Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 23, 1871, Image 1

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    TERMS i11?'1411113LICATION.
Tun itsiorourf liirciasza la published eriS7
srmlay 711ctilisg by; 8. W...ALTOID at Two
per annum. in advanes:
fir Advertising tq , all Gaon irscluidre of subacrtp•
11 to the paper:
NOTiCrIf inserted st nit= CMS per
ine or Ant insertion, and FIVT; =lll per Has gar
ti t‘, ,, quent insertions. , _
I.OcAL :NOTICES, sa*to i styla IS refitting mistier,
rs-rx,or.vre a line.
ApvEßTlSMlMafiiidll be inserted somata
following .nble. et rstes
• S
I Isv 1 411 :-.1 2732 I 4 111 lem 1177.;
I $1.50j s.OOl 6,.00 j 6.00 1 10.00 15
2.00 1 !s.OO t a.OO 110.00 115.00 190.U0
3 0 , Lt;
hes 3.00 tuo ii•co 1 1E45 I 25.00 I 3590
5.00 112.00 18.00 7200100.00 145.00
20.00 10.00 f 0.00 I U.OO I ?&0O
1 40,001 80.00 I 80.00 1 $lOOl- $l5O
Administrator's and Executor's Notioes. $2 ;
r.g Notices. $2 60 : llasiness Cards, five lines, (per :
„, e ; $5. additional lines $1 midi=
V. arly atiVtirtiserS are entitled to quarterty charige4
advertisements must be paid forasadrance,
-111. solutions of Associations ; Corninanicatimil
-f :ilnded nr individual interest, and notices of bLsr
s .aUd Deaths, exceedisigtve lines, are charged
;vs . t . r.NT.:Ter 11416.
Tl,,,ltneor. - rnn having a larger circulation than - ill
pipers in the °nutty comlidnod, roans it the best
~,ertiina medium in Northern Pennsylvania.
)r. PVINTING of every kind. in Plain and Pansy
rs, done with neatness anddispatch. Handbills,
lards. Buniableta,Billheads, Etelternents, he.
, v ery 'variety and; style. printed at the shortest
ItEronron - Ofilee is well supplied with
r Trepgelt, a good assortment of new typo. and,
rything in the Printing line can- be cremated in
~,ost artistic inan*r and at the lowed rates.
T 1:11d11: INVARIABLY,CASH. • •
". 1
' Th
"GLEY, Aud
tibver, home, Pa. All calls promptly attend
p.l tA. i M1LY9,1870
BLACK; General Fire, Life
I\ n AN-Nerda g
IrisuranneA ent. bin
r..,47{1,1C; 1-jotel, nyalusialt, P. .jn14,"146.
T0w:613. Sept. 15..18.70-yr:
formerlyoccupied by Mercer
• •
on door santh of Ward How.
maylo-'7O W. I. yuccrem.
• Pi;ALr.r.. I.:n. 160 Waildnnton Street,
, It LaSalle and Wells !Streets, 'Chicago, Illinois.
l'state parehased and sold. Incestmenta made
t , r)11 - Loaned.. - May 10;70.
crTTING AND • FITING h ail faalifonsble
,n short notlrti. 'IIOOMS Iltereur's New
Main•st., over Porter k Rirb*'s Drug Store.
, .
wanla. Pa.. Not - 1113. 1870. .•
'A31 11 1 ...": " 5 -OI CHE ‘. 8, . 13
c "I S, IMAMS, .gitPi:
!nide iri-the best wanner and late le,
,01„.;Wara Ibmse 'Barber Shop. Tertas reasdnable.
'l' J. 3169.
Thwanda. Pa.. with Geri :rears etperienev.tecon.
,11,1 ViVO tak begt ratisfaction in Painting.
Stainfzig„ ralkring, ke.
,Paiticalar ztteirtio4 raid to Sobbing in. the
3 N' iN1101.70: 4 :: PA., pays particular attetit3ott to
• .71 r.ig• - ice, Wagons. Sleighs, Aze. Tire sot and.
Oont• On short notice. Work and chimes
.atisfaethry. 12,15,0, I
established himself in thii TAILOIUNG
i.t • iNES.S. Shop over 'Rockwell's Store. Work of
ry s,siption done in the latest styles.
vaii•la, April 21, 1;970.—tf
would renice.ifully announce to
t , that he keeps ennstautly on land Woolen
: •':g. nannols, Yarns. and all kinds at
nr;rl van.. 11,11 Gil 15: 13110A1)LEY„
" Proprietor.
t A. rt. 310 F., Limlzed Attetioncei
•.'l o.lts promptly attended to and satisfaction
vr - address, A. R. Mon, Mortroeton,
ePurity, Pa. 0'0.26, 69.
nod Lift. Oil,. are thh .G at Family
find, a welcome in every' home as a
..•r, Iteruedy for more. of the common ills of
other :medicine in the market. Sold
I •! ,:ere in inedioe generally. Manufactured
~.. T. 4 :11T0111). Chicago: 111., and 143 °Main st.,
I..LSVII.:LE. N.l. March 10,'70-5*
• .
I. l L'iL'l?4.4\rCE AGENCY,
.k X fit:Association.
ftto to secure st death $2,000 slo' 00
: sal .1s•:-.9‘5meut ' • 2 00
f: Assegsmont, age from 15 to 65 1 10
• " • 26 to 45' 1 GO
" " 46 to GO E• 210
G. WYetudeig.
I I geut for Ilradtird county. LOCai &acute
Sept. W,'7o.
aurapro Company of
. Hartford. Conti. Pay.
ur nr. application for Wilt:trance to be made at
Di- STEvEN's office, Main at, Towanda. •
General Agent
1. 1:t.'70.-lpfm*
7 1 -11 4ACKSMITH.ING I • *
. c.nrnricted my new brick shop. near my
r. -...1. , nre -on Main-street, I arooanwpreparpd to do
..-k in all its branches. Particular witentibn taiid
fil'unic and edgo tools.- fraying spent many
Irs iirthia community, in this businods, I trust
b a sufficent guarantee of my receiving, a liber
slawount of thespublic Vitronage.
- . lIENRY mFamitcncE.
Tovrantla, Nov. 3, 18C0.2-tf,
V ATF:Nrira.
J. , N. DEXTER, - Solicitor of / . 3 fi(", it,t,
1:110,13) STBEET, wAvEnt, Y Y.
.. - I . r , •pares drawings, specifications and all panert
n,•:.•,1 in making and properly conducting App li
c .11,S for PATRNIS in the UNITED STATV.S. Sind Fon
cuaricrEs oft trissoccEsormr.
- A.Nn N l 3-ATTORNI:Irs FY.A.TO PAT vicar., rdar...NT
1- 9 •.I.•:tsr;, • .
I).vi - TON. , D. 11.011
Dealers In
ti th ,-111 .'Ibet cash price Is path at all times.
11 M. IZ.Lieutlold's Store,,
1 . y um • .14,';0 TOWANDA PA
• o ;:ey..n, , Camptown, Bradfsrd Co.. Pa. Thank
: ciurloycrs for best patr onage, world
• • • in'. mu the citizens of Bradford County
Pre:iared to do any work in bisline of blast
:. - clay, he 'clitraPted to him. - Those having
1 l.cca Ml-1111t1 110 Weil to linve,their proberty
r-urr,yed l:vfore allonin.a themselves to
their neighbors. • All work warrant
the nature of the case will per
,' anpatentrd lands attended to .as soon as
az, 01,i , O. N. STEVENS.
a Itzcallnth fn Towandi, ntider the
ey arr. yuierareb to Aram' Bins Of Esibange, and
New York, Philadelphia, and all
1 rt United States; as also England, Ger
i, v. :el t• France. To loan ra.oney, receive deposits,
%1 t•• .1 , a ;.:.; nem: Banking business.
N1.1,0n was one'pf the late arm of Laporte,
3 r z: Co, of Towanda. Pa., and his knowledge of
area r I 13m1ford and adjoining counties.
o'..l . l.avnuz bven iu the tanking. busines.o for about
11 years.' tual..' this houss desirable one throngl?
thak, G. T. 'MASON',
e1 -t. 1, Isex, • • ' A.. ( - 1; MASON.
BMA PYO tD 001giTY.;
. •
F.1..."=.2, Mill PrOrertiCS, CRY: aid Town
. ,
1+ baring rroperty for Palo will find it to their
leaving a description of iho same. with
at this oireitcy, as parties aria constantly
for farms, &c, U. /I. ,lidctE.ol,
neal Estatts'Uctit
i , vcitrazioa's ttank,.Tomuldi.
E . ),Nri RM !
. 4 : ;I' (70(5D
I:,:iers in Grixieries and Provisions, Drugil
lieroisone Oil. Lonips, -Chimney",
5...7 n r studs. paints, One, Varnish. Yankee No
ogars and Snuff. Pure Wines and
• et: the hest quality, for medicinal purposes
• All Goothi poll at the very !aired prima. Pre.
ear fully coma ptinded at ail Amin of the
4L.1 eight . (Jive us a'call. ' .
!'r Pa., Jttue
. - -
Qa:MIzrrOWN oftel.lcl3lXoo4.
kt Ilion's ell Black Star Lino" of Ur.
o l'acifets. Nailing every week. '
Line . of Pariwto from - or to London,
41i . ,:,1 , 410E a motel. '
r: , 7w2taprcN to Eoglanlklrrland and Scotland par.
of,inawl. •
pattienlars, apply to William & Union,
Br9allTa,r, New York, ter
k CO., \Bankers.
Towanda, Pa.
VI cents per gallon at FOX & MERCUM
1416, iO.
S. W. .A.Lvon.zo, Potablimausr.
JAMES . WOOD, Arloam Agin
Cousamum 1.4 w. Towanda. Pa.
s al . t .
W. Veranda. PC. Moe Id% Mamas
Smith, eolith side Xeroxes Block. Aged 14.10
roam AZ LAW. Ofte-00eller Mill sad
Me Streets, Malts Deft Slam
v • los over Nnettiama & Meek% Tama* Ps.
May 211. ,
D an I. .
Chemi Oare in Parton% Bieck, over Gore's J Dreg sea
cal More.
South ibis of Netuttes New Block. stairs.
April 21. 10-43.
1:11" B. MOXEAN , ATTOItifET
.1.1.• row Oroxsamtrot Lax. Toirsols.Ps. PEN
ocular stAeution paid to bubutoo-!a erpbsibe
.t 111720.4111.
Virs. CARNOCHAN,- • Anon
vim me ItitWCDOIT L at Atterasy
ford Mindy) Troy,Pa. ‘aa- made saigm*
regated. ' 6104
T - I t 0. DRWITT, Attorneys-a:-
el *Lair. Towanda. Pa.. baring fanned a co-part
nership. tender their protesidanat services to the
public. Special attention Wen to MST DEPART
MEW o f th e business , at the count/ seat or lelse
..7L0311 DaWITT. ,Thf"
Tow:tient, Pa., Dec. 12. 1870.
A - ARMSTRONG, Paihicmable
• Berber, sow the Elwell Haase, Taiwan; Ps.
Pnblte pstrotiege solleited. . • ileel4;7o
LT Law, Toivanda, Pa. Nstlaidae sttemtkra giv
en to Orphan' Court business.Conserchwt and
Collection& • sir Office in Wood's ism oar. south
of The Pint National Bank, up stairs.
Feb. 2. 1871.
nt H. WARNER, Physidan And
- NJ* Surgeon , LenaTirTine. Bradford Co.. Ps. All
mils promptly attended to. • Me first door smith
okLellaysvllle House.
wept. 15, 1870.4-yr
t l , :j U. BEACH,: M. 'D., Physician
, ' • am: Surgeon. Towanda, Pa. Particular &Um
on paid to all chronic Thames, and Diseases of
Females. Oflicp at his resident* on Weston 'street.
east of Dr.k. Overton's. • A0v.11.C9.
ISET's AT /AV, Terwands.'..l%., entered
- into copartnership, o ff er their' protaulenal services
to the public. Special attention given to badness
in the Orphan's and Begiapses Courts sgll4lo
crezarroar. Wen=
1/fEltallt & DAVIES ATTOR,
'AAA- WETH AT LAW. Towanda. 7%. Tbnatilardved
having associated themselves together , in the practice
of Lam; offer their professional services to the bib.
March 9.1870..
O A. B. M.
.)11'61 LAW
Main street, opposite the Court Etcsase:Townida, Pa.
Oct. 27.'70
Offers Ws professional services to the people of Wy
singing and vicinity. cc and residence at A. J.
Lloyd's'. Church . . Ang.lo.lo
Law, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa.
Particular attention paid to Collectionapd Orphans'
Court business. Office—Marcur's New Block. north
side Pablicliquare. apr. 1. IL
DIISEIiBERRY, would an.,
nounce that incompliance with the...request of
his numerous...friends, he is now prepared to admin
ister liitreue Collide, or Laughing Gas, for the pain
lees extraction nf teeth.
Lerteyeville. May 3, 1870.—17
VERUTMDENT, Towanda, Pa, 'OfWe with
B. M. Peck, second door below the Ward Rona.
Will be at the officethe last Saturday of each month
and at all other times when not coded away Shbturt
ness connected with the Superitendency: All letters
should hereafter be addrrased as share. dee.1,70
_,.., ate of the College of "Plwai and Surgoons."
Hew York dll . Class 18484. Ores exclusive attention
to the practice of his profession: °fate and realdessok
en the eastern slope of primal adiondnit Henri
acrwb'is. pinta. 19.
D. .D. 'SMITH, Penhst, has
JLI parcimed O. H. Wietra property, bet Ween
Mercur•s Block and the Myren House. where he has
located his office. Teeth extracted without pain by
nee of aea. • Towanda, Oct. 20; 1070.—yr. .
well-known house, haying recently been refit:
ted and supplied with new furniture, will be found •
pleasant retreat for pleasure, seekers. Board by th•
week or month on reasonable Ohms.
E. "W. NELL. Prop'r.
Cirecnwbod. April 20,
On Main Street, near the C6llll. Horse.
• C. T. =TX Proprietor.
Oct 8; 1868.
trEIEPER.A.NO.f. HOTEL 1-Sittik
_L ted the north-west conger of Main and Elisa
beth sterts, opposite Bryant's*Carristre Factory. .
Jurymen and others attending' court will especi
ally find it to their . advantage to pstroldse the Tem
perance, HoteL . 11, HBOri, Propr.
Towanda ; Jan„ 12,19;0,_17.
oNNEcnox sirin THE BAKERY,
Near the Court House. •
We are prepared to feed•the hungry at all times of
the day and evening. oy4tera and Ice Cream to
their 130980119.
March SO. 1870.. ' D. W. SCOTT & CO.
:Tom; 0. wnsas
Baying leased this House, La now ready to accOrrimo•
date the travelling public.. No pains nor expense will
be give aatinfactiem te those who may give'
him a eall.
.2W.North aide of the public Ivan, east of .2der•
enr's new block.
• :pp s Is FIELD CRF,Eii
.3.. t TEL. •
Having purchased and thoroughly refitted this old
.and well-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff °W
ax, at the month of Rummer field Creek, is mar to
give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment
to all who may favor him with a calf.
Dec. 23, 1368—tf.
ll PA..' • •
The Horses, Ilartiesi. de. or ail guests of this
house. insured against lose by rireorittiont any e 2.
tra charge.
A superior cinaliV.; of Old English Timis 'Ale, jut
received. • T. B. JOHDAN,
Towanda, Jan. 24.11.
This Betel having been leased u 7 the inbeerfber,
has been repainted, /*mend. and ref urnlahed
throughout, with new nttnre, Bedding. be. Me
Table will be supplied with the best the market at.
foils. and the Bar with choicest brands of Liquors.
This hones now offers the comforts of a home at
moceramm raress a • Jtirmeck and others attending
Court, will And this hones a cheap and comfortabie
place to atop. Good stabling attached. sug,lo,lo '
ALAT . CULNIO - , 1ty.44311M6,.1101:1LD13013, - fee.,
At Ina old stand of IL It. Ingham's 'Kooks netts"
mul Sawmill, in•
in cbazxs at an itrperienced *satanic attiLbutbie*.
the public ennY,expeca a • •
Fromtbe recent enlargement ofildrester poser . .
work can be dons at an semsosts Ott* per and soon
as seat in. In connection irk* Ike eirrenUl WO an
able to tbantsb bilts at sawed lumber to seder.
. Can plows. Iday 2& ' • -
s undersigned have made urtingemes
stetS 10 0
to carpeater's CHESTS 011' TOOLS.
theta spruttursa Inn KAT as. &siting visa
tantrum:a ire respectfully Invited to&tieg
• CAMP it
Asa. Insunutee Apts.. Toirlisits. Pa.
paezzomi CA3Z
11. G. GOPF,Propriefor.
F :►.Lyt~~~a
riunrs. •
I was 14 the 3lasquarade last night. I
flayed the Ippeeette eansommata, I
=w4and voted and fanned the dying
1 j oy toil heart with all raymental
Might, till it shoes st Usti ip sed balms
Through my eyes, and eat in Motion ail the
Wheels of fancy, in erpreambe.gleares,
Upon my face. AM , some poor fools Ire
And gay; and laughed, and their gnat bit heart
Hot to me haw bright I was, and thoaglit
Beat in sympathy andl unison with
Ye; when I was anima among them,
And stood beak myself, and laughed
A oold, eta hough to see the poor Loots bMill
- and
My own self laugh'With them. Oa t what a
Great aching void there was withhinky eoul„ an.
}PIA meek nesPtlq
A lore flolrer owe •
Bad Med 11 vIR Ha sweet petfactie dhitmo,
And ItaidabelpeoAdulnat fair Wad sod
Howl-the - H4ebe meter. Bat it watded
No t, and the mining spirit ate, devoured
Da own perfume sad sweetaeaa;
' bitter
Farce! I stood : There paned' the Eh& with ,
out his
Courtly bearing and idimannam; the Foal
Close oo hii heels : the Empress; and beside
Her Fair Folty, with her tinging, lang►tngbells;
The Comfy Beauty, and the Eases Dame;
Old women and lair maids ; the HighlandLese ;
The Hainan Girl ; the Tyrolean; the •
Daughter of the Regiment ; Dark Night; and
Others, dozens, beauties various, whirled
And twirled throughout' the dance: •
And I whirled too,
To see 111 might not,perchance, with! some
Dizzy maze or dim forgo:lathes. into
My soul, and 'feed my life with sham instead
Of beauty.
We danced and chided fill aar
,Did aeera to Area little And Tenet
to aches.
How dull and hes" cold and sad,
lam to.clay I How I tamed npoa my
rillow in the twilight of this morning,
And battled with a misty dream. Wha
Aching in my bieut ,What is this want!
Feel? What do I search fir? Why rings that
Saddest, most severe "It might have been!"
An 4 throughout my soul?
• • Oh, here is myst'ry I
Solre,it ye ems Ponder it ye sails! •
Tell me, oh my heart 1 and let me clasiyou
Closer, and rocking, kiss the triunded place,
And soothe and heal you stdrertag, u a
Mother does her darling
This fleshly boat' be in sympathy
Witt my Olin heart ? Must IL still be bound with
Chains, and none to serer, to a foul and
Ghastly, cold mortality 1 . fix this Anti \ -
Dead to all the quivering cries of anguish
That well up, dumb, fromlhe depths?' Is there
Tongue tO send a clarion elver tone
From each gaping wound?
g one to word a
- thought
Intelligible to it?
• Oh, pitying "
Christ! . touch thou the rirste and Endow , the
Banda that bind me here, and let me fly up,
Up the blue, out through the. golden western
Gates, that seem to opo right into heaven I " .
Like a dame, let me fly upward and let'
Me bring the empty veiled of my soul
Beneath the eternal crystal Onion at
Thine unbOunded love, till I am filled with
Bliss and that healthful Joy-refreshment, Frith
Which sweet welcome Thou dost receive amen
Bowed down before Thou, salaams' tre end con
reinvurry 9.
(Per the Itzposno.l
Desn Eamon; "Life is a sea how
fair its face, how smooth its dimpling
inters pace," when man follows the •
precepts of God's holy teachings, and
walks not in the ways of the ungod
ly; but " Life is a warfare, beset with
tangling thorns and treacherous' net,"
. man tramples upon, Alm just
laws Of our Great T eacher — the just
" I Am." 4 • .
•It has beeein any mind for - a long
time to send you a communication
setting fortli the evils of intemper
ance in our midst, bat I have delay
ed for fear of wounding some one's
feelings indirectly connected witlithe
hellish traffic who otherwise would
be respectable. I have waited, too,
hoping that the proper authorities
might take legal steps . to check the
miseries heaped n tis by ourheart
less rumsellers.. " en church mem
bers—and deacons at that—rent their
store-rooms to liquor dialers and sa=
loon-keepers, and sign petitions for
landlords and all manner of ruin
venders to, carry on their
business, is it not high time to raise
our voices and utmost efforts in op
position ? lam glad that the tem
perance Cause is prospering as well
asit ir is in my native county and S
There is a teMperancedparty here, ,
but its efforts are very feeble. There
are ne active teinperance • organizer
tioni novi at work in our village.
Almost every day we are startled
with news - of a fearful character, viz:
drunken men fighting in our 'streets,
in sakions, and in fact everywhere.
Onlylast weeks man was severely
injured,- having been stabbed while
in a public broil. Thelnife entered
in front of his ear, and cut its way
down the face and across the
t, =cm the jtrdar
He barely esca with lus life. 'On
the following s y a man of genius,
and a' firsteclata mechanic, became
intoxicated and wandered some three
miles into the country, and was found
dead, having frozen to death. Right
on the heel of this, another melan
choly death occurred from rum on
C street. Our station houses and
jails all over the land are full of con
victs that would not be there if it
were not for rum.:
There are fifteen places here where
the destroying lied is . dispensed.
Many of them claim to be respects
bleu Some men a r e clothed in Chris
tian who that say so; but who can
be so foolish, that have their hearts
in the rifght place, as to even hint
that selling rum is in any way rear
pedals "Cursed is be who rt.
kth the cup to his neighbor's bps.*
The Almighty does not look upon
the dispenser of liquid poison with
,the least allowanCe. It is s great sin
to deal out to blether man a drink
that most certainly , dethrones his rea
son. A town law Ours should not
have a lionised tavern or saloon. We
cannot, well afford the temptation
that now assaßs is on every hand.
Bumsellers are lificmwThg bold new
s-days. They sell to ininors, - and
the SubbrAh day, and even to women.
All times of night - baochinalian
revel axe going en in secret Owe:
Oar noblest eimUM. are diagraced
with drunken -Kink not here alone
but all over our country .
. Outheau
tad cemetat7 speak* in silent . ye
powerful language against nebracy.
If the dead . Todd come. forth. they
proclaim hi thunder tones,
'that to drink hi certain ruin to both
hecly and soul.; - • • .
r• .-
.1 We need not ask go dead in
'' their
=hat the co ow of in
in strong drink bring 1 about,
though, for. the hving, bloatedheings
in our very streets too Plainittelliut
Weeping widows and desti tute or
.hips proclaim it on
. every; hand.
*l.:pwrecked merchants and broken
dowi=kmal men speak it in an
tuun li a
manner. .. ;
Nothing but strikin g the ;hydra
headed monster a fatal blow !at ,the
fountaioliesd- by proper legialseitan,
wlil ever. sOve our blessed Una frOm
ultimate destruetion. The' tempest- .
Lion must be removed, else our rath
ere and our,sons will go down, to.pre
mature graves "unwept and tuismig."
u Look not upcai the wine when it
giveth his color /nibs cup, for at last
it biteth like a . serpent, and stingeth
like an adder. " - • . 1 : •
There are those in our midst who
whimper and whine about the, evils
of intemperance among - thelves,
: and adinit that it le wrong for peo
ple to get - drunk, end at the same
time they are patrons of saloOns and
hotels nearly every day of their lives,
They say men are. fools to get
drunk, but moderate clrininers are
quite tolerable.. I know' man who
formerlyirept wine on his 'dinner-ta
ble, and drank at hotels occasionally, '
who on several• occasions severely
ptiniahed his 80118 in a brutal . man
ner for getting drunk The neigh
bors often interfered to prevent the
father beating his children to death 1
for the v.erylon which he had' en . .
wittingly - taught them to indulge in.
This man has Taw times - "nt his
two sons up, after they had been on
A spree, in the barn, and kept them
there for two or three days with noth
ing to eat and drink but breed , and
-water, while he still drank his wine.
•I have no doubt there are other. par--.
allel cases everywhere. Who -is ‘to
blame fer drunken sonsinaueh casali -
It is very plain to be seen.:
,/f fath
ers and mothers would eiercise a lit
tle more judgment and set better ex
amples before their children, lefsi
misery would be brought into their
h ouseholds. . -...,
i l , •
The stepping-stone , in many in
dances to the use of alcoholic stiqa-.
lantkis the use of tobacco. acid opium.
I trust the reader will bear with
me a short time Millie I enumerate
a few of . the evils of chewing and
smoking, and opium ' eating: 'There
are little boys in every Own in the
United,States that kayo le'arned to
use tobacco, not because they took to
it naturally,. but because they se*
father and mother chew anki smoke.
The result-has been that we have be.
'come a nation of the. most nervous
'people on the face of the globe. Nico
tin, the alkaloid of tobacco; s a dead
ly. poison; and has a powerfully iiii ja
nous effect upon the brain and . ner
vous system. It retards the physi
cal'and moral , developinent of . our
children, and tends to , robl them of
those finer ineril an.treligiotui quali
ties which adorn the temperate'man.
To ltseeo softens the -muscles i and
Nines, poisons the blood, eatumeor.-in-
Sanity in- ts varicnislorms :produces
'cancer of the lips, destreyst„he gams,
thris ruining the teeth; also paralysis
of the great nerve that supplies the
heart, lungs and stomach, indiges
tion, catarrh, ast&ea, sternatitis, or
sore month, palsy, St. ; Vitus danie,
kn., kc. It engenders an ippetite for
strong - drink, and withal is an 'ex
tremely filthy habit. •, • .
Though tobacco. is used by many
good men, yet it is demoislizing in
its effects and should not he tolerated.
The use of. it is a leading evil. - •
Opium is extensively used by thou
lands, and is also a twin sister to
13 ±
rum and the vile weed. • The plea
sant exhilaration produ by, :this •
drug soon passes away, a n tho senses
arelocked in an imnat slumber.
Awakening from this sleep, the pain
and depression experienced sends the
opium-eater again to his itecustomed
poison. - Insidiously the poison works
upon the system, the habit becomes
confirmed, and , life his droned and
slept away. Often the habit is start
edby the prescriptions of the physi
cians, and both they and their pa- 1
tients should guard against the den-
ger.. The warning presented by thou
sands. of cases in our own country, is
hardly less fearfid than that of the
great opium-eating countries of chi
na. end. Turkey.- I am !acquainted
with many who aretaking one bottle '
of morphine per week, and Not been
informed by a druggist in this place
that he sells some customers two bot
per week. There are many men
and women in this vicinity that-take
from one to two ounces of opium
every seven days. . -
Ihave made inquiry at four of our
principal drugstores, iu:uti am inform . -
ed that on an average each store sells
-30 pounds of opium and three pounds
of morphi a per annum: Op ium re
taiiii at present at SI,2A per onia*,
and morphia at about sl2,ocoper . or..
One bottle of morphia -Contains one
drachia, or $1,40 worth. Of the drug.
The lady who.uses one bottle .
week spends for a worse than useless
purpose $72,80 per annum, and he
who uses two bottles per week $145,-
60-in twenty years a *Went sum
to purchases small farm. The. opi
um-eater gets along with as - annual
expense of $65 to $l5O-k sum quite
sufficient, if deposited in a . savings
bank, 'to amount to a email fortune
in the course of :one's! natural !life.
Morphia is worth about $l2 per or.,
or $192 per pound at itali. There
are !oaring establisiniumts in this
place that sell no less than three lbs.
eachiumnally, at n coot to • the =-
Tuners, at present - OTO*, of no fleas
a RUM- than 44728—enough - money
to support a small -- , .. vr . or - school
in our Midst ~ .- --i t wh. • - year. ' The
opium .. . - . ..... in this vicinity an-.
nosily is worth.s2,BBo, to Which might
T wi
be added some $BOO ' ded kg the
various Ft:TeX:thous' . the dreg; Viz:
literinnn's Elixir, law nun, .. -
goric, s*l the mime 'pinta ~ L : in
compound with ,o . - ; m --. •' . es.
Even our children are ....i.: 1 : .. with:
my not
- .
~ •
. .
• 1
.- •
out Emmy With swabs sit*
which iii eontain morphis2En
in some of its forms - Thus ta
the dreadful appetite- '
our children for uxuaaismslathindantm
- oOst of-the
consumed by
lual takers 121 the trailed Rates ?
ainually amounts to smell mullions
of dollars: •
Whin we contemplate the inunenSe
cost of the opium and Whom, aid
their• ' effects uponlbe
Min ll* ars astaptidekil and
winder ( why people are inch ecansia
mate fools as to allow habit to this
enfold them in its dreadful meshes:
The coat of rum, rind the untold Wi
en, which it produces; esnaot be com
puted by thpires. Is it not high time
that we cry
trouble unto God to help us, out
of ' , ,
I`Ooubl extend this article still fur
ther, enumerating the 'evils of into .
perance, bat I fear I have . y
wear* your Patience.
Too much cannot be said, w
ever, spinet the use of 'tired= in
all forms, nor can we afford to 4t
our eyes, and fold np.our hands, when
such startling truths of the dreadful
effects of mangling and the use • of
vile stimUlants are visible on every
hand. I trust this article will hot
impress any oneunfatozably of oar
thriving and prosperous village.
With all our faults we ate permed
of many virtues, and have in
midst thorough and efficient temit
anoe men. I dare say we are on Lan
=tooting with our neighbana,..
- All we lack to root out evil
and all forms of vice, is organization
and a trifle more energy. lllay God
'help us till we :conquer •
WHY wolual WED&
Some close observer - of our social
relations, hiving looked about
among his married female . acquaint;.
antes, ventures to give the following
list,•with an attempt to indicate the
• . 4 ' which influence too
• .to marry:_•
umber One has married 'for' a
home. She got , tired of working in
a factory, :or teaching school--sh e ,
thought married life on, earth lbut
moonlight walks, buggy rides, land
'nothing to. do. Well, she haul got
her home; whether or not she is tired
Of her ineumbrances, this deponent
smith not, inasninch as kigis deponent ,
does not positiyekr knolif -
Number Two married becausel she
had seven young sisters, and papa
with a narro* income. She consult
ed the interests of her fatikily.s Per
haps-she would have better consult
ed her own interests by taking light
washing, or going out by the day to
Number Three married beewase,
,Mrs. sorinded iio - much better ;than
Miss. She was twenty-nine yeas
and eleven months old, and slither
month would hive transform her
into a regular old maid. • • bow
awful that woulrhave been !
Number Four married liecaluie she
wanted somebody to her
Her- husband married for precisely
the same ?onion, so they we re, -
repentirig at leisure. f
Number . Five married because
Fanny White had a nice' new C hus
band, and she Wasn't going to be left
behind. Pity if she couldn'il get
married as well as other folks!
Number Six married; because she
was poor and wanted lichee ! She
never counted on all those !other
things that ware inseparable from
those coveted righes.
Number Seven married liocausii
she, thought she would him to travel.
But Mt. Nuinber Seven chiinged his
mind afterward, and all the travelini
she hal dime has' been between the
well and the back kitchen &mi.
Number Right married out of spite
because h9r first love had taken to
himself a s econd love. This piece of
retaliation might have done her good
at one time, And in the long run
Number Bight found it did not p r
Number N ine married, became
read novels and' ,wanted sympathy.''
Sympathy is a fine thing, but it cools
down at a'repid into if the domestic
kettle is, not kePt: ,, boiling, and the
domegic turkey is undone. Novels,
and housekeeping don't run very'
.well together in. berme& to use a
sporting phrase, and Number Nine's
supply of :sympathy didn't hold Oat
very long:
Nrimber Ten married because she
I loved lier husband with all her heart
and soul And she limes' him' still,
and will probably continue to love
him, and is the happiest wife in lie
world=so she, say& -
We have Of all the riOt motile at
liet--one, which, - when siuu:tifictd by
a desire and resoluticni to :1 improve
and elevate each other, and ;to live
true andholy lives before God, can
not fail to call down blessings from
heaven. But sad is the fate of thorre
who inarry from wrong motives-.-to
esciape their share , of life's work, or
tot sornethin4A for which they have
- nothing to giver in return: '
'WELT CLOVIS Alfl.--Cloves- t are the
unopened of a small evergreen
tree that tamable* in appearance
the laurel or the bay. ' It is a native
of the filolaces or Spice Islands, but
bas been carried to all the warmer
parts of the world,, and is now 'culti
vated in the tropical regions of
America: The Sowers are small in
sirs, and grow , in large number), in
clusters to the very ends of , the
branches. The cloves we nee are the
dowers gathered before they ire
opened and while they are still .
green. After being gatherisd, they
are smoked bya wood fire, and dried
in the Stl., Fah clove consists of
two parts, Ta - ,round head, *filch is
the fear petels ;or leaves of the flow
er rolled up , enclosing a number of
small j stalks, or filament;' the,Other
part of the clove is terminate with
four taints, and.* in he:tithe flow.
Cr cup and the unripe seed. Vessel.
All these parts May ibet : 'distinctly
been if a few cloyeente soaked for a
Short time in hot • water, when the
leav4 of the flower softeri and readi
ly unroll. I- Both the taste and smell
:of chives depend on the quantity of
oil they contain. Sometimes the Oil
is separated from the cloyes before
they are *rid, .and the o&riand' taste
is in consequence much weakened by
; eachunhr proceeding. •
it. 1
nos An 'etras t 7
[Par the ftrorziß4
t CoL P br a., '
Me. , . The °City of the
Mdair" is . iktiiet atpresent, and
we are - with thel. win
ter weather that I ever"saw. With
the exception of the extreme cold
weatherof whist give you an- so.
count in my last letter, • the winter
has been very Imild blared
thermometer here indicated as : h
as eighty degrees Ahem) zero, on
some days, in the sun. The ,great
snow shires, that, as 'I learn by the '
p f apers, extended over a large portion
o the East, began with ns. - trat mov
ed away toward the East. - Only
'about ten inches of snow felt - on the
Local news le' wares. Building is
still 'ping on quitil extensively.
There are about five hundred build
ings., of all kinds, in town. As the
colony repine every man who owns
lots or ocit-leeng 'bad, to
blir upon theni before the• 10th of
April, or forfeit their claims, many
mere houses will go, lip before that
time, as the claim' s are much too val
uable to lona. Four or five church ,
buildings will i probably be • -
during the spring. The "
Baptists lave already laid the; .
dation of theirs house . Union meet
ings are still held in' Colony Hall,
each denomination j furnishing a
preacher in its turn; but the 'usual
consequences of such, union are be.
ginning to be I visilile. Unsuccessful
efforts were made by some to induce
all denotninstions to unite and build
one house large enough to accommo
date all. The religious principles of
the colonists are is decided miiture.
About all kinds are represented:
,The Methodists, Presbyterians, Con
imgritionsliste, Eliaeoix4 Regular
Baptists, Frei) Will Baptiste, and
Covenanters, have organized church
es. One nondescript church is coin.
posed of Universalieto end Free
Thinkers. What their platform. may
be I cannot say, • •
The "Indians having received all
_presents they expect to get out '
of Uncle Sinn for the next six
months, are on the rampage again.
A band of them, supposed to , be
Sioux, ereeSea the Union: Pacific
Railroad s
. idititit ten days ago, and
are now winning the settlers ,about
Fort Ilearm. I hid just returned
from a buf6dci hunt, out in the coun
try between the North' Platte. and
South ,Plattei rivers, as this band
came down, and I "guess," all' -
=glared, it was a lucky thing for
me that I got home about the time
I did. - '
'As we view 1 a country not very
well known; (perhaps some account
of the expedition would be interest
ing to some Of mir readers. There
were eight of us in the " out-fit," will
mounted and well • arnica , About
five miles east of. Greeley the Cache
la Padre liver Amen a junction
with the Sciuth;Platte, and eight
miles farther, east is a ranch owned
by . an old min who has spent thirty-.
five_ years on the plains. His name
-isabridge Gerry, and . e is a grand
son-tit that Ethridge e, who - was
I be li eve, MC pf the • . era of the
Declaration Of Lidepin - Forty
'miles .from Greeley
.As Fremont Or
chard, so 'earned by the Great Path
finder, but for what ragmen I cannot
say, as I einnot- see. much .resem
blame between a patch of willows
and an orchard. Some twenty miles
farther east is old Fort Morgan,
bunt - for the protection of, travelers
• the old .Salt Lake stage road,
and abandoned since the completion
of the, Pacific Itailrcied. , .. This fort
was built of " adobe)," or 'suii-burnt
bricks, awl has
"ism name ways,
drawn a- good many dimes from
Uncle SW; pocket. The lumber
that was used is its eanstruCtion cost
from one hundred and twenty-five
dollars to two hundred dollars a
thousand feet,„ and now lies scattered
about, furnishing excellent firewood
for the ininderiAghmiter. We camp
ed in the kat over night, and as we
sat around the fire, some one re
marked that burning such costly
Rood caused a strong smell, of burn
ing greenbacks, which wasrerpond
ed to by another,' Hang the ex
pense; put on another board r'--eirit
lug the action. to 'the word: One of
the buildins is now occupied by
some herders, in the employ of Mr.
John Haman; a Tern cattle drover,.
who has * herd of twenty-three him-
Ared head of Texas cattle wintering .
here. A short iilistance east of the
fort is a cemetery. Stripe of board
are set in the ground at the head of
portion of the graves; the':remain
der are unmarked and unknown.
On neirly*ery board is the inscrip
-1i0n,,"4 Billed by Indians,"—ample
evickinee a the prevailing disease of
this region. At the mouth of Bes
'ver creek is an Old stage station,.in a
very, good state of -preservation.
Leering the. Platte river here we
struck off into the hills to the south
.ward, and About twenty 'rifles from
the river,we began to see small herds '
of breams. I shall their forget my
sensations, . when • • : up , a high
bhdfore paw five .'... -. feeding
quietly in the valley.below, at about'
five or six hundred 'yards distance
from us. I Biding around the hill we '
carpe; out m the valley; aiwat. two
hundred lards distance frhin where
the nearest buffalo; a hu., • ! 4.4,
old bull, i was !aiding. .
us a moment 'astonish
ment, he [ 'wheeled a bou t . and set off
over the plain, followed by his aim-,
; us. ; Digging my spurs into the
sides of :my pony with a violence
that made him groan, and aecompa
niedi by; another of the putty i we
Seri over the ground in . .. The
bad° has a heavy, him . • • gait,
but vni'fcruid before we ea tight ther
thatit is no easy job to Ont-run
them. Getting within yaids of
theta- we dismounted . . pumped
shot after abet into their carcasses
until one of them wine tumbling to
the ground. :Two others were par
, tisk !suppled, but as it be to
grow auk and we were mime Am-or
six miles from camp .we were aged
to Osaka the pursuit. Being in a
countryientirely uninhabited save by
wandering bands of Wiens, it was
necessary to be very'cantious in, our
morn,* especially , dotter dark.
We i never lacked for • music . during
the I rig WO INTO 001ItiipmeN
, •
*wounded by pacl‘ of Cartes, a
apeman:. of welibearing a close resem
blance te an overgrown fox, whore)
Ulteltredy A113311' . made night hide
• andby large, gray wolves, that
would meek up close to camp‘ . and
sending their frightful howl out on
thertigk: , t aiestartling 'the guard in
to a hearty malediction on the whole
wolf tribe. We soon found that the
great snow storm and severe cold
weather a few weeks befine, had
scattered the large her& and driven
a majority of them far to the east
ward.' We sew many drovei of wild
hornbill at a distance, but they show
ed plainly that they had,. no inten
tion of cultivating an acquaintance
with us.. ,We camped one day near
a huge rock, rising four or ifte hun
dred feet into the air, and irsadirc#
manymaes over the rolling prairie.
We had just finished eating our din
nen when looking away to the, east
ward, we saw what appeared to be a
herd of buffaloes scattering over the
plain, and heading directly towards
us. Instantly every man was upon
his feet. Horses s wag saddled, re
volvers buckled on, and rifles placed
where they ciitdd, begrasped. ,itt a
moment's notice. They kepi straight
on toirards our camp until they were
within about half a mile of us, when
the main body halted, and one ap
=lt* be coming on alone. This ,
to look like a little_ too Sharp
practice for buffaloes, - and some 'of
the boys declared they felt uncom
fortable sensations about the roots
of the hair.' Ina very few- minutes
we could see thlk the supposed buf
falo was an Lid.3n mounted on his
pony, riding ak full _speed , altar evi
dently intending to find out who we
were. I must confess that the sight
was not a very Agreeable one to my
self, and one gblice at my ..compan:-
ions convinced ,me that the feeling
was mutual.' Halting just out of
range, "Mr. Lo " took a good look
at us and then rode slowly forward.
Seeing that each Of us had weapone
enough balis - ,periKiu to constitute
him a Walking arsenal, he advanced
-with extended hand and saluted us
with, " How, how?" Seeing' thlt ho
met with a friendly reception; the
whole party maple pp. There were
some eighteen or twenty men in all.
Within the next halthour they had j
inged‘for every article they saw or
could think of., I began to get Kick
of having all the begging on one
side, and when one . particularly vil
lainous looking fellow, with a streak
of red paintrunnizig from the cor- .
ners of his month back to his ears,
carne up to use, I " went for " him;
begging for: his buffalo robe, and
every loose article about him, : 'and
wound up with asking for a drink,pf
whisky. The mournful shake of his
head showed that he understood that
part, at least.- He could talk a little
English, and wanted to know what:l,
was &ling there. I - informed hiM,
confidentially ; that I was "on it."
"'NW dat?" "Oh," said 1, . " on •
the war path." " Who for--Arapa
ho V' I gravely answered in the af
firmative, on which We 'leek- hands,
and lighting our pipes, took a "medi
cine smoke," and parted with each
other • sorrowfully. This
.ways the
band of Utes, - who are supposed- to
have committed the outrages .in
North Park, last summer, although
the blame was finally laid on the
Cheyennes. If our party- had been
small and poorly termed, our hair
would be of small value to us now.
Getting tired of killing. but one or
two buffaloes in a day, we turned
our faces toward . Greeley, which -we
reached in due season, having ridden"
about two hundred and fifty miles..
ABOUT Cuons.—The New York
Herald is not over deTout, but delivi
um itself vigorously , of the following
sentiments on choirs
.desire that Members ,of choirs
shall, without exception, be some
thing more of Christian and. less of
professional singera. We propose
that after they have ceased singing
they shall set to praying, or listen to
the preacher with the red of the'con
gregation. Row often has it notbeen
observed that the instant the mem
bers of a church choir have finished
a hymn they settle down to , a cosy
chat; passing thisir little jokes with
at much indifference as if they were
not in a place . of worship, or as if
they had received information direct
from heaven that they need not
themselves with the question Of
salvation! We do not mean to say
that a majority of the 'members of
choirs act in this manner, but that a
minority 'sufficiently great in num
bers to attrad'attention do this, no '
person will deny Indeed; we are
assured that at some :of the churchee
social topics are discussed every Sun
day; sabre and .criticism are indulg
ed in, and pleasant stories are 'told,
between the pauses in the music.
Such levity and irreligionmerit and
ever merle our condemnation.. ,We
are willing to pay these people .to
sing us to heaven, but wp taunt un
dertake to pray them to that happy
home of the hereafter. They put
do their own praying; they must be
come 'Christian. worshippers. Con
versation on social matters, and pls
duitries, are very good and all o w
ble things in their way, but they
not appropriate at ehurch.
Tun PRIDE Or Arronerar.—What a
silly boast it is to boast of our ..ance.s
try when we reflect that, choice or
noble SS it may be, it has become very
much diluted before descending very
tar. A Writer who seems to have had
the curiosity, as he has the time, says
that every human being on the face of
the globe is compelled, by the demand
of nature, to have two parents, four
grandparents, eight great-grandpa
rents, sixteen. ancestors in. the fourth
gegienition back, thirty-two in the
fifth two hundred and fifty-six in the
eight, thirty-two thom 'seven bun- .
died andeighty-six in the fift.eenth, -
almost a million and fifty thousand
in the twentieth, and nearly . one
thousand and seventy-threemillions
in the thirtieth. The whole number
of one% anceitora in the fi ftieth gen
eration is 6,362, 794, 914 filA 046, a
nmiltiinde which no mini ;Thi''number
and no mind conceive. She bloodof
this vast host is rimming through the
veins of every mortal on earth, and
that reckoning back-only fifty gener
ations. • •
\ • -• , .
. ,
.. 4 . 1 1_ - ..' .
001 per. Annum in. Advance.
There is no trait'of human charac
ter ia which the deep dapravAY . of
our . natere displays iteelhnoreplam
I than *Blander, or Itefamation .of
The poet truthfidly rep
reedits slander as standing _
"Nightly by herhoirld hip' •
And hibticems her lies to stain our names
And wound out pace. Slander
The *West whelp ot MVP
It is worse than ..mockery, famine,
word or death; and yet bad as it.*
there is no vice . ,-more common, no
trait of characte in which our moral
obliquity more clearly displays'itself.
No community is free front it;—
h d lu az a: 4 "pestilence it walketh in
and hie destruction it,was
tith even at noonday:i d
Several things go temake up *6
character of the slanderer. In. the
- first place, such 'Lanni or'woman • is
always a liar. Nobody ever was, or
ever can be slandered by the troth. .
Nobody can reality be in
by it, because every one of us
to pess in the communityjor w t
we really 'are.
Even troth itself may , be' so'dis' -
torted as to'conves an actual' false
hood./'A lie may be acted os will
told;—the nods, and winks, the -Oly
hintS and innuendoes, are fall as '-ef
fectual with the slanderer as any=.
thing else. •
Dean Swift describes_ such ,charic
ters to the life when he says—
"Nor do they trust their tongues . alone,
But speak a language 61 the ir own ;
Can read a nod, a wink, or look, -
Far better than a printed book ; -
Convey alibel in :a [rawly
And wink a reputation down ;
Or by the tosana °fa fan, • ,
Describe a lady or a man.
Another ing#dient in-the clliarac
teT of slander Is theft The slander
er steals, br flies to steal, what all
the wealth of the Indies cannot buyJ
A good name is bet te% than anything :
; . else in the world. 'How many to SO',
cure it or retain -it, have laid their
heads . , with cheerfulness upon the
block of the. executiorier. -
What is life worth to a man -with
out it? As.shalcspme hash
"'Tis the pecaliaxlrezptnie of oar souls."
• `•\Vithont it none
Can soundly sleep, even on a royal bed,
I (Sr drink with relish from a cup tit t gold. • .;
And with it, on hicborrowed stra or by
The leafless hedge beneath n heavens,
The ireary beggar takes ruitron • rest."
"Who steals my ou-no steals trash*
in comparison.
The roan who means us with uir
liffecl club or 'Cocked revolver on the
his Way, detianding our money or
our life, i s *gentleman in comtson
with him or hat who .goes ,aboat to
steal from 'uellan pricelesEf )treasure,
"Hake mosiiielliohmeals of goodin en's names."
Hence, the slanderer, whether he
succeeds in his design ..or not, is a
thief both in motive and degign. -
The arrow spay sometimes fall
shbrt of the mark at which it is di
rected, but the intention, the design
to do•harm is there, and• the crime
of the slanderer is the same as if he
had succeeded-
Another vice which enters. largely
'into slander is malignity. A man
who robs us of our wealth max do it
to Satisfy the cravings of his appe
tite; he may , use it even to do g -
to:those Sioimd him. But he "who
filches -from us our good-name," takes
what can never do him any good at
all==hii.-object must, be malignity.
Such a pum: wherever found, who can
hate goedness and do all he can to
destro3rmoral eicellimee in another,
is more 'fit to, be an inhabitant of the
lowest pit of darkness, than the pale
of human society;' and yet these mon
sters are fotind almost everywhere
throughout the world.
Another chiracteristic of the slan
derer, is, he - is coward—Mid hypo
crite. He has not the manliness and
courage to reprove another, for
fauna openly and boltlly to his , face.
Everything he does is on the sly.; -His
honied words andfair profeteions are
only a mask to givelim a chance to
take a-deeper bite,"or that he may.
, h sta eart b hi s victim more securely y to, the
Who of us have not suffered,. at
'sometime or' other, from these -htt
man harpies 7 •
Well, say Some, let a man be so
good,' lead so blameless a life; that no
man carrhave a chance to say any
thing against hith. • -
But this is an imposSibility. We
readily admit that the good man will
not in the end be materially injured
by these base attempts of the slan
derer; but let a man be never so
blameless in Ma life, he need not -ex
ittet to escape the . slander of lying
lips and deceitful tongues., , -
If a man' has a character high
enough and broad enough for other
'men to gaze upon—in sllort,tif he.has
any character at all, he will find some
one low enough and 'mean enough t o
slander and traduce him. • Wherever
he goes he will be followed by these
,human. wolves, '
"With that long gallop that am tire
The hound's deep hate, the hunter's fire.".
- .
.A man of so li ttle - consequence in
human society that nobody envies
him, nobody , says anything to his dis
advantage, or tries to pulthim down,
must be of very, little consequehce
deed—so-little that nobody Will miss.
biria when he is gone;
So let the slanderer ply his ids&
mons trade; , We may take comfort
in the thought that we are 'of some
consequence- not mere cyphers in the
werld.' r -or we should not be slander-
Defamation is tkind of blackmail
that will be levied on us all. Some
of us pay more and some less, but
the amount will always be in propor
tion to a man's moral worth.
Waniut, PA. G. W. G.W.S.
Tim OLD We .-- - Once it was
"Mother," and it Ny a a " Mother, I'm
hungry." "Mother, put up - my din
_nor, and her loving hands would
Small the butter, and sew on the
great patch, heart - brimming with .af
faction for the little curly pate that
mile her so many steps and near
distracted her with his .boisterttos
mirth. , Now she is"the old woman;"
but she did not think'it would come
to that .She looked, on thin&
the future years and saw her boy to
manhood grown; and he stood trans
figured • in the light of her own bead-
. thigittrosii.l
UM love. Neter was _there* more
noble San &Sihei--11
: 14
world, and the - staff of her lc
years. ILA he washer; satitott even
then, but she did not Whir
never noticed that it was her little
boy that wre her strength far daffy
toil—that his slender form was ' all
that upheld hie over the brink of de
spar. She only ham bowshekrred
the'cluld, and felt that amidst - the •
mists of agd his lave would bear her
gently through its infirmities to 'the
life beyond. -Brirthe son has forgot-
tenths mother's ministrations now..
Adrift from them:Kling:l . of home, he'
is cold,selfiskheartlemand "mother"
!wino sacred 1111311 Ding to theprodigal.
She is"the old woman," firirdded,
gni, lame, and blind. • -
ROW 3: • 1 , MIMS LITZ
Our readers know that. dero are -
two kinds of, respiratory: apparatus
—lungs, which inhale sir', abstract
oxygen from it and giVI is return
chiefly carbon% add; and .011 s,
which absorip the oxygen dinolved
in the watet.and,nlee gm off chiefly
carbonic acid, Which is more readily
dissolved in water thew the xygen..
The. former aprleWs is pan eaed=by' ' ,
animals, hfr4 etc.; the' latter „,,by
&Us; and as lungs are iruspable" of
taking omen of the water, and gills .
cannot breathe air e animals ,with
lungs are drerwried in the watei,',.,
while fish are drowned in the A
small nnn{ber of amphibious animals
however, possess - 1 bath- - -lungs 'and
•gal 4 and, can therefore' breathe ei
ther air or water, and thus live in
both. It *us been, however, dawn . - -
ad fluit k muskrats and e4me other
swimming ankle& with •Inegn could
travel considerable distances under
ice without reaching any breathing
hole on the surface, and it Was for a
long time a xrroblem hoed ey. . sue
ceededin living so long and travel
,ing so far without sigmas to the
mosphere. The problem has' been
answered by S. Newininse, in a work'
called the " Trappg'i Guide," *Om
which'we extract the followine:
lifturkmts 'have fe carioca, method
of traveling long distances "tmder the
ice. In their winter eicursions to
their feeding grciundir, which are fre
quently at great distance, from their
abodes, they. take in breath - at etart- .
under water as Icing
as they can. Then rise: to the ice,.
'and - breathe f out the air in their -
linPga, which remains in bubbles
against, the lower surface of the ice.
- The hinter sometimes takes ad
vantage of this habit of the „muliikmt
in the following manner : -
When tho marshes and ponds
Where the muskrats abound are first
frozen over; and the ice is thin and
clear, on striking into their houses ,
with his hatchet,, fez the purpose of
setting his traps,he frequently sees
a whole-family lunge into the water
and swim away under the ice. Foil •
lowing one for some distance, ho
him come to renew his breath in the
manner above described. '
After the animal has breathed
against the ice, and before he has
time to take his bubbles in. again,
the hunter strike with his hatchet ,
directly over him, and 'takes, away
his breath. In this case, he drowni
in, swimming a le* , rods; and the '
hunter, cutting a, hole in the ice,
takes him, out. lark, otter, .and
beaver travel under the ice' 1 the
same way; , and hunters have ire
quenily told me of tairin . g otter *
m -
the .manner I have - described, when
these animals visit the honse of the
muskrat for prey.
Tar Lesr Tags Or Isaac.--The
lost tribes of Israel, whichhave given
so much concern to mimy worthyin
-dividuals, and Whickhaye been found
everywhere, even among our,own
selves, have been in great, danger of
being discovered, scattered through
the Pacific Oceon, and indulging : in:.
cam:able 'habits., The philological
.world of Berlin have been much dis•
turbe4l by : rubbings: of inscriptions
_from that mystertons seet,of 01°,1=1
stone figures, Easter:lsland:. These
Inscriptions, set out in good straight
lines, look like the
. xtition- of Va
ing some of them a dulling hicenass to -
later Hebrew, but, unhaply, unde
cipherable. The important restdts to
be obtained are,lowever, no
in expectation, as Prot Huxley
. has
solved theinseriPtioni, which might
long have puzzled the learned woad..
He has reaagruzed the rubbinis, aa
imprimions from motdds useabvihe
Polynesians in printing the patterns
on the tape cloth, thi`ancient dress of
Tahiti and Other, islands.
counts fbr the geometrical anp regu
lar reproductioclai44 l.,f d l ilt t,p daiilia which are
not ideographs,' • lug, or alpha
betic symbols — Aiken/rtes.-
Au ErrEcrviißissruz.—On his way -
from his list tour. in Irehuid,Aer.
Roland Hilf irsin very much annoyed
at the reprobate conduct of the cap
tain and mate, who were 'greatly 'ad
dictated to the ungentlemanly habit
of wearing. First the captain 'road
swear at the mate, and then` they
would both swear at the wind
"Stop, stop,now," shouted Hill,
" let us luivelsir play, gentlemen? it _
is ray turn now"
"At what is it your , turn?" asked
the captain.
""At strearing,", replied Hill. - •
After waiting until 'was
exhansted,lhe captain urged Mr. Hilt
to be quick and take his tap, for ho
wanted to begin again.
• " No, no," said Hill," I. can't be hur
ried; I have a right to, Ulm my own
time and swear at ,my own conven
ience." - - -
"perhaps poll don't intend t 6 take
your ttirti," responded" the other. •
"Pardon ine," - said Hill, "but Ida
as soon as I can find the good of '
ing se." „The rebuke 146 t
, its domain ;d
effect; there Teas not another oath'6n
the voyage. . • ,
Tns following story •of Horace
Greeley is going the rounds of the
press : When be took his famous
trip to Lawrence City, ICausas, he
stopped for the night' at the best ho
tel m the place, and in due course of
time \ wait requested ki honor the reg-,
Wier with . bis name. In the Act of
adorning the page with a specimen
of his chirography, •a bed-b with a
remarkably knowing look t it,
ran past his !hand. The venerable
philosopher *bound it calidy for a
moment, and theni turning to the
astonished landlord, exelsitned:
'rveleen bitten' by, St: Joe ffewbled.
by Kansas City spiders, dined off by ,
Washington - Imosquitoes, and inter
viewed bY New York graybacks; but
I ntvcr was in aplace bek4re where
the bed- tinge - loo ked over ,the hotel
register to find out where ray room
was." i
A meta .onee. interrogated an
old lady la to whe'ther she haw say road which
peddlers rarer trivia She promptly replied,
Bu one; awl thit'a the road to hearp I"