Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 16, 1871, Image 1

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TERMS op' maw Amos.
Tut- Dr.turoun lizionrca is published ream
a tli mi t.
k, Pf. /axe= •• at • Two
r e live per annum. to
sr Advertising in all eases seclusive of subscrip
, n on to the paper. -
srECIAL.NOTICEB inserted at sprisats morn per:
, ; n o or firstinsertion.. and firs ems per line tat
s absequent . insatiate. ,
LOtaL NOTICES, same - style as - reading insider,
vrrxrc crams a line.
Aps - LUTsIaMMi will be inserted according to
he I.4llcAdng table of rater:
sr dvr r 2th I SEa,i
nch &00 5.00 I: . 6.00:
zoo 5.00 • smrxp:Ock moo I 20.00
inc bes I 3.001 &GO 1.14-00 I 1845 1 2 6.00 ss.op
. 7 . - thinin 16.00 I 1100 113.00 I 22.00130.00
'column I 20.00 I 40.00 I 00.00 i 50.00 I $lOO I $l5O
A islinistrator's and EzeCutors $2; Audi,
i`i`vtices. $2 50 ; /Maine= Carat; floe lines, cog
aildltional lines SI each••, -
• y ev iy OvertAsers are entitled to quarterly changes.
Tn-so.timit clvertisethents must be paid for M advance.
A ilg e .iciiiitions of Associations; Cothmtinicationa
hulited or individual interest. and notices of . list%
• and Deaths, exceeding five lines. are charged
• re.... - rA per line.
Tbe Scroll - run having it larger circulation - than all
opera in the county oornbined. makes it the beat
a I „ ert i g ing median! In Northern Pennsylvania.
l'ltttiTlNG of every kind; in Plain and Panay
• done With neatness and dispatch. Handbills,
:Ink.. Card& Pamphlets: BMWs. Statements. ka
• variety and style, 'printed at the 'shortest
Tire ItErourira Office is Well supplied with
p,,,, •
2 cr Presses, it: goad sagertnomt Of new type, and
v,rvtlft:g iu the Printing line can. be executed in
,;,,at srtistic manner. and at the lowest rates.
131:= SS CARDS.
0. M. TING'ILEY: - Limns . ed • due
t.„ ri....e . r, - R . ome; Pa. All calls prom Wen&
. - MA59,1870
A -4- General. ,Fire; , , Life,
1• .lind Accidenitillnsuranee Agent. Office it J.
u. 11r , ,wri's note!. 11'3..0u/dirt. Pi. . Jirn2,?7o2-6ra
5cpt,..15,1870 7 7r
" Ar::4lN.—Office formerly occupied by lifer=
one" door south of Ward House..
rosslo 2 7o B...ers-cticr.
T, En, NO. 160 V'aijitnaten Street,
LaSalle and Wella Streets, - Chicago,
I:,tate.purelased and i;o11. itweattunts made
.11:11..); Lnan6l. .. • •
(-1-TTLN-G : ixr,, • FIMG all faabloWablo
con short notice. ROOMS. in Mercurli New
'I%•• 'll4ln-st., over Porter k Rirbra Drug noir.,
'T. ,rda.ya.. Arril.l3, 1970. •
'li mn-W
-ORK OF . .ALL' K.EttoS,
Fneh4g'StWITCIIES, Ctlll.9.4lßA:trisi..F.litz
i-r-r::. kr., made in the beet ntaitier and latest tittle,
p„ ~r, nonce Barber Shop. Te . inurettscnittble,
- '1',.,.at1.13, - Det`.l.. 1569.
1714NCIS _E. POST, , PA:MTV,
76,,-anila, ien yearn expertifisro, Is j ,CA:a.
t`.i• i.F be .cart gifvo the best- satiataction,lnT • a inting,
oil,'.n!nii.,Staintug..6lazinft, Papering. •
• ••• attention. paid to johtifeg in , the
april 9. :C.6.
fl '310N110f.".19N. PA., Pays( particular attentidn
wt-gonm, Sleighs. kr- Ryre set and
nn short notice. :Work and rluirgce!
reieLulced , tattifactory.• (•• ,
1 Illi r.. , ;;.5n ertatlisheil himself in the T o truittnid
- 1. - .,- ,- -1 - .N.E.-s. Shop over Rockwell's Ettore. Wiirk':of
:,• . 1 . -: cle.-rri ptliro ton In the latest styles. .. .
--; .TArar.ii„ April 21,1870.—tt • -• .
11.0. , rhigned w ld xespectfully innonnen to
kPeni constantlrtS2l2snd
-th , ..'(74 1 / 2 .ilm, , ,rrs. 'Flannels. Tarns, and ell kinds at
0.. Pile - s ' mi HAIGH' A: 13,11bADLEY,
t i; ''' • ' proprietor.
O H YES 1 0111 - YES I . 2 --..k.I7CTfON' t
N. It 110 E, lces:of A err.: •
Mi -ran' , promptly -attended to and satisfaction
, aa rani , ,a. Gill or aitlress...A. It. Hoz, lioaroctrin,
It a 1:,,r4 i•iminty,..Pa. = ~ . A. 0Ct.26, 60..
Ktil; , r and 'Life . are. the Great Fa`
that find a irelcome in every home a a
fortmore of, the common ills of
n Bn.• other.gmedicine in the Market. Sold
nfedieino o:fertility.' Manufactured
T. GIITOIID, ellicago.'lll4 and 143 Sfain"st.,
n• , ::NELI.SVILI,E. N.1.._ March 113.-r7tl•
dENF-31 kL
i 1 ( ) 01) T.EIIPLARS - 3IITTUAL
1.1 l',:”..lofit Asociati,2n. ~
NI. ,) , ..r,..111P.fe0 16.1.v:eery at 'Path .52i0.00 • 4 slo O 0
%;,..,:.i AA.4.,:smerit ... A 2 00
T. -• •••.. r.•:ary Aw,i , F.ment, age frol . n; 15 to 55. 110
. " , —i" • ..:t ' '.2il to 45 . 160
.. '• .. •• 40' to •GO 210
G. F. JONES. Wyalttaing,'Pa.
.:,r:1 Agent for Bradforfl county. Local Agents'
' . - - Sept. 22::70.
:.uranrc Compi . ny, of • Hartford, -Conti: Pay
cn application for tucruranektr , be made 41.
I:yr•s%; office. Main, l'osranas.. . .
Generbir Agent.
t. Gm*
Having ciyinpletc,l my new brick Flop: 'near my
tence Min-s4reet.'l ain now. preparest to do
v Ord in illtita brandies. Particular attention paid
_ .
• 'mai ronBaudedge tools., listing spent many
trs in this community, in. this business, X trust
vl . l bt , a eptric.Ait guarantee of my receiving a litier-
vl,, , ko:ttntbf thc,putalicpatronage.
' . HENRY ES.S.E 7 N - 17,CE.
Trecan , ht. 'Nov.
. ..
. - I ) '
1. T E - :‘, , T TS . I - . . .
. •
). f; N. DEXTER.; Solicitor , Jf ratt:ithy
..',1 , ,.. -
.143BOASIP .s-rntire, WAVERLir, N. Y. .
l'o•pmres drawings, siseeifigaticanrAni 'all I..lierN
t. c; ired in ?linking and properly conducting ANAL ,
Ca'•, , n,•-for I'ATENTS in the 'UNITED STATa ant F6n
. i• .N I;4•NTIILS. No rills:GP-4 IN rs'srocK,svift.
. , l',.‘ AN n No ATlOntitY'n Fkr..TO I'AT L'irra; I'ATL.NI"
tr tIVD.
• t. ft.. 1f.39-tf
j):7o.e . rs
SUNS, Flats. ,
1:1.• cash price b 1.3i , 1 at a.. 11 Limos
M. I:4).:s(•nricl4'm Store, Main-gt•,-
( • Nl' 13 ' rudfna ThAzik:
".tu:l-1 u i.any employers for yak patronage. would
Citi7MLIS of Bradford Comity
i'. - 1 b', r.,,,rred to do any,' work in hie line of bunt
., •- ray la entrusfed-to him. Thoao having
.i.• 'lt- , 1 lows woul.l do well' to bare CIO ir property
liflore allowing thringelvel to
t... , I.y their u.:•ighbora. All work warrant
far ax tiro nature «f the calif" will per
-(•-." Aom nriraviao , llanda att.Mde,',lto as soon as
r.• _ 0. STEVMM. "
a. •1 a Day,Llng 1), Towac4a, u i t1,1 , .. r the
' l . l ' l, 11 ! M.VON: k' 11
y to draw Ding or Essila)44,o, all()
w York. and all
1 , 0 , 1.. z, of the lTultir:l Statox. a;t-alao England, Crex-
Franca. To. I,.an money, recrAvi depointa,
t. , a vonrral Ilantingbusiness.
Ma..o was nne :1 the late firm of l o alx,rte.
.:1 A: Of T•.wanda. litL....amd hfa knowle, , 4:o
nwri of Bradford lunl adjoining counties
a - 1 , 1 1;11111g iret'tlln,the banking. lrisiness for about
nt t...n •4.. n tat:. thlSllouse a desiral,le one through
..1, t, makt: eoliprtions. :G. F. MASON. •
tint. 1. TRIG. ! A. (V.
IVI, .1 D F-0 11 . D C 0 ItT T Y
3i. in YrepertjeS; CAS blad T,wn
proluTly for rale will find it to their
„...... ,, ... , :A24,7y,1.:.1Pa•5!ng atio• oame. with
' ' ~ ;, , at:efiry. partirs are entistaxtly
• I tr :anus, cc. IL IL I'AcKEAN.
Real Estate Agra.
r 3TaFou's rank, Towan4, Pa.
N - FI !
it" ()01)S..1 ND oir Id'ES !
T .519::t".0k:TON, LA
:fI4CY •&..ILOLLO\,
111 au,l l`rovisiona. l/rltt.:es
NI , 1;c•r•,...11,e t)1. launp*.
(• , 11“.,,Waritielk. No•
•••• ,;!ani.atol .141 re Wauts sled
, !• . for tuf.,tintial iirlx,Nea
•• • • Ni.l tl:c. prwra. Pro.
t,ttli,nutleti at all
i.. Jut.. •: 1. 11.4:41,...13
'1 4 .11:1-1ti1) OR ENGI.:INI)
• t.t • V g 11,
041 I
.1',1.•• Or loll
4.11. •
‘l , l .14.1
, 1 1 . .. L. eq.. host. 15! 1 i,,,,,,
I n 1 vt.rr•t
,i.1. • {1 , (1.4, •; , I , t , (.` 111 Araintaor L 0,4".1,
tvi•••••••"*., 1,,L,
3 • Ocl! , L 1.111k.-rp.
ry „ v.gM3. I IY.
:(R a) Nl(a.AS`A'.` , r()Ii :1(1
4 I,pc r L I '7. 1ty1.1.(714.1+
moo I $ is
S, W.
,A.L.VIIIIIOIII,D, Afttblishier.
TA WOOD, lerroashr AND
. Cot 9 ouizoa.aT Toirmads. Pa.
umiak Pa. . Pume r.
• r LAir „Tit:wands, Ps-. Mee win"( Enuaan
Smith; son,, Merettr's Block. AprU 14.70
Pibe TOINI* AT LI.W. (.00,--0011101. a Mill awl
fittrefitiOopposite • Drag Mrs.
B' KELLY; DENTIST: OF v• • 1100 Wicasim Jr,
*Tad. 10-
' - -
Tlll. " - DENTIST.-
Si Offins In Patton's'ido*lnar (30nes Thy* and
Chemical nns. • •'-
T P; j TON.
Soitth 4111 e of Eercui's Mr. Block. up stsiis.
tf. - • '
- at t
fl Ootr a maim LT Law. Talsaias:l* Par
ticular on paid ta-rOudnesa paptria•
. - .CA_RNOCHAIL Atkin-
W 11
. xi: AT Lmr (Mantel Attorney for Thad
ford Ct. La i ), Troy. Ps. Colketioas nada and prompt
ly remitted.! ..Seto 15, 141-41.
• . .
T C. DENY ITT, Atforneys-al--
el • Lai, Towanda, Pa., having formed co.part
nerithipjetider their professional .servi .
ces' to 'the
imblie. /34*i:14-attention given So EVERTDIZABT
NEXT of the brusineas. at the - county' seat or ,else.
where.. JACOBI:00MT.
D. C 1.114718 DLWTI7.
TowasnriTa., Dec. 12. 1870: • ; - -
. . .
TOlnt N: \ CALIFP, Vivoßf4Ey
A, LA* Towanda, Pa. Particadaiailintioti
on to Peplum' Corot badness, Conveyameinrean fdy d
Collections; sa-
.0111 ft in Wood', new block'. Beath
of the Fit* Natiopal Bank,4lp atairs. - ^ ,4 -
Feb. 1, 11171.
#l-IPARKER, . Physician and
a-7 - 1 - S - ureeon, Leßayaville, Bradford. Co., Pa. Alt
calls promptly attended to. .001collrat,door south
of Leltaysrdle Howse. •
Sept 15, (1.870.-yr
• -
- 13PACH, M. D., -Phiisician
14. aWI Surgem:Towands, Pa. Particular atten
tion paid toayl airtime Diseases, and Diseases of
Females. Office it his residence on Welton street,
east of '
D'A. Overtons.
atiEN TO ETA . A
BREE; rro . a,
nsztat Lt.'s, Towanda, Pa., laying entered
into copa ership, Wier their. professional services
to the public. Special attention g iven to badness
In the Orphan's and-Ilerglatera Courts., apll.llo
xvis- AT LAW. Towanda, Pa. Thi nnderd gned
having ountoeiated the.maelves together In the practice
of Lew . offer their pr ofessional services in the public.
March 91870.
• n
%V -Ar; B. 14. PECK'S LAW
_,N . ? • ?FFICE.
hfain ntreck, opiveite the Court House; Towanda, Pe.
Oct. 27.
E MOODY, 3t. 0.,
pirysleux AND suainor,
.ford Co., 'Pa.
Particular attention paid to'Collectlona and Orphans'
Court brininess. Ogic.9.--litercur's Few jIIIocIS, tiorth
_aide. Plibi4 '!gPr• L '59.
D. '
DUSENI3ERRY *ould an-
ALF q O . ce that in compliance with the request of
his riumeriins friends, he isl3ow prepared to admin
ister Nitrens Oxide, or Laughing Gasp for the vain
less extracition of teeth.
Leftavarille, Nay 3, 1.876.-47
• .PEO.INTECIIENTI•Tpri . ;Tula. Pa.. Office with
B. M. Peck, second door below the' Ward Haase.
Will be at the office the last Saturasy of each month
Affia'at all ether times when not called away on busi
ness connected with the Buperitondenc7: - . ,A1l letters
°aid be ,after be, addressed as Wire. dee.1,70
att, ot.,the Collette of ••Physicians and snigeona.••
New York city. Class P 142.4. wives exclusive attention
to the practice of his profession. Once and residence
en the eastern slope of Orwell Thiloulloiultu; Reim
. none's. y Jan 14.
D. D. SMITH, .Denhst, has
t l itchased G. IL Wood's property. between
Ifercurs 13Idea and-the llweil Bowe, *wee be has
located hig ofßoe. Teeth extracted without pain by
use of ran. . Towanda, Oct. 20. 1070.—Yr.
:well-known house, haring recently been refit
ted and supplied with - new furniture, will be found •
pleasant retreat for pleasure seekers. Board by the
week or Irionth on reasonable terms.
; E. W.
.NEAl A rrop"r.
ril 20;4870:74f
4,tvt. 8, I*'
ted on the north-west corner of Main awl Elizi
betb streets, opposite Bryant's Cargo Factory. •
Jurymen and others attending; court will especi
ally find ifto their advantage to pstrodltro the Tem
perance RoteL S. M. Isnovqr, Props.
Towanda, Jan. 12. 1870,,
DINING ROoll ° S' .-
i IC coN - NrenON VITirTHE BAELTYi • •
° • Near therCourtnotiao. . .
---- We are prepared to feed tho hnirgry at an timea of
the day and evening. Oysters ;and Ice Cream in
their seasons.
Much p. MO. ' 'c• , D; W. scan ico.
.T.;*;tllL HOT:ISE,', TOWA.kDA,
• -
Iwo C. ivuxfolt r -
nivfl,7 leased thli t lionee, to now readrtti acienuamee
date the travelling publte- 10 piOns , ner ea:petiole will
be vain(' ti give satisfaction tia these who nay give
him *call. -
air North aide of the, public (Wit of . 31er•
- enr's new block. 45.
111111:EgFEELD ORaK
.11aving -purchased - andtkoronghly refitted this 'old
and well•knovrn et forinerly kept by Sberif-Orif
fr. 'Attie month of Rammerfield Creek. is ready to
give good accommodations and aittiafactoTy treatment
to all who may favor him with a i=l.l.
• D0e..23. 868—tf.
Cot.: It.LIX s'isri unman ivrtErra.
The Horses. Harnesa. kr- of all pleat; of this
hlthise. insured scene loss by Firs, without any ex
tra charge. -
A snywrior . quality of ot4 English, Bassi Ale. Just
received. T. R. JORDAN.
Towanda. Zan. 24.'71. Prnprie
Th.. liotci having Lein leasod by the subscriber.
has been rep:dated,' Paperrd, and refurnished
throughout, new Furniture. Itedding. Ilia
Table will be supplied.,, with the beat the market al"..
fords: and the Liar with choicest Lraudstif Liquor*.
This house now offers the eousforts of a home at
IdonrEATZ rtters. Jurymen and others attending
court. will fltid this Lou*. a cheap and comfortable
place to atop. Goof stabling attached. ang,10,1.0
mkt - can:a, nt,%sAiriNG. MOCLDINGs. Lc-,
At the old ■Land of 11. It. Iltaham's Woolen ractAr
Wad Sall Mill, in
[ 'A HEAVY Slz nom. tlas-NO AND MATCHING
In charge ctalt expefienced . aukl builder
the t‘hhhe may expect a
tio r”oeut ruler meth of this water power.
~:► oat tw dope at all warns ad the year sad wens
aa , meat la 1u evrtowebrin with the arir-malll wit awe
1,114 k duru:►L bale ai sawed holdwll. to ardor.
uu.tierstertql Law mad, anisuirmnriati to lb
r.rir carp' mant's Clia4Th (IT TOOLA.
"4,4,41 a, Vitt tiltLl.l Omar=
ti.....rvu4.4 art TV•114.041.!IL1!! lu4 iebei 1,41 Fivt lum • ei.ll.
cLxr • 11.14c1C37.
hamunittrw Arta.. Tgwargli• 7%.
OCPW 13.. L
• 1 t.rmitld tng smilsa Lectwei.l4 YEIS4.
taLIFII V. a— IRCCL w ;cu.
nines to thepere of Wy•
ice and reside ce at A. J.
St-eet, near the Centel Boum."
C. T. smOn. rrtypoetor.
g; C. GpFp, Propri!!,,r
CZ,. Mort, ay 21. la7n.—Ly
. ,
- •
. f ?.!.. -, ......1 , ,, , .. --, 47 , -" 7 , t'..—.l -,- 0:-P , i - t• -- - — s' - ' -- -- • - - ' • '.. ,-- _.'
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L - .
The noon is bright and bestitiftd,
Tiy;Air is cool arid sweet;
There's ii ripple on the rim.
liie4th the sunlight's dancing feet :
The bine air tills the spaces .. '
Far tap between the Mb;'
The 'elver - lied is glancing
Frees the babbling crystal rlils.
There!. • bird upon the bbugh—
• That is swinging to and fro—
Poaririg forth its seal in Emile,
With a steady, gladogne now.
The liertinne from.the &writs
Seeing to fill the pleasant place ;
The tendrils of the vine
Haie a charming, matchless Owe.
In drinking - 0 the beauty'
Of the scene that now So gleams,
30(1131 is filled with something
Tak l a the gossamer of dreams;
And wonder it the castles,
Se Ilright, in the mid-air,
Can over fade or vanish,
Or :ever be less fur?
•Everj from early childhood,
- I'vt looked up to'thelulls,
And ever thus rye wondered,
Wine my throbbing heart thus tills
If I Might be permitted
TCIITalli upon the odgir
Of that stein ofd mocurtaln,
Far' 'b?ve the beetling ledge—,
If I Should not, on looking
Dciwn to, the scene beyond,
BehOld some glorious beady,
Something so dear and fond,
Thal my eyes would linger,
• And would not turn away,l
Bat ptay there,' ever gazing
• Throughout the lirelong day.
• -
There is the golden city,
With its pearly gates, so white—
There hrthe jasper wall,
.Glimmering in the light.
There Is the crystal tire.;
AO far cal* the sea—
' Gold, and jasper, and silver,
And pretious stones, for thee.
Mardi 8, 1871. , •
[For the ItEriorrEa.]
"Bight hand they leave thy cliffs, Craig Forth,
And soon the bulwark of the; North,
Grey Eivratnio, with her towers and town,
Upoirtheir fleet career look'd down."
At Dowdy's . Hotel; King Street,
Stirling, we found a well-ftirnished
table, good rooms and - gOocl atten
dance; i together with' positively the
most - On:p - biscuit and attentive of
hosts. f Our evening meal, in Unrest
variety anal abundance, did not fail
to remind usi-of an American repast: -
contrary to the 'usual style abroad of
obtaining just what one's puzzled wits
can order beforehand, neither more
, 'I
nor less. -
All ihis; and the expression With
Than incorporated in the receipt of 1
our b.p s
on leaving, at the moderate
charg . of ss. 38 each for the day—a
rate only to be accounted for on the
suppesition that amid the antiquated
ideas k,:tf this antique place, the former
vahie , Al money (much greater, of ,
course, in the-early days of. Stirling
thaSnow,) instill kept in view.
• Iron cannot well escape from a ho Great Britain or on the Conti
,nent without a duly digested and ful
ly Realized bill and receipt; the form
of the' &tier being , note =frequently
'------" Paid with thanks." Contrary, it
is probable,' to their ;general inten
tion, the-words might be understood
toimply that the thanks came from
the guest," and not the innkeeper.,
—There is a:pectiliar and almcist
unrivillid beauty and grandeur - in
the scenery of Stirling and its envi
rons, Admirably corresponding to the
lofty and- herdic associations which
attach thennielves so aliundantly , to
its loealities, as ;connected with the
former history of Scotland, her cham
pions; kings and martyrs. The great
natuial and artificiatetrength of its
'defences, it5,!5411 interior location, and
the beauty and wealth of its stir
rounaing,s, made it for__lnany centu
ries the capital of the ,ancient Scot
tish government and the favorite resi-
Hence of Scottish sovereigns, in the
dayswhen the C-ifitort: alone floated
I upon th - Fro`yal banner.
The lofty Castle Hill—or rather
Bock of Stirlin g -is a position of im
mense strength - 250 - feet in height;
and reminding one strongly of Que
bec, ' the Gibraltar bf Ameries..-It
finds its counterpart in the "Abbey
Craig," three miles: northward, now,
surmounted by au imposing moan
moat erected in -honor to. Sir William
Wallace. Similar also is' - the n gritted
W 2
site of the old Castle_ of
--Its western front,,,deseending froM
the Castle walls, is a rocky precipice:_
wiiile the city is built at tts eastern
bare and declivity. The southern
slope is abrupt, Act admitting the
construction of a,mirable walks and
dries along its side; deeply shaded
by the foliage of grand old trees.
Beyond, in this direction and ST-
ward, Spreads out the wide and f r
tile;Vaeof 'Monteith, • enclosed o r
by the brun and lofty hills of Vie
Grampian range: " - • " -
Along the streets lending through
the city towardillie *tie, there-are I
`still ancient tenements once occupied '
by :;Scottish barons and knights of
renown, and one is still pointed out
as harino been theresidence of May'
Stuart. i 4., . - • -
Towards the -summit stands the
grim, gray Old-Cathedritt which once
resounded with the -, vi4orotts elo
quence of John, Knox.; , ; Within -it,
we saw the old pulpit from which he
preached at-the coronation ceremony
of James VI. ~
Between the old church and the
castle are the Cemetery Grounds—of
considerable extent with well liming
ed alleys leading among pleasant
shades and ancient tombs, with mon
uments and statnary to the memory
of ear ly martyrs and reformers. The
most beautiful of Oases is one which
preserves the remembrance of two
fair young maidens, (their statues of
pure white marble, of most exquisite
Was and workmanship, and cuckold
under a screen of glass,) who, it is
No. lCa. '
Mkt, were senterieed to death by
drowning inthe risbig tide of the lea.
A ill erection by. Mr. XPilliam
Duncan of Stir' ling, oalcullited, 118
emblem of the permanence of Scrip.:
ture truth, is a immanent object amid
the attractions of the place. Mr. D.
luieaccumulated a lame Airtime by.
commercial operations, and to . s great
extent devotes his time aid humus
to the dissemination onisefui and if
ows . I Towledse- '-
Adjeuung these grounds and near
the tle, in whit it called the Val
ley (with however , hut hut a alight de
premien ot surfs e), were once the
Tounuunent Grounds; overlooking
'which is the Ladies' Bock where; 'in
the days of the royal Stuarts, the
QUeeDB of Scotland with their court
ly 'dames had often at to witness the
knightly tilt and tourney, and to be
stow the prize upon the successf ul:
champion. _
—"The Vale scith lond.applanene Mt;
The Ladies' Rock scat beet the clang.
The main entrance to . the - Castle's
interior is beneath o rusty rind time
-worn portcullis. Jost 'at the right
hand is the dungeon where Rodeiick
Dhu is 'said to have perished. The
castle building" are numerous and of
great extent : their various portion*`
presenting a remarkable diversity of
dates. Some parts, including the an
cient archway, are attributed to the
POUIRI2B, who are said once to hive
[held...the site as a fortification. The
palace, within the walls, was erected
by James V., and the ehapeljay James
VL of Scotland and L. of prgland.
The apartments wherethe _latter in
his boyhood was educated by the
learned George 13uchinan, are . still.
pointed out to the: visitor. While
the undertaking was perhaps a suc
cess so far as mere literary lore was
&concerned, it is certain that the royale
'pupil never attained to anyremarka
ble degree of sturdy manliness or
sound sense: o enjoying, however, a
reputation, for - shrewdness in one soli
tary instance—that of ,his detecting
the famous " Gunpowder Plot." We
did not seek to enter the rooms where,
some thiee centuries since, a mon
arch's intellect was thus developed;
altliough it is natural , to suppose that
thereby some idea might be ha d . of
what is commonly regarded as a myth
—,the Royal Road to Learning. . 1
, The ".Douglas Rooms " are so call-.
isd from the fact of an Earl of Doug
las having been thrill slain . by the
hand of James 11.
—" Ye Tele4a h : s lrithin Whose firma dread,
A Douglas by • Fkorereign bled!"
But only some of the interior deco
rations and furniture, with the Royal
Star overhead, were saved of the orig- ,
final interior - of the main apartment,
from a disastrous fire. It is however
said to be a strictly accurate repro
duction: and we seated ourselves in
the veritable antique chair once oc
'eupied by the Royal assassin; whose
vietimsomsPe-cted of treasonable de
signs, had trusted himself in the pres
ence of his liege lord, rinder - a pledge
of personal security.. The smaller
adjetningToom, frbm the window of
which the body of the unfortunate
Earl was thrown, overlooks westward
elittle garden, still'known as that of
Mary Queen of Scots, Who for smile
- time dwelt here; and a' stone seat,
just within the outer battlement, With
the initials "M. R., 1516," shows
where through an aperture she had
often gazed from this lofty height up
on the magnificent landscape below
--the wide vale of Monteith enclosed
in its.franie-work of mountains. r
In consideratian of the odium still
said to attach to the name of Mon
teith, as being`that of the betrayer of
Wallace, it seems rather unaccounta
ble that the most lovely region with
in the borders of Scotland shouldttill
be allowed to bear a title as mach in
disrepute there is with Americans is
that of Arnold.
—Ben Voirlich,'Ben Lomond, Ben
Venue, and other'moparchs of Sccit
tish scenery, being here in full though
distant view, it may well be doubted
whether a fuller or more majestic rep
resentation of the once powerful Tribe
of Benjamin is 'elsewhere visible to
mortal eye.
Amid the uneven and broken
grounds descending northward from
the Castle, were once the scenes alike
gametes for royal sports and royal ven
geance. "Heading Hill" was fdr
merly the Place of execution for those
convicted Of high , treason; and_ppon
the declivity. beyond, it is said, the
Xing,ariansed himself at times with I
Hurteg Hawkey—or sliding down the
hill in a sort of chair. '
' Farther northward, across . the vat
-ley of the winding Forth, the view
extends toward the lovely Shades of
the. "Brig of Allan," the most pic
tnresque and fashionable of Scottish
watering places,near by which abrupt
ly rises the stately. Abbey Crag, 260
feet,iii height, with the Wallace Mon
nment crowning its summit and pre-
Sentingio' a great distance a con
spictiouSlandrairk. It was from this
rock„asAradition relates , that Wal
lace gave the precencerted signal, to
the daring clansman stationed be
-math the brid - ge across which the
English army.'was advancing: the
withdrawing of a wedge occasioning
its fall— : carrying with . it. multitudes
of the invading foe, anti burying, of
course, the Ifighlogd Samson be-,
neath_its . -
The position and grandeur:of this
monument are worthy alike of Scot
land arid her beloved champion. -A
-handsome s)ntributio n to the cost of
•its erection- Is stated to have been re
ceived from our own side of the wa
Low down in the
. intervening val
ley, amid the shade Of ancient trees
and near the waters of the Forth,
stud the venerable ruins of Cams
iesseru AIME; founded by Sing Da
vid Lin 1147.. Here, eposited in a
stone coffin, were recently found the
bones of James In of Scotland. On
the margin of the Loch beyond is
Airthrey Castle, the teat' of Lord
To the Scottish patriot, Lhe • .
eminence of Stirling must be even
more than a Ikinker Hill: - no less
than twelve Unions battle-fields be
ing in view from its summit, and
among thnin that of lia.xsocuiria,
where Ilabert the Brnoe finallY achiev
ed his country's independence in 1314.
Yet who can are uporhitese fair and
peaceful scenes, without the hope that
' they may never spin be marred by
TOWANDL I BILLOFOip COTENT; f 4.; CH 16, . 1871.
m3:itails")laim)in'M - qiusssL,
the horn* oi the battle -16A and
henceforth =Awe;
&it.% ham shirt
'the mirages ot soiwaries"?
The aut i le is still : . with all
munimenf!, of ' .ff• defimse,'
;by a : „ .
Iola; as :whoil of yore. if
*At dams; the tittrats In:
'With solder step "ad *irftl ;
While &rim withrain mote ktiV -
to mottkollsillteL s
. • 11
" . 0n t h eat of Jidy. H-" and
myself inadkan won to the Field
of Bannlxkbels, lying 'two • BcOttish
mfles wWkinirft, and beyond" the
ancient *dive, of St. Ninians. Though
sollitable =moment is in contem
plation,. the onlyaseiriMal of
this famous loath lathe Bousrosi,
beings fist foci _the road s ide,, on
rising ground:. In the circular spew
tare apl. tly drilled into this rock,
it is said that Bruce, 550 years ego,
raised the triumphant bannerol Scot-,
land, and With 80,000 men here put
to disastrous flight the army of:
En glish usurper, nanibeiing 100,000,
" gtiong is his arm tho battles for the sight."
• —The Ginie's FRUAs about :half a
mile distant By a preconcerted ar-
Fangemeirt, as the final event of ,this
important battle was 'still wavering
in the scales of victory, - the old' men
and children of the country were seen
advantiz' !g in great numbers from its
Summit with loud shouts and in mar
tial array.. } The Bogliil2, dishearban
e.d at` this sudden appearance' of a
supposed Scottish reinforcement,
were geled with 'a :sudden' panic and
fled in disorder Olin' the field.
Failing to join Mfr. Bing and—his
son in an excursion to Cambusken
neth- Abbey, I made a trip by coach
to the'l3rig of Allan, passing beneath
the mighty shadow of the Abbey
Craig— ,
"Which I intended
To have amended— "
• .11ef. thare.the matter ended."
And at evening we embarked n
the waters of the Forth for Fin-
burgh—the lofty Wallace Monument
disappearing in' the distance only
with the light of day: Should- any
one enquire whether the-Forth winds
much in its course; the proper reply
would be that it does nothing else:
He who glides along its waters rally
readily`conceiveit.wholly unparalkled
in this respect, save perchance by the
famots Masimils of the ancients.
Arriving. at' Leith, we disembarked
upon the celebmted.Granton - Pier,an
enduring monument to the public
spirit of the wealthy and powerful
DvEr, or • BUCCLEUGH. Leith is the
port Jof Edinburgh, which city we
reached at a late hour, by the Inter
vening two`miles of railwa,y.' - -
._:" C. C.
MrmascuAclts.--Less than 10 years
ago, meerschaum was practically un
known in Chia country. The speci
mens that 'existed were in the hands
of scientific then, or in the cabinets
of travelers, who had gathered knick
ktuat from every' place, they had
visited. -Subsequently, a sudden In-.
rove for meerschaum pipes seized
upon the people; and now there is
hardly a smoker who does not pos
sess a cherished meerschaum, the
changing complexion of which is an
object 'of greater solicitude to him
than an infant's first teeth to a
mother. Meersehaum--German for
sea-foam—is a hydrous silicate of
magnesia. It is of a soft, porntie
texture, very . light, but of varying
specific gravity, and has a greasy
feel. It is found in various plea of
Sonthern Europe, in veins of serpen
tine and tertiary deposits. It occurs
also in Asia Minor. It is easily it,
and when first removed • from The
bedais of a cheese-like consistency.
Frequently the meerschaum 'is too
porous for manufacture into_ pipes,
the principal use to which it is ap
plied. It is capable of receiving a
fine polishouad can be easily carved.
The ornamentation of meerschaum
pipes hi, iii Europe, a distinct branch
of business, or father a distinct
department of altt;. fur there is no
substance, nor article of use or orna
ment, which, receives more artistic
finish than the -meerschaum pipe. '
The finished pipes are tioaked i or
bOiled, in tralk or wax, the fatty sub
stances; of which are absorbed by the
meerschaum, and are'acted upon by
the nicotine of the tobacco in com
bination with the_heat of smeliieg,
to produce the rich yellow iind
brown colors so mutes 'admired.
Those which have been treated in
milk have a rich crea - my white, while
those which - have absorbed war. are
a delicate shade of straw.. The thin:
nfacture of the Meerschaum for a
•cheaper quality, of pipes, is largely
prosecuted., These artificial. prep
rations are fi;ni the chips, or parings
of the natural mineral, which are re
duced to fine powder, boiled
ter, moulded and dried. Sometimes
pipe clay is added to the mixture. It
is said there is no' certain test for '
distinguishing the 'artificial prepara
tion from the meerschauni. The first
is generally heavier and 'of a more
even texture, owing to the absence of
:foreign minerals frequently found in
the latter: The 'manufactured meet
' schanm does not receive color as well
. ,as the natural block; stubs liable to
chip and scale.
It . mniza.—The belt of land
around the globe, five hundred miles
south of the equator, about:oBin trees
producing the gum of india-rubber.
,Theyan bOtapped for twenty sue-
Cessive 'lessens, without 'injury; and
the trees stand So chose that one man
(lel (Path& the sap of, eigMyinaday
each e. .tree yielding on an average three
table-spoons-full daily. IForty-three
thousand of these , have been
counted in a tract - of-oohntry thirty
miles long by eight wide: There are
in America and' Europe' more than
one hundred and fifty manufactories
of india-rubber articles, employing
' some'five hundred operatives each,
and continuing more than ten
Lo pounds of the gum per year, and
i the balances is considered te,be still
in its infancy. Bat to whatefer ex
tent it may increase, there will stall
be plenty of material to supply the
Atot - %Cii isdZoy has lost her bout
asay " brag up hes fiddle sad betas
birtvar to bass.nol I
•'; What alb* pretty itsegnerite! • -----:
[ each Aid moods about Se[
411te afor, lad TM to set -• • .-•
smiles. With iosagbi *bee slid.
tiassaisi !Win ficiesi doss
The amis and•sha&nrs on her fsSis ; .
E The wind is trot wee light WI 'be,
k;oT deeper themssossnasst sea.,
Whit Oath pretty Miripserite?
, sow discern Isar memitt mield
list wilt and air boo away • sign
, The teed et Viabien to abbe.:
• lea sod bidMikr Drat -
k iiiiii•dredlnystarkiirliallemdast ;
' ,And whose bath the gill of sight .
May Nalarea riddle read arigldw
Not On at woe the lifts heart
Is kissed 1* wooing roves apart;
• Not-fn a day the Wish My
Flings all her choicest' dowers away.
7, , Fair chndl shall potent Lime like*
Pargekto mead his heraldi on I
Ah, happy Ups, that dare repeat
• What aitath pretty %salmi:Ka?'
—Harpea Magasitte fori Febeitary
There are always thousands seelp,
ing employment in every great city—i
this one especially—and many'more
at this season than at others. They
May generally bo classified as fold
laws': -
1. Those who know hoW to (11
. 4 . 2. These who can do
r something,
but nothing that, any i ime wants to
pay , them for doing.
4. ; ,Those who are notAniling to
do what they can do and' might find
to do, bat will only work at some
thing lighter, more genteel, and bet
ter paid.
wheThose who insist on staying
re there is , no , work for them, in
stead of seeking it where it might be
',found. .
This last.named class is very large,
very miserable, and: quite. undeserv
ing of sympathy or pity :_ll one were
to go blubbering about that he had
fished for pearls in a Long Island
pond, or dug for gold in the South
Jersey sands throughont the last six
months, yet had not realized one
cent from the process, people would
reasonably ask what right he had to
squander his time on such a hopeless
-folly; yet day by day we hear this
story—..F' I came, to New York in
search of a cleikshiP—htive been
looking for one intently • theme three
months—have not found an opening
—have . spent all my money. told
rwn'ed my spare clothes—won't yob
end me money to get away with ?"I
What right hits one who acts this
madly, to help or sympathy ? What
right had he to idle away 'genial
months in the hopeless quest of em
ployment in an overcrowded pursuit,
when he might have.formd work in a
week if he had chosen to do such as
was needed, instead of persisting in
'a vain quest of that which was not;?
There is not a man or ;roman -too
many in the world, and 'not' one
more than might hive work if he or
she would seek- it aright. Though
this is:the dull season, yet there is.
still work to be had. But a few days
since planters were in New Orleans
hiring stout laborers (white) to work
on sugar estates for $4O per month
and board. .That'is a high rate; but
there are tens of thousands of mere
diggers now - grading new reilried
tracks at $1.50 to $2 per day all over
our country. Men- are wanted to
cut timber in Michigan,PentuOvania,
Wisconsin,Minnesota and the South;
chopping . cordwood is justbuningi
in the vicinity .- of most t.oads.l,,
ditching and draining - were never
more active than now, and a. gad
deal of building or repairine is in
progress all over the country.: Here
,and there work stops and men; are
discharged; as the pretniuni on gold,
declines, nearly everything elie is
sold cheaper, and wages share the
downward tendency; but there 'is ' 1
still'work for those who can do and
will seek it aright. 1 , 1 I
Bat -here is -the ;difficulty. 'Too'
many inillate the drunken vagabond
hired to dig potatoesovho, reproved
for not doing so, managed to hie
cough out, " Ityouwant your pota
toes dug, just fetch 'em on ! I ain't
going to run all over the lot after
them. 'they squat down in great
cities till they overcrowd them, and
then grumble that work isiio scarce
and rents so high—both:their own
fault. Here are scores of servant
girls applying to. the LabOr Bureau
for, places, but, *hen offered them a
few, miles in the country, turn away
abruptly, saying , " I won't-leave the
city.'Had they been born here,
this would sot seem so , irrational
iind ; infatuated. 1
We object AN/ crowding into
-cities that it tends inevitably to the
degradation of labor. The employer
and the employed should stand on a
footing of perfect equality so far as
obligation is concerned. A. wants
B.'s work; B. wants A.'s money; they
make a bargain and , exchange coin=
modities to , mutual advantage. If
B. does hismork faithfully end well,
he is under rio more obligation, to A.
than A. is nder i t•3 him. Bat hir, A.
don't wait't B.'Et ork, hit, is impor.
tuned into hiring -him in order to
keep him ont of the alms-house, then
the case is, bravely •altered. B. is
now a cringing" beggar,. eating' the
bitter bread of dependence and vir
tual charity. Hs has sunk . from
manhood's'. high estate, - and: ';has :
dragged Labor e good way after him.
Every working-man is injured-end
degraded by. tam. - -
There aro a hundred thousand
men in this city-hi-day who ought to
have long since found their way to
..the Public Lands, - , each secured a
qui:ter-motion thereof, and made of
it a home evermore. Hid they donC
this, they would have aided to, ele
vate. Labor, instead of conspiring to
drag it doss. . .
But " the slothful man says,' there
is a lion in the wsy l' " It costs
gooney to 'reach the Public Lauds; it
coats yeszsOf patient, dames! labor
to make of a wild quarter-see:tide a
comfortable home., The poor pioneer
must pat up a 'rer7 rougAt leg cabin
and be ccmterit with its shelter for
rears; he must live on coarse, simple
food, and weer coarse, 'tchad cloth.
tag; and be must work hard through
warty every hour of
. light, Sundays
• -
- • I -73_
eicoribst i e Must work out • the
iss , Ps wil i *lsg ha' braSk i l k u P
Th.glll I** If he gets acre
brolton_for week et hh owirJ_ bath
ful labor, ben:nabs *sahib The
lib 91 s that). :pinneer is by no
ateanstus easy operand it will take
hini trim tea to twentir Yeassn' t io im-
Prove and fedi, his tract goat to se
mire hill tlui-ainnkirts of life; _And
Yet there are hiindrirds of thoimands
now living whit - have reason bitterly
to lamest that they did Sot attempt
this ten'tothirty years ago.
No man is Oligod to be a pioneer;
but it is miry one's duty to p f i nd
something to do, sndiben i t i t r ca• t. And
it is very (maim charity And
economy to ,seeinim or :woman
inework that ; is not wanted rathei
than feed died and dart than along
to same phial where their *vices
are really needed. _
lir Summinr, - when Jarboe* every
farmer mutt* more help and keys
good wages; ind,when traveling is a
luxury, even though you go afoot
and sleep usder a tree, thousands
cling to thel laty in idleness, vainly
looking for; something' to do. ' Now
that winter riS at hand, this 'dim say,
"Why should *e_go into the coun
try ?. The weatheris inclement, and
nobody want* to hjre us." Perhaps
not, if you are a dead beat 'who can
do nothing; but you should look for
labor where it may possibly be found,
rather than where you know thrit it
cannot be. If you ,can rendeir Might
of real service to mankind,l in the
way of, productive labor, • you. will
find chance, if at ; all, where-ranch
is to be dohs - and there - are but few
to do it., pon't settle down ` into
hopeless losolgary, but put off -while
you have still shoe-leather, Mid keap
on tar you find something to'do I
N. Y. ' -1
[For the itztourry,.]
, , •
' It may . be .frirell to juSt say scool
t e aching is the acts of teaching school:
A. school is a teacher , with a rare
collection, -• bright • speeinienfi of the
rising generation. . . -
The teacher is a port of the school,
because there cannot be a school with-
out such a msonsge. '
Teaching xa Training is
so full of mauling that it-takes much
time to draw it all out:
Acts;has reference to things done
—of which there are many st the
school-honse. l • .
I believe it is right to belong to a
school—especially for
if Children and
ancient maids. Then there is a •
" time,' there will be witnesses, re:
porters, and dispatchers; consequent
ly, the late news will reach the 'ears
of all. I
Young widowa—naturally attend
.school to 'See that their children-T - I're
treated in a becasiffngi style. --They
make ,00d teaoers, for they impart
their knowledge with ease and grace.
It is really intereiting, to watch the
varied scenes produced by j perform
ing teacheral dillies in a Village where
newspapers areiscarce, widows
ancients maids. numerous and us,
tional extractions many. •
In order to teach successfully, it is
necessary to, understand the follow
ing questions may, can or Lintist be
answered: livit botoks? Is it=time• to
take .rip school? it, time for school
to take up ? Is it time to begin school?
Is it , time to commence school? Can
I leave my, seat? Leave . me geta
,drink ?• Dare Igo oat ? Is that all the
further we are to learn ? ;Whit do
you thinkof Sidth's children ? 5, Are
they not the most stria up; creatures
that you ever saw?'Did you ever see
such inhabited heads as those chil
dren of Jenkins' have? Do you be•
long to our' church ?What is your
nationality - I - • '
• It is also 'well to be able to ans*er
all questions like the tollowing; How
much older Was Gen. McClellanWhen
he; died than when ; he was born?
How Often i does the j 4th of March
come on Sunday ? •Why dopotatoes
become puff-balls when, left on 'the
ground? What =tied Sanation, to
love Delilah.? Why did not the Cm
tor make Eve out Of the dust of earth
as he did Adam? What is the cause
of measles? > Why are ,tlie schools
not as good as they tised to be ? -
It may be economy' for' t r eachers to
notice the hereinafter thoughts: Chil
dren that are seldom seen , in - the
school-room are expected learn the
most. 1 1 , 1
The boys and girls', whO rehearse
the acts. of the previous teacher to
you on the first (lay,' Of itglieol are to
Le counted as wise in, the eyes of their
parents. They belorig - tO the right
enart. class.
' •
These are the rights ‘ - '-of..teachers;
To please himself or try { to please
every child and every et Ma and pa,
and find that he pleasO no one.
Whispering is . calchhited to cause
chills ch prodtice stars and stri . ..--
thevenerators of mental Oldness.
. The school-room buzz is well cal
cula,te4 to 'excite nervous peo . iile—
that is, teachers that are striving- to
conjugute love. , { , '.
The' teacher shoup love all h is pu-.
pils, but no one in larticular.
It's best {not to 'has the ; dear little
ones; because you may rget and kiss
some of the; larger dears.{
The following tire noticeable fea
tures of the trade--O, I Mein solids
of the trade: 'The .school is getting
along right nicely—in fact, much bet
ter than texpected. I tell you; I had
a rather hard_ time for a few days. It
seems ai 'though they were never
taught him to behave, but I - tell - yoti
what, they are improving - , fast., -The
last teacher must lave - let them do
just as they pleased to, but the?' are
getting'over that. ' . .._,/ - .
. leyii a wonderful machine t hat .
Iruns until properly wound up. It's
the teacher's duty to attend to this at
once. -
A girl is s sort of novelty—betarnie
the more she stands the more 'she
incrres. - ConieqtxsnUy, boys and girls
are well caltdated to edify.
School keeping is generally more
interesting than school teaching.
As Tax germ is to the seed, is the
*sited is to the material, so is truth by the
world - of mad. dad tt is the oidy thing of
Tor* Owe it &loos
,earstrei the wreak of
yeti,this death
ail eistakr. of aod sophistry, and
Per Allman In Advance.
The time comes when a. - young
' meukmust go forth into ; theworld to
leek his fortune as his flair before
'him sought his;;he %pea from a honie
where he bins been: under a father's
watchful eye, 10111,1.4 W by a mother's
anxious care, her goesinto the harsh
turtliog world, to -tali in the
busy har.nts of men, to encounter
temptationis new and hitheito un
dreamed of. How, 'indeed, it re
quires aII I the force cd. ‘ his early
training . to keep him - sp o tless. His
bark is m the rapids, and unlesi pi
loted by strong principles, and waft: ,
ed by the breezes of true • morals,
cannot escape the rocks and *shoals
that surround it on every
He sees I his compammis,:lis ern
pkoyers, those to_ whom he looks for
exaMple, all itulnigpng in the so-call
ed moderate lure of alcohol ixr its nu
memos foras, and 'is daVy urged to
joiri in just one glass - . -
For. some time he firmly resists,'
but seeing tbat his conduct is mark
ed and singular, that he is Sven held
in lens Cateenr:by his comradtis on
account of his abstinence,: and-from
a desire t 4 please, he wavers.
Ohl then-pan we imagine tluit two
spiritual .gs are near biza,--nue
on the ri_t hand, Is,nd one on the
left. , On the right he is reminded Of
his distant home, and -44 that. was
taught hies there; Sn the left, the old
tale - of the delights of Compsnion
,and ; the harmlessne s s an 0c
colonel . glass. •
He, still wavers—yields ! The first
glass is ta„V&I, and a silent tear is
'3 . Ted iin z Es right hand, and a
lot laugb of devilish ' triumph goes
up on the left arid the worm enters.
The first glasivdrank, the slippery
downwaid -path is commenced; so
steep is tie'. declivity that the' walk
soon beceinefr a ;mini-until losing his ,
foothold, I the unfortunate - youth
plunges- adlong' into the murky
sea of disiipation,forgetting his dod,
h* early training; and his once hived'
Father; > mother,:- brother!, sister,
friends,' fOrtune, all are , sacrificed to
this on dreadful paseion. The worm
has donVits work, it has pierced; the
heart of the tree Ang,ehi_weep. over
another Seal lost, and- hill resounds
with acclamations of praise of its
most suceessfni recruiting officer; the
Demon of Intempnrifmr. • _
r esr BELow:—A party of
Irishmen, once 'upon a time, con
tracted to clear a very deep 'Well.
Hoving....nOne of the . usual convezi
ienCes. employed for such - - purposes,
they were eta loss - to gte one of the '
party on a littleledge near the bet
tom to assist in the process of get-.
_tinge one-water, mud, etc.. At last
Jimmy ,a herculean fellow,'
- Proposed* plan which - ivas consider
ed just the. thing.
It was Ibis : JiMmY Was to clasp
his big 'fists, around the windlaiS;
then another : of the Piirty was to
clamber down and ,hold- on by. his
legs, and, ti0. . ,0n , until. the last - man
should be _able - to leap upon the
Ude. •
Being slightly corned with liquor,
the party 'prepared for. the descent
without stopping t o contemplate the
dificultias involved'in the aitventure.
. With bared breakti 'and sleeves
tucked 'up big Jiminy 'seized- the
round portion of the avindlaks divot
ly over the well. and swung `himself
over. Another of . the party. crept
down Jimmy's body and, L grasped
hini ,by the boots. After sev4vl.•
more had foll Owed suit and the hu-
Man chairibegan to stretch \ far into,
the well„ Timmy became alive to one
great' difficrilty;the windlass did not
afroidh'iiii a good - hold in the first
place, and the weight wisgetting in 4
tolerable:''. • - 1
, h uman sinew. could stand
it no longer; and Jimmy hailed.. the.
lower link in the_chain, with—
" Be jabers,,,Pat, hinvld fast below
sphit'on ine hams." - •
.Sruking the , action to the - words,
'he released his hold, when of course,
the whole party wa& precipitated to
the .bottoin of the well. - ,As
Would hive it, there was more mud
'than water where the hibe.rniann'lit,
and- they wisely considered- - them - -
selves parttqdarly . fortruiate in es
caping wi ..,ut actual loSs of either
life or hrab • •
TILE liflgg a mvis Toswzr.:—The
llont i Cenis el is now complete,.
the last section having been
fully' bored. This work is perhaps a
More wonderful ' triumph 'of genifis
and perseverance than the ',Atlantic,
;Telegraph or the Suez Carial.
'length' is seven miles and three-fiftlii,
it is 26} feet in width anti 19 feet 8;
`inches in height, and will carry a dori
ble line of rails from France, under
the Alps, to Italy. • The tunnel, which
is of course unfinished as yet, has
been. cut by atmospheric maclainery,
through the solid rock, scblst, lime
stone, and qua:l4.llw air which mov
ed the chisels escaping froth its com
pression to supply the limp. - of the,
,workmen. The woo C has been sevw
eral ? Years in, progress, without reek=
ont'ug the time sp_ent in preliminary
investigations.. , The railway up 'the
Sion valley will before long carry its.
passengers straight through' frem
Fourtneaux, to Bar•loneche, and it
will be passibte to go fronr Paris to
- Man without climbing , an Alpine
pass, or 'even , changing the railway
carriage., So far as railusq transit is
concerned there are therefore no more
Alps. - The . great mountain chain has,
been finally removed. This immense
work has two carried Out under vast
difficulties. There could be no Shafts,.
as in the ishottiunnels which pierce
our little English hills, and all 'the
debriii had to be carried_back to 'the
entrance: It Was . begun at both ends,
and the workmen who thus started
eleven .males `apart, with a. mountain
chain`between them,' have met as ac
curately as though there had been
but a hill
&Tux time ago Yankton saw all the
members of the Dakota Legislature
woxiw ancient white ping hats.. It
Seems thaE a village storekeeper got
an, invoice of the siticle and shrewd
ly presented samples to two or three
leading Mons, whose example in
head-gear the others followed, think
ing they had the nicest style.
- .
Give mailmen Idemb, or none.
This_ luiliow‘ gut* , of `.'and -
Iffada-• tbst' no= 'no-.
thing—protedattiona of mitediok lot
obi. mike frottimpout _
invitations that,itra bat preiti ans
tesumeolitentd. beelines Nab ibisigps
are eaa.ternalTe—aie
There II 210 need of Sow It pro- ,
par to Iv ctrO and osertiOss -to the
most indifferent sturtgls; bat's*
Mauna friendship*. cotward show
when na reality smdmiko
one feels friendship,:
that sentiment Wit, Ear, Ind •
hear* our hearts tmtronbled—minnot
be slandered, leaving ni sudlarniaL •
To see oar Mend anccesslia, even be- -
yond our owiftowers of askew, is a
peat joy toms; to ;hear -that- friend
applauded is a pleasure. rek every
day,, men- who fancy themselves
friends, show. mean envy ~ of each
othei's 1 - 4 tits; e nd" woman, Who
kiss on b -- cheekst when they meet,
will whisper treacher= littreebnies
'of each other—yes, and irldiper
their' to men. So that, 'when -, most
i women say .to me, feWe were talking
'you jus t now I" i I wonyteronly-- only=
for one as net sincere enough to_ say
it otit—w - hither it has been possible
tosqueeze Onodrtip of scandal into - • /
.the "timid:tun - story . ' of my life; or,
that, how Many times they _
bkr3 been multinbing my -age by •
ten; to prove mis older. than I - confess
myself to be. - Bat itis :not sincere
tospraise everbody. It-saint& antis' -
ble; but men cannot all be -gf. clamm
ing;" and women all laved." Illini
to 'Mfrs from the speoc- h -of_ 1111111
woman that this one/ is a -friend;
that, a mere acquaintance. I 'think
warm hearted people iriTnever
eraisamirers All cannot- be loved_T,
'sincerely; all , cannot be really
, pleasant. Constant landation •of
everybody may be' a pleasant form of,
,insincerity, but it tail:wino-exit); after
ad; for me.. If heaven help me'r.
twill be`sincere, l I 1911 not abuie l
my intimate friends when their backs - ,
e turned; I will'not 'praise anomie
tylo not like; I will not kiss - women • •
I hate, nor give;fmett-loving looks • '
.and loving stailes;when; do_ not like
them. And 'as -I doun, to cotheri3,
'may they do unto me, f9r desetve
Ino better. - ' . - _
• • -
- - Toombs , fought.. shy of , Douglas,
whom he tidmired and, sometimes
leafed; bit he assailed Seward' and
Wade, ridiculing them as "-sans-Cu-
lotto lacklanders," whom he • de
flounced as ..mere trespesteri who
might to be kicked off the priblie do
main., Ire lihook his fist at. , ,Seward,
who happenbd - at that moment. to be
quietly smoking .a cigar at the door- •
way of the cloak-room, and arraign- .
ed•him as destitute of all statesman ;
like ideas 'and only equal to playing
the slippery :arts of a small 'demi._
go,,nr,e. Then tniniivr to Wade, - -
whose seat was right b b y, the side of
his OW*, Toombs, his .knotted- loCirs
bristling mith excitement, sneered at - ',
Wade, who till then he had alwaye,,,
'thought; a man _with moderate eour , ,
age, for being afraid of the.lackland
ers, mid for skulking from the real.-
question t iserre. -
Thii , personal sall y brought Wade •
to , hiS feet, his eye &jibing with defi
a.nce. stepping up to Toombs, and
bringing;his fiist heavily on tda desk, -==`,„
in times that made the -
,chamber ring, :t.A.fraidr, I am not •
aware tkat I ever' saw lanything or .
nflybody - under theAlMighty's hea
ven'that I was ahitid of r Toorebs,
`drew hisA - air back a little. Skulk'
the issue 1 .- -No l" thundered Wade;
"1 am - ready to go to the peoPle up
on" it - --Iliend_for the landless ve. rug- •
gers• for t47 - niggerress The pack-e-4,
ed galleried_couldrstand it ma longer, ,
and broke out with hind applause,
which; in "spite of Tide, President
Brecidnridge's ga7er,"rOse, an Doug"
las , shook hands • withl Wade, into •
three cheers for " Old pen and the
little Giant: n , • 1 . , _
The marrow - of- thel—controversr -
tpushed when Mum -declared '
dra i n° Democrat holding the doc
trines "of -the SenatorArom ,
could get a single electeral vote from •
the: South •neit Presidential
ctu4aign, '.Whigh Douglas instantly •
:checkmated by [the vehementasser- •
tion that no Democrat Wholkeld the
sentiments of the Senator from
ginia, could clap , a single Pongress 7
ionar district in - the - .North. The
prophecy of. each was 'fulfilled -in :
.1860,i,ivherk.B0elcinridge and Doug;,
las. wer 020 . -;.:Veisiocratic cimdiclates
of their respectiie sections :
When -any man on the - shady side
of middle life has the 'fortitude to
look anotuid,to note the munber. of -
his old and. sallied; friends, he is
shocked" to find how - meagre is '.the
list - One -after 'another Was. disrip
peared,. from no_other beiceptible
cause than that th.eit,physical pow- ,
era, :originallY, vigorous,' had sue- --. •
_combed in ti ereverish and we might
armost say insane,l battle of life. : Too _
lOng and --too diligently - hare they, •
stack to their prOfesSional
_pursuits, •
or been fascinated bYthe allurements
of society, taking relaxation` only by,
We and starts„ and seemingly 'under
- the impression that they have still a • \
long career before thein. Having re,
alized a fair competnee: they might
very well ask 'themirelves• why, they
should Continue to toil, to speculate,.
and to rack their brains, when a life
Of comparative ease %and riff
would, in all %respects, , bd 'mom
coming. This is exactly the , cries- _
tion, however, which they never put.
The upshot-is well known: .Through • ,
sundg real ..or iinaginary . entaigle--
- rnents, their day of..safetyis past—A
eolkfoggy, drizzly November finish
es them. ; and at abort,two o'clock .-
on Wintrylifter#OOn teyare, in all
. the 'pomp he&Se. - - and - arriaoo,-
klecorously conducted tothebrayin,
g ..
ground. - -
Dar' sn . oN Youusrty.--MOst young
men 'consider it a mat misfortune
to be born poor, or not to have catS
ital to establish , theinselves
at their outset in life, 'in a geed busi
ilea& This Mistaken notion: 'Bo
far from . poverty-being_a Misfortune
to them,if we may judge-from what:
'we every day behold, it. is rely -a—
hlessing; the chance is more: than .
ten to one against him who' starts
with plenty of money.. Let any one
look back 20 years, and see who be
gan business at that time with abMi.:—
dant means, -and trace therudown to .
the present day; hoir many 01-them
now boast or - wealth - and standing.
On -the 'contrary, how many have
become poor, lost their Idacesa
in so
ciety, and are passed by their boon
companions with a bxpkwhich
ly says, I know you not. ..
" I ROPE you will be' able to
viort 1A0, * ; 11544 young hub; *Me oat valid*:
with her inkndet% darOk.solaewlint slippery
*tete of the sidewalks. V. Yoh" sumW r kor.
er, "with *little ansistance froat your -1"