II U li .• - - _______i_ 1 i . . . [reit:the Itti:ol.t7r4.] i • •I .. HOW ShaliNtre Plant Our Clan?" ?" 1 ..----.2--- 1 j -r• ;1 - _,DITOII - REPr'llrini- -- 1 - .licar Sir - : - In . ' . N'lll.' last week sissne I notice unit- 7 qiiiry made by '4 .CC _ iin 'etitr ' 6spon dbut of the C.o.antri! entionafrt,"How Shall i Wo. Plant, Our Corn?'r Now, Co niy . mind,this quo ion lel juat in i t Place.; and as liaTitig had sotto little • .c&nencnee and prat practical lgiowledge l o . t'farming, and espeCially of 1 - prepar= iv,a: the.ground- to ,be planted with oorn—alzo in the . p.altter. of?i' electing and prep:l:king my-Corn to be planted - , and in attending and cultivating . the: Crop sin pfospeet, Iy. I not proposii to_ dr deminent on an of die remarks •or . , Su,c , ;Cstions offered I y our friend or York cotuity,'l)ut rather too ;simplY , brler a few of what consider practi - ! till hint f•;. . If corn ! is to be planted in sod TtYroun(.l, the sod - -s 1 ould".lSe- bip e d. 10,. -4_-,r. in "the fall, the ....in, the !spring i t.,!1) drocs V4t112112111 e,and.tiheground l .! . er•oss-plowbd fine a d to al depth of 11 , 62 a • eve ,to seven i .ielics; !then. har-- . rolv anti - Vtlie !grout d is'' thoreinghly p-, , 1A - i'lizeil - . and .. me 1 oW;J then mark . t . li e -!,A al r,l in TOWS Cate '5"...y...if pitint- I c. 7. i'..ir-o(I':-4 . ' bft.., if planted with ! the Patt , it Staff Planter mark in rots .;!both ways, making themi four feet art with:any histnuna ent You choo a to-reno - loy, 67.11:silit, the , marks . e , ! - ..:`_low and' ckatitbstant from ea li 'ound is Order 'is MEI ! l .re:. , ..ti, i ' ~ deli !m2 :-1.4..1 /in rr -1 ` v " i' 1-or1:11ak off the tips loif each ear ! ill iS \VC itn't plar.t); then shell off 1 - 7. -- fianci, leaving . a. little ap - the bufk i( r ~:,, : .:L ear: 'tier , put in A-:--4u.13 :or" 1 . 1 : .. corn enouill to last y u till noon, 1 1.,...-T, - ;'.1.11. it soft s p.'tnd ilaster un -1 t - :1 (.4 tctli: iki.ruel is comple ely. coated ' oJ. t. ! ....Lill 1 - .11 ,- _ 3niXtilte ; i then plant as SCon 1 :. '•,,,0 ,- -; , ible, puttin i glionl. hr ge to six - 1. 1.: 1 , ! in a hill...Yor tli afternoon ,r. 1[ i .-. ~ 1, - , - ,, a new supfdy, anc . novelleave 1: , ! , . :-.:t. , :d .19ng out of the -(' rOund 'after -...: ,- -.n- ,. . tAs soon as the t orn is up -. . ''' . • 1 - l'i Si i'il t-an trace , the ro cs, \ stut the . (1.• 111 - iv:lto: . , cl - r,g..svn lby - a ca . \ steadvt i IL - 1 , 3 and hektl-by a .ma i who will ,q. .; ro Lon . rio.4). - or" spark - 4 . ; of his. .1.c.1: 6 141,_50 that the whrk may be. 1i. , 1 - : t1 , 0rt. , -- ,l llv .hrsd en.A. little plant , t - 1 1...yn , norweetl) maype . uncover- e , i ,_• ~ 1 ILL-‘ , . -, the ull beneflt of th c ::4;cpclocl. .1..L0t: ;hp enitivating L. eil with v,i'.. ,, ir tuitil .3 - on . -L - Ha - I'm ., ox.2:11. it IWice,; and' '. ti...1-,...1t.ini..s \ i vill r.: , t injurc;ii:tut ' :', -, , - ii6 1 . -, ot 111, ~ - . ,-r f' . .. 1 .1.i. ~,, therploW .111 . 1iralor L - f_r- p....i..,. thr,ough tilt: !.,.::J. C.:J . (2 ic-.....-. ; c1111-J.'tmatle -its c+.,)- =I . - tor 07, - 1 , 1:111ts 31 r' ME i =7 1 i:(:~1 1 i iL? 1: , t • to. ^l , ' C:P. ' rl r `..‘rarcl i - ~, ..f n:, i - MEE un. ilicl;.eF, ,511.erc1(1,1) .ii, illir.lv :i 1 pl . I .1 .: . = IMI e l ivrth 7 .101111 , I :.:!•ir iheir - 1 I:::.rthin:.;up . Eli • --I*(rt , (.l' ~,:en ll'l' .:!,1 Il i ) ,1T! . ," ti',lne, , i l . (~ t',,ii ig i liutv,:t:ci Hi:v - \\l2:l!licri the platit:: 4 , 1 . I*',l cOrering tilt: . .1:211.-...; v.-Lai with‘dry lit !f,t. rOt')e, Adlowed to i P ,liiill ili.r.Y.: . ; 1)0 aUFO- :.--i./..a( i'C. , lt'r Iri4, - 7`. 1 ' - t . ~,. • - I dOvn tree whiel' I L \ ." - boumiti. ;',.• line.of 1i ,:it. 'wals doithtfrz whether i. : :•, --- t,. hilin or ti l.'s neighl Or .- , _,....11 , 0r, howeve -, jClaimed hi i ) ~ .;:t irresi!etited thp- man x lti p/.'.:, - rf. dan,..ages. lii'6'.ease :, - a iy:.i.n..eourt to . col T rt.! Time ' - - R, I, t-,lipe,3, sourcp..; , itmd tem )ei Iv Sec vt waq flnally- gab I , 7,'..:ecr4LAJi'.. 2 7 41 e last . 'we he.. rd ,'o3.i :•::1•3; that the in ti le ..ezw.to :Went to t± i a_deed 4 ~,wt.i.elt Let ad" bet a I . :!ik , ft , , ;pay hi:-, cost;,l - , . 1. ..... , S,, 3 y., ii.lt‘ iliii ri - jekt..t.?,-;11*(. _ .-. . -.. 1, c • tt 14i2 tri.:72l ' 4 2 t1 . ..-I , i fr - i! 1 •illi'lo.ilg =EI EMI ME ."'IC i' t CSIC' C. . 1 0 r 1 1-'1 111 ,1 / mad Eilill 1:l , ',. I,,vas ( , f; fifty ecrdt. i ris.s..o.re casc . •, i pre [ tlit) '11 , ...1'63 , 21cr anti 311011 ii:e.-.11111 , 2;1(2S, the more • IV; „i 41 MEE BEE= Sc ' :-.Lingles iiiere or less al,plieatioll of the upper stur-fttee, their origin:ll fili , Eing up the i the and- flit: e era-1:0 ! , f“--I2it!;lk , itself, pre , d, /i', '- 1 IM ME® . ' ::••- 11- 7 .: - \', l , '-- 17 -', •••: it z.,',7. -.. rn - - f - 1 . 1:, , , T:"7;',.::t. I‘; . ±to NVIII•r • I, MERE . tc; 4ritc.s: "Ii ring ,IntiA.,4y,tie three years 1 .1 ',ill(' apparently \\ - a . l . for 9rars, - an(l woula destroy" F'.l t ~ 7 t * .11911 S , r oil to wcre any 1 r-e -4. the snumler, n.1)(1 boil bugs. since." \ aria ell CI 411:: j rub int-9,, , it or hominy; and add eno.ugh. Cho rice,- or to INIZE MEM I lIIM ME =I NM =I Eal L.,v;) SSE , i.lthi.k .v.s. wslllles-. t , :; : ;, :L-, 1 .1.1 jp,1(.1 tO. the btittpr, T• .(•• EIN lIME rilkc pr.. 1) : ,.. ,rill 1-:: u....... ~ \ , c . c: I 7. ..1 ..D. ..1 r...... GI:ZDLE CAEE3. ,);_::: qr. _:•t of sour rui.ll: ' - 1..1 - a? %Ile %tier as ' :71A. an oven • teasr :_llO. 4 ,-,vc; ;vell-peaten • 'or . (11. - tf:al..poon 1111 ME .21:1 V. ; . t , lr. TC:.I. =RE XEW; FIRTIL Re %be undersigned . ifonianueterikt inform the citizens of Towanda and vicinity. o hereby proclettn that our stock of . • CI fr BNa COATS, PAIsITS, AND VESTS, s sae 4t husking, and now r o ; ,1; in every di 'till, :Ilia they ! : I.6l;btid Of lay C cm= It M . 1 - L ' . : - - n - 'l4 t ‘' Fowl 1,1-ne-qutaiter, on:a -ii.ght hot -lief :ti:.o=l,l;lnt while rich, lar,rt - rt. .Tljegenera• geeral trip Ldiddie Arips,; one Toot n otli Lc; lour :' , 4l2en the " c.. 126 ' lll l (if id puf .0 ( , onfril of soda, unless Al If you' salt or . _Stir ,nough onhil, of ":of y frying. - _... C'loth~t s~. & WOLFF. N Gio 0 D 13, C4prie±r; uveoedrig in the Wm of A NI ) =I GENTS .FIJRNIELEMU, Such us 1 tkVElt, C CIIILLA, DOESISZI., Asa telAzt-s &so m*.l OVERCOATS, Ana al:lathe latost Style of And all ottltoltoat StYlaa oc HATS, CAPS, will will be sold at (inch rodgeed Vices Dint it will astonish the communi* • Come to the etore of 110MIT1ELD & WOLFF and examine.onr goods and prices ~ before purchasing, and satisfy yourselves. We guarantee all to give entire sathlfaction. We are thankful to our numer ous customers and friends for their past liberal pat ronage and solicit a continuance of the same. • ROSENFTELD d, WOLFF, - • 115 MA STEZET. TOWANDA, Fa. • feb.lait (Next to Fox. Merely's)._ To THOSE GETTING THEIR • cLOTIMiG .31ADE TO OILDF.B. You should study two thiugs. First, to GET tvvlL VIIERE-ETIMr-cuss (=rum is atA4-. =2 SCCol2clly, WIILBE Y SFTEI A.tr. SOLD\ cliehr ' And in order to ba able to sell a good article cheap the merchant lutist understand his bnipmetot,.‘abd know how, where and what to buy as_ ri p,tactical man does; and a ritAmc:u f .TAILOR In Mats branet'as I profess to to, laavirig had EIGHTEF23 YEARS EXPERIENCE In the busines.. flare beena cutter I*.eixile of the bat bensts In • • NEW YORK -CITY my own buyinr, rolling nud cntting, .and diciyle :uy p:oflLs with uo man, so that less of-it will do—and with loiv rent and other expenses in pro por4om thus MaLing the cost 'of carrying on the busines.s - vrt7 1.11 ale "' • rt ling the above ;..c:1 will lace why It Is that I SONN - SELL GOODS CRP • PER Th.;'m men f(2llnsting tho business, and, hating ILO knowledge of it therffeelves, .Lave to employ othars at largtv salaries to attend to it, and crigtomera roast pay,.accortlingly—as they, like 'myself, w,BusrcEss TO LIVE BY IT. if yin abdve ,E. l ..itement, be. convinced Ou lIkRIIT 4 i, • 3 : ferChaut Talloi;,Eriage Sk.., Towanda. Pa. ~:::t:1 0 :7 0 millinery.- w I L L I, N PIS. J. D. 'JILL • • 1 . 2.11 th nt.on or the trAblie to 12.'99r lame • . VEIT' FALL N.ND WiliTElt • 3IIL,LI.:*.:EIt GOODS, from $.-w York city, of the, vt ry LATL23T b'TYLES, * ..411 v which will be' sold CD,V•rEIi; /Lau any 191,4e.e Torauda, - •ouiprisuig EtilitiETs -and lIATS. , • 9 i 9 LACES, • coLSET.3, EID • JFWELILYt e - • , . kO.. ke. ' MILS. J. D. HILL. - t '/First door east of Dranaliall Eiaggway's Led, /White ailit Blue story,. et. SiTt. 2'J,'7o. . . 18 GYRING 71 'citocKtlt Y NM fall line and extenstve usortment . now PLY • IV. I. 101...ti1i 13,1;A. Cli GLASSWAIIE AND CUINA • du full sari ts, U th staple and fancy. ILVER, P• AT ED WARE , Frui , I itOtiERS ri DROTHER, , ritcE ('ALL AND LOCHS • T ,'L L•', C U:T L E Y rr OVT,C.. \ \ -- A hill Lae. I . -CHA\MBER, SETS, - In 171.1.ieL\ : DN'or.t.te.cljatterns. BABY WAG NS FROM $3 UP. .SLNGER•SEIVING MACHINE. mar.ra 1 1‘1ISS E. J. liIXOSLEY, \Maws to iuf(4.l the ladies of tatratnla and sidtAty , that she keeps couttautly on hand a:large supply of • M. I II I - ZI "I'" floods, raitablo to the season. Thluaking inir Pat rons for their liberalpatzontego heretofore, Cho -as stirce them that no exertions 'will be tspared to en sure a continuance of7t.lic same. She also has a Mae selection of / HAIR AND FANCY•`GtOODS, Br.ch as Kid Clore s, Linen Collars, 1. .'. Cuffs, liondkvrchigts. - . . Real Laces, - , Corsets, • , 1 • ' . ; (v.- &e. tr have also reopened. in connection with the &bare my DlirqS , lwaßllill catablishtnext, and 1 am zuni• prepircl.to do - CUTTING' 'and FITTING In tbe,lateil fashionable Mies on short notice. narraice next door V) Yet* /durum's, up stairs. Al , ra 4:.7/. - • ••:4. . •• • iStatOlnery. =SIM CIF Pus, lig, 3i Ca, Ferxrunua ARD BLINK BOOKS • 'YANKEE NOTIONS. Towanda; X0v.19.186L • VIE SEVIN9' MA CHINE! Soul]; used . for the last five. years in the _West, and is now intro4u6ed fth the • first, tinic in this section. It runs faster than most, easier and more tinidly than any; doing the lightest as well as the •heaviest work done ,on \ any'Sewing Inc iinc. INVITT.D TO ' C.g.t AND •SEE IT \j AU Madhines Itvd-Blakes Patent Table. - OTAXY. &. CO., Scranton, I'a ,sale by EA.S.E A.N.D COMFORT BLESSING OF PERFEV Thei - e in nothing no calrvable as perfect sight, and perfect sight can ortl)' be obtained by using 1 4 . OCCULISTS AND OPT [CANS, 311 .NUFACTERERS OF TUE CELEBRATED !lave, after 4 - eara of etKrience, experiznynt, and and the erection of cni , tly machinery, Leon cuaLlcd to produce that GRAND lAISIDERATUIL W/143.1.112VC been sold with nnlinlited aatisfaction to _UR! wearers Western nhdes during (tic plist iliteen years. • Those C4Ae4rated Perfected Spectacles never tire tit eye, and last tummy years without ehauge I .11eSsrs, LA.2.IIWS MOIIIIIS have appointed JULES 111.1GUENIN, Uealer in Watches :and Jew elry, as their sole agent for Towarla..Penn'it, and vicinity. April CENTRXI,4:,ILV‘E.EI Tlichrubsetibers still continuo to, keep constontly on hada. full: and coniploto acsortinent of every. thing pertaining to their business, consisting Main ly of , BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT 3117TT08, . '-.. BEEF, ?..4.118, VEAL, ' Forma: , SAUSAGE. ' LAUD, BOLOGNA, DIIVED 'BMX, 0 TALLOW,. kgc., I,:c. . , •-• , . Also. - . , H I - . I . • - S . _l5. FRESH FROM THE LAKES. -- - -Itsceliaamm‘ " DOMESTIC" N, LOCK STICti THE " DOATRSTIC " is a Shuttle which has b_coi Plain 31:Fhiries - - $65 11ali p.se - - - $7O Agelits m-autckl iv utoccupiL , l V:rrit , A;y. Adarce.P., TAYLOR it GORE. Tpwands, Pa. A. A. SINNER. • . Attic ns. Pa. ACKLEY, LLOYD &. BLOKEit, slay 12, 1870.-,ty . Wyalustpg• MI ' TILE PERFECT,SPECTACLS! The dMculty Of pinciaiing which is well known. LA.Z./SCUS L., MORRIS, rc.tulTor.D. cv:q".:EklicuT, PERFECTED ,SPECTACLES, PERFECT SPECTACLES! '\itiClAll CUBED LIA3IS, OTS2TBS lIECEIVED In their season Dui-ties wishing Oysters In largo or small (Datil ties will be furnished obi short notiee..st the oh stand, Cr-wrusi. DNAI,LEI2,- MUlltallyo . s clock, firs door north of Dr. Darters. • , , Cum , (LKl:u.vm. KELLUM elf ULLOCK. IILTLI:0111L rub. '24-, 1870-tt EIBST.NA.TIONAT., BANK, Or• TOWANDA CAPIT4 SUILI'D:S FUND' This Dalai °lnas UNGSUAI: rAcurrms for the ansaceon'pf a ' GE.VER„:ILI3ANK&G 13L',.1NESS!. INT.EVIST)I4.ID ON DEPOSITS. ACCOIIDING To 4Gitrit) , lT. • SrEau. Osaz Grim; To TU CotsEcrios or Nutt AND Cur.cm. Parties wishing to si7 - liotcrr to any Part of the ,Enited Statti. EngLazol, Ireland, Scotland, or the prin cipal cities and towns of Eurcpe, can bore procnro drifts for that purpose, PASSAGE TICKETS To orlrom the old conntry, by best steamering lines, :way! oilk.,band. FaiI:LITE lIBOLO= 0172 AT nzDt7cne risa-ra. " Ilighest price paid for U.S Bands, Cold mid Zi/rfr J. rovstu.. President.' IQ. BETTS. JR.. Towanda. June 24, ISG9, Cashier THE BEST AND CHOICEST S-iIrOKING 'POBACCO, - , lIAI•thPIiCTIMED AT " • .• • • •-- , P Cft 0 - 1 1. NO. .1, . a 31) DISTILICT OP 31111YLAND. owl See that-typty Package yog ISCP bars that InFription. SIEtrP AN *0 -ThSxSfs TOYAL BAKING POWDERS at COWELL k MYER'S. RCP; ... HORSFORD'S BREAD P Preparstioilott , • C. B. MICA'S. ■ CC ;A "ICES ANDsCRACKERS.--dßE— dim Bend.:.• , 0r1111,,M., /UAW% UM. on and Ginger µ neon Jumbles *id Coffee Mama. and .7" of Cackerest March 4, '? W. h. noctwr,tovs. ME E=== lIME=I t~s~ceaies;~oc~aioa~, ►UHE pordand thoughinkrell. oc a H. PATCH.' In Use Ana at 3, S. ?Milk 01: lo nor paopiooll to * t oe ihojiftlzosiiofltesitiord Oduotiondloscua. tr, a Inge and igell selected Mock of G R 0M =E R I .E 13.., WWI I hive Putchaled for Cub. and feel oaslaciat that I cic 801 l at as lowlgareisa Oat ba inirphassel clambers. I now offs; to thopublless*stdi4stodi TEAS, COFFEES, 'SUGARS, MULCH. sumwrels, tancEs. &c. AKRON -FLOUR, GRAHAM DO, I keep constAnUy on hand: NIDE, NA 'in; LARD. and kinds , of FISH. Would call Um attcutlon of the public to out pipit Be 8c.4 STOCK OF TOBACCO, Urcitisllty or price, JOBllO OrAlersCelebralpdLaria, • • , ats York Clusco int and Brown soap. Plow calf d cr , o4nc cur stock of WO9D WARE Lane assortment of TANtEE Price for COUNTRY PRODUCE.- SOAPS, kc.. Lc. ; w 111132 - y the litglvssi: Farmera,igiveus a callliolorc se:Una elsoiticro. All persons indcf irl tci the late Am will pleas° otll and nuke pepnent Towanda, Muth, 12, 1867. GROCERY AND PROVISION =I AteCABE,S: EDIVA..RDS, FAMILY 'GIiOCE:IiIES PROVIISIONS,\ MrItCLII'S ',BLOCS. We do not deem it necessary to enunwrate all ttlercut al - tides we keep. uuraesortzucalt ALWAYS COMPLETE. .CL'ABS GOODS. Guth paid for Parmers Produce.. 6 ,. . JAMES McCA.II2.„ !Much 1, DM). , - Wll. EDWARDS. } EOPLE'S N 1.7113 00.11NLII, PLIDGE AND WAIN billtrlß.: Mil GIZOCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Wkie,ll will Lv. sold at the luweAt..l.4.;s.libli) prices. CODFLSH, FRUIT OF. ALL DESCIi,IPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, 1, FLOUR, FEED, ArE ORA TN, .8440. Bring on your produce; which we pay caall. for. A constant. supply of .I.slitou Sit, all slzol Carr3is, Butter rirklus, Tubs. fze. natio 'caltarxd look tlusAat:h on stock, and Ire will do our best to plesite you. W..A. ItUCE,YELL. Towatda,April 29, 1869. LOOE. HER-E!. co IVELt d -MYER, • At the old Ftand . of 13:1...arr.ALL tc Cow U aro tiow receiving a large - and well eilettod stock of GItOCEIUJ AND 11145NISIONEI, Yi l hieh they offer to caA liiiyera at prima that defy compi - tinon: Cash pail for all kinds Farnacra',Preiltico. April 21,.1filiD—tf„ 40,000. L II S I G. Haying leased the StorehoUse and coal fixtures 'belonging to the !desk's.: Welles,' 'won't: -notify the citizens of Wyalusing and vicinity that ae'will keep constantly ou hand a full stock of BToM CIM3MI7, ' ITAJaci , uflcxAt EN BULK OR BY THE BARREL. IN SACKS, pms., - AND BAGS. TER AND.KEROSENE -Whip be will be pk-ased to supply them with at maw:able prieet.. , None but the wort quaiXri-ei 11 be offestql for sale..eetiseqrtrutly cannot fail In Or fug entire !adds.:lieu sad tui..ettng the watitiof the connettnity. — 1. . • ,~CASH PAID FOR . GRAIN, Oa delivery, and for every description of FAR.3f E R P 0 DUCE, Or taken in exchange. for Coal, TIM M, Salt, Plaster. , •oexacialand lumen) Oil: 18 DIOYT, a 03Y 'Went, trill always be at the Warehouse to attend • to customers. _ rAug. 10, It7o. • llsiro an baud a largo itoik of ETE Do% BIICSWIOII.2 DO. ON% 'TOILET C. B. PATCH. C. D. PAICII. STORE. Wholettio aa3 ncizilU'lllers A .171 . We sell notLiit but GROCERY AND 111011SIO:i STOI E. A new aml complete C&ak of MACKEI►EL, 11E111tINO . , PORK, MUTTON, HIM, NOTIONS, j DAIRY3I;EN, c.:w. CLA,PT C A. L• , ESIn E , L I A' L T C E .E N 'T , 41 0 v cL, . , O Y 1 DISPATCH MST RECEIVED. Gamuts isEWEI FOR CITIMKS OF TOWiNDA A..nD VIOTRIFY «There if (Crimean:4 being received at the .'TEMPLE FAb11:10," a large stock of , \ SPRING AIN - b SUMMER GOODS, which bavo been pnrchasod for cash, M reduced prices. and will bo sold to caah buy.orast lower rates than ever before ofered in Towanda: My 'Lorimar'- , • data In part of . 11:DiEr. DOYS• Axrr rourrrs cummo. 'Lad.. =sows MID =us rears= sons. FINE DRESS CCiATS, cAssniiiitiurrs4ont Coati, Pants, Vests, and White 'Linen Deck Snits, also aflarge variety of GENTS FURNISILL I NG GOODS, - I ILATS, CAPS. SIISPMIDEBS. NEGE TIES. , .1 PAITS. AND UNN2t 41XN.AILDA. of the latest styles and faahlons. f, mm Lb., In ducements that I oiler, and that I int not to be Wl dersold by any dealer In town, or - elsewhere. . All who wish anything in my line are respectfully [nett od to give nu a call before pi:utilising and tonsillar yourselves. 143 Deldlernan's -Cash paid for Ilidei and Pelts Parniiwo. F URNITUR4.I NEW FIRM ! NM GOODS! No are now offcrluz, at -tau Wholesale and Udall FURNITURE EMPORIUM, NO. 107 MAIN' srarxr. The greatest iceinoements to those in want of FIRST 'r CLASS FURNITURE ! Ever offerecl In tl4i 'market The attention 01 the rublic la. especially eatlNl to or.r reecnt hoar pnrchsoos front tho tate Great Auc tion Sales of , CIiANI3ER AND PARLOR 7 1 IT TZ, "N" I.„T TT Pi M Wo aro . now offering WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS AT $75 00. Azu,,,l NICE PAIII,OR SETS, At $5O 00 Tor'Allier 11 . '41 our Complete Stock of ‘BEDSTEADS,I3I3IIEAUS, CHAIRS TABLES,. STANDS, SPRING BEDS, MATRE.SSES, LOOKiIiG-GLASSES, And in fact everything to be forma in a 71rd-class • Furniture Store, CIIEAPIat Li k THE CHEAPEST. DIXE3I3MI TILLT :sow ILAISLTAb- IT taring, and do offer goods of our own manu facture cheaper than you can blititity-Inado Foods elsewhere. Lumber-taken esclango for gcrAs. We also furnish TtOSEWOOD CASKETS, nunim AlU:i COITLSS Of every dmription ntram, norms, c.trs, And we also have the FINEST OEARSE lii this section of country Goods 'ltalia:red t, t o Devot , frve of clta.-go. J.131.1ES 0. FROST Zr. SONS. I • Towanda, Jan. 11,11171.1 LO *G. • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,, WUOD;WILLOW, AND :STONE WARE. FLOUR, FEED, ,k,MEAL, 2.;.a. 1 I'ATTON'S BLOCK. COB. MAIN AND BRIDGE A., TOWANDA, PA. I &wire to theisittozdion of tho nay aagortn.cnt of !;Dods; which is always tall and com plete, sad will be sold to Toy cinstorcials , at lowest market rainst. 1-; My stock at TF ' COFFEES, AND SPICES, Have boon puiciumxl since the taco lotion in the tariff on , thorn; and aro ()amid at rioca to-cor respond.'. Orders by mill or °them Ns wIU zrceivo (warn aid prouvkittraation. Thanking the public for tho liberal patronage ibt7halra given me. I wish s ostitlnnaiace of the =MC. , . I CASH PAID FOR COUNT= PRODUCE. fab.2oll MONEY' SAVED, Err rneasspui ro9i. STOVES AND HAIUYWATIE Pa., 0c.t.20,10 FOUNDER!' &iii&MIINF SHOP. ate l bl i g a ,%.hlat= asinejt sio t wawa to do ainwls of wig=Lug to Mete busaar. vith Pna2lAuell xbd MALL GIABIIIGS, OIBOULA.R , SAW MILLS, ) 1(11)1' DR-ILLS, /*- And ail kinds at MILL IRON 1 . SHINGLE. MACHINES Of the latest; and mit Inerseed kinds •• •.• and, kept constantly otthatel ready facies: El 10.• • PL. BIDEALILL. MON A. 16 WOODEN DUMB ." \ • Of Wags. •- . • CIIthIVATOBS, CORN PLOUGHS .PLOtr - G4 Of bads, and. 00 tay litt in hu rffen )3 " 11 kePS Ei N STOVE -CASTINGS =au SLED AND 'SLEIGH SHOES, And all bads at castings tandaliod to March X 0.1870. - 11E,ANS & nocrwzrz. BI_IOOD & CO;., HORSE POWERS & CLE.A.NERS -4 , and will sell a hetkr . =chino, for less money than r o an bo had elsewhere in the world; We claim for our machines that they will do air moth, or more, than any other, and _am wore durably built. We personilly rape:intend our work and sco that it is 'well down. ,We will sends of our naatilinca, on application. ONE AND TWO GORSE POWERS, One et' rico None THRESHER d SEPERATORS, va "Oa azioaavaa `s.vi-us N EW C!..ItIACT FACTORY ! R. JACOB& Block. Towanda, Pa. Ori rive, bctwen 31 , 4,a 'and Stroud . Strcvt3, Lad - Dank. - ---,- Itespectrullyannfrauce toAlds trltlu‘liinl - I).atrons, tl a:t, tlataye built a where , they will constantly keep on hand al' ull assort -Lieut.:of , 1 Y. J. LONG. EN - S. N. BRONSON_ MADE . TO OICEMB. &G .- INES - EEPAULED x. And AU work warrwtcd o ere .MW-Sod. CHITRN POWERS, LAIICIE AND_ SMALL SIZE. LIEGE MON' „NEXT/XS Still confirms to tnanufattorre their celebrated D=II.U2Th'E CATALOGUE.4. TIIRES.II4R and CLILLYER.S, -- FANNING MILIB-,_ .4.ICD Dr...to SAW MILLS. &MY AND GRIST MILL work crono to order Clive us a call before purthising elsewhere "00 s) 4a00.'111 Avg. 2, 1;;G9 TOIVAND:i. :PENI.;a. !HENRY-STULEN & CO., NEW ERICK CAIMLIGE „FACTOLY, FAMILY GU I L LGES, TOP AND OPV.N BUGGIES, ILATFORII WAGONS, TROTTING .(su.Krs, AND SNLIITONS, Slade of the li"st material and finished in the beet city stile, llie long exp•neuce in city C arriage -Factories givice them a dcclded advantage Overothers in the Finish, Style and 'Durability of Igo Waglana All tht.7 3.631.4 it 412 INSPECTION OF 'UTS • WORK proviutus to yurchaninj, elrelrLere ALL !VOLT I 1 ARK4STXD TO GIVE PEETECT TISPACTION. , 'thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex tended anti rtn;pectfully 34. a continuance of the ram*. • tzt , smmti rpourTLY . I ,.TTa:VED TO reduced price. • Tewanits. May 24. 1870.-41 NEW PLANING MILL". The tmderai;•ned hnvi. built a largo and alnamo dime Mill hi the lioronaii of Tcrwanda, and 'Ailed it with tho moat modern and napeoved machinery; for the tuanufacture-pf WCiDOW SASII-A.NIALPSDS, • Arc-prepared to fill, orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. Wo Lave also a largo ,va tiety of MOl7umins, of the Isteat Rtyle and pattern, which. we can rural/At tnuah cheaper than they can be worked by Land. \ • PLANING. - . . TONGITING. \ &OOVINO. AND senooL SAWLNO, . . And all ether work pertaining to Joinery, will bo done to milt our customere. ' reriensilding. :..nd . not living more than twelve to fourtren'tniles instant. will find it hurzely for their lutercst to iary olns, kir bring their lumber and have it worked hy•ionr inaeldirry. Bring your grist of Flooring. prother luiubellierid while your team is feeding, have it ground out and take it hostile with Tau.. . \ , -WO Win pay DASD for, PINE AND HEMLOCK ttaniEv. delivered t, our lumber yard. Como and see us, or iLyo 1:32 Co:ad. write. •Towanda. Feb.. Del ~ L. 13. uoDoEr.s h CO. • ROOK-BINDL . . ; --THE PUB. Afi lie is regvetftilly infi. etil' that the llock-131n dery has been removed tot 0 "Reporter" Dulltlinc, third itory, where will be ilii,e -BIND In an its cartons branclioa an the times " will allow. The the charge et 14. C. VIIITAKEEI An experienced .flinder, and all done in a style and manner whit Musk% Magazlnce. liewspapOrs,' In area variety of style. Panic, paid to thoßuling and binding of BLANK rlcx3sl, To any desired pattern, which to quality and• dura bility will be warmrded. All work will be ready for delivery when protnlaod. • The patratiagvvah: public; is solicited, and per. feet sattatiction teed. , . ' Towanda. August ?, 1868—tf. , . ~ B AKERY AND .DINING R 0031.-1 First block north of Ward House. • 4 _. • BltF AI) , PI,,CARE,CRA - UiERS, • DARED DAIL T. And field stWholesale and Detail. • In our DINTNGIIOOIIS we will accommodate the ' public with either \ a lunch or a good meal at all times of the day and brening„*. OYSTERS AND ICE \CREA.II ON LIA:SD Dußtso Tztru qr-onN. • • Also a finoasnortment ot,Orocerien, Confectionery, Fraits. Nuts, kc. - , talyl9l'64l D. W. 8 k CO. pßicrEiasT----taiscArtArtirJA , Flour, beat quality, per rack,. - $2 f• ff f. ff hundred fl 4t3 • so es 0 barreL, 850 Caatom grinding 'many dote at once; as. the ca• parity of thwatiu la aulBcleut fig a lar amount of frork. \ll.. D. MOD.LIL ' camptown, July 23, 181 e. . , THE BEST KEROSE, OIL IN town by tho quantity or retail at • FOra: _ TEA,COFFEESUGAR FISH, he. wholotitle and retail. \ a Jnly 1. ' lacCAßßssk ALL Kns - Ds GROCERIES D . Provisions .at who'ozalo and retail, at \ )tai C. A PATCH'S. fIOAL TAR, by the Gallon CT-BIM re], for sale by the GAS CeMPANT. MARSHAWBROTH_BES HARD *ABA' 'STORE;.;; AtERUIIIVEVNEW Is the plaoe-te b. Ti 1 kisele,of H.ARDWrAR, For cash. Wo halt on hand and aro melting a HOUSE c kuiiNLSkl 1 GOODS, AND- LEATHER BELTING. Our Paints. Ods, de4 aro of the best quality and will be meld any imr. We are also agents foe sbo (treat , • idrint4o: 42l ,l l EAM SAt, The only ‘Fire Proof Safe made. Also FAIRBANKS'S' SCATMS, SCI A6HTICOKF 4 POWDER 'CO.; SURHEB PHOSPHATE •YiY.T . 7P L very largo and manufactured ottt of the best Wo aro also prepared to do•Jobldntot all kinds. Wo aro tie only agents for ttweelebratod new EMPIRE, • COOKIE STOVE, The beet cooking etovo in use, and over, stave warranted to give Satisfaction. March 10, '70 .. . IDERSONS IN SEARCH OF e ;JULE'S HUGUENIN, JEWELLER & .S.ILViRS:II7.7II, MERCUE'S NEW BLOCK. TOrAND.II, Is coubtantly miditioua 1. his block - 13 goods suitable for pin:setae, eitch as LADIES' WATCHES, of all descriptiotie. Alno a selected agnortnient . of GOLD. CHAINS, FINE GOLD T?: 71- CLOCES OY ALL STYLES ITION . TUE CILESP EST TO TILE BEST. GOLD, SILVER AND Slt t.L SpECTICLES, AND EYDGLANSES to nt-an casosof Inapaircil NSW PATENT 4 CCO4IOD-4 rrivc SPECTACLES. lif this patent I am enabled to exchange Glaseel a any doe without extra charge. Calf and see. ~. , - , CLOCRS, WITCHES AND ;ENVEL.E.Y.IIE.PAiIiED AND WAMILLTIT:D. - . Tcw . .alids, i'lec. 9, 1870. • ONTA;iYES . STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, S'HOE FESDIN:GS No. 103 Italu St., comer of tLe rublle Squarcl". mayl2,lK7o. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO VALUE TI MM SMUT! • Thesight of the aged assisted, the we strengthen ed and the perfect prescrced. . , PIIILADELPIiIA OPTICAL INSTITrTE,. 14the thaaufacturlng of the \ CONCAVE.CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES? LONDON - The Concave Convea Cryital Spectacles, made by the above ILlNtitteth are now a long time before the public, and the rapid and increased demand for them combined with the universal acknowledgment. of their clearness in vision and ease to the eye, chews plainly that they are superior to any other glasses In the market. , The roajrfity of g es, (mostly imported) and no matter how fine the frames. contain but a poor and worthless article of glasses, (generally cast or pressed;) they are made to be sold only, without any calculation respecting, beneEt to the eye, and therefore - the great complaint' of poor and weak sight. Th_onsands are using glasses now 'which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after short usage, or require ar4ntenaely strong light and therefore - destroying the sight, which; were they properly suited, wouldbe preserved a life time. Thr"."iii : Vintafies clafineil for , the Concave Conves Criitall'ilkssiseare the following : .:The tonics area round of the beat material. Puro and hard, sud.r.iatteconly for optical purposes, they axe, then-hire tintliable to get scratched or dint. TheY confer w beilhat.:_y and distinctness of vision pot foutul in any other glass. . They can be used r equally well 'by day or carat ;light without tirinitbr !abating the eyes. They are'grounkmiathematically true in the con nave cronies .mirrr,S,ecording to the philosophy nature, and ihsPe of cornea of the 'eye, therefore. natlire only instead of forcing it. nit thellmses are centered correct into the framer. They can be used longer than any other glasses without changing to a higher power. The frames are, mode strong anti durable by expe.. rienetd workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. W:5l. A. eIIA.MBEILLIN. Vvaler in Watches, Jewelry and Silrer Were. dz. Pa., tuts the solo Agency for these glasses i.: Bradford comity. 1:43 l'ech'ers employed. Jcdy.12,1870-tf FOR%LE AND TO),RENT; 1:11.1tT51.6 STORE. • ONE smiar....z ITAST.CLASS PIANOS; ONE HUNDTIv() ANI) FIFTY MILLA)LiEONS. , . - TWO HUNDRED CABINET AND CHURCH ORGA-NS, PITO 111111diti4 Ciarionetao Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, Concertinas,- Accordcons: Strings for all 'String Instruments. .Drums, BOLICS. etc, • MUSIC:AND INSTRUCTION ROOKS FOR EYI.7tY Lssmirmyza. • - I i4L- •N - • 0 s • Troia thopfdy makers in the Unitdd Statea,.as FAX Lights Co.. Docker Bros., Stine -way,. Weberew York; Hallett, and Cumston, BostQn; Math° shek, - New Haven. Ct.; C. Meyer,' Plat.elphis, and, Raabe in 'Baltimore. Melodeons from R.. Shonlnger, New, Haven. 'Ct.; relOcibet, Belton ,k" Co., Nework.L.Organs, . the celebrated Golden Reed Ame an Organ, and the Murdett Combinatlem Organ - . One deer' cast of Mercur's Dank, the only stnre"O the kind in Towanda. • nial'.29ll GOLD STILL COMING DOWN AND AVE= SUMO IN ' TICE GROCERY d PROVISION LINE, CO. W LL Sv MTER' • . . at priceei that cannot fall to satisfy ,allttliat they are determined not toile undersold by any bus. Their have enlarged their Store by building., so that they now hare room for the, fresh supplies that are daily melted by them. They have con with their store a Market where they tow keen, fresh meats to sell by the quarter or piece. sno a full aupplk, pr.Gro. ;Cries and Provisions, to which they would call the attention of all cult buyers. Cutue and °undue our =and. Prices,- before purchasing and satisfy elees. We guarentee all goods to give entire satisfaction. • We are thseiltil to our customers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continfiance of the same. • ' . COWELL k Dec. 20.1869. • - 1 10 RT OUR TEAS AND COFFRO.; roWELL k 14YEL TEE GEM FRUIT JARS, THE 1x wt in use, wheel:l4e wad retail. / July 1. , IlicpAßL •. TOWANDA. PA.. . mo t vlr.7ri 111.17.F . D!ii . GLASS, PUTTY, '8 PAT*NTI. ILitrOlt'S naw DONE Oor stoct of HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 3lnst not forget that.• t Onc door north of AMERICAN :WATCHES SWISS , sA pow General Pralers in Gnocrativ , , emxair-icr, LAURI% 1i ta, C?l's, Umbrellas, .1 D. ...MONTANYE, L. D. 211ONTA!!irt. =OVID AND TINTED GC.A !VII WEAK on I. I= EOM V. DITTIUCH'S aro now bang offerod at DH. O. PORTEII, BON & =mom 016: OASE S DRUG - ;STORE, -Omar Man and Pine Streets, l'osiusits. Ps4 . . Have recently added largely-to thoirstock. a full awl rosnpletent, constituting An exterutive va• fiat!, euailsola. nunty ,articiel used in the Arta far moriniflicsrPArpetteft - at*f raly selected with, the proms ositivo wants of thopubli4 which w re rret keptconstantly trapplied with fresh Fireboat% an 4 awed the nicseressoindA terms at Wholesale or Retal. rourititfiN of Davos; < MEDlcarts, 'AI n% (mug, vAuNtsiszl!, ; AteOliqL AND-TPOEFItit, . TAR.74:O4' • Azid W kAnds bf Brasbep. KEROSE:NEIOB: COAL OIL, I , • LA Ps, ag.uns; vrxxisiaminTra, s ß enn ! Lard,-Whaie, Scats Foot, TANNER'S AND M.AclinslE Fancy and Toilet Articled in all their satiety, SPONGES. lIRUSILES. Boers. coma. • • Pomades, llalr Dyes, Pertiram, • - ROCKET BOOKS, PORT MONA'S, Pocket Knives, Razors. 'roof)", sius Asp u rn PILEPAIIATIONEI, •.• LIME WIVES AND PRI:39IISr Toseoco, SvrtyFri Pim _AND , tiIGAHS~ Field and Maier 84543 Trainee, Sup 'porters. Suspensories, Shoulder Bares, Breast Pimp& Teething .''Rings; Nursing Bottkes, Nippl sr pplwitbells and Shields; Syringes. Bed Pans. Self-Seating Fruit Jas. Thor inotneters, Flavoring Extracts., - Stone Sags, Gisss Vivi, Rattles, Vials, Corks, Bath Brick, and Store Blacking, Fish Tackle,. Am ,nninition. Ire., Botanic. Eclectic and Bouicepath ic Medicines, and all the : popular Patent • ' E.D C I•N S . • ti All articles ;warranted as represented. Persians at distance can receive their 'Orders by stage or mall, which will recebtoprompt and careful attention. Medical advice . glyen gratuitcsisly; at the oelce, charging only for medic-dna. - • Sir Thankful for past liberal patrOculge. would tea poctfully announce to tharlrienda and the public that no pains shall be spared to' satisfy, and Merit the con tinuation of their soundenco anti parrona:•e. sir Open Sundays for prescriptions from '2 to 'lO a.m., and 12 m. tq 1, and t to '6 p.m. • IL C. POUTER, SON' .k Co. July I, Is7o.—yr. r , - . .W. ;13 N, • F. • 137 31t1.17 STREET. T0WA1T153.,. 1?A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG-G-IS'r.`• , • The frith scriber tceireetfell;' aninonue;iii;to the petr lie iu geueral that he has ou Lama a Lirgi; aml. well selected . stock ofj DgroS, CLI.E.MICAL§, • IrEDICISES r4.1311'5, . VARNISII. WINDOW (MASS; • DYE srurys • kc.. Se. \••,, All tliciropulail'ste.qa. 4R:clic:int& of he. day. PURE WINE AND LIQUORS only . . , , • RE 11,F 'LI •- . ..i)1 - E lt i •.. Fancy and 'toilet articl,..s. ,• ' -.• . Soaps of every deseriptiuss, - r ' ' . . Tlit,nuomett:ra,.- ; ~ Bathing, Surge•ons, aril'a CatrantiTyngc.2, Lair Bru4ieg, •!.• • .; f: '.i. ° ' • c ,..... Tuoth 8rae!.:,,..: ~.. •• • . . - 1.)-1.R.ing edaibki: • • • r ' Pocket natil liiie Cunibs, . , Tolltt r0w,.1...:r. - • - . . ' „. . • Pun:Dozes, • .: • - Tooth Bowden', - • ~ . - Tooth•WitAies, and • Tooth SoapE. • And other'articles bolon:nnl to tlocDrug, fradotoo nun:trona :o Inept - on. the Agency of the . . • .• • ,OREA.T S. CbMPA.tit 4:i'orFt. - r. GREAT INDUeEItENTS To 'purchasers of ioOti3 iw their , Ppypielaus pr?ic.riptiotr. Iw:elites . COIL. pounded by perSOLlkl thOryttg'lly boars of the 'Llay or eight: k Thatild fir the' paw:, libel al patronage, 1 re erNetfully continuance of tll9 same, pledg ing myself that , po citott shall be spirt .1 to Lusk,: nry establisbnient secouil - to none in this section.. Dr. T.•F. may be (wasp:tea nt this store ae beriito:ore; . W. Lizow.N. Jan. . D.A.RGArNS IN MOOTS 43C . SHOES TOW.CCDA, rA NE)r rioqr SLI4 STORE, Tha nn lersignea are reclevlrag a large ant well aep leered stock of BOOTS XD' A.ItOES SUM S_ EA,T,T4 7, TR :IDE, 'Which we offer Iwor for •CoiiFisyag of GENTS, I • LA_DTF, d ill. CIIILDRE.N -:WEAR. S'E ll' ED ..I.Y.L) PEGGED LUO TS 1• • , PEPAMING NEATLY flovi Tlmni.ful for list favors, we soliaa a.cOutittszic . r• of . the'sxtuO. , • . F.IaRT.L wnorForm —Towanaa,• , ,tllri! 5, ISO GiNDY! !_VNI)Y:! CANPY!! UFACT,C 1.1V_1.11 2'l: RE 'S .4! Wlro:esale aiitt Retail, at Tidy toilipct hon. , Cuutsisting, in part, "HO,LIMI V. , Candy. Apples; Peaches awl Pears, Gum Drops. Chocolate DroPS, Choeolatt • Caramals, Molasses - • Tarts, Cream Bars. Cream Bonbons, Stgc;otti Burt and Jordan. Almonds, Clove Mud, Cinnamon String, l'eppermint Drops. • • , and LOZCitgCS. . anese Color. Cinnamon /In-' perials. Tar, 'Sour aul Loniou Drops. I`oa . . nutßar,Almond - Bar, Rose • • • 3lotto.s, . • Fig Taste, • Juba -Paste, • - . , Cream Dates, • • ( ~ ."i• iversation hurts ' Lotengea,'Nspolean,,Den' • . Bons.' ambled, .t.lirear,' Rml - Sugar Toys, Candy Iltaiti,'S.l.•lain " ,• Grangocan . ).l.l"Annoes, . Chewing Gum. Peanuts. 'l'N.veart Nuts, Filberts. Almeinds, Brazil Nut; , '..paglisli mats, and every thing kept lb-, COnfeetiouerss in general. • ' " • • S. FITCH, . Opposite Coddiug, RuanelF.llle'r No. 1•21, Main-st. P. S.—ltemembvr wo sell the Faintly Favorite Weed S-uing Machine, . Towantl4, Dec. id, 1811C_ • BOOTS - AND SHOES MADE AND REPAIRED. • ; . • Rae Lade arran ;emehte'to accommodate customers that are oonatantly - ealling w ith boots.and Sho os for ricq soles, etc., and,bave had to leave them, to tliely greatdis ads= tag o „until another day. The. constant_ cell fOr this kind or work, . and the &aim to have done immediately, has- iinlucigime to make such ar: rkaummenta that you need lest return home Inthont your sole being renewed...awl your htlismet square; - Fur pricci that aro honest awl perfectly' fair Ladles that have gaiters that are broke IA the toe, . To this repair•shop Is the placci 'for to :44 • To get them re-ramped, neatly tipped or half-soled„ And your feet well protected from the wet and the cold liew wort wo ein make you, with tii above; double quick. ' ' ' . ' . . ..... -_. . We can make them for you thin; or al ean,givo, lliem .. to yon thick, . : • We can unite them with high bee:s. or w cu ii givo theta to you Bat • So yOu'raxki not stager with a brickln your hit. ,•• - , - I . „ N.M.-410(kt ekter vinegar in‘.lo.lo.by barrel or ital. >Front iit - Methodist church,llaiu strait. -; Towanda, Doe. 13, 1870. • 'WC IchII.SON". . • VISH, PQM, HAMS AND LARD 1: at • , COWELL 4: MEE'S. 'bßa.tio 111111 N Maleirua —',- Boots ana - ,ces. AT SLLE South end of Ward Muse 1341talala for the ].ilia TO O 1 )13t AND REA DY. WREN .PROMISLD IMESSEMEM L. C. :Sr SM.;I, NAII.4SNL - • IN§VAILINCL 141-7 E • c0.,0k us, a. cosi Carr:AL, s l, ,,o%L.rip!ty rt; Lt. Chartero by'Cougruss, IACb . • OL&MEI /I. CLAVC,Prcriciont COOKE, Mann= EiPancr. a‘ll4 Ex, cap . ; MUM rn COOKIE Vice kr e t,id ext EILIEMON ITZt-SceretaryalkilApttiari TO ldrautages of the Nal . opal Lxu it 11,ra'&..t. • I. :It Is Natlcreal Ocnipany, clurtPred 2 . It hag a paid up capital of One 3. It offers low rates of prefinem s ; 4. Itfarniabes larger insurance titan r , ~ panics, for the raute money It la delliiituend certain 6. Their la no posettitliti bt agents, or mlatuideratan4zug t The policies are plain csintrad,, 14,1 rnuct. - •• ; =lace fen ao - wutch tnatLey ; ttt; 4 8, are non -furfelung 9.` The policies ere cxeulpt frv:u attut , n • . , . . . "' P. W. C'LARE. & CO.. Dai. D. "S. 1tC..5 . .41.1.L. itt;toli! N. ivirtitrz ¢A. G. 1.7`.W.0-i lOU igi;lata for Tirorainia and vicixit'k Jan. % ' A3!IP VIN CENT" S _ • INSURANCE Ai; y . . • ralliiira tan - IV:en tlie Ccanpauteti. LOSSL'i btottlNS lald oaten. .F.P.11 EROPERTY, LI; and dayellbags Iruntvid DY rfar. / LiFE Ilibll RANCE affected in if.arrat aria SorAzt Conpanka in till, 1 -. Ls•nd,n, ' • MEM 3.SDiS /3662.AltiCi 1 5~,~c~•...... • , LCSUL.A.N . CE. c4illl . .k.NY, • • ef•, - rdu 041,,! j At .Us, Wiols.ozo INsint-ttleYkComPAs - r, iikestlarre, J. ; 4 r. tt., ts:;:tac.l.24cLi' CO I.lNi ' Lan r, MEE Crrz rr.:E Ifar§,k•rcl, Ellia NoaT/t INisen.urn i _ MIMI .......... -7- .Iss.~tN;.. ~i SEE r. ME uVL $2.7,000,00(4 Striert latt•LlYo Q 1 to I:l2.sitic7m, fair rn.'mpt tt,ttlt-ra, - mt Lit Come tua.i try. r..t4. °lnce un 1.14111 ,troct, opp r o!ite Court 111 • ViscErr al Mia'rcnr . r , a Wt•Pv.k. p. m. S. It. ' Towanda, Pa., July 20, 1870,—1y TIF PENN MUTUAL • , ' _ . , • LIFE INSURANCE : C 0.3.1 PA NY , -s, U.. v.n. is u. y-smt - r T.J.:III:T. l'lllid. A . cculruLATl:i) , ruNn, ur:f - : lxecotr. run, mvutENDs nATE Ay:L.l;AGill) POLICIES 145t.T..1) OS: ILL .`1 . 11:01".ED ILA;, Primiityals inft7/11.:11.3.1,131natiallr,pr 11L.41.1 011 fur SAMUEL C. .111. - F-Yk1'n , 1..1.-Lt, SANII.I.II, E. ST(.)IiLlk, .TOIIN 1101tN01r.,3.V.1 IL S. . ; .i'1f.11.14-NiS,_ .`l-CErvtary. - j!yl3:7o,tt GrARDIAN,„_Nvr,uAL . LIFE LtiSl 7 .11:VXCE COSIPANY, No. 251 LIIO:IDWAY, NIX IVI:r.. . rometts Is FO.IICE 4 • .... t 2:s ;., Ast.i..-rs, .t.t. 0vcr....„ • ~ . '-• - ....., AN.Nu.lsco.uk...., 01,- 4 .:'.t:'-• - : • -1.,. LossEs PAID • \ • • " - . . All approeed:fortats of roiiele. Liberal modes tor; aypieLit of pretiiiilt4F, • Policies non-ftirteitable by, their teruis. The entire profits of tls:, Contpiny_2lvi •,• Ably iho inaured. • - • . ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. • • WALTON ITOSILVAL 157T,TJA.1.1 T. 1100KEL, Nice riattetis LUCIUS 3.1 ADAMS, SEC * Y . AND Atitaul , .1 ..PIRLADEtPIII.I ItreERESCE..9 " JAY COOKE C Cp.,.33,111tt Co.,'l;al terB. JouN NVOOL'iIikEAN. Co.. T,•.1 3itrybx:44. • 8, A. )lErckr. Treat. ramit•:•s' , )1 , . T. 13. yublis.P.rr :I:!:l2,7c—tt II!IMI CIONNECIHICtT LEITTITAI = MO Ntaf TILiN OJJ):EX: AS:irTS (June! 1, 1:,t1.” .\tr 1`114.12S uc~i• DIviDEND 7 0 el:4lus by I.),:ath pairi to dato. 4 ~r Tor. t, 111vL1 D',,C.l'...tD A - CREI. Y L7L.",1 L All itS ill:1)1I2S IS equitably divided anion•: icy holders 4.1 - ANNtALI "lAVIDErN . DS ; umieti luny may be'accuutitlatc,l4t iutt,r,st tor. the b-';,4 !:t •cuiv..A., by' tlit.;a T O . WA:S; DA. ICULTL ILI L . . Tu., Ala. t 'am. , utrx • . . • U E R W , The superinteusleht some of the best ."4 COy - . 1:11V,p AND 01;EN 11 eVer offered in this it:ariCet. beet OAK . AND HICKOIti TI311; \l'm-31,111:0.: by t 1: 1.:1,f VoRK.7d-LN • - Wd have tire - • —. . • I'ATE.NT ; • , that even Lttiei ,So t. , Nlatrits their ilevaic . ' .. .`\1'11:11.3 oar w,,el - ,* I.N ifore raeli.e.:e.-:z where. liXl3tiriu;.E . V. ,7 v., (.i ithort not-re- I. C. hltha - vic,- Met.,' (I. W. XINt'D Towhnsl.t: July fh), 1870. -.`- Slsperint. _ .... _. , FULL. A. SSORTILENT 0/ • .ratir.p aul iANNE))rurrni, at arch 10.'1869. • &M O. PICES OF ALL F:INllg 11110 1 • E etnd GroUnd at l egs3lE/W 1.1.; t ,' _ _ • - • - SUGAR QF ALL •• EINDS RETAL... Ing at ttltit•sale IT: • •• rox mvner!.l.:s at PURE ctritit N'IN:(1A11 *AI - • FOX Luc u MEI k ME IN I= ..t. MEE , ME C43p ViNtLIN INCOLTOP.A.TED. 1.•! , 17. . kV:YLIT crsT MEM ;.T. A. LE(A;I:P, of CtiNN after 4t,r *C. 1 , 111, thu, ES - SUN- FUR FEI7 I .',; MZIE or IN' I:., Is. working. 4 evvvral L FLIT/. -..RE.At Ing BY NU : Ajt . n. IStz)-:1 \vOliKs'sll GONS,, V.WONS