Nbwa , '.-1414iw'iroi:kiliiilairitallx. i ditthr*,.. _.) at - ft -- A t l' 43it ufgrktr,eE:iii Bl4l3 4,o Bli; 'from illlelbecurne. - -. ' - ' -',". ,: • -•1" "---.---7,7 444 Ce gl i a l n an g 4.; RPIV I i la.fge li .faslupnaliTe_tuar(eye.r., ~ ' - •=1 . - • ..- .. , ,-... ~, • r..,1,. t-A5 I ' tt' L'lll ' . : _ s _,.. / —TrAwasee , stilk Vie -nit 4 c. , T , , 101 • !aim 34 11 Y ! - -.., ', 4 7 t:; rit-4'.OS - Z Ai . i -41thei usvtianni'.of .6.reitAllntsk, • J 4 1410 . 46; W.DA_MkorKg3ll,774:9..- : : ,•:•,.:liv,st ,s• lo ; ,4;...NatitattlArysrfr, isaroatlOssfitHifil+ gym:Med:o *ti stiaXel*lath -:.; P 51.16 4 tlr• tx,.1.1.-7 • • -- - -Tile ittiktifi IkfitlVtiliii*A4 turnodtinto - a JIM* hbnito.: .t- -=':..' - , ''4 -:• '. = ' i• ~---, hairy . , . L- 1 11tiniiii now . . onr,,l h„fact., toi-Ms, Ina is,teltivb`,:amittter;:l , i. :-' "e `•• -•r-,_ . - • • • - .•. ~ -1...0.„0,...• ' • --134 - 131p,t0y,18 ViCCI*LV. /00,1c4,111' able a mong the Beltislii".. ..., " ' -,.... ,• = q.•• ",, • ..7; " ^ - 2 - - The' hog 0 0:1 1 . ,of-the *apt; this ,4Lasort is eatirnatd - 0.3."00, ,i• -•- -* • •--,--5C. , ..0.11iii-0611fltYs Mlle* 11 1 / I IIXtEt L 9 Pe?Wsq 4 1 13 . 59 394 1 * ,i, ' -'• I: •":, .-, -••; • ' -La :viltsunarz':., of: Penn6ylvitr4 Dutch is bOatErePar4 7. s' Jr E:: !r.. : ,z,r ! I—Dttreasi left initituteripticof twiti ty-thrce noralsandlonibien • + ' ).-,,,/ ~ : , ..i. ; • " "—The littleliiii)ital -,' ....et,lirt-is New Jerseykallioid-angi imlf ,:tiglW--4 "-----"betuttiotieg f-b Jatnes!.ll:'Beii; nett, Jr., tallus talanotit l erWal 010 Eigifid• —P ter teinstah.- - 43 f - nogoita,, has drati'n $5,000 in the _lieMucky ptsteiettely. —W.ellehoro,..7- TO/a -,teranly . .bees., i LI et. , liconsep boteis :And ono tetriPbronoe'Llo* . , ‘• 1 • --hi 164 1 4 3 2 AlneriPaii giriEl, are .D....1a to carry off,the honors oath° pest.insis t•ss2i. ' Riiniati also prop+ shorten:- . . nig flits sessiortsbf public- athools. . • - i • .• ' .^. --Female stiffragehas , : •,. rdused . Illillais, bi mi z d Ittiasiatut .., ,-.-• c=. - —Then . • • _ • otell :Union ,Sp ,` Paillitie Cushman, is said to be dank. • • y 11l la Chimp ";- 4 -,--SL:Petersburg is said to be slow : .- :•_.,-- 1 ly and surely sinkistg into theintamp on wideh • is is built. ~ ' I . • =The oil trade is lan • in Pittsburg, and, it is said, will no er „again he what it w as. . ---:-A Pittsburg Irian blether to obtain possession Of 4 picture of th6ir dead sister. ' • ---The ' coal.. Waive ,_h - . reached Easton. There is not a ton to be found in the coal yards of that place. • —Bedford county mine 1 water is being shipped in , large quantiti to foreign —The original territory of "the ' Cherokee tribe or Indians / comprised 'over' 35,- 000,000 acres. - • —On the rivers of northern Wig •consio, dining the year, these _weire 1,030,000,- - 041 loi-s cut •, . . . _ i -__ , , . —Last year the New 1 York and Lt \ lL•llailreathea.rried 253,325 "through and 3,-, Itit;4l2 way pa.sSorger4. ' i • 1 L t ! —Canada is aghast et aziAmerieau hpeculator Who employs 200 ninit-Tishing _for • " trout in the Dominion. . 1 • l'• —There was a _coral ation . at. Valparan, recently, and Carlott 'at ti narrow -1:, escaped death. —Petitions for the par n of Dr.. ' Galentine, in Ckevelarl, are met yas long rc -,, monstrances., - --ZThe .. - .S' .. peetater says at orders wire once given br th e - German commanders to raise the rage of Paris- , • , • , 1 —The goat " Shoo Fly ! Won the g i,at race at the Washington ca haat !' TrOttyn cowing in .second. ' • • , • (.---" The Old Man's D k Again". 4, i•, the title of the latest tempe ras song In San _ riancisco. .. • 1 —.Two hundred and - fif F different , 1:Ids of tacks • are manittactur from brass, copper, zinc, iron and steel. . - • , --7A Terrylown medical gentleman. ^bas restored to life, by eery gradual' thawing,• tome Ruch be cut out of ice._ . s' . , • - . 7.` ca • i deer, tk —ere lately captured un the Ottawa rivir by lumbermen, en snow shoes and armed with hatchets. ~ . , —Two , thousand tons of marble I were raised at a, blast in Dorset, Vt., the - other (lay, with seventeen kegs of powder. ' ; • -„: •—Spveral gyraCtlSO sportsmen re.; eently killed sixy-one rabbits'in , ho vicinity of ( . .'mtantia; Oswego county. , ,•,1. - • -- -- There is a min reSjoling in Bed ford county, now in his`eighty-ntnth year. who was baptised by Iler. Jolin.Wes;ey. , , , - • —San Francisco is getting disgust-' (.4 with siiindling, and has o mud IC,legal• raid elbow lotteries and prize -ca dy enterprizes. , —The . diffictdty with t é Celia ca - iito is said to bo that loggerhead turtles will bite it oft and slop the current of electricity. r. . . • * * - - . —A _fish 'twenty feet lor.g, and some six feet in girth, inhabits the up er Blue Lako in Lake county, Nevada. - . I • - - - --:---Soine thief witliont a conscience lis•fdolen save:mix:ire shelgfrchn the Cornell Llttiversify muksum.' " -• ' • . : • • ' . •L—Sotithern cditers - -far discussing the qnestion, "is 'a man effeini ate who -parts his hair in the middles , • • - • ' —About 2001:r - white h were sue eesetully placed in thetv .ateittl of Skaneateles lake cn Saturday last. -- . "- •' ••":•• :t. .7 ' , ."=—Yellow fe*er is imlng . fearfully in Paragnay,and MMus; the notrly elected Vice l'rc.:.ident ; is among the, victims-. ' - --43pwartis" :Of 450,020 worth of le t oys were cat adrift and lost Miticesi•Vorkhar , berly the ice during-the present season. . —Califoriaians.arer enthusiastic over the sepOrted discovery of valuable , deposits .of ' tr,rax eaqt'of the Sierra Neindt,. - • ' —Tike ,Frince Albert . gold fields . at Vane..T6 witdo- not pan out W .. Whit little is :[laical i s imbedded fifty feet bel 'w the surface, —Paris :Once more h s, theatrical '' Ilmnsements. and strangely enongh he-Most .. popular play just now is called "'lle Siege; of , - - 1 --The Altoona' ,tin names Colonel ...John C; Everhart' or artinsburg, : Blair coun ty, its a suitable Deinoenatic candidate for.,Autl it,,,r General:. , • '. • . . ... , • .—Di.. Janice. M.. Roffitniii, of Bead .... _ inc. who , h a s for six .monins.bleu...,, acting SS sur geon in the Prussian army la, returned to his, • . . —A company near urg aw renee county, Ties struck oil at the depth of 2* feet. The viola is about 14 b is per' day, ctr. v green" oil, which sells for - 3) Per b a rre l: . —The commercial fail i tires throu gh • - eat the Cajon last year' iMvolvetl liabihties ' amounting to moriithan .sB,4,oo,Dos,artlner.cit.se upon 1809-of over 6118,000,0 P O. --'- -- ---The menseis Mt rery ~pretolent among the -children of Butter,erefone hundred cases being inthe town: San t o of- She sehobla are in, consequence nearly stripped of their scholars. ' "- - - "1 ' - --': ,-, • A `Lib found in . ' .- ' ' ' • , anjiron-oramme at Boyertown, Pentisyleanit, measures tin" inches in:length. : The. fi sh, still alive; and was foundthree hundred feet under Ihe ground, o• id 1. spring. of water. . _ ' . • . • - • —.Boston, if is-said, ils - thurnoste;-. - pensive fib' to life in this sit of:the. Allegha, —'. miles. It eosts fen' taxes $36 1 pet: capita. New _ York conies next tn. Boston. .(tVli, -while in ' Montreal bet sa.A is do f-- . _ • - - It-i's claimed hAP feisor4A.Sl - kw engaged in the ~, ,e ologi surrey' of Nis-- Fowl. that there are barger*esArt Vat State -. than in California; arul hi Ttos a *ssumn , o . rc ll:et Is ford: -tic,, feekincgirereact. - I - -,-,• • ~ •., i —" pi ed - iri. th e gnu= . as s .001 3 / 7 . 111.... 1 phrase, Ina one which-isf i seldinu sitetal*.O. .f.tet. The' other ilsV • hew e ; er, [ a ,narr was gn ' drowned in a tter itiftvrace.se,-the water Lin ..ing ea inches 44; and kreezing blpi rut. • ' ' _ • ----Thereare ten agricnltrtralflclontS - • in I.l , 4ginin ; Att. in Baden and oho. tit' More' in Sweden. Denmark, Daly, Spain and PorinsaL- ,, i' ..Nud ev,a Greece mid Turkey ;are now following. the example of mere atlyancod countries: t. - . , -_ , ....-I , ebria,ll,linois - ,lias q two hiladied - .4,e,i irFsenty-te o manafauturing establishments, with a - capital of:4;000,0(C 'gfring emp*vrnent to .2.7;7 -lianas; and prodereinul $14,1114,600' of prodticita. ;Many of those asp distilleries„ - • _ . ' • . - • • --Tha - nos? Etertaan,Vinpire - 111 'to !lilt& dnonnlation -of •55,50,4111, , titchutre Of Aissee and inagjzo, villa ItiAgiTo is 1,538,W , mortitir a total of 4010,20.1-This is the luster . PV7.I I ICIAI 4 .if 4531 y kttate tert, !rem-cal:wept map ,_.‘ miniple.ll/4i railroad ui vut laitteAy "61,4,r44.,)/* Os- . ernittriels* ?''e4 - k-I , 44;motik t g *MAC -4411 A y e In 1i:47 k. - 4 , 24 1 .. .**1.4 IfswgnitAt tk *ft. ta;64 AvAtim#4 Ari*,,t t o s orme r tterizik 1.A.:::e5/4`,,A"her IsOri fiW • MDITORS • - $. 0. GOODSICIL. S. W. 'Amanda, ,Thursday, Mich 2, DI9IKOCILNITC 211111/511+ . • Ever since the,' p epublicazi game into power; the Demise* leaders and press of the country haul _ .n • or o, otti, and - sup groselnitul ow the -pert ,the P - 64 - tAkiind inactivity of Ber eWnate of ,Pezumln- Dia — carned-brtheVem—ceraor the lasteleetiogriinhie State ; an .how ingtoerfk Nittretbilak "' " itifyiii;leorse -s alnasi ifieff44o4l , .. Atk ii 4 f4 - 44 3 4itY 9 14*, 10 34 51 :::...**4 id.. 48 *44. 4 )4 _i.iiiipiwassit.liot lnrlyi n rireaihype_innindlitieirol 441 titsotte: a.:* iiiiiikp ' liilil ill It * * and 'tirtliiii'viciislisfisliiii'iAlikiiiid. 414 1 igP* l -k , g4 6 47, ii4P(4l4 to 1 iustifAimitliticiitlibatestr or:A=lW - giiisukrWmitirnias? Tit:ay. . 11 6 6Pftbl .I #o ,l iiig, 4 ,4 l6 l:ii : F 9t I.ofoiii` it -o,49!*** 3 P . f ithiltt I ever it 'VI 40014, .1 1 1 1 /. J 44,444 6 :13viary . attempt Weeper , " i l lii I#lll3l8 1 ' I' iSiltb d onatithp :sioir - on ilie qu nf .11. 43 '4 61 4 65- 0,0*: gott/initi et - 13 ? , t 1 0 7 *if* .Klibii* t l o.ls most: ontospiOnal3.:inindaksittiosisa= tion;moiered 'oiler by -niitudly lineS fialiali;bf ',ilb#l;)tio is ta it - ‘iii 1 . i e` 7 ,r3 ; : : AO ;,:iie*,,*; wh, 4424ba_ 114 means;. 4.004 *4 1 4 ? When. it has power. , Butktt it bey tept( before-tbe peiotileA Deindi is int itti;or'of special leiiiidation as well _corruption and fraud i and is dog best, to 'lnvent having the Co . / tiont-if, reformed. The hollowness.Of 1 par , sil thhs;becomes eliposed, an 1 it eanlitrtlioro4hly, realized howt ' reliable are all its protaiitationSnn , promises. , Virallaoe Satsposticor; ..,. ' a -hitter - . vindictivoi %Perbizan : • d , t e h ffi re c= i t i e‘76:1711." be r .re c usua the Z 3 14 1 i4 11 iigt3sl l- S.imiiidiio,3' set. side all law ;in , the Lindell-Mac. 4ert case ' Hail* made:up:n*l4 speech over vihat hate been:the roles of thsieSenate,' and' )deelared. sahSt Should' not be offered as - bills,' ii e breaks 'his,, own word, and - ~.- •• s bill after bill relating to the very.: ili- jcetshipileeltipid werpacluded. 1 " is DemOeintiorefOrra. :. , 1 1 sued his e ambrotype. Tint IQEW T:appuiroay. The ,President having signedikat act mail% the District of Col a Territory', AS WWI: as provisi ons of the law r : providing -fo r the l a ; ; went of Gevernor; are cintrPhed with the . (listrict -will cease tO . ,te, under government: and guanlianstap of congresi, and take its Owe in the line. of incipient States. The ttctreists the exceutive authority_ii. a Governor ' who 'shall be appointed by, the Prot& , dent, by and with' the advice rind consent of the ottce -for four years, and until his successor shall be elected and qua,lified. vision is made for a secretary oe District,'by appointonent in the sane way as the 'Governor. The leika•- iiie department ineudei a council and. houie to. Consistofekiven,memberi,of whom ,tvioebill '&idents of 'the city of Georgetown, and tWe'residents of the . county outside of said cities of Wash ingtan and Georgetown, who shall be appointed by 'the - President,i to servo twoyears. -The House of dele gates will eaniist of 22 rembers, to serve one yeai‘, the members thereof to be elec&d within., 60 .days fit= legislative districts, to be hereafter prescribed. iPhe sessions of the leg-. islative body are limited - to 60 days' in-any one year. The charters of the cities of_GeorgetOwit and *ail:lir:4ton are to berepealed on the first dar of June . next, - the present -- mayor end officers to held over untit that time. Titriscri - - Ditswisr l —The-pew Democratic S. - Senator ware has inaugurated a terrible. lerh. esy in,the camp of his party. Where is Nasby DeacouPogram, -where? The - "=i3lite, hen's chickens " 'will be lost'forever unleis the, true Democ racy arouses. took - at the record •anctthen call an indignation meeting. HO* :bas the home of Saulsbury fall en.. Hon. ELI Su:Latvia, the United Skates Senator elects gave . the ' 13114- ternary Senatorial entertainment " at his residence, in Dover, Deletiv are, on Thursday evening last.. Hilt residince Was crowded until Midnight, witliln vitedtOsts, including the 'mera*ers of the Legislature and other proid i limit gentlemen; : together with nu merous:ladies. The Sup Per, Which was served_ at .11:20, was pronounced one,qthelnostelcgant ever . known in 'capital,Delaware'sTbut "tliere were no !‘ sounds - of reVelry -by sent 'forth by that, • etedieetion of beauty and for, the - new Senator:is - a *id letripeitince #lth; The :Wilmington Commercial says, " there was s canspienems absentee of : every:sort of intoticafitigidiink," and "-this remarkable fact is worthy Fof special note 'and is due to the entire:. ly ..abstinent. baits of . the *l*r elect." -Tito ententanmeni to an end at aberiOreecloeic morning, and an the home:sober and satisfied. zeir:The ; Pittsburg • a ThC ,outlooi is good for can.party„ at tlia nests' g , c,l tiou.,Tkiegrei,tt4ist harp on; dirdensiaa - nowhere jaopazdise the interests of We Cui4 ilimAdeiatly assert ,vlviiniOs i Ulrfig* for, anotherite- -1 . 111116 G iii. 1107mmr...z.fias IMuited reprieT'evil2.43 ,- 6. birth** ptile be oxecutea ee*e. 1,41.a5t. of a 14 t drip ol k.,,• * 'to witness its - grand event the ligitaintal best fear4llcmixma. bie l i esin se, rl:.s Cl 7 t,., off' *ord- 4 ‘ comwar#o4l streettaierd4:ll4 snovingbmipninumeasotrim - segk gna4 sit?aa,Va ug in the hrclta:!**loo/ ,upon:. Me a the AteuitO, .iitirbactfixia s windows and even the raeliktifo es 11 rk .4liallgi.ana *0 114 (0 *as' erected Tia; lo 4i oiniF. were arowdea ondspackoa witfi ;To 110110 P 11311815 ofhnnuasity, - wagei te witrso tliefirstliand:effott sL aide l of the Atlantic 4 to: eta, the . =thigh ot , Rome. Ultras* vask,assonniage 4:4 1 Woe% kriigerklutri o * i /tad tut. hetetP 6111 10 - re* *erite Vea1..un00 11 04 31 3 ( 444 - 'the way fiCinfik ;: ="SiTDi~ ' EEdrPBOIIB~IiD~i or more ; Onongthem+ere :P0141014 .from every section th+i - litaten s ;•4ei quia43and,PAls;- - sushbgr jostling along dpon 9 -: order passing and itifitimOg, tiuAdf be setii ladies and low in itatr . *•N lat and ioan, all ana barn the Caneasian - bkmde io Ethiopia's darkest. bianette, including men of . greater Or' lasi - olniractire Con !freeman. lanieer; me ctmn journal= artisan . and minister ; men of all or:ter!, an traibia, glades and Trofeit dons; boot-Mae ' gamblers and -- Pi 4 c1 1 .4 1 0 8 ., , : - There was almost:44l4 nsxxgas lima s= waving from atretched: eeresa.tbe street,, and 1 4t4*!nt'd riP4'n the 011; of bundings,arith evergreen read's, fancifully arranged land wo ven into words of wet eras. , :- 4ipriar , zany all theold bunting. 34ithin the . city, limits, Deorgetown and' Aleaiu bed been sernied ltogether; and' , with plenty of fancy . colored. it was profusely spread{ to - the tweet,' with the fond endeavor to - make the scene as attractive and pleasing as possible. Promptly in_accordance with the - • _. , • - ~ • .the 004 1 00„,k t 0 r 4 was fi k; A announcing t4t.t4 krpte.4ol) e cleared and made-ready for the- ~- fetes, Snd:; festivities` of Abel .:lay.-•:-:Esger •inderi keetantlroni,_that ' tour . until ufgl4; Vi.,:tr*.40 1 11 4 1 1. 70,..4 P*.tiOt , ly stoodin 14 delti4T *171 . 0:.4, W:4t - 7 - , nessing*anstiing.tio 'mould -repay, thole,. fir_ thefr- Cliristim-like.• .pai tepee; their *able- and -- tisite of time. jitSgever 13rig40,1*Ortgit. their haggis--.may have : been lit :t4,1 nkorning - ; - :the nightifclosed in :,tilio . sj -maiii.antgry jet& diatipointed faessi4 tired and .'wearied sfiringers, (re- I _pouncing :the. entire .1) . ~,, •. 7 . ; : cff . „ I the day nothing less nor nx. ..thsp.: j a - ' 4 ' sell 7 or insiadlci - I,S , 'vet diet 1 rierheik i irii,,i3l-o.s . t.'cit '. kit) . frnS.7. j .There'lvss tiqtli#p3#t ' _ teen 04, . would .claim- the at, • j ' On of any one:: From tenuz z— Froin V t0 4. 1.24r, the day - Ives' devoted . tea y!.O.f carriage drit, i,..!0 : 1? . ,* the . j citizensij a daily •j•oconi- reiiWitHi . j ,,whickpairet i. lvas ,jeerkSi#l7 . nothiiieircnkdcrink-and thin eSixie, the pion: Fir4.3tith hit itii4s: liras iliti -, :-•. j - . 1 j:, .:.•::, ~..,.:.• -': ',F-;:• • iansam, -Or tac nix; finely. liganteCeiidentt:y welt plea ed Wulf vnjvtfl displayed inn* and grioeful 1: 1 4040 2 4.4';# 0 ' fheP47 miring inultitindw iikuig: the =Ste Eike, , folk• Fed bfboOli- and Wait compaiieti** 4 t irti n9 c it* r uC on hordebd* a . . . °t horses ,coataininit theaseinbers4d ja ix)* ball ibib,:prifi*agedi-laaibr Empress "Oai feNll6 Co., a foOt4ao;l4 4ozen loatlmaeasningly &Aerialn. an.reaahi destbiatioa befOte o o WolOahli'dfth 1!"1? does idt 404 fifty o 4 1 1 6 . -1 0ild*d tf4iiiiia, along by di* yolitgal driliza to , especial niammement otaa' * oaelzipaii titular. -smith tinted * the fultt -day of.. the fetes *or *Ca :do been said a* 104114- " t MOW ! 1 -.141401011, r ,,, - : 7 . • milli his iatile Si'testik *Of lirs - latioiLs chargers -# 1 . . gOlaell harle..l4l'*fiA hright", aye!" reins, as :he - 41044 id94g,the sited - with ft Ofilatrik enientv ~fast really thionlyattraelive feet*.of the cley :huCeven'thetT - he - :' came "4-41.4ti410, of the oesaixtundeOftiiee;ilid not isirgeet !o .the % 11 1 61 )PringsTide• . '•,; , J •, , I • ; ' BEST AUE VIE CHEAPEST. 'lllll and !Ilgis!t llnc 4 I . ; UPER-.1011 FIN/S.ll, Ell ' . Ngf- , erwts . • : I. 2 ate ' me, lA m litte, - 3)1- I ' Ati / t THE • • • 3 • • iiii elegant-line at I ~,.,,, LA.p.i.w.),1113.4.1.15A11pit KiL-p 4 . :14, 0 smAips, :51 ?OH, .SERGE,, n 3 / 4 0.AND Bliiii, 4 4m ,an t4le reliable tiiactzt . iera tbrongbout . the ' 1 • M ENS AN !BOYS BOOTS, . MENS TOYS BOOTS, .; 'KENS A, 'BOYS BOOTS, ' ' ~ - .. : . • ... icii*P•aurts / . . a 000: PAIRS, ; , ' '..1•14.50 . bootibbe, tbb an- `m:*i!ix:'m:n 4 s - aua ilsi*c4asis inintmen, and Boota_szi4 EtUmisailtUe OECZEI .4 . 4lttgsg - ti - or p;.tra.44;sllKlA, MUM VINkR ESIEMtM KIND&WHO 101-6111010431. ' WELL do 00, .114.r.)11 "..srlog veto van* &ALI ;anion 'W EMILI 1tirg.134 . 1,1=1 . .v.) " ah,l t0n7 . 4 1 Zi - c s iag,#/irysitcl l 111 7P3 s ' A . Pla I . . k.aCr-tra gag; J)kspol I , ,rtr I :Tr . ..id:Utz NIA) c.I 1.0 ca* - 47,41% c t col ez.Liip - z a 0r.7 . J-41,6.41-4 , 4 ci! 2:03 '1'2,f11.1.1.,-i t:/NA 4 '.:14,5 10 cirmi adi 4.4 i.r:•c• - i , r• an-a1i4717 4 -9l I 44:th n.re` -•2'zli(l 9 Il i lo ia...•;rtn ;11 ti*.Lta!, - 21c.; Litt t 1...111v;) vt.f.f.:va.t.xivr.l4 .11:••.A.141.::,7;.:"n:-. f:irf t1T. , ...311.•!;1 aita.Ck 4 ro'lo - : 1 ~ r a?, ;a, . IBEEMMEIIi ; 'i ' f!. ' . 4e; IBM ME • ME ME t.r. • !,.: 41f; , -t EMI ME inffl e BE • •• '1 , . •,. CHILDRIINS ME El U R ME El I , ...: 'J the litest,stYlei of S GAMMA MI ti'' :At e:Tria reduCtion iuyrises. s ip cleae tbent put. . • . other bargams Ai next 30 amvif, f or We. lr ' Aft - STUN . NISTOBE... „ , . ITrabda. Mita , • • • -• • • t• • ; ' ME NEM A ' 1;•!..1 - 4 . ; , 1 . , ... r • -.;,i- ..- , . . if,' : •• • - 1, '• : - . 7 ;• •• -;-:, 7,,r1;'7 .i. -'::::•: -..- .. r . ': ~.. !:. ,r, 1.,._. EN lbw iriti sail Os *me Ell ?:l;•y - I :17 EU - ! , 7tlT, ZEE tmg Ma -" .1 4 ) - :5,1;1 Wil 'CLOTII . , S; EMI •(7/0144131 - EIIES, I. SEM EIN DM #-, liCiStEllY, - .\:„=,-,0,i.., IW2 ANT I ME =I MEE 4 iGLOVZS, .. ~ SHAWL } ME Ix • : IEI ?Birdu~i7~'T.Sy =I En til „ i .: Ftqls, OE ,BUQ,WS. ME , D in SIM SH MI ,CARPETS, jr 4g., &c., t BM ENE Ell MB ME MEI NEM MEE El ME m a .T..r.4x ' GIKMtWMI WOOD. FLOUII, YEW; MEAL, fie., con.. lw:N AND BRIDGE STS., • Itair ir ....it.. • ',f. • It . • •r-1-4•11:0 , • _, .....i.;- , 1111 Talk ._ marixt rates. ir.! at .ru li Of • ~. tstni.: UAW t•f;t Tn ' TTCOFFEOgs • . • - *icy t •Z -.uswirbriaiiitparodsietimilu the t a ng VO I4Pha la S PP.II4iF4 I /4_ " u.r:41.-...11t,..11 , . 1 Orders by EralLor,ctthrrjac_ . ...14;g_fet,-cjviD =a% , and sway! attfildlotr:,' •- • • . r • ,• t'Sbahlthag tberntblle -, tor- Abe liberst•_kittentage. they !lairs - given" me,. I"liish contlitheneeLo! thg..; same;. • "/ CART PAnt,-;lolR:COU*iiit; PRODUCE. ; feb.2or4 / EVANS '&'.lll.l4DE.ETH'itir • C} . O H O , EMI MI Their. whole block belay WT, and bottiihi at the ithr est-point iiiseket -has toaebell in eight inns; Weed& enabling thewriogiveistoinere New , Goods, and at ►dry low prices:. In their stock *2' - 1111 SILKS, PO l 7 , 1145, BOMBAZINES, SICILIAN CLVT* .ILL IS:oor. PI AIDS, • St uG I.'l..uns; ALL Mot ..Sfr;RGi„ =EI Acois,~~s..ac~i~ps, ~Fatrsr~B:6wTus, AD.31137.5, DELind, .• • ALSO, ALVIWOOLI bEAGES IN MOST POITIAM ) 41LOBS—B8ttlea, Plum Color. I QUEN'S OWN Bia'l; ', ALPACA, Dbntila Yu* beot gockis In 'maid -an only be locuid at I ass smnRETH.s. =II WQR A FULL LLVE or . Psoors, In Green. Brown and Ithelt Also BLACf VELVEDEZDIS, for Cloaks and Trial zdnig. 8o to, ' BARGAINS IN LINEN kA HANDKERCHIEFS. LtteN NAPICEM TA BLE LINE% TOWELS.' TOWELING AND IRISH LLN&NIS, are being pffered by• • • . EVANS S HILDRETWS. AGREAT. +VARIETY 'OF HOME MADE CLOT,IIS, trnitabto for Men . and Days! w cF. cl be foun MANS k IinDRE-nrs. T HE. GRSTEST ASORTUENT OF 'SHEETING'S,. - SHIRTINGS, - And the • finest WO of DBt TS. embriting ill slalei k the market affords, THE LIGHT HOUSE sirnxt.vG [kW BASE =ATE% 'STOVE. TWO T 1 $I Cotopcting with t all the leading stoves of the day. Also, First Pmmitims at the New Jersey State Fair. as well as nttraerona Coniaty Fars. . For aale.by t M. LEWIS SON. • 01.1.2 1 :419. • Bridge at.. ToWanda. 0011FL.ETE. ASSORTUF2LiT OF HOSIERY OD GLOVES, including the ode biate4 Harris SeOilefui Rid Gloves, at • - j EVA= S WLDRETH'S, OR WILL -FIND. THE MOST ATTlLtentr. iIiTaCK. to tualectiroin in PAL - 'T•EY 13Eava.s..Dinible and Singro Wool Shawls .in Ladles and Mimi; at TN FACT; I YOU_ ,_CAX- AI 4 WAYS A- Gad .a MOST COMPLETE trroar. of DRY (I°°l)B"3"4"brall4e kAllailltX4lLTll'S. Bridge street. Towanda, Pa., Jan.lB,ll. • . - EV3I7 13E.Doot TSH AND:. AtiSS. -1-• VOITIL CIWiCP..—I will sell my Penn of :Al acres, in Builington, 5 miles from Towarola, on the turnpike ! a • :west of 31eCor,l's. • The. finest wheat lend to the county; 30 scree now! eleartd; about 125,000 feet of pine. chestnut, Rah And oak. and 50 cords of dogwood -standing on the woodland. New barn 30240 feet: new Mato Souse, A rooms. good well of loft water• at the door. under carer: uew two.itory *bop, just right for = 4 7in-hen:use and granery;throe ishdft , springs -on the farm./ Tula prbparty fa all ready for an enterptising ntrif With but little money, to soot make the beat farm, in She town. We want to sell out our property here as we. are mechanic*, and don't like farming-are going to working inatirdhchtry. The title is good. • . TEEMS will be made easy. or a liberal discount for cash. Price 1;3.100, or the farm and barn will be aotd seperately from the house and shop. • Come and look at it, otti address • • II El • , -' 4 cir As. Z. or JOS. ItArlt. .914,5"7 =U Riehland„. Bradford County, Pa: TROB. SALE.-HOUSE AND.LOT, situate on roti -- rth street, uearJair.es Thinners. House 21:32 feet, with well and cistern. 0 . 430 d garden and fruit. Dundee of o.D.WrcartAm, at the store of Wielesun Jr Black's. . • Sept. 15, 1870. . • . • i , VOR SALE.--•--Totru :Lot, situated JL: in DuahoreHoro...tetween the Catholic Church and Main Street; fronting on the main road from Onshore to Towanda, 20418 g feet, being iota h0..17 and IS on the place of maid town. For particulars inquire of KUSH JACKSON. L THOMPSON. Dualmto.: Pa., or 3fra.NE. WOODRUFF. Tewanda. . feh.l. FARM FOR SALE.—.l.,wiss TO sell my farm, and the same will be sold at a bargain. tear* Stock. Grain Firming tools. kc. would be 'sold with farm. Said farm contains 225 acres with fair improvements. Forty acres fall ploughed.--12.•:farna willltoop•-23 or.lo cowl. teams and some gwi stock with the present impr ove melds; wattn---011.511 fur gain or grate. ',Pay mentuts tenideitollivot- taeLintrehicer. Farm loca ted miles West and south Of Sylvania. Bradford to. pa. Growing crops should be seen on the farm to PM same appredatc4. Do not hesitate to call If', Ton wish to hwy. as this farm will be sold. -Afidratiffir::ealrint,iges Pommy k. Brothers.. Troy. Pi.. or on - the rarai of the coiner. jan.11"11 L • - , JOUR T0317,1X.50t. ~; .. 11111 F°X-1‘23.133RC1T1Z are.ubw receiv-- . tog steer& stock of (h/calsioll.ar line. bought since the Ist January. to whiek they Invite the at tention ottbettAtands. :Wilteep the largest stock in Vann. Our goods are tiesh and deatrable. i We well at lowest market pekes. • ' • - Jan. 19, Ism! • • . • VRESH AND 'NEW T 1 bought since the recent declme in rice. and felling Celhip at InfaiLt • ) FOS & 3Llptellll. 1871: . . • , , - '-_ .r 4 OX- ( )LERCIIR aro sellinO, Ott>= eervis it retail. - : Jan. 19,1371. "PDX lit .31ERCUR : are selliniisevc 4.a.; . - a0,4 Dub Goods. : • Jan. 19, 1871. IPDX. - --S::MERCUItare sellink Gro at:, calieirdol4 : ' " 1e;1871. ot 1~_:. DiEUGt3It aria selling first -1 class • VOX:- - aro - selling cbe+pcx Ositsvez. 19,,1,871. MEM MEI • - - PATMTKESI •NOTICE4.-j ail thalu ll iTttrt, Park - son ic, .t Towanda.'A - Awe of public potrcreske **MO& sass. .CRIABLX6 sown. jet..2i71.41, 4no. ir. - sannzixr. by id. • 1' • :1100.11rit j ; , C. SAI2III[MY. ENE 11 t EOM ME ME PANES ;AND' C PAM: R -411:r sobentrogo. boot: tem:. sidOigre Cabit, lir • stiligtti at- • &titbit" tit .Cpffei ittkpu", o prms or mows 1- 4: .314.4.•110"7012X.8; 611 igt# 4 1 PATTON it 4l 1(127 -TR -7 1771, - ....t .z. ,r- ,' - EVANS k inuturrs. EYa 114LEEZTE'S. . EVAXS .1/4,HILDR.ETWS, Ills been awarded At the 117011 E. STATE FATS. 1 . (2 Etropie snoa.s.l;). ECANS k, HILDRETH'S. BOARD OP . INSTRINTION,;- . 210 9nt Wf 40213.-][..4. • limatics 21a{ural P' miteloti*.i.ealyorcitialkagaith* 0-71;%Agriffint:.;97: - .. 1 •• , itrogeat«;(4• - ,- • -Ivor•foor . . ; left inWs 141311114711:1 ROCIMILEY:- 11- Nf NIBE :-.:3rtnitxmairtitur ' ,t/tateelpa. *bed. 'y kuslaitt )141=0361:4 1 : : ? ': .:OlorlarifiW • • • ' , - 1 ERE "' i • iiiii, , i4 ,•, :ej , :i.. ,,, ,, , z - iii i x i s t i • , • / 4 4),. . .: ~ c,, , rintiwit.or _more mlireeritc - bi.:2wue 4 = t t et Vii 4 ,44,a4.;7 4 1, 1.7' 1 . :iii ' orsAndirty-tteirStior,.to. • •• ciepaniiiw.,.r;....- ,------,!...:;v leir :.,' - 0 '1: Illidt Student cnur itriirrats rtantrd - 1 , *IQ dr Idal - . 1 12=p r ig ' '' %:;!"! ' ,to le Mitut of, a : • • • 1 " a lia,___ 0 12 _ 410 4. 0 CPM 412r0742M-Irrinir , I T ~, itC7Pisoulkeitalionalad, . .. . , 1 : • ‘ id:talent over rinurremr taws. . , ~ who enis led tu th e military am/ •naial _, 1 et ttaaUuital Stang Or PPPerutl/Arstalk er lb rattoOolt liar We 1u *mu liqrvite, ix& nho lt.. t = le n t a ib.... ,. 0 ,1 1, 1 1 / Irceiv.e I SW suP i '2 i. -- itts ettiavnt Old. I ili/ler, iritaititliii;Fibillg ritite —lllreeMent tunnel* Witte Ocinunaimaa of ttax art Stela two Itull• *ears. (a wheel year on atuaStlMM Mast fair months) AO taccivo the Sum of, rrrji nt, t( -'these beliatii, ME ,L 0 'AO.; _ 4. Any student to secure ...uric ratan Mond Wm gaol it hut tor , .. ire:.cOnsfifi!tiv* !het& • • • r i te ,l4o ;‘, A - / a4fl),: EXP_Mxss, - - An ija pre — "antherized'and rftirtdAlled Almada; arattmanipt-thcate who . bold ' (bun train., hay stratber emtmad branthortnairatiat =Or tho.provialtatirefirar Cadnion • 'EXPENSES BORBC11001; VW& - Or 42 -1123Z8. hichuling,'Boarlh Tuitien,Mobat Baritinal. On. *ad Washing. SIM (less .30 Cedar or $1 .per week u. stated'Amer. _ V1P138143 $.7011 ,271ERD t 1=1 3 f4 , -,4/4. ValtlL). anormaniali Mach 2704461.4ar1aang..aa *am, $ 62, "(les" 50 cents or $1 per -Reek; And • ma AO to those graduatinah • I - - TVIZUM 162 iii B . OOK =a: for theme who do mot hoard in Bannild 8 1 2/14110go. $lO pin! term,- (1P - ireelm, lees - 30 cent* or V , ner week). - • ,Airsisuctios. nitrrauusTAL ,fitaltillnwrise.of Instrament.' sl'per week. •-• PERICASSEIIP. 24 LESSON,S;) • . DRAWniG,, $3 per term. - 7 - " • „. Board 04. he Otaluellin prifyn peFirsigt: • • . _ - Zio extra charges. Shari:As admitted aijtrii Ulna All Ulla are to,be paid promptly in advanns. to t.tio .Pcincipal, .wito settee aviation-Abe Trauma. -tan dems boarding in the llama Balloting. famish *beets, pillow=cases, and ono comtertilde. For farther inforrnation„or adz:Masten to the :alrtroot addrestallieTtincipal. • " - • dlaradield. Fe :.22: 1871. h. • 1 11 iY , CPT . i • ' "it r lE ß - RAMSDRT , L. NORWAY .041'S, MARSH LL :33ROTinAtq FiIVAIE 11:S "eL[rp . Siscra or Aro. 31, 11362.--Nr,'Whinis. iktietd7 tuna Editor of Thelnde*iscitpai, .repOrted his saccnes with these oste,and condemned the hart] ietion of the Club inississlng,fmlgment Adverse-to their 'tote ;;eneral intodnetion. <," ' *- . • Sort. liancas ansztar. . . ,of the'lV. rpesiie, : itben' ' *rove- and war. Predadent,—l do not underNtantt that this Cub.. aa a auk; has ever coudetrused iho Noisap Oats. Iltaee .little doubt that it is sand grab:v." kir. Greeley alter spoke higbly.withe large Straw, and crops :of this grain that he laid seen, in the. South , where he had been travelling - the past few wesksodid referred the advantage of procuring Northern veva seed at . • cohsiderable length. • . Mom thq ‘; " Ilon Rufus Hale,' PreeldentOf the 'Oniiav! ; ;4ltotm.. A ty'gricultiatalloelety of Vermont. •bair.PonsonallY annetintonded erneritaente irk its culture. preserva tion. itc., and idateetheresult in the following let - I take great pleasure to addinil teetintosi. to that of hundreds of others lii and thisother Btatei, as to theadtatitagea, to; be gained by substituting your h"orwayDsits.for tdceeldt , .. _ _neer, ebilitY.. . to produce more tharitwice IS YamaY Mandel* me: acre. and their Wilbert% rand billy gririrth. render' the them much leas liable to be ihestroyed by WtoMs or disease:are points *ldea no - ruts - ltigent farmer can overlook "on to be decidedly_ntraa- Grata not whe erthey on affeed toclinirothe-seed. but rather. eh theT'altoed to continue to ‘pTia* and Cob cultivate their d tor '3O or 40 bushels-ft the acre. erightug ; 3olbis. tie iamb the babel, erben they can just att welt raise 100 buabelemetheanier grain with the limo labor. :..>, i :, - ' .., -- .• • - • - •b rourreecrousamtiberri•to;faraterar'es-bettig idl that you claim for thena„, aid am glad to -k ow' that you will be able to supply ; them tp },larger extent ;the coining season than; heretedorld , , . .' I :*r- -3TOI*OIIr -O:ATEL ' 1 -- '" • ___, , e . • ' • ti the seUanagO Bepalitcsoi • ; -, .. , The writer of this strierinmotect With the tqorway chits Net settedia. 'on Warms in Dane county, Wie. with the. folldwbg gritifylrig'reindts :Twenty:eight =were sown. in drills and thin. on a- trifle , less ne acre} of ground. Soil At medium quality, - without maxittre, And mr special, care in culture. From this suiteintof used isonetP.two be:heti or oats were harvested. , -The straw grew to ;between, rive and six feet *bight. Large neat the grimand. dimin. bitting in size tusiformly to the top ; thb roots • stool ing, mit mei forming clusters of-straw, whieh• cover ed the ground, and branelideg art downward- taking ; deep and iLenthold ha the soil ; wthe 'head growieg in cone shape, on either, Hide of the stalk. and vary ing. from 8 t0..14 incheetn length; This is the result of our experiment; ,tndiuttiflei the 'most Dwaine stateructith mode by the prOprietere of this, grain., . Tim history. ,t 1 the origin of thicremartble erre , sl Is still' unknown, but, it is evident that nature has ' yielded a variety of grain immeasurably surdirior to' any of the varieties heretofore grown In ; the , .. United ; State,it, It is of little consequence to thefarmer what , its origin tray be. It la.suaticient for him ' bo- knee. ; i I that under the BIL2IIO oi even Inferior conditions tot • , an d za i s a ...,..:. • growt,i c ultu re, a. -0114. 'and per h aps Na - ,- . .• . hundred per cent. bettel-. in aUrespectstium any: of . the old deteriorated.variettes. • ; - - ..'• IWe are 'reluctant ' to' Commendpi ; too-often I htunhogaett awl decciied farmer: ingotht, is unear" in the line of grains. bell • our belief, a based upon observation and exPeriinent. ,that. the Nonlral ! - oats, so.ealled. sold byrAirsers. lio.:W • `Ramsde l l _ l - 1 1 Co., the prOprietors. should be seetn -by everynarre= er in the West the cumin:: season. •We 'belleve wo can do no greater favor, or service, hi such conneo. tion. to the thossands who read thelltrosucas. -farmers and those interested in the introduction of improved cereals into the groat. grain.,ing- West —than to point out to th em the merits of these oats; But the'inerit of this grain is not In; thei extent' of yield ex!i tl ii - sly. ~, A giver s quantity will weigh . a larger per , ..ze than other varietieepthe berry is la rger - II- thitiner, and the grab More .. .. it . tons. hence better, in 'al; repecht, for feeding. . . . . 'Many of the oath adverttada througbout:tho coun try are nothlng but the common tor "oats:- and have nothing to recommend them. More than the aid from which tbetwere grown hatr:hoen towort ed within a lewyearay • r ;:* , . - The oats here salverti. and-whlchire .for isle . at Mown.. Maraballe Hardware store. are the Ram& nititatOlLWAS Mfg; the seed was txemht ?iltrectly of I). tv..Horsorm,, a Vermont farmer. the own who first, grew this grain and after whom it Was namaL ' • , •. Jas. ToOrmr. & Co. Feb. 21.1571. . AFLL PROPERTY FOR S T4e. taigable mm prOpeity;lat thaahorA; Sullivan calla:AT , belonging to the estate of Gunnel F. Head ley„ deceased. emulating of a large . Griot 111.41.• in complete order. Saw Millan4 with the water plieliegea.pertaining to the 3fol Property. Eor price and terms apply to D. C. DeWitt, Attor :neyart•Law. Towanda. Pa. .;.or Uri.; Atari. Z. .Headley: raecntrix. at llorriatown, Morrie county, New Jersey. .The property can beSseeta.Shy applying to Daniel. Fairchild. at Doshore. . Dec. 14, IS7o.—tf FOR SALE—Theloiise; the Academy Itcm=rasted' on 'State. Street. between Third and 'Streets, with lot 71x134 ibet.. Bongo well Milliard laid neatly papered. containing IC or 12 rcicana and idler., -Water rai ning into =Me Wit pipe. inathe_ joint nee of a ,nercerdailliag well,otrthe premisea.l -4130-41onae-aiid, lot ma ficcozul Strixt, adjoining the reaidenco of John'A,Coddln g,;-itaq." Lot 75x12.3 feet. - The Immo contains Gor 7 riOrna...and 'cellar; Good we'd of water on: premises. Posseitalou given tmmtdtatalf to the fanner. and kihtfili- latter 'Apra lat. 1871. For prices and _tempi, apiaty to W. •W. Eingaburr. iifOco of Ps. fit L. Y. C. k 71. Ii Co.. Tcrianda. pa. . • • dee.l:lo . Fk:Ril FOR BALE,,f4 Farm - 9f ivACTCIII, situated in Vett tintlington, Brad ford' county. Pa., fiumerly .owned by Anthony Beach: Is offered for sale: A.bont In acmes tm pproved.. A goad dwelling house. new barn with tut, derground stables; si abed Pt) feet " long atiaelied. good hone barn. and a &atria trees thereon. Ther above Is In everyTrespoit war ealotgated for a gran_ ing or grain raising, farm being well watered. &c. Price. $3300. 'Terms, can'. to: purebaser. For. Air. Sher, palter/biro muinlro o'f JOHN. PALT..IIID;two make west otEitatllnrlingtost: • , . Weititurlinillons $4b..23.11-Pw* A.. - • F OR SALE= The •• orikern - afxod onnipied by the 'subscriber. situ." Med in Lellayatifin..o. , and knots' a* the. Laßayinallo. House. Said Welnliel. 03111 "ta beam. tain abed/. idul *loofa *even semi: of It is one of the most desirable logatiorm fot a tavern . in thatuitilttf.. Tisee.giverty et a pnrt . of the lairchaft *stoney If desin4 .f . , feb.2311 eivoirlON. ALL KINDS GROCEIRTEB AND "14 , 0yohmsqd wbofesaurand ream at PATCIM ,Scilpo' DISTRICT., :OGA CO.,' J. XABCII . 2iIb. FOR . .S,ALY4 . Z TI.UU = Invir • OATS _ _,....._ . • - -- T , . TOW 4.40-A ' :11 A. It rE f.; -.J. , .,--74.., I n l eek °l4 ot9rtztt'z :'" . .... ..II 40 et.o 1 0,...... si - . . ... .. .. ..... fil yt167,4 Pr: -'I,J , z .---.—. • . , .......... 4 ..... . 1m . . . . ...... Ve1b..... / SO CO el. de . er...,. , .., ... ... . . .... . .03 sa ...,_ g i 11C.gai t r ...:z..: ,. .. ..: . . .. .. ... 12 0 i i i , wit i ttote PIA'S% IY 4 * Pm corass 4.: ; Itacksui 0%44 SVia. 20 Mc- aov . ' 4 V . . 614444 Thit. •_rpridp,........ er 86 ' 4 0. - Irlaigl464ll;o lUtr. 3314. _1! ;,bi, NOtIitSAVED,' :****SO *it MCI ---erktfirsos HARDw • ARE r _th'Oeti;^Y . . . I• " _ • . , .1, - 1 .; - ~ - • ...-..,..: . 3‘ , Almul4apig int inTIM3IOI.II was. -, iiiad4l4.. -.., • hirtnikaaed the Coal Yard a- p Ptidililttlaroidl •!/livrtay nom."and Jun romp , .t:: labiate Coattlionse aittlltte vpu 14, Er ~,,',.r i t• • t,,r4l=Auttier the tae of i olriadi 14 . -1111ffelsafejusud stmt.:mg o ar named cos utsral the caustinapuatda Vie-in' aa; quantity diadrask. /tit* at Ala . Yard lulu rum - notioe t. . ' - • : iipyirk „ .; , .q...,... , ...*,,:pf• 0 • - -mg: .... ! , :i, ~,,,, . ; . ~, .. ...• -', • , rip,..:4;4,-- , :;•.:...:. ( 6-.; ettep.' ' .. .............. ... I •'s ' it9i n t Olt Mit. ~i.,;.....4 - - - • ' ..... .. ....... :., • .......... . .4 . .14 y.. 7 Linap.•„,..... . ... ............ .... ..... 4 :II ..1:144 0r............. ; ... 4 . i.,, • -._ .. , I Fine, orillseksmfth . - r !The etled adattion4 thari:svai b: - t om' ::' t gdi 'f •,, ilelbterine,Coakirithln theliorou,gla limite ....• .. ' Per Ton .•',40 cents. Extri for =flying in, SO c,sl,. Qr.. Ton.., SatTon•l'',..3 ,•• . a • '- , •'' • • "Z. ..• .. M... •" • " ; . " 'o orders ~sy bill left at the Tird. con:term e,..r....• • sad Ettesbeth Streets. or st porter 4 S.litr, 1 - " JAatilterk.7".:7\ -, ~,....,..,, ,' , .. is.erilere.l.l3 ...4 . eags be aceornpubled "Rat the cub. ' '.-: : - ' ~.., ' ,- WIRD. & morrAsTE. Itimmloil:.lo:tiv-i#: - • ' . . . NELLFS' COAL`,-YA, ,i,;. - BrarayartliiiincticaliieeiMy ar d, are 4 • , ,:Rata bi.ivfro 2' .\... ._.....ii ' ._-:. , ; gtovii ; or 'Nees; Sena 4 ' or 1f0.:5 .... .. .31 ArrAmmile s 4 an. , Vet fogOioring` additional cliar;ee b e sad, f. dcliveriog the.boro4l3ti itrz ' Oda: 4'. - Extra' for carryin t• -gaff .. " I \ 23 91111iter: WU-23 ": " ." 45 • lie Lean °Weft at my Caul Urii.r . s e . 4. curio Bear Block, emtk bide. Orldeni most is Mt csolek i, rr,r.:7l3tOvi rblianaf, Jatt.ll. :144W .: s 7,S) GOT:6 Lo vs OR TifERN It-A1110.11)1:0 • ‘).N FAIDROAD- AND LAND''6I:II.NIj NM 64.1. E! pix:inalstrr PER:Xl:quit , ..-; We offer for'sale at par and. scorned inter-...et • •Irtrst;lfortmo Land Grant:Geld , Tionads of t... . Northern-Pacific Railroad Company. inky 0 ,1 , 5... . from refted States:llm and are issi*l of ti:e !,'... : loving einatiminatiorui: Coupons fano, axe, •ii, I . gl,flOOVEcestered.2loo. isqo. `81.4). ss.l*, .' : $lO.OOO-, • •,. With the :same entire confiderweetWith shish . a•.:" . soramend Govertinient bends to • ta and I.: -rde, we now. after the fullest hive he rea,:t. Mend these Northern Pacific nds to ntir ' • Baili * e friends afeLthe . general public.. GOLD Piltatto,T..*ltoth principal' and intere.: are.payable in Amerioan gdfd coin; at the rem n : 'Ay Cooke &.Co., New York CI-the principal a z i the end of 30 years : and the interest fat the rat..: _ ) 'seven- a nd three-ten th s per cent. per annum) ha::: yearly, first of Jannary and July, - : .• PERFECT OASZTY.—The bonds we are new wll.. nz, are seemed by a - first and only iuortpige. oa an - the property and rights of the NOrthera Pae.l-, Railroad Company. which will enibra.',2 on the ~ z.,.. pletion of the work: 1,. Over Two Thousand Miles of Read, wi.h.r. 11,,,. - stock, fralidinza,and all other equipments. : • 2. Over Twenty-two Thousand . Acres of 1.3 ml t • ever y Mile of firrshedroati. This land, age:tuner:l timbered and mineral. amounting in all to' ra..re , tharairty *trillion Acre* consists of alternate Fe.. Atlanta, reselling twenty to forty miles„on each side ..i. . the track, and extending in a broad fertile belt frur Wisconsin through the richest PertiOus of Him' sotti. Dakota. Montana. Idaho. _ Oregon< and .tfa...... . ngton, to Puget- Sound. - While the Government d%Z sat directly rnean led the trondsof the Road, it thus amply pm , i,l , - . -fOr their fad and prompt payment by an rinre,erv•-: grard pf land, the-most valuable e er conferred ::: - Gila meat national improvement. . . ' TER MORTGAGE—The Trustees raider the Mee.' ;An,: are - Messrs: say Cooke of Philadelphia. and J. .EdcarrThamiten.-President s -of the Penasylvarp' Central Rafiresd Coniparty. They will dlrodly and permanently represent The interests of the Tint Mortkage.bd.nd holders, andare required to see rdat - .the procerds of fond safes are ukd in pprrAadin . 7.4l' otler/ting dieboxis 'of. the Company if they can 1, • bought, before maturity at not snare than ten-f' - cent. premium:' otherWie the Trustees are to inv..: the proceeds of land sales in United States lion& "r Real. Estate. Mortgages for the *tiler security -,... .Northeni Pacific bondholdere: Also that they 6,, , • at all Wiwi in their control., ea security, at least:. , *vies pi average land to every $l,OOO of outsteldulz -first mortgage bonds. besides the railroad it elf and ail Nei equipmeiatei and franchises. -, :PROPITABLENEria—Of course - nothing ...an l oafer lit= the bonds - of the United States, het p . 'the Government is no longer a borrower, and'af tl , .N'atiOti'a present work ie' not th at of vremrving ii , existence. but that of DEVELOI"MG '..1 CoNTINET. ?.• remind those who desire Ito- increase their inc , ,11.., and -obtain - a more permanent investment, while.w. hiving a perfectly reliable security, that: : . rnited States 5-20's at • their average: pr;i s::::. yield; he present poreimer leas than 5:; per e: c:. -.gold interest Should they be redeemed in five Ye I's and sprite payments be resumed, they would reat: . Par Onig , lN el' cent, or if in three yrarsi- only 3 . • C r eent..•astho pri . ssent_pronintia wouti meanwh , .... "Northern Paific 7.:70's sellipg at par in eurn , i.,l 'Yield the investor 7 340 per cent gold interest aL-- lutelY for thirty years. free from rrtifect Shit , ( 3, Sli.loo eimt miry invested now in United States 5- 1 ..-. wril.yirld per year in gold. say $62.00. $1.140 el reney ititested now in Northern raeritle .- 7: 30. -s, ".:-- yibld per year In gold. $50.30.. Hero:ls a differri . .., irr!drtroral income of nearly one-third, Resides a tii . .. , erence of 7. to 10'pe* cent. In priMeiptl,' when -..b. b. class•a. •of bonds are redeemed. ..TI •EIIOAD NOW BUILDO6.—Work was b.•;.,-.1 inrJu.4 last on the eastern portion of the line. ant. I} M'll e 'ile7Providiede - by the sale to stockholder , ef Pomo aim millions of the ComPany's bonds, tnlrr:l and enuila the road from Late Superior across MI; • neso=tho Fe d. . River of the north=-233 rent The n; on this division is now well adreinn.l 'theitlM isbehmespidly laid: several thousand a* aro at' Work on the line. the fir,t of See: .gUit:nrstt this important section of the road will 1. in fra . .operation. Do the meantime orlon; ha , beertemat to the Pacific coast for the e ommeno, Ment of the work on the sieSt'ern end in early Spr.e.: .. arid thereafter the work Will he - nushed. both 0:1 ward and westward, with as muck sp,ied 3`; riay i- : 'consistent with solidity and a wise ecytionl ,. . ' igErREVADLE 'YOB LlNlllS.—These Is;m1 ,- byt atall times receivable: at l.le, in payment •,,- the Conipany's lands: at their lowest'cash pm , . IDONDS ifSCH&NGEABLE. —The registere+ll ,-,. . , enu be,Cachanged at any tirde'for csnipfm. the •,•e:-. *pens -for , reghttercil, and both these can he rx• chantid for otheia,;nayable, nrincip.ti and itits , r , c... At 'any.tif the criminal financial l izentrcs Of Car. v. in the coin of She mrionsXuropeancountrics.. . •••• iliOW - TO . +GET THML—Tour nearest rAck .'- taker • will rinni4 - these bonds in any demi:, anientd• and of any - needed di:nomination. i--;•• aims wishing to exchange stocks or othe t r ponds f• , r these. can dixso.with soy of our': agents, who . allow-the blithest current-pries for all mart , til , ~ ~.. seentitles. i -1 i .. _ !Those Uving in Inca hies remote front tun;-. :^ *tad motici", or sitheibonds. directly to us le. prom and we will send back Northern Facia:: i;on 4 - *four own tisk, and without cost to the Nave , ;(7. - .Forforther information, pamphlets. =psi. eft.. 0• ,, ,,, •on or address' the undersigned. or any of the in:As Or Banitem employed to sell this loan. ' For sale by . FIRST , NATIONAL, LANE, MERCI'E'S BANK. . i • '-.. .O. 1.: MASON & Co.. Towan,l:, - - f - iseal .I;rnis N4Lisrn Pacif:e Raar.!: 6 , ..1- ,. . '.. 1141 Soitth Third' Street. 'Pitiladelpkia ; &Ili:, s , • Nassau and Will Streets, New York: 45 Fitt' °-:. • Street, Washington. D.C., by lantionsl Sant:, a:='• b; Brokers generally throgghout the country. - . - . 413:1. 11.'1 - 811: . • - • • -.- - •=ORNAMENTAL .1-I,Rurt _AND- NI I TIMES, Sli. , QtrEts, yfligS,'.k-e...4.31r. • lA7'. WilSDri is now caneagging in .13.1a4ford conntv Trees. tc.. Crow the TOIF.ANDA'IIO3IE;Nrin SI : I S and witl take ordeits for any hardy -kind'of Fruit, ornamented Tice; Shrill, or 31r. Wilson is a strictly; conscientious Wll3 will not knowingly misrepresent id tlr 1,1,1 *ill; Make good any contract jae s inay 'make.4 ut tr.): acting On business of hl agetey for • _Towanda, Pa.. Feb. 6;71. . , E. 31. WELT T °IVAIN HO - 211 NURSERY. Itde subscriber has for sale between kri 10,000 Woe four years old thrifty` and htalt- ,t y t.r ,PLE TREES of the leading select :Varieties : gr' in lalittinrsery ou Towanda Mts. • These tri..es No," transplanted at one year al and are lactt? . .r - ar4 prepared for transplanttreg in ec.use , plupc. • '•;-Towanda, Ps. , Feb. 0071. WF.4.1 t ' BEW..,ABE OE - DISHONE: , T 6 ,. • TR . NEW YORK. Sa*KSt:l:-1. -A.OLVTB.=.4 am credibly Informed that tlr.n . .- .+ '• several Tree Agent R. reprrpenting New York -.-43:-• - n nip, a. who are at this) Woo. c a nvas , 4na .f.:1:.1 ,-. " Bra' 'arid trying to Make vitople belici-o. to: Wel CA' Towanda Nurr-i-ry no longer ,'nets ; or, e! ,,, : g. what few Apple Tree& be bag loft " ire "n ll - "UM " anaiiNVOATIII„Ws" Iloilo statement-. :.•-• - totally falae. y "Stock of Apple, rear, F , n-lo f '' - ' j Cherry 'TretA are alt of my own rsbilug. allay? ,;,,,. - from luserta, healthy and sound. • Towanda—Va., Feb. G.,:1. : lc' 00- TONS BEST . _C' - AL J c round Mater,. for 'sale at. Rockn;4l,A MI! 31Onroetom; . .feh.W7l ' W. A. Fees: nil. VOAL TAlt, by the gallon er Bar rct, for isle try the GAS COMPANY.. s. BRON3ON. COAL YARD, MERE r. u. war.i;.• O r Tus R. 3r.vr.u.Es