancy Goods for sale at cost, andvequesta all persons in- dehted to her to,ealliiind promptly settle their accounts. Forms or ArLy.---All the arrmige meats are made 'tor the ()rand Ball to come off July 4th. at Itnictra's BAIL The committee hare becticuattring in their efforts to make . it the pitttp. -et Mir& the .shwa. Tickets out &Bin 'Ds Saki at Foil= .1 . Tan* Dine Moro. Only a limited number will bo sold. agi: J. 0. Faeci. & Goys being pa triotic.cniscer, their immense Furniture Estab ishment will accordingly be eksiod oo the Fourth of July. - This is therefore to give, nog. do; that 'anybody who degree any articlo Inndtstrimbeap ma,; call en any other day in Use week (except lliniday) and be c o ifed. ... ter — CECOM is a paradox, as he is a wiry groodta:rod tel/ow. aud also has one of the largest asioetinente of Books andatationary to be fOcamiasywbere. lie blertrieetas a flea etr; agleam Wary, and any quaatity a wall pipet and "dew shades. - rw=2 stir Farmers in want , of Mo • Kul "' Thms V d zi M* tfr Banks, CUppar, go, Ohio and B • M l owers and Bcapm.and izan A. nA kieih / ul•-• aS Threshers. Mid demo= -at . mantra Omni* Bonaiati?frCe.la... ,1.1 Ma. Tar' ' tbi tironnlal from okti. zArlx-rr, Eaq, ProPri 6 to roundry Timarals, l'a. - a. Z. IhroantiPrbef ra cm since, and as gket;) good ratiaaction. would not hate , lionglil a metiints with ' a coin blued pica on it at all,.and PO was sell pleased; to find a machine ontaido the combination wine 4 his ProyM4 fn ttiyjuAgnienti:4l4l#llruitit.i The dtfretenee in the price I conatikit 110_,M1101 money aimed.- Wo hare usea machhies IA OClri faMl4_llll44, pios; ant j ar ta e ltelje them. but my daughters Am er tegard : T • r XICITA-V3Zre: Arne ts, p7l. tt M A r ?• 7 3161113-11ILLLY.--Ou the 16th — int t.,13: floc. T. Thomas, Joseph. T. Morris of Leltaisrille, - and Ella L. ' '• ALLMI—MrK.EA.N.—In Canton, Jnno 14, 1971, at.tho rosidessoo of L 4 Dewitt, F,sq., by LOT. C. Dean, Ferdinand Allen, Esq., of Wysom, la., awl D.sio-5k14 , 1 21/4 • 991 , ca 4 74 9 1 1 12, •- 'fterinionsweem=i - STEPHEi:I3()X:-Lliyih pyr;ritle".l4, l lB7l, of disease tho - ,111:10, Anlstasti,yotulgest daughter of W. E4'ond 'ferrets% Stephenson, aged 11 months. - I,lLlTo3l—ln'lltel Cold, hens 72,1871, Of e.e,a sumptton, after a Lingering tllnciss o ton mouths,Duma M., - wife of §.ll Lay. •-, aged 24 years. 4 -' 1!•~4l`1 *J HAuRIS, Merchant• Tai eircet. L 0. 0. special meeting .of Bradford Lodge, No. le, will be held their hall this (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. Busi ness of importance. Full atteuditheo is desir ed. Ili OuDzi.or Loixlr.. A. D. Ilanento, Seey. Norzcz.—All peisons indebted to the subscriber; either by noto or book'acconnt, will please settle the same immeclistcl r, or costs will bo mach• C. S. TAxwa. Standing Stone, June4o,lS7l. Itßir Buy th© Keystone Churn Pow er. For aslo by Com:co, ItrssuA: F: Co. . April 2G, 1571—if. FOrtall Or JULY!—AII aro iii ; vited to attend a Danco M ttio Holcomb Ilonse, Le- Roy Pa., - Tnesday evening, July 4, 1,3714 —A gen Oral Invitation is extended. ‘• Smlth'it Cotl.l - Band" has been encagvil for the occasion. Dill, 2.50. C. p. nor, .ox:n, Prop:it:A.lr. Jane 15 IS7I. Or.o.km AND 'SIELODLONS.— We areiSellinp,..first-claes Pianos, Organs and Melodeons at reduced prices and on ea,v t;•rinA. Ferrous who axe in an or a gootl,instituntbt, will find it greatly to their advantage to r,h.v a call before purchasing els' where. l'Ass tot d Co.. ` • Towr.uda, Pa. Jan. IS, IS7I. •Fon.SALE.—A dwelling:louse and roar acres of land in Canton rborough, near del pQt, with a ntuubtir of fruit trics tticrcon. very desirable location. Turms'esity. Applito Jona 31Entiirrn, W. Towanl.t, Jnne 22, P•iil—tf. WILL 13H SOLD CIILIAT!.-A first-class Opcn Buggy with poly end shafts. Searly m•w and in good cow:ltt.•Q, Cost i'2o!) --will be 84dd Apply to 11. Sr. 11::A: Co., Carriage - V. or at the nfice riff Va Jwie 14, 1'.71 MB: The citizens of Herrick snd vicinity nil held a Febtival in the grove or Ur. I)urand, on the Fourth of July nett, ice cream, strawbernes, sod other eatableht, and speaking by the. ;prii,(, - , gr:•,dll.7.tes fayette. PrJeeed:4 bf, go P.: repairs of "the clinr , -11 and purrounlngg" ;:err sail order of tholeotntnittee. Jane '22, 14371-2 n.. FOrrtT:t OF JULY CELLTRATIoN I— nv anniversary 'of the Declaration of Inde pendence V.ill he eelebrated nt Rome, l'n., on July -1, 1871. (ko. Landon has tift.ii en ghged as orator of tht, oar. ent,•rtaining programme is promised. .All arc etd - dltily in vited to attend. Ity orikr c tl.t: Commlttts.... June 14, 1871.-3 !Et. Croquet sets hd" sz le, ver 4.1 W. June 7. 1371. On, rn• VAN VELSOIt 31ANNtl:S. chrO:t T:111•6, :Ind Cap, I'r.:l3ishin:z Noy 3. 1871 • tVl.llr.Lins S. 11.As9s, a I graduate of Lyons 3lnsicrtl AcsAemr,loff , r4 11,1• serviecs as teacher Of Piano eontar. Lor,reners S. IT. Slicrirood. A.M., Lyons, N.Y.; Wm. Dit trich, Towand3. - Jlir. 19, 1571—tr., Fon Rl2crt-- 7 -Tlie dwelling north of Episcopal iyarsonage. Snr gAraen and enty of fruit. En.n'.r t'tt rton 'Elsbree. Sit! 3 15i 1. Noxicz.—Our quarter y sottlemen Rill commouct. July lei sad routintte to ,10th We hope onr eusioniers will look to it. All book accounts mast ~ ,t tled by cash, or notes on interest will be charqed, on book. Some have failed to settlo in January, also in Apra. We Lore the: , wilt took to it and save costs ; we must haNe our books settled.: Rome notes are past due and mitst be paid. We can't do lmel ness without capital.wrizrrt - A LVSDON. •. Campton n, Jung 21; 1871-4,-. COUNIT Co: aussimien.—The name of Eruazt B. Moon; of Miter, trill be present ed to the twit Republican County Contention as a candidate for County Commissioner. Mr; Moont has been an earnest workingllepnblican ever since the orgr.nization of the Party, and has never before asked any office. The finances of the county would be faithfully and economi cally managed by him. Flo is a man of eaccilent Judgment and wordd make a good lofkleer. Re has been disabled from perfo ;mutual 14- bor for the past two years from tha °fleets of an injury. Iforoover, the township of Ulster has not had a candidate for any office for over thirty years. - Ussran Towsurtr. THE Biwa Two Will= Lois . 'This mower is in the -market as a: competitor with all other Mowers for the patronage of the farming public. It has got to stand or fall up-' on tta own merits ;and, Of.:,eotlTBo, I s ready to meet any or allot' its comPentors in fair and honorable trial, "to trytitles,* in any kind of grass, or upon any kind of surface. Messrs. Kinney Watkins, agents for The Tonng Warrior, hare Particularly challenged the Two Wheel Kirby to meet it In trial. I shell be pleased to gratify them. Being the chal lenged party. I hare the right to choose time and place for trial ; but will only ask that the triallic held as near Towanda n possible, ('&a the center of the county). abaci the largest number of our farmers can attend,; outliortriso Mews. K. k W. may chime their otin time and ground. The lairhy ,does not'claange t but is willin to.meet an Mower in fair trial. Price of Mower. 4 factB inches cut,lloo. It. M. General Ageat. • Towanda, Jane Jr, LS7I.-11. •.• •• • react; that,,it is agai# reoci ta caution the & M e te* trod ft.d. against the many wws- 4, related fleety by soma travelingrmrsery agents representing Kew Tort nurseries, about apple and other tires.' 'thieldr. Stash, in Par ticular, repreSents that my "apple. trees are lousy," etc. All statementa of the like are' ton tally false. I noed not =intim tlt es = against patronizing any agents Front's Watkins (N. Y.) Nureel7. ' 0 .1 0 e 0 1 310 in this county have dealt wit ti raid prost's agents before, and ought to know them by this , time. I hare 8,000 to 10000 4 years 0111 app le tenet as tine as any in the -State. Daring Vlis coming fall and winter, Clark Willson amid. W. 'Northrup will canTSPS for orders and wilt dchs cr nothing but brat Class Xibtrantidll/ 4 4: ' Bk, WILIAXS. Towanda, Pi., Jane 19 1871. . _ A. B. Sxrnt Vir Messrs.Km - Nry k WAtrets Sirs : Asy on express a desire through the coao te papers to eAibit and compote at , a trial 4 lilowg Machines ancirhere •• Eastern Brailo ford, I take this method to inform you that_ it. will be *pleasure to MC'ttiraist - t. yon, nod ths3 an opportunity may be afforded to as many "si possible to witness said trial I will name two to era: Pike and Athens, ouShetthaqs*. Vir ac ifi s aesignita exact locality soon - abd Imp* aoy days that may tie as-rexable pod about the first of the hikting saasoM I As we' mean business, I shall insist that, the fel:oing Wats. and pouits be considered and repatted:mputtif and as many more as you may see tlt to' d no ,t ‘r -• . • -` -:)1 1 51 1 ., I. That each maeldnii - shall'aut lint lasi two acre* 2 gamier in which work is actionipllslieiL 3. Condition of machin# .. ostat yrhafteolllF plated. - • . • ' 4: Time' oeenpscd. 5. Draft to be te5b,^.1.14.4112=031- GenOnd eetnitenetiori. ' F. ( 7. Material Used (the _ othcr,machlnes toting erst-stv.ol 151" makable end wren ;ht iron nd tiinloa ' wront 1;04 placeof cast A,4buity of bar by whadallaigliiet is regulated at Will of drirer without stoppti. team.•• -- • • la which di:aft Isapplied. -- 9. Manner t... 10. Ability to pick going in • u1 : 1- Qi4 P o 7tht aa any diroctical. ram: :' •Isrt Wsus, :- - Awe. Clipper IL* 1100,... ' Spring Wil, June 10, 1871,,-Irr. , - t` 'A. 4 ; 7 4 et 1r § • lit 'Y • _7:l swa_ - vas .1r . . - 4.0 :shun= • -••• pager, Um no , markiiirtraailArg=tesen *it the New or users_ es, , Mr. M. Welles' frutlang4 0 flipplt.troes, as stated in the anion° 22, that are not strictly true and sanctionsd * :,'. V.SMAIM I = I .. ;. . a.S; y • es, we ino so to do. Tbiso244olt_PDOSS*Wrataitifi riX ple . of Bradt county are well aware tnat it is unpoSsibl c W i culazzia ss i fil lbr er- oni brap fu all or any of branches.' i - Mr. Wellos spooks el roman ti made h 7. s old a ll owi gaconce t orlOmile4 6001 -1 * can only say that wehate eioselyloxaminell, his =MIMI lit*MOS thioniin 1 4 Welies desires loho a suuceso - ' - it no Wean- duct that branch of business in such a mane -, that ho can sell on merit rather than •by pub i - • cation. It is well known that the Now ' ork 241"1 4 " & 2 1 (1" V i r• i' trees. o . to sa f:P pa , •• . •II - • =humeri S _that ore tniutte, is ' 'to ono , branchiof business for a number of years (an that bnidnoss ono ishink toms-is sr /tido and . pleasure-to advande) places in our pessession feast et lixetieo anrittsd kuowl, the ••• . 7Silbfib iiii WW2 itiaks 'i E now customers tAtate. The excellent quali ty of our pr ',slug .knoism we hope you will beldrid"Ono ei to iddreniryour no orders, which will be tilled with' the _greaten • lore storthOlobstlxinlideut hofcref~ • tire sathdaction t to. us, , • Ilepui kt-PtiV uot • urtessorrWristelinsitt,'repty-tot* • runts that Mr. Vicllestir ;t° -e- • lisbcd, we are, ' •"..Yetprespee - Anmvri or Nnw Yonx Noism'am. - j! m ° 2 4' : _'2,tiClT `,.0 - 14:,Xfril , , Atitretegreat T.. '3-'7 No: 1. ire,t i ,- 7.711 SA Beautiful Japanaio'Silks, Bich Black Silks, Rich' Poplins, NcKv Sergo,` Handsome Ybiads, • Ww 2 . l roPlint elLultlsome GmLis,. Ch , ;:tp White Linens zatsi Napkins, White 000th4, Fancy . Goods, nib was 1144 l'iduagB. Cloths and Cassimeres, Cottonades and Checks, IMEI=I Yankee Notium, hosier} atifi Glove, ad Broad tret.t, erly, N.Y Hats and Caps, Ladies Cehihlreii'S Shoes, Cariwts awl OIL Sheeting and Shirtings, Prints and Ginglawns, =RI U (-) IT VIE at Taylor Z.: Co.'s. . . id Taylor iSt. at Taylor & Co.'s; at Taylor & th.'s. =EI at Taylor & Co.'s. at Taylor, k to:g Titylvr,S; ; CU:A at Tavlur 't4lor & Co.'s !MI Tz.lur Cu'.s. at Taylur..S; at• Tnt•lur Co at Tavlur k Co.'s at Taylor at Taylor 4: Cu at Tavlur A; Taylur Co.'s at Taylor k'Co at Taylor & Co.'s. at Taylor & Co.'ks at Taylor A: a,t Taylor & Co. a .• at Taylor d; ALL FINDS .OF DRY`6-oOb. AT BARGAINS TAYLOR & CO Towanda, Aped.l2, 1811 THRESHING MACHINERY ciirwr THE ElEs;r.f. The albseralde u ILussifactsiroia' General Ibgcni, offers tho Farriers of Dralford find adjoining round' s, a Tull lint ot . - tiLLIAI3I+4S.I) Fkß IING•_1 Ace E. 4 AX000111 , ' ,.. 1119i/allb •11170. , _ • SfS=DID fiCluy MEDIU ONE - MITI, AN - 13vintEE norsE RAILWAY Pe)WER 4 3; TRRESUERS AND CLEINEM, CELIZIWED WSDLESS UM= l'OnlaiS, TIMEDS 1.7.(D WMOITED.S. yarlienithe , best - IreretriPeiret,; el. the 'belt Theeihheasiteheeeee;ur the very beet Coulasi 4 VON El= of • • . . .THRFAITING 314.011NE5, sj, J Be Fore to rill upon \Scums. word to the wise " is. (or ocottr To az.) sutnetent." sidigeriber trirc_badrU Sides szysidenoe /11 the Threshing Mudd= trsda and is posted. Sample Powers, Threshers, and Cleiners mill be on exhiblUon from July Ist SEXD ron Cport•LATI , or, f_Ccurb ... 4no szn rot. ioraaass'•' M.' -.WEEMS Towanda. June 28, 1871. • Ai= ARY N'OTICE. QVAN.Tras,l3tb..Diilsio . a NatiOtal (Mir& of Peon's. Compri.‘ing the counties_ of Bradford, Vega, and Snllisaa .? - • ; 0 et. ' Mlles wishing to ormairecMilitary companies. should; as soon as they hove 05 men ranmited• send to the Adjutant General's Vice, Alt Ilarrtsburg, through thearibeis. einotam- tied of the tact, signed bY one or Mora petitioners for the coni-• piny, and attested by the County Commissioners. =gatid=a=: ol = 4 1 . be directed to hold an election - to elect .albeers far ' the company. There sill be an °dicer detailed from 6.11"1111"1"11111.441' w euetValthirSelatztleurMos IVO 0121111004avesit , . bir sr commander, the other should be Adriasnt Genera, with the election referee. licec = lll4l on - 112= W I" headquarters. Zech member of a lee Ws trim uMform, nad t = te r dotog an ilDarMeetiot DAS' 1114 Cies. nth Dt ••• • NA.. Pi. TIMILC/7 38 Tbese r 'Wesell than eliesp st Irbolessle., June 15,71. RIMY DEPARTMENT COM "en t 4s.-trIZZI *MI 000P131 b FIEVIVI -'in.l - 4-1 wurra wow, 0 . i'REsITS A N,1;11/A4P*AW5 a CLOT= AND CASFMEILMI. S 11011ESTICIC" P leta I 0 N S. , • 1 7.1 . C.UIrETS CIA)TII4 rf" 4,3 da IVALL PAPER , ~.... - 11 f 0 it \ I "DO ELL- & .1 ‘. itime- ie7 large and asecerted ADA et 2'; • , +I34.ESS GOODS' ; BLACK lIEBNANI. GRENADINE, ..tirowELL k tx)..s. PARASOLS' AND St thins EZ= LAS 1:i AISD YANCI A oplendia aalrttuctit, at . . . _ • • 'LOWELL 2.; CV'S. STAMPED SIT4III'O, BLACK. WRITE iALMOILRLtiItINTINS Cif , INESE 6RNgSi CLOTH READY.: MADE , WHITE AND THE GREATEST ,VMMErf OF PL.112 4 1 d FANCY DRESS-GOODS; FULL LINE pF BLACK SILKS CASE', OF 4' WA Sir lidims, TABLE IA iNE*S, NAPKINS. AND' Ip.galgUL:GrA). • 3 , •: • •An Sires. Bi r k. I Cokxs: PONVZL,t, CO7l. WHITE IQUE4 itkilisQoh - ,s it AND.CEEZCLED OaCiANDIES. ' • - , - .7'...' 71..7-;j , „: .':"- -- 1' *-.7 4 . -:::•... • : ' : 4.1 . TD:41}11..138 :, J/ESL/NS, • tART. I • AC°3lll., -C A P I R li tAgt . • ' ~.. J.... !. ;._;.• ..:.Ves .:... i.i . /.2 ,t,„ .. , .', f,# , 1 . , 2 , ? . ..; -,...,,, 4 .,, ~ ~, .i•. ~ , ~ $1 117 .04 OP AV.S. ;...- L ),•::::..-7- r 4 t.,0 .7.1.::.A. r..! :4-- , ...--J,.., , z t ~.f.,,,,....,,,.:...„. 4,, I ."-• -,- .... tit - that:4r _ . 41:i ._ . _ • •.; .. _.: :: ~,....,,„ -I.:4,11,11 z 4;,,.... io; .r..xv..:-.::.,..a ... , ... , , , ,tiou .•40-!..1 :i....:= 1,-liiii -,•,..,...-•.-, ••.,,,,,„ ....„-,• ~.,..„ "...., :,.. •T :,,,, .y„,z. ,-.N.- :.i•,:d. ?:11.,,i• -..LE_ ..',w ...W..4.41V11,,,,:, 800 - rti :\ 461 •r.j.1,1,":17, 1 1 ra.l T. 7 , • 0!) • , at • :JIFF '2.3. 3 Tr 1 1 -TIO rowiazlo:oir. t'er ..11X e• . Vary superlaT. rasa . ~ ~ S'~,r^ ll=l MC3 .*A011i , .. - -?" : tLi;i - e 4 f i ILATS' b CAI'S, EMI POWELL it CO'S ylinitr, Mt pawr.4& cYs. ME itr atepes mct i b n, ' all &vita, at IVWELL A: CU'S. MI SUFI , SUM 'WM be opened tbie week, M POWELL A.: 0013: NM A r t RgWIILL k POT net recelatl. Vet 7 elteap, at $ POWELL CO!S. I - 1 at one abilllac yard, POs, cogs. T 0 1 4 7k - i.i S , 7 1- 3 Wtolat iasiiity now to hack. a POWELL k ••• *S. !MI Mil MN = BE VA DDING Ad co & 5 1.33101 V - 4. tLiari - ifa;-,off. TOW4NDA, Pk., '2417'4 l''''ltitattOlht., livAg4* , STY CAliilL4ANg. :WORK. Manutictural TINNA AE , .FrrthrSi ptraa~~+l~~ VERY'REST.CEMENT, Eccr .u.sedia,thp tC1:92t17 Li" I AMEEICAi arid FRENCtrOLASS, DOOM, 11A58; 13LIN1e HURD 'RzZN GtlBti LEAD. JEwerriazial, Aim%tic-I=m R mAlmsra'vrs and oorthits. IN Au. -Rua* "Gir, al . , ds : Churn Powers, Churns, WriTigi**, - A - Wash, Tubs, Terdet Set* Lamps,. lealkitaralfieldetsilW - terabit* Water Coolers, Ice Pitchers, Mowing, Plows,Seod Horse Forks - -Corn Sheller* Fanning Mills, - - Grind Stones. MEM PIILVEtarE f IIKINE - DPitgll 25 or 2Q O 1b reeks, a'~eiy .- superior : :fertilizcr for gardens - and other' ,PPorrolf3P.: / A flue eaeortmout'of D . A I A S hich thepartit-ular attentinia of thort; io be Luterestpd,, Is Luvited ''l'''c..,.. Lard Oil, Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Linseed Oil, • Coach Varuibli; Furthtittru Varnish, iranilla Rope, P Marlin; - - Hemp and linbber .Soapstona.racking, - Oakum, - , - Leather Belting. Six 1 NEW STYLE C,ARRI.d:GES Cap be men at 31=11%1:Wry of IL. S T E, '& UO ...1" It I E• 8 LOW Hubs, - Fulktes,. • • • • Wl..teas lin axles; Pipe Skabvi, , -Norway Shapes, Nail Refined Iron, =I Bendee's; -Vises; - .Aurils, llorsti • -..DasliLeather ' • ' • - - Famuieledglott ISE 6,E111 F 'Rd:LT AR; 09,w . :,? o.cniktgr.4iado ouccuar.) 'FAIitBMS 01.. INTER V PL A. itll `3i s - cliE § , , , - : =I ~i;ONEY~ DyRA~N.ERS. •1:1 4 §.-.., 2,Ii1:1:: , , , ::f -!.f .w TEE • ati - ; 4wio 1. . ;...,..;:;-:::-. -.,-{;-„.- .. 4 . 1 ...p• •• ...-- • t•.07141110M0:- ,. ''•• ', :,, , .-::•;,.. 2 •:, , ,,.,- . t . p.-,......, 7..,-„ . :.„ . ..z,-., l ar i t , ": ll 4 4gaber _ o jillii_.-B o 6ifi l k' 1 ( - , re :io i i-o - c-,..3..0.(ti,. • s,i.)i.) > 1 AIM' ItiiiTc)7/ *Olllllll6/1- I s Ccinavreti Imizzt 40.: - '''. , . . . .. .... • Towis,...primuln. _ . .. . - - Mi M eicie MI ERIN I= GLASS, KEROSENE TINWARE, HOES; SNATHS, FORKS, =Si Mil I..ND SODS NM)-rou 0: R W • . - oz taiiitistat•lnur . . A UDITOR'S iitorta:--.ra the -CIL ter of tiet itAitiof inc. X. 1rct4,77 arre-4 4 :: the Court of 00113111011 Pleas of lii•Wford Tho utulertiguod ati Auditor oppolatod..by %chi , Court to dtatrlbuto tomtits in the biudrtof setton. hPIO4III arictoottormicile of itAseatisallid sad: ger. mut estatemill, attend to the &tiles of rg=t *Wit eh& office is thiP - Bonitiall of 14114.*g - the.: COW day; tit 7 nit 187U:947 We ep* a. to:, wbids time *lapis& all persons him tott kith& fa ei*liiitter itror required' to ptesintibe Alikagr4cViaijqloge4 :ma L. P. "1r361 . 10, 141L.:itliA , 1 • • 17'6 - _ simParms - ALE.-.lttiairfuE of send idinitte }Weiss isaried'ont ofthedeort of on Pleased Brediold county, and tome dl-, - will be exposed to public side at the Cohrt licinalan Wilke: l 4h • Sinrinds, Bradford cam tp rellttlfriiMPe en 1 THVBDP.tr, inor 1871, at 1 o'clock; pine. the foltawing describe 80, pine or piked td in,Weenz township. beiouginto Charles Am* Amor, or reputed mina er• 10.1". 'Meseta*, confracW, bounded as follows, ent, yip at a -canter- on lino of the ito•call ed Mortian,yo lot, 90 foot east of Sebastian - Enowlesi` N. E. corner; thencilliorth'd deg. 30 min. seat 976 feet to a corner; thence north ; 19 • deg. 30 mitt: east 375 feet; thence north 70 deg. SO ruin. east 57/104 te a corner On lino of the farm of StePhOts ttrick-land.ir.; thence along IMO ef the same month 5 deg. 30 rift. cast 1130 feet tog: W. corner of sad Striculeset's tarns an line of Nobles kg9il.Wlef B lot heretofore mentioned ; thence along tine of the same south C 2 deg. treed-570 feet to place of begin mug. Containing 10 acres. 125 perches, strlotmese- _ are, with a three story framed balding thereop. (known as the "Park House") having; a front of 40' Lett anl a depth of 32 foet, and 'a ok:sob:altqla.;* 'building, or L, l lll Sect - deep* 18 feet Seized and taken. into emotion at tbeirnit of 1. W.. Broca vs. Charles Hoppe. owner, or. scpuMLP owner, MAP. Fteechnft. contrecter. ". .1 1 -41-30-7 - iry virtue of writ - of Feud, ltx.,Algienseig. log' lot, puce or parcel of land agnate In Terry twp. bounded, as follows, to wit Begriming at Berrien 'O, and rituning-ereeterls 340 per. to a car. ner thence a southerly direction 10b a 'to, a stake and storm. ; thence in easterly aireatod.•or cou,sl4 la per. ta a stake and etoruta) Ammo's nor therly' coarse 1( per. to tho place a - begin:og. Containintr3o9 ft.:ma - 0f later Meru 4Nr.lesa. - which 1, tract is known as the" Alta Matti:, about 30 ;brute r` improved, with a fla med barn, an old log hen, and a few fruit trees thereon,- - • - AMC:I.—AIso one crther Phoo of: tinid dhiated fp said twp.. bamoted sist fellows z.`Beittliebag, at lock "0,7 thence a motherly . came 101 rolls to a hemlock tree, thence s Woefortl, *Yam' / 711 rodg. thence e southerly mensif 100, MOW tawhenolack. thence an ciateady„ coarse to the place of beginning. ' Containing 100 acres of land. be the same mdre or less. about 70 acres linprOved..with e filmed house, IN house, fray:led ;Imo bare. and , it few fruit trees Seized and taken into ineiMil ti n at the suit or Elrby to um of Thiah terry vs. JitlV. Bang- ALSO..-Tbe folloittlegieemibed lot,:phoo or par- eel of land- situate fn' Terry tsp.: bounded - as fol lows : On the northbylen4 oflielsoliTasderpod. cast landeorDetonts Crimmins, gartinel Haggerlq. and Patrick McOedre , on the sonthbyland of Dinka ,Wells and Wm. 2,llterea, gad au the weld by lands pf Peter Layman aturlistnuid , Jarman. Containing 438 acres of land, none- er lime; gout 7$ acres he. :- roved' WWI a log house., based house, two framed ' urns, and two apply orehkrila thereon. Seized and !ugh into execution at ' the nit el J. P. vs. J. W. Dennison. and 21. MataltalL no following described lot. piece or par cel of lapel innate in bcrundeclas follows: On the north by lands of John Brit and Lewis rat torson; east byltaltroadst.,south by a street running' from the Northern Central It, B. Depot to Cantorost. and west by land of Patrick Tahoe. Containing 1' acres of land, more or leas, all improved, writhe two story lranuid Memo (1¢471111 as the lialiroad, Route), : an ice house, and few fruit trees thereon. . Seized and taken, into, execution at - the suit of Davison's tree vs. Daman and S.A. - Fitch security...', ALSO-he folks/ring 'described lot, piece or par- eel of land situate in' Albany twit, bounded as fol lows ne,ejrn, gg at a beech corner joining lands of Wet. Webb and James Manna; north 31 deg. east 178 per. to a stone corner, thence alonglands of Jno. Murphy, math 88 degreea, east 83' per. to a stone corner, thence alongthe lard of. Pat. Berns ronth , 3l deg. west 118 per. to a naaple 'corner, thence along lauds of Meliale east 83 deg, south 83 per, to the place of: beginning. Con'nbaing SO acres anctl6 per. of laud. more or less, being apart of a larger parcel or tract'of land convoyed by Catherine W.-Morris to Stephen Murphy. yr., by s deod dated the 211 day tf ISli. s, Seized and taken int eget-ea, on' at t! tuit of is. Pen nei Murphy. , Also; seized and taken into eteent.onnt the snit of David Haley vs: Dennis ALSOI-The icll9;vlm4 ilhser...,c4 let, piece or par-, eel Of land stuate in Rest Burlington tarp., boninkt eel; as fellows ; 'lie ratting at a `Acme corner north.' act E.,rner of 1,4 \u. 4, thence along D. 11. PlulliVe lot I'o. 2. east 32 per: to a stone corner of lot No. 2, thence along lot NO. 2, northerly 110' and 3-10 'per. to a rioi e ro ntr . tie i,..litti-we , teorner of lot No. 2. thence westerly along a lot, owned by Penn Crandall 32 ger. to a stone car. the north-west cor. of lot Nod, thence along lot No. 4 110 and 5.10 per. to the place of beginning. Cents' sane and ' - land, more ot lc,ss, ' • log house and log, bt Seised and taken Nelson Gilbert to Ilk B. Thurston and Joh' ..11.1itt , ---By virtue described let, pace. c rilefsitrg twp, boatel!. Church street at the land owned by Dar+ line or said thnisteal corner on line of north along line of 58 flOl toy corner, .111 (v3yrOrd iii .le , • ' . street,,thence niong tees W the place of r-10 yen of Stand. n two story iranic-cl ALSO-Uric other Wyalusing tap. but, lands of Joseph Gam ' loy , on the :oath and Fends- Ackley, Containh land. ni ,re or Icse. fran.eil LlXAling, I turn usanufartorY. few fruit trees Vim ALSO- One other in NV- j L . hising On the north by 1.1: east met south by by land of .I.•eph from the V. valusitn ragv. of lan,i, :gore buiidings. Seized and taken cr Ai-Yanglian's Jnu,F, 12;.71-4t . a_ N TirE,. I ISTRICT COURT OF th, iinit , ,: States for tho Viresisrn District of .Penes3ivair 'ln the :natter of S. S. 'IO , IIS - wars., of Towanda ..orough. • Bankrupt _ -5. - , LN DASiIiIiIIPTCY. ' . .' • . , i it tufty coneern.,The undersigned hereby ; cue oflds appoinent of assignee of Slier . - Aspinwall, of Tostandi borough; in said dist: i. ho has been litljudgedi a lisukrupt on petition . creditlrs, by ilio District cumin of said Pis . , , 'Assime. lied Tinranda, June 0, Nit ... _,. - . ' 7 tei.4, i OWE 111) I.aia N trlct. , of I text I OTICE -IS HEREBY GISTS that application will be made at the nest meet; ins of the Legialataure of Pennsylvania. for the in corporation of a Savings Bank: to bo known es the ToWanda Savings Bank, to have • a capital of fifty thousand dollars, with authority 'to increase the sanie,to any amount-not - exceeding three hundred thou rd dollars. The objects of said bank are to race! money on deposit and s , to discount. notes, bills, G, and to gunciaegeneral banking privileges, to be located Id toe borough if Towanda. county of ott=..with authority to establlsh%brancbes at eainsaid county'. • ' . • , Juno 15,11.6 m • A DMIND3TRATOR'S- NOTIOR-L ••• 11 atotia 3 ti hereby Oren that all person Indebted - to' tbeestate of JOSIIILIIIPOLCOTT. late of Warren tni m ,dool; are regnested to snake Immediate payment and all persons harmg claim against sold estate nnist iiresent them duly 'sxtthentloated 'for settle mint.• - B.' WOLCOTZ: 34n 2'Si•ar6 . • . Adardnlatrster. WIX-ECtITORS-NOTICE.-- , ..5.4 .Nottco la herebyglioa that all, persona iodobt ail to the , estate of KrZIA B. SW -I=o, late of Athena twit.T.loctnusod. we r xraested loatcattonedlato payment. gad all persona • having claim s against aid eatato'mnat Mactlt 'Meal: 1113 V aldhOulldlloa. for settlement. UVY 11. TOZER. 1na,.12'71-w6 . ' Ezzottot. • AA. 11MINISTRITOR'g NOTICE = Xailoo t hereby witento all personsindebted to the estate of S..I3fVEL IVAILWEit, late; 'of Me township; deceased, insist make irameillate, pay. meat, and all persons having CI . LIALs against said estate. racist' present them duly authenticated for sottleinmat. .-- • AU W.A.II2II:Re; Jon. Aa,ll.tgtr4tor. RXECUTO - 11,'S NOTICE.L—• -1-4N.ltice Li hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of HIRAM Meg, ata of Wyaluelng,' deceased, are requested to - irate tnnnadlate payment, and all persons haring dame against rata estate •must preselit them duly - authenticated for , settlepaut." • • B=i7Allni .ACILLEY. J. F. Cl 7 13rBEELAIN, ftecutore. fui? . e.2877,1-ivG , 1. 003 GIFTS, GRAND GITVG`ONCERT AND DISTRIDUTION;s • • • • • Pat the Bealeat-of the •' VOOND.I.ING *STMT. •OP THE :MT= OF •. , .• • .•.„, • In the City of New and .. , • T111:' SOLDTe.BS AND SAILON3' 03:141W5 . . • 110 „ . 114 • . •••• . • • ' ' Washington. D. To be held in WASHLNIGTON. D. C., Lander arid .by _virtim of a Vermit from the Hon. Commissioner : of Internal Bovenue, on THURSDAY, JULY 27 1311. postively. . • After the Concert the Cavairdasioners viii award tho successful ticket bpi:km * l.oo3 Wits, amounting to $200,000, consisting of desires blo Neal Undo iu Balthrunai dty and empty, and Washington; county. Md., Do2Rbs, Stocks,' and. Cash. ' • • s2,ooo3ickets oialY will be sold; et $3 esker: Non. I. IIoCULLOOOII. of Elktons`did... ONO: CASTLE: Baltimore. 31d.; Ihna. S. 111:01 - =. M. C., Pittsburg. . • - Trustee. • - ; nuaninneys. • • :Major Cleral Hunter„ 11. S.A., WiShingtim,O.C.• :Hon. dart . ittley, Pittsburg, Pd. . • I:trat, National. Bank, Hagerstown. 11.1.. • ,APPlan 2ll e$ CO.. I:tankers; Ilavrstovin. • ..I.4slegraff Sons, Itagensurarn. 1 , 13,01L.R., J. Brent. late Attorney General. italtitnore, 'C. 1 , . Abboit.44q., 20 PoakOillnaavenue, Baltimore. ',John H. Fowler. /sq.. . H. Win% of. it. H. ItTeri:& ALUM, Balt/num• • Mr Deeds of the'lleSlistilt - exttlfso to-br coun . • t ip - theAktukt of the Trustee,. • , .„ : Tickets,and ChnularsCASl - ;_• cumaktoution. ttationcrAr:ti printCr, 21 Nassau street, .Ner: • To whom arloamtanrdcatiOlis ithosthl*: adiltn*tode Ttekttracut.oCA D.;"l.ldentrad: • . Bend for,ChtulateanteisdagUst ' Gad ratpaosiblit dgePliflniititod• - • • ' • • Er-M- . T- , • •••A _ — /5 =ME MB SA.l$ SOX , WATER, ••, • • - • Mania , Otestilit imit Woke iltreetiOtoeroubis, 1.1 1 / 4 !Lair prvailki Ithlsida to. U. .11446'714W 104 - 13 OM= leade.. El