lii , - lbws From The railroad bri. fs war complvtion.. cheese fat() I gouc to work at Ripon, —SOMO • Darts of plantod lees cotton than las —The 'Penneylvan' 1t DauvUk, aro all ready t.l —The Peikiomen ti roach Emaus io loss than t • —A man . in Mn inuikes in ono slay. =The Maine marb ploy 1,000 men. —Kansas added fo no*spapers last:year. ' -=The floating cap eierippi river is /1,500,000,1 —Clateirpillars dre ncroii ncar.Vinccnnga,ln —Ono mau'a inter iee, mlno so! —The Brobidyn stouors want, 20,000 fleet and Mrs. in Merlin.' 4111itggic Mitehel ialle(j. , "(!ver Yondoi." brot • gatitAlt N ••ntning tojtmeri --Henry Ward „13. pr6Ai one Benno timi:4lnrilig the Summer. —Boston papers t + rrinni ili.nppearaneceof a who; alien last aefil, Was he - pi. n•ntral Part in Now - • • —l3ae:= are now C. , ti. tom rivi , f:lweighing two `—Senntilr ithnio ~01.11Atine; leave 1. has p•' against ihi Illinois and controls it. —An iron b with Atone fibnt,tueiitfli.• if Abiieno, liAnsaß. —The Reading_ G I, t110q...1117 foreNr to - rn.vit.l; city. Ile Chicago an" (7.inpany hare fenced th6.i - -E_. - Senator Re pi it r", Alcorn in that State. • ---The inwest eSti iforni, this year lb. 1,i.1.,11,-kt 12000,000. --Two Joliet, 111. we Bann day tiny .i . ears their g..1.1Ni nupttals, -.. —The late fire i the w 1 youth New Jer;ey destro„ ed•tgoq,ooo veil . ' property, , diiiellv gaudily . timber.. .. '' —The Kankakee (IR) Stone 1 and • I.inir rlmpany shipped,l 002 car loads of h!: vt ir, w... t iglung 21,2T00 pounds. '1 1 . . - The lilassachu etts Senatel has .s , orti, , ,a to reconsider its refusal to charttir nar .. Ow gaugF railroads.l i - -.y in the 1 ell, packea in. 1 i,,,5t.: are shipped from Cri 1301, Bfd„ to Chicago • in refrigerator cars. . ,L-The. use of papl .41,,q,a is appioved and ii have iron or steet-ilanget • -- —Mr. Feupo, ji Ilasssentisetts, ii•itnesse( of et/le:lid troops on Ih' -A horned ton to Wilmington, 1 utail, and was taken out , —The bachelors i }chip, constitutionally pr , ' beleu . U 151,000 and a brie —The, Boston-bilders of.thel iron 1. 1 . , tank inolaiises brig Nov ltv,_have sncceeded so ay 11 that 'they will at on , , 'duplicate bori, • -.Breed's Island Boston, connect ,..l kith ti t , battle of 11u iker 11111, has been laid, -tint for residences Ind w 11 soon be poptilated. 1- - (lilt - Mine . Shia erdson, - • Nor l i wegi- I no, 7t1.7. , , 1 145,7, died at ilwaukee-,Wednesday, end idt..‹ ~Drew is living t-Wankeslia,agtcd 109. --- The directors f the Tomaa • Pa , Aie• lt , ,tlrnad report,th •ir early Consolidation -." ,s.itli the Tratiscontinen n 1 and South Pscitic. . _ , The post-offie ~ rovonue fo• the .•mrrent liFcal year We; ected by the Isepart nient i t - surpass that 9 last year by711„000,, ---Mr. Woo 4; Of henancloah ,conn ro , iv, .\ r..:has the.eontrai. - . for a bridge i9lO feet ' .ttg. t“ . c , o,:`it f 10.500,000 over the PutOthee, at -sliery.ThtoWn. • . . " ----The Big Spri. motrit,tits - hae been propagate 1 5 vot nenr by. —The St..Lordsl wr.o.k wp. , l (mil, only 2,1i 1 ;,..ccav, j. The, o p. Lot ptil,;('. ' • • - 'The Penneyll.l l - t , • , nght iron lands ninth It the south Pad than cornpatito fart - --Ail of the we• wit , n.t.t.T9p th . any yreviins ; and mn or i - aoti.l so - ninch. . • The boni.le of fOrtAts sub.. rro,ivrick. - Norfolk; Va., • ,•ndin g of rice i • ahoni ni! r, to o • • - --On tlic , 26th '• f April, •119,000 hr-nd of (lath. had rap ed Belton, Texas, for --.• • - Est:-4,4 and California. The cattle drivnig sea ,n-1:n'1 n0t,.1. , ..gun curb r. . • —A "2: -. e'r: York police , cap4iin is 11..1•11,-1 , r( por . tod M) Iso l vo • received . "d costly .. 1 ••rdlnui,•:.d-,g-Kon 19 , a lot of_gambler s and >,u; •inne-I keepers."--.n•o' 1 —The - .T.loughtcin, -'(L.S.,) Gazelle sacs "n; :r lc nil of the item ore - that will by mined this A'3, , on lass boon dohtra rod- for already. -The Pfodui• will excee 'last ye severel thou , .. sand teii,, - .', ~ . • I . , ----New. Jersey. as , received 500 ;awe '. , divedl,4ll 'emigre ts, who immediately .t. 4 - rhyd. , 'ton t 9 Wiseobsi to join the like hum= . ~I,or nryfr..±d •,, ,Ireod . l) fore.. Another similar -, , , •, • (.1V in rcAV due. • . . .. • . ' 4 ---The bonds of ve:ra - 1 towns and cities along-the Ottawa, Osiwngo and Foe River liailrbait Illinois, are told, •by the !Let that they .114v0 not been allowed eulTicioat de ice in the directors. , - . ' I- , l , • . —,- J ‘ efrersonvillel" lientuckyj heti 1:-tittered another gigailtielf.ossil mammy; The . shin hone was three !cid,: long two grinders were ..aeh half an inch g0144,1 .. an5l the remains . • ' indian'ed a luau twelve:feet • - _• ---Laticaster raised $1,500 o•• sl's - . 000, at one rneeting, A') make Franklin. and Mar s hall College free to Lancaster youth. Soy oral thousands had been subscribedprthiunsly, _ Bt that the result is certain. . ' • t - ' .. I —For •' eighteen Months . Chinamen 1 ',ay.: -been 'wiling chum , IA pure old , i ln Au - 1 1,. 'burn, CAL, varying in v Iti from V2O to ;$2OO. j The pieocalseein to hay •leenehoppedlfrOm a solid zunsti, and no one •ntelind where i that is 1 • located. . / .'" , - '-- - iNtisso iur asscrssmente cover 33,- •- 114:1,O2 acres, iiilued tt i l - 32.Cr2,102,963, and !town • ' • lota NZPaRI at " 137,5 024 ; total real estate ' 5410,555,514; pcir50na1,'4156,17 . 2,037. TOtal tax able Health, .1,571,134,03, of which St. Louis, county has 1158,617,340 r ' .. . . ' —The Chartii3rS: Valley Railroad was in'etirporated 1re1853 and graded; jeold to the l'mnsylvania Central in 1866, and can - structi , in commenced in11306,..and conslruction_ -, commehced in 180' oneii more at the instance and be aid of peopl .. , ,on the line. 'lt iS just , • • completed. s' - , , • • . —The H. etc . H. mpanye oi l i F . il- minoton. Del., have fa - shed new cars for the , ' North. Perunivlvaids ; for the'Lake Siiperi •-- or-and Mississippi, the 'West . Wisconsin,. and several 'ioithern. Thew', are remodelling Pull man-palace cars and' adding Others for the .'.. philedelphis and El . route.' 1 , 1 • •• , • y i d . . 7- -'.1:110 Riekin nd; ,- (Va.)‘ I steam, . • it;rio: and rolling mill, Paying particular lite& • tion to the menuttietb•of ear wheels,' have a hammer of 3500 polls . a forge that cut hand- - • lu forty tons a week ; 100 horse-power engine • Mille rolling mill d employ Aileen hands. There is but one Oth steam' forge South of :•‘. Daluroorv. . ;. • • , i . ,•' 4.-A. BcistoriT gee firm shipped . - NYX ) beaks !,! or kraal in bulk , received in els ~ • ' (lAA Iron': Chicago , ono steamship: 5,q00 • : received the ramo ira by the , next, and have co:Arnett/n*lor a lik shiptrient 'by lanoth‘k. • This appareutly itia atektaninese. l . ...- . 1 . - 1- Atoilliklq•*:--,.,. Vr Nations. ge rkik•Stiphr • - i .'' F.. 0. Towan have yoar AE iron.. War :, go into blast. • way will not palm ,c, catig ht • 42 . e,qua.rries C - Col Col MEI ty-two to liter The tai on the 163 contai tic elerrnts. Autag,onistic, ho\vever, only . astegards the policy i►nd utter= ances lof - ~ thitt organization.' For, however much they may differ as to the to be. used, their disci pline i$ so perfect, that they harmo nize as a unit at the polls. These . two elements are firstly, the Bour- =USMinya nn ,liana. '.st in a liowan lately for $140,1300 . . OHM Comnius. !Year. IM Madam© gar has play bons rctid fossils' of the party Illp who never forgel, and never learn who swear by the " Constitution as it wat," and ' . ).wonld restore the, coiintry , to the slime social and .poli- p er Edward ,o - a in August_ • her has prem ed Sanitoga-imni, Lica condition which existed at, the - outbr4k of. tho rebellion: These men ignore the inexorable logic of events, and-will not become reeoncil , ed to ithe progress and the revolu tions 'of the past. ten years. ni l compOse the ruling element of the Democratic party, and have - herOto fore shaped its policy ; and named•its candidates. 'ecord the 34ya tdm ranee lecturer, 13. flower at IYork , is twenty-five ght in the An and gpe-haltpoinds. and Speaker Europe inunediakely, ' '• the last elaim higan" Canal, and Lately, 'a new element has been i developed which has manifested a dispositiot to make a new departure from the fossilized and moss-covered traditions of thi- Democracy, Ilav lug Vainly, waited for the popular wafe.which was to .bury beneath its. oVetwhelming torrent the principles and organization of the Republican majority, the •other class of Demo crats grown. hungi.y With long fast . have become desperate at their exclusion from the enjoyment of pdb lic patronage, and are—disposed to adelit,ti any measures, and endorse any ;,creed, which shall . give. the% place iandpower. ' '.r - (' - Strange as it may appear, Ir. VAL LANIitICIfIiII ,is the leader of - the 1 0 , • A , new dispensation. V.ILL3cNI:II}ILIII, the 4--- - ateh-traitor and copperhead, whose treasonable ; utterances.atid traitorous conduct during the war, gained for him! the unenviable notoriety of be ing sent'withiu the rebel lines, to en joy he society•and receive the atteia 4*s 'of the friends who had his deoPest sympathy.. This arrant dem agogue and political trickster, secin hoW utterly hopeless is the success Of the Democracy, has "laid "down • a platform for that party, which it is hop'ed may deceive the people, and reverse the verdict of poplin. con derination. It has been virtually adopted by the Democracy of Ohio, •-and, substantially proposes : ,;•• • 1 Fit-sr. l Agreement to disagree aboutthe past. Inti anon to all Republicam to co-overate on liiill issuer. .4. qmd. Acceptance or Ile• results of the war, Mel ding the thirteenth.' fourteenth and tif ttot li amendments, and aequi:esceueo in them as n longer isows l i cfore the country. T, ird. The Demo r raey will obey and enforce the:unstitution as } t istaiw to i"ent‘e e q uality t o ' a I, without distmetion.f rage, color or fain diti m.' P .S The late 'Democratic Convention of thili. State, r4ade a public-attempt at ac nieseence in, thiS new order of thi tg's. But as gnarde4l as . Was the Ate ion proposed, it Met With decided an bitter opposition... The niuth4 of th series of resolutions adopted iy that body was as follows-: 1 f hth. That VT rec , ?griiie . tho binding JAI- Sons of all the provisions of the Cm oM n tntio Ihe-United States as they now exist, and we n re s e c a t i VlV i tt i ni'a iL i':;t:t r • atl l ,l:'y ; t 1!( ( ii -1, 'Itli l ‘')':‘-'i t - . r onstitutionally appoint el. .'; . -, This ambiguous and lonble-fa(4.4 :erance was passed by a vote of to 51, after au acrimonious de e, in which-the minority denounc and utterly repirdiatedf it, The jority urged -that it had become essftry for the success of the par otid that it really_ nioant nothing; de thb minority yebelled against as constructively acquiescing in amenamcnts to the Con t Stitntion, :luding riegro suti - rage. kis but a Ile over a :veilr rine , • the Democrat- State .Convention vot(Al against Dgnizing the Fifteenth Amend at. They declared that it had been adopted according to the. nirenututT of the- Constitution ;• t it was a fraud and that it would 6r - 4ie recognized 1-y the true De :racy._ 126 feet I said ,to be b. ', rig, A at Company new mains b • are the - (X)WiiLla k ktrEirli 1 7‘, New ealrb;siluo-it& CLASSIFICATION 9r pnrisonfi engaged in' the Lae of KCIOdN, warei., ,fintinechandligi in the comity of Bradford ; for tlic *lt-4,1871 Attila; iwp._ .1 - 001 tiardricT o r •-:;• - A. Bcidl start Amos bora-J. L. - Curt/1u Morse brothers Sirte & Utu•baut • • Join Earrolt r. ' • ' , D F Park ." . Frazier k Drcw A A Sinner • - tchal ' • ' o mi A - Perklna • F D Ritter' . Pitch & Kinney v 01. Eaeterlirooka •/. Alba bnro-C G Manley k 801 • 0I" Tong• ,- . L I 'Alelrear Aayntta,tirp.-31 Moody- ..- Antany twp.-]filler k 1.4 , 401 • ttirevk - ce de?: Patel* • • • BarclaY twp.-W .1 Tluntipattn. 'IPI.I - Crc-vk ILL cow Cd utirungtootoro.-0 P Tracy , : ' W•II A Groom •- - - Reuben Kerley . • - lElattilnutina Burlington west.-E/twartLE I.oxnala Nolen born.2-spadthg k Darn . - A V Trout . , • • James Kenny Doty. k- Tuthill H MlUer dr - CO. • ; • • • Ifienek k White k • -• teeklel wmatt T C Cowen , • , AVAllau • - . Iturk,i:Thotnaik, Co. l lii , utuark k Merritt W L'ninrrrer • Cuts ell'\t' t:ptaa . ".I[ Tutiill ' • a '3lo4:att. • " Pialx.-Tripp tierce ' II 11 •: Carlton twp -ECTanTiyke' . • Olt iroudrout 1 • . • ' Wolcott & Manley- . Columbia tWp.-Morris Palrbaidt• U k'ergitm:ri • • - • • AtigUit at Watkiva • vL 810 C, • ; . , C 0 McClelland W Ii Suedcker . Franklin' twp.-McKee Brotrtert' Criarlen Taylor - Granville twit-McMurray & Knapp L D Taylor • • • Herrick & Anderson . M W ka : Libibtkild.L-D • E Wolcott - • • 8 M. Lai. ton Leßoy S Teara..4: Co. Ii 14•1toloorala White k Balls] • rl & (lumen J F Roma - urns S WLittle " '• • Wur-Lia% kit:a S o n ICaldwitt & Blackman 73 0 Bailey UregPri k hoses •G Iv: Johnson Monet, biro:-Tracy & !lotion A C, Cranufer A D Fisher S W Alden • ' Rockwell & Smilk - . 0 If Iluckwell tirp.-A I Harris J i s heist & Swum: . Orwell twp.-Henry BboetuMtcr •S S Braman Friabierk Coburn A Cmo - Overton otp.-F °Minim & John Shernum , • Martin Itelebemer Ifeicliene4 & Mosbacter Corcoran O'Drtata-. Pike twp.-11 A noes E J Eastorbrooke J Borrows & Seth • Ronne born.-M L Maynard - • H W Baxter J Whittaker. Son ' L B Bmccring Ovecuve Wieboht L A ltiggway • • wry tiir.-A II %%alibi .0 Craig Evaos Cooper"Erigleet - L - South Cr-. W•W-I.l4reite',„ . l'itt Kini:wland '• Smitliti-1.1..-C 1; ' S Tram' A Co. Geroni,l • Jain., It Webb bow. -Pete r Munroe • CLlrk TivAllant ' , Springfield. -C W Scutt • . S Wat-on Cheri : TiartnefiA , Shosbe , iniv. - Kinney A Wattious Gun. A Gregory Statalhig Stenr.-r E A Lout,. , •14111., Lpw• . Terry p .--W -W J B Murton • Str , iiir Troy'boni. -F. C 011ierk Sons ri.rter •A D k siiSpaldine 'Dewey k Co. • dcw_etJ a: Pmtertir • l'Auburr & Gray NleCcloe • lUrrict,..k. Cu. . J 1 ,`,frry A7,,Pi•rk Fit ree EC Covell : ra,ue. • Lcouird : 4 , P4r,,utio Char:e., GruLa : • 12 . Fitodington , G It Lou„ A Co, • „I 1; 1.• ram Ten - arida lywo IS Allyu &C M Dlatrillkl .12 Diltnek. 7. . J Caaius -• ' . Mart.1...4 1 Lindner.' , Turtir .k..Eortiy k. Edward - 6' • 3 11 • 111! • • LIM • /:1111.1 .3/ . /03TC • • 1) W Sc- dt s v, C O . r . j - Clark Pettey , k. Co. T 11,Ertanons V • 3• 'Taylor k - liruthers ' . Mr:, EC ,Nckerinan • (i'Frust . A.SOns , 11 Porkr, Sufi . lox .N.T.Alereur r - Goa venehlok Wulf, ' .51' Carter Wiekbant ti Met . S 4 C.s Fitch - A 1-4.linniisi nyl , r k Co. 1: 8 Schwan , • 1 ,1 151 IVaruor W .11' Lent_ • ttietz, , ,ay & Everett E - . Ilettrrllarris & sou - kern L Reeler • Evans 1 Ilillntla. ' NV A Rockwall DL LCWIIi • .11 Sulltian - 9 A 'Baldwin Powell Ik.Co.'- C F Cross. l'attumn A: Kinney II Jacobs , A. Myer Carron at Co. - Petoe M4Slurrow S Tlineles .vs lEM Mon Ridgbli . Colding,-Bassell,& Co, - I bo tin.) i Monti:lce , - • ‘,— 10 CO 00 Jll Mane"; • . • - - 14 ••• 7. (PO .- l'surrcilen & Co. • • .. - 14 •, 700 • - CBeiZtletnan • • • • 13 , - 10 00 411 Powell • • e t 1.0 •7 00 3 klerideth A: Co. I. ' ; 12 - •- . 1" SO T'anearOrs tiip.—A I Silos i 13 10 00 Videi tyrp.-31 Etat& - , -:.•4 .. .. If • C:l3 Elshme.••;l l,-t -• ~ 14 •7 00 ,rackticitillorfekipaek . ••' •• 13 . . 10 oil C F Eurgtron.., Li 11l 01 , . -TS Sciftla -. • ' ..- • 14 700 A Wathlott i'-.. , -*; , - .... —l4 • 7 , 00 Wilmot twp.--Jusicy,Siowell -141 7OR A Levin:•'T , 1 4 7OR Wysoi.--.I•P Watilr:lf . N.: . ‘ ~ :1 .141 , •••.'' 7 . 0.3 Wells.—.l 0 Itandall , ,, x .:b. - 4 ' s.i 1I 700 L F Sliiiihic,filF . .: - .... ••••• t 14. 7 (01 • C Lfihephard 13 ' 10 01 Windham.—Wl,lllarringtcc ' • 11 760 Wm 11 Ittutait - • ' • ' 11 700 Warren twp.- YD. 'Kinney . ' 1.1 1:) 0, „: .1 1' t'cupt:r. . li • 7 u-i : tilt W Tlln,a,lrs; . v..- ' : ~,ry 11 - 7 ( 4 ) :X.% •1,10 - - -.- . l• ji t 70) Wyali:-ing.—Eipler •. FaCclian •:1 - 7 00' I...t.fferly . Laudon • • . 141 20.01) ' Awry k Beaumont 13 10 t' , l ' - TA . Camp • ' 11 . ' 709 • • 'll S' A•rtstll/ • :.•.- • 14 7,01 ' 11 1 ITalleek A• . ("o. ' • 12 12 so 0V Cl amborlin -A cd, 'l4r- 7 0 0 • • -4; K Thompxon le Co. 14Brctber '7 00 , , tiar ktr,l s- ^ • . twit, 4 ' ..' l4 - 700 A 12 ' 12 - 5( .. ~ Ackley. Lloyil k -1104:1Der - -•-•- - -11 16 00 \ \ G Nlrrili/bY. ...-.-. ' /3 •10 90 . •• , . (limit itorlenback. ,l• - • . ,:- 14 . 700 . . 11 S Ackley ie./troll:tett, . ft •12 fv) • *Oaf & Vau,,glHdim : ..,- '4 '. 500 .1 'l o ,..wFt . ' -- 4 C 4 n) ENOUGH TO BM '~~kc llegnin. Ya: A 11qt nt:perions inesgeditteintninftbillsr4 tabl., isud,bowliug•-ll , .estU the county of Brulfo4 for the year 1 4 71 ''.... 44 . NO. li Tsh.h,R..l.lceng... Troy' 'rd.-- rgn Pe- Wolf - • , ' 2 f4O t.O Touar, , la bort). -.%. K 4•E 8 Smith .'4 410 eil ' -"UT Su:lk • .2 , .40 tql Mr 6 C-W. 'chwenke . . 4 60 00 f• •\ ' .., • ' A I:,t of ,persons - eniakel '4IL tito;bartkirs Suet 'wok., r- ' , IN , -..A , `a.: the conuty_ u ~,, fßratlf 1.1 fur th, year 1-7: .• • :•.. • '.', ;, . f_..-7.7 ' --? '' 7 : . ; - eli.o. Lictur , . Troy i•ore.—POtucry Brothers 9 s2c tO Cant.r, 1, .r. , . -Str,itoCiark k co. ..121 !to' TONTAntia 1. , .rl‘..---4; F m. o . •, t , c o , \ a g; i,,, . ' 3.1. C'l`. rc or . ..) . m t... .... .. A 8-t . anercla4Bl ilg cation of perilous eagr4lu 1.• • sale of patent 1nc,12c1n4, , nostrums, 4:e.. - lu .t!,, county of Braaf,.rd ,4.,r ths - yoar'4B7l '!'\, • , Athcn 1 b”,:+ . '. -llorle •Prottars I. ,' 1 • '5 .., .sti A Puebla -,- ~- i , --,- .. ' 5.. Albany.-3 D Sti•rigere 1: Co. - . .' ' -; i 141 Carrtou Loro,-.C.,olirell 4 Whitglim ~., it :,—..i ..x.l. Fruaklin.--elarles ':Caylor • - I -- .' ' 4` -- • :„7i41 _ _ D T57191 7 ' Leßs3•!...vitle.—J F rcL - Leßov.-13 F Tears k Co.- 1• -• -7 'l4l. X4P111:0e bcord.-441119 Alclen:".l : :-I .1` tv.T.—Ttobtaaon tt Cralg I - Bedingion f. 4 . nrjrziaan k. Parsons r 3.. OP TOVUtett . C Parter.l3on C 11;.? - PST Drown . . oo • "Porter klUrby . I : ' 3 'JO .10 i t Hat of peatutia-ongaged• iltgnair4v (1114118rr.t4 , atid.Pricia. fix Llfore. L. ths 31%r . ' • z• • . 1 T411111.11i101 toorar-4 boiler •/ . , 4 ; TVSIIIII. /a VA 41.—usury3Q0e, y I .23..” W , •;• • • 3 Mapi-eT. marcalitte, apratt-43iplar . eoitay of- Pradford for the jeer 11511, to bOfeby flint the fanifoft tl alrrert flat Meat and claasilleation. for; mid saar Ib7l, .tt htt au appeal aill bo !irk! at Oa Tratutrtes..aftwe tt Tabled*, Sat'artleky., tikb - 10th •da of I**,l A` I, tOr tLJ parl..'xo N Lev* such viva t...41ve.s agoirrod by resaoriof atto , lt'appriudiete.' - • MUM. M:411, 1;4.71. N. BRONSON av &XVI BrAitiCX . T.;. • wllol,EBALldlillkll. Corroev.k. ir-vErp • n einem - lay, by C. PAY i t I - trubJoot to cbaniVia daily, Wheat; tR t 0115..... Eye. lit bush) .. . • itneltivbeleto 3R knbih. Corn, Whitish_ ,Ostk•W 0 01 4 .... .. Beane, $. bush... Butter (rolls) do -(datry.3l, l :b new . ...... REadas. .. ... ... It Utah ' • . .Flokor,lh Med : •}•• 10 co Mow "kulb • • - • 75 OWL—Wheat Gil ;' Corn . 5 / 1 ; Hya Ode 31tba. - Bible" &Mo.) buii,brat o.lbeirk /Mona 61 lha.; li mn 20 Thig; closer & a 1 Tlino44 Seed it ma, pried reactitt 31b.. Meal Applos7l Po.. Flax §:sod NOM& Cl*.m.l.4cen 4 4D 11 -$7 00 11 100 I 4 011 14 700. 14' 700 11 7 110 11 9 7 110 25 dO 42. 12 190 95 /3 /0 0 (03 0 13 10 83 14 ..7 470 1:4 :114 00 14 700' 12 MT.,. 13 10 00, 1 11 10,00 .7 OD 11 10 ou OD 14 7 00 13 10 OD 14 7,1:14.4 14 7 OD 124440 p 110 . .4 i 7.41 0 14 7 041 14 . 700 .14 7 00 .13. 10 04 11 . .15 OD 14 - 7 1 P' 14 . 7.00 11 15 06-; 14 1 00 10 24) 04 , li -7.00 14 10 00 H 7'oo • 25 ou 11 - 7 00 14 7 00 24 ' 7 00 'I) .10. 1 7: 14 - 7 , 4 1 14 7 00 11 15 00 14 7.f..9 700 'I4 Ii 700 It 700 14 7 I+o 1; :7191 3.: 12 50 It 7' 00 1I 7.4.4, 14 7'oo It. 7.00 lb 100 14 .1 14 7 00 .14 1 00 14 700 14 .700 14 . 700 • 14 -.7 VI , 14 10 00 13. 10 00 14 7 DU It 7 00 -13 - 10 10 13 10 44) 11 10 00 • 14 . 40. 37 - - _lO itts 14 . ' 1 7(o' 13 10 bo, 14 7 00 14 7 00? 14 7-00 14. • 7.00 1 11 7 00', 14 7 NI 11 I.oo' 14 , 0(. 11 7{M. 11 . 7 '4' 12 '12. .41 74 c .7 oh 12 12 :o , ' • 1:4 1000 r 4 7 . 01;. 13 . 10 ?I. 14 7(6+ 14. 7 00 1.1 10. 1 1 .14 7 01 "li II 17 1: '7 , 0 It 7 10 11 14 7 10 SIISQT.THANNA. COLLEGLITE • - • DA. litt&Drous) fOITNT*, lads fuidifOttft bujinif bean •WargagblY rrpatri .1 and 421fProfect..szik will its ftcorangd szrrnixso, V ommEnetn kiCIENTIkIC • MAL DitirAlttliESTS. • • Tltn Esotiin.ect-nsz crninrises - syridal attentki: to preparatory instructirniT''stid ghet - acaikrml, ' titauchos, classics szreptcd.• ' .7110 Cox-Irtnarai.-alt the gdrantages of nor ,be , . ponunfrcialScliobla with nrewary ;leaden: H. 411;W , . The `NOUgAt.' thorough, drill lir comma= sch... sindles and Theory andl'racticeiraaching. Mc Scirmitrze, specialbas(roctionin • dinstiateil by an extrinden -enTß , Mion of apparattl.. - rreently repair'.] and annplied—and oth , r Granrhr •umndly pursued it College, modern laygriAgew berry rubetltafxd for 'ancient. • ""'' * • • CL...1.1....icat. thorough prewat,ioUa fur . ..or br:d ' low,. and modern LangUages,' . tircrAmr.stAi. branchcs—gusic, • • unZier e. cyclic tit Jag:Ludas. Board and ROOMS may bo sfibUdird In limy Inst,l •tnte. ' Apply lo and E.E. kruinlan, Aar • Mate Rtiffcipalo, T0W111,13, fotenTular w and parlicl:- . `MILLEIC • Attg.lollll. " President Poard TraOteir. 1M ToNVAN,rDS COAL YARD. • • Akrußierit ASD nrrtatisors coem. . . The undersigned. having leased the Coat Yard an .d Boot at the old "13atclay lawn." and Just compLeti-il a large Coal-house and Office upon thrt,premiaen, aro now prepared to furnish the citizena of Towanda and vicinity with the all re lands and RIZ! sot the above named coal, tmonthe moat reaiumahle terms In our .1010,0ide13t desired. Zrlces at the' Yard mita ttirtte-r am ' Largo Zdll " Small Egg - -Litn.p i. i. , . '..7•4:0 Plymotli Net .si.a ' 1 re , Pitt,-tort tint 7 I' ir "Tharchty " Lnntip.. ~ 4 r,o - " Rnn of Mines 4 09, ' .s - 1;1m, or Blacksmilb 3 't,rt Sullivan Avthracitn; 4';., i The folleitang additional chargra will be rustle for delivaing Coal teal:bulbs borough Wilda,' .- Per Tim... 30 cents.= Extra for carrying in, SO Conte. Halt Ton 33 " " " " "25 i, gr. trm ... 25 0. — l f• It . .1 s. 25; ... . iw priers may be lilt at the 5;30,f-timer of trail : : real and luizabethStnicts, or - at Porter 4 - ,litrlire Drug it ire.- , , -. . 2 - iiyttrders most in all twee.. tii. ae ,, eipanied with the cash. - W41:0 k 3IONTANI•E Towanda, Jan. 10.11171=/f. I`SCORPOItATION NOTICESt- In tho matter ni the iztf ., .l.oration Ifonutaiu Lake Cernetery.- , N0.'202 Sept Term—la:l. Notice la'hereby given that the allot,: nate...l As. w aati,,n his pretented to' the Court of conom/. picas of Bradford County th. it ankle of Ansodation asking for a ift.x.reo of Incorporation, and the eael Court having exitninett . the eamp; and finding thou, correct, will &cce.:,ie that tio.y be. inetitporat..,l prayed for, on sfonday, tht Ith day of Sept. to, utiles' , On . • h e I.l(twzr_to the evll- „ . trary. • • ei . AUTION..—AII persons are hen:- I,J . -atti. , 13,41 . a; ,, a37n5t triv , titir srju mn 'y a - e I shall payiN, del, ta cvntr.: tJ.a by any tnyvt.4f licroafter. 1 t 1 I'ATIGUSON: ,11 7 , 11 7 is ? i t; I 4 'lss . 1 ; /0 11 1 14 7 .0 1 .0 • II 10.0 , 7 •,•0 I:s 1 , ! •I I IS Hts' A 'll 7 Al II 1500 14 HO 7 1.0 11 ' 00 II" 7 00 1! 7 00 • I( 7 00 11 7 ••0 R N. WELLES' rof.:l further rioticp rtki,c, at yard, aro F..T. or N 0.2 Store. or NOB. :I'nll.l Nig. or No. 5 thya follOn - ito:t siill-14` r deL,cring coal within the ,.. krunch Width: Pcr too 50 Extra for ezirylliz . in n yt,. Hal.`•• •• :•• 25 t t tiortri- t0n...25 .. ~.-•• • • Urder , at - Loy N.._ t, :Nt• •••- cirt, ice Block. ...nal: g - 0 11 , ...r.t 'roust In all v‘6.... T...n.inila,.,Jah. 11. 'l'l. • 1t! . . 4 .C1.. WELLI•S ' I ' I , FOR ,SALE AND TO RENT 7 ti) ? i " I . .1) 6 MUSIC STORE?. .. 1 '\C itj lit .." I IP ' ID 4 ( , :N1 .111 - N1 , 1:1:L.- AND FIFTY '11'11,0D1:..):: C.lllNla AND epUla.ll • 11 , vulrea Clarrnitql. FluteA, u:tar,, C0:,4,11x.a5. Ac,onfrons. F(trinP O r an String Ir eu ntirnmtig . Drunt,, Bonus, etc. . :. , /i....VT MUSIC AND 'INSTRUCTION BOOKS 1.1, 1 ' 12) rt 7.u; , 2t) IA fU t) ili, '7 Ot • 12 1 n. 4, tilt, only iirst-clas, Tuakeff in the ridte:l fitges..a.; T..ight Co., Decker's Nv, Weiber, ?Sew York; llallett still Curnstcina ; ),latliewsbek. New Baron Ct., C. 31eyer, rLifadciplala, and finabwin Baltimore. -Melodeon. front B, Shoninger, New Haven, Ct.; ,l`elonte.t. }Alton k Co.. Now York. Organs,' the celebrated Gehien Reed Ingericati Organ, tand 'the Burdett C,:u.thtuation Organ. -One door exit of 3lerettr' , hauk. the only store of the kind in Towanda. na'r:2J"7l - • 'POINTS OF: EXCELLENCE 11 it lc At thc Great Thal cf .Bewint-illacliniacm in 181,o s known as - The Grand Trial et - Vinland Tart:" wle•ro the comparative merits ot, the taro leading Sewlict Malthie Stitches, the Twisted-loop- Stitch, and the, pAllttle 'Stitch. were - the main lineations at trine,—the , X J - Gitbs-!daclatne teae decided to excel, 700 :2 70 1 . 00 ; Co 0) 4 7 4 700 1.) 00 % 3 .410 :3 - I ,l ' C , lO 1. /110 /1 7 i•1I 10? 20 ID 141 1)10 .11 17 (>0 14 '7 20 Ofi 9! 25 Oil 150 . 00 12 32 70 10 20 011 13 1.1 00 Oti '•11' 15 .14 7 .20 11 7 04) • 14 a 11 EMNiM22EN In non-Liabilitr to get onto[ order-4either by nee cc Standing. ' - . . In perfection of workmanshiiii—it V the - ts , .t :unite :Flail sewing Machines. In quietness of •operatlon ; It is almost enurrir anent. • . . . In case ur working.;—Oo other sewing machine is So light running. • ~ mailagetnent ;—:it requires far less tiko.l to operate it than any ether... . • In having a patent rubber brake ;t:which prevents the.wheel turning backward. 1 • • In it. n.,1,11e, which Is straight. Nilif , g the sharh•st an l 1r ;pct Rabbi to be broken. • In it , needle boing..self-adjnetingrequiring uw they etill nor expertence to set it. - I.nungug but ono thread •- , -hetioe thereto no '1,0.1 truy,•or bother with aithuttle, . In tii,simplietty of its frustum and the eaooot. managing it. haiillg'3 gnard..—which protects the ilreSs from rubbing against the Wheel. , In its more perfect adaptatton'to all clinic' ales., ,In its Wing more easily and ,stwedily 'changed from one kind of work to another. In its inori'i.perfcct adaptation to all ttnitaf se*. ins ln. its capacity for making beautiful .embroidery— be y a mere change of spools. . • la making rye lbw., use: • . • . In its stitcli - being most - even and beautiful. In its seam being the strongest.. id most elastic.. Its Its scant being antomatically !.ened—by .tha machine. In its Poklla being the teat liable to tip, to use or I t ,ani being more ,vastly tacit" out, when ICYiI^L. In, having. the best Hemmers ;—noutleeruliavo I El. ',it , ht....0r, ~r turn the hem tratErt.'s , " In having ten beat Feller,—the , only one that' wor k, with the goals light side up.. j. In hating the hest Braider,—one adUnrd 'alkyd , , f an'. rt.edy fur n:. . , . . And in matty,other points of exec en.,,._ • C',2ll . and re the Willox & Gibbs wing M s arlitukt, at tho ..ptlice of ~: , ..• . • H. BARRIS,: Bridge Saint. - :Towanda. 1.t.. MILL PROPERTY OR SALE. The valuable mill Proty., at DrishiCre, Sullivan comity, belongiag to the efttate of Simnel F. Head -I,y drceased, consisting of a large! Griat 31in. in e.npicte_order, Saw Mill and dwelling house, with the watrie privileges pertaining t.i the Millproperty. pri,ll and tends apply to P. C. (DeWitt. Att,;.- ~,,.at-Law, Towanda, 1;.t.., or ° to' hfrs. Mario I. Excaltrim. at Morrintawn. *fortis county.. New Jersey. The property catcbe seen by applying to Daniel Fairchild, st Dushore- P.'. 1870.:—tf • I p A T C - 11 E N. TM:4 well-brill stock horse will aersu mar, s prima% season; from April 1, to Aug. I, at cry Stable of '.6o , mairuxT t SOLO 101. Towanda, r • lroul Mouday noon to Saturday nit/ruing Sh.erherinin, at. the Latin- of durieg Saturday and Monday torenoop: • • Tanha.- -$2O by. the: seastin. Maney service: f,,VI insttro one Ware, and c•,i. tn try. ,owned by one person. Money dm• at , tle•Anare, is known to be with foil. Any haying a mare tnettrea. and parting h , t the time of fnalint,..will Ate held acCenntable lust:Paha% Pasture furnished for marts from tam, at 7. per month. Alt acetdent• the Ownet's rink. elt.Dlt.bl7.l:-.-11aclott was by the nelelna , . A hrOteng stallion; tht , (t. n. rateb,.., he by Ca , sids Clad, he by henry day. bit by'rew Jael,..n. by Youn t ; Dashaw, 'c: The tlatu ;‘,l- Patehelt ••• Dnrock, grand . dam-Musaenger, May 19,'1$61:—Cm New . . • • , 64) .......... • .. .7; iLS ... 1.4 • i 0 (3.1 23 (4) • • ' 2ti -24 .INSTITUTE: A. 111031A:. 1 . Pnithonotary 3tly COAL ir- - A D W... DITIRICH's on: 11WSW:1:D lIII'ST-CLASS PI ANos, E.V.tRY INSTIIMMT. , I A. N" 0 S IT nr.2S, 71 SSIGNEE'SII NOTICE.—S2S. OO \rural.: ur npurtatzAru MEM=I wynumo STEM mem.* Ft UITURF: Itt'NUFACTOItY, ON WEDNESDAY, 11LtIr'isz 1571 rut'•=liture to iw .ttobt cousi l kA atvut blindrt,l and .fifty 1h Laude ut ditivreut :,tylt larr-Ntinth= of Lciungeg, F4-Itar anti 1.,- t,e. , iort Tabled, Bureaus, - btanas. Wasb , tan' l '• (111Irt , , ke. Sale to'commonet,it o'eloek, TEbt.:IIB—VAIRTI. . • • ItOr •••,.... ~A.nigwAt in 13a4roptcji 1, A. It. MOE. Arkihmeer. qy at cra b.nup AND mciLitssgefi.). U $7 - .1 7 ro '