, Ore. Tai VaADIrORD ItZrolft:11 to • ' IP /1 " 1 " . 442; TborodaY • 1 0 21 4Zi 40 7 B. W. - Al.min at 'Fa Dam per Wilma advoaa..".• - idivertialtig is ail owes /mourn ottani:lß. to theme& -_• sPECIAL NOTICIM inserted at minor saris Por use or first Wootton. sad ?mit GUTS yarn* toe subsequent tneortinne.- . • Low. wa. se* strui vmk - rt curio novs a line. ADVERTIRDEPTS will be *sorted stoordlise .he Mewing Wan 54 tateit ; t . n eh f =lJq 3.001 11.00 j 11.011110iYi IS 2 Inehes. 2.0,0 5.00 8.001 10.00 ' 115.00 S.OO , 1 11.58 11441 1 11.26 125.80 t, m, column 1, 5.00114.00 118401 11109 11101.00 'ALPO column 1 . 10.00190.90 1110.001410.110141L00 1111.00 1 20 . E I "00110401 MOGI 4 sloo t 11150 ALministrator i a ndlimentor's Notices, $1 !Moli tor's Notees. $2 50 ,• usinses Cards. attlineeAper yen.) $5. sddltio linos $1 web: ; yearly Mr sreentitladtci dumps, Transient 'dye zimstbe paid for AU Resolutions AsiM:Mknni ; sf limited or in dnst interest, and notices Of With r.e.ree and Death exceeding fivollries, are chimed TENrs per Wei. , T M he Iteroirrica having a larger eirenledloutLen an the papers In the county combined. nukes it the brig a a,,,rueleg medium In Northern Pem_ nsylvstda. • .TOR,PREiTt s iei of every bind. In Plan and Inner cn'ora, done with neatness soul ll' auks, Cards. Penapblets, =.bsliilftglietenteritik of Every variety puid style. printed at the abode* Awe.. Theßarna tig Odlos Is nett emptied with rpwer Presses; a assortment of Dew type, inn everything in th e line eon be minded in OA most artistic. twiner and at _the lovrent TERMS INV ;4 : Y MI/1. GLEY, .Dicetitied Ave 0, Pa. All akZsproarptly r mana: uso.isto t to. I • BLAOR, General Life; 11'1and Aceidiwe isturanea ,Agent. Ocoee at J. 31. Brown's H0t4314 Wyaltising, pa, . itta2:7o.4m W WALLACE . /17 , ,EYER• n • D'OrSE, SiO T AND FRESCO PAINTER, Towzndi. Sept, i.5..18%-* . . nA311 3 & VINCENT, INStRAME AGENTA—Oilice forinerlyooculdvi Mazur 7,TorroW, one dor& 'Routh °Mta House. I. B. cAmr. rasylo.lo , v. s. vnycart. 113 FOWLER , • REAL 'ESTATE .• DEALER, Ile. 160 Washington Street, be. t , .. n LaSalle and Wells Streets, - Chicago, Keal Ektate purchissad and sold. Insnstmenta made and \lnucc Loaned. MaY1,0..7q. DRESS - StAICING, PATTERN CUTTING AND • prztira nt an fashionable f.t4lrs nn .short n4)tics: BOOMS tn Merenrs New olmr Porter s s Drag Store. 1118. H &Kirby'. GAMIN. TISMIdff. April 13,.1870. tc. lI'LaIi L4 Friel si..SWITCHY.S.,CD'ALS, BRAIDS, FEU 'ETT, kr., made the best manner andlatest styli% at -the Vard Ilona° Barber Shop. Tell= reasonable. Towanda, Dec. At, FRANCIS' POST, PAINTER, owanda., Pa, with ten years expellent*. la colt filvnt he can give the best malefaction , in Painting, Graining, Stainint, Glazing, Papering. ke. V • I_ Particular attention paid 10 jobbing in tlti rruntry. • I „ • • winil9,'6B. TOHN;DIINFEE, BLACKSMITH, mil-Lvtorro's..rA., pays particular attention to ire -ipg Duccies. ragons, Sleighs, *a." Tire set *WI repairing ilon2 on short notice, 'Work and charges gbarAnterd'Ettiatctory. 12.15,49. MOS PHNNYPACKER, -. HAS establiphed himself in the. TAILORING Shoi) over Rockwell's Store. Work of • tv , ry dcf.cripticoa; &mein the latest styles, --zr ,, ,:irKl!l, April 21.,1870.—tf .ERAYSt:LLE 'WOOLEN WILL updt•rainnd respectfully annonnceto the phi:he that b beeps constantly' on hand-Woolen (laths. F.assitnee a, Flannels. Yank, and all kinds It heh.qate and re ail. HAIGH k BILOADLEY. " An7,.11)..70. . Proprietor. OH YES.' i . 0H YES IL-AUCTION! A. E.. lkbE..Licensed ductiontet. All calls' inon4ptly attended to and .4sattslictkm viammtßel Call or address, U. Mors, Miraroeton, qnriritYJ Pt. 0ct.26, 69. . . . NATIONAL _ PAIN G Biller and Life Oil, aro the (refit Family Specis4-s that find a welcome tn'eiery home as a Sovereign Remedy for more of the common ills of lift , than any other medicine in the' market. Bold by dealers in medicine generally. 31anufactured GIFF'OI4D, and 143 Man fIoII'ITELLSVILLE. IC It,— March 10,'40-5' 8.. Rll SS E L L 'S . 1 . GMEItAL . , .1 . • ' I I \',s V Te.lel :N C E AGENCY,' :.--2.3.f0—v. . • . T0W41 1 .113A4 FA.' ( 1 00 D EMPLA RS ‘iNFTU AL I 1.11 Benefit Atteoclation. . ~ Membership fee, to secure at death $2,000- - 110 00 Arr;o:2l.lg,e?ssrnout... .. ': • 200 M. , lllary Asse. Ament, afto . from . ls to 55 • 110 - .. . ss .. .. 'l6 to 45 "1 60 ....L. , . " " EC .to nil 210 JONEEI, Wyalfalng, Pa. . f;eneral N . Bradfordgeill. for . Bradford Local Agents w,!:%..1. Sept. "'TO. 1 '. THE CO:NTINtNTAL LIFE IN su Company of Hartford: Gnnn. Pay nt: and application tor inenranea tote nada at re. Main at.. Towanda:' NVELLIAISS BRACKEN. General Agent. T/LA.CE.§3IITEIII3O ! I raving corapletcl my new, brick shop, near iny ,on Main-sheet, lam now prepared to4o work in all itli branches. - Particular attention paid , Irona and edge toolti. Haring spent many reareitn this Oommnnity, fn this business, I trust viii he a auf3cant guarantee of nay receiving a liber- Canninut of:the publla patronage. • HENRY ESHENIME. Towanda, Nev. 3, 1363.—tf ,_ • p.A.T.ENTSI • • DEXTER, SO/kik/T, of 4_3 BROAD STREET, WAVERLY, X, Y. , ri,parcii drawings 'spneltications and .'dl p7,l2erat n,quired in magng a;rd properly conducting APPll cht..,ns for .P.t;prs in the ttarraxt Sins 'and Fon- ErGN Co . 6Trin - En„No critical:a ing .#36CCCSE.STIIL ANDI;O 41.#0111.1ET . 8 rs.e_To PAY trill. TAXLICT . 1,..pt. 16, 180-11 . ' BROTHER, Dealers In 00L, jIIDES, PELTS,- dALS 1 SKINS:FURS. &C., . . • th.tbighest, cash price Is pail at all ttpca. nosc.uficatre Stoic. . ' G. 1 . 1.. DATT.:St, I v.. nsrr N. 1 n0v.14.10 TOW.ANDA, PA. W. t TEVEI•TS, COITN. TY SUB, I • VEl7Oli, Camptown, Bradfxd Co:, Ps. Thank t many , employers for pant patronage, would th 4 citizens of Bradford County t 'nt I.repared to 40 any work Mills line of basi -I,'" tt.;,i tar be i.nt&sted•to him. 'Those having .0,...11ine; would do well to have their property "• • "•ratvlv snrveyed Before allowing themselves to • 1 . • by theit neighbors. Aliwork warrant (,l tar as ale nature of the case will per :..,t. mo'patecto,lllunds attended to as soon as , arr:lilts are obtainc,J; D. W. STEMS. 1,. 21. 1 rriE . .'PERSIGNED HAVE or( :lea ierlianidng llonse in Tonstills, under the • of G. F. 39,401 i & CO. • 1111 . . . - are 'Prepared to draw Dills of Er.chanr,p, and voltertionß,fu Nets Turk. Philadelphia. and all . 1. ::11ons -of ihr 'United States, as also Eagland.'filer -7113^.7, and Franco. To lowan:Loney, receive dewy, dos general Ranking bnsinems. • G. T. istastin was one of the late - Arm of Laporte. Co.. of Towanda, Pei, and his knowledge 01 I, l:Fin.Cls4t men of Bradford and adjoining conr.ties I having been in the banking business for about cn Fear R. malett - th is houee a desirable one through 4i,•ii.to Mate collections: 0. F. MASON, -6 T. Avantli,i Oct. 1: 1956, 'A. 0. ILASPS. C_OUNTY REAL ESTATE ` ACMCCT, IL B. - INIca . F,A.N, R aL EEmerz-Aamirr. Va:natle ;Farina. Mill Properties. CHI .and Tolin LrArs fot'szie. Parties 1141,ing , properly for sale wIII And it to their. advantage by leaving a description of the ssme. with r::,s ,if sale at this agency. as parties are eteletalitlY e williting for farina, ice. .11. B. 3IcKPAN.. Ilea' Estate Agent.' . i•;;1. 1 0 nri•r rtauk. Towanda. Pa. n.!.1). R • • - • .• iv (;i)oDs ANIS LOW PRICES ! AT ISONILOETON, - TRACY &. HOLLON, TN‘alent In Groceries and konisions;DrUlls 041 Mriicincs; Kerosene OK. Lam Chirorns , sDy - cstuffi..Paints, Gas, Veringht,kee 21 t! T.baceo, Cigars sad Snuff. Pure 11111011 !lure, of the best finality. for leedioina purposes All sold at the very lowest prices. Pre• •01 , timls carefully compounded et all hours of the uir.;ht. t Give• ns•s - TRACY k UOLLON. Pa., nne 21, 1869.4,7. CIIEAP PASSAGE FAO* - 011 TO 111fthiND OR ENGIAND. LULUN 00.51 LINS. os f ro QUIIUMITOWN 011. LITTErOOI,- 4 wraliairos & Onlon's , obi Black Jiar LBW! of Liw repool Packets; sailing orm. Swallow.taa. Line` of ,Packet* . from 'or AO London: • astling twice a month. Benilttancea to En4elandfirelwil and Scotland able on demand. - For further particnis-s;sprar to Mint= k Guinn, 23 Broadway, Now York. or 0. Po BLi,SON & CS., Bankers, . Towanda, Ps.- Oct. 1,-ficr,. ( I _OOD ° MOLASSES - FOR 5O eentx per:pawl at FOS k MERCUIVEL (MU, IN.). • E S. "NV.: Ajt..:VOlt VOLUME .XXXL TAXIBEI WOOD,- Asizonmar MED EP gaintacuhos AT Law, , Zonnada. , ; :A" • •' A . ;. • . Ate, - *FOYLE, ATTORNEY AT yrl LAW, Towanda. Ps.. Moe wttk =mama !oath atM lireasea stock. April 11. 70 G. A? IitONTWM, AT A? 'alei-amia: of man am Ptne Steeds. Moan j AKs g tres eins• NAT B3ILLY, DENTIST. OP . v * SOB met Inclined is Met% Tonada. Ps. Ma 2d. no. CAltB* DR. H. W. TON, DENTIST.— Mended oases in maws naL l tivei Gin's Draciaa In L. AITQIIIICY AT LAW, TCIII,AXDA. South side of Ilkoiles Ner Meek up stairs, Aprll9l, IT MoKEAN, ATTORNEY Al- JXD COIXIMWM Zan TOWN/ft r& pan tkular attention paid-to beelponi In Ito fleplanif Matt. ' -/ :OARNOCHAN, ATTO Vi r ,,,,„" Law (DyWki Abwiley Dr* forit $444., TremPa. • ir • D. O. DEWITT, Attorneys at= IP • otain . . Towanda. Ps., keying farmed a co , j;iert, nership, tender their terieedsual eertiees. to the M a. crhe b t atialiti°2l al= 41° where. JACOB Dew a - e - r D. CLINTOX.Dikir. TOWASDA. Ps., Dec. 12,18'7D. AW. ARMSTRONG, Fashionable 4, Barber, mago Elwell Itcnise; Tinranda. Pa. Public patrotisge - der.14.70 TORN cAunr' ATTORNEY aria.% Towanda. iti FectAxislin allention sh en -to .Orphssis* Court badness. Connipienton sad Collections. , ar 015oe in If,ocers NSW block, serr of the First National dank . tiP stem " Feb. 1. 1871. C. H. W. Physi c ian and Burgeon. Leitiyartlle; Bradford 00, Pa. Ai calls promptly attrnded th. Mee .fird doer aottth'i, of Leatymille Rouse. I - ' -Sept. 15, 1870.-yr • . 1 T BEACH, 14. ,D., Physician .4..410 iced Simeon. Tonandit.-Ps. Pm'Lft atten tion paid to a l l Canonic Diseases. and Diseases of F e males. Office at his residence on Weston street, mud of W 9 A. Overton'e.• • n0v.11,09. O • TIVERTON & Er- OrEZE, ArroB NJ revs LT ram, Pa., boding ehtered into ooparhtersitiV:offer their -profe rtrriess to the public. Special attention 'given to badness in the Orphan's and &gilder's etnuts. ssl4l E. ()warns, sit ! - x. O. =®M= AIER . etat aT lax 87. 7; ATTOR owanda. Pa. The ed having,issociated then :umbra twatber in tbaptsetice of Law. offer their profesairmal services to the public. ' 131.Y88.E8 biERCTIL. W. T. MYLES. March . % 1870. ' Sr„ B. M I, PECK'S LAW v• OFFICE. Main etreet, opposite the Conti. Manse, Towanda, Pa. BEN.• MOODY! M.D. 1 • • • PHYSICIAN . £1:711.0EOR, . Offers hie professional servieeedo the people of Wy alneing and vicinity. Mee! add residence' at A. .1 Lloyd's. Church street. I . , Ang.lo.lo ijOHN W. 31:17E,$TT011112EY AT Lale, Towanda. Bradt to., Pa. • f GM:IIAL I 2( OE AGENT. Particalar attention paid to, lkotlon4tand GoThane - Votat business. Ofttoo—Yetenea New Elockokotth ride Public Square. spr: 1. '99. TIM DUSENBEWAY, would an nounce that in corophanee with the request of his numerous friends, he ii now prepared tooth:min ister filtrate Oxide, or Laughing Gail for the pain lase extraction of teeth. Lert , • amille. May 3. 1870,:-Ii A. A. KEENEY, COUNTY Sll- PEENT. Towered'. Ps. Office with BAIL Peck. r o lti door below the 'Ward House. Win be at /Mb:6 the latl Saturday of each month and at all er times whe not called away on busi ness 6:inn with the Bu. *ritendency. All letter! should -hereafter be as atom. dec.1.70 DOCTOR 0. *. A GRAM- Me of the College of Idans• • and Surgeons."' New Tot* city, Class 1843-4 Mies exeltudre attenUcm to the practice of his gredbadon. l Oleo Rd reignite en thees eastern elope of OrWell adjointns Henry How. ••• t• Jan la. 'CL Irlll. - D.' D.. 81 pure-fumed G. M. Mercer's Block sad the located hie alai. Teeth use of elm Toy agni . , Dentist, has • Wood' $O propa-V, between itise, wh ere he baa i , . • •.. without j •• sj Oct. 20, 1870 pain .—yr t by . I . . _ • ri,nEEmvoce rr..rAG.E.--Tilis %.•11 well-known house. recently been refit ted and supplied with tear furniture, will befound a pleasant retreat for pl *kers. Board by the; week or month on terms. Greek wood . Aped 204 . O. Ej 4f IV. "414 Pr°P.r. WARD HOIIB -TOWIDA, PA. i ~. , 'On .111shilitreet, zu3sr the Court Roam • . •_•;'',- Z''' C. T.!II.3fITH, Proprlethr. Oct: 8.10 401‘ ,' 'i• TEMP.tRANCE4I6.I:EL I—Sittlß -1 ted on the c i=irest learner of Main and Mimi both streets, - Bryant% Carriage Factory. Jurymen in others Attending antetwlll mad ally lind it to their advantage to pat totdse the Tem. panne. Hotta. ' . i B. N. BROWN, Propr. Towanda, Jan. 12,187d,-51p,"' • Mil .---, . DT NI N G -Rib 0M S - - - th thitracnox wrzir THE atICERT; - -Near the_Court House.. . Wq arelirepared to feed thq tinfigiy at ill times of the day and evening.nders and Ice _Cream in their seasons. March 40, 1870. .. 1 ; - D. W. SCOTT k &L- VLWELL I HOl PA. 111 ==r::=l!!M .'~ ._ ~ 2 1 'P'.p tJy~ i -' El MI II iM~ :... r7777777‘Tn""1• : Oct. 27;70 ► SE, TOWANDA., '". 7 -- ,- - JOHN'O . :<, _..iN Havingleased this House, Is now ready to seed:moo dste the travelling pale. • firo paha' nor expense will be spared to give satisfatlioli to those who, may give him s eall. ' 1 ' air North side of the public Square, es 4 of liter ates new block. , i .; i . , D ITDDIERFIEIP • MEEK ', HO PETER JAI TEL. *, ' . LA-Nri Having purchased and thOrm=ntted this old and well-Imown , stand„ B =kept by sheriff OW- Ifs,' at the mouttad d CreebAs ready .to give good seccanmalations and satisfactory troatment to all who maylavor hint with a call—. Dec. 23, 463-4 t. 1 7 L. , , ; ' MEANS IicI:TSE, TOWANDA, JUL PA., • ‘ MAIN •.1 , 0 - MUDGE WISEETS. The Ifors:s. ttarnl ) s c. of all vacate of this 'hone, Insure d against as by Firs. withaat auk ex. tra charge. • A superior quality o 4 flOid Edith& Ban Ale, just received. T. R. SOUDAN. Towanda, Protnirtor. A MERICfIi HOTEL,. . . BRIDGE ITTBZET, TOWANDA. PA. F . _ IL G. o(fr A p. Proprietor. - This Hotel having been leased by the subscriber, r rl has been repainted, . and ref nralabed throughout, with new tare, Bedding. to. His Table will be supplied th the best th e market af fords, and the Bar wi [Maltreat brands of Liquors. This house now offe the..comforta of a bum at MODE LL= num. Jurymen and others attending *Hirt; will And thislginie I cheep and comfortable place to stop., Good Mabling - ang.lo.lo 1 1 - N EW P 3/ATCVMG, WLITG,OVLDTIO3II4 ths old stand of H B. theism's Woolen Factory and Sawmill. in s cAmrtOric, mon, • • A UEAVII.EUX DOLL' ri t ANza Asn xATCUUNG c . , e' 4 • to charge c/ .au exporertaxed Itocugmno ma bonder the public may expect a GOOD JOU =DRY U)LL . From the nowt enteetonellret aduldlor_ Vow , work can bottom it eeenons elite yaw ma Kat tel sent In. In oonneetkot: with the etetTailltlre as able to famish bah ot pawed lumber to welter. - 'BI2IIIrAZT =IMAM thsititowit. Mei _ • NOTICE TO VARPENTEEM -Tha 111111=110a i. m L n oh ag . arCapstra MOM OP thaw In an= Tarr stay. IL All &Weft mit taaaraaca are rano:Utak, lathed ti vuOrrva leg e .• eea._ CAMP illawases Torrirab. Pa. de c 2610 DRIED raurr or Aia, imam ocnoxia. & Wt IEI EIS , , ..... _ . . . . ... .... .. , _. o -,el--7--", . . ..,• ..,.. t • 4 • •• .%; ..; - •.i..' : -' l ` i' /Ott ). •4 -, •---- $ -,' i - • 5 - - -• , ;;.,. •., .I 'l f .•; • 7 1. : - q ~.. ..• S . ' . g..1,1' '-r. ...._- t- ...4 7 ,,1r ...":'.7".„4, 7 e. ::. '. l . '"' -- -. t. """ 4 :".. *'' ' Y.lr .l-•;4.., :47 .... , :- .. .:. - _ -• • •• 7 •-•-•- ..:!.,_ : •,- • : ..t . : l4 -:, '.. - Z '3:1'174.0,:-•,-- ,i .-f .• - , ~-friagd 1 .ur - „le% -r - r -., .--.. ,'' 1.-- •., r -,.. • • • • - 1 , - . - - ___ -•-• .- . 1- ;. • . -_--- `\• -.:--•,;- .'" :: -.-=.. 1 -, , , / • ••, , '4: -• '' till l4 1,10444ta ti-at ID . - - --; • :..; ~-. :a• 10 - 'Quota eat. va I' ' '-"-''' JIM: 17- '"1•• '' - _i' " ' .I , ~ ; 1 . . , ..,. . , ~..,. ~, - - - • : '44 4 17i 7 .1‘ ri . M. . ' ' : OP" , -, L-. V. =l " tsi,' risE44. - r - -d , ~ ,- 7.2.4. - L.4r .z.;, ..".11":1, - g 5 .-;.. n ...„ , . .-..!.1:::. ..,:i; # , , ?il r o ti kA i 4 '4 ; pf, if ;., F. !.. p if . ..!., , y, ••-• ,, i•-' , ,,,,;: 1 -•-•••-1.- - •• •,,, 1... i -......." .r.IT. ,1 On % ... . 1 4 ' . . ! 1 li 1 ' .„,,,, , . , • 4'- i if- sAtrt -d !'Ll ; 1 41- .Gi .4.4: 1 4 : - .: 44 .t - , I 1 1 , 3 $ / , I. ••• 1 I 4 . A 1 . l `' 4 4.917 'Xt''' , t-4-.-il. •- • i ,i r i • - - • , . f • '''-,2` . ..... ~.-, -.•- ~ ..... , .... • :"1- , .---7... r I 4 - ----,. ' , 4 ~• , Au:, , 444 . z 1 .1.*,i. o l io' .. , , .t • b ‘ ~. • ~...,.-„, .„ • -,,,..,_,, .: ..] ~ 1 •,.172.5,-I,:iz•-).•;.•, , J,, .-R:._ .-....; :• -,,..• - • ' ;-,- ,- x ia t ,,....p...„ , 0 ,,Ircl:: - zy *ft' 17 - 110rZ.,1 ~..,-xyli ,f r a .. ... , fre t fr l l fi kr , Aar. 4,.% j , '), ,4,1.:N.V..t,,,... , .. :,.-` , -_,,,w001.2., , M - .-1:"..; -,, - - . . I -. ....: ‘ ' ,i e..4,frmf,.. - 1 1,...r.i ti. " . ..1 - r . - !1; - •" , ..:., , f . - • c-t,..--,:, , ,,,•• lislit :;:lir i.l-ii'm - ;9-1 ' . ..d.i. .t,..-yilf I , tn i z oii mi - --..:. ,-,... , ....-„,?..4x., R.Lardz.• ..--. --•••••• • . _ --- -•:' 1. f.z.-r•r:ifeti,i ; • .-- ,•-• . . • ,--... . . • _ , .r : ,-- _...-L:. -.... , T .. ...i.0,',.-. i ou i. ;Wain:Vl t 1 .- .1 . • , ..s ~ ... , , _ ... 1,. . -- • • 1 :•47,!•izirlt,turzr= =..1::: 1,,..7--. , -. , -, :.-• -- 4 , 44 v • _ --- I' • • - II : 1- , , t w '. r,..-:,..',1•••,--. r.,,, - Air T.. 4. , - .1. .4 r 4 _ , --_-4,_____- •..i- t ,.--,4 4 _. ll _ i - t :„., r - - - . __ _ - .__ __ ( . ....1111.. i • era 1.',: 1' , ...-•td.i '%-, J•., ..ri'.D ti,lil•• 1, -, ... ''''z''' 71 ‘.""-.' 4. -; - "• - - -7 °' 1 ..'".•.'"'"'. 7 • ,I: .-::. 4 t . ..... ' 4 '.' :. ?:4* i iii .• . . - I ~..t c.• ~,,,r . linsx u 4,„ 1 ".. 1 ... 0 . 0 e. w . e..t: t t . .... 1 71. tt . , , t4 7 . 77-: • at .,;!, : ,i.. z ... c .. pa0 - , ~_. /. & tie. , n o , i xqs.,, ,, t's4 :'k9As erp 42:v.4-, ..„..,,,... ww,44* Aid: . . ,17,0, PUblbillter l e.... ~-, - i _ . , ~. . .i,. :- . ' : . . . .1 Olt . -• , '.. 1 1 , .1 - -:::•.: +.-1 ~,,,-.05,--,-.4,.„) J4....i tkil t -„t. • 1tMert.44.44.....- 4 • A .. " . " ----- - =I MI Tb• snow Is Mug inadty r . Waken cattle inimarahlafik And Tel comes daft 10601140 • testi, pilaus. Sodom / Whit though the ism Is fail trtii4ly Tel aloith sem. . Tis lime a said. vote woman, dreedly Xletetshwit 'eel or !!noted Am* And yet bone flows reehitiondy, Inert, heartteoken, ion.' - Whe w ? the walnut di klitd 8 hope in t Mist is born; . _ - roe men s pieture dltY hoe al Owlet : 14asiging intense an all ha It ; Though bald dawn ta be mental eA ; Patient, tired„ and IP*ll. . What bribe petal* a/ the hoe at Cilisiel? Bait; test to them thoi mom February 12,•187L [The figkeiring was read eta meeting of Narth-: ernlici*, Na 123 7 1.0. of ELT., I!3' eie• of hi members ' • - Of t for the rari • Of Christian chatty ty llnder the min." ' This is theiext. and stY sermon's begun. And if Ad Inlay My. shill ile ths way- Of opening the eves of the worldly-wise. AO cawing surprise without falling lies— Why, for what I hue said. I shall be amply ra In adopting s plan for the ollailde *titian, The Maker devisedgertainruleshslibisehoots; And set preachers to preach, and teachers to teach, • a 2 eresiaree of earth, whether wise am or Mat, oommendinents ride ten; bat; °onside. ing again, bought to reach Heaven He 'inlet make them eleven • • In the-list was the climax; oi the- !Mugs e! acts—primd ` , The allspice et all=tho besi-eier It is not alinysteiy to follow the history Ai writ by insprired, and io much admired By ill who hive read—the living and dead— And the believer who ilea& may never be tired. And if not impressed so much With the rest. • • ' NJ brotliel &Lid 'sister (and ru bee it `to Lunn), 'You'll quickly shout "Amen 1" that you've heard about gamin, And other high folks in the (kuitalciqf'EsfAer. The beautiful psalms, the sheep and the lambs, Green psstures, still waters, and Pharaoh's daughters ; • Wise proverbs of truth, and nand and Bath; The stowing the Xted Sea, trod othir great slaughters : All these, ityoulook, you'll find in the Book - And much more intoimatiou in the 44 Okl'Dia. lion " But llockly pass an, and spUal of the dawn he Star of the East give such joy to e nation. ' Oar timitwir was born bin manger forlorn-4 The pesteet event to us ever sent. The:Bret of the lesson - is to shower a blessing ()lithe meek and the lowly who are, well eon- It shows that the greit, and of highest estate; Iffay spring from a source. wdelt ca n not be worse ; It Oows that the race at the coming -in place, not always for the fleetest, that glide o'er the course. • It shows that the rich may lie in the ditch, If in fault they remain, and their honor de stain; - It shows-that Lazarus, whci fired 1101/1 Nara- Hid a : place that Dives could never &Lain. Oh, our Saviour we bless Thee—and, e pro teas Thee 7. , • • For the boon Tlicm halt left to the poor, the bereft, The fallen, the weary, who on earth are not cheery : - That the faithful and patient shall not sit on the let,. Row well I remember me, the tears of Get& sesame, . - Were shed, not because he had broken Clod's laws, • *) , But, that Peter'd belied him, and thrice - bad de. - tied him,- Poter—his favore k —and that without cause. There aro Peters on earth—and of tient no dearth— . • Who traduce their beat Mends, and stoop to all ends, - To forward themselves, and place Ea the shelves, The one , who to help them hisinfhumeelenda. I wish they were fewer; but well lank to ell - Their - wiles and their mares, and give them our , prayers, * . 1111 the millenhun come, or we go to oar bornis And our Father, who lives 'yond the stars. Templar*: kt Christ be your sample--buitste His essmplel— Bo geuer "us, be just—hill of lore andel trust ; Despise not your - neighbor--rather seeklor his '- And AMMO tid" easy when pit go to • your dust. • Let:Faith, Hope sad Charity—esppcially Ito your cross, anchor, crown, from now trill you're down 1 ' • And when "Over the Bever," to stay there for . —"One barnish'd sheet allying-glad, Loot HAmitality beneath him rad; 4 With i tzVii 'boding lay, . critak awl ban - And islands,' NIIVrOod Floated sand the ; And mmxnUAW4 thst _bite te stand ' re sentinel " — LI4I cir At Zak& The journey from Glasgow to Edin burgh may be Waimea by direct line of railway m about"twO houriPtime; our pe,rty, however, i were tkaniumus in preferring a detour which attend- ad the period between the Cilia. to a couple - of days.LWe left Glaagow in detaclunente: wstia lay alt talking the early train4mthwarci to the shores of Loch titit by many tourists u the pearl of the Scottish lakea—ereellini . ; all %cloth ere in variety ! extent and splendor. The distance is about - thirty miles Arriving., there, anataajoying for a Short tilike a vie* of its waters and loft surroanding podia, ansunic . which Ben Lomond of eourseprethaninates, we ecmchided to make. Anithei' int 4 provemants of -the hour pet to 'elapse before the arrival of the rest ;of oar party,. by a visit to.Tozwita:Unt aup we, sutuatednot far from the lake and riser the :route of the . nee* But haif to 'gg there? In - : feat; we . were obliged [to "stand eoreerdat on G- MILL 1 ,~''. ISOIW•PIWIZIMIL Mil ever;, • You'll thank the Good Giver that you faitlr fal were found. . • - "t u a .niranis, - Oar the Itsvoinsz.l ,A TRIP ACROSS TEE WATER: No. M. , EMI awarder of our g o ing." - or ouriammy than orai th is; tab, it ,N spree" lots the i nt aiii ita la LV ii . J ag UM) rallmoy l * woo found, uprm sqt to be eansidetedois in • one of the natural rights jot And so pirforee, we took a ryerning train of ears, for 'a • l of some sixty rods to the Boa oe of, the Ca s.. tle pounds. • We made an extdmidTe . 7, •, • dlr.' the Oswald avenues of Park-a -elrfat4gr°,ll4l# ' ' f Tarions 'paints, fineTimm of lake. mountain and surroundmg• matey. rower doom stands the (imps milk its lofty turret,, battlenumts and arch ways exalxisomed in the most Terdmit and Taxied foliage. All yea in per fect order; no tokens of Mill or di lapidation, 7et with an air Of Ara antiqmty. It eatainV historical. but its history I cannot tell:. only that it is the rod • of the Calif—the "tine, n. dont* with those mentioned in the • • Boot. tiah song, ad • "doming, 0 her . The remainder of cur -szriv !ng, we were soca - cantle car upon a 'steamer- the raters of the - • which at Least would have been lovely, in more favorable weather. Pain, ever, accompanied by 5 chilly breeze, soon prevented our bong niuch up on deck, and envious kp m' e. far the most - part the 12. me peaks which no doubt rose around us. They called it a Scotch mist—wheth er Scotch ethersiiie we fared not, only so it could, just then,' have been missed. In'the course of conversation with• a gentleman on board, I learned that his wile, who accompanied him, was not only herself an teetrese of some note, but enjoyed also an fame asbong the g randdaughter of the celebrated )Ire, Siddona, once the queen of the stage. They were con templating a visit to the United States at no distant period : ' Landing.at the eAdd rocky steep" of Inversnaidi‘we proceeded by coach up a long and slut* declivi ty, and thence et a rapid rite across the bleak mountain summit that in tervenes between Loch Lomond and Loch Marine, to ithich we soon des cended to traverse its waters by an other iteamboit. All thie wild re- gion, knowi as " Rob ROfOotan try," abounds in localities'which have become cbuisic . ground 14 the allu sions and description* of Sc otland's bard and novelist. To our right was " Baillie Nicol Janie's " OM, of cap., tivity among the ".wild Welandmen" - in full view, to the left, j were the "Braes of ,tal q uiLither "-- and in the same dirwdon the " &when " (or village) of the pantie WOW, j some few miles d istant, where the famousphief tain, Brib Roy, was burichis dwel ling-place, or its former locality, be mgilaid pointed out to ns a little' way up the glen. Gliding onward the fairy waters of Loch Sabine, ed " Ellen's Isle," and ate iden/ral rocks, still standing fast, *bush . Fitz Jams declared ' I • - • • ' "Should nee From its Arm base as soon as het" —Of txrarse, nobody wants any dee cription of the charms of Loch Ka trina after reading—u who has not? —Scott's " Lady of the Like." It 'timid Merely be to plaint the lily or perfume the rose." Suffice it to say, these wild and-lovely acmes corres pond stilton with thatescrip!ion and narrative of him who has invested their beauty with a double charm, that one is inclined, on viewing them, to give implicit credence to the whole together. -And at one point of our , as-if to - carry out the idea; passage tiropelled by a Scottish lassie, came off to our !gamer. 1 It must be said, however, that the fair oarswo man' was not nifteiently sylph-lilut in her general contour and departMent to answer -well as a moduli -•- - tative of the poet's " Ellen - I .‘l : laa," In fact, star ' din g up for tti moment in her boat, she lost her balance by ,a somewhat awkartud moramtmt, seemed destined all it once to assume the condition—if not the 'character— of a mermaid. rthink; too, her lan guage (as well as her forin) was very broad Scotch. Again we took the coach, along the shores of Loch Lamy Mid through the wild defiles of the 'Tumors." or "inistled,terrilory.7 To the former, Scott thus alludes: "For ere he parted, be would ley • Farewell to lovely Loch .hehray— Where shall he Log, la foreign lend, Ato bas a lake, so sweet a streadr So steep and difficult is the nature of the wild pass called the Trosachs, that previous to the bnildlbg of. the present road, it is said , there vier', no means of egrets save by;a sort of lad der composed of the brancha and roots of trees. • Along our way to Callender, we passed the locality rendered histori cal by Sir Walter Scott as a Coitanto gle's Ford." 11 - was tojhis spot that koodmiok Dim promised to conduct Fitz James in safety; and having dis charged his obli*ion u host to that 'might, he challenged him to mortal combat. "Bold Elason 1 to his provable just, ' Vich Alpine has disobarird his trod; Nor-4aaa . ta saws, sad shoal to shwa, ebiellainli "engem°. thou abaft The chivalrous Efighln did not, howeTer, succeed well in his runr -17 assumed character: as in the des. perate contest which followed, he was well nigh slain, and carried#lf a pris oner. , Near (blender iLthe lofty peak of Ban Iry or the /Iceman( or (}on-- a name it 'has probe/AT held ever since heathen rites of worship were wont to be celebrated upon its sow. mit by the wient Gads. t Awaiting, for a couple of hours at Cs/lender, the departure of the rail way can towards Stirling, we were somewhat =prised to see at the din ner table a partyr, of Tarke—end im agined ty mi bekmg to the reti nue of the SuWin, ght who was about time on s visit to the Court of 131: Ames. But what could mosaics the exklition of vecimens of this foie nice among the mountains and lakes of Scotland ••• in latitude 86 degr' eel north! Could it be the lake of this scenery! They, _waist— nly did not ileellika a g. eologist would say,ist site. • _ - TOW MEE 7.. .1,1116 - 36117‘Thi; , rgiss, T17.4. ) -1 Of IrtM l oolklit a 1111 1 1 . 1 "l ia , 1 11 5 0 21. 6 1 1101 . *saint sesiteslotimiOCli oncorlinit Ind' et* , *tiniiizied!bank& • • • 10. 1 .40*.t*• - • Ai = ". "- .• *Om Abstija gasne • , tiaseemed often lie el'Add• Wee::_tkolVik : 0 1 aTesintb4lo of Dame,if !bgt. mkt scant- WAY foe any incluiriss after her: Via, with its lofty rock, and still toffielifmniti, was badly athind, , and i d ahandOnedthe cars taineide the: 031111.. •,V1410191:414, havn aseiied par esq judging hem strange Amos tuad . 41_ it i ecroliWtr ii itill broad= day..:. It sewed in fact sort of sac : ' on4,editien -Of tilletsiT...llollow-=•at. India &Oily, Of the dead;-what could be the matter The mystery wail!, lengtheolved by.a referensie watches, Which iinigeatialilielti Of 9 p.m. We wernhere in a. • latthida 1470 la awns north of tat ogn* own homes, and in the lcmg'daftht of early summer. And before - nom came on; we found time for .an extensive toter of 0 YlitifolAazotiel thil intereo44, l via city; once thnkivoriti Seat of . Bc4- land's courts and kings. • C. C. P.' .• • - • 811081111 REA2OII2. • writer in tone of our wimps gives/the following plain and forcible religions for deaneries frown the use of intoxicating licirtors as a beverage: It it a view sancizoned both .by gion and cote:men sense: 1. Because ale,' porter,' gin, - brandy, &0., all contain a spirit which is calculated to derange' the hUman sYstem • 2, Because none of these drinks, as an habitual beverage% are ever tuisful, ' but always injurious to persons in health, and many progressing Chris tians, both voting and old, have tem mined - by I 8. Because drunkenness is a be setting sill - and leads to idleness, citusr "ging. inrearillg , • fighting, gim4ing, adtilteq, murder, and . almost avarr other an; and finally to eternal me m?' Because drinking producesipev exty, bankruptey, destruction of pro perty, lose of reason, disease and pm mature death. • 5, Because a i great deal of valua ble time,, labor and capital are Wass. than wasted, upon making, wending and using Wee drinks. Because Ova seventy Money, being more thin the hole revenue, are annually, expended Upon them in the United Kingdom, Which ought to be laid out in food and Man ufactories. 7. Because nearly . siz . 'snillions of bushels of good gram . are annually destroyed in this 7411 land to, make those liquors, e the` mar kets are.high and,m yof the 'poor are starving. ; & Because intemperance obstructs the progress; of civilization, oduolk• tion, the religion of jest,* and every useful reform. - • 9. Bannse getinenoe ia sure and safe, hut drinking moderately is dan ger:mg, hal led to all the thunken nein m theworld. • Became I find! cannot effectu ally-wanilhe drunkard, or set him an exaMl4,ll:llkiee' a myself nn entire 'abstainer. . • ,' 11. Became I him to join those whonr43 exerting themselves to' pro *ite the temporal and spiritual re• formation and happiness of man. 12. &male itislowortant to set a safe-example of perfect sobriety to our diiklren, Mewls and associates. 13. Because it is our dit ty to deny ourselves even of:lawful things to promote the happiness Of others. 14., Because while millions in thee sad eternitilays repented of drink-I ing, not one ever repented of tag 15. Bead., while no blessing pumounced 'upon drinking, Oafs op= proval is frequent/y recorded inlayer of abstinence.' (Bee hir.inxt; Inks i, 15; Born. xiv, 214, Prey. 16. Because /Amid be mhaniad to touch, tests or handle, or Imp in my house; the article *hick hi the land with dissipation, vies, poii• Erin miserj,, lathentetian and woe. Nsyss ulLoxlintwa."-1416,4ever. Always rally yourforte for 'another and mondespenkammit opal ad ',laity. If ealmina sonsilayon, and the worict--aii it hi apt is do Os Incseh owess--tekes part, withyour!Fadnosr, don't.. grow moody mid mughnthro phic or worm atill, mkt* nnhappin . ess in a 311111111601). Etche s time. Damccesrmthe alas* if ~ =4 not, UM it dcnin...- ff Oran,- cow upon yre eon Rho ***lain -:- night. wimt.then? , - 74Ait Maim yeq; ass reel thoil to imergetie acties. matter how dna* yte mailmie got into hot _e ploretbst you did lot help-the titbit cities :to big itm , yotresiii-iflOitinfilt* ' N ma the-righticiad eI*MK is -Alesgasr , taf4 lorit b in accord wi th *las order e v e pi thing,. : lib I should Wino ddie*tio; is honed, determined men, with- r men help; cannotisomounki , , . - t ' • olFsagizoleis s4send. because n ines dOMI irbkb /be *AA - Tsi.Ctr , • • irtnt fleSI _~~ ' 4111. 0 614 NNW *NW 14110Inipw agjet CirliSl ie A!. 6 7 666 0 2 4 . sa 4widAmi sipaiiii — vt Jinn ~o* ,0 01 4 114 rAile mist Inithersie g Aolki.,MlNee• INICOMIS I.44thlaiitst type *lismist ` estV=Bi tablipil swot, ifietikility bad, isalekswieNhigimemplibintrinErikr. VaAl.Allociskol! wpm Ask, u ffir t , mak spiip We Wire - 10/1 _ e sew thysittereiore if talk iwiwatob. Imre ilearbrAmehrolNTE46li, • ME ;eon tY ta _ itetheela iifiiA; - :rit*l tittai whet elleallidk is so LOW Clum . atm : torimes..olB atiopt' On* sio tiettietive fAtil vretheil tiptie tiiar dlseoverstemee opeoi IFt_ sitmetoottibei preethedsibteiglatret pen IF T 9 totraedgeil stitpaeal, ii - yoicial us. hirre darid sfo pre sets Seta* aid hoe elee seth dist eacoontiiiiedi to leapt as loth yikti 46,06 1661 / 4 00; IF , 1- !", milmd atIV II , ire ,tiiatli aB. • • Tot My tea torimi*isibee isms Milli sill 4 4, •roWrl4 int the le the peek* teeee.' ilia, *tidies it ll* dietteiitei age. lite; the, &mid etaimidedlowe:ther the "Itholillity 73NIA, Tte, de 15 1 ,1, kli:tASII60 6 111 1 11t 0 raider a Lek eqetvalleit, rtu, eed I will "both init. • That Its ennetintes retie Ds Doi tentig*, saitplerii ear Cling la the plum 4 = ll . _' 7o t „Paw Ogabast.o: 9ccuils#9 l P..: Thsf moots el:mot:xi suspet4," the teaches is mot at eat then allopther t 0 tames. is le' Wear Sit yang. afy teeth= mdse seedy ea mak pay as" Ward, laborers"? matey mot the young ice, with I beef Lest etiltheeSe. waiting brace/I p - -41et doe. net at the ewes.' The &pekes posisay do the' heti they; eta- exis* the eittninketaam, Thi VT* 0 1suPigarAa4desnana,iinor• has attodaseiSiegitiatiteallintgai. Whew oteduattlen - aol patrols ot schoole-aginsaiste sad reinelktalent, skill and, nacrtess.. ibex ony reaionalgy sip* a better. elms of timbers, We i lsOpe That this good thWitll soon axon ; Om gambit's sir Monis _vs hot a *47 NOM Orasit the isaitatomes.asw• than, we do our testinolut„ and at takin g more interest is the maiiisgealla young anent than We_ do to the intellectual venire Of our own echohns. Ton are egtturkmely tublike* if you suppose that one at, pa thinks she is good for pothing As; and Qu!n111 - : she wart be nit oat ben teselir! We dou'i lit' agile say such thing. No. girl but to tki contrary, quits the reset It is because-we are good. fin sons.thing els% and because se thliskine ire nevelt Acidified as others edit tine 'term*, oda ire attempt tha tisk. 'MOO at the onreitni undarAdenes TM** We killea illeponintc*Aunt has considered us innatesise vs honor his imiginent—be. caws gam eraiiii bath hind a," and twines the bawls si ash it , b sa !woo** and, " pats wire money in our purse* than aii,yoth: iar bones able welt - that present, itielt at the Ny dear i•ifirra," &et you admire a tfhi alit; tie mortwho has-ambition and goabeedativo.• nettretionli to prepare, herself to 'teach, and vibe does teach wheel white yin eli her teens, they you would didshe rennin at the ;foot cif ber doss in school, and who wild be ',content to be some one's kfredldielsen drildge. or maid of all work, esposelally3f %sold* •paid,thebeit f Suppose Mro eistathorre afike improred Wit time and opPostoung—hirre gradstate4 at the saute school with 0 1 11 4 Itfmre bet bwda tr abaci, one et them bas einmieded ia. epeethqr 'within in doing nottdms useful- es too zany rich men's delights= do sows-days*-whlitthe other his taken up the thankkis -calling of baiting and =CCM browned her efforts, and you were loctithig for stepmother tar unseal small claildram d the two:smolt yon .sot pro. far the . teacher Should 'you mow these questions in the negative, it. may cause • eons teacher to sigh tar the "bah pot."- some ones kitcben; bat I beg, passes you that It will not in the least interfere with the plans qr 'the school of Tours distinosishadiy, West Franklin, Feb. 15, 1871. Bair ap llncrosr.--Mark Mut of the towsnidps of the multi have been avromented by rue TV10071( Oarramendints, and *a Many ieabout to talia rink amon g tbi tint towns dour nowprosperous iambi IF*. pass. through the. aid ot an aged Itteriil; lathe 'oar raiders a few brief incidents of its early . laistoey. In the year 004 and before that part of Our county called Nem and Was settlektbe anneotnoi Kann" tuitions to ]mow bow SW pair* warelnhabitents• south of than, in the 'cibrection at ilarthniabsdaz4.oo.4l a raesting it the &isms and lippciatid Weis* Fovea:ai l SOCUTIM4 and Itusarulannies, with I Haar Tarisaa for their filtiVlo aaki ffia eia *nab= Supplisi were ibruisbadoneh use *antra:sting provistOni as they bad to give. Boon their were s pendad. 466 pcar 7 I der-borax Mot, ihiir guns to order, and with a tors *nibs Staid ANTI - *WO from lam and wolves, they salost in tbe diraithin %it thallivandelris Bahasa sow rune, lad foetid Ltin iffibtem the-tinat ot Van south Orono at thsTainathannuk. Ahnisitiking perwft he theist mower, that took tram their stern thil e try of a. thina-naith ibeesei 'promuttemt for , inantert. Set iitiimpied to ad It, butte would lot yield Or tits balk and" Oily Orion It gm* a bush baled tie .birk ducked at, and dusk immtudid is briathing it so that the mere and Ant *posed at the anima. Pram Asia they audinund Yddr waiirob Owing a amons)11316,011-11111INNIMI dogs to the bead CI Ifiskdag creek witni their sus ewers NOMA by {ha hub* dog the elistsins, wboth theyinan wetland and think a Wily trybur Ow noths.at UAW Perising their Worm they ICOR CUM to al& othir handy by the muss ot Ems “en slid 'mad. arintbar. 'mat deidkriallthho Otis the braelke tit Comes mill,7111:. Mors, poodjo• I visilioneor, nod hi m they bad : got by ,tit,', buys lbw" NlAltd."l s63 ;'•*waliii"' Jhr ay with man Rae .!Attar a walk% soli. eery ailoinaos sineang ILa sgr, lust, nedun and intsaunink Oar returned to their limn will o=l.o dip. ]bars snow la L IS, thin. • • WAG IMAM* 10 gointothf stop eta Woe jut as the Mar wie hies 4140—.. g IA OM prated' 'lra nor doW thus .4M:reed the Insight thebodkia: - - " - roaareaemea, sad Lai 42 _ • -rt 2auVu Wilr. . °o l ' 4s .4 r d at2 biatlimkorndsbeeoclistiAuilerika be.m,1140100 4 4 gualli‘e wer ak the Ow time rej l ise rt ted — Z heZ i rr t Nw thwie=te'e. Wm, p its& lot ieceel Dew dcithltita :get • gri-i4aralaners3o 1- gThr . pr.: I, . pt 4~> j ~j~;~~ `~L~t~3 4 f. t+lia Frimer • at, t . , in t? A " • f•;- *lmre beheixdllat &Mai:min% BUIL Othq4Bthirlty3.3"" regard anallgailti.PPMkaart as in a zbeamire hwiteaSe t Va.,;4,1.1r .pralleat statecireilting:kler bM iiU bk tiiislloilliti•Afte' or lirronocrimemberkszert, • ifflessiAilltdf for2.eacA OA* at ti# eratlaiggiam. ne o their aaaait r; gniitit Ulm the oriels leatil how to Ail' St ail alleiltdutin , that *Oh *l= ficatidilioanCi • BineaakeneilvWeeeistvca7im 'wroileitirfirst' iteP:lscsie :discover ivliere•thi7iirtnit lies. Byer! wring lidi;* in te011161601146 .ice ctpibitity ; 'KOWA the hinaciey of the lism. by wbieh - the,universe is gcnnrned, And places its doer, *,aiitagoiugm. with the pod, -II; then; we can trace any , wit* in -ourselves, as the CAMS of the animosities af °there, the,_, stepletittreefrom.that.pe eitßeA, iresinly.half some, Weed iikact - otcrusaliasa - iiak • ei. `id eriniitticaibitddtaCiiiotlf suet courageouslyiemoie all snepiown of wrong on our , side- by ac.knowledg meat and reparation. It is -:.seldom the Aloe Ail, munity.exl4! all on one Side. -Thuiendlyhoth - „parties share the feeling; and partake-Of the guilt,. and Wit of the trek impirtanee that We ete3d4 Seek 'oat our potion ned, by , frank acknowledgment ; places:l4r .sedves in a:true position. ... To eon quer onr enenne' s, the con- Anest d'vrrapg, -wherever it may lie, and it fit evidently Itting that this wail should begin at our Own door . ° A Mei pride that prevents lasi knoidiagmentof wrong when we are conickins of isbut a counterfeit courage,:that is the Origin of nitickof the minty existing in the, ixorld„ , 04 **other hind, we equal avoid s Cowardly tsibmissiveness of spirit-- ; that is, indifferent to rights; and.erfen teriglititself. When onceeonvineed,that no cause of en mity nridesin our; own braes*, or .when, we liai s e made complete knotile•lgment and - . glow for all 'that aka haeeaa i s true courage' •and - self-respect - _demand that , we should no longer bet any e0M34111311- eel that nay resultinor yet ; submit froth'faint-heartedinies, - Whit. is wrong. 'Wrong of - mix Aside, and in every Tdace, whether m our Bahia ixr mothers, WO ought to main,. tarn - aline and unblencbmg. opped• tion,-and when we shrink frem an- lagOnis' m to evil ire have lost ell true herciinin. ' There are occasions wherethe ple perseverance in right doing,nom mg m contact with the evilaleeds of. bad men, vri 4 ll awaken their, aniinosir and convert' them , into enemies, Thus, a young numlniquenty makes anomie's by reaming , topin is vicious inlolgence, or th atd in. some: enter- prise_ which :his conscience 4isap proves. ,In such scOnfiictriglit - miist Aridly, trial:mph ;he . Vib iti cause , thon lie mayb e . ,to elder tor ain, if) he Peres ?ems, tespalich reward the ap prove!, of his cintschnice and the de :velopme‘.l4, of his better nature:, Suitt' enemies' are not to be fomed. ;Their , &.11111413 is more to -_be desired , than weir_ praise . , They may, however, be conquered by Wafers:* of is virepous ezarnple,exrivonoverto better - paths. by witalasiiig the steady adherence of the light of those who resist - their . It-is-said truly that the success of campaign can only be - determined what :pesos is col/chided., Fio Cur lumen in conquering our enemies Must be measured' by the thOroogh less of the reconciliation that fol kiws. Tie-cannot be said 4 have : ' •oweeme, until' we have conquered the enmity in the. hearts of knr.foes. Love alone can do this' Not a cring ing attaclunent thit foifeitao rights and *see all self-respect for the sake of peace, but a noble and 'true love that shall pervade the soul, exalting andpurifying-the whole nature. • It may seeinat first sight. that the command "toillove our: enemies," is a hard; if not impracticable one; but if we will asliduowdy cultivate the love el rightand trntli, sparing not ourselves; but. acknewledging faults,. repairin4 enore,:making restitution for *June!, and seeping to .prcnote go - sid,-beth in-ourselves andin Loth t l ars, thiklew libich now swans al, MOSip ilnpousildo Will Ira pp; in oar hearts and effectually. conquer all, the enmity that can be brought to . beer against ,_ :, .t. I*11:164 • 81:641113 nose. 4t ,deetrapi how Qi aloorti, Migtitahikp;-. vinass,and horla,:irsatelleuilicm of PrAuf#o :641484';' begets tio*.t7e prances penis* neeeesitas poor bmniee; jelle;phionst:fills them torsi pistioo, muliaptiss 'Oda •the !caste with Astiminai name, Be nda Inuiti4iettO, eukt!insly grass, Mid to crown all ith'nus , digs down the very *ire of 6144 and morali ty on whielf.thiltrueture of society tuts. 1f mmtkabauneass not... en offelcusgeinat itaihiM,'‘ *bat in the name of letunn I.k . is the - fastesizqi parentof all other: roes. Muraer Hewn 'ehildilanirbs i . : pow and •tobbeer are its offspri ng.: /Indies repires that Who branded the 'Foam V - Orases. The Tainor tisf is more criminal than murder, fot it adds thif gent of .mtraiie wifely semi aims to human haw. de pee otedua ip..mamouni-hy I ..tavSee. , -ini l 44 l 4a t 7' .- " l V#* aganiktitilgic iiotiiahA'lrbils is' its" • two haikkuktei we. Oa it, by 'itu , true Tit we "notion the crime . and of .fis to the. iseensuthe . bread it" of , .the',Pmeedit °lto* long, - . .. . . . ~ . .. . . ' ' . ' IPACKIM 40 . .1.'i1 .1 ,.j., .( , • 4j, -;',...-..,,--',...:-"r't M=i= Ii: , MMi,i; : :......;. , :-.: :,,,.• .',;;. • r iffea ME agglieW , Ili. Jahe *MOS GenwinioWCOAresicie4, IrtansAlitl.“l,lss _ tialts:uliftePOrtY Or 110 , , thwiirniskismot: /1b islgathar:****,2o.4 itoltrasss: dintinlalOstkintabs!:,_!!. Tito itsf ihntwok"heinleatibt=z sesta% eomelatruiv, !iierlity*tiltiltiiVitif bile, /WU sitter .popular UMW. AgiCitiltogather-Arna,• , - , We 1 1 411; 7 , it -,Wee . 1: 0 4 the # . 01 1 1 4 - 110114 4 1 1 in is Hutt boyniiilriaot - !fie are fiand'Ot•s • ircratlesunnerbOy is it! 'loftM; lentainri' honott, nefavo;lintdesnitintidakaridthsetful; k 1 . 1 .00.5#13 rIAW Allugsrk.runuilte, *l44aulgv-hiag, shots .Ung; thorn is Snot the world's tainagenn ni itu -Stand Old ont. boy- Batlike-14*i are bays: that are no bc7 ll k -,. ':2 1 0Zre.• mak who never tear clotbs‘or i ii, their bOatinniCtli i idE - it beneath:their dig isity.f44l4- the,. 'streets; they 1. - W - - And 4hisse 'other, learned ‘, • - who* never. miss :their ' lsesons t . anti. . never -do ; Anything .naughty=.-if it *Cll3ll*.fonnt;.:•odt;* and the anfortinSte moth4e. darigs. with 2 innifleri'l and over and WesltOYeallint town fellows, we anat. ,not be " r too. hard? ; them; prhapti I : thery,wmild be_ mien nia would Elet thign); Plise oirerio bi;•* . L, ven 111#:garittinci boY, - ts not. MI ! I inatitdater and - always ' *eofntenazssfhik •,.Indeed buimia*row - allogg4oe. • although he is often blaMed .for. the no-boy's tricks: 'lVe' are sure, for instance, •thiat those . were no boys whb,lntorted the* school taiclier the salter daY:in 11assablineetta. , • If the teacher were ,an intolerable - tyrant,' as are fear many _B4Ol `teachers are, a real bby. Might snow ball hini, but' be_ w ould never throsi stones, and theie Ten;; kee assailants nand have had.all• the boy .grOund 'oat .of them by; their teacher's incompetence, . or they *Add 'never:have resortedto sr.ch retribution. . . - • Btit. the moat melancholy part of all this_ subjeetis the large propor-, tii•tro boys ..who - , cease to :be , boys long before they have oven begun to be Men. - A, real, thoroughbred boy raisins a - bsiyall the •warixp to ` ma turity; he npensigradually„ bit oven in manhood •ratsins Much °LAU best of bliiYhoed. • But there are others, •to sII - appearances real. boys, , who have s transition step to , piss tbxo'.. stage :when they are neither. bin 'nor man; lieithee•fish, flesh nor "good red herring, ; but simply .the most ,dis — rgreeahleimaphible. - Cratviiirafthese ntmdescripts may tie seen tipeti Our itrextt on 'a Sunday -afternoon, dressed • ..; a mile of orieital.mwifivence; • d ims jacks who swagger and swear aria sidoke and. mildly tipple and make eye ' s . at eqOally silly girls. Such creatures are' certainly not men, and it 'word& be. an hisolt to our foTatites to calfthem boys. W,e have but One sensation when we encounter one • of them; &gm . to .t s ihe hini betereen the thin& and finger and - drop him into the gutter. excir-A BsoiAn.--,..Tt was a very timid ring at tlie4ooi beU,.and Miss Alice answeredit lmself as . she was "using through the, A terry iittielpre stood « there! in the frosty autumn !nor* No wonder the blue 'hand touched the bell-Pull At so many doop &be had met with harshrepulsei, with angry words for the trouble, she had made; While not 4 syllable for her petitiOns would:they. ,hear.• “Only a..ggirl" andAhii dcocr ma slimmed an her tube. Bat one .. gliuwe :into that gentle, pitying face airoke a'new hope in the wre!ched little heart. Bile was lint begrning" her reqiioct when Ali de with • little _welcoming gesture, wad— -- "Anne in to thofire, poor Azar . There was a depth andheartiness in thcitcmis irhiehAold of a heart- within whi:h had been taugbt bitlie Spirit of Gocl., Poor Jennie , followed her in,talung 'eare to Wipe the old water-soaked shoes neatly upon the door-mat. Half bewildered, sliktook ber seat as directed,- by the glowing fire, and spread her bftumbed fhapra oVer its cheering wannth. - A goodlieskfisal of wholsothe food. and a cup.of delicious coffee "made all 'thts world glo* - with light. A few : loving 'slier& hmitight out the whole . -histozy, Itwas the _Ol gory of_ .drinh-cursed home. conesia neat, cot }age in the countxy--Isow 'aidesalate roorarin a tenement-house in town. • , Taotiuks&—We should brave bau bles as the country schadboy braves winter. The school-house is, a mile over the bilk yet -be lingers not by the fira--but ivith -.his books slung over his shoulder, and his cap. tied closely tinder: his chili, he _pets ;forth to face the. storm. . And when he reacheit the tikpmest ridge whms, the powderedenow lies in drifts,endthe north Find come* kee n . and biting, dpes he shrink and cower down bi- Inndthe fenceKor run into the near. est hove!, to warm himself? Not be buttons vphie,Coati and rejoices to defy the bled, - end !Joan the snow wreaths with his foot,und so ,' erect and fearless, with! f 'strong manly heart, and ruddy cheek, he goes -:on to lis:place at. st * ool. Novi,l when the fierce winds of adversiV blow over, you,,andlife'a ennunr lies ; bu=- ried beneath ice and' 'snow, do" dot ringer inactive or 'sink •-• down by the yray,or turn' coulee for mcinientary,swarmth txr shelter, but with. stout Inert fend firma step go lo:thin (lod't strength to' vainpush kedge and bid, defiance to disaster.: If ever &man is to be - ambitious; it is not when ainbitionis but when' it is hard Fight in 4 , toe, .fight when you are down; luu* and yottwon'tilio ateU; That geletitrtts . mayhem) hmet are tiot:evett Paw delt; and - whtete mneeletetebOtrOp, is simply a after& • =jam& SWIc AtilvitiClg7 "-- :aproWliti&*foc4 ''- 46 * 11.41 / I "Ci ! "*CiOittli nf i& . & iiok leadi to i theinieris=Usaves our Betidelmaitettailii ' Iret ixisithitejte Alit- 1 ,, - . Jo' oft hcF t o , Onele# M 111 4* 1 06 ; tikmitllitPurres ` ' tp' the mouth of the cueit.7lBl is . . - • , - Maitgendeismit-iiiiissiiits ' '.... of a tortuous path liferilichneibtle, Whiektednesi u ltsgmii - preet-' ;oe ,500-feet • '.etu Utherirt of übleklhent- ~,sc4.4oo44grsr a Tare:int..' ritiiis aim w ,„wriwrbut . . Vet= 4ll4.- ' 1*1416 reek' ' . ' - 1b#4141; - iiiuid 1 - ‘ hooldngintothe itluiri_hakm and inl4o***ll4,l: - - , , wag bOthlinds Miditiet.' ' 4 1 ;VItitigi bloc it itatieliat falktn across the broken i filithinT . ANN' t to thieentracHeilefilmeanLi?- We clam ber over it--not 11MM:tilts - sort of helptheltsbe give- thei' Pyramid** and w)4011 mmisis of bit- ' ting - raimo bulouarirbile Ulf dis lousing your; , "•ismr,-by . taw in,. Ciaill frant"l44l 4m4tii, aivt lilillir at lill a l4lng— to a 'nata l° a -7 - Tht, l o ol ing Only: spiali thirkt. /ono. 3Sra pautiliadminsemt * hroigh - se, siOneff meet Of, out : &thin' g, On Alee's advise, and !hut :ourselves • at list in -a noble.natural. chamber • 120 lea long - ,, - and from 30' to 45 - feet - side.- -- Thinis the - owe Of iAlanum - 'The 60Am-we hive - brought iiiib us aro 1 • attachatito the -war, and Ibis arches and stalactites of - the lofty , - roof are Wen tkimo'llet &thinly _irregular and dim. L Thme is am* ewe here 2 ' and in therecemea round for several - hundred. Men; and when weconsider - , its all but impassable wpwa,- the ease with iduchlt wuR be defended . . from the attack of whit would be-an -' overwhelming force elsewhere, its ' • comparative nearness to Betblehmn, - and weigh the evidence for - and against the aft7 . :oxicy of the site, 'ire- . tome tonanimme4y tothe conclusion ' _ t that-tradition is.. is tag iritszeol right. Here it must•have ben that , .. Dathlionged4or " the water . of the well otßethleheni,, which -iety . .the a 8 gate," when the village was garrison- I ell by„the Philistines; and along this, cleft in the rock ,the three iiimieity _•" men"_ came after they had broken through the .eilemy's lines, obtained the coveted water, and were bringing it in trituephAk) their chief. - . !„tz.J;_= - ;.t. -t ME NM _ ~; :di 1 .ti MI • . . -1'01 . 314G NEN, SAVE A PART 01' YOUR Moooa. • Again and again we urge - Ron all ymmg men, Tato are just, starting _ in life, to make it an invariable rtde to - lay aside a certainproliertionof their income, whatifti_ that income may Extravagant expenditurei.occasion • a very large part of thestalls of' a grog majority of people, • , Izavaptice is wholly a relative term. .What •is not at all extravagant for one person may be very extravagant for another. Expenditurar—tio Mat ter"how small in themselves.they may -4 ,4 be-are always extravagant when - they ,come fully up to the entire amount of a perkell whole income ; The mode of living* is almost en- • firely a :natter, of habit., It isinit as easy to get along on threaoutths of your income—whatever; the amount ; - of it may be.--ati on the irWe of it, ' if you only think so, anal ,restriet yew., • expenditures accordingly. A -7 - iming man, who afterward becanie' one of the wealthiest' merchants in Ma delphia, began housekeeping on a • 'salary of $3OO a year, but he Ida up, . a part of that $300; and he "wide it, a rtde of hia i life never to increase his • expenses, sefast hiti income , creased. - . The thousand' inconveniences. oY debt; eitibiOnunangMt. and dependenee may Ole avoided by a firm and un deviating adherence to this rule. One great aid in . punning -the course we t have recommended will be found in keeping an accurate account , of all receipts , and erpenditures: By frequent_refererOe to this yob wM see jtist what you can afford to ev- pend, :without, • encroaching - on rule; and y o u will also see '.what your, expenditunsyou can most con- veniently . curtail or cut off entirely. -There is a great deal, too, in ranee- ' Um:, cod 'foresight in the experulitnie of your money. It bit vm , common remark, that 011/3 make,the ' . same Amount go time as far )10.can other. This is owing to the-employ : . . ment of greater, prudence- and • pulp: went, in buying; Almost any amount of money can be thrOwn away, and scarcely anything obtained for. it, ' - a thoughtless; carekes isPtmdtlirift. Wedespise akm,' finta, But'econo raisnd meanness area no means, identical: On the coOnnly, as it is. for.easy any one to see, antmecdfish,f judipiuns economy-=*wiiii fmnisbes the means rot • only of In-. dependenCe, bilt of benevolence and gen!rosk alsl6. Did yon eVer - study" the cheapness' of some gleam:ire? ask some , writer. Do you iunow how little it takeCto make a Multitude hippy? Such tri- ' ties as a pennt a. word; or a nmile, do the work. There are two or.three ' ' bOya passing along--=give theni each shastiint, - and how smiling they look! . They not be cross for . socie time.'pm? widow lives. in the neighborhood, who is the mother of half a dozen children. Send them half a peck, of isweeiMplak and they • will be happy,. A child has lost his illirrOW - 110 world' to hini+-ilnd he mourns sadly; help bin' totiul it,, or make him another, and hoW: . quickly , will the sunshine play. ocarina sober . face,- A bey has as much as he can do to pile up a Lisa of MroOd; :assist _ Lira c few momenta, or speak a plea. ant moral° him,. and be forgets his toil, and works - awaywithat mind- _ ing it. Y.onikamatiee haibroken - a mug, oront tU lest-.too hug* or' slightly injured apiece of work. Say; "You. scoundrel,'" and he feels - mis arable; but remark, "I 'am sorry;" s and he will try to do better. • _ You employ a man ; pay hini - cheer- fully, and' speak a pleasant word _to him, and be leaves yozir: - hase with a contented 'heart, to light up. his own hearth with . sales_ .and. glid *AlL - As you pass along the street, yoUineet a familiarface; say ',Ekood - , morning, l -' as thottei pc felt Ole.-:happy and it will work admirably in 'heart of yourneighbor,.-PWsure cheap. Who not bestow it libels ally - there are- siailew:stuisbine - and &insult about us, let -us not grat).theinfwith iniseee fiat and •-• ‘. lock them : :, up in our hearts. 71410; rather let us take tfiek and Autter' : them Clis t -in' the oot 'ol s ,tho , , dow_, • the groups of cluldivi, iin the crowded mart, where men 'of ' business congregate, n our farailtr,, and everYwhere. Wean telOtsti.; . ' 00' 1 +, wretched ham* the, Aka' of dram „cheerful, the !/4 whole ...boozin7,- unieedindtegic&t.. on are- • tot _ mown, fitily , acquiesced the lor.r ai Itarperitiltonlhly. diw 3 lIM