7tliadford %garter LOCAL AND ,G.OERAL! L. FuLtErt,.. of Sheilie4. • k ~,Til-:i.-';iuttiorized to receive , anb'scripttrins RTER. - • Tike Baptiste. have just v ilf of the elel;rst4.llardc4t Orgins their elnirch ~1): J. SWEET haii been appoint:- ,! 1 , , ,411 . 1.3Aer at 31cnrocym, iurylace 'O4 E. - •. , 4 VV.I - ' tiuptenle. Court t is in session . r i rbility:lpiiia. Col . Satins, W. T. David and 1. lANVI - rr are in atte ndance.:.. . ' ,The irtelemeat state of the oa tanday,laskestued cQogrega ;:,•u: at t h e varibu?i,chnrcliett. Tasearora Talley, is the, name post:oftlee Just ' VStablighed in Tusca'- •-a town.hip, with fi.`L. $L'OO as postmaster. T s r anThe /: heavy mill- of Sunday the til -ghr ‘boi • good rafting h o!'t Mon& SPA' rti,c ruc4l MEE MIZE Q. RoGEns . has sold his Houston street top. P. NICHOLS, 41: r believe, is about tp, remove. to Utica, re has purchased a farm. Marbles, ikippingpropes and •±,,., kli& contrivances for amusetnCntara k-:.•-•,..11 development arc now_ in sown, aid -±,l , :walk- is now crowded with repro n • 41)411 fieXeg; 11 r,A. assistantsess6r nvveptle, has rc•ceiN*lfwinstkirettiolis io rt.t#rlis conaplctc4.l by . the 45th — iif h.. illtie l :ts persona . With whom krt I,lftlikB to have .t!tem filled at once. .. . . . . .. AN't . jiarn that Mrs. Bansoon, .._-. ::.,..., i,i. n traveling qbout the country with ~ 1.-.-!..0..1 ilwmzing, for some yc , aitliast, WAS C ,, : . 17, the express train going 'north, on ,- ; .l'l.o.,.,,:mr4last.',.tpiir Wy50r..,„../nii killed.. - ' 1 . .....-----; .• / 1:' - . r. , :12, The - ladies of the - Baptist " , karin sugar" le•ast in Mr., Srt"e(Wednesday) are to be apptlpptiattd in paying , :* • •' an recently put urs in.th church. . . The t dwelling-hous - e of. J. P. :„ ii h Towanda, was mimed '2.1. The lire caught in. the r n -a; a tletecttire fine. Lrifig abort six .I•Tat . .. inourazwe, 1:121 • 1 Aple , ugar,is quitciplentrin M I ti couintatids a good price. If the rural: districts hbe tLau they litiow what to do with, they— ,. lopm how it tyourselc." We're . ' I rqs. Tilv-Piiblk School of- this e -1,1, last., _The.., next term !:;:••• ;1„ During the ;.! d !warty thre? hundred Kettolara t•-lidatiee,,4pd the sehool has kr! ; r.l , :iwetwhat it should be. • 4---7 E. • BAnnEu, agent- of the ii,,coreliaiiy in this pimp, has re i ItG u, atia Will remove ti.S: liazle thee lit of Afiril, *here he has aus .i the - store of A. l'AupEr.- 11t a, meeting of .thi.P; Ladies' ;:, ~t tiic Episcopal .charclt, held 'last jug “dicers weie elee.led for the' =I MN. P...45;:b7).d.-E-311. 7 1:. 44: Rct 1.- - Mtir.fiill - ;!. - STE r, _M rs. S. Atvoriv. . DE.ea..t Br.NsoN ilttelll- 4. i i , Wed and eatnnablo young. lady, com- • :5 , •1 -111, , id , it Eltuira.on Saturday afternoon .. .:• - t -7 •4;d:ing:strr-dtnine: It appears,tLiat'some immtlis since Miss B. Aids engaged to . ; ! I LT ifl•A-11 -1-I , nettims, of Watkinii, • I Ft out sine unexplained reason Mr. H., ,100r,4, 7 i1 his mind, which 'so Ofected F,• lady that Ai r . comniitted the ral•li act. Pertaincry judges have li+een ti: ltl down the lawPV•regaril to flirtations, 4,klarc that tiol•y Carry with. them 434rimirs 1‘11I•411,(11lenves. Ate alwass knew • that dells dam-erotts. 7 :Jt-is very Much lik • • t linty compliance an fun'but ix very , • ; • I no coirowst . Now that the le , wyeis liave •I their at tentilni to it, the optiatifin ma}' a„,c.xti,La hazartions,.and "!el,e inn • will he-liken out or it altogetlfer. • t - ; . The '` , Loca' Option . '! bit huts : 1,.• by'a. vote • The Me nib. , •rs voting in thelflirma v-• reptil,tiv:ltil / Wexeopt three, Matt - lose •.0 •;...!. n,.tia t it were all democrats except otir teMperanee Partys. friends What Aoutcl temperance men •*, • ;11/.: lig a nO ; w - .party Tho' demo- •t :0! of(me as. the sienn'tp, and • • „:,. s•:-.1110 d•gtee: of inie?est to see ? wal do ltitit the bill. LOCAL.—Kit • :Snt"' •. T vet .4 itk's Sttav isAlising n good betel ; ha rmssi , -.shop rd blacksmith . M .11:11 lila;t, - • 5: , ,• • tiniXitm his house, auil has t id l•it fox another 4tore. liceed by medical lectures •• ; our Lace in this place, and we •• —.rom ktve everboay know tliat tee • • ,• • Fttnly iit,rcgani. to ithes • fu --O.C. I=lll • .1 . ram v Centre Loge, L 0; . .1 ,ti;l alive and . pridspr•ring. Weekly 11 :1(t..iit1e.(11.:, : a valiiknt-hearted; ~t hi - tattersand sigte'rtt, wh7 are deter 4 IT the ship until King A. Thti . uflicertofthe ' •: W.C.T.—ti. . Ivickwet ;. s. r,eynolds y F. • Will,er o'. --E F Arcnu"; • • ;M. I).;11.G. —Ella Rock. , •‘• • 1 . 0 ; ..;••:•;04 101- -LaTinia Itoctlzwelt ; • •.• V.,1,0••••••km I: 1 , Savage. or orevent any of 6'olll 1/(411g viettrVied by bin dollar 4 •• ' i;/'• raflllerl:s . and 31 . annracturers'. Na ,-; 11,11 . 6. •Neg Turk, a dare number .of . '-' - ' - • , •11 zi -, -,i; ciernlatinn, we Tire the following ..•',.. 'Fiit';ll" , te is - poorli exqeuted and way - be ...:::.', I, ;,..t, II: It iF, printell tu,k4teltrii.praper, r.....:( . .....1 the, Lic."-tlit , ....diadeillirsare-verYekttrsur7 • ',' . , rhe Wick 1ia5...0 eintt're pity of D ! , , .80 to : - . ~:- n '_ the 31 iz,si.sippi, land on the - iertr f PI ~.., arths of New York titate. On the right . ". ..f 111, ,rats 1 , .ir0i1 . ,i8 all eagle and ,Meld. \ — i._th•g;:inei , at the fatter will nutlet : ewe any ' • •:!..'l' 7.l'''m it is endeatored to pass tlii•lio , i ' i , _ .., E - t;ir ' 1 "Here is ho w'iy in which per-. - .• - .- inio , ing fr.on this i . nutty to other set; 4 , 2'.1 il I, ' " e w l, ~.,' t.ll pas ed ixtregard to affairs i t:.l ltradt,ri;.,3.,., by it wi,ekly,perusal or the 1. i'' , ' r EP- 'Tli. :. A.Ho 4 ll iti. , l letter, receired , frotri -, . i t ; .i . :ll‘ r re,ideut of the 'county, is giyen n 1. 1 r. t' ~f what ad say: i hews.i), NI., Mar.,B; Is7l. , s t w. AL--.-oni, 14 - 1 , 1• NO: Will you please re . , rey suthq - i iprwiti to th • Iluitourim, as I find. I ...la gcttitig sadly Lehi idhand in BradfOrd ~ • tn.:, n. -tat, alio:hi/141i. t t best way to pot „..4:1: , .:,_5. If will he I,y pry of ISOur it.istr, " rit i a SC 3 : , Itll ,- TI . Ce with tlte Fe bruai - y num ro. 4 slionld. ''......- silt in earlh-r, but lave been C,,lpet•tillg )1 ), %'... wollltl - rall 'item you before this time, as • , Intends vsititig-your liluti %Val a view to la . .1... e.; in lat,itiviN ttierif ; ,ntt 'lend qn the lei . lors mini yon liciti7frotit uqagaitt. . : Ilesi , nietfully yours, . . . i • . Mits. H. M. S. A that• jail are Ends, they f loekhig catdny and pi Gina i Min, To SO ' At - meeting nt the Teachers! institoko of o North School of oenkes-, - Bent To 'p, Miss ;mils *cum, Prod-, dent, and T. ; Secretary pro the hdlowin: preamble and resolution's were : - unanimously adopted: %tams,. , The intimate relatitnis hold by.the deceaseda with the teachers of this township, render it prepee- that we should' place upon seem!' our - ap Um of his services as an instructor, his merits as a man: Resolved, .IThat we deplore the loss of A. ?dm: PAIIK WA% deep feelingici:•f regret, softened only by the Jzonficknit hope that Ins spritis with those, who laving fought the good light here: are enjoying perfect happiness in abetter world. Resokeck That in the death of /1;. - Matrix Pant this Institute has . lost a worthy and faith ful member, the rising. gensratibn a conacien flow and, devoted teacher, and his parents an obedient and dutiful son. Resqlccd, This we tender tifi his afflicted rale ?tires our sincere condblence. and our earnest. , sympathy in their affliction at the loss of ono who was stood citizen, a devoted teacher, and an uPrig,bl main. .Resolveg, That a copy of the foregoing reso lutions, signed by the President slid attested by the Secretary, be transmitted to the relations .of the deceased, and published in the, several papers. Jimar. Waxs, A true cppy : President. T. C. Dlcu-sizr, , - • See'y pro lent. were, tied ilp Court Sale ,Eporr*.ti this ee rtal estate Ta Boomr. _Tam—Under -the Act of 3iarehl2d, 1867, ait annual.taxerityz. to be as. Berated month of Mardi each year; and Aisistint Assessors are--required to complete their asitissments and place the same in the hands of the A.ssessor'On or before'the hist day of that month. The Assessor is , theti/allowed time to hear appeals or complaints; bot the complete hats must be placed in_ the hinds or the Collector on - or beftwe theBOth day of April. During the month of gay the taxes, including - • those of incomes, mnst.be Tql Commissioner of Internal Revenue has recently sent ent seventeen termer blanks, It is.made-the duty of any' person of lawful age, whose gross income during the year preceding 1870 exceeded $2,000, to make and render a re turn on or before the day' designated by-Aaw; to the assitant assessor of the district in which he resides, of the gross amount of his income, gains,and profits, and of every guardian and trustee or executor or administrator, and any person acting in any other fiduciary capacity, or as resident agent for or copartner of any non resident alien deriving income, gains and profits from any business, trade or profession carried on in theZnited States, or porn of real estate situated therein, to make and render a return to the assistant assessor of tile district it¢ which ho resides of the amount of income, gains,and'profits of any minor, or persou " for whom he ,acts. ' - The putnerous frienizis in this place of the late W.-E. SHADEII, will be inter esteilln the following letter from Ire. HVNT, of Itionroeton, who was present- at the funeral ceremonies : • LIMA, N.Y.:, March 10, 18iL, Mu. Ent - rim—Sir: Thinking perhaps a brief sketch of the funeral services, at Lima, Of Mr. n WEsiy Sutton, who came to his death so cruelly in Towanda, might be otintirest to many of your readers, the thoughr,Cenrred- to me that I would write you telnight. 'On Tuesday afternoon', thelth inst., the large M.E. Church was tilled. The opening ceremonies were per formed by Rev. J. I'. BnowNELL, pastor of the ILK. Church. He said he did nit rise to pro tionnCe a etilogiuur upon- the clecvased, but by rcquekt to read several letters which bad, been written to his parets?s4letters full of spilt - lathy -and condolence from thOse who had known WEs-.. LET dtirmg the past five years of his life. A letter also was read from Bev. Mr. MCGLAYII La Y, rector at Towanda, who administered the ordinance of baptism to Mr. S n Ali= the last Sabbath afternoon of his life. The sermon was preached by Hey. W. Loso, reeior of the Epis copalian chore!, at Lima. His remarks were limn& d upon the 13th chapter of 2d Samuel, 2.2 d and 23.1 verses. It was a mention full of comfort and consolation, after 1% Weil the Ma .sonic fraternity coniplete4l the remaining ser vices, to - the cemetery the ,earthly re- Mains of their delimited brother. Seldom have we knowif the quiet villa-e L...t0 Le so thor oughly aroused' ari at the hour when a telegrant was received that one . who • left his home and friends oil-londay, had of Wednesday hem urtseconn bly idiot to the ground by ouei, who was - extending the InValities of hie house: Mr. S. was a worthy, re. vete(' young man, and though, not a professing ehlistian, yet lIIS closing burin AloWeli that he had thought of eternal things, and Iw - emphatically-4 , 41d he lenim he hived Jesus. We looked look, friends offered human conselatien'tn His grief-stricken ,parents and sister, and laid his Manly form away' Sin the silent tomb to -await the resurrection Morn. ZELL& .Itottsts t . 4 • lIE Mtheu.---Winter, with - the three months of gale, storm, snow, lee, sleet, frozen soil, biting blasts and hoWling Storms has past, and March is Ulm upon us. The Spring time Is coming. The mild days of flies. rly Sillui.; are in view. Wednesday, the first; Was - a day of un nrual beauty and mildness for the brginning °F . :Marche A genial, smiling sunshine; a- clear blite sky, gently zephyrs and. tanifing _breezes dblighted the eye'atid bathed — Ow brow in a leltuy atmosphere. • \rareL ink!:, her name from Mars, the Roman God or IV.ir. The fifteenth is ealled.the Ides of he' saur day of Mar, July and Oc tober le4ive the appellation of the Ides of the resiieetiv4tonths: It Was on the Ides of March that the gre:J4tilitia Ciesat : 148,assassitiated in the lbinian Senate - chamber,*iieh about-(o be crowned Erup,ror of the Roman Empire. Itinee that period—nearly two thousand years ago- , - the Ide;:tif Match has been lo;iked'uou by su perstitious folks.as a day of ill turbine to those about io engage in any new enterprise' or un dertaking t hat day. That occasion and that day elided the existence of the Roman Repub lic and,,began tli RoMan Empire. =At that time the 15th of March carried us to our 27.16. of the month. 710 s—twelve days— is the' diK-rence .between old style "and new do the Britt then would cat' us to the twelfth now: And old folks tell u ned. that winter ends on the twelfth of March itistead of on the first. This tias tfe end of winter to 17.32, when the English nation changed dates Iron? old style to new style.l _ . _ Well, the„dormant State of winter is uve : r with farmers 'and gardeners. - The 5110 W has slunk away, the frost fins come out and loosened the Buil; the ground is ready to be 4roken, to have .. her mellow particles iitifrahy the ploOg,h, the spade and , the hoe. Farmers are getting: their implements of tillage in order for xigOrrius work ur they should be. Gardeners are putting their hot beds it condition. for the season. Housewives are limiting the different seeds to pot their gardens in order for the production of early summer vegetables. Things in house and garden srolbeginning to look busy. ! This work giVes,a good promise a bountiful inir42 Plyorgood, dklicions veg, tables for home use, and for inarkid the coming season. The Rhin: •ning and laying out of work in March/is a fair index to the summer's work. We !triv`ir our loam; plitnins a season of bountiful ha rv,:st and fruits the cioming summer. - • [ - 41,- -; - - tier' The story of the .e• - iderit Ni'hieh caused tq death of,JudgeSoN V N nn.tm, as we undeestand it, is about as follows: ArrMng . .. at Magri°liajMias., about tune o'clock las't Thurs day evenijcig, -the Maui 'stopped there fur the passenge ,s to take supper. The Judge, W. L. coNyNoti r im, and an old gentleman named flizi rriaisori. ho had traveled with, them from Pitts burg, left the tram together and took their sup per sit.tbr , hotel near by, the usual place, the Judge eating. very heartily. While they were thus engaged their train wl'o'ci iaken awat.frorn the piaci.; they loft it and another cameitp; and when they returned they went into one ..4 . 0f the cars, 'to find, however, that it did not belong to their train, and very naturally they I turned io leave it. The •tritin was slowly starting, add theY did so with *bine , haste, Mr. W. 1.,. CONTNG- IiIa and Mr. IlEsnEnsoii alighting without trou ble; except a. harmletts fall en the part of the latter. ! TO:Judge was not su fortunate, as in stepping' off the car steps to the platform of the . depot, whigh was rather low,- ho stumbled and fell, with his legs between the platform and the cars of the train, and when'they had passed it was !mild that his legs, below the knees, wore crushed in a terrible manner. It is not knOwn whetter they hitr been crishedt.liottioen . the platform and the steps of the cars, or whther the Wheels . of one truck bad passed over them, 'and there are no couclusioni as to which wit the pro e able way. lie was taken to the • hotel seeds teat: immediately summoned, and everyi g.poasible was done for his monitor!. Ile did dot realize the extent of his injury at I hist ; ttO paid attended it, and he eilli made an 1 . is 4 4 64 thine God wiikt . their.whole heart An for the •scifat t tilwdi county jail? IA it th °Wither - 0 Goals not worth thought to be too low a to look in . tipcn,nzid talk a cm? Why dOliot•thiis b.Wt once a week for a Mille answer. MAncrs. r attempt to get upc-kelkiir . nktoTed from the Lplatkem,' saying, "No matter, I am not hurt; -ket . up hi alew.mocianta.l - _ask , * op i teunlvastd toward tlieliil Ir6anrcfdotfon sent. led to be taking place, and he began to feel se - mo ikikin, *WO told hOW was de ithid amputation to be peqoimed. ht. jectiops of4lrphivevre made to irhilicreeParstfons wire making for the. amps tatici* but under the effects:of the morphia he seemed to decline, and not •great.ichile after dissolution took place. Kul lask: words were, "I know thatinj Redeemer Nieth." When the I.leladt _of the-accident becanie kmiwn „the sympathy of the Masons .anit particularly of the Tillage, secined . te be _un bounded. Religions services' were performed over the remains, and the coffin was profusely, -strews with flowers. Their attention; and • -tercet were of the most commendable chem.. Republican., • , . ALVAAY-7-Bris Hurrour.-31.n. Alsosa):. A I hifintated'in my dut, I propose to give a few brief inpidents in reliticitt: to the early settlement - of Albany township. In: the year 1799, Erussnt lAADD meted from Connec ticut by an ex team with hie' famAY ,and effects. to Scorietx:s flats near TOwanda, where.he work-, ed land upon shares - for . two years. li t the meantime, the claimants of the *id in *hat 'is :nort , the to of Albany, hatTemployed Jar ssen LANCIFOItri and a Mr..W.timis to cut I sled road as far up as now Laddsburg, and offered fifty acres of land ta any one whO Would more . an raid clear up theilanit. • In the latter part of the winter or 1802, EPHltillt Latin, having lc :. costa the fifty acres offered to settlers, 'hired eight ox teams, loaded up his goods, provisions and family, and started for his wilderness home. ThellOt night they staid at Itessxxx Fowt.rs's, only i sliput four miles on the *ay, and next . ruonauifOstiseitirlr, fed their - teams and • them selves, and pursued their journey, ir — Meting the creek;eleren times during the day through wa fer, ice and snow, until the sleds became so icy and frozen - that it wis almost impossiblo to makekhe loads stay upon them. In this condi tion they arrived Where Hr. WiLeox had put up the body of a' log house, where they made a large fire the middle of the room, thawed the snow, cooked iheit suppers, broughtin hemlock boughs -to layheir beds Upon, and tarried. night around ':the fire with- no covering ever their heads brit a winter sky. The next morn ing, tfter•prei - jaring and 'eating their breakfast, they pursued their onward conrao said-arrived at their 'destination (now Laddshurg) daring the day. The morning the Wien and teams' returned, leaving MT. Ltnn and his family to enjoy their Wild and solitary 'lime.; • Mr.- lAno, by dint - Of industry, economy and the help of a real pioneer wife, felled the forest =Vilna him, and in time mailtra comfortable ltome for him self and family.. _ , • - Mr. )yrr.cii'i father of &Icel.:Imo) next inbred into•the house spoken of above, after preparing it for his family, and he With his sons - cleared . -largeiaryas the vicinity. DANIEL DIILLin Wa&atinrier by trade; and first established a small tannery in Monroe township near whert_. Norm's factory .now stands; but after Lam) and WILCOX bad taken up a home in Aibany, hu with his wife moved where the French front Frenchtown had cleared a small piece of land and raised the frame of a iniil; but their leader (we forget the natue) having beCn drowned iii the Loyalsock creek, they all (the French) aban doned the enterprise, and with most of thiise of Frenchtown, returned to, their native France. Mr. Mit.m.j established atiotlicr smak tannery on these premises, built mills, Zlearcd a farm, reared a large and respectable family and lived and died upon the premises. JACOB and MOSES. :51.1LLF.11, brotbers of DANIEL, moved to Albany soon after their brOther, and were among the first settlers of the township. Franklin, Feb,2B, 1871 tUSINESS 'LOCA. • var Spring style Silk and other Hats, at TASI.OII aE Gotte§. Man I —3t. . - FOR REST:--A good dwelling-house. Enquire of N. C. El:si:Li:. , -WANTED.—LA situation ,by a colored to do general ltousework. Apply at,this Zier 5,0Q0. , Bushels pats tvanted hattnediately. ,Eiptitire of F. E.-rar: BE.L at the Express oCiee!'"'. ri2r SOilval valuable farina for sale. Fairmire o ' fGrat , rrnis Scetarrys, at their (.n .I.lridit,et, 'Towanda, ra. 10115-l\ i • iticir 'Great Expectations—the nev. ri.o.(• Collar. Buy a Carton and secure tt prize. For sale by TAYIAIII .l• Gout:. =ME S-, For goods that are right, ''and prices that.are low -fur everything in the for niplure Bridge etTect. t BOARDIN‘,. _ rders cal se cure tirt.t-class rooms with board, by applying at No. a 2 Second street. I'. P.. PiisT. Abio a rim one-horse covered Carriage (ruh !rr top) tor Porr. 'vej- PATTI :Ey know how to sell goods, • and their cu'- tomers know that !they know how, too. It yOn have never been t 1 re, just step in and 'see Low, the "thing is did.i4 . . ger G anwr i ns & P.vrro dealers in real estate, will sell town or count ryimoperty on a reasonable commission. Description of prop erty,i. Valuation, at d terms bf pa y ment, left—al their office 9 ridge-st., Towanda, P.1.-,1 , 111, receive theirpiot pt attention.' febls-.0!, I ; - • ' rib"' Two lilouses for rent on Sec ond'4 ; . . o street—possession given n the first of 'April, and also one house and lot for sale on the corner of Fourth and Elf7abeth streets. Inquire of, I. S. p",,, Feb. 1. 1371 —tf. . ' .! ' , i ~ .Noncr.--The "Fourth '• Quarterly !kleeting for the Icerriel: Charge will:he •(1 ‘ .: . .1 7 .-) tilt. M.E. Standing't,tonc t , on Sainrday and Sun.lay, 'March 23 awl .26,, I t S7l, commencing at 2 pan.; Saturday. A. geqral tittembilice is solkite3. P. P. Toivr.i. the COLE,:PASSAGE & •rprising, nittAic dealers of tlits.plaee, will i:nt Pianos, OrganA . and Melodeons, and if wards rc pnhisett, apply the rent as a. Arta on the pnrehase of the ingtrunn.fit. Theirs Is the place to find first-clamt instruments :Ai a ip.rgaiti,a.iid on easy Vernal. Attention is directed to• (lie allrettisement, "For Sale,' 'of D. W. Sri N Co., in another co:tuna. The real estate is val. .ttable, and the concern is doing a flourishing btisiness. There is not a better opening, tot a man akttlltaintetl with the btisinOss, in thispiace. - Old. Till a man has_ tried, he would r -never credit that it is alMost as ditlicult a mat ter to find a wife as to get rid-of une 7 that is, it suitable wife. Of course, a wife—a vague .; _.,wi.;- - man whom he may lead MT to his wigwam andi exalt intit hi's F9tlail", and make the lawfu! Lr of young braves, who snit throw stones at their neighbor's windows,• and torment 'their neighbor's cats—any one could•get her irk ing,. • But a suitable wife, an angel at once ma terisl and celestial, who uuiics in het own per- . eon the dream ideal or youth and the intire.pro saiti•reality "Of womanhood • ; whb, though our • fairy.qUeem is a wise and beneficent one; who; thottgli'pretty, can add up her housekeeping book, and knows where to buy groceriei at Jho lowest rags. There ;re lots of such 'wives in this" vicinity, and they all know that IddJanx .k I.lDWZitexi Nell a lx:tter quality of goods, and at a little lower rates, than most other-establish ments: , We direct especial atteutisin Of furthers and honte.breeders to the_advertise ment ef 31rx Itorrystz,. in to-dit - fer'pap Their flamblvtonian colt, " Towanda," is ".thi- - - 4 finest and best horse in the State, and we doubt if there ie another in the-Union with better pedi-i gree., air. Misr has at great expeni -to himself made an effort to improve the stock of horses I in this section, and it is due to him that Others who are as much interested as he is should at , j sist3e' the work. " Tbreanda " has till the "poit "of the old flambletoniam and is . pro noun dby the numerous Adges of horseflesh, who Have been hire te:.exanithe him , perfeet in every , respect. . • siirreztarludebial l 716 Dr. J oe. laraviontwiltsierstrouble sad fcwiyi 0:014 socountiSiptly,* .Z; -`• '" A tr. 244 MA86411716144141r ing will iooti Ln sE * fiinVina*Clios7pn; pared thOelf fai irtefesrlati% large and- filshioßribje stock of Wall raper__od, Window Carisins.r Be sure and give hints cell' IxforePrirehOini kwcisi.itxthis line.' It will 1 e to. your intermit • • W t. 1 . 3 mpitsci.--4s there ere.n9w t,h market severaliinititions ofourtsirris 'Seam . leis Kid Gloves, vn would warn: the public against purch Inferior articlo.. i Every pair of 'on.r Elloves his "Efirria ‘ floatnkss" staroped - inside, call nonoaresotttuno PIO do not bear our name.. Our Gloves are sold in To wanda, Pa:, bj Titipt & CIN olly,ius4ry pro. normeed by the public to bathe best fitting and wearing gkwes in the country.. ; . 11.tiuu; lircrriqms. New York, Mardi 13, 187 1. * One'of the most .unnecolmta, hie things in hnmaititature is the concernment - *plc give themselves about thelffairlof their neighbors and acquaintances. Out of.loo per lions,we will venture that 90 give themselves more trouble ebont matters no way relating to them than they do about thvir own' individual affairs. But J, 0. Fever d: SONS hive all they can do'te attend to their own affairs, and wail upon the large crowds of people who daily visit their Furniture Empoilain. There is not an other town within forty miles of Towanda where you can find so large an asnottment of furniture as at this establiahmento . _ . ter Mrs. Q. ACKERMAN lIIIS 'em ployed MrS. Aar xti.t Canata.n, the popular dress maker, who will'after the Ilth of December silt her in the intis peculiar. to her vocation. To those' who havepnloyed her, the anucranco ment will be stifficienlito those have not been as fortunate we can only /Lay, if you waht your dresses cut in the most approved stzle and nicely fitted, give her a call. , ' Mrs. AeszeNf IN also keeps a fine assortment of real laces, embroideries, patterns from • Ma dam DEatonesr also the greatly celebratCd Jrusox's Improved Chart for cutting la dies', misses', and children's dresses, biuKties, sacks, &e. Charts of instruction to be bad on ly.of Mrs.t. C. AcseraiaN, Bridge Street, To wanda, ra: IS— Ileums & Bearnms - liave the reiintalicnof making A I Platisd Ware, and ,yon cah find an assortment Weir scare' at the Oekery Store of WICKIIAN & BLACK. NEWELL—tiIIANTEEIL—At the retidenee of the. bride's father, Jan. 19, 1871, by Watson, D. V. Newell slid Miss , N. E. Grail teer,botlr of Canton. 5r POWERS—IIMINS.--At i 1 residence of Lem is S. Barns, Ronov,'March 7; Is7l, tiy" Per. D. CoOk, J. F. Powers, of Gelieve4,Wiseopsin, and, Sallie M. Barns. • • : ' 6. BEEBE—EOLLES.-6 Chicago, on the Gth instant, at the rc:itrencv of U. E. Ihatohali, Esq., by the Rev. Robert Collier, .411,4 tin Doe be; of NOW York, to.josie Belles, of Chicago. D E-1.) . , TII.OMPSON.—In her father's It raise, llerricl, Feb. 24, 1871, of consumption, Mary wife .of Wm. H. Thonipson;Esq.,,and aceond daugh ter of Hon. (le o. Landom.agt 11 25 years and days. Camptown, Felr. 27, 'lB7l, -Johnnie, Knly child* of Jaini:s and Rebecca Fee, agpd 8 1...11cE.—1n Kamm, Feb. 28, IS7I, wife of W. i."). Lant, formerly of Bradford eutm ty, in'the 22d y Car of her age. .-. • - ELLIOTT.-- lu flume, Feb. 5,1071, Nrvitia , wife of Oscar Elliott, Jr., in the 231 year of her 1101iINSON.—In Fairdale. Stisqujhauna coun t}-, March 157.1, Mrs. Ellen 110binson, aged about `scars; for nu r 1:.• M Towanda, for Many ,years a member .of the Towanda Baptist Church.: (, I; KEEN. —ln'Stan•ling Stone, March 2,, 141, yotti , gcs surk or . itikn Keva, aged 11 muths. SPECIAL NOTICES. • . „ tiZr 111.-.Nr.y-HALuits, ziarcuitriL .11rii4;e street. W) llcii~le Lumber Do;..twood vanto.i. Atoy to , 1.1110-rutus., - Jan. 4, 18‘1. • Greenwood, V.;:;?' A full .af so rttu enttof -Dried and Canned Fruits, al • IS7I , FISH its::"ortlilent FISH at EM=l Ten fur 150 eents per 11).;':it • Fell. $, IS7I. i • • , . effa'• The beA Dollar Young Ifl punt To,: i n tmvu.l, 3 ,t Cow FPI). 8, 1'71.' ve-Go , :ito the Bakery, first door north of Ward Hon:n., for froAkernclterB. Oct: 27, 117fL , D. W. tic.orr ,k Co, try' Price list, Ca.seade Mills: Fl,tur, b t quality. per , arli... ... . i'2.121 " '• i .. . -' If t lbs. ...... 4 '.15 " .... ; ;J •'. " 1,. - . 8 311 Cautittowik, 3l:tr. 15, I' , . 11. 11. Itainam. ea— The highest price in cash paid fur 11111.4 Old Pelts. at Com:Lt. & 31Yrs's. te-tried Pickled 'l'►3ngnes and smolfed - Halibut; — Vestis. Feb. 220571. • - Tiuititliy and Clover Sek , d of alf kids-p iro and clean ; and warranted tree to mune-, ibt F 44). 22, 1871. 4 Ramsdell ...NorWay Oath f.)r sato Ly WM. NV. rowLE.r.. Liberty Cor uers, Ilradfurcl l'a., or AV. A. Totiancla. - . Ftl). 22, 1571 —lin. • • Fult SALE.—,klifige Newfoundland Dog, Food watch and splendid' elturner. Also, lot of tlie nutnunoth Npring Whestt,poresred. V. Ti[. CREII. West 13nrlington,..11:tr. 1,5t71-- in% • . Do not forger that Tea is sold for 50 CCIIiA. Jan. 1t 4 , 15371. 11E1 £ SeConcl-hand Sewing3lachipes fnr sale at a bargain by WieLltain Black. • Also, Machine Neolles, Oil, Thread, April'_' TK7o—tf. .oy.,sters by the Gallon quar; r (11K11 r t the 13r.liv_rr 6 I iininrr,. Sonvr k CO. 2%i-..-Tl,wailaa, Ik(.. 20, il7o. • WAYIT.D lITSIF.DINTELY. —A Wood Turncr and tire er Cabinet Ma;a:rs at the Towanda_ Furniture 3lniinfactory, to, whom litcaflx rinplo:-.Utnt ana • lii . ral wages. will be given. • 3. 0. Faost A: Co. Ja",U. 2.5. S.U.E.—oxie of the test notels th the conniry. Inquire at Oa,. office. 1871—tf. :Dar; We guarantee satisfaction iu tlie,work Are do. We cut, make, and trim 'ell:A . 4lllg for nttn and:boys Wear. HAT:IIIS•CO, • ' 4 BriThgo Street. Towanda, Pa. PIANO' , ORGANS IiET.ODEoNs We ark , sling first-dasks hayloft, Org.ths 3lehxleons at reduced prima awl on easy terms. Perry - ant who are in want or good instrnarent, will find it greatlr to their advantage to give us a rall before porchasin.7-elsewhere. .Tan. IS, IS7I. . To7vanda, l'a. • tek..The Cascade Mills have dis corered that the drat essential to good „tfoltr is good trhertf: and act'."..ordingly hoco eared a large supply of really clinice, pump ointer 'co rteges. all of native growth and good as the United State's. produces. Consumers need not look fora falling off in thetpualityof this brand, for,better and better all the time. March 15; 18717.-tf. - AO.. J. V. TAYLOR, of Bradford counts-, Pa., t authorize to.-sell 11. 19.-11anistlell tt 'Co.'s rcuotrnc4 Nortray Oats at .1h e Tolloiring reduced prices.: .52,50 per bushel ; zuore..at .12,00 per bushel 'llea sons living mit' may exchange conamen oats at market pricot, if they no - destrc. ]larch $, . Le-I have just ,reeeivecl. a large FUKk or Tea, bought since the reduction in the duty on tea of teu cents per pound, and °fret them at.the low prices annexed - : - • Best Young Ilyson, f 1,25; Good Young Hy son, tl,OO ; Oolong. 70 to 90 cents : !Tyson Fine, 75centa; liyacin. Good, ;13 ; Wit Japan; *1,;().. Call and siantine. Jan. 18,1871. Gen. t..KEMAL MABBJED. 1==1:1 =l==llllll I=l=l 64-4. , tArp trj. F. BAttidif a Baldwin , ) dealer Stoves, _Na k di. iron epi ro a Ws. . Bar lum, ardware Amity_ H tat whaeWe and retail v r • Dec.,' ,1870—U. - is' Penmlvanist am* Manzfield, Mega -C Term (11 weeke) will carom 27, 187thtUition, ineladis fuel, o'llomd waabinB EG2 .tion of E7,1/0 or E14,001e: . !ing to teat2B. Apply to' Feb. 8„ MOST 1826. Havo lust openeta ed stock ISt good-for t" Gooda, gbOonngs, ;Flaw Sugars, Syrups, a.nd. New York . prove. Crockery ..*t. our own- unpculatioo, - In' fad_ too stock to itemise, bought exclusiveli and guaranteed tole seld'at'toweri over offered in thiarnarket..- 7 I IS. NV. Drrrtucals ;lan: east onfercgr's Bank, first .divr, will find . Pianos, Melodeosnc‘ Guitars, Ban,los, Strings, Accorded l ets,Flutayt.heet Music, Initrac all Instruments, Music itoolut and Musical Merchandise, • A Norix:E.-The Hosmer Bo ty. Case 'is now a law passed bx congress. Persona en listed betireen May and AV22, lin, ;charged for dikabiUtyiare entitled icislooborni ty. Soldiers of the war of 1812 are' entitled to pensions. • - .11. DI Mclfy.a.x. Towanda, Feb : 28, . 1871. , I • GOOD •NEws.--:-Teas • lowe Cor Sugars way down; • , - Groceries yi Tobacco never ao cheap sinee7llll Lek assortment of Groceries in ti ing cheaper than ever, at the Bed; Blue Store. Gog and see. BiIAM#ALL, raDOtWAY • March 1,187 - Si' have for sale at galas: wilicox k Gibbs, Sewing 313.. chi 2 (rover-gt Baker " 1-Finkle & Lyon " 1 Wheeler , Wilson " Almost new. Feb. 8, 1871. 1471" Arm FLErcurir, of Mrs. S.it'xinss, of Towanda, wo to the ladies of Towanda that the February 1, Is7l, on Bridge stree c Scm's Hardware Store, a lira making Establishment, where the latest Paris, Now York and Cutting and fitting done at short particular attention paid to ail MO king. .. . . pg..: The course - purim J. by. the ‘s<rade Mills c 'ef selling good lieu ..al-tlie.„lOw,. iiir e. - nossible prices, is ..produetire of 41mm:roils itch antagrs— ,u- makes a ready mket for the superior - wheat of our - vieinttri nPfilies con sumers with a cheap. and wholeso o article of fresh ground flour, and as a natnra result makes active business for the Mills. We in Europe, dronth, and short crops, aro , list.' ig •the uflect in raise prices ; but-this Mill al. II •• times sell at minimum prices. July"2B, - Ib7o. .° lam. Call at'Mai E. for. the Moody Corset,. she being t, in the county. We would recomn' sessiug many advantages over a dditton to its fine shape, it is - mended by the medical faculty as l Dec. 15, 1870 ;:r;:r. For ihsuraire again' st loss or damage by lire% in reliable corncoca, apply to W .Toni .3.11, * rAgent, . Towanda. Pa: Iniicc llcrctu's Block, north atdo% of Public S‘inare. cc. 1, 1870. . _ a tia. A fine stock of Ciga sat whole sale, very cheap, at . Cower. & MrEx's. Feb. 8, 1871. Fon SAI.E.—A splendid Top 1 . 4 . 4wy, dearly new ;" price :150 ; a great bargain. quire at the Carriage Factory or IrEma Mar. 15, 1571-1 w Advertisom. . l i `STII A Y.—tanie to th ,•111.e , riber.in Standing St dry, Fel.rur . .ry 2". Is7l. 13 . Ocee. reqiu,ted , to cf e•tet 'forward, pent charges. and taLe them away. ' Standing Stone, Mar. 10'71 J - , HOUSE AND LOT , Is CAMPTOWN.—The How ; and pleaaantly Lut a! , tltai acre witlistrew Marti 24:21. Fvr tzrzna, 1:c.; apply t.) Dr. V. I town._ itradford County, Pa. Mardi. B'7l T' • OR SALE.--- The - offer for gale Weir Imainege an k4it by them MR Ilakery. 31311 EAU egtabliehment ie favorably located Mercor's new block. find Booze, Peat Qllice, a- , .,arflaae for and favorably known throuiihout, t any one arDliinif to enrage fri logg s ink is a ranr opportunity, ae, the bl trate.l a small aukpro rising in vaine. ARply on the prein mar,ls'7l D. W' r - VALUABLE BEAL V , FOIL SALT.—The pubserter following property, to wit : ' A Farm .itnated in Burlington Borongli of Darlington, containing good Frame Dwelling two attached, and a good orrhard there e‘Teciallylerratmed.for Dair)ing. at the ids Ise and Barn!' and all I 114TC/4,317 for Batter making. Terms of payment made . espy_ I Al.-WO—Two other pieces of latid 'Bitrlington torn.. containing 42 acres. ALSO-1 Brick Store in Bradt% on Bore., Which if not old, is oZgred for.rent. ro session given let of April: For further particularytmpiire of the nndertrigned. Towanda. March 7. Pi7l. I M. J. LON 6. FOR SALE.---A veo.' desirabl€ priMerly situated about 2 , Mile. from Leßay.. vine, near Beech' Gnwe Sebove ; containing aer, r es of food lathl, a cfmrenient }louse, Barn, -Tiagon Shed, Corn Crib. and tMtbnilding.. An or chard of G 3 apple trees Mt good bei.sating and Aerepl. pear and peach trees. I . A good to for actiVehanx. and will be P , ' , lla a bargain. For tenna apnly to W3I. It. tr4E.VEN4; EN., Le- Bra.lford I. I 'W. 11. lIEATON. TwANDA.."-QhrATi f _ l ii- bred Stallion was tiiPt.ti by Ali. ra-ga Chief: grand sire. tysdyk's •• If ainhietonian : ' clam. Vermont illack7 hank: grand dun. 31essesger:`one white pastern behind. black pc.inta. ',lark bay. 15 bands . 11114 3 imbes limb. 4 years oil intily. 11e is one of the molt remarkable animals the country Las pr* , &teed. Ile is beautiful. kind, an blood like, action perfect, jiosts•ssing_ great itrentrth. Ho is in close proximity to two of the most notable stallions in this nation: •-• llambktonian " and ', Edlalui Allen.' N I moat fortunate cross, `. - T1.70114—5100 to insure. f. 15 a • time of service. which will not be refunded in it, y- event. and $75 when proven in foal. We 'hare rtin4 stabling and pastitm on reasonable tejns. Host possible care taken it Mares. All accidents and caea;wa at owners ri.k. &ason, Sfarch,l2th to Novinaber it. Igil. Towanda.Nlar.ls - 71 MI. th :MONT-AS:Yr:. . A NCHOR LINE STEA.IIF,RS. Ball every 'Wednesday' and Sattisdry, to and from ZIEIV YORK AND ORASIRV, Calling at Londonderry to land Nails and Passengers. The Steamers of Rita favorite dine arc hum ex. pressly for the Atlantic Passenger Trade, and fitted up in every respect with all the' nlrslern qmprove -menta cadeslated to insure tbo safety. .comfort, and convenience of passengers. PasSaue Bates. Payable in Cniaencv... to OLASSGOW„ LIVERPOOL and LOND'3NDBRRY. •-• FIRST CABIN. ter , s and $75. scording to :oentiol. CABIN mrrrns TICKETS, :$1 , securing, test a.:. eommodations. INTr y .R3tED2A E., .$l l . STEP ADS, $23: •Parties sending for their Men, s In the Old Coun try can purchase tickets at redo . rates. For for. tlier particulars apply to LIENDENSONBROTLIERS, 7 Bowling Green. N.Y. or to F. . BARBER, Central Express office, Towanda, Pa, 'inar.l.s•7l CrtYSTALINE DE FRINCE: This new and delightful PER,FU ' MMI Will bola IS strength longer than any othor per fume ever brought befor the pablio. Made from LEACTIFt7., rRENCIL CRYSTAL?, In onle.r Intro.lnce thht -balintiful perfume the proprietor has put the pnce din to the low sum of 25 Cents. Don't fall to giro it tisl.- -Sold ih this place by the following-trnsiness ' PATrif.r.sos* KLNINEIf. tin's:cries and Provis ions: JOI.IN 11LE.111D1211.. Drpt • - xis and Groceries: A. 114.C.E.IVELL. General eALRINS. Bonk titnre ArEncrrts 1 1 - ToWANDA (SctocesFur to 11. S. Hawlell lint•icrs Deperitat, Lnana aud,da•s a. dENEILII 4 53111" all *ll Inlrotjxl rersorts itetiitiag to scud of the rnitecl Statc's, Cant,ls CI ofras the best facilities atitl tli PASSAGE T To ital. front Nora Scotia, Enniarat.:lrrittni. &wt• lam/ "or any part of Europe and the Orient, by Cie . - CELEBRATED INMAN LIRE Of Steamers altray# u load. azul Bella Golkt, caver,i:ntted Males JlGnits at market rates. tto nd Age i nt - foi• th e Pale of Nbrthcrn Pacific 7 340 . 31., C. 111.11CL71., Preed.lost. WM. S. Catlac . - • & !ock, , , _ Wollitroi . ut# that !Fontlda dateexel tinti , l the, kiticattlfatipti4 trine? they will . eeUthe balance extensive . : fte: caab,. prim' than 1- le afore, whitie you ns, Books for litnds of 'rill!; O. EMI FIT low ; o war. wo aryl self- Wlaite and Evrr.urr IS= Wkao Dui h .stun, and argnounco Rill of en on over LEAviti lags Dnigs= be found all ton fashions, .tiee. • ATio ren's dress- naly agtat• enc . ! it am }Nos ,y uther. In reeora a supporter. El TLEN , Co *•s. enclosure The covuvr iH properly. pay =MI lon SALE s nrarly nvw over onc•halt -A,IND 4 03IETT, Camp- r _ radersigncd, bnaltleaa stand. mimm. m,Maid street. Lnear the Court yearn been well e county. For Ik'AS In Towanda telneas la coneen x;rty fa rapidly goes. SCOTT d: 'Co ESTATE Ifers for sale tl3• adigining th" lluacrec,xith arils and Sec Int. The farm lig Ith naming water he cOnVerdetreer. Eihall offer the greatest bargains we hare e'er shown; for thaneit 30 ;days. • . emli=nbsp mar.CTlArt A NK, BEI Jr ek, Eanieng., :r, MA,* Colby G DU S I NES-S;, ZEE ruey 10 AIM rAltz Europe. this Bat* lowest terms. - CKETS mar.ls'7l .I ~g~ a +~ iMstM=!SoM a 41 . A.- :J MI winElt STOCK IN DitEb*l3ooDS, 1- , OP' - .. i : .. . :-.... \ ll=l ALL I STYLES GOODS ?' EN J a GREAT VARIETY. LANNELS , • ICLOTHS=, EMI AND 1 CASSfiIERES, I ! . . : 1104IERY GLOVES, MI SHAWLS, BLANKETS, , • , KMIMMI • • ,1 „IVOTS tl. = AND • sgf OES, f y ~ + k CARPETS, gr tkze., ' At a great rt4.ln,:,tlou in , prieA, to cloie Ilona out. a. KEYSTONE. STORE: Towanda, March 1 1871. =IMM!!=iI V VRNl.Tili k s.A,4,:iy:rf:Ti, 'FIRM! ;NEW GOODS! i • - --1 now .OIII' wav4,2;,..7 iMaleute s •`4,* ~ . t ~,*!--.' -We Ire ia tetall t . .... 4 i - - . - • • 4NITURE 'EM.P ; ORIUM, ' ""-• ' NO. 107 MAW IllitEit \ ' -, *e vested itrituxtnents tp flow in *int of FIRST - CLASS FURNITUILE, =NE Pte . attenUoo of the public Is esperlaily coiled to onrreeent hoav purchases from the lite Great Auc ttOrtgales of ' - CIIBEIi AND PARLOR XrETR, TITUREI • • tl 'ALNUT MARBI,E• TOP SETS • . AT $73 00.' - And . NICE PARLOR' SETS, At -- $5O 00, Together with our Complete Stock'of • DE,DSTEADS;BUREAUS:„ CHAIRS TABTES, STANDS, SPRLVG BEDS, MATRESSES,,- 1,001Z1N6-GLASSES, lail And iu Ltd eirputhing to be found in a First•ctam ' • Irma(tura Store,. , - . . CHEAREP.. THAN THE CHEAPEST 11) MEMBER. TUT SCE AllE NOW 31,61LTAC.- 11 tering. and do offer goods - 4 our ovum manu facture cheaper than you can buy city-made goods elsewhere. - .Lumber taken ln,%xchange for gootb. • Wd Also funitsh SILTALIC nunitt, CASES. AND:COFFINS , BIatIAL , ROBIN, CAT'S, Atict ahlo have the I' -1 NEST -• H E A It fi GoOds delivered to tl;c:DopOt free of cliary JA- V 0.. FIIOST k SONS. • Towanda. Jam. Ij, 1671 - ' HARDAARE, :IRON, STOVES MME; • CEMENT, .CODIRNG,ISELL&CO. TOWANDA,_ TENN'S. ELIAS HOWE - SS W.IN G NATIONAL -STRAW CUTTERS GAS FITTI 4 NG z ; I , t ES. I:'OTAItY FCYRCE PUMPS • EL3I 1 It C.,‘ • ' , •• P"\ )ILTONT'S POWDEIt MI IRON; NAILS ,V. Acillift - TLT t.RAL IMPLEMENTS' :11711.0LES.A_LE MADE : I'OR 11001.T.N0, EITITEIt OF SLATE Olt 'TIN. BELTING, SAM'S, BABBITT PACKING, CAST .STEEL), AV 11. kt L - It OW S GOODS DELIVERED A T'' T H E D E 'P: o'l REE OP e_).ll - E,. •' , . CODDING, RUSSELL SI :'0 ANDA nh 1 iRu • • • THE LAST ixb cipafeksT- ~_ w ~~, ._-.__ S M 0 K 1 YE} 0-BA C .0 0 , 1111 1. U 2' R Y . r l, See that tvcry 1 rii ane yoh•bui brara , that inscription. , ' ••••• • • Thc; It, IR7O. . • • ~iBEI~Y ND DINING.kOO3L 131 W A 1),.P1E . 5. CARE,CR In our DINING ROOMS we will accoinniodate the public with •either a. lunch or a. good meal at all thump of the da3• and eirenini.•- . OEM= IND ICE enp... ox 71AND . DEITING. THEW; SEASON. • • . , Aise. a One aamtaleat 9f Orneerteri,Confeatorgory. /Yalta. Nuts. • mayl9latt _ ' wiNv. SCOTT & co: O=D CRAKR.—GR cldisectch lioniyrOrange, Rahkin. Lem on and Ginger Cakes, Washington Jumbles and Coffee Rbsettit. and alllrinds - cd Crackers it March 4, '7O. • • . W. A. ROCKWELL'S. ' •• - Erer offered ft this market. ROSEWOOD CASKET Of every 'descripttop lu this: section of eountry MACHINES -~= I, BLOSSBURU GLA:3B 1 "1-„-PLATFORINI SCALES IMES A Li lIANUFALTULLI) AT • 1 J$ immuct or mmaLAND First Wiwi: iturthi;of Ward, n0w.... BAKED DAIL Y, And sell at Wholesale aro . Retail VIIIROCLAMATION.--WIfERF , Ack Ron. pitnitis B. trriterEn, Bret Went-Indite 10 the 12th Judicial District, consisting of , the corm of InSinbrd ari4 ltuattuallintisottind HOU, Zitatt rinn Faisnre ant J.IV. trideDrint, 'AtutOctitte./tiages, ita and for said covinty of Breeden!. have bitted their precept. bearing- date 'the let 'doy of March, MD, tn , trte , directed foe holdlng,a, Conn- of---'conzuvalt View at. , TTIV, for the county 01 Bisaford; en MololOY, March' 27, 1871. to couttnne two-weeks. Notice is, therefore - hereby given to the Coroners, and JUsticeir of the Pesee, of the county of Bradford, teat the7be,therrarel there in their prem.-person, at 10 o'cibea' halhe fortaloott.of said day, with*. cords; inquisitions and ethei geriveinbrancea;. to do those things , which to their oftice. appertains to be done: and them who are boring, by recognizance or c 'rth_erwi- 86 too, Dreitothi .against "the prheaners who e , re KrfatY be in the jail of said county, or whet shall be bound to appear at the .said court are to be then and therato prosecute against them ins istraU.beinat... jurbriCare "Ai-mated to be: punkt tuilln their *WU dense:agreeably to their notice. _ _ Rated -at -Towanda , the Ist day of }Welk, in the year of our Lord, one thatliand eight hundred and .Bote,nty.ono, and of the Independence IV the. 1S .uite!:l Etatia, the ninety-fourth. ' - , if, -P. VAN T isrPop ThE -NA3tES• OF PER song,travim Febniary 44, 4871. to be Tracer* Juror' in Court of Common Pleas to be beblin Troy Duro', eotinnPncing Itntidar, - 3fitreb 27, 1871. . . \ worg- . - Atheniktwp. 0 'it /ntunmer.W L Sutliff. Wm Vn derwockl:lat.brmo% NVEA"Carner;, Asylum, .Y.Atz, win tialloP: Barclay. Sweeney. Jr, E D Cottirt; , .Canton boro', Jan Flnnell. Owens.: Columbia tarp.P Sla d e; lito , l - .3feDowell: Franklitt tarp, aW Stevens; Litchfleld...S 3f Layton: Leßoy. Sevciien Wilcox; Monnaii twp. Calvin Shelton. S C Neuter. :no Sommer*: Orrml tarp. S Chaffee.Slk Coburn: Pike bap. Cif Crandall, florton Taylor: Sprineeld tarp:Stephen Brace; Rhelheinalia tarp. Thou MOM,. firm. Lawrence Vonght Tateanila Wallace Eintralmr.v. C rrifurnptiroy:^J , Towinds NOrib,": l ;Ern EE Smith: Troy twp.Sainnettlisilfoitl. Leonannan ‘ Bern. Prot:rim Newbnry.: Troy' boro'43 B trister twp. Wm Mather: 'Modica:ln twpOillsay Rose.. era: Wilmot tarn. G It Winslow.: WitTeli:etwP., - . l lr Taylor:, Wyly:a OAT. Therm' Benedict. ".. • , . pErcenx sotto.'' - \ . - Asylnni. Richard Bennett: MUM% WitrlvlOnori: Barclay. Thomas Ilair;•Ors'alTille. Solomon *WW I ` 'bury. Patrick Maur,*; Herrick. Aaron ,Browni4..s. Roy. E 0 Grano. H L. Coburn; • Litchfield. Joint. Coyleendalt, Henry Goble: Monroe WNW CHock!' well; Monroe. 'Moro', H C Tracy: Orwell. Mason Rtevenia, J R Light: Overton. Rentsal—Musselman. .1C Hotter:Wein: Pike. OW Think, H L 'Stearns. C L fignires: - Ridgburr, Henrr.E'vans, .1 Barton, Jr. Gass Baldwin: Rometwn.J A Moody. Sbeadiegnin, .1 P Rogers: Sreithfichl, J 9 Male. 1) Forrest: Towan da Boro,G X Peck,A. Reeord.CP Rpauldina; Towanda twp, Mahlon Swartwood.: Towanda North. William Barnes; Troy twp. JII Leonard: Terry:tarp, J Wciles: - Tztecarors.•N P Haborx-k: Wyablaing, L P StalTord; Wyra_ Job Kir by. , r s al i l r LlST FOR MARCH TERM J: R. Fox vs . . Altredyttrman cites! Jacob Grace vs..G. B. 'Westgate John Kelly va. John Coon ....... ...... . ...appeal Derrertnell vs:W. S. Dobbins trespass F. IL Person 1M John Wolf, et al ..appeal. Long Vs , . Alonzo Lodg's names • case P. L. Pratt vs. 11. 11. 5 Willlama apPear U. Hickok vsiPnirojun Baxter • appeal. Parsons itt4rn, , ,ctiatl..v. Alonzo Longs alma appeal A; C. Moore vs. John ... debt Ilehry Miller %M. S. Smith's atlthr's . appeal. • • SCD . L. A. lindiqy vg. Pomeroy ... ..... Goodrich, Sewhcrry t Peck *s. _ Insnran.-0, Co.. et at att ex Julla Axtell Xg. C. T. Merry:pt . :ll ........ejetinent do 0. ..... . ...ejectrixent F. L. ltillard va. FAA-Ard 13urte's admr's , appeal 0. C. Covert vt. Cec.,...Tones . - ejectment .0. D. Field vs. ,t. 1.1..31d0re...et al appeal S. W. pain. • CaA. 0. P. 3lanle:c'vX:BaZn,X - , VanNomme k Cp apr•al Sumenaa for first reek returnable. on 3tonday. 35ar,11.27, 7871. at 10 o'cl(w.k..:l.lm, nti4 for accoud a•eck, ou 31ond2y April 3, 1871. at 10 o'clock, a.m. , • W. A. THOHAS.:Prot. NOTiCEThe `Board 6f . Itei§ion • hive fr.;ed npnn tolloN;ing dates and places f.r holding appeals for A. 1).-141.: Bar lay—At school linim near Toot of Plane, ssthr. day, Stareh IR. WyFOX—At the house of John S. Sgiruart, Monday,- Starch O. . • • : Sheshequir—At the•hor.sr.•. rtf J. P. 'Roger, Tuesday, March nl. - Litchfield—At ttouse of S. M. Layton, Wednesday, March 22. Windham—At lions' , of It'utendall, Thursday March 23, • . 'Warri-n—At tioui)o of las.' Coulier. Friday, lfarrh liciogo of - Xuril front. Saturday. March 25: Roine twp. and boro—fit 'the-house or A. A. Taylor, Mouday-Starch - Herrick—At house of Chaa! Rice. Tuesday: Star. 28. Pike end Lellaysville—At house-of John Cli . ainpion, • trednes.lay. March • • - Tnsearoya—At - .lions° of D. 1).BI:wk. Thursday. Star. 30: Wyalusina—At house of T. Brown., Fridiy.3lar.:ll. Standlna Stone— ; lt house or PeterJactibue, Saturday a I , As..essora will be punctualtn delivering.nptlnesto tasablcTi ambintuakinUqhf....lr . retnms In person.. at the'tinte s•peelfied in their warrant-A. at which time and place the Board' of nevisliM will attend and hear 11 who con.iger themselves ag4rieiv4l by -the As sesment,.and: make. Fuch alterations as to them shall appear just and rea50n:41)14.. 4 , Ily order of the Board. At j fittest-if. B. C.4,or.n.tre.n. Clark.. . :eorr.nsaiounrs' Office. Xan. 24. I3TI. . nl 13..MIN.T.STR.A.T . X NOTICE.= 1te.r4.14y gieen Bte - all; -persons indebt ed t...4the, 4.44iate of fE. Ti. MASON, late of Tuwanda b0r.:142;h, ane re.pnated to mak:.e immehir.te. paynlent. and all p , rsr\wa. Itartu,t e1.44s against - said ..4t.ite tansfpresent thu.Saine duhr antlionticated for ie,•m,•7.1 r.. ON.. , • • - - A .031 - IISTRATOR'S NOti ea is hereby cirpii\ to all persons inilist;t4 . to the e , t:it7 LEcr.s.tp.t. PLANTS. late of .Liteh= licll tuT.: aceeaeed. Masi Make immediate, pay. inept. and al perscilui 14iipCli against said .r=tatt , must.. preEritt dn' autltentfeated:for `,l). 0:71-w,3 _A tmITOR'S,. NOME. 2 ---Leouni•ii 514. May Tom,: C'oort of Cormi,o23 Bradford .c.rotuty. Mr unclers4zned appointeit`4 anadnr to ilistrih nte funds in the Sheriff's liands.)-aiSed from the sale of defe,n•lant!s real estate, Attend to the ditties of arpointnlont at his offire, itC' bore' of Tow anda. 'on TUESDAY. APRIL i.Lill', at 2 10.. at whieli time and plane all. per haring claims are require - ) tepresentthe same, ho deharted.froln-ctraing In for a share of said,. inns.• FOTTI in5 . r,1: , :71-Is4 • • f • • Audit A D3tIN. ISTRATRIX: is hereby given to all porsims inffeld'ad- Che estate of JEROME E.A.1..51:411'.. late. o.'moripri. tr,p. Make iininedi payMenl, and all perisms having claims against mid *slat/must pre. • tone them dilly authenticated fur settlenient. feb.:l2 - 71-Ivti -• . TN BANICRUPTCY.‘:-." DISTRICT . 1 s cotirt of the VeM niietPSlatee .r the Wen'. Di 4 1 el f . trict of „Eciinsyleania. ' lryst District n.f Permor.:t, vrniq, S. S. In the rtiatt4 Titur,ark-.1 - , Lacey, i` Ilankrupt ; .• _ , . ' - Tine i. To (Irri Norter:: That nn the 24th. of Feb., 1.571. a Warrant in Itanyinntcy was iPtEMP.I .by the' Court spina the estste of T. I. Larry. oL Wyalusing, trcp.. comity of Dradfiird and State of DennsyW in said ra, 1 -4 istrict, who hitot ' been ,dnl3 . adjnite4 r runt. n on. Ids own pi.•tition . ; that the' , it 4 k 4 ., of any 'ebts, and the dolivcrt -of an; propertkiii . : lonzinti to saidillatikrtipt to littn or for his use; L• • theStranider Of any property by him are forbidden by law: that tnectintfof the crediihrs of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, 'and choose. one oi• niche .as- B44ilCa'S of his estate, will Is! held, at a Cbart of Bank inptcy...4.o,be holden at Towanda, Pa...in..-saii.L.Dis. , tact, Oa the il4th ditY of March, A.D.., 1811,.at 10 o'clotik . ,:l.m.: at the crib ce of oyertgn AVlDshree. be for/ EDWARD OVF.RTON. Jr.i Eeq:, one of the Rep, isters in Dantruptey of said District.. • - I. .-Ni ' " ! A;lrtnryi_Vll. , I nittea• - •;11,4,r . . 1. S. Marshal as llesseretet. N THE ',DISTRICT cOT_TRT OF T _A_ the Znite.l"titates for the Wostorn Pfkriot of Pennsylvania: ,In the matter CHAS: WELLES. • • ' • Ir itANKRrPTCY. icloun•if arty entiePrs:—The undersigned.hereb3 - 6ri:R notice of his appointinent no,Atutignee of Chas. Welles.. of that township of: Ulster, 1n the county of Bradford, and State . - of 'Pennsylvania. within. said. I .. )istriCt,. who has been; adttidued Ibin'knuit ;upon petition of his creiliters..b!:. the District Court of, said District: , . • , • . • Dated at Towanda, March 7. 1370. , mar:B'V.. • G. F..31.1.50N. Ascizuce. A TDITOR'S ; 7SOTICE. At- .au lii-'oiphans' Court held at Towanda. February 13, 1871,the Conriappointil Wm: Watkins an auditor 1. , 1 distribute tin funds' ip the .hands Charles B. Itie,g. Executor nf th 6 state of Jonathan S. late of Stuitlaficld twp.. decd. . : • Pursuance of thsatoresaid , appointment, notite bt hereby iiireti.to all persons interested iu the funds -of the nfitate'iftitektht, in the hand's of the.execntor, that I will attend to-the diittes fif Toy appointment on TIII"R.S . D.VV. APRIL '2,0, -1871, alit° o'clock, and., at the , ?thee (411. C. Baird, Esq.. .in • Atheika in ainlicounty tit Brailford. at .whlcli time and place plasons interestedain the estate aforesaid. can alien - it. for a hearing: upon the dishilititlon aforesaid if they desire: . WTI. WITM/81. ' inar.ls'7l-104 •:. , „ A u di tor.. • EN nTIPHANS". COURT. SALE.-13Y .*jrini‘'of. an Order is.stieil tint of the Orphans' Court of 'pmlford collnlY.. the. rindcrihnied Admin istrator of the estate of SnsanNamara, lite of the State of Texas. deed„ will sell at the 'Keystone Hotel in „ Canton horo'. on' WTI. /NFSDAY. APRIL 12, Ir7l, at I -O'clock, p.m.. the 'following lot, pieces or pareetof land sitnate in Canton twp.. .and as fol Iona: -Rel.Vf fining at a pact th.. centre.of-thri road leading front t'reek to the . road known as the Locke, Load; thence feast. along The said road !XV, moires to Patrick Fitz. Patrick's lan4: ,- thence south '2 west along said_ Fits Patric Vii lime rods to the warrant line; thence north 88 dep., west aloti,.. said line' 22 r 3. rods to ' , Almost:ls' Cross' land; thcilfee north 2 deg's., cast along. 'said Cross', line'l73 rods to the place of - Ixitining. Containing ,100 &zees; more or less.. . El TE1131&:4-$30 on theiiiropc , rty itruek do-wl3; 'otic-third of the balituce."'on . nlitlrtriatbon, the %hal - ance and Wereifttt , with, inti!rest tri:nt'confiraid,tion. • J. 0.• FlttniT. • •tinis.ls' 71-wit • AtlininistratZ)r. , . . • IlltrnAN'S COll-1:3: SALV—BY arise of an order Lisue&Out of '66 Orphan's Court of, it(*lford county, the undersigned Adtnin istrator ,of; the ;estateJathes •S. Shaw, late of Trowaroa domsed, will. sell on the premises on FRIDAY, Arlin., 14, 1871.1 o'clock; p.m.; the fol.- lowing describ - ed„.Wt of Wad . situate `in Tusottora tirp..liotinded and ileseribed IS follows: 13egiunbag in the highwafakiOsite to Louse bf ]lra, J. Shaw; thence tn the- middle of said-highway. south adege., east it.; rods and g•dlirt lands. of Jacob DAturde 'ant: thertiv along taid . Strtrilevnnt'a landit and S. Strtnl6 - ant lanst. west 113 rods and 5-1010 a cot , ' tier; thence along lauds of Oliver Warner. north 4J rods and 11-10 to a corner ;thence aloft_ other Batt' of said decedent's estate, south degx. and . east 108 rods and 5.10 to the p/ice of beginning: taming 2'l acres, morn or less. , :itl.so—.lpiet.-o of land aitnated north of above df..mribeeliutd, .and bounded north by lands of Thegdore Syl:tara, clod by lands ~raFf, Thoinal; Shaw , sonth by above deseribLlV &Ca of_ baba, west by /au" of . 1 - Lady, Containing *owe 43 acres. TEVAIS—SSO be paid on the properfibettig struck down, one-thlnrof the balance:cm confirmathgeof. male, an, the Intim:ice in two coital payments' in Or. Inonthsand one year from the triVof confirmation. ddininistrater, • nitti.13 . 71.1.4 Lefp't. ITRAT \V Y.EF NMI (IEO. ri..vs•M S. B. CARMAN: • Adm:iirikrators t . - ARPl,LtiiiEfl COURT SALE.---Br. Vi of aim order tamed- cot of Um: Orphatie cart of radioed county. the underalSielt Maths— filtrates o the estate of ' MEW: /1 1 4 0 , 0 f • Vona& bpro' h decrier& 'WM tith Porto.. lam tut .SATURDAY.. , .Ana. 1871,. at , : 2 o'clock, 'S.W.. thefoltourtue ewe or parcel Oland. *hate lo'gotninda trikrudelandthaltritted as tollows2 -}twinning at - the 6,ll , lxriter ,ot -the leptseoptilleefary 114 , 0*M0 - welt- Ift* -ot Tort _Avow; 12tenavbylsipt2oopiillecitont lot aesl2l slog 20 ruln.;itrest about2lo feet to - sonthwasteor... • tier Ordlt asillattbeleletr.tbetwe deux Ittse• er - :. the roam northerly /SO Ind 640feetitratatth gas d Dr. IL 0: Porters. land; thole* fliihtit 'atone - UM . * 7 1 1 detk. 2 oPla. east 210 , Mt IC Ito* lae - 04 York Arc. beretorms mentionedfilkelsce, slanglinn, of samisen* 74' degas 40 min, east MI sod &l 8 fret to the Pharr of begitudha; reserving therthoo}l2 it far an alley alebg aouthllrui of IL C. Potter's Witt: eatd -.' allay to be for threw* of - th e land- two cribcd for ether roarti.'4 l .oEdlizaW 3.?,!. = L!'i • • feetooore or leas. • :Mtnlifft-4100 arc the property betterment* delta. eleastialttlur beterkee„ot. money on, eanfleteaticre ot tele;-tho- babtnee .itt one Ivir thereafter with itoxa ciaterattatum. , - MAO WATTr ilt , r • • • " (IRPRAICS':-COTTIVR , SALE.-111' NJ virtue if as order issued lint, hf the Orphans' Court of Bradford ~outdy.- the undefaillbed Adnibb latratrie of the estate ef lrted - Xerraw_ WAle. bite of Towandi'bofough, deceased. Ina 4011 on tbe Pfeln-: Meson SATURDAY, APRIL 8 1671; it It *thick w• in.. UM. kdknring VW. _OLlead. Mitt:ail:lll 'Korth osanda. tarli., and bennll63 as, follows Beginning • 'at the &titre of the Midleadhist front Wean& to lysacrly, corner of lot rove stlY Pufelooled by- I f-i C.; Ekbree-oVila Orphans' Court sale. fOw Winn. 'Means Witte estate: - thanes slang the eintire of said higb. Way. nartii - 33 Vie„ waft b' rods to 11 . 41 4 0 for corner; thence by Janda et- O B. Brown 'saufli,6l • defra y west 26 mut 33.100 perehea toscorner: thence • by lands of said Brown. south 32 dep. - Agit o fit= oe to miller; thenwie by lands of said 21. C. north Sl4lngs.. east 2d awl 33400" - perches to 411; - place ofbeginning..Containipg one ace, morb -or TERMS—Me per cent. on the lot is stricklawn. thirtyll,re per cent. on enpfinnation, and the hat= ante in two equal aninatpaymenta. - 8L1.47 E. - . llinnUnstratrir. znar.ls'7l-w4 X . ECUTOE''S. 15Otice Is hereby given that all persotertrulefitrel to the. Mats of Wt. LEWIS, tats of Bmithnekt lap., deceased, are requestedto mike immediate_ meat, and all . persons Win* cleft's ictest said .es.. late must be preaent th e same duly as titkratted lot settlement • C.IIIDOWAY mar.B"ll.srd, . Yasentor. V! XBe .T R ' S TIC JIL-d Notthe to hereby Riven that all lietseni,ffoligt; Pd to the/ estate" k1c312.11024 late of Tomuld*boro . , doed.-ara requesta to make Mame diate pnimeet, and ill person bawitmolatotaligilllst said eatato - most mama theup duly aatbmtlcaMed tor aettlempat.--,, - • , • S. lADD. , • r feb.2l'll..sa • : Illecator. A IPPLIcA.TIONS - FOR tIOEN§E, TE1131,..1871, AT. Trioir, .•. ' - V. M. S.; B. A. Long:... George,Mriler ..... F. Chme .Troy borough Clinton. borough Canton 1*(14.,qr mowers:Cm NeW/IlaU rat-SO/0.:F.1 InacolUtom!k HOLPIERKI r S. SIT ISTi I GOO ps SPRING: GOODS 'S,P i RI.N . G ,Ci..Q..,O:DS We oMT tu the C.E31.1 buyers or the County our first iuroiren of BOOTS AND S NOES litTecitlly adapted to,.tiLii SKIN . ; Tiddc...: CM= • i l , I , TILE B. (11.14.NPEST: full of ~L YLJ' S ; M 1 SES AND 'IIOES Froni thv colebrat&l, Manufactery co! E,DNiN C. BUTtfi, 71 e leitder of elegaut desfgns in Ladies nue Shcies . . , , Burt's pt,sts sn japtly i'efebratiALLiare thia statoi: (...,I.E•tially noticed lor'tlo..:lr • el i _.. - • - - FiiSisii; S-L' P-E,R nt .'..1/j3t•St.‘ STYLES ; M Shoe. ME . LACING. A I gT . .;THE elegal4 pr I # ADIES, 4 MISSES AND C ILDA E-11!1'.,S FRES'OH, KTIVEBBLE, GOAT, SERGE, e.i.F.A.ND dm; .reliablet n:anufAttiiirrs throui;l;o4 +t country. - HENS AND BOYSBOOTS-, 31ENS.AND BOYS BOOTS;. 11. E TS AND BOYS BOOTS;. 1000 PAIRS 'lOOO 10 1 4 Aißs,l Including e 'er‘thing in the Boot hue, from the ini-• cat Paten Leather to the. heaviest goofs for luin , Lenten. • We win open in a few dais the lateSi styles of 3IVNS -IND - 800, GAITERS, bave.the. agenep for JASIIE.'S wide welt. Dih.)t.l:t." order, ritaac by arnt•ClaSB wprkw.eu; aul of . eup.eriin N'ol . .ipt—A LIMO, lot •of Boots. aua Soots iitllt; Out - 0;1.41e, at.11,11.X . 'flits public Con rely. upon lindifig via:, goods at lowest rates and in endless variety, and recent put: auk/nov:lU enable na to gly‘klirices havr been bell:l.4)l'6re. itnpossible, ' ' • • 11114PILRET IgtOTElgltS mar.l 'll CAUTlC6l.—Whereni my wifea %talds white has lefrany bed and:board without just cause of provecation, this fa to cantfola any person dr persona from harboring or trusting bq on my account, as twiil not be accountable for any debts o: bee contrasting from and after this date. FRED WifITE. Fetd of Plane. Pa.- Feb. 23, 1871 MIINISTRATORSNOTICE - ANotice.ll hereby Owen tliatalloersone Indebted ' G, the estate of CILABLES• DAVID, late of Terry. iteeeased, are„my:meted to .make_ immediat e payment. and all persona haying dais& agairort said .estate must, present them duty authebticated for 'art; • - • ESTHER DAVID, ' • • J. L. JONE.S,, • mar.a."lfrir • • • . • •.Administrators. - 11 YERSDItG .IDELLS. - BtCXWHEAT 'LOURI M 0 T_T CORN MEAL AND FEED • • .• Constatiq on liana ant for, e.ale cheap for CASH. cusrou woiti irmutAyiED. .4.1140 on hand a large qcLautlq oI,OIIOUND cAyu!Js PLASTER, from Old Tower :Wheat, Rye, Corh apll Oati tticon in eicanw" . 4or• Plaster.. • - _ • • Co - PSETNERWIP OTICk:4— The undersigned bkre•enterWinto copartner stripy' the hotel known as the Perk House. et East Towanda. A share etpublie pationage seateded- CILABLEB HOPPE. GEO. W. SClEWMirkii. fcb2':'7l•w3 MOTICE.—The tininess at .Sals- . bbry's Mills, in Ainnioo, tonwhip. be; continued by the undeilligned., •3 - feb.97:71 • KELM ,C. B.U.SISUEV. pIIRE CIDER VINEGAR .AT FON, k MERCPW Troy Poroub. W. A. THOMAS, Piot. - srumurt.ooX) SF LCG 000pst • / •CHIIDRENS MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers