Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 27, 1871, Image 3

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r •
WinillfOrd P
I r .
nd Diyision, S. of T.,
..ton to-day..
is iii .i.cesion :at
; .
ker.. E. T. Fo-r is building rui ad
(limn to his henna and putting in gin! pipe&
.. • r
-The fire ...department •are 'to
n it•etltliis (Wednescisyj evening in uritcfrin,l'or
i•drideand exercise. ... li
I. , -j— " —---- " -- • • 'll •
u 4
“41./Sever car-loads " shot and
f 0141 1 3! passed t • "place het week. They Wore
i leitiried for PI ' delithiii. - , ' , •
. S. 3jc, . LAPOI . FTE, having
41fartn in sylutu; illt3 purchased lies..
sELL'S Livery Stable in this place. •
• I ,
ve, air. W.
'us a fetter vritte ,
Iva f.j.runilfather,
J. PEtEU shown cu has ShOW
_by •qert.. 1./.FATETTE to Mrs
. ..I'.•Pt2l.9E4ated 1514 20,
3 •
01.1".'N orthe a Lodge of Good Tem,
ilal lyr this Ida
t , intend visiting their ,*ter
at Wyalttsthg on Friday evoning ce this
A good ti m e is anticipated,,
1 1 1 • , . <
•re„. A. new poet-office has been es
tab:idled at the mill mines in Sullivan county,
pith CIIAS. iIENDEBBON as postmaster. The
called t'llerm . cr."
Capt. I.*.,Pauc,'.of Herrick,
(k.O. HMIPIIIIET; of Pike, have been, sum
nwned as Jurors to attend the U.lik Court at
l'itttberg next week.
The of Bellefonte
,11'n very' interesting monthly paper; en
t" Chrildinn Union Work.' s paper
slionld be in every „household.
tt ttAit3i.. We announce with
aetiOns that thO" first ten thonsand copies
•f. P. P. Bs ss! new singing-book for Bab
.kbriolei were 'ordered .by the Methodist
Concern of NeW York. "
Li Pr ,
The clickers of PleaSAntliount
i,.n, S. of T., Orwell, elected last term, have
re-elected and installed for the current
The night of meeting Wks been changed
Tw dap to Epturday. •
PI •is
It. `DENIER'S Comique.TiilltOillllllo
i e trill appear at Mercur's Hall .this even
:l-to-niorrOW - evening. This is their Suet
ranee here, and we have no doubt they
tiract alarge house.
W. H. SHAW, -for - a long limo
ka with the Meat 3tarket of • SHAW,
Co., has sold out his interest to his We do ma 1i:1911-'1N-hat N[r. pur
' arc hut hope he does not contempht
The awellipg-Louse' of G
A.hybint township; was det=troye4 by
evening -last. The family
ail abs . eht-at the time, itfid nearly ever ... y. l
was Mr. 11. ilk!. poor luau an
1 a
tin ~:
lia , it
A match gate.° of base,a.ll was
the'groungs of the College titne, April
ft , ..t‘yeen the:College. 7 nino, of the Susque
(!4llezie Institute, and the llornbroolt
n.74ultio; in a Score of 43 for tho Horn
ti).+l.37 fur the College nine.
The Sullivan .County Free
has been moved to - Dushore, and makus
Tearaence much i s mproved. „Friend Bums
I.nows how to edit a paper,. and we are
he eau' succeed., He. qrtainly deaervos the
laing:e of tfic-pctlple of Sullivan county,
HENRy Shaw has been appoint
.r, agelivat Ulster. The apis,iittnieut is
ELwELL., ticket agent at tht,r; upper
;111.11i. gone to Mauch _blank;
811 n.v.:l 11LX iskmi his plaeo itt the
• F. J. CALFINs has pilrchased
the Cxl.!lestate one of the finest building
town. :It is just ifitront of 31rs. C 'LBWS,
!I Mel
. .
.., • a
.*.•,•111.11 linie.sputY I%ii initgliasclia lot on
~t rcet, neatly oppli:ite Ilk . nits M.7.3.'5, and
pgt op a 'resideneelblid`suninaar,.
We are increl
L itol to J. S. SEE
late of Rome, this oO'nuty, fora copy of the .
Trip;r, published .at Greeley,-Colo;i
-l Tenitory. Judging from the advertising
inns of , the paper, we shonll say' Greeley
• t be a llonmtshing tOwn. - Among the adver
s We IlgtiCe
.JOHN 1441E,NDOTTO?1, formerly
“nroct.m. • There are BeTOMI (Abet , Brad
". etmitty men in Greeley,
Mn. EDITOR: Herewith i sent
hen's egg—ishOWn me yesterdn: by
.1.011:$ Cnur.nucK, of Orwell, which Lira
,tligthwise - around, 8 inches ; craswise
inchesoinil weighi 4 ounecs standing
-ht. In iiresenceof eight witnesses. Orwell
1.1 :Yinirs truly, TAiton.
April 21, 1871.
• The Division .of S. - of T. recent
.,-;:t d at Standing Stone Ls entitled " Val
sntr,- No. 20. The fnlhiwing officers have
Jrq.. the present term
P. ).' Vannest ; Wannest;
F. Espy Depew ;
T.—B. S. Yanuest ; ChatOirt
-1,.i;*0.a. —S. Brown; A.C. Brown;
. 1:101n ; 0. sage;
u:r Winsßy AN ILL :al.—A. man
d in this glare a frw days sham
ono drank. nnees and vngraney, who was at ono
colncatrd and talented tnittistor in the
Eji:t,•o:111 Church. Ent for the aeo‘traed drink
Ln it;;1:t haye Lean an honor to his Spitzer and
a 10,5.14; to inantmd. Yet christion- people
rn rsurne the sale and rise bf that which they
the most deadly foe to-tho
Ito.leetner'b king,dor—n.
t e I;`r an concert given in
CLvich on Tnesdny i!vliiqg last was
'and ,prived Pghly sat:sfae
.y 1.. prss-td. The new organ is pro
• nuc , -(11,y judges lo be g superior instrument.
1 on the occa,bi by Mr. Ric AV }T,
the hinlfb r. Miss Harm: lit:bsi is the
rga).ll,t,nt Church, antl,we "cbugrstu.,,
r Iwuell as theinembers of the coiigre.-
i t: itt (fl their gaud fortnneijn securing a first
4k.` :11Strnrinfilt.
=v The children practicing under
of Prof. AnnEY, Will nin,7 in eon
-171-IL4qy evening, .in the.
At th,• PreAlri l terian church. The pro
awn, hill eml;race "g , :n.s" front "Pare
, .
Ilarulin Organ.nsell on this oc
-• tentlertA.frolu Mr. HUIILTICRT,
A:: adinisSiOn foe of 25 cents will ba charged
tL do r. Friends . of ehildren,#nd the gab
%lb-school are particularly
itiiPiVe find the. following. recom
en,lxticin lot "INC:IA.II'S Water Wheel" in a
I tentt number of the Tunirhannbek RepuWi-
' 111.noorAxr, Pa. March 21, 1871. 1 1
Ka. ED IT „i ; : We last fall put in i circular
I , sw-null at Jenningatille, and for power we
hare a wheelie-Ist and fitted lip' by - gbam ,t
iv• , of 3lchloopany. which *as, inv . %Ted and
,patented byl H'il: Ingham, -of Camp.' We
c , n,suler it merely justice to say that i n our
' ,, Pinion theriqs uo wheel in use that istaperior
rur equal to this wheel for power, dnrabihty, or
~ le cost of p . tting in. We have had no little ea.
Iperienco wi mule:and water.whefis of differ.
eat kinds, ad we arc frank to say-that we have
Inewr firtin any
.wheel, except the overshot,
that is to compared with this, and we hilly
believe Ufa i
i i i
t4s made preferable to an over.
shot wheel n any head leas than sixtoon feet.
Peninns ng" water power would do Well to see what it ' do befire rising others. '
We have writtpa the'above without t4esolici
tation of a y one, but believe it tight ad recog
nize deserfing merit . eve.r9where; beiides giv.
ing info lion Ito par les using water power
that migh be,benericiil to them.
I t
• ' , 'i Yours, Jsoutsrus e t, Bs°.
!--- - tc - '
)17E 4 r _
Inf,maii that the en,
grocer on thewp i!wsamager train on tiae Va. 1
N.V.2.8., 'lkea flea at brit obnosaliM, p4 i
a point somewhere below Wyalusing ow iTnes
day morning. 'The ball, we believe, *pod
nip:oloh the windows of the locktan
fortunately ifithorit effect. The train waa stop
ped, but the dastardly }tuitional made b i ts es
cape. No knoin reason Is assigned lir the
act, except that a cow was run over in that vi
cinity at'sonttime or other. •
• •
Sir As Dl _
r. G. H. „ . - •
po ,oit
. was dzir,
ins Cowan , 6 llimm'a horse Main strait on
Tuesday evening, some . on of the harness
gave way, and the , animal . *lime inunanage
able and ran - down the street at ' furious . ipeod.
Mr. E. vrailthrown from the buggy near. Mi.
McCann's honse./!He wait ,- considerably: hurt,
but not seriously.. The horse proceeded un
checked until be reached the Wyckoff.-pave
ment, when n young colored man named Er.u.s
PoWZ:Ms . with the agaltr.of an . bldian, darted
into the street and caught him by the . head;
.stopping him almost instantly. The feat sal
witnessed and'applauded by several-gentlemen.
. old friend,' .
J. -11.
AmusoX, has removed !ritini ;Washhigton, D.C.,
to Jersey. City, where ho is engaied•in the real.
etsto business. . -
—Hon. C. •Ilmi 'e n erri rod at his home on
Friday evening las .
—Worthy Pairia rch Bnosson, of Pleasant
?donut Minim, B: of T., Orwell, is attending
thit mooting of the Grand Easton..
- •CoL Jos. T. Horton, who has been in the
office at the Ward Hops° for the pest year, lass
Accepted a position at the Bernice Colliery. We
congratulatepar, ECDZII.LL & : 8A3D73.89N on
their forinneln securing his services. .
Priitar :
• Which I want to resay—
Ana the talking is mine-- -
That for Wolf that-are pay
And for turns - Mat are lin e
. _,,—.
The teaching tyre pecrillAr—
Which ,the same I now write to define.
Writing was my forte,
And I shall novir_resay
In respect to my sport
What his words might convey :
Batt, my Icrilotier; (Ata paper
O'er the bank nortliot Can!on'ailighwaY•
Yankee Bradford has six—
It its pens I mean— •
To relate any-fix . • -;
Which is.queetish when seen;
So Many of your ways are nimble,
Just °scram iheir . colunto tureen.
itay- FRIEND ALTORD: As we value
'a paper for the instructions tre receive through
its collmins, whether politiiml, religious or so
cial, an - w-cAktdok Ws, duty of those that witit
Instruction and those who can instruct, to com
municate with each.other:through the columns
of their county paper. 'Accordingly, I thetrght,
it.wouldi not conic amiss tome to endeavor to
give the necessary information to friend "S."
in your last issue, although I have no dould but
"P." will; but Whethcr "P." or "Q.," it is but
right that the inhabitants of the count,i , should
know the laws under which we live. But{here
are many like "S." that doubt even - the 'OVA:
tone() of such a law as "P." mentioned in your
paper in reference to horses, cattle, tke,.; run
ning at large ou the. highways., Indeed, there
art; many that do not want to know. If others
clear land and give piirt6f it for roads, all Sight ;
it lieloUgsio - the public+ and cows, hogs,
whether two-legged or four-legged, have aright
there. But, Sir; if those laws should be argued
through the papers and' farmers generally en
forced them throughout - the county, Mfr. "S."
and others would soon find out that there- is a
law in the statutes of Pennsylvania forbidding
cattle, &e., tc.i!riin at. larr.m•onthe imblic high
way ; and if "S." will condo eiend to go to the
nearest J.P. hi his tbwnsliip and' call for the
pamphlet lawS of -186-I,..nmler the local items of
Bradford comity he will Bud- the law and the
time of its pasage. Then, he may i!iquire of
1. Juirsisox oriNaiiiir whether it is constitution
al or not, or ho may apply to the Supreme Court,
of Pennsylvania, leaking York State to take-care
of i'Yeelf. , .
Is CAanvFµ' gifestion to some tni
seciii novel; Init novel Hanish it may be, we
bare co meeting -house in our quiet. and grow-
ing Tla:re is one inlight a mile - awai;
atill the public Worship of God is held herein
the .Academy. Yet we do much need a inee.f:.
ing-house, and there are enconrag,inFpnispects
before U 3 for ono in the order of Gbd's provi
'acme. The following will explain what is be
_ •
log done,:
, Caltrrowc, April 114871.
In accordance with an appointment made at.
our balhbay meeting, Monday evening, the 10th,
we znerat Caraptown Friday afternoon,lhe llth,
to take into consideration the propriety of build
ing the Baptistnieethlg r huuge (of die Wealus
ing Baptist church). •
The following preamble and resolution was
airkited by -the prinbipal subscribers of the
• \ •
Wur.i:Eas, In par hnintite judgment, under
i‘mistrig 7 Tircumstances, it is best for us \to build
the Baptist meeting-house at Camptowp there
fore •
Resolved, 'Milt no unlit; our :name[ and
[donut Trish the Camptowntsubscriptiun for
that, object ; And that Buy . E. Ds:amorous cun
tame to bobeit [subscriptions until the amount
needed is realized.- Also that a subscribers'
- .
meeting be called to elect building committee
and make other arrangements as soon- aa prac
ticable. (Signed) C. A. Scitanza, '
P. a - rs.u, Deacons,
I'. h.
I. • W. C . -!,"'
P.. Ilennoedus,
Approved by the Church la Vitt- regular cove
nant, and church meeting, April 22d.
Also the following rrssolittion :
licso/red, That as a church we acknowledge
our poverty and humble dependence . and do
thankfully express our gratitude to thid - for the
kindness thus far shown _ma from those
scribing for the ereetuni Or the lsaptist meet
nig-house ;, and do sincerely hope that otheri3
will do likewise. Also that those who have
promilwd,to help US if we go 011 will 1.1 c) so, as
we are going
.I*„.. 3tr..Eprrort : An inciaw.t came
to ins the other day, which we so greatly ro
joieed over, that w e cannot refrain fr.mi send
ing it to th e hi:tslirrmi, hyping it may serve as
'l,lv...timing to thine 'olio • may be similarly SU
litirintentling some gambling "li,vintlin." Tho
litem runs as follows: At Lima, N.Y., on the
;evening of the 3 , .1 inst., Mrs. LocKiNoroN, a WO
man of emtraordniary physical strength, paid a
visit to the ",Kremlin Saloon," where card play- ,
jug and drinking were being carried on. After
rescuing . her son (a yoUng man abont twenty
one) and administeiiiig 1 miishment with no
gentle hand, s ovorturned, the table, break;
Mg bottles, glasses and taloic into fragments,
and frightening oitt the occupants of thiCroom‘
The proprietor fortunately ,eluded her eon-like.
grasp, and from the window of the hotel oprie
site watched the crowdgattnial about the.en--
trance of Ins saloon, and the iinpression made
upon them by Mrs. LocstNirro, who came out
upon the walk with the cards in her hand,'scat
tering them in_ every- direction, and cried,
"leri,;4s.your kanibling house." Many of the
citiiens of . Ir. arl4rejoicing over the cleaninh
out of eldace from whence such evil influences
emanate. We are glad to know that there is
_ono such place destroyed in : the ,beautiful vil
lage of L. We balk to ticar of like fate to one
or two others which still exist there. Would
tharthe wirer; mothers;'and sisters all °ref the
lamb. who arc suffering by such Kreinlha, might
rise/up in .rebellion against these altradire
places which our youth so often frequent, and
blot them from existence. If civil legielation"
cannot put an end to such nelariony pursaltri,
let it be Cfrectnally done by wunian. .1f the
world in general was °idyl:drat by many more
MM. LocEtscrromt in Phylical Vanity, and scores
of duplicates of ANNA Dicusbox .characters "of
christian greatness arid mental strength, great'
would be the work accomplished. I doubt
a hetherwe. worild sec strong, able-bodied men
falling at noonday in onr.streets from intones-
tion, or Apending theirstvenings in playing cards,
betting and swearing. Would that the day
might.come when American Woman will find.
but alio has something to do. with staying this
tide of sin and wretchedness. - - ZzLi.a..
Monroeton, April 17, 1871. , _ '
.• „,
theirmarness Department to Cilia •F. barrow,
who will hereafter conduct the badmen.
Messrs. Huszrnurr Bncrrusus will continue the
Boot and Shoe bushmna on a mare extensive
scale than ever.
Imams lOC - •
IMS# Qood.lasta ;Ain •••
ty a plain.face, and no one t W &heat° • •
saseetierktiuet a neat eared Jewelry is important
h tistt dread*, Wilma:this One of the Wiest
stocks ever brought jo this market, and pt fig-
Wel `!lra/doein., , It is unuccomary to say that
hin piece of business is Main sticot just abore
Bridge. •
= Jib- Go early if you wish a seat - at
the Children's Concert. _Admission 25 cents.
ter Best " Black Alpaca " in the
market s for Ade by Tama it Co.
1191. Clive we the children / yet for
a fine concert.—Brniihtiry.
The child= willgive a geed seanint of them
solve, Friday evening.
109•. H. C. lirninsini is prepared
to do all kinds of binding and ruling at the,
Bindery, third floor of Ltstroarza budding..
: ,STeiww . ,4leL!. will close
up his plietoiriphio badness in iho Leliays
el& Photograph Gallery, April 29,1371.•:
Mir If you want a nice P!:,ninet or
Sat, go to*Mra. J. D:IIILL's, on Bridge Street.
Nifir The _dpfist place to'liny
Silltmery Goode is at Mrs. I. D. Du i's, on
Bridge! street:
• 106 ELS:K.G. for sale by 'limos
& co. •
Stir Eltiris‘-..4..gmeiurra are- this
wett opening .ffete Spring Goats, which then
offer at popular prices. Bridge street.
Mir No. 1. leztok -at TirLog's .&.
Co.'s oobunn. • •
pg;„ Japanese Silka, and
French Poplin.; also hill4ins wt Med Dress
Goods ) at Ersxs k Etu.intcrlfs, Bridge tercet:
• ilk' Cutting,' 14ting and Dre s s
Making,doncon the shortest notice and in the
most bpi:7°lyd manner, at Miss Musorls.
per Bargains at TrtYLOR: &
Look at column "10. 1." •
ler - Ladies will find new F'mlvoi
deries and nevi Trimmings, in, great variety, a
Evaxs h HILDI#IO9, Bridge street.
11e). Look at TAYLOR & C . o.'s col
num this week.
SOD" EVAI% RILTMETIr are offering
G'reat Bargains in Table LineinVNapkins, Tow ! .
els, Towelling, &e. -pridgo street.
Glove Fitting Corsets, at•Tsx
Los fr., co.'s. • ,
Ve- - 31atlam D'ot's Supporting Qor
f,eta, at TAILOIE.;
ier "Flow is this for high ?" Hats
ur men and boys, at T.m.oa Co.'s, .
WiiiiEts.---Carper4ers, Plasterers
anda Painter to labor, and talle part payment
in desirable bpilding lots iu this liiirqugh. •
Towanda; April 10-41 t. GEO. T. Con.
Sgt. The largest and most ecimplete
assortment of Furniture in' Northern Pennsyl
vania may be found at Feusr.t. SONS . mammoth
establiShment t assertion will be fully veri
fied when you call and .ea. •
ie.:. G. S. Smrru .4 card
In another eolwmn, to which we invite, the at
tention of our readers. 2 , The *Of the.
" dal - auks" roattufachlrod at his ca . tahlish
!pent needs no recommend frnm-tts.
ter:Men and Boys' Hats---gitai I
variety at i j'Arunt Co.'s.
ak c
no assortment of Piques,
Percales, Light Prints, lc., at EVANS 1111.-
tntrrifs, Bridge btrect. , .
. _
HATS AlD : Caps.—The best as§crt,
moult eveTffered in plwanda, at Timon ,t.
se. Dr. CLAfiIC -4 411 bO at Americafi
louse, Waverly,.Fiiday,!April 28, and at Rath
bun Honse, , Ebanra, on Saturday, April 2p.
April 1.2 3w. - .
st.:The Bradford County Medi
cal Society *ill tricot in Troy, on Wednesday,
the 3d-of May nest, at 10 o'clock, A full
attendance is desired. E. P. ALLEN, Sec'y.
ter The- -cerebrated Perfume,
Chrystaline de Frimee, is 'gaining an enviable
reputation and extensive sale. It 'is said to be
one of. tile beat perfumes ever. put up. Prepar
ed by C. F. Powam..
BOARDECO.—A few bediders can se
cure first-class rooms with Loud, by sppl)ing
at No. 32 Second street. F. E Post:
Also a new on? -horse covered Carriage (rub
'bar top) for sale t ,at a bargain. F. 4. Purr.
Go to the Tobacco Store to
bny yotir Tobacco: Euxoss b now selling
Michigan tobieco worth one dollar per pound
at seventy cents. — Also Natural Leaf Smoking
Tobacco worth fifty cents at thirty cents.
.111111" Messrs. IMULLOCK,
Of the Central Meat Mitrket,lave purchased of
ens,* V. E. St. J.. E. Promsr, another lot of
their:fine Beef Cattle, one of nhich hi the kir
gest ever slaughtered for this market. Ile is.
5 years old arid - wkigls 2,300 lbs. The IMg Steer
will hang in their Market on neat Monddy.
Call .and fee :
E. EviticorGuY
i It is asserted, and the
tion is undoubtedly true, thdt there is. not a
single descendent of Clristophey Colgmbus
how living. It is also susceptible of proof that
J. 0. Fnos - r & Boxs, sell more. furniture than
any other establishment in Northern Pennsyl
vania;.and the reason-will explain: they keep a
largerassortmeot and sell at lower I•iir.a.
C. F. Cnoss says, and we be-
Hero it, that be bas i s larger and better assort
ment of wall paper window shades and cur
tains, than ta crei..before been exhibited in
this market ; and we might add that he sells
More goods in thialline•thaviny other eitab-
Ligament in this section. Ilis store is also the
place to Illy school Sod miscellaneous books
Maj: E. W. HALE has Ikea ap
pointed agent of the Connecticut 'Mutual Life
Insurance Company fur this cxmnty. No man
in this. sectionlias given - the subject of Life In
latrance more careful attention than Maj. IL,
and the fact that he has been irtsihk for a long
time in the Connecticut Mutual is subthantial
evidence hi favor of the advantages offered by
this:Company. We advise every man who has
not already a life insurance policy, to consult
with llij. flux and satisfy themselves in re
gard to this important matter.
,• •
• We have recently examined
one of the most useful inventions wo have ever
seen. We refer to the "Keystone Churn row
er," put up by Hays PIIOIIIEIIR, Monroeton,
and for sale by Conntso, Itussnx.t. A. Co. The
machine is simple, not liable to get out of or
der, requires less power to work it, and is cheap. .
A common dog will do a large churning with
ease. Farmers and dairymen should give it an
sm. Twenty to forty pgr cent. re
daction from the printed prices of other Organs
is made at L. B. rowsu.'s Branch Musk Store,
Towanda, in order to bring the profit down to
the same percentage 'road° on• the Mason it
Amain Organs. A corresponding fedurties is
also made in Pianos, in order to bring them to
the plan of rni/ profits and no fOriation ix
price, which has been adopted with ad much
success by Messrs. Cinculato k, Sops.
Apr. 19-3 w.
beUM •
- „ -
....1 1 ;kays„ ois
'fiea Orit \ cital fsibliat 4 boa
now locatOti, atleao4 kir 10 1 )74370r, 'bide.
liiis isles •ird's4adiliinctuslng.
tai" F. J. CAumrs h just roturn
ed from the ci with a full sup yof Books and
13tatiOntry.- Ho haL4mado urs gement. -for
supplying Bntiday-schooli:with boo thO same
u they were formerly. furnished b Ikv. II;
WIG) is the Foaled benefitutor
who teaches people how to Urn their oWn y.
trig. ITO 'our feadeis a hint, which,
ed Wpon+will enable them to greatly reduce the
cost of liiing; and hero it ti : - Bay 'youi gro
ceries at tlceinei Etrw.4te', where yqn aio
sure to Otii pump guodstnd at the lowest !rims.
, PATltorilzz You "Holtz NUitSkitY.
—Cue= Guam ith:s---Fuie vines of Delaware ,
Eutuelsn; Salem, Or White :Coikwd,
Hartford Prolific, Croreling,.Coneonli
r varieties, for sale cheap. I would Wilto at
tention especially to the E • amblan. '
E VEIL° lIEEN HEDGE PLS.:CM—Very finereri
ean Arbor-vihe'planti from 12 toll Inch high
:—twice transplanted and stocky—havoi been
'sheared in the Suntory ; for sale cheap.
Cum= Pr.An Timm—Both standard and
dwarf, of the leading . wariotied. '
Cnoicr. Itscn Tnr.w.—A Soo stock of Pesch
trees of the leading and best varieties.
Cnorcr. Qualm AND Pint Tarms--Ot leading
SPLE.NDED EvEsonunini.—Scsirsy Eipincos„,
Balsam Firs, Irish Junipers, Arborlitresi
AMU TlMEl4.lfAiurs, and other Otnuncad
Tree; Shrubs, Vines and Flowers.
Cum= Torn 17..11111 'OLD Arrr.r. ?cc.
Patronize your "home Nursery."
B. M. WELsis.
Tau Suu o Guamos.—The" Popu
lar Ono Price Clothing Howe, No. 123 Ilaln
stleet, enters upon a war path. I shall JICCOF:
pliali more, and capture a greater number at
entitomeni with my immerise s andbratock•
of IteadNade Clothing, than any - Other• three
Clothing Stores in this place; or tlutzeven dd.
King William took prisoners yr:tit - all his fight-
My motto—True, Donor:dile and Fair Deal
ing with all.
AU goods markedju plain tlgunts ; veer) , ar
ticle guaranteed u ..represented or money re
funded. , My stock !Spring and Summer Cloth
ing for Men's, Yorgkis' and Boys' wear, is far the
largest and handsotriest outside New York eity.
Goods sold at actual wholesale' prices. • The
*most particular custon*r can be pleased in-my
establishment. I ant 4arefal to give everybody
satisfaction. Rot's, 054 and Gents Furnishing
Goods at prices to please-Big, mainmgrs. ,
Ecnieniber_ the Vern* \ One Price Clothing
house is the,only 'fo)i ands that urea
up•to the, opt.; price system. : ' No shoddy pods
Store., _ - \ •
A new, handsome add well made stock' of
Clothing,•lhits and Cap, and Gents' Furnish
ing Goods' at bargains, at theToptilar One Price
Clothing House or Sotoxox, ono door
north of Taylor k Co.'s,-112 Main street.
.Towanda, April 21,1671.
WHEELED—PIWYNE.—At the bride's borne,
23,-1871, by the Der. Z. Lane, Delos
Wheeler to•Saneh Prnyne, of Bnrlington.
LEMDIC.E- 1 Ut:DON:sZELL.--,On Sundae-, April
15; Ig7l, by rev. 0. A.. Parks, Itobert
of rithiton, to Katie I.l.eDonnell, of 'Wilkes-
Barre. . ,
tre,-April 16. ISII, by the Rev. W. C. Peek,
• Spencer Willuir,.of Nichols,. N.Y., and Miss
N. C. YangordeK, of I.itelnleLl i Pa."
STROPE MCNEAL—It North Towanda,
April 23, 1871, by S. L. Mills, Esq., .Samuel
Strope and Alums lleNeal, all of Dueington.
'ELLI.I,k;II,.—At his reindonce in Easton, Pa.,
• April 14, 1 , 371, at 9 o'clock, a.m., after au ill
ncgs of nine days, of congestion of the Lraip
Petur Tether, an old antrbighly-tsteetrKd
Arlinflr'*. LIMEY order
50:14t Wool:low 'York orgy week,
Aildrithete geode' shtity; glee
000014309 boletickato other
Tuwa . ul6 Fa., April 19-2 w.
Deceased-was born at-San Juneau, nor Bor.:
(Intim, Trance, in ISOS, and' America
- 4,
inFIS2S,' landing at Wilmington , Del. If after
ward, moved to Ehilitdelphia, where I ?.) ie4 n e d
the confectioner y. business, and subs'. nently,
in the year•lB3o, Went to Easton anda opened a
confectionery store, in . whicli business . he was
engaged initil.the time of his , 4teath; By the
eterchioof business qnslities of A. high order,.
together with a high-toned spiritiof fairnesa in
his dealings, be beesmequitesc4 . ei saltilin btu&
' ness and fur a number of years enjoyed atand
'mne- competency. His sympathetic nature and
congenial disposition won for him many sincere
friends. He was a worthy eitizen, a faithful
friend, and a kind and indulgent parent. - His
encouraging words and generous actions will
ever lice in the recollection 4 the many whom
•he has befriended. The . remains of the de
ceased were consigned to that' last resting..
place on Monday, April 17. "r; Cont.
HILLS.—In Windham, April 4, 1871,'0f scarlet
fever, Myron 0., sou of Rev. J. W: and R. A.
Hills, aged Di years, 7 months, 4 days. ,
. Idrrice was a .. quiet and; noble youth. His
amiable character, retiring manners and good
habits gave him many warm friends, wyo deep
ly feel tile - loss of his sudden and early depar
ture frcim them. But be 'went down into the
valley with no fear, saying, "All is / pleasant ! it
is beautiful here, but it will be more beautiful
if I don't live"; and reaching ipward, mid—
i "They ate waiting fOr me l" I.lone feel his loss
more than his drvotedparentsi—aithongh great
-and irreparable, vet wUirust it will be his eter
nal. gain. lty his request, his remains were
conveyed 16 Warren to be consigned to the nar
row house :qv:Anted fur all' hying, followed by
a large number of sympathizing friends - both
from Windham and Warren, who joined to pay
their respects to ono greatly beloved and nni
versally lamented. , • W. C. Iles.
II011TON.• -113 Shealtequin, March 31, Int,
Mary A., IrdiS of E. A. Horton; aged 26 years
and 6 drys.
Although youthful alie,trais called away ;
Her body will moulder back to clay;
Her memory will be cherished hero,
11c friends and neighbors farind near.
That che , •r!nl voiee_aml smiling taco
From iiionn;ry no'crcan beerasol;
While bore on earth we do remain,
11 c enn't'fbiwo.l. her flying pain.
Jesus in mcrey from Ileavcn looked down,
Placed on her head the glittFring crown—
" Come, dear sister, comer said Lie;
And dwelkin Ilea Veil along with me.".
May Gcd protect her clii/di - cn dear:
That mother's voice they neer will hear:—
That kind, consoling, soothing word, -
In griefs which they hive heard.
Friends ant relatives, every one,
We feel to Say, "God's will be dciner—
To hnubly kiss thq chutening rod,
For now iu,Hearen she dwells with God.
I. J. Honros
WELII3.—In Herrick, Feti..1.,,1371;at the benee
of.Lyrnan Manson, after a lingering film-3A of
nearly two'yeara; of conalmption, Mao Lo
phende IVella, I:get 16 years. '
Her prayer was, "Lord, • make me t A i know
mine end,ar.d . the measure of my days, what it
is; that I may know how frail I suf." This was
her frineral teat: She died in hope, of a blissful
resurfection. I. Boaaorega.
Tifsearora, April 17, 1871, Albert
•SmitboigedZl years. .
A kw days before hia death he said, "I hare
never drank a glass of liquor, played a game at,
card's, or attended a dancing party." He trust:
ed the oplySarior, died in
: peace, and rests in
- J H
hoPe. H. W.
110LC031B.—rell asleep in Jesus, in LiDay,
April 6, 1871; or consumption, .Lotiis 0. 1
youngest son of Leroy and Rhoda Holcomb,
aged 17 months. , ' •
;- HENRY HUM, Merchant Tai
lor, Drift° street.
.Rhode Island Lime kept . con
istantly on band for Whitewaiihing, al
29, 1871) _-W. A. ROCICWELL'L
t A full tusortment'of Dried and
Canned Fruits, at Low&
Feb 73, -3
Piiiiiiihaying M2llofaidlNlSi
nese With L. L. Moody, rg r w
tana at.tho fßoce of items. dad fait
, Towanda, Aril 24,, 187 L
. ,
Bar The DigricA os k i ention; LO.
of (}.T ,will meet si Anse tie sad bl,
1871. Iteedbers will be with ha ilsre
T , crier . LULU. eoispplfeetias* So Wiest
B.L. Gamete, 13ee'y.
imbuing, olivie 2171871-4 w. i I '..,; T
..:- .. . I
sir Buy the /Keystone Churn P
er. For Weary ditammo . Btu= & Co.;
2fi, 1571,4 L,
Mir asito the Bakery,. first
Wirth ot HousO, for fresh Crackers;
,_Oct. 27 DUO. . D. W.Scarr
J 8://` Dried. Beef, Pickled To
gadStnoked Lo4ia9.
inFeb• 2 k /811.
~" se,..AiziTh S. )tisos, ir gradtutle
:t Lyons Musical Academy, ogress bet services
teacher at Piano ssa Guitar. - Bercrences—
lik: Sherwood, A.llLa k yons, N.Y. • Wm. Dit^
•: , Towisida. : Arm-49;1871—M
~ ... , • _
Li m= k CZ AND G. 31v.
=Every item . constitating the Net
can be Alma in theme beautiful W
sa rum_
Piano Foi
-Ye? sale
torrilaca's Music Stan..
M. The : -yatone Churn Power.
for dog, shell' or is noiseless, tabs with
less trictiob, pore • arable and simpler than
any other Power.. turetai ungzsg, adler isle by
the patentees, " wits
•-•-• Monroeton, Pa.
Send/or *ruler. Age .is wanted in every
county of the State. April 26-4
-varieties Garden Peas, at
Mar. 28,1b71.
186 Do not forge
at Keeler's for 50 cetitc
_ 361... The T. C. Ligi
C. Mum; Pianos are the fw
Mrs. Peet, Miss Howes ani'
hare had theSclinstrnments
tor front Ave to fifteen years. For solo - at Dit
trieles linsingtore, :TcroTada. •
Or. 12, 18Th
Bar Pena . us desiions of pnrchao.
/rig either a Piano, Organ, or Melodeon, IV do
*ell to cell on A. B. Clare; at Jatndng, Ps.,
as be is now selling at greatly- prlipes.
Mr. C; is also
_sornt for the celebrated Elias
Howe dertring Warm's. • Mar. 30-31 n.
17t3 are selling first-class' Pianos, Organs sand
Melodeons at reduced prices and on cony terms.
"'croons who , are in want of s good instrument,
will find it greatly to their advantage to give na
a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Jan. 18, ipp.
'tom- he Cascade Mills hare, .
covered that the first essential to good ifur la
yuod Nieat ; and 'accordingly have secured a
large supply of really cheiee, plump, winter va
rieties, all of native growth and good as the
United States.prodnees. Consumers need not
look fort falling off in the guilty of this brand,
but for better and better &attics:time.
March 15,1871--t. --
'quiz SAL.--Desiring .to change
bissiness we offer fur sale our Livery Stock,
consisting of eight horses,, buggies, cutters,
harness, and everything necessary to al first
class livery. If desired we will also rent our
stables for a term of years. , Terms easy.
iter For insurance against loss or
damage by, fire, in reliable companiea, appri to
Joux W. BD; Agent, ,
Towanda. Pa.
Oftlec ltleren;'a Block; north side of Public
Square. Dee. 1, 1870-.
ree- :BA:LDWIN, '(successor
A; to.
Aspinwall dmler in Hardware, Tin
ware, Stows; Nails. Iron. Rope, Belting, Paints,
Oils, Putty, Basil, Glass, Doors, and everything
usually kept In a Hardware! More. Goode sold
at wholesale and retail very tow. Tirms cash.
Dec. 4 1870—Jr.
dam' T have kyst received, a larg,c
stook of Tea, lunight *Ulm the reduction in/the
duty on tea of ten cents •per pound, and offer
them at the low prices annexed :
I",e 4t Yount flyson. $1.25 ; Good Young Hy
am, $l,OO Oolong. 70 th 00 cents : Ilyson Fine,
75 cents; Iti•son Good, 53 c 0,04; Best. Japan,
$l4O. C and examine. •
Jan. 19, 1: • GEo.
1826. MONTANYES' 1870.
Hare justtened slum and carefully select
ed stock bf Foods fir the fall trade.. Dress
Goods, Shee ngs, Flannels, Prints, kc. Teas,
Sugars, Smirks, and Groceries of all kinds at
:Sew York pnces. Crocker* and Glasswittro of
our own inipprtation, in fact too extelnure a
stoek,to itemise, bought exclusively for cash,
and gmaranteed to be mid at lower prices than
ever offered itf ‘ this — inarket. •
New Advertisements
A \ S T E
Molt, sup Ply of Fresh Ground Cayuga Planter
front Yanger 4 Fitch k Co.'s beds at the anMeiibees
mill. at moat! of Ittimmerfleld Creek; nicely pre
pared and warranted a pure Wide.
ap 2"11-3ne JA.MR4 ESPY.
I • ERY.
lam now able to supply the Nurser} or de.
dvered at the railroad station: 4st-class Trees of
the following varieties: A!ppb, • . . Plum. Peach.
Cherry. Apprieott. ,Norway Sp • ..• Stabs= Arbor
Vitae. tr. Grape Vines of all the I. . nrrarieties.
Strawberry Plants by the dozen. tat .. or thous
and. all at who/crabs prices. B. M. ES.
ap1.12'71 T. .da.:l%.
JL Mater and drain nroaditast Sower cont •ined.
for raking hay or grabs stubble, sowing pt'
grain; kr. A splendid rctecess. Farmers, once •
the Plaster Sower work there will be no icon so -
Ing pastel hpband. Tor sale b
Towanda, Pa.
WHITE PIGS FOIL 'B.lLE.—The subscriber
haa a few pure blood Chador White Pies. six weeks
old. for sale. Price 415 per pair, or 15 for sing},
pig. Call on or address E. M. BISHOP.
ap1.19.w2 Macedonia, Pa.
nissoLunoN.—Tho co-partner
ship heretofore exteting between W. IL Shaw,
dohrprannil and W. K. gill. under the firm name
of Shawi .Brand co., is this day atiascilyeal by
mutnarriontient. W. IL SHAW..
ANC 18, 1871
The bus:neas will be continuo(' by John Braimd
and W. K. HUI under the Arm of BRAUN') k MILL,
who will settle the accounts of the late firsii. AU
persons Indebted must make immediate payments.
April 18, 1871-wS BILAUSD k
_ •
3: S. ALL Y, & CO. -.
Having pun : lased the Furniture Store M ,D: L.
Pacznast is Ifercied Mock, have added largely to
their stock, and nor offer
. .
ou every descrtpeon at prices which will-
Having purchased the Stock for CASH. they lbel
warranted In saying that - they can offergeoder
dncenienta than any other 1 establishment in the
county. Teiranda. April 28. Ml.'
J .E, BOLT,RS I co
COmmisgiOn 3ferchants •
- Respectfully eolseit consignments of
Derma. E 305. Mail, VEAL. V(XILIttY.
And all other Tann Prodnes. ' •
' One of the thin haring realcied in I ficrinlon
the past ten years. and baying an =lenitive acquaint--
sue with the business men of the city. we feel e.
fident that we can sell prOduce to the entire satis
faction of consignors.
REFEREN - • . ✓
/ • ' CES. •
. L.B. CIIIIIII3I7CIC.' A 4i. YEISBIE. Orwell. Ps.
naLDwnt RLACKXAN. cionsaat a cOL
VAN. Lawson.. Pa.
luun. Pa. ,' , • ,
a. cwastrax. HURT sacataiza. Nos
-415. X's. •
a. 2 . smut. " [Apl46ll) A MAIL
• ,
AT TN2 -
• ' • I-1/
Be i n # l o 011 1 16 "n 8 i"
at Taylor ft, COL
Bich Black Ma,
Itch Pop
New 4Lyle Scm
Wash Poplins,
Eandsottlo Dress GoodN
Cheap Dress laoo4s,
Linens ad Napkins,
White Goode,
lbaim and Trimmings.
at Taylor & Co.'s.
Clotlu3 and Caisimeres, . I '
. at Taylor k
Cottontules and Chocks,
at Taylor & Co.'s.
Kentucky Jenne,
Yankee Notions,
/ •
nt / Taylor
Hqslery and Glove /
kt. Taylor & Co.'s.
Hats and Offs, • -
at Taylor & Co.'s.
Ladies and Children's Shoes,
/at Taylor & Co.'s.
liouitr.s EINSAGE.
Carpe Oil Cloths,
• at TaTlor
Sheeting and Shirtings,
Prints and Ginghams,
)ns aro-can
n order drawn on
School Theodora o(
Ay. and dated sub
e of R. S. Sabin.
the said Directors
'polled by law. By
HEY Anna.
, ..", ~, . ..,c, • -... 1 / 4 ., ...i..1.$ i •
N.r. .a... _ • .X. I '
- i'v V - 4...4,41...,,.. 1 i;
ti - .
1:10' - - CP Ir.. i ' ,
! . Tr ,t . .. , . ~ ..tq , t•
. ~,... •,:to
+st.Tsylor k
( • W 1 r
*t Tikykrik Co.'s.
st Taylor 4, C4O.
dsome Plaids,
at Taylor &
at Taylor & Co.'s.
st Taylor & Oo.'a.
at Taylor &Po:a.
Taylor & Co.'s.
;st Taylor
' at Taylou& Co.'s.
' 1. cy 'Goods,
at Taylor it po.)s.
' •
at Tav)or*, /
at Taylor k Co.'s
at TaylOr& Co.'s.
Towanda. April 12, 1871
Is ♦2 SUE
• °
4 .
._ • WbJc Till cub's us to sell
. ,
• 4-7 1
Our stock comprioes I full lice of
CalLDl=l3:' WEAR.
. . a
Byli howeebie etel
ilopateenego. fair deelleg ire expect to matt
beeenipub •
plasm Ova as sal! beton parlasfaig Malmberg
toe re lasi maddest that oat Flogs sad mime will
Eilara it NOR* '-
1114.411.1 , 2 . ,
• * *
II t =
4. 1
ra, tip
clan eanipatinon In several et its leading pants:
It stands In the front rank awing single mown.
'and is of novel design, and prawns'!" raw and die.
tinctive features which will commend therawilses to
the practical tarwer,pit saranhatient. f AIM"
Are the following: A Jointed eonnectli4 "
pitman that allows:the free play of Ms • kWh in any
,poeitiott of Ws Analog Ampantturg biting cis:
AI aids desk lin vreMA oaths benne soder; the
Tongue con be west u may be desired ;
and the change ntadis amonidy. wahont.rdote,
Sle rata4
: brain eV finger-ba, can he
idi /
vaned to any tro pees trees; stumps, or other.
obstructlosui, or folded / over for tramPortat4 or
ankddal.' by the sails nib at fir bier,: out
rowing out of gelid: eteppfim the il emiwor the
dri th ver leaving his seat. The :drivers Mid Wei&
sable from the rest of the machine, la. safe sad cam.
torah* and it Arranged on the principle eta lever.,
admitting of balancing the amebae peffectly, 'snit
ratting the Waco' wets et 41
It haw rnlitY fillistAiduable raids tee niniareaa
to mention here. It is made of first -rids' a matabb,
well Wide and finished in every part 7 -rendering its
durability worestioned: , • . /
Itis bight drafted.roodiajruti'the mower our
f e
thin armera have been baidog for: :ad deottoid to
ad loot
all kinds of surface:
• •
AllEn'S „FOR ./B,RA.DroaD
* II6;S B. Si. Big Potio / .1, Ps.. foe spring:
field sad West Burilpigtcui. _
_ . ..
CEARLZEI W..BIXET; Dig Pond. Zr... for M.
bury and lkoithAsid. • •
.3AltiEll. morn.. son a/ creek. Pa.. for Routh
Creek and Wrdlo•
D. B. EITOWRLI i . Bog* Willi Ps., for VOrry„,Wll;
al " " 4 IV7 /9" li nd• 1 . ,
Tbe nibaikbar will 4U the
K .13-7/- MAC HINES--:
• In /astral Bradford. •
11114aWaiir, Ilicseenti asdieepondble men want.
ed Wad magenta In the northeaatern counties of
Penneylvanfe and epatheasteen New York. beirin
Wag with Bennett minty and seam to the Bud
s= riven oir where there are. no *gents already
i i =ineelintes be an el:Whitton its bast
Iteltreed Stallone. Address the eabeeriber
-VIELT.M3, Cl*NaL 44E.,
spL / 4"ii-tt TOWANDA.
' Are now offerings Orti Verity of • .
t • ,
' DRESS G - 00D - S, ,
Extra Iluality
qtuintity, quality, or price that the ruarke
impplicd at New :York prices.
yoiriui April 1871-3 m
- .
Carl iagC Eta ctory.
S 4 continues jhe nuundketase
Of every d pilot, at the old stand of G. Li.
s work ts all of the e
1 4
.Ib, -,
Ut the manufacture a 'wagons nothliq Ii used but
. - .
• Togethe; wit the
C O . *P rOA :BO
Tlts.bek Eastern stock is used in the manufacture
of Whv els. fres are all rived eat—not sawed.
• These 'eelebiatad and accurate Pattcrui may be
tonal In all varieties and styles, for • •
Lungs, cza.Dßm BOTS•AXD:OIItI.9
. •
Ladles by sending for Catalogues can select, from
It any desired patterns, stating size and number of
pattern, which will be promptly fonrardqd .on re
ceipt - of price and stamp to prepay postajte.
Machine 'Stitching of all kinds done neatly and
. , . .
- . • (=met L]
And following the sewing machine. comes our
tashionmakers--Americaris of genius, of tastes, co}.
United and refined. And foremost among all these
ts the-iirmnf E. Buttenc.k k Co—whose great fashion
baser at 683,Broadway„ New York dig.. is to people
who drew well what the Bible is to a Christian.
Here this firm employs hundred' of ladies andtasta.
Ladle. who by intuition and experience know how
to set off the human form to the best advantage.
And here they study stylea—Make com binati ons of
colors=expirtritent and illustrate. tin frOM all their
work comes the fashions which are so universally
adopted in this conotep.. Hero they gat up patterns
for all sorts of dresses—for the kitch e n or the ball
room—ier the christening, the bridal, or_the buri al. They make little paper patterns of evernele Worn
by women or children. Th ese patterns with cuts or
pieties' allow ho* the article is to be readetip—bew
it will look—what material to make It of—what it
will can, and how long ► time will be required jo.
note it. They tell bow to fit any size, ahapa
horn; and to It 'TM and-what - colors will blend wit
each compleikm.—Powerefr Demean:.
Patterns are sent from this house to' all puts of
.Ainortes and . to Tarim' parts of Yampa Leery lady .
Ides procures one one, receives with it most
mlnutsinstructions regarding material *Oahe man
, row of putting the garment together. Pr: ended she
follows them' 'rite n:nous: she can cut. 'maks and
tThenni with mad pertectosseevery garment she weirs.
giddy and scornimy Odle process MAD
'set that it Med id coos to recovend by efill7 a =
is the country.—X. T. hodipeadest. resr.29,l,
"Pbet OR SAIAL Th The` undinsigned
.4; oar *ft Isla their %winless and badness stand
by thee as s =4 4 nd Sating Saloon. • The
ssisblisionent is hooded on khan street.
=Nateare new and afte the Court
. 13 Peat011ios, ka.. and has fee years been well
and nrrarshiy known Uftwagbold the county. or
any one wishing hs In badman in Towanda
this tura* oppcetamyas thakominsas Is comes.
WNW oa. s small gook andmwrty to sIIPIA/7
Masi hi nine. Amity as the
*earn i - irriroorr k 050.
~;~. ,~~QfOOui~OOSR
eel Movirez,..
OVCCESS,I,, , v ,
TIC7NpS, &c
HAIR .G.O 0 .
BM Slltia, AST.RS,
In Llgl4/Work
conpiantly on band.
•As to finish, and se to durability. ,
WALL 7oar. War.sLurtro.--Ca
NB& U. E. ()AWL*, AGENT,
totierllain sad Bridge Streets, Towanda. Ps.
HENRY T. ____ _
• • .J,/ •
• / /:- •
G A f'F, PILL S.
- -
6ropoisui.p pacr,s 7 :l7Lll7lD MILADT
_lll . l owz amok • •
ConikinlJ, Jaundice; Bilious . Affectiost.
:moos ilFadiiche, Cothrotess, ek. Purely
,-containing no /term/7', jfinerati or .tkP
. These PiiH are thonwet:delightfully 'pleasant per.
Relive, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc.
Thorp is nothing more acceptable- to the atoutack,
115b.r.t.givo tone, and cease neither iiinsea norgrtp.
tug paha': They are composed of the finest foci...cli
ents. .After slew daye'xiso of theta, such an inv . *-
. oration of thn.ecittre system takes. Place 410 appeas
zoiracalons to the weak and enervated, whether,
arising trent linprwlence or_diseasc: 18. T. It elm
-bold'w Compound - Fluid Extract °Catkwol Oral*
Pills are not tapir-coated, from tlie fact that ritilt ,
coated pyills do not dissolve, but pass through the
stomach without - dissolving; evnseauently, do not
praidnce the delired dteet. = TUE 'vArAWRA
GRAPE Itazs. tin taste and color,
do not necoesitabs b &r= l sinpar-'doetod.'E
...61.11TVESTS , - .
F 4
• /' ' . . I
• .
Will rialea eateitsinatehmn the *ltem bagful*
111lia, Fever eve* Meese. Sore Ere. Sore Legs,
Sore Mouth, Sore 'Head, Bronchitis, skin Diseases,
'Salt Miele* Cankers. Running from the Ear. White
1 Swelling's. Tumors,: Deuterons affections, Nodes,
Rieke* Glandular Swelling,
.iiight Sweats, Rash.
Tetter; Humors, or all i kinds, Chtouic Rheumatism.
Diaper's* and all - diseases that' have • beim estah•
lishedtia the eyatent tor years.
Being prepared expressly for the above coinplainta
its blood-purifying properties are greater Banally
other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It gives the com
plexion a clear and healthy color and restores the
patient to a state of health and pluity. , For purify
ing the blood, removing idl chronic constitutional
diseases arising from arkimptire state of the bleed:
And the only reliable and effectual known remedy.
for the cure of pains and swelling of the bones, ul
cerations of the throat and legs, blotches, pimples.
on the face; erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the
skin, and beantyfying the complexion. Price. SI.BO
Perllottle. . • '
_ M
*nu cured every case of If iabetee_ in «hfeli it has
been even. Irritation of tho neck of:the—Bladder
and Inf Lunation - of the , Kidneys, ttletcration of the
Kidneys and Bladder. Detention of Urine, Diseases
of the Prostrate Gland, Stone ia the Dladder, Calcu
lus. . Gravel,' Brickdnst Deposit, . and Mucous or
Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled: 'del icate
constitutions of both sincii, attended wit #. the fol
lowing symptoms: Indisposition to ex ion, loss
.of power, loss of -memory. difficulty offbraathing,
weak nerves. tretabling,-horror of diseaee. wakeful—
ness. dlinuess of vision, pain inqhe bee,. Sot hands
flushing of the body; drynesit of the /skin, eruption
of-the face, pallid conntenam3c, universal lassitude
-of the muscular system, • . , .
used *persona e .agetvoi is to 23, anit
from 33 to 55 or. in tee de . eline t or change of life;
after confinement' of labiir pains; bed-ivettico, fir
children.- -
• •
fIELSMOLD EX74I.A.CT BlTellt.T is diuretic and
blod-purifying, aniTebres all diseases arising rfotu
habits of diazipatieti„and \exressi•s and. in - Trude'
eel; in life, impurities of the mood; • (dm, snpert - ‘31.-
tug copaiba In atrictiong for which - it hi used, and
syphilitic affectiims—in these diseases used 'in cell.
petion.yrith 111....LICROLD'S ROSE W.(SII. •
. many affection Yecullar to Ladies . , the Extract
eghti is unequalled by any; 'other". remedy—as in
cwoals or Itetemtioti„ Irregularity,' Painfulness or
(Suppresaion of Cwitomary .Evacustions. 'Ulcerated
Or tichirras state of the Eterns,. Lencorrhoi , a or
!,11C14,tes, Sterility, and for all coMpleinte 'incident:to
flr se x. whuth& . ! !wising from Indiscretion or babe
it drisipation.l It is
. prescribed exterieirely 'by
'the mosterautent — tohysimans and midwives for en
feebled and delicate coostitutions, of both sexes and
all ages (attended with info( the above 6i4eases or
VinPtorqa). •
• •
ernes Diseises .trig from imprudences, gab s
Dice Bois,_ •
, - •
In AU their "Wee, al little expense, little
change in diet, no inconvenience. and no eiposeure.
It MACS a frequent desire, and dyes strength_ to
Urinate. thereby repining Obstruettems.' prevet;
ing endearing Strictures Orr the Uthera., allaying
pain and inflammation. so, frequent -in this class of
disease", and expelling All poisonous matter. • .
Thousands who have been be victims of inctini;
relent poisons, and who have - paid heavy feegato be
cared In a short time, have found they have been
deceived; aid that the e. Pobion " has, j)y , the use of
"powerful.astringents," been dried up in . the sys
tem, to break ont in a more eggravated - term, and
% perhaps after Marriage.
trise MELMBOLD'S ExmAcr BUCHU for all
Malone and diseases of the trhiery Organ's,
• whether existing in Male. or Female; from ,whateVer
• eAuse originating. anitno matter of bow Meg stand
- • •
lict..\ - Y T. ITFIT4MBCiLD'':'S
- / yenta= '
Cannot be surpasied as a Face Wash. and will .be
found the only specitieremed,y in every species - of
Cutaneous Affection.• It-ispeedily 'eradicates Pim
pleektipota. Scorbutic Dryness, Intimations of the
Cutaneous Membrane, ect.. dispels Redness and In
cipient Inilamation; Hives, Rash, Moth Patches,
Dryness of Scalp or Skin , Frost Bites, - and for-all
pu, for whict Salves or Ointments are used;
restores skin to a state of purity and softness ;
and insures continued healthy acton to. the tissue bt
its veasUls„ on which depends the agreeable clear
ness and vivacity of complexion so much' sought
and admired. But however*valuable as a. remedy
for existing defects of the' kin, IL T. fielmbold's
Rose Wash has long sustained its principle ciaini to
unbounded patronage, by possessin,r, - qnalities which
render it a Toilet Appendage of the most imperils
live and congenialeharacter. comb ;Mug in an ele
gant formula thole prominent, requisites, Safety
and Maley—the Invariable accompairnents of its a preeervative and refesher of the' complex.
ion. It is an 'excellent Lotion for dial area of a
Syphilitic nature, and as gu injection for diseases of
Urinary Organs, arising from. habits of
used in connection with the MTRACTS
PILLS, Id inch 'diseases .as reccmamended;canoot
be surpassed. .PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER POT
TLE.. ,
' Full Ind eiplicit directions acconips4 the'inedi
Lvidenco of the most-responsible- and reliable
charades finalist:red - on application" with hundreds
Of thousands of living witnesses, and upward of
30,000 unsolicited certilliaitet and recommendatory
letterer. many of whir.h are from the highetdiources,
including eminent Physicians; Clergymen, States.
men, etc The proprietor has never, resorted: to
their priblicationin tlehaell*wi‘era ho does not do,
this f m the fact that his 'articles rank as Standard :
I'reparaWns. and do not neettte be propped up by
Deliver* to ipiaddreis. 64nre obecifatton.
. _
Sold by.,Druniste everywhere. ,Addresir letters
Air inforifiation. in confidence. toilMißE T. HELM
BOLD. Eirrialitt and Chemist. - . • . •
Only •
,Itrpots; • H. T. ESTASBOLD'S -Drag- sad
Cboundal Warehouse. 'No. 594 Itroadway. New 'York.
or tot IL T. NEWBOLD'S' Medical—Depot, 194
South Tenth Street. Philadelphlarri. •
r.-Hzuminarst :TAKE .NO OTHER.
Teb, 9, krt.:-
. • , Lisa, !-
. lion . •YAlllat - 11. ElTlOXlBM'President Juilgo
the 1211). Siadkiat District, consisting 07 tbe..
Ifcs of Bradford and fiewgiehanna, and lions, Zxnu..
Lox Yaamz lad J. W. I. axDrue.` Assodate Judges.
in and for said county of Bradewil. bare issued their
.liarinq date -the 31st day of March, • DM,
Qtrected for bolding Court ; of ClYcr and
Termhxx, General Quarter &Worts of the Peace, .
Common Picas, and_ Orphan's Court at Towanda,
for • the county. of Bradford, on Stolidity, Slay 1,
1871; to continue two weeks.-- . •
Notice is therefore ,lieroby4d4Cll to the Coroners,.
and Justices ot.the Nam.. of the connti of Bradford,
that they be then and there In their proper person, .
at 10 o'clock in . the Direnoon of said day, with rut
cord, inquisitions And other remembrances, to.d4
those things which to their office appertains to 1,4
done: and those who are bound' by rocognizal o "P
ortherwime tw prosecute against the priloners who.
are or may be in the jail of said County, or who shall
bo bound to.appear it the: said coart'aro to be thou
and there to prosecute against them an t hin be just:
Jurors are requested to bo punctual in their attest.
dam , mgelleably to theft notice. •r- .
Dated st - lowan they ,2d day - of April - ,in th 4
• year of our Lori!, o thousand croft t huhdred an ,
. -, and tin. Itideperulenca of the
United Illtatos, the nthety.fourth.
J. P. VAN FLICIVT. • Al/ri.l7'..
.I_4 hong drawn ler Jueoris, Inale:ourt to be ledd
at Towanda, commencing on the .;at Monday of
'May, Is7l • ,
. . ,
, • - onaxn`ruar. \ - . - •
• Athena twp., Manson Elshree ... ;
Blirliiiiton two.,
Burton K. Gaudin, Robert O. -Kendall; West,.Eur... .
Wigton, Alvord.P. Rockwell; Canton :ern:, Fiiltik,.. _ ,
Owens; Franklin. Dan el Calmly: Granville,., A.,,.T.
Shoemaker. Era . nk Bunyan, B. S. Tanned; Leiv.y, , .
Andrew' WeiZt,,,,Jr.; Litchfield, A. P. - Wolcott: pac„
William J. Davis; Itidgebury, Calvin P. Hall: Rome ' -, ' '
borough, B. A: Ridgeway: Shesheratin. I.Villiiio, , • -
Brace, George Chaffee: Sylvania, Chalks 'Wald': .
South -C reek . George. 0. Turk: Smithfield. Butos', _-
Caitiff; Towanda rough. Geo. McCabe, C. SEISM:- ' \ '. .•
vine; North ToWands.„ Simeon Alloway;lroy Duro', 2., - W.
Jameg Adams; WYalusing, Orlando"Fennee.
' TILtfEIZSE Joirt,'Sliagr WEEK. .
-Alba, William Reynolds; AlhairYV.F. N. Wilcox •'\
Athens tATJ., Isaac Gillett, Thonacts.Rogors; Barclay,
John Ditchburn, Edward Wheatley: Burlington rug.
Jeremiah Travis; Colnmbla, Stephen Smith; Canton -
•twP.. W. 1 1. Foster; Franklin, Chas . W. Taylor. In
jab Blake. Geo. W.' White; Herrick. Ailier 8011,.,
Win.Ecnrker, Ethel Fuller; Leßrysville, LleVeilyu
Black; Monroe twp., Harvey' Cummings; Orwell, .
Samuel Buttles; Pike, Wm. fi. =el.:Patrick 3 .
McCauley: Rometwp„ E. C._ Drake. O. L. Russell;
Home. Borough, liugh Hicks; Ilidgelmry G. M.
Owens; Standing Stone, John Fullord;'Sliesliconin,
L. P. Horton; South Creek, Ezra Harkness; Smith
field, Engeno Kingsley, Franklin Tracey; Towanda
Terottgh,..lpther 11. Scott. WM. .11 Lodge. Isadoro .
Sohimon. A. L. hlcKson, James Wilber; North To
wanda; Samuel Hawkins• Trbytwp.; Burton Pom
eroy. Wm. •G. Loveland, ' Page Morgan; Tuscarora
.Win.Shu,mway; Wysox. William Lewis: Wyaluslap-,
'Edward Wellesi - AVlndham. Eber White, nanny .
Turner; itrelleit,Bsiojsmin F. Warner, Reuben Berry,
Simeon Shepard; Warren, Loren Wolcott, 1i.1.1.
Howell. • % - '
. , rnts - misz tcny. wr-Cairs wirilic-
Athens twp.{. George Bnrchard; Albany. 1.. L
Howell; Asylum, B. E. GilbertiAlba, D. J. Slaniey ;
Iln•elay.*Dsvid G. Heron. James Commiskcy; Can
tontie Borongh.. Wm. W. Wright; Card° twp., Jacob
Gran,teer, Shadrick WilliamterErankli ' 3. E. Spald
ing:Granville; N. 3L Montgomery: Ile ck, William
Hillis; Orwell, S.' L. Cliubbrick. Cha y Griilii-y,
James 11.. Smith;Ridgebury, B. F. oty, Mori . k
Crimmins, 'lames Mitchell; Standing Stone, Bleb an!
Schoonover; Sheshequiu, 1.. J. Culver;-Springfo'ld,
George Carey: :Towanda Borough ; J. $i Phinn,,,
-Wm. G. Alger; 'Troy Borough, Thomas Marw,il;
Troy twp., John Hunt; Terry. E. 8, Thompson, My
ron Babcock, Albert 0. Miller; Tit - N=ora, John
Black.; Wilmot, Allen Winslow, William Caskoy,
Thomas. Vose ; -Windham, Rufus tyke, M. It. 11 , ..ath;
Warren, James Thibbets. Carrington -Arnold: Wy
!rising, Andre,w Fee, Ezra Allenyaor., . Sterdv....,
....A... 1871. - •
. .
\Emma Jane Hewitt vs. Saml Eelluni.— . .,.ejectmen
W. 31-•Chaffee vs. Richard Benveg . Mt/
Smith Lent - vs. Geo.:A.-Prince . - rti fa
Daniel Gswkinson va. 31... W. Covey. e . t, al - ei- , e.
Elelning & Jones viE. Jose:ill lki.iodevi..\--. ....... ea,
Stephen Day vs. Benjamin ,ti.V.n'r,e,visen
I'ranklin 4 :llumey. vs.:4'..K. Wright; &c.
F t It. Pike, et al. vs. A. B. Smith -
C.: F. Wells vs. Jeefe , Snaleilme.... ..
Gordon. Fellows& Slat:Mau vs. Wilke, . niA.
bie & Co .
Heury Strop:, Te. Milton
E. T. Fox. ye. FOgerty & Nokes' att
Ceelditr - & nits:le:ll vs. Fnf, , el'.. No
C. A. Hevener ye..larnes Ensse
Valeo:dine Smith vs. - C. A. Hevener r.l
.]liner St. John ca. D. A. Ross'
WM. Iralbfni Junction Canal CO
Geo4..Cele. vs. 30.6' Pit .flif.l.loll
C. - F. , lWells vs. Jesse SpOldinO' ' r at.t.
O'Malley &.31cGoveru c t Cithoiic Congregg.- o
tion.Lor sel fa. LI i
• ,
Gen. W. Deck s. M., 'Laporte .
N.lletts. vs. Henry Cole: - att
31. S.lronaer cu. Pa: k N.Y. Conalk
Ge. F. vs.. J. W. Mixi guardian
Francis Tztes ye. C1di5..f10ndy...,...
Pnliennos on , 3Torplitv
10'o'clork, n.m. W. A. - TIP
the matter of the ,state of Leonard Plapts. deo,.
At an Orphans' Court bold in and for said eennly
at Towanda. February 2.0,. 1871. • The petition
Oeorge Plant= wos rir, seated F-itini forth thatl..., , r r
era Plants, late of Llt , lffield township, in said comi
ty; deceas,il, on tho2.7ith. of January,:lB67, by -con
trail in writing; bound.- hindrelt. to .convey
George Plante the following. described lot_ of -land.
situate in saki township of Litchi:el-1, and lxiiindeil
a= 1011-:;wg. to'wit: Or. the;eaFt lands of Baud 1
Maloy, on the south by- lands of Win.
the. west by J, - vc ph I:yeri:;: lot and lan,:s :Withal , :
Sacket , on'the nr.rth by %mils of Perkins Ilan
Containing P-F; acres and 2 , 1 perches, more nr
'That in and by said fi•lltrlCt Sala George plants-1;11!
to pay I)* said lard .S2lOll, and pus also to pay P.l
the.debt= which sail Leonard _Platifii met,! -at
cor.traet. and 7. - as -also to sininort
maintain said Leonard Plant= -.during his 1if.';‘,14.1
was also to keep amtMaintivin L.trrer. t andliartlia
, Plants is 11/11g as they should see fit to wit::
sail George Plants or idiould feniain
and also setting forth ilia!, said Geo. Plants had in
all respo-risfUl.llled his pail ..-of contrart, and -
Mg to.give such tit,lll - ity as Saill,court might n.•-stir.,
to hoep . and maintlin said Margartd
-.Plants as proi-iled for in said contract:. and thit
said Leonard Plants died intsst, - u3 soled of raid !alga
wit-hi:int haying male any safTleient provisions fq• •
the piirferraanee of said, contract: and - letter= of
aiinsinisdratinn up-in the estate of teorNaril Plant- , /
doceased,ilad been granted to-the said Goo. Plant
and Carmer; an-1 praying sail court to malio
a do•ree for the speifi perf , rininste„pf said contra; t
aceording to the tree -intent and meaning thereof.
ke.' Wheretivillf - the.said court among other
dirlicted a citstibn to issue to said S. B. Canner aryl
to-the children of 'said Leonard Plants.
and'that the !nun- IT serve,' on said Cartier and en
such of -said children as reside in said Bradford •
county personally; and Ithat -said citation- he Lille,
licked in one of the newspapers .of'said connty for
six weeks prior to the first,das of Mav Tarr 1 - =`;1. , .."
and that a copy. of said ativeitisiMent -be sent %)e
mail to the address of said; childteti It ing gu s t., , ;
said COmmonTrealtlt 'at least'four weeks before said
first day of May Term, 1871. These are A/I-re-fere
tonotify„lad command you the Silt! S. B. Cornier,
one of the administrators ..of - s (d estate, and Yeti.
Susan Coooper, (wife of • Wm: Cooper) Margaret.
.Platits,llfartha Plants, Zuba Strong, (wife of JOhni",„
Strom?) John Plants,• Jane . Moore,. (wife of G.ilY•l
Moore) Itoselda Scranton, (*tie 'or George SdrantlMl
- I... Plants and Dail& V. Plants, children' of
said Leonard-Plants. deceaSed. to be and appear
before said Orphans' 'Court, to - be. held- in the
Borough. of Tentutda„ on IifOIiDAT,.:MAT I. 1> 1. ..
at 2 o'clock. p.m:, there , and then to answer -the
petition aforesaid,..and to allow cause' if any you
have why Said court should not decree the
odic Performanee of satd.contract.
mar. pr7l.-w!I
-1. Coart of the Unittml•Ststei for the Westiqm
• tract of Pennsyltanfa. 'Western District rf renn.ry:-
rgnia.lS. S. . .
.A Warrant in Bankruptcy has:been - issued
saidt'fkUtrt against the eitate of D.
Grll. Pf Albany, county of BradfAl and State s - d•
PeuriaylVania, in. said 'District. who has been duly:
-adjudged a BanlVrupt; upon his own petition:, that •
the payment' of any debts, and the delivery of
ririy property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or
to histise; and the,transfer of any•property byltim . ,' •
.are forbidden by law: A meeting of the cm‘litors f
said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and elfoose e ow: •
or more assignees of his estate, wilt be, held at a
Court of Bankruptcy. to .be holden • at 'the -Grace ct
Overtian k Elehtte, in the ;prong!' of•Towand lb.
bofore•r.DWAßD OVERTOS; Jr.. ESti.. Register, vii
the 29th day of APRIL...A.D IS7I, at 10 ,
:Slarshal. as liresseneC ,
AUDITOR'S In the Or- •
phan's Court ofl3radferil Cothaty.
'Do lind , rsigned.'art - arntor, appointed .by
Court to dispose of eitcCptionicto 'gnat - account an.l
distribute, fnnils in tb.o . banila of 'Er.F...^sEzvit..,L
SN4L, }aerator of the': estate of- JOUN SNELL, . -!,7 -7-
•late of Pike, Radford 'county, Pa., tiecea.seil. will at.
tend to the duties Quaid aprOintment, at big oft b,
in the -born' of Towanda. on FRIDAY. th62iith_day of :! •
NERIL.IB:I, at-I o'clock p. tn.. at wbiieh time amp •
Plac'e all persona hrivin2 claims on said money. afo • •
- regnire,l present the ti m e or be lieharred front
coming nu said fault; WILLISTON..
/ • •
. .
• • •
Xt-C-11,3 0 IVS. NOTTCII:-L:.
oNce 14 hk , eb.lV jive that All 'persons .• •
to the estate.A•f . SIMEON lato of
deCeased. are,requested to male immeiliatp'payment.
and MI - persons having—claims against 'said, estat ,
must present *them ittlijr aUthentieated -for. nett c-.t
anent • • • ' LYNDON FLETCHt. ; -
X E . C U -T '
-Notice cAvc, •I that all pertoMi ittdel>ircr.
to the estate of W)1. A.ND:late ,of - Herrick, tie—
ceased, are requeeteir to male Immediate papaieut,
and alLpersoits having'. elaimg — agaluPt. aitl ettiito
pre t .&ent the dply anthenticated for ict.•
Aletoetit.: .•ErizAznt.DritAsn,
itcfracE W. piThrAND.
mar. 11.,71-811
Notice in hiireby given that all porsqns Indrbb d.
td the estate of CH Tf Rt. SIERRILL. Late of Mel,
• fieltl,tleed,-arerNiti , sted to make imme,tliate payment
• &mini! persona' haTlng claims against. said - estate
Mast: present quly 'authenticated-ter_!t. - -.
- 3111.19'11-wG' Xtlitalttistra .
al Notice is hereby given that all persona imlebi
ed t.tho.estato of - SE:TIE STEVENS:Iate of Albany;
cleeeaged, are rep:est:4 'to mak.) . trnraeihnt.i.
pays ent. and all persons ittt . agairot
• said estate moat present them duly, autbCntiealei!
'for settlement..' ;
4110'71-Ny6 • •
o .
. • .
. .
][l . `..T r . BANKRUPTCY:
ter of LACM, Bankrupf.
To Wirom• Fr .3.1.3er Cot.icEnts : The ituderfigmc.l.: .
hereby gives,-notire of his appointident 2:LS As i••zicv
of T. I.`LABEY. of township of Wyatt:sing
In the county of BradfonL and state of Pennsylvania
'within said District. who has Been adjudge d a bank
rapt upon .his petition of creilltorsby the Distrait'
court oritaid District._ - .A, •
Dated Wyainsillg April Islll.
- 'GVO,II%F.,
. • •
XE T 0 RS - .N 0 T I C
-1-4Notlee'is hirehy given that'll" persona indelvd
to the, estate, Of JOSEPH DOA...Yr, late qf, Windhatif.
&rinsed, are requeated to make , immediate pay
_ me,nt, and all,persons having ;claims against and
-estate Must present them 'duly - authenticated
setiltment. , BF-1.1.11 R1.111t3.
ap1.„17.7.1-wG , Executor.
t.Clrik t
' • • CriTk