Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 09, 1871, Image 2

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News -
tho.Lracfe'„, -
—The ecii4 lamina is it io
eurgsioti ovcrywhre,_ •
New York—(iisitig,tco
present entirely timpf3i.
New of had sis
day last wee. ;-
posed of twelve. caung latrtelt.
4au sleighs all da
be siiia ,to kill time ?_ . . ; ' I
--An. - English locomotive
euty-seven nilicif -- n an hoer.--_•
. - t• .
—A Boston - Wotan leas
cats, and is happy. 'r. . '.. ':- -
—The latest dissipation , I
Emanuel is sahl t4l•botenlintr.,
, • —lf yo =have a goodlhi
tit4ii ;if t.Y.--haviet,. don't.' -
' 7 -The total capitalinVest d in the
- -ill•tiet fisheries of-Nen. Jersey is :$.1•10,k0..
• --.-TllO San Tiiincisco - (irermans will
...lAltra grand peace eeleb o
ration rt.M it
aroh t.
,! , ..
! • —The valuation -of the :pe:rsonal
•prvperty in Darks county is. estimated -at .$5,-
, 070,71 C., 1 _ • .•
. . ,
. ._ .
.---Dio..Lewis advocates the. -use of
sunt-bathAitisunimer, but the' d culty, is to
. .. • ••
take them',
! ..
:- , -:t. Tl4.ici• Droolayif _Board I.f -Alder
: men - has passed - a zeselnil44,..loAiPplcss. the .
howling of !lop; - ' ____.,:-.., - ..:.' - 'i,,,1.:-.--4 - r -
.. -;—Sir; John . A. - McDeitt d',.7.- - - the
Preiniefpfthinad4resembles=l*Reli -- in per
sonal appearance, •-i -..--• -'..', ' - kL• -
, . , ••
-For the third time - iii - ,'
sixty.yearstaris is occupiettr•by i
and the conqueror. --? i! -
_ •
—Allent,own has abont'' t
1. - asementz and street eretiiings of
Eastern Pennsylvania. '- "' , -
~.... . ,
- ' ---WaterprOof 'clothing I
iiiiitatto4{,-Intlis. rubber should be
cht:ckiri . ,g4te#piiation. -
-:- - -7 .::: : ..Y.: Ir irteen-years' old •li t oinan ;in.;
--,..... l'clioLscirt,kountyi Maine, is. this Mothei -pea,
'' - 1 1.iiid nowlzo months oh t.! - . •
.-.-- 7 J. H. - Parkinan 'am.lvife have
. 1
' inkituted a libel snit against the Placifte Medi
e‘tit..p,,,rnor, claiming 8.30,000 damages.-• -- -.'
• t
. -=-‘ 7 The large cooperage man i nfaetory
~r..mikiiet.ou Catborn, at Sunbnry,near Dayton,
phio, was burned last Thursday:[ . '
• , —The attr in the Saginaw
-- 'ittetributaries is rapidly rising, -and! . -fears aro
• entertained .of a disastrous flood.: •
-- . ..4: iSaleill -Vaper chronicles, the
-rettini - pfla missing citizen, rand saYs, - invsteri
knsly; het.'had - ttvuleirtly been to . i Ostou:"
. - - —A - in man and wife.- llentowni.
'Pa.; recently . became insane—she
,from religions
excitement, and he . from consequent grief.
- . .
-- 2 .. -—A celestial agent offers -• to. fill-,
,Nbole,a6 - orders-filr Chimisc laporers at 87;000'
apindred, C. 0. D. • •• , .
. - —Ali..Alabalaliaii; out of-'shot, used
• a box of pills to shoot a `chicken with. He corn
- plained of the flavor.. • ,• -
44:-.An - Indiana 'sufferer has success=
- 'hilly:lerformeil -an Operation for the radical
liire of corns by cutting his throat.'
. ~ • I • -
~ • -,-Rents' are so-. high in Easton that
. inav merchants Ad' cloitin- ' tip their business,
prepai;atory to leaving the tonii. 1 • •., -
} I 1. .- - . . .
-- - is cshmated that the- bill for
• lighting tate streets of .11rootilyn during the
itresen't year isill be little short of!$750;000. ,•
! •
-..-, —Seinebddy says that the cause of
eoidents With coal oil lamps, generally speak:
111 g• in lettiflg the oil burn WC/ low in the lamps.
1 • '
‘—Thei-.0 is said to brii very few deaf
'-"_ :ilia ampb colored persons. .hi Visginia, - so. far
fit;„ is known,thcre is but one neve thus afflicted.
--A girl in. Missouri recently - went
• Ii) the lion-roost at midnight and shot a shielt
- ti-i-teali...s dead in his tracks. - .. --- - 4-•-•
-,—.1 a imp of bells in -Milwaukee i ----
ii;soril.,6l:, "in memory'of Minnie J. Hodges loindrctl and twenty-lour
t • pounds." .. - ..... -' - .
—A Y:uikcc has started i).l
~litnn4 a tAlit:ct:y.tik Siorli skins, the :R . :lmb Alaii
itlg a (I:.sirable - and permanent sort of sae rfath
A.ll appeal is being• - made. to =the
friends of Princeton College for contributions
to erect upon the college grriunrli a public 11-
Thr3‘. .
• - i . ...
- -L-When Socrates was asked.Wheth-
it. wvrf , better fok tCroan'tO get inirried or to.
live .:•inglehe replied: 't Let hint do either and
;i! will repmt il. ' .
. , `—Where were_, one . han(ired and
:J.', t 3 .-t % - o divorces granted in Itlipde Island last
! •Ir —or one. divorce td ever} - -fourteen mar
. retg..,..
.. •
--.Building Will be veryr , bria in
.. UsN'ille dnring..tlici 4..iming swim er, if one
half the iinprorenieitts conternrilatr 1, are ear
-1 ie, orward. • • ••
'• • 1r .
, i•
--,One of. t ; ne-ibiinners Carried by
. , ~
ihe 'Fr seo celebrating the fall of
i•' • -'
...l'ari,;_was in Forilio : "Now dislt—ErOgsi snuith
rc a in - saner kraut."
. ---fNewspailas yoling in -flan
Fr:meiSeo. Thirteen daily papers have failed
in the last ten years, after an aggregate
expf•ndititre of one million of dollars.
ick-dril of. executions in this
: -, io , :te:frr.nrl7o.4ol - 871 . , shows that 112 per
t•ons hive raid the penalty of their life. Phila.:
lua eity.iludepunty furnished 26.. •
Ali fold lad'r i .Ifassachusetts
eho reritatibersWasliington, has rather over
(l•ine it. .Slio asikerts that lie frikinently canie
to her tiktlye. towit to 'attend the;-annnal
Amster. -
—An IncMinh hurbaiid 'advertised
hid wife "leaving his 'bed and ,bnaid,..' and
Ila•n-appltd to lyg for - a loan of £l,lO to pay f. 4.
1:(-• •
-hearing a- - sermon,
:a k a oh.ervi m; the minister very. vehement in
gesture 6, cried out : "Mother;'
the penple It•t fthe man out of the
--According' to the published re
t,i.rrs th, revivals - which have prerailcd , in
very county of Abe State, Oyer 10,0.00 persons
tare professed fatioft this *inter. '
—Judge - 8 hepley, ~ o f the United
i..t•its Circuit Court, has adjudged the Boston,
flar,tford, and Erie_riailroad bankrupt.
, .
—The Contract for work on -the
11 , 3ena and Iron Mountain ;.IZailroad has; been
(k and t.ho work was -
1 hs
i. 6.;
, -I,\Ve I,eltru tlhit the nhw spring
::.le entlernen's hat will bo out iu /1 7 few
ch 3,... ;11l ielpid6rA,..wil tiritt thr 01l stele hat—
ill..‘ WI 8 brick in it., -i9 still much worn.
• , • _
---l'rilice: Napoleon is rci)ortea to
b-,,, , 10,:t properly valued at 7,0n0,f100 or 8,0410,-
4210 fraiieti I the German War, thiingli ho still
$1).1, quite enough to live upon comfortably,'
—Sithee Queen victoria took her
'pl.:co on the English throne; thirty-threci4ears
ago; every othci:
.throne in Europe, from the
leant nntn the greatest, has changed occupants
count z- olaitas to 'bait
. 7G01111311 ni•wspalw_Ti;ontic.a nutted • circa
-Ipl-:).or fifty tlipul , :nn.l chpieß, iindilve English
cirenl4tion et, tive
laiudr d cortes.
I)enver.• City 'ins a farti • :bank
14-ft ;Tool looking wan about thir
ty-tivr! years old. W , meii women
irbnien cotniterfeiters---4ho pro
t. against tromen's rights. t
. c
The statinentlliat the directors
of the- Web•itcr (Boston) Bank glad presented
tlicir-late cashier;. who 'was retired from the
I 71 , :i C;11 the charge of embeArdementorith
i'.1,500, is an thoritatirely denied: •
—The St. 'Louis and Fore. Scott
C ,- ;nipapv agaiit petitioned the
Louis County - Court to submit to the people
the'rid , stion rliether the county shall sibigenbe
opo nu hon-(i„!iur: to the stork of that road.
71- Kaus4sLegislatttre has pass,-
: Nu niacin ;; the oic-zutio n or ..w.r€ : ons ,con
.v.;;•tert oft i truirilt r until tlio Governer iftqlei; the
de :Ali-warrant. It is exocted tbig trill virtual
;:b, capital puniAlment-
Galesburg farmer, 4hose .pew
.r, :.t iras rried to twenty-fire dollars. exerem
.. Casar s laire's a Mee state of aaal,rs
- thr: Gosh e 1 going up anc•Prpork : l;zoing
•It hs!, to become of las?" 1 , (
o—The original plates of that sroN,Y
. . work, Audatlon'a 7Sird i , of . Amenea,
ere. of:cently sold M :if:iv - York for their
~ ,I, l ‘opir. after baying vainly ariaglit a pm -,
oreco their ikrtiztic merits.
- retnitaft
it/ TII.AC rif flgo f art-I]7ll
2rrillll-IKrt 171.2 ter , APTJ not In 'that eitT. that
h,,.• har.og thi•rir bocatfac are Ha,
ide to a f,Tte. , , .rity-fire (lasts if :Ogg clo red
Ilac, a sip efinapicltora /Pa Ito
z.retnistl i with the words am:?4llarix " 739 largo
r tt•••rF • ••
Vadford .Ittpo
-E D Ofls t,
! ';, . appr
Towanda, Tinirsday,'March
(ik in
Mr. §T.r.A : NG, Chairttia4 Of 7
• is' at
deS'_. 444
niittee of Ways. and *ens,
ported to the Honee the tuin
propruition bur to PitividO - fOr the ext.
'1:401 - £3N3'Orthe-
the 3 ear 1871. The . sum named
the- f hill P 3,53-097. Although
these figures foot up larger than pre
vion . fears; lie eacoss is s~et~nnte y
fOr; 'SnO•theiliffivilV&Fiitinefid itself
to, the jadgment. of 'the Peophi. l
$259,000 are given 'fotithe ethipletiot.
of the new State , Iscmatie * *Th . = ati
Danville, and $50,000 for the ventilai,
Lion of . the old asylum at Harisburgti
The aMount given for thistierdinary)
expenses is much less that that for.
previous` years, showing a most eonl i r
mendable economy the - • M nist
fret:ion; of publiii affairs: The amount',
given to- the support of _conntoir
,schools is $700,009. - This is ,an adT
. vate" 411299,900 over last c year, and
is a -very Wise use :• - of the public*
money. The appropriations - for in
terest on' loans, thiS3-lear;•
70() ; last year it Was 151,851.811, ~ or
- over three-quarters of .a in
excess oftflis. Here is another cause'
for. congratulation. The saving of
1 ,
did efie'v;
f -Victor
s •than
o stranger
e worst i
ny"place in
over' ssoo,ooo in interest; ;is a very,
impertant fact to *e l people, and a
high compliment to, the State adtnin i p
Tidten together, therefere,,tl
1-of expenditures is not, bad reading.
The pbjeets to Which 'the 'Money
given are..A.ofi a class that coni-„.
mends, them to the favorable consid
eration ofthe":public, and the die ] .
criMintion of the committee 'seems
o have been judiciously and intelli
- _
gentlyinade. The items that-at - firkit
- view, appear large are! those -for the
Slate 4sylurias• The.State,-asylinn
rta.rriiburg 2 s.croWited to its atoo,,t,
cap/city and many applications for
admission art refusdd. The struc ;
ture at Danville is rising, to, -comple
lion, and the Legislafilre cannot ri
ft/se tO appropriate the y moneyVeces—
Sa,ry .to finish it.' 'This is, moreover,"
~ ,an'extraordinarY, and not an 'annual,
draught on the Treasury. The old,
as - ylum, too, is in r h wretched condi
tin for the want OPproper ventil4
ti4n, owing to a dofect in its origin 4
construction. The: - .inoney required
for, this also, an extra eX-.
peuse - . On the other! side, the falling
a-way of the `interest account is per
manent, and will' from year to` - f'ar
ine,rease the savings to the people if.
the, present,wise polity is continues.:
aa . e . , for
avoided as
The late decision of the Supreme
Cotirt in this State in reference tp
th4/iabilities of the Maker of a proni
- ,1 •
isso, y note, is one , tO which • the at
tention df every one doing 'busines.
should be specially directed.• An or
dinary promissory note was-filled
for the payment of -ae kiln - are& dol
lars. After the note was made, "the
p4eci, asserted,ladded thOwords
" and fifty,"„ttinsn4ing it a prom-,
issory note.46rpne hundrd and fifty
dollars: This note Was jasS - ed into
the hands'of P.ll ' innocent thirdpartY:
who claimed thefulllsuml named ,
the' note: On, An appeal . to the Su
preme court it was decided that the
dtilizer wasdiable, hY havitig'''4nvited
the fraud bphis oWri i nqglig,euce.. Tt
is well known that there . ,is a blank
space on all Printed p i ronlisorY no`,te I s
where the l amount f :money to
paid is Written, and-41)A ztit the' 'cid
of this'blank space the Word "
Tars" is printed. The Supreme Court
declared4hat it was''negligence 'pp
the /part of the lrawer in . nqt
drawing a lino .bcOveen, the 'wOid
hundred " and 1 , 4:' printed word
" dollars," ,and that . Where
negligence existed, and there was no-
'thing on the face' of ther 1 i note that
showed - any alteration, the -dramet
washable - 'The Chief Ju4tien.added
that the; Supreme COurt.deemasuch
a rule necessary to - facilitate_Abe cir
culation.qf cOmrneral paper and ;at
the same time increase the care -of
'll.awers. The rule - l i s Onl3j,
however, where 'an_ alteration is npt
apparent 6n the facelof the paper.,l
. .
The United Statest;on - -fri t , e,ss has i
passed a supplementary act, to whet
is- known as the enforcement act;
pasSed last year, to.prptect . the Val,
.lot box from fraud and vOtdrii !red
,_ !.! !!..
violence and intimidation..".• -
' "The bill comprises !eighteen see.;
tions, but it may be briefly t*mined
up as aimectsure making thei . federal.
election. law of last! session .• More
stringent_ in most !every - respect, by
imposing penalties of -fine and im
prisonment regarding - tlie! , registrar
tion of -voters, extending its -opera
tions beyondAhe cities- whose popu
lation exceeds- twenty thousand in
habitants, to every county ! „ provided
tWO citizens-:shah apPly . to the judge
of Ilia United §Cates Circuit court in
whose circuit the! town or city, may
be located, that :they ! desire the law
to be 'enforced in.said - place, - ,rinaire.,
ipiiring said!court to !provide for Alie
appoilitinent of .Jederal inspectors
and. supervisors of electionito attend
all registration of voters and election .
fcir representative . OF delegate to
-Connresseand to remain in -session
while the-act is being in! fdrce to !
transact business under i. PlabO
rate powers are.given. tote inspect
ors to - hiSpect-at all times on the day
'of election the way, the ! voting:Ai
done, - bail the way the registry, tally.
!, •li-s, and li3ts il.;en k,ept, and to! per!.
-sonally serutiviiie, soimt and canvass
every ballot, ivhatev4! May be the .
"endorsement on.swim ba.Uot,.!or- in,
whatever boi it may be., laced ' or
found, - . and ! to-' - forWaril! their -, re•-,
port to a `chief super visor provided
by this act for each judicial district:
Provision is made for . the United
State marsh d and!' a . number. .Of
ar•putic-a to. p i l otect and assist the. in-
appctorg, autll9. raT4at• 1 6 , 1 11 - ( - Ciii 1 4..,Y
' warrant, any person Who alteMpts to
own* ;Puy . act prohibited -by liliii
. : • , ! .1 .
, ! A ki firgr "..,-,-- & .„ .. ,. n.,, , • ! •
minor naiil forCes of the United
iltatailo enable him to enforce the I
law. It is made,: thti linty of the
commanding officer 'of these United'
States forces to obey the reqni . sitioß
for tanutwilpapflis
a clay. .gronswri to made for The
Ir:finger 'orany:imil broitghipf Trip
priCred tiliztwiirfainsto. officf.r
froin, a - Ellath` eiiiirile Me finif.Offighees
tircieft `court, ritia itieitydir Mizjitligr.
went of a Stateiiinirf •in-:: Rua ra
null wig 'tivia. - I ,e*gois fie no*
of the'fict'othist -tession,kto'''amknal
the natntilizationlikwa. abdVto 'Pltli.,
ish crinie*gelid thesaanc,lreje
pealed by this' bill,, , lhiffhW:shelt 're-`,
peal is Oot:to-Oreftt rienck* ?WU:. ; 1
THE: NpArkEikelOkitig'*All,-.
11.0 AM
-Theeitension of the Noittiern Oen
iralßailwaylrom-Brdtjrnore to,Wash= '
ington, which. will be completed the,
Coming surrnireeinll-ho of great ben-'
efit to more than One elmts, of individ7 ,
uals. The followind-extrifrom the
report of thFOad,
aillehow hem thetiehenefits are 'et--
peeled tube conferred: •
The "Northern ' Central
COmparty fell fora time 'tinder- the
contretof the President of the Balti
more an a - Obi o end Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad Companies, ,who
_represented intenits adverie to those
of this com pally; rendering,th e Object
- wedesired, of no cask aceomPlishnient,
theimixtetary-panic in Balti
however inimeffiately
_after the
election' of PreLident -,Linco ln, the in
terest of the first I named 'Party 'and
• raan• 'other eherelfolders fin the''
Northern - _Central _ ,was ,
thrown upon the market rind:;•:irami:
diately.taken•up :by this company.
The rernaining, shares re'quired to,
make a Majority ;,of the stock 'of
-the company were purchased , in,
London. This arrangement secar- i
ed to this company a . satisfactory
connection - with !Baltimore, lig to
reach. Washington thelaltimore and
Ohio railroad .had still to be used.
EverY effort to ,obtain reasonable
terms connecting; our route with the
national capital failed. Neither the
sale of throughtickets, the right' to
check through papenger baggage
to run through trains Would be yield
ed, nhile. the rates demanded' upon,
freight passing , ever the line were,
quite prohibitory; These disadvan
tages were subniitted to until the
Baltiniore and Ohio railroad compa
ny determined to'extend branch,of
their line, to Pittsburg, when fi4aor
forbearance, it - seemed, Would be
construed into wealmess, and steps
were at once taken, under the auspi
ces of the Northern Centrul.railwar
company, to build an - independent'
line fromßaltimore to the Potomac,
at Washington.' ~ This' road is now
nearly ready for !the 'rails, and will,
be imediately extended by a tunnel
under Baltim ore to the Northern
Central 'com pany's depa, and thus
iv& to the Capital of the trnion di
rect and uninterrupted communica
tion with the north; - northwest. ,
The - productil of-10e anthracite
'coal fields arid the white pine lumber
regions tof Pennsylvania consumed
in Washington And vicinity, that
have heretofore beerrlexcluded from_
`the Northern Central Railway by the
-exactions referred to, when this
road is completed, furnish a large
_and incre ased traffic to that line.: To
make this enterprise complete -ar
rangements/have been aide - to. ex
tend the road across the Potoinac,
through Alexandria, to .ft junction
with the Itichmond, Fredericksburg
_ and Potomac Railroad northwest "of
Fredericksburg; thus., forming
reet andcoritinuons lfne of railway
between all impOrtant points in the
Soutern , Atiantic States With those
of th north'rind!east. '
The State LegiSlature has now got
1 to work in hood earnests On Thurs
day last tho •ILoeal Option'-', law
was - the special circler of the day, aid
:Passed to a third reading by a good
majority. It will undoubtedly be
passed by the llouse, and we hope
the Senate,will also paSs it.
rrntac.tss.—ST. LOUIS, March 3.—The
action of the liberal and radical comi
ty committees, at their, meeting- yei-
Le/day, was the nnattiraous adoption
of resolutions deClaring that the ; two
committees a o r7red to form n union as
one joint committee, and that the or
ganization of the joint _commiktee,
and iilso declarin g the union made in
good falth,and pledging unitedefforts
for the best interests 4the bli
can party.
- Previous to the-adoption „of these
resolutions the officerspf the liberal
committee resigned, theth h i eing va
cancies.-iii--the Conithittee. Judge
Allen, president the formerlberal
committee, was elected tice-pre*sident,
and George Friederich, treaturer.
committee was appointed_ to draft
and issue an address to theßepubli
can riSters of the countt7. No election
for members of a i new , cormnittee will
be as intimated in a deSpatch
last night.
A 3.lrsrpr:-.—There is a strange
Mystery connected with the, New
liatnbarg•diga.sTier. Mr.IifILLOY, the
PoughkeePsio c . ?roner, has in his
posses6ion paid; shoes, 'evidently
belonging to a girl . of -aborit Afteen,
years of 'age. These shoes contain a
pair-of feet, all that remains of the
body of which they`were once mem
bers, the rest hatipg been consuined
in the terrible eoittlagra,tion that fol
lowed the - collision. These .: shoes
_were picked : up near a telegraph pole
that stands on the embankment letul
ing to the bridge from the north,
`and scarcely Sir feet' from, the end 'of
bridge. SOR e:line they there is
mystery equally iriapertetrablii with
that of. their proper' o*pe;rsiiip. 'The
• . •
only . - certain thing connected with
theni is that thelept they may cont
tain is illtthal.reitiains ..of -a - body,
o .
that linsmt .
bon: whatem
except_the single
NMessrs giptisplos
ew s York; RiSclol,
. 1 ' - think' lipibsay Abe
on Area taken en - suspending:
fiYl ; ftulf, 444 , 17
'Meat, and itsiri adelittnitired-britivtas
64' to '62, not tirn_llii#l9: tanT.
affizmatiTn r ±-` ' 1..
Anotheefi scene, oectititodlwke!i - .
'Clarke; or - ' *aziesk`Made',nttempt
;to,get:tii: -. 4 :bind grant whie
was , dentameed by *r;'l4Areobr.,ol
Randall ets *el` -
, lhe charge Wan viseeibiat fir: M
Clarke WrinpronOihost it 'W M:, l'4 o.
ill ;Mini went 'so lite that.the;netiVe.
inOverii in die affahidioi*VieFillpin
at each other, but did not come to
„, proposition to:Mispendthe, n4eB
and pass the oil y. two pi- .
firmative votes.
Finally: at half -fast. ;Our o'clock,
the omnibus In ll 4trie over from, the
„Senate with an. enorinoua batch- of.
amendments tacked ti;:i it, which were
The amendments/were- then eon!
earred-in, -and the Hous4oit 54G
o'cloik took a rel:sesi to 10 o'clock;
The ie-convened at
o'clock 'yind _the. Speaker pre
sented several - executive communica
tions. /
The members generally WON MI
expression of wearinesesseonsognent
on a long night session and want -of ,
rest- -
After about five minutes spent in
the presentation 'of 'exeentiTe
,sages, the !beim took' a - further re- 1
cess , rmtil eleven O'clock.. •
Aleanwhile the members gathered
gn?ups, hOlding,„noisy .bony:ersa-
Alan orerthe £46.118 of the. night ses- .
•sion.• • .
Preparing forithe •opening of ~the
Forty-Second Congress, thegalleries
gradually filled np with spettators.
The House resumed its Session at
11, o'clock.
' Trnanimous consent being asked
for, several propositions of various
kinds, Mr. ;Randall - objected ,and
gave notice that he wonld object to
everything.- / 4. - •
Bnsmess therefore came to a stand
still, and the buzz -of conversation
became general again in the hall and
galleries.' At this time there was' ot
a vacant seat in' the galleries.
Mr;Starkweather, from r the Con
ference Committee on the bill.. to
abolish the office of A.dmiral and Vice
Admiral, reported that the Commit
tee had not been able to agree.
Mr. geofkeld mined that'the House
recede from its disagreement, and
let the bill b ecome law, that the
two 'o ffi cet shall terminate as soon 'as
vacancies occur.
Pending a discussion, at 11:40 a
committe of the Muse was ordered
to send ivlik&committee on the part
of the Senate to .wit upon the Pres
ident and inform. him that if he. had
no further comma cation to make,
Congress ; was ready to adjourn.
-Messrs: Garfield,. Mere= and Cox
were appointed as such committee.
- The.conferente report on- the Ad
miral bill was resumed, and,134-
ler,of Mass., and Mr. Stevens, lof
N. E. , argued agai4t r. Scofiehl's
motion. On a vote; by tellers on Mr,
Scofiehl..'s motion to recede,' there
were-in favor 110 to 42 against, the
effect of which would have been to
pass the bill, but us it then 'wanted
five minTite4of the hour of- afljourn
-ment, the bill was 'defeated by - the
- minoriV-Tdemandipg the '-yeas and
'During the call Mr. - -.Garfield an
nounced thatlhe doinn2ittee . appoint-'
ad for that purpose had -waited on
the P.residant, and were . .authorized
to inform Congress that he had no
further communication to make to
Soddenly the clamor of the House-
Was hushed into perfect stillness,
Nihon- the ,Speaker- addressed the
House in appropriate remarks and
declared it adjourned. , .
W'no rfis LOsx A LITTLE
The Fulton (Pa.) Democrat says:
"Last summer a party' of gypsies con
sisting of two men, two women,' and
a girl aged about eleven years, passed
through thevillage Pelmore, Craw
ford county, going West. Shortly af
ter passing through/the place a mad
engaged in hauling logkcame across
a little girl aged about four yearkwho
had been left in the road abotit.
Mile east of the village, on the route
the- gypsies had just Vassal over. The
man who was hauling logs picked tip
the child 'and carried'it to his hem°.
The little thing enuld give no acmtnt
of itself, nor lum ever yet conveyed
any idea as _to who its parentsl are:
The general imperssion is that the
child did not belong lii - the gypsies,
and that'they stole it from some fami
ly, and, becmilingfired of it,left it in
the road as above : stated. There may
be somewhere a moaning - lather and
motile!' whom the, publication of _this
item may lead to the_ discovery of
their lost child. Will our. exchanges
give it currency as widely as .possi-
Me" • •
!es. The legislatim of Indiana has
finally amended the divorce laws of
the State, so that.under the 'law, as
amended,; where ttte cause of clisoree
has arisen-in another State, the peti,
donor Must - prose Oona.fide' - reifidence
of tluee years instead of one in the
State and county in which the appli
cation is filed. No divorce will hero
after he_gaanted unless the_actor acts
complained were goal cause of di
vorce in the"State' in which they*ere
- committed. .:The CauSe t sdf. diSorc9
must be distinctly stated,And nothing
- is left to the diacretion ofthe judges
as heretofore.
".Henceforth parti6s:Ao desire:tots
ititised' ioro bonds' mnst
2otik to soine. - '91.44115.-Stata tb4n1.4.4i-
re all-
•b a
..61011 18
• time to
to lay
Imer". .4 .....i i
t yea r the' cit . , . tr'-a - trip c-r
- • ii.43 . t . 7..,:-.0 d rl d . f.
lily ' ••• ' 4 ; ,- . , #iiiy*.failaiii r " `6,lii"
l e
vitil•,_.....44opititirgaiki,6.:. P 1
4Tite4Ve , ' 7 .-111411:vatir. '' "r' - '• ",• : I
al Iffir :* thi .iw , !* .;' tnsiiiii '10.:
.'afirt4qtatiff .
WiThifFitthe' . ileif.i . .4"lebry:. - W
acknowledge gra,tefull • . • -.• ~r bilf
. .t. 1 •-.-A mi i t t : f
ifitik - lithdvotedicPitirelY'cifiinpete-'
ingb , for the' tie.kepiarW!„- r _ r) I
Tik"litetnosia ‘ ti,liityheffin'Aldei- ..
lign. Wlidd: oieilliiid i t,OlkiiiAli,
r* ...-Ynt e 1 'the' 'Ai
-.'. ''
- 1 1 4i a - " . W.*Vt bOll lO- mili
el tt,
-etii.yerf. tiocimA'.. iiiiaitv•ttiltep4;•
littans:"! i ltkifthiiiii r eab , 3n4gh l •for..
one fear 1 ye' gild' 'not #.ooct l4 to.
nleariliertii,nll iii 4 lit' Wes: I:;ii6lnipto
pa dill fiak thaiii - L,'.: " '-'-'-:,..,", ';'
„..-11 4 ... .., ..1. ,-
C -45 E ILXV I 4K 7O- Qtaeral -111/4017.1;
t ,
31-4 in is prov in g an ele pk ,
a', • ity
, this .
I=6 of the poi Aistrerlitinfpi* lie
Jii.toiil r 4i . iingli: to: tel is ' ji4 what
le" illii,lfliii.4iiituit'Sjirzf.w.4i.:l4 l 4
,intend, it they get; thiry power . ..They 1
intnnd to to their best; or: Worst' at ,
diiiregardhigtho:COnstittifiou of tho
tiniteA , ,Stites; iviuttii:theni tg•
fig* "g"to pit down freedom and
• rea*... ahrrerY7 = ' 1 41 1 374g ;mane
pita don't like t l4lol' flt - Wilinii; reitl
, ' • 1••• i , .0, •-:•,
4eog . P , '1 1)4 6 0 4 0 4 . t_Fttnt. , nANE.or
anyhodi osa !.0 t'pli , .:gfic.: it is in
Viei4 )l ship PrOponaity. to .I"blab,"
44 t-- a' leading: ilairiocratie -paper .
slye: - .N 4!j).' Iliiii:li u
`eiipitl4eaker• - *,_vdah fig. were
.as IfircxPtif.eilioldingb
his i ugue
/bit's jaat wflat's the matter. - 'The
rhanagera intend. to keep:*in' elm en
foot. and! horns out of' iiinlit - put
Frass iirip pole tliepi out. . -
`New = Advirtisements
sung 31.1111.1. AT -
• • • • •
V: M. k'n. A. Lobg Tres borough .
George-Metier - ''''''' borough
E. It , . • Canton borough
Unic.rttai DLALEL . I. •
NeW}Dap WroUgh
W..A THoumt, prof.-
OUGII, !OR is7p.!"
rlaflk Welke....
Fin} Department.—
itigtertPatch' •
Lero 4 •
Dettctlie titmice..,
Street... . .....
licittetty .. : ...
Interest Aongind.. s •
c - foe.ti ". ' . " ii 2.
ieictetarrand ?Mout? ' 4 • I• ' - 100 00
, , . 1..;,........
•‘= " . . • .44011; 30,
, • .... .. . • - .
. ' I.`'. O. .• 1 11014TANI,E, 'Tresturer, - ' Dn. -
B 7 - ivexl'of 6aleetar kingsibnry. •
diiipllcato 1869 L ti
, 3 4,,, 40
&lair. duplitiato 43;0. - , i . -'' 3,103 00
, 1,19nme5,.t..., ..; . ... .41-A.. •..
Dn 9 Treasurer/43i 1.1 ' „y 2 , :- 1,30 W 3
. .
. . Totit r , •' - -
. ,
13y Orders rtilleenzinlibillei '3310:4,8,
! ;ynnel 4
' I $7,133 95
Duel Trcainirti% Jan: . 1870 - 783
Salary Elecuntiairy arid Treaanrer..- - ...,101 Oa
• tortIOIIMI
nutstitn-. I ! Ord 'en rndce m.
,iling,lanic I, ' .la in 1570 ... 5 G.ti54 I 1
1070. :,..slo.tlo 01 Onl'r! ,
Liana in 1070„_. 0,001',02 ding Jan. 7 1. .
I 11,":14$. ,
liC0131 : 1 Tarn icoLLicros.,
Pus. raid. Erma. Pc,:
kir.gabusyas69 6,90&94 $143.03 $324.41
11 1,5170 9.G21.32 .3300.00 $0,524.32 Inc.
. 1- . EnmniEwszsg.
OiAlpri outatandLugJan. 1, 1871 $11.731 31
Dup Trossnmr ~ 1,34 CI
CArtificale of tu4ebtednerS, C. 31. Mnnvißc, 11747 04
Due4ferear's Bank, n0tn.,....; ...... ..... 175,81
Dr. First National' Dank, n0te...,„ . 2C3 77
4rl{ .3AO.
Due on duplicates.
Of the indebtedixess in Borough Orders—
ss,ooo.4o for Wyckoff Paring.
1 • 2,100.00 for Haan ft Steiiiners.
is irithout interest—Wyckoff paving loan bzing pa a.
!Al in fire equal payments. Ifoseloan in one year.'.
ALEX.- MEN, Burgess. '
- C. R. LADD,
1 .
IBA B. uunninzr,.
o. D. noNTANry.. sec!3-
'Fon SALE—Tbc sule.crTecr eilirs for sale the
following ptoperty. to wit : •
A Farm situated in Burlinn tors., adjoining the
Ile rtnigh ofßurlingtori.TconLtinlip 110 acres, with
PrainO Dwelling House, two Barns and sheds
atta gtoOd ched, and a goodnrchard thereon. The farm 'is
espeodsry arranged for Dairying. with running water
attltelibmiss ind Barn' and ail The c& - seniencws
necessary for butter making,.
'erms of payment rtiada easy.
ALSO—Two other pieces of land in Burlington
Loco., containing 42 acres. -
ALSO : —A 'Ariel Store izi Burlington Iloro.. which
if mot sold, is offered for rent. Possession glum, L•t
orApril. , • '
For farther partteulatifithqnlre Of the undemigned.
Towanda. March 7, .18:1. lif- .1. ro
VOR SALE .---A ver3i. 'desirable ,
' ,Property situated about 2,44 miles from Lofty/s
-tifle, near Beech ggose ',School House ; contain:n:l
`ll Muse of good land, a converdeatl House, Barn.
Wagon Shed, Corn Crib. and Datbuildinga. An cha rd or
of apple tyres to godd. besaring condition.
mis pear and peach. trees: • A good location , foe, alf ochante, and be sold at a bargain. Tor
tetims ke., apply td Wlf. 2i is L r.NS. EN., Le-
Bajtatille. Bradford County, Pa.
march 8'71.• •••
- - -
CAUPTOILS...:The Emma la nearly Loa'
area plaisantry airtrateil. Lot contains over one-half
ode tits new Barn SAI2I.
roe taloa, tee., apply to Dr. V. 11211147, Camp
tosin. Bradford County. •Pa.
*arch, 811.
tha-iFttprrintendeFtli . thia-ituip Is now Ofteri2g
smile of the , best • -
ever Q 1 erect inf thls . re.arket... Debt belectea
1 -wed, and ill work ma!lei by the ,t ruoit
/ I
r* numFarsk wouratm:.;::,,7
We have the
• PATENT RCM! IRON strxis, ,
very light, - and PO &nit& that.oun time has but
14e - to do towards their &coy.
etanaino oar work
lobe*. Repairing do& on [hart
M. C. Mmarra., Prost, WENCL - NT.
Towanda.! July 20; 181'0. 'Superintendent.
ill subscriber hi ng lowed of J. P. Van Flee •
hi DwelEng House on 4Statoiistreet, one door east
of pr "PraWs odic,. tit noir prepared to rilccive
Doarderi py, the day or Ironic at reasonable rates.
. I.B.—Perbotii attliadirni Covert will find Mit a
convenient and cbtufartatde place to atop; '
4ec..1:70. • • "
„Elia T . ea - zallr,iircht.ap attetiaby :•
• / - - FOX; KEE4I7II
' 4 '2,310 32
70',1 32
t 3,490 83
499 It
287 00
20 77
^_O.S Ir,
347 00
200 09
132 90
11 40
f. 3.021 'XI
;18.'322 $3
$6,Z.2.1 32
*Hubert tkrZhaattet not/ kiretT" . b,"y
othres, itte,tirenty dollars, date lane.
'bit, OM year from date. as I bars
(herd* and will not pay said
ondapellolakteAolirlsw. • -
• • • _ A. FDIZEIIII
Whereas in
/99AilOth :WS .14 10 caution £P3
_ _ .10ft..11mititeliiir OR $111111614 iter
Ituramthvnialgrao&m_ i ___ .
,18p,-,. t a „"fr- •??li 4 tW a ll. " e•T,•.e ,
Llit.'l' IMIINISTRATORIIaieffffit.—.
• of cossi4. Ib l)ll itinv o:l cr, o4 of T 6141,0061.
lh ostisto arry,
; 1411 1 11%k AoLatlao,%hilibotilato
=A te hpAllerMi Mcliagalt r i i r
ingIOSIA i 'f: - : . .,:7- -- 7 71)11111111= /AVM ;
• kak 7.-9."..1 •,:k 1 ; 1 1
' 13,13 T
• • •
±). ..• 1 4":"
'T. ' , 1;111;"7:'''4.• 7,11, :1%1; .j•
" r CUATOM ou t ,. w iuila: • I."'
;4 4 Q•. 9i4 0 4 1
,Atiogrflaiggit , ±4,44QtiXDAVOU
c 4 4 4144 V °33 49 4 . kNollgar•Uot/4.`r,,Ti"
, Wheat, Itypledia And for
2 44.. tr. • .; - '.3-iTt ; 4z - 4- ;
7Mac :"11,
~ -...1-1' ..:-
SyAIN:O,,',-(j:.':Q„Q, P
'"Wirktfer to the C . :1211- Dayers Of tiltr
\ first invoteca,at „ . 7.7 !
t. 0.07 s, Alta). ,sit 4) E
Egt;ca - tnr adarkit.)
. 1 . _ ' r I
Anil! ird.clegant line of t,
S .LE 0 S
. rrous. Lim ozl4l;:Atic.l-31.44u516.:44 . ry of I
E• D W T.
Ti 6 lel'lcr nua.,
IMF ziodA ctlebrtea, Orki thlk sear°
espetialls,uuti,..?..xl for Licit' .•
n.l PM:
Togethei with tho dining 4110 c.
L4.OLNGT - . 6.1/A
'• • ' •
Algp, an efezaut :iac of
.1 I Li) 4S
FRENeIf, 1 3 E1.3bLE,
From the roLablc. tria4W44;:ltrirs- ,t4ruugll4ut. the
AIZNS AND 110X8,B0.0"1§;
. 1
1000 PAIRS,
1006 PAIRS, _
. .
Ti 3 " l "-aing ovr: - ..lthiPf: iii. t 4.0 .11 , %LK.. 1 . , ,, 1 . 1 the fin
iot Patent Leather t. -the bi‘niriett go4lll' .ThrAtztu
bcruzvia. i - " — - - . f ,
Wer 1.;14 (1:4 4, ti0.71.11.3t
. Arid lizro tt ai;, , ncy for 3 AMF.Fr.Ir: Duirr!s troaa.
Loots to oiittr, Limde t.cla- , s.W,l4laixll, r
of tillpt.rior
N°llt4.;oriftt—;'?:l•l4"-titelltoli.Vl'll;4'C'.l3.t. and
Sl'''.''7l 4'-lit
Cf. '
. 1
, The publle tin rtfly .inv.o finding g* , ...1,1 goods ui
.west ratr,--and in'enal!-,4 variety. and Texeut pur
chases will enable us to give pilice; lisve Gee'4 . `
lierethfore tmpsxible-•
luar.l•7l litalP11111:17
• .4 • .
This justituttort haajnxl bc;eq thofoupctoy repair...l
I Anti truprtmed, ant will be r:voiitile4 TUMMY,
IMPTIMBEII. 6; 1870. • •
EAciuss..comn:hcleiisc_m4 - 71:fic & cLAss-
Tho Cernsz courprises special ittrntion
to preparatory instruction* sad „ r bigher • aoaacune
brain:nes, ciassies cavepted- • •I • -
The Colprilactsn; all the 'airy/it:Wes of enr best
Fonarnervialliktioota wilt necessary anadexoto studies.
The NOIIIIAL, thorough drilWtr common sgboia
striates ant Tbeori . and Prove Teavhltar; •.
The sciENTrnevape,cial itritenction lathe aVi•onice
illustrated by ;al extensive ; ecatoesioti of a ti p a i a t ue
meetly rewired and snpislkd=and ether branclies
usnally peranedin Collev,-mqoern tit - in:wee being
rubgtitutea to! ancient.. ! .
. .
• CL.4.44C.AL, tbiroopli'prr•parslions for our brat Col
lege!, and niodern Langnagra.
.02.s.ocrrr.t.t. branctes—Mni•iA Drasing. 'Painting
tmderesctUant Inntrictors.
Board crti lloorrr- may he Ltain,,l in the Instr.
trite. _ Apply lo Rrin arvl E. R. crainler, Asso 7
date Principal!. Tos - anda, for Oromiars and particu
lars. - 311.12Y11, FOX, -• •
Anp.10."70. Presidont Bniini Misters.
11r • /
I...TRE.frov;.6:bIIDA NroGsTF.oAriirre...Nr.
Until toriher notice the 311i13 at this vinoe will
arrlte ar4depaq. ta follows : '
Jr-rive. , ' / , ‘-)art. -
7.15 1. le. 64/5 P. N.
Nortb!erit Staff.
Sant-horn " . .........5:15 v. .t "•15 a. v.
may; , " 12:00 17. 1•n0 r. u.
Canton " ' ' ' !Kg v. 'ar 110 v. Y.
Dristora " . c•00 - .1.. 21 3:00 A. Ix.
• Leitayartde " • 11:90 a..,u - 19:01 '')t.
Bstic.l4 , " • - 13:00 at. -' • 2.00 v. to
peon :nails arrives every- liondaY. Wedne.Q.ay and
Friday at 6:00 P. u.. and departs at 7:01 . a. sr, on
TuehdaY e Thorilday, and Siturday.
Liberty Cornet* mall' arrives every Tete, , ;:•.y.. Vann,'
• day and fielarday at 800 a.m. 13crerts name day_
at 9:00 A.. 11:,
• ivr All sett dere MI iotiiitsilt Were Mr./imp ' '
cart igrti and tie staUsnertk out iothieteir e 5 cocas.'
ter p _u.a... . • , Si .W. ALVOti,A, P.M,
-Tbe nidersigood have entered into - copartner:
ship In tLe. hotel known as the Pak Bonne. at East
Towanda . . Xidiare ofpnblie patronage selkatat..
feb.T.TTLAri " - .
' 'GEO. Ir. gerju .r.z. ICE.
IV()ZltE—Tha fortiriess at
burre In. Morn - co" toirrthhili, *lit b.
contlisuaLtrl n tltsuafteritgael. -
feb.2ll/ II LEN C. S.LISDUILT. ,
naitt• sod cusrwszpraoai, at'- -
-)Ltrch 10. INq. , LONG.I-I„ELLIt a:\
gionria at , PDX k mEnetrivs.
1/ , -/ in;; at wbrAccalc pricea at - .• ;
Ita 31P20:117R%
, .
wife Xs-
It' firIUNG :0001.*
_••• 5 . . I
~1 •
: 4 ;o. 1_ I ATION:6 I3LOCit7
I den
ISfy stOd of
..7 ' 170!"-
'.. -7: : '',..) ' 1 ':-:. A.Niir.•'.
- • -
intr . eiran . ca since the - lain reaticinag. in !Ito
tariff on- thcm;ll24 .. efracti t ?fees , to - ctt) r•
orkteriyik mall ni .-- Otli . ctritg,:i Itxeive
1034 riompt Mbintion " :''• --": ; •
,„. -
_ .
Thanking tho t • .1,116 toi,tlta 111x121. Iluiroug:
Ogir r-gil , gaTi t r4 u1414..1. - uxuce of the
Patue. . I •
C thll r
- 1; 4 VINS
1..4 • •
tbOr place to Imy
- • . kr.•
Thar isfo Iteav ne w, snn bongbt at the le, e-,
est rota& 04 'wicket ii!us
to give ;-ears;
' ars `
theeviere ettabliug them to give their customers New
.Good.s, and at very low be:res..
gc_foettel'' • -•
. •
. .
Sri; 'ILL • IVooL Sizior
3i011.1111-ti,•3l*Nb3, E4,I'IIESS CLOTIIS,
ARUGEF.`7I, 1111-U N 5,
, .
ALSO; . MS..It'tiIf)L tET.CTS L\ StOST POrr Li
COLOLS—Doftroolreen, Phun Colo:;-.-.
EV VNS a E.1LD,"711
goo rza On \
only be found at -
• •
FOR Arr nsi or WATER-
Irisotors: 1t Green. lirown•tnel rack 311 r: ' •
;Also BIEACK •VrivrrEgall,foriclopora . and Irii.l
- go td. • • . ' . " •
• - • • EVAN'S e llitintErft'S.
It t LINLNS: Towc.LING.-Aso
LISM, TR, bi•ing tdrtrrfi by •
A GRlat VitnIET.Y OF ...HOME
NAM: ,CLOTITS, ;-I•tito fur Muri . en•l E - Ts'
wc.l . r. ran beloncik at - 1 , ' -. •- • •
d y,,V-..1 - .NS .',:, - anz. -
. .
. .
'l — r,sl 'AS
Aml , the llttexE mock 'of. PRINTS, embracing a"! 1
*t.Tle , ,• the Insrl• t aZuras. •
• , • 1.:‘. - ANg IttLDTZI•7IIUS.
, rl l .l-rn.1,44.HT HOITSt • • •
•• -• '
liOa beta atartler •
ir• • • • • •
-,t2 BreTtre. tue.40?),. ; •;„
- • .
' Canape:n.l with all this le:sting *tio. - -s of On day.
l'recaraths a Up, Nor Jersey Stitte Fair,
as R'CII4 at nintei , a.! Llauty rake. • ;
Porsak. by • • 3L LP:SI - LI I:. SON.
Oct.•. - 20. - 10. • : 13ri4e 7 ;%Aratula.•
AND (iLovEs. iucluaiuT the cclo
- gearaless ISM (11;avis. at
"•z; . •;• - EVANS At 41ILDRETI4'S:
... .
OL't WILL .V.D.iii.)/THE. MOT
. -J.,,trut..Wri.v.o 4TOCK tkisclixt Irina itkrAlS.
1' EVSITAV.7-q, Dor:Me - Ana Sp: Z, woe, SiluAls in
Litilivsluid - .:qit. lase at ' I
J . * I:y.-N8 k nu.Diami.s.
TR -- nier: Tot .
- 1: 11 , i.1 II lunsr 7 cotri.r.Tr .. rroen (q. Dia li
tiO44I)S in ail iti 1.4-ant_heA. It ' ..
• • ' F.V.tIJS k lIILDi lairs. 11
I:,:ila r itref-LZ,A 7 Andn. Pa., 1an.19.'71. ii
F .-').- s; - IIERCTIE..are now receir- it
iri ,.. t n -,7 1, -of 0001,1111 ait . i7ll:l - C, 1,C,141%t II
kilitl the lit January, to which thil= invite tho at
tention k,' tht.slrlTriolh.t.-:. • We L.ccp the large.t mtock ,I
ill town} OTIT/4"lag art. trenli ;Intl 'i.'itte,ral,te. - Wog
eel at' . lOweitioni - ket prices. : ..' • - .',i
'Jan. 19, 11,71. . , - /
----- 17 4 .fifilit - 7.4N15&- ---- ; — : - LII, ill,2l7i,l.). — oZghdt
, Fins. tltit t'ZCilltlice..l.l3o' in price, .au,l c_iilini t
clic ' iii aPrctail. ' ... FOX k ItIERCTIt. li
4,(art. , 41,1571... . - ' . 11
- ) 1
- 175Y.V: k, 3TERCUIt are sellinn• 7 , Ciro-
j../ ceiies at retail. A, • ,- . Jan. 19. 1871.
1; 4 OX . 47..111:11C, selling New
and Freph , 0°6,1p. " Jan. 11, IATI.
wax Nall . cur. are shin;; Gro-
A_ cpt!!;m • • .Taa. 19. 1'871;7.
FOX k.
7 CUR arc selling iirst-;
wiss tivoils i•.:11..- . . - • J. Itt IS7I. '
T. 14 (:):" (k . :. .3 l - Elle.Ell • are . • -
• ehl!ar •t• thin ever. Jan. lt 1 ,1:47I. I
. - . - I
• • •
- 0 E-31 - n11;11..P.: tlint, ;we arc sollingi
J-IL: thkas - at 1'
li•III,T .k. iL : • I
A:iti ,. t:l3f. K'Sli - 1312 . t 1;(2. r4O-2:1%-011. ,
Jan. 10, lint., " . FOX. k imnactra. 1
M1C,7111(U..) , : FINE-CUT TQBAC-I
CO—yrry ely4ce—at •
1, - I
!Jan. itt, lk"."1:. • , Fa'tX k NfERCIFit'S.
'- I
r 4 OX •A: '7ALERcr.r: .t.Y6•not, deal. in!
...a_ . fillOrlitc floods. ' ' , ..:! .• - ' -‘ J. 171. 19, I VI. 1
u, ---.1...--,,-
ClSTOlrtil.S'''ean rely uvon,
O gefunz the criy . 1!.. , $ The 11 , 1tr1 tar:or:Lag nna• at!
lowest *MO. F.. T. - F0X....
, Tovrvida, lan. 1:),•71. • . -HEN-111 MLECUI:.
(" 1 .14()VERII SEED.—We have s. stock .
' , Li of ; Poa•Vine Cloccr See , i wirrauted trzie to
name. iUso YNdiurii ars Wrst Erauch- Sc‘d. for
fealevchinT. -
feb.V7l P - ' ' FOX
Mica - Beef,
Itarkerel liar:a:ma* Trott, at rotait.
Jan. 19.1371:1 rox ILEltettlt.
N_J.,Ja* 19. 1371., , ' Fra k 111;1:Cm's
This 911"h:IS proren It- lf a Dna:I:1112 on:urpaLsol
in-the cure of Itheranaile lameness of any
~ kind re-I
caubt24, an outward, applicatkas. Ne defy the Alai
cal world to lane:, a material totter' ailaPica 'to the;
alletistalut Of pain and- lantenasa in Ilan oz23cast
than is this raedtizine. It woks upon the sawn print]
eipie mite nearest "1 ,- -in-12ectrielty ; and althengh.l
halve all,q(o4r best medicines; it emir times !MN Teti
the Cases of failure are very, rare.,' and arc
esienpli - calod °milt It worts like magic upon burns,f
I.o4.l3iiist. sting of hoes, arotal l este:nal poisonsd
Every fnmly shenll have it - in eases of frealt cuts.'
Itrubusis - ttesprolna. It will not e:martHie most trkal-1
'eines whortapplied to a new sore. It is no quarl - 1
Tr"Plisttntit.l9t Is composed ef nine of the besti
materisla known to lagferie atedCra. compounded ni -, 1
on seientLae trincittim. Is a horse medicine it 1.41
taking the lead et anything in The glarkrt. latrylti
rod - tyy tt. • If you do .not like it. return It and re-i
coireynnrseepos back. For sale lay all drnggirtsandl
derders-in Mealeine. Price Meant! per trottle.. •
/I. nuovisnio 7;hAz.014-,
rraprietdr,LellayTo.iliELll ,
. F lee
• ,
..a.-TAIIT R . OP THE Sin TAI-i
AN k ptlr. UAki,ROAD.—T.,?Alai.•,.o.cck on ,
7; m
Yam. !..,, 1471. - . -_-'
' - '
t.t' / rrio:( , . ..- woterr.':7ll4o,.
4;00-TOWANDA 1.2.:W! --1:10;
8:10 11 ..
.111CLATZUNCTION 12:14 - 7:00!
14M ..310,NUCLEs. ..... 11;.10 • 6:101
I .4 .
0:05 1 1 ' 11 1 13 11:051
'31:45 1 ....X.Or ALUAIRY....' 11:(3 5:55 - ,
: 0:25 !. anG14:116'...4 - .....10-,55 3:15,
t e:SR '.."'... - :PrS4(lr2 Illito 5:4
A;, -.X. P-i - '.......
_'" • 4
.44.3 t. V. 11.1
I _. .. ~ R. F. GOOPU.'4.N..
.904"til'':'•- . - 4,l3'll.VoienrAcpui.
- ; 1 •4 14 . 41 dFAitV. 111 4 1 4 , 4• 3 4 Piipma l •
rfotthebrakitieltielcOvenditrier TeigiThg,f*Srran
- ' ,tat and Mimi I , ll.l.l.ospribr,,
, .
lIENLY W. JONE. 4. -
Proft:usor of. VattoTiadfr...l .. onitilis . ttirallitliospplqj
" . • . .iofts' rt: l : '' 1 • T .'
= 4 0, ^ 4--
-Frotoosor-Ol•••••Mbeiout,-. , - " . - it— - Em. 0/,
s arai l ik e liit'" :-pi tr., - ~. ::
nrtwtor! of - Notletn' Lifirtn.ages.,: D.' , : 'A',.. 4 1 4
- . =stiols - AziA . NIL. tqtrsTog; LER' -.' .-, •
. --•••;-- ine4tetfo pfltos4.l4g ated • atioxr. .- •
, . i. 15.140<fir310 ri' '-, - : -'.
- -_;P' 44 :, 4 Pa r P t 1 . 4 :7 1 , ."- -..: '2414..---- - - \ .
"r ~r,'r.
alwayq auel ii
• cr.stkorheiJ at lo*at
311!7'.4 LIZZII4
1. ,
-;44145 t ub,L...•...0r mpro.rez
Ina ititentian te•icti: -
Jb recent meta :th0..1.:=1;21:1t1.60, - tb4; iollOw.jr;z
acrprnpriattons aro -id:alo .by the . Stgte LS, I.'ioyniai
fitudents and Graduate 5..• • • . • •
Snide - 1 - 3' oycr SertYrICT;N ~;
;30il_811:41 71.1 , 21.31. - 140ChiTir.g.
eatv,h fu. t 1 common . Schools Aft-..th0.a1411%.a1Vi1l
iciicivagia inn/ otrirrx- fANSW-,rt:u urea toirt!lm i
the ex - Italia-ea of tuition and
.1:" Each N tudent over. aim - a:N.-TEEN YNAES of ggeJ
..wliu'uns,disabled In ttio'inittLary tiavalvrricn
of the United titiqt3,:in' of l'etinaylVailln, yaw r
'Wimh !bat his life Id" Eert:lce, , anti who 810,11
61su in nginumtitldslCllol"Z; shall rat n eive tip' anim
al' °Mr. pc_f Wao3t.
Enact:lt,. who, • apon mr.nAlmatlm"g, t trill
eign:nn-n„.tn-c:ernent to trash ut,ntuOn 5111 .018
of the RttrhAttro. frill you's, ta school y - eur - niunt lie al
Ica..t e.thitt shalt reneive the, ptiin of•
it. Any' atuJeut 151: Wiirre..ll.wfrio beliefits,•rirdst'
sellool at leak:, LNIMIVC:. C.1.14te..2111!4} - o'We , d:-.+.
• - All tholllfilotarXiaro and
the fitatn,: and' exempt the,s4, w io link them !rout
any Suitlieir examination by antliorit4e's itetingiand,:r
t lie provisions ,of our CommOn Schen! laws. • :
EXPI:NSES•I , OII Si:11001. I'VAlt ;Of" 42.1rf_EKS,
hie:tiding Board, net, Oil. and,
WaslainVBl36. (less GO. contavii: 1 , 11 per . ice* :as
, btated. abuse). . • - • . .
' E.T,PENSES FOB TITIIIII.-I:F2a t.'44„ 14- tVBEI , a I ,I
ennitneneinit March 2;t1:,
$62, doss :in cents or t." I -.if gild: on $504,5
those grainatituyi. • •
3,1i1) Ilt/01:„ItENTJtor tsa r, w i t ,"
act ticrard ip Diu r rtn, (11 ,
weskit, lesio;3,o cents nrlt -- :
tnelndlng use of Inetrtrinent, •
21 LES.,9ONSO ' J. •
DVatt7l;;G. per.terrn...
Ea'arfl..cau.a4 obtainud private to it.per
-co extra charges. Starlesitl adinitted at atr.r . tim , :
Al! bills, arn..t.?1,0 ihtti proniptly itiadvaiyee,•to the
'Principal, who ants asAgsnt for in , ' •
slants Karlin;; in the ;Cur , — furnii-n
8111.4 , t4. liillOW-cas , .jA, and OW' e6.:21P1rta1,4, S.. .
rorettirther- - Itkrorthatott. or akl:r.t4sious to •
school, a•laress - tli. .
Feb. 22, 18;1...
11.17,TSDET. TA N01.1) - 'AN U STS,
L , C37;7.45. IFXIIMIT.S., CLIT, ON
• O.ITS. "
. ,
or • Alzt. 31, I it 1 9:•;-.‘fr
th th , e an I , •cndeniti••,l a.-tion••
Ore Chyh in pd:sinitinil•niv•i‘t .r
general iu7yfinct on - • ' , •
_V. i t. ii; - • - •<•• and salq. "Mr.
line:de:lA—l do not tindereinod
ev••r lit\
il. i intd:ithat It is go , l pram{" • 11r. fleeelev•alf 0,
orthe ,•tra , v, hid 'ereilis 4
crainft.h;l • lle had F-Peri in the South, where ho ha 1
h.q . ( travollin , .... th,t ra,t . eew Tre:••1: •jr' 111 , 1 refer:L.(4l:i' ,
th:•;a , lvaiiipi...E , of proenriniiNi - irthini zroieti
.I•3igt.h. .
.1.112..r. 4 :31.1Fani:,•r.1-
1i...110n. Ruins Rale, Trei.iil;:nt. (lithe (:) rar.%ii Con:-
ieulturdbiiiiiets of Vermont,' ha-% •personally .
scperiutziuded e?...lerilii•iits in
Qua mates ripilt in tllo,.tellortii , let
tor. •. •
—I Wig ^:— it
.I):‘asurt iu adding;hiy,iestnosty t. ,
thatid In:IMP - of oth4rs tllth.:4 and t.,tbi...r
asdo the advantages tro he gained by Fab:Admin.:
your.:so.rway Cate tor-theobi Their, ability'
to piudalce nmtv than twice a's tnaityNnielieis•to •tb.,
acTo, and their hardiness and trifty.Wowth.,
ing 'them 11'01c:11. ••-• 3 . 1!1-1 . 41itie,: ii , rrryol
ih!,ll .0 int , 11 1 . 4.T7-4 ntrt's•
c..l"n - Übe , i , l , aton t T.y. fr.:rul
er., Is nut r:Lttlit...i tbvy l'aZl a :Pint. t 4 the , ectrl.
bot rather. ran tb y alna to centinin. , ; t t pk w nn.i
-oz Co elie. aer... •
Z:roe.: FS to 7.11.4A i
;t. us wen rai ;,.. .10
e,.1.bu5b...1.s zua r„ - fain '11•114
the sani..ials‘r, - , • • • •
••1 rant them
f.•: tbcgo. .; - ,• • •••tIrd
flte ecatzt‘thon bf.rvdigera:.,! : •••
' • :
rrolll C/11, • ..'igtiji(1.+11.1aliC:111, • • •
.1 cal , erimtl , ted leith
eat.; Ir..t Seab , •C. 0:1 a tarn in 1).::1, (r•drzt,s, - ''
t`.. ,
grynrts rle:Ila - rLrn1 tb;:t, en a- try ,r
{bid on, of got;ild. Suil of medijara qaality,
1,11•1 , 1: ..•ar- in • e•etne , •.
t!..6s :u:zonnt , Yloat ,
Zurve:it,34.- • Thi• -as tw,, , r, five
an•l r'.:•ct 710, r . gernfu ,clnnin•
totnt fonuit27, C:::l3eftS , teau`...Tlnt..h..,etti..r-.
r • , :rtorllld, anti bran! , ,in•T cot +town:want tat:-
!Ito:111nd fin 1 snII: the he s r. , l , ;ren - ir. - :
91}tn , e. on either tl:e a^il anfl 'vary
freni 14(in:.•itelt in !c•t.,..7 4 3:. Tins is• th
of one efperirnene,and jVti.ll: tbr.:
stat:ra.ntts rna,te o'f'
tt.e origin ..f It er•n•ieintre • r
but tli,lVLatare
1,. I a vae:ety of •41 - 2.‘litnnvea. , :te:_ll,ly'
P.ny tor 171 .V 1 • Uri:l.!
St( f• - • 17. •If Of lit t:c ent., , xcw.2..nee to the far:llc r
It 4 eri-nr: may te. It i. FZLlA , netit. Le.- 11.1;h t• - , Lncw
' , Tarn , en inn-rior
..7.rowth ant enitnee.' it is
. pi•rnapq
ltrunlre:l pee eer.t. 11 , 1t , :15•in resp.)ctl'iltar . l any of
,leterik •eati
. .
. .
W are rel'lctitr.t e , ,:izum.n.l to tb'
tin thin-4 th:lt
•' lin , • is ba,ol
tat she Norway
by al , .. , srs„
t'oo 5u"...2117 - iy every
tl:o. W est tlie ; i=„1:1A5,7„1. - WO boLic - re w.• •
can .1. , no r..Tv:it...r favor suett
t., ti.o? Rtrrraze..E.l.
far:ll.'vs in.troatiotiiot cf
ininroy,:qt'e-rOtls We:a
Vlau CJ point citt t 0 tlIC:21 tit.; 11101'125 Vf thi
list YllO of t'ais grain tli3
ylel-1 ezclusirely: A ,g.-Neu Quantity will weigh a
lar, , er per i'enr. var . , tics; the bt , rri•
is 1 ,-rger. hull till:trier; as I tto uutri
tioit". iu all repeets. for feetin
11) .
..3131 1 y c.f titp oat. Nlvertise.l tllrottuhout the. corn,
try art: nothing but tlt touitnon 7o.;orway 0aq.. 4 .• titht
huv. , n othi to; to recouthh,cul, them, lu ore titan Cho
t.a. t'.1.•3• `..juf , u imp,rt
ett a f,n• yrars.
Tifu fists been a•lrertiqts..l. an'l wlilcb hru
at 31'...5r4: rirr f•ii j
on.ts: ; , v.t,
D. 'el'. RAYFTT:LL. N'crttior. t f anuer,
Lr••..V 1"*. Wit4 - 11:17::).
• .
21; l';71
• _
viSEs, 41 , e t :
n. 'NV
Trt, s, CI,„-11 o,y HI )3n: xr Es;r:l}y
rand w!ll tak' any•l , l'rnit.-
ornattipzt,l Trt r.r V:ne.
N\ - ilson is a ktr::,•tly.
willtll , .l
u'.ll n.11%.: - g...04 any c‘ . 9.l2rait
acting tn,y - ,
L .- tuwa:zda. ". It. M.
• . • .‘„
TL? enhgcW.2 , :r Inta - 1 ,, i....a!e • botartou Scald.
10,OCkl :lire four roar. °LI 111-ifty and tioalihy ..kP
PLE Tl;Flii of 1:114 , 1"adli:•T t - yr.:let:es • e riowu
iu ntmery on Towanda Flats. trees w•wo
tranaplantod at and itvr
and prrparc.l for tra . qs)tantit_i tc ..tiorrulu.s. •
Towauda. Pa., rel.. M.
p.,EWARE - . • - S . l'
IN 3°4'; • Yoh:S. NZ'IZS
r 7 ,4.111•1y tort tt an•
\,•t: 1".)71:
arr. nt thj9 .Cvntr..l
1.4,14 N iv> th. , .t.
Ton'alN rr . :
or. V.,11t
What fl`W APVC Te.C.% It !I" :.r , •
to W;s f.41:42. St‘2.l:
aro .z!I oflity 7 • 1.17;
Relive min :p.1.1,of
for the roligloo43ud.P.V.rary w., :40
''arcl,y HENRY rltflECilEn s :
is It 3 c6ntribotol-5 the - r..l,le!it talent
of the land: A ell:rrolog - crrfal ,tors ler the world:
fhtliorg arttborißio of ..,IThelo Toat's 6nbin."
. josj.
begun. Every .irubs;:rlber: for • 1'371 re , eires
paper rot: rforrr.;:orrx. ar.l the
. 14-0,11,•,-;
r7q W.timmO - rol , r, (alone xer , A.h • Free.
NI,AV aul nueAlualla - e , icat...luative,.. ix, I ts
144 - .11 1417.13.71 . nr: All are .doing ilnkips - froni
Ito to $.14 a ,hy. y::w • is th. %Ls' c aft
U 151.1. 1. and, cirteLa.v., There la poiitively
thst kill rat Vol, 'ANTS' . a I 1 ,3 1 , ` r, charlvr
of *tory - oh:lmm terms. tree. addrera
,• • - A.. •
<13C.1.'70 400 Cll , -stout St-, I'liga•lelplo.a.
UV TO. N S -DE S - .T C Al: (I A
P3l t.t - rtirinci Piaster. fol. emote nt 11 , tibrotra ;Mal,
lion.rattoti.' s':l • rzcc•EwELL.
01t3L1,L . SCIIOQL1
prr);'.- TIQOA .CO.,
2 . 7t1i,.1871.
; , iintar t g,
,ANNOS AEA•th- •-• •.•
t ltstructts of rcuttlantlgii.. . •
.31183 ANNLIIALUALT, 2 •
A j. " L. . a r t " iil34 q lu ; i • tm l
l`riuCTal at Modul SetaiuL" -
_ ..::. L:~':~:
l) 1Y A ND
arrecLed ittry •
' Et
suidoctuteibinivit . dail.Y.' - '- --
' l-6. II ' : /.41 / 1 - ';
/ 52;r1C
• 3 1 71464.41 busts... ; ..... .". .' • • . '
rye: "0 Widk . - - "-•• • -
AieJ(Wisost,' • ii;lsdk.:...., - .. •
..0-Imeh ....... : .. /.-: .;• ...
. ••• . '
0444 a, # by 414.., .... . ; . •‘.:. .............
tem*, ard. bush... ,•,• ~......,...
... •
i• utter (rolle)• '0 Ir•'-.• .... :; . - ...
'7.•... dok;- . (dairy,. 02s . -'. - : .....
' •11 b ..z.:
' V l llO4 - 11 • - 1 ..... .......,---: .... : ... '
ll= •Ift. . ,
.... '.. .......
Ordeue, ~' Ztmi;.7..., 2. •
.. ::
• - Arzto; 01 .4.thhis . .—ii)r4144 ... . ..„.„„ ?„,.. •
•AYe , be.; Ceda32 tba.; Barley .. in ii :- ,-
IS ~ ': •Bevatt CZ Ilia.; BrAa 2011, z t. ; ('!; e t c : .. : '' , 6'.4.l '_ . .
/ ' . t Ilide.4bY Seed 44 tbA..; Dlitd.r i-:1,-:.:`,4,;`
b' • 4 ppleB 221b1.. Flax H4'l4. r) 1) "IC
- -"''''
„• - .
1: STOVES AND. 11.A.R1?11,'
• OniclT ta. .
ONtAIs:IDA, .oAra YARD s
undcr,dpmcd; Itarod tliteo;9}').l
1)ock at thn .J,tairlay .I.taixin," and ju,toor,,,rt,
i o z
tt *go. Clotd-Loutto auAl uCuio iip(4l preu,„„,
cow priparoti-th furnish thexitimii,i
vicinity with tho differrat kllttdaatid
.rtsiond cogdtrtrpon thn moil revirmabl.•
quantity &aired. Prices-at tho Tart 114
Large E...1g
p)yruoth, *Nut -
-I , mi:to-if: •
. . . .
d.f - 7 , lint - iA •
Flue, or . , v.. ..... t
'lh.. • . ........ .....
ferr,otritu!Efl,liti'r..ll:ll alt.f2.";
( I,,ii,nri h g Coal withfil •
Per Ton, cants. Extra for carliN: n 5,
1101 • .
Qr. Ton
~ ~. .
.. .
• , t7l - Orders mak be hiri4it Cu. 4 ±:::-.t. ~: n.,,,, ! ,,..
toad and E:lizabethi ...Stri:vtri _ tnizt, 1.'.. , r1 , r A, F.. t h .
Dina Stor. . ( i
t . T-_Orderi. , .. i r t itt 211.0.vrvi 1r,,..a.f,-,11,1n;],.1,.,:,
the c..44h, • - ': ' -W.11;12 .:. :A. INf.k:%ll ,
.I:olrdnql.s, :ran; 10. Isla -- !Si/
c 41 YX1Z1):
T:l3:4l.ftirther, 41? t ;at yartl, a.
Zzg. or Na. .. . .
.S.Lovo..'or..NoV. 3 awl. 1.. .. ........
• Nut, .44: N0.A... -
; Aift.hracitif Coal—
The fo'.lottit4
dolitioring eval.tarthin *lva 1,0:(41.4,11 :a - a:tA: • ' •••;
_Peitaan. :1...51.4,4-6, Eatra fr,
I.lall taa1t:.,!......3. - ;" • "."
r" ••
(ivarte! ,
On: Lrri at
I.3•Dela south , •iCLo . ..
I'll a11,,!,..t•ntu...,1
Jan; .1.1,.'71.
_.7:30 ..GOLI) ' .114).i.,
. .
" •
: • .1-.P.')FIT',;IIII:
. . .
-.....1" A J . ,. , (I - 0 0 K L'' .. ( 1• (' (,t. ,
or:cr fir P:11..• ;t pa: :i.t...,T. ::c2r,:rkl it:, r - t '4. , .-
FIRST•.;iO.I.P:.I,', E LI l _V,i) r:/...:1,rp,,...u, ,i,,:,1°,.,
. . • cr
- :
F:.. . a l'ir=t
Oa :LT' 31•; aklit
„ r t . ,
, .
ei'L1.P 7, 14 111 t. , : ~., . -3, ,s rk. 1,4 - 3 nrst...:trortzpße on it;
ti.. , r..3:ni GiT.r.t, I , i,in•2 nioro tfian 22.N4). a rt..'
La•l t•-...ii1, :....i :.•,of 2:03.1. , .-,. T .
11. i.• !,:id4 311...frc•e ft:oni rn'..ti:it S' tax %,',
f'..l:- , -.'prl.:::l 1 Int• - 1r , ... ,. • - tAr.r.1ya1', , !...,.in...+3!.1 . .-13.1; 3:7..•
.-itril. at th , .' cnti . of Thirty jests, -nn it t22e fa:•.;
5t:r.i.::T:nr.r.!,y......t t1a , ..rati , :',..0 sr.rt_-c 4.. ND Tim-E-1 I
T1!.. , rt1: C;.,:1". ii...: annitin. • _ _ .
TlitY U . 4 ieSl:::d iu deI. ,, 4:.i:IALIO•;S:S ur 100, - ,
it 1 .G'in • 'S 5,1400 and $10.0..i31.
itrn,t,e4;nti.dirr -Mr—r-itt-7 ,
C. iand 3. - Edgar .1 . 1. , -,••••:
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