Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 23, 1871, Image 2

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~~~s .
• —MaliaollnA iia.s r seaspn 4)1 BODO
sictotti. • • . . •-• ,04
—Tlic3 .policej-of Nat4c:il /4181.4
wear rqi liata. • ."• - !
York yew .teeins cost
- -4PitiOytranis o wes abput
_ •
, .
- • lire 12850
.Posi-. ol fices
ithb • . • e
—e w en ; cans hove 'seven
ty chthtleg in this ,
Thu .man are. of paper was
eoininil in Pidittap)plin 171 e. .
—l3_,oston has nin ety ;nines of
itreets 'Ana (Inv ronnnon. .
—Venango and Oil - Citj..are about
t,so 2- i‘lr.sollaattd. • .
• ---`,l-Y; l A. has -been lorga'
iztr) in Clearfigld. I
• I
—Wendgil-Phillips holds I forth in
AllFatown on t4e6evening of the 24th.
new" Presbyterian churn!" . is
Elloken or in ' - 'Bergiton.
, =Thehog 'cholera is raging in the
41Dayenmi, rota.
' ; 4-Spring wheat has already/ been
simn in ; some,parts nf California. I
• —A large Swiss colony r has - just
arrived and settled na Tennessee. r .
Jerry,• Black is .2011 scratching
ova the, grave of Elwin 31, Stanton. ,
—,Eight, colored laayers - )rage just
Axon alnitted to tlio Washington Bar.
; —A monrunent has just been erect
ell to Ex-Pretidetit Piercb, in Concord, N. H.
public schools of North Car-'
have nirealy Closed for the season. •
Asyhnii for - drtuikardi . has
iretrt E: ! ;tablislied infFairriew, Now Jersey. •
--Good•roasfa of beef sell in Mon=
tieil, l rDominion) for seven cents akonnd.
—The Presigent gave a diplomatic
n cabinet dinner on the 22d.
Ifi ninnessee there are four Mill
acirc,s of laid not taxed..
The'orangft crop in California is
reported tO•lie very fit Ws year. .
`rill • • •
•--Lent tent-begin his-begin year on the
‘42th of February . and end April J. •••
_• .
• —Daring the siege of Paris-73;000,
lforvei were alingittered and eaten.
liiQtiier little
: earthquake ,has
excited no particular attentign in San PranciSco.
•-• • , • 1 •
thQ . :wealthiest iner
cant, in Parrs bate been inatle ;bankrupt by the
! •
• -
. • ,L , --Tight boots are so "comfortable,
he anar they make' a man forget all his other
miseries." r
. 0-
:some parts of Oregon a bush
el of potittoes is worth more thatt a bushel of
AI heat. -
s • , —The damage caused by the revo
Limon in•Caba will'artionut to more tittai $2OO,
—An iron horse, which locomotes
itself; is
_the latest itiveiltiou. of VI Auburn (:Q.
Y.) doctor. ' -
The last dumber of the Herald
goalth disciteNes "The effects of alcohol on
- • 1
A t fashiOnahle I :weddinr in
3fahie, tickets are .pold for the adinissi n of the
general public. • . •
Ivreei of the iron bridge at
.Franklin has been itemOved, and a :chain ferry
, —The: Lancaster ,Exiil'es.s: presents
' The name of Hon. Esais Ifillingfett as its ,cheUee
for Auditor General. '. , ye ti ;
; juriesr ..
—7 Scotland ies emagist of llf
tvelilitenonnd a verditTii fonotl by a ;plurality
of the umber. - i -, .-- , •
ir ,i
- • Virginia paid - over seven millions
of liar's Me the I.J. *:ii. Treasurylor tax en
tilbaceo 41370. 1 - ve •
:----ne Philadelphia - Diey . thinks
pestilOnce lies bdried beneath the frozen snow
of their streets.
.-- , Coroner Taylor recently died in
Philadelphia.. and 'twores of candidafec want to
be his anceessor.
, . •
—Florida'systeinof edxicaJ
tion, no fnaanees, no statesmen arkiiftnally no
goi - erninent. ,
" —New York city„is' muffing mad
with balls. They are not, however, tio base as
they are in the anintrier.
—Tha Ilse oixossips.. The fear of
them keeps many a man and woman within the
- gotipds of zopriety. •
—lt is
lruniored that, the Kentucky
ialit min s6cm lead to the iltar, Miss Anna
Swann,•the Nova &Oft giantess. - •
—The Board of Health, ofSt. Louis,
has declared the ldw t 6 lieense and , " regulate"
prostitution a failure:
. —The New. York World defends
mob laW at Vest Point. Fki it did the murder
ous mob . at New York.
-- - -Providence, R. 1., is Short Of wit
i,er. -Five dollarsit load are paid to4bare it
biutight from ponds out of town. , •
• I
—Last summer a Boston establish.
Iliunt tanned fifty amicorids skins for boot leath
,er. The hoOts-ae fabled at $.lO a Tab..
- —A-proposititax to exempt parson
ages from taxation hiabeen condtlored in the
, reuntylvailiaHouao of Itepreaentativea.
gaiter snake was killed neat;
11 'a3liington'horough, Lanotater .county, a few
davg sinee_which pleasured two feet nine inches
length. •
--There is a talk in New 'Jersey of
putting up General Kilpatrick for Governer;
and ha 8 tantla a geoil chance for being nomina
ted. •
11.1eSieau doiernOr of Sonort;
• has refused to surrender a Mexicali accused of
murib)r, and demanded under a requisition by
Uovernur Staffortl'of Arizona: •
—The Carolina Spartan says: " We
`art informed - that Horace Greeley, 'with others'
in Company, have purchased the' Warm Springs
. property, AI North Carolina; at $80,000."
—The amount of ice that- will - be
t•tit inThe vltinifv of Boston will not be much
less thina 500,01, toms, the iargest crop by far
F , r many years. , •
—Philadelplga has acre houses
timn . .t.AY York; BriiiiiilYri.and , Jersey City com
bined, or '29;000 M.llO. Paris has only '''a• frac
• .on over 57,000. ?
:society bas !been tia-
PKiTe'dently gaF and brilliant this miter` ; oaf as
„the Lenten season 'approaches' the whirl of so
cial and gayety increases.
—The Conneintville correspondent
43 - 7 the Meadville Republica:4 in speaking of that
town, says "it is also a temperance , town, and
it is.impossible to get a.drink here 'unless you
want pne.h
• ,
,--The Secretary *of the .Itiv.y . has
~r 4ered the board\tO examine and report upon
the. 'des:cated -codtish, manufactured by the
l_tostonandThiLadelphia salt-fish oanapauy.with
- a I.le* of :ritroduning it in the, navy as a ration.
,The editor, Of the ;Williamspor t (;al4, (nut Billletin has received a leiter from
liam:,Wayne McVeigh which..statee that him
reit and famili• are enjoying ascent:it:lt health.
' :,--- San Francisco heathen
In .the'
c:liiiitv splits half dollars, scoops a cavity, fills
_.•it with lead and then Janis the two pieces - with
an iri„r.eziuitr - which . deceives the most expert.
• •
—The effort. to convert the Indians
of Nebraska are proved a grand success by
Bishop Clarksoh, who says that of the , 75000
Indians in. Ida , pv7.1311'1,5,000 attend religions
- 7 Beekles, bows and rosettes, for
a oruatrienting ladies' slippers, boots and shoes,
form Ott , a in....tnufacturin,e business in Boston.
in whieh'ffianyltbDu:)ands of - dollars - are . repro
mitred:), •
~ <,.
'll--ii, , ~
0 . .
.7-'-', e' re xenne receipts for the first
'Fix.illonttl, of the fiscal 'rear ending June 30,
&fill, show a falling off of 53,703,818 from the
„-Ti l di t at collected during the corresponding pe
rill the, pre.) - .)eedin;.; year)
.• - .
The_Next York and grie Rail
rkp, lately paid more than a. third of a million
a Jar..t iu lawyer‘ fees and legal expenses in a
- ,ingle year, Dud tluit not nearly as good a.' sew.
. win hi: litigatioti as - this promises to be.
-" •
_ . —The ipppOsed 'gold 1 Mine .011
• Leading ereA,Rantlolph cottarY, - Wast Virginia,
which, caused so , mach .ieteitemsra atir
-luoutb_s ago, raid repprted tobe'twortbless has,
beeif pronoim eel by ge?logiatelloho 'altch vain
of nick , ..)
can .-
'• —The 'Eric . anif Pittablirg m
• wi ll he operated *during . the n•cdnini' seaso
" The Ntutailvania Ceara tar reiiriiisa to give
~ it a fair t&I, and ff found Zwatibit___ „ter 41 °,_
dinrmanv, Imbue-
Sher be oattatomau ae•
/Wilford fttititts.
• •-- a 3112,11.11 $
b► tizobawn.
TOWSildli, r 'f Murphy, Feb. 23, _4l ‘
• nu ritCOffiE TAXI
a great ado is , being made in,many
localities about the income tax, as if
it'itere - ft - griobtlitni lifigenThara 13
bear by thcsinpon whom ' ik;iii` iml
posed. - - But strange to say, the large
era man's in,le tat is ~fixed, the
"..": ter ablelm 2.4ri4e-pay it. This •is
not - the miss Trith'other tans: - - Moat
',,, mot all Of o):Ir taxes are indirectly
paid by, the tooliejily: the consuming
and laboring (*Sea . Thus . ths tax
on'allfavi material used in mann4e
turo3, as sell as that imposed on the
mannfactnred article,' inpaid- by the
consumer. This being the case, erh
man'sp7oportion being also very
smut, no one thinks of urging' bon
gress to modify Or-repeal such taxea.
-But the r:tel:me-tax strikes a class of
es iv
people ho love' money—who live
for its ccumnlation—who worship
it as a_ werfid deity--42ndwho have
no d * i es iliseonnected from money.
These are the men who are assessed
lot s income tax.. They can afford !,43,
pay all chat islevied; but, vhene*er
they'.-likve a thence, three out • of ,
every five of these men cheat the_
Goven*tent. They are hilly able to
pay thiS tax, and it is a just demand
on the,;part Of the - povernn2ent i ,
Divert:hlm, it is not honestly paid:
those. upon whom th6 - legy falls are ,
of a class who wield powerful inlinH
en&Er—whq, control the press, bench,
and representative poSitions=whoi
are-powerful in finances and promi
nent in bushiess, every man of whom
can meet this responsibility without
feeling it in a pecuniary sense. But
is this the case with the great bulk
of taxation Jevied by the , Govern ;
merit? Of course it is not ;"-and,
therefore, if we are to have a revisal
or IL repeal of items of taxation; let
us begin where the burden iahetivi
est—let us take the loads from the
backs of the laboring consume* and
not facilitate _the money=making of
the rich. A man who has an income
of $5,000, or $3,000, can eerie*
pay the tax now levied thereon.. If
-. other taxes are repealed, he will
share the relief alike with all ; classes
of the community; and as the income
,tax at once proves . the ability of all
upon whom it-falls to pay it, it comes
with ahad grace from that class tti
growl about its. levy. We are, of,
course, in fav9,of the repeal of tax
ation as fast es the Gove*ment - can
do without' it,liut let' that relief be
affordexl men of limited means,' who
have no more -than\ will . supply the
ordinary necessaries of their families`,
before it is insured to men of prince
ly fortunes. The income tax is just,
falls on those who can afford to ; pay .
it, and is the last which ought to be
'•repealed. I i
The Pennsylvania Senate has a
Democratic pajority Of one, and the
leaders of that corrupt party. have
ta&eu advantage of this fact to at
,ts> trina:Over the city of Phila
delphia to -C2trupt Commissions,
similar to thoie which disgrace the
,Of New 'York. In order to the
success of the nefarious scheme, • a
few Republicans in the House have
got to be " seen:" but to the credi
of the RePublicsin: majority in the
House, none of our party have :yet
been found willing to sell - themselves
to Twiimo & Co., who are t scid to be
furt4hing the funds to Bemire the
passago of thi3 bill.
The programme 'is to create a
Highway Commission; a Water Com-
mission,,Land a Tax Common, with
hill power to tak4 possession e l f tir
departs ients named, and of the finan
ces of the - city. The employis of
these contmissionit' would swarm in
.every part of 'Philadelphia, and,
backed by the money, of tax-payers
in the hands of the commiccion, they
could, hy fraud, corriiption, importa
tion, and ballot-box -stuffing; deter
mine the majority at. any eleetion to
suit their base purposes. It is a
grand conspiracy togive the citY to
the Democracy and to overcome the
Republican majority in the State.
-By. this Operation it is intended to`
secure the electoral vote for Presi.
Omit of the United States in 1872 to
'the. Democracy, whose candidate,
cordinOo the New York managers,
is to be Gor: Jona; T. Ho x. I
PronesED CossratrrioNa. Comi
roN---The Committee appointed liy
the Legislature of this State to - in.-
quire info the expediency Of holding
a Constituti*l Convention; have de
cided to report a bill, toy that body for
that purpose, to - amend the State
Constitution. Delegates thereto are .
to be elected on the second , Tuesday
in &me. and the Convention to meet
on theftfs: t Tuesday- in qoptember.
It is proposed to. have the . Conven
tion consist of 143 members ; 40 tote
elected at large, each voter to east
his ballot - for twenty persons, . the
other 103 to be elected by Senatorial
.districts. In single districti,lbree to,
be elected, and each voter• to be al
lowed to vale for two parsons. In
double districts-six : to . be elected,
each voter to ballot for four. In PM
adelphia,foar to be elected in each
fsnatorial district, and each voter to
Tote for three persons.
. <
161i - The Erie - . .Railira)* Company
has executed 'it- new, consolidated
mortgageon propeity,amonnt
ing tO $30,000,060,0f which $24,000,
000 will be eirgaded in taking up
!ha exiathig malt - ages, si InntunitY,
and thexemainder, it is mama" IA
laying a third roil between liew.York
city qpiiinfratio'"pa purchasing sn
ia l aipmeat for the a:auctions with
narrow imago raaiiiiya thence to
imnielte and. delegates, the • Con
antign loroceeded to elect delegates
to the Republican State Convention,
to meet in Harrisburg on the 10th of
Marc Hon. H. L. Scow and Capt.
S. W. imam, B. B. Jami
Arrolaw Frz. Ind d.
lime, were elected Am lisreesitio con
pr 'will the conferees of Sullivan
county, in regard to the election of
said delegates. • •
G. W. Bap* „War. Lpers, .L.
Sursonn,,lhrfrassa lkfusis, and E.
N. Film, were appointed • Senatorial,
conferee*, and 'instructed, to concede
the Senatorial delegate_ to Susque
hanna County. • ,
G. W. Bun, -
D.-Botnatz, Secretazies. -,
' - *fa - •
• IMPORTANT Dscamor.—A' doeidion
hai been lately rendered in the coun
ty court of Erie; in - relation to .the
liabilities of lease holders • which is
`very, important' to, persons aboUt
'sign leases for the use of'tenements.
According to that decision the les
`sees of tenements are liable for the
rent upon saidrproperty• for the full
term of the' lease even though Ahe
tenement (should -be destroyed - by
fire, at any time during the existence
of the lease,, and in such, leases as
do not contain the " file clause," the
lessee is liable for the wit of rebuild
ing. The case referred to is as fol
lows : On the lst of April, 1467,
Xessrs. 3losiasos and Dilemmas leas
ed the store building they used as a
provision warehouse, situated on: the
corner of French and Fifth streets,
of this Rev. Glimmer. A. LYON, D. D.,
for five years, at $l,OOO per .year.
The building witsiinimred, by ' the
owner, fOr $B,OOO. -Eightemmonths
after its occupancy by !amuses dk
Doimoas the building burned down.
They paid the rent proportionately
_due te„the date when there was no
longer any building- to use ;. but up=
on the lease—time of the ordinary
printed lind—suit was brought to
recover rent for the three and a half
years of the unexpired leaSe, at $l,-
.000'per annum. For the plaintiff it
was shown that One or more ewes
had been decided which rendered
the , leaseholder liable, even though
the tenement he leased had become
untenable by means of some accident
against whieb,he could not provide.
In the caic just quoted, the jury ad
judged that Messrs. MourasoN &
DINSMORE ahead - pay' three months'
rent, with interest, amounting , to
about $2O, and pasts' of the suit.
Persons about to sign leased had bet
ter look over them closely, as the or
iiinitry- method in. which they are
drawn is (if the: holder is responsi
ble) virtually an insurance of the
owner against any loss, by lightning,
fire, or any other Calamity, while the
lease gives uo benefits, besides on
occupancy fully counterbalanced by
the rental, withont rii3ks. -
-Frail s Sown Drascroas:—Tho
Senate last Week passed a bill allow
ing women over the age of twentyz.
ono years, to be elected school direct=
ors. This is a practical step by the
Senate, which if the House endorse,
and it becomes a law will place-Penn
sylvania in prominent position on the
question of woman's rightss -
But apart from the question if wo
men's rights this would be a good
law. Women play a prominent part
in the education of the youth of the .
State; and though they receive small
er wages than men for the same ser
vices, they are, as aride, not inferior
to men in their qualifications for the
work of teaching to men. One of the
real wrongs to women not only here
but all over the country consists in
their receiving smaller wages for the
same services than men do. This in
justice is particularly apparent in the
teachers' profession, and; ought to be
abolished. If women should become
school directors we might expect4his
wrong to be remedied at least, and it
Would be the entering wedge:to split
. the bundle of prejudices
which.exist against wqmen in many
Other vocations. The management
of schools would be better, too,
we have no dOubt, if intelligent -wo
men took the place of men as School
directors; for every body knows that
fiery careless as well as ignorant men
are chosen to perform tlie duty of
school directors 'in Mani districts.
We are anxious Co see the influence .
of conscientious and intelligent moth
era felt in our school boards, and
hope that this bill will become a law.
aft. A petition from the citizens of
North CarOlina to the Seriate that
the political disabilities of . Senator,
elect Vance be not removed ezdW,
thederision and tidicule of the Dem
ocratic Senators Thurman and Cas
serly,- and they took spescial delight
in aihibiting the ignorance which
prevails among the poor whites and
colored citizens of that State. Them
distinguished Senators forgot several
ittipartant reasons why they should
nut have done so. The first is that
where no obstructions are put in the
way of azzpiiing an education; as in
the States of the North and Weak
ignorance Democratic; and • the
second is-, that *ram* in the South
is the natural.,reanit. of long year's of
Democratic Misrule and Support of
skai , ety; under,which all ittempte to
educate and liberalize were sum
21104b7sinpla They, have surely
not forgotten that in:Democratic days
itial4far more common in the South .
for the Chivalry - to tar and feather
School theatre and banish them thai
to enoourage and pay them.
1142'. - : ,
.... .. . ...
'11013.:;' • ::..-. ::;:-.-: :: ::t - t• - "' ' -
1844. 1 • . -- - -,-1 14 .M1i
1145.........., ..... ..:.i" 29.111 !*•.'
1846..'... ............ .... .16,509
1841 - - 29,017 --
1848 -83,762 . - •
'lB5O • . t
.'. ; :I ' .
... .• 4,0
5 „
- •"
• ( ' 1
-• ' f
-118151. • .1
1833._ .. ...... ... ,-. ~... 45,507
1854.' ' - ...... • - - 70,214 .
1855.. :. ; ..i;:v. - :. ^ .."...,.. - :; ;:. 11r7 :
1856. - ' - - - RF 41M
65' ' • 2,295
1857............ ...... ..... • 94,314 • ,
.1? 6,265,
1158. - ........ 41,M• . ,560
.1859..... .. ; . . .
- . ....-.. 48
... ,593, -8_9,14/
• ..... 21:11$
112.712 - - , 41t,8311
179,1131 52,772
ieao • .
2 -
411 61 ,769 99,453
081,818 • - 74,739
• • 633 . 328 M
• 715,04 , 180,610
1869. •
.i 3
1 1969197
Inc retie In MD...—. 17 066 ,911 92, , 125
The 'coal sent ' to. market from
Blosaburg in 1870 wit* mined as fol.
Fall *Oa Coal Company . . . 2.11,71i0
Bloolivrg Coal Inning and 130,818
Salt Company 0fa..........:. 281.961
P. Haakin, Morro Rani. . 78,511
Total I raxs
Since The commencement of the
tiode, the coal *a§ juimislied from
the follOw# l B , Points
,or o a t rig Lz sda Sa'plosPburt mine! 53 3 v 71 5
Total tons from old Fall Brook '6O to
' . 1.719,9C5
'off toni from old Morris Bon, '33 •
to '7O - . 45626fT,
total tons from old BlOastiarg , Co., 2, ,
WI to 116:7,023
The coal from t • Towanda Region
icasluinished ' i 0 as follows :
• --- TOM.
Towards '. Company 196,310
ran Creek B. C. Ccimpany . 77,058
Total - . 213,335
Froia the commencement the sup
ply has been fUrnished-respllows :
• Tons.
Barclay Coal Company. 1856 to 1857. -410,650
d .7owand3 Coal Company, 1865 to 1M...507,132
Fail Crook B. C. Company, 1805 to 1870.151,415
Total 1856 to 1870
18701 . 1869. inc.
.793M095 - 7150044 . 47,911
413,1ps mow 92,725
Barclay ..
1,006370- 8%,704 110,666
• •
pelivrerl by JOHN' A. CODOpra.'b ' / , ) . Ore the' st
ford County Msforical Society, February 13,
and published by ropiest cif the Sociely : ,
Our leader his fallen. With)deep and boort
felt sorrow we record the death cloys beloved
and honored President, Dr. Eliphale4 Hastings
Haien. In meridian of life he has been eat
down. Taken from the bosom of an affection
steamily irho`leaned upon lihn for counsel,
for sympathy, and Support. Soddenly the un
welcome summons came, end there was no ex
emption.; A community is . in ,inoureing. His
-Ir, rapidly making up its .record. Silently,
quiet but surely is death accomplishing . his
work. Our dece a sed Mend left for ns a bright
example end a spotleis record. In his early
lifelbe evincol a bye of study rarely to be
found among youth; a desire for knowledge,
and a remarkable industry,. perseverance and
application in its attainment. • Always a' favor
ik, with his schoolfellows,he won and deserved
their friendship and affection. . •
He loved truth for its - own sake ; dissimula
tion and hypocracy w unknown to him. The
study of meiliCine gave the greatest pier
sure. He never' bringing to light kit
hidden mysteries. ,He st 'ed - with a deter
mination and a will which was ultimately
crowned with abundant success: Never w r g
of i that which would bene fi t man kin ,
and elevate his noble profesaiori, he chess y
gavo the best days of his youth and manhood ,
to the study of thescienee which became apart
of his existence. Irts. unyielding perseverenco
and great tenacity of led to iiir
mount and conquer dI lcoities at which sithen
would have been discouraged. His studious
habits, with &zeta:dive mem , had developed
the fine scholar and eminent pkyaidan. In his
professidn. be stood derervedly in the front
rank. lee was not with him, theory; it was
practice, it was work; it Ist to . do fiood : to
relieve the Sufferer to heal the sick, to com
fort the dying, and speak words of enconr
agetneet end •hope to the "filleted ind the
His Very pr.sie.nce carried light and sunshine
with it, and many, very many living witnesses
now in our mkist .ain.tesixty to his ooibess,
his generous sympathy, his unbounded gene
rosily, his open fund to *mist the poor, hia_pro
fossional services freely given where be 6iuld
have no hope of tee or reward—all springing
from and prompted by his noble, generous na
Wealth and self-iggrindizement were not
the objects of his pursuit. All the powers of
his noble heart were directed to promote the
happiness and well being of others. In the dis
charge of laii professional duties he never spar
ed hUmself, hut male his way through dark
ness, storm and flood, and ellen, veg. often,
risked his own lire in hh anxiety to reheve the
distress of his fellow men: Possessing the
clearest perceptionk and a sound hidgment, be
was enabled to arras at accurate eouclusions,
and when once his position was taken, it was
always held and defended with great ftrimincu.
And while be yielded to others the right to
hold and etprees their own views, be , was al
ways the fearless champion .of truth; and the
antagonist of error and wrong wherever found:
In ha profession, in pciities, et religion. in ea
oral with with thefellow men, bit advo
cated- and 'defended whatxtie believed' in his
bent to be right, without eascillationor com
promise. Absolute perfection is not (claimed
for any mortal ft ; but we" claim for him purity
of fora em pieta. and an -
mats truth; w rendered him the
noblest work of God—an h man.
Dr. E. H. Mason was be in the old town
ship, which by sn .subdieision. it now
Monroe, in April, ; a at hi • . death, Feb.
5,1871, his age was 55 y and 9 months. -
lEs parents were among the earliest settles s
of the coonty. His father, Eliplialet Mason,
Esq., was a Justice of the 'Peace while this
county was still a part of Lineetie..llhi brother;
Oa el. F. Mum, has been a ; member of the •
Senate of this State, and is siOw 1 banker of
wealth andinelnenee. Other-2niembers •of the
fondly have held honorable and responiblo
positions in our county. • .
In early life he poasecuiedlnit few of the itd
,vantages of the present day. By his own in
ching in study ancl pho Z, heoremed hine
self for -Cohege. uatecl at - Jefferson
Medical. College, his, -in March, 1838,
ten 23 years of age. At the age of 9the
mdWOOthn% danghter of Jared
Woodruff, Esq,of Towanda township,-;'-a. - lade
'of rare accomplishments' and tine social_ Tab"
ties, who often assisted her husband by her
angel visits to the sick and suffering, and at
the same -time managed to maks her owe
cheerful home the hest spot on ett
earth 1 .
her husband and . She is his survivor
and mourner,—the depth et whose afilietion
and sorrow none can ever know till brought
feel the same painful experieruxi.: Their, nty
was Deur daughters =I e. Two daughters
only survive. _ Their cirdo was one of
the most liniment and lik pee IXOSSOSMI4 ,
• The affectionate Unbend, the letting parent,
and true Mend, has -departed The vacant
chair, and a - thousand objects daily • remind
View of their Inevitable loss—s loss which is
his gala Freed from tiles toils and e Jabots, be
has,gone to his rest ; lancing a height ample of virtue and usefulness, as an inheritance° to
his children, more precious than an earthly
. .
He was an honored member' of the Masonic
Fraternity, and no man ever left his work more
Varplumb and level, than - did Dr. Mason.
na' a workman that . needed . not to be
ashamed. In whatever position, whether in
the master's chair, or hi his place among the
workmen, he ma:ideated the same disposition
to do right. He hollowed the golden rule.
When be addressed the Ledge be was listened
to with the greeted attention aridtespeot. And
in the most exciting debate be never lost his
, courteous sageatiemanly manner; and while
his notch were wards of wisdom and
they were always chaste and Teepee Bis
great experience, end cordiality and urbanity
of manner; made him the special friend and
oonficientof all. -He neversacetesed • Weed,
he never betrayed a trust. With roared and
noblest principles led motives himself` his
dimity Was bounded only by.the human race ;
and he never counted that time meet is .vain
which was devoted to the alleviation -of a dhe
triaged - 'worthy brotdlir.
Three years of his active business' or profus
e:caul life Irmo avast helleading, Pa., and O. •
years hr Sin journey to adifonesi
was made across the-Istiainnit, Sad:was attend:
ed with hutch hardship and sufferin . He la
bored in the mines one year, arid his
.profusion one year it Ran Premise* with krill
success—a success white indicated to him eery
el=at he had discovered a field for great
ib MEW( and °there— His.. health
was delicate, his family. separated t e en him 07
a continent , Iteenpted by affeetion moee thu
b 7 gold, he retained toldeloem withftpe.
bomb, which trio porn didy teeoversd 80c
-oral joareeve were undertaken the the recovery
-of his health; lime West, ono one
lo North Clurolini4 without
neat or substantial booed. ranting poram. .
In the year lffelk daring the rehdlion, w rist
ther suirom MIN ot !adaptor., mid id
ow,rnst the
the quan-
inntay r
ern these
vol i k j et it% '
'llaithDiiiiiirtf - tiglielliti was
delicate, hat he never foundliniefer ease and
retirement. but 'stiff followed his pro
Ti a l ti ll a ga4 i 4all a r t ai P,
E simposa o l ler r'6 e 4
experience and wisdom the Society is indebted I
. al?eXlbia . :
aix t i o• any. other -e i t s i t e i r c u t. , for
=lst . AVllSPlkcietytto itss 4 palmed ga 7 .
=Wetted the. ealfilknee end Weed
its inelithanti. 11.0/abeeetl faithfailg to
groans ittassefeliess and' ite succese: Its
lee dealt' not ICU* itneteost in their
, .. A........ 0tbis worib. sud I ems. to Pr'
.• . ! .J. ~
, .Dr.liailati wu e otitis *vender* ' old.
restmelebert of the Itradfard.Oeunty a liistari•
.cal Society, andel his death th wending sill. ,
na t e
oEr. F a /040.1131 e ho had been hnOossrxl
with eMit.irail the defter' the living
to feenaoblition sad kavallgirmit iteipi
to o
. - and lutowledge. 'arid ex*rience, -as
limbeeYer=4°42:C and
ne.kruCtlol4 for
. th 3
holabcired i rmi lli dl i rea lli t nee - tr llk il
etrethiz and Prospering
own lout lie was unortwo his efforts
i pro a cti saeccos, sad sowidad personal
les or Walpole to enillAtr ,thlm .to ' attend
and cipide in' its delitiera•
Um& Ilei in titles **WOW with an
earnestness awl*ne WO gave CM militia"
able **knee that Ids heart was in it; and that
.he wesnot living forldwarifslene- but for the
good or mankind. So long as history .shall , re
cord the virtuous actions of the, good. and
pohtt to them' aa Despotlights•tta the •_.• storm
tossed na4 'rum= the wenn( life.,-Hay his
light Centime to thine—anay 'lds words never
lose thele-tallseneensy Hs :ernuppie-:10 far
t owed
o. of Tirtne•msd truth shillesuhracto
11 r tal eat relation in life' aid hie virtues thine
go as in his home in. the .bosom of
his fa y.. It was there the pure. gold of *his
affect!n was most apparent.' L ike an an el of
mercy in the sick chamber' by 'The - of
thehi the prescsiee,of death itself his
maid firm, ,
his soothing voice., and bonigrant
wen . often brought - confidence and
!Kiwi, inspired with a pew light the anger
mg the dying. The poor.. and the lowly
will oil him blessed. The rich and tho noble
will speak Ids praise. History will assign him
a place with the wise, the virtuous and the
=LHis monument shall be the undying
aud affection of his Mow-citizens; his opt
• teply i p le own bright example cd sincerity, truth
and % Anil when the Master shall com'e
to rom .p
his 'each ho shalt shine one orthe
brightest gems in the Royal diadem. Faithful
Christian brother! your work is done. The sun
of thh short day of probation it set. The affec
tionate husband, tlie loving father, the sincere
Me:4 is gone. • We shall rto:more see his face
or bear hh voice on earth.;
_Hot -as Jesus !aid
s to nMY !hall " n iriaisdb.:=tinzaer biT i es in ioye l S
and el thed o ur
wiih hanaortality and light.
A very la r go s o rt mourning and gym,
p a
his body to its last
restin p in theremetery, at Towanda, oe
the brio" of the be/Wird Susgalutnna, and
while the ground was covered with a white
mutt of snow, en emblem of purity, we con
signed his body to the grave—earth to earth,
dust to dust, ashes to ashes—there to sleep till
tho resurreetacru morn. .I.4*iir and affection
ate friends may plant dowers on his grave and
water ;them with tears. lint the flowers will
fade, !lad their fragrance be lost, and mono
mutt; crane to digit, before the lapel:ice for
good rich he'bia lett shall cease to he, felt in
the w rld. Its fragrance shall cdotinne for
ever. nd its fruit be gathered for eternity.
l e Senate and Hinu . 4e'qf Represent
. . .
dives: • .. ° -, 1
I Dave-this day transmitted to the
Senate the announcement that the
Senate bill, No. 218, -" An act pre
scribing the , oath of !office to be taken
by persons who participated in the
late rebellion, but ...Who are not •dis
qtadified from holding offies by the
fourteenth amendment to the Consti
tution of the :Gaited States," has be
come a - law in the manner prescrilxd
by the Constitution kvithont . the sig °Me President. = -
If this were a bajor the repeal of
the test oath required of persons
elected or appomted to offices of
hozner or trust, it would meet my ap
proval. ; The effect of the law, how
ever, is to relieve frOaL taking , a pre
scrihed oath all th4e persons whom
it was intended to =elude from such
office, and to require l it , frmn all
others. By this law .the soldier who
fought and bled for his country, is to
swear to his loyalty before assuming
o '
functions, while the:General
who commanded them for the Cofer
thro of his goverulneut 111 - '022/Med
to a place without it. I cannot affix
my ame to. 4 - law , which clhscrinei
nateS against the upholder of his
goy€4-ament. I believe, howeier, that
it Ls Inot a wise policy to keep from
an offlee by an,. oath those 'who are
not disqualified by-t.ho Constitution,
and who are the choiceof the, legal
voters, but whilst relieving ..,
froM an oath which they cannot take.
I rcommend the ; release also 'Of
thosp, to whom the oath has no ap
pfication. • U. S. GRAN - T.
Exicrnvr. ILARsioN,, 1870.
- - .In accordance 'with a , resolu-
Lion of the A m mictilture SOciety *of
P.. . : dvania, to held the State Fair.
two ''earsin succession at , the same
place, the Fair w:llbe held at Scran
ton again this year.' 'At a meeting of
i s
Society at Harrisburg, on 'tlitt
At tTtlt., the aunnal , election for
offi is took place. John C. Sforris,
was chosen iPreSident.‘ The usual
number Of Vico Preadente 'were also
choiten, and additional' members of
the Executive Committee appointed.
D * Seller, Wm - elected Secretary,
and J. B. Rutherford, Treasurer. A
resolution that the next annual; Fair
be held four days, and fixing '- upon.
TueSday, Wednesday, Ttorsday arid
Friday, September, 19th, 20th,". 21st,
anti 22d, as the tinie,.was adopted.
sir President.Giunt's Adzainztx&-
tion t l will be Marked by many iinpor
tan measures, not the least of Which
are . t,he great reduction of. national
deb and the adjustme4t of the Ala
banns and fishery .1 question& Enk.
lanctis anxious te-auno to a fall and
definite nrul.erstanding upon _ the
causes of differences with tb.e Vniled
Staies, and her already ' eel:keeled
sevelal , points whieli at lint she
"stro ly, coniteuded i foi• Cani4, '
o, is concerned in the 'settlement of
the question,landlauen agent
in *ashingten looking .., after her in
terests, Tiyie-latter mattter, it is be
lier,4 and the right* of, Ameriain
fegh4men fully protected. 1, , .- •
• sojorhe Suiwemti Ccitirt, in gent,
erallterm at AThav * has'"refnieoci to
grant anew trial to; linu,osg, and
atih4eed the judgme4. of • the , «mit
be' . • • I
itit'The President yesterday
.ed l
'WC profictrrig a territorial
ioier, entjor t e pistrict of . Co.
laral.4. - •
b. T IlfWg -thf the ;Tainow
lutii#solied Sin Damitigo •Issiety,
wilt a gatifyiig to the Whole .Conn:
• lA. tot the iti!iorOillePublio•
M0 7 14:1:z110:4:10 1 / 2 1
. I)94fiNGO Crrr, Feb. go—The
Commotion arrived here fromtSamar
,aa pax ...Teeter:lAA,
; Every one con-
We the perty is in eicellent
health. The want of coalinithicilities
detained_ thfiiiETs -- allunC
- -The Coi'e' .n found the lithab
itants of in Tell &tuna
ly-in fairer of annexation. ' ' A tulk in
vestigutioi was made into the owner
eat) of the land around °the harbor,
ezd'showl that no - -Unite* State;
officia ) l , _Pt iivolved in any
I!rivet!priva te. transactioin there whateypr. :, - ::'
• Mr. Feb nit and :itssoeiatesir . and
O'Sullivan -Imre a partiii - : lee* -'at :a
t Tice of nearly; all-tit 4, avail
*le wit i front for—large 1 Teasels
6-dwd th, harbor of Semen& t . Tiler . e
lino available mineral in that len.
The **Mission landed - hero'. this
inorninesnd was - forntaily received
. tly Baez. Hi Wade_ ' ttxplained the
' earaeteriand object.- , -_- I •
Baez Mid Cabinet .vii a cordial
welcOine. ;Presi . .
dent *said that
peace and a stable government would
of the Auden with the I ;United
' States. KYio people were , alL'unxiOns
for; the vinion; 1 . Cabral hi& .no , Da
miiiiiian-Tiith him. The Commanders
of the'forei3s he - was supposed - 10 oom
mand 'were Hsitiens, and Haiti was
the 'real xiover in `the whole I matter.
He; had information that an sicursion
wets- to be - made while the! c c enmie.
Rion was here to influence theist, and
'from his agents - had leanuid the:whole
movement. He expressed -the - hope
that the: Commissaoners wOuld ex
amive all classes and lie would , ex
tend eve facility, ' - ,I ' - \
Five of the party came ' across the
Island of the &Matta tO , this plaice.
- The Cemmission find thus! far no
appearaloes of public distrirbances
Or dissensions. ...1
The Zeiume is very healthy: • The
officers aild crew of the United States
steamer Tennmee, andilantaiket and
ramie now in • this. harbor; are all
well. 1' ' ' ; ' i
*I The Commission Will_ bo here fl
week longer, .and will probaly visit
Azua next.' The stories a l trouble.
there are. untrue.
The Commission, - intend to start
home in about four weeks. • _
To-night Baez has agreedi te: give
safe comb:tett° Cabral or any of his
officers to come here and meet the
CommisSion, and messengers will be
dispatched at once. , =
F isz ' vottcm.-I ,
Nzw r e, FEB. 20.—The TrThune's
Correspondent with the •Cominission
ers, wider date of Bay of Surma,
27th ult.l says: "We had charming
weather for, the'first two days out---
cold, indeed, but .bright and clear,
with freah and average wind, and
every prospect of a pleasant ;voyage;
but towards the evening 'of the sec
ond day,l in the rouglil latitude of
ilatteras,bur troubles be nan, „, and from
that . tim &until we neared our; destina
tion, we experienced - abundant dis
comfort acid many stormy iicaS,though
without any specially severer „test . !of
the frigate.
Using jgcnerally . both steam and
&A Ive Invade a moderately quick
passage, but the behaviour of the ves t
set under steam la far frOra 'satisfaci
tory, and” the machinery is fdund full
of sekious defects. As a inner, how
evei, the Isle is pronouncea friult
less.l ' ' •
We had been out of si ght of land
six *lays land 'a I half, when on the
morning Of the 24th we herird from
the loOkkmi the cry of "Lan
_d, ho !"
The morning was the hottest ire, had .
Yet felt 4 I The Willing ----'r"" , blistered
the del.. The brass work of the
frig,ateglOwed like fire, and Ithe Isva
ter glistened like burnished • Metal'
Under; the blazing heaverii. 'There,
was hardly lb breath of air,'and` as we
steamed through the 'mini; sea the .
sails Minn' ° Uselessly from the yaida..
At two i the afternoon 'we I drop p ed
anchdr - the outer harbor of Sanaa
na. OF the property leased by
- the''
United S tee floated -the • *Merman
Now Advatiseienti.
t .
' •
.. • ;
I desire to ball the attention of the public
amorttnent of goods, which la +Away. MI and
plete. and vitt rotes.; be void to niy custotars at I
market '
31 3 . Bu;ck of
t , i
.~Pi'C E S,
ffirie been parehnO since the l a te rediation
jariff them. 04 an offprer at pek, ,t.
• i
'.otxters by goal or otherwise ; will recent saprorapt attentkau
Thmalogio Public for the perat
they kayo n me, I _lrish s coutlMMor.a
cAsn,,r4lD.roB.,dousiity PEODU
Alt3ll . loß .:SALE.4-A. 'arm l: of
A; , .l4o..saztuateir In Nest. litarlMetosi..itred
'ford -4:ounty ya4 formerly owned by Anthony.
Ileect. le! he *ale; ' Abase 70 , seem r tos•
Ere: - .V4V&V i tri l o ' 4tt="a
roo f
One mils bat lealtlates swereos. rthe.
*ems le In respect well pitardeeed i tre.
Me or 'grate ralstaufarm being wet Ito.
Pdon..310100: . Teemeeley Or jartbeasr: s fie.
Sher v4rdre , of. JOLDt-,.;12,:f t :A; • 1), tlro
zeflleeileset Oral Berftgbw. • ;-- • !- • • - ' l l - -
_lrillißu 4l leoo l3 74 - Feb. 3e.'11.0w! '•,-- • r -
' B .
A., Tufts. Ute
Mai In Leß+ysviite .add ii ntl We
Loßaratlnip bowie. -paisilute % o f
Mum bars. Pbabs e loaaabgtoana acres Of Ina&
It la one of We moittAdifrabbilocaticias tar a tams
bithocaunti, Ttaioirtvaaxat *Vat at fbes
, .
feb.7111.• • ' MEW effill6l .
: TNERSffiF 1.1 • C ,. !•7• '
NJ, The xiited have entered into' • •
ablit 1a the hatellmows isthe Palk - Noted. at Zed
rPri*L'Aishaffa Publdta2r7=4"
'‘ . cusx Ir.cionglarei
Amesurs.. .....
Bridge Contracts.
Bridge Wkrws....
Bounties to Wit
Gonstatgell attending s!pon Court. 486
DMOct Mania . 215
0 00
WO 110 OM? IN
Gra - dJurix — ra
Tzsvase Jurors....
Inouranos cia Mlle Dvlldlngs • 31
Omani 10 C0e....... - % 11l
50 00
Jury Casl2 aaiooarass,7 Mork 735 72
Moo Boats and Stattoses7 - • 537 98
Priactosrf puppy& In County Jan 1379 70
i " • • _ .. Easters Pealtentlary: 723 88
• A ntisaire4s-,1--.4110 OW
ACCOW-WW 2yVill gi Vi . L OOLLEOTORS.Op i 1117irflt TAX FOE
- THE c0mv
..,....„,„ t, tor tke year 1810, antipreeirs : .
TwP. k BOROI3OIMI. ~,,, . ~. couxcrons. , Ts, await*- ;t_ . o- ~z Drs.
Tuscarora.. .....,. ...."„ Clr Mown= ;4•'...'11 - 48 ; .41 31 , 1924 14 0 , I
Colutada...: - : - ... .•:: ' : /11.111= 434. • IM9 10 00 :10 00 ,
6- . '
Overton. , ...i J. 3r • 1869 30 66 . '.30 66
Troy 1ictrwag0........,... Jamas idol& . . ...... ....... 1," . ,.. 1840,." 1.21 MI :' 73 31 ;1053 , ,3781 ,
Armenia. . " '' ' Simeon Williams' ' ..‘.:.• 1810 171 05 ' 110 60 2.00 -8 45
Mina* Tii . gitifildp.. - ..i. ,tint SModity ' '' - . 2164 06 2040 98 15 is 107 ,42
Athena 8ar90.....,, LX, ... • . 653-53 . 61512.8 Oa 32 37 .1
Albany. ......‘.`o. Aletsnder ....:. .... -4., . 433 Co -396-31 ~14 43 30. 4 04 • ,
Asyhnsi..4. l •:•• ".", .... Mob Emile ........... .. ~. ... . . .1.. 686 7 9 - es 00 576'33 05
Alba • W G And: - •. - .
••••••,. •• .......... a* •Ille a . 123 24 Ull la , 6 11:2 i
Barclay. -' 4 ,I. EW Talady ' . . ; 185 15 915 21 00 48 21
Burlington Iftwrnaldp, Morgan Waters ' ' ' 646 34 614 02 32 32 '. .
Burlington Bortuigh34 11.-It Phelps '
,•• ; • 10911 c 261 11 - 3.3 318
Surliuslon y Ze•A; JA. Cant oo 2 ••• • ; , •• ~ .... ,• 651 81 523 1.1 72 37 35 , '
Canton .. 4i, Itewtotti,andom • - , 1194 19 1116 40 -9 03 68 16 • '
Canton Borough.. .. G W Origin-. .. •• .. . . ... .....-.. 430 09' " 433 44 13 63 9 2 89
Coltunbia....-...• J 11 Mangan ..... .. ~..._, .1: 1
,388 48 U3l - 72 10 $B, 8 4 88 • ,
Trati1t1M....4.::....1. Belseelliilbert...- ..... :,.. ' 445'24 ,419 00 417 .42 OS ' •
Cranvi11e...,c4..'.1‘..... OLStresing: ... '. ... ...... .... -. ;. 191 58 151'33 1'94 39 53 ',
Herrick.. ..44., - Chaelsaßkit...!, ;'' 539 02 508 41 '3 85.'26.76
Leßoy ' 4 . - jilpha Stone • .......4. •. • 663.42 428 00 180 33 02
latchaela__ •••• 'i • •••4•• i '
... 3 P 30 38 n. • • ".•
... . .4.- ....... .4 li, - .. •• • 837 72 p 790 18 ~ 05 41 69 '
Lallaysvilas. r .1111isunsta . ...t. •• • F... - 164 75 156 51 ''' .8 24
'Monroe Tcnrnagfp..:. John ElMill. 721 31 681 U 424 as 90
Monroe 80r0ugh.....'. B B Ballet • ...:... • 172 60 160 46 369 845
nivegh_ _ „,.....„, c I unntskock,....... • ........ .. , 019 25 881 68 130 46. 37 .
Overton -- James Molyneux -- •••• ' - 101,-35 • 179 10 12 40 :9 45 ~, _
' 1207 - .. 4 C B6 1097 43 ' 7ST • 60 92 I
lildgburt • • CC Tb0nipti0n...... 6 ..... .. - .6. , . .0 917 11 871 46 919 45' M .
Rome. Township" Philander Towner' ' • ' ' 113 la 678 79 9.07 •35 73
Rome 80r0ugh .. ..... Daniel =t... ~..... : • 112 65 - ' 112 65
Staltbil ..Md. ... : . ..... WB. . ' ' 1421 54 1347.76 ,2 86 70 94 -•
Springfield.... 43 N pa tter :
_. 1 1219_79 1154 19 485 60 75 .
South Creek '4" 'W R Moore
,' ri . 53041 499 AS U2l 95 4 16 - .
Sylvania Mar Mown. ••:,. 11816 131 79 86 64-
Shosheguin ..,.,.,. Charkw.ChaSse ' - 1243 19 1172 27 .9.22 61 70
Standing Stone George A Stevens - 633 90. 605 33 6
.64 31 33.
Terry... • ' Chinn* Thampsoll...... .• 434 88 410 96 229 21,63 - -
TowandaTp... W W Bowman 575 07 -. 544..07 4 4.7 28.61 . #
Towandaßcirunagb, .. 1 . Ali Kingsbury' . " . 2615 24 2138 55 48 25 138 34
'........ 436 40 41i 58
Towanda North ...... 1 George B Malls M. $1 • •
Ttuy Township..... - Hiram Rockwall. 1277 55 1208 39 556 63 60 ' •
Troy Borough- ..... . P. 0 Williams. - • ' 914.19 844 83 24 82 44 47 _
Tinicarom....... ...... George W Wasdnit 673 19 636 51 318 33 40
Miter .. . ... .......... Milton Moicomb... . 744 703 95 -3 52 37'05 .
Warren 3 P Kinney 4.. 1071 1017 50 53' 55
111ndharo...; - Joseph Msbree ' - 889
. 77 841 86 3 60'-.44 31
Wyalnalng. • C Mama. • ,UM 35 1023 31 26 18 . 58-86 602 ' 32
...... w W Wood. ~ •...9 71 89 3 3 5 429 68 Mt
=... .. ...;. C L Shepard . .. '.. 848'37 800 O9. 61742 11 i
Wilmot . GU Morrow.... ' 576 72 541 17 907 29 48 4 4
• . 844 461 34 31 12 62 , 1 M 210 23
, - .--.--.: ---- -___.
I - - 46 33,55011 370 12 1.82997 11.05404
, .
. Dr.
To amount due upon ,duplicates for 1869 ' itlynmount returned Uncollected for 1870.' -
and previous yews , ‘... ........ .. $ 584'28 'att previ0niy4in..1...........• a. S 1,179 - 23
lb ain't of daplicatei far.lB7o 56.276' 33 By'ent't exonerated to collectors... 370 22•
received from unseated lands.. 550 91 " . percentage' oA.. ' Ling 97
o, seated " , • 143 '313 .. orders redeemed • 27,796 47
• o f n i isa i el i men t e • ' .... 89'04 'o - bf 9 per et commission on Slane 553 93.
. .
of incldenlatreceim" 387 48( ‘ " of I s • ''" " on $34,837.69 348, 38'
ln Treanirraan. L 1870 '4,202 13 " : paid State Treasurer.. . .....' • 5.213 18
-- .• .. .in . p.i;tatiry ,dai:i.:. Li 811..• ../.....' • 5,126 17
• Tout $42,419 57
To anammt of ordeal issued in 1870 .. $27.796 47 I 13y almixust of orders redeemed in 1870. , . $27;796 -87'
.. ~. out-a.eolog lan. 1.. ... '• 637 I ' " .. outstanding Jan., -n. 5 . 27
.. _.J...--___.
• '
$2.701 Bs' Dial..
, • .. ,
- ' • , . . .
We the tuttlersigned ComMboisloners of said coonty do hereby certify that theabore is a . true and cor;
met statement of the reeelvids and espenditares of said county, from the tirst day of January to the 51st
dad ad Bemmhw, duelusivei AiD.. 1870, , , •
Witness our hands and seals of office, at Towanda, this 24th day -of January; 18.1.. '' • . '
• . , •
, .
l Comets stoners,
•t,, .. - - - • ~. . • ,
Attest 4.
B. Coots Aron. Clerk.: 'E' . KELLOGG'. I,
___ _______ __ _ C
100 CMS
i ' 1
i i 1
. . _
I /.
Large lot of • • . - -
Large lot - . • .
Tarp lot of•' • • •
itebßES ;
- E~ :..
FANCY RI/Glik, &C.
!-11 . 4. LO
H , going = eiair g ea Our. ikusic — minvaudizialla ex n. dye -purchases ot alt pops:lain our brtach - - tesde,
I lre : 6,70 offat extra isduestuitata.
EIT'APHIthIt saorntia..
-.110131M &VD filLOViteLlaobidint 'Ms cola
tnted Sark BtimlFigs Itid Gloms s 4 • •
" .=-• • MANS ar 11:101tritilL •
ATTIZADT/Tirk-STOON tq maylai 401 4114.1$
trralt&WlAZlOuble ladEtingto -Wool
Ti.. , ‘ 1
'riot ,''YO lektit - VAta
-- ilCi tIIdoST coattiurrz elipor_ or•tert
•-• —, ' . zvAlraitatrantirway ‘-
Dridgeritie4,ttniituls, N.,44.18,11. •• .. . ..
, ,
PrweUlna nt sad
Wit . • - 411. Mar4Tori.
riyaits-speascAur . p it Mid
• ';
....... I..Y.fl:llX#
Cam. A Ladd. Treasurer, in account will tie. Muni, of Ilradford. 1870.
Connty . Ordeq in actibin it enik Me County cfßrailford for A. b., mix,
• Nistellaiwns.
\ • ~ STYLE
FINE TlittigcS,
Saisonoathe Jatom '
Firecalajipsid,i, toward Mowers.. ; ...
iaelltialkas pair etc4.ol Ow
" N Townsldp Una * •45 06
Jein C.
500 CO
Uss Loads. Commbalones.... • " 00 00
Jobirll.lll/41. • • 456 00
Zug C torksgs4 • 4, • - 58 00
Coolbaugh. •
MO of CaOui;dsalimer. - v , IXP 00
• • Rmalotil.v. ", ' '127796 47
... 2Cisoollancons.' . .
. L AR - G. Es S. •
t i
MOST Co' 31 L
/ :
16T6IIES :1 , '
- -P - L A T E D -W*RE,
. _
GOLD CHAINS, ,&C.;_ike,
Ever oi , oned In thie market, Is. now on exhibition
and fur sale at.the well-known store of
4 Mr. C. Las just returned • from the ,city;.et:ittlat,
tera-hhuseU that his Stock has been; Nought atbot-
t41:11 fignres. and that ho eau offer .better induce.
: went* to pureisketit of first-elm goodsthsAilti‘V
estithlfshateat to the country. • • toc.c.ff."lo
ills nictitation tine fret beta tharaushlY retained
and improved._ and
. 7011 be . reopened TUESDAY,
The Erg:man - Comm comprises • special, attention
to preparatory instruction and higher aaakmic.
branches, dasatc:a excepted. •,_ .
The Cortina:let, all the ildralitages of our best
Conamercial Schools with necessary ackternto studies:
, The Notitat , thorough drill in common pelmet;
studies and [Theory and Practice Teaching. .
The gcriciturie, awful Instruction in the sciences
illustrated by an ostensive collection of apparatns
recently repaired and supplleg.--and otlierbranctetS
usually . pursued in College, modern languages being
substituted for ancient— .• .
CLJAKICAL: thorough preparations for oar beef Cot-
Wes. and mode&
,Oarisitzstrat brattee-- laul Tuilio. DraWktif• painting
under excellent instructora. .
Boardsßoom -may. be Obtained. in thelnsti
tute.' 'Apply lo W. Ryan and.A. Quinlan. Arso
date Prinapala, Towanda, toltaratiod_parliou-
leas - • litljadllft• Pox,
-a- am= and casmiszaatins. at =
March 10. ma. zoxa a icEstia
NJ mad ' FOX ♦ 3110101:OFF.
)IRo t i l
at of Sessions. ...
Buildings.. .....
1 lap
it aroV
`542 7 411 21
$27,801, 84
L n Y,
t~ ti
%Preside - it tetts—ieee.
41 - 6 NV AND Al AI A It t ii ET s .
Iqfor .EiviLE pnlcul. .
Corret z ied c
el l'eptosa y o b? E . it ivcit .
Murat. aft buds • ' " / - .
Aye, iit bush
Dasiniteak It bush. _ .
Cont i .* bush - i
Oaalt, It buthl '
Beans. Ili bulb.. • • .
... ~,,,
6o @ r trolls) *ib it •tb . !,... .
•mil.s, irlos
. , i .. . .. ....
Eg g it
iimms.,ll bast . ..... .•: - —1
_.. CV sis
'ETI •
LI 5674!
. KIM Th. . ' 12 .
OntOtui lll ,
it bush • • 7
. WsaanTs•of 005ns.—NbP,st 60 lb. ; c, ;rti s 4 1 1 1 : . !...
aill 66 /bee; Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 4.0 lbs.; Iturbrlli
Cabs.; Beans 62 lbs.; Bran 20 lbs.; nover lie,A Eli ;
tb s. ; Timothy 8 ee444 lbs . ; Driedt . PeschPe.33 I
Dried apples 22 lbs.. Max Seed 50 lbs. 47
... — _ _
464 79
447 96
272 47 .
600 00
511 9f
200 00
207 00
200 00
- . •
Until further natal tho 31alla at thin offi..e
sastvi and depart u follows : • .
g vr a ttern me, • 7'15 A. ...... 5 :15- P. St,
otitherr4 p. 'at., .... . .. 7:15 a. v.
...... 0
Troylm. - S:OC ......... Itop. y:
Gaston .• „ 6 .00 . P. ........ :ff:O0 A. )1;
LeitaYeTMAi " 11.:00 A. u ........ 12: 4 )0 • 1 2 :
Bazaar . . .... 12:00x... ..... 2. 1 10 P. P.
Natoli pulls arrives every Iferiday, Wedne,il). std
• wail at 6:00 P. ar„. and; departs It 7.:.0(.$ A.
Tuesda.T. Thuraday,•and liaturday.
14barty Careers =al artiveii eyeiy
- .Sda3.and t3atarday at 8:00 A.x . prpartk t ame o
at 9:00
seat- 'luta: close 30 tmanstfet th,% ad,.
parture and o.e mail! twilit and Faell 15
to jirertout. - ' • 6. W. AIXORD,
9ionday, Jan
006xwmu:•. -
X. x.
9:30` 9:00
9:40 1 8:19
3:00 1 8:30
3:351 9:05
.1;413 3:55
3:551' uas
M. I at,
ERIE RAlLltQA.V.—Tatiing
.23, 1871. , - . •
' I 12.26 1. ?.
.BARa,Aysqscrilo:S 1 12 ;I{l
.. • ..... 11.70 - 6 1 ,
- ' WILCOX.S. ..••• 11;15 rk ,
"MP - ALBANi'.... I 11:011'
... 4 .. [10:.'15 I
• DUBEIpRE-4. • •
• Y. P. !f,
- R. F. GOODMAN: •
Pas.eti4er Agq;..)t
JuL . 2.17.11
31° EY
lac N tive)nen i 2ad women ge Y tiln3j,,ll..
for the great relijnous and literary weekly The c,
- MDT union, edited .- by HENRY WARD' RESCRIL
Having in its corps of contributors the ablen taint
of the land,. 'A charming serial atot7 by ih*
famema anthoreas of ." Uncle Tonic
begun. Every subscriber 'for : 1871 reePivem tL
paper Poi FIG= ummg, and' the. ptople'e
Maaa/tusat W.L51131 ,1 020N. (31011 . 0 w4llll Fr,
Ma NEW rind unequalled 'combination . 1. tariar.
Lam witaa :rms. AU Are • doing wUll, :Lakin; frwr.
.$lO to Saint day. Now is tho LIAM-Est UNE. At
wn4EET and QrICFLY. There is poaltively
that will FLY TOL'4O vwu.. Copy of paper, chapfr:
of Etoif and rare terms, free, addrels
ft- IttlißUD:
400 Chestnut 'St.,
Tlicis..oil has proven it4lf a medicine usiurpazoi
in the cure,of Rheumatic lameness of any kind
gniring an outward application. We defy The rani:.
cabworld to bring a material better adapted to
alleviation of pain and lameness in Man orstsgat
than is this medicine. It works upon the Fsimepo:l
- as its nearest kin—Eectricity and althoerk
like all of. our best medicines, it sometimes fails,
the cases of failure are very rare, and are'sisas,
complicated ones: It works like mute upon
froebbites, sting '6f bees, and all external peisca , ,
Every family should have it in cases of fr,-Pb.,13?.
bruises or spriins i • It will not Ein . artlie most
icines when applied to.a new Fore. It is no !pa. k.
preparatiolu . but. - Ja Cumnbsell, of nine. of the ten
materials known to materia viatica, cbnrponsdcdop
ion scientific principles. As a, horFe Inediane 0
'taking the lead of anything, in* tbe 'market: Ettiy 3
and try it. !If you do not like it, nAlirp it arid
ceive your mem eiback. For pale by all , limggiFto an I
dealers in medicine:, Price .50 cents
ciecG"7o tt
sribi.erilier having leased of. J. P. Vair F::-•t
his Towelling liouse on State etreet, one' door ez , ,.
of pr. Pratt's collre, is rolw prepared I rig
:Shinier* by the day or week at reasonablerates.:'—ilersons attending Court will laud thu
cer,Ovhnierit and comfortable stop..
I. T. 'WYSE.
'MONEY ? SAVED, 2• - -•
- BY runcrissid YQuit
CY •.
' . S. N. - TRONOS';
,l'he undersigned, having teased the Coal Yard
P , x•k at tile old" Barclay anttust cemfidei
a large Coal-house - and Office upon the prerurics, ate
now prepared to furnish the einiens
vicinity withlhe different hinds and sizes of the at ,r..
named coals upon the most reasonable term , iii an:
quantity desired. Prices at the Yard' until
.notice :
Large Egg
Small E.
Plymoth Nut
. . .
Elitaton Nut:..... • • . "
"Barclay" Lump 4 30
Run of Nino; •••• 4 t.)
Fine. oilitacksmidi 3 Si
The faloiving additiortal chargesvdl be
delivering Coal within the borough Inuits :
Per Ton .50 cents. Extra for carrying. in. Uo at.b.
•Hslf T0n..3.5 " ' " e 45 •••
" " " x ..
Am-Orders may be left at the Yard, corner oi..ltall.
read and Elizabeth Streets, . or at Porter k Sirby*s
Drug Store. • . .
imOrdere mtust in all cases be" acermtlinW. atilt
the cull.' , WARD 7m MONTANYE. .
Toweelde, Jan. 10. Is7l—tt. ...
C O . A . L •Y
Until farther notice . prices at yard, are.
• 'Egg, or Ne. 2 1 , 7 at
' stove, or hoe. 3 - and 4 t"'
Nut, or
The following additional charges will beans& for
delivering coal . iithin the borough lini*: • .
Per t0n...., ets. - Extra for carrying in 541 es.
Ralf ton... •• . •• •` ••• "
Quant,.•r t0n..,23 •• •• •• 3 . 5:"
AG— Leave Orders at my.C.pal . Oflice; No. 3,' 31er
curs New. Block, south stile," • . •
Orders intuit in all. - C-Se be 'accienpanied by
the Cash.
NEW 7-30 .goLD
• .
. Offer for sale at par and accrued interest the
FIRST MOATGAGE 44.211) dRANTVgD/if)2VZ. , .
• i
These bonds are!securred, yry,s - r, by o First 31urt
gage on the Railroad itself, its rollinglstorl:. and aLi
equipments; SECOND. by a First lilorbistze on Its tn-•
tire land Grant, being, more than 22 7 000 aerls•s; f
'Land to each mile of Road.
• The l?onda are free from United . , States `tailll.•
Principal and Interest are payablein rm.
dual at the end of Thirty and 'the intere4
Setni-annlally,st. the rate of SEVE:N AND
TM , PER CLNT. per annum..
Thep aro Issued in,dencnainatiorla of. SIC\
SLOW $5,000 and:slo.o63. -
. .
The Trustees under the a10rtt.....:e are 'Sh , ,--,zrs. 4.1 y •
Cooke, of Philadelplsia, and. J. Edgar . Tilonis , -n, ~
President of the-Pennsylvania Central Railroad i.: , ). •
!"These NOrthern Puilic 7-30 Bonds will at all tour , /
before maturity, be receivable sr TS.'. rEr" C r. " .
PAESIIL'It (or 1.10); in exchange for the Coutpar.y/.
land's at their lowest cash price. I - . .
In addition to their absolnte safety, theselytd ,
yield an income larger, we believe. than wry i alwr
first-class security. Persons 1'01(14 tnile,yStat.. o .
5-20's can, by-converting them Into . Northers l's. , ,f-
Ica. increase their yearly income - OST.-T tilr,, 21 , 1-
still have a perfectly reliable, investment..
, • HOW TO GET TllElf.—Tour near .t Bank. v: •
Banker will. supply these Bonds in Ally tledin. l
amomat, and for any needed denomination. -l'ersee ,
wishing to exchange stocks or other ponds for thr, , ..
can diksolliith any of" onr agents', who win allow the '
higlicet4Mrrent price for ALL 3i krall3L): sr.crXtt
trih 1 . . .:
Those living in localities rem from bank& nisy
money , ,
send oneor other bonds, irectly to 111 b; - ex- • .
t A,
pass,- and we will send hack orthern Paelfic Boni ,
at our own risk, an wit cost to illi• investor.
For,further information, pamphlets. mars. Ac.. c:•11
flu or addreiss the undersigned, or any Of thc-ltanks - •
or Bankers einployed to.soll this Loan. • ' '
~. For sale by . Fifllj''T Ns.vrio:..tnt, Bahl:.
• . . • 4 :NI ..11Cilit's- BANK, '
- • C , P. MASON & CO— ,
. • . Towanda, PA.. -
riscaP:lgenta..Nertherri Moyle Railropl Compw.y.- *.•
114. South Third Street. Philadetp.lita ; Corner
Nassau and Wall Streets, :law, l'Ork; 452,Pittecnilt
Strmt, Washingban: D.C., by Nattenal •ItaLks, sea
by Brokers generally througbout.the country.
Jan: 11, izqr. • • •
- - •
A:- TRILI'..S. , kc.'—.141 ; .. Clark
110W VULVAS:4IIg in Radford county
Trees, kc.. born the TOWANDA ROME NERSEiii
and Will take orders for any hardy kind ofFrilit.t
ornamented Tree, Shrsib or Vine.
Mr. Wilson is a strictly CollifttylliiollS genthunas.
who will not knowingly misrepresent in the lest.
will make good'any contract ho may make, in tran , '
acting the business of his agency for me.
Towanda. Pi.. Feb. - 6.'71. U. 11,,W1.1.1..E.5. •
The subscriber has for sale between hoe)
10,004 nice four years old thrifty and healthy ,
PLE TREES of the leading select Narivnes tiro , e
in his nursery on Towanda Flats. These trees 1,, 1 .,
tranaplaiited at one year old and are better - rood'
and prepared for Mtn - planting in sensennene.
Towanda. P. , Feb, 6,11. ,rn 31. WELLI - .5..
AOKNTS.—I am credibly informed . that • there are
aeieralTiee Agents. representing New York State
nurseries, who aro at the One canvassing Cotral
Bradford, and trying to - make ixople believe that
Wellee'Tou - anda• Nursery no to exists ; or, that
" what few Apple Trees he hae.W3, - " are "Flit L• 0 :
.GRVID4 " and WOIZTFILVIS." -Mosul statements are
totally false. my Stock. of Apple, Pear, - Plum .and
Cherry Trees aro all of my own raising,:and,areliee
frpm insects, lmalthy and sound.
Towanda. PE., Feb. G.'7l. - R. SI. WELLY-_.
A-4) fj 'TO NS BEST 'CA tr OA 1,
Gronna sajo at Rockwell's Mille;
ItouroetoliV frb.B'7l W. A. ECCSIVE.LL.
sid •
1 - 69 0 4
7B 4 5 :.41
• :. 5