-l: l'Attepipg .oattle. The age at which -.cattle can' bc . profitably_fattened will depend ranch upon their breeding, and the Manner in which they have been reared. Steers or heifers, having from half to three fonrths short-horn, or Hereford blood in them, and that have been kept In a- thrifty', growing condition from' ilfLhikid-are usually sufficiently adVanCed to be put up to fatten'when fro,in thirty tojthirty-six months old. rxrebred animals of short-horn or Hereford blood may be profitably fat tened at all earlier age. A'cross •of one-haW to th.Tee-quartefs Devon blood on conimotrstoch inqies an an rimal can go into W 664,118 at two years old, if it has been kepf, in good growing conditfon:, Commen native cattle, can. rarely be profitably fatten ed till they are four 'years \old. If cattle are put up to fatten before their growth has sufficiently- advanc -o,'Bo tts to bring them near. their full 'capacity of-laying •up subit.anee, much of the food given them-, instead of going to make. them fat,' be toasted in adding bone and muscle, which could have been obtaVedmore clietiply by giving thein - lina'n , to corn pl4te their developement on : ordinary keep. Besides, the effort to fatten an aninial,,when in an , immature state;- .can only result in producing meat of a very infaior ipiality y Mad command ing. a ; much - less puce than if the &line animaThad . been kept on longer until its frani . e' had become solid and . well knit togethOr; its muscles deyel opeci to their. full - .capacity, and its stomach capablp, of digesting and •assimilating a iarger.amount :of food. than is-aetu ally required- to . 'f;iastain. 4,he ordinary growth and I wear - And tear-of life, without •Ideyangenient 8f its vitality.- i There are every year greater num- hers of young cattle S'ord tq the hutch ..:er„_or latigliterc(l'bY farmers, and tlicir Carcasges brought to market at elose , of the I.e.Ss.i. season,' when they are tin _a .state Of slevelop . ment that renders their flesh -of an inter- mediate quality between, veal and ' Beef, without the, "tenderness of the \ f) - ne and the rich juiciness-of the oth r, but as .flavorless and worenlesS as py .flesh catr—well b .dicer f6llv-to Saerifie - #FteiCalnimWrtillikei . sali:o,f the tlaitrY s.. few I months' fOO, when by keeintigim over 'one winter more they wOulit bring nearly their pres'eiat'value, to make: int. 3 beef that - is:lull of .1 savory juices . .L 7 OnicultiEarinry. • Ea= How to Manage ; 1111cli Cows • - farmer of Herkini6r county, writes that it -i5,-,:aip - n,iom aniblig-tmr dairy men here, in South •!freilin..ii,r:Ctrunt - y, • that much grain fed to stock. will ;not,pay, chat is to keetiitt.lifttening is a , aiffcrent thing - .dna indy pay or "not.` .Sometimes' it doenOt, and.gcnerall,:%,' not too much. For infich cows it wilhniit pay; so it is thought - here: There is 6ne thing that will.pay—hat does pay. Jt is the feeding of green,, tender hay, cut g‘reon and young; and then from may be said grass-but ter-is'Lyide equal to' summer mad fall Inittef% not equaling - only . the early .-• -3 - tve butter. The quantity of milk is large in November and December . , ' ancl.!WY c' ain at calving 'tithe.' There is - I' • ;au excellent flow of milk, and not ';; l quilts.so rich perhapsas gi•ait..would 4fnal,ie it, but rich anddcopions; . - v,-A•brought the great ex , : 1 Ivens°, the cost not being More. than - one-half. When.sumrner opens,vour cow is still stronf;, and will 'continue in thatieOndition - on good feed-that is i - 4 - ooi.l,pasturage, , and when betting.. sliort,Aid on cornstalks provided for qulrkis but ' a continuation of the green pasture:', ~ .W',when winter ciames yo - u. cow will still be round and strong-=-not .overfed,, not Ter , straineAilith . g, rain,but; what a. ec-A shouldAfei:—ft quiet domestic animal, 77s1pi - OrtiTig, the dairy, intended for net:-1)e driven,. either too hard; by boys; 13r yoked as in Europe). Such a cow, a ulil. gth f: - -giving mother, needs butsufOeuti Stren for her purpose, 'and tiat Is' not much in her qUiet routine. She needs good treat .liient.,:. that is the Or, eat point. - She * .. .4 g ro under it, but deteridrates With and .that . Give her warn winter -quarters'and plenty of ivater with her grUss hay.--LRwrol t • • HOMIY lurriiis.-11aVing washed zr,pint of small hominy through two or,, three waters, pour watcr on it, cover and let it soak for several hours. Then put it - into -- a thick saucepan witMhalfa pint of boiling water i antl let'it boil until soft enough to mash; drain it, and mil%, -it' well With a',pint of white corn meal or wheat flour, a little salt, and a pint and one-half of Milk in which two ' tablespoonfuls of butter' have hcen When the butter is nearly 'cog add four tabie.spopnfulsof yeast, cover if,. and set it in a •warin until very light, with the surface covy ercd with flunks. - ..L. Butter, some mnillnyiligs, set them' On a t ,hot dlc, pour.mto each'a portion 'of the s mixture, and bake . then' 11)rowii on hoth Sold - them. to table ac cordingly as they acre done, pull them . open: with your fingers and butter them quickly.. :FENCE folloWing peri . enee -- mooted quiestion Whetter ;s will, last longer wlienJ so. :e position in they grew ?..f.r.Qa,is given by a. Writer: Si - .enty-three or kir years since;. I sot a fenc, ing lotise and 400rlard—a rail marl ..:banister fence: The posts Were sdw .edt from good-sized, first growth, red ._chestnuti To saw them tapet ing, one-half of them must he- sawed to set in the ground, top down, and the other half bottom'.-down. The posts were set promiscuously; and - to • this day there has bees no distin guishAle difference in their lasting quality, unless it be where some of - them hud more sap on than others, and these gave out first, without re' Bard to 'which end was set down.-- -Nan ?IMO rer Ad Bvifder: , 1":yit'A(1" ONIONS-I , lVritCr 86,3*5!". WC to te tnjubled• often with severe coughs, thelres'ult, of - colds of 'long May _turn to coif- Sn:nption - or prematare , .death. Hard (:;;nglis .must? sleepless nights by.coli i -, ::cant irritation in= the throat, :and a= to throw off offensive mattkr':from the lungs. The remedy I - I..rf,pOs,:i bag' been tric,sl by tie,. and re•.sononewled by me with goo re 7 ', f....1.1t.:-.:;11,-140; is simply to take inter 4efore reefi r ring for 'the e:t;' , 6l - ra-4 . Onion; after ht..escuir ; r4 jjb.r,t colleetfi 171.-tig4 1,13r6at, Z Z.:, ifif I C p;!. • ir• = WW FIRM._ • " - - 4 We the undersigned Kona intbint the citizens of Towezda and vicinity, wo do hereby prochitm that our stock of' i® c o - " 1 .w COAT( PANTS, . AND VESTS, will bd sold at such reduced prints that it will astoniskthe community: Comb to theistore of ROSINFZERD it WOLFF and examine cur g;..odct and prices before purchasing, and satisfy. yourselves. We, guarantee all to give entire Satisfaction. We are thankful to our nutuer .ons ,customers and friends for their past liberal pat age and solicit a continuance of the same.. ROSENFIELD k WOLFF; - 115 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, Pa. (Next to Fox & Mercur's). TO THOSE GET 'NG THEIR You should study twojluags. ,First, to GET THEM :WHERE FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING IS MADE ==l Clothing. • • BAOSENETEta) & WOLFF. I= WTNTE'RGOODS, • I • Comprising everything in the line of --z, 1 ANA GENTS FIJLNISED,'G, Such AS I;I:;AVE.D., CLlttic p lilLLA, DOESKIN, AND CSSSIMEIIE OV.ERCOATS, Atld all of the Latest Style of A 03.11 of llioilatost.Stylea of HATS, CAPS CLOTIELNG II&DE .TO ORDER. ..4 Secondly, , WIIERE TIIEY AP.E\ SOLD CHEAP .. • , .. , . • lint in craer to i* able to till a good article cheap the merchant must linderstand his business, and know hoNs., lonaere and what lo buy as a practical man doe's; - and a - - 4 , • s. .._ PRICTI(4 AT , TAILOR . . el its trar.ehrs I profess:to be, 84Ting hod , s YEABS . EXPEXIESCE •-•-• ri - o been a cutter in some °Oho In 't4o bubine6i -bezt houscs iOll F. CITY:' NEW I do my own buying, selling and inatina, and divide my profits with no man. sn that less of It will do—and with low rent and other expenses in pro portion—thus making the cost of carrying on the business very small. In reading the above you will ElillV . l4* it is that I CIN SELL GOODS CHYAPER Than men following the business, and having no joiowledge cif it themselves, have to employ others at large salaries to attend to it, and customers must pay accordiurdy—as they, like myself, TO LIVE EY IT If you doubt the:labOn statement, be ennylneml by i:. is ng on - . -HENRY llerchantitailor4l.ll'.lAge.Fst., Tocmnda, Pi Aug.lO," O }, tdiliinery. AITTEACTIT SALE I will ;off -r foi• ,11ri:At co, t, fo; the next 30 (lap, WHITE AND .;OLORED TANES i ORGANDIES; SAS I- ES, RIBBONS, YELVETS, FltENCli bOUTILLE `;CORSETS, GOODS, REAL AN' IMITA.TRION VALENdaNNES LACES. Also tai '(+ ^ud ‘‘DUCTIES I SE LACE," Tor Trin*ning D1',.:', , t..P. ,1..aa;., , . , 2N. , ..ran,1 t..-e tli . greatest I.all.,ains in these i qaca.-+ , .er o—Cred : u this „ !ii i i . g.) ,l E. . 6 . Ey , , i 13., • Ja . 11. IS7I. Mell i c;ir's . B . lCa - . towanda. ?a., 4 iss. 4 : J. - I l i.Ei' G SLEY, -, • Wisher; to inform the Ir. that' Elle keeps constant MIT Goode, kllitablo to the .rog.sfor.thciy liberal Pa siirca them that no exe . sure a continuance t selection • I NAND snch af4 Li - ofiv•G'Jiai = " I Inv,. ;11,t , my DRESS .I)LN,KINt.I e prepared to Eto , it QIITTING in\ '0.4 , , lat!est, fa.,ll:onnb!. Entrant, n( -. , : t door 1. , Jan. N E IV M•I EM WotIVI call the atknti stock:a, - FALL A 31 - ILLINE Direetlz fror.: Nes. 'l7‘, ME All kd Widdi 1)0I in Towanda, compriFil . DO:s:NErsar!a BATS, LACES, coils First (1, t4r t.d , ~t of d Whitt and It Sept. 29.'70. SAILIIDAY, QCTOI.3 - El3 : Ist, 1870 MISS BRANDT Respectfully illfOrIPS ! Pe ltdieN of Towanda and vicinity that she aill ,Lbe ready to evaitat be new stock of . , FALL A\l) t.II TER I\I:II,LME,RY GOODS, VELVETS, SILKS AND SATINS, - Tc , ot'apr with a full as. - ortuleut cf FRENCH FLOWERS, 41 4Nbl';EPiCTUETS AND, LAU- COLL:U:B, On ~A,ll- 1 11.1.1Y, Oclol'r2ll,t, Is7o Eatin and 6 , :0 - .<15 arc cut Masinc. MSS E. BRANDT. ir.tner Srix: vouth . of Berme's Bank. W.pt. EMESIIIER: THAT FOX S 31F,R, -1• 1 1: - Crk" aro retail:LT 'in Welt Grocnica at a. • larcoot Owls fa town. Ooods Sant 441{1.. i t. E. T. MX% slzr.cuir. _~~ Dwm voiviA.-.4,45. 4-r fl .I • PAPER fd; ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOSS , P.MS, 31171310, STAT2OSIT AND rICTIII41121?- r • , lIIM BLANK BOOKS YANNPF, NOTIONS. Towanda, Nov. 18M T HE SEWING MACHINE! Sewing Machine, which has been used for . the last fire years in the West, anttis ni*-introd'lteed for the first time in this section. and mare - quietly than any-, doing the lightest as well. as the hetkiiest work ono onatigcing the eyes. '• They ate ground mathee.** l ...l.l7 true in the eon. cave conirex mirror. according to the Philosophy 6f nature, and shape of cony* of the eye, therefore assisting, nature only instead of forcingit. , • • • That the lenses are centered correct into the frame's. They can be used longer than any other ' gleamy without changing to a higher power. The frames are made A Ltr r cit sz il lt and, durable C by rienced woriernen and te_ give satisfaction. I • A . , ZELL% I Dealer in Watches, • Jew.elry, and Silver Ware, Towan da, Ps., has the sole,Agenei Au; hese glasses in • Bradford county. No Pedlars elOPlolod• July 12, isnw • . • •- THE GEM FRurr ` BARS, . 1 . bestln us. litelesele and retell. July u . NooABli MIN Dm , am wafts& DE. E Q. PORTIA - BON 41; . OLD CASH DRUG STORE, CoeurVain and Pine inznets. Toianda, Pal. neve remade iaisea bin* tub stack. ftn mad esimpteld assortment. consuMng an &shindy.* Int• Ode, esabeadaginder settles Us& In the Arta toe inedianhid moons. amestalle saboned trlth Medi io the esstra wank of the poblicorhichdl3l /dd iddidddiTpecen =PPM with Ireab purchases, NM be omen as the most ressoadile toms at Wbcileede az ocesildh* of Dzgas, Mc s, Cinnuens, • num ma, yassimes. ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, . 4 • pArsr, rem= wa:l7 , -w4BEL And kWh; of gnashes,. KEROSENEO OB COAL lOunnicFltdda, lAMIS, 'SHADES, mot& =amp, • Sperm, Lard; Viludi, Nests Foot. ' TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, • ran;..., and Tollet Articles In an, their variety. 6P0N0148, - BBErfigEn. 80* raramses. Hall-Dyes. Perfuz4nry. • • • . • POCKET BOOKS, PO#T MONAIS, Pocketlves. IGC:ors, TOOTH. §ISIS'AND HAIR PREPAPATIONS. PIIItE WISE 'AND LIQUORS, • • • Foi Medicinal. use, - • 4.OBACCO, oNTrFii- A - IPaz • \ • oardein..Field and Mora' Seeds, Trams: Sup._ porters, Suspensories. Shoulder Bracts, Breast - Pump p z.thi.g. Ring..._Nureing Bottle s , NI Nipple Shells nut Shields, Syringes, V Puna, Self-Sealing Fruit Jars, Thor-: - zuomoters, Flavoring Est:sets. Stone ' Juga,.Glass Ware,Mottles, VWs, Corte, Bath ' , Brick. and Stove Blacking. Fish Tackle. Am- • munition. iire...Botanic. Echisgic and. Itosicepattv• ip, Medicines, and all the popular Patent- . • • 31 E D E S -• . An articles warranted as ,represented., Persons at • distance can receive their orders by stain sr 'mail, which will receive prompt and carefiil attention. Medical advice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for medicine: • ' • 1 sir Thankful for paist Liberal patronage.„wtrald ice.; pectfuLly announce to their friends and the pahlic,that! no pans ehall be spared to satisfy. and merit the C 510.. tinnation of their confidence and patronage.- wa- Open-Sundays for prescriptions from 9 to . lit .a.xu.,. and 12 m. to I..and 5 to 6 p.m. 11. C. POISTEII.. 60. N July I.lB'io:—yr. F • . . . . BRowx, • • 137 STREET, TOWANDA,. TA. WIIOLESALE A.ND _RETAIL 7DRTTO-G-IS I I% . The subscriber re.v&tfully an'nounces to tlie,pub lic in ,general that be has en .baud a large and well selected stock of DREGS,' cuiancaLs; OIL, lIEDICLNEZ, PAINTS, VARNItat.E.S WINDOW ,GLASS,. DTE.STUFFS - • , ' • • Ac.. , , . All the ii4ular Patent 31f.gliciuce a tire elar. . PURE AN 7 INE AND LIQUORS' For Medical purposes. only . ... • P lilt 1 7 . ti 31 E It Y. . Fancy slid toilet 'artirls. , • , - . Soaps of every deseriptiou, Thermometers, . 1. ' Bathing, Surgeoilit,.and Quitinion Sponges, Hair Brushes. '• , • . , ,-,Totitli Brushes, . ) ' - _ -;...,_ Dri.l.sing Colubo, • - '," . • Poelet arid Fine Combs, ~ • : Toilet Powder, . , • . ' ; . 'PUB Boxes, . . • Tooth Powders, • - 1 • ' -. Tooth 'Washes, and Tooth So l ve. . . And otliernrtieles beWuging to the prutt, trade too immeretts. :0 mention. .1 3 .ofing the,Agent.l orthe GREAT U. S. TEA COMPANY; GREAT .INDLC•E%TEN TO purchasers of "goods • irk .their line Phyviciang prescriptions and family , receipts cote pounded by pc . .raorts thoroughly = competent, ;at al bourn of the day or night: - Icanklul for the pr. , 4'tpatrOrta ge. I re. actfully soljeit 'a continuance of the, same, pledß ing4 myself that no effort shall be spared to niake my istatdiahmeat second to none in this seiton. De. laadill may be Consulted at ibis store . as heretofore.- 4 . F. W. MOWN: . Jan. 31.41810.' • • ;cots .. and: Shoes. G -REA.I'' 'BARGAIN-S-1N • BOOTS . . . . .. . . -vim , BOOT AA". SE OE -.'40 ---,----,- ILE . • . , - . • • i . . gouth end of Waid Itinise.. ' .- • The uudersiilued are reNieving aziie ratd Well se lectedstodt of ,;.• • BOOTS SHOLS CM 6133T4ffir, • A7s.TD; FALL TRADE, mie offer 'jaw tGT Ca h. ,Consistuag GENTS, - , • i LADIES, !IND C L DBEti AVEA.E. , - S1:11 , ED AO PEGVEI). 1.100T.8 MADE' TO• REPAIRINd .IVEATLY 1)0:NP Alp ItEPI INI iir.oansym . Thankful for past ftocortk, continuance of the earn. FAlttaa, April.s, 1.4691. ' CAN:DI . 7 ! . .(.1D . Y.,!! !! jIANUF4C,TVIZED . PI:RE. SUGARS., Wholesale smdlietaii: st; prices that defy .eompeti. tiou. Consisting, in part, of • " H. 0 L I D ',ft. 1 - .. 6-:1' F . f . 6,."' - - , - : • . Candy {fi p ples , Pea c hes]and Peas . Cipm Drops, Chocolate Drops, Chocolate .Caratiuds, litOlasiievi Tiitt'a. Cream pars. Chaim Bonbons, Smooth: . D'art and Jordan !Almonds. Cisco End: -, Cinnamon Strina.Teppermint Drops -..-- land Lor.engeic, Nixed Candy,Jap . aneme Color: Clunc..mon , I.Ert- . . . peol - 1.14, War, Sour and . - • . Lemon Preps, Pc.l-. 1 . - nnt.Bar,Alnionl '•, ( '-- l, . , iar, Mose • ' 4, -- -,, , . • -Ball., . ~ • •. -` Ilettpes. . . FIA Paste. • • ' - r J , -- üba Paste,.• ----s .. '•' . . '''''-- Cteani Dates ,• ‘ . • ' . Conversation hearts . . Lozenges.Napoleaxi Bon ' , f- . . Bpns, Grained, Clear, .and . .. • - . Sugar 'DIM Cindy Hearts. Plain • • • . . and Gilt, kr.-.Pi-angei and Lemons,,: e' Chewing Gum.' Vennnts. Pesran Nuts; • " Filberts: Almonds. timail Nuts, English'ltidi nuts, and every tlaingtertby Confectloneres in general. _ . „ :id. S. & C. S. FMII, . • Opposite Coddinit. Russell d: Co's No. P2l, Main-St. . P. S2—Renietiiber we all the Fatitily --Favorite. Weed &Firing 'Machine:l . . Towands,lNe. 13, Pro.? • . - ourt.llonse. B OOTS 'IEIOF,S Ii~IDE 'ND ' ‘L, C. NELSON, • • . _,_ • - - ; Ilas sdadeeartainicruents to accommodate ctistorr.ers' that are constantly calling with boots and Shoes for new soles, etc., andletv;e had to leave them, to their great disadvantage'funtil another day. -The constant call for this kind of work. -and the -desire to have-It done irruuediately.‘has induced me to make slick ar- . rangements that yotneed net rtl:frn home Withodt'yilmr sole bflu renewed and-your heels set sqture.j. , . For . prices that are bon st and perfectly!. fatr. -- • • Ladles that base gaiterthat are broke iit theloe, , .. To this repair-shop is the place for to, go ' • To get' theni re-vaintiedJ neatly tipped or half-solcir. 'Ai:dr:ear feet wellgrote ftprotim wet . and the cold New Work we cunmaker on with the' aboVe double quick, 1 • . • ; • We can make theni for you thin, or lIT can give than to yon thick. . l' -- ' 4 • „ . -. , We can make them with high heels , or-wo can give theni to youltat, I— • .. . So you need mat Maga' With a brick in yourduit. - . - . X.lt.--Good-chler vii4gar for sale•-ty_barrcrorgal - :,. „.• Front of Methodist - church, UAW street.- - • Towanda, Dec. 13, 18 0. • L. C. NELSON. VZH, PORE, )14211S'Al4D LARD . POWNL4 & ?Mir& z~sass TZA / • AN. OFFER MIEMI Suitabto for the =lll =MISSES, 012.131:11T -CILAIIII, - NATI - ONT4 41:FT, DIRTATm& CO or u.s. ME - . CASA CainAi. $/,000,000-" ruin ur m 7 4,„ • amerediricon i ir eml , E!!I a • - (24ErsIBE.H. MARX, Presiciest.; Ail own, Marano .17inance awl Ex. 4 .. MEW D. ODON.E, Vice Preaideat ; ZAVEJIBON W. PEET, Secretary 'and Artna r , 4 ar .Tiir advantage's. ortba . ,:Vatkrqat Lffe inettralte , - e • • In{lt la allationalCorepanyiebanerm by 4: a pad up capital of One Mtllloi ocen , low rates of premiums ; a. It farnishea laiger iniorince than othii. t ry , panted, for the Jame money; lyt Lade :Lite and certain ; ' 6. There ti do PpsrdbilitY agents, or rolatualendandlighy 1 The pellicle* are plain Contract's. so agl e h,„ mace for so much money - • . if; All policies are non-forfeiting ; a. The policies ire exempt from .sitzine.rit " - E., W. CLARE ei CO., Luke r ., ph4klpt.s, General \ Agent/ , g. nus&Li , ,•maza g .r. .'404• • • MIII N. cl E:43l3llEE'k A. o,ll.Cloit _ , 111,..Agintiqqr , Towarlds and Jan. 9. .189. CAM') . 4; VINCE:ars. IN , L 7- RANCIS,; ?slides written tri;4ll or tile following p e reliable Companies. LOSSES settled and ' et;=,: ogled. PAM! PROPERTY, iiiielnding I.rt 614 - Mid dwellings in town insured. :tgainaz,,E ; 44 „. TIT XAGEITNII(G as we/I Is rum LIFE INstritA.NOß affekNi Zirgest and Safest Coni6imiWi Istrtaut, /X.:L*I4.I4CE ) , . 4 Awsetat INEM . . . . AN rpti ,INsc.4sc.r..t.llsarrAN.Y o . =-• f „— . e ~ ... '=:- '..: : , e'slfttiriiti„ . o,6;,j, • _:, .`. '''' EMI CLitvra.A.No 1.14 , 61:11.1):Ct. : Vith .C 4 . ll - itr t ()hit, it A bactt , irt s qUlT.N.3 INM:ltAlit r y....C4jurAky, . I Vaki.tharr , , 1'a..1 MEE N u - 14Neair2(brAs"ComrAN, - .\. • • Lentlasb.r, . . ....... . Cni t)ourtst, Ilditrwrf Goan Atisvtx 1.1 0 II T I AZILTLICA.I:JII NVILtli , 1: .• . . .... .... : . :4. yvvrox - eiatit.tosy. :Nor i.L t Act. LNDErrIiIITXT /N:11../14:`;(71 CopAls It, I 1.7..),t,n, _Wm,. I A ,F. 4 , • _ - ' • MEM Atilauxn: • $ * 45,600000; r - , . Striet attention tii 1 1insinesi, . fair dealing. iL: prompt settlement of Losses. is Ot - A mono. Come and try--us. ; • ,1 t - OM& on Main street, oppoi•itc•Court Mou6., i ) Mi.Nrsctrr at MereurS 11arAr4tom '3 a. m. tu, o'clock. p. rq. . T. 'n. CAUP. l* . . ~ ,1 : CAMP k VMS' C 11" kt. w. st N,INCEN7.". i . Towanda, Pa., July 20, Is7o,—ly, - . ' LIFE . iNSITMANICE: elirsr!itit _LS CialtrOit4tTt.l) 184 7..; '' I • ME A.C,C611.:1,.ATT.1) . FUND, oven . s 3,om INCOME FOR 1565,1 :9416,2.35.6 INV.IitENDS JUVE 4 . :;171?..161:1) ANNUAL our ;) PEE CENT POLICILS IsStED ALL 'APPROVI:I) ru!. . . • - . rrtmiurai; may be piiitAiSnrc;lly ti grtht-rommaii! • • ; loan. wate,niade for part of the anitfurt. SAMUEL C. 'HUEY. rlcaident, • • • - SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Preeidetd, JOHN W. HOE OR, A.V.P. and AEri:fy, 7- H. K. STEPLIS, Secretary. 11. B. 'SI'KEAN, Getiira4gi. , . . 11.11.; LAL LIFE -INSURANCE COMPANY, NO: 2,II,IIROADWAY, NEW YORE. ... Axisr.tz. Lsconn.. over' Losers P.m! • ' Allappyoved forms of Policies issued. Liberal modes for payment of preian Policies non-fOrfeitable by Hair • The entire profits of the Company di' iilt4 ei• Ably among the insured., ANNUAL, DIVIDENDS. • WAXTO'S H. pri - TH,431, - Par r sitiENT, . *ILT:T t\LT. HOOKER,. WE. rltYpElir. LUC/L 7 M ADAM% SieT AND AcTrAnT. -purr AbELPHIA .Ist Bankers. ; • •-• Dny..t.EL k Co., B4akers. ' e ._ i. JOMe. WOODS/I/1Z k CO.. Tea MeicLant.. ••• 'IIE.u.cEE, Prest. Fanners' .14E4 T. 11::Prrz.rsoNi Publisher.. • - — J. A. RECOI3.D. TqwundA. j1y12,70-11 • CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LITE IN§TtIANCE COMPANY, 4 • OF kl.LtiT£ol:l), • ' • _ V3LIMILIZ"te mon ASSE:t(Jurtt - 1, 180) over $15,t'e,i0,0 6 ). - • . surplue over $ 7,000 . 0 9 0 - _ Ck11111.7&T I4TTIDE.ND FRO.IL .40 TO 70 1. - .1: . TOtat Claimx bf Death paiLiti? (late, over it;•thki , `": , , Divinx_vus Pain OVER A - I' L . ' L Y ',V elV.:ll';' ( :( 1 .:11 I': I All its stirplus .1:a c.e ley' holders in 2 DIA - 11)ENDS: may be ri*,tien of -I:rere,6 Eta) . 1,9 acculoolate4 atimteri4 for tb e. b t .,fit .4amireq, or may bo - reeiAved byt:iieM in rafcl-tip. Policief.are g,;antk,f' after by. , cr yearie Premituna 'Ease X 6 ~ t i 4.aid thus r*t.:‘,l:l ALL • 1'0,64 CIES ON: FORiTYTLS! • It issues Policies upon all - : • PLXXS* OF : Knihasi;nlople4l in Is workings several -e . • ' -.. I • - 10EIGTNArsAl3'8 TB ,*_V&PANY • .1.1. a, OFT':: ED BY 7.%-o OTIIER.. • , S. i • H. A. 31Clik . -V ,‘/::''''. - •Trmitula, Pa., July TJ. I.);to—tf / .. ..' 1 , NEW T.OU'rE TO - PHIL:II).EL Iyy'_ • • . PIA- NcRTH . . Shorfnat and'most Jima line tt Philidelp>lis-t timore,Waehington. and the South.. ,Prtaiengerm br this , recto rennsyivr , ;A New York . Reamed tritu.,paseing Tewanda at make chime . connection at,Bethlebeni press train of North Penn'a Bolin - Ail. and arr.‘ , Philadelphia at 5:0,1 P, m.. 4 in time"; to takr trains either for theSOuth.pir Nest. City paeseugerears a'rO at the Depot on airol: .tr#i convey pe.e , i,gortt to tho.vrious DP,;- ed to all Oils, of the city: • • • ,arrursts.c. ••• • Mee North Peiid'a Railroad Pepo , -ornisr Leo and American stre ,P,' Philadelphia. a ":as A-V. - arriling at Towanda 4:59 P. M.. g smo Mann'A tap.,...a4e - Expr eollects am! delive gage, O. Ip. soot. ifth street; Ptoladr:e - • ••••• V44IGHT ACCOMMODATION!. - ' 4 .liAt' - -*t•and Noble- eire,ds. -Freight receli4d at Iront'and Noble delphia,, and for Warded hr 'Daily Fast Freight to Towanda. and - all' Pointe in Sus.prehauna with quick dispatch. ELLIS OLAAFE. Gen. Agt. N. P, 11. R., Front and stfi. Nor. 21, 1870, . • . My.S , SF I S lipTC-11470-S . . Have openitl 3 new - DRESS *NI.-ViING ESTABLISIISIVSI p - In the room over -Mies Ringeley'e (one door south of Fox 4' Meteneey; where thtv'':. prepared-to do all triode of irorkin The Dre‘oi.al , ' , .. tog hue, at reasonable ruts. ' Fasnycis pLATEA, . Of thy: ,litti,:t. ~t ,4le rtWeiVed MS soon a9 cwbl4 .- . 1 . Tliey will alztii gir o. instruction iw - -_-... - ' CUrriiiil /LSD rirrtko pri-N•* itniNlE KINGSLE? . LYDIA,Ci. EATON- Spt. 2,9, '7O /rake tilytee. Application is being mad , . the pardon.of Michael Moulton, sentenc. s at February term for an assault. REM TsTooth.l F. • •16( MEM ME IMES ME EMI $25 • 2,