II N Yews Fr= ,011iTitti* U —StrawberrieS'and m a w s poit al sok,lo, v e x --A 'Norfolk hart* n COP t .3: nationall4lirqi:o,4o.4)9l tablish, l • L. , • r • .. 111(14113 G 11 44 411 P n P US°II inaPY p e a t he k trs yeat,„bit of t irttbri orsilikelq.. Ernperotiairaaa 4044t0i propose te 'visit the United &etas •.• ati:CMl on.!' Samitry,stA r r, elkL.ilid Work Agnage tO th o / 0 1 3 10. 1 MOt t 0O l k Angtaita - R ilk:hand LISS been aPPf t ; edPes}rlJa Weit7 o o44- --iTeceis now• suceessfull -enteiii; V.ted in North Carollitt,l3ohUs Tennessee. •1,:••• • —.Pennolivania farme - We begin niort to tote deep interest in, the •weather re. • —The -wheat. , erop-in. Southern' Kansas has been harvested, The 'yield tai nn usaally largo. • —lowa has planted a corn crop to raise one million bushels. AA that rema in s is to raise inniduirrest it. • —on. Hamillott Fish, SOCrOtary L ofiodate; contemplates matting a tour across the continent. —Major.Cook,who Was a member of general Leel Staff,ls no* Principaqof the Negro High School in Retersburg, Va. —trs. Livermore, (wife of Ron. Isaac Livermore, and-mother of Mrs. Anson IMrlingame,died at Gambridge,i3mulay --Biked T. Lineoht is atlas& tee Emancipation Proclareationj issued Kids fiAle Cr, in Aurora, TM, on theAth of July. , • —There were six and a lalf pounds of tobaceo raised in Connecticut in 1 , 67 D, or an average of I,4,Wpoundslo thh: acre, =-Salmon are- very: abundant. in Nora Scotia, anti largo Oat/titles are being shipped to the United Statee. - Chicago the -Sunday likuor ldn excitement continues. The Germane con tend Meetly for the illabbathid lager. number Of ems were tid Iy poisoned in Niasistdppi stietentlY, from eating mulberries in which locustshed deposited eggs. —Cmsodoro Vanderbilt is an nonnedd as soon to start &dill' y paper lit- New lurk, with 5800,000 capital - —The Xew York. 714une consid rrs it uunoceszary to say of airy new, building, whether palace or factory, "limn' be surirtortnt-, • d with.a tratesard roof.' SA . 1 $ —,The icago 2 =has suria that General I'l of Philadit e pida, 7 has been making experiments with violet &sit in promoting the growth otitis grape vin ' • —A Rentucky paper notes it Ztt, Pk; th•velopment of the `temperance reform in that tato through the exertions of thelßood Tem- Wis:,manufactures 4,000 c..agozia a year. That makes at the least VBO,- 000 substantial wealth added to that prosper ous city. -kit is now thought.inobable,that - Wants•s,tatne of Sbatspeare tinvdledin' central Park on' the romp, Instead of the lst 1 . • • I congregation of , the Vat t' Bat)tist Church, Boston, have decined toalion thi ., itirestry room to be tcscd for pur -IThe . • University' i eatninations li..exhigton,Tirginia, dosed sin the 19th. The tariuiversaries - of the litergirykocisties took place on the 20th. • - Ji experifeent of or ..le eXpenia.—„ Jpening the public librarOdes in ay: aclianati on Sunday has i not equalled public e xpel tation. Comparative lyOm few persons now them. • —A firm at Cedar Falls, lowa, has Ikhen the 'contraCt for gathering 100,000 pounds of gingseng, tobo shippad to China. They are advertising for gingseng diggers. —The shipment ef - Texas cattle is. very, lar s e. _The prairies are covered with stock in the - vicinity of Big. Cabin station in Indian Territory. . . . , ' -441 ineetbg of, merchants :and , I , rOkero in the tea, coffee, and Einar business in New! York, have iesoired to form a grocers' • Imard of trade. I . • - ' -The London Aforning Post says there is an rinderstandhig between the Govern inents or Germany, Austria, and Rasa*, for the preservation of the pt . 0 of Europe. —A process ha been discovered fur for combining iron an copper, 11 . roducing a ompound harder than irpn. A company is forming imSan Francisco to test the process. —The New Zealand mining news i;. - farorable. • Thomai Merchants' haeliange will send to the San Francisco Idechthilca' Fair a pyramid tirade from the told of the various "2:/lZiat?. 1 , . ' —Governor Geixr - has signed the bill.retiniring. every red e of over 75 bins bar deil entering Philadelphia: to register at' thd Warden's offiee, - and pay a fee of one dollar and ii lilt. ' ' ! - • —Mayor T - Tt l ll !of New York, has :II pointed a board for the examination and li censing of all druggists and persons now' or liervatter to be employed as clerks by any. drrlggist. , —The naives of Alsace and Lei inu resident itiValiftirnia unite in a :protest agaiust the cession a, 'the • provinces to Ger m:My, road are determined to remain French' - •- —The California wheat harvest Was commenced a .wech ago :uul shows's hate; 1 vgrilt than was generally anticipated. There bill be over an average and a half crop in the entire State.. • Sorae r iorty miners were 'tempo a rily imprisoned in the earth Cin Thursday by " • the caving in of the el cr Of the Empire mine, ver.al miles from esbarre, I's. All were eofered. • —Srailgling • suspected on the' 7.faine shore, near fortsmouth, &stake litelj ii,hermen IMrciobserved rockets set off from \ easel off that harbor,isintj a response by nflash .11li g ht trot:Oho shore. —3lrs. J. L. Bdardraa . n,of 43harl' es . • town, Mamcbnaetts, *is the. first lady Who made the ascent on foot of Mount Washington this Reason. So ssys one- of the party- who tk‘ent the Clint= in the Observatory. • 0 - —Schoolbys in insconsin fill their lockets with kends ; and ; at s given signal, 4 :tell boy taps on his rispetet,eausing the locusts , 1., ; ;ir e forth their deafening, doleful cry, as if f,.tty children hid beet whipped. . • The t Grawitncampment of Odd Fellow-it for the Slate Of Torment was instituted at Rutland on Friday by Frederick Stuart, of • waeliingtoil, D.C. lowell Morse- was *Meted, t. rand Patrrareb. F sharp taxiliquake shock oC eurrod arealie.tago, CAL, 0,2 o'clock Thursday morning. Brooks' Hotel, in Knight's. Valley, way burned by the chimney being thrown down be the earthquake. • Lancaste count, .Laity- IL _ and-rye haryetit will probably be the beat for many years. The oats crop is short and. back- Ward. Con), potatoes and tobacco are lalcibut ook,well after - the relent rains, • l ' . li' . ----,-Secretaryitobeson will not leave' wnsiiington this summer for any extended trip, I,ht, tuay•tialit some of the neighboring watering places and hisborne in New Jersey for slew days Atli time. :: ; 1. • '-'. - z• . —A spitefs4 e lorregrets that the— llon.t. Cady inton and Gen.tusanll; 'An thony are going to • the Pacific in June ; that is a htgelate in the site br CIIMILOChed and oo early lot Arit val paberes. - 1 • - ---'L.thilfip Byruct omit-Jaws .D= 2 , • ~f Newburgh, engagd in a street fight in that city on tinadaylugh i tr when .luau drew a dirk ens Stabbed Dunn f times in the tiaciL It o ' is fearvd that Dunn die. Ryan is in jaiL ‘ . -..; ea geszior 41, . 4 ,of Yale College, zwcom by a • , Fie of young me; who will II him infue : mit& explorations near Fort Wallace and ; the Waft Wipil , a valley, uregon, have astir in Chicago. , • iif —lt has been seertained from - eiro tidal • sources that th is no basis or evidence to sustain the sta silents of detectives that there are ten milliO s in counterfeit notes of • i the national banks eiretdation. I I , • 1- —The Collector at Si . tka, Alaska, seizewand returns to San all the Ile and beer arriving tiallre. P San • tier ' chants charge that hole Jaterested. in ahrew- - ery at Salm i which-is in full, bleat.: ~,r , : . . - . • -Solemn reg i aiena high mass waif cdebrat ell Thursday, iattheAnrch or St. -Vin cent de P Now lork;_for, the relme of the souk; of Ar Daniel and the Ithrieten! priests murdered b y the Cottuna w , ,} --- . 1 —The Episcopal Elk`acslof the; dio cese of Twon%o kieldn missionastr Meetiriealle • Ttiesday,ort whic.h occasion ebxinents i • were made by' the Ater, Dr. A. T. maptrot New. York; awl ldial-ALM It. H. Paddock? of; r. 7 " —A model of Paris as it vrairbe-' „. _” :lore thelate_ war is row qsa-_,exhibition in . New York. It covers more than 400 141111:0 feet; ll marvelousb acearatittopographimny, snd lbw ',ladle buildings arc remduned wilh.a lidelity that, causes them to 'instantly roCelitazel Vradford EDITOR Ek O. doomacu. S. Towanda, Th=daY; 21 itzrtrimicAs STATE - FOB AFDITOE 0 COL DAVID.ST ppg t ilkiiiiiitecessary•for us to an- from #bie'aBiba intxt week, - - The'lmA t - IF . b 3 ;'Bi* ' - 44 T:A note 1) Notwithstanding the "'tinned claieor 'of the, -Del334rft4t'Gli*: Gatti:7' 1=8194 tho,iteirAntioiet. Republican parioy eery itepubliem State Coni‘nthm that' in teeiv-W' witititv iainthi idea GRA-7,vet, • 411:1 Stele- e/sotins have bee* , heifk thin year.:-:New 4fanpalur . e.monbliture . e been= Republican tint 'for tio*elc Pitd puny moviriOlti*Milile*- ; wati wrested froth tbo:3senio cy..; There is np, queitiout. bat"new tau -Pennsylviatit, - -Ohio . seed - ;4omi wth .give Helinblietnnfaic r oo . ? Bring -lions - ,pv4544414. bow i e bemintocibed blimp:n - 4' Ord the rmatbniqg the Reitklieatl in t , Pi Utelse - -14t# , 0 53- 4f.Wits: a the.. gc4feWliii i,l 4,4 Prevailed before PrOliliciti 'aqui nominated. • Hite As - .-e ham for ( ear friends:in *few YOrli.' Imblicanprinciples should be( dearer, thaii love Pt any :faction, end. Be iMblicaursuecess under..-;& -Wider so tried and rtlfrio hia - Oat" end 'his country as President 13iiiFi; 43.60 - be preferred: to the .Bw:4ml or . defeat of a clique. - Peunsylver4, Ohio and owa Republicans have acknordedg led this and set a good maniple: • - Stir The Republicans of Ohio held their , eanyention on the 21st. Gen. NOYiS, of Cincinnati, was nominated foi Governor by acclamation. The resolutiom say that the Re publican party- may well . challenge the admiration and confidence• of the country for its patriotism, courage' and wisdom, in preserving the Union:; for its jcistice, firmness, and magnanimity in establishing for all libc7rty and equality before the law, for its inviolate honor and good faith toward the hatidttal creditors, an&its successful administration of national ' affairs. They recognize the thir teenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth) amendments as just, wise, and valid( artieles of the organic law, to be zea lously defended and enforced as parts of the. Conititution ; say the duties on imports should be so adjusted as to promote the interests of every sec tion and, branch of industry' es far as possible ; fully indorse 'the present Administration as' faithful, honest, and economical, asshown by the re duction' of Uses and the payment of 039,000,000 of the national debt ; say the Administration has been equally successful in its foreign poli cy, and has achieved imperishable renown hi the iettlement of the dif ferences with 'Great Britain upon terms creditable to both countries ; condemn the policy, of granting sub sidies to corporations and monopo lies, and deduct)* the. publit_ main should bezkept for the laboring population ; faverreform in the civil service of the coturtry; inticirseleart ily the action of President. RA= un-, der the e act; tape that' the enmities and resentments cif the war may be speedily ended, and that the day may soon come When . * efe.. r 7 State every citing may be safe in' life, person,- pi**, and civil rights, turd enjoy the :equal prated-1 tion of the law recommaid the call _coriiention to :unend_the State constitution, said ,iajdorSe. the : pieseut State iabninistrafic.M. id: The N. Y. 'lWorldfin . - that the pruk,ses of:the Democrats party require sonic) abuse of ,Ticrry Dans, and ticamdinglp •assails kura... Nor does it spare the defunct- Conleata cy, but ern- goes 84 far as tO" any G l aze that "in spite , of a grea deal of bril liant, skillful fighting, memory of the confederacy - d not, ' smell sweet and blossom in , the dust!" And why not? ZS . it, because , the Confederacy oriOutted.: in treachery of thOwOrst, 10 4 44 ?. 4:lftcanee.-it . .was a Sitiniefal-aiWthpt to dpstroi#:.just taostriiment;Andled to . the - needkes 4ilfittettei `44 iio*(3B of nun? - 4. N0; that ja itfiti the -Need's . reason : for diseiintenfr, It'eondermui the Confed eracy ' ll ,cailee. its • whole -pto#titid i*utimient was a blan der:/-stupendousrne Trot: l4l4 g' ( lilt mix be -- lit= 4 1 14 1 , - *lime 4 1 - licrf* at . En : -4 ) Aiiii _t07 4 1 8 4...: -. : , .-', • ' the wheaf ali. - Talton' (M O -, ) -4 air 'ikill is of o .13 of yoni-niealy ini*pied D 4°c . ra P% o rga il4 ' Itc‘ 4 /ril . Figili' "oat m nie tin':": wumpek gives , forth no on - - • . sound in regard o, t 1 e - _! near • • .• •," isiid in this it is in eonfrast 'toBoin3 DelttOFF4- . it, sheets' in thia\ section. ititre' is ,‘ whtit the-Fair. /' . 1\ siva: - ,- a tie mss' who ;ler was Deem*, , or who Jeteetrilde‘t the word ze ' luis Imam. s 'llestoerser',*hish !ad -et. Wee ecosittolitmesl otitis atilt to epee 'its eottowilli r ot 4 1P4te. F ights,' es. $ white amp (le ner: , r,6-wei4hzittii - ,/ide niocratic) ctojint•iiisl4444 clj on tia',Noio s ipikiiiite i ftlinkAli • - - • . .. ta c b -Th.gl:ll4llllMili.:limixignitie7 , .7 1003iLia 401101P11 i 056 - ' ..- •,, t i de m = • , i. • , ' ' y o giar : 1 1 I•- ,-/>. ! We - A b *. r i iresaisi -,70 4 i::.1.31 -,-4 ,14.t id bfatheitiuithe *.. 0 ' • f of P - 110. -t r " I tiAl* l ljuii3i* T , r ri :4 11 44- 111 1 1404 tioi, around tuidttrougii 107 action, and we- may - add, has ever had the hearty sympathy of a large majority of the party at the North, eveYZITTIDIT•Tarir atiO • c4quivi4nre Mast - lb& 'might say to yen to-night; mylrfends, baCtrlieti 1 feel it would i'boltairn-` dent kir' me' ,to utter; &Ong :speak` to lon of the peat I 'Amnia speak otreeinorgethat rare. Se& If leirould epeakliolon• of the present it itosid betoreetamt it tale of tylkaW. tiy wrong that hare not the poet' , iirrettresa; aid; eider 'AA, there* itlrmors Many arstnoble for Mr:toi fold our • arms - ind 'sifter with *dot ondpatient &tinily. ' If I 'speak of the future, am !table Lobe Misrepresented end rn_ held ieepOsibui fot irterrepeenkflOrt that /Aoki id' mtrei: :BAToy - friends; as retaititere to-night Mid look upon'yonv kindly,Fhonest faces,' - leel 3hat - thern l are `i fevi a t - may be rebeived :by clti polite arrow:kr' a ,of my opinxin reweird to. the- future.: Then; I say, despaiinot idyaw-liberty ! I despair iotof hotritralph , of 'bei- Wm: that/ truth' *rill. Itr,e raxdlhat -wrong oannot.isleraye en= • tit A tm ;., t " Pews itrettat; We mope let ratio Wodesiti, and.piaci we ivill'have. iiime-tuithing to sarto you' pf,politics, and; }my friends; . I _hope Shavetiotttiig to do . 'with - Chem:. a* powei, 'ma its - ex. 'only postponed - tines 'the' Deming of that event whiela certain ly isticipate—the restoration of your coriiititntional righth.. ' Let ii.sithen, Stand still and ipnetlY aWalt , menta. The men of the Nortti, like youriehes, love their laovernment and understand their 'rights; ' and theimen - of the 'North have ao idea of surrendeking in their 'own country thOse great bulwarks of constitution , al liberty—the right of trial by jury, 1-the right to elect their own officers, and the right todethrmine their own internarpoliey. And as soon as their prejudices and hatred against the tio:outh are removed, and they see that by . the unlawful action of those in .power toward the South these sacred rights of theirs are in danger of be ing invaded, full justice Will be done. I am not of those who "accept the *nation." I accept nothing. Those cant phrases that we bear'se. much of.about "accepting the initiation " and about our rights being submit to the " arbitrment of the sword," are but the muses of cowards. [Ap plause.] I admit that power prevails over truth ; I admit that that 'power is sogreat that it would be folly to resist it, and' therefore I wain fa vor, myself, of being acquiescent; and I advise you to the same course, but I do not admit that our rights have . ever been submitted to the arbitra ment of the - sword. Who has the power to submit your liberties to the arbitrament of battle ? You •never delegated that power to your repre sentatives. I, ,as your , E.recutive 'never claimed it, and never, dying living, will admit it. [Applause.] And then, my friends, - about this much-talked-of subject of." accepting the sittiatiem." You .are not called upon to acknowledge that yoit have done wrong unless yonifeel I veer BELIEVE I' DID ANT vulva, and thirefore lari,t acknowledge it. Ail that a goverament has a right to claim froin any of, its subjeets is that thwy will quietly 'submit .to the' law. liberty of law is their inherils.nm and submission. to the law as long as it is such is their duty and their &Nem, and it 4ouldbe their pride' Now, iny friends;having already said %S e than I intended, It only .re ;mar for me to say low happy I sea . tb , e the - evi!lences of:prosperity that ntiw und:'you.; ' - u.: The first time that_l'savr the, pla where your city now - stands it was ~little.-more than a 'wilderness. When saw. it again I loolced upoa blicketted :and deserted =ins, upoa the sad ...erects f noble fortunes, upon Actoolaied nes, and upon& ruinedand shickenegt people., Your ;city; - bad been Sdevastat and laid waste; by ex • ' - act..of vandalism ; darker than aught that evera i)igri - med. the" facie_ ofTarenne. / .100: upon again "to-day, and the theca' of dab latioti and destine/len are to. longer visible ; but in.flisir stead - cent 'Structures kiee:upon every . d. marklhe Wonderful ad: Vance' of improvement, proalierity. and meta -1 ria' 1 greatness. Irejoilie in it. It is but' the beginning of the giand era of prosperity that is yet to come, and I _rejoice to see you .going on build ing your railroads, establishing new , manufactories, inaugurating, new -en terprisea of commereig profit, build ing up yotir town, improving • your lands and developing the material resopxcep within your reach Yon will thus go on increasing until you become wealthy and powerful..., I say I rejoice in these evid.ences of assidu - ous, earnestlabor in thing' material, because there is little in this that a fcireign loventinent can .- interfere r.'erSeTer: 0 s in this , dirseti4 ; wait:rdellY,,nrid tioliently tide thn tide or:later, will.p.A.t4eilay 11 not faiadiatant. ',/hen - ,theilt* willehin . tiapcia'Yori free, ;independent. and #titoreign State.' . [Applatual:l • Mimic, exi. pressionsan - d-With tlits" (aria AO - ykri. I have done," , feel pannot hely exlA*ssB ray 'griltftsPito, ysti'for all the kindriessyan have mani fested towards me, illa,olo 'heartfelt desire I hive that yourways may be ways Of pleasantliein% , that lives , nay be Prc. 4 sPersusp and that your eyea at bit may close upen;your. country, free; and:, your ' children :=litioido.o erect ; proud ' reprosOutatii* ot;tho grarid - old -- Coiroponifelith . 61 thDor". Oa' f GM4- 1 4 4 , - - Pr.c4 c4 04.. Rhg.0,4.1 la. l!be PrOvitilatl66 I ;tatiCti .E.4 ) .. 1 1 - Fil OickPe . .a 3 149 7Tho . Tea t i ortiviiit , sittrAkiellefidAhat-his 7 cito:inest, - ,alr ritUdair belleViiitcf :!'. 4 'OS' 64 i t finß , fi Ty i ' ' ,i4teEdOls' tri13044 . •,..-Antorml.; itu o iv f iaorg : toetiiii.ftwi l ,h_t o ttlailo A t oo f kitou -,. , MEI r t I If I: 1 1 111418W1171r0 1. 1 3 has always controlled its the =way iatointa" 13f EE ACCEPTS IiCrTICLIG. ' 1 a, ; newapapers for weeks to come. Ws last 4m tLtivat more on the political chiegnmilisiszte t Lim into p•mineum so rilitientay ill ' s= as adilitiesal- interest ktirssitiiing selii. log to him; . • - finson Clem= e. TelatisAt v i grar , cat ty ' in the e cs= 4 34l—Just about thirty rieeonsidered nd eas. tillhit a llyt i i r ru:llFUOA' M il lVt l a.o. W il" egme A* a.itieTrest he V r i ii ii:!!__ _ hi abit 'fond °Ude books Ilien . Me Vas nu detfiter f thi s r•All OP C 9 lag* against on:l7mm a ni = , j ;mashie Id -cossisAyorho representod the VbP.-WEndgattlZ I to nate, Atilon under fteu,wsras _ .dirii4ll7 -, , itith` the too:dinar emits Ishictis ht 11* gehih tee Foinaherse. __, *V? ../Aiii ifs. I tale tam poprOtatllCAUM_lr try as is - pnblic. , 'ltir , sti wipe . er e thcont 9 ratitegt • thaw oilsderatmag . tronnalvatbo r , .no rt it kat io,Upkt-,. ed Stela, Artibikrio ibe preemie is the **am erAatgen r e t e a10 1 1 1 •Mta - 4W. E.thonebe opalpsed State l inliverior doe • , isideh he heli salkersesheinyarinedi , . 7 ...--- _.• .- rri Ins speech was sikastd, Mei mamas re-, *to 'eft the tftl iSoefishes; 'sham ;gel rare brae Oak mewl sat to l thelsatswrile ighststraise *ewe Janter,ahia,bia -einiceant ern a rigor, and 7 - . dale% _''lteLllol6. Raingeit ninspin!? daps; andier_in• ,w , a prea_ . Wee o=-1g )01,14 i.e. lare tri-, aroptianforn - ' tine isardecid- I *to iesielhe bank* Ow aibiristas the& 1 no;aainn. wasAnachinnetAko.,auge =c4tßign to theLvtiols, notuitrl . .''. , one bribe ts . 1 the diareiseink , Kerner beeelite i Dentoorat i l and it a . Isresjpiodfrotesehaegtelhtintelta Oa& .Vallatellatiam was, itrack rorttty 401145 Swint theistrength iii his timpatintli arguments.. Bean thou ellhe•looklug rang law :iiths. 1 Mut meat humane !be aro botherocl with a Air etterta, wee Sena Tan.'' m wordy aid rhstaideat in-Ida erditary: tenversetion whe J Oral in Astate : and, amain ova to lemi : had 1 the /4 41 or 'Potting: o lV ,Fondsely. • i ,Vhti, na i p',leiat i "was an" earn t - 1 ...• . I . tr , elab M! , jltt 111,shIr4 ilk, bin ; keedl perception ewe led .to sew that itieftif iiiiti - nDeMecittie "surly in.'' tli & triii ai l pronct,' . and , tha t' . c c o " States rigiii.-" / 81 z!te4ret.0 by hit party, meant !' secession." , He :!Wu ono of the lorenip - st men in tho ergs niztifion of the Rep u b l ican party, . land has been an able, honored and true evtzponiint of its • doctrines from ilmt-day until thc*present, and we trust he may "long be spared to dobattle for' the principles of Re publicanism. bn • MEETINO OF THE STATE OFSTBAL EEPUBLIOAN bOMMTTTTE. ALTOO:NA, Pa., Jnne 21.—The State Central Committee met .here ~to-day. Over sixty members from all quarterEr of the State were in attendance. The ehainnan wds authorized to afipoint a secretary, and Ezra Lukens, D. F. Weston, of Philadelphia, and P. M. Lytle, of Huntingtan, - were elected additional secretaries. Gen. H. H. Bingham, of Philadelphia, was unan imously elected tzreaeurer.. The chairman was ,entrnsted with large dlicretionary powers in relation to the Conduct of theca,mpaign. The committee was . harmonious and en thusiastic, anct tho estimates Of its members of the vote of 'their locali ties indicate a majority of twenty to twenty-five thousand . ,for ,the State ticket in October. Colonels Stanton and Beath, and leadingllepublican politicians from all parts of the State, werQ present in coa:iultation with the committee. • - lOWA. DES Motvzs, June 21.—The Re publican State Convention to-day nominated C. C. Carpenter for Gov ernor by acclamation;. E. Butler foiLieutenant Governor; James D. Gray •for Judge of the Supreme Court, and Colonel Anson Abernethy for Superintendent of Publi3Onstruc- Resolutions were"adopted indors ing the Republican party; congratut ing the country tfpon the adjustment of tbe - dilficulbes with Great Britain; fainting :protection on the basis of a revenue tariff ; a uniform 'system ,of teiation in the Sta ,te-,the control of railroas by the Logislattire; the an -net-Mien of Sin Domingo when the people` of that 'island desire it; in dorsing 'President . Granrs admini stration; favoring the enceuragement of the agricultnra interests of the State; the modification of the -revenue system to mitipte the burden of tax ation; opposiing Subsidies. and in limiting the State administration. ea:The,Denideracy are continual lilarping on the extravaganeaof the *publican party and eiying for re trenehnient:.and riforni. We hope , all.me the mbers of both political par ticle will note - the fact, ihat whilst in twenty-eight months the debt- of the city of New Y__glci whichis under .the heel of the c lNimoiraci,,has - increased t52,516 , ',5:66;18, under the adminiitra- Lion of General Grant the ta;es hare been reduced onahnndred millions, and the national debt nearly two hundred and fifty millions. How could 'the country bear . up ruttier Den2ocratio ascendancy ? We . feel - persuaded that four years' rule of the Democracy would render the minion :Ix4ll.lruPt?•-• ice. A. democratic editorTof Onor-cl Neb.,::who Ooes not - Meths Minr.oo l . ll ,` thinks the "Ainicl3f( al ... !'ii*4rimirorisu a jUdginent 41(ace.: rquaatiVonraorinot the same ltartd-thinking,lor he says At . 411 ITSohilProvidend6, Ina - tire :Ow re 'of' ViiL?niziiirAn'lS' . one' that ".nion ara. Sometimes, removed whop their counsels are not good. went C. L. VALlAsnrour to his home and jyrnic elsewhere, that .the Party - 4 men devoted to the ; 'defense of priricipio dkfve experlion- py might' not ' be ~demoralized by . trecublog notes from an instinment tbst OncirgaVe nP. erre n ' sound, jai 1 7Orkl? 1 , 41 fier .434) wisdom to euoourago Patekiti ' 14114,44 4efenfisro of fibertt.r- - • . : 1‘• r' A k swirlowniwoolds Azeturawnpe have , •inkeitistlino4l , "11 (ciiio34l • 4 4nll 1 1 , dbietigx? " _ 0014910 1 -11110 . minima ofxol4.:llnitedi ißtates - Otoida fignatilissifilsag- Atei4:- fdeidbitd'tiis~'ei; 't, „, 4a44, Jite;caitti ob their Northern allies, to overthrow IL It teas. State ller. 120th minir %age letam , to the semin• taxation about nine dollars head o the p0p111611012, 111111 - puj. Adaireuttettliovittabotttookibinail lion Dollars a month ; ante _that _the xitT AM.irk 'on i - wi - 04ritIohaill Will.. V' - innbotnirand-krannirirmw-tierst-ri 4:loollAdriblellidelefexia r Otad: fie; /WU/Wei 4;f the tiiitios(tbiiitgertili cad `d tb‘° -1 7 1 70a:Ohli? Mi4 1 4. - kuPi:9 4iati94; the =Lama 4144 fume. .tips 'Let tus have Gm.* snother ifirtai ) . • . . tc, MT NATION .1` `. szt3,noomefik l airw vitnicitarrk prtTilitr tAl4lll.. • ?nfcrcss starier4. Rbruprit, kay,Arspyl and • y0 reg 0,,,,,:0 • • =xi or aar,,rizza. LOplr 9n NAIIa4A.L.: • Xlf°).. V l tilr/A914,? 13114 % 114 1 1 / 1 r.cia• .n 138 4 1 E4 1 40 ..05 , 440 9 5 13 0 , $ O l larcal 1 9 0 1) tc. Um err two bcrirdra4 orlttloos Of thelSOw Loans Witt lit of 0 01 iireili• : 111 7 ink for io POW twat; tem* ire pin' • aril. 'Pei imam= iasecesti ow oat iwpritair imhadiptica the repatoisa, :41140%).04 1 00 . 04! Wattifter 1 0 1 4 Malt la Favored to, promptly the Coopas "." ne tt iStered, C t ' r t itlCM CS 4 4.1 ", folirtiol' the rnited Utat e eta per cent. 13Onds pt Ogueirie suds, limn= tl the Flie•hienttee. — or ftir Odd Oollait the Paritela at illeStetLian; and et imaed.iwtowast front thfo holt of*NaN !non thx• araorutt t to,which kreforeowik per eza hr. Mao up, he iernatirder or ,the Fite , Ceuta, iiOO,CP2.OOO, eriiirecoet In the i o ct ir,ll beiro inmin 'cabin With riciiieci.iairour Ina 6lio:ukt pet Cents, iwd pay part et $106,b00.000 at Pour Per drib, the enve Mail* Olen years and the etherthirti ream , Mk• foikridng je tops-of pet au% , Dor*, wader enaparrapotat to the Axaot Cort - or rrla Fu can. Digtia• • • - .1 Etr$DED LOIS OE 3881, t I fiaa civ.z. UNITED NIXES 07 A101111411.' ♦LL Iy.DILSZYD lU 21.1 L =Ail= Lti MY .111;y GY TE *MD is Lamed In sooordanea with the pro. visions* \an Ait of Congreas entitlal "itn Act. W authorise the refunding of the — Satlonsl Deln." _sp- Devred ied? 14 11370. assandod ter an Act view/A 1871. sod redeemable at the pleas cue of Abe trotted SnoSts.'after the let day of Slay, A. D. 1881, lu coin of tae - Mandate value - of ,tho , United. &etre on said July 14, ISIO. with LutzrePt in such rota. tronithe 'day of the data beroof, at the rate of FIVE PERXESTLIA per annum. payable quarterly on the drat day of rebrasry, ]lay, August, aril 'se. romber. In oaft year. The principal and faltered are exempt &unitise payment of all Taxes or Enatna , of the Drafted Stark, as well is from tantion . fn any form. by or under State, mhuietpal or local unbar. tty. Entcred pultiltereft Ilmads rill be tented of We denomtna tom' of $.30. 1:0% $ 4000.$:hi/W. sl o .( 4 k l ;ena coupon bontlevfeaeb denclmination tba but tem. .The Inter:rept ain be IjOyablo in the I'Mted st+tm at the oMce of the Tre:. rarer, any Akt.igont Treasurer, or deskTnated tlepm.itory ortbe cocern• went, quarterly. on the first days of Febre.ar...lrey, ltout. and November in each year. The interest on the Cogianzed stock of tin. Loan, ti is determined by tJaoTreasnry Deinstment, will be paii! by Goid Cheek, for the Qdarterlyinterrst. to the port-office addrear of every holder, free - t f trunble or expense, dispensing with Mtn:dance. tc person'tii by ProxY. at the Trilisnr7,, for the porvoto of rewire: big for and drawing wach _interns& ..- - •.• . ' The, whole proceeds of the 'New LO3ll of I 130 en plied to OR Payment or redemption and t•siicellion. of the 5-20 Tears sin per cent. bonds, and in'sidttien totheee proceeds, the are being redneed ty Pureheases. truragtna, for two yowls past, about 000,000 per month. • ; - The entire effect, therefore, of the bicss *au. In oonneetton with the existing Sinking Fund process of the Treasury, Is to reduce both Principal and-In terest of the Pobite Debt of the rrtited States. ?if Loan creeks so niditionst sappy of nommen! Stools, while the aPPlladion of tho stirphtsrevarme COllKtillily IMICDII27, the Funded Stotts bearing sixAer cent, Gold Interest. The policy of the Government since tl:o elo&e of the War In IRCS, which left a debt upon the country of 02.755,000,0e0, and an animal taxation of e3ll. Oto,ooo, has been to mince steadny both Debt. and Taxes ; io reduce lio Principal Of the Debt by actual payments, sad to lessen the annual burden of Inter est, and thereby the burden of taxation, not only through inch payments, tut by funding the debt at the cheapest rate of Interest practicable from time to time, matt 11 Is now felt that the very cheapest rates are duo to the high credit. stableredrbod fnchllc faith. awl vast and growing resources of the- corn. try. rroM $2.'35,000,000 the principal of the debt haa been reduced to $2,260,000,000—b0th teams el elusive of accrlig Interest—and froMthe heavy bre den of 1<151,539,0e0 per annum, the interest charge has been redncod to $111.780,000 per aanetm sidle the annual taxation. under the Internal Revenue .7* tern, which the necessities of the War and thi,'Debt thereby created rendered necessary for at leaet a abort aeries of years, has been reanced nom $311,- 000.000 in 1965-66 to about $151,000.000 per Year in isian, (estimating for the highest probable' enlist , Dons In the . garret! month. the net of the neva year.) or kas than one-half the first named sum. And in the year 11371-7:1 a further sanction of a2iNe 000,000 will come In under the act of Inly,•1870, u to give only $12G,000,000 for the year, or abeitt two•Afthe the mathertrei of 1865-Oct. By the suocossful refunding of the public debt at moderate rstes,of Interest. and b/ CanAnDed eCC 3 " • mien in the eipeaditures of the Ooternmant—wbich In two rem, from March 4„ 18CS, to March S. 1871. stnounted to $120,1110,910 or an arcraie saving per year of Sit3,hto,l7l—it is belieired that tiesriy the en. Weirton Internal Taxes ein Vie dispensed with in far roars, or ear nevelt Of ft Wristlet:re* the riaeldn attpf PastrirtAssesee&S - and Mouton.. " Ths Seat Wel of .the Treeing has Put, poidlebu , l tie Monthly Schedule of the Public Debt terJune 1, from *bleb it appears' that lie-has !Wilier reduced the total of IS`insleit Dold:beetitig debt sineciTifart, by dm sand of $8.000,000 pwehase tinidd status irox for the Sinking Pond. &021 'Seduced the 5.311 a by the tattle; sum of $4,217,400 b' conversion into the liar I 5 per cent‘ The wholeirunded Debt now,stands, $1,801.1.28.f50 as agatuat 12,107,KG,1.60 two yeari ago ertiontbepresent admlnletratiem came into elBee. Adding ta thew Putts the net eireeistiOn of the leouutter. 'ghat is, 1a 0 reenbaries .and Olsen. buck certificate". tittiFdedeeting Gold and Ctarellt.7 ate hand,) the following is the comparison Of debt of ell kinds, st npres , :.ut t and at the close of the War, aid : in lads : • • • Tull% 1865. March. 14.1). Tube, 7571. SlMcl 52,150.1134.112 $3,107.846.160 $}..E64.123.714 44e410rt G05,21.1.1G3 . 3...43 0 515,KA .366.X.3.101i03 Taal. $2,753,9?5,274 1,461,ZaZi , The foncrsring table affords 11 classification of the •Putaled Stock (in Gold) of the licitel Stitcs, as at present ontstantingt 1,114%. Coirpon. .6.20 C 1862 P 12,158,500 $103„973,500 f .1, 10 1404,1864, 44,752,6.10 -5.,921.100. 10u,G;6550 5.2011,1865. 123,660,150 • 153,5:2,1(10 177,41'.2.TV 42A1:45420179409,300 - • i iv,861,450 25421,t20, , .)51) • 5,2043/361. 241.06,55 d . 91,335,100 951,011.630; .1 3101.1868, '.• AMMO • - 12,6M,000 rt . •••-••••••-••••: i (44, 11,000:44;700: 6387,220,250 ;$3,t6,3,406 : loo,iir.soo • 'lln.fmtific , 3640 t 6 4 1.279.680 • , 236„2/16.650 •.• • 131.667,1100. - 14 Tes. 13.055.0 0 0 , 6.043,000 20,0u0.00e 1191 . 7,000 - ; 3300,400 : : 8,216,4140 '5.1,116,448;730 .$4444 . 0 . 00 $1.42&12M30 : s Totid Xisktob 4.'1140, • ' - 4,107,846,13 s :4 zedi;cl if ts loony Mad 7n 'ehlrge, - Ararat •mair chi:* ; • :Rethietim ' t ix Iwerni Tbeicoposeol farther icance4ft of the puma tti-: betted ebetypt volt the PtOne Debt by refunding to . eichangii of $.500,00.000 rnltra Wks Isis., remits for new five vier coaster El. $3,11110000 137 $.00,000,000 United States A: a c cents for four and a half per cents ' . pit:trigs . 0t4754,(0300 vii4o.2l.**tert sti - iitii - q - *nir pet Total astylegir =nom • rtfailding, MOWN • , ;C: ' • - - • otategilaC&U Loans. !nit Ton, Joot4 287L . ' • ' • IMI • 117.10.11F03i113.1A. gq;od iltutiod ids stiles., trout Tawands tact two Iglus bola li:Ottloototv bottmet.• contatufwg its atteGlF prd tent: apiirwipg 4ialai4. oa tlio taaotia 0 .4. • Tisibar enough (Co. ttio WAR* parfte Lba'artza' Tido is kr attaatca as lbassuliity : Tootoda to Aliator. .I;exim to volt Aupo-z Rousts 'mai Tchr.. 104417arra“. A SAltqatad mx.ogn. 'abate 411' Arne. .E* - • Walks are' 'am allot bong !MAW *AOMllata% ow- lomat -Ist Soo* well a 4 Oogu. with b rot pomp:4n Addraaa of edigoira of Hrd': : SAULEt -• .• 40.4 Phu Store, Taylor:1o, Pa , . 1 111174)1AL BAIENG kiWDERIEfi at frictowlui,lAgyartui .-kickcrer.Acoo, Naciina:r 'hint,' At retail. Jan. 19 t ,1871. IQk ZZACUIt.' ; --- lifila WAPArs - asox,., Regtate'r of the Treutzry 124,71%400 tr 21056,540 11.1.,d483v $12.1135437 cc iitif,7-i4.boo.tet Alamo lot of Leather Fly Nets yelling M $3 BO per to doss them oat. Moo s be lot of Linea ISbecti. Them o sslyatone at s creak bargain. 'IILIMPHItZY IMO& l its4l t fCarrin.e tic r y. JAMEX' BRYANT • eiontlanth the uniiigettare •ot; -• CARRIAG4i,, A ND' WAGONS: ' Of every deeetiptl4: &a:old stratl of G. If I u.txx STRIEt Hte Irt7 l1 ` 4) hi , LATEST STYLE AiTD-FINISH. A m the ruzutifactutt44 uguit)34lslr, :u_l.B uselt but BFST -STEEL , AXLES, Together wait . po COMPOSITION .-BOXES in Lista Woes. PLITFORNI • SPRING. WAGONS - • ••• . EEM LUMBER WAGONS Nerramrtsett7 carbilut • The best Eastern stock is used in the ntanttineture id Wheels. Bpokcs AMIE rind out—not sawed. ALL %sum sou) WAIkitANTED,NUAL TO ANY An to flutak Walla to durability, sumuou TU Ala I 5 THLS ST.CTIOX ice ALL Wunx WAI'IVO...MD..IES - JAMES BRYANI'. irpl 1911 Durtvp THE ti EX SIXTY DAYS We Will offm WE:ATER :BA. .11,(1 A I N BOOTS SHOES DI AN , EVER. BEFORE. CASH BUYEItS. • Win do won to INSPECT TILE ,STgaii. As it. is ; 1 1 ECIALLY /I.,Tnt MMI slC : ilr 4E:1: B. D JO...tile - oo' ds will be sold fit .VERY.GONV,PRIOrI3! RUMPHRET BROTH ERS: ? Torisda, Sla7 23, 1 tri = rnISE - VOWANDA. MBA . - targ, ..L - AOCiTIZIPtiVIND lituisfo • 4 Z ci E.' '4 "re If ay - • !,< ,UKEAN ,TB4cx.,-., =PST CLASS WILE!A;WS 8.4F/423PrZgl?! - „ at:cp.!** WiM.,ftI , IIEMOZ,TABItEiLME2i -sirrsu fused 30 Aims peelapetratrilded st-S4trir* AOITES FOB Dania l # 4 5010 7ua15.,.../ o Ti. ri • r _ i ),, I~tasaaat• • 4- . 4 . ica tol ititka tremirkta dul tbla leiticts ;, :4,144 1•1Wt 4 ,9,' 116664611:# #i 't ' iap0..41,61.113. SCLeit-f-r-7 .*,___r.-F!'r• ma g l iar li aor b, 4 4; mm::r9rAs"*_ ter tkat,' T ottai v d alitrootiMilvarmc teas 9•411 illablavd• „ ,„) FAT FmziAitEt. 1846. • 1: -4. •• QU A DRI-CA. ,4 • • ! ' CELEBR4 I • , i i.; ; ; • I BUADFORD ° I. • win celebrate ttb Twentpilith Atuthergary of ua origamizakm, in Towanda, on the noutner creditable to tbo Dr:lea 111411111141114 'Mb A-universe:7 of American Independence. , - A - proetest of: of the members ef the Order la Its cot* ileozeFlleated tor the FIRE.DEPARVIENT • • urn. • ' become.- ; WILLIAM a. Tr P. G. 4, .... _ ..A_ -..- 11 EE,..4")..4 - NITrEI-, tllll be serredio WI (4 and Flroincalrbo _ll.ll r a - zi ! di ?* kli th o ell . 4lta g ail . C.& c.c. , ... • • ...... ..b..• A. D. 'IMMO. . , . ' It.X.'IIOBEXPIEZD. - - Cum. of A mumements. 1 4 . 71 .1ETT::, 117' I ',".: ' •,. '; ,: _ t ,: 5 :- • . 1, • • # •-.- ' • ~._l:' '''' ~ * .... 4 4.... ... - 3, 2 -- -. .;:a '-,--- i vl 1 .c k -.---?.: ._ll. • i .: C .. r„-- ,, ,. 2 7. VC: . :• t i. , fil . A I'= ' 0 t - i• 4 ' . • .1 . . , i . b ., ' att .-a u 2 -- - -ig 11 V .: , ' -321 a'S " - ---.- =••• 1 ,-- - ... • P e • - 1 1_ , . , • L,. et - P•:-2,,,ci 4 : -4 a . co, .. , t 1 i it 1 ill ti• PI 2 ,'" ' , _$ it Pia ..o PIP -t• •-•- ' ..1 lif _34,,,1. z 7,7 ..,,,i A 1- 1- ., • r • - Di 2 wir. - 2 L., a g ,m r 1 •0 - i pl. i l c -4::% d 1 g ls' 3 44' i ..- ..". E - 4 g 0 7; °- 11. A -el 704 ' t C) . . 4 • i n , • . 4 1 • • c.) a .... 2 1-4 Li -IA iEht'Cl a 1 1 ':' .... E A 1 - 7 .7 rn ! P ".., .. g 4 ~..) c ...., 44iAgps P 4 c)- r. c s O^. m 1 1,1 N q 2 g4 - ,4 a. -; -s - :.,. Ei " 2 '4, - Vl ' t i ~ -,, P*- , fti, -.. , - H M -• A 11 c;•• Ei 71 '.: W 1 fi 4 V J. % - " I .A i . ;4, 3f ' p E-4 • -.i ;E : ~, 'A E 4 = ~.,,i ''"' .1 • v 0 w EC Gl,* ''... I` . °. to 74 74 A - . . ''''' fr 4 oz. :. a b. 4 1 * 4 .5 '' fil - .4 ft' a -14 , - - L a ., El , ~..., - .4 . ..2 ...- 8 s 44, - .: FREI GO TO . TAYLOR k, GORE'S GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S CO TO TA.QLOR& GORE'S 130 TO' TAYLO.II k GORES GO TO TAYLOR GORE'S _ . Fur All the latet, Styles in Cus _ . ioni and linatly-Made 4020 TATLOI3 & GORES For Hate and Caps, all the Latest Styles. EMI GO TAYLOR & ,GORE'S IMG3 Tundshin Goals, *W B I Tiet l / 4 & WORK •;-• CUTTING DONE ON SHOW/ NOTICE. IMill - I , ' ', t %I' M %I: ME .`A P ' 2 44-:111 i.K SI 4 IR ET • ; , a T kroutA,Titbki I EMI i /14-116Citinua., tbe which the WOW! - . pr ic e dU be patl.. 1nn8.71-ti New Advatisematt =MEM Magi IMO ror yu . ur Now Spring Suit. , - - -1 1 4. t r a New Dress Suit, For .Now Spring Styles in Pants. }err a New. Spiiug Overcoat: i' ; -."',: -, '...1 . .'_ ., .'11. '• '.; :*: :WARBANTE:D. =Mil ~t 1 ~ . New Advatiteents. ),KIRBY o Wheel MO-wor. lUMPHANT SUCCE.S.S! This tat* =shim Ja up with the times and 'haul of all oosapatittirs in intend of its leading pointif, It stands In the bolsi rank. gm*, scinntall. .... . . . . wilt commend theinnelees to , 4 011 41fttaligal m . TrS LT! &DING Aro M I followitmf pitman that allow* of • P etition 'ef the • Mantua; tilting, RPle nut isTieed loose or rigid . maybe Mitred the atrAtene reeprielprillit: , The cutting maraud. or, livectr - titr: , tabli 4 eartalegkrsa perlartreer‘=b4 obetroetlout, folitea.,coter for utoldi± by the sole - nee af later. eilleresi by /OC. giter. vine -11149 14u.twit Wele r retrizegitft seat: &lab Met' ft tibia frost Merest of the auebiseat'isle fib" = i sid t o m= Irjgrie v a ger. Saber/a Shebang** imam *tilt asiglbt. .1 -- Ib ttu tamp other vahoelge,: peals tesoltaraterafel to *motion here. It Li made of trig-due roakertabtr enabled+ , POStsrb 2o . l 4 6 411 ÷1 1 0****1. 1 1111 1 ibirehr , • br lightPlMo. =await/ tti =ti s oW". fanners bare been loath* lber' Oa big " be tbe - leadin ted lferialiswitinft it igr ea ,Aedrir or lent bade " uvrintkiitridbr • • - . : l ‘ TY- 11 ? z.()SOP,/{00.••• - - 4 -, • „ • • I ' - - • - AtlkN TS - 1 1 011 , :j1/181NOREig-CO:r1 wattsß. am's* tic . field inilWest Burlington. CHARLES W. 5C0TT.,13k,.... -foe . Mds: tititiNctliciliolo4l. • ' • • 1 AMER Mali. 660.1 i Ore* l'o4 :to!. 901 1 11 D. H." nowELL, Sugar T5...74, WO. tii 4 , 41 . 1 4W 4. , 1 " 143 #* , •:•-• " .liininil;rril/er r yl/1 far Uly.., 1 V:llivulr:r i-d'izt-f.rts', In ceri Imnitnn.L lig 141 - (.10-astala,flioinagh'and te;sponattArinien icing EA U% octal; *adds Sri tba tioribeastern cortotteirat l'onneierania and • mitboistern New Yort,;'btaldti%- ping with Saban tatrot7ind reselling to 'theHs& ton rivcipir Arts4n; Wm, aro no • agents alre — iidi, appointed. - Sample roactines will b cni extablitent at killing paroa4 S4tione3. Ad4ress, o ikub`scriber . wEraxia, Genl. Att., apLe7l4e - . TOINAITDA. Pa. ocs . LO • rg 111 'CIT 00 D S , CELEBIIATED HARVESTING I Nam MAXV)I4II: /871- Thin 313chlue, 16.14 has peen a far,orite with the fainiers lur the, paat eighteen yea r s. is boleti Ise* 'manufactured for the'Rennik et 1811. If Pitmen Ayi•ip are to Wa/*lg • - • , • REA.PER 'OR 3IONVER. tR ilk only 3ako ilia C.Uall.llC will Avd thrtu peticintiiirtid cazi- Etrurliva, purability, . • •-• LIGHTNESS OF -DHAIJGHT;',' . . kacillly ut Manzvracut, aZz.ptabpy pm- zed ever): •••,Ipution 6r . crop- or surface, manner of len ing, the cut gram dt grain—uo otttur reaper leaiey,lso . compact a I;undle, nun ouo so- e4ily 'bound. NVo'd9 not a-k farmers Li Like our a:,iertion for it, tilt to put these ruaetnues to awkest of a • • . TI:/,U, IN TIIi: FIELD It . Towle et 8 ,, n, agent for Towanda - B. L. Cran• rurr, agent for Monroe, Frankthi. AsTinto ; John 0. Braun& agent for Walnut ; W. e' J. B. H0T ,5444 r Toni A. J. Layton, agent for - Liteb• geld Gorhent •&' olentan, • Lellaprollo, agent felt Warren, %%natal., and Pike ; C. C. fitetr llerrickrille, nGent for Ito rrirki Standing Stone;:'Wyt stinting artllnsiMaxl. ; F. W. Tcrwriar, igtrit: for 'tome. jonB.ter VIII YOUNG WARI4OII - Mt 0--VC:r The undersignea are Agents for Eastern Bradford —bare soVI, this tuachlnc fur the last three pears. and ref , r thn readvr on application to 200 farm, ersin lirodforA comity now nciteg this machine to atiozitaatiate a 1 that is claimed for.it. THE LIGHTEST DIUIT, MOST DL t'ONTIIOLT..I2) .31.1C111SE • • D E ‘TRAdK, Vold, if Pith , hill.. the wheels ;nulling' on the gr.ionil inst. ad of the rut grass; for the same rcasun nlvWs wet or stride land. •INiving the cut grass: lyit4 'woe mid light. 'line steel cut-dvar, steel plated guards. planetary gearing which arc protected trent dearth and grass.. NO SIDE nrarr: Can lit.,w the htatieg lodged oripue r,rasa without or vrort7ttvthe teMt. , CLOSE GIT_)kitDID The Univca arc protected from stones TEAM CAN WALK ,81,611' Esoupif ,Ti) To farmers nitemliug to purUltsc , o a . Machine, we say ',leak,' allow us to bring ouo to your , Meadows with any or all 'glowers to prove our assertion that wo hasp • 111 E DtST may IQ'7l 71 A I Ir B GREIT ! . nnr::::).s T7ll ct — rrt—nl IfircriN. 3t rf lenirrti VITRO= T.VEIXO THEN ,OVT rat'uoNyr.s. (.01::1), TUE til - .11:1, TE'l.Tu WITUVCT TAE.Uiti TUEM 0}:J! TUE 11.1.14 • • Li,- It is the only Grin.l,r in t 114.• world, that will du all the abotre.'4ll • here neat the Prairie Former says of auueted Engravin g illustrates a very simple Instru ment for Grlndituithe knives of a.:dowing Machine. The tlrincles fa' a conc of enirrii, and operates- in the Nrzy of au eirdtuar•• ' breast drill, as sholni in the en graving, the gaoat advantage clalmed..by the in: vector is, that the knives can-be ground without re: moving thtm front the Cutter Dar. thereby savfritt: ninth time. Imease a knife is dulled or nicked, the Grinder can be 'Applied at any point in thefleld, and in a few mamentathe Cutter can. be put in complete order. Any Person: of ordinary judgement can quickly learn to UN the Grinder, and not And it any harder work thauto Virad in. an 'other • manner." • . Ayres' Patent American Grinder, exhibited here by the American Grimier Co.. Is an instrument for perfekly sharpening mowing.thachine knives with out the truble of detaching them. It la in the form of a band drill, the solid Emery Cone, which la the' sharpening agent, being revolved with rapidity and unerring aceuraey. It Is so Shllol , 4llat its use may he acquired in a - moment's Mial/Ne larnaer who .• a mower can Ward to dispense with 11.--,Clwan!tre on Farming Inaptenten:z, 4:Le...lfrehartics'' Pair, Syrn ruse. X. 1"..1870. DIDECTIONS. - -Throvethe minter ant of gear, 'move the knife - barthrineth the guards till cue side '+uf each section Is ' t inze k sitionr that it can be lisul Without, steal the guards. get down on aright knee behind the ber.late the Undid •of ltortader stock itryantleft hand. place the butt .1 7f stock against yette betty; letting the emery "00110 *heetOn the bereLef tho section. and ‘brace yorml left elbow against halide Of reit knee. Grind the base I of beaten with point ofemery cone and peentorsee. Mort with base or large end of emery cone, Moshe. , emery 'cone l aud birth over the section by wisaninsf BIM your body baclr stmt . forward: tm this way the face of the emery cone. la used. 'alike and Is not worn in' bellows. In grin ‘Unit Out a nick or break. don't hold. Abe 'Llniery cone. in the 'break too long as there may be a • trethency.to heat. In minding any section, get down square 'behowt the sectfbn, slowly till yea eat hold It properly, then turn' fast. If the Eatery, exam glues, you can rub it Or with a piece of . brick or *and stone and water, In half . a'ailnute. • IV. R. tIIiAW,' CIARIE; • , Agentalor Dradfonl Co. EP Jung 15:71.w.4 ;DON'T FAIL S —Don't_ fail to so.' care a good supply of : . • • ' • .- GU= MY* - . l i = es '. . . liZi4ted to Towanda . COUJIaIuezAT ted to i st,Co.• sod. AA the desirable for 'silo as io n aaalsewhero. Every ono that has& lot can and a plaoe to trite ono or wore ot,these do thieve kidt bowleg vines.; Don't W 'anpthcr tall pass without ' starting asee,of, these fruit vines that Irill grace your table with suck booty and add to lifosesettekilltianee- , . 1 , ' - .- • I'' • ' r ' ' strawberry tUnil terl , isle. pei 100. iir 2 lleN 3 : ' CO and leave four,orders for fall or aping setting, OppQatto therlbthodlit Chuttb. ,Toimils, .10410.71 DlSkMititlOlC—The . copartner-' ablp beretufare eziiiths 'between the water— ;4l4l,llx tbk.Cirocer7an4 riwrislon business. is atiseelriodtrervethbAste: The baits**. wiU. bare. The balances wilt beresiter be corstaetest-b/ Ni',4l.; , ,They,- who-will settle all secounts duo the bite firm. -; - • , Jai..PATTIRSM Towtels. i971.7.1w MI ME MI CHINES! J03F311 TOW7itle. qen'l Agt.; •-• _ /larlabroOk. IND ~.b 2u !hi Wual, CLOG IT : I Y4TILN c. vErsox tor, qiiiitirearWrfeliiiiii itt -- i — tdr iii . w i teev e.: i..—.4%,-.......,..,1,p.,„ r:. Ai ki ~._,..:. ..... tove, -%,)::-.1: - .:',.:.;;;-4-:-:-...e:i.v.:..;.• - - ..r.. -.:::::is .a zar. lip rt...-.. , .'a.:;13;-1,:...L-: - ;:.:4. - 4 * il -iwt.Ar›.-4-.t....v.1.‘" , - ---- IS -,. • 1.1;., _-- i'ir;Ar....4l4 - .•gfA 4 .4-... -- - " - X....4 - ::". , .:..11 MP . wev...3 . ' 4.4,4 -,..- ~,..-: ,i - ? - 7 1...1..... - .-.-,;:e..;-.4-.10•••• •- ii . ' 44 .* . ift- , • ' l- 1 , " J - i.. - .;.,..: . - ,41 ,- .:: - .:.7..;:::: -4at , I 1 e-!th ,,,,- ;• -, SaitOrallicali:::x. - 7.17:;'.. - :::.: .. - .: -. :•-t1111 , ' / ! 41,,, Aptee ,- aelliailiatforiiK4 , ;• l 4;;;+76.4 - 2 ... -.- liailiews - Anthracite, .... tf.11...i , . r ..: ...,2 5. • . rawter . tteltvering cal :pi ... • Use ei boregulat, Pei T0n...50 siplil‘,.ll - 33ra I* A ISO cents.. Usff Toss '..155 't - ' " • . 4 ' 44.''' ". . 241 .. - 9r.Toct::43 . • " - - "•,-P, ./ :- •!-- .." • 28. " , • i • ie t m Ordereittiebeledi etlikeFfiei,Wiessei et Riesi4-, lasibetbiliNebt. or - tit . 11,10arir laity's , Dratilturea - . , ' iii:e 14 )1 11 '' . llll 2 l l l =l, - Miio7 ; Towanda, June . 8..1811-IL , .; - B NvErgragr. . 0 A .-:.Y A •;-' • Untll !hither ugti,prk# _SO, Egg„Ari No. 00: Nos, 3 irotk4 • ; ss_ 4o fit, er s eo - solliyan Anthiadte cost—. Alt So IME dEggiiiV2l. beside tat animating and ailhin tfe bovighlialits; • -Per ten ' 60 eta. •EattraMe coming Win eta. ,41=T47.7.25.21: 7,i 7. * ;:i.1 alrleavis Wen se in . ? dal Mice; We. 2, Kir: *ma San Illinek; • - !' _nrsoletti *rid of infie,"be Iceotnongeg fha eldr. , l • . Ttaniala. Jun 7. Ile vr• • U:PINI:THARIPs OHOLtRA , CORDIAL! ' Grime prompt relief in Xll deranCetranda et th e gthipackedixerviik afAMC *Mal. Cotac.. CiMe4epa itouXita. Caoraart fararrou or Swifts CeacriAllas Tiarauxo. Dan:My Dirs vaansioko.. ,ILL•pilesard to the taste. endai pan- Pal periodical female afittnenta , la a omega rem. isly. -A descriptive danlar- replete with. naefollits tarma4 cdr s eixligif ies IFtlf et , Tardwataaid imam knew t i Hosea niawatury. • -This may calitY Plat t have long known lie. 0. Vrqnhartof Wilkawßanw and betters that rapak. the aantlincert of WI who know him, when lay that • all thardittons of life: he is wrathy al the nava and 'confidence of the =tams and the intelligent penal of our astuty.., 111137. }}Taring derived winch beheft from taking Dr. Fr. 4 enhat's Cholera Conte. / matron to recommend It sat reliable preparation to cam: of Diarrinea. 211 BA • It is a roost valuable medicine, !peaty in its over. Wont and aiW l 7! Sr! Co "'O r d nrr‘gt : • - • W. a. i'AILSOSS: -From experience in the ciao of lie Urquhart's Cholera Camila/. / barn no hesitation in saying MIA the teat rune ly I have ever hied for Cholera bits, chelic, and pain in the Stomach anklictwele. , OYT. CM I have c Aed the Cholera Cordial for ten years. 'Ur '• every ,ass effected a care. and I feel Piatilled saying that rt is the bed: medicine for lharrhaca.: - Ileentem Pains and -Cramps is theAktmach and. Bowels, eau offered:MAW eblic. J. 3LILTON cothrnuorrr. I have experienced the moat extrpristngly e fleisl effects titan IW. lirgehaet's Cholera Cordial is quick In action, and I regard it as unequallertn: rases of Cale. Diarrhoes,,nr., and I really desire to reamunend it to all affected with BoweliComplainta. • I W. WI LOOKt& Dr. Dried:arra Cbelers Cordials, is presaged st, WiLkerellarrr, - Penn's, 'and sent by , express any 'Fifty cents a bottle. ' • j0n14.71-ans WARFrELD'S COLD wAii.R.sta.FAVASHERG _SOAP, - FOX & • XIERCUIL For oda by This San; will 'mush all kinds of (Nothing in (3•14 teri either hard' r soft, as. ny other soap will by the old twihiorted way of boiling, and warranted not td inicrre the cloth. Retaember.;lo hot water and to boiling--quite a saving this hot weather. Try and satiety yonrselL • •joneB,ll-2:rt • • VSTRAN.—Carne to the en elosuie 12.1 of the undomttimed, on the Sd of Sang 1811. a dark DAY MARE; with a Matt white etetp - in the The owner can buffo hes by coming forward, yroritut property' and paying charges,. ',Macedonia. June 5..71,. JOSE. 11.1=IE1T. SALE OF -SECOND 2131t1TITITLX. • 111 the furnitnre now contained in the WA.Np Horst, TOWANDA; TM • Consisting at Cabinet ware, Beds and Iledding, .Crockery, Glum and Hollow Ware. Parrot' and Cook Stoves. (both odd and wood.) Oil Chandeliers and lamps. In thennerithing for First• Class iloteL also otter for site.oncllBht Hold Ohmtbas with ° the Horses and Harness, one Fonr-Feed Ale Pump.. _ ono Show Case. one Hotel Cook Stoee.'Onell'ire•Proof = • Safe. two HiLlnird;Tables and two Well pampa. Hotel Kcepeke and all person/I'lllolow torn:Hain anything to the above line will *Owe call and ems. , the tha It will be Sold Ivry low. The ole stock most be closed out by the 2, 1 of August next. • ' L C.' T. !MTH: Towanda, Pa.; 3tay 21`; 1811 " • • • . NOTHER NEW FIRM. FURNITURE LO*Ett THAN MM. ' J.. S.•A'LLYN'& CO 'laving. purchased tltc.Sartiltare More ot D. L. PacKuala In MercuVa Block. Dare. added largely to War-duck. and no* oder • . • IMO 00 4 hit, I A U 1 everyacscription at juices which will DEFY COMPV,Tr.CION. . , Haying pnret6eed /the • stock for CASH, they feel uarrant,.l in sayittgAhat they can offer greater, An. thieemepte thiq liWy other eettalltahment to the foly.4tY• c . ..'s f . Towindx, April t 6.1871. FTZT77I I sus FIRM - 7-- WORKS, INI iirrr"orE NVIC!iIf.AAI A-, 11-LACK,' IdAsoNI-isuvuovin G A S T I' A FULL LINE :OF GENERAL FIRE 'WORKS, By the 4vtaatity at • LOWS' FIGVW-S. Tpwsugai * Janet-8..15M NISI),.ZEY SAYM_ - , runcruismo YOUR STOVES AND lELARDIVAitE & s. BuoNsoi omen, ra., ckuo.lo. VOW- I. NOW.OPTIM A. for sale my boanling ,house; near the wager Yanking and Dodgers.* Co'! KUM, st shergain. The b144114L is Igtd l lietuet t end. hs rapacity far Waved's., My reason ae l / 1 4 14 tat Pell° .me to perform the labor neeneenry to Imp dee estab• Daimon( up. There to no trouble In seeadnigood bowiter, enough to iththe Maw - • - " - ToirendnitinirST MTh tit .• - : QPICEI3OIWitINPS : OLE LI and Cilvtuld at • VOX klalle.1“ E 13711 . . =Xi Fr= J 4 R, ? IMMI -- i, P- ____