NM 119 Best StylO of Family or Dairy Oowa, ,and How Obtaiied. The subject p . robably most interest ing to „farmers is, "Mat is the' most desirable kind of cows far family use and dal!) , In3Wl3etp_r Pi other .words, "What breed will produce the most value in milk, bitter and cheiie, on certain amount of feed?" I hive-tried- nearly all the various tireeds--Alderneys or Jerseys, Ayer- Short Horns, . Madagascars 74Liid natives, and I become W'aded, ~ =c some ;years ago, that Jerseys gave ; the tidied milk and produced the best butter, but thought Thorough -breda-too delicate in constitution for' the general use of farmers. I then Commenced crossing the jerseys with all,these breeds, and, after direful ob servation, I am convinced that Jerseys crossed with Ayrahires produce the best and most desirable cows to be • had, for all pulp**. The Ayrsliirt' 3s are of good size, - extremely hardy, and good milkers ; but the quality of ,_ 'milk is no better, than the Devozisl Natives„ &c:; - but- cross the trerseyki - with them 'and you get a hardy - ani mal, with the rich . milking quality of tb.o Jersey. I have now in my herd seveml 'heifers of this cross, three years old, that,, diring the' past . sea t son,:gave 12 to-14 quarts of milk per day each, and made. 12' pounds of splendid butter per•-week; 'on good pastdre. If the farmers • would try 'tie crossthg of their, present breeds -of -cows' withthoiongh-bred Jersey bulls; they , would greatly improve their stock, increase both the quanti ty and . quality_ r of their butter, and benefit Ow utillitms of consumers of these articles of necessity and luxury in every family.---From American Ag ricultOrist., _ - , Social litterconise for Farmers. Farmers neeessahly,live at.e6iisid erable;distancesie_em each other, and in:consegnence of this and their halzt its offsteady labor, confine themselves too much to, their own fields and fire= sides. They and their families need recreation, need pleasures, need some thing to counteract the effect of ( - the constant labor in which the " en gaged. The mechanic in the village or pity has his mind frequently drawn ..away •from - his work by that Which is gout' gjm aroundlim, but the farmer,, being.4ifferently situated, finds noth - ing4o,3)keak ups, the monotony, un less* seektrfor,it chew - here. , It is quif4robable titat. more work would beocconaplished, and -a: better toile of feeling be experienced,' to - say nothing of.fhe more cheerful .counte nance which would be worn, if a lnklf day each week were given to social interteuise witg, fellow-farmers, in- stead of devoting six full days. each - ;r.week to,tuaremitting labor: After a - -day . spent p;easantlyawdy from boar e,. the lubor is not so irhsome—the borer is happier. AlloWing as mu eh wad.' , :bot accomplished bY giving little - time to relaxation, it should be Dori in mind that food and raiment - for the family, forage for „the :stock and money for the btink, are-not the only thinge-worth striving for. — We - need happiness as well. But if a por-` tion of this time be given to- a wide wake farmers' club, ideas will be gained, praetical knowledge 'acquired, which time will, bring 'about results r far in excess of those which will, be realized by the farmer who does-- - ±nOt - improve these opportunities.—N.. E. .Farmer. - Hr.q..rurells-Ess or TFLE APPLE. —No vegetableds more extensively- used as an article of food, or mare universal - ly relished, than the apple. Every farmer should have an appleorchard. ,'.l`o lay in a good supply of ; good ap ples every summer bespeaks a good housekeeper. There can be no more economical investment in all the line r of militaries. An apple, a- good mel low ono, is digested in a "single hour after it; is eaten, and also aids in di , gesting other food, while fresh pork takes five or six hours to digest. No' niore" hbalthful deSert can be 'used than a stewed; baked, or even a raw apple. It may be taken at breakfast with simple coarse 'bread, and pro duce a healthy result-upon the system • by removing constipation, correcting acidity, isiticratinc , feverishness, and or 0 0 producing a much more happy effect upon.the body than -medicine. ' Ap ples would be a splendid substitute for pastry, dukes and the Whole para phanalia of sweetmeats; and if they . were made to take the_place of those articles of ectickery with which chil dren are crammed, they would- be . °much more_ healthy, and doctors' and apothecarie_s' bills : eatly diminished. • ROLLING ra, VIE SPANG.—If farmers would look attEe - theory .of • rolling the wheat •and rye fields in the spring, it would be resorted to much more frequently than it is. Occasionally the, whiter and spring have been so favorable to these crops as not to render . irpecessary. But in three seasonsfour it is nec essary and'doubtle§sAidds consideraz bly to their prodiZtiveness. The thawings and freezings 4 the ground, throwing or spewing out the roots and exposincr b them t o' the drying winds of February apdr March, very seriously affect the grain. Passing a roller over as soon as' the soil is fit to. enter upon, presses 1411 k the roots into their beds;, and giyea them a fair • grip again upon the suPport on which the crop must depent. This must be apparent to every one who will look at its operation. We liavo no - doubt that rolling 8o •er fields that have been badly thro • by- the frost, would also have most beriefi ' cial efteet.—Gerdiantot, n Telegraph: ~ TURKEY To Rover. Dress in - the usual way, but remo v e the crop with - the fingers at the nec - without cut . ting. Cat as smallslace as will do -to remove the inwards. Prepare a t stralin.• by cutting in , 'Small pieces half of the neck-bone, liver, gizzard,' heart and a slice of pork; boil half an hour in a quart of water and season with salt and pepper; add to this half - ' a loaf of wheat bread Sliced thin and • rubbed fine. Wash the fowl tad while wet rub salt - and pepper over it with your hand. I 'Tie the neck 1 1 and put the stuffing i at the other. - opening,pnshing mon h of it through into the crop to fill. I en fall sow UP the opening, put _ the e fowl in a dripping pau_witli aint of Water, roastin the even -atoll it..twor hours, turning, carefully on or twice, and • dipping,-the _water ove it. frequently An old tirker or a en should - be cooked half a day. --,-.. ~_... CALK Vona HeasEs.4-.lt• is painful er to witness' the suff • g of I team torsei without` calks on 'the frozen and icy streets..lt is a shims if'D the - ci owneyq anit a matter' f surprise ~that ` they cannot see the in'ury tos Eli& .F - imal.—Our Duna) Ant 'ale. ~° WI NENV nNpf. Wo the underilineed - world reapeettaliy. . inform the either.* of Towanda and richilty, we do hereby . proclaim that oar stock of . . • WINTER' clio 0 D.!si IJ T S I bl" C - , . . ____, , -, , - Anlall of the Latest Style of - ' F : COATS; PANTS; AN D, VESTS, HATS, CAPS, Which will be sold It such reduced prices that it 'will astbnish the emnintutity. Come to the store of 110EIMITELp k WOLF:P and examine our goods and 'prices Were purchasing. and satisfy yourselves. We guarantee all to give entire satisfaction. We are thankftd to our nu:per m:a customers and friends for their past liberal pat ronage and solicit a continuance of the same. ROSENFIELD & WOLFF, 115 SLUN STREET, TOWANDA, Ft. feb.F7l (Nextto Fox & !Serous's) THOSE GETTIN You allcrold atria two'tblzt,gs.-. First. to • ! • j. GET THEM WHERE 'FIRST CLOTHING .CL ES . IS MADE ''''. Secondly, And in order to be able to sell a geed article cheap the merchant must understand his business, wil t know how, where attd what to buy as a' Practicak man does; ands . . PRACTICAL \ • TAILOR ; • - Ia all its branches I profess to be, baring hid In the hnsluese. novo been a cutter In soma of tho I I ' best hoiniei in • I dO mp o,w,n buying, sethig and 'cutting and dividemy.peontawith i Elan, so that lesa,of it .will .do—arid nithlion rent and other expenses in rpm. portfeh, thus inaking the cost of carrying onl the businOs verternalL _ - ° • In iTading tile:above you 301 , ace - whyit: LB that .., • • . I CAN SELL doos-cyrEkliEß • . • Than men felf4Wing , the business:- and having no knowledge of ittheniselves; have to employ others it lyrge wilarics4o, attend-to it,land customers must pay accordingly—as they, like rsyself„ I will offe for sale, at cost, for the neit 30 days, WHITE} AND . COLORED TARILI Wishes tolinform the Lidice of Towanda and vicinity that she keeps constantly on hand a large supply of MIT_ILITM . MY • Goods; silisbleto the season. Thanking her pat. , rocs for their liberal patronage heretofore, she aa. suresiliqm that no exertions will be spared to en ' snre a contiamnco of the same. She also has a fine selectioniof I 'OIIITTIIs.TG 'a.00:1 FITTING In the latc't fashionable styles on short notice Clot.ld . 114:11m ' a a& WOLFF. , gominimdacererythlng in the line of I AND ' GENTS FURNISH IN G, Such u lIV.AVEIt, t;unsCNILEY. DOFBSIN. . AND' ONERCOA T 8, And all of tbr. Wog Styfes of. CLOTIUSG MADE TO OIIDEIL WIitIIE THEY 4.2tE FOLD CIIEAP EIGEtI EIII E istyg YORK' CITY. DO BU TNESS TO' LIVE BY IT IC Ott doubt tho above statement, bar .: . concincOd by 1. no on _ xwaY IWUtiB. . 744.1iant Tailor. Briclge St., ,TotT:ta.P.9.; Millinery. CTIVE SALE. ATTR TANES, ORGANDMI, SASH- 06 RIBBONS, VELVETS, FRENCH COUTILLE CORSETS, FA.NCY GOODS, 'REAL AND IXT.IATION VALENC I t!INNES LACES. Also the Newtortd laet " DUCHESSE FOt Trtmrllh,g Drersps. Ladies call and sec the greatest bargains •in these goods ever offeredin this place. - MRS. 11. E. GARVLX, . Jan. 11, 1 11871. Sin . rcues Block. Towand.l, Pa. MAJMIR HAIL ANR - FANCY GOODS; Stich sa , •.. ';' 7' • • • • t r inen Collars, . - ~. 1 Cuffs , . ' l.faiill:cr chiefs. 1 Real Laces, . I Comte . - I . , tEc. Comets, have; also reopened, in connection with the' bove my IMESS MUM; catablistutieut, and I am now PreDared to do Entraim next door to 'for. & 3tercur's, up stairs N .* w MRS. J. D. 1111-L Wow(' call the attention ;at the vuLhe to her Limo stock of EMU FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY - dOO:DS, Mee* from New Tort city. of the very LAW= STYLE:, - , All of Which will be sold CHEAPER than any Place In Tcnranda, cotopriatn,g ... BONNEt4tand 14TS, I - 1 ; LACES, • COMETS, • ; Km OLCiYM, • - 11A111, ..tc.., he. i . SIBS. J. D. WILL. First door east of Brandt:tit 4 11:4, , awira Rod. White aria Mar btore. pridge 14. ; Sept 29,'711 ; - .. ~ SATURDAY, OCTOBER Ist, 1870 MISS ER.IlinT • Uespeetfolly !Wallas the ladle* of Miranda and vicinity that die will bg ready] to exhibit lso .near stock of • /TALL- AND %MITER, .: , MIVLINERY,GOODS, VELVETS, • - ALls .ES' D,SITINS, Togatierwith'efatt assorWicat of • ,'. , • j FR EN. H FLOWERS , EiIipECEIRCIELEFS AND L . 4.6. COLLATM, On-Sir A : tr, October Ist, -1870. . ' - w Satin and Bak Gocla are eid bing• • MIBS One door sindtt of Marconi Bank: Stpt."7o. , • RR EilEbtliEll THAT FOX dZ MER: CUI are rotallios. alt kinds 'of Grocsites at wbaleaslVprices. The largest stock in Mao. Ooods Anttau. Prices kpr t N. T. - POT, f 4 T 29,10, 11•9 Boob- ad - Stationay. IYABIEB PO UM 1112 haw NEW-V)IM PAllilU3 SCHOOL BOOBS' P=ll3, ill, MUSIC, - STA7IO3BYI um nem= BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS, Towanda,'- 10..1864. THE ',! DOMESTI SE . WING MACH THE 9, , DOMESTIC " is a Shuttle Sewing . Machine, which has been used for do last fivo years in the 'Wog, rind is now introduced for then first time iigthiS section. It. runs '`'faster than m and more quietly than any, lightest as well as the hea' done on any Sowing ALL ARE nonTED TO CALL 'Plain Machines - - Half Cato , - - - AllMatliztes-have B , h Table. Agents wanted in unoccupied tart Bust k 4 CO., Scranton, Pa. ror sale by TAYLOR ; ; AOKLEY, LLOYD S ; nay it 1810—ly • E ASE A-RD co BT IsSING OF PERFE There hinothing so valuable as pe, plrfect sight ewonly be obtained b PERFECT SPECT • The ditionity of procuring which 11F34ILS. LAZAUVEI k 7011.8.18. 06CITLIk'S AND„ 'OPTWANS, 11AUTFORD, CONNEMCITL MANUFACTURERS' OF THE OELEBRATED PERFECTED - SPECTACLE S, . •i). • Have, after yeers of experience, etperinient, and and the-erect', crn dr costly maeldnery,becn enabled to produce that GRAND DESIDERATUM, PERFECT SPECTACLES 1 *hich have been soldwith unlimited satisfaction to the wearers in the Western States during the past fifteen years. Thoie Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tiro the eye, and last many years witlenst change! geSSTS. lAZARITS & MORRIS hero appointed AMES HIJOIIEND7, dealer in Watches and Jew• aa their sole agent for Tcrainda,,Pennl. and April 14, REPORTEB JOB "RINTING OFFICE. Having recently added gvc*Uy to our facilities, we are now prepared to do all kinds of JOB PRINTING LQWER PRICES BETTER SITYLE Than any catablialimena. In NORTHERN PE.7I4YLyANLX. -L• CALL AT THE REPORTER. OFFICE EXAMINE SPE C IMENS. CENTRAL , The subscribers still continuo Ito keep constantly On band a full and complete assortinent of every-. thing pertaining to their bnainesS; consisting main ly of - BMW, PORE, FRESH AND SALT • A MUTTON, atUSAGE. SOLOOKA. MIXED rizer. TAMMY,ka, ke. I F I FRESH FROM :g TAATr PS OYSTERS A A. DAILY • • Parties In tarze 'l / 4 ar small quanti ties will be f urtlsbed, , on abort bottoe. at the °kr stand. Marna& Yakima'. litleitaitie's Mock. first door north of be, Tarter& Caul. liklntiarat, RELLI7II CKULwca. Theo. Ya=strz. Feb 24, 187¢..tf F.1.413T NATIONAL BANK, • 7 • OF r9welitie. C • • *PIT" 025,000. Sunpurs Rum • 40,000: aFICELIY. Vitt Bank offers lINLVILL rAcanle3 for the transaction of a GE'NEBAL BANKING BBINESS ECTE/1= AID ON. DEPOSITS ACCODDING TO Sriataz. Cam arvzs To Taz Coukciticis or Noss LIED Casa . 3 5 Parties wishing to Seco itcraws to an Part of the United States, England. Iceland. Scotland. o: therprin. it Opal cities istri towns tor that purpose. of Europe, cui bete prom" , 1 - • IP.ASSAGX TICK= To or from Ulm old country. by best stuintr PaEl.. lug lines. always on bawl. - . • YAM= mama= avu As mamas sum: • I ,1 Higher! Price paid for 17.3 Bored', 471!ct cad Z. U. SMITH, President; Z. N. BITTS,' Towanda; 1869. caatar. SYRUP ANDAWLASSES CHAP at ij 701 k ROYAL IAKEN(3; •POWDERS at caingu.*Jazra. 101BCF. HORSFOBVS BREAD Preparation.st C. 71 PATCH'S. CO iss WFATa zi Tem & M i ligt OE SELL. i i - ItllscoUanons. . Rill LOCK aim EU st, easier doing- the 'oat work $65. •I $7O. es rate!' .17. Address/ NM I• k GOUE. 'X'cnvands, Pa. , L. A. Athena. Paz BLOKE% Wyalnatng. FQRT T SIGHT EESIIN ~f well known. AT 1 AND A ND CURET/ BEEF, I PO __:(4l ILTBY. frjfSwJl~ r:.~r cininwv4 - 1% , %k= I 1:i. p: s, R am eit!is. mut a oo ? ft am ja w ed a «kr 10 1110 Mime dial,* Oiniallysai k 2 a has sad ;kiledscasd Moot at GR'OOEB - 181t, Vid'Mum Pardollk tar Cladi. ina that I tea pedalo kteSpriess ft matit poidlismit .1 dasibers, I aim ohs to Ito palepsighadlipitoek TEA COFFBES, 0110.118, =MICR. 141XILITOS. BMX& IC. Rue at had slime oink el AKRON .14,01111, GRAHAM DO EYE DO. BUFIMIAT DO. I keep oorstutltr ea hand. POBIL.ILINS. LIED. init di. kinds of I'DIN. Would esti the attention of So public to oar Caan De Dant . STOCK OF TOBACCO, In qn*ltr ot: prim -Jean Ostlers ClolobratedLeas• Uri Wended and Brown Cop. Pleaie esu sad canalait oar stack of WOODEN MARE. Lug* usoriment IWm NOTlOilti. TOILET SOAPS. to.. ;to. I will pay the higbestaish pries foe 1 csatrivrni ritbDuaa Farmers, Ore ins call before seine* elsembers. All person* Indebted to the late Ilitairtlpieseeeall and make i mm * Al2 " payment, Towanda. March, 12. 1867. GROCERY • AND PROVISION I ct 'C A . 13 E M Wlidcsale Mid Udall Dealers In I - SEE IT t 1 A.II4ItOC.'E RIEB riwo.v B, 2dERCIIIVEI NEW BLOM. - -TOWANEA. PAL We do not deem It necessary to ennmorsto ahkho p•-. dyereat artteles,we keep. Our assortment Is ALWAYS COMPLETE. FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Csi,ll:ld tor re.r.uese Produce. • JAMES MaCASX. Nur& ~1870.• Man MIX. - pEoiAm's , GitOCEBY AND PROMOS STOW L - 6 7 :CA3_!)*5 f , ..i[,/ , * • .• I= GR(Xj=:M4NI PROVISIONS, Whkb will be sold at the loaeat ix:welt& pike& CODFISH, MACKEREL, 'HERRING, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, ' 0011,]1f1 AT s GRAIN, &a Bring on your p.-oduce..Eseh no pig , cub for A constant sappli of Ashton Salk all sized Chtirrut g Batter Firths. Tubal. km Please call and look Baron& our stock, and we will do oar best to please you. W. A. ItOCKWELL. Towanda, April ZB, 18C9. ' /LOOK HERkI • - AOWELL & :ATTER, 11:tthe • it4t . tut of riZANNALL & 00111114 are tiff road • targikaad well selected .took of GilOtlkttreli An. P 8017810103. cam• they offer to ash Myer . at prices thtt drily petition. Cult paid for all kinds Tanners' Produce. April 21. 11161t—tL L I. C. 'W.• CLAPP Having leased the Storehouse and .cos*. Wares belonging to the Mews. Welles.' would niotify the citizens of Wyaluzing and vicinity that nit Ida keep constantly on hand a fun stock of • . OAL . • MO. STOVE. ttuanztui. p A3l. lIMICIAL L . • E. , 11 . T BULK OR BY THWBATITivs) S d L_. T , IN SACKS, BBIA, AND BAGS. CEN T , PLASTER AND KEROSENE OM, Wbith.he will be Amsted to eapply theta lath st ressonathe prim. Nola but the ma QtriZtie U be gated far sale, eousequeutly ataxia full to Ov ine mere tr sethilettou sad Medial the worts et the autaututi. CASH Pan FOR GRAIN, On deaf's, / and far net, donelption FARMER'S PRODUCE, Or taken in C:Zitbiagli s Z et er Lisaligfi:Pbstar. Is DIM. se tn 3, agent, WM shwa be at tho Warehouse to attend to east leer. Wyslashig. Aug. 10.1870. - BEST F.EIIIT JABS /NAME maim cum . HAW:Ke C. .11 PATCH. , C. B. PAXCIL W4j 4 liell Doping bat CM PORK, Lia w l g HAM, -,,DAIBVd:M, Mli v o 2 ' v: zst t 4 - s $ M ff• ISEI MElall 1A 4 , 119 ir-'7.k.'' GO 1 Ell • . I • - ''`-.....,.,,'_ r' - ... ' / Art - #ftepliang IlaMelainf aptimiBted6at ;..., ;' TA =JI , I- .'"?•-_-- 'L , - - ,L. - ' ' CUMlB7,if4 N 1i., - CAlNThinitnts, .t ~. d e--, : :‘ •: - , Coodatioplat Miro haat ate. et Fashiamb4e , I COATINGI3, SIIIIMNGS, &O. ie: thei4,7 , . I I Illeich me prepaiedlo make up to lay 11* - 10 ault customers. ea port notice: .• .- 1 ...t; a,lookirsodiii now stool d I a READt-MADE which ilia are Nana ch° l 4 44 than am' ietTS, 8i CULPS, Alm i camrs FURNISHING GOODS, A :Lw and full line of all the *eai styles, . , on,toad aad.la great variety, j TBl I;47Xn 4XD .11 . 1r!ZIST anus oi! B' T4S,;:,BOWS, tte M New ithnt 1)-9 . W lIMBIt E,L L A WI any of oar Clooda iq be fold as HEAP FOR• CASH In Ike niarket. n. I • 4 100 k gh *stock. • April 21. 1870. 1 ..1 J I I - trill - This space belongi to E. SCUWABZ. dealer in Clothing and Gent's Fungehlng Goods. , He Is so bumf selling Clothing that he has not time to write an advertisement. . ME it it Ell A DISPATCH JUST RECEIVED. I 6L01110178 NEWS Tor: =Ems or rowaxra AND' ! There is =dandy being received at the 0 110CPLE Or ramose!. bur Tel)ck of SPRING ANDISIIIIMM 1 GOODS, I I witkh have been purchased far cub. at redoes& ado* and will be sold to cub buyers at looter rates, thin ever before offered Towanda. My du *cc k sines in part et • 1 Nazar. BOW AMA rouriro otormato. 1 • I nun& satyr kin UM /124•Zi 1 11=1, nal DRIBS com eimaxcas iwrns.x.rurr its. /Uhl. Tertk o rd White ;Auto Duck Bolts. • 'ENT'S rai / 19BIEEING GOODS, Bas. goiseznzes. zim:nc Tins. Irani AND l ux= mum". ,• . . 7 t . t .. be e,uu , .. ,.l . teket Oaks and Mona. Paniember the In. that I ethe. And that I. ea net is be ea.! =by say deeSeeth lowa, or etembere. All hAarkbet bil nor nee srepaspeeltellr e = rs.to' ye as a eall before purebeatos ad No. 10 ltelad r lkidk=ele.• Bleck. il. 113. - Tceraeda Pa isr Ou t Peb% tor Elise and Felts. OOMINE, DOWN 1 Lis) 717 sacra. DI 7 • AIOCEBY et. PROWS7OIf LEIt I TE, ' • _ " areacTi • op:twat • • ; . tOWELt & MYEBrEI r it that moot 141 to ISM* inttbat ttl t az Dot to be undessold by say one. sobegsd tbsistiliors by bOdIMy so UM tbry base ussiolor. taw frisk myna that sas deny by tba4C o rs ossosetod with Moir. a Korb* they sow bap free sok do. ail = o i l. , to sou s t r y =t on fr t d AR soilt tOseo, lir psstiotados me =Lad Prices. bObes sod sitiorr WO gusisotee goods gin sobs the irstUz p at . al to oat emsomses Ibe post liberal sod solicit a ambulance mos. 1 COWS= b =CIL Doe. 20, 1101. 1 T 01:111lia SI 't I. ' 1 . 2 I f ' :lb 114 dis i . . rhill Ml 4=41#1411"..104,1M14 " G_ZA/all6O OnICILLAR: MAN A-ABILLS, • - ' pasOis•arei MILLI Ii(Olis TO OMR ENGIW - 712PAIRIED, ommeliapie : 't • .! •.e• : 4•4 112 t 4 . et ' O to •* to (X the Ned mg pod isprevail Ids& imilicensi w oadecirlarity . ea imita raft lbw list P 01:1G114. ensa.4oait mai vivofia! aiwlar 9t an klub. L S CULTIVATOES, CORN P* C i llB _ , .PIA,OtIGH POIN (X an Nadi, s ' ad„the latest •• or I§,TOVE O'A.STIII3.B entail axis= „. , SLED • Ai'iD _SLEIGH 13:003E5, • l ocrua i ii - -LA s as tiCON iambi ot,.iutiags tonathoi is - Limb se.l J.l =AIME OE. Co:BLOOD ~ & • 1. i • i . coattail, fo inowafocials tide delkiikall HollaSE . IkillnßS CLEAkERSi and wili sell a better ,iuselaloo, fog loolia than eau be lad oloiroberr m the world. We !,claitan for machines th at th ey TM do so intiota. or more, Alum any other; sod am son &mob* DOM, We pore:molt, anindadanot our weir sad: Audit to 'toll down. We will mod • t C1AT.11.03 , Of our machines, as aPPUNUNI: 1 • ONE AND TWO:HORSE 1O vERs, One t pro RQYI. TILII4OcIUt i JiarfitAlpitS, SAW AND 12121111 T "MILL wort does to order. fo l itsacObany l anshastagebert4re. I'4, "06 1 I amiartra fs*Env _OD V aGOZf Aug. 2b 1809. ' - f JEW, cAnitrAGE FAC / TO BY I On Pbte, between Hate and Eiwxnuf. SbnAi. back of O. P. Heron kto.'s Dank. .-• I • TOWA I4 DA• Pirtik•k• ' . .* - .IIENAY•sTuLEs k EO., likailettallY announce, to his friend/mid pistons; buttga ' • I I I= where they win constantly keep on bandit foll assort nient of • - ; • TIMITTLRG . iitailfS.-1 AND 8111:LgrONS. . . , Made of tho - beet - rixtterial and ffuleacid iri the bad e l t7 et/lek. ,itie long. experience in .-- idipi - Cfirriage' dries giros them a decided advent* doter others , • ' ' . !X; : ••( s - [ II AND COFFEE, cowlfz. Kna. • • *MINGLE - MACMINISI t AND limn =MN POWREIS, LA/WA ; AND lIVALL sitis. ' 1 4 TIMM= and F UJUAT A-NYING _MI :EIS, 01i101.61 te43 61. a 13'24 • \ sgsw - luticz c4usu.koB rsOont.l - .• , FAMi cAratLiGES; • \ I N TOP AND OPEN BitOdIES, PLA.TFOR3t7AGCi,N4, FiniA Style and Dui*it of I bis Witons.. All they sib Is an 3 rxsrEcTiox 'op mg WORK purcbs*ngamy s tuirl £l.l. 'raw: waluzurrip ro zirezzer 3.117.114CT101r. i Thankful for the liberal patronvi! keineety ex tended inel 'respectfully ask a colsttnuani:e -rsf th e • • seine. . • . BEPAIELMG PUONETLT JaTLNDED - TO Ili reduced prices.. Tel:rands. Mai Si. Is7o.—tt EW PLANINCPIgILV N 1 undershoied baring bittl4 large' ana ammo: Maui 35111>n the Borimb of Tows arid mod It with tbe most modern and baprosed tosebinery, for tbe manutectore of • wrxDow sent eau) Lassre.', Axe prepared to All orders, whether large! Sr upon the shortest notice. We hare also a large' es. rtety of MOULDIMIft of tho brat atyie and pattern. 'whr kedich we canhand. furnish mach dumper than Wm can be wo try PLANZG. , TONOITIMIG, GROOVING. ...• - . / And el other work pertaining to icdstiry, , iiii - be done N suit cur members. • .. , . Parsons buildlne and not liens more than tsetse to fourbben milesdieant. will end it largely for their interest to buy of us. or bring their lumbar and ham it waged by oar _ maeldnery. Bring your grist. of Flooring: or other lumber, sad brink your teem is feeding. bare it ground out and take it 'home with JOU. We will pay WIN for Pniz AND BEM= LUMBER delivered st our lumber yard. ;Comm and Nee cm or Urea can't come. vets. .' Isowands. M.. 18114. • 1.... B. RODGERS ts CO. - sT I Vgl y. FURNITURE MANU The subscriber is now utsardbcturing ski kiwis of FURNITURE. 111. fmnities are unoqua/m1 *any , manufacturer in northern Perms,lemiis. The machinery is the Is and best.. ?fame but workmen of experience are employed. He has s first:clue (srver employed and tempered to till orders ihr savings on short notice.' All kinds of . • LIIKEMEt TAKEN XS racitAxop. FOB Qom:lk 100,006 feet cd 2% inch Xspio,. Birch or Bosch - Omsk a$ also 1 inch Cucumber and Bassirosd bur bee wants& Address Dee.. 13, ; 881 6 sc V6- tits teepeettally informed that the -lbo deer has bees reuscrxd to the Art* Building, third glom where trill be dace seox- INDINGI In all thin:ions twaacbet. 4o terms as iressowable as •. the atoms " will allow. Tbe WON" will be wader Me charge of . 11. C. IVIEITLIUM. An experienced Under. iked wc;rk le be dews ti fitne sad rummer which =ad be= Made, Illeepwines.llll noels. ta., bound bs every: weeW otetyle. ParUmbe... • attention will be paid to Uie and Nadas ot • - :fig.il.f 111;:.:0 4.1 To astribrded patios. whit* Ali . tpiaM, end dam bil liVt IE9I be reedy kr &Mop ears promiesd. TM feetemse of the paths ' eoliatted. aed per. Om* mitabletim pmembod. Tbeimla. Mimi% IMS—M. pRiCELIST--CASCADE XELLS. 'tam Dent voila:. 'per Nick $2 00 - laadzed 1b5.... .. .. . ... 0 " bertel 00 omens mad ag diner doss at ewe. as the or paudtr tbo saill is =MUM $1 Ady Mk' beg m at !* aL THE REST KEROSENE OIL IN ko r k by thir or Mar • COIPFZE; TEA, SUGAR; kw 1 riMEE GEM FRUIT JABS; THE *a, aboiesele and retail. 1 1 best la 11" *Weak and retail. July 1. • MUM a XU. I July I. KoCABI & KIX , -: .-: ~ . ._ . ~ . m*.aisix4p* f iA.R974l4.46 -,4_., - ~ , '_, C„ r: , : . ' ~..,,:,":..,, •,:. ,_ **Egi;riv . s,*:74l47,.Bo,cji. El i ilholine 0o bay W *Meat • - Mr• W AR yet oak . We a land sad ars reoeivias 1 kw dad' co( HOUSE YMINIRBING GOODS, 431).1.14141ZR ntlaziso. Ow Palate. Oft. ...is at th• 'bed 'quality sail will be ..id vrerr Icrir. We its also 'genii tor the Omit • . • • • AMERICAN STEAM. SAYE, The only relabis rive Pro!)t. WOW& Also FAISSANIES'S SCALES, " kepi 801ELOHTICOKE POWDER' CO., IiAIIGHT :PAW BM .1 SUPHER PHOSPHATE . Our dock of , If Tel large and matabetared oat, of the beet . aateast. we he deo prepared to &lobbing of akin& were tho only agents for the (*fetched new EMPIRE COOKING • TM best Os:Wag".l a soVevery stove toza. sraresated to give e - Marehle, pEZEIONS nN SEMICH OF I tITT.LES H,IIGUEIN, JEWELLER SILVERSMITH, YlintreV4PS NEW BLOCK; 2" * OIrANDA, P 4. , Is ccrustanfly - rovelving &Mittens tq. his stock of goals suitable for prescuts;such 11.3 • WATCHES, A11:EB AN WATCIM3 st of all descriptiOno. Also s.. . G 9.11 0. CHAINS, F IfEl 0 DcA LocSB'OF ALL snug FRO.If TILE amp. EST TdoiflCE BEST. GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL 15.6.1.a.A.CL1N AND EYE-GLASSES to $ll cams of Impaired night. Z(ZW PATENT ACCOMODATING sr.scrAczEs. By Ude iatent I am enabled Li eichan,,me Masses any time withcrat extra charge. Cell and see. ar,ocKs, wtrauzs AND mania . REPAIRED ."AND RAZEASMED. Towanda, Da. 8, 1870. MO.NrANYES, General Dealers in STAPLE ik FANCY DRY GOODS , . • °CAMILLO% Croat:rum, GLA..46"WAT.E. . BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS Leather, Hata. Carl, MI/WOW. ke-p, TOWANDA; PA. 10.3 Main St., corner of the Public Square. J. D. MOI(TAMT, ana19.11170.' .L. D. 110STA.MIE. fresh atm+ of • •• • - .... - GOODS • ... In their this. hotightt *en Fort and Philadelphia, aiprixa that warrant them in saying. that they nil as \ L , Ilatejoa CHEAP AS PIE<,CHEAPEST .Their stock consuls in Dcoaci , ac and. other DAY GOODS, I ! V . - X • 2 =NUT MILES. H. (MARK. AND 9=14 Li thoroughly farttislaid with thu For the season. •N reconstantly on hand: MRTANT TO. •AtL WHO E THEIR MUT t. • The . siglerof the a g ed assisted. the treat strengthen , ed and the perfect preserved. • J PIULAD/ILISIA OPTICAL I..nerrrt-rz, • Tor Die manuatiming (tithe ti*cps cg2m3r..saTzFAil.pnoz, LONDON , emus Atiiionzp GL ma yam cm at- • swot) mi. , • T. L TACET. Irphauw. Ps. The Concave Convex crystal Specie les. made by the above institute are now a long time before the public". sad the tepid andincresect demand forth= combined with the universal acknowledgment of their ciewsma In vision end case to the eye. shows -that they are superior to any other glasses g aiiltr e • ' - th market. • • The majority of Spectacles, (mostly Imported) and no matter how line the dames, contain but a poor and worthless article of glasses. (generally cast or proiesda they we made to be sold only, _without say calculation, respecta in bet to the eye, and therefore th e great corn tof poor and weak sight. Tboasands are glosses now which tire and fttlgee the eye, where the oixlects got dim alter andmange, or c du Ar t an . intenasiy strong light and therefore theaight. which. were they properly salted, mug preserved a life time. Tim ad mitipm chimed for ths Cknocire Convex 42=2Obsies Are the following : - • lonwo ere ground of the best matertil. pure and herd. and made only for oPtkal purposes, they we therefore not liable toget scratched or dim. The" Deafer a beftmey and distinctness of vision Dot found In any other OWL They Cell bethi used well by day or candle light without ng or ~a ing the eyes. They we ground mattimaticilly true in the fx# cave coarse minor, according to the philmoophy of nabni. and shape of immen of the eye, therefore serhating situ* only instead of forcing ?bathes hem are wateed cormetinic the Mmes. musbe used made curt ani other . . f elassei without changing to a power. • The femme we node MN dutiable by expo thawed artalown and warren e tW asii e li ion W. A. Doke in witches; &weary er e( Name Ware. Towsn di. Ps., has the has agency far these glasses In Nradtiord county., No Pedieri employed. 1870-1: 101631111; PA*. GUM sun% isuunaws rmorn, M:a'OC7" "‘RI3EI HOLIDAY yiIFSENTS, Most not fot , srot that Or.o door north of S WATCH'S, ECOSibi Y, s , . GLOVES, ZEPHYRS, , NOTIONS,' THEau, DEPARTMENT LATEST FASELIOX4 111' GOODS FrFm7rl CAPS AND HEA_URIGS Yalu .t., orliceiti • the Sept - _ -Thimissalfrakdaa. - ..‘ =ELI oLit. a Pomank sox*. co, - GILD CASH DICUG STORE, ;- *pot Nets end Me greets. Tonna, Pa, isior4lkoittil sadollatierbio their titodt, a fon mot emoetmewl4 meentoltng so inienihe Is. = h rdillesolier Nelda used la o the h to Ufa for iseftily selected wit ird lliewerete of the public. which win be . imppiaedi with itielt pusehertm est I Smit - ow ale most reeiamble terms at !Ulm* as Lie& ceadotial of threCciat Xs=Must - CluaucALst wrie, oas, viangraies; iiisCOitOrA AND •;• Di II I • L` 8,11114 PAW. vAisitse. waizz-wass; Asid Nadi Or u, • KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, ',Bundaginual; • will; SHAMA WICKI, csTLr e. • - 'Vona. L. Maki Neditar. pV.6*loi:iltio tx._;;: 14 ate) e :•m7 sad Toilet Midas man their reality, SPONGES, 111=4112. Pentodes. POCKET BOOKS, POBTltohtellS, rocket Saive4lLlzors. - TOXIN, ars mco sale isseAuxricpia. rmzt WIRES AND LIQUQBS, Yoe Iltsdkdaal use; TOBACCO * 131(1)17 fafiD Carden. Meld' and 'Flavor Seeds.. Trauma: Bur;- porters. Suspensories, glionlder Braces. Weald Pumps. Teething Bingo, Bunting Bottles. ' 2Opplai Nipple Sheila andghleida. STalages. .Bed Pans. EielklealingTrnit Jars.Ther anatnaten; Raveling Extracts. Mode tugs, Glass Woe. Bottles, Vtals , Corks. Bath ' Bak and Store Blacking. Flab Tackle. 4 1 - manttion. ke..l3otanic. Eclectincand epeth lo and all the popular Patent; Itl DDICINES. • AU artkies wirmanted as represented. - Persons at .s distance an receive their orders by litage or mall, which will recoLve.prompt and annthipattention. • Ladled advice given gratuitously at the office. charging only for medicine. • •-• Tlmkfal.for past literal patronage, Wwiild tea poctfully announce to their friends amendthe public.ths no pains shall tos spared to satisfy, merit the con tinuation of their confidence and patronage. —Open Sundays for priscriptious from 9 to-10 a.m., and 19m. to 1. and 5 to 6 p.m. • _ •l 11. O. 4 I I OIITEIL SON & Co. July 1, 1870.—yr. _ F w..8-R- 9 .w.N„ 137 MAIN STREET, TOWthiDA. PA. =1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGG-i$T. r The subscriber resectfully. announces to the* Pillr lie in gearal that he has on hand a large and well "elected stoelr6t.l! • DRUGS. • ' ')LEDICINES, munucArs, • - Etna% - OIL, • • VAINISIIES woDow GLASS, - DYE STUFF'S ' • . .. MEI AU the popular calletr.es'of the day. PKRE WfisTE` AND . LIQUORS For Medical reartiosee'onlr P L'.l - • Fancy and Toilet articles. . , • _ Soaps of every descrippion, ' • ' Therrnometers,. t Bathing,Surgeons, and Cot:ninon . Hair Brushes,. Tooth Brushes, • a y Dressing Corabsl • Pocket and Fine Comb • ; - Toilet Powder, • . ' • Puff Boxes, • fr Tooth Powders, Tooth Wishes. . - and Tooth Soaps. And-other Articiee be tonging to. the pin„ trade too numerous :o mention. .roving ' the Agency of the assortment of GOLD Y, I / GREAT V. • S. !I:EA • COM:PANX, - GREAT LCDITCEMENTO To purchasers. of goods in their lino. • - Physicians prestriptioneand family receipts cont. pounded by persons thoroughly corapetentZ' at all. hours of the day or:night. • That:Arra fer the past liberaltrona' spectrally solicit a continuance of the same, pled4 inn myself that no effort shall be spared-to mate' ray establishMest second to none in Ude section. • Dr. T. V: Madill may be consulted at this : Store as heretofore: . r . • F. W. BDOWN. ' Jan. 31.1870. • . . R.g31 7 RA.EGAINS 'IN lX . . BOOTS . 8z SHO:S Tho un , lzralariaed are retaining a largo and. ‘41.1 se . iccted stnek at. - B 00,,7'S ':AND--' -sltoEs4, SUITNEES •AND FALL TRADE, 711.1*Are-cfror for Carh. Cupsislifig:of. GE'N'TS; --e AND . cinTAMENS WEAR , . SElq4A \ .zikD PEGG4D ,_BOOTS •E TO WIDER. 4. 11E1',A.IRTAW „ NEATLY' D Thankful Sor pan of CIO ammo, Tcrwanda r h.pril CAN.rI3I! DY 1 ~ MAX FACIDRED FROM 1' rfiX . Wholefiafe analtetall, at prices that defy orripeti tion. part, of . "11 1 04/}Y.A. IT F rs;' Candy Apples, Peaches anti. Pears, Gum Drops, Chocolate Drops ; Chocolate Caramels, Arobisses Tatra, Cream Bari, Cream Ikmbons, Smooth • Burt and Jordan- Almonds, Clove Bud, - - Cinnamon String, Peppen:Mnt Dropa and Lozenges, MixealCandy,Jap.. anese Color, Cinnamon Iw. • ?crisis, •Tar, Sour and - • lemon Drops, Pea. . , nut Bar,Ahnond 'l. Bar. Hose ' I Balls, . • oes.• F l ig Paste . . • - Juba Paste, ' Cream Dates, Conversation bee.rta Lozenges. 2iapolesn Bon - • . Bons, ,sarained, Clear, and- Sugar Toys. Candy hearts, Plain • and Gitt.ll,:e. Oranges and Lemons.- Chewing Grim, Peanuts. Pc:wan Fjlberta..Almonds, Brezil Nuts. English n al. nuts, and every thing kept by Confectionery' in ,- gener i al . • - I . - _J.S..t C. S. nrcti_ , Opposite Codding. Russell & Co's No. 121, h.fain.st. P. 8.»-Itamojaber wo ' , Bel" the Family Favorite Weed Sewing Mach' w, Towanda; Dec. 13.1870. .1 Ola ROWIC NE BOOTS AND SHOES et a DE ANA • L. C. KEW:I:i, Sae mado arrangements to amommodate - custoraCM that are, constantly calling With boots and Shoes for sew solms,.ete., and have had to leave them; to their great disadvantage, until another day. The constant call for thin kind of work. and the desire to have it dabs immediatody, has induced me tb make such ar rangements that yen need not return home ' • Wittunit your solo being renewed and your ,heols, set square ,• • - For prioes th atre hOuest and perfectly fair. Ladies that bare gaiters that are broto at the too. To this repair-shop is the place for to - go To got them ro.rampod. neatly tipped•or half-soled. And rntr bet Iretiprotectedfrom the wet and the cold licrw wordily° an make on with the above double • quick,. a • We alt i make i nt k m tot Ton thin, or wee= give Olin Wean nrak u e then; with high heels, or we tan give thette to you Sat,' • So you need not stager with a brick in :jour hat. drier vinegar tor sale by barrel or gal,- Front of litelhodhlt church, Diem street. Towanda, Dec. 19. 1100. 1,. O. ,PORK RAMC AND LARD si • COWELL & _31113173._ miumm zwm I AN OFFER Boots mai Rules. -AT- xl NE iv -poor AND:.SIIOE .s.ropEr, Walt ontl of Nara .]louse. 1 +'_ ,' Suitable for the ME 1 . LIDEFIS, AND I XATIOn..LEFE • rigrilki c t0:07 11. A. I E omus CArre4.ll.o.ftooo—p4to tlt Ciorterod 673 gItgin, 180 owasesir. CLAW President jAr coozE. Chant= Finacuz lad Ex. Cora. ; =Mir D. ZOOM. Tice Preehleat ; EltatSON W. r 8 T. secretary and Avt 1417 . • _ The tatizacaces of the National Life ItunirancC Co,' . • .. _.! . I. Uis a Natlona' cOaPatir,t • •dgy enro l ,. a . it h as ikpood icip capital of One . Li:lion poih r ., : .3. •It offers kw rates of premiums ; 4. U turThaltes largo? insalstie . hall ailicr c { , t7 . • liactr... panics, for the same money ; & It Is definite and certain & n iers is so•poseaiditty of misrspr-Ketlt. , ..n 1 1 sonata, ormisandmatandteg p,..ay-tedc&i.- T. The Polliclesi-sre plata contracts, BO ratiel,:4 . , rim* far so much money.; & An pallets* are nott.forfcidng , ; .& The poilciatare exempt from attachne•nt. R. W. CLARK & CO., Pullers. 11:1111.:i.L: N. O. BLESDREE k A. G- 11A-SiJN, 3;,,A . genta for Tcnrauda and ric;att Jan;.9,.18011 SIP. ITIN . CE•tiT'S • • INSURANCE AGENCY, • • relicies. written in all-of the fell6u reliable Companion. ' LOSSEs s 4. Ailed:::11 at , (inctudin4 • 'and direfiltigs.in town inured str:ailLtt IsrLtwitsuu as well an Pate. • LiFE :INSURANCE affected f u nn , : of 11.4: largat and Safest eanzpahles in Led,. Ittava.uccE CustraNic:. Indon, Almets, .112(DEs instr Axer. 1 ITEM CLLR ELN.ND ISBUTANCE . Co:ir.VSY. - 1 Vert/and, Ohl.. i • Assetts if ) I : ,- • • ' - ik Wroxixca .INscß.l..vcr...Coxi-AN - s - , - i• _, •". . ' 1 , IlVitkewk. , .rre, Pc; J 's.o: AsaettK, ' • - - .. : .1 , -; -• . J,ix,,,. _,t4 - _ . ritiCC:WITSI IN*BSICer. CO VPANY. • Icias.ter, j Assetter trir EthilgatiLtscr.. Costralcy, Lrartf,r. 1, Assets, Non:rit 4-siztuc.l2: I.Nzt:ll-i-NCE Co., . I j , Assets, "FriTox Fxr.r.'lNst - r-Ncz colsr ANT , ..rne yok. ae ets. I.mizrwurts-r'l2:stfcAscr (.153314ANT. Baton„ Assetts litvi Vous Ln IssiiANFE Cox4N - Y, ..11:7 Fork. f Asse.44- =IS • •.• :. • . • „ Strict , attention'. , tp Unsintpu; fair dtaling, atl ptompt rettlement of LOEbCS, ili,151:11,1`1011:0; ' Come and try.w... • Office on 1.14 in street, or , poiito Coutt III;nla, I, i , statra.. • - k ir Mr. WZtier..N2 at Mere:ars Vrar from 2 a.m. t;;: d o'och, p. tu. - - T. n. o.tarn, 1 . .• :CAMP k VI:".:CY.:".iT:• u - .'- : . , 7v , V:yr. i 1- . 1.11 , 1y4i1i5.1. , ..ra., July 20, 1870,—1y - ' " , • ~ • .. . . • . , • frilliE PEN.Ii . 7‘..11TML.. .. li. . , A . ; • . LIFE' *INSURANCE COMP:II.NY, NO. alt cIiE.SINUT STREET, irFtjT -Acrcumtratri) Fe.Nri, oVcr 0 0,00. INCOME VOE wvnims - vs insr, tvsr - EIiZGED ANNUALLY anon sp PIM cE.NT. ?+ • ktlucrrs ISSUED ON ALL APPIIOVED nay • rii2mim•ne may be i)aid anuttallror s , -rui-annua'A( a loan will be =Ale for part of Ow a:tool:at SAM EL C. liii.i.l", • Presiklett,.. •.. SAMUEL; E. STi.)EES, Vice ' JOHN W. LIOE.NOII, IL. 8. STEPHENS, Sci:reta*. j1,y13,'70-tf r±TJADDLIN _SIUTUAL LIFE .tstx.raxcif compx.\-1, • 251 BROM:AV-AY, NEW 1:01:.K. 1 OL.Ti7I.ES IN" FORCE • Assns, over 2 , 040. p, Axanar. /ticoatE, .over ' - • 11.00. , * LO:SES l'Au) All approved towns of Pcilicies Liberal modes for. Payment of preirdnin3. 'Policies non-forfeitable by_ their-terms. • The entire profits of tlie Company di, ably among the insured. 4 ANNUAL DIVIDENDS.. fp _ _ WALTON H. PECKHAM, .cra - ,11 , 1:5r. 1V14.1.131 T. HOOKER.,4VicE LIICIt'S 3I ADV.'S; SEC'IC,A.;;D AVIVA.LY. • ' paLADELEau. nrrzny.Ncrs : 7Ar Caoips It co. Bankers. Br gt. CO.. B;l:nktrs. , ' - JOHN WtioDsmie & Co.. Tea 3icnliaijt- - S. A. Mnitaat, Prest. Farmers' & 31e1.1.adA' T. B. rE"nalsoZi., 1'111;11811er. _ j1)12,76-tf COIN7NEC.'IICITT. 3117TtTA_L ' zSI7IIANCE COM_PANY.. "iTTSSES, VAIDERLSO hOiS 1 - rxis 39,00) ArrquENs, ASSETS (June 1,1SGO) or.er Sur is over $7,0.00,4)ti0. . • t cußn.wr DFIDEND FROM - 49.T0 70 CENI. Total Claims by Deatkyild to date, ever • F. 42.1) A PcRELY All its surplus is equital43- 3lViat,l :Vol LL icy: holders in • • • , ntinnantv ANNUAL DIVDJi.'NISS Mali Whieb may list applied in ICallC'tior. !nay Us aceamuLated at itiO„rest i'; , r the b;.'::40 , 1: ef Assuied, or may be received byil,em - Policies are granted to co e u years P,renlituns laavfi. beau paid, 1121:i praet.c4 . making! .41:4L . .I`o LI CI ES .1" , :).1% R FE! It issues Policies upon , DithalltAßLE PI..NS OT ; ~ INST- 1 ;, : ;, ,1. , .ftilatl . h . s44adoptoiT in its Nrorla:gs. E•cv,:ral. ' .\ ~.1).EC1....1r, Ft.:17*(71.W! \' Ora' AL WITH THIS CONLI•VNY .IN1;01TI.:::. Gn \\\.,,,,, ED Li NO 01111:1:. . IT. D. 31eF.V.N, Sztn;t. Tow - a:1 5,4%a.. July `22.;1869—tf VENV I 110r,Tt TO rfill.,..‘DEL , PILLt \± . • . . .- `ire . - • - • NOLTII PENN. I'L\ Lt • - , Shortest and mostdiratt line to 'Pb.P.34lolllia, V timore, Washington, and the South. Passengers by this ratan, take Pennsyl;3l:: l • qlew York Railroad train, pisping !Towanda at A.M., make 4:iose connoono.o 41k:tide:mut press train of North Perin'a n?.itroad, and Philadelphia at .5:01 l'.';1:, iu tilyn3 to tale : trains either for the South or West. \ 'City passengerpars are . at the Deikt 'on 'arr • a al t i - convoy passoni:era to the Varielo!D,o,i a•). nd to - parts of the city. , • • prITENINCI.. , LtaTe :core} Benn'a Railroad Depot, corn, and erican afre•ts, Philadelphia, at 7 I:I :' • - turivinl at Tocfanda 4:35. 'P. • M., same ,alann's Baggage Ilitpr..ss. 'collects and gage, oftleo No. 105 Sout ifth 'street, Phllad , 4:4:4 • rpacirr ACcOItMoDATIoNF. Frelg t iercive3 at Fx:init and Noble str.•,lB. I'l. delphia t and forwanied hr Daily Fast Troia:Also ' all points lu linslueliauna Y ELMS CLAItIiEJ • P. Front and SL' • PhtladelpLi.l.- fate opened ' . • EsmorAi..ls.lt...yr In the Nona over Miss Kingsley's 'AILIII.nt•I• z••tor .. • Ono do4•sonth of Fox. NlqccAtr',6)l th,v PrePare4 to do all kinds of work in the Dress Val-, nag Into, at reasonable rates. , • • .PLATKS , •- Of the latest atyiu received as soon as publirl ,,,, They aftl also kir . o instrneVon In - • currANG AND FITTING DRESSES. JP 5\ KINGSLEY. Sept.-1.1.'70. • LYDIA G. EATON.. TD - FOlt - IV;HEA.T. Oats. Butter ; Eggs, and knula of country . PrbdttgebY - Fos hwir4i=. GcUral Agents. B. 8. BuBBELL, 3tatta;vr• TorAND A , $2:),000 - ,00C!; INC011:1'011ATED 1E47. . J. A.' BEC01:11, Agent, Towan,ta, of TT krTFORD, CONS ==lMl $llllOll •'• BEE ME/ ME MEE EEO IBEIM $1.", 1 v,t, lIIE .. %, 1 -