On Breeding Homo. The severe work to which young horsqs are now subjected is that chief cause of thojoresent great liability to disease..lf they were well fed; ' and allowed to mature their constitution's before being . trained, they,wouhl, in all probability; remain sound 'lfor a considerable time. This we far is not likelY to be attended to.q The farmer has so tuaiiy.,tininands on his - purse .that he ean scarcely afford to allow his horse to roam huge till thei reach their fourth year; and the turf ite finds more profitable to . race his coltsy at two years, old:thin:110 keep their' over, at heavy expense, ".until, such time as' humanity, and. a 'due regard to the soundness :of the animals, would . point out as the p,p er period for their firat.appearanown the tux!. -The necessities of the one, and the aiaricious disposition of the other, Emil render it next to inapossi lgd to g. t lood, sound-stock either to ilse-or to b eed from. , ';- ' '. i 'The sys mof g a ssing . which. has been adopted s'inee 1110 lutrodtkion of thotonghbreed stallions around in the country, apßears to be' a further cause of the degeneration of our gen eral stock Let his , shapeand quali ties be good, bad, or indifferent, the one which possesses a sprinkling of - blood is sure to be the animal which will be selected as a sire: His 'light action, showy appearance, and high= sounding pedigree l will be a sufficient recommendatiento those who are ig norant. of the various' points i and - qualities which , are connected with 1 the strength, substance; durability, and disposltionef the horse. , Besides the same, horsols certain to bed put to great numbers of mares of all sorts, shapes, and sizes, withouk.the slight est regard to the exact adaptationof - form and size of dam, which is abso lutely necessary in order to secure a satisfactory result. Breeding from -blood-Stallionsis highly commenda ble, provided it is done with, judge ment and ilikretion; but the of viddent'crOssing is directly4.bjec tiOnable, and cannekbe4lo str ugly . condemned. : Extremes in croesing are very rareiy successful; andit 'is , i 3 ~ really astonishing see farmer con, to - _ stantly putting their complet ,cart mares to thorough-bred horseS, ,ex pecting, to have foals of a class At for ' .fast work, whereas nine times Out of ten th -are fit Ueiti r for slow nor ~ t l , , fast us .. - By e practice here referred to, - bfeeders expect to produce IL horse combiniug both strength and letion; but they and very frequently treated to 4n animal of such a. nondescript ' , thaf.he is fit "neither for thi land nor the sea." In place of being a fair .medium• between Ake . sire and-, clana,he will take chiefly after the one in. some parts, while in other places _he will lean entirely to the oppOsite - - and he is consequently as badly . balanced and proportioned that he is comparatively useless. His temper, inereover, is frequently _characterized ' by a want of conformity fo_ the pur r poses for which .his owner might .think..:hiin -in. other respectS -best adaptect.:—Dr. N. H. Parion, in Prai rie [From. the Germantown Tfleg,raph.] Protect the Sheep. r i lllt24D Minks: We are hot person ally interested• in----the production of either wool or million, haiing never ;owned ii large flock and don't know that we ever shall; still, we , believe that where sheep are kept there ought to be some general law to protect the owner from the ravages of ddgs, of which more especially. ' We think that statistics wit war rant us in saying, that there are 390-, 1 . 000 sheep killed and 300,000 maimed annually in this 'country, from this cane ~.„ alone; .'and • a and that the loss thus infl_cted would amount to $1,200,000, : aliowing . t*o dollars per sheep,which • would be a 19w estimate. "Ow this sum would go a good way towards • schooling our young or lig dating ‘..\ our national debt, and if to- is we add the cost of boarding the dogs (manyjof which are utter_ly worth-_ less), allowing the expensOor each cause to be ten dollars per annum, _ and assuming five persons.to average a family, or 800,000 families for the United States; are agaluoasiamirig that each family average a dog, the :expenditures 'each extraordinary proportiolls. - So far - as the expense Of.keeping a. dog is concerned, that belongs to the owner; but about his depredations,: ;ghat is another 'matter, and I would stiggest to 'my brother fariaeis the (proposition of petitioning- our Legis-, Mature for more efficient laws ,on the subject, believing our present laws to be defective. ';' ~ _ 1 It is idle to talk about ebllecting daniageqg,ainst,the owner Of a Bheep , dog; the very nature of thercase pie- . chides it,* the „kill - lig is u - Stially done in the night, lihave !known a `zreat many to lose sheep in this way, • (have lost them myself), but have' - acrer known a single Instance in which the owner recovered any damages. I am informed that therb, is a local lawin, a certaiii - odunty in this. State, _, r . , wher4.the owner of every-29g is taxed one dollar, and"the money, thus col lected is paid . into _thetown treasury.. • Any person losing Sheep notifies these persons, ..(free-holders,) who are denominated appraisers, and who proceed - to . appraise the amount of - damage sustained. When certified, the town comisaioners give an order ' ' which is paid out of the dog-tax thus collected. If at the end.of the ; year _ any money remains, it goes to the support of the - poor. This law is --_ sa42_,to..werk well, ,and, if so, then why not maliiitgeneral, • , - We hope to hear from others on " the subject. - J. E. Val:rams. itradfOr s d Co., Pa., Jan. 11, 1871. Fr oun-l'unnrso.--Take one - quart of sweet milk, one teaspoonful '. salt, half a teacup of sugar; mix, boil and thicken with one- teacup of wheat flour.wet with cold milk,,luid stir until it boils again, then remove from the fire. ..When half cold add two well beateu eg,gs, and flavor with nutmeg or lemon. Add raisins if you choose. • ~ Bake half an hour. To be eaten cold with or without sweetened cream. A TaAvr.ura was lately boasting of the luxury of arriving at night, after , a hard day's journey, to partake of • the enjoyment of a weWeht him and the left leg of a goose , "Pray, sir, 'what-is the Peenliarluanry of a left ?" 4 Sir, to conceive xts luxury, you must find that it is the only leg left. tnoros dAst —One pound of su gar, one pound of flour,- half a gourd of batter, fax eggs, one. tesepoonful • of soda, two of cream Of tartar, to be :sifted in the Amu, the Soifilo be dis solved in a cup of sour cream or milk; beat the eggs peparately 1111 In 1 , 1 3 1 , , ClOthing. NEW SE LFF. RO "WWJAr° We the wadenignoll would respectfully intone the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, we do hereby proclaim' that our stock of WINTER GOODS,; comprising erarythlatin the line of -C ti 0 T ME I .ZT C2l GENTS FIIIISISHING, DELVED, 011113FIIIIII DOESPII, AMD a • OVERCOATS, , Ana au of the Latest style of COATS, -PANTS, AND , VESTS, And all of tic) latist Styles of . ,f• - . . . RATS, CA.PS, 4te.,..&43., Which willlA whist such reduced prices that it will astonish the community. • • Come fp the store of BOSENFIEL.D & WOLFF and examine ow* goods and prices before purchasing, and satisfy yourselves. We guarantee • all,tst give entire satisfaction. We are th3nb(lll to ont,nyamer ous customers and friends fai, th eie pail Wral pat ronage and solicit a continuance of the mac. ;. _ROSENFIELD :& WOLFF, . 115 NAM =Et= TOWANDA'e Fa. feb.lll (Neil to Fox & Moira's). TO THOSE GETTING THEIR cLorgnm MADE TO ORDER. TonAhoultl story two ththgs. Fix 4, to GET TEEM *SERE - rtazrzuss cLoTniso . • •- • ' Is. E - Secondly, WHERE ran AZLE SOLD And in order to be ablate sell a good article ebeap the Merchant must understand his businetts, and know bow, where and what to buy as a practical man does; and a PRACTICAL , TAILOR In all its IFaybes I profess to be, baying had l+~iHeM~+~~i:~V+h~.f~~i.V3~ti~~:tH.i In the business. 'nave boon a cutter In some ot' th NEW YORK CITY. I do my - vim buying, selling arid cutting, and divide my prollta with no man. PO that lees of it will. do—and with low rent and\ other expenses in pro porqon, thus making the cost of carrying on the 'business very small. , In reading the above you will see why it is that I CAN. SPLT4 GOODS CAR AVER Than men following the %Tuskless, and having no kpowledge of. it themselves, have in employ tither' at large salaries to. attend to , it, and customers must pty accOnling , ly—a' they, like myself, DO BUSINESS TO 'ILIVE BY IT. If . yciti doubt the above statement, be convinced by a iimg on • UMW ilAnDisi, Merchant Tailor. Bridgo St., Towanda, Pa. ing.10,"70 ATTRApTIVE SALE. I will•offer ' to; safe, at cos t , for tho neat 3O days, Win AND COLORED T.A.R.LA.- TANES, ORGANDIES, SASH- ES, En3BONS, , VELVETS, FRENCH COUTILLE i I CORSETS, F 4.fiC GOODS, REAtiINDf3II.TAgION VAtitidENNESLAdES. 4olhe New and Elegw:l. "DUCtEI L E,SSE LACE," L 'For Trimming Dresses. Ladies call and see the greatest bargains in. these goods ever offered in this place.. MRS. H. E. GABVT:C.. • Jan. }1,18,71. Iterate', Block. Towanda,l%. ISS F. J. KINGSLEt, Wishes to inform the ladles of Towanda. and vicinity that she keeps constantly on hand a large supply of IL lAINFR,Y Goods. sultalde to the 'season. - Thuldng bar pat rons far their liberal patronage heretofore, she as. sures them that no exertions will be spared to en sure a continuance 'of the same. She also,hu a fine selection of 110 AND FANCY GOODS, Siieh as Linen i Collars, . Cuffs, • Handkerchiefs. • • Beal Laces •• • Corsets, • • • &c.t I have also reOrlaled, in connection with the above my.DIIES..I; establishment, and I am now prepared Id do • CUTTING and PITTING in the latest fashionable styles on short notice. Xntrsnce riczt door to Fez & Itercar% up stairs Jan. HRS. J. D. DILL • , Would tail the attention Int the public to•heilnege stock of / FALL AND WINTER Di IL I LINER Y COO phec . , py New York inks , . of the [very LATEIErr otwA will Ibq CHEAP= than anyplace in Tirronills. oorePchting DOITNNIN)ind IMTI3, LACES. courrs. KID GLOVES, • HAM JFWELIZY, • ' 1 ' t Se., ke. NW. J. b.BILL. First door oast of Braothall it Ilidgewxy's Bed. White and Blue stye. Bridge et. Sept. 23,10. SATpIiDAY, OCTOBER Ist , , 1870. r • miss BRANDY - _ • lievertfelly lamina the ladles of Towanda and &tufty t?lt she will be ready ,to exhibit be yew OW& of 1, , . PALL A. r E rn : a N 3131aXRPR GOODS, mvErrs, sum 'Alb) SATINS, Togetber anorenent et • • . • FRENCH FLOWERS,* - IiANDICERCIUM . AND Lica COLLARS, . , Oa SATURDAY, Ockciter lit. Aale. • • I MY &cla. aad sak 99odsionealit bring. .1 Owe clearway& et Iclerewee Beak. -REMEMBER FOX &MEE. cos srses p ft al _Mods at Grandes Ea arlmlesale pima. Tbs laps' moot >a town. Goads nest class. Prises low. S. T. TOL , Dept. 22m. aglp4l =MIL 'Such as best houses in M tin@ W MILLINEfir lEEE t - - - DTA Tints FOR 1871 PAPER a minions . 'i SCHOOL 'BOOKS Pzxs,' IN; . MUSIC; STATION= AND mwinl BEISNK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. ' Towanda. Nov. 19,196 a. Mscaaneons. T EE " DOMESTIC " ; LOCK STICH SEWING MACHINE! THE " DO3rFISTIC , iqs a, Shuttle Sewing Machine, which has 'been used for the last five years in the 'Mist, and is now introduced for the first time in this section: • It runs luster than most; easier and more quietly than any, doing the lightest as well as the heaviest work done on any Sewing Illae4ine.- ALL ARE INVITED TO . CALL AND SEE IT. Plain Machines - - $65 Half CaC - - - - $7O Alllllachines bast?. Blake's-Patent Table. < Agents wanted in unoccni?lea tdrritcry. Adaress, BLASE: CO., Scranton, Pa. FOr sale by • • TAYLOR & GORE, Towanda, Pa. A. A. T►LRXF.R. • Attie ns. Pa. ACSLEY, LLOYDS MOILER.. liay 12, 1870.-11 Wyalasing. EASE AND CO.MFGRT. TUE BVESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There iiinothing eo valuable as perfect tight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by naing PERFECT SPECTACLES! Tho difficulty of procuzini - whirb is well known. . 3rEssus. A/Anus k mbrans, OCCULLSTS •AND OPTICANS, HARTFORD, CON:siECTICL7, MANL'FACTLTBERS OF lab CET:v.I3E4ED PERFECTED SPECTACT ES, IlLave, after years of experience, erperireent and andthe erection of costly machinery, been enabled to produce that (113 AND DESIDEBATIIII, PERFECT SPECTACLES! Which have been sold with nulimited satisfaction to the wearers in the Western States daring the put fifWen years. • I 'Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles ,tiever tire the aye, and last many years without change! • Messrs. LAZAIIMS k VOLUM have appointed JULFS HUM:WM% dealer in Watched and Jew elry. u their sole agent for Towanda. Pre. and vicinity. April 4,1570. REPORTER JOB PRINTING OFFICE. r Having rece ntly added greatly to our facilitlea, we are now, vrepared to do all kitnia of JOB. AT LONER PRICES BE - if TE•B STYLE Than any establishment in NORTHERN PENNYLVANLS. - CALL AT , THE REPORTER QFFI CE EXAMINE SPECTIIENS. CENTRAL .MAR,KET. The subscribers still onntione to keep cOnstantly on band a full and complato assortment of every - - thing pertaining to their business, consisting math ly of BEVY, PORE.,,FRESH AND SALT, • Exciat crimp liAus, MUTTON, • BEEF, • LAMB, VAL• SAUSAGE,, • ' LAID, POULTRY, • BOLOGNA, DRIED EMT; TALLOW, &c., !cc. , • - Also, H i I t S FRESH FROM Tag LAKES. OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY In theii season. , . Parties wtaldEnt Oysters in large - of small quanti ties will be tarnished on short • notice, atthenid stand. Derma. IdAsaccr, Montanye's Moak, first door north of Dr. Posters. Cam. exasox, JEELLUX MULLOCE. Tato. Muzzocz. . • Feb. 24,11370-tf ~ • FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF TOWANDA. - CAPITAL . $125,000. SIMPT.DB FUND 40,000. ThLs Bank offers UN. rStrAI; FACCLITIE3 for the transaction of s rtM77MrUWMMMM =MUT AID ON DEPOSITS, ACCOILDLIG TO Snow. Cr= OIL! To Tar Courciror or Norms Aro Carom. lartioatitaldai toporo moats to *Ay of • Vattentatea.Migekind. hebina.scoua. or the Pthrin cipal cites and towns of Earope;raa bore procure; drafts for that piarpdoe. „ PASSAGE TICKETS : To or from the old country, by bent downer or sail ing linen, aims on Mad. - •Facitams . 111:310CGINT OTZIt £T RICKMAIII RUIZ. Price paid fur P.B Floods. Gold mad Sayer foam. iteddiatt, . *M. U.. Towanda. dlino24, 1869.. Cashier. WERVII AND MOLASSES CHEAP 1•..7 al rox *III3BLIMIL 101100YAL BARING POWDERS at AA. COWELL4k /114711,11. , 3it"P• clowns., & atau - ABE VI tag =ivory cheap. = bitipanuataatainteca; IS 110 W PrOilind to Eat bo tba dims at Bradford Coaary ea 'lda. t 1 t 7, a Urge and l i ttil:ltielected stock of C E - 11 I Fo _ . I Which I Wept:Waged tor Cub. sad tool sontkiest marl ern soli hiss low Salver as ran be gurchrosd • - I elantrre. I acrir offer to tiara:do 'splendid rtodc • bo sz. o N Cl= - /tiplON I !LOWt, GR Arr A lkf DO AD D BEE UNDO, HAYING rii!diMaidni•MiishAem;t of • • Z PATOK TEAS, fI)MJ&A--131:1GM:iS, Ornat . Bova an hood a large dosk of EU DO.. IttrCIWEILT DO. I keep antstuAr on /wad. PORK,. HA= L►ID, sod an kinds of YZSU. Would call the attention of lb. Public to our Eat Be Best • I ErrocK OF TO,BACOO, In quality cc lee. Jesse °Wets delobagell Lam- dry, New York Chemical and Brawn ikap. ileum call 141411KAZEIthe oar IltOCk Oi WOODEN WARE. - , ;Wet of WU= IItOTTOSS. TO/1:r? ' lie. 1 will . parthe blghostcash priest= 1 I ... ) lIDTTRY 1 1 .9Dtre . F . J. ' i . Ire us a call Wore elllng elsewhere.] Prge *. soArs. AA, Farmers, All perso n lne t. b , ted . : to the late pia will please can i ~ m tl rl and make payment. Tewaada, , 12,1867. GROCERY AN] PROVISION s o I c C N E Sr, MIX. Whoksalo and Retail Dealers In, FAMILY GROCE•RIE§ • . EYE P R 0 VII S'l _ • AIEECUE: * $ NEW DLOCIi( TgISANDA, We do not deem It necessary to ennmnsto all the diTcrent articles we keep. Our assortment ALWAYS COMPLETE. L We sell nothing but • •—• FIRST CLASS GOO - DS. 1 Cash paid, for Partners Produce March 1. 1576 PEOPLE'S GROCERY AND ITOTLSION 13T0/04 sorrit coa.cra Lamaz ♦AD suns orxxxxs. L liew and compkto stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Wizlcb will be sal at the lowest INces prices. CODFISH, SLACRETIEL, 11E4R1NG; PORK, MUTTON, HAM, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, - MODERN STON, YANKEE NOTIONS, t:Lov.R., FEET, MEAL, GRAIN, Arz. *Bring ion your produce, w hich we pay cash tor. DAIRYMEN, , • A =AM supply of Astd.m Salt, all sired Ohursuk Butter Firkins, Tubs. Plane eel and look through our stock, and we will do our beat to please you. ,W. A. IIOCEWLLI. roWepda, Aprii 38; /SC O. :LOOS HERE !. • • COWELL" & MYEI?,_ At the old stand of Br Awn ;a. & Cowsr.r.,, are. now reixdaing a large and "11 selected stock of OROCEIIIIi MUD 'PROVISIONS:A Which they offer to eaah buyers at prl'cos that otefy - competition. Cash paid for all kinda Farmers'-Produce. April 21, 180:3—tt. WY A L i 7 S. I 'Z4,' C. ly. • t • Having lassoed the Storehouse and coal fixtures belonging to the Items. Wales *yak: notify the citizens of Wyablaing sad Tiednity that ao will keep constantly onband &lull stock of C• 0 j A L EGG. STOVE. Cluav - zsuT, PEA AMpiEAS.CLAY L I IN BULK OR BY Tkie BARREL. S A 'L T , :IN' SACKS, BBLS., AND BAGS. C E DI E N T, di 3 OIL, WlZlth he will be pleased to supply them with at reasonable prices!, None but the mum waxers si )1 be offered for sole, consequently cannot big in giv ing entire satisfaction and meeting the wants of the community, t O ASH PAID FOR GRALN, I _ • On delivery. and for every description of 4 YARM.E.II!,I3 PU DUCE, utat-br-entim o . for Coal. &me. Plaster. Clement and Kerosene Od. IS DlOl7, as my agent. •in always be M the limobouse to attend to euatamers. Avg. 10.11170.- rI F t , BET FRUIT JARS n lI . F D' • SEEI=II = ==i=i NE TAYLOR , C. B. PATCH. cuags cAsintEßFs, Conti Wig of el tho latest styles' of Fashlowible COATINGS, SHIRTINGS, &C. &C. C. 11. PATCH. Which they ate prepared to makeup in - .argy 44 - 14 to snit their customers, on short notice._ IMI JAMES lIEQABE„ HARRY MIX. _ - QlO gag. ~'..` • P.. , 2 0 • la 5 zotri WI . , CA t g ' ' )4 , tll . ril I-3 - " ri ' V 4 s't i t ., I_ , . , . . :i. 0 CI SA ta v __ ; - - Are DOw operifig their meow %wing Stoat of • '.-- Also $ splendid now stock of c. READI_ArADE CLOTHING, Which they are selling cheayer than ever HATS 8z CAPS, AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, A flew and full line of all the latest atyles AiwaYa o hand and in great variety, SIIL /ST EST A.N.EI NITA - F.BS ESTL.I2I 01 NE:CK TIES, 80W5,.&,C. Also-the New Patent WINDOW UM.I.IET.,LA All-c# any of nu: Goods will be sold as CHEAP F .0 It GASH As any in the ?nuke. Calrfina look through our stock April 21. 1870. VII 11§ Mil IMI Air This space belongsta E. EICIIWAILZ, deslevin Clothing sucl'Oeurs Furnishing Goods. - Ito is so Daisy selling Clothing that helms not time, to writs an advertisement. - t 1,91 A DISPATCH JUST RECEIVED. 6WWOU zirws FOB CITIZENS OF Tow.uroi A t M) Nzem-rrY Theirs is constantly belialrocciseS at tke'''TEMI.I.E OF FASHION," a Large stock of . . . SPRING AND ThIIIKER, GOODS, which have been purchaek . Mir cult st reduced prima. and win be sold to cash buyers at lower rate& than ever before offered In Towanda. iffy stock con sists In part of ][Elise, BOYS' AND 'mum; cummo, ataxx, asowa airo az= raraysa sue, TLISE, DRESS 00A113, CAINIXEME SUITS, LL`ibr Coifs. Pants, Vesta, and Wkilta Linen triack also surge **Br b' os GENTS FURNISIMG GOODS, uAts, CAPS. sm=mtts, • pima aim me= comas", 4 • of the Utast style's and fashions. Remember the ibieemente,that I odor. and,, that ram not to be ctn. deescdd by aim dealer in town. or' eiseelusro. All who wish anything I n my lino are rbaipeetfully limit ed to give me a call before purchasing and assize* yourseleea. • • IL +1.100B& N 0.1.12 itairmit.;•Bekllemmea Block. Towanda, Pa; calk paid for Mdel - sio' s d Mts. • . GO u STILL COMING DOWN 1 AND scar amo . . • GROCERY :if PROVISION - LINE, •, • • -en now being offered at • , 0 0 WY, L L ER S at d=iet ea not NI to nodal; alkthat they sot to be undersold=ra Thal bare enleged thetniitore by ,so that they ncrinhave room for the fresh applies that are daily received by them. They line enemata with their store a Mullet ahem they now been fresh mane to sell by the quarter or ;dock end's hll supply of Gro ceries and haaii. to wldeh they Would as Cie attention of all cash buyers. Come and esateine our Boole and prices. ban* percharing *mad satisfy r.nulmhes. . We gearentee all lade to cs = es entha sitisfeetion. We ate thankful to our for their past liberal Pumas and solicit s eatintlata or the um. - COWELL & WWI, Doe. 30. 1809. TM! OUB TEAS, AND "FEE, _, F> .~,.. , _~ t rIINDEBY & MACHINE SOP: -swum's:ll4a Ambit pumbised Iharedii ' o at= to do ia1tz7 . 4.1 Oa! Cmlaan. VW %WIMP, ynal p=13011011116011 1 MILL 1 4 0 EARINGfi, SAWMILLS, DRILLS, • *4 (l . . MAN DI I L IPIGA Att4 work SHING I IJE MACHINES Of the West and sad kept ,POI::FGHS,' • __ swiamm. =ON ditD WOODMI REA= Of all !ilia& CrULTIVAT4S . , CORN PTATIGHB . M ' Still continue to man. .. .suaeture thelr — colahrated HORSE - POWERS \ • & CLEINERS, • • 1 .., • = • - , and will ieli a triter jra ,. .hino, for leas money than can be had elisotrhme w ln the world. We clalm fcr our machinea that they will do as much, 'or more, . than eny other,d are ' more durably built. We we r n personally supe Lana our work and ace that i ft fa w e ll down. will send ' ' = DlSCtarTivi. CATALOGUES, of our rnachineit. on application. , ONE AND [TWO HORSE POWERS, One if Two I.lUile.: rfißEstieß et SFPERATOI23, t T:III2.k.SWER and eI.E.I.AILS. : l.? . . , ~ PANNING ..MILL'S - , , r • ..1 CIEC:JaI AND 1:04110 *IAAV 5111.1.5.;. • . ' SAVriND awr 'SUM work done to order. t • givens a can 'Moro parch sing Ow sawn. ~ :. • 1 , Ft' . "op CRIOACII t WiI `S.Is:4Hly , • t '` • cro ?s , aoo a a, 1 ..k,,- ; 2.18,1 • , • , . i NE' . cARiIIAG4••• F4.03.11X ! - 1 1 1 •• , . • . lOtt rine. bctompen Nltu 2:11 '. ii.t:.o:l:l, St rp :. t 3, back l of G. 1'...);..u0 i 1.4 Lip.:la Bank, ' . . F- . HENRY STULEN S CO., • Leepeetfully lauciunce to his frieu.l43ai pitfxta :.tthavii,tiuilca v. here th.:•:: n v i.iconatantlykccponLiilalull nainnt TOY :4ND' OPEN BUG OlLt'S; TI ATTIN Made city style, Factories tlic Of Lis Wag., J:NSPE provions to ALL Tbankftd tended and same. .ULP.II Tr.rands NEW PLANING MILL. The imdc fined having built a largel and enrol:do. dlons Mill in t e Borough Of Towanda and filled It with the meet modern and improved machinery. for the mannhicture of - i r • rtoaw ! insu AND nr.rilss. Are prep 1 fill orders, whethir tams or small, upon thti t ahcrrtest. notice. , We have alio a largo va riety of OULDDiCit3, of the latest styleluid tern , which w can furnish much elmaperthin they can be worked by hand. . PLAND:O.I _ , I-. SAWING, And all otherwork pertaining to J oinery, will be done to suit ourlcustomere. Persona building. and'not Itaiag mare than tweh'e to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to bay- of us, or bring their lumber and have it workediby our machinery. Urinal** grist df Flooring, 4 , r other luniber, and while; y ur- team is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with 1. • 1. 3'ol - will [PaY:CASTI for PL\'E Lr3lllEll. *Tethered at our lumber yard. Come-and see us, or if yoa can't come, write. i T0W5,1144. Feb.. 1864.1 L. B. 110N3 111 STEAM ,FURNITURE FACTORY. - • • . The sub6riber. Is now mannfacturingl all kinds of Ftr IR.N 7 I ria 'OUR, . • . ; • • i - His facilities are unequaled by anyLianntacturet in northern Pennsylmnia. The ..^44 , l,uery is the latest stub best. None but workmen tot experience , are employed. He has a drst-class Carelsr employed and is prepared to far orders tar au-rings on short notice. Sill kinds of • • WlfflElt TAX.M.I pr.tacinaceE ran 000Ds.• . • -. • . . 106,000 ;bet: of 23' inch Map hor Beactr imd alio 1 ingh encumbe andsisirood lunt tinuatcidt. Address ', 4 I • T. ti,Aczy. • 1R7.0. • • • WYSklalost. Pa. Dec. 13 BO .1 —BINDERY.—TIO PITB lio reqectitilly infivined that ,th litufblic e Ilools-Bln dory boatmen recurred the 46 . &WIT. where trill be doneto Argus third . • ' • '' I - , BOOK-. IKDIX• i - 61 , 1 i ' In allita Ono branches. "In terms cieteasenable as ae &s " will.allow.. The Binds* *ll be tuylei: . b.4lu , . 4 • • the c :of rt. c. 19irregsn, Iz, . , I __,..__l ' • An experienced Binder, and all work 7 - Lsi ec.pixeciptly done ta a style and manner match cannistbeesm. 1 ... /ILIAC, kipslbilla. Newald 13ciets. U., bound In crery a style. ,Iculat. s'iVnton will be paid to the and illaillng nteit noon i . ....,,: _ __ _ • To any eeied pattern,'lrbielk in !minty IFtel dark bUtty bie warranted- All work trill be ready tor delivery Irben promised, ' The'Pligeoluge.Of the Pulp Is 101154t0i. *4312 per. het sotimtiction inerstheed. - • Tomb4 l 6 August 2. 1866—tt. BI LIST — CASCAPE WW I inalci? , : 4: 00 11 grindt3g 1381144 II; at as ibi t a trf pacity o the nal Is sal drork,,. Juli 22 . 1870. " • R I % 7 own. 1 - MBOEST IKEROSEITE,O,I IN .I. urea bi um srathtY cm ntsil pozi a mmidnirs. 60TFEE, 17i. STJG4, • ilSil • July) k "" cule and retail '. - 111-CABE & NIX. _ _ all kinds of ,L IRONS L> To 0118101. REPA.T I ,EMD, to give n i it MMMMI PENN'A. NEW AUICR CAIWIAGE FicTORY; CARELiGES, ' • k7F,Olal WAGOIS, striss„ ;I.);:.fit material And finished in Cia 1),-jrt, !ilia long e. - - - perieuce in city Carriage es then silvantageeiir others , S:ylo and Durability ffn tLey asitt Is a SII.ON' OF. HIS t L WORK ntlias'a3g clzcete}e.• TVARANTED TO OITefERT E'er - SATISFACTION. • j , . or the liberal patronazo. formerly cx. respectfully milt a' coati:Mance of the 11.2 , .;C1i , PROMPTLY ATTE - SPED TO at reduced prices STULM.i . H. S. CLiIIK. May 24, 1870.—tt TO.NGUELNO, GROOVLX(;, - AND SCROOL ==ZI MARSTC4rIL BRCITHERS HARDWARE STOiLE, MERtIIIII, I I3 ° NEW TOICUIDA. PA.. Is the place to buy ill kinds et HARDWARE Bar caih. *a baexi•qn hand and are -receiving • Lego stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GODS, poonseasizel. . TIMM. GLASS, PUTT!, ,LEATIIER , BELTI;NO. `• Our Paiute, Ofla, ac.. aro of ; the heat quality arid will bo eold tray low. We era - also agents for the, Great AMMCAN STRAv SAFE, (B.OII3OIIN'S PATENT). TAo may reltabli! Fire Proof Ssfemadp. Also FAIRBANKS'S T SCALES, SCHAGHTICORE POWDER CO., BAUGH'S BAW. BOOTS SU'PHER PHOSPHATE. Our stixt of riII.WC77III-Pi l El Is very larss and manufactured out uf the best We are also larporrwito do 4obblng of all kinds. We are the only agents for the celebrated now ES EMPIRE COOKING STOVE, The best .ce4king stove •in nse, an ti enbry store warrants(' to ere satisfaction. • 10, ' PERSONS' IN SEARCH HOLIDAY! PRESENT S , Mast twcit forget that JUILES HVGITENIN, JEWELLER - é SILVERSHITA One door - Uoilh of MERCURS NEIV .BLOCK. TOIVA.NDA, PA • e constanly repelvin,' adelltiour to hie stos:k of suitable far presents, e tch LADf'S' WATCHES, AVE.liitaN WATCHES of all descriptions. Also .a selected' assortment of GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD IFJ 777 "H, 0 • all new CLOCI OF ALL STYLES rnou Tll crrztr- EST TO TLIT: BEST ,e- GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES .1.1 n) ETE•GI kSsFS to Et all eases of impaired eight . (mm My this patenfl cm enabled to exchange Glasses at 'any tlice'without extra charge. Call tad see. CtOCES„ xrAtcrrEs AND JEWELRY REPAIRED AND I'Vmaluda, Dec. 8, 1870. ' . . - AlO T A YE S , , •• ~ General Dealers Ilk r STAPLE in F.A.3+.ZCA: DRY GOGIV, : ' pnocy.uti" Calc GLIS:SICAr.Z. , . . • BOOTS; SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS • Leather, liats, -, iaai)s, D.Varellas, TOIVAND.V.,IIA.. • Igo. DK, ]lain st, corner ut the rublie Square: . • J. D. moN-LeerE, nasyl9.lB7o:. . L. D. MONTANE. A..•PETT.LS fi CO., • _ Base just rett•ivt4 a trt :tack FALL GOODS their hue, bought in New York aml 'at prices that warrant them in saying that they will dell as • 1. CHEAP AS 'THE CHEAPEST. Their stock consists in Domestic ara other, DRY GOODS, 'HOSIERY, GLOVES, .ZEPHYRS, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT In thorollghly fbrtuslActi with tho & CO IEI. 1110.1'S ANnibrsy (loops 4 For the scasoli. Old ladies ".. CAPS- AND HEAD RIGS Constantl.T on 1 hand ain it., Oppoaite Mot °int Home &pt. 29,'74* IIiPORIAINT TO ALL WHO TALtrr..llll:ol Vie awn of the aged assisted, the weak strengthen " • ed and the perfect preserved. • PiELADELPIIIA' Orrick". t;s7TrurE, For the manufacturing of' the • - CONCAVE COMES, CRYSTAL MIELES, LONDON arum= asn ' rrvrrn oven arms oi nv. The Concave Convex Crysial Spectacle:s, made by the above institute are now a long tlzio before the ,publio„ and the Vapid said increased demand for them combined with the, universal acknowledgment of their clearness in vision and else to the eye, shows plainly that they are superior to any other glasses iD tha market. - : • The majority of Spectacles, (mostly imported) and no matter bow fine the frames, 'contain - but a poor and Worthless article of glare% (generally cast or 'pressed:) they are made to be sold only, Without any calculation respeCting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thousands are using glasses now which tire mid fatigue theveye, where the objects get dim after short usage, or, require an Intensely strong Ilea and therefore destroying the eighteithich, s were they properly suited, would be preserved a life time. _The advantageit claimed for the Concave, Convex. metal Glows are the following The lenses are gound of the best material. pure and bard. and mde only for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable *get tcretched or dim. They confer a brillaney and ,dlstiatheeen of valor( not found Many other gon n a. '• They can be Used , ugly Well by day or candle light without Bring or the eyes. They are grovind — Mathematically true in the con cave waves minor. according to the Pallonnrhy of mature. and shape of cornea of forthe eye, therefore witting nature on Instead of ting That the lenseirare ly eentered cornet reith the trainee. Thar can homed Inc than any o th er glasses without thane:net° • her per Wbe frames are made strong and durable by expe rienced worlanea and Warranted to re ninetieth:a WX. A. =LIN. Dealer In Watches: Jewelry and Silver Ware, Towan. -de; Pa., bee the solo agerzy the these glasses in Bradford comity. No Perdlere employed. • July 12. una-tr . . THE GEM FRUIT ~best m use. wholes's/a and setalL J 1. WoXIASE &IMF. =I Mil SWISS WATCH'S, WORgTEA NOTIONS, &C., &C TIIEIR bit. it. v. rowan, . SON & co; • - OLD: CABil DRUG - STORE, arzs mum morn itopi; • Comer Maio sad pine Etzweta, Towilubt, Ps. - Hare sieenttri;msd isigeb to tpeti. Ada, stall - Mut wet** aiewtownt,, constituting an extestalaa as. tietf. toohtectag many iaticlaa used in the Arta foe naeclutaittal piwposee, carefullr adlected . with mad to the politmetre wants of the public, which Will be /MA uusstlusi/7 supplied with !nab purchases, and mew on the moat rewrap, terms at Wholesale of butios,..- eliatmcAis, • . narn. oats, ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, wurrz-wmuk And aIl k i nds of IlrWihCs, - KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, • t- nundu luXa . ' I.,Amrs. iatApm, vacs& CII.LIOEYS.-- ' Sperm iard. Mae. Nada Toot. TANNER'S-AND 31ACIEDZE Fancy and Toilet Artlcka In all thoit variety. SPOSOES. sausuzs, - soeps. comma, Pomades. Thdr-DyedirPterunery, , POCKET RONIS, P . 0112: 1N2Y.415, Pocket Knives. Resort.' 2 . 9=11, SELI kliD PEZPAPATIOXS. WINES AND LIQUORS; For godicirst lase, TOBACCONTINT, Puss AND CIGARS, • Garden, - Field and Flower Seep, Truisms, Sup. porters. Suspensories, Shoulder Bracea, Breast Pumps, Toethiult Mugs: Nursing Bahia, . Nipple Shells:mid Shields, Syringes,. Bed Pans, Self-Sealing Fruit Jars, Thep- . morneteri, Mycelia . • Extracts, Stone jugs; Mass Ware. , Bottics, NUM, Corks,,Bstli Brick. and Stave Blacking, Fish Tackle; am. 'munition, ke., Botanic, Eclectic and liomcepath . lc Medidass,and.allilie popular Patent DICIN• F 4 S . 411 articles warranted as represented: Persons at I - distance cant receive their orders by stage or ma d , which trill receive prompt and careful attention. ' Medical ' 'style° given gratuitous* , _at the ofilce„ charging only for medicine. , ~ re Thankful for pastlibmni patronage, would t es pectfafly. aruitiniace to their Mods smith° pnblic, that no pains shall bo spared to satisfy. and merit the con tinuation of their contidence„andpatronage. • .03- Open Sandsyslor preecriptiona from 9 to 10 adn., and 12 za. to 1. and sto 8 p.m. - ' - H. C. ROSTER, SON k Cam. , . - . : . 1, • F - i w . BAIL OIV .N.; • • L - . . ino.—yr. ' 137 MALI STREET; TOWA-NDA. • • • ,WEIOLESA ; AND' RETAIL. DRUGGIST Tbe subscriber frest,ectfully annour.ots toile pub. lic ingeneral that he has on -,hand a large and Wan selected stock of ,• - • 0 CHZ3IiC 1I 9; VAR:MIMI • , .1 - INDOW . - DX.}: 611,i1T3 • • Alfc:Atc. f • All th e g'ltalar iatent Xedicibes of the day, BE PURE WINE , IND - TIQUORS For yedic•al purposcs cally. .5 , - -,: ' 2 - PERYT 1 . -ERY.:. .. ... Fancy an4!IciLIA aFilc:ts. ~ . . . Sourla Of everyde,erliti.,:-.,1- .. . -- :TtLermorsetera - , - Bathigg, Sur„-c0r.5,.....Tid C01zie1er.......4cer4,18. ." iraft.l3,flishee, .. 'South BrUSh£S, - Drtasing Comb., - • --. , _ - PoAet and Eine Combo,— . . ..., TOilet,Pewder,. , *. • . ' Puff rAne4l, - , .- .• Tootg Powder., Tooth.Washes ' • • and Tooth Soaps. And other art•..rles, 1,..10n,z - .off to . the Drag trade too numerous :0 inenticln. P v.ing the Agency or tato . . . . . .• • GREA.T U. 5.., IEA. COMPANY,'. .-•,. • • • . .1 GREAT INDUCENENTL: To - purchasers of gooLs' :Heir line • Physicians picacrildions and Lanny icaipta com pounded by - persons thoroughly ci,=.pctent; at, all bourS of the day or. night. . .• 4. . • • Tim n• kful for the. riaiit • liberal ralroAge, ..I re. specifelly solicit a continuance of the same, pledg ing myself that no - effort shall be spared to make my establishment second to none in this section. . Di: T. F. Madin may be cinisnited at this store as.. lierctofo.re. . •• ', . - F. W. ItliOW:ii% ..1an....31. 'Mil. -.,• - ✓ . - ad 1. a 1 , Bed: aza Sho4 4 GREA:r.;,33AIt,GA,ricS BOATS 6p - SHOES IME:121 NE* . 'FOOT . AND SHOE MBE; .;,Sent.p. pnd of*ii.etl Ilowe Ttpa rauizrsigueil arirecie*.g a large ar.il 'well so -1044 atoekei 1.. . • 'll O TS- A , Blf 0 E Salta for tho SUM3IE.S . AND FA r L TRADE, Which WO clir Fbtic for Cask. Consisting . of GENTS, LADIES, AND CHU,DREN WEAR. v " SEII : Ell it - VD , ' PEGGED BOOTS MADE TO ORDER: RI:PAIRLAV NEATLY. DONE / AND READY', WILEN-PROXISFD Thankful far 1 , 1+4 firrorit, Wa iollzit a continuance 01 the same. 6:AIST:eI. crourviip. . R ottnEra, TowancLl,Apri! 5, 180. • CANDY ! CANDY 1 ! 21.4 6 .VIT1CTURED.F1:01? i'VRE SCC;ARS • . Wholesale arid Retail. at price that defy , : corapeti 7 Con. Conaiitlng„ in part, of • ' G I,F f 5," . 'HO L ID AY Candy Apples'''. Pk:a:A:es :Ma Pears. Gum'. Drops, , Chocolate -Drops. Chor3isty. 'Cararnalri, Molasses, Taffa, Cream Bars, Cream Bonbons; Smooth Burt and Jordan Almondi, Clove Bud, • • Cinnamon String, Peppermint Drops • • and Lozenges. Mired candy,./ap. - • enema Color, Cinnamon Irry. . . ,perials, Tar, Sour and _ • • ' • Lemon -Drops, Em• nut Ilar,Alruond- ' ' Bar, Bose • • . • Balls r Fig ,Pzote. -„ . Juba Asti;•V ' Cream .Dates, Conversation hearts . I 'Lozenges, N'apolean Bon • Bons, Grained, 'Pinar, and Sugar Toys, Candy Marts. Plain ;and Gilt. &e. Orangesand Lemons, Chewing, Gum; Peanuts. ,Peaean Nuts, Fillxlis.,Almonds, Brazil Nets, English Wel nnta, and every thing kept by Contectioneras in general. , S. k. D. S. FITCH, OPPP,aite Doddhag, Russell k Co's No..l.2l,.lisimat. P..5.--Denierober we .sell the Family Favorite Weed" Sexing Machine, • , Towanda., Dec. 13. 1810. • BOOTS AND SIIOESINLU)y, AND L. Q. NELSON, Ifas made arrangements to accommodate instorners that arb constantly.calling with boob% and Shoes for new.soles, etc.. and have had to have them; to their greardlaadrantage, until another day. The constant tall for thls kind of work, and the desire: to havolt donh immediately. Inca induced me to make such kr ranqments that you need nsfretnrn home , AVitiont you'reolo biing reuelivt.l and sour beds ;10 For pri g :t are lioileat and perfe:ctl,y . fair Ladies that have gaiters that are broke at the toe. To thicrepah , shop is the place for to go To get them re-vamped neatly tipped or 113,1Peoled. And your feet well protected from the wet and the cold sec diem wo can irate you' with the 'above; tionbie nick, • . We can mike thee* for yon thin, or we give them •to yon thick, • We can make thew with high hicit,e, or we can give them to you fiat. ' • • ; So yoirneed not stager with a brick In 'Soar bat. N.IV--Good eider vinegar for sale by barrel or gal Triad of Methodist church; Main. street. TorandaeDes. 13,•18741 , L. C. SELSON. TIM; YORK;HMIS AND LATili JR. •at • COWITAL & MEWS • VATPC*IL "L•ErtZSI7A.TI2I3•7cE • , . CO. OF tr. EL CAss CA AI, s l, o66,ooo‘—rAtio rer Pnt. CLAAnteE CLABX Pre:talent ; - ' JAY cXXILS, Matra= Finance and Se. Com ; 31PItY D. COOKE; Vice P2Pillext EMERSON PEET. Secretary aria Aettuicy ' , advanbigoe of the I.Caidonall_4lei Inzumace L It la laatittllalCOMPaPY, chartered by Cue i 2. It has a paid up capital of One =Boa Do 1141.;• Woffersicowystes of premituaa ; 4. It (=Mhos larger immrato% than other • psalm for the same money ; • C it 5. It is definite aid certain ' . . , 6. Their is no possibility oft isrf>preaentatin . II ~.. aan 2ll 4 l ; Oi'llPsuUder s tiOing by MbY-1:01(Inl T. ale polities are pmoney ' 40 titch - 4,. • . rancs-for so matc fie All policies aro 1201240rfetting ; . - , 9, The Policies aro,cxerapttromattaciasi. E. CLARK SE-CO., Daniers, 3' adell,l4. 113. RUSSELL: Mail:igen.. 193.4 1 8enbs for rcAlraUdff and viiisiV Jan. 9,18E9. CA -14P k VINCENT' . • /I.VSGR442!thE. Paltelea writes' in iLifef the followiet: popular zn.'":t reliable Cerapantea. LOSSES tiettled arid pall at "V.; cake; FA CV norrgaT, (including LIVE 9T,X1,.! and dwellings In torn Ineartxl agsfnst Atz 73.131-vA nY Llowttruio ea well as Fiat. '' LIFE INSURANCE affected In one vt .111e,0,E,..g, I,,iirrat and SAjat Companies in . .c ,, untryi • larratirat. IxatxAi cr. Cumi , AN - r„ . • . London. piglgn4 • , • .10,uv0:4 ANDES Lustralccr. Coxpin - y, Cin.immti, 01;in. f jo a e - ts. A.gartv Cr-Errs-imp isiunexcE COMr.LNY, . Cr/ere/and, Ohio. Assetts, WTONLNG intrANCE -COI:WANT, WiLLerßarre; ra. • .katts, laaca.s - rs,3l bestrakxcr:rourAzer, ‘ Lancade.r, Pa. " ) Ase , at4 • e.24:p,,C07 Cm Film Inritiscz COMPAiT, Jtartforl, Conn. J 3. NOlrru AIIERICAN . IlartArd, Coml. j =ICLTEB., PA.LtiTS, . 'tLTC Fnx INEttANCE COUPANT, rark. iNTIEPENITTST INFMANCE COUPANY. Boston, Slam ) .EW `,170/3.7.. I.:F•E INsrn...Ncr,CnmrAz.--r;r = CAPITAL 11EPIIE,SENT.I:D; . OVEL - S25;000,000: nttCntion to bos..ineck,,Air dealing znl prol.pt settlement. of -Loss , es, is oca uorro. • Coma and try us.. • _ Office on ]fain atrecti . orpositi3 Court /10usc, u; Mr. I ,:mczyr tit kercurs o'clock. in- - T. M. CAMP. ' W. s...miTunt. Towanda, Pa.i . July 20. 1 - 870,—'17 T H E PENN AIIITt.A.T, J. • • • LIFE INS'I7Itit..NCE .:;iO:92I'CATT STREET, PULL'A. 4.e.crart - att - n Fr-*D, over $3,000,000 INC° NI E, i , o.r: 1 s ,;.:1 DIVIDENTS HAVE AVEIt A.(i ED • ANJSI:ALLI. 7 P9LIULS.I6I4I.7LLI ON ALL APIOVED .PLAN PrEll.ll II 111.S' ybe paid aroauy' or .setz -an u•azi:y A • a icksat wilt be Ipade for bait•uf the unawant. • S.:IIII7EL C. llVEY.,.Rri,ic.c..t. -!. SAIICEL E. STOKES, Vice JOHN W: S. STEPRENS, Seere,tar.. 11:1.3,"7041 8.. IVREA:. Gen.....ra1,A;,.),' _ - • - GUARDIAN: MUTUSL LIFE' IN§U.BANCE COMPANY, I . OLICLES.I.Vmace ASsrrs, over ANNVAL INeO3.IE, over LOESES PAT'? • • All approved fornis ofirolicies - Liberal modes fOr payment of. premiums. Policies non-forfeitable - by their Virus. . The entire profits of. the Conipany dr:l,l , d c , imt , ably among the insured. . ' . DIVIDENDS; • • IVAI.TON H. PECEIIAII, Pos.,,u4sT. !1 1 ," ILEUM : T. HOOKER ; VICE Pon.ox.vr. - • • LUC.T.OS 1I mums, SEC . T'AND .. PBILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Jai' Cook/. & Co., Bankers. ' Dotxxi. & Co., Bankers. Jogs" Woonsune & Co., Tea Mere ants. S: A. MEncEn. Prest. , Farmaers'. & T. B.L,PErens&r, Pubiinher,. - d. At RECORD. .L ARPnt, Towanda, Pa j1y12.76-tf CONNEQTIGUT MUTUAL LITE, MISSES, NirattscinG Ito= Sail 9.000 '3l.suitEnA. -ASSETS (June 1, ISOO7 over .525,000,000. Surplus 0ver47,000,000. .1 CEMENT DIVIDEND FEOX 40 TO 7i - . 0 PER CL NT Total Claims by. Death paidlo date, oier's6,OC+t.h'. , •l. Tcrrat. Dtviorspel PAID TO DATE, ovEn 4 PURELY JICI'CAL CojlP.l:.y). All its surplus fs equitatily anirni; 'li:3 - holders In' • • NNUAL DINaDEND - : , Which izr.v.6 applied In retitle - Eon rrerninn r may baaccuthulaled atbpiterest fc;t• .a cared, or may be receiwd by then. in Paid-tip Policies Are granted slier two cc. ' years' Premlunisx Lars -Leon F aiil,. thus przitct;y. • • ALL POL/C/1.: - .3 .Xo.\--FORFE/TiNa lit islues I'oTh:tea rricT all Pr.str4la.r. PLANS• OF And •hisaclortka in its miting's sever ii f • SPECIAL PE AV: .1; tQUIGTNAL NSTili THIS C'oNITANY'IND OFFE.R. ED DY oznE.R. • , _ • H. 11. 31eKEXN. igent• To* - awls, Pa.. July 22. 1869—if ROUTE, TO PHILADEL• NORTH PENNSYIiVANIA 11A11110AD . , Shorfest and most dimet line to Philadelphia, - r, tinter°, Washington, and the Beath, " • Passengers by thia route . take Peausylv 'Sea York Railroad train, pasing tdintnda at 7.1 make close con LtaCtierit, at Bethlehem w, Ek: press train of, North Penu'a Railroad, and Philadelphia at ii:bs P. IL, in time to take aI:J.I trains either for the South or West. city passenger ears aro' at the :Perot rnix'• a al trai convey passengers to the varioug ad to au parts or , the city.. Leave North Peirn'a Maiiro.sd jiepoi, minor : Pe:is laid American atrelts. Philadelphia, at 7;35 A. )I. arriving at Towanda .4:53 FP. IL, same eVening. Mgin 'a BVgage EXPC 'SS collect* and delivers b gaire,,ollice NO: P 35 Soot' Fifth street, rractonT Secirsr*orwrimvet- . . . . . , - Freight received affront and Sold°, streQtA. Ma! delphta, and forwarded be Daily Fast Freight tra4. to Towanda. and all point' In Sus4UtallnUS salle! with quick - dispatch. -- .., ELLIS CLAUSE,: Gen. Agt. N. P. R. IM-Frunt and Willow sti. . , Noy. 21 1870. % ' - PhiladelAi; , . . . MISSES' K.1 . 50 - r . ,LEY 4.t TONEA . ... ~ .. . i Have opened a now !MESS, SlAE.ltildr. 'ESTABLISHMENT " In the room over Miss ,tor,.. (one door south of Foi & Moroni's), where tit' are prepared to do alt kinds of 'work in, the Dress ing tine, atressorniblo sates. " - FASHION . - PLATIII4 - • Of the latest style received as soon as publish 4i• They will also glee instruction in • - CUTTING AND FITTING - LYDIA G. EATON. - OA,SH PAID FOR WHEAT. RTE; .Oats, Butter. Fain and all kinds of countrl produce by ' - FOX & HEACCIt. Inmate. Cba:tared.byes.e, 7.863 General Agents. 1- R. c. EpagRET TOR'.I?:LI, P Agseta, asset,,, ABll