F 2 EN Boot.tiopu WA We have huard_Teople y that theis is no,sasquate return, , .4:1 root . . crops; thatArequires a'; a mount. ,-of labol tostileethenii keet , -*au down, endhurpnit "thenci; t-there are no fattenii* prolierttel : ,:. •'-them.• •,3 3 - verY well4raufat.- , We"- *wit& that, the greatet.,:' bey- fig . - lager 1 "portion, i s water: --- - Indeedo. twin 'l6' '' to 90 per cent is water , lst it - don't • follow gat they tire:not a - claire' tole crop for a faxma: to riiiielor ''' stock -Stock must htivewater. . -W. concede I that It can usually be o . :, ' . •• . 41th - out raising 4t from the gro ... d in the form of r6ols. ',Apples ' . adl fruits J,:re - iiirgely (*riposted of wa ter. pc; we, ' therefore ,.: abstain from eating : them because we eatl procure' it in a •., more-concentrateCform't Oattle are fond of fruit and they 'inicelect fond of r00t5... , They' seem to keeg the , blood= I Unarm* in a ; . • thy con- ~ dition. They render the _o .er food of far more benefit than -it- 'could 'be -without them. •-D - cin't gra; .. e good, ' generous, wholesome food o any an imal that is wiSith keeping . . .onyour premises. ~ The old non of of winter in stock upon straw- -is .:dicolous. There is no life-sistainin - : property in it. It is but-woody fi. e. Reed • r your :stock and. feed . ... 11011% Don't, starve them all t. imgh the winter, hopitig that ' -,.they. will come • up,:m the summer _when' . .ed out • ' upon the grass.; A ataxy - ; cow - can yield no adequate return Of rallk yield.: time required --recnper io ate lost! flesh: give she andfood._ - Be humane. Treat the ^, brutes - - i more as human heingirl should be i • treated. 'A good ctirryml once adiii will be of great bene fi t to • horses avi. , . cattle. Care for them. i (-- - Fanners' Yearly . .. . - ... , The - subiomcd advice was published many .yein the 'counsel contained in plicable now,as then: , TheAarnier, :as well a the; mer chant, ought to reckon With himself. Mr least.:-Onse.n .year.- %Its is the proper time. How stands ) balance with you at. the. end of the harvint I trust youhaie had nothing to do 'with the banks, so: we ' ' - let ,them ''. pfiss:.' Are your taxes gassed' tip aithlhe collectors? . e.-there no • executions __against You ? Are . all youilaboiers and hones • tradesmen for the last year ,paid. o 1 Aie all your broken windows x paired? If so, let •us go to .the , - , n and see whether the barkdoofs,, able-doe - is, ' racks; and mange . and oors are ay set to rights for the winter. . _, ' 11 - we find all these things as -they I „. shbWd be, then - a happy new year to you Plitit if not, then se ' your I bays \..•• immediately to thresliin ,to shelling corn, and flax—stlp - the calla of - the collector, the visits of tip .sheriff, and, the dunsof your lalpor rs and "me chanics as soon go possi le; buy glass a,., and putty, repair yonf italows,_ and sell to the paper-mak f the rags which 'he'd been used .- tap your • light; secure your cella - -Wore ' the. frost penetrates farther. , All this be ing done, go to the bar and do like ' 1 WISC.. You may sit d Wit for the . evening- by, a clean he th, before a brisk tire in ,Shur snuff kitchen or -parthr, crack .a few nut , eat a few apples,aml regale yours, and friends With a glass of_pure wat r, and go tO • ‘ • bed when you please. E Errol:its attn Ex. • f the hun „,,, i dreds of thousands of firrners in this i - - cowatry„tev - r . give any attention to the kitchen 'garden far Pier .litir!„ to ~i , , , ~-. rase a few potathis,sqUashes, beets, _ peas, a little cor-o-,=,-:tind-' - lsome lettuce t and cabbages. Xone f the tmall fruits receive any atten 'on whatever. r . Formerly a few curry is were,per 4iitted to struggle alb • the grass I . yielding the smallest I.' dof fruit,but now the worm has puf stop tifeven this. ... , —. We Maintain that ev man own , Lug. an 6. - e're, -or oven ess, Of land , which he culiiVates, sh uld grow 'all „ 1 of the enrra,nti, r'aspberr'ies, strawber „ ries,blackberries,gob,seberries,grapes, _ I- - quinces, apples-and pears which i bis family cairbY any possibility consume , - during_tlie year; - - No:one:Ia injured' by .6-,,,. -rx9-fiVfit.,L , -It serve% I. .. - '-tem in a hialtlikl-- - e - c - iii -:-'” sistillae' -organs' in d'' .- ' f ool- vtil are . persu { V,. - should find &plae up -,. -, - - a wry meal: 'But ,we ,t' 1 the subject, the very :1h pldeed - our.,mouth and . -) :- Most aggravating co --,,, i _want - some Bead and mi - 7," ,apples. Give Us the _ • - country food. TheTV,it; . is no place for a litunai Onnit Par..—=Line a s cop dish with • ' good-puff paste, not, t rich. 801 l • ,out the upper crust, .d lay on a - 1)1 t iust the size ,of e,i4oyster-disli; a e " of "the dish ut ~ set it nthe, top o e nu p into the_oTen, the crust 'must be: ne - arly cooked before the oysters are put in,for, theyrequirelesstime than 4 , , i the 'crust. , 'Valle the crustis baking, i - - • strain the diquer _froft., -the . oysters; k nit,l4sth the yo - oteggs,boil- C ree - -eggs for - sefenty-fiTe oysters; - a d. two table even full,„ of b tter, the `sane quantity = ' tit of bred _ or -- cracker - • cruiubs;,-Season wit pepper,salt, and no.' co or nutmeg Fern.littTe'of th - d be4i taste , - be er—an <'s 'that you do not season' itG too e,14 to add-is very" e y„ . but to take • • &I/ nitk - ,olit'suasoning in coo g isa t.the liquor j st - X - oil; then. oysterst a (t- is, soon• a y,16,4. _ the. to a boil, st yell and re,„ IPY ' &the plateand crust; and • op - -,p66: - th - ini, And their Ty Into the_ ha - 6*h;:-Plaee the --crust, ores• !Ink 0:01 -.to the-ovgi at anti +ALTA to -ME+ . Mil. - SEHOLO tat) ,All MEA.SI7IIT.I. :—.lrheat - 1161117, :onepound is one • qtart„ . " too ounces . if; one quart: . Batter, when. soft, ounce is one quart., Loaf sugar,..l,l-rokon, 'gone quart,. White . sugar,:'Powde one ounce is one gnarl tD.cst brown sugar, o 1 o_niices is one quart. bps, s avcrago size ponttd.. - tac:abure,---1 gpryinfuls are,half a pi W;plr: rAd tonfrne waft a lit Piar f,•:!- - x,',.:Z"t ,4) k.f; ,•:, (i r,it.,. t'rws . leA,i j . . . ' ' • CiLerl BM ilP 8 P4 111 4 ) ; re' l 4-0. _ • We the undicidget4. would eeepedharly • • the eitiztO atTcnnitula end 7 . 14.1r11 418:1 hiltebt prodatmtbittimtVetShoV • • •. W T E -0DD5 ,. 43 ; • :1 , Compldris every . U . diiir in tliapimi of: 0 :M.i .- .0 - . !I'Z .-Z,TC:it..! BERM " GEM - IfttNIMING- • - 13EkyrEft, OBIK:CIOLIA. DOESKIN. 4:!ep .py*lt,c( 0 4,T_5j:,..-,..„:; COATS, - . And alfof Liked Weed of - -; • Which -- • - nate imid at stici:.xi ditittdOrket,thltit gilt astordsh the community. Como to the store of RIDEIMPIEMDAWOLYT Ind examine our goods and _prices before parchasitig. and satisfy yourselves. .We gsuirantee &U th.ekve entire satisfaction. We stet/tankful to our munkril one customers and friends for their peat liberallat- - range and solicit a continuance of the same. ..-110SENIMELDI & NVOIZT. " - 1115 MAIN MEWL - TOWANDA:4mi. : feb.lll (Next to Fos& Ifercutid. TO THOSE GETTING -- Tata CLOTIMM %UDE TO ORDER. Yottheltkl•etuQJ two POO! 4.!ri.11i• to a= raze =OMANI (norms : Ili/W 431-j - Ei23l to. faxmers s a go; but i it s as ap-; Sof:audit, -WM= THAT /CZ SOM CUM . 4 And In order to boa Izolo to sell a goontartiele c the merchant mai uniustand his bustnass, know how,' where and mbat to buy as aim( man does; and a - PRACTICAL TAILOR IA all its *itches I proftv to be, hoists .had ria r antEN imENint 7, 111 Etiti imilluiss. ' Ilaveibeep ctittar ilotk i‘t ,Ido my own buying. owning and cuttifjr„ d divfds my profits with 116 man, so that less Doff do—and with Idw rent and other swans i pro. pardon. thus making the cost of gaming' the business very small • • =ll I CAN SELL GOODS CHEAPER :f. , Than ma .folloning the busineaa. and Laving no knowledge of it therluselves. have to employ tarn at large Salaries to **ILIA° it; and custom= must pay actor:lll4l7—as uq, like myself. ,. DO BIIBINESS TO LIVE BY If you doubtlbe oboyo ststotomt, bo oouthiced wag on " • • , , HERBY 11.1M1173. • • Merchant Taar, D O chle St., Tow,pls, Pa. Ang.lo,'7o. ATTEACTIVE SALE I will °E'er for silo, at cost, foi the r4t.30 dsl s. ;.WHITE' AND COLORED. : TA.E!,LA. TA., I STES, ORGANIAES,SASH- . ' ES, RIBBONS, VELVETS . . .. 1 • REAL AND' IMITATI ON "VAL - .‘NcI . .ENNES LA CESJ ' 4.‘ :' - , A.lO - -thrh New and Elegant ' I e‘ DUQHEg SE LACE," • ' _Por 't:riranails g ExesicS: • 1 • . . - Latices cull and se6 Old - greatest bargains In these goods ever offered in this place. I . MRS. H. E. GAHM, Jan.,ll, lel. Iter.cues Block.. Townndal,l%. eating g r ciod ,:keep the. Bye ; 'don. Iti as,f . 1_ eating other dea, that it the" table at .an continue • right of it has ppetito in. a dition. We ilk with baked dorintry And of New-York being to live MISS E. -,1 - ..rILINGSLEY, Wishes to inform tholadies of Towanda and sicinlty that she keeps constantly on halal a large supply of • IraT I . Li ' Li I "N 7 E -it, 7" Goods, suitable to the season. - Thanking her pat rons for-their liberal patronage heretofore, .she as sures them that no exertions will be spared. to en sure a contfnuence of the.same. She slab hiss tine selection of •• • ' HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, : , . . !such as . . • . • Linen Collars, Cis, • • Handkerchiefs. . .1, heal daces, • --Cgrects, . • I haCe also reopened, in canacction with theatre's's my DRESS MARD:O3 establishment, and I Sun now prepared to do •."-- . . • C u reiNG FITTING in thejeleff 41-tonable styles on short matte. ;"-• EntraliteliMt - dooLto Fos & ,Idercat's, up stairs. daL 22: 1 7,1. • N , - Arrt 1, IN E - Y • -• • an s. • • - . ans. J. D. MIL` . • • • *mild call ttio — ii tion :of the public to bath large otockal • • • • • FALL AND WINTER ":- ii IN 3i - ;.'G ; • , 1 . - ' ..._, • •-• DlrocilifroAstlini Tarinttar. of tl . ll.er, - • ..•‘. - - ' Allninlitch *lli be: old - dl7.lgli Iri•••• • nerit.. - Irrit:iiia Were', • - • - ""F WIMPS, • • - 1-" . • . , • ' • -•- • First Alociresst ot Bed, - White and - Dino •dol. ? 32ii lgc et :- :5upt. , 19,10. i • - , I. Ter five in* 4110 10t. 4.TUBDAY; OCTOBER Ist: 1870 • ,\ ' I e porind.. on one pound is Iteppeetfrilly infoirde the belies of Toweida - and Aided tyltbst ehe wEll be evult - to Wait ' he new stda of . I cd, ono pound 0 pouo two' - • • MILLINERY:GOODS, • VELVETS, SILKS 'AND - S, '-ten are one eon table- TogothOf with a fall worth:mat of El • FRENCH. FLOWFXS, ELSNI4IERCIIIEFS MO LACE 66#aus, • • i)1 .—Grate, tstf, - plat it into. , . , ....„ •.7:—• . i ift, iii,Tptr. and Uri Li t TrllDAT.Pctobitrist. .11u.. .`. .: i ; ( .: 17 /Mig Cif gilltt4 A ity BithAnd SilliGooda are cittblaidag. 1 A Tint. i f i.,-• fr=n7,.; , _ • .....• . - miss E. BEAEthi. _Ono door south of Mercur's Itant. ' fI I 4I 941: VitriTer'ii•;:t29•7l3:`, . -•.-.-- • ' ' - . ~). f iiicj,..; 1.,1.1.fl •! '-:::- "—'*--- VytESIBERTH4TFOX &lift" f ezrir WE, V' 6 ik ' tftli as ratiflistL r s tee ll it kindi of °marled .et fi efoelibt town. Goods er,gss , 47 "Aft*. ?ha l.oo - 4 , 441 Pll.-,4 TL. FOX. 'rocs ,/ ^l.• 1112CBTX =CM r ,. ~~~ ~isn MEI Aid imams Latest Stybid PANTS yiNl) - : best honaei NEW YgEK ' .7rallinery. FRENCH COUTILLE CORSETS, GOODS, SUSS BRAMYr FALL AND iliSikt . . , 4,!-, , i • ..i :::..... I ;i , e,* 7::- -,:;' 7.ai1;•..•:1.; ~..T.1i,7, - Z. ; f:. itijikirigistil 5A..: 7 0 , -, i-cfr,:f er:-.-,-....; , .. .t-, - -).4. - .lt - i. r, 4.1 .5 , , , .- c.:' Il m • . - :r + 1 ~ 1 ':',.., 13 ,.": - ''-]:-'!? ':. '-', -/ fi 4 .7.-:IY: 1-,k. 1: , T.:. :tile: -::''...:,,,, , i'ir ;'.,-',: .i.".of:^. • dIkW.ItT.I .:r.,i•tj,;,141 . 1..411.•:4 ~ T t, ' . . ,......- . • !Y. - n.l .r..... i . 1 - T i Nc7. - .fit. -7:flrf . ...s.I.Li. 3tt: rit t- - -:;,-,11 - hi: ~- VitteatitMOZPACA,ci.;4:,,t,..j.;:.it-; lEM!ffSMIE! .'3'llll - 1T I J . 4 : 44-) D 6 - /V 1 EST/C''7--' BEM ; f um:4K. • . ..E.,W.14; MAXI t • I. • j "re!..711:7 THE " too2ll=lo fil &MUM. Sewing Machine, heg .: used the .fie* the trestoindia 64ft : _tiine illis..*o4k9L It -rune faster than. most, effiet anrt 1,, • d xxiore,fittietity'tliztin t • t Qingthe Attest as well as the heaviest work dcfe: 0 411 01 3' SewinerMacloier ALL . Asol'imaTrripTo 4 tatz". face IT. • .4 , -- Plain lernAl*tes - - , Case' - $7O. Hatt • All )laclithealutr) Blako's Patent Tale. L• Agouti minted bfi j oul territory.- - 4101rms. =Asp.- & co.. ecalugon, •Pi • • For sale by `TAYI.OII k ootiz. .Tcrvaa4 , !, Ps. A; KIM& Aciu.rt. LLOYD k BLOKER.. 12, 1870. 4 -617. I - I - EASE AND••-0 - 01KF9RT. BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There Is - nothing so minable as perfect eight, sad perfeei.sight can cmly be obtained by using - • PERFECT IfFECTACOS . • ' 'TnO dltdcnlh of promitilvtion urinkfAnowls. i.Aza4ttrti , k MORRIS, \ OCartigTl3l AND OPTCOANS;' nAirrEcinD, comacncuz ' MAIitTACITREFS OF THE CELEBDATFS) PERFECTED iI I3PECTAitEk Have. after years' of experience, experiment. and and the erection of costlyeischlarry, been enabled to produce that CHUM DESEDERATUX: • PERFECT SPECTACLES'! Which harp been scud with unlimited sathdaction to the weaftrs in the Western States during the past Sateen years. ; _Those Cerebrated Perfected Spectacles never tirethe aye ' tad bat many year - without change! Means mottias have appointed JUL}S 1113131MHH. dealer in Watches and Jew elry, as their sole agent - for Towanda. Penn's, and • eleirdif- • 2 c. . • . Apeilli.llllL • TM=NG: 11:).7p.ii0 33:1-. -:- added grad— ly to our facilities, we are now p repare deto do all kinds of 013 L w BETTER STYLE ' • - - l it Th:n ablish=t, in • NORTHEIIN THE .TXOll,lTat of FICE SPECIMENS. The imbecribere still continue to keep'constantly. on band a fall and complete assortment of every. Perkll/244-to.ti3o# t 51 0 4 1 1 8 ., "Fal4tingePPLthr. BETT PORK, FRESH 'AND SALT 4 _ suciin - MIED WOOL • • MUTTON: BEEF. . $ VEAL"- -P- '.. PODLTIII7 - SAIIIAGE, ; , • . -- DOLOGn. DIITED - - 'TALLOW, kw., he. • . , • F'l • • 8. FRESH FROM THE LAYRK • 0113TEBIls*OLFFED DAILY 1, _,• ;‘,(_} L . -Parties wishing Oysters/at urge ai amain qpatitl. ties will be 'tarnished cat: slant notice; at the old stand,- CI:IIMAL DlAzzirt, Ifantanye's !dock. first door north! of Dr . Porters. _ • .4;lgiu‘ %Mumma_ !...IAL;4I . :fined. liotrogs. ' J - .Feb. 24, 1870-tf - • .. FIRST RATIONAL.BANK, -$125,000., ' i • SURPLUS FITSD ' 40,000., This Dank Mien 1171314 L FA CIIITICES fof the 9ENBR4LIBANIZING BUSINESS. ricrimuan AIR OS Dzpooms Accoainio TO ADDIDLYIEST. • Spinniaz. Cass OXTZiV SO =Li Couiciinnemr !lota aim Cam. Parties ailablini to inn mom to any part of tha United States, England. Ireland. likotland, or the prin. ciPid pities and, towns •of Europe. tin tone prOCILre drdtatortbatparpose. P.I.SSACE TICKETS , To orfrom tbS old country, by best steamy or irig lines, always on hand. .FaxtrzEsiticniiiirrois2i a= szocciiiiiiiia. ',WOO Prieti;aaAffr.sßOfidt, Gold Etail ;WSW r. H. fiNITH. P ldent N. N. BETTS. .14 4 1 ' Towanda, Junalti, 1869- • , • _ Cashier. Q~~OLssaEScr .t : ~: RoyALIMMTWINASTRus 001111XLIo* Mar& 110011. CF. HORSFORM 141.111.1) - PrePsnacni. a. xi) flown& k MYBR AMU:lap NJ big TEVrely cheap. ME= r 1 H ff:l=M= ZEES $6 . 5. lIE arvtliNG B ritict's PEIiNSTI;VANLI #nrx ;;.in Ca• SO ifilift ;ll A 4 7 1: 1 10P:i5'14 11 .0 .. '.lll.d f V...-4 1 1:71 1 P A l l'a lt ir. 4::4 - !Di 1- ,- ;*: pm., 111110.1.41.0111116100.1a1i* ..,1177:41 ra.v.j i lti „ . :.10. 1 MMIPS0 10 10 1 0. r.0...!:r; • Prs- tlk:1".11$1 . t - , tl 'l2l .wicolasreEZ;t:::. ° rrprii ? - • 1 12AVanl i nat iIITCU4EV . • ' rfalekiligtalftilkitiii: - - • - e ltegalM i • , • • :t ' • =Ora, 71148faltiVA •;;;;T:mztkr...i (.1 j 2 ., ( 4,74 ;u 4 11631‘110, 40CIMIZA* * 164 1 ' rr.'s , 1101011 p an Wads et MIL Iraddrailtlis"iiiiiiiiiittiiir • itnri - STOMA:PP' TOBAXXXY, 4 ''. I ighlifmr Tat Cbrideal asa Bioviiilimpt • • • - Sim* a* isol iambi pit amok 41-t ,1- • r • ; virooDEN 7. - • , uffej sprawls oti-WiHoz -11 r •-.. 1 ,1 1 . 2 1 41.11 ; ° " 1 • ~ • *:f,. .11• • ••,:t • r •ti • •1119111CTII,X_PRODUC11. . . o . ::l4 4 karchL e •• • ) " • '.' , sad Rap balosdiste moat. • " • '" E!RINgM 5 1 5 1 ."" * I:Y AND riitomaox STORF3;_ IMM MTcO.&BE .- Whoksaio.apd Zetsa Deidesiin F.ADIILY GROCERIES • A. P v.' s I ° lama= la* imocz. Yrovi PA. A. do not deed Ii neceeeiry to 'enneeerste ill the dLterestartieles we keep. (Jeremiad:Dent Is .1 - ALWAY 4 M4PMTE • W 1 Mu FIRSTr - CiISS GOODS.- Cash paid far Names Produce. Yatoh 116T0. 7 ?: ..I=XceABEP EOPLE'S P. asoaear Alw nous= gross. imvsit' omits Ramat AXD aunt mzus. • new mul complete stock te GROCERIES AND - PROVISIONS, Which 4111 be sold at the lowest possible prices. ?:)DME . ~- 3L•ACSEBII,, HERRING, • Mgt. M:r=)N. FRUIT OF - ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE,. - - v • Y4kNIM NOTIONS, FLO1111;FIVED, NEI1 4 GRU;N, ffffil Wry/ Ul lOUS MAO, irhich lie pay caah for. DA;:MIZN, oomstint supply of Batt, all sisal Clharaa, Buttes llttina Tuba. &a. • Plows odl sad look.tbroagh otock.sooivo do oar bad to plisse you.- W. A. 110aMWELL. Tormodo. April lard. : . - Lo'OK ,-I{E.R.E,F COWELL & MYEB, At the stand of lininiesa, Cownts, are now Teceiving 'large and well fleeted stock of - L Augpauxe AND PINIVENDEB. ‘ineh tniyera - at Prices ttO t dads competition. ; ftw Faiinent• Produce. . , 4 - . • ffiting tank: the Ilioiehtitile aua cost - Attires betaeithasetethefleeimiltdka.° .rank:, =tare the (Atlanta of Wyabulithg aatl, vicinity that ae'wl . ll keep sow on hand a fall, stock of • W P EMEIIIII (I-, 0- A L , *lo.icrir4:aglar= El 4 1 ' 14DCLAY " Z IN 'BULK 4R BY - THE BARREL: • 1 1 B A LIT IN ,BACKS, -MA, AND. BAGS: Lc' E Di E ;kr •is' - PLASTER AND IMU)thgn liblitChe nit pleerned sepply Ana vat' nt ;:=4 50 :4 none tee th e are QVALTST9i U cannot NI In ing =MO meethng tterwents of the CAQH -PAID FOR GRMN, Os &item', and for every amortl,6 of Fdk.#3l-ER's PRODIJCE, ortak:riketthai* for Coil. Time. ian, nate* Oecisesi and - Kerneas OIL '•-' • . • ~ . ' 1 is Diorr; as my I. wilt alWall Oe at the Warehouse to attetet to dlitocodea: . Wyaluala t a. MIS; 'Wirt ". • ' . .1 J - BEST nutr 'ORS - IN -USE Va IE . t McCASOL IOC& , . Volk 1 tirreto4l Arttlii - 4 - zsv .. it ' re** I - -4e , zrz tvr-‘zziler msall. ,11 . 0 01*.r , ' ' ,"but - 441k1 4:fte1,;1..5t 4 0 onit. ' 1 „.. • •_-:. - ;4401.; : - ..titro.7f-104414* - .• . i • ' , ' ,o ,- ,' - " . ,A141,01.11Ar4...:1tu5. - 2 1 ., !vt ,, - ~ - •. a tbigea WI, .4P. 1 , 11 10 / 44 , .to 4 1. • - . -Ova *SIP , . Jillt. . dt :. . • - - 36 ; or4oo - , ... . ... : .1.104,4 ,Acmwerito. _ .il ..„ r 01 „..1,..i141,ctf .4,4 :r ' .et. :I; Id t le- —ls:tcm -, fist:th ~?.4.! "..-4,1%.1k4 T.v.:.• . - VI . .. .. - - iii.. 44, ,lii,. , , • .ea - sex 1..t.f. c-4 11. , : bit- .• ~,,, i i ..:: 1 •14,.''' - " et.l4. -..: i'4't . .r.Y,, 4.0. 4 - .;...1.1 1. _......-. --+...,. „,, ;" pp .•, , , .4 ..14'i i! - .1',1.:.•. ' Or -,, ~ , ..5.1. " . !•:. , 11 - k:•,=•;f1 1- l Tsil Sill'irc. 4 .0.:11 - •;.... - ili , r , nribk.; - ‘::VS , ?ari.t ti 14; ?- r , -f7.1 - !-. 1fj....T - ES:::!,!:, !R! - Y7 :: - ...:.5 4;:z.''. '.i: :0; -, vt. • r, t iff,m:11111:;!•r,: , - Oltrn: :Fi.r,T , tt-47 - ;;:rft,...4,... - -., :•.) ;.:.. • mks 4, • *-41_,, 14-7.:4..,r4.e.,1: :';,•twn11111:4:gla ‘ 1.i.! ,.11.-A..Pi11i:"4.7. 4,. t.- ...tcr.lic '•n!'! :. ;;4I ..... ; r,, ,, fr s.„.. t ,;i . 1 1... , :1 1 : .1 7 1 ..1!::: . ; 7:. 5 .:e. 2 .,_ . , :e. - .; :it In - .Ij4: -s: rit 40„!•c:..qlii , ; -... - ii„-trii• It• ft. I , .0•:-:..) e ';.';;C:Z:te-1.:'• "--.:, "11` ; - ; 4 ' l • kai rc-dT% . ,r ri .'_ ,- aLt - -: , ,:vi t; , .:. ::' -I.i . •- , • if • 4 r4j.: - --,-4 , 1r., -, '"," , ...'• • ..:!..77:.%1i.i . r.... ~: , 0 : .:11 .:.-f, - ;"1 , 01. I.) r"."...':i ikili-iF •' r. , ..T. r . , .;i,, , 1tc,11.11.44... .....1-‘'.1. , . :.f/:".s - ;:;:r ..? . . , -t - :11.7ar. 'sloi X - ::-.-...: ; ~!;. i:•fr.. - .1 ••,•1 . +lt . calAttr-...5 !yr....A t ; : 5... 7.:7045. ~i.:- : 1-,. 3 .,,,,,., ; ,. L5.....14: -. 4:3-r •! - , r , •awr. -....:7, r. -,-.:.• - i i,fi'i_kvri. -,l r --.3.',1 ~. ~ .... , _r..i.:.; - ....r.k . ! ' , Sr '_:r : •1--: --,"„'.-.. 4.1,0 , --1,;;;: -, .., 1 ' - ,-, :11.' . : ,*., ~0•. - .:i::'1 '..„:::'...:/.,, i 1 .:. " , : ,... .. , , • ' _,,-..''"it. 4 - 4 x- 7 ti."- • , 1"- - 7-'b 5 1::'' :1-11" ...,' - r!vv. , r; ‘•• :'. acqz ,! 4'. , :.r. -{,f.}.., • ..,..-:",. .4;. , ..: .'',,-;•:', • •,,,,' , : t.tr::".l. '''.-7 - :..-: ~:,- 4 tlVa.7•,!;:r-..- : , "..- . -.:- utiL:l'•7.. .: - . - 7'..t ':ll^zn,.:l-t. - --,72..0. ',':' , t. , Y....it 4 - %'. 7 .7. , i ...,; ~....•; i...c. t .f ii.: - .. ,- •:-1.,t7i: ir.-17-.0:2• , , , :i -..e..'4. ,1.1.••••••••,- 7 f :,•;::,!: , .. , .:•17, d•- - - . J , .1 ,;r: . -,,,,,.. - A.. ... . pr.......... .....1.r.4.•,,i• TA ireall-Ilrireen . E, ' \ . ,4 'matt 14 , •4 MI 11 tc Ustipririrn ponds:l2s of saes West ilzrleig otrupW/04 VOtik ifiCt :• • 4 prepseed to maim* any dile to salt their egstomere,cociftlart ' i C. B. PATCIL Of ado. c aplomb& stock a S l • PraAri Y — MADE nick theyate iialliaiebeaper thaaleeer. • mt.A.rxis clAps INN AID (1101781 , 7111NISEilliCi. GOODS, ziew tall line of all ; ths latest styles.: MI 11 .pirays on and in greni:liu:lcts, • , • J • , . %az Saar oar =MOT gnus or X E TYE S, S r)LTII .!'!" the • OW -IJ:III3RBLLA All mazy 'of our Goode will be eol4"as AP . FORCASH As any In the market through our stook Call and Towanda. 11. 1870. ) 1 16 ) §.l l § ' arra Clotting • balmiga to E SCHIVAIIZ , floater in Gears Turtilahlog - Goode. He ta so illothing that he has not tiro to• wrlta • eat. • ~ , V. i tz,t lIIIM :PATCH JUST lI,CEIYED. 8 NEWS FoII CITIZENS OF TOWANDA • MIMI= : A D A atm. ME Them ss ecinstantly being reOetviti at the ' , TEMPLE OF EASTON," e large !dock - 4 4 PR 7 G, -Mr) B.I P II P 6 / 2 7 ° ' which hiSse ham • purchased' for ash, et - redneed aryea. and Rtn beeold to cash bona 4lower Met Oft eveiber °Nesbit In Towanda. ;'MyAtoelc" .! • . . 1 - • -7 111321 ii. Ora., *E. roirrxt 461110* 71 I ; azir 101011 M , I ETRE DMZ COATS.' CAS BE sunl. racm Oats, Penh', Vests. and, White Wien Deck Suite, GE OS r4=3ll:d7G GOODS, BAT rSPENWZnii, Nrat;ilM - "Emig Aup =Au course, of the latest eizrleiandfasidons. Itenteir.ber the in ducements-that toffee, and 'that I an net to beta. deridd by any dealer In toms, or oloortire. M obs wiskanything in sny linear* nopectferiy Invit ed to give sae Ocall before gruclissteg and convince I_ • - i• . • :IL - JA.001313. - - lro.ll49lfilft4t4llcidleioan's Bloch. - Towanda, Ps. W Cliniti veld for Hide! and Pelts. . 9 • .01AD STILL COMINGDOWN i. _ . , i t „ A3lll =six Taiga nr tets i ' .6/104RY el PROF7SIoN • ZINE, • • 1 are sow being odered,,et ( • 0 0 . ; ii r Ps. li ri .• 4 ..31YER'S tit thet mama bill to setialy sillthat they are not to be oadersOl by any offs. They brie =leave& thettetiteee by - &v so that they vow have Roos tat the beat supplies _that ara daily received by theatu They have oosoectett vttli their store a Iffarket where they mar lama hash mote to stipll by Os gateway piece. sin a tail amply tat Ora owes oast reaviadons, to which they walla =lithe Minton Ot ell cash buyers. Come sad =mists ow Goods ad Pekes. before parshadnie middy yeateseivel. • .rte inereater.,.. 2 , . _ _all,goods to, mini cciers OWN:deb. Ire ore =Vaal to our tar Sete pastlibeisl patronage mod solicit a mace • the /Baia, . , • . COWEL,L . k. lITIZEL • Dec. 20. 1 1852. - :. " • TRY OUR TEAS AND COME, cowr.F., &111)Cik • Ts - -NI:. 7. " .tf) I • •Intigiax • va n whi, mew ixam. • Fre.ti... 111) f , •r+ - , -41WILICZNOVIttkRZZNa.S: e • 0,1110 1:1 LAIL AWL W . MILLS „, • t : - f. • M I L • 1:11-0 N S - ENGINEE( -IMPAIRED, And re met vinsalid to pie matiatiekton. ' GLt 71 CHIN Of th• Isisit sad mop kilpfolidkb4dalitanntocbollo • imettfloesie. • "PLOUGHS, in;irrici324 44'`-; '5!11-'111141:, PITIATIVITOB B 4 COBN PLOUGHS • -4! 14311 ,G-11 0 I N'T:a or an kinds. 'anti the . tatt hin Verments - kept CHURN rowpas, 'Lknaz aitD sii4t dtas B.TO V.t CA S T S . CE:LLAV-07115724 SLED Ano -LEIGH SIOES, I.tuaz , ,-- I 1 ... 1 , - r-.: And akkindi of clams' ftraished tis lifirch se. ltd- • J. T. *lva 15 140 = & 81111 eciatime 16 RORSE, POWERS . cram= •. and wLI welt s betteejisehins. der lees motley thin ant be bade/ambers in, the world: We debit for our rosoldnee that they will 4o as Al=1). or mere, than any other., and gee or. durably built, We psreouslly stipenntend cur work and ace that it is well dcrizi. We Will rend , , , al ear asaatbasa v on Milicition• ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Ow a Two 71orie ( Et- izrza l , 4 mks. , amluzAa-gym nato;AAir xn!,.ek, SAW AM) GRIST AiEL4 fork dOi3O io order., Give U acallbeiAce pluthaiilng dor/here. ."03 ano4araa `O -4 TLI•V • 00 C[o , o. r l • Aug. 2. 11369: ' EW CARRIAGE - " FACTORY 1 Cu Pine. between Minn and Second. Streets, back of Q. F. Mason & Co.'s Dank. ItexpOctltilly announce to his ttion.ls3a4 pstrons; tLat ttillyre tat.% • ` where they will e.ontlantly keep on hanil.stoll assert meat . • TOP IND OPEN BUGGIES, ~ PIATF.LII WAGONS, Tuormc attars, i .V.ZI) srxzErolcs. Made of the boat material and Walled WU. best city style; ,His long experience In city Carriage Factories gives them a ded advantage over ?there lathe. . Finish, r i All they sake is an • ON. OF . BIS WORK MEE EMI previonaln purchasing cblestern. ALL WORE WARRANTED FD DiFE'iERPECT Thantful for the liberal patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully milt a •eontinuanco of the same. NEW .:PLANING MILL. . _ . T. The'understgned haeingg bat a largo and commO d ono 11111 in the isorotigh of Towards, and tilled It th the most modern and improved machinery, for manufacture of I ; FEW SASH 'AND BLLNI:ea Are prepared to,llll orlon!, whether larva or mall, upon the abeetairt notice. We brae also a large ca. ady of 11.013LDERCII ‘ of the West 'style and pattern. which are ran furnish nutch draper than theycan be limbed by band. *AWING. TONGUEINGI. • gIIOOVIN9. • Asa BCROOL - • Alut all other work vertiiningto Joinery. willbadoue I. wait our, customers. - Persons 'building. and not livingmore than twelvo to fourteen miles distant; *lll it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumbar and have It worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with •We pay CAMS for PINE AND UZI:LOME L17318E8 delivered at oar lumber yard. Come and pee as. or if you' can't came. write. • . Towanda, 18/644 /r 8. BODGBBS Jr CO. U . MAI ITIR,WP - 21:712•M_ • - His belittles arO . timaritaked by any mannfactdei falaortheni,Permaylvanta. The machinery la the latest and'heat: lione - doit workmen of exPariette 4 N are employed.. •He ban a firat.elaiss Carver employed and U razzed to an . otters lhr caning* =short notice. Ilsida of, 1,1:1WIMP. TAXEL4 FMCHANGE POI%'OO4SDS. 100.006 fad 'of 2 Maple. Birch or Beach' plank. and also 1 inch Cucumber and. Basswood lum ber ;wanted. Address - • :1114031-BINDERY.-THE PUB lic Is respecthgly informed that the nook-Bin 'day bar been removed to the Avis Building, third Morn *hero win be done • .In all its earint4r branches, an tonna as reasonable as o - the times allow. The Bindery wild be under Abe charge of . I Anarienoeit Wider. and all workiriUbo Pt done' a etyle.and =arm wbicb eannotbe excelkaid, ZNll*Maglunnen. Re O l d Books. kn., bound in ewerywartelzr of anent:inn will be paid to the Billing and liinding To trryitestred pattern, Which In quality and dnrr batty will be warranted. vork"will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of 00 publie solicited , and per. foci arth.oketion guaranteed. , Towanda; August 2. 1866—tL • _ PRIcTALISTL---CASC . NTTLLF4. -R. Mons. best quallti. per la* .....:..1 2 00 44 44_ - 44 r. . .44 hundred me.... ....... 400 44 barrel., GO • Casioni grinding tteualtr done et owe. sa the es. padtiof the mill is aseletent for a large rolosoot or work. E. B. MGIELIII. 000 1 1 toro. July U. IBM - MEE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN a.. taxa by the quanetr or retail at • • • Po k 211:EWERS. Corrae, Tn.; SUGAR, Ite., ithaleaaro and retail. July 1— • BIeCAMX MIX. BE 21311 ♦nd IT! lends ICI' .0. THRJESHER•ema aaLLYEas. FA - NN I N'T _X I L - L.B , 1111 TOWANDA, PENN'A. • :HENRY STULEN k. CO., laW BRICK CABILIAGE rActomr. ' FA3IILY cAnmAcEs, yle and Ditrability SATISFACTION., D.EEUJUNG PEOMPXLY ATTENDED TO at related prices. Tow aAa, Mai 24, 1870.—.4t The aubacribor is nOF manufacturing all kin& of Dec. 13,1910. so:ox- lI4DINGI ' i.! e. winrerea, • BLANK BOOKB, . -%,..,,,i,„:.,::-.': 71 , 1; 111 R RNA blt 4140 1 1)12411 - . - .. - ,i-v.: l - 1.*.r.q . r.r.4t.4L., • I - . 1.-.m.-1,-.0,A.fr0.e.;:•:i. .. . IfiRROII - R 4 B - ;MINPiIk . O.II. L 1 q.c.,_:-..v, r.t;•, v.r.vaw.AKii.f. , .z,. - , , r , • .. lil - ft A.i . 'rAn. - .t.43.o".lhtist 'z.:•;. , . , •Kt. , ,,;10/..act cit.r.q 1- ~ • :.1 ,1 I . • ,1-..'',, r)o:.•ls lkil.plikestry letiliahrOlZ ...:. 1 :,• -- 1 a --Tr 'll9 Ipo fil vt.T, , ,,-... t.f. 4.: ‘,.,, c .. ..,, ;: :,; i I:V± cti s,NtrAa;26-- It ....-•,-; f... - ,.; •••.:)..T:-‘:•grt- , : it.p.y2 ;,... • r.•7. , %' ~ ,c!i1."..,, , - . 1, . • Warute. -- -119r?LiiiiP'44iiiiiliieliterWilybk : ~. HI, :,,,,,' ,:i Ileill*Aaviropt . • -•! ,. 2., '-'-' '' • i • • , A - ...c-ri.t I ‘ 1 4M.Sik, I.ZISMORWO ; „. .741C4nX3, ova . - li , i 1.1.1., ,tittl-t, 7-.!1. , id , :t: , . 1 . , -1 1 ',".b ...4 . . , ::: lOrins a . - firamv — ,".4 . lr,hp ~ ,; : 0..a• i . " .::', '. ' -..'' *Ai .1 - ,•-•.,..,-...-;:-/: m:4l efe . - -1-.. : - 'l - --11. ' .' . Aitil foeiTiiitarrAtilleilNO:- - r.a, .......-1.1 ,- . 4 .' . °airmails. Oak Oe m mi. of. tiik,boios quatitar mist will bellied - wiry low. - 114 - itre Va0,40.4ta Tor;105 Ogvia • - • . ..i.-.SL !il - e... 47. i, : '.:l- , ' , .'. , : , , v i. ~... , . - ;:r .., . 1 li • 7 7 • ; A V al Y l t s W i f i r l T l4 *." Tbippay Ins. Proof Satepaillis. FAMBANBSTi ,15CALES; 13MUGEE . PsOWI3ER S Pa tit ILO SP,* A T 7,*74ffilt. =lllll b eeetr hap and. the 1:4;4 Vr• ght. . prekektodiobai ai ong of s klads: - We we ft s oat meats fat lbseeblinited , : cookum ;sitovt;., bost- - exabitatove W floe; ithd) ittpint vsrronted to Ittvosatlafsetktit.• Ifxre ."IttL lapitti.§6, 4 4§)*(o.. • 'HOLIDAY, ' . PRigitiTl3 • theft celebrska JII.IiE&'SU:GIIENIN, JE I kL.EIt EU itEgetros SEW SOCAT.TOWAYDA. PA. • Is conAtntly roc/dying addltUOns to' his stock of Comb ssiilaLla forlarscnb, such as LADLES' WATCHES; of. all dm:digit:Ts. ilso a aeleolo asacrixaent of GOW MIDIS; FINE GOLD ‘7* Ml'-R , 7 1 3" , CLOCKS OT ALL STILES /BON. THE . Ezr TO Tur:rizsr. GOLD, EGLI= A' STEEL &MOTU= AXD ETE-GLlfkil:S: to all casca ai irapalred West: :raw PATENT ACCX).VODAVIN SPECTACLES. , , . By WA pa, r.t: I am etoAled to exchange Glasses at any thine iritheni extra : charge. Can and ace. CLOCES, WITCUFA JEWELRY IMPAIRED AND wass.cinzi). , • Tcnran4a, Des. 8. 1870. 31 0 N T.A Is.T . E S • • • General Dealers in StAPLE tti'ANCY DRY •GOODS, 91toClUalzei, CnOCZYMT, . • BOOTS, SitOFS, SHOJI FINDINGS • LeathOr . . Hats. Caps, UnibrelliO.c.; TOWASDA, N 9. 1631.ta1n St.,,corner of the Public Sitars. J. D. SIONTANTP, r0ay19,1870. • L. D. SIONTANYE. B . A.TETTIB Have just received a fresh stock of , : F ALL GOODS • • In their line, bought in 'New 'York and Philadelphia, et prices that warrant them in saying that they will sell se _ i CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST: 1... ma MIMI' I. S. 'CLAIM Their stock consists in"Damestie ami biker DAY GOODS, II I VALLNERY DEPARTMENT frithOroughly farniiihed with Uzi° Fur the !Amon Old Dulips - - 1 CAPS AND, 4 1:IF N 1 ) RIGS • CoriitWitly on • • Main it.. oppotte the Colirtitoußo Sept. 29,10. , • ; • -V:IORTANT SPO. --• ALL WHO 17Z mem taawrj The light of the aged asskted,..the weak strengthen , -.A ,•ed and the perfect preserved. • • i'irECADEimink OPTI Lls s: • Porithe trianntruilig of the - COCAiirE 001411M,CitrnAd. LENSES, LONDON I;XOXICD AND law= amass rois wax ckti • I :Lamm glas. • • The Coneave l lConvez Crystal Spectacles, made b the aborelnattlute are now along- time heffire tP: puddle, and theiapidand inereased - demand for them combined with the tmtvr.rsal - acknowledgment of Um:arness in vision and eine to the eye, shows plat .' that they are superior to any other Mamie!! in market.: • • - T. I. LnEY. .WY l 'tuft. Ps. The nutjorityl of SpeCtaclea. (neatly imported) and nolnatter bow I flee the frames. contain bat a poor and worthless article of gizmos. (generally cast or pressed;) they are made to. be gold only; without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of "poor and weak sight - Thoniands are using glasses now which tire and fhtigno the eye. where the objects get-dim 'after short wags, or, req an intensely strong light and therefore dcstroyibg the sight. 'which, were they Properly patted, wonldl,e preserved a life time. The'adesntagen a imedcla for the Concave Convex cr.glßlane s are ollowing • . l tensai me ground of the best materbd rposes, pure and bard , and made only for optical pu, they *reams:dare nOt toget scratched or dim. They confer a brilliancy and distinctness of yision net found in any other :&ss. ' • - They can bo ;used 'madly well by, day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground mathematically true In the con. Cif 'MIMI relerat.accenglimr to the philosophy of nahcre.,and shape of conies of the .eye, therefore _ 'Misting mime only instead of forcing it. Thatthelseareare centered correct into the frames. They can be peed longer than any other glamies without clauiging to ag thi f i n ir po wer. id , The frames are made and dumblerby erpo dented worlmM and warmttekive satisfactinn. I ' WM. A. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Texan . da. bail the sole Agency for these 'gleam in Bradford county. Pedlars employed. , July 19-, 1810-1 f - Tut; GENI JABS; TEM teethe use, wholesale and retail July 1. MCA= St WI .14:6 3 ,1 3 :4 1417, imams RAW DOE BEE , . Mast not Dirgtt that One door north df. AMERICAS NvATeats SWISS ' WATCH, an isew. HOSIERY, N GLOVES, • 41 ZEPti YRS, WORSTED, NOTIONS, - &C., TEEM . j . LATEST FASHION'S AND BEST GOODS - , • • - ~- r - /t...a7-....-Z..#10-1,-1141,1 /t...a7- .. .. - Z..#10-1 ,- 1 141,1 • • I rif t . 0., rai t tlat; ' CV' • . _ ; )4 7 , Vt 4'71,01 1: 4 • 7 5it -T E iir,i;-# Ma , ' MAK- DlllO - ,IIMOBA, Ei ;•-•1 7.5. 6,f atEgbaliSa4 l ollo2loo l o lllo . 6llo4 kabi k, ' a lihrOfiliklitiaddildf *AV , - . 4 141:11111101111100114'11.= . =-,4611101111111, WARP \4: 44-I, •in 4•"" • '.••,^. .11 - . • ;/:•;,1,/, - ,/iii4l gIN C ANNi. , PaAgglgall MUM Gift 34 11 1 1141131 ker rY:fl! 'Auottoriktil, ~,IjAINVPARITe.VA2IIIIOriructs-inaVi ft - , ° :? IR I I% att X4 4 45 ( -Elt r qlf 4 00* - 9 1 0 1-- 1 .1 ',..^4l!igatligThlo l 6,-"ert•Vipl , tintEltSl3: ,- • • r, -;:im iri. Th i edon*ls ei mgr a wo 1.,f; i rgiainirtatnrkUjillittort4 .:t-AlketrAnd.Tl 4 o 4 ll***Sit-Oniaglitrakdro; . . . MPONGSB.IOII2SII= SCLUlriialattio ' • rusnallos, Parrott*, • Also taarEtWOOZ4A l atftgOlfittBs . 7 2444 kraturipitaatscil, 'TOOTgkUGElVAldtititgalittP4o.l7olW2 ' ~rarlirldWiallinr_. .. : ; MI • . .- - - • I, r . A •l l oltAbOliqhflAhlY , PlAlii . 'ANll l L'OlOgiN 1 ' Gsrasn, Plektizel Flower Seeihcrlifto - Portenti Suircellsoriell.' Elltealdetilsiki. , Teething Bin" Nursing HOLM .:. .: _.: .. Nipple Mena sad ablelds. Lti,gos. • . . llelf4kstlngloridirsol‘Tnot- ' • ••,_' '. on VO/Olits: - Tlitetssedliv•Altesos :. 7! . 1 .2 .4 . •-• elligkelliums.W . ' Vials, CorkAllsth '7 _. B *ll. end ' " 7lsli Itch*" Are- -, ! - Zioislitboin. ito‘: DOM% and nallualllat,'• . • Ai! Meinflik 1 44.1n* 14 111 1 1 t .. •stifl, ,•- • i - • - • Irr•E'D -- 1 .- 0 , 1-11 . .E - S, :-: 1. zt , '-I- , All asteleiltsranteass reisono ot• slistsneivestaseelvo theirmeders by mg* or ow. which VIl metes prompt sad'aioshil slotoolifloL__J_ ]tether!- *lvies given grshdlonsly :At Ure owe.' . elarghigthly tornsetitelne. • - .- .• • - .; ' "-• ',.. '. I r AOr Thiligiiial ter poet IlberatplltiOnsur,Wanla kw- - PLlM:rams:Kula to thew friends sndthOpublialhAt !Idyll:Ds shill be opstedla satisfy, andist&it those., thmatlon at ask conAdance asd - pstenses(*. 'r..•. ~ - . : %sir Open !Sundays for preseriphosu . !froin : l). to pli saw, and 12 rn. to l; and sto IS p.m. .-- .—_ • •t:.- .• . 2 . • a, 43, -PO= "M. 41M kCL: J 417 4,18 . 70.4 r. j, ' . . .•-,.: • • -• - • t ! • • ..:W..': '"lt :13:0 W. EA 197 MUM' entre?, -rovAND4- WROLESA,LE ADM/tr Ct's3 - ±S r i l The eubeciihne reipectrolliannotmOntit.o.thologr;* &In general thathe Os on 414.1arg0 an&well , .ejected stock of 3 . . • •/". DRUGS. - 1 . ILEDICINEEti . • TI -LECTS, ' • 014 - • ' " - VAILVISI4III3 • WINDOW GLAM.. , • ' • • DYE UMW 2AII the pOpnlat "Vont Fletlictzuti arthe day \•• ' -• PURE. -WINE- AND AdQuoilp For=DT•dsval plirposet only. 2 : 2.. PERFITSIkRY. . raney and Toilet articles. - Soaps of every description, ... Thermo:castors,- , jiathing, Surgeons, and Common Spozles, Y- . e.•,. Mir iltrasbes, , Tooth BPaslies. . Drcsaing Combs, . . '• - Pocket marine Combs, : • . • - • „0. ' Toilet Powder,. • .." knilßoxes, • • . 1.1 . 1 - Tooth Polders, • - ,:, r • . Tooth .Washes, . . • ". ' - and !Tooth Soap. And other v articke belonsira to the Dreg trade too o t nunicrots : men ti on : fruing the Ageny or the . . . GREAT IL S. CQMPANY, GREAT nDUCEtrENTS To .iarchitsefs of •goo 4 in trieii, Physicians prescriptions and family!.rocelpts coin. pounded by persons thoroughly competent, at all hours ef the cliy or. night. • -. 4 I - _Tbankfol for the fast liberal patronage. Ire: spectfully solicit a continuance of. the same. pledg; lug myself that no effort- atoll 'be snared to.iinto any estaViabruent second to none in this section. D. MT. : Madill may be ConSulted% st this sitorets' heretofore. ' P. W. BROWN. JUL; 31. 1870. ; - Boots ma Shoes. , • . • GREAT - I3RG~ixS 'IN MOOTS ft SIIbMS NE)V' 1300745" . 0.8,4 • - Smith end of Wszd House. • Tito undaraigned are reelpaiug large and well I* lad l ed Macke/ . BOOTS 4 N D SHOES StriplES FALL, TRADE, Which we oirtii'lOw larcash. ,OMUS, AND CHELDRENS WEAR. SEWED .AND PE,GGED BOOTS . . 11.EPAIRING ' . 11 7 g4 . 77.4 • • AND READY W 1 EN PIICATIT