Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 23, 1871, Image 3

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    fradfoni tporter.
fr,Z-Dencon 4 W.n.a.Lui .tiEWILB, long
dnd.favorabiy ktipyrn in this vicinity, died at
East Smithfield oil' Thursday hot
DEN. Attention is called to the ad
,ertisernent of the State Normal Scbool, Mans
tit 111, Pa: '
, •
par. The receipts of the Episcopal .
i/t•c Society, on Tuesday evening, netted over
one hundred and twenty dollars.
. The Sullivan B, Erie Railroad
at Last finished, to mince, - :and Mewint.
DAyilluDDF4r , k9o. will commenco shipping
coal .. • . • . .
IVliTrittyttn,. •4if
I:loonisbitrg, l ) l :ts been appointed an :aiile;de...
eatni' , to Gihertior Gzeiir, with the tank of ee1....
..r., w
.1: 31}-x.rix BlioNrs, of AVyalusi,tig;
, h o c. f Q ,I- huntlilg on February 2d„ killed a wild
rat ..iy*cti inesmr.ed five L feet two inebes in
'icagili and weighed sixty-eight pounds. . -
Tlie liOns . e . of JOSEPH VANSCOIY—
Ics, inlVssox township, was burned on Sun
day afternoon, lan. 29. Loss $1,000; insured fur
$5O). The tire;Tanght to'the roof from it chim-
building formerly occu
v:,..ll,y B. S. RUSSELL & Co., bankers, has been
x emmleled,-and is now occupied hype Sullivan
,k-Eric. MIL Co. and Der, lirODZLL h CO, It is
one of the pteasantest.officns In town: •
Jr,:&• The most came observer can
not fail to notice the great improcemient in the
aerarance of Mr. CRANBEELLyS Jewelu Store.
lle has recently put up several, very hatulsome
I,Lick walnut cases, which add greatly to the
hoks nf-the establishment.
I' E itswi.u..- r —Hon. • E. N-. F#lspli, of
Elmira, was in (own on Friday,,
_e M. SANnctscnc, of tho &in of DAY, DUD
N 'Co.,leisces of the Sullivan lc, Erie mines,
t.,k , •n'np his residence in . this &we..
- T. IluairtinEr, of Beno, was in town
last ice k. If ever a man deserved to make- a
f,,rtr:iie in We tzil region, col. IL does. ,
The Legislature having taken
. a recess of a
weel:. Hon. BUCK is spending the time at
- .
-w- The Second Annual Reception
Liii-ta Hose Company transpired on Thurs
de; t.t . thing last iu 31Encrit'S Hall, and was a
1, IT ITlllisitt affair. The management hid
,i.,:rt.d no effortor expense to'render it the
grand it /e of thn season, and their desires were
tulle conSutpuni ed.. 'The' elegance of dress,
.1, Aaty and intelligence of the ladies, sweet mu
•-, I.,,un,tiftil and delicious viands, glittering
I,llt-., And utmost decoruxu,throughonti taken
tog , Alicr, lilendedthemselves Into one harrati.;
riiijth , lyliole. It was a source cif enjoyment ;to
:11i MO participatea. ..
44 1 1" ELIIIIT - NEWTSUBT; one of the old
,cf,t and most - respected citizens of ' Troy, died
'lvry euddenry,of heart disease, on the 12th inst.,
in the 74th year of his age. Few men enjoy the
confidence and esteem Of_ their fellows to a
greater degree than did Mr. Nr.pnraT.
'• calm' ' so constant was his rectitude .
That by his loskralono we laamalais 'worth,
And ini , l how tree a man has tialked with us
on earth !' . •
Mr. N. femored froni.this place lco Troy nearly
fifty years ago:,
Dins, one by one, the . links. that bind the
9 r..1.;:t 1(1 tbe lasteentury 'are being .fievejed.
Fra:4l( L. JasEs,.Esq.,bas been
iu,mlnatea to the Senate as Postmaster of this
ige, in place of CHARLES STEBBINS, Esq., re
and will undoubtedlY bey confirmed,
Mr. Srumgcs has filled the office for nearly nine
.11'S. during It - lab time he has been an oblig
i.e.: and efficient Pojimaster, and will lave his
p:eti with the gelid wiU ind respect of the
e. , runininty without distinction of party. Widle
the c.nitinuance of ,31r::STEBriiNs,"So long as the
repuPlicaiis may hive contpol of the eaminis
--na!ion,-would have been entirply satisfactory,
, ntrertlieless gratifying to know that he re
`ti Mme kile position into the hands (4461:mesas - or
w;lrtby and ',capable as JONEL.-OiP(VO
flri, ' -
lase Poon.—The present season, is
uru•'iii which the poor feel ir.ost bitterly thedis
tr ss and privations of poverty. It is'not alone
'the outcasts, the vagrants, the-worthless drun
bards, or the iiireet beggars,"wheacel the pinch
ings of winteri frosts and thognanings of emp
ty stomachi.. litany a worthy but 'unfortunate
"kh , .ristihold, struggling without a father or con
xt...ntling against sickness or infirmity fail hp
[heir utmost efforts to keep the stove warm or
,the table supplied with food: These are the
ftmilies who suffer most—not alone fro ,cold
and hunger, but also from mental distress.
Mitch poverty and suffering are hidden •from
The public view, and thus escape the pailtial re
lief that sometimes falls to the lot of V.A. I: , .of'c
Atinsive elms of 'sufferers. It is often the case
that only by',..diligent inquiry 4he families die
_ if-sspd by the. shame and humiliation Or lion
,t poverty are found and relieved. It those of
oar cations who have both Wealth and time at
ihelr,dispoSal were to apply4liemselvez to the .
Christian task of seeking oniihe snffering . poor
an] relieving tlicii'distress, they would accom
a•gri•af and noble work:
Goo SUGGESTION. —Ono Of our
vlini:;es. hays : "Much may be saved ink a
',icily by the mistress of the houSehola
to In t anage well 'the • affairs pgrtaitUng
t. „ lowostie 'duties, orch - thonih she may riot
!. mired to do the work herself. Therefore,
=:ll , ,o;d_ learn domestic duties to qualify
11., 141porrh$itkri of dowestie affairs
I. 1,
.S11; 4 / 1 , : , e , /111C.I women. Te, greatest ac
c• pi:AM:cut married female 'is a
.I , llei.trwiete hnowleilge of everything be
to 'th'e lie . oi:chola and a propereapicity
L • them with'eeonomy. There
rt. I, f' • a:ttait.nient of, which 'a yoning 'wife has
1%-r , ra:a . azon tole proud. , Ttie - graceful ease
holie parliarind drawing•room
1111 :II ilc in to comparative insignificance iit-eon
t mif 11 the-excellent management of the do
dittic,, which aars to conducive to the
ring! happiness of married life." We
the suggestions to the careful con
bfottr lady 4 , :aderts, believing ' they
pill inal thein'valuable-in proportion Ai . : they
acted upon.
6 _
MONEY is SEEN7I. , --Not, long
sukce, occupying a chair in a i barber shop, says
Erie I:erub!ican, we overheard a gentle
man,,whe we knew to be rather free-and-taffy
li‘cr i and drinker tog for thit niatteE, though
lu never let the fluid get thgbetfek of him, re
his experience of keeping an account of tbo
.1t:1 ,,, n.t it had cost him to stand treat" for
ttolear 1870. He saitlikkneir his manner of
lye uas a sad draw on his finances, and on the
firm of.tie past_ year lo determined to see how
Inti::11 he really wasted in crooking Lb; elbow,"
, 4n I other eituilar amusements ; and to that tand
' l a pit down every night the amount ho had
td ,, nt (hiring the. day. On the of January,
• 15.71, he footed hp his aecciunt, and it amount
!' 1 to between seven and eight hundred dolfatv.
Th' figures startled him, and helms conclud
ed timing the:year - 1871 to allow all his friends
t ,, "stand- treat." The moral is *bikini; so
- much so that another( gentle Man of our Sc
quaiutancp to whom we related .the dream
., stance, and - who for years has been in Me habit
,st indulging inthis lager, thought he too' would
to tue experiment and see if he conldmot stop
.the leak in his finances,- and alsp an almost
ctuonie headache and bad temper; so he has
• given up his lager, and in the place of .it takes,
relay, justtlie °cost of six glasses of the
hAerage, and carefully lays it away. When
'e the sum thus taken care of amennts to five dol
. lars.he deposits it -. .in the Savings Bank. He
has been tryilig thi.4 experiment for a month
and finds it works well; and he is fully-fleter
nfined to keep this thing going. Besides this
Le says that he returns homaevery evening at
9 ~ 'stock with a clear head, his wife and 01'17
dren meet him with_sruiles and eafesses; always
glad when papa;comes.Nipia . iing, he says,
could induce hipx to return to hji celd habit of
71 beer guzzling.' Who'll imitate hiessarri i Tle ?
Rom*—Mr4 1 If'-BMX
should luippentis be hi , ilia E 10441001604.410
would be able to add inotitiiitewl tlieWig6i
of hhi book on humbugs. , A certain Dr. His
sirr (?) cami,to . Homo about a week ago Of
more, scattering about handbilbt which 'thew
teed tho wonderful Pe•rfcainaritioa if the "Poi;
qnehanna Steam Dental,Worke ="A fall set
of teeth for WV " DO to - siz months' cred
it given,* to test the • • .• ency of the. work,
Ac., ace, and other • things to bedaub
by Dra t Striuvior E. , &tuna
to be Frenchman, bat 6 bad* strosig =li
sten accent—a "rich brogue, as Gen...,Bewrr
once tetided it. His knoidedge of Rinds was
confined tb the -words, " CMS Mimaieur
boasted sequel'stame with German prorod to
be fabuliWis ; but beforeth os e little exposares
he had succeeded in pulling the teeth of soores
of customers, getting his pay thesefor—some
$75 I understand—collecting about-three guards
of teetitiln additiop. Some people of wild im
agination say thati ho gathered about three
bushels . of teeth.; but you must . take the last
statement " cum grano antis." His partner, Dr.
fitilaivi.x, was to come OD Saturday to takeim•
'pressions of the numerous months prepared.
But be was not on hand, and tho other dentist.
decamped before tlie time ; and the toothless
victims are hardly Prepared to admit the truth
'of the Had Couplet— •
"Doubtless thepivot:we isas great, ' -
Of being cheate d, as to cheat."
The Ilepublicen caucus , oh Saturday night
nominated L. LJ Moony and Et; eSszr..: as dele
gates to the Couvention; SnowanNo,- -
Secretary ; Chelrman.
Prof. Cnnuirm., is intending a graraft,exhibi
tion at the dose of the present :term his
school. It will of course be well conducted.
The nest term will have improvements added,
which may,malm the school one of the best in
the 'county. . • lYszom.
, • - t
stir The Bredforil County Teach
er's Association convened in'lgenroetou on the
10th and 11th i nstant . ; was Called to order ,by
President Pr n,; Rev. 1L Armstrong being
appointed Secretary pro ileinnd Rev. 3. 8.
Stewart . conduCting de4ioiuil exerciser.. ,
The btutiness committle rePorted the - follow-.
ing reeolutfens': r . .
• .
Resolved, L That corporal innishmentin the
school-room should be tisorted to only in oases
of obsolete necessity. -
2 That the State ahon d adopt a compulsory
system of education.
—3. That the schools should commence about
the first of September, and that' the minimum
term should be, six months. '
4. That in a great mal.affift;•of cases, the in
subordination of scholarsis - chargeable to pa
rents and guardians.
5. That boards of directors ,neglecting to
adopt a uniform• series Of text-books for the
schools under their charge, are derelict in duty.
fp. That there,should he no special excinlina
tions. '
• 7. That directors
g courage ,teachers
in attending Association and Instittiths by al
lowing them their time. i
8. That the Bible I.lioultl be rem: in our com
mon schools. ,
First resolution was di l lctissedin ruan
nerby Revs. Stewart, Eltit, and Armstrong,
and' Messii.. Pitcher, ~'McPherson, Chrispell,
Yining, Mrs. Runt, and Others. .Adppted. •
Second resolution wars! discussed'-by Messrs.',
Young, Thompson, Ili:Thereon, Supt. Keene -
aud Rev. Armstrong. •ThtiSeussion was arrested
to be resumed-in the =Wicking: ,
Missls Jennie.Phinney, and Annie Myer were
appointed a committee on questions; DerniCe*
Kelio;, , g and Mary Walbtrn to solicit new mem
bers. •
Afteiquon Session clos i cti with music
3liisic by the choir.
say by Mies Addie Paiismcire
At tho request of the president, L \McPher-
son favored the audience 'with a decicnation.
Music—duett executed by 0. W. Young and
Lecture—".Esthetic Aspect of Education,
by Rev. J. S. Stewart.
Answering of queFtions.. - • r
Devotional exercises conducted,by Ito.. II
. Discussion on the bee!,ncl resolution contin
ucd. -Adopted: •
On motion,*it. A. Reeney was directed
to bend a copy of the resolution to, and- inform
our Representatives at ,liarrisburg, (if the;ae
tion of the Association in regard to the same?;
Reporl.ofthe Auditor.
en motion, the Treasurer was instructed to
prepare a quarterly account and report-&t ev:l2
•comriiitteo on niembirship report the follow
ing petions, cia : Prof. E. E. Quinlan, Jas. P.
Horton, Dora Rickey, Delphine Loris, lgay
Johnson, Helen Gilbert, Alice' .Goff, ,Frank
Daugherty, litag,gie Delailo, Mrs. Zella Rolison
Hunt. '
_ • Delmation, by 0 Satterlee. .
'Discussion of third resolution and Ulla riiinoui
- Fourth resolution laid upon the table.
Seventh resolution ad(SP4, d: •
Discussion ,of eighth; ;resolution deferred - till
next meeting. , ;
W. H. Thompson,loffered the following : ..
I ~
Resalred, That t e. kindness and hospitality
so liberally extend to us by the good citizens
of Monroeton duri our stay in. their midst,
and the accomm tins offices of the trustees
of the Presbyterian hurch, merit and receive
our hearty thanks and 'acknowledgment. ~
2. That thanks be tendered to ltev..T. S. Stew
art for his able, practical, andcloquent lectuie,
and that s.,(4ipy be solicited ibt-publlcakion.
3. 'fls.t. se express our thanks for, and ap
rrecint!vn of, the C: S. Satter-
Appointments for neit session :` Lecturer—
Prof. L. D. - Watson; Essayists—ailases M. E.
Willianis and Emma A. Peckham ; Declainteri
—Mr. -- Harris, Mr. Selected Readings
by Prof.. H. H. Hutton, APRS M. E. Howland ;
Brisiness Cmiunittee—H. H. Hutton, G. P. Bed,
dington, Sarah E. 8a114.1, Kate Adams.
Adjourned to meet atil Troy do the second
Fray and Saturday in Dime.
• . M. A. Pn.rr, Cor. Sec'y.
Ariirz;s.-We have our enthusiasm,
again worked up to concert pitch. The South
triccentral lla,ilroad has actually_ commenced
atA though but one accomModation
trait yet on the track, our vanityis gratified ,
in.beirig able to ride tint of town to Barton,
Smitlaboro':and Owego without going grtitr four
miles to mike the start. • •
swing. our hat and report progress, lophig
in a few days that I:resident Gnaw? (L Lewis)
may, like his heroic moinisalte, worla a reform
3epartroent bygiviug us - more
." peace '-
able accommodations._ A. passenger train is
promised in a few days,- and then 'twill be plea
sant "riding on a rail."
LEociErr hai two or three acres of :iron for
fhe Ithaca it Athens 11.11. en his farm,
will begin to stretch itself toward Ithaca about
March first. - • •
• It has `;arriv"--Cir'xur-tes power presi., We
heard it Thursday night, hum Ming and work
ing off Gleaners with &rush. The edition has
become too large to itrike off by hand, and
Howes was obliged lb take
,a double trip to
Waverly every week and run "'era " through a
borrowed press. This inconvenience is now at
an end, abd we expect to see his subscription
list doubled in a short time.
Last Wednesday' morning, 13th inst., Mr.
E. D. DREW, of thil firm of Frasun S Duaw,
was married to Mils" tELL l i casEn, at the resi
dence of the bride's father in Ulster. They
have gone on a four weeks' bridal tour among
friends in New l'ark and New Jersey, after
'which they ale to return and take up thei4res
'idence among us.. We give our ban& in: most
Ilearty congratulations, wishing them many
years of happiness.
Another wedding last - Week : Mr. WlLus
HILL to Miss CEitirtu Mlinclty,,dsnghter jot
Erenr McKmsEr. others wit soon be ready.
, Our Methodist • friends are having some very
pleasant spelablea. One at Douses, lirriday
ovning, netted $V 'above all expenses. rDoa
s's'ice cream worked like a. charm, makixi,g
all pod natured. - . • _
Measles and ecatiet fever arc working terror
among ourloungsters. The salutation, "lave
you had . .'em • ?" has . become /proverbial.
There will be few verdant ones one the ,subject
when they get through 'ti swinging round the
J. K. Wlnntrr, Jr. is to return West to engage
in busintus. Sorry to lose hint.
The Good Templars are active, circulating pe
titions for the local-option-probibition-lignor
law. Their enemas seems certain. So all to
pers will be obliged to go out of town to wet
-.their whistle.. Pity, pity, pity!
Colour has hisled a bran now shingle
'over his grocery door in RIDALL'Ir new *block.
His new kiosk of goods I ook like business. ,
Oar " ralrkihin," with accompanying chorus
+.4thriner bells and yelling boys, has .vamoosed
"the ranch. It would be a Consolation to, know
that they were gone to some distant place where
. -
the woodbine Uhl,* SuidAhe whangdoodli
nunnneth. We hope 64, win have a "Plennut
'den and stay a good whilsr. - •
the iiiiliGea Cosopiajani tinkling a4e
mentS for new switches and a turntable at this
Plage. gal* icorePore Worm ID toy not
firma Piont, •
.•• • , •
stir- The Musical Conleutlon held
at Leßsysville, ocmunendog Yebritery 14 and
dosing oTs the evening of the 17th,l)inder - the
direction of Prof. L. 0. Eatioukot, Of Boston,
was a perfect success, notwithstanding the un
favorable weather at. the ppOnle4 Out. other
hindiances. • The greatost enthwdasmend gO - o — d
feeling characterized the entire seadons.. The
concert was largely attended, and gave entire
satisfiction. Emensos, by promptneas of
setiOn•and style Pro f.
'of execution, hilly sustained
his high reputation. . .
The following resolutions, expreuivo of the
sense of the Convfttien, Were unanimously ,
adopted: - •
Your cOmmiitee, appointed to report- resole
thane expressive „of the sense iff WE Convention,
respectftlly present the folio big for adoption :
Wniarsa, The history of ages has demon
strated that the greater the advancement in the
science - and art of multi, - the more refined - And
elevated is the state of human society. The
practice of music, the general harmony and
unity of those interested, tends to elevate and
ennoble the mind; draws them nearer in the
bonds of. friendahip,end eventually prepares.
them, morally and socially, fore a higher and
better life. s."l • .
. Therefore Resolved, That as ii Moans to ac
complish so desirable in object,iwo mut hear- i
lily approve of Musical Conves4iol,s, believing
that they will aid materially in forming and-ex
tending a correct - musical taste, and a more
perfect system of . practice. The benefit, and
even necessity of them,under the direction of
qualified and corapetent'condnetors, should no
longer be a matter of ?lit to any one.•
Resolved, That we te der to Prof. L. 0:
n 2
=SO; the highly accomplished and pop
conductor,.our heartfelt thanks for his yid
ble instructions, and for the courtesy and con- -
aideration he has shown us: For his untiring
energy and efforts to 'elevate thirstandard of
vocal music in our churches—for the kind and
christian manner in which he has conducted
this Convention. the.result of which is seen in
the perfect harmony, and good feeling which
has prevailed throughout the entire sessions
now about to, close—and as a gentleman or
musical conductor we icknowledgeziosorperior.
Resolved, As thit_unammons and hearty opin
ion of this convention, that the Choral 7kibuie.
by Prof. L. O. &Mips=, combines more excel:.
lance in the character of its tunes, anclthestlle
of their cemposalon. for the proper expression
of sacred worshiP Omni-Any book' with which
we are acquainte d; and 'we unhesitatingly re- -
'commend it to all charchesi and singers, ashav l
ing no superior ass collection of church music.
trusßeteessoived f , T hat we tender our thinks to the
oe Congregational Ichurch,- at LB
llaysville; for the ruse of their commodious house
for the sessions of the Convention: .
Respired, That we tender our thanks to Miss
Been for the us of her piano; end-to Prof.
COLE for his 'valuable and timely ,services in
dining the ' instrument, and other assistance
•rendered; alseto Prof. 8013111W0 , and sister ,
for t heir valuable services during , the Conven
Resolved; That we extend ou r thank s .L...
to the
officers of the Association, for the faithful man
ner in Which they have performed their.several
And Firudly, To all in attendance, for their
interest miuufested in the Assiiciation, may the
ftiture of life be full of music and uninterrupted
happinesi—and at last meet where the Asio
dation never breaks up; and the 'praises arid
singing never Grid!
G. W. Bons,
H. HOWELL ofkred the fo ( llowing resolution,
which was , unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That in view of the eminent quali
fications of ProL L. 0. Emensed - as a _musical
concluder, ho merits our unqualified approbg
tion, and that wo will Imo our utmost endeavors
to secure his services libr our next Convention
—believing that as a teacher and conductor ho
lias . no superior.
Lellayaville, Feb. 17, 1871. '1
tar FesOmsk, of Albany, ia
authorized to receive subsetiptions for the RE
IN - ronmATioN WA_NTED.—Left' his
home in Oveq.on township, about the 11th day
of October last, my soil,: JtiTEnsos J. He is
about 15 years of age,:ratheridender in form,
with dirk hair.. AnY' 2 *formation concerning,
him kill bo I thankfully received' Josimi
RINEBOLD p Overton, Bradford county, a.
(Exchanges please copy.)
_ . .
Ater Severil valuable farzis for
gale. • Enquire of Gurtrin: s & PArro:cj at their
office on Bridge-at, Towsud*, Pc - thl.s-trl
FoUND,—Op Sahli -ay morning,
Fcb, IS, a quantity of money. Tho wirier can
have it by calling on Join LiNea, in Beidlo.
man's New: Block. •
ter Plux*'s Furniture Estab
lishment is becoming famous. It is admitted
by all that hfSis selling gbods at prica'that do
ry competition.
set. An old gentleman frOM Alle
gaup county, blind for--tile Bast
_eight years
from cataract, was restored to Won by Dr. UP
DEGnara, at the Eye and Ear Piatitnte, yester
\day afternoon.—Elmira Adoeki..ter„ - ' _
. Doxvriox.—The friends of Rev,...G.
CILLMMEFILAIN will givo him a (I:nation it
tho WYainsing Academy, on' Wednesday after
noon and evening, Blarck rst. All
. are invited
to attend. By order of • ~ ..ittee. •
BoAnnmo.---A. few boarders can se
cure first-class rooms with board, by ;applying
at No. 32 Sedmd street. F. E. Posr.
Also a new ono:horse covered Cirri:L i ge (rub
bei top) for sale at a bargain. F. E. POST.
Via?' Guth-Ims & PitTON deers in
real estate, will sell town or country pr rty on
a reasonable commission. Descriptio. of prop
erty, valuation, and terms of paymerit, lett at
their office on Bridge-st., Towanda, Pa.,
receive their prompt attention. ftbls-wt
• i Two Hcitises for rout on SeeL
onct street—possesaion given on the, first Of
April ; and also one house sigsdlot - for sale on
the corner. of Forth and Elizabeth. street
Inquire of
Feb. 1, 1871—tf
m- Great Expectations--t4a new
Prize Collar. Buy a Carton and secure a prize.
For sale I , Y TAYLOR 4S: GORE.
Mir Any person Ilesiring:to en
gage in the hotel businetis in a thriving railrbad,
town of several thousand population, esti hear
of a good chance to purchase afirst-el”4 house;
doing a large business, at a bargain, by calling
at this office.
• ' DontTion.—The friends of
ifFrr; Monroeton, will give him a'the h,enae of B. B. Boiai-rt,
afternoon and evening, March 1, 1871
der of Committee.
ke.. Twenty years ago th ,
but ono grocery and provision sbriJ
da ;, now there are ten—one of the ra st erten ,
tiro being that of McGinn dc. Epic You
may find it their place a large 'and complete
assorimeiit of everything, from ahi lof pork
to a Ina Of matches. Their brandini flour are
of the finest, their sugars,' teas, 44(44 ite, of
tho best and cheapest.
• Corusumeni:Wha have
tried them once will be glad to go again. deeds
delivered in any part of town free of charge.
I '
issr-C. F. Caoss is so well ware
of the steidily inCreasing egg* sad prosperi
ty of our embryo city, and intuitively awake to
the wants of our enterprising citizens. that he
has purchased the largest supply and petted
variety of Wall Paper &z Window Stades per
haps over brought to Towanda.' .itn* none of
the many buildings In course of 'erection and
.00mpletiou is this vicinity—w kindred mare or
be finished and lit for .occripsney un
til their Walls are neatly papered. •Go to Cionei
Book and Stationery Store and Newt Office.
• iiiirpoid, has gone up 1_ tnit Faotrr
it SONS gall sell Furniture of all kinds at rites
that will-enable thapeople to pay the same.
When bedsteads are braw l & into irequisition,
not much needed; and those • iho_ take
to them early-are on the road to wealth. Their
estabhaliineit is the Ingest in Northern Fenn
'Arabia; end their assortment comprises al
most everything fnmeriable in thcdi branch of
!Maine's. Office desks- and chair's; extension
- taffies, all sty* parlor and chamber seial and
snits, AC., ' Ofre them a call.
• . •
gir.Theikoliti*liiitithrsciOrms s
tam:ea Athwart I t
spookLforthArMacibfirlaia4 o o9,o , o l -*:',
" thitlritibluteio ;
=and far our msou - was in mous !id% oar
- satr i. ltupplr, AM While thin F ite were
•Ilms 4wing suythins• 7 , would'
Vensi temulaterdessaade ilready, 01211 our
oapaply tcv production. 4 lt I; hoverer, gait- •
Moe id be abk) *yin tide connsetioa Sad
our sales of machines for the year which ended
December Slit; aoitaindlts =us,
. of those of any outer ampany,"
If you would eta - tans this trader, Call on or
Bead to caw AirsneY. Yours.respeathilly,-
~f' • Ddta
E. C..., Aossautkie has em-,
plowed M. Aiiarcht Cia343, tbc; pOPidiir dress
trier, wlin will alter thetth of December as
gist her In the duties peceliar to hei 7 l..vocation::
To those Who hive employed her, the at:Bounce- .
meat will be aullident ; to those who! have4mt
been as fortunate we, can only say, if ;you „Tent
your dresses cut in the most approvisl style and
nicely fitted, atrether,a cat. •
Mrs. Amminuat alSo keeps a fine assortmi3nt
of real laces, embrnideries;patienii iroin Ma
dam Dmseamrr ; also the greatly. eclebrated-
L. M. Jg.uimes Improved Chart for cutting la
dies', misses' and children's dressosi leagued;
slicks, 4c. Charts of instruction to behad on
ly of Mrs. E. C. Ace:muss, Bridge Bireet, To
wanda, Pa.
. CoxrNtlorma FOn BO Smm:s.—For
the girls: Could you lave a man who l wore false!
hair on his head, when ho had enouglii• of 14 -
,own? - .Wbo_psinted his face and inTroved
. you improve (?) yours)
his feet with small shoes, his hands with small
gloves, his waist with' corsets ; and then l su9 if ho
had not aiready_deformed himself en i ough,Aied.
ri huge bustle to his back and thrturt fny Mow
-tains of wire into ldhlosom ? • '
For the boys : OloVd you love a girl-Who_ de.:
tiled her month with tobacco and ‘ jiaded ,tbe
air witbfumea of cigars ? Who staggered honie
several times a week the worse for liquor? Whci
indulged intuit horses, bet high at races and
awaggered around the streets 'with lquestiona:
bie companicun't
Dut thoso who have marriedjand commenced
life in its true sense, have found thsit by bay
tes, coffee, spices and aceoranying gro
eerier of G. L. Itaitum, on Brit} e itreet, they
get better, goods at lower priceilth4elsewhere
in Towanda. '
bErhw-rnsErt.-At the house of the bride's
parente, in Ulster, Feb. 15, 1871. E. D. Drew,
of Athens, io Bello Fraser, of Ulster. '
SWARTS—CARTEIL—In Toiiiunli, Feb. 15,
187_ ,1 by Rev. J. S. Stewart, M. DeWitt Si•arts
to Kiss Frame" Carter, all of Townada.
lionalAMX-SWANK.—.Tai 2.5, 1871, at tho
M.E. Parsonage in Leßaysvill ,e by 'Rev. S. E.
`Walworth, John Williams, of Wayne Co., Pa.,
andliariaSwank;Of Lorne. •
the sable place the same, JohnLWhitahet,
of lionia;,nnd Nancy Overpock, pfl Herrick."-; BEECHER \ -4ODDING.--Feb.
BEECHEII-40DDING.--.Feb. 8,187,1, 1 in Lc=
Maysville, at the. residence of .DC. Codding,
.the tome of the bride, by the same, Milan E.
Beecher- and Mary S.' Codding, I;poth of Le-
- I,EVIrIS.- 7 ...At Earl elnithjlol, Feb.. .1971.
, , ISn,
cong,esticn of the huigs, Beareon 'William Lew.
• is, in the 77th year or his age.
BOWMAN.—In Wells, Jan. 20,13711, Yrs. Anna
Bowman, ggetl6.3 years.
Moro than thirty-five years ago ;Sirs. re
moved with her .husband to Wells township,
where she eontinned to' reside up to
. 114 timo
of her decease. She was an eetriplaryAnena
her of tile 31.-E. church„and posseisedlhe es
teem of all her apcmalutances. ' •
H —t
Lumber and-rDogi; = pocl
wanted. Apply to Buoinxus,
Jan. 4, 184. dicenwoOd.
pai- A full aE.soriment of Dried and
Canned Fruits, at ,Nu's.
Feb. 22, 1871---3ni. • .!
FISH A full assortment FISH
Feb. 22, 1871.
gar Dried Beef; Pickled Tongues
and Smoked Halibut, at LONG'S.
. Feb. 22, 1871. "
itg6Timotby andover, l ' Seed of
all kinds pure and clean, and warranted trne to
name, at . Loxcis.
Feb.- 22, 1871.
sEir Genuine Ramsdell Norway
Oats for Wx. L 4. Fowl.m4 Liberty Cor
ners, Bradford Co., Pa., or W. 4.1 Boexwtu.,
Towanda. - Feb. Z,1871'-‘ , lm.
Cam' thave just received a large
stock of Tea, bought since the reduction in the
duty on tea of ten cents- per pound,- and offer
them at the low prices\ annexed
Best Young,Byson, X 1,25; God Young Hy
soh, $l,OO. Oolong, '7O to 90eentsj : l limn Fine,
75 cents ; Ilyson Good, 9) cents; Best 'Japan,
$l9O. Call and examine. J
- an. 18, 1871." ' GEO 4 L. IKEEtzn.
PS— Do not forget that (Tea is sold
at Keeler's for tO cents— • . din. 18, 1871.
. , ,
WAyrEo.—A boy 10, or R 7 years of
ago to learn Carriage Painting. .!lione but goiod
steady boys need apply, at the Carriage Fac
tory of - Rrviss & Co.
Feb. 15, 1371. • I
- iter North American iFire 'BUM
ranee Company, New York. Po i 'des In
this old and reliable Company by
. • • Jomt W. Mx. Agen t,
Office nerenr's New Block. Towanda., Pa:
_Feb. 15, 1871. •, '
ser we Lay; for sale.4t great bir
:walcox t apbs Seising pia hinc.
2 brOver k Daher ' "
1 Finklo k Lyon t "
1- Wheeler k Wilson "
Feb. 8, 1871. .
ita.. Fresh Oysters by the gallon,
(par f t or dish at tho 'Bakery Jc Dining Booms.
t3carr & CO.
. - rosr
Dec. 29, MO
ler The annual mee of the
stockholders of " The'Towands;idas and W&ter
Company," for the purpose of eleeting a Board,
of Managers to servo for the minting year, willt
be held at the office of the Ciinipany,Totratria,.
Monday evening, March 6, 1871. By order of
'tho Presid6nt. C. TuaPr,
Feb. 2!, IS7I. '
Turner and five or six Cabinet ;'3lalccrs t the
Towitula Furniture. Idanufactory, to hem
steady eaployment and liberal :wages _will be
given. J. Q.'Fnos - r & Co.
Jan. 25, 1871.
' ev. W.
I By . or-
AoutcrimanA.L. COLLEGE OF P -
Inatitution Till re-open for
Spring Tenn of 1871—twenty T for.r. weeks—on .
.Friday, February 10. ;
For general circular, cataloghe and other in
formation; addrosjs Titus. 148ranowtat,
Collegeo P. 0.,
Centro CO., pa.'
re' was
• Jan. 26,1871-4 w
FOlt *AL F.—One of thje best Hotels
in the country. Inquire stt-thq. aka.
• Fob. 1,1871—U.
& gra FLETcmi, of Boitoni
Hrs. Bananzas, of Towanda, world anaemic°
to the ladies of Towanda tliat they will Qn
February 1;1871, on Bridge street, over
&Boa's Hardware Store, -a first-class Dress
making Establishment, hero ;Will bo found all
the latest Paris, Now York andDoston atildorus.
Olathe - and fitting done at shell notice. Also
particular attention paid to children's „dress
- •
, .
a We guarantee satisfaction in
all the work wo 410. We eat, inake, , azul trim
clothing for MIL 5124 Weir'._
H. st CO.
• s , 4 Midis gine ! : ?remit* Ps:
1826. -MONSANYES 1870.
Have just opened alariesaidestretally select
ed stock of goods fidi 'trade. Diets
Goods, Elhopft,gs, 4 pints, Teas,
Snort, illyrtips, and of all, kinds at
New York prices. Ctockertaral Glassware ot
our own importation, in fa c t ,too eztenatro a
stock to iternise, boonlit szoltuively lot- comb,
and rnaranteed to timid at loteet prices than
ever offered in thisMarket.'.. , •
Drinaca's Music . Store;
east of Memel Bank; first 'door, wbere jerm
trill fed , lremos, Melodeons, Organs, Violins,'
Guitars, Baoloo, Striags,, Accorfloonk
ct Mace, bled Kum, Instruction Books for
all leabrmftte,-llnsiei Books mid all' Molls of
Musical florehandise. April 14, "O.
119—Opters at •whol
Feb. 8, _
WictatAat ,N; BLAcK,
e snd- re
a Wu&
is. Call at sfiil4.l4. Ftnglilq't
for the Maar Corwkahiticing thseuly agent
in the conntr. We would rooonunend it as pal
med:3g Many Sitrilatagie over any other,„, In
addlnon to int dna AV". it it bigidt.recolla
lirrby the MOON .file 4 as ty s smarten
*EP — Fox: insurance ngainstlbse LOi
damage by fire, in Vje ir eompanies, apply to
Office Mermen Noch, north tide of Public
&puma. • I •• ; •Dcc. 1,1870.
Fteiitos," 01143A2i8 A3b • 11Lar ovsoxs—
We are,. Pisnoo, Organs - and
Melodeons at , prices and easy terms.
Personsisho in want of a good inArtunent,
will And it 7 to their advantage'to give us
a eilltadore l parehainng elsewhere.
- Qua, ll!..tsator. lc Co., I
- - 1 ., • . , Towanda, Pa.
Jan. 111, 1871.
• TO .- RIIE . Pol44o.—After. *id date
°nr bazilieu will be conducted on tL
No credits inll!bo tinntol. Ihankingthe citi
zens of the comity r the Trey li_berat patron
age giveh us auto* thd pastlrears, are,csnlaa-
Imre them that we shall spare no pahia to keep
up the reputation of our work, and expect to
linincrease orrt facilities for manufacturing
tsod Shoes ;" and also - eopect to-demon
strate to our old customers that it is for their
interest; as Nell that geode be Paid
for on delivery. We have mine this now ar'•
rangemept, believing it to be the , only true sys
tem of doing business, and expect to devotethe
time heretofore given to book-keeping and eel
lecting to selecting the best'goods in Our lino
which the market affords; and Ming more
limbo attention to the msaufachire of i
dass work than heretofore. " -
Jan. 16, 1871. . New 'lint*Eras.
as.. Tca far 00 cents per lb., at
Feb. 8,187 E Cowiaz it Nun's.
Nil" The best 119ollar Youtig Hyson
yea in town. at I Colyzu. h Itlrta's. '-
Fob. 8,1871.'
:tern at wholesale,
Office at the Whits
street, Towanda, Pa.
Fresh 'Oy
at the Oyster Depot.
and Blue Store, Bridg
Dec. 8, 1870.
sir Go, to .the Bakery, first door
north of Ward HOse, for fresh Crackers.
04. 27,1870. • : , D. W. Stxrrr &
ler Second— d Sewing bfaihines
for Bale 11: c bargaiti Wickham k, Black.
hit:to, Thread, Silks,
ac. ,*.e... • :Need/es, 4
• April O 28, IM—tf.
ta A
r .r. BALD ,'" (anceesior, to
AspinWill Sr. Baldwin,) dealer in Hardware,
ware, Stove*, Nails. Iron, Rope, Belting, Paints,
Oils, Putty,-Sash, Glass, Doors, and everything
usually,kept in s Hardwire Store. Goods isold
at wholesalnand retail very low. Terms cash.
Dee, 1870—tf. • '
var. Pennsylvania State Norpair
School, Manat3eld,lTiogs Count's. The Spring
Term (14 weeks) dfll commencellOnday, 'March
27, 1871. Trillion, including poarsl, room -rent,
Mel; oft, and washing, 1412 per trm. A dodge.:
tion of $7,00 or $14,00 is made t o those design
ing to teach. Apply to - • •
Fel.wB, 18p.
• tet. Anne stock of Cigariat whole
tlale, , Very cheap, at ' Con ti & MrEn's.
Feb. 8, 1871. -.
goo— The highest price in cash paid
for ilittes and Pelts,' at
,cOl4-L 7 A. k "gyres.
M. The coutse pursued by the
.tschde 31ills, of belling good flour at the low
•-•Dossible prices, is productive- -of numerous
ads'Antages. It makes a ready market fur tlm
, superior wheat of our vicinity; supplies eon
'sunier's with a eheapraml wholesome article of
fresh ground flour, and aS a natnraliesult makes
active husinesi fur the Mills War in Europe,
drouth, and short.cropsjaro- having the effect
to raise prices; but this ZLill at all times-411
at inhitimum prima. '
July 23, 1870. •
r ,
Dom ' HE HAn‘.. s, Merchant Tali.;
lor,Thidge street. - ' ' ,
New .Lavertitoments.
, Or TI1}; I:I , GE 07 TILE
I. O. OP G-. T.
In tldis place, would rnnnunee that tluaz have •c,.,utg
ed.the followini named lecturt..Ti: •
' i
. JOHN ..0 - . SAX .'' -
Subject—..Loye, A Poem
Date, November 2S, IS7O
W I It T . S I a
Subject...•• Mier Dark in New York."
Mite, toOember 14, i 670
pa n'Ati /3004:1 AVAI LI ft D 14,1 tii V al
Entlect—" Curious Contrasts., Old ;lama, ,1
and Our Times."
Date,"January 23, IKI
Subject—.. The Lost 'Arts."
Date, January 30, 1871.
• Subject—. Mils."
Date. lannvy 7, 1871..
Stiblect—.. To Tla'o , Moscue."
Date, April 13.1571
Reserve , " Seat '
Season Ticket, .Coed fur Reserved Seat)..:
Season Ticietaand Reserved Seata ire sold. only
at PORTER & KIRBY'S Drug Store: The sale of
Deserted Seats' will commence three days before
each lecture. •
•Jnuv F. Sammtso:v, •
Cuaaira M. ILLi, L. It. Funky, Witaxtat Foes,
and J.W. VA: gun., Committee.
'Nov. 3, 1870.
Is the best phsee to bny
DP ,Goon's,
Their whole stock , being ncw,and bought at the low.
eat point the market has touched in eight years,
therefore enabling them to give theirrustonicrs New
Goods, and at very low prices. in their tUeck ma&
be Sound • • •
monnuts, maduxos, EMPRESS CLOVIS.
Animal.% nra-u:s.%/
COLORS—BaIIo-Orem; Pl= Color. • :
Dark Oannt and Mrown.
Double Face. 1111341r1114 beat goods In nnutzt can
only be found at
• f . , EVANS ; & mur,Enf.s.
PIIOOIB. fa Oreen. Brown Ind :Black Mix.
Alai) ;MACK, VELVETELNS. for'Cloaks and Trim
ming; go to. • • - '
r - LTAKS k irruntEnrs.
LINLNS, are being offered by ,
NADI CLOTHS, "suitable for Yen I
azid Bars'
wear, csat be !Gaud • • -
• - • " t • - ES'ANS k .riirmarrirs.
• • SHEETIMIS ; , shinTINGS; . •
-And the finest stock of P/Mrp,;* exubrecing aII
styles, the market affords. •
sAss sus +o- mu) siaz-niaill4 non.
iris meat _
At 1216 , - .
KEW roux =az ?um
Booze ma*.
with all the lea dng Mores of the ital.
Alen. Ylnt Preattems 4 the Nut Jenrittate Fur:
u as at 11311DINOUS cotutfi Yalu. t.•; :=
Tor am t It •,, Wall
.0c1.111.13 Bctߧfl etal
1 ~~`r~•
P R&AYt i li O ik
11414 TIOGA . p,
ennui now orms lam= 27th, IFL
130410,.INSTRUCTION. viimutz. sac.. Plascirato
Psetissor a[iiMlon 66d Art of Saab& mad lies.
tat and Mond Mdlosopo7.
• 4 antwr :mats, M.S..
Prams" of Ib i thearkas and Natural MO:rift.
JOHN R. auks. A. 8 .,
Proliasor' of anetent Laagnages, and Lognab
• Otarosiaa. , . ,
nistira A: COCHNAN,•Pzicsrraiss.
Instructor • of Modaan Liagnage , a, Dotaaty and
.. Oeog:apLr.
MSS Strltali B. patsrrox, lxx..
Inetractor of Neamm and riiimato. 0. HOYT,
• ' Prceistie Of
' CROLIfS 0. 7110)Lesols. -: .. .
PrOhwatu of Idrawhig and Painting. - ...
, - LEAVIS kEAD, • ,' r
• Ituttrutdr of Petunanahip. 4'' •
. -
•. , KISS MINN It. NELEiEE, , •
~ - Assistant in ilattiemicis. , •
%12tE R. PRATT. 31. E., •
, •
Prin- , -) of ifodel School.. . '.- :
, . .
3113,3X =61Ptreas, IORT0i, D.E.,
, .
~!. • , .
•• - '
3115$ T l 7 I 31 .1
LIALCES, ILE. , . . '
, . 11.00.stant,' -. ,
't• mad
Fifty ce nts or, ,ppr secured by -declar
ing Intentban to teach.:
By a recent act of the L e-tare, the following
apprprottationi Ire Snide -by the State to Normal
Students and - Oraduatcs. -. , ) ; ,
• • I. rich Student Over atv7317.Z11 Trans of ago,
who shall sign &. paper declaring his intentio to
teach in the COLIMMOD, -Schools of the State,
reeelve the any of of Omit cams ran 'writs a
defraying the expenses of tuition and boarding.;
1. Each student over savrarrsa tuna of age.
who wag disabled in the military and naValiservice
of the United States. `or of Pennaylvania. , or whose
Whorled his life In told' service, and .who shall
sign an agreement al above, shall receive the sum
sf oar per slick. , ,
• 3. Each student, who, upon graduating, shall
sign an agreement to, teach in the Common Schools
of the State two full years. le.-mhaol year must be at
least four'months) shall receive : the sum of rirrr
4. Any atudeat to secure these benelits7j- most
attend the scha:d at beast twelve' consevutive weeks.
,•. I .
_ . . •
I All - the Diplotuas a re sutborizeilland furnished by
the State, and Tr.erntit those who hold them from
taw further ezmuizatpion by authorities acting under
the previsions of out' Common School laws.
Including Board, Tuition, Room Rent, Fuel, On, and,,
Washing, $lB6, (lest 50 cents or $1 per tr.isei
stated above). •
E.X.P.KiSES FOR THIRD TERM, 04 - 111E.E.1.1
commencing March 27th, 1871, 'minding; as
262, (less 50 emits or $l - per week, and on $5O to
those graduating).
TUITION AND ROOK RENT, for those - who do
mot board in Normal Building, $lO per term, (14
weeki, leis 50 tents Or 211iltr weeks.
including use of instrument, $.l per week.
na.twrso. $3 pet term.
Board.can be obtainedin pritatt.' farnilies at s3..Sti
to $4 per week. • -
No extra charges. Stildents admitted - at any time.
All billtkare to ho paid prompt Win advance, to tbo
Ptibcipal, whOtacts as agent for-the Trustees. Stu
dents boarding in the :Normal Building, furnish
sheets, pillow-rases, and one comfortable:
For farther information. or adruistdon to the
school, address the Principal. -
Matufleld:-Feb. 24, 141.
&if=WIN In la LIM FA,.113126 C'!..11.713
. •
Snores or Ar c . ril, 18(7.1.—Nir _Williams ,
tura Editor Of The t frulepeudeut, rep&tzil his success
with these oats, an condemned the hasty actien of
the Club in pealesig l in4nient aAversr to their wore
grneral Introduction.
• ton. l
4fortacr. GM:r.rxr,
of the N. Y. Tribtru e. then arose and Mr.
President,—l do not understand that this Club. as a
Club, has ever condemned the 'Norway Oati. I have
little doubt that it IS gOod grab." lir. Greeley also
'Mote highly of the; largo. straw end crops ,of this
grain that he hid seen bathe South, where he had
been travelling theimurt few weeks,-and raferie& to
the advantage of procurimr, Northern grown seed at
considerable length.
...crrom the 14:liaster American Farmer.] '
lion Ruins Hale, President of the Orange Conn-.
ty Agrieultrdal Soclety of Vermont,. hiLS personally
auperintended experiments to its . eidnare, •presersa•
tiers, te., and state the result in the following
" I take great plc. sure in adding my test:We:pay to
that of hundreds o others in this and other States,
as to the advantages to be gained by substituting
your'ti,prway Osia or the olil kinds. Thciir ability
to produce more an twice as many bullets to • the
acre, and their nests an tufty growth, • render
ing them much less liable to be destroyed, by worms
or disease, are points which no intelligent farmer
can overiorki., Th question to be decided by, farm
ers is tot whether they call afford ty. buy •the Feed,
but rather, can they afford to continue to plow- and
cultivate their landfor 40 or 40 !Shell, to the acre,.
weighing SOlbs. or' ees to the bushel; when they can
just as well raise 1 0 buslielssiad heavier grain with
the same labor., . -
" I can recommend, them to farmers as; 1‘.1n3 all
that you claim for .hera, and AM glad to k ow .that
you will be ableho, supply them ton larger . extpit
the coining scaSoM J than lieretoforat,',
• • - .. •
i llonwar OATS...!
. .
Wee= the Chicago Republican.:
The writer experimented with the Norway
oats last seaeOni on a farm in Dane .county, his.,
with the following; gratifying results : TWenty-eight
quarts were =WNW drills and thin, on a. trifle Ices
Man one acre of nd. Soil of medium quality,
without manure, and no special care in't culture..
From this mein of seed siinefy-fav bushels of oath
were harvested.: he 'drew grew to between filai
and six feet in Melt. large near the ground. dimiii
fishing in size uniformly to the top ; the roots stool
In&out and forming clusters of straw, which cover
ed the ground, and branching out downward taking .
deep and Arm boa in thel tail; the heed growing An
sone shape, on either aide. of the stalk , and vary
hm from Bto It inches in length. This is the result.
of our experiment. andjnatines the most sanguine
stitementh nutdoby the proprietor, of this grain.
The history of the origin' of this remarkable cere
al is still unknosm, but it is evident that nature has
yielded a variety of grain immeasurably superior to
any of the varieties heretofore grown in the United
States. It is of lithe consequence to the farmer what
its origin may be.' It isaufacientfor him to . know
that under the same or even inferior conditions of
growth and' citltnre it is one, and perhaps Ihree.
hundred per cenf. better' in all respects than any of
the old deteriorated varieties.
We- are reluctant to commend- to the too-often
humbugged and deceived farmer_ anything that is
-mew" in the lino ef grains„ but it is our belief, based
upon observatiomand experiment, that 'the Norway
oats, so-called,sold : by Meyers, D. W. Itamsdell k
Co., Abe proprietors, should be sown by every farm ,
er in the Wert the coming season. We believe we
can do - no greater, favor or service, in guar connec
tion, to the thousands who read the 'llEPOnlit.
farmers and those interested in the intrciditetion of
impreeireelcereals!into the great grain-growing West
—*Unto poina pt to them the merits of these oats. ,
Bathe merit this grain is not Lit the extent of '
yield ' exclusively', - A given quantity . will weigh a
„larger per cent ore than other varieties; the berry
is larger hall nner, and the grain mare aunt=
thous, hence be r, in all repects, for feeding.
- 3Lidly.atlith oats Advertised - throughtint the Coun
try are nothing but the common . Norway oats, and
bare nothing taireconamend them. more •thsn. the
seed from whtchlthey were grown haslicen Import
ed within a few years. • . ,
The oats here advertised. and which are for sale
at lifesars„ libirshailk Harlwa're store, are the 11/ACI
DELLICora'Ar ca t talthe seed was bought directly of
I.M. Ithathreari, arVertnont farmer, the man who
flret grew this grain. and after whom it was named,
-, ... • . Jas. Fos= .1; Co.
_ 1
a.... 50 cents
.73 .
$3 50
Van -Bal.mtrrit
I ~,..J.
11. 1 CriblV.,i1LE STOIIE.
Feb. 111. 1671. j
Irl. . _
. . . .
razz , 0 N,6,. ,
See that t - et-y. Piebge you b)ly bears tba
Dec.l4. 1379.1
First bloat north of Ward
- 1 ' . •
' • -- I
And. at Wholesale std . - -
In our DL'CG ROOMS we will seaircuriodete the
e i_ntic . y good meal *tall
Te2M g
OTSTtata ANVON. OniAli ON itiNik DORM
4 , .
Also a hne asiortookent of tlroceriee, OonfeCtlonerr,
?rafts, Nuts. &e. . • -
bring your - " z p;ntinee
FOX & p
lan. V, 1871.
Ir,,u B ii:o_#-tit.':
WV' FIRM! • NM. GOOD 11!;,
• ", !..
'we're now offering at :our - Wholesale and Retail
7e greatest laftoesseats to those to treat Oe
TIM attention of the public te especially celled to
0112 roma heat purchaeos from the late Groat duo
slllol of • I . ; -
: 'ZJ , -iTUREI
We aro itow oftwing
dx VS CO. And
- NICE P.UtI.OR sus, At $5O- 00,
Togetixer with our Completo Stock of
Lori in fact everything to bo found An a 1;•Iret-daas
- Furniture Store. .
and TirjozwE. AR.E. our own .
-lecture cheaper than you can buy city-made goods
elsewhere. Lumber taken to exchange fdr goods.
11/Aaleo furrsa.b . •, :. 1 •,.
itOSEWO4). CAB ETS; . .
'OD every. ctilicri OIL
Aiid we also 'hate ibe
seotiol of:country:
Goods delivered to the peva free of charge.
JAMES O. non k SONS.
Tow,itidn, dau. 11.1871 .
I A S H 07
i I kOTARY 70.11,C ) E- PUMPS
I E L 31 I 1:A OIL
r 4
' •
The superintendent of this . hop is ho 4 esferia g
item° of the best
- •
ever offered in this market. Best selected •
-• , all work made by the most
Wo have the
• .
am.y light, and so durable that even.time has bit
little to do towards their decay.
• •
emmine one 'Work before ptirchuirt3 ciao.
where. Itepai4ng done on short. notice. I •
U. C. Micumna, Prat. :G. W. irI.N.CMiTi
Towanda, July 20, 1870. Suptmintendeut. • .
&MERC-nro now tec"ei
fug a ire's Idea of Goods in their line, bought
since the Ist January, to which they incite the at.
tention of their friends.' We keep thelargest stock
in town. Our goods are trail& 'and desirable. We
'ell at lowest market - prices. . •
Jan, IX 1871..
VRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought since the recent dedine In- price. anti selling
cheap at Total]. i - FOX tc,‘ , Ml7ll.
Jan. 19. 1811. - - .
VOX &- NERCIJR are selling Gra . .
aides It retail. • gin., 19. 1871. -
- pox NERCTIR are se ll ing New
,L; and rreatt Goods. ' 4an, 19,1871.
VOX k offERCUR are selling
=Win cheap. Jan. 1 1811.
VOX & MEIRCUR are selling first
class Goods only. 19; 1871.
D. W. SCOTT '& CO.
.cheaper IiERCVR are :selling
than ever.' AI .19.1M1. •
Ever' offered In this market.
FINgS:t .:11E:ARSE
i '
TOCVANDA, rt.. JANUARY &), 181 L
. ,
•Modiold. • .
. .
. „
For Lim Comptaistir,:: laturdiFe,BiUorts pr lions,
or .l - errous HeadacheoCoteireuess, ek. . Purely
regelabk, mamba/1g so Mercury, Mifierais or Del.
deriour - Drugs. ; .
These Pills are the mast delightfully pleasant per-
Retire, superseding castor oil, sal . p. memiesia, etc.
There is nothing more acceptable to Alio stomach.
Thhey give tone, and cause neither nausea nor grip
nig pains. They are composed of theft:test in t ro&
ents. After a few days' use of ;them, such an nivig-
Oration of the entire system takes place' as to appear
miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether
arising from !imprudence ofdleen se. - IL T. Helm
bold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape
Pills are not sugarcoated, from the fact that sugar
coated-pills do not dissolve , but- pass through the
stodusch'without . dissolving. consequently do not
produce the - de:Hired effect. • TUE CA TA WRA
etinApz' pima, being pleasant in taste stureolor.
010 not tieoCssitate their being sugar-coated. PPJCE
TSARS ziP A -.11, T - LL A •
_ .
ratkleally exterminate fronttlie spit= Scrofula
Syphilis, Fore, sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs,
SoreiSfonth, Sore Reiul, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases,
Salt Rheum. Cankers. Running from:the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cancer...vs 'affections, Neslegi,
Rickets, Glandular Swelling, Night Sweetie, Resh„
Totter, Rumors, or all kinds, chronic Elmmatism.
Dispepsia. and all diseases that hare been este!)•
fished in the system for years. . . •
. . ,
Being preparedeapressly for the , abevecornplainta
its'blocsl-purifying properties are greater than any
ether pieparation of Sarsaparilla.' Itgites the cbm•
plexion a clear and healthy color And' resteree the
patient. to a atato of health and.pority, For purify._
tug the blood, removing all chronic constitutional
diseases arising from an impure state - of the blood.
And the only reliable and effectual knewn- remedy
for eh° core of Islinsand swelling of. , the bones, ul
cerations of the throat and legs. Mulches, pimples
on the face, erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the
skin, and beautyrying the c4mpleaion. Price, $1.50
Per Bottle., '
I! - I
THE ORElT..prTmr,nc,
„ • -
, . .
Eras cared every, case of Dialietei in which Ithas
boeu given. I Irritation a the. neck of the Bladder
and Infiamation of the Kidneys, Ulceration a. the
Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases
•of the Prostrate Claud. Stone in the Bladder, Calcu- -
las,' travel: Brickeltiat Deposit, and Mucous' or
Milky - Discharges; and for enfeebled and delicate
constitutions of both saxes, attended` with. the fol
lowing iirriptomsi ,Indisposition to exertion. loss
power; less of memory, diraculty of broathing,
wens norves, trenililing; horror of discate,
nos's. diemeas of vision, pain-in the baek,4o.t hands
flushing of the body; dryness of the lan, einprion
ef the face, pallid countenance, universal . lassitude'
of the muscular system. etc. •,
Died hy.persops from the ages of 18 to 45, - and
- from 3.5 to 55 or in - tee decline or change of life;
.111 Zr-confinement of labor pains; lied-wetting in
, .
11.1.1L.111;CkLD' . .5 ; =
rd di Zit - ACT relit! is die trcilC and
blenaspurif:iing, and cares seases .
ailsir.g frian
habits of dissipation; and e.teeSse's and
in U. iinpnritieS of' the. blood, etc., supersea,
.ing ocipaibaimaffeeticins for it is used. and
syphiliti&alfeetion. in these diseases Aged in inns
neetion wits irFT 'tfrOLD'S ROSE WASH.
• - L A D I•kS •
In twiny affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract
Inichtf* , unequalled . by' any Other remedy—as in
ClifOrositi or Retention, Irregnlarity' r l'ainfulness or
Suppression of Customary Evacuations,. VlCerated
or Sehirini.state of the, • Uterus. LettoorrhOes or
Whites,,Stertlity, and•for all complaints incident to
the sex, whether arising from indiscretion' or hab
its orlitaitipation. "It is prescribed' - extensively by
the most eminent physicians and midwives for en
feebled and delicate el:institutions, of both sexes. and
all anus (attended with any of the above diseases or
H. T. 4.g,LAI.Bola`D'S
.C:ures Disicsei : risipg PTint..!'naprutlatcci,,Ziabits of
In all their stages, at lkitlo expense, little or no
change in diet, no incony_erdence: and no exppseure.
It causes a frequent desire. and gives Strength. to
Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, prevent•
log and curing Strictures Of the Uthera, allaying
pain and inflamation;so froquentl,in this 'class of
diseases; and expelling all Poisoneus . matter. -
Tbbusands who have -peen the victims of incom
petent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be
cured in. a short time, have - found they have been
death - Ott. and that the " Poison " hasi by the Use of
• piriverful astringents,' been dried up in the sys
tem, to'break ontin a more aggravated form, and
perhapei alter Marriage. -
affections and diseases of. the Urinary Organs..
whether existing in Male or Female, from TlLAbrier
cause miginating„and no Matter of how long stand
I'ER BOTTLE. • ' ,• •
Cannot bd surpassed as a Face :Wash. mid will, be
found the only specific: emedy lin, every species of
Cutaneous Affection. It ',speedily eradicates Pim
ples, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness, - ludurations of the
cutaneous Membrane, ect., dispelsltedness and In
cipient Infismation, fillies, Bash; .cloth Patches,
Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites; and for all
purpOses for which Salves or ,Ointments are , •used;
restores the skin te a state of pruity- and softness;
and.insures continued he'althy acton to the tissue of
its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clear.
riesi and vliacity of complexion so much sought
and admired.. But however Valuable as a remedy
for existbig defects of the skin, 11. T.. Rolmbold's
Rose Wash has long sustained its principle claim to
unbounded patronage, by posseindxsy qualities which
render it 'k Toilet Appendage of the most Imperils
tire and congenial character, combo:M:lg in an ale-.
• gust formals those prominent- requisites, Safety
and Eflicacy r :tite invariable-accomphiments of its
use a pressrvative and re.fesher of the complex
ion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a
Syphilitic nature, and as an injection for diseases of
the Urinary Organs, arising from • habits of dissipa
tion, used in connection with tile EXTRACTS
PILLS, In such •diseases as ass recommended, cannot
' be surpassed. .?'RICE,OXR DOLLAR P4R.BOT
TLE. _ • •
Full and eiplicit directiOns accompany the meal
,cines. • Y• -
Evidence the most responsible and reliable
character furnikbed on application,. with hundreds
-of thousands of living witnesses, and upward of
30,00 Q unsolicited certificates and recommendatory
letters, many of which are-from the highest sources.
Including eminent Physicans, Clergymen, States
men, ete. 'The proerietor -has never resorted to
their publication in the newspapers; MI does not do
thli from-the fact that his articles rank u Standard
Preparations, and do nut need to be propped up by
Delivered to any adososs , . Ware from observation.
Sold by Druggists eirerywhene. Millrace letters
for information. in confidence, toILEMBY T. HELM
BOLD, Druggist mid Chemist. -
Depots: 11. T. •HELMBOLD'S Drug and
Cheinical . Warehouse. No; 594 Broadway. New Torii.
or' to IL T. BELMIMILDS Medical Depot, 404
South Tenth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
• T,"#ELMBOLD'S • 7.41rE 0121zRr
Feb. 9.1871.
G 9
D i .
OT/CE.:The . _Bottrd. of litvision
bisve fixed upon the follertring dateet and places '
for holding appeals for A. D;1671s - •
Towanda bolo-At the Pc6undirionerlierifice; Thurs. • "
day, reb. I& - ' ' •
Towfutdriterp.'end Towasdanorth. , 4oominforlon.
,oeft of**, Friday. F.eb, 17, . . _ • • • -,
Aiyhtuf-At the echoed tout now -"Opt's. mckers.
'Neactilly. Feb. 2(r. • • •• - •
Terry-At the hcitutif 9f ILBauman. TuesdAylfab.22.
Wilmot-At the louse Of ferthdtiltlfAl.Wedi2eliday.
Feb, 22. , ' • • •••
libanT.r4fthe hO2BO Feb. : -
oecetoo-41 the
21. , house i:44:4The 7 10/134,5:6/0-.
''Feb. .•• -
.Ifonroetwp. and boro-it tLe boner t Flee Flag.
os. Saturday, Feb. 25, = _
tllster- , Atthebouse 31,A,Forromt.Nonday.Feb.T7: ' • •
- Athena twp. and boro-At the bactife. J. M.- Pilo, •
'Walla/. Feb. 28. • ' f• . • .
tummy—fa the' heftier 4 E. ifednes
day. mereh -
South. Creek-At thodionsalt Caleb E Co*;
• dayr March 2.
Wells-At the house4.leise WWI, Fildsi, Mar. 3.
Columbia and BylvantsL-At the honors of . J. 11. 'Mot'. •
gan. Saturday. Matieb .• • - , • „
Troytwp. and bores -tAk_tbe house o 4 V. M. Lomb •
31onday, March 6. t• -
Armen% tad Aitus-441.149rherture of 11.1 f. Reynolds, -
Tuesday, March 7, . • . .
Canton tap. and baro-41Vhe hor*Of G eo . Mettler,
Wednesetel, March 8;1 • -
Lelloy-At the Muse or O . Ti.uoroooth, Thursday.
, •
Msrob 9,
Granville.-At holm B.F.4aylor. Friday. March 10. .
Pianklin-At house of Lewis, SaturdayMar.ll::
Burlington - tttP. and btMo-At the house bf B.
Stevens, Monday; sLarch 13.- , •
- .
Burlington west-4t the hems° of. Geo. Goddard. .
Tarsal. March 4, . , ,
Springfield-At tbe,honse of. Emily Tan Allen, Wed--
neadaY, March 16. -
, ,
Staithileid-At the house of L. D.Ffkrest. Thursday. '• ••
Muck 16. • ' • • •
Barclay - At school hoagi enear Foot of Plane, Satur
day, March 18. • • : • • . • .
Wysol-At.the /louse Of John S. Sharman; Monday,
March 20. -
,Sitetttequin-At the house ofJ. P.
-Rogers, Tuesday,..
. March 21. • • : •
Litchfield-At halite of S. IL Layton, Wednesday.,
Starch 22
Windham-At house of Ben,. Knykendall, Thursday
March 23. - .
Warren-At house of Jai. Cooper. Friliy; sLtreh
Orwell-2A house of ;Auril Runt. Saturday. Mareh"2s:'
:Boma twp. and boro-.A
_t the house of A. A. Taylor, •
31onday. Mareit Tf.,, _ ,
Herrict-At house of Chas. Mee, Tuesday. Mai: 28.
Pike and Lellayerville•--At house or Johu Clitamppn4
' Wednesday, March 29. • ~i-
Tuscarora--At house of 11211: Black,
zusday. Mar.
'Wyalnaing-4t house di IL Brou4i,Ftidayatar.3l. -
Standing Stono-,-At house of Peterlacobtur, §atakdar
April L.
Asseisiors will be punctual in deliVering notices to
taxables and in making their returns In person. at,
the time specified in their warrants, at which time
and place the Board of Revision will lased and hear
all who- consider themselves aggrieved by' the As:: -
segment; and make- Ititch alterations fur to 'them ,
shall appear just and fiasonable;f • • •
By order of the Board. - • -
- - Attest-E. B. 60/.11.311', Clerk:
Commissioners' Office; Zan. St. 1871. • -
2ii*lce is hereby givitiathatall pirsOns indebted.
to the estate of. JAS. A, THOMAS. late of Athens. '
twp.. ()weaned, are requested to.inake immediate
meat. and all persons having claims against said es
tate must he present the mime duly. anthenticated for
settlement. F. OVM111111E.•
Jan. 25, um. • - • Eicentor.-
'Notice la hereby even thitallpersonalndebted
to th e estate of /AXES 'NA RINSON, lato of Tn.
• wands, deceased. are" vitae trotnethattt
vayment,.and all persona haying Claims against 8414
estate must present them duly authenticated for set-.
tlerctent. ' • ELIZAB,ETH MAK:OI3ON,
•. Admirdstraters.
Jam 18, 1871. • I
2 - Jl-Notice thereby Overt that an pertona
,t.r) the estate of PAUL QUICK. late of Wilmot, dru! - .
mro requpstret-to make im'atediato 4 payruent.. and''
peraor.a having claims agairkat sailt estate toilet vrc•-
`; sent tile's/ / duly authriatic.atod for aettlasnerat.
E. O.
Administrator. 7-
ix:Notice itihereby'dvin that all Terttonsindeid ,
ed to the e4tate of GEU. W.. WELLS. deceased. late
of Me township; ai r e - ttftmested to make immedi
ate payment, and all persbutt haring claims te4aimt
said est-tte must preFent,thent duly authenticated for
settlement. ,J. W. LEWIS, A
jan.11.71-w6 , dmiztisirator."
. _ . ..
• /Notice is hAreby given that all'peissins indebted
a i.
to the - estate t ,
CIVI7.T.T All RIDER, late o f 'g arre .
tarp.; dem d, are recinested to make immediat e. payment, a a all persons having claims against sal t
estate m .st present then
. duly authenticated for.
sett:erne .t. • . . G. w. Brlmic.
- - .
f•-h. 71- g .- . . Executors:
D - .• •.. .. - •
.LqL_Notiee is hereby given that all pevionsiailebtel
to t}.° estais of SUSAN MeNA3LA.17,. 1 1.„ late of -Tegvan
da..Bg. Eleeeaved. arciretpleated to make immedi
ate r ent; aid all persorfs having claim's - again t
Bald em to mist present tlitm drily' anthentieate,l :
for,Settl...rient. .... . . J. fVFROST,
feb.2 - 71 iril -
t.a ,,,\
- ' - Administrator. •
ANotiee Is hereby given thit au persona llldi bird
to the ....state of TAMES S. SUM. late of. Tnaciroil..
tiecaased. are retinested to make immedlaterpay*nt
aad all persona having clan:of...against sail estate
must present theist duly autbe.ntleated for Pettk
ment.• - M. F. 00EURS, •
• feb.l•7l-wf. Administrates.
Ais . berebv•iven thatall persons aniebt
'eel to the eataio -Or, E. IE 3L.IEON. Tato of Towanda
borongh, are roves:KA to make iiutr.ediato
payment, end all persons having -Omuta against said
estato nmstpreeent titre ramie dtily.authonigieate..l fu:
settlement. PHYWDA MASON; .
fCb.22.11..w6 - ': • • . s•fidaninistratria.
Notice is hereby given to all mkt= indebted •
to thesstate of LEONARD PLANTS. late of Litch
field tarp:, deceased, must make immediate pay
ment, and all 'persona having claims a‘vitOtt said
estate must preser,t them _duly anthented for -
fob: 9.11—w;
• 14 , XEC 'Z R'S N C
Notice is hereliy Oran th4all Persons indoht. ,
-ed to the estate of - MARTHA ifelltalON, late of
Tonanda.boro'.dee'd..are . regnested to Make imme,
diate payment, and all persons basing claims against
said estate must piesent - them dray anthenticatell
for settlement -
:Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate of MO= &WM=Y, late of Monroe,
part). deed, must make Immedia4 d payment; ands n
persons having claims against estate mist pre
sent them duly authenticated for Settlement.
/34Elf C. setsr.ust.
feb.=3l.-w6 ¢ Adminin
Beal Estate - forlale.
The valuable mill'prOpeity, at Dashore, Sullivan
County; belonging to the Mato Of Samuel F. Head
ley, deceased, consisting of a large Grist Mill, in'
complete order. Saw Mill and dwelling. house. with
the watur privilegoi 'pertaining to the Mal property.
For price and terms apply to D:, C. DeWitt. Attor
ney-at-Law, Towanda. Pa,. or. to Mrs. Maria J.
Headley, Morristawa. Morris county,
New Jersey. The property can to seen by /pp
to Daniel.Falrehild. at Danboro.' . .• ,
Dec. 11, 1870.--tf •- •
FOR SALE.—The house liwn - no ns _
the "Academy Hone." attrutted on • State •
Street. between Third and Fourth Streets, with 16t;
75515-t feet. House well finished end neatly papered,
containing 10 or 12 rooms and cellar... Water run-
ning into Faille by lead pipe, and the joint use ofa
never-failing well or ho premises.
ALSOlfonse and on Second Stied. adjoining
the residence of John A. Codditig. Esq. Lot 75x1f.S.
' feet. The house contains oor 7 rooms, f and cellar.
Goal well of water on' premises. PoasCasion Wen
iromsdiately , to the former, and premises.,
the latter April
ist. 1871. F9r prices and terms apply to• W:
• Eingsbnry. °Rico of.-Pa. & IC. Y. C. k- R. B. C 6..
-Towanda. Pa. - - dee.L'7o
QN'T BE Fooras.ii . AND loss
TOUR cuAl s c-E.l *lll,, sell my Farm of. 81
acres, in Burlington, S miles from Towanda, on the
turnpike mile west ot =The finest
wheat and in the county; SO -acres, now cleared;
about 125,000 feet of pine, chestnut. ash and oak,
and 50 cords of dogwood standing on the woodland.
New barn .30s40'feetv new Gothic , nedise. Brooths,
good well of soft water at the - door, under • cover:
new two.atory shop, just right for wagon house and
granery, three lasting springs .oh the farm. This
property fatal ready for an entespriat roan, if with
but little. merney, soorikmake the be farm Mike
town. We want to-sell out our property, here as we
areinechaidcs, and don't hire farming—are going to'
work in a manufactury., The We PI good. -
TERMS will be made easy. -or a liberal discount
for:cash. Priee TAO°, or the farm\and barn will
be, soul seperately loam the house and shop. Come .
and look at it, or address -
•. • • CHAS. J. cti JOB. SAM:
jan.sll-tt Tlichland, Bradford County, Pa
Fsell my fann, , ond tho same silt bo sold ate l
barmin. .Tearns. Stock. Grain Farming tools, ER..
would be sold with turn. Said farm contains 225
acres with ' fair improvements.,Forty leres fall
ploughed_.The farm will keep .2. or 30 cows, teams
and some growing stock with the present . iroprovel.
mesas. Soil warm—good for grain or Pay-;
me:Ants made to favor tae purehacer. Farm loca
ted 231 miles west and south of Silvan* Bradford -
Co. Pa.. Growing crops should be seen on thelarin to:
Lavo the sameowpreciated. Do not hesitate to cell if
you wish to bay, as thta&arm will bo sold. .
Address or mil an Mesaers. Pomeroy & FretherF.
Troy, Pa.. of on the farm of the owner. - • . •
jan.ll'7l • . • JOUR ppm:Logos,
reeeney oecriplid b 3 Mi. Valiance, at the cor
ner of Main and Chestnut Streets. Jsinnire by
letter for terns. fee.. of B. IL BVSSZLL, 35 Saab
Third Street,Thiladelpitia, or at . B. W. ALVORD.
Towanda, Pa. - feb.B7l-w3
4 '
' 'dilate on Voneth street,nearJanreaPhinners..
Howie /4= feet, with we3l Audi:We= good garde l ):'
and fruit. Enquire of Q:D.Wreanast, at the store of
Wickham Nacre. ! • „ •
Sent. 15.- 1870. . )
. , . . .
T 7 nit s '
Town Lo sit ' ~e
F Dushoea thel,ouc ch i l i l
and Man Street. fronting on the main road from . Towanda, 202...18810et. being lots no. 17
and 18 on the place depth town. - • .• .
) Por particulars inquire of B. RUSH JACKSON,
.TAMPs THOMPSON intalloro, P.n.. or Mrs.. E. L.
WOODRI7PP. Toinuaibt. • feb.t.'7l
VOTICE.—:-The busin6a at. Flits:.
1.1 bury's - mine. iA DlonroC township. , will be
continued by the undersigned.
kn.:2'7l - In
• . ,
= C. sALsaurby. r
S. B - . CARALI34,,'