CI E=2l===4l 0 &MOO Wak are-sinus that4 t hey carriages more too plentlfuny A. well Ellaeldlati MOIL' Weir *Mk yearp,ifinusie: kind mid proper but, it this matter they wilt be aimed hp years. Lod ahead on a Ingo; for P hub, and work way _ _ - tenons of the spokes, andaPha the Wheel. Ta ll * the beg h• for wood eakstreee, and eagor.oil far / iron. duet grease onet should be plied to the epindle al a wagon to ere it a light aeating. 'Muria bet ter than more; f the surplus pat on will war* outeat the ands, and be forced by the -shoulder-bands and nut-washers into the hub ataxia the out-aide of the baton ,• To oil szaron enlstr" frit wipe the 601'03 clean with s cloth wet with spirits of tarpenthie,agt , th an applin Pm drops of cutor . .od near the shoulder end end. Sae tbaspoen -621 is sufficient** whole. SALT, PO Ehnini. , -81iiiis are such - greedy feeders thitaot a few Awn - ers pay verylittle akimbo' n to their feed - ing. The swill-karrel is vet., little `letter than s sitar,- and the poet hogs 'are expected to eat any thing and every thing which is rdneed by the other animele,htunizt And brute ahlra ;This short sighted treatment, howev er, works its own cure,or punishteent rather, for swine thus treated make poor pork,..and often die before hill= mg. time. Others who are particular about' feeding their pigs - forget to supply them With, mak a s . they do *her They require to be ::salted=er, just as ineich as cat . 'tie; horses, or, sheep, and Suffer as inn& when neglected as any of there \ inimala If the food be not regular ly salted, there should be a trough I,kr in every sty , in which salt --inafte deposited malady for the nae Cd the animals. Salting the foie judiciously: would be much the. best way. • , • • Goon Anvica.—ln ch6osing a loca tion, the farmer should resolve - to choose muse for all. - Reaming from State to State,from section to section, is a sad and far too common mistake. Not merely is it tine that '"the stone gathers no MOSS*" , but eel • farmer who wanders from' place to place never, acquire, that' intimate knowledge of soil and climate which 'is essential ta excellence in his -voca tion. He cannot read the clouds and learn when to expect rain, when he • may look for daps of sunshim . ); as he ' cotdd if he had lived twenty years on the same place. - : s , Choose your home in the East, the South, the :Center and the West if you will -- (and each section has its.peculiar advantages) ; -but chocise once far all, and, having " _Chosen, regard that choice as final— Horace Greeley. Botrro l ii BAKED Bwm‘---Take two quarts of middling sized white lbeafil, three pounds of salt pork; and one spoonful of molasses. Pick the beans over carefully; wash, and pour about a gallciof soft water , to them in a pot; let them- soak in it lukeirarm over night; set them:in the morning • where they will boil till the akin is very tender and about to tweak, 4ing a teaspoonful of lied& Take tliem up dry, Fat they is your dish, stir in the mow,./gash the pork, - and put it down in the dish so as 'to have the beans cover all but the, up persurface; prow in add water till the is -covered; bake and let the beans remain in the oven an night.' Beane are good prepared as for bakin,g,made a little thinner and:then boiled Bev . eral hours with the 'pork Exc.=Err Swains Cum.—Chop clean pork very finely, - having remov ed all the bone and skin previonely, and to every pound of meat add three quarters of a pound Of fat bacon, hilf ' an ounce of sat, a pinch of pepper, a quarter of a nutmeg grated, tit green cnionslchopped runty, and* little chopped - parsley ; when the, whole is chopped and , nuxel y „ la a iud it i t . a _ mortar and d • .with - three eggin , have ready pig's caul, Which' at into - piece" W - ge enough to 'fold apiece of thei 'above preparation, of the size of egg, 'which Wrap up, kee'tke *hap of - an egg, b utrather temp Very gently by a moderate ficfA --7 . • . , . A Bunt Tom.--The langittelebra,'. ted " white Diamoid Clement 7 is com posed Of Itnsaya Isinglass 84 ounces, soft watrstl. pant. White Carbonate of Lead. 2 _onnees, and A . . rate Al eoliol 5 thud ounces. This i. - the strorygest known c monk, • . . is used byjewelers in , setting • ' „ ands, which gives it its name. For cement-. rpd ing gluts, porcelain, wood, • n, or any other solid material it is very useful, and as it will keep for years, wall save many . times its cost in any - family. The lngrethents for making this useful article may be had at any drug-store: . _ . Boma) gems can be made .y. taking old fashion, bard wheat ~ eal (or t,4 Graham flour) - --dumphngs of a good size, put into a iling soft w ter and cook front twenty minutes half gm hour.:r-They _aio delicious, and must be eaten wbile hot with it and nudilaseisoite. . `WM bear boiling up again once or twice. . They prove very light. Osunrs ere Abut injured keeprlig them in too yam a place It is the alternate framing' and thawing' that destroy them; and # plsoedjin - a po sition where they will remain frown all Winter, and then thawed imit slow ly and in a darkplaoe, no madden ble injug would molt fro this ap parent harsh treabnent. • - 1111 , " * lerrrvim,,where there is a ;demand . i for early plaateonay be breed la a - hot-bed The bed should be awns tad M least 21 fed deep, end this be filled • ered wi with with fermenting aliare *ad cov soil. - f Bann .432.30n0 Cami i - r oe CI api of swe ono cup of WAN. ono - o we ar :oh, flys of fkmr. the li mbitagof 4weivoegge._ooo °faun of tuts:, belflitompoodol el six's; • • fly= with bittot a to be - tonged or sot ' Goon Bois autirerass ter besten to s mess, L& igagaar,._•eas • Tame sips or wisr. milk, ono tampossfig at el is as *Up MU $ Hitis lemon; bets os• bay, - • o PHYSICIANS. • 1 -- kr • Saggeig 11M11. • ABMs.. p cli!111110111171 , 2111=03 or anima) amiiir Mint The amp): sok pap us 31X114 pZIG 11 1 217. CUM% AzD num t _, 1 . '_- Mos off Slonolurooo. la woe. Jon , *sr Ssinits. by distilbilott. to a One ita. tit: 1 .. _ . _ _- 1 . Who otbsoled by attpriosooott ettb - Rtztto °Us's. sil hem Ivalpir ; sm7li W e iisgas is used. *I it peopsetkis it, is, =on iPOI4- able Goo sal toe ts ass I' prim u premed !", Direstol (oak It h & Nadas: NA. tts iograity the adios et a guakilletrois Ude ilia die prim:444 Weft a dark sad shitlemos de ratio‘ Xtzle is the kr of lagredleate. The Back* in at 7 reeparatke P*6310111,381 the weaned the other ligrodients ars addiod. to worst as ttugedlon, it .m be feciel not to be a Mettle, liancosiaa; me is it a Kmw--41d r‘..r!-r9rr.rT-rr, the aid. In Uds; you lave the knowledge of the lacedllo6 end the mode of prevention. MI Raping that you will Woe it. With' a trial. ant that imatinspixtioa it will mad with your s appro. with. fooling of mildew*, fiat and-Deoggld, of !IS yeas expeziolios; [liveit tb• Wiest imaaufsetzaing amid. inithe World.] "I em acquainted with Mr. IL T. Itchspold; be occupied the Dreg Store opposite my residence. end vas sasassital ta coadocting the liminess where dhow bad solbeesequily so b4ore him. )1 bare been Alterably impressed with bla character and en letvdis... ; ~ `d y4s. Pone= & Widaddinan. .... • •-•,. • • Illneth and prawn StIL. Phil% 1 lissascares hero Errsaerk Btlolll7, for weak. arisMg tram bullierethm. The extumstlid . pow m 0 igidim bkD m mmmW 1) mar 1:41 03/01 I'M* Linz:4 u dlspoittltts to Esteem. Law cif Memory, Wakeful. nom Korot Of 'Xmas, or Forebodings of VII ; in hat IThivanoi Lamitads. Plootratioa. amid Inability te elder hgo the ettloyamette of ocelot,. The eoustitiitioa. coat' airacted with Organic Weiki*o. rovitres the aid of gaidicine to - atrengtb• ari a,tihrvieriqe ihe system, which 11:EL141X)LD'8 IfICEILALT BtfC/111 Invariably does. If no beat- spat Is submitted to. Consumption or insanity on- E=l .11ussozo'1 nano krrawr or BUCEV, lo af halo= peculiar to Pisoalm 1a lutequ!il/ed 127 any otlioirmioriton. so in Cbloraitr, or Itobintion Pabeduse% aithiliniuf State of the Uterus, sad ilt aseelistots Whilst to the sea, or the decline or 1 / 11111 . 1 . 1 /I** Regapeufa Tuns - Emu= Bucira aao Ir. ilawnw log lima will isdicaltr miennimes trots fba anion aloft traria mails er dh l iotp Ikon, Milo ammo, little 431 no change to MO, no t 010116 uarksionat not dregeraos maladies, Capin said Ihreary. In ad Uwe diseases. U Ilatagza's ham, &mu= Bic* la all diem"' oitheiso organs, whether existing . la male or &sift from *bistsver c"!um origlnAding. and as mike of bow low standing. It is *SOW in tutor and oft,. Htuunedisite," in kilos. and more strength min Asa mg of the prepirilloos of Bart or Iron. Urns. sabring trots broke down or aelkote emetliattiatt. procure the tweed/ at ones. • . - Tbs :sedge snot be saraeolthat, terwener *list! amee be the istaaolZot the above &mum. a ticcetala • Oki the tx4117 bad* and mantel venire. WA anew Stove i i iims,us regales Cis sia et a RZUMOLD'S XIMIACT ..111X7ft I me ~~ OM tor Datil* rpow7etate. lases-41.11i . piNr WI% al bogies Swig". Delbefid soiq . idiom Disadbe amplass Is ail ccnsuaos• A* 1. T. EILL1001,1). DM and O. 41111ftwibeilisiol,tegosavve, IL T. • Otbiii. 1113=4.1. Nors m acomm vim , you int Ix lisamyssos maim loth 1100,110 army Clbsik m. 'studintli aL, : Om tiont CM= =I El I -.1 4 021=1 Ism. very respectfully. • sissow. Novzitossl.7Bsl. or ors; completely superseding WM 11 II 41.unn0.n16 MEI = wiiiii,i '\.:) 01l ion • D - - •t ' • PAPlials ignalUiP/16 ,; ;•:. NEW PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS._ • Piss, Ifusw, Simossi AND BUM'S. BOOKS • YANKEE Tomah Nat; U. IN& , Miscelianeout t r iirj "DOMESTIC" LOCK STICH tEll SE WI $G MA C7IIN.Et,+ THE " DOBtESTIC." is a Sh4tile Sewing Machine,: which - has ben. used. for tho last frvo years in tho, • . *est, and is nori , introduced • for the,: , 7 • • • . first time in this' section. It runs faster .than most, easier, and more quietly than any,.doing the lightest as well as the heaviest work done on any Sewing Machine. ALL AKE INVITED TO CALL A.ID SEE j Plain Machines Half Case - - - - $7O. All Machines have :B lake's Patent Table. I Agents wanted irinnoeciipied territory. • Address, BLAKE & to.. &Tarlton, Pa. i - For We by TAYLgIt Goa A. A. anew. Attiona. Pa. ACIErirf.'LLOYD k BLOKE% stay'l2. 1870.-17 • Wrattlshlg.* EASE AND COMFOR Tire BLESSING OF PERFECT KO : I - There is hothlng so Tainabla as perfect elOht, l perfect eight can only bo obtained by ruing PERFECT SPECTACLFS.I The didiculty of procuring which is well + • - • LAZUIII3 & 31011818, 'occuiasTs AND • OPT[: nerrrroup. coxNEgrictrr, ' I DIANUF'ACTUREES OF THE CELEB TED I. I PERFECTED - SPECTA , nave; after years of 'enoe exporiment,l and 'maths erection of costly truichLory. been enabled to produce that GRAND DIIMDEBATUM: • J PERFECT. SPECTACLES lj , L Which bare been soliwith unlimited satbdiction to . the wearers in the Western States during 'papas! fifteen years. _ Those Celebrated Perfected Spectsclei newt' tine the • eye, and last many years without c.bal 1 Messrs. LAZABUB & MORRIS have ‘ointed RILES HUGUEntiolealer In Watches and,lew- A ehT, as their sole agent for Towanda, Patin* and vicinity. pril 14', 1870. WPORTER _ JOB P ; o'7" — E's C ' ' Hating recently idded greatly W our Dictiltle are zurerpreOrtollo dor'," Undo of - - • . • JOL,-FRINTINti LOWER -PRICE BETTER STYL, Than any establishment In NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA THE REPORTER OFFICE EXAMINE SPECIMENS. CENTRAL MARKET. ' L 1 j I l The subscribers itillicontinne to keep constantly on hand I full and complete assortment of every. thief pertaining to their bwdness,. tonalstlitg tnain• 1 .1. ed i 1 - BLO, PORK, FRESH AND !:I ALT • 1 . SUGAR CUBED . RAW, . - iurroN, . BEEF, i 1T 1 . , • . VEAL, . P0U14 , 1 - , AMB . SAUSAGE. . LARD A I • BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEF, 1 - • TALLOW, Ste., kc. ' I • - . . , Also, " i M I I :S FRESH FROM THE)_ TART4IB OYSTERS DAILY I • , In their swam I _ . . I Arian Irbi. Orderi sh orte es , smill Almon tiro wal be shed onnotice, et the old' Anna.. Corm& Kamm Montan:pen Mapk. Arid dbor north Of Dr. Preen. • I 1 'Cm qx.iowm 1 . srmuat k =LIAM "Fab. 34. Itrn . Att : i FIRST NATIONAL 134 ri • OF TowANDA. ‘/ArrrAL.• •.$125,000. SURPLUS FV3D . • • 40,060. This Bank Os alms =USW. FACIJIITIES tat ilas transit:lion : • ' _ GENERAL BANNING .BRS nrzzatzr °L i moans Accci • tlncuz, Cala arrsi 70 =a Octuscaox la= Pumas. . • , • .-- L . .. -.. • 1 Patties wishing to atio 1 rt to any , 0 _United/Staten WIWI. Ireland, Scaptiand. of drat data * that and=of Zoom can beri drafts tar -. .r455.4a,5: rime= War tram Mil old eartatry, by best atom* tag Wiwi, always *bland. /Amami move= Ova AT as BArl i . HOW Prix ;Wafer PA Ilfisods, Goad awt der , Z. FL SISTSZ, Praddera. IL 11=2:411., Tamil* Masan. 110.. Cdebea 'ROYAL JUICING POWDERSIit -AM .(COWL k m - saa tag TZ•vier Amp. I 1 tiMIELIVIti4 AWLS AND, tAILD, - .onntrz 6. insits,9l HORgro r g , 4 4„ ises RD'S BREAD , at C. 11 * FATcws. +~ 1 V I - 465. MEI =3 CALL AT &ND a o I=3 EIJI- ZaZ2al Eh NII PATCH. • •• < , • isaiireo f aim tripes& le Mimi stanillkniOnatreallelabill. pityrekt Nisei* sleek et OBOOEBIE.S. ' -, le see LIM litmus m!.l•.Trmi'Pywr!Frriwi ' !Pa tti9 !Igures as out Ye *dim& I Dow Otter to Qs pobtlisictoodit dock 004 as . , Tgr acu. OOlFETES, 'SWAM tt 'mummy& VIM. > I are so bawl a largo doikist GMI!Mi DO. I ittr. Da. Dater DO. I keep coestently on kenil. POE& =MX LAIN; an Istadi Ng& wool& assithe sae .Ilea of pops to rir car Ba best • t , STOCK OF TOBACCO, I Oaklers Celebrated Lui3i. DIM 'WARE. Large ookuiinefol of !AMU licrnoits,roixr SOAPS, kr—, ke. I warply the blghestoub peke for COUIVItY PRODUCE. lrarrocri, sire us a call betor solllag elsewhere, portions indebted to the late firmtat pima can and makel Immediate payment. March, 19,1867 RE CERY ANDPROWSION s rri 0• R, I • C A T B E& MIX. Wholoniie in?! ilete Deakris in NEI ILY ,GROCERIES AND 1 / 4 A'2 NEW nt,ocx, TOWANDA. PA. not deNa it necessary to enttmerstei all the • aro keep. Chu* itarrtment is lE3 I WAYS :COMPLETE. - we sell, nothing but .FIR .T CLASS GOODS d for Farmers Produce. JAMES Afor..ADY, 1, 1870. HARRY Cub Manbl PLE'S • °Bomar Axn,raonstoN !3youz. comma =UM amps arm ITICILLINL A new , and complete stock ot GRO EBIES AND PROVISIONS, wUI be sold atthe Ic!ireed p)sdtle itrice4, ODPISH, MA.CKEREL, KERBING, ror.K, " ••- MUTTON, HAM OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FM ODEPS STONE WARE, TORRE NOTIONB, FLO' R, FEED , MEAL, GRAIN, &a as your produce. which we pay cash for. DM - RY311241, • A ecrtuttaUt supply ot Ashton Belt, all dud Churns. Butte r arklus. Tubs. le. • • - tail slid look through our stork. and its will 4=t to pause you. W. A. TUX7EWP.M April 28. 1868. L OialE HER El COWELL & MYER, • • At the old stan d of Intuntatt Ocnrctz. :now recolTinf a lago and troll malected stock:of GDOODuEB AND PUIVIIOMIX - 'Which titer offer to cash Ingara at prices ttu tstafr Ciah " Otor ' all kinds ranness' Produce,. April 11. 11162-13. WIY_ALUSIN'O. c. w. cLArp, ' • ' RAMIE g lowed the Btircehotute and clad hitiarea belongLig to the Magaa. Whs.' would notify the cltizenalot Wraltudng and vicinity that no nil kaa# oonatantly on hand a tall stotk of , . C 0 A L, z. Y LA . 1.14PP.A. A3t76-11AliCli1t ECKI," L I UM OR BY TAB BARREL iN • 8A T , ACHS, BBL&, AND BAGS. , 411•1=•=••• CEMENT, Axi• ir.trumaq • he will be pleased iiis simply tbera with at r i :=lras. . Yabobat t r sow goat.% ali lag u con T ir ttalbetkoac ttansools of the 0 PAID FOR GRAIN, Or dd ~. . aid frary orderAikiict .-- .'.• r FA 31 ER I S:PRODItOR; or ' ts4l=l: are OIL s eeim. iik!rirr tad lii lamp - is los Wet IFOI - dims be , ortheliardiame *NW& toesidamenk. . '., ~, ,wpausagivit, Mild& . -•.--; - 1 . - TREBEST Firgr, niumwrsi IicCAB! t Rpm Ort-- 041 .7% , I itsvi*o 1= 0101118 itircommen " ocaftipset a ill mut 4,- . ,• 00L11** 1 8111=4014 & 4 1 ea% VIM) 04 ims wow* Wombs WU dekb ' all I r aft thstelmeemour‘as Mort scam ! . irbich %win weft lila var. EC.A v Et pArsal GENT'S , NECK - TIES, VOWS;4O. Brows Soap. stack izt WINDOW UMBRELLA C. B. PATCH. B WA C. B. PATCH. Lents vaoo belongs to ffi SCHWARZ, Sealer in Ctothtng aW Gent's Ihnslithing Goods. Ho Li so Inday nellineCtothlng that he has not Woe to write an niverttittotent.. - . =11:1 1111 I am now offering to 'Abe public alaige an] antes stock of Math mill be sold 23 cent. less than tanner prices. at X. E. Also a lane In. voice of $ I intend to sell less than :cost. to snake roan .let Till Stock. Now is your time to buy a Bait Call and coati be genseelt that ILL RO. Cl -offers, Great Bargains in the linear othing and I . , There la const being received at th e "TlCltthi. OrnBILI011: a Inge stodt of SPRING ANA SUMMER which have purchased emelt. al reduced prices. and beDemi sold to cash ter buyers as borer webs t ever betake eland in Towanda. 31; stock ems: midst% part etl' • • - . testveligai M=a Alsosiiiplaars,ciear READY-4ADE arATEING, , • • c•• , ♦ new and hill Ilse of . * di tie bleed tkiftia. Always on Mad and to mg vulgar. 10 0 IP'%•• e• 11A El Also sh. New Patent or say a oar Goods will be sold at • :{l - HEAP FOB CASH the niiirkipt. Call and loot 6zotigla car stock: I 1 Talmud'. Amil 21.1870. P {l4 Ell I ~~ ~ i ~ ~ IMI ' § kit it lItRRAH! UURAIIA .. . GREAT.IIF.DUCTION PIUCEB,OF READY *Am CLOT HMG, M. E ROSENFMAYS, (Crieslte Powell & Coe.) SPRING AND SWUM GOODS, ccam3,liirwwor - , 4 LINEN GOODS, ► t tall the late 'Vies for Sprlag aa3 Smazaer yew. --11 )% , • FOR MEN AND - BOYS. 111 11 i . ): 11 :414: .'D I WA: GENTS FOIINTSWING c onc Call Wore pampas/am elsewhere.•• 1 M. E. 80111:11113:14 Torandia • 25. A .lIISPATCH MST RECEIVER , • ozoraous =vs sus =moss orlisw-ANDA AND PION= . 1111:11r. Dm' AND TM= CUMING. • illAttlC. "wiry asp aunt grata saps, NEE tint§ CASpenr. 80A3,21XXX .00mil. Paola. tasks. sad yam AYot 1 . 11164 Mho aline variety at . • , • . , GENT'S MINDIIIIINA GOODS, NICE RIM afas.: ' wee Aso tali course. of theleteel *lea sad laidoes. larreaber lb" be. dearratts tag oar. sad Dal lam set le be ea. &mid b7 m l t air til Use ro eleiniberie . All wbe la ray meriepeetArily boa. al to glre before parebodoir sal oseirisee roariebras. • . JACOBS. No. leglistaaa. Ikedlearta's liter& Powde. Pa, Kr Cub pad tor Mee aid Polk. .ee GOLD frALL comme r t DowNl Jew rem vase a Sas GROCERY; ii PROVISION LINE„ Motor Wog tem! - • Co w . t *a .11C - TE 8 • =Or t omoothil to oollitt id* flOiato oOt to bo toolottriMl_ Wow ow. Mulw mss'agorriEllotgaittoy beim aoM wor boo rola toe So Sod' was asit, otoohod tor Mme 'Eliw otomiesoil dotes Oda vboto lbw ow boo lomtli Rob SC sai twos folo sem ma slit ow!, ottitto. totlio tfitioso. to idds! vionolealt alkotkootolt atikboomos. Clootaid oprolootur Goole ore ltdrisAlelbre pallmifts as& iiike yoszesives. We goonsiso psis to otototobt mtiotogess, WS MO ilooktal II he Unkind nolltrpottoome tollonitto of the seas* • • -" , COWELII a WOOL Leo. 'A VOA. , T RY outtAito ANDocornit, . -COWELL =SS Eni • ' iJ -6: 2 • 2 -„ . • Q .. . ~ - . te. • • G GOODS; I= ETACKYD. & 00.00 . • . oatthras to maissibetnrs their wetted • HORSE POWERS do CLEANERS, sad will seas Wee sosehlas, for km now thin as be Dadaist/where la the world. We thee Ibr oar nachiare *et thes will do sa mach, or nsore. •thari say otherouid are more darably built, We perecrially superintend ear work and see than is well &ma. We will awed ' CITALOODES. • of our sorailnells, on aptdkati on. ' ONE AND TW&HOESEE POWERS, Dee et Two Merle TIMM SEPERA*I2B. 17111LTIIKE and 61.iLANZES, CUMULI &wit wax§ amr rmu SAW, AND DINST ICELL work done to Order. Wye as a tall before massing elsewhere. 'Yd atratiallia 'WILLY "OD 43.00 riff Aug. 2. 1869. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY 1 Oa Ptne, between lista and Sowed; Stmts, back of Mama k co.. Bank. `..- - , gesprctfillr announce to Ws (don Fun 1 pttrona, t).; t tlshare 'built a liZW DICK mamma •zimirr. where they still constantly keels) oa hand a fan assort suent-Ot FAMI.LII, _CARRIADES, TOP AND - OPEN 111TOGID3, PLATFORM WAGONS, TBOTTLNO -MET& AND. 81E12=0203. • ihale el the bal . inalatal and babbitt II the beet eit7 efirie. .nie lona eve:knee In eltr Carriage Factories gives theme dreaded adrantageirrer others la the - Pinieh, Style and Durability al his they aekg is an Mil mm3mox or , HIS wons purFbash?g elsewhere. ALL WO= WARRA.klirto TO GIVE PERFECT Thankful ter the liberal natronare formerly en. tended and regnetfully elk tontilllllllCe ef the same. szrenuso PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO HILNEY ITITTLEN. , • - H. B. CLAIM: 'rewinds, Kay 24,1110.--ti NEW PLANING MILp.- andiendesol hs • beat a brge WWI oonnso. Moue The MW In ths; •• • ••• Tayside. sad Med it with the most •• • • sat Improved Issoldaers, low the zaawatittare • I , SMIR AND BLUtMd. . Are prepared to an , seder% whether tarp er woo the shortest notice. We have also a large Tip slag etNOULDIT(IB. o( the West style and petters. which we caw tarnish melt cheaper thaw thy , can he worked ivy Aso& • PLANING, ToSOUZING. • I GROOVING; ' AIM SCRAM UM% And 'Bother wort pritairdag to Jotheryorillbe to mit our customers. itantoin b old and not Hying mereltun tweive to fourteen Wks dIiM,M. will And i for their interest to bey of es. or bring th eir land bete it worked by ores machinery. Bring Your grist of liming. or other lumber; sad while your Mutt is feeding. have it ground ced and take it home with w ife' wIN pay CASE for Pow ABB KINEMIL LIIKMOI defies/ad at oar lumber mi. Come and see res. Sr llyoa Gaul emu. writs. Tornado. Pb,e BMW L. B. RADOMb CO.' . , MONT.ANY.ES, Otiaeral Dealers fa STAPLE & FANCY DRY ; GOODS, Gscx:Ftn. CsocusT. Ouuslwrs. _ - BOOTS, SHWA SHOE FINDINGS Leather, gate. Cspa. UmbseMas. TOWANDA. PA. No. 103 Nailea IN, owner et Om n 1c &rms. J. D. lINIWWIII% istniktifte.' L. p. WINO= OER I SATURDAY, OCTO , '7 .1 Imp= = n u ladisti es sway le at e Art . sad flaw stock ok. F . , 4 PALL AND WENTIII MUMMERY (34X3X3,, mym • s, saas - ',AND SATINS; Topotin via a foll moottoboot ot oa lintallut October le % urie. ' • Illy Satin aadillkicoUsre • mos a. tam on. liar south al Kern" Bait. puozzatir—bAscAtamuaq. - 1106 . 044* War& pee gook" ...... SO 0 .-' Ilmalmod OS 4. • Mord AM= i~is andly eas at ism at Ma sr pulyeellibe MI to sillkisat lot • Imp mosalrldr ead• • - • • • ii.4lllllM_ . 01 0• 41 1 , 1.1•4 11174. • • , PM, BUT NEIMENE OIL IN Jl. bows by the quid*, 4 Mallet nASH:PAID IPOB iritta i t - Nitk N./ emksisie. -ram. ad att lisiejMq Proflima/ _ • 'IV a OEM 174.4 :14 "44" ; • 4'iZa..i4 Ith. '44 . 3. OM ft : ERE 11l P 1 TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY' STULEN & ca, ddrISFACTIOIV. at reduced prices. UDE MUNDT NONCE JLOWEIt um 4m cou4.#B, EM WRBII # 4,,L , L BROTH! II MEP°I34III,NPW, .XisOogo, Vas it' 'stoat it --' EC .A. IttirNlCT A 1?..F4 .lei a'. We !airs sa. Yoe stool; - . . _ • . • • Orin. mins:atm . ames, a ; . ' II . Izi4 DOONDLUNt. OWN. PUNT/4 AND. LSATINSI 11."--31.11111110.. L._ __ _1 Our rabisiuuseina, my it Os beittiONY mod jai saki semis.. Ire, are also spate tor Ike • AMERICAN STEAM SAFE, pl►]®OßE'/ Parin nibble Ere Isvci FAIRBANKS'S SOMM, SCHAGHTIME POWDER co., SIII;HEB -PHOSP,HAT4E our, oloca , TEN7T':ILIZ3II lEEE Fran also prepared to do Jobbing of all bade. We are the only agents for the eeletawted new EXPIRE COOKING STOVE. The bill cooldag Mori tee, and frier) , dive warranted to give ladtsfaction. Iltsrel 10, 'lO. pEnsoNs IN SEARCH Or HOLIDAY PRMENTS, Irt not forget that HVGIIENIS, JEWELLER - tE . BMVERB MITA sziccurs NBvi BLOCK. iOW . A.Npi, PA. • . Ia conatanlly receiving acklltions to air - dont of goods minable for presents, sixth' as ' • LADIES' WATCHES, AMERICAN WATCHES Air s 8 deseripeosui. Mao a iielectai samortment of Go rip eimm,FDIE GOLD "IE 3EI IR, T., T r T "" • el.• GOLD, SILVER AND iftlIEL DPECTACT24I, AND . YE GLASSES to At all eases of izapitfrod sight Env PATENT ACCONODATING SPECIdeLES. By Ms patent Ton enabled to tonbano Gbdraa at any Woe without extra charge. Call midges. moots, wank AIM 411W12.1tY REPAIRER WAVIAIrI2I% Thaws* Dos s. NEW, -ABBAN4EMENTI - Having purchased the, BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHIIHNT Web. conduded br DAVII3 & 1C1=1114. , at No. 149 co. Towanda. Pa.; 1 would respectfully inform the public that I hire just received • s - large assert - . Meld Or --. LADIES? AND GENIIS'- SHOES.! IL GAITERS, GOAT AND LEATHER SHOES, MISSES AND CKELDULNB WO= of imiry 4arietf, Which will be sold oheap for cash.' Give him a allll and satlidy yourselves that he la cheaper than the cheapest. Iselling would call tempests' attention to my • CUSTOM DRPAIRTMENT ! •makkr order everytldn.6 in the line. cd LADIBEr AXD GENTLZAZPP3 WWI: v. I feel confident. that I 2001 giro entire satistactionz employ none but first-deal, ,sisarinstos perfect As. tad sit work Warrastcd. Itepaidng sestly and rostiptir Soho. 14 • • Bensentber the place. No. 141.4 Main-st., a few doors below the Means Howie. Towanda. Pa. Look out fo the sign of thellig Boot. • Mr. DAVIS will conduct the business as zolax. isttendent • JOHN Merl - Toriods. Par Sept 1. 111711e-4I - • BOO . K7BINDERY.L-THE PUB-' layeepectftgly Wormed that the dory bee been reettneoll to the one Baum Oita 4 0 17. where via be dime , SOO I- In all its *ben bnuachee, an terms aa ressonable as ...the times" will allow. The swam" will be under the charge of i _ An aaparietvosd Modes. and an work will be =ir EMI i 1 a style and which cannot be ando.liegudnas. lt Old Beek% kn” bOond to every varteV of style. attention will be paid to the ing and Wading of To snY deified pattern, which in.quallly etwl dem ballq will be waresated. . &Uwe* winter reedy tbrdelirory *rhea proniimed, teTp ot tos r h t eed. lle Sr so licited. and_peo Tows:oak Airsitst 2. 1868—tL . DRES-8-*A.KING. AND CLOAK-MAKING, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. re . ' .• • P 4 • CtJTZLNG . .tkND FITTTNG PRO/CULT DONE: ThiPORTED OOIBETS & LACES. Z• g f 0 E• 4 —JO - • , S. - 1114 - .BTINT OVER PORTER & maim, Wectues Black, ' ium assn. TOIrRADA PA. Oct. IS, BIEL STrFAllAcrosx. /at, 1870. Th. giabiarther la new maziiacturthii an ktaai oc V. trmwititrtz.E. lbeCiNkod by wig aturolbetwor aortbro P4lq , li • Its, tueblost7 to the hied tad but, base bat trottmot d touwitoos osittftell6—ibtloolArobliMlOnto employed sod is prepaid to 21tt oidets tit Untzus at short mottos. AU kinds of • '''llsz47"zx rrt Zkqk"oll 708 000 re. VOMMIS aft 1)6 Me* 11trelk sw. bon& ella6 lad 1 . 611 011 , 1 4m1P4 1 /".,, , d hus -1477/7-7 • 4'.l.l.Atif. DN. 1 11179. Wyabising, Pa. IN , NIMMe MEE TOWAMPA. BAINVeII RAW DOXII ;ZEGI Oft door *wig of SWISS WATCHES, aD new YET TO THE =T. Consisthig of Of all grades. ladles INDINOI wmTvrxe, ' BLANK nooirck .. 1 DEEM OE D EO . pognatditON Jc . OCka OLD CASH bitusi STORE, ~„,:. -:: aihMans. reit* l Slli l -- • - , - E ' aseiliViti l b * 1 " 1614414:011 / 14 • aversaattraidalia= Wai, afidl ad as admalar ma = iidics imar Maki teal la taro le andldly Woad Ida WSW inramaramt aubillairlddlt = . 4 01111 ad utak heat pordarwaill at Os mat nosioesble anas a Wbaalakat lidal. agesidlag at - - MS Dap" Cplaticils, 1140110 L ANb triMiratNit, - aim:4Am vasam®, Inumwmuf. - lad all Nods at Iltuabet, L OR coA.L 014 . 1.906.2www, WWI anistot era,, bird. 'MBAs; Ifeite TANNEWS AND M CHINE 0114 rancy sad itait Artdg.ln ant, mkt& SPONCIZS. 80.011, Win% • . 1412"Ishbitt* Partapia, POCKET BO9E8; PORT)IO2fAIR, 'Stara. sai7l_oD sacs iszpmuilions, PUNT; AND LIQIIONS, Tompoo, Sactror, Pliny L W °was, - • sadeihruga AM .11C1=ir (toed.. 'image. e voeterie, Stmeseottee, Shoulder Brum, Breast -21eTeethhig Binge, Nursing BMW, . Nipple Melte sad Shields. STrisses. • Pses. ear-Beelteg nuitiers, Thee- =meters.ramie' V. Stone Ja" Weve..lo==, Mal& (larks. BM klc„ and Stove Blacking. Illah Tackle, dm; ke-i,Betszekaeleetie and ncin.pstb. Ilfelkisikand all the popular Patent E I'N E . All Midas Warranted se represented. Pergola at • distance este receive their orders try mtage ear mall. which will receive prompt sad crevetel atiansilbea, Medical advice Wen gratuitenaly .at the Masi cloning ooly for medicine. /Cr Thenkfal for peat Liberal patronage, would aew pectrully announce to their friends and the pnblie,Unit leo pains shall be spared to satiety, rind merit the ccii. thmatlon of their oordidenee aid ifir Open Sundays forus from 9 to 40 am:Lou:4 13 in. to 1. and to 6 p.m. 2C C. PONT= SON k. Co, • - • •BR OWN,' - • 3117 1. 1876.-yr 13? KAM Erritamr, vosvANDA. PA. WHOLESALE ' AND RETAIL DIZITOGFIS%'• Tho rabieribes respecttall7 announces to the pato =rival that he has Ens. hind s largo and well stock a • • • • . OBUGS. KEDMIX3B. CattiTICALS, EuNrs, VASATEGCES . wrxrxiw GLASS, • W•ner. DIE STUFFS •AU the wider Pitellt Ifelliefeee of the &iv. WEE WINE ANII._ LIQUORS lot Medical imrpo:Bee only* PERFIIIIEUY. Taney and Toilet articles. Soaps of every description. ; Thermometers. Bathing, Surgeons, and C,ommon.Spongre„ 1 . Hair Brashes,^ Tooth Brushes, DrtattingCmbik, Pocket and Fine Combs, Toilet Powder. . c Puff Doze". TOoth Powders, • - Tooth Wishes, . and Tooth Elospe : Andother articles belonging to the Drug trade too numerous :o mention: - Paving the Agency of the G BEA F 11. S.s. -Tatt. GREAT "INDUCEUENTO , • e To parchanfro Of goalie In their Line. Pbydeians preamtplions and family 445(MS' OM =by persona thorcnighly competent. at all the day or night. . • . • . Than Mal for the !Part liberal,-patronage. I rs spectibilrsolleit a continuance of the same, pledg ism myseWthst an effort shall be sistrett . bo iambs my establishment Second'to none in this section. • Dr. T. F . Madill consUlted at this 'store as heretofore.o F. W. BROWN. Jau. 31:11470. • BOOtaSad 'Shoes. • GREAT BARGAITI IN BOOTS SECOMS SVZW BOOT AIND thOlr srctßa: South end of Ward Bowe The unteraigrira are realaaing a large sail . sell me leeted stock of BOOTS YLI SHOES StI3IIIFS . AND FALL' TRARE, Mich we offer low for, Cub. CpzisletiWg of GENTS, • - • LAD T' AITCWS AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. SEWED AND iEgOtD BOOTS mama. • WEPALPING NEATTA" DONE AND BEADY 'HEN PIIMINIED: Tha•hhal for plat &Toni, we sOlidt • otoittnnarom of the genie. • • WRCEL WOODFORD . • onatrxr li. ci.AZZ, li:wards. April 5.1859. Tondol3 , 411 a Machin shop. FOUNDERYA : mlcarmslipr. The undersigned having purchased • die ikaindry and Moldne Shop Ishii awned - by John Oternan. are prepared to do all Min& of wick appertaining to their husiness, with promptness anddispatch.. MIL , L CIRCULAR S4W MILLS, , 4 in'd itinds or - 141-LL',.IRONg )BADS TO iwza. " • _ , MOINES REPAIRED,- And.iiiworkararranted•to isalitsiietton. NSEEENGLE- MAcmNL . Of tbs bit/dad mod Ingnevedtbads • aid anunangr on land sentr. for wed • P L ,O°II G H /31 . ,` - . sin anti mos Aro `Soon= mama MTLTIVATORS, COM PLOUGHS P1401.1(18 P9INTB - lands. a=r or lateit lavartmente keg. • -10WKEIS, sitsta.; stet. 3tatl- Lika4:lll ST (iya 01 . G S , onto mums. ' 'SURD - sum Mon. LARGE IROX MELEE Ask all !dadaist oselthpfinkillat Muth "ISt J. P. k OS . . As sine lbrYl tie. MI 1., AN OFFER at =rig 1. BTti . table . for tte,: m NM -71=:t=m! aimmuma , N A - 21 , 1 " 18 141: " 'l # Bll4l , l 4ft - , • CO: or V; & L • , J.* ; 6401 assns. 11.0444-4Ns ar lita. Cirebral CSignse. . . czauses Ir. auskrolimi; ‘ . JAY Me* ebaimit Moab gad ft. ca w ; mss D. dooms Iseiltakkat i muses w. me. isereistml **am. 111 .1 11 " 11161 1“ th•Neitewol Las rsismii k , • L Adeisesd u m beCtso ft ., ig poi lip mom Of this Iletbss Nee s Irodwo low rows et prowduals ; _ 4. IS foraillos kept sow* isowert bernsics nob *bb oa t• " ibe S. isebea • IL tiers fi aol= a z Apbte. de fib _ , I. The peados ire Ma .63661411. kt shea•A . *NO *ISO math asilidsk ; An pewee ate boaPtatoning ; & Ss . *kiss we ems hoop Aba ft % 1 • , mi* IL t. clilkk i n. itsakes 1,4,4 14 .• • . . B. a simaria, - "I. CC ELM= - 4L G. NABOX, l esaligesti fol . Tawaida ht. 1, 1,110. VpiegliT'S INSURANCE AGp'or, Petioles wttlten in all et the kollowtag i l i a reitabte - e- l istetpl!tiele , . . UN= settied paw * " bike. FA= PIIOPEItTY. (bactet La Sneed OA dwitlthtis In town Insured Spins au elven rt lasterroo se well as Paz. . . • . LIVE taiI7BANCE affected in 'bee et the Oteed, Lord mad &Vag Commies in this eaebtry. --: ,• Itseznum Tlstniutcs. CoxrAsi; 1 Leaden. Eraf I teed. • Amete,.." I. bi. ksl 1 • • .. • ; ... ••.. lIKIMPIea Mirlcitri nillittultni CirniFint . .. I • ' S - '!". Ciniseati, me. I_ _ KONA Csivaz t asplascx•ser CourAzci. I Cicodaad. OA* - : Couns7.l • . A ' wszketnarre;, Asseits, i f .qa:mrriat licitra..ascs Coin. r • • ' 4 04 : 1 & 1 4 AudisJ. .Pa.i Cur FritZ brAXANC/t " 4 r HartAni, COWL Aeae t s - Marti Altsaicaxissvaurat Co.. Hary'ord, Dew. f .Uttid,s , _ Ftrzero's Flar. I..nausA.sac COYPANT, Sad York. j 1361,Z1. I=lllll=ll2 ; - lunia-raunaksINSLIIAMIC COWPAitt. • • Bestinaalau. Ametic ...... ...... . ... swop° • . Nrw" You. Luz . OciE Gramm, • New Tont. - SISOOO.OOO. 0, OThlt AGRIG?aT. CAPITAL $25;000,000 Stria! attention to brudaesa, fair dealing: led prompt settlement of Losses. is ousmorro ! • Come arid Was. °Mee =Main street.. %pewit. Court House; ap stairs. • Mr. Vmcmrr at Remus Patti from 9 t tit. - till 3 . , Zli• • T.D. CLIC!. CAMP A VLNCENZ! w.s IrDICTST.•• • Tolima* Pa.. July 20. 1820.—1 y TpE : i'ENN .1!1,1:iIIAL LIFE . INSURANCE -.COMPANY,. :(0.921 MEM= ErrREET. MILL INCouronAnz 1847 Aceumuzxrito FuND, over $3,000,004 INCOME , FOR 1869, 8964,235:19. DIVIDERDS RAVE AVERAGED ABOUT 50 MR UMW. • Poiicnts 13sysU -- cm ALL APPBOyED . PLASS. Prciniunie may be paidaurrually or eenatenwaa/ly or .loan wt.ll be made for part of the amount. sawn. ware. President. SAMUEL E. SI7OEEB. Pico Prs t. :301327 WatOMB. A.T.P. sad Actuary. EL'IWTIPIUMS, tleershary. py13.104 B. B. W1L8421. Clearal AMA. GUARDIAN IifUTUAL , IJFE INSURANCE •CONPANY, 931-,BROADWAY, NEW TORE. Pouctin in Ponca 125,000 00 M. ..Aisarni. Over 2.000, Ammar. Mame. o ff ' - 1,000,001 Loma PAM . • 5 . 00,001 A L l u l=red forms of Policies teamed.- mode, for payment of premiums. Policies nom inefistible by their terms. • The entire matt of the Company divided equif• ably amellthe l irrett, • - AL DIVIDEND& - • WALTOti H. PECKHAM. Passrarsi. • • WILLIAM' T. HOOFER. Vice Pm:mem 1.17C1118 '11( ADAMS. SW/ .1131 D dermas. • PHILADELPHIA 11131/UENCI2I : JAY Coo:is & Co.. Stokers. rxx. k Co.. Bookers.. • Jona Wool:snug & Co... Tea Mere Unto: _• S. A. Nloo:Sa. Picot. lumen' & Morlonks'•&l4l T. B. rrrsooorr. Pablishar.. • I J. A., - Amu* Towszoll4ll-.. C°NNtCTICU.VMin i tr - nit DigeritANCE ODKPANY. 0 . V.11AETY0111). COM 'NEILSZESO la= THAI 52,000 Mmm ASSETS (lona VW 1 3014101 1 over SUMAC- _ MILDEW DIVIDEND FROM 40 TO TO PEI OWL Total Death paidto data. One $ 6 , 000 2 Tow. Myriam. Palpio DATE. ova 0 6,000 PpREZY MUTUAL. COMPANY. MI its sirplas is equitably divided among the Poi• 317 holders 1.!!'• ' . • ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, 'Mob maw be Milted in .iothettioe of Pranions, Mai be accumulated et Interest foe the toseet of Asmred. or may be Medved by them in Cub. • Pebl4 Pdietes ‘re: granted after' too' or my. Tears' Premium; hare been paid. thee .pnehrlni: Az .z, roma= N0N•101117.1TING. It banes POWs, upon all ThatRABLB Pima of Ixstraml,' And bAa Molded is its SPECIAL PEA RES! OracrNAL wrro TEIE COMP 'AND 012 , 0 - ED Mt NO NUM • • ' ' • •a & WeILLIA Ara Tossids. ley 22.1869--it NEW ROUTE •TO PHIL ,DEIr NORTH •IsfLVAIIII RAILROAD Phoetestand wet itteectline to Medea nb. Dar' times. Washington. sad lbe Beaffi. - I Paleogene by this mate tote Poneyhois New 'fork Rsiboed tote. peeeft Seine& at Tilt A.llaw ds teakeekiie oonneetioli at Dethbhos with Fa tribe of :North Pen's Ralleol. sad areieein at LOS P. IL.. !a thee to take OW Odes - Wier for the South az West! City pleonasms , * Sze el Die Depot ea arrival of at test comfy pelessigen to tbevertoes Depots ad to all pots of the dty. . • BILTIMUM 1 - Leave North Pena% Daileoed come Ilterti and American streets, at las Lira. arriving at Toensader latto P.. amass evssdag:, )tan'sDonets6d deliver@ bag. gage, ofike lli Crld= !IL b street. Plehidelsids. Aceozionenosts. Iriedibtregiri=llsat sad Sable drab. PM* todiraadforusseded br Daily NW Pia bob am h uldb, and ill potnts to ibutosbram. ralb7 TIM 4 ZLLIO •CLARIES. • Om. AO. N. P, B. IL. Mutt ma =ow en.. • , Nev. 21, 28711. . Phibdelpbbk SHIP YOUR' BUTrEff,' EGGS, - iotrusy. ancez sad ratan •• TxtE FARIDM I S PRODUCE AI3I3OOiATION Clake *Feld UlWilddiStall strol l t Ist. Tot. • • I TV' arlisdiV. im =Wm of ruins?' IA kinds foithe inizT - meßi= r ___ Belling . 7 Tam Produce on 4illl. Alt eanntantankune to the Antoeletten * Amid addressed to - • B. A. Ilizsra.they.: Washington et. 8. T. aids w be °Maned kraddreodell tb • of - J.lgHolats Ps. . . Who ta l tlierasektng Agent In kenos Aooatlee. = l ra we& r. rusion):Tunne,,, Effl /PIVODA. Pl. SZStkotp 1/13,0v0 $573.1111,.. timise. 's