Vradford tportir. INSI LOO4L' AND ' GENERAt. ma, copsiderahlo frost has pre lail,ed of-a night, or-two-back. Va. E. W. NEAL has given ri GI coorood Ctittago, and retuned to • • stk'Qut.4lo,lllB.:are dtto to:M t r sgcs. Bitta-Np & HnL fdi ONFl.l=,ket of ilelhioniltral burrics; the first of the season. I le.. Mrs. Sheriff .Vm:Virrri pre-, with a yot4ig 41eppitt on . sunby 1 ' , , • ge,.. Wilms has a raa . gnificetit is ortment of Watches and g'owelry., AnPlperion in want cannot fail to be suited at his oll,stand• on ain stre , t.. , I F_ . ;,,,, • ~ 1 , 1 • • • I'le'reiiiisylvallia Stat t !Edi torial Conventilin will 'hold .it inee l ting-in Mil i:i'lnsport on the 1.4t1i,.1.5th, and .lath of 'Juno. . ... . - ge,.. E. T. Fox,l3iaj. E. W. EA it a• &n a s. W. Aisonnit* delegate* to, the • *ipisert .i,al Diocesan Convention new in session in Phil , , .-;utelptda:'_,.. - , 4 t 1 . _ i . . rs.;. - Rev. Wsr:lifdlixrrottor,started l'hiio.lLinia on Tuesday List, to atteiid the EpiFeopal Clinivention which cbn*ened o 4 Tung aiy evening. ' I I et-Iferiff.T.tar FLEET startet for piiiirid;clithia oh Tuesday morning l in chits& of the prisonerti convicted and sentozspd to the icniteittiary ut the present term 9twoutt. WI-JEFFERSON - C. Pi. . 1 Fla, who took ifiaMparturofor CI 64uuty, lowa, about two :n . o4_, tamed on icconnt'of his tathiSesr: l Se"...Hon. G. A.. °now Suday in toWn„ . He was -the gi " 4 "rrrtrEn Mr. GA,health is naul '' t • awl he iirlpek; tlyt his trip to Cali tiru:y restorc higt. - L *lb • ' • <!-. - ftir IL-STILES' hotel, at'EastiTrOy, vasluru( - ,4 on- Friday evening last: The ire •-• wit,.‘liF•coVered about 10 o'clock., Los 4 about r7 . ‘-r„Lri.4 by insurance. The houpo'iwas kept by Mr. IbLur.n, and the court refusbd to !license, terra. A • üblie. meeting ill 113 held • in TenturancerHall next Sunday evening, May 11, at o'clock, under the direction of the Sons t"Tttnperanc-e and Good Templars. ;general' it;vitatihn is extended to all to be'present. EF2N. H. P. 31,00rts bas hased . . the lot, 'corner of York avenue anil ;Huston - - 4 --i -fr6.-.1. just synth =of Gro. S t rr.vrx. s' replence, Sal ,- .111 commence the creption of a ,fide dtrel ' •• ilm: IIY on - ci , i . ,The location Is,one of Hui lest in ~ ta)vn.! • I. 02s J. BILL 31EANs has, v.-e aro in ;gal,-1,.n leased thelYard louse, frtim the first of Attitutt nest. — ltlr. WARD, the proprietor of tite htmse, is to repair irthoroughly nside and it,,ltntl - i l e believe is toltiv'et an intere l st in the i - namo l f.:t.inclit of the concern. Messrs. iloixoN 7 & 9.itcurr 'just completed a very neat and 4ttbstan t:d Utt:c dwelling-house for Mr:H. T. just, on Ilnatiat gtccet. Thi• satito ejittrprieitig fthu have.a litirtse well iraey sam9 street . for Mr. J. N; MEI _ . The Candor Frei' Press . of last wfo1; aays : "Hr. ANTHONY CupNrra.t.: an OI'Ll rvsitien't of West Warren, Pa., - cnt to 11:1Wspot:al, Nel.r., about I hyee atid (bad at that plaeo. °flung fever- !apt week. He haS many relatiKs and ft tends aiming ..por sub •sefibera: gliaY Elegant drawing-room coach er ar to be put upon theits4 lrtwecU Elmip and - Philadelphia and York'over the Pa. :5.; the first (Jrl July. be seteral ana consid- a bly I;ig,r, than trio -orumary cars; . Work -0 are flow engagutit : set+fi the tdegraph back fax enough - to permit thotnj to pug., . • • We learn thatiOessr. JOHN MA E. K. tirtmDr.r.t:lT tii, nt.4.lree .together, {Lod tho this gii-n,ntiltor the pitriloso• of t:ll.ing pliotogaphie win steteo'ec4ie tiewe, ke. 1 . ;!t v are boll' first.clar.s ttrti:sts au telisble h4rtily'cqunteuti tl e m to the confidence atuVrairoliagr'iir all. _ - • , . . . 1 ... ri;b v The Princess.o l f Wales is (leB cubed as looyling -very thin arid worn, with a Jloyely fade so hill (.4 sa.lnes as to be! pathetic. - . : i filie i. said . to have lost in a few years all • tlie fi.,.slitiess and - 416nm of yimth, whieh at the tnne of her nnptialli Ircrel the thenaelot praise Iloc,lighout Errr n qatid. Butithe Furniture sold by 3. 0: Yuma & 80Ka Lae the feputaliompf be -1n;;il brat and at tho Barge time tli4 chcape.rtt t \ oaredTitithis market. We learn. that the thici Of this place esii..et tojl!ave colebratNn h-rr the .coming Fourth. They are already inaisalg cxtensiva arraugetnents. Tlie fire de parstin, tits of neighbotinf; towns and cities ‘l,ll b.-invited t 4 participate, andbrethrpn of .; raer larmyntriberi from all (part are rip Med. "Eminf4itsi*alicis are engitged. Full ni - ix.t week. 14if.t.I.IYAN COUNTY d0.11..7 1, -WO liave ;;-.:n ; fir steampurpAses, also :n a stove - 1110 :ir otl4, the Sullivan county coal, forward 1' 1 1 " by D llc vvsc.L.,t; SaNnEnsoN, and &sire to sAy that fur steam it is'hy inuch the hest we ever used; getting , 4) steam in about halLthe time of the al;! and with a jmlieicais Otie of the " quite us laNting. ' Titis cnsl . t,arus 1111';u: than the .hard auttliacife, and dinkers. It is so much Icht.s.per:thata n-zular anthracite that ire thinl: rt, witl - cour, 1: ervatinty should, into very general use.- ?•0 _ • • tEr.;,— The Lath (N.Y. )! Coui.ier gives . .... th, I . ..lowing touchingly beautiful 'incident, ...* viKciodocurreil at the cll.e.t: of the consecration i• t‘ervicc,of the new lip'occ_par` church iir. that p:,,ce rL cently : '' ' :.. 4,1) - ' I c tiring the consci I -atibn service propt'T lictoy clouds overhtuig the sky, the rain fell bteadity, abd; the gam gi l / 4 ,-ing out, deep shadows, amounting almost to kloom, ovei,Sipread. the ~.. church and the vast audience assembled. The , C , eisecration ended, Bishop Con: requested the ela.. 14 coufirluation tpresent - theniselres for 1 , ' e , , n rination within the chancel. As the little tl ko" • ho k t--there were tifty-ti *e in the class—moved f , rwafd, all at once the] clouds 'lifted, the glo-; - now-, mini burst,amunilet i to. prevailing 'gloom,' I:,,,litctig up the seene.-with ' 'heavenly j'allanee and Miprt . ,3ing every Whi der with that sense • of a:liniratiou'and_revelen e to The holy scent." • • air, Our gental nd poetica.l friend, "Jim:7El,7" (J. T.-Ittioi.4ll, give a Whit of his expel-knee' with tiro failr, • seit. in the. following fili verses. The event referredto,und tedly oc 6irred during Mrs," JiMUEL ' S "ab awe : ! Sitting one day on a sofa, - , t . . Somebody sitting by trio— ,t. - : Dosn'f.y . i)u wish you could iniagiue - A Who iontilijtiy. could bo ?-, ~ ~ ifting 114 t clay on the sc i fi, homebody sitting quit¢¢ uear tylligperect acnothing:tto somebody And sumcbc,clr 1)03 . .. ta my' ear.. . MINI " What have von: doue?" said sciinubody-L Somebody's . -checks all aglow— " Minded ruyinother," I.an4wered,l ".(iiven a kths for a blow." PA. k.7i.:.1" Co'.—A. nevi • tune table rocs into effeet- p,ti , this road on the • 1 15th inst., ini4'er:whißliftAins will leave and ar rive here'at the fidlOwing,hours • lor dew l'vrk and :Philadelphia, 3:25 a.m. and 120 - p.m.; forilkes-.Barre at 4:20 - p.m., and a train from a will arrive at 7:25 p.m. tiour,..- north; a train made tip here will leave it 7.1() a.m., and - the, irains:fiorri the south will at lOi4B and . 1.720 and 8:13 p.m. The up train ut 4:20 and down - train at 1:20 will st p hut Jeer iimeis 1)44:t30it Vavoi . ly and Pittston, viz at Athens, tbii.apda,Laceprille atitl•Tunk .llaniviek. Iti eetuseqUence of the increase(' rate' of speed,at s :which tie trains are to Vitt this szliedulos4B - lif , thuin will stop at lower depot;el:rift-011C leaving at 7:10 a.m. and ono 1 the Court House i • g '4 25 P.m, ' Enqtdro Itt ItyKur . . , ~. . C/90 . 11 • ..•...aa. - . aos: :-. 7 . .: ia . ciii.., vend in this piaci° on hf . . . y, May 1, atlai o'- 090; .1404 - IThit7ll'4Xl :. • •'• - id*,, and AstaJniates Persian aid V.tuDresNeit e Bench. , After - disPoitug of 'mild riles. , - : 640 tionsiegurt lidionnl4 ll M l P- itelq.4 _„„1, r i m, Wheritherfolleeing-naniekGrand Junin wen: sworn end sent tett after- sitteelvemg the OhaigO; from/Bs Honor, JOgi cia As o 'Taylor was api)ointed to take ~. of th e ctraqo Miry: • 'Aiio4 B. Bncrit744;;., C. 1V: lima; villa, Freak lkittput.Daniet*.buiterniGethe (3bilhe i gnfill, POgill r i*X-40041.4iim. Eistree, .Orlatukflin* , Bisitote;ira Outilk Robt: n ilendaltaX itGeti4tie‘she; A viiiit, .- J. Shoemaker , Andrew' ', ''' 'Zi..;blia - s . — Wall-' - do, Antos,P..;Woktr4;i P.,,lfaLti • ! The GniFia 4 4;7,0; 12 4404,in sesdani unta, Thursday, daring with a time they disposed! of tae failcistini hisineast: • • •z ) -.'' `•-- i - ) -z' • ••• • !•Tirost.son i tos. ,‘ 4 Corn..lra. Frank groen.4oenication and *14 . . tardy ; Latin Crawford, •, ' plainant,, ...: .i: Corn.-vs . Arthur E . '—Assauli and hat.; / tell; - Chas. Phitt, : proseert 7 .- ' 1 :_" Corn. Va. E. Bennett.' - . pretergeOs. , . Cons. vs. Clayton. Cole -Wilson ird• Matt Soper.—Blot; 4. ,1 -; ;:-.; --- Corn. vs. CrlandoEXioltett.HPabAtiiefencirds. ' - Corn. vs. H.lk - Mnani.-..4Talst) Pretellees• Com . vs. neap, Towitt4lWlJewellyik Trate. - - Aggravated.assault. - 1- -. . • ; Cow. vs. J.W. Elabroe.-1-fAreeni andhrettk . . . . . . ing into depot. • Com. vs. Hiram Cirper4r.tAssault and bat-: kTy. 1 , . . 1 - • :.,- P . :,., 1 - Corn. vs. Samuel Be, ~ - . i • Com. vs Benj. Towne. - - " lo• bbery.' Com. vs. Riley Elleklei and George Sickleu. , Assault and battery. 1 Com. vs. Arthur Turreil .— Assault and -,. ; • ; Com. vs: Henry Ward. --Warder. In this cuseldr. Ward, Hie defenclant;aPplar: ed and presented to the COurt the lbllowing !ni t:pest : "As the Grand Jurors iteTsibiUst land char ged by the Court! to inquire (sinqn ri i Vther things} into thief, the said defendint, Henry Ward, appea rs • Open court and asks to be permitted to cha nge ri lthe:: said Greed. rant foklavor Or bias." . ' The Conti denied the tion, but Honoi Judge Mortscii.;,. said he wirtild% allow a laatiak. to be elide to- have said_ 4nrof.s ,whO may be challenged fog' hive, or bias before this ease is laid before theHrand Ray indihile the same is bang eonsideried hy the Griknd inky, to which thoprisoner exectpteil, and .at his re quest a hill of exceptioni to : - the :Tiling of Court was sealed. Two Grand Jurors, w i o were not present when ttmenuid Jury were charged and sent . . or' , of !Her-, 4. duo, Doe bas#o - 'l l j laSt A .el3t. b, ormia pmt en- jut, came into Court duriiig Melia" afternoon, ; *ben 11tbitrict . Attorney Ciritoettazi'atilied the Cont to have them swot-it as Grand Jurors for thepresent term: Mr. *Yard's. etwinsel object.! ed,;and the Coirft refirse4 to them to be swtirn. The Distiict Attorney exeeted and asire4 to have exeptionsed. • As the District Attorne Rag about to lay a t.l bill of indictment- before- ho - Grand Jury,"Mr. - Ward makes motion that ebo allowed to chal lenge Gland Jurors for fa or or bias, to which the District Attorney objcicted. Motion notral lowed. , 1 • ' ' ' After theibill of indictiMent had been present ed to Cotirti Mr. Ward'scounsel moved to gnash it. Objection made by to.strict Attorney.. Mo. tion ndt granted, and Mr. 'Ward files exceptions. On motion 'of -defendant's counsel, ciluse is continued to September krm. Defendant re •• quircd to 'give bail in the 6m Of 110,000 for his iippearance at next term Court Court accepted J.F. l' Means -and E. T. Fox as unties. J. R. Fan- -shawe, Geo. M. Shader,•N i ' • Brophy ifere!lebrin $3OOl as . siffe,sses in this ease. , Coin. vs. Chas. - Platt a -sanlt and battery.-1 Com. TS. John Coon.— commit a rapo. County Corn. vs. satnc.—Samo Chum. vs. Amasa flan and robbery. . . vS. JaCO . O Armst ten•. Citineity (or coists..l ed,lll. Yrt-j, Ta;plurl (Jr „t:Lt) pcaed. Prosecutl par' c'..ith Coin. vs. Erasmus Bennett, 0. D. Kinney and 11. C A Elshree.—Conspiraicy. Conotifor costs. Con!, vit. Gee.O'Conn r.--Fornication. Pros ecutor„ Emma E. Swat: • ammet,,for costs. (Joni. vs. A. S. St:m . l(lQ .—Fotlhicationhnd haa t tartly. Prosecutor, Luc A. nutty, foroSts. Vie werit:ivi it g recorurner.ded a icon illy bridge? in West Franklin,' the report-was- approved by - Court and Grand Jury. I L-, - 41 The fonwing causes came heforO the Conzt and traverse jurors: . _ . C(,)m. vs: Frank Green.—lndicted at pretien si.s. , ions for forUiertlon land 'bastardy. Dubin.: _dant ph.ads nut ggilty,l giter a full hearing, thejurrreturn a verdre of guilty, whereupon tlOttourt sentence him,lto ray a fine of $5 to the Commonwealth, ON costs of prosecution, and pay to Lottic Crawl - 4rd for lying-in expenses incurred at the birth of said child, $3O; and for the support of said child from ils birth t,o , the time, sl2,.and o pay, fifty Cents per week for the support of the child until it arrives: at the age of three years,und seventy-fiite cents per week thereafter untll the child arrive l s at the age of seven "years. I i The Court further (1.- ' rest that the said Gree give security to the overseen et the•poor of Wyaluaing township to -tr - ply with sentence sitar as relates to the enpisnt of the.child. the evidence of the pruseentrix in this caseis to be believed, Green should emigrate to U at artee, _where he etiuld have afliagt to wires. u j iat Com: vs. Valentine Viragner.—lndleted at De coMber term for larcny. Defendant pleads not guilty.v.Jtiry return a verdict, of guilty. It6isonerieentenced to ieturn the property 8 to- Icn if not already res• 'trod, or pay the value r l a thereof to the owner, • y a fine of $lOO to the 'Commonwealth and c ale. of prosecution, and undergo an imprisonlpt in the Eastern Peril tentiaryat hard labor„or the terni ot ooe your and four months: In the matter of the Ball, convicted at'ilast tory, the,tArt lieqtepl f3O i 4 the Commonwel ME ...:.3.150 in tlie matter oi IL , F.„BaII and Beni. each to pay a finei, t or .and costs of pr”seentil " .In the case of the j Cunningham and Tlei the murder of Itichari ; vember last., on mptiot fondants are discharl Com. vs. Clayton Matt Soper.—lndict riot, &e. Settled by merit of costs. . Com. vs. Benj. To —lndicted at present assault and battery.; l'arment t of..colit.% by Com. vs. J. W Els 4 tern' on charge of the depot at Milan • fendaut is a boy aged !eared in court and of larceny, and was e the House of &Inge, Com vs. Iliram Carpenter.--Indicted at res ent term for assault nd battery, on complaint of his wife. Jury tin t ddmnot guilty,kut to pay tlio costs. Com. vs. Samuel t 4ry.—lndicted at present sessions on a charg , of larceny, for stealing half a doyen chickens fr. m A. H. Kingsbury. , De fendant pleads not = uilty. The fury, after Ls= toning to.tho cvid , ' and arguments, retired to th'eir room about 9 o'clock, parr, and remain ed out until 9 o'eloe f the next morning, whenord, they came into card, and rendered their ver &et of not giulty. Corn. vs. Beirj.,T wne.—lndicted, at present term on a charge rubbery in entering the residence of Mrs. riese; in Smithfield town:- a:LlNseveral wtreks since, and robbing her ..of three hUndred !doll in U.S. bonds. The pris oner on being tarsi ed plead guilty, and was sentenced to retur the stolen property if not already returned, p y a line of 1500 to the porn monwesith, sad' to of . proseention, and un dergo an imprison ent in the PasternPenden tiary, at Philidel at hard liboiandsolitary, 4.13. 1 1 confinement fOrdh term of five years. • • , ' On motion, Jas. . Phinney, J. 31. Collins, J.. A. Coddhrg, S. W. Alvord o llenry W. Nobles, Percival Powell A. Wickham wero:aipoint-' 'ed viewers on:petition of the Teivn Council of. the Borough of To andi for the opening of an' alley from William . treet to the railroad track: m. Thompson and.P. ban har.b, - io appear Wilmot Vint t. —As- ESE EINES itHaatat with intent to NIZZIS charge oez.--Violent assaul !lg.—Asa:mit and bat- —Ai , sault s and surety r, Jas. IL Willialns, to Commonwealth . vs. B. F. erm for assault and bat e him to ii.hy .a fine . of • lth andetlSlil of proseen- Ithe Commonwealth vs. I ogers, the Court sea4eftco o to the Commonwealth '4,7anOnwealth vs, John Bensjn, charged with 4 Abbott at Barclay in No . of District Attorney de t'd by order of Court. esley, Colo Wilson and at plcseut BpilijOiltl , for onsent of court on . ray- ui and Llen•cllcni frari.4. scations for adgriccated Settled as to Tratia, on nscnt of court. ' ree.—lndieted at present recs.,' and breaking into ew weeks since. The de , about 18 years. 11 ap dead guilty to the charge , ntenced by the Cnurt, d tot, foi* pals 'nog :at' boialigh. 'Tanzman. office. May_ 101-4 w Se Howe , -• . - • Tusaiseur4taltr. Edits': The "Beautiful Sprinilme i halt come **in, end /44 11 1 6 - 1 0 1 3INgt ANDO* ost.ol,loteni and theeldidren sr* busy making th e Serra:. pi 34 . 1 :Tee inpiiep•oe epee ns, and thelainters arerna' kkitgood lupe of it. The 'tine quarry he dross has made a "ChAltutekqf Wydnibig meek in Tim. carom, where Kr. Lan Witty A Co. are week lug a °onside - cablewos. Some weeks since Dr. trszunn gave several lectoret hereabeati od iernierithoiring tiQ tkilOYsidostplccffelts of floo.. o , lyatils- Aithe dibub claim atibeeiUchlie, Dr- Comm= was called upon to 11 remiric," Which be/01W siOug histronit With thilsetinor, to the banefidiesulta of alcoholic hovers**, ! ),4 "lila 1 ;17 br bisi to Min tiditjalwaysAnd 110 !‘ bot good u e.* Dr. S. took issue with the medial:eau:se, - *rid offered to defend his ,views bite Dr. N. J. C. no :cepted the offer. atm psiliminwies • were sido. Lsequently adjusted, Friday eve, April 11, 1871, the Time, 41 . 341 he r4W4 Baptist Eiestlsprfogifill. They ffrewli lisaiiet., 1 ,13. W. Spoon was made chairman of the meeting. Three„lOdgell PAM*, oork 4l7l lW#ON. ardm ' remits set forth and t o decide - according to their weight. ThesipeakOre'beicaried thrce-f of an hour each, and entertained the audience majority of thiejudgis decided tn favor of Dr. conswiti. "Who, ilia decide .when docfoiaj,iree Pi *J . • - ; April 28,1871. ;2frLitiii.;:illsilitrist 404 7 = day gobbled up considerable cash, we judge, by tbintteliertlit •itttekidance. Bert Wel on their return looked as 1499dbttAC ol Oat fsirideiti'tiink ars*" Seal- got at least, there wits impeyrille mud on their balks —a pretty sure din: the way, a great msny men ete,yohliag nol4K I. $ trkkOny , Jaime out WA Article we saw s. littkrshisigks for Tuscarora rtmlsit 'by one "Clam." ,We PA* Ulm likalulterosl!gly4o,".- Whew' ciery Wa IlAreenatiwasee swill • historical liketch of the ",Great Crime against 'Kansas; one Pos. 79 1 1 I# o o l 4l4 , soisdeltto emifkitifsttpoeoh In the only way he could answer it, Le., with a ibludgeoserur theJSenatanylisati•lThat -was tae`ettM ll 7,D'W. 's4. l .l4*iAnkikthat • • Rates_ ityks.'" --- It is - 1141 I . 9'ber are LWfafor of an apperk it is °Sly necessary now to assure a look of crAnior, - scatter a few personal llings,, throw a few in sinuations around loose, skip' thethe "record" Sod " historical" points;, ' and thing is done. zilt simple yet holly himutiful. ALPHA Bra; . May 5, 1871. - • =1 just iistied‘ by. HUDDIeLL & SAWDErdiON, WO extract. Ole following description of the Sullivan Anthradiln Coal: • • Scientific men have analyzed the 'coal, aid they have unman:n*l6ly pronounced it •the pur est anthracite ever mined in Pennsylvania. Prot Brush, of Yale College, well known 'to the whole scientific world, gives the following analysis of this coal : Carbon. • 89.29 PuLtile matter, chiefly-water, 5.06 Total, - .100.00 Prof. James Eighths, the celebrated Geoloi • gist and Mining Entgineer of Albany, N.Y., veri ties the analysis of 'Prof. Brush, and declares its superiority over all other coals. The testi mony of those who have used it is universal, that for domestic purposes it has no equal oven . among the choicest of hard anthracite coals. In these neighborhoods, where an equal ex perience:has been had in the use of tllis coal and the, hardanthracite, the preference is en tirely in favor of this coal. The Nate in starting - the fire, with no care nec essary CO keep np.the fire when made, and its parity, makes this a favorite coal among house keepers, for stoves ( base 'burners and cylinder), ranges,- grates, cooking, stoves, .furnaces, and - heaters, as it avoids entirely that fruitful source (f annoyanc, pour fires from neglectful ser vants. It is invaluable for-the sickroom, being as be fore remarked almost entirely free from sul phur and other noxious gases so prevalent in other coals. Fin' the same reasons it is recom mended for hotels, bakers, restanrailta, -- hot liotises, it.c., igniting freely. and 'without small: Fur malt purposes it has proved a complete success. Ur. John Cireenway, of Syracuse, one of the largest Brewers and Masters in the State of. New -Yak, declares its suriority over. all ether cfials used by him, requiring as be does for his purposes the purest of coalr. ' We Have the most gratifying accounts from all our dealers of the universal satisfaction It is 'giving to consumers in domestic ' coaL Wher ever It has been introduced, and fully known, di ( all other coals are being discar , A trial of a ton or ovens halt • will satisfy the most skeptical that our Sulliv n Anthracite' Coal, a new coal lately mined and introduced to'the Market, is superior to &Bothers in all the requisites--cpiality, parity, economy and price. l'aperience has suggested the following di 'rections for the use of this coal: ( 1. Start your tire 4 the same as tither coal, Bret using the larger or mcdinrcsices. 2: After your tirgisignited, Igo all sizes in discriminately fruni the largest size to the finest dit.ct. , There should be no waste. IS. As the 'coal makes no cinder or clinker your stove lining is always clean, and therefore but little'rskmg, shaking or poking is .neces sary, except to clean the ashes. ' 4.. When intense-beat is not required abut off the draft. Your tire will not go out until your coal is exhausted. - 5. At night shut off your draft, put on the smaller sized. coal and - dust, Yon will' find a cheerful fire awaiting you in .the morning. . We aro haforraed that the-Com monwealth Cirant will not perform in this Place on Battu:day, as advertised. It is rumored that parties connected with it became engaged in a row at Tunkhannock on Tuesday, in which one man was killed. This seems to have changed theft. calculations. Historidal Society met at the Editorial Rooms of the Rupowrza office, Vice President COMING in‘the chair. On motion,S. NV. At.vonn was appointed Secretary pro - 6774 J. A. ConDiyo Ras elided President to fill the vacancy occasioned : byle death of Dr. Kum. Tho following amendment to the by-laws of fered at last' tneeting . W . as :. Resoietil, That the by-laws of this Society be .so amended, that hereafter there shall bo fon: regular meetings in each year; and that. they be on the first Nforiday,in . February, May, Sep tember and Decernber, - at i 2 o'clock in the after noon. On motion, adjourned., J. :1.. CODDING. S. W.-Atvonp, Secs;. - Preaitlent NAST'S ILLSTESPLECE.—THdIIAS NAq Succ:cetled in giving to the world the best Ills r of .the late•Enropean War that has ap -;::are through the modienvof thirty-three in imitable witrations. They are the best draw: legs he has ever made, and embellish the popu lar gatire enytleil•t• TILE FlouT AT MICE ECHO PA's Scnooi. . Showing Low the German Boy thrashed the French Boy, and holt the English Boy lookOd on,' of. which , 'more than 300,000 copies have been sold in Eii,gland. The por traits of Fling Nal:6l6#, Bismarck, and the rest, are eicellerit, arid-the oats in which they appear are irresistibly fanny. The book is elegantly printed on fine tinted paper, bound -iu cloth, lit 50 vents, and in an illustrated paper cover. at 25 - conts. It is pnb,lished by Flux= . B. FELT it Co., New • r• 11:0... At the. regular meeting . uf Northern Lodge, N0.,223, 1.0. held on Friday evening last, the following, officers were installed • • W.C.T.-0. D. Goonrzonom.. • ' mast. W.P..l3.Besturs. Roux.. • _ W.A,i3.—Eow. W. Witsalas. ' . . W.F.B.—llarwrox • W.T.—Maar Cebu. ; W.C.—O. tLitell. . \N" . .OODDINO. W.D.M.—Harrrz Pusca. Com. W.O.S.—Enw. WELLEs. • 11.H.8.—SDDLT. t.ILBSXOII.T...* . 1 0 :11.13.--lannliBoaairr. - • .Orgiudet,-:Llarpi - . This Lodge hal Crowded 'weekly sessions, ana sends greeting to 50,1)00inerubers of the Order in Pennsylvania.: Tan :and otheta • wilt be pleased to learn thit the Glen' at' Wat -I:ins will be open for the reteption - of visitors on Monday, May 15th. Dig the Fill and Spring tery . thorough repairsAutre been made , stair cases andbridges rendered more secure, new eneabailt, the pathWays:rulde more accessible, 'and.everything Zone which could..be done ' to inhinicelhe pleaiure and satistaciion of - visit: ors. tilt we have yet to:mcntion'the chief itn- prnvencenl. Aft/lit Glen, or mere properly . a fifth Section of the Glen, has been thrown opep, - and is reached by a staircase from the fourtfie Those who have visited the place say that, though it lacksilie grindeur of dlen Cathedral and other pants be!ow,lt is perhaps the most 'beautiful spot to be found in the (Men., ..The pieturesqua Mouhtaia Bolin which over looks the second (lien has been altered and proved, Ina under the management of .Mr: Josuus Joszs, will become, if possible, more pecular than.ever before.— Watkins DCMOCTai. ,:f544211 D. )111=u-or.wu..--,Au rnsbypitlin t.. - ba ' taker Li:4 4011 14. k-3 14A Rev. R. J. Craw, 11, ffies. 41511 I " miaow Abe beide% , Itelher, ter Brlisserwekir, oopely, Awn 28, 1/41.1, Nev.& ,B.,l4eissetr.L. , etTesty and Therm M. Eltepbe , na, ft•Ii!o iiIIMEMELI4:IC—MARTMI.)*Iis ; March !,1871 , bi Rey. Kip _ ester Mieet idislas tar. damn Ewa martini of WiPs• WILCOX—DIArISNII-4.1 Smantot u Dee. Natt i k roe wan% , Km - NErLntris—Ai tho*qe of the tkiie's fetter. 8a Mh,.110 /111010700 si 1 8 7, b 7 Rev; Ehrel4 Goorgo• rdnney, Rano, MATTESON—CN:QR.—At Worm Paretto ri,=4ll2"*ll lan tonre . a F. I tteemm, of 11, to AnnAllst Ougeeket iiraeou4 "X et Ike& Wyalnaing pollate4.ll 4 nt. 'l t Pin. PO man L Ramble to LAM° E. 9amtple, Ixdte of BE OLDS—WA yiI LMIOI4,—By the came at the lame lisi, - 1871, J. W.: Reynolds of ' I°lll l 2 4 70Fis of iIIiOLD—WHITE.—IIy the same at the genie niece, MST 7,1871, Obadiah Arnold, of Tagil. Rannoch, Wyoming math Luerntie•Whiki Era; 1- • 4)-111 YONTZ.—In Toaranda../pril 7,1871. Ella Wiry, Infant daughter of Wm. and Delia M. Youts, aged 11 i n e Fol4l 6 d 1 1 1 .4tY! ( :_l WO4.Lt TowandikKaylf,lB7l,Liiiiie,dituilk . 44irsit Adam unitV.miyWolf , tged 1 years.; These are the torsesshe sang before she q on hat dying bed : • Liniagb, litil‘ ehddikiname t tMtiring Lord to see, Jesus blessed them, &instated them, just snob ttk ones 4s.jno. 1 - ) While He He on the earth wu living, if Ho saw one Hentlarrnthhil and forgiving, well ,he lcnied Ad. . " i ThoogllBe died He lieee io iletren, - )04 - - . -casaenfdaa.ns stiffs; - I To, us all His love Is given, when we do slLboly 11, W. P '.' 7771F . 67.V1 ~ 31ora New Goods this . week, st,Tsucts-1 Co.'s. • • = Ax EarrABLIBEED Fasyr..--The Singer linpralati fletingllse.biao the. best. • New stock of C ' ticiletto. mium,k, ca. 1 70 3 just _, • , EVANS. ickpitirl* are Wig week opetatig2re Sp ri ng Goods, which they offer si popular prices. - Bridre'street: dAurrrs.—,the;-lakest designs and lowest prices, at TialLoa Cob's. r Carpe . tsi--,liarpets— Carpe4B—great variety Just opened at TAII.OII Co.'s. TEL Japaneso Silks, Irish and French Poplins; also HI lino of Plaid Dross Goods, at Evixs 8 llitnnErn's, Bridge ;street,. Dom` Ladies will find new Enibroi deries and nor Trinitiiinge, in mat variety, at Evers do lin.narrifs, Bridge street: gal- Erase kllir..nnrrn are offering Great Bargains in Table Linens, Napkin Tow els, Towelling, ite. Bridgp street. • Fine assortment of Piques, Percales, Light Prints, he., at Ettss t BiL DILETICS,,Bridge gtreet. BOAnnrsa.—A few boarders can se curt firit-elass rooms with board, by applying at NO. 32Secomistreet. - F. E. -- Porr.• Also a lieu one-horse covereil„Carriage (rub ber tpp) for sale At a bargain. F..t. Pon. re.. 00 to the Tebaceo Store to btu , roar Tobacco. ..Eumoics ls now gelling Michigan tobacco worth one dollar per pound at seventy cents:. Also Natural Leaf Smoking Tobacco north fifty cents at thirty cents. is.. Know yo all men that you can save , twenty-tlye per cent, by inarchasing Pianos, Organs, or any article of musical merchandise, at L. B. POWELL'S Branch Music Store, Towan da, ra. Ono hundred Now Songs just recr..ircd. ia-Persons who are fond of good fresh butter trill be pleased to leam.that G. L. has .engaged several frat•daaa dairies, to be delivered to him woekly, So that ho will be able to supply his customers durindthe mut mer,sesson with a prime artlelo fresh. *a-People quickly:discern betwixt roll:Merit and mere pretension,.and this entire community hare learned that it, is to their in terns' to buy their Wall Paper and School Books of Cinoss, be ipso he keeps the best assortment and, sells on tho most reasonable terms• ` Oak Extension ,Tables; the best everwon in Towanda, aropow sold by J. 0. FnosT 5073 at $l.lO per—foot. Persons in want ,would do well to oxamino them goods,.as their superiority is apparouL We aliO sell an entire Chamber Snit for $3O, and other goods eqnally low. G. 11._EyrT vr. has our ,thanks feria-bottle of "Ilarrison's Salad Dressing," non artia, in this market. • Accompanying each b r e ti T wi eis t a circular containing several recipes for making salad. Everybody should call at 's and supply themselves with this ssing." ;kir The -recent explorations in Jo _ rulalem have excited the greatest interest - imam; the Ilie=onic fraternity, on account of U 4 &wintry of *hist are believed to be " Ma mso' marks " on sbonsiderable number of the ense feundstion stones recently uncovered ur4er the debris of the temple. The discovery thjit McCaw. do EDWAILDS sell the best groceries iorMsy firm in town, is continually being made qui,every new customer that calls. i WIItATON, Dentist, will be' 'at,Sonth Warren post-ciffice, on Monday, the 15th inst., ready for business ; and invitee all of liii old friends and patrons.-and the toothless giinerally—also Giese wishing to preserve their natural teeth a lifetime—to give him a call. Go car t ly; as lie will icinain only while busy. All cinistied work should .be prosente4 for 4, cunt- F lon I,South Warren, May,;l4B7r SPTIMIi_ _NOTICES. —:0:--- Ilmitt Emus, Merchant Tai or, Bridge street. • , ler Rhode Island Lime kept con 4antly an band for Whitewashing, at , ?Aar. 29, 1871. W. A. Ilocrinas.'s. -stet'• The District Conventhin, 1.0. Of Ga.. will meet st - Olmton, Junci let and 2d; /87L Members will be furmiLed halt4sre Oasses over L.V.lt.tt. cm application"to Seca- S. C. Gtri.onk 9ee'7. g,'April 21, 1871-4 w. "Buy the Keystone ChmiiPow r. For gale. by CODDECO, }PSILT.4 Sc CO. April 26, 1871—tf. De- Dried Beet, Pickled Tongae - s d Smoked Halibut, at Luau's. Feb. 22, 1871. too: Ii S. MASON, a graduate Lyons Musical Academy, offers her services teacher of Pianb and ()altar. Itc feronces— H. Sherwood,A.Bl., Lyons, N.Y.; Wm. M ich, Towanda; Apr. 19, 1871—tf. TILE F. C. Lioirrz & Co. Alm PaiT laa PIANOS.—Evary Item constituting the bxat than° Forto can be found in these beautiful in mtrnment&—.ll. Y. Ames. For sale at W. Drrimunea Music , Moro. • VANVELBcia & ! gamins, Merchant Tailors yurt i art : sqd Caps,. - 68 Broad 'beet, Wm orly, 13. Y. May 3,1371. I SPECIAL Nancz.—All *sons in &Wed to us, e4er by book account or notes ipast due, beMby notified that Immecriate 'payment =Abe made. We popes, to "bore ita J o trorks" of all persma who do not ect une 15th. • Hoorn= Itscriums. Towanda, My 10, 1811-41 r. • • - - -i!...,.... a rt i cles _ . imr.Ameakoo of , . , to ikusekeeptle. beyri ii the- °rackety : • of WICIMMI a LI r(Rskao tors, to be bi thr Wel=ror dice and safety in use. t e i ll itie Riirt•The iotthi of efre 21 60 914 1 .• .. Pollooage. 'Large garden and gtentrif mewilsoire of OverionAkiLlsbree. My 3.1071, - I r., . U Velitailifl 1 1 / 1 11011a/41 refbi ' e • t.pai —The sobs:raw of his . ' iv - the sisner~nFilfarren and on, • a anotinsataitftm.Lalikystillo to t 9 ' .li the litter OW.' Itts to A' a tryr losa in trrojot t s s = The rl. 00, one is s . and shop, riti othWit'ftass and Wan with a good ' a do:m . 2oe hoes' time agreed 7f t tel. [PsnAt tL). 4..7. k 1 14. 11V4, if.- . l iztr ; Joann ' _-f:t- I fi l i- &Tait : the inlay:raw attest the biilt of February; a Ag I= La to ir ab to rir ej =Vi . Ewers tonsure of "Jelo, Any person reWn ing the dQg 1141384L0, Moire a reward of Sp. C I 7 II AI FSILY.I e T . . lieftria4 iiiagan , 4e. i, - : - • :,. g iiiirEgordroai pun broqd, ; 0 , largo Borten Ducks for de ; price $1,50 '= "64llat ill a g c9"4 breed IS =sary t ell- purposes, Max tra morenuent and 's.° grastlaydral t theeggs la produce - dUdes supo• dor to sagoitsidenf ducks sr gator mte•Di Athens, from . Weddle s ib:Oak'saloCeloakigo' *vier IA • Uses to sell the eggs of Ulla breed-of Ducks less than 14,00 per dos.. C. P. W 12°"1164,347.1k-Wri+4.4- =I 111111—The -Keystone Chum. Po , for dog, sheep or-solt,is noiseless, runs th ion -Aricticnti nor! lisk ; • say other Power thi Imitators, - Send for etientar. Agents wanted in every county of the State. April sir Meld Pe:6sf , Ow some choipe varieties gird Nu, a) • • , Mar. 2a, sn. • • &I itticpesi Delia". feria:Witt Tea is. = .1 at Beek**. fot-50 - - 1 ,7a.0. 18, 18714 its The T. C. :Light° & Co:' and C. Ifayarilinoi are ® faxcidte tostrtunenta. mrs. Peet Miss Awes and Miss IL Woodruff. hay° bad these instruments constantly in no for from aro to fifteen years. For solo Dit trich's Musk Store, Towanda. • • : Apr. 12, 211. Pprs9iks , :kkg*ts 44-___Pnre-has inCeither Piano, Organ , or well to call ggr,L;B. culver, - st Wralosing, PAP as be Is now senhit lefeally rearmed- prls. Mr. C. is also agent for the celebrated' Elks, Howe Sewing Vaetano.. . .._:31111% 30'-dm. I PLuros, ORGANS AND 3IELODEON. We are selling first-class Piands, Organs and _reduced prima tuul ea sae Salmis. Terstri3 in Want otirgood-instrument, ,will find it greatly to their adrantage to give ha a call before purchasing elsewhere. Cots, PaSAGE & CO, ! . the 1.18 , 21871. ' Towanda, . , SEir For insurance against / loss pr damage by Ira, in reliable -coin apply to -:, •• - - . • Jour W. Itlrt, ... .- . , Towanda..Pa .c. ' Office Memoir's Block, north aide of Pubho Stinare. . Dec. 1, 1870., • - tar I have just received a large stock of Tea, bought binc43 the reduction in the duty on tea of ten cents per pound; and oiler them at the low prices annexed: 'lest Tonng !Tyson, t1,25;"G00d Young !Ty son, sl',oo. Oolong, 70 to 90 cents : llyson Fine, 75 cents; Ilyson 'Good, 53 cents Best Japao, $1,90. Call apd extuilue, Jan. - 18, 1871. 1826. MONTANYES 1870. Have just openml a large and carefully BCICC t- N 1 stock of goOds for the fall trade:- Dross Goods, Shootings, Flannels, Prints, &e.. Teas, Sugars, Syrups, and Groceries of all kinds tit New York prices. Crockery and 41126a5 - ire of our owu importation. in fact tisr extensivo a stock to Remiss, bought exclusively for • cash, and guaranteed to be sold at lower prices than ever offered in this,market. ton • SALE.—Desiring to change tnsineaa, Ave offer for sale mit Livery Stoa, consisting of. eight horses, buggies, cutters, harneas, tad everything ni,cesiiary to a &It clan livery. -If desired we will also rent our edibles for a term of yeah. Terms easy. . Llot.ams t Passacm. New Advertisements lIMPUREY BROTHERS PIRST-CLASS WORK REASONABLE. PRICES EX MINE OUR STOCK COMP .RE P.RIC.ES As our aszortuiont cannot be excelled In either BOOTS AND SHOES SUITS US rail OU L cusrosts rrnWT= 7l r /U " r' r " i '4l 4 's inTuang your atteatioo and inspection. aro uo as aver, ready to supply every body with goods to one line. Towynds, ]Lay 3 1871 Gro. L. KZELL/1. IE t. ' THE BEST. =I TWE CHF. trr.sT. MI quality or price. FOR eft cfg, ME 1.1U11111217 1;1108.' ~L~~a~ ra._,;,101?-.7.4:ia;•;;f illyre j i lc .t i-....Mitr".:ltir ibit la " t i, r '' r1. , 7* i •,- ,- 4 r , !' . ' • . i"' P. - 7 ' 4 1 . .1.:1 rl.; ! •l BellAtif _ , d ' i , : t, .,i- at 'lliylor ASK:to.* it ra wf t iatio r ..p.... lu.- 1: , ' mut . ; WiLd'i , . .., i ~,....! :s.•'• ! - ....1 .. at . .071 or. co-P , ' k..:,.....,,,.., 1 ,„.:.:,.:.. .1.: .. . ~.... ••- • 4 '.. Bich Poplitu3, . , • :-. . • . . . - • . .4. e WA: New,.l3tyle '136.-ges, • w..• 11, • `..• ►t Taylor & Hancbomo Plaids, t. w as h : p op railv f‘. OE Handsame Dress Goods, ' -•- at ,Taylor &Copia. as) ; . • Cheap no rm uoons,, - • & 1... OIL ' ~at Lii• lir iensjand a .• [MIMI `Mite' GOOdB~ MEMO F'anai(kxAs .f:" • Ribbons stied ;Trig' ''Tifiy/Or'&- °M i r • `-• , at-TAN-kw f k, Cottonhdes . and Cheeks, • 1 1 i Clotho and Casaim RonhAy 36tuts;-- Yankee) Hosiery and Ciloves,i; a i Hats and Caps, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Oarivts and Oil Cloths, Sheeting and §ltirtiilgtt, Prints and Cling4aius; At -TaYfor & 41LL IiZiIDS OF i. , DR, - s - icaloo:Xjs bT .J 6 11111,113ALNIS.. Ton - aq.a. Apr 4112,187; !Tint: ' CHE.U'EST PLACE IN Tilt W.ORLID BOOTS •AND SHOES ALETRoIioLITAN BOOT AND SHOE STOIIF, Id. 3 dnilmus t rxrioN's BRIDGE. .STITEET; _TOWANDA . •\ - ILL NEW ANti' i'LLISI\4JLISS, * - DYIIECT FROM THE MATUFAC TUBERS, Which Nrill enable us to sell .25 rtit CENT. TILLN INY aruzz UOUSE Our dock comprlacs a furl ling of MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MISSES' CHILDnNI3 .WEAR. By honorable and NW dealing wo expect to Mira a full abate of public pittronage. • , Please give use ail Wore purchasing .elsewherid for we feel confident that our goods and pricce will apL41142 - • , L 'ilt iTaylor. di Co.lEr. 07i `Woeir.t e ti 2 4 ' . ' . & Co. Taylor & Coo 3. MEI =IMIE EMI Taylor S. C 0.495. Taylor 43; C 0 . 40 ,7 =I 1 1i Taylor RCo.~s ~oyTo~~rCa~ ;• a at Taylor & 11:4 TqlOr & Co.'s. d. Taylor. A: Co.'s. RE YLOR & CO. i r~ ~ . -Tt) 1311 Y-: . I ^ 'l. =I IS AT TUE Qui coNE. 132E1 baT l z 1 lii ME AND ,PTA 1 B IL NOE. fp; .1" , • e r o .! - Foryour . Now Spring Eh 4 . 1 1 1:4 . ila.tlL-7/T; iIO'TO TAM° Ar. GORE'S - . ITC i .e.4.1 • - FE GO TO TAQLOR & GORE'S t For Now Sprigglitgaltalaitis. irc cite TO TAYLOg, For a Mow Spring.Ov .4. TC etl 11 V(I GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For 141J i hp . „Rktsak .. § . Lyles in toin and Boady-31ado Clothing. GO TO TAYLOR A; 00);;E'S. • • For Ea and Paps, all the Lat Iffl SLYI6I,' - ' :,) .7: C. 47 ME MI SEE .9to T9-TAYLOII, &•P-ORE'S' • .- FQr G r ents' F.urnishin,r , Gpods, .." Bows, Ties 4c. -WORK A141• , - CUTTING DONE •ON ' 'SITOR'T NOTICE. 9 6. - N . 8 TREE-7; Y TOWANDA; PA 44-19'71 NEW 9 OODS AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG BONNET... Pit TES- & CO., Are now otroring, s Great Variety' ,t 1 DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY - GOODS„OHEAP, blidl/ - 43 1. 3 .M1 , I;S,, =SUNS, Ars, =I TIMMS, /te.: - , LINEN AND - 'IVHITE GOODS; t DV) DRESS GOODS, PLAIN 'AND. (IROSGRkIN SILKS. Extra cinallty SHAWLS, LACES, LACE • , COLLARS;- - - i¢N.JJ'EE NaTIGNS, BEAT: AND HAIR, GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS, a my laantAyeluality or peep that 'Ms marke4. derr.ar.ds. Shiners supplied at New York prices Towanda, April 20, 1871-3 m THE OLD BIALY . STREET arriage .I'4` a cto , . JAW'S BRYANT ' Still continues tk9 manultict. or CaRiILiGES AND WAGOI OC Criri 11:ecr Irtion. at the old stand of - Drake, I , TOW \'D 1, r,t: . 1! - aS oi the • 1• - • work 14. TEST STYLE oW:).-FINLSH / - a the msatifastara of. wagons aothing Is ns.4l bat • BEST - ST.taa, .AX . • . Togethet with the COIIPOSITION •BOXES lh Light WOrk PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS LUMBER WiiOONS Kept constantly on band. , The best Itutorit stock Is tiled Lutho oisnaicture of Wheels. Spates an la droll oat pot awed: • - us won twn.ii - - WARAANTED EQVAL - 50 ANY • \ As to Anab. snit is to dursbnity, • SUP/1011.08 TO ANY IN TEM SECTION. •r As a walk* 7 lipLl9 - 3 DRIED FRUIT OF ALL KINDS coutz* um. lIENRY T. HECIOODJ'S • COMPOUND .i.FLUID GRAP NEE :EL • • • • lyitTfli—FLp .XXTBACT. BAUD AND TLITib EXTRACt CATAW BA ' • (RIVE M.*: • For Affectioitri ,Sick or Ncropus Headache, astivinen, etc. • Puret Vegdabk, contaiink#psi Merifurg, :Minerals or Ekt dcricnti , . These Pilla are *the most delight/Mb' Pleasant s Par , . gattro, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. There is nothing, more acceptable to the stomach: "they Sive petigoind cause neither nauseentl grip ing pains. ey'Are composed of thejttieg ingredia vets. After a few dale' use of - them, altokt lov#l 4 oration 91 the entire.systent takes_place atito appear miraculmts to "the week and enervated, whether. arising from imprudence or disease, IL T. „Zebu?, IVCfroleeeha mid Extract eatewbal6rape are hot angarceited, from the fact that 'user coated pills do net dissolve, but pass through the stomachwithout consequently do not produce the desired • e _ THIG CATA MU. bring re tide . ..sue Color. do not necessitate thatellieue 4 5 04021 4. :-PAlCH ,raxtresinw ratztox • • . • - • , s s:: - HEN.ItY i i '.illL'z CUticL.Yritiriv COOUDUIDEXTIfi,ACT Wlll.zaalla,!extertalnate team the -vita= Soiotri4 - ftntriltr; W. refebrolt _, _firm's, Sore Erbt Sorel .e Sore Mouth; Sore , lrei4 ltalans/dtia, akin trlaeasesp, Salt Ithenm.-Ca,nkera' Banning from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous affectleine, Soden Itickotho:llandular ' Swelling, Night Sweata,; Raab: Toddle, Mitioielio alEklna:Cboalcalienzustiazo: - Diapepais. and all diseases Mat' have been estab li?,iihed battle system for rpm. rj • ;_t . !.• . - I Being prepared expressly for the above compltdrile' blood-purifying-propertiea aro greater than any , other preparation . ofillwriaParilla. - It Ores the eipm- ' plexton a chest and healthy O6lor a t tores the patient to a AMA of health and . Fur , purify ing the blood. renicoring all clip:ado eonstitutionaL dtsestsch wiling from an impure state of the blond. And the only reliable and egectnal known I renkedy 'for therenrw3 2 4*:Mthell anatinetling of the; la cerations of the throat and legs, blotches, ,ptmples. on the face, eryildpdSMl eruptions of the skin, and boautyfying the complexion: Trite, SIM Per k • AVAMa. - 7NTED Mai k:LIIID ,E$ T el u El TI.W. GIIEAT DWI:M=IC, 11tuieeretfevory er-se'of .Diebettlii ti *hitch it has been given. Irritation of the' twit( of the Bladder a nilhariatnatice Ot the Kidneys/ VteeretOrr Of the Kidneys arid - Bladder; netentkin of . Urine.'Diseaties of the Prostrate Glanit'Stetie in the Bladder. Colon prdlutt trt, , Grave4' Deposit; • anti ,ffineorui or Milky - Dfsehar s, and - for -enfeebled and delicate egnstitutions f both sexeti:;attended with. the fol lowing sytn ems: Indispokition to exertion, toes of powellioss of memory, difficulty, of breathing, weak norves,.tremhling , herror of disesee,lwakefel , IleIM di:trims* of visici, pain in the back:hot hands Hushing of the body, dryttesti of the skin,' eruption -of the fatie,Tedild eororteroinee, universal. lassitude of the muscular system. ete. rt.t , ga bXroonr4frotte the ascii, ot-18.tre,..14.and 114mill:to M- or in tee &Tinto or changt.of life; after.conftnemeut.of labor yialus;• bed-wetting In 1 children. • ' = lIEL3IBOLDE EXTRACT nucrxn is diuretic and blod-purifying, and curcsnil diseases arising from habits of dissipation,. and bscisses and impruden ces in hfe, , intpuritics of the hick:xi. etc., ``supers d. tog copaiba in affections for which it is iised. and syphilitic affections—ln Riese diseatics we'd in c•m nection with ILEL.V.P.OLIV§ 110 SE W.1§11., . . • L'A.D I,E In many' aff?ctiOns Tyccnifarin Ladles, crExtract 7 fluchtt is unatinalled by any other. remedy—as in Chlorotilior- lictontion, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression _Of-Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated. or SCIUTTUR state of the rterns, Lencorrhoca or Whites, Sterifiti,land for all complaints, incident to the sox. whether Kiting front indiscretion or hab its of dissipation.' It is prescribed extensively by W 3 most efitn orit PllYin‘Fhwaa and midwives for an- aGONS, stand of G. IL OMI=I A .• n I J'AXES BRYANT. 2'7,1 • EXTRACT CATAWBA LIAM ° I . L , ,~_'~~ i ' i r 7 J. REM S : L.R A RA:RI:I4-P 11133 M i HEN] Y T. irr.L3IDOLDS-" ct7t . ,,,mc7n.vrro =I El BE affsetii wb c) lIENY, T, ItETiILBOLb'S ", 1 / 4 IMP.ROVED S IV A S.ll CannOho Surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be. found the only specific reinedy In every species of efitaIICOUS Affection. It speedily eradicates Pim .ples, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness.. Ludurations of the Cutaneous Membrane, Oct., dispels Redness and In cipient Inflamation; Illees..Raih, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, _Frost Bites,' and for all purposes for - which Salves or Ointthents are rises; restores the skin to a state. of purity and softness, arid insures coutinned healthy scion to the tissue of its vessels, on which. depends the agreeable clear; none and vivacityof complexion so* much sought and admired. Brit however valuable as, a remedy for dilating defects of the akin. M. T. Helmbold's Rose Wash has long sustained its principle claim to unbounded patronage.; by possessing qualities which render a Toilet Appendage of ;the.-most astparla. *vs and congenial etiarneter; con:Riming in an ele gant forum's; those prominent, requisites, Safety and Efficacy—the invariabba - accompaimentei of its use—as a preservative 'ankrefesher of tke Complex ion. It is 111 excellent Lotion for diseases or a Syphilitic nature, and as an injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs; arising from habits of dissipa tion,• used in: connection with the EXTRACTS IiIICITIL SARSA.P.Unts.k. and CSATA.WBA GRAPE PILLS, in (rich diseases as recommended, cannot be surpassed. PRICE; ONE DOLLAR PER DOT, TLE. , Full and oxiAlsit directions accompany the medi cines . . lividenco of tho most responsible and reliable character furnished on. appliotion, with hundreds of thousands of living witnesses, and upward of 30.000 unsolicited certificates and recommendatory letters, many of which are from the highest sources, including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, States men, etc. The proprietor has 'never ,resorted to ctireir publication in theriewspaPers; he does not do this from this fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up .by Certificates. ' • • • . ~HE_NBY T. rEkMBOLD'S GM'CINIS PREPARATIONS. Delivered to any address. Secure from observation. ESTABLISHED UPWARD OF TWEIVTT TEARS Sold by Druggists ,eTeryfrbere, _Address letters for information. to confidence. to /MDT T. HEIM MOLD, Druggist and theniist • . Only Depots: H. V. HELMBOLD'S Drng and Cbsroical Warelommo, No.. 504 Broadway, New York. or' to if, lIZLMBOLD'S Medical Depot, 104 South TentliNtreet, Philadelphia; Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFSITS. AtA• for ifENNP 2'. HI:LA(IIO.4D' I IAFO 0171114 Feb. 9, 1.872.. • , A NIMAL •• REPORT:OF LEROY Istria'lp, tor the iste ealLog - Teb. 28:1$70: atom= r,uxtiimixturAnnum6 MIL of 1:1; r...klitrusday.TTOllll2 tea f0iV9...281 71 A. none iropaid road tar. I{9 18' Telma* laud tax for two ,03 24 #e$P4 1 ; , Sr" as I= if . . 11 1 3 P 6 0 at Poor ' " ' ' $2Ol 99 • • wart Cort Wm:Mate read... .. 1 . :7: . ....".. 129 99 .E..bridge and gulf toed ' • ' '' - • '4l 90 Dattmaster. cleat= boards, bildg9plemy . ' orsultibk!feee, Aro • .i• • • -• I n 92 . y- S. 014ConnlatdOtte. ..... :. 1 , e4 ,.,„ . ., ..4 22 = S . rtifut. ..:. " - --, , ..-:•...."...-...:•.' -:::, 49. 92 I:k r a i . ..... -•! •• • • • , :4..),; - tx.:.l - : hitt , " '• 10 25 - TolinVielt' : ' :l ' '"' • - ' - 4,i-;-112.-15 1 XmilmrciferVlorpt a lle .11eccived ' ' • ' 7Tf 54 DitpartnetWa.:..%'.".. :, • • • 5: , . - .1.. - fill 43 - • " - tri iietubinies hands ' ' - 974719 •-• ,Ordebs outstanding ' 4-- Sal 00 •.•,.., • 1 Attest-4.. N. 110a11 1 / 3 , '» .. . . IN,BASUIRIIPTOY., ...:,. .D STBIC7 -; court:afire Vatted States for the Wei/Unit DI& trtet of Pe.unaykrania. Western IXdriet of Paterrf- s .rania.l, lathe matter' =of Sherman li;" Aspinwall.' .." Baia:rept • - - -.Western . Diatriet of RetumiltstllA. IL ••1 6, =Mint in bankruptcy has been issued •by the Said court . against the estate of Sherman. N. Aspinwall of the count Of Bradford and Stile - of. PentutYltante. - I n Imo District, who Ilse liceadulTYVldged s MA' -rept upon pcdition of his credits, the payment • otantdebta: And the delivery of any property be 'Thli;tleg to said Ihmkrupt ; to Mai or to his-use, and , tW tamsfor.of anyproperty. by him are forbidden - ; .by law:. A-Meeting of Oat creditors of said lianknipt - to Imre& their .debts, and choose one or more as. ' Wilnece Owl estate, will be, held at a Denttof Danh ruptcy,„to be holden at Towanda. Pa. ja saidDis ti4et, on tho 30th day of. Yaw. A.D. 1971, at' 10 'O'clock. ism.: _ll the alike of lldward °vette:war. • • one oftbe Ileg 1 - trtilanirupter °field Distrfct ityA..rt • . - .. 11, S. /Umbel for said District • A MEndiSTRATOV,S JOIL DrWa' 9f Pesieciej.Clytner: - Onertoo, WO: of . Towanda, Bradford omentOnceased. ' • _ Letters of adminhibeePlienfon the estate of leranete Omer Overt*hago-biesigranted, by the neglecter . of Breiford - ementy to Maud Overton of Totem:id* boro. Allpercunm having chants algaind , rho eatato visa =11":"1-ell"EDWie"Dprelleutis-Qe7r1 3:7 aettrendent; and those Indebted to male payment to maYS-wG V sail .a.:4 is hereby gtein Metall indebted to the eat ge of 11.11. oemarturr. e or Orelkelne. Imp.. &me ate.requeeted to make tamedlite ay. swat; mut mo% ft a persons bulbs claims eaffiet aid b es. tiete bent beireerit the same defy authenticated for *We:tient. . . P.. 134ANDON. . W s 53481311AXT,t teit43.11 , 0 ' - - • ' Xxecutons. XEC Nottcct is heinbyttiventhat srptcsons Indohted • tit thif.Agitatn .or gnaw TAYLOR, laW of Ptbe, d6ceased, are riquestedtSinalte immediate payment. and all persona having claims against isid Mato mmastoa lresant- , 4 L tbant *dr arnti sated for isettle. mt. I:I9ITTLETCHIt. 'ap1.40•41-irdL , , it • Executor. MIE Atmtotiritittat :trotidn— .lotiegitnterf4re itivonthatraitpersatietndcbted to4l4astatnof,ClMlSTEß. - s:74ftgarfi.. late of rta, del4leod, tom req uested to 'take immediate payment la all' pandits wing aIM a against paid estate rand, pgtreaul..tiatta . 4uly lintbanticated for settle.: meat .. ' =Ur w. 31ETiTiILL. • = ' " . Administrator. Eli 10 X tie II t R'S -- N 0 %IC tero r r perst indebt; ed to the estate ot.SETA STEVENS, late of Albany. deceased, are,rennesteck to make' immediate Mtroent." and all petlloll4 • ilavfaa claims acainst orthl estate must preVnt them duly anthmaticated for settlement., • •1 GOV. EgIa:RVIERV.: apl.l9'7l.wr, • Executor. IME EN BANKIIIIPtCY. - - In-" l the kat t,r of T. ;,;j4CEY. Bankrupt. _I • .7•l,__WtroSi rr 'NUM CoNeptc The tirelersigne+i heretry gives . notice of his appotntroentas Agoirnee • of T. L LACEY.' of the townstiiil of 'Wyslnsinfr 411 the county of 13raciforl.'stAtOof Pennsylvania .vittert raid-Iliotrfpt. who, 133:8 been *Mid g e, ea-Mot:- rept oFiff. - his petitiori_of ei,editore by the Dlijtrict Co - art-of ftstilbDiotrict. ' . . Dated Ntyalusing'April 3,0,1871. • GE0.EGE133,11711, Affrignre ap1.12-w4 VXECUTOIV I S SOTICE.— •,2.-4Notice La hereby giventhat all perinni fndebted 'tn.the estate . of JOSEPH DOAN; late et Windham,. qleeeased. are requested to make tmmedlate pay ment, and all Persona having claim) . .acalnat slid' eetato muat. ,present ,them duly authenUeated tee settlemerd. ' • I . SEMI MD'S% • \ 4pl.,l*.)llArG . Ezetlutort ~,.. rilNirciNVhel Mower. SUCCE§S 1 . . „ !bits new machine M wi with the times and ahead of all competitors in s.eceral or Its leading points. It stands In the front rank among single mowers, and is of novel design, and possesses new and dis tinctive features which will commend' therisvicss to the practical farmer upon e g x^” , ination. Among ITS LEAT)ThiG FEITUEES Are-the • following,: A jointed connecting - rod, Cr .pitMau that allows-the free play tif - the , knife in any. position of the cifttMg . apparatus; tilting guards;-. no side draft; no weight on the horses' necks; the Tongue can be used loose or rigid as may be desired • nit the change made nistantaneously„ without stop ping. • . • • . • • The cutting apparatus,. or finger.bar,... can riiikt(l to any angle to pass trees, etttruPs, or other obstructions, or folded • over for transportathm, or unfolded, by.' fhb sole use Of the lever, without • 1 • rig out' of gear. stepping the lista, or tho tier leaving.his seat: The &leer's/ zest is acres. Bible from the-rest of the machine, is . safe and coin. fortablo, and is arranged on the principle of a lever, admitting of balancing the machine, perfectly, and. relieving the horses' necks of all weight. It has many other if-du/ado points too numerous to mention here. It is made.of flute:lass materials, well made and finished haevery partrendering Its durability unquestioned. gar light drafted, and is just the mower our 'Wooers have been looking for; and .is destined to tie tho i„. u n og moving ava"ins, being adapted for hilly or lerelland, and all kinds of /surface. • Manufactured by • , M. OSBORYE (Sz CO., • - AUBURN, X. ;AGETS, FOR BRADFORD CO. _ • . Me tie B: GLEASON; Big Pond, P. for Sprii.T. field and. West Burlington. CHJBT'F9 W, SCOTT, Big Pond; , Pa., for Bldg trnry and Smitinleld.' - IMES B. SSLITEL, South' Creek, Pa... e for . Creek and Wells. • - D. B. STOWELL, Sugar Erna, ra., foi Tarr, WU rapt and Ryalueing. - • nib subscriber wfd till 'the - . EIRBg M.k`CHIN=LS thorough and rePpOntAble nich 'gnilt- ed to act as agents in ' the northeastern counties .lof PerzisylN - Ai:Wm& 'southeastern New York. lxigin nlng with Sleben windy aid rear/dug to the fled,. son rivert' or *here there are no agents already aPP. oll : l tfd- - Sample madam:a wlll bo int ail:11'1)4100h- loadinJ railroad Stations. Address the sulNicriber list., afl.4•Sl-tf' - . - TOWINDA, T OWANDA: - NURSERY. Tarn AVA 6P A I.ZASILINTAL snr,pus, &c. ; , . • lam now ablo t supply at . the .Nurkei, or ae. livered at thtr.railrciad station, flrstelasa Trcce the following. varieties: Apple. Pear.,Phon, rety-h. becry, Appricott,. Norway sprnce, Balsam /4rber Vitaci, Sze. Grape Vines of alt. the leadingvarictlys. StrawberrY 'Plants by the Apzen. bandred. or IMpus and, all at wholesale prices. It. 31....wELLEs. itpl.l2'7l : Towaxe4, DTSSOLUTION:—The abipberetofore elOating, between W. IL Shaw, Jelin Braund and W. K. Hil4-under the firm 'LIMO of Shaw, Brannd & Co., this day dissolved by mutual consent. W. H. SHAW,' 40HN BRAUND, W. EL HELL April 18, 1871 Tlio tkisiness will be eont3n Ad by Jelin ltrarrnd and W. S. under tboalrnrof BRAUND & who Will settle the 'accounts of the late firm. All persons indebted must make tminediateLPayments. April 1 . 8..1811-w3 - ' I3IIAUND j • E. BOLLES & CO., G.EIMItAL 4RODCCE • • - COmmission- Nerchants, SCRAN ;Pi., • . BLrrEt , EGGS; CTTRF • i~E„ And ell other F Prodtgo. Ono of the:firma having reslded In Scranton lot? tha r past ten years: and hating an extensive acquaint-- Inc.° - with tho business men of the city, ,we feet erinz; Potent that we can sell ; produte to thO entire, satis farticrn of consignors. RIIFEBENCES. , : . - L. S. CIRTIIIIGC.E: a a. FIUSBIE. Oilse.G;T"a. BALDWIN& RLACIEIGAN. GORHAM COLE MIN; Lellaymille.„ Pa \ - 4 3,`0. CHAFFEE. ILOOMG, - Waren. ham, Pz. ; H. T. CHIIIIBUGE, HLNEIir. SHOE'ffirvlt, Fqtts ,.d.llo, Pa. J. a. nowts. 15t.1:26711 G . :s. SMITH , , - Mannfocree of SARSAPARIGLA.,,SODATAVATER,, AND BIRCH Br= Corner Chestnut and Water Streets. Towands, •- ra.", '4sr All orders promptly attended ter. •VA I apL2Bll.n• :Lcg I. . Mitcollmieous. rn central Biadfora Rospectfttlly solicit l coailleilmenta. of i" . ri:)llLT.4y, 1M A .A:,.-bott.r-q!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers