Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 20, 1871, Image 3

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    th ifori glom
--- J
idAL AND '7
The public scrod of this bor
oup►bbre about 280 seholan."
ough no
The County _ Corr9lo64AM
ed totted a sultithW MAO
arc trou
new Jail.
Mr. DEL►xo liasiust returned
'fork, where he has beoli for Two
t selecting now iooda ' i
from tiu
weeks ` .. p •
Pars. SE E M n, wife" of ':4loitiv
diod on rriday lad. Sholoires
duldri3n to Esournher I,ftll.
, .
The Eaiter oPripg Pf= the
, church arid gunday-schod • is. Mom:
!.. utod to $OO.
bawl an
EpEv O P
try am
;S. & Co. ' ve
c Furniture *Ore of . D. IL I'Lmtnait
les block. We arc Or -to welcome
in teeth -
oba , ed t
is I,lEra
Jam b
Miss Mrinius,, of Athens, lot*
tell' on Main street on Fridiy last-- It
by Limn COOLBAIIGH awl reinrned
a gold W
was fou. II
. .
ginghamton has delided
vote to tax her citizen fox tbe,bnig
e.aepentsion bridge over thel Cherie:age
at city.
ing of a
mor in
2igt.. The Athens Gleaner i says a
Jim as+l thb privilege at going he hind' the •
bar at { lie Exchange Hotel to writest i ttter the
other day, - and while there "
.picked till" of
twenty-t roe dollars.
oix W. Euatiizz, *hi? rokb©d
at Milan a abort time ageoFiu caught
le and brought back ' bv, l Conitable
r *edneaday night last; He' wrn
go down the river. 1 •
sew- I
the depe
'e Baffa
Rev: G. P. HOPKINS, of Troy,
the palpit_of the EpiscopalchM•ch on
ast. In the . morning ho. preached nn
0 practical sermon, "and in'tho evening
an impressive exhortation ,to , large
oc. npie(
C Set nen
Judge Emma, has been ap
- .
bitrator in the natter of a i l the
ltween the coal oper&tars d,utinesa.
:non is a good one. Tho difficulties
undoubtedly soon be ad usted, and
lie coariregionSresumed.
cure bt
i . , • .
, c 4 barn barn Owned 115 \rm. Bow
3: - ..0,, - tiat-TEtts's mill, was burned ir , u• Tut:4day
f'n loroMg ibout 4 o'elc4. 31r. B. was Moving
thr imilding and had.gut-it nearly Where ho
wallt;4l it., nix Areirits utiihiulitetOy the Work
of an inc..tidiary. • / 1 .
; .
re- It Is the - unanimous 4erdici, of
i •
the b. judges, that the irt no better school
the country than th"e Collegiate
Institute. The Principals are: both energetic
and experienced teachers, who deserve the pat-
Pillage as well as thanks of erery - friend of edu
cation in this section.
is,..Mrg. T. P. Pigen, mother of
C. B. l'aycn, ikoecrynian, died at her residence
this p1a4;40111 Friday trecoaged was a
cmivistent rnernbcr of the M.E. Church and
mar estCepird hy`n.ll who' knew her. Her fa
n tal afternoon was attendet i l by a
large conconise or people.
s.e- The organ ordered by the
Methodist church is being put up, and we an
&rstlinti there is to be a orand,ConciFt of tke
church, on iSaturdny evening of this week.
.Menihers of the Choral, Alisociatitin and other
good'singers are to take part in the singing,
And an excellent concert may be expected.
Mk. Mr. N. M. Pit.tTrovlio Ls labor
-4.1; in Chid county in thu interests of the Order
Of :ions, ;1' Temperance; 'organized a Division at
Standing Stone on Friday evening last, and'
christened it Valley Star" Divisien, No. ..V4.
DEWrrr VANNEss was clec.ed Wl'. \ The Divi=
_ riofts recently organized by Mr.a'. Slieshe
wnti and 3ltlan are flourishing, and will lan
d,uhfcdly accomplish much good.
fInE r c:SrrestnEQUlN.—©n Saturday
aftyritisin la 4 the trwelling-honse of Our Enc
:cis, in Shesheluin, was destroyed by fire. The
.fire originated in tiie roof of a leant°, and wh'eti
di.covered it hail ivrogresaod so far as to ren
ikr all efforts to subdue it unavailing. By
traerateary e'fl" , ,rts orkind neiihbortutearly all
the furniture was saved. There wu WO in
on the Iniusof and $3OO on furniture,
:-. 11111,11 probably eovuri lona on the. latter, but
i nut la.' the house.— Irdverly Adeoeole.
How. &ND ntlin
lso,,Y din - new Health Magazine conit .
. Adh a-great . ' . variety of interyaling.artieleeo The
Tinnt-ipal ones are on "The TeethL,Causea and
vention of Decay," " Health
and Bath's" (Must=led). "tearing
"IlghtLacing" (illustrated),'!Hrighes
Untechikallys Coruddcrod," " What
shallol do.dn the s Siek-room?" etc. There are
jatort; : 4lJan forty smaller articles, containing
-.- aluablf • hinte,,Sn health• and fer the home.
1 abhshed at $1.:10 per yie . ari by W. n Ps
DLoTIII/51, 805. Broadway, New York.
Tys. Thk. truck of Hook and
. ..
~., r eorepany'arrirell on Ilitiraday eveu
uti• rewired at the depot by a large i deiegation
of 61 ITh'ilt The-trrick and apparatXa were pur- .
eham lin 'Philittlelphia, from o - nj of the die-.
banded ilio.compalies of the f department.
We harn that the batA, tni petit, &c., *ere
yre., et-t 1 to. oitr . ciinMarty .n condition that
they etqant the nittM:q4,Qh Philadelphia com
pany, which is;" Matittut7 - "The terms will un-
Joni)+, , 1!). IT rpniplied with. Ns'. A. Rocuumm.
1, l'n.sident;ind J.rG, Foreman of the
(..;•Q .et ~
• I
TrlEsPiss—;-Neighbor ‘ P."
Er the REPult-TEII cif Mardi 30, gives , rs to
—linden:tam], thit. hAt - es, cattle, 4.c..., re4:10n
... .
ger.allowed too run in tlio; , ,woods in' *de.
lylit "P.' please nifcirni tua when this law was
passed and whereit can - be found? i A lei
J. drseriptien \was pasststrfor the tits
Nos York not Tong, , gillCC, but was doclarei
oni4hmtional by the Supreme Court in
As for the red matilana - black maxi,: the
rawi helve many opinions. I-think if.t,wer
or black, I ehoull tint the white rue' down
vyry of Eeople.
. • PURE GOLD ' DOWN TO 34: C z—•
Prof.pia,not be well Understood . that f. An
. Lr & of Ne 7 Yerlc, the author and..compose of
. beveriil:ivoill' s of mukra, as:Well as lkirdar s° Zs+
. lets e f onancnced a fliof'prigh and sysf tic
''... - coluse of lessons fort the:benefit of vocal m , sic,
motly among the' viwini 'people' and Sabbath
t`'l,lt4,',li "i - t thilplac'el, ana a golden opportunity
' is" b, re la:rrd to learn to read tousle and sing,
- r wicalar..attvationlgiveu 40 cultivation .of the ,
v"kv• " Pere Gold f" fresh from a • New ork
bank, isle, book to ! be need. Exercises t 4
a n'l.
7ip 1..1ic., in- tiro IPresbytpilau church.
PEitoNsf..—z4fttige Mogitowls If Oil-.
' rag quirt in *Cannehaima county. 4 • '
- Dr. 1::. D. PAY,I; 'U.S.N., arrived lir 4 , 45 "
11l i;attittlny'-iTtenfug. The, Doctor LAS been
cruising in'sentbena waters for twt" or three
years past- We itt'e pleased to see hirct I king
wkil. - -,-. , . ' c i ) : l
- :kn. CH vs. vrxrr, ofd , Cherating ~ nath
. _bah been spen • a few da stern visiting his
• sisters, Hrs. Warxtss Iliad Fig. Tunasswi ,
- - Iter..lol3X Si STEWA.IIT, pastor or the rtes.
byterian church
,is sate iIL He was tniablei to
ocef,ipy his pulpit on Sunday last.. .1 . I• .
\ --11 L A. Brens, of the Owego Gazele;w4ll IA
town l en iitn:idaT last. . ' . ,
' —l i ter. R. Csirrneinusx paid bid d - Mends her".
.a vita last week. Ile is now liting ;t, l3etle
fonts, Centre *ray, Pa., Ural is still engaged
in the noble work of gathering the yoenA" into
theStitidy-achool. .-
_ - . - : , lndge-tir*wrzit is holding court it 1 1_'pa.-
Lannock, hr pliee of Judge lkorgtz,-*ital2!
gaged in adjititing'the coal difficulties.
I - -
•'" ' • •
the Orb
'another WTI Aoroi 0.1044110 b
another aotamm The tract is a mile sal frail!
from the-IMllina I Ertelligroad, and ontabs
atnakteamos*taik.l o sl4ooP Wl=
tondo& and - mat 4 timber:
de/Wag to parchma Mal ante nil and tide a
gooklayeatmeat. The. WOwN occur, aa :fiat
ordef,Valnat. *,
-" Irrtleateseang,
Its facia wiikuoiisOrAtia
Imam aftadatatanta llor•WjatasigThiliket
Lteitiaa: Pare.' Mt Tablitlkittiekk. *l 4
Clarke ; Wyalasing, G. M. cliainlioUdibi Her
rick, Bing Rival ; Boom Wipi;lgt4p; Wren,
Baas Bar; Windage, 8. Ark; Lejtays-
TiPP , 8 . E. Waiworui; A. PA, OP'
snap; Mika& ;
Acgoilrld!olsont fanner
Factoiyville, J. S. Lewis; MesbOppen, J. H.
Weston; sidneir's 'Eddy, P. B: Tower, T. B.
4340; Yoboopioy,.lL W.' Breekauildge Au
burn, George Grinualkad; Fairdale, Stephen
weU; Icacklui and South Gibson, A. C. Spear;
Gibson, Geo. Forsyth; Newton, Allred Brig.
bar ; Nortbmoic*nd, A. J. Arnold ; Bnsh, Ki
nerliwatini; West *bolo* Justus Warier";
leriniugsville, Stealing; G.M. Mead low
fern id to CAmtral New York .
In ilia Owego District, Boy D. rumens ro
und= at /Am, and Bev. J. B. Sillte;l3 at Horn
_ . _ •
118.. Sc;ritP . n er's for May commences
ite second volume with such assurances of suit:-
oess as,it deservon, this far istic number
has been one of great exoellence. In the cur
rent ntu n ber 'we two &portrait of Gzenaillt&o
noiiiti), the rising novellittY wbOso story of
"Wilfrid Combermode hi crating so much
interests This siurn allo . l3lftinit whit will
be , regartied. with - 'much fattiest br ßiblical
scholars, a feeiditiffe oi j the Keabite stone, that
remarkable 101.396 of lork'which -has 'been: the
means of ntbstantiating =say statement s . and. ,
beliefint Ungnfiitt , and hams one more of the'
many evidences of the perfeatly historic accu
racy of the Bible. Besides these the remaining:
conteutstot &rib ler'i are what the magaiMe
purports to be, on sublects„that will satisfy stall
gratify the largest number of'penple. It is no
wonder tom that, under the, supervision of Dr.
Bourim,Serfbiler'i basal) soon &Mined s fine.
lei. 'bliss •Pictm - eolc de-,
livered the eiosinileetnre of. the course under
the auspices of the LG. of G.T. Lecture Coln
inittee, on Saturday evening last. Iffnuctra's
spacious Hall was literally-crowded on the oc
casion; and every ote was more than pleased.
The lecture was entitled "To the Itesenei• and
Was an able, eloquent and unanswerable argu
ment in hirer of female-suffrage:. It does not
seem possible that any woman-or rinan,"either
—could listen to such an argument and not be
•;come convinced that such a woman is fit to have
voice in the affairs of government.
Although the course of lectures has not paid
"pecuniarilyllbe intellectual improvement afford
ed our community hasirp 4 Ore than cetnpen'sated
for the expense incureed, and we trust the ef
lortiwill be made next!, season to give tie aneth
cr course. The Lectrire .commlttco de4ervo
mach credit.for their untiring and indefailiga
ble efforts in the matter, and now that has
been demonstrated that first-class lecttners
pay, we trust they. will at once secure a Supply
for next season. They should by all means se
cure Mi's Dicatxtion.
ifßr• At a regular meeting of Gran
villu Centre Lodge, Nn. 507, LO. of G.T:, held
April 8, 1871,.the following prealubleind reso
lutions were unanicuotudi adopted:
Wituassa, Oar - Heavenly Father has, in His
all-wise 'though inscrutable l'rovidence, per
mitted death to enter our Lodge and remove
from its fold -ottt--beloved sister, MARTHA . LA
NEXT ; !bonito*
Re:lotted, Mist in the ddath of Sister MAE
TILt -the church has lost an *nest and cum
plarY nacrnber,lthe Sabbath-school an energetic
and faithful NtiCher, and. oun. Lodge one of its
most derotedeliembors.
Resolreil, That whilp we bow hi humble sub
mission tote will of Him who sesxcheth the
hearts and t 'eth the reins of the children of
men,"'s e <deeply symPithize with the afflicted
family in this' hour- of sad bereavement, and
pray that our Father in Heaven will give them
His gracious support. ' •
Resulted, That the Charter of our Lodge be
draped ill: moartiitig,‘ and the - :umbers wear
the usual badge for thirty days, a,l a tribute of
respect to the memory of our departed sibiter.
.Resoleed, That a copy of these resolutions be
presented to the family of the deceased, also
be placed upon the minutes of the Lodge and
sent to the IforUler'n Tier Gazelle and Blum-
FOILD Ilzrowrs.a for publication.
• E. F;
. Committee.
'Loci. Hierenr.—The incidents at
tending the settlemenr and early history of
every locality, frequently reveal a heroism 'and
sacrifice in the hardy pioneer unawassed by
:e who, !Sicenpying a more conspienons , posi 7
lion, have made their- names and deeds famous.
The most striking of these .incidents are foil l a
_time preserved in the traditiciaa Of the place 'or
of the families in whieltAhey i:licurred, but evbn
this imperfect record is soonlest, and that whilL
deserves an. indfaceilde /record passes away
from the knowledge of men., 'i,
For the Purpose olpieserving ogifttocal his
7airtliere was organized about &I'll -Igo thd
Milton! county IdstoricaljSocicty; which has
-irre r ady succeeded in securing much useful ma
terial for mime competent hand it a future day
to work up bate a complete and reliable history
of the count y.--- -
During : the past year Mrs. PEIIII7I3' ~, ',' Ecgriy
rimes" -has beeri priphshed, a book in which
persodal I -r eminisce:l4s and biographical sketch-.
es e 7owtrovii together with rare -taste and fe
li ' y, and-'hose racy stories possess the faaci
• ation of a noiol. Dir. Cuarr's history of Wya
htsing, whicli is just published, thonglQmore'
- 16clirniitirclittracthr, contains facts of the deep
est interest Wall who are interested in our lo
cal histoty; -- and especially to-- the - OldLismtlies
whose' record is there given. Of this latter work.
we are told that only a small edition is printed,
and is sold at just enough' to pay the cost of
printing—that already more copies have ~.been
sent out of the county than have been retained
biptisons-in it, who are interested in preserv
ing the stories which are .there told. I have
been told thatl the solder Mrs. Prazrxte book
has as yet not, been Large enough to pay for tho
printing and binding, and that the same is trne
of Wyalnsing ; which, if true, does not speak
Well for the enterprise of. our citizen*, ornEfir
zeal in promoting the history of their own oorm 7
ty. The time will soon come when those who
are not fortntiattenonglito secure a copy nbw
cannot obtain on for. any. price. Let our citi
zens encourage all workers in this department,
and in'a short timo nuiteriel will be collected
for a history of the county, which will bo cr -.-
itable alike to our' people ant to the county
whose ilertilopmeut is now Ist rapidly progress
tog. T.
i a a
ter Tat-Sons of. Temperance in
this pram have eiiangetithetkv,ttlar. night of
meeting from Tuesday-14' WeAuesday.
el- Best "lllack t' in the
market, for sale by TAYLOR & CO, • •
_4ollr Fresh Lime by the bti l s,hel or
barrel, at wan, k itiOSTAS OM"
Fos. REarr.--* convenient dwelling
house. Enquire Hasa: VII.
ifir E. K. StErIMEVANT Will close
up his photogr hie business in the. ',sitars-
Tills PhOtAigrap • Galieri, April 29,157 L
w t - a
D®" If yo ~ ant nic e •ltoniet or
Hat, go to Mrs. J. ID. 1114:8; on Ilidgo etreot.
: •4a.------ - .
sir The cheapest . place •to • buy
Elitkory Gob& ii at J: T.I: Hui's, 0
F..J. CALKERshaii just receiTed
s large and eiegaaa supply of Waiirapar..
14- r sale by e . TArLoa
a. co.
EV i gis k Mumma,4l4oll4
Reek opening 'New 'trill 000 #:..!biel 4 .
offer at popubit prices. - altret4,
stir Cue 4 •VnicFrets Insuraneci
Otties, cst Main' streetomsite tOeCottrt Rouse,
is the:bist place to cal t fyon want lummox
. 01 . 1 DY Tb 7 can saW4f7.7!k 0 74 111 .-sad
ere 7ati al 1 Are, er •-:ttosietelif
ranee lottirstit
,Basityr A the- mad
Opeopipie assortimoi (ioadain To.
ii I . Orie~ooi tag Of Mame' ba'.
/Mr Veil; -1.300 k ' at &
Co.'. column.
I. C. LIGHTS & Co. - Pie 11011:
These Wino:mats are unequaled for beauty.
tone and derstek.-27. Y: Herald.
Fat sale it'tirrrsemiXosto More. -
Fresidh Poplins; lli ufl line of Plaid Dress
Goods; ar Evan I atroot.
bar Bargain st TATiOlt &
Loot at colon= • •
Nor Ladies wif find new icnbroi
dodos snd nore Trimmings, in Unit lIIIItY9 at
Emu; k Raikarrses, Bridge siroei. •
18. Look at TAYLOR & Co.'s col
unuLthis week. C.
-bar-EVANS liana:arra -1 M offering
prate rigrgabas in Ml* linens, Napkins, Tow=
. els; Towelling, &a._ intage street:
bifil;Glove Fitting Cciraeta, at Tat
atMadam Foie Supporting Cor-
" How is this-for high 7" Hats
for am and boys, ti T..mon
, Warizrx—Carppnters, - Plaatexers
and sTafiter to ;Aar, and take , part payment
in desirable building lots in this borough.
'Towanda, April 11!--3t. Cam
virMen and lets--great
Tariety at TAYLOR ! It Co.'s.
• •
...Aws,....Fitkest:Assortaiont-. of -Piques,
Paresis', Lied Pelt* ao., at Dram & 14t.
Darnels, Wilke street. •
To Itiri:,--11alt a hOnse on the hill
—Ave rooms: Inquire at the Itwi. White and
Blue Store, Bridge street. • • _
lituarwsi k Engin%
HATS AND CAPS.—The beak -as§ort
men! . over off6red in:Towanda, at Tanen k
Beir PATTERSON GE J&INNEY , sell th©
nicest Ettigarll At the lortest prices.. Whether
San Domingo is annexed or not, they intend to
continue to keep a first-class Grocery and Pro
vision Store.
mi. Dr. CLuts will be at American
Rouse, Waierlj, Friday, April 28, and at Rath-
House, Elmira, on Saturday, April 29. • -
April 12--3 tr. •
mgt. House and Lot for sale cheap
an Pophir street, opposita G. P. doaufs. Terms
to snit purchaser. Eniluii•e at the - Bed, White
and Blue Store, Bridge street, Towanda,
is. The dings sold by F. W.
Bnotrx are ncrrer a "drug 'on . the - market," in
the usual seneo. The .are fresh and pure, and
carefully and accurst compounded when ,or
dared by cnatomers. an
./ / and see him.
' lam" It is not yet decided who is to
b. Governor of Conneeiicnt, but it fully de
monstrated Ist FIIOST litotteler better in
ducements to purchasers of Enrufture than any
other establishment in Northern rerinaykania..
ser The celebrated Early Mohawk
Potato, for solo at R. )I. Wawa' Coal Vice.
Price $2,00 per bushel ; 50 cents per peek.
Packed and without extra chargp.
• DS.. Tho 'Tradford County Id = .*.
cal Society will meet in Troy, on W. y,
the .&l of May nest; at 10 o'clock, a.m. A - Ain
attendance is desired. E. P. Am.= Sec'y.
BoAncmck.—A feiv bards can se
cunt) Brat-class rooms with board, by applying
at No. 32 Second street. • F. E. Poss.
Also a new one-horns eavei/d Carriage (rub
ber lop) for sale at a bargun. F. E. Poar.
1001. Caois keepS his stock com
plete, notwithstanding his immense sales, and
you are always sure of finding anything wanted
inlhe bookend stationery line in his eitablish
ment.. Ho has the finest usortmetit of wall pa
per to be fonneanywifere.
Fos SALL.—A deskablgt House and
Lot, situated ma corns of Lotlist Avant and
Center street. Possession given immediately.
&quire of lits..Essit4 L. 14onausT on lb.
premiees,. of Eusu J Tuoxmos; atthe oftleii of
W. A."/ B. K. 'ribs. 1871...
F. E. Wmpunntx
hating just riittirned from New York with a
splendid stock df .11illinery *and 'Fancy Goods,
would invite the attention orthe ladies; at her
new Shcnr-room, north first floor of the Tem
perance Hotel, Rome, Pa. • Apr. 12....,2w.
, j An examination of l eacher s
will be held in the Public School-home, in To-
Wanda, on Saturday, Aprills in I'm, on Tues
day, April 18, and in LellayaviLlo on Saturday,
April 22. Applicants will please - provide them: 4l
selves with reader, pen, ink and paper. Exer:
clam; to COMIIICLICC promiltly at 9 o'clock, a.m.
Apr. 12-L2w. _A. A. Eztsn, Co. Supt.
11111..1.4adiea, if ,on want 4. see the
largest and nicest stock of lifillinert Goods! in
ToWandaLet the lowest prices, call spil. A. PET.
/C. ,
TES C0 . ..14 at the sign of the Big o unet,
posito the Court House. They arc now open.
tug a splendid stock of goods. Their Opening,
will bo on Friday, April 21. forty per cent re
duction from the printed prieesotuther Organs
mAde at L. R. Powr.u.'s Branctillusic More,
Towandit; in order tb bring the profit dawn to
the same percentage made on the Mason
//anitin Oitgans. A Corresponding Wit:Ai - is
also made in Pianos, in order to bring them to
the plan of small profits and no egriation in
price, which;biut. been adopted with' so much
success by Messrs. Curcirmiso ,
• ['
Apr. 19-3 w.
1311FLIMilltrEGER'S Etraonis 3-frattex
ars LID CLllCCEL—Th*auunmotlisonsolidation,
apparently unknown to the • American public,
was brought to this country from Europe dui-,
ing the past i - inter. For the past ten years
sheidenburger's Menagerie and Circus has been
acknowledged as the leading traveling eexhibi.
tion ofturope. This will be its first tour lin
this country, and from the advertisement (which
Will be found en aWother column) we are led to
expect something out of the ordinary way.
Foramott among the many featares is the Only
Full Grown Rhinoceros that 1,14 ever been
Mbited. This loviathan weigtui over 8,000
pounds, and is drawls from place to 01111C8 by
eight OfAie largeit horses. ileisairliole show
in himself, and fully worth the price of admis
siom addition to this huge beast, the -me -
nage7rio is most complete, and embraces speci
mens film all , quarters of the globe. The Ur
ens hi mid to be agood one, embricias a score
Of daring riders; intrepid acts and - fanny
eknrns, including the r kW° performer,
Prince &dila* called the' Maki Serpent, : a
peifect human boa constri. - )loiir — readeni
should riot`fail bniika their *bib*tosge the
Rhinoceros; sash iris! feel a desire to flee that
itionstanis animal, so ably ilbutrate)l to ihe BI
NS; Book of Jetkciuipters =l and all. Anoth
er opportunity may never ellebl be Presented et
seeing a fall grown Unborn. The street pro- ,
cession on the clay of exhibition wUI be ex
iressely fine, and oar readenshonhi bean band
to Witness it, Whey' can then see the magni
tude Of this ookisital. 'bowl, besides seeing the
mammoth Marmara den, which will give an
idea of his enormous sine. The day
_Sad date
iiitouvida *inlay; May Miatis4hir
the lisle ant% sitt band early bi- tbe gicorf . fing
tb few thiiirtibti entree.
.., .. .. ..-- ~ -... ~ ~' '~:~P.'.. .el_~ -.._; ~+t'sw?': ' - :Sr. - r7.:'ai~7~%S'inNl4~.~. v~:f'~i+~'y >.:=i~.
Pasionaiirova'" Nuanst."
Bansigin. Nein., Matta ae-Ilthite Cone*,
ar Oceter4 l lo , 1 00;
witillitillutedelime. useidiettslit.
teatioli Ihntielan.
Zulus Illmtertaxers,--Tieilloi Arm&
can AA:areas plantition 1910 ldlikheiblith
-4 1 riet ttansPhOtteetind stoak7-4111k hew
sheared in the Itureety ;tor ate cheap. •
Caouz: Pies!' rum—both etukderd- and
dwarf, et the tai vadetiee:
• Ceeses Puns 3'itta,::4l. line stock et Peach
trees et
- the leading and tiesi.vatietieC
Clump Utast azn runt Tazes—Of leading
varieties. .
Bruatmo Emozioiss.—Xprway, flpruoss,
Baba:" Piri, lrtah Junipo . r ti, Az Xti Puss, &c.
craorsur Laacta, Ctr-Lny Wzretso Boum,
IRAs Twa, MAiiss, and other ornamental
Trees, andas, Tines itod
Cm= rouf r mu ow Irris Tuips, &c.
Pair s. your "Hans
Towanda, Ps., .100-19—tw,
EILLOOItra-1110HTILiRE.--At the church In
Mosierrilie„ Bets. Chutes
' Weeks, J. FL Aillgore„ of Colombia. to Mrs.
BINGHAM—ILA:UM-462th 211 87 1. II Rev.
A:. R. Behouotneker, John Bnaghsto to
kjni e liollie Dim, both of Winisehairo,
BROWN—BROWN.--At the briikkhome, Are;.
15 1871, by the Bert. Z. Lane, Wila Brown
to Alice Brown, of Surtingtotii
SEEBICIL—In this place, April 14. 1871, Mary',
des wife of Andrew Seebich, agoci 32 years and 2i
CIJIIIIY.—In Sullivan, county, 'Apse
14, 1871, of diphth Bernard parry, aged
28 yours. .
WABBIJTON.—In Parks tcnnimili
county, Aprll 3, 1871, Mrs. W p. &Om
alla, wits of
Wm. Warftion, after an illness of 3 months.
stir HLat. Emus, Moichant Tat
OW Top Ba g gy for 841614
Mo. 29;1871.
W. A. Bixxinsu..
ser Rhode Island Lime kept con
stantly o hand for Whitewashin , at
Mai. 29, 1871. W. A. 'a.
`FISH A fall assortment FISH
Feb. 3,x,1871.
1118. Maple laimber and I . • .
canted. Apply to • HAWES HSOTIMIZE, _
Jan. 4,.1871. - Greenwoo d
&VI- A full meoriment of Dried and
lam cl Frilita, at ' "JONG'S.
Feb. V; 1871-3 m.
Reif Go to the BAery, first \de $ r
north of Want - lionse, for fresh Crackers.
Oct. 27, IS' = D. W. Scarr tt,
T nwies
ear Drip
and Smoked'
Feb. 22, If
TM. Se ,
Park Ntr(4
W. BLtiittu.
, tif L)otta
Ka teachei
S. H. She
trial, Tv'
far Field rein,
varitities Gaipa reaa, at
• Mar. .24-3, 1 1.,
le- Do not forget that Tea is sold
at Keelors for 50 centa. Jan. 18, 1871.
- as. The T. C. - Lighto k Co.' and
C.M6yer Fianin; aro the favorite instruments.
Mrs. Peet, Miss Howes and Miss M. Woodruff
have had those instruments constantly in nse
for from five to fifteen years. For sale at 1/it
trial's 31nsie Store, Towanda.
Apr. 12, 1871.
Dak- Persons desirous of purchas
ing either a Piano, Organ. or Melodeon, will do
well to call on A. B. Culver, at Wraltasing,
as ho is now welling at greatly relnced prices. is also agent for the 'celebrated Elias
Howe Sowing Machine. Mar. 30-3 m.
PuNos, ynovss AND 111ESODEONS.--
We are selling first-elms, Organs, and
Melodeons at reduced prices and on easy terms.
Persons who are in want of a good instrument,
will find it greatly to their advantage to give us
a call before purchasing - elsewhere.
Cots, riSSAGE &
Towanda, Pa.
Jin. 18, 1871.
111%.., The Cascade . Mills have dis
covered that the first essential to good flour is
fehent and accordingly have secured a
c supply of really choice, pump winter vs-
Totes, of native growth and - good as the
United States produces. Consumers need not
look for a falling off in the qttalityof this band,
but for better and‘better alktho time.
March LS, 1871—tf.
- se. " The Little Ch urch Around
the Corner "—s beautiful 11•4--and,tho Miss
Nilsson Gallop, are the tiro latest pieces on .
For sale at Ihttrich's Music Store. -
Mar: 22, 187.1—tt.
Fos Strz.—DesHring to change
business, we offer fqt sale our tire* , Stock;
corousting of eight bms ft,- buggies, cutters,
harness, •nd everything netessary to s first
class livery. If desired we will also rent our
stables for a term of years. Also one , large
yoke or working Osen, - 1 years old. -Terms easy.
Hems, & Nassau.
I have also three good farms and one bonze
and lot, tor sale on easy terms. Possession gi%
en immediately. • Joint Horatma,
March. 22, 18T1. - -
Ser: Mrs. FiErcrtEa, of Boston, and
Mrs. SALT:ins:us, of Towanda, would announce
to the ladies of Towanda that they will open on
Fehriiiry 1, 1871, on Bridge street,oter
& 802e8 Hardware Store, a ifirst-lass' Dress=
making Establishment, whero.will be found all
the latest Paris,.New lork and Boston fashions.
Cutting and fitting done at short notice. Also
particular attention paid to children's' dress
making. . ' ,
so- For insurance apinstloss or
damage by Eire, in reliable companies .spplY to
Joan W. Agent,
Towanda. Pa.
Old Herme s Block, north side \of Public
Square. . Dec. 1" \ 11370.
. or. A. F.. BALDWpT,',V3nII3OI7 to
Aspinwall s t ilaidwin) dealer in Hirdware,Tin-
Ware, Stoves, Nails, iron, Bope,Belting,Pamts,
Mitt, Putty, Saab, Glass, Doers, and everythiffg
usually kept in a Hardware Store.. Goods soid
ss wholesale and retail very low. Thrftill cash.
Dec. 22, 1870—tt • ,
tar I have just received a large
stock of Tet, , bouglit gizmo the reduCtion in the
.duty on tea of ten cents per pound, and offer
there at the low prices annexed : -
Best Young .Hyson, $1,25; Good Young Try,
son, $l , OO . Oolong ' 70 to 90cents : Hylton Fine,
75 cents; hyson Good, 53 cants; Best Jcpan,
110. Call and examine..
Jan. 18, 1871. Gm. L. Etramx.
• or Dirs. - H. C. Salsbury desires to
ye talk* that she continues the business eon.
ducted by her late huaband at the Flouring
near Monroeton.
. Mar. A.1871-4*.
—The well known Hill properly belonging to
the estatof
_J. deoeased, is now
offered foWe. The proper ky cotutista of one
large flouring mill, plaster mill, esw milt,' four
dwelling-houses, twenty live acres of land, and
aneinvaluable water power.
nquire Of Mrs.tialsborr,. administra-
Ws, on 'the premises, or of A . di. Cramps . , at
-• If thaaborstwoperty is not sold within s re-w
-oo:able thus., it win bo rentaL . ' • -
Idar.l2, 1871-4 w.
ag.. linm" phrey Brothers call ee l .
pms,l4 attention this week to tbeirBpting Goods
fez Indies, Misses said Children, and Weir *-
Went line of Hen's and Boys esaf hand-sewed
Clatters of Bart's manufacturis of which they
are solo agents in Towanda. In every del:ran
i:beta the stock is complete , and the prices the
very lowest far good rods, Cash buyers will
do well to ammo° this assortment of . Boots
and Shoes before making their spring pur
chases. 1871.
ClanAusii Di Fwasiz---Inie new
and deUghtbal perfume will hold' Hi strengih
Mger thm any other
ai rt111120( etTIN
re the patine. N 'from the bean tdal
French Crystals. In order to introduce' this
beautiful peritone the proprietdy has pat the
price down toll'e low sum of 2.tls' cents. Don't
rail to give its trial. Sold in this place by the
.follbwing business arms: Patterson & nasal;
Orneedes &Provisions,. John glterldetb a Z
Goods and Groceries Itorjrwdl,
iderehandise ; F. J. Maas, Mogi Sore. •
Scar. 25; 1871.
11.' X. Wzzams.
SPACIAL _ 210=113.,
ar's Block,
lud tend of
I commence
Lpr. 5-3 w.
me choice
Fox k. ItEncuc's.
1826.' • i MONtOtICEI 1870,
just opined s Urn and caretidtraelec‘
ad stoat at oatili Ike Abe WI brads. „Mass
Goods, ftan ibraels. Prim* Aka Teak
Hairsrs, Strom and Graced's at kinds at
New !ark_ pekes. Crockery and Ohara= of
air me Set, sous atisrairew
dock to hea" booed minds* kw ash,
gaaraukod So baid Wet prices Shari
Geared in ibis Waft&
i ' itt ha •
- 01.- 0813 book soooluits
with ukare requested to se o betwom April
Ist and auk, u advertised totems, either by
cub mien% or noes • - _
-lioeleistikes trill he In book 'c
opula, it not sted as mention above ;as
ve will then have trier, books posted - ready
ter settlement. \ •
, ...
vUllg4 i,viiiiil
In has ban charged' on %.
those who hid to ittle - last January,,
‘lll bittrarged on accounts of those -who
not setae bin the Ist to the 15th of April.
Luvrrrrit Lamm
Campteeni v ltarti22, 1871.4w. 1
lbw Adurtisemeata
WI OB 1131WL—Tbikaideeriber Whew lite
Wool= reobxy attested one *At
_south et Woo.
restos. on the ,
tele =woad. foe isle or
rent: Alto one or two dwelling bounce near die
Teetory Odell will be !I/imposed oL Telma made
Wont oaipptla.tica to LIZJAXIII 1 1 101ITIL
Pe4Agellllo. 111114111
P L A S.T-E R.
• !Win attprir of . 7seth Greiped elm& Mister
from ItsagerOrttett I Va.'s beds At the subeesibers
'WM et mouth-of Betemerflekt Creek. akely pre
pered-auel warreate44 pure arlk, e.
ept.l.l7l4ha• • • .7A3amilsrr.
CAMON.4AII nslit tri
timed against Orehes an order drawn on
the Treasurer of the Board lichoot Director" of
Albany township, Bradford wwiy. and dated sub
sequent to Muth a. in ibbin.
for two hth•sd dollars MVO) as the Mashers
will not ply the same unkos can by law By
seder of the Board al Undoes. '
BENZ 4,, A • • : •
anisnia! ApL ie,-n• . • L
I WANDA - NUM : Y.: •
' Fs= Allis oßitooLvrAL razes, • -
agaT i ze. • .
ram not
u able to at . •• - larlori or
~. at = , - • -ohms Ir sc r .
• follewtas : • • ....:. Pear. Phu:o.
Chem. Aprioottl Norway : 7 7' Balsam Arbor
Vitae. kr. Gripe Vibes at , theleadlograriwtlea.
Strawberry rtaato by the • • ••• • litrodra& or noes
sod. all at wbobwate • • 4. R• lit• %MLR& •
rril 11E , i i A er ak. WitERL , - RISE,
ie.r wed.
For bsi oe m en stubble. sowing plaster,
ata. •op , , .aw
Mats, Sower there will be no more we
plaidet by A - For sale try •
1 • It. X. WELLICS.
f "
'aTIL tru f .
_'i Tarsal* Pa.
IgliNk trTION.--.Tlfe co arth .
p Sr
shoo;D hilybeteitofore existing between the under'
f r
the Arm of Bennett & Smith. Is this
, day red hi, mutual consent ..', Ali Unsettled
amen of the late Arm _will he set tl ed :..?s , WS.
floiS . who continue tfi - e . Dueness.
pl.Vit4r3 -.-- , - • 'O. 5. ovum
43TRUCTORA.,-Proplisals for WWI nO . as Odd
Fellows Hall at Bertlay will be reeared tinti I the
Mb 'lnstant. Foridetcand ipeelbeatlons addreee
eircill-oti GRAB. MITCHINSON. Barclay,
1414.1r2 Chairman Commitma.
P •
WRITE PIO* FOR SALE.—Tbe , istibsertber
haes, tow pure blood Cbeetof White PR s. aix weeks
old, for sale. Price sls.per pair. or sB' for sing%
pig. Call co or address E. M. liIBOOP.
ap1.19.wl ]lace Zonis. Ps..
. .
• ,_,
ipwANDs, PA. • .
`The nndersigned having fitted up this-how* for
a Hotel and Restaurant. will Open for .bualness May
Ist, 1871. The public wilt And . a very nest mad corn.
inodlone house, with Musical Entertainments. to:
gethet with tour of the - best Billiard . Tables In this
section. AU ate invited to call and examine for
spLl9ll4 ' C. W. BCHWENTE.
her sernces
; Wm. Dit,
1, 1871 —tf.
TUSSOLUTION:—Tho co-partner
-ILP ahip heretofore existing between W. IL Shaw,
John Brazed and W. 11.: Hill. undoe'the Arm name
of Shaw, Brand k Co.. Ii Oda day Maw:deed by
mutual conte n t . W. H. 81111 W. '
April IS, 1811. - W. E. HILL. -
The business will be continued by .Tobn Braund
and W. H. Hill under-tbe Arm of EItAIIND & HILL.
who wIU "stile the accounts et the late •firm. All
weber' indebted must make Immediate payments.
AprU 18. 1871-w3 BR SUND & HILL.
For a °Nuw Pruis.Suit,
For 'Now Spring Styles in Pants.
For all tho Latest Styles in Cia-
tom, and Ready-Made clothing
For Hats and Caps, all the Latest
Style? ‘
'For Gents' Furnishing Good
Bowit, Tiwt ) , &c.
Ma, - WORK .
v Block Tes cheap atArnimmi
T 1111123.110717 o!' co ALL HINDS
For your New Spring Suit.
For a Ne 4 Spring Overcoat.
....... a
" - •
-_ •
...CP I : . Ac.
Art= .
, .7,
.IE,yW) G 204 0 . D
Beautiful lapiniallu4
_ Wo.r.k:Cix's.
• •
if of
• it
Rich Poplins*
- • .150.'
' '• Tag &
Ne 7 Style 1 - klieg, -
. 41X,Taylive - Co.'&
Haiidsomells;ulo, •
Wa4 /NOD%
14,iiilsome Dress Goodb, • *
• atTitylor &
Ch e f l PPreas (1°44
White Piquet',
~ inns sad NApkfim;.
White Goods,
• - .• -
Fancy Goods,
at Taylor &
Ribbons and Vimniings, -
Cloths and Casaimereii,
Cottowules and Cheeks,
iiintucky deawr,
Yankee NotioLs,
Hosiery and Gloves,
Hats and Caps,
Ladies andehildren's Stoes,
at Taylor Co:s.
Carpets ant Oil Cloths,
Sheeting and Shirtings,
Prints and Gingham,
3DIRi - s - c3.oons
Towanda. April 12. 1871
' • -
M:!.11)dE STREET, TOWA.NI3/.
, - TUBERS, )
Which Rtll enable us' to well
Our !hock comprises a full line of
By homemade mod Mt deals; t
a toil *are of public patronage. vi cara to lima
Please glee iss call beim weierdeluelmiedreel
for rre teesedeed Vat ell' Mil and Pekoe mai
.- ..r
tt 'bed. & Co.'s.
at . -Taylor Co.'s.
at T4ior It CO.'s.
at Tgvla , r sr ; co.'s.
sti Toylor & Co'oa,
at Taylor & Co.'s.
*lst i raylog &,
1 — at Taylor & Co.'s,
At Taylor & Co..'
at Taxiorslc.
°id Taylor A; Co.'s.
at Taylor & Co
at Taylor & Co.'s.
at Taylor ok, Co.'s.
aoTaylor A Co.'s.
at Tayl9flic.
Our goods • aro
most '
ill!) ItOCLAMAHTION.;:... " : I A: ' . :. '''
can. MAIM 1121111/113:11, Prenklont l e =e
to the 12th Jadlabil corisialtios of the
Jibs oilleadfeed MI Ilkno soda
Loa Trona asILL111:41
in and for sold county dt Bradford, tears issued
i l!isilnit date Us Slat day Of Mart. • 1271.
trire t minded, .for holding • 03110 of Oyer' sad
- Tettoluer. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
Conan= Pleas. snit Qrphazes Court at lowandS
Isertlie county Or NIMOICO , OIOO4Ir. Illiti4 .
Vai. te medians two weeks. *, '
, Abeam is thentfore the Coroners .
Wsdlustlees of the Pe i sestt 'ty of Mulford,
27 be then and I n th eit . proPor Penna.
at o'clock in the forencfon a woo day„ with re.
inquiaitions and otbseraM: nom ewes,,lq do
those thins' which to that , ' lie be
done: and those who are bound by ;reccegnininee.— • or
ortherwise to te e agairud the prisoners who
ailsor may be the jail l said wordy, or who shall
be bound to appear et it* said: court are to be then
and there to tassanst seshal/ be fwd.
1o:br their attlikl,
= aft to Mei; • , , I'
.Dated at .Towanda . the - 2d dsiwir% April. in the
- par s 1 oar Lord. one t,I.M eight. hundred and
areenty-ope; and of, the IndependenCe of . the
,ffnited States, the ninttpfsirtlL_, VL EZT , ' •
! ~.-• ' - a. P. VAN truant - Sheriff.
'1"-'1 . 1ST OF THE NAMIP . OP PEW
4.4 sons drawn for Jurors, in a punt 'to be held
'at'Towande, commencing on 114 ilat Monday. of
May, 1571: , ,
I.+ a
Athena in), Manson,liabreer
Bruton E. Gaudin, Robert D.. Kem Bur;
llngtgt Alvord P. Rockwell; Canton tarp.. Frank
;Carona; Franklin. Daniel Cokely; Granyillei. A. T.
Shoemaker, Frank Barnyon. IL S. Lamed;
Andrew Week Jr. ; Litchneld. A. Pi Wokott: Pike.
William J.Davie; ItidgeburVlCahtri P. Rant Rome
'Brace, • George Chaffee; Syrnants. -Orarles Waldo;
South Creek, George. 0. Tart; .thadthlield , Burma
Collin': Towanda Borough. Ore: McCabe. C. M. Man.
ville; North Towanda, Simeon Allosray; Troy E:IW,,
James Adams; Wyaluslug, Orlando Fenner.. • '
Marin= stniT, Mar MEI& •
Alba, William BeYnollial Albany.) 7* N. Wilcox;
John .Ditchbtrim. Irdeeddithestlef; I Burlington taw
,JerenitahTrarls;Volumbtx Et , a.roliitre; Canto,/
;rwto.. W. R. Fester; Franklin, Masi W. Taylor, El.
tier' Blake. Geo.. W. White; Herrick: Asher Rolla,
'Wm. Bowker. Ethel Fuller; LellayMille, 'Llewellyn
(Black ; Monroe twin Vamp •Canunings; Orwell,
Samuel ButtlesrPiter, olerni - --11. 'Riley. Patrick J.
.McCauley; Ramatsap.. E.G.. Dm* 0. L. , iittssell;
'Rome Borough, Muth! Hicks; Mgebury; G. IL
'Owens: Standing nor* John Fulford4 Shashecnin,
L. P. - Morton; South Creek. Ears Smith-
Engeriolansratey. Franklin , 'roving:ls
'Borough. Luther ELseott. II 1 'adore,
Solomon. A. L. McKean,James Wilber; North To.
twands: Samuel metha; Tie* twp., Minion Pom
eroy. Wm. G. Loveland. Page Kaman; Turrarora
Win-SanwaYOFFlror. Wilitana Lewin Worming.
Edw •-erellesr Windham. near !White, -Harvey
Turner; Welles, Benjamin F. Warner. Reuben Berry.
.81mcort Shepard;, Warren. Lore Wolcott, R. B.
Heindr... • . •._ I
• synavrelx =Err, irMvMD,ISIVItar. °
Athena twp,. °cargo lturchardi. lknaili• L. L
Howell; Asylum, R. E. Gilbeart; J. Manley;
Barclay, David Q. Heron. Jamesrniskey; Can.
tan Borough. Wm. W. Wright; Canton tvp" Jacob
Gramteer -Shedder Williarna I lorinklin...T. Z. Scald
lug: Grearrille; N. M. Montgomery; Ilerrick, William
'Billie; Omit, S. L. Chubbtick, Chauncey Gridley,
Janie' H. Smith; Ilidgebairl. Dotr. Morris
Crimmins, James Mitchell; Standing Stone, Richard
Schoonover; Shealrequlia, L. J. Culiter:'Sp_Filield,
deorga Corey; Misreads Borousftr.lJ. H. Min Ms.
Wm. G. Alger; Troy Boa eugh. Thomas Maxwell;
Troy tarp.. John Hunt; Terry. r. B.lTbompson.
ram Babcock. Albert 0. Miller; Tosararora, Joins
Black; Wilmot. Allen WinaloW„_ William Csakey,
Thomas Vow: Withlhani. Rufus Like, M.R. 'Path:
Warren. James Thibbets. Carrington Arnold: WTI.
losing. 'Andre' w Fee, Errs
. IWysox, Stephen
Hanow._ .
..1. IV is hereby given that there ha e tree filed and
sett the office ofthe Begister 1 Wilts. iu and
t en
for comity of Bradford, accounts of admin.' Kira.
non eon the following estates. Vi* '
Filial acct of Jnitus Lewis, guardian of Clara
Lewis. Minor child of plwin Leiria: deed. ••
Finallacet of Justus Lewis. guardian of of Jane A.
4w-is. taittor child of Edwin Lolls de'c'd.•
1.. . -
FinalAcet of IA Ple.ree. gnar a• of Fanny Lang,
'child of Alonzo LongAec' . • . • ,
Final meet of-Edmund Re
Lamb, deed. •
Final &cft of FkomaA C. Montgo
then., and Daniel Sfont.'t+)Mery...gx.el
Montgomery, drel.
Final sec't of G. I)kkinson.
Dickinson. deed. , '
.Final noel of erf setn•r.
man, dec'd. 4
Final ',col of 31afr O. ',lncr.,, la
of Arthur E..Weila, 'child and heir
Final acc't,. nf Thomas V. En
Samtim Brown: deed.
Final ace't of P. D. Jlorrow, admkr, with will an.
flexed. of C. B. Coburn,. decd.
Partial scPt of V.- S. Landon, gtiard4n;of Ida
Viola Spaulding. •
Tho appralsnment of;propcwty Ft,* the etc.
cutor or administrator to wklows or children of .the
following decedents:
Estate of David Tans.
.! • limn 'Fulfobi.,
• James 8. Mum.
" J. K. JarviS.
i ••• Jacob . J.
" °comb W. Wen.
J. G. Towner.
Philip Gratie.
And thn name I :43.Prexerdi'd
Court of Bradford county,-Thuradi
fur coMirruation irni Oloranoe. •
apL 4'71 -I
TICENSES..-41 , 16111 IS. HERE
hp given• that tbo folloort applications far
licenses for tarepis, eating twunpa and, merchant
de.alcra. bare been Mod in thisi Offlce, and that the
same will bc'presentmd to the 'Co ur of finarter &
si a
nus. on Monday, May 1. 1871, f r. the considera
tion of said Court: -
. .
fl tthena tirp
Athens born
Alba V .:: •
• Franklin:
lier Tick
. / 3fonroo borci
. -
• ...
F W Knowles
Jacob Emery
Chas Day...
George Jordan
Thomas Dahlia
John 31 ,
... . . . •
Ili Smith
John 11 Morgan
James P Strong -
Thomas A Gamble '
Chas Mee:,
C D Holcomb
Unto hlirmoe"
Peter , Sherman...
Chas Heady
A A Taylor.— .
Jacob P
W B Forrest.....,
Emily Can A11en....
F 11 Peck
Abraham Mastto •
Benhen Stile'
011 P Disbrow '
Christiana Schwanke
C Wilma
T B Jordan'
H 0 ......
Wm Henry.:' . .. —L.:.
A, K. h E.
John DonOvin....
Marcos A Forrest
John Sherman
B W T.nnls....
J S Thompson .
M Brown.
inane Eagan
W C Bowen.
I: 7:
, •
WING 'wigwag
'irk Rai • 'Athens tory
Thomas Dihsnl Athens born
0 F Young - Alba born
E G McClelland.....; Colturibia
Martin Heichczaer— Overton
Win Henry., Towanda bora
Redmond Caton
John Fitzgerold
, •
John Adams •
Francis Watts
A. K.,.t 8. Smith - ' .I„
Michael Fyne
Morgan & Wolf. '
Orwan Porter
Vartin . ...... ....
C Robinson
Mackey Craig •I • "--..
Dennis McMahon..:.. - 1 . Towanda ban
- •
C NY Smith—, .....• • •• ••:
Daniel Sullivan
0 N' Vella
R F Redington
EX•eler k.anghn...
the nutter of pie untie of Leonard Plants. deed. •
At an Grphsite-Coast held M apd for said county.
at Towanda, February _2O. 1871. The petition of
George Plants was presented siting forth that Leon
and Planta, late of Litchfield township, to said coun
ty, deceased, millie - 23th of January, 1807, by con
tract in writing bound himself to convey, to said
George - Plante the fid/owingdoecribed lot of land.
situate in said township,of Litchfield. and bounded
es follows, to wit: On the east by lands of Daniel
Maloyron Qia south .by lands of Wm. Cooper; on
the west by Joseph Enna' lot and lands Of William
.Backat, on the north by lands orPerkins
containing 88 acres and 28 perches, more or lent
Tbsein and by said contract said George Planta haw
to paY for said land $2lOO, and was also to-pay all_
the debta which said Leonard Plants owed at the
date of raid CeirMeticl. and arsa ales ?to auPft and
'maintain said Leonard -Planta - dukrig bis life, mid
Was also to keep and maintain Margaret end Martha
nannies, long as they should lee fit to live With
• mid George Planta or should remain. unmarried:
and also setting forth thatsaid Geo. Plants had in
all respects fulfilled his part of contract, Vo4 °Ter
ing to glee rich ancurity al Mid cent might require
to keep and maintain said Margaret and Martha'
Planta as provided for in said contract; and - that
said Leonard Plants died inteatae seized of mid land
withput having made any suftleient provisions.for
the performance of said contract: _and letters - of
administration upon the estate of Leonard Planta,
deceased, had been granted to the said Geo. Plants
and 8.13. Canner; and praying said .court to make
a decree for the textile performance of said contract
according to the true intent and meaning thereof,
kc. , Whereupon the laid court among etherthings
directed a citation to lime to said 8. lL Canner and
to the children of said Leonard Plants, deceased.,
and that the same be served on said Cariner and on
such of Said children , is ron do in said Bradford
county personally; and that said citation bei pub
' fished in one of the newelopers of said conitty for
sit weeks prior to the arra of May Tern* 1871,
and tharis comof said advertisement be and by
mail to the address- of laid children living "out pf
said Commonwealth at least four weeks before wad.
. first day of May Term. 1871. These are therefore
to MAIN' and command you the said 8..13. Carper;
one of rho administrators of said estate, and you,
Susanof Wm. Cooper) Margaret
manta, Martha resgus, Znbai Strong, (wife of John
Strong) John Plants, 'Jane Moore, (Wife Of G„,M,
Moore) Ronald, 9013:111:44 jwlfe of George Setinton)
Planta angf David V. Pleats. children. of
arid Leonard - Plants. deceased, to be and appear
before said OrOharie• Coed. to be iteld in the
of Tetrands.-no. ,1. ion.
at 2 beet p.m.. there and then V' answer the
aforeeeld. and to thaw canoe. if any you
said alert ehoo3d not donee the
ciao performance (dada eeetract. - • -,
slice Is lierekry_jrteen that art persons Indebted
to the estate of JOIDIPH late Of itiadhsro,
are requested to soaks Inuttediatt pay
ment, and an wow tumble eilduktiarttnek acid
estate must mom, them -duty autzmuuneten for
spLl9'7l.W Itseetitor.
:'^ -.
t ` y :am' I "S SALE.—By virtue iiif
)J wrtt of Lenart Yachts isitutxl oat of tho Court
g,,U:..4 Ceas:9tßr i idra d i OP8 8 (sf EA 61 treadt-
I i 'exposed to priblki Wu" at" the" Mart'
ROtllle /.0 • • .do Boro., an THIIIiSDAY. A.PILI.t.
*7_ , 1871. at o'clock. pan.. the following described
lat Ow' Orlllenat .of ' larmL. idtriatolgoTedtandi
DOOMild' boa:Wall terms: llegttrolog at a M.
Der to the south line of Landlord. *test. thalliV . b7
I.ontbard street 'oath 87. degrees cast 140 feet east to
1 14 feet idley. bunco by said glor south 8 degrees
West MC Actin the soptheast corner of a tot No. 10
Wine acirthlmoloolll lot So. ta 13 91 .7 11 1 fr
west 140 feet to ma street, thence by
d ortrect north 8 degrees east., 0934 feet to the
of bollbudno; containing about 13.930 square
lamr es
twill:I-One atone and brick lialliding thereon to
bo used when a Roman Catholic Church.
. . _
• Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Ben
jamin Wm,Ma in Catholic Congrecatkm of Tann.
dai.ll. • y J.T.tirAutuam
.• ap1.41143 -. - Sheriff—
gHEItIFF'S vitrruri .
I.> of sundry writs - issued otit •of the CoM: of
Common Pleas of Bradford county and to me di
rected, walla *wised 0 pato silts ' Abal 'Court
Boum, in the Borough of Tewands, Bradford coun
ty -Pennsylvania, ow .Tlll.lltBbY. APRIL 27th,
1871, at 1 o'clock, tlian.; the following described lot,
or of land intuits in Towanda township
as follows: • On the north by lands'of-John
11. Smith and the Widow Coon, east by Wm, Wat
kins. south C Wren: And C L Ward. *bet by
George Britton. Bode burs: and J P Durex :.con
bluing 135 scree, more er less, about .GO acres im
proved. -with a large framed dwelling, two old
'mimed betike,l9o trained barn and row fruit trees
thereon, . .• . •
Belted and taken into execution, at the snit of
Codding. Russell it Co's nee vs. Mk-hael lfeylert.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or .
t e 1 of land situate in Pike twp., bounded as follows:
thaiwitik by. iodate highway: .east by lands bI
Or. Roberts. south by Mortimer Pratt, west by Geo.
Wells and Platt Wood: cantaining'24 acres, more or
leis, about SO sera keprered.-: - . '
Seized and taken. Into execution at the Snit of
B Marsh es. nichard Ashton. -
ALI3O-The fo ll owing described lot, piece .or par.
bel of land Fltnate In Burlington tarp, bounded as
follows: On the north by lands of b T goys°. sugar
croak, Philo Beardsiee and Justid Morley:east b
*gala and Jac.% Morley, south by Frank
.13rowo and e- estate of J F tong, d,ecd. - wed
by laud.of : F Long, deceased; Rents*
Morley; 'Benjamin Clark, El 8. Hril and the public
highway; containing 217 acres mite or less. about
140 acres improved. with s two story brick dwelling
house, sit old.friuned ?mine, two. framed biretta arab
shed attached: horse barn. work stein. cider press
trutotber oat Imlldisgs and - two apple orchards
, •
'Seized and tae Into eicittfcrre aE. the suitlof ;31
W Wheelockla vs Qom CHM •
ALSG—The halos ing described lot; piece or par
eel of land Waste in North• Towanda twp, hounded
its folliniwt- Begia thg on the west bank of the North
Branch Canal at earner of Horace Granger's land.
thence westerly by said. Granger's land .about - 30
perches to corner of Janus Winerty's land; thence
southerly by the same and lands of Catlin and Owen
Brady about I§o' rods to 'John • Biles' land, thence
easterly by MO Bites' land about rods to add
canal, thence northerly by the canal abOut lgo perch
es to the place , of beginning; containing 7 acres;
hare ar. ksssovith a atone quarry thereon; •
Seized and taken into, sr ecution at ' the suit of
DenisMc3fabon's nee if. - JOhn Cantwell.
ALSO—The following described lot, - pleete Or gar.
cel of land situate in Pike twp, bounded as follows: 1
Beginningst • eiumer.of Dr..Wariaer and Mary Ste
vens fn the 'circle, of the Wields:lag road, thence
porth-B'34' degrees west
.8-10 perches to a. post, '
thence north-17,t; degrees west '4O perches, thence
north 61 3 ilvreas—aroetlB.iierihes, thence - south 70
degrees west 10 perches; thence south 50 degrees
west 14 perches, thence month 40 - degrees east a
7-10 perthee, thence north 483; degrees cast 1 1.10
perches, thence south 03' dgs. east 1 2-10 perches
thence north BQ,y i : ' degrees . east 1 .-100 •of
a perch. thentc south o , ' degrees vier, 4-10 frrchel
tb the road. thence north 75 degrees. east 10 2-10
perches to the beginning; containing '8 acres and On
perches, morn _ or lase, improved, with ono
framed framed barn,' one framed cern
ho se, hog- pen. cooper shop and few fruit . trees
thereon., •
Seized and-taken into exeentfon'st the suit of Geo
Atwood 1 Stevens:
ALSO—The following described let. piece or par
cel of land'iiituate Irv. 1% - ysox. tea), hounded' es p 1 ;.
lows: , Beginning at a yellow pine stub eofner beufg
the southeast .corner of, the Towanda Bridge Cu
lot, thence along line - of Chas Brown south 1 degrecro
east S -91 - perehes to a post and s.totie corner,
thence shim.; Ltind.of John E Gel •r • north' de- •
grecs west 18. perctbs or thereabouts to a coria'v.
thence north .3 degrees west 8 9 - 40 iw t:
rekom !.lino of
Towanda Bridge Golf lands heretofore rnenE oned,
thence alongLne of the same 'south ,813‘ 'degrees
east L . B . the place of beginning; contain
ing 6Tij acre, more or - loss, all Improved; witlr
framed hotel known as the' Lehigh Valley House and
and a fraMed barn , with shed attached located there-
',am tor :of C. II
erg, now ptn‘
tore of Unary!
9 'sdnir of E. L
of Donid
lof Lewis Wells,
S.etzed Mid taken Into execittion at the ;pit of
Joseph Conklin Vanbrwnt.
• ALSO=Thetellowing described lot, piece or par
eel of land Situate in South - Creek twp, .b , mniled as
follews:'. On the north and - West-by lan,ls of J'ii
Cole, east by ,public highway leading from Troy to
Elmira; isouth'hy j F. Want: containing one erre,
more or less. all iinproved,'with a framed dwelling
bongo and, shoo shop Attaotied, . framed barn: and
few fruit trees thereon.„
Seized andtaken into execution at ths snit of
Tinfus Holmes to use of Job lipltress vs, Jonathan
Davidson and tr 34 Coe. .
.- - r.v.cutor of
_ .
thllcreing &am:bed lot, piece or par
yeeliof land; Situate in Standing, stone twp, bound
ed as follow s : On the north by lands belonging . to
;be estate of Byron Stevens, east and "soetb by F.
'Whitman, west by }Bum Vannes!. containing
acres; more less, about acres Improved, with a
framed house,
_framed barh . and - few fruit trees
therein. '
to the Orphana•
, May 4; 1871;
Seized and taken into execution r.t the Irnit Of. Wm
0 Ciiiiruar Sarah Castor. . '
ALSO—The following-desezlbeA: irh, pieed or par
eel of land sitnato in Orerteulti - p. bounded as
. on - the north by !ant? of Wilson Strk.V - y;
east by public blulrmay loaditm from. Prortma_to
Dushore. stintlx&n4twent by. hind 'of • Ilcury Sher.
'man, Sr.; containimt act,e, more or less; all in:-
proved. no buildings:
ALSO—One other lot, niece or parcel of lamrin
Overton twp. bounded as follows: On the north ht
land of Henry Sherman, Sr., east by Bert - laid Dunn,
seinth and west by land of said Henry Sherman, Sr.;
:containing acre; more or less, all improved, no,
Seized and taken tnto execution, at the suit of
Heichemor Brothers vs. John McDonald. -
'ALAG--Tbe following described lat. piece Or par
cel of land. •situate . in Towanda Imp, bounded as
follows: On the north by, lands of i Johnman. east by Ilailrcad street, south by. F,
IF_ llale.
west by centre street; being about 5V feet wide and
199 fret Sack. more or oss,.• with a Irgaed
house thereat,.
Seized and. taken into execntion at the sot of 1.2
ward Overton. lr'.a lase Ta. S Carrier.
ALSO—Tho folknihurdescrlbed: lot, piece or par
ea of land, situate in Albany twp; bounded •as
lows: On the north by lands of Jane .Beenian and
Joseph . Striven ; east Wfn H Drake and Solon
Marcy, south by S6lon 'Afarcy and Orrin Coleman.
west by the Widow . Horton and James Chapman
containing 55 acres, more or. less. itheut 12 acres
unproved, with framed house, framed barn partly
finished, and frfalt trees thereon. • ,
. .....boro
. .... Shesbequin
• Smitblield
.... ..Springeteld
.._1 1 `..... ..Troy tbrii
'Tioy hip
....Tcrirands bort>
Also, .1 P ritby vs. It d Hakes
M virtue of an order issued out of the Orphans,
COOrt of Bradford county, ' the undersigned - Guar
dian of theestate of Marion A: Infid and /damson B.
Ladd, minerti, pill sell on the prerciaes 'on ELA.TI7II
DAT E APRIL n. 1971. at I - o'clock. P.m:, the f olio .:
Ina lot of bind situate in - Albany twp . bound a
folloirs: 'On the north by Asa Larabes and Z. I .
Corson, east' by Jefee — llobinson and J. T. Bnrdic
so' 7th by Joshua Vanloivn and West by . Daniel Dui.-
dick; beier two separate tracts. one cOntaininc - 4.5
acres and 123 "perches- Ind the ' other 25' acres
and 80 perches. more or less. . .
I • WySOI>
• a
.. e . .....
4 IN- 3 -musing
_ .
TERMS—S2S on on the property. being. struck' down,
slotr on confirmation, one-half the balance in sit
months from confirmation with interest; and the
balance in one year with interest from confirmation.
mar. -w4 ond:titian.
.irtno of an Order isstied ont of the - 'Ol - vhan's
Court of Bradford coup y, the undersigned Admin
istrator of the estate of James 8. 'Shaw, late of
Tuscarora' tw . p. decased, will. sell on the premises on
FRIPAY. APRIL, 28, 1811. 2 o'clock, p.m.. the fol
lowing described lot of - land situate in, Tuscarora
twp., bgnuded and described as follows: Beginnin,l,
in the highway opposite to house of Mrs. J.. Shaw;
thence jn the mtdille elf Said highway, south it dogs.,
'east 35 rods Ara 8.10 to lands of Jacob I). Stunle
vant; thence along said Sturdevant's lands and If.
8.91111 , 20 cent land, west 113 rode and 5-10 to a cor
ner; thence . along lands of Oilier Varner, north 42
'rods and 8-10 to scorner; thence, along other lands
of 'said decedent'i estate, south 8.5 dogs . and east
108 rods and 5.10 td the. place 'of beginning.
• taining 21' acres:l=ore or less,,
TERILS—SSO be paid on the property lioing struck
'down, otiedhird of the balance on confirmation of
'sale, and, the balance in two equal payments in 41l
months and one yearfrout the date of confirmation.
Troy boro
.ocer , u)n
Troy boro
W. 11. THOMAS,'
rirtne of an order Issued nut of the Orphans'
Court of Bradford county. the undersigned Admin.
istralor of the estatebf Horatio 7. Ladd, late of Al
bany twp., deceased. will mil on the premisds on
FRIDAY, 4 APRIL 28. 1871, at 'forelock, p.m., the
following Let; piece or parcel of Anna situate in Al
bany twp., hounded as follows: On, the'eart by the
Berwick turnpike and lots nmnber 3,"4. 5, 511.1 10,
being 50 feet wide end 175 feet deep. - •
TERMS-215 on the property being struck doten,
one-third of balne on‘third In
six month!: from ivnfirmition with Interest, - and
the balance in one year from, confirmation with
interest. .OEO. 11. HEN - BALL, •
mar.2l'7l-w4 ' •- Adminlitrator.
_A_ 'Court of the United States for the Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. • Wesiint District of
Dania. S. d.
A Warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by
said Cam; againetpe estate of 7J. waukusiwEß,
0E8.,„0f Albany. county of Bradford and' Stae Of
Pennsylvania, in said District, who has been duly
adjudged a Bankrupt, upon WA own petitiont;;that
the payment of any dchta. and the delivery of
any property belonging to such Bankrtipt tO.laint or
to 'his use, and the transfer of any property by him'
are forbidderrbyLaw.. A meeting of the creditors of
said bankrupt, to - prove their debts: and - choose:one
oe more assignees Qf his o state:hill bo held at a
Court of Bankruptcy, to ho holden at the
ch•ertiOn t Elsbree., 'tithe Borough of Towanda, Ps.
before EDWARD 0 1 7F-ETON, Jr.. Esq., lidgisfer, on
the 29th dayof APRIL. A 3?:, nil; at 10 o'closk.a.ln:
. • A. MURDOCH' .
U.S. Marshal, as Messenger.
phan's Court of Rradford.Conntyl
audit**. rinted by mid
Court to dispose of exceptions tofloat account and
distribute • funds to the hands Of -ERENF.ZER
SNELL. Dv:tutor of, the estate . of
ate of Pike, Bradford "connty..Pa.,'deceaied. will at
tend to the duties ..of said appointthent, Mills office
in the boro' of Towanda, on FRIDAY, the 29th day of
1871, at 1 o'clock p. m., fit. which time and
place all persona having thirds on . said money arc
required to present Um ammo . or be debarred from
coming on said tread. 1... T. WILLISTON.
mar. 2111-w4 - : ' Auditor.
T 0 1- R'S NOTICE.--
..L4 Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted
to. the: estate of 8131EGN TAYLOR, late of Pike,
deceased, sremptested Ixs,Make immediate payment,
and all persons having claims against said
mast presinat thkm dnl Y authenticated for settle
ipL 1911-wa • Executor.
'tire berebY even that an persons indebted
tq the 'estate of LOUIRe. .VERY, late of Rome,
deceased, ere requested to Make - immediate
payment, &MAU persons having claims amanita said
estste•thust•vreeent • them -dtdl authenticated ter
settlemene 0: F. YOUtiop. •
mar.2lll-10 • Executor.
TBLAL LIST - r - on &Y _1:
Banos Jana Bewttt vs. Bann - -
Wen. N. Chains Ti. Waal Bowen ' att ox :
/Web Lent vs. Ge0..111. Mute - • eel fa -
Denial Ilswldnson vs. AL WI - Coveyof IL. cue -
Flerwlnc-kiones vs._.roseplt Wooden. 0280
'nephew Lowy ver.Bertlaansi k Vergneen 10Peet-
Psnklln Murray vs. Wrlshs, .
r. etnli vs. A.B.
C. B. WollsArs.-Zesse ' to ....Mono
Gordon. FellcoeS &Irani n ys. Welles, Ypls=- .
tide k' C 6;
Ursa Str4e vi. .1111 ton
Z. oz vs. F ogerty , . ex
Coddlnt k Russell vs. room' Nobicai. , A.c. Att ez
C.A. Hemmer IlltlJardeB BasselL . debt .
'Mentes Smith vs. Cr. A. Ref/sever - * meat
Misitv SL John vs. D. A. Wm* admes.;;.: :appeal
Win. lEfalbertivx.:.l,nnetion Cued C 0....... ,esse.
Chte.J't Cole vs._Pmeph
C. S. Walls vs. ' "...for at! ,
CPALIIIey' IfeGoveris vs Cathego Copgr4:4 - - -
tiosolce ifetllo2ll,7
ow. W—Decker vs. LaPorte • ' ' sass .
X. IL. Botts, Jr. vs. liciary Colo ' cx
IL S. Warner vs. Pa. Atli.Y. Canal k-8.8. mo'
(1. r. Massa Ns. J. W. 31.1. a. guarditut...!. —.eject:twat'
Trawls - Yates vs. Ms*. Ted trespass
fiapoottss returzatbio ow ItoadaT. May tc:1871, at -
10 o'clock. Ltd. ' W. A. TIMILAS, Prot. •
Notice la hereby Wren that all persons Indelitta'
tp the estate of CTIESTEII B. 3IIMMT.L. late of li>7 l -
ftsld,deed. are regnestod to make inunedtate,plyment 1
awl all persona haring claims itwatiat aai4 estato ,
must present tltenv. duly authenticated - for settle. - 1
Went. 'lll.aAll W. ACESP.III, •
, Admlnistritor.
EXEC - Ulialt'S
Notice is hereby - even that ail persona imiebt- • F
. 4XI to the eatato of BETH FTEMS. tats of.MbanT
4reeated, 'aro requested .to mate ` Immediate:,
payment, and allpersotot hut* claims against'
said entate most - present *them Jinly anthentlested ' 3 •
-rot& aottlmalynt. . G. SY.ISTEMICOMB.E;
ap1.19'71-act, .
IN BANEII,IIPTCY.-...-1n... the- mot,
ter of T..I.LACEY„
To Wiron, rr AT Concznw The • ritidersigne4 -
hereby Ores flattop Of. hlesppointmontas Alsigtica'
of T. L LACEY, of the township . of Wralusior . r -
in the comity of Bradford : and white of Yobnortraal
within, said Dis trict . Who has been adirideo d a bank— 1
rapt:upon_ his petition of Creditors by the' Distct
Coprt of said District. 4 %- .
Dated Wye:in/hip, April 10,1871. ' ,
GEoitat sirmr, • .
Axgr g •
the - matter of the filcorporitiun of •the Pry?shi.
terian Church of Wysox.' oo No., 74G, Nay Tenu,
1871. •
Notice , le hereby raven that -applle i n ham bee
;made/or - the above charter, and' unless reaaerai are,. -
hewn tollic contrary the !MUM will be granted at
3fsy term 'F,..A.,THOMAS.
apl,ll-w3 - • Prothonotary;';
r . X E C 0 R" El 4
1.4 lioU co ix tiati,by . sziven that all persons indebted
to the mtge. of W3f. DURAND,. late of Herrick. ar-
ceaa6l, are requestml - to make tmmediatn payment. '
and all perporm baying chime: against sald_estato •
mart preFe4t the tame duty antbentlCated for act- ,
- • , 13.0.24CE41V. DURAND.
Executors. , •
mar. 21.'71-wG
To George H. Post.—\o. 20 Deo. T, 1870.
You arc hereby notified that Jane Post/ your wife-.
Hy her twat . 'friend, Stephen _Bidlack, has applMil
in the eourvot royalism. pleas Of Bradford bonlifYr
for a divorce from -Umbrae's of niatrimney; and 'Um
said court herlappointed Monday: the Ist of May,.
Bgd, for. hearing- she said Jane Post in the
premises, at. ti-liteh, that and Mace-von ran attUsel it
youthlnk proper. J. PERRY VAS' PLEUX.
snat.2l"7ltra _ Sheriff:
• --T m
o Sauel \o. De .T., IRW..
rim MN , ZIPFC:ky nntiticd thatY , 'Afariiih- Smith •
yonr wife, by her, next F. 1. Allen. flag ap.-
Vic:a Mike court r Amnion pleas Bradford , -
for n.,,tivoree frnm the boriirg of mhtr!moity; and the
raid corirt baR 'MIN - Anted ITonday. ,- . Lim let 'day of ••,'
. for Jtearmr,c.the Wariali in •Pm • =
preen :zt whbiz time anti .piuco ynn can attencl'if
Ton think - proper. • . • • '
. . J.r.Er,.r.Y vIN Arras.
, mar.2111.-w4 , - - 1 - Mort? 2
" • .....,.,_.
rx. m •Jcrria T,.. 'll, - 1,1.—N0. 41. , •4. "Doc. T. IS:M.:—
Von aro ,Loreby wit.T.N2 "that Helou • Tidd, your .
'cif , . by lur uott (Yip _t e. S. palsrsoll..hag, appli..4 .
.0 the coact of connntin picas of Bradford conniy,
fora ditorco•froul t.T.,t bomb= of 'ruutritriolly, and. thi ,
Paid court bag appointril . 3toTiday. tbo let day•or
!tray.. 141. forlhearirsi tlio .Baid . Helen, in an.
prcln 1.,-, :::: 1,7,,!" *no . and rqaco you can attcL,Vir
ybn ehink pfericr..- .
_ _
k .
PP-LI C XTIO N IN Drvonan., •
To Daniel 1,...W0rd,n.-I'o. 193. T... Vin.—
Ton • nro hereby notiiii,d that -11nuntth Borden,
your win-. by her next friend..:,Walter -Lamb;
tee , ' erVirl; to, .tho- . court ee. common • idri•-:.
of Brtaf 4 act ll l l lW, for n divorce Cr(lm the .honde of
matrimony. :ma 'Ore saW, court Ilan appointed lron-
Cary; t k olbnlay of 31:17.1F71. for }leering mid. Han:
nab in the prtuni,wm, nt whicixtrce and place ,
you cap: ~.
attcud if yet: think r rorer. . .
Sherfil. ,
mk- .. .;21:71;w4
E C T.O - 11' NOTICE:- .
!Caeca ie hereby girt!) that all peranne indebted
to no_ ; : i.;tato LEWIS, I iatK of Sraitbfiebi
tarp..Art:•ecae , (l. are rermeated to Snake immediate pay
moat, 'and all per . fonff having etaims, sattinet
,Vl re.
tatspresent the same Qiily anthonti,- fur
eettlenifiit. • • J.S.I C. RIDGWAY
laar.B7l-wG • Execntor.
Noth.o! is berelTveivon that all neurons indebted
teythe 'estate of CHARLES DA.VID. late of nerry,
deeeaßed, are roetleste , l to make AmmetHato
payment, and all porgons havine claims .- agatnst sa'd
estate nrasi - preto'at them Linty anthenteeted for met.
"leMent. . • ESTHER DAVID, _
_IL the matter of the incorporation of the "Iln
Mai Building and Sivinr; Fund Assuciatien of Tow
anda."—No. 203, May Term:lB7l. . •
ALSO—In tho , matter of the inrorporation of the
" North Bradford 'Weskyarr 31'041°' Church."—
No: 307, Dec. Term. IRV%
ALSO—In the matter of -the incorporation of the
"Ghent .3BAliodist Episcopal church."—No.
May, Terre:lS/I IV: A. THOMAS.
• - • Prothonotary.
Two Wheel Mosi3er.
- Sheriff
This new machine Is up with the times attetalicad
of alreomPetitOrs in several oflts , leading points.
It stands in the front .rank ,among sk - nigle mowers,
andeis of novel design, and-possesses' new and dis
til/el:tee features which wilt commend themselves to
the vactical farmer upon ciaminiition. Anloug •
. .
Are the following: A jo rated conne•cting . 'rod, or
pitman Mit allows the frig, play of the knife. in any
position of the' cutting apparatus; • tilting guards;
no side draft: rior*eight - on the horses' meas . ; the'
•Tongne can'be usedloosenor rigid as may be desired
and the chiutge made.instantancousiy, without stop.
ping,-, • • :"'
aim ri ttitig - apparatus, or fitv, , er-bar, - be
f7.41 , ,,t ngh• to pasn trees, stumbs, nr other
ob ; or 'folded' over for - transportation, or
ntifOld . ~., y`-the sole use of the „lever, without
throwing out 61 gear, stopping the team, or the
driverzleaiing his seat. The driver's scat iiiaccr
sible from the rest of the macine. is safe afid con:-
fortabloAnd in arranged °nth principle of a lever.
admitting of balancimi• machine perfectly, and
relievi the liorscs' neck of all weight.
many •
It has anylsther %I'M ble Points too numertma
to menthm here. It is made of tirstelass niathrials,
well made and finished in every part—reildering its
durability unquestioned.
Aar It iii.light drafted, and in just-the mower our
fainters Live been looking for; arid ils destined to
bei the leading Mowing Machine, being -idapted .fer
hilly or levetla ,. ..nd, and all kinds of.surfacia. '
Manufactured by , -
.. ' ... - 4 - '
, 1). M. OSBORNE . .k; CO., •
rains m.CILEASON. Eig. Pond; Pa., for 5in.4.1&,..
deli and West I.lnrhngtau, - : . -
quAr.t.F.s W. SCOTT, Mg r.aul, - }"4., fur Itiag.
bilry and Smithfield.
• JAMESIhSIIITII, Sttith Creek, 1.4 for ,Auutit
Creek. rind Wehl.
1. •
T): B. STOWELL, SugAr Mtn: Pa.. (or Terry,
riot and Wyalnsing..
The aths . erTher the • •
•, In central ..Braclierd. . -
J. VEnr,r, VAN FLYZr.
A .7111t , 31:PHANT SUCCESS!
Wide.awako; thorough and- responsible inkn ',rant
ed tu.act as agents in the' nortlitutorn eutuitlite of .
Pennsylvania and. sontheastc;rn New TorIG
ning with Station county and reaching to the End:
son xiver; .where there :re no acct ,ts alrvaily.
Sample noddies will bit on exhibition at leading
.11.11. road yLFtieny. Add.res:=. the:sub:ter:WT , 4 )
,WELLES, Geni. Agt,
. •
This institition has Just been thoroughly repalr4,
and improved; and will be reopened •
SEPTEMDEP. 6. 1870. : •
0;91.1s - u, coirstzacrn. it'inrrthid & CLASS
The Evauxu Ceursn comprises special attention
to preparatory instruction and', Ingher .aeadvinic-
Branches. dased43 eteeptiaL• ,
• The Cosontaa.t. all the Advantages of our Ick
,Coratuercial Schools with necessary' academic studies.
. The Nonsum„ thorough in common school
studies and Theory and. Practice Teaching: -
The Samrtaivie, speciatlitstruetion in theisciences
illustrated by an Wendy() collectioti, of apparattie
recently vet aired and truPplic:daild'other.branches
usually pursued in Oollege. modern langitages being .
rubstitrited for ancient: . •
CLannuar.„ thorough preparations for oire•best Col
leges, and modern Languages. • 2'
- oanaarravrar, branches-31ualc, Drawin,g.
wider excellent Instructora.
Board anditoonis may bo obtained in the
• trite. Apply to G.W. /tYalCanWat , tulatl. Asso
ciate Principals . T,bwatida and
hrs.• _ . MILLP.R FOX, '
Aug.10;714 ••• 'President Board Trustees.
O. ARE ..STILT . i;
ins TEA yeti-chop. r )
p:uEE .v.eig,GAR . A
. rex s: