' . /kof:*!po#it._,l LOCAL oe- About .useiriip- z -the sleighing: hi 4011 fr ._ '-1 C) P: 'floc:KlN - ELL att.horizect rcecirc subamptions for the ItErOI2TEII. t ek.. Klux, 33LAcK , sold neaxbl f Irroubred. Humor Sowing cbinds dart* 4..+ 0 *r 1470. r e,„„ - We iiLre, - (.I:..kler; " Histoyv of Wialnsing and the Mori von Missionr fin , aalo at Oda bffiett. Price': it (kii.ol,tl) -Brotlinrav liiryaintini also' foi-riale; - - •. l !Auk* or many years . f,,inuan in this tiffiti;has exterfed. sitFistiM fn 11~c Goverlimnnilhintin4 OftliAS h .4,.:P-iNbing• tar The ne4 - 4,.:Eplieop4 :Mite' So-, . tv inrcting willlieheirl of the rc,...l4ence of L . J. titaFp7ll24, on , lllozwlay e -enliagyleit, nt which , ji: tne sprit` tittleini.kill be frie4...elitedby. a inun-, i 1: , ..i L.: 1 , .t Ile girls. - ' • • Mil )feeting. - flil;velxen h4ld every 0,1 , 100 , 1 xuti craning tar sonic days past in 31. E. Clikirhi si l si Arge, number hare: and fotind an intervt. Ifaviour.. g! , ... - !ingp will lii.!ema tinned So bong:ark o,yl Pt i:‘ tiy ti•Oti w*fo Ikftend. . - • •••••4- CHANGE OF . BAsz.—Al the. urgent ~,iwit:itifnnlit a large inajoiity of the. residents SrErcss has concluded to i,niply with their wishes and reside `among. tic de arcs na to stare that his accounts in the !atria, ot . v. Turn , En,i IS 9 • . 1:11e breaking o . 8. smash-ty .1.01110 treigbt' train going Pritlay evening last, on. Sugar ~crypk, A s L.taitt• Sup'exiti t ende•Jt r_smox i=.mrir lint , is repaiml to the SCOW of . nit .wci• sti r eepaed 'clearing_ the truck for, throtghlrain south in the .rnoruing. Rev.. r;‘l ai ucre battly . bro . 4eri, but no person liaB4 '1 ucuptca a <411.t0 the tearitigt church E.ift , It. W. 131.t:Sr, bf Orwell, has beeorrto r 1.1 - tlit. tiat -church at Ogder)sbnrg, I'. . E.'\. LAX( STeNti is liyhting a strict; .of the 'rhirty afi! . r.vvnty coilversiossltrSV6 taken tinder th , I.lJors or . .. 1 - :‘!‘ t: Trertrinr9ti,..k . D. ht. liaptit church, . • —— • - 11 . y.kLuiso.—Thc brirrlit and • .!, ,21:; of winter bate ones more covered rivir l , !tn , l`4llr":gi nnung.in9 tanasca4.,4 •- r • v.:J.:L(11,16h wit 9. Oqr pf.ople, a 3 oniliht be 'etp4fo; ftri pr,.%ing ihr Ilr,CiA•poriun4tY.uxtelid'edto theip' cal.i'wniter, and the merry beliFininaling with. laughter or tlippleasnie-ser.kers, till' 111< .lII' w:111 sounds niptie.al ' Merchauti, meelnuties'and laborars are' li"'king 'fora - ant for ItFolier times.. %We rth. tlnwl I.erouting !midi, better supplied with ‘,l+:_t•;' our have again commenced grind- for fecd and. flour Wylihisitig,' at the presetit, *t . ll i~t , ith all erdittary neeessiiri;A-4 the tisception 'of a j!rinting pre.vs, foritidk suffering, oitng to the ~f tiff:nay tahint which from time .to bab.suur.katerion.sly sprung up in our midst. , • IN' , arfici',lt'aiql Iliat - seple 'are being takyt! by .r;lr c!Om-prising citizens to get_one locateil here' f • we• etippose), and We have not 11. , d“tibt tli t tic perveveranee tbey : thee ! .;reate.-,t • zult . i mill probably arise . m lizining a satiefactory and proper name. " Wiaa-Saitics" bus brrn while aft (l, L ,ve prvscnted 84.1.0 very 'substantial: rpa- -..1- ‘ , 11) it should be called `` 4,-gracator." rlr.v't• rertemanse hest:R.6 selected for the, office, r, irk t•i - lic . rartitioned through the. centre, :i.. i •• hi. hitch part teaiirvcd for the contrib.nt#ro' I= • As motley is quite scaree;with its at prefient,• :,-; "Mall capital being necessary to get the I 1.; •; .; _ 7 i; 'operation-, the', stockliolders; . who are. I do the'',coutributorft • Only, make the I; ;:;;', lib4:ll.;offer, and the same to be paid is the' attieles, furnished - at evriense and withlnt little inconvenieum s i ;%;; •L'bibriiirhlcticihttilinte a' Variety of tine 1;;!;..le.. - .1pe views, mostly PL the neatly tramied, 4togelber ss'ith 1.19 MCP, UtUrliPS, 4ke• - This will ill(' &dec. neat and attractive: "Bald-ey" hill nrinulature anti adminiiter nitrous oxide „gat., bi,iptiet tie; ease. the mentll, T;bora mi Yog thrOws in a "rout tlufiliil3itters,7 so the '' pooh devils" Kilt possess tlio ...means of - raising tip their falleirspiritl! while gwenting over his .; " Joe "semis over l Ands irfliegt mitt' raelt fresh from of 1,1 - ;.4fe h ;11. . 71111.e. ; ;Y:0 ; i t '," hands over. the ~,:-.Miln,rporfiliti. o rlais2.l;alt w.orn-out paint 1. to "Ititrena;fiiiiit Klll ',chew biti. best .11 hi." whitewnsiiing' the iiew Mlles. \v" arc to koala that sitar an enterprise ha. I...eit iiwttliened• anteni:onr, ;Citi*ettft, and 11..1 the "prodnet of ihrain " leave an op , po.:tunity of Animating to'. its fulle . st extent : — th.it , ftir correspondents can ‘ have, txtrit..oh mr;if - the pubh' . - - tuli4--wheyn" each ciin find?ee • ;;;••, 11 , 4 )15.ie their ' Tiling restrained to au: sll..tt-u.iii,deit itificirhen their ambi raft., thprii 3 On,..tut to the fßrthest ex• 11,1 - c they may shun eloquence, bid de ....... to Websier;s tct.morfarue, and on areal "1;1, -.1;-;16.11,'"" lire . dad" "individual, be tlttu a 1 lilt top of the heap. ;_ each esPeeted loi 5uh ...,111,.., tor tliit t ,ituaruftl, and so,,yon afie,a rather lard, rircnlation c j , ri.mis _itself .4. the cunl mrm:emetitt •itm!cial isgAni ettiploed tii . visit 'weekly each snifticriber lotit ,t.:he lowlt,'s(l that when articles tire - be .ll their crunkirelienskin„ft 'explanation gip it as to who it Wag direett to hit. liithis way'we think the ivitpern be made aiirTa . attary the great and - :gritting d , Thatidg. Their etch of Yhitr' cdd, :-/fait , ' buildings nifty turn as by ,magig IWO (*Ater :saloons and printing offieis: Our stantly posted as ;to; their I;infirmi ties arid theicorrespondents derleie . nciea-- , kuuw who arc %going 1,. the: tit-ist.itutiators of Byron And ,pick -,..., at..l ell. l '3lll grasp the greatest -part of sI e. 'care . ); coat -tilt kt they -tr tv y outniiid lent on - tile honor. 14artartr. Jan: 1871: • P-Tirl3c reipaest-of a little band al u and aister,g At 1441. 81),Ilug F 414 desw -.u::bt ing reengetzed ag a Itaptigt eittircly to Ter•earorall3aptigt Ohnich," the Itgated - 4PiS4l.cburelio,tjao 0:012401. at the rreelo.ll pfti..4t Lll, 4ar. 14,1871, tdr the Ta . pi* , aicent - ceestityttr, the ulOuty - of rucrogiOulgiatil brctbrefOLO l o to a ,: a chuielvist'ettrisi- .- > IHet at ti•Afet - 'l4!ltei" . . E. Thu ..__11141„1.8; ! Gina& called ~r OO- ; I' appoinitiig;ReT. D. D. Groin. Mod.; "1.46.4, 'awl A.l. tirowii, 6144 (Ilyarvlies nprel;eutt:iintikiintitbythoiirilit•- ;;At , as f. , llovi-.; : I Braintrinf chnrch—pcv. D. ( - 1, ay ( i,aAci), ; 61, iir , 0; -.15 . 1 1 * 15r. " 44; ‘ l 33 , luslng—Clutrlca.:A. Ik eYrtm; . . , ... - • smith Autyr.rn —.Noah Baldrrirti Tinflia -7...111,a11, Ill.‘li rhiti elt*llenr} - Granger, : henry . Van- Logi, t ; Atelidgiany-,,,,,1::T4‘..1ayrin,:.Tan; Car- , Penteiri Terrytasvit.;..Charle4 Thanipanni.E.S. ** 'Tern - ; NortliArilnitir-Rev. It. it.',Onay,A, A. ~, I ' • Jamb I . • TOrtnintli - ilei 8 - 'I .-i rat, Tit wawa,: , 1.11.1 ; 11Errielivill --Ezekiel CarrA. ii.; Brain. I oil tautiik,.., if* g- I ,pieth*.lfq-'3 O 14 ,,i, L t .? , 1,,1n_ hi the Ail& atiena or tfin meeting. an- "Pktlorits - follotra 1 - Natkan - Klzean; Mos: Bela L C•vg . .tvt.ll, Ley..1.1. .-Breekin ,rldk. 944....151.gr0#b, , ,, J.. , ... It m ( . 10 - ie( 0 MiliiZei. —: ''''. ' ' On motion. the nteanf previonstikkeetinga, tl,lll4eitr tiv 1. 14 4 I n faith as. ' alit:Toted lit aidd t' littrat; called ka.. •• 4 ic - a(l.`, - ' - ' . 2 . - '' .%.rter tine itlyettagation relative Au Ike, dare .11.4 titMi , litta . ^ftrien; and'Acit'intifier7 I- ... ./. .•• 'pt thou.,: 1m.:41 , tridepianlent eltnich, tt ,tlt', .nn innti Illicit- Philsral*f Brews- !, 1,111101140 rezular Bapti> ;ou niptitna,-. preaZh ilia v Gray to itt, thtt flioNtoito the -- 11._Gray toWitiodlite and Brother Philander Brewster to !make its Aga g a z i i ii : - ...ICI Prityetby Rev. E. W. Breekinridge, of Well IL Chard. ,370015,110 A 11 . 4 f Oriel &fiat:ft hottrAtj Connell- called to order in the alletplon Reading of the ntriptereThilind tini,er by Bent 1 BelaVegewoll; *losing by.. She -ciaair.. ; Renog nixing sermon by Est. g..A. Lusk, &inn Becend i op / 4 Xiiindif f T: 38 1 i7 —"41,894tw0 ilv*Ltfyi 'biapkragotiof nod,' gip le, - ..ye".„, AAit ' Aiiiio4 llo : o 9 l7 odivailbti. 2 _ , ....' in righteousness': That the =II At eiork.- he rierfeet, thoroughly mnibdiataiiiklitri works." Discourse worthy of the an `Jett. nerJl P. /3.l3niy,'lri woe& very apireoprit3e, digiver.4 ed the charge, enleininutipon said brethren: tad ilia 3; O RM/ 9f, maintaining citria, .H. dap folioed:ill and fbrbearindt, one towar d an other, watehtug.orer each other for igtxxii erd tom. --- - . .. observe all the ordhmnica of God' i s house se; as uot to bring reproach upon rise-of the the' Mister. ' • ' -. -- s );ev: ii. It: Pray. In behaltof the cured, ei-: tc;irictSeviriOst;ipusi otjallowship•srith re 4 marks ril l ,. a;po,a--stekenning then' td the fellowship.ot,,sistcr ell*. t f.ieSt eel 97c .ssuns faith Und-order. "i•' t - - '-'-` - '''"'- t ; =EI Ik:cognising prayer by Brother Brewster wad . spiritual. invoking the spirit snal,leesings of kind Protldrilr oma se& necompan, On motion,it tins reinentded . that the proceod-; ioga be published in.tho county paper—the BE I row:sin—and; the dereaminaikiusl p.per---thei ..Valforoal - On mtition,'n vote of thank! to - the brethren of the Freettili DePtist Church, for their loud nes* in ripening .. their irottec i of un • thei , occasion, was eitended. Pin Ny t+voVtoir, and benediction by Bid kodorator. - _ll .'THE TROODLS IN THE METHODIST - Bo.* Mikr : A. Illp - .utilivpy Biala of Affairs in tbellethodist - Dook Concern hare become publici-and haw; otnstfl, and atrt tit) pausing great excitement in the public Mint alt( its I.bere seems to be . a, Orieral?del.. crndnation tnotateanitOrV . on thepart of the both -` • d .: ete*f te Airesti, bri re ups ar. .sc ; fttlenntler , stand and.raisload'the minds of the rieol46 to the real - natnre of ilie•diflienity, I hare been requested to try to give a little -light on this - apparently hard.to-be.pideratorli = subject. 'There seems to he a nideipread,,impresbion that' great frauds and defalcations hare takenplaco, rt the Book Comm: i.p7AQw Y.lark,lo 4►o a mpteit. of hundreds of thongauclii of dollars, and that instoritl of bringiug the guilty to jastioo, them is a continued effort on the part et the• church mieticipa . rly to ; tr . tieletetis ccryer, -#o frfrauds and make ake the pnblk `•+ heffere that none, have been 6onnvittell. M Allethodlit-preneb er I,s•lrty ihot *net, ig Hu' c'sse snil I- think n • brief statement: of the thttigedvot of Mb; diffi c,u4y. the 'pisty(lar will proveto,every ithlirt4pt diadquind , that there ie no disposition to keep I thliigd tit the dark. ThellethoOllffook (kid= cerirlilie;wof.erty of the ' wlfeilef3lpthodist Episcopal Clturtlf, et"c! NI a huge business con cern controlling millions of . cajiltiff; +ma affect ing the financial and moral interests Of million! of people. It is managed in the interests of tho Chinch by ministers elected everylMtc yowl* the (lencral Conference, which fs composed of delegates flour all the armnal conferences. The 'agents of neb ptiinclo9 btmse in :Caw Terk, • where the frauds arc said id 12vs been cam-, nutted, are. Dr. THOUAS CAILLTOX, of the Dr.tez: ',see Conrcteire, and Dr. Jon:ar LANAILAN, the `Baltimore cOnference, D. CARLTON, tbi..prin cilia' agent; has been hi the Concern nearly nineteen ;years Or my meinory is not in fanit). lie is considered to havel3nainess qualiticationa- gerond to for men in America, - and _under hie Tinblisbing interests of the church 'ivo had B.lCreig Dr. LANAIIiIt, an itsitistatq agent, Tssf; eleefrit do years, ago Last spring. Of his bushier:lT qualiti-_ cations, the history of the past twti . yeara is not to many ery rortintendatile. One year ago !apt Se•ptetnber, the, church and. the w94d Mere all cf ; a t!tuhlen startled and aldt vied by s highly iictiSational article in the New York Ik uay charging great !rand - nd mismanage ment,in the book Concern ; and what made the matter more •I!ainful, one of the agents; lANAII.IN 1111141 to 'publish a denial to the artielo, thereby admitting its truth—'Dr. CA . /TT:- TON, the Renicr agent ; denying thil statement. The stipereishin of the pnblishinginterests, : and agents and editors of thp church, are-.given ,in. cbarge.of the ..)mmittecof fifteen mitilittkre . .of the church; elected by the,Getieraletferencit, to Iw hem the 4 are• amenable for tbe discharge Of their anties These ministers are 'members of (Lift:re - 0 au final conferences, and from differ "Mitßectloßs of the country, and are called the riook Committee. Inustediate4. on the Oak? , ment of, frauds and defalcations in the principal, a licking of the. coniinittae was ordered in New York to investigate said at- lege& frauds.. After a hasty, examination they 11tabli.161 their-.report, which. ;iota. that they found the general management of the busiuks good; that possibly sonic loss had twcurred by the mismanagement of the forefnaii employed iu tho.hinders deparitne.t, but that any •dan ger of further loss in this. departinent by the Said torentan-is now removed; that, financially "the Concern 'MIS sound and prosperous. _ This report was unsatisfactory to the press and to many in . 910 church. , The flittnor of "conceal- Ment " r.ud "whitewashing" Ilia raised from ope end of the union to the other; and,was so v,rect• that fliO committers was called to Incet again ami have a second. inve„stigation. Dr. -I...t:s.tii.vs and all dissatisfied parties were called on to expose all frmul and mistostnagemeut .in She kriFihesa:.• - . The books of the h&tse weir; open, and every facility wag giredto the 'com plainants toznusko good- their eliargO, whfch they utterly failed' to do. The report of the committee, with the tetogmony fished .to the world. Instead of • '.`,_Fraudil :frintl! frauds! and a riAtenCol*Plll!"—as Dr. lAXATI.I . published—it appeared that. the. net .prixfats of the Concern for the year 18GS had "beenil3l,9so—a.state of prosperity never be fore riaelled.l Is there anything bele that looks like " coneoshoent"—of "dishonesty or ,avhite washing".,Fonlitt; part of the church? Is Is it not ostonishirig that after the report of the committee and testimony had boon given toilic world, declaring .that no fund liad been committed ancrnO loss sustained .hy -, the Con . cern, that so many still persist that the church is covering uppiquity and crime, and refusing to let 'the la 4 tic known? At ; present, the bye and cry is that hocanso Dr. *L.vican.ix , exposed ,. these alleged-rolibmics to the world, the church. is disposed to try him in secret Setutioris to ac cciniplislilds-tulu. such 1s not !'thee case, and never Las IX.'UIL. Dr. L.tx.utaN is accused of in competency ns theclittrch's agent in the pub dishing, business of the church ;—for this, unfit nests he has been pelt upon his trial lit fore' the Bs.suk t .t.lonnuittee,urid several of the Bishops Going present. Irtheyshould find the'ishitige ititsta*cl,p4iuciely have poor to sitsperid been as BOoliAgentoOf the 31: 1 E:- - Church Until the next A3encral .Confercnee, which meets in . That the - committee trti , s justified iii brinr,ilkhini to Irbil, .is evident- froth the., fact that ,without consulting the aenicirsgent,or the Book COmniittee, be caused the - church' great scandal and loss of character as well as money-4ke.profitsfalling off aftcr_the . alleged fronds bad been corrOeted from tlll,OO a year to t 65,719, besides. serionS . -embarasiiinenta `the - credit of the Concern ; as a debt . ,Of nearly dellirs.hadjustbien contrketed for real estate and building suitable fcir its growing busiiieia, • This debt had been thrown upon the' titarkethathe form ,Okbeiida running for a pe riod of Yeais.'" 'lVg can readily understand what thesithiet.wcmlilbeao.the hoblertof the .bonda and {heir ftirther sale.-'Dr' fititaitA3 still,in mists that there: eonapliwey of the majority of the committee, anifintereated `parties of the Ilookllopm, to conceal the frauds and 'ruin bim. We fail to see it. klome, Jan. 27.1871. ; 71 - : tho fuqpnifig; . • • ; I °urn Lt.o.ix, the • s . 4rp . audacious, loqua dons, the spicr,str ;musing, hesartv,Tili. ful, ectieninc,The fashiei**eitravagant, sen sational, the exquisite, charming, provoking, brilliant, dazzling, cooties' and classical, sweet, miedieval and ever young, soarins, touching, incisive, raistpktitia . n4 pignut s eq.ling and beaming and airrebiesUng, limpid' and liquid, and.itsinftiPtitustking, Mid 1 4 /g1; 40.* 4 1 614- cal, scornful, tennieitnous, arch 'ari iury and etherial, graceful and rastehil, naive and suave and brave, and eloquOit; aid' passionate, and ar4 Parisian and queenly, mad Amato ! . Iy; and sparkling, and tuasoMe4inkir, at Satoh.' me-not, and besittitid, kindly} sad untiring and aspiring and dellanteandPeweteits and original, and only. pile, in sdirizt„,Oarn Limas lectures at Oltem Amok toting . * Th 6 Passions." • It will bd reidendiered same Ours is to lecture Iserspista tow Teas, -•• • ===ll Lusk lilts' ; tor: 15,, D. VS- The Titusville Herald gets off ICE 311 FFIA . I ing. lip fur side. INuptire 11. • the( 1_ ki lir 4 i • - 1 111 trA rila tM mrxers Block, Bzidge • v.. 0 1 6.lTt.43llreAOti 4i Feb. 1,1971. C owan. k 4,” : • • 10?- 22 .4V* *PO* NanOn Enquire of Ontermas k PArro*l, at their SPr l'?"-T .sirCianikVistrurviprimeigoeme of the largest and :Oast 'respimuifble Inatirance', rirribolifrWeadFirer,o thp,- e"' ui Besiihiginittrittio6 ahead eittftril Bautnnco.-:LA Yew ' boarders oto se.. cure firet-eiaiiituniiiiirith taliiiik ty ,yinii; at Nov 328einestiltristu . . .7 ,i pa g . e I Also a inn one-horse oesereSCsniage ( :rub-' her tolvi. - let-iialniitle . ftirio. -I ',_ zit,. ~. . itor'F. W. •Bsows has on h , . 13 s' freidli*POlT ddifisg; - sseakis*.isinis; Tarnish, tone, Akticlea, .ncotipPia. fancl isoaPs, pertninelles, Oh& kibacio and cigars, and, in! ( 32 41(w/044 4914 a 41 11 9 0 11 1 g, establishment. , I • 16.Gin:tints Werrcrx, 'dealers Rrix,ast?k, IriusietimiaccooPta on it reasonable o i property, valnation t And Wins otitarnent,leri at their (AEC* on Bridge •Street, Towanda, Fa.; !ill re.e.lvill tbetr PTP l 9ooltteP ti C ;3l ._ I • Nmer..-=-Ttail friends 'of Bet. E. BtrunoEnits "Uri& blOap doparbaion Wednes day, Feb. 8, 1871, at the house of P. 14. fkivrama, fu Berrldb, alteentnin and framing. A general Wm:la/28e ft Nevelt/ By order' of committee: . • Y. 8. *snow. r. par Two Houses . for rent on ! See oOd "strect—possaiiion giTen im tLo !tilit or April ;- and also one house and lot for Sale on the. corner of. Fourth us! Elizsbetb_ streets. ' 7th. 1871-2.1 f. . D. Rm. has juS re ceived siarie 311 1 0 11 of Milinsif 'Goal at a great reduction to price—likewise a fine 'assort ment of new ltehia .af Rats arad T otlier; fancy goods far flip EtitAdlys. That ticoOr cast of Ilnamnata. ilmoEwais,Dridge Street. ,• lie" The friends of Rev. HALLFCS. Anstsrnoivo will'mske him s d r onition tint Al the parsonage, Monroeton, ion Irridiy; Feb. 3; 1871, afternoon and evening. Oysters uidoth , e't refreshments Rill be ftirnishod. - iroiri- Zially invited. 1 , 2w . The einntlatip' g. library at Cnoss's Book Store Is an inelitution Of Which a great many have availed themselvoyand . for small amount of money rrin'eh valnable may be obtained. Cross is a public benefactor, rec:eltiinf not& tithe of whit he gives in thia manner. lila alosk.at wall paper, stalionery,' kc., is alsoi complete. . SRI - The_ place .19 , 1 bny Frunitwi chcsp is'at the Cash Store on Bridge 18treet. J am all kindi of !ilia hire dlicapor than any home in Towanda. If:yon have any doubt on' that,Kore. L art and examine for yotir mires. J. It. riIIiNNET. • P. 8.—1 adl no auction goods; iskU 100 arc from the best manufactories di*.ct, and warfAted. sar J. o.Faosr, d lgoia, aro doing . . ifitnense baldness Ithei furult* line. 'Their ettcneite warc-robms are constantly be ing replenished with artiCles from their own martufactury, which areincitt, durable end ebetip., A person may expend as Muth or as little mo.l ney with them, as he chooses, and is always cox.: twin to get the wortifof C.Ofiltis and 'lstria' caskets to order, and . one f the thu4d l hearses in the country. . . oo.• mind and ,genereas. affection have more beauty and 'thw thin ail other symmetries in the World besides; aad grain of honesty and native worth • is of more fates, than all the adventitious - ornaments, es-' fates, or preferments — for the sake, which Demo of the betttc sort sa l often turn knaves. And lit-Cans k EDWARDII . o ff er greater itiaig& m- eats to purchasers of grOccries and provisions than any other estabilstimrit in Northern Niri ey/vartia. • - • - Pt t7t —= BLIC VZSD axing sold . - my farm, I Mill sell at Public FVendno at ;my--resit ilenco in Rome, on Wi'dnesdai , Fcb.i 8, 1871, commencing at 10 o'clockka.n.', the following •personal property : 20 cows, a2two year . : olds, 1 Inirhitin - bull, 1 fat ox, 1 Marairith fos1;10 years old ; "I:horse 10 years old I,.sl:tati of Matched mares, - 7 years old 1 colt,2Aus ; I t rfhosts, 1 lutiiber wagon, 1 set double lirness, I pair of log sleighs, 20 tons of hay, 100 busbebi of pota toes, he., ke. Terms—all sums over 0,00,-nincs months' credit with good security. J . : - • • 4.. • tu.max • • z Mrs: E. C. AlcresmAs Ims em ployed Mrs. Altisnx CAII1L11.2; the popular dress; maker, who will after the Sth of: Detroiter as sist her in tho duties peculiar to her - Iva:idiom To those who have employed het, the announce ment sullit;ient; .. te"tboselibo riot been as fortunatque ca n : only 4y,.l(init your dresses out in the ntoatip(truted styk and nicely fitted, give her a cap. . i l' Nu. icacanatan.alsoVOCpa:allne ailiortnaoo ibiatela of r4t - jaces, enditvidetitati. ' _ - *a dasnliTEulzasr; also the greatl; 1... 14 ju.t.co:ol Itiviovia 'o6{t; for c itirieln dies'oniasele and ehddietea dlitaiies, imaitiarg, Rack}, .te. Charts olingirudticizi to i 4 had'-on ly °Ellin. E. C. Armatiks, Eddie , Strict, To- Banda, PI: • 4.7, 1 , freir We take plaagtite in " Tying for the benefit n our reedera,the following par agraph relating ti, the immensoretail clothing trade• demo by DiunrciiCurrss., miland Broadway, New l York. - Ho i thereirog- I. • nized leader of the Clothing trade, ark has ion the place by introducing business isles of his own which have matte that establishment pope lar all over the United !States. sales are .orer eight hundred lhoniand defers annually at retail--all for cash. We advise mit'••rictiils to call and see Bra.nWirrshen they visit Aoti lock. Hoar what he says,: ' I': • - All throigh the-recent falEmenthillhe day topic among merchante sas " trade:" to which " dolorous pita" ite have pot set our voice. That we have bad no reannn for any such complaint, to afibmit a tew statistics : in one of the irreb of November are solds27,- , Xiti.l.s, and in tiro or the days of thatiweek $15,. 311.10, one of which amounted to $1.1,60.2-i. It'shonld be remeziabered that we make no garment to order-sell Cntittly from' a stock of ready-made clothing-tsfour own Ina7facture— I git the money for eeery!garnse:nt we ilmake no charges or memoirandnell :elusively at Malt- hare been 'on the:Lbrseri lug (Mite three years—and seffvulire clothing a retailthan any Qther hmise in the eil Necret nj - Naccesse price, and a low *price —fair dealing—polite attention--handsomest cut garments ever - Offered ready-made-excel lent workmanshind largest stoelt in New York. ' .pre g ressitiely, wars._ BiLovx THE CILOTIIItn. 411.8.L.SaturdaY 2411" Baia tri•dayi ' .$13,2t/LSB Entire Week, - . 33,271.13 . Balbwis J C ER. I BALDWIN riillesis $ say at he is not Interested in onytel4 in the Chiming trade out of New York. He andti.itsece — ty' to 4 es tablish this fact, heiiiideriitamts tneelOth laglitores are reptesentild as branches of his. ;_ CLAPPER—RDIREIT.-L-11 - I'wtearora, Jam 29,1871, by D:11.-Bigf,114,4dbit , Clapper, of Mamma, to Mr& Malnua-neu, of Rev. Wm. Shelp, oßkes'ißi ' Frost, botkof Wm. IIAritrY—TAUGHAN.—In "Cheater,Pa., on ,4lt. HP 31 1 *IYIn, „ 6_,-potimw tc, •=41t..• ). T PTivitt4---IIBIDLEY.—At Stan g Stone, Jan. M, MLA; Janaillatt, E.,..faines- B. Liitettits aid -* - liiiiil4lo;4oaCOUPP -•• 1 4 , ELLIOTT.--,1u,49me; Thurtii 'lloWasagreflOacie --Tearof Illn. age. . i , . , . IMU N IIII t A A ir r elit : ' failir ql4 l troll: 44 r ' W:ali the inffib Year 1= L &Nu._ J. H. r lir 1 ' MARRI,BD,, i) D , % - ,sillisptelltmlber end - wanted. v iitly to '. Ilawss Bacmmil, Jim. 6, . _ ,Gpeenv a-I have it* receifed , stock of Tea, bought since the reduction duty on twat ten cents per poo nd them at SSW imprimis annexed : Best Yowls Arson, Good SOD, nOO L . OURIV, MAO 90Cepil 1 75 ett%Hyson - Good, .50 cents; Best Op. and ' Jan.4s, 1871. . Oro. L. Eszt.ra. liNti:Do not forget that Twis sold , st lic 6 tett for 1511,f4nts. Jan. 1:15 1871. _ • I - 11MgFresh lysters by the' gallon„ quart na:diali at el Dalcrr i r Dinin,. B t jui 3n . 2w.---"Towunia,*e. VOOct Turret ind tire *is Cabiatet Makett, at the l Totrantle Tnreillfie Itsmeectory,whbm' steadPeriplalM4l4 and. libtrat wageil* will be, 'given. i U. }loam.% W. JaneXl, 1811. c ; ,;' . , , A.. filt _ • - ~. _ ICIILTVI ColAitGA °FE-Jim - x- 1 , . . nmuteL—This e rrutitntiow rekiiipen fur; Spring.Ternt of I—trenti-fonr isicks—on, Friday.Ve . ° . _ ~.... ~, - , For general ctrrolar. catalogue and other hi- , format n, adflref#l Taint. 3. Bunnotrat, ' Airienitnill Coileger, 4 Jan. 313,11371,4 w. 4 . tv:. C-rntre Oil., Pa. Mir The Braitlferd 'Cotuitt:Testeh ere' Association meets at Munroeton r ao 10ti and 11th of Petatary. Lectrtrer— .J. "Stewart; Alternitit--ner.4l.. noire; Essacial —Nall Awe ene,f la n d Add iti Passznare ; De-, claimers-om, peer and P. L. Chrispell ; Business - Cornini •e—fl. Armstrong . A. G. 'Cramer, G. D. th. Annie Myer and Jennie Phinney. ' 0. H. IlinNs, Bee. See'y. i , Jan. - A 1871-2 w. . , lifir A meeting of the Stockholdersi of the. Towanda Gas and Water Compani,for. the purpose of increasing , the capital stocic will be held at the office of the 'Company Wednes day evening, Feb. 15, 171. By order of the. Managers. ' C. L. Tulcr,'Sec'y.lll Jan. 30, 11171- 1 4 w. • Fon SALE.---One of the best Hotels fiftWenttrttry: — lngtfire tbis.ofitce. Feb. 1, ten—tr. 4 . , . ser_lard. FLETcHEI L oukIstou, and 3lrs.l3aurrokia„ orTowalida.wowid. ernultice . to the ladles of T011'10413% that they will opennn Febnsary 1, 1871. on Bri4S l l teeir eßcr .1"g" ds ScWes - Hardware Store, a rat-dams 'Dress. snlikhsg Etitablishment, where Will be frond 'all the latest Paris, Newyork a ndSoston faaVona. Caning and fitting dope at short notice.: idea Spartiondaratteation paid to eblldren's dram - 'GP" We gnanuitee sti tisfaetion in all the irork.ne do. di e cut, make, and trim clothing for men and buys wear. • H. Mann ic Co, 4 Bridge Stroct. Toyranda,.l'3. and LeMOlll4 yeryidee, just received at Feb. 1, 1871. • , Cown.L k Myr:es. 1826. MONTANTES 1870. Have just opened a large and carefully select ed stock of goods for the fall trade. Dress Goods, Sheeting, Flannels, Prints. kc. TC/14, Sugars, Syrumand Groceries of all kinds at New lforit prlerst ezislery • and Glngstrare of tsar own importation, hi fact. ton vs.tensire stock to iternir, bought evtlfrialvely for oath. and gnaranteed to be seld ati.lo'wer prieta than ever offered in thitr ===l . mar Hrom 11.fitics, Minchant larilDridge stree t. • STE . Aw.—l will piny market pricc i for fIIT or sit tons cle.i iA reg't id 11c eor Meat; Straw, to be dolireird on TowanlaVlsts. I Dee. 1, iErzo, • It. u. WEILL& . ie.. 1 ; V. Drn me,- e , s 3usi - c Storoj: east of Mercnr's - Bank, first door, Where Tim( will find nano's, Mvlocicona, Organs,'. Violins; Guitars, Banjos, likings, AccordOons. Clarion.: eta, Flutes,, tihret , Music, Instrudtion Books foi? all Lnatrnments, )(tulle Books and all kind.. o( 31(We:A liforclrandise. . April . l4, 10. lea— The conrso -puistieil by tliq ' smeade Mills, of gelling gixxl dour at the low. o. it •productivebf Inttheronti ads antages. It makes a ready market for D o ouperior wheat of "011' vieinity ;' supplies eon? anm'rs, with a cheap and wholesome article of fresh ground Hour, and as a natural result nutketik active busiriesi for the Stills. War in L'iiropfq drortth; and short crops.aro f hathig; the effect to raise this' 3111 T 'atthnea. scll at mluiraurit prices. Julx 28, 1810 - ~ • ; • • „",- • ,41 TO THE PU1,1L1C.77 , -After, this us our burr:legs bo coal:hided oh tho ' :CASH SYS„TEM. NO le will be granted. - Thanktig the eiti; e i i aeria f tho county for the very liberal patron. 'age Oa allgUrhgrthenpiittriini, aro tam -1. sure them tfuitore shall leper no pains to kce up the reputation of our wink:and expect_to largely increase our facilities for manttfactnring :Boots and Shoos.; and also expect to demon strate to our:old enatowers that it iif, for !their interest, as well as our own, that goo , is be pally for on delive - ry. We have made this new ari ..rangerneut, believing it to-liti tie only trim ail+ tem of doing business, and eipiict to devote the time heretofore given to book4eeping. and ca lecting to selecting the best goOds in oar lin .which the market affords, and paying Fiore pag ticnlar attention to the manufacture of first class work than heretofore. Jam. 16,.1871. ." Bolivia:La Ileirrazueg ~' • " ' ---•4.----- 1 ' rIANDS,•OUGANk AND MELODEONS.—'r We an. selling first-Java Pianng, Organs ar.il Mckalconit at reduced prices =doll easy terrna. Persona who are in want of a good instrument,, will find it greatly to their-advantage to :.7.4ive, a call before purchasing els..wherC. COLE, raSVAUF: Tottands, Pa. Jan. 18:1871 it-‘For insurance against, loss . or dannge by fire, in rtliiiblo eonipanwq, apply t" .It!ns W. Fitz, Agent, :Towanda. Pa. 31ereues •Bleck.. north. side of- Pub c Doc. 1, intl. Office *mare. Call at Was — E. J.' Kings •05 oo4y Corset, *be being tho only agent • • ty. Wo would re tuunliiss pom env itdvantagiwoototi' any other: -la to its fine shape, it is- betty . . rivotri y, *be medic)) fitotarsislarTsrppt.rter. 1310 -tr. , for the Lattice ipeesing addit mend . Ike. • For tt first-clags Pandit Sro* at a nit& price, , go to the Wyaliising Harp ware s re. . G. F. Cusainera.sis. Wyal • g, Dee. 5, IS7O , , ; • • • .Frehli(Oysters at wholes i ate,- i - ster Thpot. Office white e Store, Bridge street,'Towandarri. • at the and Dl DOC. fro; to. the Bakeo, first door north of Ward House, for fresh crackers I Ort. 27,1870. - D. W. Scorn .E Co. 1167"Sedmik-linna Sdising, Illachir&S for sale at a bargaltt Lv Wickham 4t Mack.'_' Alm? Mocltine. :Needles, 00,' Thread, Sills, ,„ • • Jtippl,24‘,..lB7o z — tfl • ice- A. F. (successor . lialdninj dialer in llardware, ;ware, Stores, Nails, Iron. IkTo, Belting, Faints, 'Oils, Putty, 'Saab, Class; Doors, and everyttaiv optically. Itoyd to allstrdware Store. Chmdrisohl ,at irliolesiaTo arntretall H e rr low.' Terms' mei. D. TI, 1870,41. .• -• I I.Tror Livertisiett, , Fom.gA_Ty.„Town , Lot, ' situated .411 Mahon 13ciitx.,betaren the Catholic Chnicn and Mulct litrert. fronting on the mint road 'frt , m Intahose to Tonandai2o2:lB4l fret. I . teing iota no , 1 17 and 1,9 on the place of mild town. Hatistre of D. aunt JACKSON, 4A / 421reeet • Dualicee, Pa., or • • Xra. nalcka. pba;nt, trß • • • silOscriber A• will expose to public sale at his rest; :domoe. In Windbarion THI:IIIfIDAY. FEB. 9. 1 8 71. :commencing at 10 O'dock, a.m4 the following per med/ property, to. wit: uno loam boanr- Ought. 11 01104 c MOO r OW, ono 3t yearOzold• colt, 20 bead of Cows and piing cattle, 10 Wm la Hay. Harness. 1 'flowing XectiMe, 1 Democrat plat. form 'Pring wage"; illotraber. ,- Wodott. 1 ilifiritY. 1 Sulky. 1 set Bobsleighs, Cation - Plows. Drags, and otber • i nternal too rm tp, a .10 I gatiCat Jip 21411 AXON , i. -ARRA/Mgt 1.1 XlMit—To time,- mMtet 'extra trittiliat; ,any dispatiou aettlemeakeinl4MithdloashiPi We hareelitletitehtfrioh4doniry-t , to ID, 187 , to settle oar book 'mount mist every three =minis orVietwirik) AptlLl.tb MAO' CO 1111101.1081411i1t Ito 10. We inlaid M cart, this rsk lefty mit to the. kitten Ten per «pt. trill be, charged , oss, AOA accounts from purrhsetrot goods, It' hot lm itt the tithesenelitioned above. An NAP hrt= setnetkitwa illtifOlUggit,irith V. ft. 4 Eefferty; to WM, l'er;4111e411 an LA d settle Immedistebr• Ihnxiptown. NSI.T& - DIM " . .=.1P1111 1 10i: .{Mlide :Vogiiitii4 JLA of the subscriber , about the 16th o Jou.. In* Obiligiotted Coir.. red lad artiliar-The'elhialcli esqtaested toiworß pe el pay charges tad bike heriaray. ,•-r:s1; " --I , olllriralibleJadiAlseek J 16:114thinellie • eI . LoVEtt*ERIV4e . 6 - vit 1211erEA _Tine_lknetVidnitritnASlli*to 4%zai 4 ;" 4 :1 1 " i"1.: - feb.lll ill r . w. BA, , -17T1:11!UIJiS80EITMEN-T-4:IP Sobjott--" povek A Poem." • If I Z 41.1011DMIORMIrn. •'- .• v 7 - ' • • • • IL Air • I T IS.. Ailme.DaikHa•lnr Shpt."- 7 -11; 0 04 Peolgaberif F lM, . • , - • .‘• .{ • . • asTros Pi. I , MALE SOUTH:. •• Maysoakni9:oolollol./Pntrot4o. Date,lanuary EMI le 4;3; • ‘'w.Epg i r e yin:Linl •- . : ME OLIVE LOGAN. ; • czi v . • entdert—n • ; cll.oolJantlirr7t: :• NA. E. DICEINSQN; itibjeci—•• To The Itcaltne." IZE Aduilogiano • - 50 o.‘nt4 Reiwrved Scat Snoop Ticket, 000 d for Reamed riestk:... CS 54 liftessn Tickets and Reserved Rests ale -.acid °WY ik • Xuairti . Dro.i.4ocift. 'Ade a Reserved Scats will COMISICACCI three days kergre each 'octave. Jowx F. Ristwarsses. • iastistis Jr . Ilat.t.. L. R. Yeas. WILLII.3I FUEL)., • end J. A. VANTaW.,,Closiattice 30v..3, 10170. AB,DWABE DMMS*;. ' .BTOTES. • LUtE, CEMENT, DRAIN TILE. 0 IJSFI I DDING,Iv ,-; &CO. ~.. 1 OWINDA, E L I A. S • II () • W.. E SE ;W N G NATION tL STRIAV CUTTERS. GAS TtiTING ANP FIXT UEES. =MI RO r TARY MPS 72 , : BLOSSI3URG GLASS. E L 31 IRA O IL. % 44 it DUPONT'S POWDER. -1.1 - I) PLATFOR3II4CALES. IRTZ, NAILS' A: A(kRICULTURAL • \ - IMPLEMENTS AT "iVityLEsALE CONTRACTS MAIM FOjR ?i f r ROOFING; .1 1 4T11Ek. OF 'SLATE - .• , ._• Oil TIN! LEATIIEB, BELTING, 4 , 11•8 ‘. P+MI!ITT-‘ CAST STEEL), - WHEEL BA R - ROW S . GOODS DELIVERED •: ), AT IiII•E DEPOT ~ F 11. A- G E -, • . • Cob.Dibl4 , RUS S ELL & CO. TOWANDA Pa „ JANUAIIT 30 0 ,1871 , __L' NOTICE..---The Board of-liesision 11 have feted upon the following dates and places for holding appeals for A—D. I 871:, , _ Tirirandiborthkonaniridenrea office, Than. day, Feb. 16. • tonandi twp,. and Ttaintda north::-Ai Connatihsion . es office., Friday, Feb. 17. Awylton—At thr school Nita@ near Simeon Deckers, /lOWA/. r0b..20._ . TrrryAt the hones of S. Downisui..Tuesaiiareto.2l: Wilmot—At the bone of Josiah litetvellltraductulay, reb.2l. ' • ho*et.D. kelic4Zitutrsitak, Feb: 23. ' thretttna—it Salome Of -Henry Sbergoan, 'Friday, Monroe twp:and - tmarolt the holleeOC,Phikallise.. q oa, Saturday. Feb. 25. •••• . . .. < Mater—At the hones of 31.1.Forreat,Monday.Feb.27.. Athena tarp; and baro—At, the henna J. IL Pike, Tn# B 4 3l Y , Feb. 28. Itidgbury—At • the Jranura of //.! 44, OrlON 7 47;dilea•• day, March I. ' •e 'South Creek—At Mellow* of. Caleb E. Coe, Theirs. -Wells—At the house of Jesse Edna% Friday, Har.3. 'Columba Sind Bylsinia—At theilionue of - J.' If. Wier; gun. Saturday. March 4. - ' ' •,' - •Troy,twp. and boro—At the house qf. V. 11. Lony„ =rMarelflii *. i •-! "I 1, 7 - I' T ...1" -. ',_.• ' • end Albs—kt the hone of MIL neYnolde . • Tuesday. March 7.' ,Cirnrnalatt.:lrna IsonaLQiLlbabense oftraculMatier, Wednesday, Hsieh 8.: e Leßoy—At th *tura of C.D. HolecanyL . Thursday, -im. __ f Granrßle it —A . tt onee 11. F. Tar, Friday, liarch IS. litintiMi;LAt - Renee alit IL Lentil, litatatdds:lllral I. !Brarli!Oßbiertarp:ind • bero—At'tbe !ranee "Of lrfli: * 1 :St -Wader:lMO& It - -- • _, -- . , _ ~•* • i areel—kt 'the. Laura: of " .Cletalroddird; .1111raterit. ? • ".r ••• ,_ _'- S (.1,-4.t the house of - Emily VanAliiin;-Wad.: AlibireMlAL . ; Budtble -;•.- At the lefallie'ott. D. Suinsi; Thunshiy, . Munk IL'' , 4...,, 'Berelay—At schen/ lie . itie near Fobt•Of Plc e, ile,bar , I s irM L lke i itlenteft - 403rall.fiMrallinti Mobley, u—Atilie house of J. P. loges, Tne, Litehfield—At braise of $. 31. Laybra, Wednesday, * 11= 2 .:6 1AL1,4 ~;` i s .. _ j., 7/..:•. \ .:. i i i ; .. - ! I TQ March 23. - .. 1.:/--n Warren—At huissitollim,Camearoirsilay, March 24. Orwell—At honra of Auril Hunt, Saturday. March 2& iliparntaykasub berni-At Abe bouwobl. Aneray)rn. 740/MaY;larcit in. .., ; . 3 .• " 4 - 1 " c A ..) Merrick—At house Of Chu. Rive, Tuesday Mar. 28. riticairi Maga 4111rnagarnmia,w 11Wolneadlan.ltaarkilat --- ' z - .. . : ; •-i t, ...:.,.-: x... .., TOrnsiturn—At &Was et 1:4 IXWildk; Tharnift - libm: •iirnu t , -.4 ;sal: i. ~ ...v.,., -. ---cE 1 111,11iii1162 .4g2 g m eitliare 31LIbrowaarddayAllat-11:, .rnPerneinadblacillarnialr " I xodlti ..--,-1.1. - - e= ;e2...----...17„, -.L. -•-, ...-...•%1. 4 1,-;.1-.. 1 1.-.., rilailimainWPleiltliiipiontrialtiarallellvering traloeslcr Ornakalled larnakaat ibatriutfrni la - varsda.lia 111rnirnmal.uallagialbairinksanta; at irWh -time arntrnsar rnalla ibabismarnliernalaarntil arenas:4,l2w al ob. te thbilluilarnbasearrnd loy;:tbu - 1-9- urnalaikgirnal iiiirna! sath.rniantlaas -aa -Wilburn abligNakbear Marittarelumnable. By ceder o f the Boat. • --- -- Attauf S. Coornutua;l3erk, • , ,Vr l PO l g g i be rrn al . ce a... l . l4 4.F il q t .i :, f' ','.'rr 11 . abject—u The Lost Arts," Date, Janus, 30,1871 , 1111 DitejAprli 15.1171r' P-ENN '.A. MACIIIVES I':~C.GI.y~iG. ; F R TF Jar . • ... 0 . • WitgliMirrW6iFF. • ,11.7.fil We the the undersigned Ifo il Uo /itliWficootTa~lli .is prOclahe that onietaek of - . W 17 'T"E' teArCo", 7!: i Con rising everything in the line of 0 -my° Ti f_.:-,.. t - - 4ENTS - • • BEATE% CIirArtiILIAIDOOXPS.:AND ,c~s9lvvu R liIIM MEM U.YER:.CO_AT_S, 414 111 of the tatoFt Style of COATS, ,, . , PANTS, A'ND VESTS?, And all of the latest Styles of ATS'„ Which arill be sold at retch reduced pekes that it will astoniali the community. • ~ . Come to tlia Alen of ItOattNIULD na4 1 , I examine our goods and prices before purchasing; and satiety sourer-lye*. We glaintalie an to. Oyu entire satiegtetins. sre.thankfol to our runner, no. customers and friends for their past liberal path trage and ioikit a continuance atria same.. RO•gk i i . illjnat) & WOLFF • , &WEIN TOWANDA. - , (Next to l'or Merenes4. 1.1 RAETITE SArg la l i lrill : offrfor eak.a! cost, fur the tIMI 30 days, WIIITE AND COLORED TARLA. • ' TAMES, ORGANDIES, SASH- E:3, RIBBONS, VELVETS, FRENCH COUTILLE FANCY REAL AND:DLIT:AT Iclr VALENtakiNI:ES LACES. • • • Iso We - Nita and Punt "DUCHESSE . LACE," For Trimming promos Ladies call and 'lre the rtreate24 bargain,' in them goodn ever tarred In thlq Own: , , YRS- IL E. GLOMS!. • 4an.-.11,1871. 1 Igerenr's 13Inek, Towanda', • • •- • TO THOSE GarING. .THEIR CLOTHING 1L1DE.,12 ORDER. • Yon elloutil stud• two thing*. First, 'to 4 • • Ott THEM IVIIEV:11 s il . ItST-CLASS CLOTLIING NAl)}: Secondly, WIIEUE TREY AIM, SOLD CLIFJS And In caller to be ibis to n.II a vt.xxl article elleap the merchant littu•l understand his business. apd know how, where and what to buy a* s nem:tient' ntan doers; and a.,- PRACTICAL TAILOR lu ail* branches I profex,s to lye, hating had EIGHTEEN' YEARS •EXPEr JINNI - In the bustue4R. Have been a (11On is beet houses In ' . • • NEW YORK C TY. • I do my'own bnying, send end cntting, aml dn•idc my pretax with no mum's() that lean of It will do--and with •low rent end Vier expenses in pm. portinn, thus malting the cyst of carrying on the baldness very lama . • • • fu reating the above ou will see why Ills that I.CiN SET, GOODS-CHEAPER / . • Than Lieu following the huskies*, 'and having no knowledge of it then.elven, have to ernploy,othera at lame Palaziem to attend .to it, and cuatomera must ply.accordingly—as they, like myself, • • DO. BUSINESS • TO LIVE BY -- IT. If xon doubt the above itatexneilt, be convinoed ,y ng on, . • • TIMMY zrytr,nis, . 3terchant Tailor. Drake Towand a,-14. 'Ang.lo,"7o b; • . WSS E. 4. KINGSLEY . Wlehes to infoini the ladieio(Towanda ano vicinity that ebe koepa cotoiantlz; on hand a large eripplrof I& I r.j -y Goods, imitable to the season. Thanking bar pat rons for their bberalpatrowt, berets* re,, she 114.. sures- them that no eaertions will be apAted to en sure a continuance of the same. She also lima line selection of HAIB ' AND 1 1 4,..N0rYi ;GOODS, duct as • Linen Collars, • . Ctibrs ~, .. ~ . * • - 1 kandi-tn=chielA Real Laces,. i ' • ' • Caiets. -- • ' fir.. tfxf., • I have also reopened, In ronnertiott with t 'above my PINTS - MAKING establishment; and I am now preparet. 1 to do , , cU TING *Mid FITTING: • o the latest fashionable styles on short notice. ES:armee pest door to Pox it Xereuei, up stairs THE ,LIdIIT HOUSE .. 131 SE DIIRSING 'AND DASD 11.1Trift STOVE., • • Ilan boon awaiited • • TWO FIRST' PREA/lUMS. .111:WORE. STATE FAIlt (2 Bronco medals). Co7npillow, with all the leoitiog stoves of th. day. ALPO, First Frr.minnta at tb.., N.9r , Jeracy !gate Fair, an well da at rinnionona County Pair. For sato by M. LEWIS k RON. 0ct.20.10. Bridge Ttoranda. M. WgLIAIS' 'C O'ArL ) TAR . .. : 1 Until further notice.pricea at yard, ar 1 o It , Egg. or No. ' - ' $6 00 Stove,-or Nos. n o niul I ... ... . . .56 no . . 7 iNat, orNo. 5.. • - ... . . ....'.....53. 75 ' The following ad(fitioptil_clurgeLd wi ll be matte for delivering coal within the borough Bruits: Per ton. ........I4eta. '.ltstra flir carrying in 50.cte. Half ton.— i..3S .. • ' ' ••• 4, ../.. -..25 ..,, Quarter t0n...23 " " - .• 33 I.ollrik order. - atlinfeollptlike; . 3.' Wm; warallfew 'Bloch. south paw. . 101' Order.- gnat in - an C . /140 be accompanied by _ the mai. . ' Towanda. Jan.7,1..7f. I.,WELLIN. BEST AND - CHOICEST "4 - 4 t - • S.M Q-14 011 A G'-',CI 0, • IS ItANUtIergILLI) AT , ~V A:i6, ll rl b iirll-sno. iM . eg OF .MAICUAXD. .• ' • - • ' ••-• '" ' get. that - rift rackSgo 1 .011 bu.Y . lkiart *l4-- inscription. - 1 . IC' iiko) 2 -.1- 'l TTli, !'fi, - IV: ) , _'!") n TIES Olatr i nQN.:!..7.7lla :CO ert. ship hiretabre existhig between eninder u=Ailimi mune -se dicgsbeola u bt bristosreormea; AR ;at tbo bate Arm will settkd by as the store o. b. AdalskiNVlMhmeekt 11014.11TNEIUMIIP.—Tiw-underaigned hive tide lJ day entered into topartnershll), under the name onLetAlakkllldwarfav lard vita vatrultiniii the gro. erry aad prauldint litaitaaaiith 411 Si liniad",:* the old stand of McCabe Si 11117.11biairit •sw • - - • SAXES MCA= 3 81 1i* ; 81 /i " 7 ';':VrAWCZIMMIIfir AND , , each it. • t CORSETS, Mal F DTANCT A T ti ;fn NEW 740 GOLD LOAF „OF THE , VigiAttiti 7 . 4 ; • tilLit er ACITIC RAILROAD CO..' •'''' c . • -4 ; sEcunta,'Bii ud.nrcilar• • 11'4 . 1tOAD AND LAND GRANT! sArE! PROFITABLE: PEITMAFM* ! - • We offer fur ethiet , tha t =ms.l..ktitergt tba lfferiga -Oust' • ge •Lad)C Deride. the . • • ern Paelfie Ocemirtnyi They are free from Dotted States Tax; and are issued of the for= r.ing Aleseithirdlozol: Conran,. $lOO, IMO, and. 1101)0: Ilegistered $lOO, $3OO, $l,OOO, - $1,000; and $lO,OOO. With the same entire confidence with whish we . w`ors'inend Gorernment bomfrothindtallata and Itie.'we now. atter the. fullest' ineestigascor: - reetnii-• sit•sol these Northern Pacific Rallised bonds to our , fitlenda and the general piblic. - • " ()OLD. PATIfECT—Both principal and interest are inyable In American gold coin, at the orrice of ' Jay Cooke k Co., New . Tack. Of&--tbsi prtheipal • at the end of 30 years, atadllas Motored (at --therrate'of seven and three-tenths pet -cent. per ; annum) half-; yearly, first of January and Jiffy. PEIIFELTNIFETY.—The brads we are new sell=- ng. are secured by a first and only mortgage on all, the:property and eights of the -Northern Pacific Compory, embrace tbffbien- 1 . plehon of the wort: _rt : • . Over Two Tbessaiid Wiles 4110aut, with rolling' stork, buildingi; ands other equipments. . 2. Over Twenty-two Thousand Acrea of Land- to evert mile of Award road. This land, agrieulturaLt timbered and mineral, amonntingOn ail la - more than Filly Million Acres, consist. of alternate iii. . ME tons. reaching twenty to forty pallets on each side oft the track, and esSin a broad fertile belt from Wisconeitt tltrOng : Ochs* portiOna of ,Minna seta, Thaliatg, lUkei 11411216, Oxygen :.and liVash-: , Mayon, to Puget Sound. While the Government does net directly guaran- Me the bonds of the Redd, it thus amply provides'. for. heir fed and prompt t by an unreserved, grant of land...the MOOS.Tat.able . O..'W conferrid up on a great national improvement. . . THE MORTGAGE.—The Trustees under the Mort , game, are Mews. Jay Cooke of Philadelphia. and J.. Edgar ,Thempacm, Prendent, of the Pennsylvania Centrabitalireild Company. They will directly and permanently represent the interests of the 'First' Mortgage bond holders, and are required to see that, the proceeds of land sekeem rased ill purchasitty and ataceLlisty the bonds mfr the Company if they cart be honed before maturity at not more than; ten per tent: premium: other** the Treitees are. tolnvest the proceeds of land mire in United States Beads or Real Estate Mortgages for the further sectaraty-of Northers' Pacific bondillders.*: Also that thyy ha* at all time* in their con rol, as security, at least WO acres of average land to every 11,000 of: outstanding bet mortgage bonds. besides the railroad itaelf and alba equipments and franchises. 1 PitOPITABLENESS.-0f course nothing Can be safer . than the bonds. of the United Stale.; but es the Government tee fro longer a borroWer; and as the' Nation's present Work is not that of preserving its existence,tbut that or'? PING' A- coirrnatarr, we remind those whO • dpi4re to increase their income and obtain a more perms ent investment : while still having a perfectly reliable security, that: - United . States 5-21ra at their Average' , premium yieldl the present purchaser les. than, 31; per cent. gold interest. Should they be redeetr.ed in M.'S Tears and specie payments be resumed. they would really ; pay only P,' rer cent-130(1n three years, only :St,' Der cent.. as the prevent premium would meanWhils ' be Mak.• ' •'. ' ; t :' • 40 , t • 1 . Nor th ern Pacific 7.307 s selling at par in currency yield the investor 7 3-10 per cent. gold interest abso lutely for thirty years,: free frost J. - sited Stela far. 51.100 eon eney invested illi" , In United Rtates'3.2o's will Yield per year in gold, say #02.00. $l,lOO cur rency invested now in Northern Pacific 7.30'5-will 3feld per year In gold. sao.;o. Here is a differ ince. in annual inninne of nearly one-third, besides' ainfr rrence of 7 to 10 per cent. trit * principal, when . •llaoth elassee or-bonds are redeemed. • ' • ' THEIIOAD NOW BUILDING.-,Work was begun In July Last on the eastern portion of the line, and the money provided. by the sale to stixithelders of ,some six Millions of the Company's • bonds, to build and equip the 'mad from Lake Superior _across Min- nesota to tito Sad Mime , of, the nortZt:-7.33 miles The grading on th)s dIVIRIO is now well advanced. the Iron is being mpitilyji 11; several thousand nom arc at work on the line, ct about the first of Au gust next this importau section of the road will be in full operation. 1 the meantime' orders have been sent to the PaeMe coast for the commenm mead of the work °tithe Western end in early Spring and themafter the / Work will -be 'pushed. both east ward and irestwaM, with es-much speed as,' may be consistent irithalolidity and a wise,eronome. -RECEII, E FOR LANDS —These bonds will be at aIIAM ' meltable. at 1.10. in paynient_for the Core 's lands, at their lowed cash price.f 110.1fIrSX1ClliANGELBL1L—The registered bonds. can be exthanged at any Mite for :catmints. the con ic pons .1 ' registered, and both these 'Van be' ex-. titan for others, payable, principal :and interest, at a of the principal financial centres - of ' Europe, in e coin of the various European countries. 4 ItOW TG. GET TL1E31. , --Your nearest Bank or. = Will supply these bonds 'in any desiredt, and - o[`' any needed denomination. Fer-. eons wishing to exchange stocks or other bonds for these, can do so with ley of our agents, who. will allow the highest current - price for All . marketable seer:titles. I• .. 1 . - Those living in 'wallies remote:roan bulks: may : s end money , or other bonds. ifirerilj (to as -by ex ' press. and we }rill send beck Northern Pacific bonds at our own risk. end without seat to the investor. For further information, pamphlets, Maps; etc., call on or address the undersigned. or *AY of the Banks or Bankers em loyed to sell this loan. •• 1 For sale by FIRST . IiATIONA.I. ailtirx, ' atratemvs BANE., .. ' . • , • ' 0. x, MASON A . ,t.'43..,. Toift,ntla, ra. - . , .. , , . JAY )OE k C0.,1 .1g•oila AN - ark/Kra Pacific 12(u7nond Cimpang. Ilk Moflth Third Stre•d.4 rhiladeliNa •, Corner of Nasaattaind Wall Strorts, New York; ri2 pleentb Stored, Washinizter; me:, by !Cathy:hall:bilks, 'and by Brokerz , generally throughout the eor*try. • ;an.. 11, 1871. F II 4 . NIT IJRE. NEW GOODS We are noiceffering ttt Ott Wboksate Red lietail ruRNITITRE.E3IPO'BIUM, 107. MAIN STREET. Titezengest in intratentil to thoh) In want o( FIfIST„-: CLASS •FUTI:N:I7I7IIF. Ever offered In tins,maret The attention of the public 1* evertilig • oTte4 to one recent heav pureitsees from the late Great Ane , Hen Sale* of CHAMBER AND RARLOII FU tTURE We are uow Afteritii ; ; WALNUT 3 . IIRELE . TOP;s -SETS AT *7's Op: And NICE PARLOR SETS, At SSQ, 00, Together with our Complete Stock of BEDSTEAD, BUR :ACS; CHAIRS TAT3LES, STA;CDp, SPRING- BEDS, IIiA:TRESSES; LOOKING-GIASSES, Anil in tad everything to be found in it First-41es . rortnture Store,'_ • . ClfEArEli e TIK:tN TILE, CATAi'EST DEM SD= THAT WE ARE NOW .MANEFAO. 11,turing, and do offer goods. of our own =anti hictitim cheaper Shan yea can buy city-made cfsetrifere. Lumber tsten in exchange fbr " goo(. We also fumieh CASKEM, lILTAUC C.laS, d.ID tOITLNS Of eYery descrirtion. lIVRIAL ROBES. CAIB, /km, .{na ",rs also have the. FIAEST -ME A•11-S.E Ifl thL-seatien•of country (loads delivered to the Depot tree et chop. ArßOStill? SOX& Tiiwanda. Jan. 11.18;1,- ;- NEW MIL - 141 ~- x ! . • • • Woold call the attention Hof the piii)ll2 stock OC . • • """ - VAtri ANIS ' WIL 'll • 3uriraii Elt . 4 Y.- 1 .45 b 61)4 mitet . 1:f 3 4.44iq#0• 1 .1"‘ 1 4:TEgq, All of which will be sold - MAP= thilfaurirbee in Towanda, c ompttsinii•' , ~‘ • titekt. " 1 COMETS, • . , KID GLONTA . : • • " • nrserfliiit. :east of utaottm*i! . s4 - T f sil ,fc* : • cian,Bend. Scotch. Itintay..Oranr3,l2a ovemfil',Gingerl ilakia.-Vaaidngkm , Jant Coffen Bimini. and Olinda at Ombra aa 311areb: 4 4, - W. A - . ;-e _ T. • ot , &Nl* tiffilta., irboim!s , Fre7t p 1 u234 idamitT = 9 ; i m 100LAMATI . Hon.r to the 12t1t4= tiliTebt i t te tteS Iles ofitradford and Sumbehanns, old Wins. tent Mon and J.W Axlintr., Assodste Judges in and for, said county of Brsdfoed. hare issued they precept hearing date the 4th day of Jaatuiry, far tat me directed for iteeltilites. Court of Oyer Au Terminer, General Quarter Sessions. and Cohnra Plow at Towanda for the county of Bradford, Monday. February 6, ifin, to continue three weed Ar =bicr'toth Coroner add' r that they be then and there in their proper perm, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with re-, cords, inquisitions and (Wier reznernbrabft. s to do' altOetiWallrittrat ._11k1 1 1)tilt_AP11110141 1 6 0 • done: all oes are mama soy rocognizanCe or: 4,olmardfieto Wmileffilkoll l, ililikibitlOVOM are or may be !bike jail of Said - county, or who shall' be bound to Mamiel4OP ,menteeurearet and there to prosecutosgalnst them aseh NBC' Jurors are requested to .j jgr dance, agreeably to their • , Dated' at Towanda, lb. nth day of Januari. in the' • year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and' moventy•ong, and of — the Independence_of the 'Vatted Stags, the ninety•fonrth. • • J. P. VAN rizEr sheriff. ', - ttIA - Tarn Tagr - roirtint .11,Y 7341*-1074.- kie" -& 01 /kb idani:loagtlge G• P.rthap..;i*ik.....",./tra • Jan Carman vs. IL 11: Hill, et. it:— se, J.P .119:ton vs, P. Wilcox et.,,„re I 4151! John 0. Norman vs. C. M. Manville.. debt' icinepb Was, * nacesa W. tit. Batpmi &Oa i.4eint; J. E. Gillett vs. J. A. Sinth trespass' Stephen Clayaon Ta. JaCOl4-Ernan'. P. Wrlkooll Elharain Saab` — teesPgsaZ Almira Carley vs: Hewitt: lc covenant; Thomas Brock vit. P.„T. Ferguson....; . ..eteettnenk B. S. Van Ness is. G. ilCason revenant; E. Campbell vs. J. P. Van Fleet: trespass . P. Mason vs. Abijah.Nnrthrup. ejectment' Emma Zane Heliitt vs. Samuel Ralltun...lejectmeut: W 214. Glaanalierilii vs. Ella i;..mesee Wm. IC Miss. C. A. Wilkinson - - debt: Daniel McDouald CiAfus, .. , / „ 4 , 30 : A:Vilre,:et..al'Nk A.' thidth efeettitent Lyman Illartniart-mr.7lafll t Erie Zona kB. IL ..... • • damages , Gar40144011.,T1A. Frimblii , k co:. 1 r . Henry atrupe.vn. • MiHOE% .11FAtCy........'....,.;temAs Q. B. Davtdiso4 rt. S. N:AiTinwall ' - ~...aptal, .rniurrN.-Bink; Leuleburg._. •" : . EL' W.. liiitrieirma DanterStrOffike. eztv... , .. 7.t..1 - : - Almae , J. 11. M. Illnm.en•Na. Sullivan k. Erie Coal . _ - ..i... G. B. Darisonies: FL le. caw: Win. 11,olbcrt rt. Junction Canal. ...CaPe Toioui I.nkat7 of Francis :Tyler f 'ague; Margaret McD'Pont Ts; 'Pa. it It. n. " ... .. JJarriet L. Idukg,nlios 841livIn & &tie Coaki k It. Co . : • clamiges sut.peOluta for - that Neck illy:L*o.lP' OW" UWIAIY February 13.1071, at 10 o'eloek, a.m.. and 'for e.'e ondireet, iOu Ironiay,..4Fr•bruary. - 1871, at 10 cecina', am. • , WU. A. .17i05t.49..Pr0t. O 14 P TERM, VIM . • Anylnm„..lo9 Griffin; Burlington twm. OP Sorer,:. Aleuniler."Lain,;,.lltrirlingboti West. Danlol , ; Perry; _Columbia, nni..ls Wolfe: ,Canters Uurb". Timothy Ilnrke; Franklinll Francis Moree; Gralavtll 9 .-A441.. Titus: Litchfield • ttcfn Morse: Rome twp, 'Joseph . Seeley; Stunting Stor:. 11.4 Blak4; Skicoitterintn, W II From.l2;J L C wford. di C Filmier, South Creek:, Daniel'Cluan; a Wield. A 0 Seelert . Tray' twit. si i i Alonzo Mora T wands Born', Retry Stulen. WIL Decker; 'arrign. dit*lock, Daniel 31txxly; 'Wilmot?, Itietiard':lc••rv, Aleicander Boyd: Warren, Taiwiti Athens twp, H A Stiller. Joseph llcKinney, Kdizard', Rlett. .7a.er , h E.rtirtleick;,Athens boru'. E N Merrill; Asylum. IL C. ,Sting"s„ John' , Ayers; Albany, N reTnr.ldg. Win Mattin,..B - IE lt'ileox; Barclay. Henry Duran. I. B r Kelder, Goo,rge+ Emery,. tr B Northrup. Denis O'llonoiuri. , John. Latzt .Bnidiugton bero', U n Clark; tirlington‘. West.: • G W Goddanl; Canton twp,Alra Landen..L T Manley; Ilt.'zrisk, Ots Bottles, "NY A:.'"Wctulore; LeitaysTrille. Palmer ?Jolliet; Qrw0.tt,.:(4.11 Lynden Fletcher; RoweJ , Ain liniazna; Eidg— berry, J DlJiy; Sputb - -Creek..J,4se Elnr‘T Bail; findtlrphl, C F. BrtEwn. Cyrernis; Ffuzest; Springfield, Joel Ailams.)wallacae Grace: Sylranta. L L Gregory; Towanda Born', Samuel Walbridge: F. E Bill1141ton; Towanda North, Fred -Foster Troy boro', Hirain Lewis; Titscarsra: d N .Lewje, OliNer Warren. G NV Talmadge, J F Whalen; Wellser i Ron Wint/nam, 0 :A.Cartleatilie. - ,• , , K; : - • s TriarrAts JUROR + SECOYD WI:t1I. • Athena tier. Et' D - tarkei; M Vanier, S S Retire Butt: J M Jonea, Geo Minirh; Athena born', -J bI Ely; "aright...Bellaaa Barclay, 4; 0: Vateinkan ; Ilerriek, A It v,tevens: J it. ilieid, C E JOhivLovelanil; :Leßoy„ft- IV Wegt,.; • ?dome bornl,..texuarirCranntlar; Monroe tap: John No:hi:nip; Orwell; Samuel Wellaj.; Overt:4E4 Wn2 W Tliamberrr . .. V 4 Berman ; J'Cf ItobbinsonS W Craig: Bonoß Towner, Reuben .. . White; Smithfield. C W Scott; Standing Stone: - InaltalB11: Sh.ohegnin. 0 C Gore: Springfield. F N Hubßard; Sonth;Croek. A Z.Baiiittioxid . ,7,l - owanda Coro', ,Sam nil Woo.ttord, Henry Mercnr, W G .Gordon ; Tow: alas tarp, al. Bassaaci,'Francta.Ginir: Teify, A It Jackiioni: L Terry; Troy boro', U C l'orter; Tut:- carom: D D Alray,• Baraiart, W TliQmpiOn; Wi J I Moore; Wyalitain.,,..D W Brottp. , TR tVEItS Zrit•OPß.-11-11r,D ACEE: • Asylnin. Jonas' Cola i• Albany. .t rtfn 31rrivoti ; • Atllene ' .qtt. brake ; A th ens ta`p, C . .nrtis Thrirston. Juettti -Nerh.r. Bratiegt. Wm Shiner;.Larelay. Thomas Ditchman; Canton bora' OA Fatima Ephrstm...Calie. Nettessaillantei twp, C P Manley; . Columbia, Purnian prillockaisaairtlle..J.J3 -Paci arti; 4teigt,94. 1P.% Al • Canner; ItTickmin ; 'Monroe ceii, Samuel tivine. Orville Dm , : D3ritts GOWAn Flf4.3ter: - Setttli Crane, O H ,Onnhanii_ Springfield, Clark Hooker, Smithfield. O.E Wilcox; . Tray lwp. , Wfl iam. Troy horn', John •ToiVanda tlrp, Mortimer. ' , arsons ; Tuwataa, hora.',.o-11.Fax; Tecry, .1 Is. Joecit TtirSearora:"'Cliarlei Davidson; ITleter, Reuben - trarier, G , II Hovey,' Charles Qlniaload.J =mat; .F flß}l ; Mwfi : Wino ;` Itnfirrt Rosio Windhamilra Fin Chi Warren. Orrin Rogers; Randolph' Dete*.hty.,l.Welem..2 . BalitnalL l 7 APPLICATION'S FOR I.JENS se,fttatr.-1,571: P. H. -Whoontuaker....:..... rennalf Blackman.-- :. John R. R. tiodson - Mitiratta (Canton.) Wm. S.Lewin Peter Latnlyneexer Allen Mcßean.... Nealz::... , . J. SC Pitt ...:. ,::._ - Suratli Creek. • W. "4; rurhwriu... . . --- 1..- + .',, • - Windham. C. T. Smith....- •-• • - • • • ' Towands Boro'. .X. B. Slovens - Burlington. P. D: Wilcox . -. . ..Albany., Ban Krilug: : :,....Albany. . , S. A. X.lllll M. 13."(7alkius Thozwog • ~. • T. Thisekner Jploicarr3lt & . W. Nobles ' . . • INCO-11P_ORATION NenaGE:-; , -.IA the Matter of the incorporation of "The. Soldiers monument: Askociation of suaitlaticid.';',D4,llollatclr. J. It Webb, Vincent, aril others, Trustrecs. Dec. terra.lBlo, Notice is hereby given that the 'alocc 'Trustees have seVerally presented to • de Court of 'Common Plc of Bradford•CoMity, their articles of Associr tion asking for, .a.drcree.oflncoris-1244/54141Fidi tiSc said Coarthavitig'Oraffilife,l , the sanie.an them correct, will d that the Acts Istemti4W as prease , I*.tititaiy o'clocit p.m., unless cause be shown to the contrary. s;.#l4Qi-rllkl/14.111aittreOthriastArat to &babas taro name; style and title of the Old Presbyterian Church of I•C•ysor,:. „• s • ---, • ALSO-;-In the inatt.•!r•of the ipplicaVon to anieml, charter of the ••Peoplea Congregation!of Woi Dec. tennilBBsi •-, - • • • - • ALSO—In the matter of - the incorporation of the Lialcliostaadflorwriseb Eogisslathipsny.r== No.s372,_Feb. T., 1871. . , . ••• A..TllOllAft, Prothormajny..! •Prothianetary'i Office, lan. 4, 1 • 871.=:.3t - • . DIVORCIEL TO-Reuben B. Decentieck.o. 739 Sept. T.. Iti -71:—YoMaCe lontiby notified ;that Emma A. Deyene teck; your wit% Art bed next* onit,J.C:Claik nos! ap plied 14, Vac court'of common plea: of. Bradford co.. fora diyorc foam the bon& of IlattinraY) ala the. said' oOtirf brag, appoilitoil Alfofiday, the fth day of February, 1811, for bearing the, pald.,..Damaa priitbeß,Airikfah iinie piare''yMettrzfliftotfirlf you think-proper. . ' - fEBEY.. VANTLIzsr.. • Jan 11.71,4 . . "•:7 • e ENE an.eit.,l=A:n TuAvzr.s zu-niisz—nr.sr .7.% V.EDIS q twp Monroe w:3iotixbton rAreiv itot,4l .111.6111:21-Urr Towanda- noru'. do:: - APPLICATION TN DIVOIICE. ....I..To,lhA x i. Turner..—No. 770, Sept; You are -herelw notilhan that .Lottio - Turner, yout Aif6. by her next friend James Miller: has applied to the-Court of counnow.,pleas. of Bradford county. fora divorce front the bonds of matrimony, and the said court has appointed Monday. the. 6th day of February, 1871, far 1:1,41.04 Lottie. the premixes. lit which time , and pla<43 you can attend if u think proper. jan.:s'7l-w4 '/IPPLICATION - TNDIVORCE . To Philip A. Palmer:—No. 219 Sept. T.. 1571.- 4 1 /..AllolialimblinlitliairttlatialtraJL-Patine, , your NC re,. by her next ; friend. Win. P. Case halt. applied :to the court of (oxamo4.4llcas ott. Bnitllctitteollntf." :for a divorce from the bonds Of-matrimony. and the !said court bite . frpotitteil lifoqay t the 6th, of, Ect4 t . 1871. for =beldam the= teld:Lma Pilmer In the !premises, at which tiunttutd place you caii,attend ' yon think proper. , J. PERTLY CAN FLEET. -jan..51144 ° • neriff. A ITLICATION IN DIVORCE..-- 74-Atoirr-Pdnimmillis:l2l:4lspi. Walllo. Yon are hereby mcrtifleil that P. 0. Priam Song hurbaud,lasspplied to Amp:tort 'ttf „coMasou plmut : Urßridf° ,olo,o "intri V** divoiri‘ trout ttre bowl', Of .matrimony,-and the slid court has apPotated Mon day. the Cal day of Feb.. 1871. for heastsgAmil4PAX to the premises. - at whioh time. and plane you can attend if you "think proper. - J. 2211117 VAN ister. Sheriff. . jan.3ll-w4 1.3110:4/01cOURYt..4163aCtl&-i --•'1`2ljahil.:(31hbs. a Lunatic.—No. .13g. Feb. T., Abill..-,136 Court CLI' eelutt: tl tintiratliibeirldiiitirtnathiktbern 411440 the °Mee of the Prothonotary of Bradford county,. the final . acconnt of thiCammitice of estate of Mel !D. Gibbs, a lunatii. and timeline will be presented ;to the Court of Common Vests of Bradfbrd counts, on Thursdas,February 9,-1871;-at 2 o'clock. p.m., tor confirmation. W. A TIIOIIAB, jan.s"7l-wi, ' • Prothonotary. 1 4 ) • ltiotice is rebriAmbi4meNTPtildelfet Ito the estate of n: Bran nn tilos so* jdeceased. must make Immediate paisorat, and an ;persons having claims against said estate moat pro 3. ;sent them duly anthentiontedfor iettlemoft, .KEZIA. B. SPALDING. ICIIAS.B. BPALDDIG, ~ 4 m l4ti* X 4Vs • Dec. 21.• 6.tt T 0 -If' - NotibE. Eptiboje IterelyVvett t itertho - Ailtird 0f4A91 Alllll ; 4. . or; *arr., deceased, are requested to mat e burn anent, and an persons - la tatemnat be present the lame duly'authentieated for r. ON - SIELRE, - Art7ls, ea." . • • Esecetor. • < • . ..___. _ ~. or“iiill; -_ -- _ - , - *oll l o* - "+-I.'- , ,-.- .7 -ef. 14 ;,.- , !`.441 ." .4. _. -Mini Wel air. 11. Thick, Au rtsr Tells!. +MA' d:7* WS4' 41 t." Jotatz 40.4 . 'l'.- , z , ,1 '•= ,-1 A 144 . i•V,,,W*- :, . A ... - cf . INVOY ~..'"- li nia*-IlitlittilliriephilMallt,Ed NAM .e f tteninato lee' , ' - TW:aftetotit. LlPlLeidt - silder arelsatriseir . , 4411114 C .:=.c.11 ..4+'- t - C,W t.4:1 - i;: , --...*M1 1 4 , 01%itt Ithlu •1 1 ; twahlo &diver ,of...*Ja. :. 16101 .• hart it+C wnsocAtioa. J.. .i.:7.-_-%., -47 : - .440€6 , 4t r =leasrolsixprm. Aleut . Preentdr dr, WA 10 , aft rat "en the foliowing decedents: '- - • .1.. • , , ~13‘.._-7.t. • .:+-:helenttMil..B lll l l ol4 , -.^- , , ••••A,, ,, • 4 . -- -1 • ' -•''• ~." ' 10M011131111/:.-••-•"-'-' o'- - -._;-••••+•+,+ ++ . ~ `.• ?-: •"'d.. - PA4llllltl l .llllll.olll+J*l V,‘..; +."..t 1;+••.%;'.24 . 7,;,,4' “-..•,:• ithter-W. Thoissil. - ..,!',.:r ,- .;.: , - .1 . -", -1 - 4. . 4,4 'deist° WANdiker ) .-- , •-•:.7.P 4 - 4 . - - ,-‘; . ' • -And-abwiesawratlip paslentelLfe •thatattlisn's °red of -WON 04 1 444 1 VESDAY; rEllgu4LY 'O,-1117filbelmairidhniliaset' l 4 4 -- ,7 -' •-•',' , f- ,, ,•p ' -+1- ': '•••1 - .- ,-, 1'•'''' , .4;% C AP ; 16 . 4)1:45 C 8 ' 1 • TIRPHAVS - attall,6434V4Zi r. N../ Thine pf an oredi ' r 011 thrilli, •01 0 ist r * - Caliek ofiNdtorit .4114E-1111d01160114 Adel in- Astratoe,c4ll/6 eatabtet.4lloll4_ N. IM4 I -1a._.4....4 *, *Verne env:: sellsell oe , the prandies .4ter triem._. littli Cr i r ti dit a =l o )- StllMn at r: err , . lbeeirsf-tAdinaligatauhtncernsile+Va • .-. 1 "1 ,,, i,t/Mffil le ic luidAdsgt,lk. V i no:o4 o 4 Ittneatherbor. flew - aagrocs ;AO - verctio. • and south one th - 40121111r. qttief i 'weed, corner of a lot contracted to be Odd to Willlaiti Sion* stud now jtriplosidirtent of - Thrterlohnson ; 111ence along tbenorth 110,001111010+4_72 wa r esi tolhe nortleetist ecteiesof; Sheri:* north b 7 o. `• Pegrbattlf Tr; 04 1 19 1 h Ilte$:11/ 1011 01, - tbze*• tenth penshat o le lin vial csornaeixf s . ; - - 01 •con- 11 41 t-a 6 4 tele ntdd 16' ftile4unatelie aiiisiii'klieg I- thatelathne of said 10.40 , ,ft-o Ont, to „Oil pews-of . ,lipkces `lting_ ,'"e% a:404 igrirfer end -Of Pit:oo4 or Mae ' - ;: &m - - '....+4 ' 41;'...-.. - .L-s +3 2/5,:_,,i ` :i i '- ~ •;AL.SQ-,--411ea 'Oder ot parceinflanttat • ,t 0 ie 'ltnnie; find borendce its lodlcrieef Ifeglnni in ..thanorth-weltegram, of slatillilleretcom 4 , conveyed. hy 11 . 1n,•11... Clymerie Vaalet Ittutsali :- linnet, along Hue Of land enntryeets,libmacer He- • ..beee t nOtlf 113 suotlleistestlts - vdeelturb i onnth edg , degrees cart 86 end thria-terdb . -paella and north , - RD perclessithfinai 00 1111 isi& -thiesetiteir *rate" • ta the notillowest4orator of a lotcoliesynd 40 J. AL . ' Vlbbett: - Wring 'along C ttne 'theme! led **vet 7 11110 of tho other Mad oat tttltad=to - :34lit rtartiel RIP- "ell. musk 131 percbeetthenceslints the north Um I' -'- nt: firteinentlonselot nirth IN V &Ire.% nestled. 'and-ittssenth. perches to Alls pi*..,a(ixtludng; ,containlng, 75 acres, : ::: i p ti r. v, _ ~., i I -;-'11:10111,4100 far eich Toti , :llll:*•epq#l4- 1 lug struck down. OD ild thIS . Wart , 'OW AO " Voce on confirmation of anlie, andthe m=4o /". • cowyear item conthiruither s itittetaulag am- - ,- ilnua,tien_Cths.,.serchaitlelce •to he, secered. by _ jildor.ent bond, and the slope to •3 1 . 1 , 14 =as n ligh on allid.littd.: . „ - r: - .favf#o . . jarG.57.k.w4 . . .... ..-, - • %,. . .- , tAliministrattn, EiMME EC= SN'Tx.,-BY . vlrtuCof.in hider .I.BBded cnif tbi , dart of ilindforroonafti the unikirsijfited.- Admin. laratr4-14 tbo.B4tatchaf Minim Ileum Watts. /ate Towsula libmifflreftradfortt Omit; ,renniryirn - - 0n.808424181b0 0 0ds nun; 4187160.2,..cer100t....p i ra.r:the Collowinr , Dieeti-'er -Darrel "Of land, •attetttoirr tbo Ilorough of Towanda aforesaid:. and houndekatrif described as follows: Eeginning at the nortineat corner of thellpWopikillaelloey lot. on went line of • York,dreunal thence Ly. Etihscopal, Rectory 101 . • sontli 78 4.08: 20 nArni*einiibtotf 'AM& to south , elmtOrnor _of 11traudlifonlanyo.fkil: tb.enee 210134 • tithe elf the IrMln . narther)y.ll9'onit floe-tenth feet I,o nal g..c. , rorterli_bridt thence along lint... of Eznio north .78 ilegs...2o,.rulni;east 210 feet to west lliter of T.:Frt./oe. horetoforernentforteil;'-thous.! • .81ang . line of same sontli,i4.,tlegq. AO • trunwessto.4B an 3 e..gb le. t-,LiAbeL P to the ace legtatiliag; re: nerrlncrtbni-efrom 12 tAet: for soirth 0f.11.12, PorterA land, - rabl .Idle,/ .to be - for WO • • mfo, of the' boot bemfu drocrlbetT for 'otber Darner:. • Ventolniitril4B6 sumo SeDZ.ba the esa a nays or TtitSlll l slofiini. On. .op.:l; bang I;trilein own, ono-bolf tblibrlaifee - Ot mangy' -Ow confirsiotion of balance in one . 4l , lllborvifterortib,WrrcA Irion -;•••- 4 -fr 44 NAM" ElVAwg.' • jamsrik•iks, o f •r_.- . du►fbjatntri7c:' IWAANS.! - , - irtue aa ordcr-laistia4._4 l l.4.-.ot tkO.OTP. II3I, ' , ' Con e+ el Eratlfered 'Comity, tl dttndt ratOla4i Ogltrtlt. .aq at thetstate . o JeatlmaEU Otlsadlladi:A..El2l* ott, minoCelallaren, 0/atm:Elliott, ' qnin, Bradford connty Peitnastiraitts:ileeraled, 41t matt otribpo zrataisca •on VaI:MD.II, ;.r..sl3ltlfaltli 16;1. at 2 o'clock._ the. cles.i . il3:;cl' • lame or pitrel of laud alt4t4akitiOtifiaalicipalk .and Wangled teue.lteL. 'Pf . .DaNtd - atitEtidlellOitOttl - Itupticea — tibrtleOtateriw -MOW= andAtiorlakslliktellptittalliMlKAM Etortop JO , . olitatvgiogyll -th,,,,e0b 7 Rata benne? s . esITI tveltrese . • and nine-tenth rods to a corner cllnetrYl laud; - thence be lands of Gillett and Brigham .15(1 and five-lianttivot - tewts - llorton.a- Foutlt-n-cirtftrk; course;.theneo., layarl.; Morton - a - torthArasteil (*woo G.ttimits..otto tentlrall4:tb Ittefpla6t., 4Squlapfing • ,3 acr ( ak, nlfire Or Telor. - .7.,i , • , :TF.ltlllar4so4 frolkte.gtpeltk batiglitikle Zola • VLISII93I/ e . .> ' AYMINISTIVA.TOII*- 5 r SSE 4- • .kilc-setkeiSbigivibibal:iiielni'. mint tat or, .posesl . o rtyldepri..thie 11?ttlt. of.the llte serffl; tit Watiot Viarabliftt - ailtrd ,t 9t izAiali e unto s: fitir..lllr in t z tct i phkr of wail llama, wellarWlierlrs•}Tars_Old, illforacilifjelit . old iseelOhel99C-1 .• • 1.1 throe yearrfis/4. 3Vowitctliietroria. - 2 , .teas, soUlt ft , 1. , yorttags, , 4 . 514114 • cahliF;ll. 1 10•04. ,1. iSttedit.it:Bote. 1s - 3[tt+in,l=Micalit4 Una - 1W . IVai.tot4 2 °pail Et:4om / ti= re, pa eplEvator ' 8 4 1 1 11 reistkAkkhreatekoo tOktientiOirll ' • itbou 7.5 busbelavot•Nrltcat. _Qatai X=l Eyo." Zuf./0‘ ^4.liaat. , Potatotei.: Raj , andsCrair; - 'l42iietby-fireell - it bushels; shoot 25 icres tos llrotinfl; 3 Ilrkiiiiiortkes, / 'Churn' Vpater,-`/lousoliOd • . • . TEII I 3IB-4ltanuts!:.tyerilkult*tale4t4slii4e7ith rztrrored.selmrity. • rEalattlettelltdemeeitElltiErSZlEVA - VlCecloet, a 'feli.l . Q 1.1105.,," • 4 "..tatuttlistektbr. • - A lIDITOR'S - OT I C Mt: ii- las ter theatitre'nfg:':A% 'ICTUIPut; tkccastd. ' lu t Nue. Court or .1214404 Counts.. The dirnrigned bsetag , bien erppriintell'andltor, • try milt Court to titstettkita - .fulatialtt Atiajtands of tho 41614 tn itieklnWSr` bia, appcitiitmentat his dike In v itietfOriamtt Attica*. Xriclar, Yobrnarj 3.lll7l,lmstotte tit•-eAckitit4 • aj which time pad plata.all' pereentliavirig -claims ld :MOW ue 4kradell ie ' saadeac 'be dettatreil;fmmug•-im *Alam• o ot inaitet; - • J. - 11,11.EEVE. jam6'.7l4r4 Andltot • Towanda Boro' .Towand Itur ^ton, ... wanda, N 0 Luke . atoUnire• •Tfial4 Rttildark;: :l 4 4 `ltikaPPt:-T , .. In'ttincolla Or COM l ll o l*M4k l ;Of,ikedr°r4 county: z- .erue =Aeronomy. IML..4thlitarAPPOlNte 4, -btra7 ' Court to dist-lbtte Stow' ' tit* Sltieriffs di, rsise4 trona otbeetatiliViertirtitOsUitrin atteadtto the dip. othltrapointloSitttlitlds tam. its Toininde - . oulltlpAWYXlll.+: 3, .137 L at - • cCel° 46- 1 1, n4i 14 1chichltuter 6 1 4idie1t.3 1 13 6 r 30 3 3 tuirtuit'c alms on anid)ncmey nos rcjoilnpd...tP PetitSsiutScre frost tomb* tartryte - egalwal l 4- .it*.i:AbErFi , .. : 7 ;"'" * rt'Ee.lE t tar CroNfIZ,4: Notkilii 1 4 4! - - - c Sit pose naetitt ed to the esttte,,oggitili- legit-.of prune tp. dee'd. tA are requested to rusks tremedistS payrneut. 14 4Porso MidaAate must fretkttttrejt MedlteksistetOnielit: *-* _ , —ll. . cs-ALLIS-; • • Exectit BEI DMlNlSiftifroßilN . • IS*leds is beirPtini - eillisiVitindebted_ A •- -77 to. th. a•tatil Otia/MEti /WM ktt ot To. 11 2 10.014t*ba. 'ire die ea to cp, immediate "oifisvfojt elating igidnet oaf& I. "tatela 'ttqPrcsatlSPasa anisostithsatieutal for woti tirtritint , ELIZ.4II3EIZR'aLUCIMON,' IinAKISTI —. . kl )31 M. 11. STE nOirkr. - Th_ 4 2.:etic'e . hikieby Watt . tp th 9 e .*kr , qt.PAILL QUICIQUite.ot Wilifirok;doeit:. - are.i:eveatqiito „make ivanakdiato_pgmalat, :sad alit 061)1104"60 , c4alitts aga*tt Wit elitittrinntt 1113 . 1 .'1 110 .0 1 # 1 *Itkitcteditli . "c..lQlnf i z, f•eb.1.71.-3%-c • . ' - -Admit iptrian.- AIS37FINIST A'FOWS — NOTICE . Notice is herebi given, that salockao, Ems ipolbt, . ed•to the cetatert GEO.- W:IVELLS; =sejt 4t.e. of Fite township, are 4a ipteatad Isemedi.;) ato.paynient. And ail persona hariag_ciaieat fik,miztat l slid estate intuit freaeutlfikfdniiautfeliftatef (of le ttl ement• - ' Iltartt.ACti tstOktpr. V.. X E = • .0Z,1TE.,-1: UNdtjol3 . flr iqb gt;vn ' i t all. 'ilia& irate - Mott tr.) "-/= 'MARA* Wigte: driPiliten t .1(1 . 1 .110. regnosted- to Rake .41tattetbate.. Pa3'luelit3is* ill peiesoaaltavtga admit ithainetstur A"' unit Rtemat thilrsottlellbotted Re *settlement.- a d. W, BRrKK„ . R. 11.41XWEL:.: I feb.l'7l-4G Zr, to DUZIStRA.TOItiki_IidT/C: Zika.tiotilte*lry Oval that ill perions In toof StISIN lieSAMlLLiiiiii itvehaeil. , are:tapsrted tok-Oakea au — LT ; stillart+Ot, ana *tromp i tedittramme skanst g ""tatc'ailkMlyn, trAOKIL 4terialthlatiatett.) teettrdidett- • ,-- gabsyt.wg Atimtntetrator. Z Wita:Soncr---i ilaffsitperioitkisidated toll* ati &sum. Larevrtmatera. , dery . are requeoed to pakeimmeituMnspient, and all persons bast* claim spinet' sed Mate' present t4syst.4tar,ooberitioste'll.or tett.le: went. , W. F. COBURN, ,feb.11.1.1r6 ,`..„0-AtiAtniataabton ~ -.. . VkilatuilimikTotrs':Ncereg..; ;41611i ' .421 1 115= 1 . 1 . 1 . . . ow: , Ulitall fa mailiato. , •P1N40111,11124.51401u01ur alliintaftailialliiality fitaltenautt present the alloaii Y antlientiratra fur "Moneta. • - _ i. jan.ll'7l , oa6 - . ', - .I•llinintatrat•.r. • a .: ..., iri Bi±4..it UPI', STRICT. : -3Aufaithe: -.- twvirigini 1*- 1 . 4 2 V/ 1 /VW liKetlt'., . 44:altayk. • _ 4s .Q. 4 . TIARIO.. or e..a Irsly, a l c " .:•:::: .; :, • - 164 4 4 4 6 V.;•.5: . :. 1 .:C . 4 Rq,ialt Q li4seWev I Atnts, . t . .• .., ~ . • d llib 'OOlllllll4llll ut=411:40•1 tliegourdy o t , 4 ,, : id* luitl,Aoliseolaylsai:i4t iirikidillf • . . . • . . . , • a 4 a-Itant. i Inapt upon hie own petition v an.,,, tbs• jiiyigeld 4 'of any debts, and the de li very 'o any propgrty 110ngIng 038,14 4 ,44:1 Qs, la..me, and •theiranafer of any properly by .him avrforbidden . 1 1 / 2 11:1V: li meeting ekthe cradite'ant sale Bantt'lng Ap - pfttro Attir&brit: F a:t uhdble‘ ohif 'or 'more' aft tarll 411Pe. -.FOtlf N.l1 G B1 bo i iktll44llli.oolMriWuZ4al:rl4Yli..,t:.,a R g 3 e • in i t4 n .l d , a. a n d,., a O l, h •;k,_.:l roatWaitlildwisrVb4A.%; ian.lq l) l o b u;nt , oZm 4 tltbe ....f .... NT . - . , . . • i ! iS/1 . 1, 1 7F15 1Y14 Y: ft afd LA. • ' • •., • , II I'