Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 11, 1871, Image 2
News _From Thei striker at no-safoty of /officially anacnugod.__ Delawhre pact 11(very coal. the etir States will coqtain 179, the 3ra inst. - --Somnllms lid into favor, again Pashionable.r elri.:t gotdrnotuitoi, • . • 1/1 and carnet) shades aro tho. Lardiito tint* for evening drosses. , • • ' —The prptiosition-of the Sqranton' • 3niners to arbitrate ilaslbden declined. •- 4 --000.10 labor, it :is said,be \Arica at a coal mine in ilebnylkill comitt. • "i • - — 7 -One of Thi46rsy's'i ttingteters is wifotorLeslie StePhenekeditOr J-Du gob:lg tolgult, the Krallen or Pontoppida and ottier N4rite ,mar "• - --The lias " , Dakota Railroad wi cOmmenco grading at on't 1 . 1 -The ealcula d sugar crop toss °Two fa more than 90,- briho - B6rmet CarnT c 096 tlogsheads. =The bed and - benks .of -the 'Pa - el prove to consist of nlniiliey for vent trii,v4o . rsoy mar! -4 --The iron. w Maine, idle for some irks,lof Pembroke, wire far want °rani, aro, an 4 at workd . —The New-Yo k i Legislature 'has had its:action on lega matters condemned let meeting - of the 'gels , Y rit Bar. " . , • . =The Stoc the - Moriii ('anal have voted _l4 . iror of the _ lease .to thO. A Lehigh Valley Pantos& :,'.. • -.1 • ,-The riverty of Georgia in isfo was $210,000, ;an Increase 0f.520.000,- 000 in ono year. . -,; • • . ,—"North -,l3ri a Ater, Mass.,ship , pea 1110.000 eases' of is and flocs fur'tho year ending Apra 25. .. • i • ~, , _. _ i —A couple o °neon ladies and. tarbelti one gentleman 'ltaly ads a sledge jetirnerY Of - 100.0 miles froni- at. Petersburg. - —United Statefs GOverrunent bencle' `, fi .vo twenties, this w.e k4eached par in gold' on the LOndon market. • . , - .—J. IL Rnth,b siness manager of! I L the Lawrence (Kaintid - uns o intsfotmddcsa 1 In bed- Woduesday inorning. ; ; 1 . - —At a prftiter's dinner, the other day.the following twat ut given: "Woman she 43 always in favor of aWC -aandpcted.presi. 5 , 4 e --:Yrosiil — Xit.. Catten _. , of :14;afay,etta College, has presented the Presbytegaiochure4 in South Betlitehem - with - a silver iiiiitininiett, service. , - , i;' , '. . • 1 - . .-4n Minnesota • all e.- crops , Look wen and are coming on flnelv.j The same is true of - Kartsas, - Whc:re rye stalkii, have iilregdy headed. ' • i . --- Captain, Hall I and . Dr. ' \Weikel', I vniolinttot scientific oflie'er of the Polar expedi- I limb have disagrciAand the Doctorwill probe; bly withdraw„.... ! 1 1 -,: :. .---Tinapp, the fanfous revivalist, is prcvliing in Massachusetts, "and at Pittfleld advertised " - free passti to glory." The people didn't like his roador 'his passes.. I " —Among the directors Of the Kan sas_Paeille Bann:lid, jut Elected, are )lesers.T.. A - .Seott and M. Baird,o Philadelphia; W. Thew, of l'ittsburl dna J. Illranne, of Beading. . _ _ •,- . , ,---Tho boxionli al *ity of Spring field, llass.ri place - of (V.OOO inhabitants, has a l 1 4 police force; all told, c 2inen. They have fine cropi cif highway: rob ries and bur4,nca, - .-4, , „ 7 -431. M.' Iflunedy, n farmer, • 65. veiCtir old, i'd SoiOn to ship, Ohio, w killed ilki his sun on Sam day, morning.rni waif ng. The son - al hzes that hc noted in iclf-defence. '•' ---A man . , Whose pratitic© proves his faith intlreeley's preaclungAl walked all the way from NertiSclitia to Augnsta,Ga., with out a cent in ids pocket, to buy a .farm ju Ala t. Latp.a. 111 '—The lietiaoilists. have '. griphed the old lifg.', oak under whie John IViesley preached if St. - on's Island, near Brunswick, Ga. Ilep6ached his first tiermoft With:is country under, its' —ln %jitter connty,N.Y.,more than 4,00n.,e0u -cords; of ,hemlock bark were atilt red lai4..tfinfer, ani1C1,t1:10,000,000 feet Of ; luin- Bar lie riittingkin consequence. The lumber be wanted s9incitime,. . . —Moto sziro 25,000 head - of;-ezeite in i'wo droves started for Abilono from Ttlis, March 15i, Twelve others are toltected, carry thi,etifly itiovenient to 150,0 . 09 head, and (.I.ceeding every-fOtinei year. . - • Cedar-,Rapids .stockholders of Ow _Papiincton,o-11. and Minnesota Railroad have'purchased 11 - ip:t.nd between Cedar. Rapids end Burlington }'or` £506,000, and now controlit. • 'Plias will. hate the shops., -.. `—Tlie:b.hio- River:,Aled its article& Apill 30, at ;Indianapolis, to build along the right , bank-of the • Ohio, from Law rencebur,' teNbw Albany, 110 miles. Capital ;23,000,000, With power tojncrease. • United : Statps. of Colur4bill, having exported 300 multi loads of cocoa last -.‘ - -I!ar, are planting more inaaa. • They'havo, just organized a separate iodate.' district, copying . District of Columbia.' • :70,060,000 feet of dogs iVaNfo come down 'lack River, Wisconsin, into .Voorre4'... waiting togo down. the Mississippi. - 7 - Nearly two-tiiirds Of all chopped on the banks -Tire now in lib.nd at the mouth of the river. —The .Ire'hd h' ne ess.of Austria,who did I:nt Vienna.V_Thiiradair, was second wife of Archduke Charles, Sh'e Was a dalghter, of - PerdinaOtl•ll of Naples and Sicily,born in 1513, and inarrical 150 She leaves Gilet children. — I 4IC loiva and - lifinnesot,a Rail - road*llraonaplete grading tiini Port D odko to Garner in December. - A ,rditroad is.-tirojected from Stanwood,. Cedar county, to lowa City, t-a be built by the Chicago and Northwestern. :haS three members of : 0 ;p.gra.s, but har sous aro there to,thenember 'of twelio from - other • States. Only Pennsylva nia, New . York, Blasaa'lipsetts, Viminia, and Ohio are more imincrously.ieproseutod in CorC gress. . - ;• ;• --Grcou Day,Wiconsiti, is to build rallwafacrOss the State to the 3lississippi, and has completed arrangements - tolay 40 miles of track ,to Now_ London. on Wolf river: An ogent has gone . - to England to buy rails to coma richt work. —Tito -Caburu at Detroit, from Silver Island, Superior, brolight. 52 000' worth of ore, to be smelted at Wyandbtte. It is mix , ea with quartz. (inc stone wekthing one 'Man (ll.6'l and fifty pounds, contained ilvtrliundrecl dollars in silver. • • —An appulttus for I generating • heat front train oil, , and using it with super - healed Steam, is to he practically tried on Cap tain hairs Arctic: ship ati Washingron. If 811 C•• 7aceSful; it will enablethe explorers to tarry lam Oal, and enable their voyage to be prolonged. —The annual,cotton seed products • - mar New Orlea3 are 7 - 0,000 ions. yielding 30,- 000,000 gallons roil, worth ,$15,000,000 crude, -besides 300 . .001110na of. cake, worth $9,000,0.11 Thu worth of the. cottoirseed of the valley, if manufactured, would:be $40,000,000. feels' its rail , way importancii. Tilo.l.laltithore and Ohio, the ~.rittsbarg..and Connelsville, the West Maryland, the enniberlandlind Pennsylvania roads con centrate 'There, access 'to all poinand the Ouniberlawkre anticipate great thin 4 in It near,future. • -Kansas -is still fitting urft with - immigrants. At Quincy 500 emigrant wagons there cross the river daily, chiefly farm ' 4- ersfreim the-Western Reserve. The 'State ex poets per.cent. increase-in 1871. The next heaviest plaCe - smf destination is Nebraska. The t,lal weekly ern - lir - rants - Crossing Quincy for all pob its• i seathil at 7,000 . —The last instance of modesty is that of a latly vibe refused - to wear - it watch in -I htr bosom Lecanse it had _hands. I —Waterproof cloth is thade up now into entire snits for wiles, which are very neat, ' pretty, anti useful. • • , • ~ —=We _are proniised" a -new style in „. the arrangement of • ladies' hair this spring - towed - ring in the Grecian order. - • - pongees, ponit de soie, and very light grail !grains will be the favorite 4 theta Matcrialn spring.. . . • =The favorite bonnets are modifi catioum' of the gimikr fiinn; they either match the toilet exactly or are in itraw. ; —The ladie s ilhave adopted the new lai4iunof dispensing with the button, and fast tning the chemise with-a blue ribbon instead. .- 1. Y . (;110W linen Ad serge dreSses are if, LeArimmedthis sOison .with the yellow clunny lace, edileh him's-very beatnik! effect. • . . - n6w style bf-ear,..ring is in the oia,e of a tambourine, the,bella a which jingle 1.0ea40" by at every movement of. the wearer's : aj.`etas lOierilast 3 ear Livinkloia,e ;id 11:41,ry pi9s- 50, the United, PoPul±tien• years . 6f fig° .-011 yes are qtxmxtrig P*4 1 1014; 11 . : ' 4 `he venue in the , earth ,- vs. vs. Hindu' cluirge k s i u . wih IZICLICZ- 11 ' Mesa,.-- _ _,_ _ _ ad, Wpm ad cated the .hat end Mr. Bees, opposed it. _ '. : \ L - • ~ . . , , 1 An act to clot the namei3-4oer tain i 3 '' eets in thi boronih. .The bill providiiig for the . election of female.achool eters, passed .by the Senaba some • e since, has n , , lcille'd in the Ho " ~ , • ' ,„ 'A bill appropriating $513,000 to-, ward paying,. the expenses #3f dele gates from the. different States to the centennial celebration,_ luis Veen re poifill affirmativelk by the eormnit tee o Ways and Beans in the Sonic.. ~; 1 p • The members' have also. voted . . 1 theniselves $7 per day extra pay, fignilke 7th of April Until• they ad jonrit. - The_,bill was rushed through_ .Viiittiouteeardtnii the apd:44eys. ..Witt out go doubt, however, .that oaf-Membeti - votedagain: the bill.! . sin. We Senate,. ik,ibill s e curing to m?arried wont= Weir separate : n ings,lhas rased. M. Mane, from 'ecmxmittee on. ponstitutienalltefoim,feported' D.- Ste . jOint,' ieseltition . Proposing Jim' amendment.. to US" State ~ Clenst4tbkr tion4by xnalriag lie- State:Treasurer_ cleetrte, so atafk_ ndeli'l_n oommittee ei to p oride iii additien, that in . 14731 ' .. very,foitr .yeai s thereafter, 1 20; 1121 4 'Rep eeen*ves shall be apportiemid; thro gh4the State - on this bads ; L i s - ,,ilhillaleuce Ito .div - Aet .(I -.2iinottg.,. the several i co ties in proportion to thi3 inunber of ' idea. Eiery City coni p g . s 841 lent untkilxir of taxables to ti t tie 4 t 4 two nienaherek, 86 11 be ai;id ed i 0) separate districts : , 11,13 wo 1 cdMitiee shall be joined in Re ee septative districts.' No city or 32- iy shall elect -more than four S rk fa- : - toga. $ O. ' - 'iff. STEWS°, !from. the ,Committee of Weis and Means, reported favorably Senate border clan bill, amended so 'as to provide ,for revision , and Pre 4enttou to the -General Government by. e o Governor of _ Pennsylvania, the - State not. to be 'liable for any anidtiht beyond what isappropriatad by th t e United States 4, E , ',No aznett4t it to .be paid by the C,434nionwealth on her :own responsibJty. The !fil* hundied thousand "dollars - itlr4adyl paid hi this State to/citizens., of 1 theT border are to be denianded.fron - .1. - the 1 General Govennzient, - 1, 7 !, , ~ . . . ...,_____ , -:.'• ,rsers of Wile -~_~ iepai~~- Si! & W. CUM --Tha;'proc ,tarp are, for zoiting. L(. t o,: .r.—The fifty -seconik aimi versaly qi: the Independent Order Of Od&FellOws;was generally celebrated throneiont the United States Cei the 2hthipf ApriL This popular 'okder was started in 1810, in-BaltimOreJ It levered its connection with the'n , • chester Unity (the English orgii iza • 1 . tion){in 1842,. and adopted the res entl.o(4 in. 184 t, and established the, of Rebi.clali, for la.die:s in 18a. The progress of the order was for' Rome years slow 'and diftlOW and 4 fist the meetings *were the ac r enes of crllousels, but , in 1825' 'all refresh meni.'ts save cold water were le t ed'Ot of the lodge-rooms. The'ttnti 11a4Oniciescit,ement gf 4827 iniared and retarded the progress of till). Or- 1 der ;until about .jc1.848, when there 'were less than 20,000 members. -On the ifirst of July, 1470L`there were 294, 1 000 e in 3;754 lodgei- and ,e 59 encampments, nts constituting 41 grand loges and 31 grand? encamp nts, in North America, besides m rs in the pacific Islands, Aus alia, ,whero - if was establishedinJB69, and now (1871) it has been estab *shed in ilurope. During thelear e ding dune 30, 1870, there was exp ndod for the relief , 'of" 28,843 - bio hes,. $654,399; of 4,071 widdwid far $126,892; for the burial of la.r and wives, $139,092, -and in ei ing the orphans, _519,582; bl other large expenditures_ in a of the order by lodg, and Ite associations l m4ing it total oi 000,000. From 1840 to 1870 was expendedlor relief of m _ . support of widows, education tof or phatu3,' burial 'of dead and general pharity, $12,775,032. • eiiir We are gliuk to notice t at our Legislature is disposed to abate, what of bate years 'has been nui sance to our taxpayers, to wi: the frequent change of school bls in our schools. A: bill providin that the course shall not be changeti oft ener, than once in' three year, has rgu i s ed the , Senate by a vote ofi 24 to 4, and will; probably pass. the Lower House. It had become corari h on to change the series in use in dis trict as often as the Board :I x f " ,choOl • Directors was changed, and the cost of the new boas walf imposed upon : every parent who sent" a i til u d to school, according to , the w sor prejudices of the newly elected offi cers. To many the . expense was -a burden, and they will gladly the proposed legislation The Baltimore a itntericasaie: Thi3 Democratic ' party has 1 mod nothing hi 'adversity. Daring all the has been in a hopeless minor ity' it has cherished the same evil pu*)ses, the - same ptherso .. and re actional Propensities, the sa..le tility tos,the march of .free • stitu tiobs; the same nudying at ! • biq, the same proclivity to • • neEaaacE Lzoitaiiiiii:T— • o Or • l9wing 1;0, which passed the Lcgis lature +the Fesent session, has PrWargr# l 4,4 l 4 Aga, *id; lthiedire Vairt,lo4Plitato wan act ip proh ib it the life of *or 4 9 . : 404 4 1 digir • vis`hion 1t enard, ekc r atitt from and after the passaga act iC shall not be lawful for alyl:10- mm - in this Commbnwealth to sell iierzors ,dripko.ny spiritons or malt liquors, wine di cider, or ;any other substance' containing- ii \ l4:3()hol, on any part of any day set apart for any general or special election by the citizens in or • • • • zaiy-Ot. tglinslOPN Poanties or other election divisionsoi l - 'districts, in the Cont: monvitelthir.riA,ldiicri That thii proNisions of; Wm' bill shall not be' enforced after, ticie elettion polls ire". closed . in Ahe'pvening, the sale of . liqner prellibittd- after: that -than. Sze. 2. "Aliy . person' violtiri. the imisisions of the i fmg secacin °CPAs act_ shall be:deemed gnilti of a demeaztor,and „Shea filtbjficti td imprilonmett in ilia Proper pnt d the proper contitj for,a teriaof 'not' than len: days . nor' more than 4ne hundred days, m theflisc.rtition of the court, and shall also, hi iddi= tion to the,above . be " : subject fine of hotless tium -420 and riot more aisn'tßiN in the discregb*ot The mtrt. - 415:the,MOd. eon-sirs* iirOofsarn furnished us every daYikat..the be= , 020 etaq th ey shall Boomed lin gaining power in 187,5, , will- mite the effort to °yeti= fho-fotOmitiki and ,filteenthiMendrtiUnts.Wila /44 - - . • . ` , l ing organ of,Alie INsnuUmtieparty disavows - all ideas and; intentibriii of this charaotir,:tlit noWilia se,3 . the of - its Fuses ) 31 -4 PPiiii4 B in 'aeinatinceni Viesa great annakinfts , as inlquitbris.., -The Chiagiv...olnes le. of . the same Ar.svilivre I te# 1 " . , 441 44AfF4 11 4 41- 4 8:- 7 ° : 8147 ., that raefieVgigginer t Alr e 1 49 4 exoPP -2 ticonali - and: that thqy repreaccit . . the greatlynitss of The party, -we quote staekeqe l # *firm*; o f Mr . 'I'l;:? - rinpt; itielPeuiourktio re . FeSentatlV of Divindes oosaitX,in tha Mins' iseiP-' pi T.444.oiire "These,` itrndreents, (thel fourteenth, and ftfteenth); *ere rati fied )y - fraud' and , violence, at . the. point' of the Federal bayonets, and I have the independence to stand hero to-day and reiterate and indorse the sentiments of Frank Blair, of Missouri,' that the .recon struction measnres of ' the United States Government were null, and void nb.inilfo, and ought to, bo wiped. out. And; sir,.. say further, that those Southern men .who have -sup 'ported the Government of _the Unit ed States in these acts. of tyrinply over the Southern people, such •ruan for - etample, as General (Tames Long= street,-can be' classed by:-,the- -Mitre historians as- Benedict Arnolds,-; as traitors to their country?' • 10...T4ylattve wrefreshingly cool way at Harrisburg of voting ,naoney into their pockets-out - of the pockets' of the tax-payers. Mr. Josans in i the chair, the Mime, by that dodge, a viva .roce vote, has pissed n resolu tion giving each member, iu addition to his salary, $7 a day: to diate fel= the , 7th ult. If the •LegislOpre, in stead 'of fooling.its time awa c t ing td the Washington Carnival, and iii adjourning for days SQ OeqUeritly as it did, had attended lo 'business; it - could have adjourned Rine die by the first of fast month. We are not surOised t4l learn that this hap ere ati.kpome'excitement in ,liarrisburg.' Suell will be the case , throughput the State._ ,The members who were op posed to it lire said to be dissatisfi&i, Very likely! But they .should have demanded the yeas and nays, failing in Which they will be held responsi; ble,- equally with thatie `who . favored' it. TEE REAL Issue.—Our _Noithern .Democracy will be `held to a strict account by their ‘qouthern - brethren. They will not be allowed to conceal their. "bloody intent by smooth words...„ The Mobile .Register, .one, of the leading," Contervatiya 7 Demo cratic organs, of the Ku Klux. branch, Says _ - ""The thirteenth - athendment is a: Ictgitimate_ corollary of tact war. checause it only: rattled what - the States bad separately done, to wit ~. Abolish slavery. That ta,-res ad jet#reith in the Democratic party, and - no State" .(.1 Ter,' few individuals would rcstore it, But the recon struction amendments - and laws stand upon a different footing. And what does the. Southern Democracy: demand , as. to them? -Nothing more than - the national Democracy has already conceded it the New York conven don of 1868, when, in its platform, it declared base recd structicin measures ' uneenstitutior i a/ ) taiU and roirl." Now, we advise" the Norithern Hu Faux to throw off their...masks and N i l come out for a bold fight. It s no use. The Blair-Brodhead letter is the foundation of your . plarrn and your only hope, On than must make the fight. or silk. • ;I E 3 ser"!There is no country so happy and prosperous, as that in which la bor is fostered' by judicious protec tion. agairiet . unfair competition '; but essential to understanding 'and pro perly applying 'such aid to his per sonal benefit, the : laborer must un ,derstand ho* to take,eare of himself, how to haryest - his earnings, and how . ','"escape the exaction of middlemen. There there is a lack of steady become thriftless and shift less, in'.which condition all thA3 pre tectiOn in the world would be - inca pable of- provine their welfare. A little more persenal cultureovith less gratification of ?personal appetite,-is what a great' many • men, larera and capitalists, Want, to improve their eon on. grekt "ill the Democratic press and s, takers tell their followers that fie the.l4 day of May; last .Mon da, week, the United St:4es imposes • taxes.whatever eicepi on ineomes, itanips, spirits and to - bacco ? All othez taxes which ,did not 'eel% the first of last Pctober expired at that date. We venture_ to say that the demagogues will contiritle to howl as lustily at the oppressive hurdens of the General Government as though not a single one of the. various taies had ceased or~aXaTloa. Thebe gatbreed. • • - 2 United. *des, 7, 77 1r 74444 1*' : . ATICat ..- -fie of entitled, "An .visions of the. ; • . s ent k to the COtt.• • 1 . •: ;• States and for oth: approved April .20, 1871, : a of extraorduis importiume„l. consider ik my 4347 eV:as — my - proclatitation, '0,0; log the attention ofa peep of/ ; .17.i4d.StAtealluarelo..and enjoining_ uponol6CA aihzens, and ly upon rOkitiffladriti te zeiklus in the .enfattedilitt eleof; and . ..1 St: es z r, , 2 Who con' • Tippiiii- to i all lariat ofilotAlnited • 3411 beol every: is, -.Abe 'ax tent poNrerfr.r , tekm. the. Er , - 1 the.mxxiu sity therefor is kite • ..1.04/tava..beeni eitacd.ehiefly by. :persiafelt latices thtrigh •Of sitiletut of the trOltecl.. States • *Oats- of Iswlesa • cettlittndf dom ed ta tr of insurrection arstmititary (x6/filet; I do partiimlarl*. critait" the( people of those parts Of ;. country to aut. presuall.such 'Gni; by th own :voluntary :through: r.tict of local: ic • . and `to :main tsis67322le rights of citizerts-aLthe, UnitetiSkates, bad 404=e:ire 4.0 ell erieh ciliate:Ls the • rtalpictelitioa of the Fully sensible of Ithe reirisibility "impaled. upottAbe :••• :31itiitith. le try the act AA Congress; I taqtrhielv opinionisinoticalindr Ara rebuifAikk eall istii*dois • any .of the triordiiiitiY•lxoore tlyrMby :.•confer; red urah in.(443zasit inucasen af - peralave rmicessity, - .1.-daquivertheleSil l deem -it• .m*:• - duty :ta , rattliesiauswu -that.-1.; riat,' ,- tunsititte : , exert the povier, thus - in theAlmen- - tive,. wheisvorain. l :wherever It 'shill. become neceseary.i o do'.-so; 'for the :to all aliens of the' iiiterl Statue :}pettodfulaiijoY , ' , rutruirhf hem by..theimietitutivreud i It is my airuelkivishe thafe'peaW and. cheMtal Obedience; to .laws may "prevail titioughont: the - and that alLtracar of :Our lode upluOpY eivil strife nittyibe HsPeedily Atinoved, Theselends can. be-wily 'reached byt, an acquiescence in the restiltifof the' sailow*rittch tit tharonsti tution, and by_ ardne - luid'petrpliiTn , foreetnenk of ekiiial; just and). reeve tial laws in every part' of cra/it trY• - . The. failure of local 'committees' to furnish -such measures for the' attain ment of the results so "earmastly• sired, imposesupan the national gov ernment the duty of putting forth all its 'energies for the' protection of its 'citizens. of every rico and :color, and for the restoration 'of .peace, and or-' der tWonghout the. entire country. In testimony rilicregfi .Irhire here unto set *savhand 'and caused the sera Of the United Stittes to be: . • • - .' Dane at the City of . Washington, this fourth day of t May, in the year of our. Lord one thousand tight d r ed awl seventy-one, and of the In dependence of the! United States t he ninety •• . • 17,-S. GRANT: By t . .P . resident . : . - : . • • “waruiroll nen, Sayof. State- . =II =I The ;Citation Frauds fn Clonnseflente HAirrcino, May l 7.---The official fo turn from the Fourth Ward of New liven, gave .Sewell 579 votes for Governor;' The count of votes on Friday by the Legislativa,Committee showed only 479 ballots in the box. On Saturday the ' !signatnrei.of 52G Repiblicans in tt at Ward wore elrob tained to a d ation that they lobe ed for Jewell; ' a farther signatures ;to the declarati ri will be obtainoii. f ter The Democratic party is. dig 'ging its own graie as fast as it'- is 1 , possible for any Vey to do. - EVery ',day, almost every hour, the people are learning the lesson, thattioavith .standing all, its promises and, f pro testsl , it is still the same old revolu , tionary party that. it has been for the .. past,fiffeen years:, WhefCs:er it 'lays its hand the Constitution is trampled iipon—the law is violate& The few successes it ha's rgained within the past -yeal., haveOnl y enabled it to teach the country its true character, and to make it as totally unfitted for government, It has mat.l&no' differ ence where those; sticeasseS have been t i achieved, the rMt has been, in every instance, e_malicious tramp ling upon all law, 'peace, land good order. Whether' we *turn to ' the South or - to the North,' success with that . party - Ints seCured:the same end. The people arc eire.fulry . taking' . not of these thinlrs i They clearly s'a h a s tlAat the,time s not yet come to trust tho Demociatic party with pow: 1 er. i . State Temperance Cenyen tion is to be, held in Concert Hall, Philadelphia, on Thursday and Fri: day, the 18th and 19th of May. It, will be, composed of representatives from the various County, city. and 10- cal temperance organizations, church es and other religious bodies. The call is signed by the, members of the State Executive Committee, and ',other prominent.friends of the cause in various parts oCtitkcatitte. Gen. BELL DOW, of Maine, iiNiunong the distinguished visitors froir?-Ibroad who will be in attendance and ad dress the convention. ' sel. The calling and hedring of negroes as witnesses in the courts of the South is no longer obstructed as Aretofore. QraduallY but slowly the,pcdple of South are accom-. modating themselves to the new or, der of alias. They will learn beforo long; that it is hard to resist progress when it is made in the Interests of civilization and justice. is. The President has issued a most admirable proeltunation based on the provisiOgs and reiluireents of tlie law to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth . Amendments to the Constitution. • The language of 'The President is mild, eonciliatory, and wise, Set it is firm and nnnvistatable in terms. It is plain that the Ka Klux are now face to face with their meroind 'Unit oranges henceforth committed *fil not be passed over wits impunity., All hail, the power of .reason and law. • .77kitireAQ7de=etheme 14,,•.1rntPirlittdieLlt r _ off towards a strip o t were killer 4 : • ere, who in the' mean • e r n greatly reinforced. The men and - women theirid lehorero, . 473 44 491 1,.*:0- . ;req7 girt- b4b• Om 4- 4 WOLOS, itiup4.,. *La WO/1/ 0 10 eicalijr' a stoic e, and aaVienitieTinqc • 4 , ,ffred: ).4 •i.. ••: mein nania.Wiltiatot r Oork - otte, ; 3 i - gia aaaajaltili:PatVt:, 4 4'S'..amtakefli *Foal named• ,ll3 P e eD n 4 h lead;sna 4it. Otlr,nast b.ratanylmtert; • Vie* wW' - - - fav pr itably • - e military wite ortleted 44;e. ICIR4* of c o ► .P,Olvealk o 9 aPPIPta ; ' ' 14 4. 4 a; /41110334ii.gr4 one 1 4 .4 pf rke WorgNlßaajO! . **Yariii4: V T : demoetri*en . on, • • • 4 0 1 4 lialiiirlAraw - Prerillifaalcd_g(4 )- , Re* tol, ta Wek - PF!Bion! , XWY, the iirceident - of ate general. nraine4 . "Greal.,excitateri ;has •preraiekt.hlefe t• 094 7; • • ;-• • thed;y, MoVot, •-W riota.*ted-lherworl4" Morrie* Weeks and ' i dinire *Ale Men at. wcirk,there. . What the end will be 411 1 -,••:4•./4/iro 0t..494 - 4 , WI Ar rive to - morro w , _ ut ne,,innfitio i t4ero he tiini tlurcoalregione not:InoOli confideneo, - . - -2- f solleJoitt . Ciihiial*ipt:tbp ti JVlkinftilitt.eiviraVVT*4 ol-- 4i!_o4.llearl.6:.i4ieliijiA*pitelcsii tion of nears, :oilseed& in WashkiitonOitsy 11,:vcdprosee4 i tfiiift.% iAt.',thiir our' in 4 lith -soligi. T116,4.944.4e: :a i3:o.4lrOeslAt . ; ici-." ii3a 4 tldee,ssifiLning-i‘o each 411T1r lion a Butte or, States Its be visited. In this way the work , will lie- (long witli gieater rapid* and 'equal thoroughness. This official- iniesti glitipai ordered and conducted joint ly J y Republican and 'Democratic ..Cogressmen, will be free from the suspicion of partisanship, and its re port; beyond doubt, wilt confirm the acooluit of . Pe Klux outrages, and instill: the Republican policy for their Oppression. 7' - ' -, ~' , AVWCE min Emit: le.tScs.—Ve - See the aspirant fzr wealth sacrifice *rverything *high makes man hn- Mario and kind, Well Makes him be- uevolent and cluunitabki, - ,which in dead makes the - man , to this end. He forgeta the duty ho owes to ." his family, the duty he owes :to •, his neighbor, hiniself, arid to his 'Plod. He discharges the:-obligations which are incurnbept'On every member of society, only bocause• they aro iiapos- , edby a liand^oThose poWer Ivitannot / i '',el #4. Ho cheats his felrovf me . andyet bears 4m honest: exterior fore the world; he is honest to i e lette -iri!tbecange the _" letter'" is/ the law—but not to the - spirit In this supreme' selfishness he denies even to himself the means of eonifOrt, that his coffers may . be well filled. He dies without havirig spent .a ,moment of his life frco!rom thogo fears 'and uncertainties which are always inci dent to speadativo project's. He has accomplished the grand ambition iof his life, arid leaves. to his children= a large estate. Ho has placed them; as he sripposeS,',above the reach of po- Verty. But what s'mistake I , Better had he seethem adrift on the ocean of life with nothing but' a boat 'and oars to battle With its storms I In stead of fitting them for enjoyment - - And guarding them against poverty, he has given them the strongest pbs siblo aid to - the end which he has striven to avoid.- They know not the value of money; as their other was miserly so are they , pr.. • . , L They become, spendthrifts ;,they spend their lives in dissipatio . and debauchery. They aro nuisan es, to 'society, dragging everybody p4sible with them' down 'to the depths of degradatiol. They waste, in adding' to the . miseries of man and - the evils of society, that which , should be used in elevating the race. ) - New Abirti;ements. r iE YOUNG WAR9OI!, 3VE O W The undersigned are Agents for East e rn Bradford —hare sold Una machine for the last three years, and will refer the roader on application to 200 tann ers in Bradfoxl county now halnß this machine to substantiate all that is claime4 for ' . , THE LIGHTEST fDEAFT, MOST DURABLE, EASIEST Cq.NTROLLED MACIM'E In the World, being WIDER,TRAtIt Holds its position on side hill. the wheels running 'on the ground instead of tbe cut grass, for the same reason mows wet or swab, land, lotting the cut grasatying loose and tight. Has steel cut-bar. steel plated guards. planetary gearing which areproteeted from dearth and gran. NO SIDE. DRAFT Can mow the heat - lett lodged or arm' wet gran Without stopping or worry!, ag the team. Being CLOSE: GUARDED The Kehl,' are protected from atones. NO TEAM CAS WALE 1 LOn 017011 TO • CLOG /T. To farmers intending to poreit'ass t a machine , • . o say please allow tut to bring cene to our miaow* with say or all mowers to prcirl o assertion that we hare. \ TUE ILICELNE MADE. - • •KIN.NEY k WATHD7B, Slieshequirk Pa: maylo'7l woR S L E-A VALUABLE IXOSSE—Uaringao,'n4 for him I °fret for salami vidnabloltkr Boris. Lte is eight Tsars old awl weighs over eleven hundred 'New Albany, May SM. J. LEWIS. , ARED SIR . I BULL; FOR HALE.—The undersigned 1i a fags 3earllng Red Risk Bun for ode. Weighs TOO. la a deep rad. and just one year. old., Sire, lion. IL LaPorta'a Bed Kirk: dam, direct deeendant of the celebrated one owned by Marry Mix. of Towanda. Pa. maylo'7l 8 QUlrfai, Righland, or. ris;sa I'HOTOGRA.PHIO MA TEM cggHAN'S- ow= SALE—) pirsigreseirmosedimme , evo. cm s,„ Usk , thollll6llllllt Pollee S. Briggs. late at top., dammed. willeen.on the manna on DAY. ~20..11171. tr. boosii Mons: us the . north by mat ell elle=t 6 = l6l 66 acres. 26 ar 20 men Impend with I - 1 = 1 #! 111 r- , ,,"," 4 4!*t i !F s t. 3 PPP, 4 1 11 TZRX6-4200. to be pda. onr , thii priperty bibs U1ni 4°W14 '0=1 "4"11141.114.1 to Me the of contirmattret h oc ale with Interest. JOEY "ItlitatllBll. PAPJAMIT*4 ~.Ittotnit~. !f:t -- e• !41 ~.~.~:.~ ...t .cel r`a— tk4if .r:tesaf,an 41 r, "1 , ". ' ?la u 1 vS 1 . 1 • ' - .11r1 3 .:;7 4 .11' t I • f' -..:; ,rr -.t_ q - -; 1.'4! t-r,' -.7.4 ••• Woititt d'e May: kiieelthe 'attention of tbeic otistonOr's to their Grand Display of NEW SPILIN GOODS; which they 'are no* ri, ceiving in large quantities. careful attention . ; and our custom mmy i:ely !! splendid sorLeqt of go9ds ',at aitraCt . , 1 . • . AND 4 ,-- - _ .. -1 : • ' % ~ ~ 2 ''‘. -.- . V...: 00 •• 7 , • i i pa vs. - _ LAX'111:1131 AID 011APHOBOOPEB. UI RBOADWAT. BMW ICU. Pgßi ' ' a.; • ;...- 1 .: , ..! - ' ' ' .. ' I .7(1 0 -.. 01 , aii . 7..-...i. '. .. , 1 ~ 13:')% (;4 t• . Z.,slj a :. '. 11 , ... ^ .1. f.:l .r. '7,' .r...4 ,- ;',._ - / - I.tuf I •''' Ira .•!/`l., NEM ca A I . i• ;•er I.i, 1 3.-kt It. 4 • 0.- r!, • .16 •'. -:11 ^ .t - ffM/3MI Eacb .4pw.tment has receive rErel KEYSTONE STORE. , Towanda, Apti.ll9, 1 • =I ■ ,•••, TiniTAIDA Mar li.le Works. GEO: McCA.PE SON • Mace •Jast•.rccetccl tho largest assortment of AMERICA AND ITALIAN Id A. 8., 33 Everixhiblted In to which . , imitelbc attentiontlf the public. HIE • They 'keep on hand or.turnhih-to• oidot • M.ONUMEN'I'S, 1 TOMB STONES, MANTLES. I Of every style, - - AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Perim; In want of sayttdag is our line spectrally incited taco and =maim our stock, Bid3M3E A. SO Towanda. May 1, 1171 IpROF. HORSFO ' 'S B .a. 41 B. P / 1 PU/11J ASSORTMENT -W A S= Sad SUMS SIVOTIS. M I I Kara 10. 1869. !DAG a =Lim 8. SPICES or ALL iiff‘s i4E and Ground at 4 111M,1116 PIY.R,UPUD MOLMEEISP 4.J at ?OX k ROYAt BAKING POWs m=r JAusrailE 3 t r ' II 4:1 4. 4 i a A IR p g b l 02 0 El a'' ,- --:tet • *:::4 '-. a 0 l ols4 • a b, , c ,} k.d. , pk:(l , •,sr; 0, -- 1 ~:,- „,- ID r ;._:' ' 1 c i• i ' sti 1, 0 1 ,.. - ~-04 a i 1... • ,„, i r "iTI & 1" 71 ai* v 3( i..._: q Si I I 1 :1-14 i 0 i 4 ,‘ 2 M a G o - ill f s. 1,4 -1 i S 0 I ,S .01 ' - x t )..... t e 0... • , ..,, I IEI, iei 1-14,, 1 t.; _4_ d o .._,, 11 4 ~.:- 1§ ~ 11 1 . , 1 T 1 • 9,. a P 4 - i , 5 t 4-I s'iß I t.., °' i"=i_f i ,s"' 11.1011 as 01 '1 I f : ea t o a ':. • . . 2 2 1 i--- t , 1 it -....:.- , : :1 - 14 - 1,1 4 % -t A 1 C. l- plii x, w.- as „s.- ag.. -‘ll / ... ..0 -i. .... . -7 ct. • , - 1, _ RIME Ti: --: ch= , cED =II NEE .4.. - 1).- MN ~:-~ ..- =II ME =MEM CM ma 1111 El T$ ALLtL LIFE INSURANCE CO., THELITYiIRST. OF PEC'II, 1870 Nst balance .lannary 1 Amount received for pre-' lianas in MO. $7,841,800.21 - .Anitomrt received for inter eat in 1870 Total income fur the year,5ti,(131,470.03`; To policy-balers for dillsby de5th...51,753,30.26 . surpluspreriainsnareril,2,42932o.9l surresularill policies... ,156.1,068.= • . . Total payments_ to ielley holders .... 15;04,5,e5&W ralar commission* to.Agt's. $648,Z90.93 13alaries..11eakal Ittaminers; , • 1 ; Advertitiog.k.p; L53,:a1.71 Total careers of minagenet, $804.342.64 ; .t 1161 for taxes . $29.747,471.70 Pre . minrna In thelanda of Agents and in eonrab of tranamiailon 236;314.70 Aerrnell interest. Including $12,333.52 • doe and bnrand ' '‘ • Tattle of Stoeb and Bonds'over cost. Bend-atinnal and quartert7 na3tuenta, deferted }mai:awns. a . • • 00;315,957.M 45§.E.1"4. . • .Cask deposited in bank f . . .ruatly on interest..... $731.712.52 . ' rgai estate owned. by the . Company in Itartfcgd , • . and els eibtie ^ -... • Bonds and mortgages en real estate. (value 1. 3 . 3 .; --' .i 0%40004. '......., ......„411,850,974, 7 77 Stocks and bond s owned ; ; .1 by the Company at, .... , t_— ~ market raj ma.... c: c` 4.851, Bank and railroad storkt -1" . . owned by the Comp ; t 85;10100 . . Loans on stocks .an . ' . bonds. (Yalu 1c=.785) 141.7'33.00 rreintum notes and loans . . on . . . . .. 11,645.510. p. Balance duo frotu agents and others Interest seemed of width $12433.61 ia .dne and unpaid Zenithal:as in the Lands of agents and detertrd • preminmg M.GC4,80 Total assets. /o.4iliTB for ince. Jan. 1, 1871 —• 121,086,611.31 I;eBerre for lonsee tat yet due. • ,Sniping ..... • ' • 8;103,237.11 RATIO OF IMPENSE .OF MA NtiGEWL'IRT TO TOTAL INOOSIZ 8.35 PER CENT honied chntaic the ynsi; - , 10,048 Policies. !new- • 1 big A ' M.797.707.00' Policieltip !Ince. 60.5:17. • insmilrg .. . . 7G2.00 Totsll li amount o f , . • • 1. te,Dee.,ll, vs7o.. IL3I 6.336.00 Total Feanot of divid ends SU to Dec. 31, • 1870 0.213A/00.0d /NOTE:ER NEW MEM 1 FURNITURE W . F. THAR ,EVEIi. J. ALLYN at do.' Having purchased the Furniture Store.. of D., L. Ps miss in Hererreft. Block, have added largely to their stock, and now offer • • '1 FURNITURE pf every 'description at priced whieb. will =DEFY COMPETITION; • Having purchased the stock for CASH, they feel warranted in saying that they can offer, greater in ducements than any other establishment in the county. Towanda, April 26, 1871. EIMT L.OST—In the Borough of Tow . ands, Monday May Ist, 1871, a Calfskin Pookr et book. containing about $lO In money ,; two 'notes of $05.50 each. given by A. Beverly to the under. signed, dated November 14. 1870, and other papers of no value to any one but the owner. I The Miller can retain half or all of the money and no questions asked If they wig have the kindness to leave. the Pocketbook and papers at the Rermana °Mee, Towanda. Payment on the notes bee been stopped. New Albany, Pa.. May 1.'71.•w3 A. LADD. ' PLASTER. , • PLASTER. PLASTER. A full - supply of Fresh ; Ground Cams Plaster from Unger. Filch & Co.'S -beds at the anbacribers mill, at mouth of RuntmtrAeld •Creelci:liicely pre pared and warranted a pure article. 1 apl.l2ll4re* ' ZAtiEl3 ESPY. THE ITHACA. ' WHERT4 RAKE, .Plaster and Orain Broadcast Sower combined. For raking hay or grain stubble, sowing plaster. Frain. to: A splendid success. Farmers mew see the Master Sower work there will be no more *ow ing piaster by hand. For eale by R. M. WELLES. . Towanda, Pa. fISSOLITIION.—The colLpartner mditp heretofore existing between the 'under signed miller the name of Powell - & Co. is this day', assoive&by mutual comment. JOEEPH POWELL, PARE MATHEWSON, T. C. DaLANO. cl Now Adviretbwmantii ~' DI =I FIZZ El MI OEM EII•TATEME-NT os zns. casalunt toNNic'iicta , mtxu.k.t, ON TUE 1,789,C(39.82' 6,8E57,637.25 3,043,75X78 ISM 560,167:0._„ LIABILITIES. 426,10!3.00 $22t512,710.1 E. W. HALT,, 4*Hitt !ISM TOWANDA. Et. apL 12'71 Apal 22, 187 L. • Tho bvtatneprtif the old will be cionUitnad er the enile relaybed Tinder tho namo of POWELL 4 CO ! 014:Ase.' JOSEPH POWELL, Did.A2lo. SI4Y SAVED, !t:" .. .„: - • -31 S YVACBA,SING)EqUiI STOVES AND HAADWABE Orwell, Pa.. 0ct.20."12. ~ • .09DDING, J VSSELL & GIN T . O WjA N A.., El ri A tz. NV Ait E, 1 ,1 a 4 lidlig4teters TINVAR Efi G i AS 1111r1 q 1 1 4- • • .1_ ..-.z v-ra irrAgsv, - at w g Nl*. .;-14rat roils tae aininia. linauctri a n ct nitricg. dassi. AKITA rit3ID!.SF.IIOtISE( 4EALD ' _ REV A 8T,F,,P4 SandCOI&OII9. icrome or. mitosura: =EI 1200# 8 , &owl; twang; Clothea Wringers; l'irusteTubs Matt Seta; • .P. amps, igtojrcling F!*".*. 7B i . BefilratclBl ‘ Vidor:Moto% ItachNes, Caltivatots,- ,11olirs. L.4,Seed Pas, Horse Fcirice • • Corn Swam IT arinaSteneti. llii pitvErargo.3344 . villa ., iji 25 or.: 209. =lb. 130)1 8 0 1 -NerYrsuPeriOr • fertiliiek gadigto Ober A -11rAc assortment . of -AIVIT,;CARBISGES . , To via• ..:ipaltiewo attouttoro At.. owe ad" to Lard Oil, Whale Oil; Sperm Oil,_ I tuAseed,Oil, Coach Varnisl4 Eyaraitpro.Varral4, i ~' 1 Manilla Rape, . , r • ) Hemp and . Rubber Pac.klug, .( • Soapstone Packing, Oakum, , Sawi, _ _ Ell $i0;1 03 , 7 4: 9 7- SIX ;ti0 . . 11 ! NEW STYLE TOP. C. A_ M612.,.1 GI- S - Can po seen at the lipnFitaciory of S ' 11. T 1;`,.8 7 715.: . 4 I f.cto nom 324,626.45 , 17,35L86 Hubs,i, Spa . 6s; I Fellocs, Axles, .; Pipe ;twins, , Norway Shapes, Nail Rods, Refilled 'iron' Bellows, Vises, Dash, Le4ther, Xxiiumeled Cloitl4; $40i . .. 1 1.5,057.V2 • As in th 6 invit go in the futuie they 3vilikeep an '.nnequalled assort ment of Mil CAP.PENTERS TOOLS, r!OCKET : KNIVES,,SpARS, • - PLATED *% . \TARE, Etzprz, arNS, SCISSORS, t.EvoL=t.s,c,u/Tr.mazs, FLASKS AND SHOT POUCHES They oe'er at Wholesale, to the Wide. I IRON, NAILS, - POWDER, - SHOT,. GLASS, • - • KEROSE NE, POCKrT KNIVES, TIN ARE, - • • ° • HOES,,, • SCYTHES, SNATHS, - FORKS, 11-Elto OR • GE.3I - 0 - lir JARS. FAIRBANKS COUNTER PLA,TI'i/R.31 Se,AL4S, •- rAIENT ALUM - • 'MP N , EX •-to R NV`E RS . QR . WATER, EAVE TROUG:HS-, CONI3ORS . : Contracts for Slate or Tin Rooffing iiiEWING CODDING, RUSSELL Si CO. Towicidi t AprOpil 4871. • itinsassolt • L 1 ME E-Vi4MIIL :.,' EN I=lll . ~ EN ME iiiii illf Leather Belting; LOW. Elia Wheels, EINE DOOR Locss. TABLE ENITES, =I (send for trade circular.) AND I.WIAS PIPED FOR Or furutahed with • Llur Ou stuirt notice. ELIAS HOVE MACHINES -,-- : - :;, - Iluouil - :7- .. • JIVE T 8. WItOLZEIALE raram. - corrected .*fez7 Wealles4 l 3: b 7 C. B. PAU% ip - bust!, , Tile,. trash;, yi bush. orti, it - Ostn. 111 trts% ...... 5 - r Beantl. bn 1 4) Matte 611418 ' r,. fdatli 11 1 1 - new. ...... • ..... ... . . • ; picer t ,l bliTo •- • ' 40 10 66, painlt ' '• • • ••• 12 a 1, 0642e641.11101111' " • ,"' s • *mins ay. Ozoint, 1 :«Wbeat nun). ; Corn So: 117,e 66 lbg4 <WA 3 2 Balez /hi.; Dneln k lb' ehF..;i WINS 1 Beitistl Bran 2 0 mi--; Clever 91w1 60- 'l' l o ,•risnelb3; Seed 441bc. Dried Peaches 33 ft, ' f piletiApple/112, limy 71114, Seed ;s2 lbs. ' • AM • ARRAMBIMITS OK di, TOD TOWANDA Until farther epees the -.Maas at MO' wee r ill entrelutt depart elqtelowe t . :4 ...Till*. .. • D'Pdrt s :ls , Sontiottrit • n• s. mt. ....... . 2.1 s Trot' - . • .... ,rte i • •t! , , Cal p u t: i rs ;„,,,•'"*„........ LattyttirVA•,44'. - .. ,•!„,, , ;11:00 A. at. .... . .. /2 oo , ... .. Zstcott Lags atrituto every ..mccobly, I/40 xi "lid deports at 7.1" 1 " 1 Tualatin Thirodtir. 11341 Iliattatay, 0 4, ,Ilbettrl3crners spoil arrive% ilvery Tu es „ii4 tlay ottA Eiatarlay, Depart s • ' tame dyy Ali _mails doe 30 ithasks bejm lc ; parkin; and 011. midis ow& mid, soot& dos' 45 aim - , Lea pnTioug, - . SOW. ALVORD, lIEHVIA. - OLLEG SCLS9„ A TNSTITIaTE. " • TOWA3iDA, BRIDYCHILI COUNTY, J.A. • This hastitiatteli basnet hewn thorountilyrrnai m i mi. improved, and will be reopened Telt9Dit. iggsgarmat . 6. ,1870. &PTAS; COMMERLIAL: ReltiTMC . ',CAL DP:PARTIWERTs. • , :ThoESomlinkiDeginall &Retie*** ' Veda' attAnii,s • preparatory and higher iOdcalle. ranches, elsesles . eXcepted,— The Coirwrixotar4 en the . 14141141 4Kee otit bi t -Corernexctalliebs4ll with• _rioaary academic mad Thelfdtritai,, thymus* drill in iminisett acimi studies gild Theory and Practice Teachina. ' . The -gemiirimirm, special Matrix-Wain tim iiinstilledikr en extensive collection of app u s e s , recently Modred add' imppyeet—ind other braida,l riztlidly purled in College, modein languages bot h 'enhatitritedlotiariciant. - • ' •CLisitilatitharotei preparations for our bed 61- kwresi - andmodkirn•Lainganures: - - Oinuaarartax. branehas,-Music. Drawing. Palms. , inder.exixillent instructors. Boaniand Rooms may be obtaMeir in / the 4 1 ,ipply'16 W.Ryan and E Quinlan, As., Pgncipalik Towanda ; fa-circulars and parties. Aana • • •atir.lolo. • - President Board Trader, . .Tp:WAI . I . D# cOAL-.YARRA . AN'THILteITZ OD BITUILINAPS 'CO, Alli• ' i . . Theniiii litigniAL Intir lonised the Coal Tara an 4 Dock Oa 4.Barelity Bulb," ands complwd a large atenariand Othoe won the prepnieg, are n n ow ra p . ieparect, to huntsh tho citizens of Towanda and - liirjAi with the.differentkinda and Mzeit of the sbOve, . ' "route upon tho most teaattnable.terms IV any quantity desired. INiaca at the "Yard until tura,. 'notice.: •. , i .. . .. ; ' FaCiTlit....:-.'; 'L' . ..i . $ . 7 rol Largo Egg , , N - .., - 7no itmall .gg Plpnotti.lcui: ' ' ' . 7. 4) - - Pittston rut. ' , .1- - . - - q 4 n.t.nm-• ' ' - _,..... -- , , . "Barclay "• ,Ltupp. .....:,- • , 1 4 LO ~ • Ittin ot l ltrinei.: 4 '. , ... 4 (,5 or Illack.t, , : 1 1 1 !Inn tran')An thrtwit.,.... , .., ' 0 ,, , ,......,.. ... .. 1 .... : 4.5u The folleCtiz,addltion'alitrgas will 'be made' for delivering iral within thel rough linaltat ~ .•,. 'Per Ton:.. eetts. F.xtra',,, r carrying' in. 0 cac ti`. Half Ton ..55 " . " L .',l" " " 25, gr.T0n...25 " ' - '- - •i • " " 25 . " ' , &V, Orders may bb left4the Yard, corner ef 11 ail. read andElizahtthStree . lor at 'Porter & Itirin. - "a' Drug shore. , , . 115 Orders utast In all rues be accempanied with the milli. - -, - i'vW.4.RD & 510'ATAXTE. ', Towan'a, Jim 10,1871— . , • . ~ . II R3l._ WELLES' . . • ; C 0 A. L D ',-'• - • • Until further notice prioeffit yard,. are . •••g. or No. 2- , - • sl.6i ef . stove. or Cos, 3 and 4 • 4.7 50 • ' No: 6 - • ..“.$7 fAj '• • Solli• • n Anthracite Coal t• ;4- O. The Coiloiving additiiihal - charges will IJC aelivering coal within the borough Arena : •• d'ef,ton cts. Litta for cnrsing in •.1.6 .t 4. Ifolf ' . Quarter tan: ..25 " • g• 35 - Leave Orders attlny Coal ter. cunt Netv Black; south side. must in all ,cane be iCa 3 n 3 l , ?ußs l Ly -the cash. SrTiovanda, Jan., 11, '7l: >jl . B. icio:FEEIrEISM—"NEURALGLV WILL BE P.M. to any Person producing any Medicine showing L as many living, permanent-curet' as Dr: ykhrtatiiik .I.titntix.vrie 111:31EXT. Used ins-aril? 0n1y.t...A pleasant Me4lcitie, free • from injurc-le, drums'".Witi:rantetti under oath, • to have perniani-la ly cu fed 9J in every 100 patients treated in the ph: ton }earl:' (See testimony). It Is the scientific pr.:. • scriptiiVot Prof. Jos. P. Pitler, M. D., is graduated the eniv.e.riiity of Pennsylvania;iA. D.; • 15:13,-,n,cm oue Of philidelphia's_oldest regular physicians. , arel Professor of iChelmistryjand Toxiisblisq,:---wat) io. made lictirlpia, Chronielinit In.llamattry "Ithemea• -tism ti.e,spccialty -of his bntire professional fart vlitieheil for- by the...signatures aceompauyin.; each bottle"; and other testimonials of many peen:: : nent renewned physicians and clergyuaep. Te pro tect atiffererafrom poisonous quack .nostrunis and' -u.Selesli expenditure of rtioney,•klegal Spiced' tin?r-, anteolistatinmexact ntmiber of bottles w4ranted to cure, trill be forwarded gratis to any siallerer. inK by letterit till description of arnetiop. Its cas , 'of failtire;to cure, amount paid positively reflndel. Medicine '"sent anywhere by express. .collect -on de livery. Afflicted invited to write for advice; all formation and medical advice sent by letter kratl4, Atitiress'Dr. J. P. , FITLER, 20 Smith Fourth street, Phgridelphis, Pa: The Remedy is sold or obtain-I, .by Drum:lsis. IMO Thills, 1211 WAIsTTED AGENTS FOR GREAT PORTtiNES. • • Atin Irovv,•Treut WEn MADE onru - nr • AND Turrailms - ova Itv J. P. McCabe, Polusely illustrated mid. licaplpilty• bound: The most lilting, instructiia,and untavfv..l. • ly sought ifterbook issued fur ydars. 'Fasinatin t i:ae _fiction. _authentic as histcrry,t practical Is 1 - tichard," kith lesson more glevating for poplin • RurpoSes.- than the profoundest philosophy. Agents aro - clearing front $BO to $2OO per month, in spite of hard times. Sella fast and, 'easily, and -4,t - livers splendidly. Send . ..for Circular, etc., and nu tice•extra terms.. GECkaIAtit,EA.N. Publisher. 719 Sanisenn Street. Philadelphia. tuar.•2l'7l-3m • . ••-• • pOINTS OF -EXCELLENCE , ' • ' .. . At 1.110,;(1reat Trial cf ScWirre Machines Inzlsr. -, . known (as." The Grand Trial of lalalid Park," w3rrc the comparative merits .of the two leading Sewn:: Machhie Stitches, the TW,jeted-loop Stitch, -and the Shuttle Stitch,-weiethe reaitißnestions at lame ,z-thc Willcor.;& Gibbs Michign was decided to excel, ..- _ In simpli , 4ty of construction, parts and r.10._. . . . . In non-liability .to get out order-eitherotr by . u , of standing.l .. . In perfection of worktuanshipit ts the beet mile of all se In maohinea. - In quietness of vivratiorit ft ?if mo , t etitirelY In C 390 orwat*ltig ,--no other S'ewlng M3.Chine - " so light runnipg - . • In ease Of managenwnt;—it requires far I,s to operate it than any.bther. . In having a patent rubber brako;—whiclfpri•vet the what turriing backward. 4-4 Is In its neetlh; which is straight, , :beng the shert.,•st and least liable to be broken. • In its necitle . lacing self-adjiniting—risiniring titer skill nor oipefience to ect it. • ' In using but one thread ;.—lttinre therein no.rP ., - , 1 " ng, or buthetwith a sbunte: .• • In the simplicity of its tension, and: the e:et• 'ef • • g it. , : • In having a pianl,--n-hich protecta.the dress ft.?: ebbing against the wheel. In its more perfeet'adaptation to all 'capacities. ,_ . _ . , In ifs . be - jug more easily and isims;dily ck•Jui: , "f rem one kind of work to another. • In its more pprfeet adaptation to ail . kinds , of F,...,•• _ . ,a Mg. . . milts capacity for making bojautifal embroidery , - by a inere'ehango of spools. : - • . - In making lilis nEs - r. srx - rcii--especially for, fathi;y Ott its stitch being the most.-6 . en and beautiful , .L.. In Its seam beg the S trongest, and 'inefeelast. , . In its seam being automatically fastened—by -the , °chine. In its SCUM being the teat liable to rip, in .irare• or Wear. L • fa Its scam being more easily tzkcn aut. wilen cics red: , . In haring the best Herm:tiers ;--no O therSll3..-. ' t ELIK - ne nt.srac, or turn the hem UNDER- In having -the best Feller,—the - only of Vizi works with the wads right side up. In haVing the 11Ieqt. Braider,—ono always a.ljsat,l and ready for use. • . And in many other points of excellence. till and ste the \lillox k Gibbs Sew-in;f At the omee of ' H. ILtIIIIIS. 1113r.28,'71 MILL PROPIRTY SALE• The 'minable mill property, at Dashore..S;allival cdunty,lbriging to the estate of Sanniei 11( 3,1 deceased, eenalating• of a largo Grist Mill, 1.4 voinplete order.. Saw Mill and dwelling !mese. the Arktur Privileges pertainino ' to the prep‘ttY. For price and terms apply to DI C. DeWitt, Mtor -neyat-Law, Towanda. Pa— or to Mrs.. noialek. Executrix. at Morristown. Morris c.' t: New Jersey. The property can be seen by applyoi;.; to Daniel Fairchild, at Dushore; 1870,—tf • ray.,wifd Eli za- has left inf. bed and board iilthout. jest cause or provocation. All persons are hereby harbciting or trusting her on my account, a!' I WIA pay no debts of her contracting after this date. • Barclay, April2B, 1871.-w3 ADAM EDLT. • .firm bere .l.J' -toThre known as Hines k Mott is th.P4 dzsAolved by mutual consent. -All sc.-taints settled by T. Hines, T. .T, 31'.11.1.11Tr• • , ,Wyalusing. April 26. 1871..w3: WOOLEN YACTOEY .F 011 BALE OR RENT.—Tbnombacriber hie Woolen Factory, situated one mile - . south of 'Non 'Toeton, on the SUPiNIM /t Erie Railroad. for sale or rent. Also one or two dwelling 'houees near tbo Factory which will be disposed of. Terms mnli 'known on application to BEN.I.OTIN NORTH, • Sionr‘ieton. ra.N, April-19, 187i$in TERY CHOICE ". GRF.F.74 AND \• T. BlacliTes Miens cheap at Mail by pox & mica • I-% ... $ 1 .23 @, ,1• Bridge Stro.t. :rowaudi, Pa.