Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 04, 1871, Image 3
, I n I d, Ruirter. ~~~ El AND G.:ENEI?4L. • _ Tile' four departments of the t rustora ouso aro now vresidod orcr b Odn.lrs. T I , • Ms..l:teV. 0: S. STEWART has e t) far rtekNclvd from ils'latoilliaeis as to bo able to mai t. I; - `tris,llYo,rElnira LectureCoirtho nem:a:the ptollt of a little over ono Thcw , nd dollars. reir We :qrolindobted to liepresen - udive i hrefc for a map of rcnnsylvinia, show ing,p(pulation and taxablei in 1870. ; r _see. V. E. E. PIoLLET halo made + divikion of their rcalteatatc, which con -1.0 about 2,004 acres ofitiod' firming land. fr. s . _The Good Tomplars i oack , femonstratitig • against the granting is most of the applicants in Toivtinda -- ' 1 _ - i ~ w, _ : m e _ .. urriratETicuzsTics.—lriell whcal is a bushel: anti ryc three pephs, 'how ,„ ;) ) 1 will a quart et wool weigh, alloWing sev c.:i ..iive cents to thor ilollar? . TrltO. j o.rl At: ourf last Legal Debiting, the question. !,fur disetission ras. 7 " To whom do.thc ashes of an insured Imping burned ?" 1 BOUND TUE cOUtEll.' 11 , t 1 lawn . o:c.÷- o Good Templars „ u rStnitlltield hold an exhi lqtion. in Academy null, on''Tnesilay owning, 31-ay 1, 1871. TLIO exercises gill corOpt of roof .lc;..ib, &a. - 1 1,6- Hon. G. A. Guow has been • 1 t on account of ill health, to elm his Pa-irt. , s in Philadolidna - and •has again taken is h residenCii and coon y. We .trust that quit and relaxation f3-otnt , nfiliess max -restore his health. I , , . ccIDENT.- , -.311 Tuesday evening , r, icrr:llrcitaim-13E2csamm, - a brakeman o r :itlllivan & Erie train, accidentally fell from ~..! ar against fide - fence alongside; and was I 1i ,, ,111,11a4 gains!, the car , by the reaction, : ,i I,i;.efut, vis becoming caught hO was drag ,,? ,antic a lib-tat:co and sevCrely irkkred.. . The tollcwulg . i. tilist of offi i,,lot Lreuing Star S. of T., of Asy- • NV] P. 3.1001 A ; W. JANE FELL; P. '111;1.1, ;•21;ir.s.-31i0 lIANNA n MILLEit ; COD. -PETER. 1.; A.C. -311 Si ZELL ; Chap.-B. It TFe:l , l—Jt i Lit's ; ;! 0.5.-TI.EZ:I) STEVENS. ollitlers of \Vinclhitrci Cen itl- F. of T. are as follow : .1' ; Chap.. -L. 01.m l:itLprems ; Treas. —Mies • • :.; plAp,-2 , ..;;;•1; 11.:`;'..—Eow. Pt . ..6E; .r 1.11.5. E.12. : ,i;;;;;1;; Con.h3liss IDASin- L :\ I: -1. 11t:TIZ3NDALL; KUTRENT4I. i . • Apaong the -411iinert.?u • hit . ises ~, . 4 ' son in our town, we . Votiee i6d, YtNcrzcit, tot the , tiriti ViNcmar, Iminranee Agents,) is tin -1.11.47 11.9idsonte ono with all the modern The arTtgenient tor het and 0.A.,r1..,ti1ti-ii; very convenient, and the gas-'fitting was (line by A. F. ritlintwr, and only roads to be seen that 'he Cs a first-lass wort.- 1111E=11 245, 1 . The' Cidolint; ilichiligs: Eng (1110.;., Ty,41 1 :,, win appear at the Opera l:iu:iia, on Wroday'add iwen rl,--st::weeli:' The troupe •eonsists • of !; fureca of rilrepla - : 111 ,7 nierling= troupL;; and numbers •per%onv.. Ticket, 1.50 and . ":•• by . l'rau l In: - .‘flus, 133 Water L'a - At the !auntioldection for offi ~ iNa:a4lrze',(_:o., held . ' on Tuesday evenin •, f.lll4ving:-persons irere elected : 11 I `IL !--,i;:t . aulf-E. G. • N::VINS. • IVra.n. Con , ,lriitt , :e T. (;. 31r.r.t Th e WILL - • A ,Pl.r Imo. ON.—On 17riday . - N Ori I/ CHI JAUllg of Good Tem plars, of this 1•1•tc,-; tnadk• am excursion toPyalnsing and vis ifr )%); 1 1milig Lodge., TWY were hospitably rle.i( 'i.:atertaiued lithe good people of t Tillagt,, xi hose bitunty mine:distributed With all,Eviih- hand and-dificusscl by their hungry • • Ivlta much, zest.• In the evenhg thy rer•aired to fhe L'odge!.,room, r•liere a spe c• ej• «;•,iiikhii was hold, a couple of hours bang to short vocal and instill.- 'lec.rt'by members Al tko two -7 P - Ocbt(s They s'efely reached. Tiritanylv• •11,•ei.d tram about midnight, well pleas wit ti;em visit: An intt•reeting account of thieflair, :•corresputitlent, will be found in • another P-1" EDITOR: As there seems pY • • inh-,undkzstailing cif the revised raitieg the'Atturiinglof motes, will t. light• upoli the matter through your 1F..1 , ,irw think there:tvas a reduction ' Fred"- i.e., 1:11.6 first hundred stamis", froiu one to two Inxiiilied q . v f, ' trn to t rut - linntlrecl.' le' i, ,te while • , • one hundred 'even. - ' l iuir6s tics eentl, from one hundred 11'. ts. i.undred, ten, A:e.; before the rtvi • . I.:l:ltiNwer tJ ti:c statutg .i.• 'I • Li! 1.:1'...:1t lave a L. , JR: for less than '• ' r4 . 9nirtt a .sttcutp, rin , ftttitan one Ituntlre.klui ,'l , 1 ;tr..; nt ,tanti) is vc,kuire.d on evcry bun litnircii annals.' •ru DauGcds:rs.—Gen f,N,tllO iniernal ItticuuenCotn :,,. „.t.l, :1.13 ret.,lntly decided thr..t the 'i l epeal ..;;:ial tax on apotliee3rios by reetit‘ii fs , t i.f :11.... ~ ; : t . of Congress of Jule 11, WO, ren d r t::-In ettliire , • fter April, 1671, to just the , .ri• ii,th , ilits as Finy o . 'l' FCTSOrI Ivitatever, fur th.''',...,10 of d,stilit.d hpuits, 5 :'13(.33 or lualt ,Ii: ~.i., r , wrauy quantl . t . r, and mato cfereuce to .th. , -,..0-pun .s for or manner iii 'which ire ....:1. :Eh, Conturissioncr Ilt.eides 'that ,the ' • f 1.4 11: 670, abol.Strt:it the . 6...:eniption here- I , :ur • .pr , ;-;tded fur the a potlecarius, under par ' .zr:,,.h thirty-thr..e, section seventy-nine, of ta , i's.•t ofCongre.,s of Juno 30, 1864. 4Chisar te.:l.!,, 11,. which, it is decided, Las been repealed, 'I • 1 Prctvide.l.that'apotheearl4's who had taken out a 1::-, as :melt. s V mild nut In required to take ();:z ~ i:c,'e es retail dealers in liquor in COO - ~;,...,,,,,,,, ~f selling hlinhol. ruder this deei ri.7:, 1! would.'that apothecaries, after Al•r:1 .tali. runst tae out licenses as retail deal- ME =MEE A I,vici; To - .ol.r.r.s.—§oraebody gives f 11 , 0 . ...i:1g .. adv,ic0 to It is worth rictine and senti'Mentalism : '" Men who: vr , ,l;th Laving, want women .fOr wives. A . bundle ef gewgaws, bownd-with stringi of itatB and . cir.itcrs, sprinkled with cofo r ,eme and set Le saifeerL- this is Mibelp for aman who xl4vig ratio n family of. boys on bread and The piano and lace frames are goecl in 11.1:1i2ve, and eo are , ribtaius, friths-and tin :ll,4 yen caunot malt° a dinner of thelor- ru('r, iuF. a bed br.tliv latter—and awful Ditch an may.seera yotibcith dinner and eck blaqrts ar^ necessaryto 'domestic happiness. Life lat. 4 its realities as w e ll as fancies, but you makc ilaliplucuration rniembering, the tas seht and curtains, but fonfetting the . bedstead. : - 3apposeli 'llan of good sense and, of amiss, good prospects; to Lc looking for fora wife, whet etiato-c haYt, you to be• chosen? Yofi may cap, or you may trap. hint; but hOw Much bat-. ter to make it an object for him to Catch you.k: }:ender yourself worth catching, and yon Herod no shrewd Mothor or brother to help you find market." ' . • Buz' fohowing game of base ball was played between the College nine, of Towanda, and tbe - Hoin Ittook nine, at Sheatiegnin, April 29, ?Oinking in the following woke: 25 to 21 in favor of the College nine. 12 innings.- C 1 ollego nano-1 3083 1 1 2 9 0 1-25 " Horn Bk. -003616950001- Unipire, Ounnt Saco; &ow., Maim; NVILsox and CnArrrz.. 110 9 a . - Tie _County - (Owego) ..Neon; says of the Sulliran *musty coal : , The Sullirafl Anthracite Coid, whioitis being dispoied`or so rapidly at the Southern Genteel rd, te a much better l o than we have pre , bought for a am& Limn' price. We have if , could wish for no better, and pre. diet a _ s qvcmuch larger sale of the coal , tkau ICU antleipitoA, oven by the agent himself. When,yonbay a ton of this coal yon , don't get half a ton of slate. We heir a good word UPI about it wherever we hear it .spoken of.. It is cheap sad an A No. 1 article. What more (veld we say?' Try it, and you'will use no other. • This coal is meeting with favor everywhere, and Messrs. PAT, PIIDDELL A 23.1131111:111KIN , 1112* doing their bestio isupplyjhe rapidly increas ing• demand for it.. Oevritu.;—On Semilay, the 23d tilt., Mr. L. C. Wit.nun•was the bsppy recipient of a eon—surely net the strangest. and - molt re markable thing on roesbnl4ut the remarkable part of it consists in the faet, of the said son's haying e7eren grcpaparenti - yring—!lKo grind fathers and six grandmothers! Mr. &moue. Videos, hairjust moved into Lib( house here, formerly L occiat'Aed by Ems Diu arcs, Esq. Mr. D. has• removed to VirAverly, where ho has purchased a lot and built a house. • Miss BELL Aram; has ?established herself as dressmaker - among us,.at the house of ncr.o••• • bona Lawns: Wumgcn Lmns, son of Dr. lawns, has Mt totauch Chunk "to learn the printeri. art' at the Democrat office. WILLARD is i good boy and we bope his " will net be all dough. FLUNK Voroar, .!Ipedagogue,' is endaitroying., to teach the " foungides how to shoot," at the aeademy building, where a goodly number of the rhang generation essemide daily. Last winter's term here fttlly satisfled us that friend Vorcurr understandshis business.. • T. Orwell, May 1, 1871. PEI SONAL.—Di: Josis E. iltocawnx., ofTroy, having gradolitol, at onl3 - of the best medical institatioris in the - cmuAry, Isis com menced the praptieo of his profession in Trpy.' During the Imp the Doctor had a good deal of experience in the hospitalis, which imnst prove of greatkswite to him in the treatment of dis eases. - eases. Ile van tindoubted_ly succeed to the large practice of his brother , the late Dr. it. R. ROCK. 'WELL. 41Ve are pleased to see our old friend, A. F. Baimwrc, who has been spending several months at Aiken, S.C., for tho benefit of his bealtit, - , in town again, apparently mneh-im provedf - rcceived a call from our friend, Jas. T. DcpLiv,. on Monday. He is about to make the State of Minnesota his future home, being, thrwtened.with a pultnotiary affection iit this latitn"de- If the entire popnlation of 4.. t. were like Jr3r., what a grand old State she would be. • —We learn that a' party of ladies and gentle pen of this place are making arrangements for a trip across the continent. They will leave here about the 22d of May, and be absent four or five weeks. The, company will,probably con .sisi. ot,Hvn; ii-31rucus and wife, 1 11. J. Mrs run andivife, and Mrs. Judge Srnarzaz Hon. U. .L.Cipow and neje.° *ill also accompany them. • --iietitn DEVon, of- the Elmira Adrertmer Vlnting, room, looked in-upon ns one day lasi. week. Ne... Bradford Counti Sunday: school .ASsociatiorltp be held at Wyalusingt . ; Mal 16 - and 17, 1811. PILOGRAIIIIE OF FaELCISE.S. May 16, Morning Ses. , :iciii.,lo o'clock, peva l . tiunal Exercises. 10:30—S.S. Organization and Arrangements; 11,v. E,.ltrirroughs. 10:50—Discussion of the subject_ Singing. 11— -Ilow shall wc pr6vitle Tearhers for our SliudPy-sellools?-1tQr. W. Nl'. Hunt. Discus sion. - 12--Cloae. ArrE.L.Noi,s—Derotiouplexereises. 2:ls—Pruper COUrSe of. Study for C. L. F. Howe. . 2:3s—Dioetntition. 3—Belationlof S.ts. to Teinperanco, Bible and Sunday questionx—Rev. 14;, J. Lusk.. • 3as—lnseussioil, 5 -Close. = 7:30 p.m.:----Opening eiereises. 7:4 i—The Iklation of.the 8.8. t,.) the Woifare of the .State—liet - . Gibson. 5:30.-4-lbscussion. .3fayi .3foroiog. L-9 o'cloCli, Ti , ,ronciniti exercises. • . . 0f1.110.8. to the Church o the Future—tier. J. S. Steuart. 9:40.=-Diseussion. 10:11-1,elation of the S.S. to ibsiont.--Rov. H. 'Armstrong. • 10:31/iscussion. ll:D—lttuiness meeting. • . =3 2 ceel,pek —Devotional exercises: \ 2:15 , -Children's Mecting. Speakers: • Let all who see rig : ti 6e of this mocking, es )ecially Sunday-sChool workers, come aid bring heir friends with.them. ‘, GOOD TEMPLARS' Editor : Having been one of a party of fifty per. si?ns who :rent to Wialusing on Friday last, for the purlieu; ofjoining4n a fraternal visit to the of Good Terdplara in that pleasant and historic village, .I Consider that tife4ble account of it.would be of interest to the participants, • if not to your readers in general. All t the pro liminary arrangements having been succour:MY mad4,by the committee in charge, consisting of Gen_ H. J. Manua, C. G.'Kutt.rx, C. b ILu t i; GEO.. A. Dsrio's sad J. W. Iluowzi the exenr fil•nistS left the depot-iiithis place on the 4:18 p.m. ,train, `tinder the conductorshirror the caul , teoui" BROADY': to • whom we were :indebted for many kind attentions. 'rhii‘dap.iti point of weather was all tha't could be desired—a blue. sky and - Gimp atmesphere;—and the ride &WU the beatitiful valley inspired the patty mthTeol ings of the most agreeable nature. Arriving at-S:IG, ire were met by a - committee ofVyalus ing Lodge with confeyanees, 'and distributed and appthlioned among their good people in -- accordaAce with arrangements. It was our good fortune; with a number of Others, to be allotted to the,hospitalitt of 31. r. I NVAnnEN ,BisowN, of Drorr.ntow», two kniles and a-half farther down ill =ailed - . Mr. ft, is a well-to-dd farmer, and occupies th homestead—the ca-residence of the progenitor of the. largo and thrifty family of that name whctrn and reside ,upon num berless broad acr e in that Vicinity. His grand father was one of the earliest settlers in 'that region. nlld we were told aas buried in the, churchyard h 3Valn.sing as early as' 1791, in Which pleasant spot his astics'now —But we do not propose to.,inftise historical matters in :this communication; we-will leave ,that to Lotto. hands. • The repast prepared by Mr.Al.'s good: lady, was Jually superb, and was predigi t uttly vile the hungry zealots in gas kmoinic pursuits oho surrounded that well-simad board. • We will not soon forget that supp 4,.., dud it was the universal expression of every sub-party that ?teir sapper was the best ; so it must be thp Wyalm'kingiteit know hew to pri4id • o cal entirety. • In the evening the temperance clenient of the communityaisembled at the Lodge room, and _in theabsence of the Worthy Chief Teruptit of Wyalusing Lodge at the time for opening. "Diz - Gooor.surou, Worthy Chief ,of NortherziLedge, was called npen toprcaide, who :complied, mad was assisted in the ceremony of initiation of two candidates by a porti n of the officers of North ern Ledge! . "The U "nee of the evening was pleasantly de t to short addresses by Broth ers Clisri(the historian), McCsiossitx, HALL, and vocal ansie by Brothers Gaitorai, ACKLET, Sisters Pr.cartait, Dotnas, and oth: err. . _ At 10;45 p.m., thc•mcmbcrs of Northern Lodge took their departure , for homo 11 special train, .iittcr i ,the,3 - safely ,arrived in dac soasonomani mous y declaring that tho occasion was s de- ceded meccas in every respect. These lodge 'lvisits cannot be other than productive of good: they' tend to cultivate the social amenities of life, among members of the Order, and eihibit to:those outside that it is a good - thing .to be teMperance men and women. The only parson is thtparty who seemed to be idol' on the occasion,lvas Past; Worthy SAN' Dir:SON ; yet the flow, nf spirits was unstinted throughout the whole delegation: I noticed that the BILLIMORD /Imam is ex tensively circulated inthit locality, 'which tm:- dou:btedly accounts in a measure for the intel ligence and gix4brecding of Wyalttsing's pope! !Mien. . • • /14,1f0 have many more of these enjoyable visits, Is the , wish of a • GOOD TEMA& Editor : Your local correspondents seem to have been rather back *ad lately; undoubted/7 the WWII eildehl tun' preps:Miami otthe season keep them wrap frouk the ecrlaggisethsik.. After the materials for ems, potatoes, peas, beans; squashes; eta, hare been safely confided to MothecEartb, they . (the correavadonts, not the potatcesalrill un doubtedly rush Into your Damns again, f' thtek as leaves to Vaihtmtoost.' Here area few items for ydu ‘. The O.T. Lodge hare elected the Mowing officers lbr the present qoartar W.41T.-0. F. Fenno; W.V.T.—Ema Mar; W.&—Flart Gorr; Fan= ; 1 0, M. Toros; W.M.—E. Touts; "W.C.---DAITD WOOD BURN 0.0.--FRANX Iltocratner; LG.— Peace, =COM in temperance edneatiOn und se tire prietical respectability, mark the progress of lio. 16:). Brother„Totrre, the enthusiastic patriarch of the Lodge, tkrarishith "like &green bay tree." • . Wannon bi n put up over Itmairals !Pore an ambitious shingle dith the legend, "Dr. Wheaton's Dental Booms" thereon. The Yeoms aro neat, quiet, central, the Doctor 'skillful, and dentistry in his hands is almost a luxury. Our artliii is 'about to make s summer cam paign and Wyoming. - Idatrimbnial annirmuiy invitations have been given Mat rather finely the put !Eli' months. Tlio crystal ainnivernari of Mc. and Ilm: A. W. TAYLOR takes place on the sth ~of May. The wooden weddingof Dr. and Mia. *mu comes Watt the oth of May. A pleasant time in Pre paration for the lo?ers of nodal enjuyinentiy: !,mans Bum is about to builds tietrhottse. Jornistin Cootraatton has purchased thcr. P. atm .pnwartY and is !wades! among -ns again. Bev. Gruirxr, of Potterwille. mated much inbrost b 7 A.Pointedly practical wp= in that Presbyterian attire?' two.or throo wools liga. • Presiding Elder Pre& inaugurated the com mencement of the Methodist yearott qtutrtady meeting, April Seth; by an e'oquent sermon inn of striking illustrations on the words of 'Taub "I em become all things to all me."' The cause of =de prospers among us. 0. W. Touxo has been exercising the young pee. pie of the borough mid - Other places in vocal harmony all the winter. Nor be alone in the haripordal sebum. kesirs. D. Towers, L Towese„ and others, have been active'and Me ceelifta in various other places. •Our township can turn out a goodly crop of sweet singers. • That academy bell sounds exactly like a steam leeomotive bell, telling us of the train of knoW ledge and science rushing through our midst. The steam mill whistle . has been agonizing dreadfully for a few days. Perhaps the warm weather affects it; and that reminds ns that the sudden approachof warm days has put a stop to the enjoyments of ono Roman. He has been solacing himself during the minter by a daily, morning plunge, through broken ice, in to water four or five feet deep. What will be do hi the dog-days? Rev. ltfr. Sur.u. has been improving the per sonage by a new front, new fence, &c. , • Spring is calling up the flowers from their winter sleep, and per unisequence, neighbor Suma's garden is looking tv . onderfully nice. Mny 1, 1571 DISHONESTY Ll WILL I Williamsport, Gazette and Bulletin exposes 'the dishonesty of some of its citiscristy publishing the following, under the bead of " A Hackman's Trick": • On Tuesday ,night last, a gentleman living in Canton, Bradford county, came to this city on the twelve o'cloek train from the North, to visit his sou, in this city, who expected to meet his father at the depot.? As aeon as the old gen tteman'got off the ears he was accosted by Um liackmren, whet are always"lying" for %passen ger. In reply to one of these gentry he re-, marked that ho was going to 'his son's, when Mr. Whip responded, "I knpw where he lives. Get in and I'll take you to there." This appear ed to be all right to the old gentleman, and- he entered, the carriage. '-Though his son lived within a square of the depot the hackman drOve him down town, stopping at several hotels, and finally, informed him that he could not 'find where his ion lived : but graciously - offered' to haul him back to the depot for • dollar. This Walk promptly refused, and the old gentleman proceeded up town on foot. Failing to find his son's residence, li - e4put np at the Cetral Hotel, sunrin the morning found his son's house, hav ing been not more than two squares from it all night. Such ontrigtra ou travelers, by back men, deservoTigarims punishment. iBIISZTESS MCAT, 11* - • More New Groods this week, at—TAyLori ,t: co:t. v. W.utNEn has recently put into 's Jew - ;st Show Casco ilso has 'a very ino. Ml= fine nB.l rat' opened by TArivor. Sltr* EVANS t Humarnr aro this week opening 2114 r .yring Goods, ;dila& they Offer at popular prices. .ilridke street. CAnrrni.-,-The latest designs and mrtsl in-ices:la TATUM IG le. Go to 13. A. PrrrEs - •• t k, Co.'s and you win find the beat 1)44 Gro•Grain Kilk in Towanda for the, same money. • ter Carpets--ciryet3r—Carpets— tisrpets—great variety Just.:openixl at -TATLOU Co..r . Wt._ Japanese Siiksi s Irish' and French Poplins; also full lino of Plaid Dress Goods, at Er.i:sB k IltrantErn's; i*go %tract. iiiir The cheapest place to • buy Millinery Goods is at the sign of the Big Bon net, opposite the Hong, where yoyi will find the greatest variety in Towanda. see , Ladies will find new Embroi derica and nevr Trimmings, in, great rarlity, graxis S ranntnes, Bridge street. ' ' PATrEnsox l& FaN7sET's ,is the place to go when you are in want of 'anything in the grocery,linc. Don't fall to, recollect this when you start out marketing. will. Mrs. J. • D. Hui is offering great indue . ements 4o all thogo wanting Ipli liery Goods. First door cast Bed, White and Blue Store, Bridge street. • te:. MI =those 'wanting Millinery Goods would do well to eall at Mrs. 3.D. ITILTA. e has the moat strlish'sats and BormN.ta that ire to be had in Towanda. First door east Red. White and• Blue Store, Bridge street.. - liar EVANS & HILDeETH are offering' 'r eat Bargains in Table Linens, Napkins, Ton els, 'Towelling, &c. Bridge striat. M. Fine assortment of Piques, aka, Light Prints, st s Formrs Hue LL, 's, Bridge stmt. BOA few bOardellitall se . atm flat -c lass rooms with boar s bylipplying st - . No. 82 Second street. • P. E. Posr. - Mao a new one-horso cove:rod Carriago (ro ber top) fur silo at a bargain. . - F. E. roar. • 1109.. Go to the Tobacco . Store .to bay your Tobacco.' Exstotas is now gelling Michigan tobicco worth one dollar per pound at seventy cents. -Also Natural Led !decoking Tobacco worth fifty cents at thirty cents. . • music teacher . once wrote that " the art of playing the violin . requires the, nicest-perception. and the most sense of any art in the world." - Whereupon a western edi tor comments thus :—" The sit of pnblishing a newspaper and making it psi', and it the same time making it pies*e erscrylxxly, beStaliddling higher than a kite." The art-of keeping a full supply of fresh groceries just suited to themes kat is well-understood by Me.CsszAt Ensigns, and appreciated by all our citizens. 118. Twenty to forty per cent. re; duction from the printed prieeedother Organs is made at L. It:.P0117.LI:11 Branch Music Store, Towards, in order so bring the profit down to the same poroentage made on_ the Mason it Hamlin Organs: A corrciponding reduction is also made in Pianos, in order to bring them to the plan of snuill privits and no .variation in price, which has been adopted with so much success by Wars. Ceicsaarso & Sous.. Apr. IS-3w. . . Mary one in this section per , ' mils the lesson' of hoes, elssuleg to pen witlt• out supplsng themselves vilth eta pattern Of Paier, let %mem atlsrbold nit& pesos; for Mewls now Oita; b large sad 13eset1- 1521 asimtment .hting within the react' of everybody. t. • • MERCVO_ Broom 0 0 trrt : Miss E. Damon respectfully calli attention to bet new-ind tub:Saab:ink ot aril Fan. ey Gob& gawk also prepared to giro atten tion to Dress Making kr all its branches; New patio% rededied weekly - . 'First door' last "of Kukla's Bank. . talu3 pleasure is eartityiell that Wu Haul S. Iti.sox, of . Tomuula, *graduate of "Muted Acsideov,`. Is, In my indgmeatotattdoct to do exoellont t justice to mitten the IruisoVatti: • 1,11.1Ve are pleased to announce to our patrons That our cnterPrising MUSIC Dealers, Mesas. Cora, Pummels & Ca, have se cured the agency for the sate of ibipedebratcd Xattmihek 'Pliinoi. These Tian& "aro con structed with the , raqualizlng Scale 'proms. Bridge and bushod tuning pixak r tlio greatest hnprd nis of the age hi the cOnstruellon of Piaix4ortes. 'ea* of these Platter have been lately reduced, volts w the endid , instruments are within the reach of all wbo are in want of a Piano: Those who cannot make it ecaTetlielit to call at their ware rooms to Clara- We thisse Pianos, had bdtter send for one of their deseriptive catalogues; read the : same carefully, ind.then you will-want nothing but a tliushek COllO, Orchestral, Harp Form, or Arixa c i Inst.. C P. A bo.,, , ins selline4liese Planat the greatly reduced price; for; cash. When eis given for payment, at the same W price interest ; *vie Wryest is -all oil z,\ they requiro for waiting. Also, the Bllver Tongue Or6ns and Melodious for sale on the same terms. Send for their PictorislCatalogne: • ler One of the moat .important branebeii - of bnidncartrow carried tm in the Cottn try is that of fireCand life . instil-once. Within the put few years the business has grown into huge dimennioas, so that there is scarcely a man in the country who has not given the, sub ject some attention, and we may safely say that most of the pradent ones have taken policies. We consider a good insurance cominnty-pi great Welting io manlind, and it is often, the , :inoins .cif savings man from bankruptcy and ruin in tho day of calamity, or providing a means of support for his family In case of his -death. Every person contemplating insuring ,either his life or pa..,verty, should satisfy himself as to the character of the company to whom he is to en trust his money., For such information, we take pleasure in directing our numerous readers to the reliable and enterprising firm of CAXP - Vizier...yr,. who represent none but first-class companies. They will cheerfully give any in formation in regard to the Subject, .and what they say can be relied upon. Y krao3l. ErLEY--CONLEV.—At the Parsonage, Molt roeton, April 30,1871, by E'er. Hit Heck Arm atrongi J. H. Epley, of Overton, to Nancy • ‘ ConleN,er Towanda. lIAIIER—COLEIAN. At Lacey‘ Me, by Ilev2 D. D. Gray; Feb. 3, 1871, James D. Bbarerj . "of Pike, and Libbia Coleman, at Herrick. CALKINS—I/EC/MAN.—By the same, at .I.ft ceyville„..Fell. 18,71, Wm. H. Calkins, of Paint ed Pan, N.Y.., and itose- - 1. Heckman„ o: Tunkhannekk, Pa / ! BLACK—SAISIUS":-,--Ity -the same, at the house of the bride's father,- Atiril- LI), 1571, Cbarles:SY. Black, of Ildena, Montana, and . &rah. J. Baisman, of Tuscarora,. Pa. AiitllElL-1n -.Wyse; April 28, 1871, Stephen 80D of James Id. !tad Elizabeth J. Archer aged 1 year, 10 months and 28 days.' ' HALEY — A Monroeton, April 28, 1811, of in flammatie of. the lunge, Charlotte, wife of 'George Hawes, Sr., in the 68th year of her age-- ser- Ithodeland.Lime kept Con stantly 6ti hand-for Whitewashing at fi1ar.1:71. 4 ; W. A. liikrivzies. arpets' jus ‘----_ IMES Hess SJIXXIKKUN TrittCiP4 OUJOIIII MY.) Academy. L50n5,y.Y.,.4.pri125, 1871. alt ARRIED. DIED. SPECIAL xoTicis. I=o=l se-Hp' ny ItAnnis, Merchant Tai or, Bridgo gtrL Fon'ltzr.---The dwelling north of the Epikopil pargonage. 'Large, garden and plenty of firnit. Enquire of Overton S Elebree. May 3, 1811. .465.;Persolis haying unsettled busi fiefs with 1 . ..! L. Illeody, will find him for a phort time at the Btore of Ilepare. ILPrPhall Brother:3. Towanda, April 24, 1871. Se" Tfie District Convention, 1.0. of G.T.. IN in meet at Canton, June bit and 2cl, la7l. Members will be furnished with half-faro panes tivecL.V.R.ll. oo application to Secre tary. S. C. Gamow; Scey. Vi : yalnaing, April 21, 18:41-111;• ler Buy the keystone Churn POW cr. For sale by Coramco, liccsELL LI; Co. . April 2G, 1871—tt. , GO to the Bakery, first door forth of Ward Lions; for fresh Crackera. Oct. 27, 1870. W. Scorr Itar Dried Beef, Pickled Tongues and Smoked Halibut, at Lazo's. Feb. V.,;1871. • • . -ne.,..II.ELEN S. Koos, a. graduate ot Lyons Musical Acadeiny, offers her services as teacher of Piano and Guitar. Beferinces— S. FLBhiirwooci, A.M., Lyons, N.Y.; Wm. Dit trich, Towanda. Apr. 19, 1871—tf. TIM FL C. Lto X.Co. as nockg.'—Everyitem -constituting the bes Piano Forte can be found in these beautiful in strnments. l ---V.Y: Times. For sale at W. Drrrtuen's 3lnsie Store. fer VIANVELson & MANNER% . Merchant Tanors, • I Clothipg Hats and Caps, Furnishing G oods,.. G 8 Broad street, May 3, 1871. WI% erly, N.Y. Doc Losr.—StrAyed or stolen from the subscriber about the last of- February, a black Suurrtzun 1)o°, white ring aroundtneek, white on breist and face, scar on -one hip, an swers to name of "JOE" - Any person , return in; the dog to me shall receive a, rewara of HO. • / Crays Ferizza. nerri* 'Slay., 1,871-3 w!, Eggs from pure t breed, fine, large Rotten Ducks for sale; price 11,50 per dozen, packed by the most approved, method. This breedis3l•c very best Tor all - purposes. bearing . clinfinement well, and arc great layers. I wilbwarrant the eggs to Produce ducks supe rior to any outside of my yards. My ducks were got' for me by J. C. Welles, Athens, from Mr. Waddle's celebrated stock. No dealer -adver tise§ to sell the eggs,of this breed of Ducks for less thanl4,oo per dox. C. F. wrzi.E f ‘ Towandai 31a, 3, 1871—tf. • \as. The Keystone Churn Power, for dog, sheep or colt, is noiseless, runs with less friction, more durable and simpler then any other Power manufactured. and for sale by the patenteva, Bacrriums, Monrocton, Pa. - Send for \ circular. Agents wanted in • every county of the State. Apnl • Er, Field Peas; also some :dole° varieties Garden Fess, at Mar. 29,1871. . FoxS 31taectai's. tig. Do not f' Set that Tea is sold at Keeler's for 50 cents. Jan. 18, 1871. . 118.T10 T. C:Lig * hte . Qo. and C. Meyer rianos are the w ri te instruments. Mrs. Peet, Miss Howes awl Miss M. %%adrift' have had these instruments constantly in use for from Ave to Mesa years. , For sale at Dit trieh's Millie Store, Towanda,. • Apr. 12,1871. siirrPerson desirous AA :purchas ing either a Piano, Organ, or Ilolodeon, will do well to call On A. B. Culver, at Wvakusint, as he is now selling at greatly reanccd lir. C. is also agent for the celebrated }Us Howe Sow Ma •Mar. • PIANOS, ORCIANS AND . MEIADEONS.— We are selling first.elass •Pianes, Organs and Melodeons at reduced prices and ou easy tons. who are faineant of a good instrument, it greatly to their advantage to sire in a call betore purchasing elsewhere. Pasimas kleo, Towanda, Ps. Jan. 18,1871. war For insurance agsuist loss or &triage lbyllre, is reliable companies; apply to 1 • • kora W. Mr; t.gerrt, . Votrazula. Pa. Block, north side Dec. 1, -ot 1370. Public Square. . • == a I iniveltiitt recieiTed alas stook of Tea , bought ilnoc the ruination fu.. duty on tea of ten cents per pound, and them at the lowiqa : • Bost Y 41,25 ;, Good Young Ily son,;/,00 ; to 90 orals e liyuobFine, 75 cents; Hyman ED cents; Bast ;span, .41,90. Call and uwidnet. _ Jan. 18, 1871. • Gso. L. • - Xingzc.. jB2B. .MONTANIrES t 1.871i , — Bate jest opened a largo and carefullypelect 'ad stock of goods for the faU trade. Dress Goods, Itheetmga, Flannels, Frluts, ;• Teas, hag Yo r k . Groceries. sf all kinds at New Crockery and Glusware of our own ' hoPortation, in fact Ica cite:dye a slpck to lionise, bought excluilvely for club, and guaranteed to bo sold at lower prim: than "Ter offered in Gib, market. - , - Fon aim g - 7 - to Maine's, Soldier. for , sale our ;leery oonsisting ' deli buses, buggies, erten, harness, unl everythittm. necessary to ri first class livery If &&•sd wo will also rent onr stables for, s , term of years. Termseasy. Heti= Jr, Passes. IPHIIEY BROTHERS FIRST-CLASS WQRK CYO MPAR P-11 E S 1:; vanuut bu cicailed 11.1 • "LOOTS AND SHOES LS INCREASED-SALES ATTEST Inviting you attention and In.rectieb. are aH ever, ready b) fru s every body with ~yids in our Towanda, 3lay 3. 1871 ANOTHER NEW ;Flllll. T4T I 'T. E Haring in:imbued the Fiumitnte Store of D. L. Pinetissai in Affront's Mock. h& islifed largely to their stock. and now offer cllasing pnrchaaed the stock for CAffil, they feel warranted in saying that they can offer'greater in ducements than any other establishinent in the county. Towanda. April 2C. 1871.. SUSQUEHANNA COLTTGLiTt DTSILT • TOWANDA. BDADKORD COUNTY, PA. • This institution has just been thorongbly repaired and improved, and will be reopened 'TUESDAY, 1,0" .M. 1•1,01.3 I. ENG/Sall, COMMERCHL. SCIENTIFIC .4. CLASS: ICAL DEPARTMENTS. Tho Esousn Cei-asz comprises special attention to preparatory Instruction and higher academic branches. castles excepted. The Comannumax: all the advantages of our beet Commercial Schools 'with accessary acadeniic studies. The NO/YU, thorenigh drill In common school` studies and Theory and Practice Teaching. The SCIEN'TIFIC, special Instruction in the sciences Illustrated by an — extfrodso collection of apparatus recently repaired and supplied—and other branches usually pursued In College,-modern languages being substituted for ancient.; Ctsaricat. tboronaftSpeepwrilltons for our best Col loges, and modern La, , lnfrf 4r. Olorasnerrat branches—Music, Drawing., Pahittng under excellent Instructors. Board and Room. may be obtained In theinstV tote. ' Apply lo O. W. Ryan and E. E. Quinlan. Apse. elate PrinciPals, Towanda, for circulars and particu lars. MILLER IX)X, Ang.10,711. President Board Trustees. ILOST—In the Borough of Tpw _kJ and% Monday May let 1871. a =laltskin Pock et book, containing about 810 in money, two note* of 885.50 each, given by A. Miserly to the under signed, datedliomnber 14, Imo. and caber PaPeri et no %shut to any one that tho owner. The Ander can retain bat or.all kif the money and no question, Isked if they will - have this kindness to leave -the Pocketbook and papers -at the Itrrownra place. •Towsaida. -Ferment on the notes ha been : New Alban:. PL. II 1,11,w3 . A. 2.11)14r, PIASTER PLASTER • PLASTER. A fail supply of Fresh" Grim . esl tams Plaster from Taupe. Fitch lc Co.'s beds at the subscribers mill, at month of _ltsiromerlield Creek. nicely pre: pared and warranted a pure article. spLl2ll4ras _ JAMES ESP?, rftHE RAKE, -A, Muter and Grain Broadcsort Sower combined. Par raking hay or stain stubble, sowing &dew; grain, i.e. AwlimM meek& lancets once see the Plaster Bowie work there will be no more sow tag photea .by hand. For sale by • it. *Buz& -spLl2ll • t r • • - - DISSOLUTION.—The ship heretofore existing between the under. signed under the name of ,Powell A Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOSEPH POWILL, • • • • 31ATECEWBON, April 21,1871. T. C. Dil,k3o: - -- New tivertikements OM TIIE DE4Te. THE CHEAI'ESI: AT REASONABLE rnims.' EXIVIrriNE OUR STOCK. quality or prim FOR CASH; t.)U cusru?nu:s - 111163 , LOWER TLIA.N EVEIL 3. ti.' ALLYN & "CO. FURNITURE Of crery description at prices which will DEFY CO)tPEnTION The business of the okt firm will be continued by tbs undersigned wider the name of POWELL & 00. Si beeetotbre. JOSEPH POWELL. apUes.elt . . O. WAN°. : Sic Advertimetwt& 101 E- W.: ~G..: 0. : Or .D 8..1 Xkauttial dasuwcvSUbv. Bich Black Silks, Rich Poplins, Now Style- Sergos, 'gladsome Plaids, Wash Popl.i10; Handsome Dress Goole, & c lau t , White Piques, Linens and Napkins, W 143 Goods, Fancy GiN, at Taylor Sc. • Rib,bonsztid 'Trimmings ' • • Chill's, and Castiitueres, Cotkonades and Checks, NE - - KontuCky Jeans, IN Yaukep Notions, Uosicry a d blo-ves, Hats and Caps, Ladlei and Children's Shoes„ ' . :at•Taylor 4 Cu:ii Carpets and Oil Clutlis, _ . • Sheeting and Shirting.% at Taylor &Co.'s Prints and Ginghams? at Taylor 4; Co.'e 1 • ALL KiNDS OF D.RY GOODS ` l7 - AT BARGAIN'S Towanda,. April 12. 1871. T HE cIiPAPEST 1.11.10 E, lii T 111• -WOULD , / BOOTS JIND SHOES IMIII FOOT AND 8110 E, .Sibilk r4TTON'S 13LOCK. BRIDGE STREET, TOiVA.NDA. ILL NEW AND FIRST CLASS, DIRECT FIIOM THE 4:l\ U.FAC• 'TUBERS, . . • - 25 I,'ER CENT, CHEAPER 7 4=3 131-Oillita Mirk: 11.4-1:04.ai41- WOMEN'S,.IISSES'• . • - . „ . • , By honorable and air dealing we expect to peen a tu4skartot Aiblk paircrupgc,, Pleaae &re us a ber f orn Tutrchasin _elsewhere for we feel confide . .9Varoscsla and prices • , H. -NOE. 1.; 4 '4 IK EMI LT TUE _:a at litylo; a Taylor & • it Taylbr 4Sc . Co.'s. at Tailor & Co.'s.• at Taylor A; Co.'s.i at Taylor • Sr, Co.'s: • 7 • at. Taylor # at Taylor 45: at Taylor at Taylor & af,Ta'ilo; S, go.'s. atTaylor at Tvfor. & C04',8;. at Taylor ,!‘,'s. at Tayloi & C 0.16 at- Ttivlbe b• Co.'s at Taylor S;.Cci!s. at Taylor Ar. Co.'s. TAYLOR " TU . , IS , Al • I r. ; • - • • . • r • ' f„,F a • METROPOLITA - ' 'ft NE Our guodd ask: - MEI Which will enable 08 to sell Onr doe.: ctlarpriges a full line of CO munwrs ~isce~aeAna GO TO TAY4OIt itGOILL*B For your Now Spring Suit. ME GO 'TO ThiYallit CODE'S ror a Now Dress Slut. GO TO TAQLOR k GORE'S Fur - Novi Spring Styl4:in Piints GO TO T a: GORE'S For a" litd Spriek O‘'e'Fcoat. ■ -, , 2 I= GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S ' Ftir all tic Latest Styles iri Cds-- tom and Ready-Made Clothinc; GO TO TAYLit & dORE'S For Hats and caps; all the 10104 Styles GO TC! TAYLOR d, GORE'S For .Graats' FOruishing-Goods; Bows, Tian, &c! ALL - \VOLE WARRANTED CUT'T'ING DONE ON- SHOW - 'NOTICE. ' • 'l .- . - 0 6 ;At A 1 . 1.. STitE E T ,- TOWANDA; ,PA us_L•ti NEW GOODS a::.1 131 , ,..1-pirify!a!, and Cari = all Liz;-4 , 27.‘ : i..9 qrigitic! fr , ni , ;ts inlprruli• ai 1::f••• iatrunito , t•f t..., c,:p4ba alectl , ,us for I: 14 , ..3, , Yrl,llith 1.11 ,- Arc caring' a Great Variety ot, AT THE BIC.N A: - PETITS -t% DOIIEgTIC AND I'AN,Y DRY GOODS, CHEW, SVCII - PRINTS,.3IIUSLMS, GINGHAUS,. TICKINGS, &e LINEN • 4ND WHITE .. GOODS BEDSPREADS DRESS GOODS, PLAIN ( AND GROSGRAIN. - SILKS. Extra quality - LAGI!S, _ 'LACE COLLARS, NOTIONS, REAL 426,114TrAT10N HAIL,,. GOODS 711.1LIRERY.GOODS; n may traautity, quality or vice that 04 nivarket clematd 11111iners supru94 at New York rriFer Tuwantla, April 20, 1871:3m T im. 9 LD STET Carriag! Factory. • JAMRS DRYAINT sun -cortunnes the mannfac t iv of - • CAURTAOES 14.1%/).. :WAGONS, Of every descr:rGpo., at btapa of G. H. - • • PrakP.l STTLEET, ; TOWANDA, PA Ms ***it It sII "ortlui LATEST -.ST= -AND .In iba suanufacture-of.- wagons nothing is unit but BST STEEL To4lo , ho;' with the COIIIPOS . I.TrON BOXES 'ln Light We:h. - • .4# PLATFORII. 8.1 3 11:LNG WAGONS • At LUMBER ly.kam _ 'N.4...canstantly on • its beef Esetern stook to used in the manufacture of Wi!seeta.. Spokes ere all tired outl—not • AIL WOLOINLI! • • 14.1114=1: EQUAL TO ANY As to Anita:64nd alio duribillict. • - sun: maw An is TiIIS tilastMON. 4 1 4. Wpis IT M 1 B RYA N T RI I)REEDFRUIT OF ALLKINVS. Morikaa.. T .• 13141E1304DV COMPOUND G•R P.ILL'S. PASTS—FLUiD ESTUACT. AIM • BAUD 'mu; FLUID: EXTRACT gA.TAW, _ to 4 °BAPS! Jr.ICL . . . . Jaundice, Iliiiorts ilirecliorid, *Wick or ItietroutliCcukccia, Casircenesz, etc: /804 Vegetcok, conktinittg .*/.scar,/, Itigterats or Drj. , • , . , . • .• • • . TII ‘ GFC lira sr. therhostilelightfullyl.k.seantpier frative, superseding castor oil, salts, Inague , qA. etc. There is nothing mere'loceptable to the. stomach, Thhcy give tone, and cause neither nauSea nor grip ing rains. They arc composed ofClef:nest ingrecli .mts. • Aker a few dvenSo of them, such an Invig oration of the entire system ttk-2s.plawas taappes? ruiraculo,N to. the: weak and enervated, whether :ai!ising.ireenimprtfdence or disease. IL T. Helm bold's' Compound- Extract Catawba • o r sp i rinti are nut sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar coated PIUS do not dissoho,, but :pass through the: stomach walkout dissolving,- consequently do riot .produce the" desired effect. 711 Z CATAWBA ORAL 'B riLLs, being pleasantln taste and color, do nano:imitate their, being sugaiccested..PltlCE FIFTY cEIi7S" rfax: HENRY T: ;HEL - MfIOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT Will ratites* eitetietnaleirrema the tcystairScrOfula Syphilis, Fever mottitt, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Month, Sore Mead, Itronchitis, skin Disettats„ Salt Rheum, cankers• Running trona tbe Ear, Whits Swellings, Tumors, Caneerotis affections, Ziodes, Rickets, Glandular Strellihrr;lilght: Sweats. h. Tetter r lluniers, or all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism •Dispepsia, and all diseases that have been estah lished in the grate:lt for Yens. • • .141inlpre' , ared Expre . saly for the alMre coMplaluts its hlood.pririfying properties are Kreater Than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla: It gives the toin plealou a clear and, healthy color and restores U patient to a stato of -health and parity, For, purl "- ing the blood s removing ell chninte—conatitutt nal ilisvases arising from an ilupara ateto of the oat And the only'rellabte and effectual Ittionarn mad: for the cure Of pains and swelling of the b es, ul cerations of the throat and legs. bioteliek pimples on the face. erysipelas and all s.mly erupt us of the skin, and beautyipuTtlie l'er Mettle., • . . . . . . EMI vritin • E .• • • Ilan uncial every cave of Dialietes -"ShiCh it haA been given. Irritation:of the neck. of the Bladder atAd Inilatuatiott of the Kidneys., .1:1 - ..eratieu of the Kidneys and Deshler, Debmtien trine, Diseases of the. Prostrate Gland. Stone Di the Divider, Inn. Gravel.' Drickiluft an.l 3lticoni 'or_ Milky Di•charges, and. tea- , enfethled and aslh.nte constitutions of both attested with the feb• 'rowing symptinn: Indlrposition to exertiou, Ipa i,fpowernoss of memory, difticrirty 'of broathingc weak riogrett, trembliti.4 horn q• of diseaee. wakeful nee,l, (rani/RSA of vir.on, pain in the ba,..k, hot lont.ll flushing of tb.o betty, dt7nerS of the, E&in,.eruivtion of the faco,paehl countenauce, unireital 'Lassitude of the muscular syitem, cts.. : •, = - DMA by Avripans from the ages of 18 to '2.5. and. _front 373 - t0.. - .5 or. in' tee ticeline or cha eof life; after connuenimit of labny, paiu• tting. in cluhirtn, . • 11Bil iu leallY Ladies. tie? Ettrart Cochttls r:Nezanr.;(l .by any - other remedy—as in --Ctilerosis or Retention. Irrm't •flarfty7T-itinfulneee - or Szippr_ession of Custtiragry E'vasmations, Uleeraced or.sehirrns state 'of the rter . riii Lcticorrlirsra or bieribty, and for all complaints incident. to. the sex. whether arising , frOmlndiserttion or hats ita of dissipation. 1! le' prescribed extensively by 'the nmitv.iincut Physlciansandinidwiyes for en feebled mot delicate constitutions, of both sexes and - all acesiattondi.tdssith any of the above diseases or sturtofus). i • AND . - MI y. EXTRACT .cATAWra IMO E- 111GIIL Y COXCE-V TRATE!). S L.L ~ .~J LIEN i.I BM LADIE H. T. lIELAIDOLD'S E=BACT BUCHT3 Curt Dit.C33tl . tru ing from tviudences, jratiteol I. D4l4attins, In =all r stages, expottae: little or he 'change iu diet, no inconvenience. and iao enbseure. It causes a frequent' desire, and gives" strength to I:rinate,thereby reinoving. Obstructions, preVent.. lug and curing Strictures of the . Uthera, allaying pain and inflamation. sor frequent in this class et diseases, and expelling all.poisonous rnatter.. > ThOusands who have been the victim's of -mem pectent persozni, and who have paid heavy fees to bo 'cured in a short time, have 'Sound "they have been deceived, and the!. Poison " has, by the use of powerini astringents,". been dried up in the sys tem, .to break out in a More aggravated form, laid perhaps after Marriage. ' • - Use MELICBOLD'S - ETTIIAC'T BUM= for all affections and diseases el the' Urinary Organs; whether ettating ln Male or Female, freed whatever cause originatinc, and no matter of haW long stand.;" ing. rtz.tcli, ONE D0z,z4,4 _LvvlanT CENTS P.XII BOTTAN. L 1.14N,Y- HELMBULD'S I= , , • . 11 OS . E I . W A.S II 1 , • • .. . c.Annet he sunlit:vied as 3 73^:1 W:15'1%. :Ina IV.g. Ie found the only FiKTitle it!llle.lf in every imecies of. Cutaneous Atfection. It speedily • eradicates Tim l•les,Spota, Scorbutic. Itryntiss„ Itiduratimis of the CUtaheons Noluliesn , i.. ~- d .spes•llcdnoas anti In cipient Inflarnation. 'Il *, Mash, Moth Patches, Dryn;•sx. of Scalp or Skim; ost. Eite3, , and for a'il purposes forwhichSalves , Ointments .ure used; region:Ai the skidinetate. c ietetty Mut; softness, ) i atid insures continued ,Pa . y acton to the tissue of its teasels, on. which dep....nits the se:vs-151c clear ices and vivacity of complexion -so much sought and admired. But hen - Over: valuable as a remedy fot•e:Osting defects of the skin, IL T. Ilelnabehrs Rose Wash has long sustained , its principle elaim to' mtlxisinticd patronage, by possessing qualities which irandar it a Toilet Appendage ok. the most in)Perla tive and congenial character. combining in an ele gant 'formula those prominent requisites, Pnfety and Etilleacy—the invariable aceoinpaitr.euts of its -nse—as a preicrvatice ,and refesher of the complex,' ion. It is an 'excellent -Leition for 'diseases of a Syphilitic,nature, and as au injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising' frotht habits, of diisipa , lion; neat ha - Connection - ,:vdtb - the. , lIXTRACTS BUMP% SAIISAPAIIILLA, and CATAICI3.k GRAPE • PILLS, In such diseases as 'reeotunamitled, cannot be surpassed, I'/RICE, 0... YR DOLL-Ili l'Elt BOT- D. • Tilli and. exvitca el.:cotton:3 ac:on:pany thO mad!. vines. ti ic Evidenco of t' most roon.ible aad rellallo clru - actor fora' en oa applicat,on, with licudreds of thousands li ,rp ving lvitnes , cs, and tipa aid of •30,0gointsoltallad ecrldtleatet and rOcottimendatory , lat , rs, twiny of which TIT front tllO higllf'st 13C , urcett, inelnaiag eminent Ph:vs:dans ' Clergymen, Slatea melt, etc. The proprictoi Tics reiortott to their publioation hi tlutnewspapors; Inc tlocs not do this. from thotact that Isis articles rank as Sta!mlard" Preparations, and do not need to be propped up-bp` cortincates, , i . 14.r...1":RT . T. P[EL3IBOLD'S GENVI,VIS PREP4IZAT.TO & Delivered to any. address. tkecnre from obeervadon. thr.il4milly trriorlin rEARs. • • sal by, IfruggisM, ettrywhere." Address lottery for information. In confidence. to 1:11:4W Oltemist: - OnAT , Depotav AL T. DIMILUSOLD'S Drat and Chemical Waretrotote, mi. 504 Zroadway.licarlork. or to IL T. IMoLD'I3 Medical Depbs, - 104 Bondi Tenth lltrort,PMladelplda, ?a. LiS 11 RR OP ("Q trA7FRI:E.M. Askjor.m ß risr . itithigiLlYST, - ,TAKE NO OTIZE, _ • , . ANNUAL - -0117 OF .IxROY ToinuthiMor the year clang rah. 23. 1870: 4210VSTOTATO OF TO TOTAAMTIL 7 . M. (IC. E. Andrua dup. TourCtax,for '69.; $2Bl 71 A. Steno unpaid read tax '69; 41 Vs iluaraded laud tax !or two Imp* ........... 430 G. nietlipta • • NM FLUID . , .Support pdor soot • Nor work oulfain it. tout& 1Z129. 1110 bridge and gulf road -*, 77 ;Path Insatert for over ircrrk,'olection bosom'. brldqo plank. county tropavo,!ko - ,199 92 • - V. 8. Landon, Connuisaloddr.....;, --- 41 23 James Crofat, ... ;, 42 92- 0. a. Norm 71 x. Add Auditor e•• • • , . • . ".•7425; „Town Clerk 3.• •- . • .t • r" ' . 22 15 Treactirer peice.taa j le _ — 32 07 Iteteived:' =I • In Tresstrrers basulS.. 411X3 .CO Orders opistanding9B QO , • _ ' . Attest-4. -7 N. HOLCOMb, • - • Tin Clerk.. TN BAN . • UPTCY. , —DISTRICT 4... cogrt of ti:o Onited States for-the Weaterri Dis.'. - Wet of Pith:Sylvania. Western -Diatriet of Pennwp vomit.. ..: In the: nutter of .Sherman S. kspdriwatl. Bankrupt : •, Weslern ft: Strict of Pennsylvania, xs:—A warrant. In banliruptFy has been 'issued by the said court ,against the estate_ Of Sherman S. Aspinwall of the *colliata'• Of Bradford' anti - State of Pennsylvania, haeatd Distlictr2who has been duly ad,tudgede linh rtipt upon petition of his creditors, Ow payment r of anr de • and the delivery of antrproperty.she. longing s;id Dankrnpt to hint or 10-hts use. cod the trans Nr of any property by Mtn are forbidden by UM- . A* coectinn of the creditors of sale:Bankrupt to prove. noir debts; and choose one or "nitorOas signera of his estate, will ho held at a Courted-Dank- 'ruptcy, to he holden at .Towanda, Pats 14 - SOW Dig.; • tr.trtn, on the Btth day of. May. A.D.. 1871, at 10 'o'clock, nonri.,,at. the offiee'of Edilird Overton. Jr., • one of the Dentate:7a to Bankruptcy of iaid District. • _,. A. IttrUDOCTI. t„ 11. S. irstshal for said District miu3.W4 • A D'ArNISTRATORS.IMICE.--. - I Pototiierranelo Clymer ttel!ttta. - late bf Tornado. Itridtbed =MY. dentotiML Letters orodzeirdetrotion on the estate cf Troncie Clymer Overton hive been minted hy the Itegiater Of nratlcird - Teranty to Edward Overton of-Towanda boro. All persona haying claims aghast the cetaie of the decadent are requested h, present them - ror acttlenient. awl thou indebted to make esymeiglo the nndereigned, ITWARD OVIZITM".t. • rasy3-w6 " - , Adlrdodstrator.. X E OU T 0 WS. E bisoby glieuthotall persomt Indebted to tit est:dealt. S. GAIORAXT, late of Oraltsille. tin- ?teemed, ate requestod to make ImMediste pay. m om ent, awl all ;Orions. haffig claims mtatrist Mid es. tate must he .present the Name duly - autheuticatml, for settle:3MM. ' Vtr S. LA2lrop.4. finay3-we • RXECUTOirgs , I4IOTICE.- - tiottce is berebY atiatt that alLtseisona indebted to the estate of EMMET TAYLOR. lato - of Pike, deestased..aceieqnsaitedtotOsksinamedisto payment. and all persons having darns against said estate must .preseht them dnl authenticate& for settle- meat. )0N FLETCHR. . ". Executor. . • A P3IINIF;TRA.TOR'S' - .L.-114nottce is.hereby given that all persona indebted - • to e estate of AMSTER El M:!1:tINIX. late of Liteb. _ • ',deed. are requciilled tomato imateillete payment . all Persons having claims against ea.b.l estntir must present them dub , enthentleaft4 for settle. went. . ELIJAH W., htEREILL. erI:I9II , REI " Administrator., 1' XECU T 0 N Sl' sotico ig hereby given - that ail persons indebt ed tq the estate of SETH Stns LAS, late or AlbanY, deceased, are --I , s4ttested. to ' make tmnuptlist , l payment, and all persons baNinx claims azilm t TAM *slat , •nntst prcsent them dsay anthenticate , t for settlement- ' G. W. STERIGEUE. uP 1 7,0":1-wG Exec •tor. • • IN BANKRUPTCY.—I, i the 7ilat- 4:r.6f L LACEY:II./471qt.- . . n.ty. CoNcEr.:.; : The tmElergirn , hereby t Ives Ivriblii". - Eof his appnintmentn.4 •Atisi:zin E tewnybip Ot Wy . allibirvy in thr eEnnitv of nradfiirtt.. ittud state of Pennsylvani ;- within Rai,: bistziE.l: - Nvithi bait bean wilttElle t; i 7 bank , ;no tEriat ISM ? ti{ of creilitunt by the "DiFtrit • court of chi , l Distrirt. I.inted licrtinsinft April 10. VW!. • ' _ _ _ ;OLD'S L l t _:i~ - Ll J, P, C T 0 R". N 04C E.- °tire 1.-hereby clyen that an" a indebted` to the eaLqtr.. of JettiEl'lt DOdti, late of .Nllittpai . ' u: 1 - 1,4ep0-te,l, are rrrr,este.t.tri mike. Immediate _vent. and pit 'persona haeltirt, datum' against Paid' estate. 'mat present, thew duly authenticated • 'svf Tit rattEY: ' - - Executor. EilM THTI v weAVlreel 1 Tint 3IP ITAN T, SUCCESS ! . . This !KW 'tht , iitt , tis. il111) wltli Menthes. :ma ol.ysad of iin.corop....titors .. SC:Vvi-al of Its"laidin..; It :limits In-the front rank - among sin,-,le mowers. and is of noTtA deFitr.n, PTiseisses MY? . an.d-.lls fostitroy wil commend. theme:2l% - v? era.-t="l evunination. • Ainoryti FEATUD.i.b` th,l'fo:l , ,wizq: jointr• connecting rd.:. or vanlau..a.r.t u. tT. free play of th'a knife in . any•- pr .4 . tion of the cuttito• apparatus; tilting guard , -au fiiaetlraft; nu weight oulhd horgue necks;" thu Tongnoegn. be wised loose of rigid as may he de& and the chanp Instantaneously, without stup- Ph , . . • - _ • _ ,• . g, . - . The ruttin apparatus.. or, 'finger-bar, eau be - rar•ed to any angle to. pass trees, stumps, (mother olk,iruetions, or folded •over for transportatiori: or unfolded; by :the eole use of the lever; without, throwing out of gear, stopping 'the testa, or the' driver leaving, Ills seat. The driver's sea trig ac'ecu, aible from the rest 'of the machine. is, safe and cora fertabie, and is arranged on the principle of a lever, 4 k s , ad:nitting Of lialanciad 'the maclitee perfect -, and relieving the, horses' necks of all' eight, ,• - - It hue many other valuable points: too nt, e.onf . -to mention here, It is made. of firatelaSsmateri.ii,,,, well made and finished - in every part—rendering its'. durability unquestioned. . • .1r,5- It - fa light' drafted. and la just the 'newer our -farmers have beenlooking for:. and is destined to be the leading Mowing Machine, being adapted for . hilly.or level land, and aliktada oi surface. ' klatinfaciured by. . ... •'. -. %. ~1 • . _ . D. M. OSBORNE, & C 0. .• ..-'• • EEO ' • . • =MM. N.Y. • AGEIs- 'TS FOR •BRADFORD CO. Itt - PtS B. GLEASON, Mg Pond, Pa., tot' Eyripz field and West Itartlngton. Call/.ES W. BMT./4 rcincl. Is., for ' , Wag - - liupy and Smithfield. _, • '•-• • t • ..• i. JAMES B. nirra, South Creel. E. •ra... - for Bluth Creek and Wells. r , . , D. B. STOWDLDAI2,„—AF Dun, Pa., for Terry, WO niot and Wy74ltxtfing: :• • ••tde.;scrZ& will . sell nun ISitic-ar.^—te,-thorougli and responsible men we a et ea to act - a$ agents in the northeastern cornstles Pennsylvania and southeastern New York. begin ning with Stnben county and reaching to the Una- s sort river; or where there a no, agents alrea.iy ippointed. .• • * Sample machines will be On exhibition at luatlino Railroad Stations.. Addrea the subscriber • . R. ItI,',I7ELLES Geni. apl.4'7l.:tr • . ' T0W41,13.k, PA NURSERY., , anl non.CbiC ti St Ply at tho Ntt?fQry or ut the railroad ,strAlon,- first-class Trer'.: of followlng vnrlelles:. Apple; Peir, AppeicQtt, - .Norway. Spinet., 11.3.1 - aro, Arbor Vine,' of all the lowling : caripti..g. Strawberry I'l:Ants lfc the dozen, lyeklrecl. ortliou,, ;ma, 1:111:1t •41.1.c1e531e pricc.,s., • 11. 11..WELLM,' . ap1.12:11, • . . • :.Towanda. TIISSOLUTION.—The co-pai•tl;tsr-. slito heretofore existing between IV, U. 5h.117.1 .John 11r.nni1 and. W. K. Hill, under the fitin mem of Shaw. Deanna £O.. •1s Itts--day- - diaaohed by mutual consent. ' W. EL SHAW.' JOHN BRAIIISD. W. K. MM.: • • The bnisinegs will be coniinnetl;hy John .16n11.1- Ana W. X. Ilill.nntler th&flrm of BILAUND BILL. 'whO will nettle the aecounte of th 3 Unto " firm. Ali Nrsons make itsunedlate psyntentg.,- April 18. 1871-w3 13114.17 ND k HILL. E. BOLLES CO , • 7 • GpERAL PltottEtcg, Cumiiii*ssionll6rdihn _ . t. • . . of r.c.cp,carzsz, TO.ULTEN . • An..l Fann Prothip... • , Un4 of :the firmi having resided In Sertultolc the past ten year.: and hntleg an extensive atquaiut 'anee 'with thetbu.sinesa Teen of the city, we feel .cn,. - silent that APElcai•seli prothice to ;the entire kat.e- Liortion vi noutgpars. 7". itErEkm - cors. 'L. S. crtunrum, G. rAliftrit. °mon, BALDWIN-k ntA6101.01; oonnAu - 11,11%, . • . • G. eitirrEF.. XAL.TEN—MANNING. Waren harr\Pa,, . •• !• • .tHUBBUCR;ILWRY 8110E1AKE11.1. , bti5. 11119;.P. 3. , s - . S. D L 1.T.11', SARSAPARILLA, SODA.W.AtER: AND 81R0..11-BEM Corner" Cliestrint and VaterStre,cts, Tovalt4a, All =lets r*iorti;r g.tt4itaed 74 PsrlsP=Prm BAILIE( J.(II:,IIBRANT, , E.tecntore. Gror.GE SMITH. APsig-nr, Mizczan'czts. liirtBY f MACHrNES , teitral Bradford. -, • Fr.rir =iFP OZINA', ' SIIBIIBB, VINE.I,.+Lc. • • April 19. 1371 si • 5673 4 S 770. St - 673„t1S ;'