Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 02, 1871, Image 2

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ews From.- all Nati:es.
-Reading debt cotrq M;00Q.
- 7 1 is going, to Wl—on En
gC I/113 ! _
Bethlehem cost
-4 erneY l- -fiti again in - a*na to be a
—Florida iiinutling ii 30138 136-
wells pay.-
in Chicago. - •
—A Yankee ;has opened .a hotel in
teddo, Japain. t •
To Balls affect cacao
grams onthoirodiars:••' -
--Tile old settlers of Chicago' are
rorming a society. ' •
dateci i tintirg wants
Diilathbay. is covered with foot
and a 'half of lee. • • • . I
—New York society is ovri*nn
with counts akul Barons.. ,
--Theresse about 200 postmistress
es in UM United States. • • '
-The total - area of the. United
States is 2;290,000,000 Sort* -- • -
—llhlan and - Hazier jackets
the. favorites with London belles.
—The largest:' xnona.stary in the
world is being built near Dubuque.
"—The Mormons are building
per mill on Hawn creek, . 1
—Calico balls are Again fashie
in some parts of She country.
—TaniLincoln is at a Private s
at Tulsa Hill. litagland..
1 3
• --Constantinople has 68,400
umes in its pUblio libraries.
—Juvenile New York (hives
in-hand teams of goats.
—A mtielOn' e in Moine makes 1
tooth-picks a minnto._
—The - Richmond -flour . trade ,
South America is fast revhing.
—Birmingham . , EngLuut - hj,
a clog show, in which 800 dogs assisted:
-=There are 74,006.6Ct0rS 1 •
United :notes, or ono to 518 inhabitant,s
—At Newhillville, Conn., 3o p girls
employedare in 'nuking rifle cartridges.,
. - ---Fourteen more Japanese princes
are coining to school in this reintry.—
--LFpx hunting is the prevalent
iunfisement Mliontsoniery county. -
L:Virginia made 65,000 ,gallans of
knit brandy durinw-the year.
• —Lefranc will sing ten( nightli in
New Orleans at $2OO per song. . '
7--South ores the ;home
government over amillion dollart.•
—l'llc Society of Friends have es
tablished a: college near Indianola, lows 4,
• --LA :French prisoner at Wartom
burg is taking a soup3e at the *University. •
—Each man, woman and child- in
Boston is supposed to rise eighipfive gallons of
water daily. .
, . .
—Large deposits . of leniatine iron
ore have been nnearthiflat erbisonia,Hunting
dun county: r-
—An English manufacturer • has'
lately filled* war order to male a million
.nine pills in alirtnight.
-The 'King of Holland's chief . ac
cqmplightnent is repor k ted to be a fine)iPprecia
non of phampagne.
—St. Louis is disposed to jubilate
heosuse the.censtta gives her 810,893 population
to Chicago's 298,093.
• —An iron bridge is being built to
eunneet Bethlehem, Northampton county, with
- Lehigh, whieh will cost $40,0u0. • ._
. —Mrs. Myra - GI-sines won her cele
brated Few Orleans snit, and . the lan= are
new suing her for 1127,000 counsel fees. •
—General Sherman has ordered a
erm&sny of troops to the Title Indian reiersa
tion fn California, to protect the Indians.
—The English eristpm of celebrating
*fie birthdaY of one's eldest son by.a ball or par
ty less become quite general' in NewiTerk. 1
-L-Tho Minnesota Legislature are
. all carpet-baggers, none being natives ot. aid!
' State. .1' • •
,-L--The Indiana-north of the Pat . .. Aft,
Bathos(' are reported to be in s suffering con
dition. • ' F..
—Texas has charms to draw
many p'antera from *gird" and North 'Caro-
—There is rewn to believe that
wank of ate prevailing blonde chignons 'arc
made of light fantastic tow. •
—The City Alms ionary Society of
• = 'Boston employs ttrenft w inissiOnsries, at an ex
pense of less then #ll, . •
—The Jamaica Legislature has
fixed the enbsidy for.tho monthly Steeper from
New York at 15000 per annum: I . •
•• --Some of the patent pavement re
cently lint down in liiilasisporthas been ruined
by the recent heavy storm.
• —AmeriCana .are in higher . -.favor
than over in Russia. The Ow seems to have
.= a particular pnedjudioUln their later. •
—The New 'York faShionables are
discarding white for black: meant', the latter
being iooked upon as more stylish. •
:armies; Of- - South America'
are made uplargely of late rebel officers, 400 of
theM holding commisideris ht4liat,Serviee;
—The-. Delaware _ river is to be
_ 'docked anew with salmon. The eggs tabu used
are from the tributaries otthe St. Lawrence:
--The 319ntrogit people are encou.r
-• aged by the prospect of a railroad connecting
them with the general railway sYsteni -of the
State. -
- —lt is believed that sofficient'rain
lisialreadv fallen to" seam an abundant wheat
crop in talifornis h and,the farmers are - selling
sa rapidlyhs possible.
aminal.const u:
ooption Of s
gar in therrniW States now exceeds 500,00
tons, 0r1,000,009,000 pounds, with a constant
and steady increase. •
.=-.4 air-Pron pingen,,ivine at the
Clereland - tnenel was 'destroyed by fire, and
fluir men at4orlr - deep_ in the bowels i of the
earth were !Wady suffocated.
aphthte, the disease
which is causing so much -distress among the
cows of New York, Massachusetts and Connect
icut, came &pm Canada. , •
haortunae Harrisburg young
man was bitteil by a snake and a dog bn the.
same day, and after an interval ofsemen swathe
he teattarked by hydrophobia.
• —Tge loealioyertunent intend;. it
said, 0? start a paper at Raiff**, uthaaotion
taken by their organs °nab) fishery andannex
ation,questionsr_does not please them.
strikaat the Seliluzegrein-,
essee) coal mines,enaceount of die clot oyment
of convicts, his ended in reimnption - o work by
tlie.strikers withentgaihing their point.
—Pottsville - expessei !Op'
if they would on'Y'ilo something. OW* Icaller
would be willing to pay them to do' nothlnk,
—The .census. of Vtah takes off
.heavily from the Mormon:figured. Theltotalis
8e.,786; of ryboni - 11;782 lira In italt Oty.
Nearly; if not, quite; etukudf ve;,fer•
—Capt. Halt the :Asertie 'etploier;
has secured the Perwhasiikesii4 Ug boat,
to be fitted for atom° as we ll as PILIPPs.
es, forlds Aretiee!pedition. 114,?- leant in
f —The. Jaintim Legtelaktrorecont
then& silbelairn the Pacific -MA Malainidifp
company to the *mutat of lAD-per *mum
fora 41011011 y line Dr steamers from, that*and .
to New York. • • i •
—The o buwente Cowtollienirork
Lax deeided that the prima. Current ,ptiblialid
in daily newapaper . are adtniailble ht,e,rstt;isee
ti? pros* the wsrbet '64eitfixemaitelities et
gram time.. - zr - - • I
, .
.—ThelUrPOolle. twine*" .1
of the VMS karArilealigiOntilloKorai C. 1407;
line, The telt tottlitte kissteiu itia.fitate
is in widthlrbia
ins fansteqeth b eeettb.: - -
:--Obittary_ Imams' fire often - tin;
f isud al k af istkie t ireitiele atilson • -
atiVara Okla,
plary fltizeti Obetattim Ifelasithtien tm
time, married; arid died in perfettivaderfati
—A boy stboni ataft : ; 4
lirsemer NNW
• • - ftstAA:t He was amolintintla4/11.
`lradfortl Nepotier.
E . 46: Gr . cionnicu. $. W. AL
Towanda, Thursday, Feb.
.. .
At a meeting of the Republican Standing Commit
tee of Bradford county, held ea Tuesday, January
1, it was resolved to call a Convention to meet at
I. e Cortit 14misop T9wan!le. , ...eit 11041140.1%—rf,41.
13 7 14t2fi liili. at I o'ilock,.p.m., for the kose
-of Valtellner thOgiites AP. 1 at#Vsl l lo l t - Aelltblieattf
state, Convention to assemble at Harrisburg., on the
10th °March. • ~-
It is recomtueSed.piat the Nigßance Committees
call the 14014 *neetlngs at 2 o'clock, p.m., on
SATtfitclY, YEBRUARV 18th, for the parpok of
curling tlio. aeligst#74o • Tikiire4itireietl - ilietien
district inisaid Convention.
~ ~- • ,- - .. .
The Vigiiance,Cornmittees Appointed in July are
hereby call the primary. moettaga.
• - - 2 ,-",-' - - S. W.. 41.V611D, 'ettairmsn. -.
VIGILANCE CcplurrrElis.
Athens T.ep=Tl24. lieWie . .r, deo. Page. L L. Elsbree
Athens Boch—J 4 Decree. Jawplt Ely. John Homer.
Aryhne—B Laporte. W R Cue. trlysmen Moody.
Altany—lt➢ssell;3iillet, R'D Steriner, H It tanloon.
Oberinarkt3tmeon Widlaron, C if
Affie .BaroD 3 Manley; W G Andros, Chester. Wil
- • llama., , •
Barclay-CP Moore, Hoary Dungen. J W Taylor.
Thsrlinflosi Thep-Joseph Cainpbell,' J .3 Haight- B
M Prnyrn.
Burlington Bara:=ll R Phelps, re Ii Ely, M Vosburg.
.Burfingtes Mat , .-E E Loomis, John W D
Canton .Tiep-C• W Landon, Dallas 'Owen, dames,
Zetehum. A ,
Canton Boro-Jtieeph Wright, Albert Conk"; *l, Eze
kiel Newman. • •
Colusabia-.1 H Calkins, Frank Bullock. J kiliforgan.
Franklin-4 R 'runnel's, M Marshall. ChaifTaylor.
Granville-Orlando Taylor, Robert Innis, Andrew
W Elliott, Wm' Uowker, Ezekiel Carr.
W Brink, D - 8 Codding,•Htephen
Gorham. • • ~
Leflop4if L Wooster , Leßoy Holcomb, Volney
Litchfield-8 Mlayton. 8 D Barnum, A D duns.
Monroe ,Ticp-3,W Irvine, H II Sweet, C A Rockwell.
'Monroe Bono--$ B Soho, Daniel Huntley, John
Orweli-BFrieble. C J Chnbbnek, Henry Gibbs.
GrerfoltelW 'Mathews Josiah Ilhinebalt, Alford
, Strien.
Pike-C W ReYnolds,ll N DeWolf, 3aahna Burrows.
'Ridgbury-Theodore Larrlsou, Wm Dickerson, Jos
.Davidson. • '
Rome Ftep-Tivi.Towner, Addison Taylor, Wesley
Rau Boro-D Ii Woodburn, L It - Dretruing,
Tonng. • •
ifkfield-Beehe Geronld, N W Waldron, C F Coiha
Sprint/fall-Theodore Wilder, Joseph; Crediford, 8
O Phillips. .
Sylrania-Finely Ferman. W L Scanlon. C E Waldo
South Creek-4 F Gillett, D F Hildroth, Joseph Dun
.ch•shnintn-O i) Finney, G W Blackman, Abram
Patterson. •
Standing .tune-G A Stevens, Hiram Gordon, James
Terrk-Itirain Tchy, N T killer, Chas Thompson.
Towanda nrp- T Chas Diniracck, Chas Denjarnin;B
' Davidson. -
Timm:on/a Boro-A 0 Mason, iPereival Powell,l3cnry
a . pa-
Tottandct /lorth—Ezra Rutty. G B It Granger.
Troy 75,cp—T 13 Daldwin, Milton Fierce, N B Case.
.rrog Tiorn—A S Hooker, NSt Toineroy, D,lOnr ,
Tuscarora—LW Darrowaliff, II - Ackley. ?—tigs .
rister—S C Hovey. lltiltnn ttol'comb, A G MOore.
Warma—Joseph Cooper, A .1 Whitaker, XI Chaffee.
it in Vandyke; Trnatata White, L Shoe
Wya/using—Lp Stafford, James Fee, D L States. .
irpox—Edlrin'Owelia, A H Htrida, Geo Poole.
Welti—J A Roy, .eri Morse, H G Grinnell.
Wiimet—J G lit Vern, Eranlildorrow, 4 A Stowell.
. - irrt, T.....
dianapolis Jutrna4 in speaking.of the
financial condition of Illih l ois and In
diana, remarks that "the adminiStra.:
tion of the State „affairs of Illinois,
under Republican rule, has produced.
the Mimi satisfactory result. The
State debt has . .been fednced Ito $4-
800,937,and the treating has $3,032,-
- for the discharge of outstanding
&ligation's,. leaving ;less than two
millionss of ; dollars to be provided
for. This is well' for .onr Sister prai
rie State, lint the Republicans o.f In
diana have clone better; . Our foreign /
debt is paid, su far as it has been
presented for payment, and there, 'is
enough money in the treasn,ry to-pay
all Istir creditors." In years past,
when these two: noble . States were
under Democratic control, they were
both on the verge - of ba.nZruptcyand
repudiation, and yet the ineinbers of
that party are constantly, harping on.
the financial misinanagement of. the
Republican party, and charging it
with extravagance and conniption.
Ater - The impeachment trial Of
Gov. 11OLDIZ, of North Carolina, is
now going on before the North Caro
lina Senate Of that State, a majority
of which is composed of rebels. The
Govern'or's• offence is that
. he tried to
put down the Ku Klukers, and
brought some Olustice. A member
of the Ku.slrtx: commenced the pro
ceedings against the . Go%'.
Bci.Locs, the loyal Governor of Geur
eh, is also to be impeaChed, the 'ex
rebels *lug a' majority in the
Georgia Legislature._ As spun as the
late rebels.get complete eontxol in
the South, which. they now seem in a
fair way to do, they will make it
hot for Union men to stay' Ahem
They are just as, reuemous - now: as
they ever were; and: as hostile. to t4ie
Union and Union men as they Were
when they. were lighting-fur the o‘'er
,throw of the - Government. . • .'
itfa..l4 our estimates 331 . ' ado last fall
,as to the majority the Republicans
would have in the Forty-Second Pon-
Tess Georg ia credited with
three Republican and four Democrat
ic member& The resalt(proves that
the estimate was a safe one at least,
for thro "Republican Congressmen
elect have already received certificates
of their election, with a contingent
prospect.of two more from the Sec
ond andiFifth districts. ,' -Four more
States are Yet to hold elections, viz:
California s ': and Texas_ in February,
New Hampshire on the second Tues. .
day in March, and Connecticut on
the first Monday in April,, The in
, •••
dicatifins now are that in the. next
Honse c theie will be about, fifty
publican majority. -l• •
sgi.: The steamer W. 4rthrtr,
while ;on hpr way. from Now Orleans
to Louisville, exploded , her boiler&
wben, u shert distance below. Mem-
phis,a rlpottSaturday.morning. "tear
ing away the forward part of thecab
-11,-41.. Theboat : then .
took filort
re,. Yo ugh the exertions,
of Captain Buormora :and his officers
thblaniefi*erki extinr:liiished.7
Therel*i 4i•eit r e.xe c ietirient "On bOsr4;
_`may iti*P9a. • oveibotqa and
wered;owned, , ,, A /ergo number were
picked up =by the:boats which one to
.`the Captain of
the; st*icr thinks thatA leas t sixty_
p9p3y44Likl Avere I (l fitP *Ma; 44"
informatioWpotethenturtber &t eigh=
ty-`seven: 05%ny of-..the i: inwrieere-
Iwere seY5r l Y ! ) Prno F!(t. otherisise
bij u ita. - • . _
eloiiect in 'Nev,-YP*O4!:
# II V 7 1- 1. • 7
P t '
o - IffargidirTiiin a T ables "on
nilaiidid reviewed the history of the
two parties most ably. We give
Senator CHANDLER'S remarks. % He
said :
- 1Ir: PieSidenti liiirdlf - expated
a discussion' of-thbr kihd to' be -pro
voked. from , the - site of the .
Honie. The Beikator from California
accuses the ilepublicim party with
having maligned the' Democratic
party, and in a spirit almost of com-4
misscration, talks of the waning
strength of that party. Sir, when
the Republicim party desire his sym-i
pathy they will' make application - ;*
but so far from maligning the Dem
ocratic partyi,l desire to.aay that the
English language is. incompetent to n
perform that task. [Laughter.] The
very worst malignment that can pos
sibly be uttered against that Demo
cratic party isto tell the plain, nak
ed truth. The Senator- from Cali
fornia thus arraigning the Repub
lican party and thus. elating the.
Democratic party -has thrown down.
the gage of battle, and I for one do
not decline, that gage.
The RepubliCan party is not' an
ancient party, " I will admit. It had
its birth only siteen years a g o; it
t'iok possession of the tationalov
ernment only ten yettra s 'Ago; its life
has been brief, and now our Demo
cratic friends say.its mission is end
ed; it is among the things that were.
Sir, it is due to this younCand vig
orous party, as well as it is due to
that old. snd corrupt organization
known as the Democratic party, that
a, little comparison shotild be made
between the two.
Mr. President, what was the mis ;
siou of the Republican party, and is
it ended ? That is the question that;
I desire for, a few moments t - disk
cuss. - What was the mission of this
great Republican party that has .
ruled the nation years ? Its mission
Was . multifarious. I will attempt
very briefly, and as nearly as I can
in regular. order,• to . review' • some
points in the mission of that-p,i,ixty.
The first part of that mission, the
first encounter 'that 'the 'Republicas,
party ever had on. this floor with ,the
Deinociatie . party was to save the
vast Territories of these United
States from the curse Of slaery. You
all remember the Lecompton consti
tution. You, sir, were a member of
the' other House, and I was a mem
berof this. body. when , that contest
took • place-, Prom the Democratic
ranks we had on this floor three re
cruits; and only. three; but we met
the slave. power ...represented by the
Democratic party,, with the exception
of those three a solid unit, and we
- conquered • them. We saved those
vast Territories, large enough to ere
/ate empires out of, froni*the
lug curse of slavery. That was the
first in the drama of this great Re
publican party. • -
Anti what was the second? . 1.. t was
to meet
.sind . to, crush a ,DeMocratic
rebellion. It will be said, Y stipposa,
on the . other side that this was not a
Deinocratic rebellion, but that it was
a rebellion of the southern wino, of
the Deincteratie party.. I deny, it t'n
It was a. Democratic rebellion
in all its rotundity. It.comprised the
the whole. What was the condition
of this ,country when Frank 4
Pierce r took the oath of office
Pn`riclent of the , United • States?
Yo it national credit
. stood highek
than the Credit of any: nation on
earth. . Your bonds were selling
the markets of the world for 122 .on
the! dollar. Your.treasitry was abso
lutely plethoric with money, and no
nation stood so high in its credit in
the markets of the world as did the
United States of America. Frankliti
Pierce was not a southern Democrat.;
he Wasp. norther Democrat, and lie.
took that cTrainent Democratic states
man and politician, Jefferson Davis,
as his Secretary of Wait,. then fresh
from a campaign in Which he ran - ail
a Sf.epsMonist and traitor for Govern
or .of State. - Pierce . made :hire
his Secretary of War, and from . the
day that Jefferson Davis was. made
Secretary of War down to the day
that the rebellion broke -out, Jeffer s
son Davis was plotting and planning
- for the overthrow. of ' this Govern
ment.. .
* .
it will not do to:say:that all this
was done by the southern wing, of
the Democratic party; f0r„..1 tell yon,
sir, if had not bean for the aid and
conifOrt rendered to the southern
rebele by their northern allies .not ja
gun-would ever j have bisn fired upon
your flag. Treasou was openly talk
ed upon this floor and upon the flet'kr.
of •the other : House, and crowded
galleries applauded the treason and
the traitors. Thet,,Demeeratic party,
North and South, was a unit in all
its measures up„to the breaking out
of the - rebellion. It. was * a unit all
through.-It was the Democratic par
ty, and that alone, that .originated
and carried on this rebellion. Thank.
God,-no Republican ever pointed his
gnu against the flag oflus countri;
eyery man engaged in the rebel ranks
was aDemoerat. , And now, sir, are
we to be, arraigned here;, we wlio
fought that rebelliOn through?
Datt.4lr.. President, there is AO
other, item in this. account. There
were four million slaves held in bond ;
Age in. these United ? States-under
Democratic rule.- - It was a part of
the mission of this great Republican
party. to - liberate those fops mi ll ion
e - '
'slaves; and wclid it. ;
* * * * *
Another. part of: the work of the
Republican 'party was the :homestead
law; saying to .all • the: people of the
'earth,." Come in and possess-- this.
goodlyland; we. charge - yewsimply/
the eost_of surveying it (ten dcdlatti) - -
for. your .hOmestead; come, from'. sill
parts otthe world and. cit:ettpy , it;'!
,Sir, they - hive come by thousands
and-by millions at our request, and
have settled-And: peopled. the lanai
Was :not this' an.72mportant.itant. ifs
the mission of this great-IRapttblitain
partr'l. • -r
-• "1
:44"itin arr.- yott!':,yrai rem (leapt
wil4 Over . the(
Detn9aßtio:AilaiNtn - its.„COuventkuts,
eity 4 o6very. where.proelairaod.the
aebt;:potnevudervize farmstaft •-
• - 01 payifig in;:zrtteubtieli,
ice, of 4mqroman :th e meavelkig_
Alixformazoi. repadiatiou. 0h1 . ..
ivetti.-hirtift tliCdutY, a Was.
forso:Ni thFemission
Aker off imrtv# htnidrodirmilkfty
million dollars of •our taxati933*
stiithase maintained our credit and
made liberal appropriations for pul . )-
lie works.'-- his, is no_ email - item pi
our missk,b;
Sir, theyoung zuo k o this country
are looking at these two retords, and
they urit.ina*ing_ up their' minds as
to wide"' teCord.they desire to have
their names go down in history ii-
on; and I 111±1 happy to say that* of
.the young men now coming upon the
stage of-action, nine out' of every tea
are joining this great . Republican
party.; They desire thatitheir names
Shall be associated with , thoic who
saved thisgreqtnation, and not with
those who attfimpted its overthrow.
The day is far distant when the
old Democratic party that attempted
to overthrow this Goverment will
again be intrusted with power by the
people of this nation. The Senator
from Delaware says that there is no
other way to reform the abuses that
he alleges to exist except by thesote
of the-North. tiet me inforixt' that
Senator that - lie will live to be
oldand that his childreii will be on
the stage of life long 'before be will
see this great Republican party 'that
has Hared the nation rebuked bkihe
people of the North.
Mr. President, if this recordef the
two parties does not please my Dem
ocratic friends, I s have only 14 say
to them that they made .it
rately, and they have' got to stand
by it.
Duluth, the Lake Snperiot.- 'ter
minus of the Northern Pacific rail
road, claims a. population
. of about
4.000. Two years.ago the total uutn,
ber of inhabitants in the place . (lid
not execed fortY. Then
whole of:the town site was .an 4a,
broken forest; now there are- about
, 2,000 acres of Bleared and improved
lands within the city -limits,' while
thereiare nine naiks of streets
graded, and • two Of them partially
macadamized, besides four. miles of
plank sidewalks of an averag4 width
of ten feet. There are nearly COO
buildings in the place, find in these
and other substantial and permanent
improvements more than a million
and a quarter of dollars 'have been
invested: 'The agg - reg.tate sales of the
mercantile and Business • houses du
ring the past year, the 'Quluth Trit
use says, _have amounted to nearly
$.5,000,000. Over 70,000 tons of
freight wore received, at and shipped
froth Duluth during the eight mouths
ending Pee. 31, 1670.
Ihrper's trecl:ll, in a rrecnt mteresting a..,rti
de deßcriptive'of the conntry 'by T!ii
route of the Northern Pacific! Railroad, gives
the following reasonable explanation of the re
markable spikiness of climate and fertility of
sail which claraCitcriae4 the vast region
has come to be known as the New Northwest.
That journal says i
The facCot the inildnC . sa of the climate which
prevails along the belt of entintry tributary to
the line of tee Northern Pacific Railroad, is
abundantly estalihshisl. Nowhere between Lake
Superior and I'aiget Somed is the climate cold
er than in tliniiesotti; And this . great state is
not surpsised u a wheat-producing region; or
in healthfulness - of atmosphere: Dakota is very
similar to 3linnesota : and from Dal:ota west_
ward the Climate steadily modifies, until. in Or
egon and Washingt-on Turritory,:there is al
- no Hinter at all Isla: , from a rainy Hasou,
as-in California. Tbrongliont Dakota, Monta
na, tnil.l , ,laho, cattle and horses range out all
%biter, awl in the 'spring, .are fat and strung.
ReCords kept by government officers at the va
rious military stations en the tipper Nrattera of
the Hewn= show that the sveraiic :tomcat
'temperature for a series of years lie. ispn
warmer in Central Montana thin at Chic - ago or
Albany. This remarkable modification of cli
mate, the existence of which no
person now questiontis doe t 4 Retreat natural
causes,. chief among which orb these First.
the country lying betweeu thu Ilth and 30th
parallels is lower by some 3,000 - fret thin the
belt lying immediately south. The highest
.Ipoint on the lute of the Northern l'acitic Road
s 3,300 feet kisser than the e'orresjsmiling sure
mit of the Union and Ceutiral line.. Both tile
Rocky and the. Calcade rauges, where' they are
crossed by the Northern Pacific route, are.Lruk
en down to low elevatients oemparecl tith their
height,bso miles southward. This differcuc.e in
altitude would account for.ninch of the' (Wier
enee in climaki, as fi'mr tic!;recis of b.:live:shire
are usually allowed for each 1,0110.bi1-t of eleva
tion. ,Lint, second, ill, warm:winds from the
South Pacific, which pred,ail in, winter, • and
(aided hy the warm ocean currents correspond-,
ein);tii our Atlantic Dull' htrearni palace. the genial climate of our Paci fi c coast., - .pass over
the low monnthin ridges tie the north od . lati
tude:44 degt, and carry their aoftetdng • 'effect
far inland, sivitig :to Lastcru Washbigton the
climate of N trp, um, and to Montana the clunite
of Ohio, witholit its dampness and dull.
The same cause—thedegression .ifthemoun
lain ranges toward the north—accounts fo r, he
alnindant rain-fall in nearly all path of , his
vast are*. The southwest winds, saturat ' by
the evaporations of the tropics, carry the wain
eonds eastward 'over the continental 'divide,
and distribute their moisture over the " forte..
belt" stretching from, the mountains to the
lakes. Further acinth the mountains, with their
greater altitnde,.act as a wall against thesvarm
moist, west winds.; hence the .voftkr winters
snit the aridity of portions or the regions south
of Montana and cut of the mentratns. That
the climate of that new Northwest which is now
to be opened to settlement, travel and trade, is
such as to make it a congenial bomb for the mi
grating Milliolls of Central and Northern Eu
:rope, and the crowded portions of our own
land, there is no dpnbt. ..- '
.16 — The Lot - Lid-ilk Courier-Jo&-
nal 'reminds- the: Democratic party
that it is responsible for law and or
der in Kentucky, and cannot
afford to carry even the aptsearanen
of complicity with the villainy that
his recently disgraced the very neigt .
liorhood Of the Ststtneapitil. And it
DensiOcrats . that untess they
t their, in order . they will
have no right to complain of Federal
interferenee, and kill not - be to
avert it
Not Withstanding • the lessons
'of the late war, the Dereocratic - lead- .
Idrs in Congress still itriipeie 'ettry,
measure calculaterftslllTose . intell
gem* end oclacatellio nriviss .
Senator Wii-solt introde64'.6,Vl
the cniteil Stalks Senate :'the
day to 'organize a bureaVe . ednca
,ti9u, zt wog.violently,- opporoy
Democratic side:`-The oWy ABDO of
the DemaTatio' parti44' ignortinee
aihang,' the**. '‘ y"
_lO6, I:46Am or .1E4).44 11BL-flaw *
a:pint, slaw iirriday mai the :
c~td " 1 9A 4 4: 2 Aft 4 :* 6 7 ,
flik ' so# o4- 1 1 01 6 4
*444 4 %.44 1 4 2 44 1 1 ilk aa 4
V4i 1 .4
not, gnilty.- Atateim-exataiititimi •
ifimmberiifvMatisitEc tito eavitaaiit
tiIPM I 7:O I 4#9KPI: 1 7 4*
Pls34#l4t. 40* ku74 1 4.
a ver 'ct of notipay..34 f l r ,ff,7l
that the
iincd; and
me paid off
the Presi
-1 a rapid
takes them
4 the na
il:: time di
m year to
;6, -vire have
den, ,Scaday,
The ttermatt ithibitE4iaderliere
has . officially itiformed - . me that .the
all. the -Pais,. Arts,
21=ithiti 4 thieei.itigitad
o'clock, last tivenin r ,vr t. at Versailles,
by - Biel:ear& •
• "The Slimy' of will remain
I prisOnerif of .I%lli in the city, but it is
sotwhether they: are 'tolie
diiitimed or not. .tietails."hwie
yet been reecircd.. • :
“Corint Ppernstorti thinks` it is tin
important faerthat - the armistice -trx
tends Over:the sea, Rita - t atft - shetild
ten,de - .known as quickly'
[The i.SSociiited .•Prefis yesterday
'reeeire4 a Verfiailles di atch ;COn
taining the'' same, information as
aticlfe.l - 1" •
Viatsan4.lz, via London; Jas. 28.
The German t.reops occupied the
forts.arupd - Paris atotca! o'clock this
morning. The entire garrison of
Paris, except the National Guard;
surrender their arms. The armiltiee
expires on they 10th of February.
LoNDON, Jan: 29- -The
Emperor sent the fol
lowing telegrtipbie dispateN _1() the
Empress Sugnsta :
" VF.HSAILLE4; 2 r. M. ,JAIA night
an armistice for 'three , lv:eeks was
signed. ,The RegrAars and' Mobiles
are to surrender in Paris as 'prison.
- ers of war. The Natiount GUard will
undertake the: maintenance of - order:
We ocenpy'all the forts.
"Paris- reniains infested, but gill
lie allowed tolrevictufil as scion as the,
arms are sArrpridered.
"The National Assembly is to be
summoned tOlnicet ini - Mrdeaw: in a
fortnight. .
" All the r.rlnies in the field will
r -
retain respective position'. The
ground between' the opposing lines
is to be neutral. .. •
"This is, thi?, reward of 'patriotism,
heroism; and:great suer fives. Thank
God for thi. fresh' , Mercy! May
pence soon follow. IVdtirt.m."
t • '.
THE 01.:IntANS OccUlq: 'riu 1. , A1:1:i FORTS.
LoNDW:, Jan. 2U, e:3O r. Ver- -
seines dispatch, just received, says
The twelfth", Saxon Corps at, one
o'clock this morning occupied -Ro
mainville„ Musing and. Nougent; , the
Ilavariana, (toren ton, 3luntrouge
and Vanvrc? . i and Silesian COrps
Arry and. Bicotic. - Paris is to pay
;20,000,000 -ft#cs."
I •
BERLIN, Jan. 29-L.2, r. city,
is in a perfect "frenzy of excitement.
now that the bertaintv.of theeapitn
lation is. line*n. To-day
the - , church hells rang ; since day*
break, and the several services in the
churches were attended by crowds of
worshipers. :'Serinons on peace were
delivered and prayers of thanksgiv
ing for it were offered.
. Before finch after the merning.serv
ice iu the chinch, an immense crowd
gathered in font of the Palate,- and
the hulks of the Itnvel lionsehold ap
peared at tll6 %vim - lows and !waved
their acknowledgetneuts to; the pep-
I • -
The seenesLin the streets iw be
youdilescription. Every person on
his way to elureh,_ as he mot his
neighbor, stopped and embraced,-and
the women were congratulating each.
other with teara in their eyes.
. The news 9f the - capittilation Cer
tainly. creates in the , public
here a cluiritable feeling, and there
is a strong'desire to net generously
towards the fallen fie.
. .1 ...
„..,,. - 4
' A • Tvuti) [ragscorAL Dlis:Esr - OF
PENNsYLV.INI.I4-7At present tLere are,
two dioeeses , Of the Protestant Epis
copal- church liu
,the state —P.hiladel
pina and Pittsburg—bat indicptions.
poii.t • 'to tbe 1 ercatiou of another. be
fore the lapsl of many menthe.. • At
the diocesan f_ unveutiwilield in Phil 4
a4lphia last spring a proposition
was made and. carried to :divide -.the
eastern diocgse'• into two tAlle new
uue to Conip4se all the counties out
side of the Pittsburg diocese but phil
adelphia, 3fobtg(;ntery,l3tichs,Cliester
and •Delaware),,. provided $50,000
were subscribeLL toward the move
rueut. At the same time a colutuittoe
ivas appOinteil by Bishop; Stevens to
raise the neeLs.sary amount of money,
This was theibody that Met in Har..
risbfirg on.lVedneSday to report the.
result of theii. labors and fur other
purposes n•et.nane -to the proposed
diocese. :afte r aggregating the Istil.
scilptiOns?en . ,by the committee
appointed fo that purpose it Was , mi.
certained . thrlt he tween ] $30,000 and
x,OOO had' !been grtarntitee4 With
the most cheering prospicts that the
entire =omit would soon be forth ,
aiming.' The reports- showed that
had not som of the' congt!egations in
the territory of the proposed
. dioeese
been . severely taxed to.defray the ex-i
-penses incidental to the, building of
parsonage's; etc., the $50,000' would
already halielbeenambscribed: . After
the committee completed the business
claiming their at ention? they :*ere
handschnely tate wined by William
Buehler, -- -esi.,l t , his residence on
Frontiltreet.l 'Theext meeting -Will
be held -- at Pthe Continental' hotel;
Philidelphil4 otthe:Second , Tuesdaji
in May.—Herriiibtieg Paliipt.• : ' -'
, 1 ,/ : .;_.. . ,
A:5l - YrnEn ocniarc REBE4ION.—,
Tho ver - •
• •/
- ?mai be won for the 'conspiraiors, both ; in:
art ont of the Flenstr‘, to know that there is
po beyond wirch it:will not be sate to Ten
. tyke. The Dem'oenitie parts is a unit in there.
,s,,tv, W titaintaiii its ri,glittia Ahem in the ad=
ministration of the fit,- anti • when it
can no longer proteM itself thaw.* the ' Wipe fnl meana_of thy' ballot box, it will not shrink
from any tentedr -that• nay usceuary
,to rnput the enurgency.", ; 3 1
; - Tlie nixeirei sounds *erg mach- liken
Democratic' {talk in 1860, but
rink and filo of thil:party cannot' be
•. • - 3 :
4tilVed :into 'nnotbor-iebeuton cpnt . e
no .
[ MirOati ilannuss . i 1 a - #*4ll!
0 !,he -IC . .' e.- Lekbat4are'litifenii;s
Mall& tie
ri T ssav
1 , .: . • .- A. .1.,,. .._ . ._
al — a 4/ 9 9 4 9 #4,,M 1. /40 49r , - 4 1 .!
1 0 . 1 . 1 0 31 4At - AL - Ctinainik• 01.--ptik‘.
i ,g514 011 i 411 a .. 4 Pfes , t Such.. iiii , slam&
**al :meat 'sitte:4-ciiliZ.
'or''t frii
4 * 5 7
bon:swindle* tigtinnniziOdzingitlia
;Oa itillisrlikier:,lV-I.r,
aiindJurons..... ....
Insaranee on Put)tie Buildings.
Catmint Sp Conunisaioners.,.
Jury iDonintlactonemend Clerk . • •
1 .9 0 c 4 t BSleks andji4ilowy
or k tril
Prirtiers to Penitentiary
ACCotr*r.WlTlCrlig .5011C_ItALreaCLEcTons OF- C.M A yTT TA.Oult WE CO V'X..
• -' , ; ty of Bracy - ordain' fberyear 1870, an6l4o4‘o6Mai6 -1, 5 •J3... _•;J • i - , ' -
____,....._ • ______-__:- ________-_=..
' tionftollio - - -
Torp , ..a. • . canizeiwts.. - 1 Tic..!Cri'so'nF's) Exierira.Cr. 1 Dcs.
1 ............a.c - -...-.
Townson, ....... ..... Cli Hewn= •• Iltr,A l 21 34 13494- , 1 40 * .. 1
C01imab1a........ 1 .. • .. 3/I Heria • ' - '1643i 13 001. , ,ht hi, - r .• • •
Ch - e 1105,........ I ..,.... Henri 1610. 3r...,. " • J 111469, 30•611 1' no co ', .
Trey H0re0611.. - .. , ...: Taxan Adaniii..,. ' 1 114691 121 41 13 31 10 ti /11 Al . .
Aromas.. ... ......: . .-• Mason WHllaltio..;.;" ' , • - 1879' -471 05 100 00i 2.00. .4 a
Athens Towaship,.... 5 Hurley- 2104 04 ."J•110 196 1 IS 46 . 107 42
Allman Zonate,' L Z Kinaabangh • - 1/11 531 'Ol3 12 is 04 "int
A1b1inyai...:....,. Alroandair BMW' - _ 433 GO. 320 31 16 43,1 20 66
- Isaac Enrcil - - '. GU 791' CB 00 5 711 33 05 .
W i rrini 4' tiglei ...1.... l'r G Andrus.
.' • 1Z). 24 uo IS I all
Harohlif. -:... .. .... -.'• ... E. W Talady
.. , - oas 15 '913 ol 2 . .1' 00 411 21
/hut/Onion Town6hip. Morgan Waters - ' did 34 1 014 02 :. - 1 32 IH
-"Dirt/Mgt= lkinuarh.. It It Pbelps.:. • ' -
IV 9 1; al, ii. . .15 1 44 4 . •
04alostmwea, • .3.A C 91639011. . _ . 1..• • • ... ~61 at an ~61 I : 4 7 ,15
Clinton T00n5h10,.... Zealot Landon.... I 1134'19' /116 44 1 O 3,
(1421i0ilikollogh -•'CI II Otifiln • -" - ' - 410 GO 413 54 1 1$ 01 'StOS - • •
Clolnuilils. .. • ' J Uhlonno • ' 130 " 4 444 1 1232 .72 10 561 64 68 '
Franklin ' ' Nelson Hilbert ......1 .. : ......... 445 221 419 00 4 17 1 •22 05
G 2 u,lls 1 • - 03.51r6n0r • ' • 792 s*'- 131 13. 1 311 09 31
Herrick ' Charles Mo. , 539 02. 608';11 •3 65' 28 76 •
Leltot ' 1 ' • Alpha Stone . • • .. I 663 42 CV ow 1 so' ' , Jo 02
Uiehneld .....4..1......13 P Moan -
..-...., ..... 637 73 .790 131 .3.93' 41 39 ,
1,414pm - 111e.: .. .'.......1 il Ilenhim 166 73! 124 311 • a24 "
Monroe Tosinslifp.... .IJolin Ennis . ' - 1 • . 721 311 cavill 4 241 35 90
MOnroo ikXoo.gli' B D liallet :.,... .. ... ..... ..... ... • ro 60,. 160.461 3 691 -8 as
Orwell 1 •,,' -1 Chnbbncic ' , ' • 929 231 obit rov, 1 - 20, 46 37
Overton " , r - .:..lJaniew 150/75011X • ' ' •••• •• • 291 Ut '179 5,11 - 12 40! 943 1 -
Pike . i• ... . , .... ..'
1..... .1 1 Stevan... 1207 84 1097.431 7 37, CO 02 42 e 4
111,134i . nry ir• C Thompson
...., • ' 427 11i 871 461 9 791. 45 5 , 6 :
To . Philander Termer' - • 723 39, 475 72 1
. 9 07 33 73 -
Rome Borough. ..... I Baniel Vonght ' '' . 112 63 1 • -_ i •
.., . 1421 s 6i- 1617 7Ci ' 2 881 70 94 112
Smithfield 1•- 1W B Forma.-- • '
.... ...... . 1219479: 1154 19
; 14 35; GO 73 -
Mptingtield. ... ti N Putter..
South errek 'W 17 Moore 5914211 493 03 11 31, 23 93
14 - Innis - ,•• IPeter 'Memo" , 12. 4 ' 7 1 6 6 , 121 791 361 11 41 .--
Rhesibecpain- 1 ieharlea Chaffee. ..... .. ,', .1 • 1243 191 1171271 9 221 . 61 70 '
Bta.tuling Stone.. 'George A Wrens - . ona 30, , 595 33 6 641 31 33
Terry •..... Charles Thompsou ... 434-84'. '4lO Mi. - 2 23! 21 1"..1 • ,
Towanaa Townaßir... W W Bow - luau 575 1171 SO 07 4.471 26 as •
Towanda Boroogh..'..' A. Ti Kingsbwr* 2415 14 1 2438 35, - 48 23, 126 34,• . • '
. .
Towanda North. ! .....iGoorge 11 In as 434'49
414 2AL
Ti l uy Township . J.....luiram Rock,A - 01 ....... ....... , 1277 5.., 1208:191 33,1 1 ; 2 6.3 1 82 1
60 . „
Troy Borengh .. 4. ...., ZC• Williarns ... 914 121 944 931 94 142!_ 44 47,
Tine:iron ..... ~.... George W Weednas ' 673 19i 636 511 3 161 93 Sol
Istar... ........ . .... .11ilinn 1401r0rub......... . ........ ..
iniftll 4 J P Kinney ............ ......: .....
ium._ ..., ;Josepti Elslirce..
~ . 7it 32 ' 703 93 , 3 5:2' 37 07t •
tell 031 - ion sot - i on nn ', -
,019 77L MI 1481 3 601 44 311
Wy4ltiting. ...i '1 C fit ,4 Ten , t . 114'3 3.1. 11123 31. 26 Is,. 53 st;
*Tani. • 'IV W Wood N 971 83 315 00' 6 29'48 28 on 3 /
We1kei......0 1. Shepard ' ' stfi 3'71. 800 mi l 4 171 -4211 r
Wilmot - - '-• ' , GTE Morrow ' . ! 374 721 541,11, oln i 213 464' , '
sitw.clintrient .... I 344 461 34. - 31 1 1 . 2 Cai 1 30'1 ; 236 23
I' . • ____ _____L- ..2.-_.l.____-_ _ ,--
i 1 vi-' t,--- , Mt 44133,55021i:170 2211.r42397'1.nnt 94
• _•••• •
__ _ -_
Chas. K. Lath!. Trcainrer, is account Trill, th • r•,,nrty itnvyard,.4.7).. , 110111
; ,t•
To irtnlnnt 41iir for Ig,itl ISrant , mnt return4nnoallectrid for 1810
• arid 'preriens .t • $ MS 2-1 and priA ions yearm,..
To ain't of ilnplidatre for 1570 .16,27 G 33 11F.sni't
rer , lcci friitn nn. ate lands . 7:56 01 • p.rcenta4tr• •
" • Irat•6l 't • . : 14138 • t , rd.•rs reder•racd,
•• of reawsament. b 3 01 —of 2.per:ct.i , olilniii-Atifon saute
• .‘lncidoital.rt..ceivalx • 3R7 . ofc.l •• •• $31,£47 62
in Tr ryifari. 1, 140 4,'202 1
•• paid atutir
• •• • in Trit•tinitTlan• 2. Inr. "
Total • • $l - 2 419 57
(I,!inty ilritrlr 111170.
: • -
To tinaottut of
.oitders iinined in Itrici
out.-tan.ling Jan. 1 "
. . .
BllADraro ) eqt;NTY,ss. , .
. - We the touts•ritturisti Couuniasshimerit of.said county do hrrrlty certify that the above is • fru:. and cor
net at itt`urrit of the reminds and raproitit fees of said county., fr , nn the rat day of Jaunary to the .31st
4.12. - of Decoriber. (Inrlnsivr) A.D.. Ink
itltary our hinds and s,als of office, at Totrauda, this 2tt4 day of laututry; 1871.
- EZRA LAN)O3.IEIS, 1 ~.
J. D. )1131138. craruisjytinicra.
E. C. KELLQGG. . • ,
Attrilt-:.1: D. Coms.tram, Clerk
Nei Advertisements.
_L VAN' A: ERII: eflect on
"Monday, .an. 13. IWa
. ,
J. m. 1 A. m.. 1 - 'i r. X. r. m.,1
.1-30 Izi of. I - Ttily, \Nr).1.....' . ! 1'2:21 I 7:10 ,
.2-.41• s int --If.AI:CL%I" . .II'NCTI6 12:10 I 7:0 , ,)1
3:00 8:30 I ...,.....„510N1WE 11::0 6:40!
3:35 0:05 ' wir,fax51........ 11:13 6:05
5:45 3:55 .. 1 ..1 , i KW A1.11.11 4 :17.... 11:05' 5:53
:1:4'.5 1 .9:25 ... —MILLERS.. ..... 10:11 5:15
4:1 i 11:30 . J... PrgR0nE........ 10:30 3:20
r. /4. i A. N. I.
A: M. 1.. H. .
- .
R. F. C;(lOD3f AN. ,
Oeul Yamsenner Agent. , .
EvANs.k •rimpLETio
X. the begt 1,15‘r t 3 tun
Their IN hat, rt , g 1. - 1 - 4:iug urn. and I.9tlght at tht-I.,tr
rxt the m+r[•t hag tonehett in eight tyrara.
therefore enabling ahem to give thetienatoniera New
Crooda. ant at very l,tK prievr., itt their ato,k may
be found I • • -.
„. •
Ssucs PL4liis; ALL WOOL SptuE,
AIOILInZg. EMPTtESS currirs,
knarunvs. DELA NR:,
ALSO, .ILL . WOOL 5L1U . :1;.4 AtoST .I'O4I:4AR;
COLOWl—Unttl,s4lmen. Plum CO!Or,:. • •
Dart Garnct and Brown. 4
Dottl4e nuto,Sllk gt - tals in nutri'ot cau
only he found at
poIi‘A4IILL LINE oiiVAiEr,,,
Brown anti, Black
Alto BLACK' yEL:rf.."TEMS. for Cloaks :attel'47llxo
- go to • •
. • grptivrtrs.
LINENS, are. biqur, offOred b •
. .
MADE CLOTHS, suitable for Mr arict:Bois•
wear, can be found at
And the !inset stock of InfLITS, ilubratik all
styles, the market *Lloyds.
itosiEnY AND GLOVEEL"-incltulingll* . cele
brated Hardt , Seamlese Bid Gloves, -
ArrilAcTIVE BT9CII. to ■eloct frmn WPM&
tET SUAWLS, Double awl Single Wool ithaicla in
Ladies awl Mara; at
. EvAlisk.'utunung •
. , .
GOODS, in ail,ite branclwa. at
EVAN'S t.tttumnEx•s
Bridge street Towanda. ra.. Jan.lB,ll. •
, . •
Fx r MERCFR Are., now*v
• irs a fresh stawk ig,,thafala in theirlige. bought
since the Ist Aatinary, whtch they invite the. at-'
tuition of that* friendiL We'keep 'the largos* dock
in town. One goals are trash ati4 •dastrable. -We
tell at lowest nork,ct.pricca.
Jan. 19.3871. ; I"
ITEM ; AND' !NEW trEA.S, bought
1: since theiiecent decline in pitre. , and Melting
cheap atistall. JIVX it-MS
Jan:l9, 1871. s . •
. _
FV*. tIiF o RCUR arts ,Grc!:
etriosOrtitail.l • irri.
7 -1 .4 OXBIER Mit are, sellu3 i New
Vrelqi ••••.: •Jan. 19.12TV''
VOL Sc, AcEll4l3l , arc
• eerie, 4Jip.10:071..
IX - .47, 131.1gROUR Ate aellin r--
, 0d:4111(44., 1 4.1 an.
Fox mErteino a:.-47111
cloiper Oun.tviret7 • • • Jan. 19.1114
'OXlilgiterlt do it - a- deid it?
"IS0: tho Cri Mic XarL: 'd
konstamicois.,• •,. . • 1111 T. M .
'lblianditeStin.lo7lir' L • • nl.-KIITI
,ButMßEn. tbs-*o!4ko.Aleihna
_L o•Seds-it ' '
_ fetie - A
thig we wou l i bib oh . dersaii. - ' •
Jais-19, MI • $ IffEIIIIXIVI
-40,117%e0.-41. 17." 2 41t,. -- : - * -- e* •
,kWitC9l,ll;_ z
q y a iNET.y. ;FAU/T. l-1 1:4710WiSk - 7,*1„
• „Imams; cstie, liclEiborwme?se:
-101811. "TOrk
• •
i b nsgc Rics •1 I 1
• lie •
Fl 4-.
R. All
Qt: B
Ist TO P.:Cl:artri .. !
; , .
6395 K
W 73 GO
151 31
50 00
. 13G n
, M 7 Oft
1373 73
723 r$
MCl_ 32
217.71* 47 1 , 110110 of ort-I—rs irclerrue4l in 1870.
' 5 1. •• ontztataing J tr.., '7l
, 144 Total • •
EvA. , ..ts
mza ,
Public Printing..
Prothonotary and t.
nrigint epos Public, 4,
Xtefarou.u poritrt of: 1;
Sannzazaing Juror* . 201 90
Curapan*9 toward . 290 09.
bf 1E41.. : . :00 00
1111404 CartiAcatea .2 23
John A. Moody. late Cararolasiotar4f lase,
Ezra Loomli. Cotamlaif °arr... 4 0 00
John D. Wad*. "' 438'00.
Era's Cr X bB . OO
E. B. CooltZ, Clerk of tummleollner.. I^Ao co
. r
Sum Total...
Ti;t, r.
signed hav‘c this day formed a partnership
under the firm:mune of Rnaentield k Wolff. and wilt
continue the clothing truettient at 4he 'old etind'of
M. E. l:nrenlleld,•wherc. they - w•ilI Ix: p!eased to see
an Shelf old patrons and friends.
az. E. Mk:ENFIELD,
Jan. 10. 1871. - JULIUS WOLFF.
TOWANDA, 17111DFO1:D cotrrry, PA
This Inslitnti9 n has inst linen tlinrnwghlY i'paire.t
and improvisl, -and will La reopened TVEs.D.ti.
SEPTEMISETt 6, 1870:
ENGLIftli. CoNflittitri M. SCIENTIFIC &;CLASS-
Tbp,Eaousu C.,:crouc cotuptista _special attailtion
tn preparatory fortrom.)o and " higher branches. dMJdc) excepted. , •
The COMXIMCIAL, all Ilia sulynatagea of our beat
Comniefrtal Saloon. with nece nary sorb:Jule Atudiea.
The Nomm,,,Ahortnigh drill 'la common' school
'stwlles and Theory and Prue:lief , T4arb#l2.
Thelcranetrw, Epeeist Instruction in the sciences
,111nrtritted by au llXtfrlpi VO CotlectiOu of apparatus
recently repair . od atilt supplie4 , -and,other branellen
- nxnally pnremed in College. modern 13nguget being
enbdtltnfrd for ancient. " •
eLk.ICAL. thoronali prPparationa for out I;prd Cul.
logrA, and modern Llaurusor.a. ' i
tnixocErrAx. branehls—.-Mnsiti Driwlng. rairding
under rzeellent inntructont.
Board and Booms - ruiy be oUtlined to tho•
Apply-lo G. W. rt,ran.and L. E. Quinlan. Amu>.
date Prineiralx, Tqwanda, fqr cin.ulara and parlien-
'Ang•.lo7lo. Prm , :dent Ebard•TrnatfT..
cAND - 17 1 cmyy!! cr,sayil !
JI24NUFACTURED nuLti rrßi xuaARN.
WIJOICSIAIC 1114 rit tan. at prian that.:dety comprti
tiou. Constatiug, is part, of -
. •
aunty App'es, reselica and Petra, -Gum Drops,
Clxvolate Drops. Chocolate_ Caramals. dTolasaca
, Tatra, Cream Vara; Creamdtonbons, Smooth
Curt and Jordan Almonds, Clove Bud. •
Cinnamon iihirm. Peppermint Drops
, • &tt Docamges, Mixed Casuly./ap. , •:.
&mac Valor. Cinicimon
• l
mpeaals, Tar, :Soar and
mit Itar.Alinend '
Par. nose
• 9 Ball", • •
Mottoes. ,
• , Fig Paste. • -
Juba Paste,
Cream. - Dates, s •
- Conversation hearts • •
.f.,;ixetiges. - N;apolean Don .
Grab:K..l; Clear. and
I ' . Sugar Toys. Candy licartg. plaiu , •
- -and Gilt. itc. Oranges and Lemons: , •
• - Chewing Peaean /Sots,': Y. °
Filberts. Almonds, Brazil Nuts, English Will ,
nnts, and every thing kept by Confectioner's in '
general. 7 • . • . . .
- 1: C. S. rrrcn, •
Opposite Coddlng, dinssell k Co's N 0.121. Main4t.
3.—Fouteuther we e scil the Fatally Favorite
Weed Slwing Machine.
. Towanda. Dec. 114870.
c. NELsos.
Mae made =Tangent cuts to accommodate customers
that are constantly calling with boots and Shoes for
new soles, etc.. and have hallo dome them, to their
great diastlynntage,until another day. The oanatant
nil for MN kind of work, and - the deshr to have it
done immediately; has induced me to make led sr
ranfementa that you need net n•tnru home '
Without. your :ukle beaugreuenedland your heets set
. .
. ,
.. .
Kuser, . ~
For prices that are be,iteil and perfectly !idyl
Ladles that biter ;Tanen; that are brae at !be tcki. ,
To thia rep/o.opp to the Mace for to go
To get them ro-vamlied, neatly tipped orjoif•adied•
And your feet well ptlrtreted from the :fret and there'd
- -
• •
New work we can wake yon with .the 'above double
' quick, • - - • - I
We eau make, them ;or yow ibis*, Or awn can; giro them
'to you thick,
We - ifek net.V them with Ifgh bffiela; or wo t n girl
thentto yon flat., , . . -
Rn yon - need - not otatzer with ilniek In yonrbat.
•-• 141.13.—f100d elder vinegar foe Rale by barrel or-gal.
"mkt ot litglhodiAr dumb. Math street; - • •
; T 9, watula, Dec. 13,1870: , L. NELSOX.
• .
Hart opened W' bay ' • •-.
-pumas. aoaNte ESerazusaugsr
jatil* roam , over aim • Ihrwateya idaltartre store.
; ione•door booth of For' 4 Itarcur',4), where, they are
peeparidttk do id: khado in-ilta Drell* grik:-
tag lira, attrWriablerater.. T .
PASI'4 I (Ii-.l'44TiOr : , • -..
6f the Litestai s yle ie — rived aeanon I/ published. 4
"I~ey also : gist instruetkads
• : 031 D, DAME , •
• . • _
•••Rest::40:10. •. • - -•- LYDLIr O. ETON:
. .%"014611TILT, =TM
1 1 1 6. Vhit;thiciit , -ert this r‘bili fs citerin
S •
- PluMlau-w*koNe.
ofivtost OPEN ** - 1P0§;
Ana rorkwOola m9i i
. - ,44l l :l*l l lXqra ): W 4- 0/ I !)4Eits'
• • t. t .
Ilk' ate ' Sr i 4. "
." I • V.l . 1.4;4 •1.
eery light. and so -durable, that ems time „hat hut
little to do towards their decay,: ".-. - •
r!rif :7 - • it
exam'n 3 Irir wail; _before pnrctutitig.e\iter
1411010:11epaheigiatii , ay sheet tietiak;• • . k,
Witotnii Pralk
Soil VI, 1$70: lttyperititen
i9se a rA dt el)
i . ~.,it Ej to Ali-G .E S
. w,...:
'' , F.,-... 1 I _ •
:;,.- - t• .P . ;' , ' 1 *• . .
b '
•-, •; ~z..
ft,• 1 ,4 , ,,, , - , •
%iit,'Ncs C ,
- -, T 'OMP", 1: T E
40 14 f
2714'4 5
900 00
129 95
1., ' fr
a}, • •
P I, A T.zp AV 1 ltE,
4 ,
uoil) ,eILI.L.Ns. &C
Ever opened I#thliv_mvrket, C't h 141 !ion
anti for rale at the trell.knfrern-Eitrerf
4 1,177 21.
370 22
de2ll 97
471111 47
svi 4.s
•.313 13
i,I9G 17
4:1::,419 .17
V 2 -1 71)4; S 7
3 37
$27,811 St
I!Ar. C. hie just fehlru•A:. twat the eity,,4ltuci tkit
ten:* Inunt.4l thatlait , Find. I,le , been boitgilt bet
tom llguros, add that Ii .4uv';,fr.,;r Ictb.t; ;
awnticto rurchaFrlrs tliafi any
H E.TII.PII.IIEY 11110'1711‘..itS .
rst-3bhahm.•gt 1n the ,!.ttutry.
100 CASES'
50 CASES . •
- I
liVo3l.k.'N'S and KISSES Si-10ES.
1 0 DIF 4 YttliNRS,-
200 . •
200 -
Large- lot' of
Large lot of $.
Large lot, of
_ _
FANCY RUG S . ,' A e: - -
FANCY 1411 . 458, ..& C.: ='-
FANOY 110 S - .W., ;:,..
ldavinit enlatgell air edesreern `Ad guar exten
sive purchases of all goods in our brentii of trade,
Pm ant Prtissred to;tdrereittes intimeeinents. - -
tr " . 1871 3! 8(14. • ril. !xtylinEy BROTHERS.
• ny ruucu4sniG 'Om
STONTIV - AND ' turtm.A:mr.,
44 10 11 1* - N . BRONS O I.
alin0" 1 . • ;:f 1 1:t.
:cinvare litattiag :AI tif. ercleattli art
Idurasi• poetic, TAsisisertibrktre team Goo4l
facildaisi Priourkolt.ll :;
lIENRYX MEttelit.
rad" .; , Yocimm UttAt
.~eisorfinepf off" ° , ~•.
J EjJ y f 4,
-. 0 0"\
~ ~ ..
WILL- - uFFI3:
MEN. ;ilia BOYS BOOlii.
;117.N. aticYBOYS
.tirE'N Anti 'BOYS -1300175.
TRAVELING BAGS, 4.t(1, 1- •
'BUFFALO norp,
sl Of
• -- 7-•
. •
. •
„, 6;44 , 4 ,,, , ri, m r"tn , ,,,fti- 0 7 C. 8.-
• "[:7: ri y
Ryer, 11, - i . •
Bock-wheat, T t bn e j
iat •
Ce r t, "truth ... .
Wit. -it butt S... •
Beans.; butts
te rol' A "fr
(dairy, P 1
tags. dot
Potifb46, - * 11011 • -
martr;-ipt; ....... • 7 rr: 4r
Onion k 7;1 btvitt
Wilatrt* OP GitAllt , ;Artivratem : l l
Itys; :;411 - ba.; pais 22 r.ark;y 4r: /LA.;1,4, 1 ,,,„ . .,,,
48 f'l4e4l fib 62 Biiti 20 1414.: C: , ;‘ , 2r Se-ed r•fi• •
, fiery 44 lbs. • Dried Pkr.c • lv;i: 33 t6 c.
Dried Apples 22 Ma.. Piss Seed
TOWAICAL POiciT4sl - FICE. , •
rn•ffi"rt it 0 0cti4. 1 01.44114 ` at -04's at, ",
arrivi suul delart
. Arrat.
xorthernlisit 7.11 A. at ......... S:IZ
". Sab r. a .. .... 7:15 ..t; •
.... ....
Canton ' . • .1;r0
• I;:ft(rv. ... ... ... 8:C1 A. Y.
11;r10 11.0
tipday 12:005t.........
nmititarthis every Monday, Wedneatlac
1 , -Vidayst GWO v. at.., aria departs- at 7.0 4 c r a
• Tuesilasik:Thuraciay. a4(l4aturtlai.
- I•ll , erty Corners mill arrives every Tites•day," lt t;
(by antll3staratly Depaitx 41, •
. r>43 minute.; . 1/../: , r, tic lir,l rf p.
Fa f lueei 7a/id the pi4/74 and u.ntli
i,r- ; AtVoitr),
ON'EY qt.rret
,11 1_ p.cii.6l erict std.licfeetCgllipg
;;;4.2 an 4 nter'ary uoery
tr.n h 1 ~1 .0.4. 4 1., by WA.,11.1.)
• naPlu terpo oe dram ;rit,t
ak . tins Land.. it.u.trit:Anq : , ..tinl.stery
tutr. , os: ailihortss '• Uncl, .
Ektry I;' , r 1h:1
,pipet ' rue pon Air' ate pf f'..17,
11A 4,1 i I ('S .( 41,, ne w ot.;/:
Th'sxkly 4111,4 !Intl.:111o! ar i l s
1-:&,?; rmi:. All are doing - wr.ll, f••.«:
SlO to s.lltl - a clay. Now t. MR.-
- vir.7.1,1 , mu, ;•ounr..
Vim will payr-Ir so ;.'EL:.. C'-pr 1,1 1 - r,
lo r y bji g l. tart te.rn , ..4., f zld.r . , - .r. •
. 4 : 11. Itt7„;11VII,
• 'Mi. Oil, bar; prot'sn itself a 7
the cure ofttlattatatle 1 - I , rnene.. *of !kn.
gittring z.i f iontwa - n..applie.ifirni. W.-
cal world to 'br.lll7, a,mat•rial better•d• d
Alleviatirgi of pain -and I:lni , m - eps Mn ' a„.!
flail isVilkiineillcirie. •It 7a ,, rkaTll , ollthe .a: . 7.,
its iiktmOd .kin—Eiroxic43 aitliougit
ottr bi , ,xf. , ineili , itt,., it suinntitttp.
Vo t e rase i faihirr are v, , ry rare, and are
nue.. It .iorks
, atins nr a. ayl.l all eat.Jrnal pata ,
ert:liquily slioilldtlar.sit in raj.... of 47.1:
npnini 9. .Tt.uill trot sivart
lefu, tlical Ito a itw sore, • it ia'; L 4. r y ve
ea .rratiou; I,llt-ifl• „ 1 c . , r U.,.
rirtt• - rh1,1,1,1 ,, V11 to , I , dt7t , t r..4z,, a
4 . 1/1t; Drineipli,. •A.
.1. iioli,all:.
taking the:l , A' anytlitu:: in tba
trw . lt If coil do tivt Ile It, return 1' land re•
P^tcrvitrrmnti..y bat*. Pnt.talf. , by all eirtr;!.7l , t.
-4T1 , 1 , ••:.:•• cent.
111.10.WNI:YG T.A57:(11,
7 , .tf '
BO' iTMPC_ € HOT SE. _
4,1 S...hiCriber 11a7ing Ic r. J:
Itott:E , ?'011
of Dr. ,i7ratt:i i. ,- 1: - . 17r1 1 , 1
1 , 0•113 0 . , :cff
attc nal tl:4 tri la a
-o,tyrenient c,•tuf,rl able step. E,
~7~rr. t;'io.
f rq\AN.PA c:OA I, YARD
.t.!.; . ; THP.2If_ 4 iJ`E A.. 0 17111_Zi!tsn'I'
, . . . . . .
Tbia:tittilettlf,:ned. tutting It asetl th• Coal 'Yard il.. .
'1)oc1F at:thO ohl ;;: itirelay klasiu.' audit:it c0n.p1 , ..'.i..:
.a large C. , al-kritte..c and'ltitncet upon the -pretuisu.,ai..-
” ,, tv - tiropareet te. tlttntglt the ettize at; of I.4.l..tratrla :op'. ,
;,i;. , ;:i;ty ',ill; th;• .litt-reutkintl, arta fuze. of the at.,,,...
i''''s , "''l 7"nbt'.ltr , -;n tit , Inr , Ft rra:4,!t• tr.rn; q , t , . a.-.. , •
quantity tiv'slr,(l..
''Pr;tx 4 at thtt Yard ttntl fr.:11t;;:
I 1,• , 0,...:: . . ,
. . .
1.31,..1c - .it' , , `
Large. E. ; „4; .• • - • C st; ,
. j,;:rop .
' -6.;
, Ft,. wait/ No' ' ' - •
I 1'i11..4:42, Xtil. 5
. .
; • ••.ttatelay " ;Alm"; .; ,
I . - ' , "'• Pint ~:' ~.',.:".:-.r, - , • -
I L '• . 1:11‘ , .7, ..rrI11a,1;111117:1 • /
4 . 'l . l',- f , ;I.;w:Jna adaltintral ehargea is,all 11;.. r.:101 , . t. -;
I tlel . .'weriug t 'cal within the bat ottgli (traits: , -
; Per Ton ...Zit) cotta I:l.trtt for L-aftyintr, in. ;Pi t-t-ntr. .
I italiftim..:;ri ~
'; t2 . r..Tnr.. „`2.1, .• •
Pil• OrartA tualy I , e 1.-ft at the Sara. coru ^t of 1: tz...
1 ivaa and illipli;:111•Stz, i t. 4,. or at rert,r 'a: 1 , ..r1y'. ‘
pru fit'or;. •. . ' • . . ,
I • .0. . t.tra.... - . - :;.:.1..u5t it: all , , 1.... ai.0. , 1;11 , a1; .:...+1 ,:t.l:
thec.oh... • , WAltli& aTONTANI E.
Itr,rautl.t. ,Tai -. .. ID, 7.371—tf. . ..,
• ,
.i . C.V11.F... ',N 0 1111 AL SCHOOL !
'form :It-tmwr 7tll.
n.;.1:( 11 , 4.11.ths
E , ••••,e:lt'el,iglit , at al migston, a41 , 12 , - , . •
CIIAS. Ft. 1:1;T:v.;!..
1 , i70
AND DINING .1100.M!*
First n.,r,tb
at iyhult,le and rei,ul
. .
I:1 oiIi .. .DINZ6 800315 R. Ari!) rr.. , ..inv,1.,1. - Ili;
I.ll,lii!lriftt Inr.rli or ~ 4,n .•d r.. , ..,1 al a',l I
~!' t 1 :, flly an7. l ..'ve hinz. • - ' '
on 11.1:,c1 durl , Cuir
A Clue as,,drtment
. ' I ,
/.1,4) - 10, '7l). • . Set)l7-k'co.
Tll , . Illiifrnlrtsz - ty. M0.,11 , • , rt•.'
,••eu.rty, to the a:state of saroljt Y.
. of a I,Aige
Saw .Itlll Ma^elling %%••••'.
tho nmt - oiltrivileml•spertaining th•the 3ti11(ir ,, :;•"2:7: •
For vier-and ter:4l.l(l , ply to D. C.' DeWitt. Att. , :•••
_Law, , reoran4n, Mt", 31‘r:t •I•
at UniTigtov.-o, (•
" The ITrufq:9-ty he
t Dan:ol 1...di% 1)..1,1t0re. • .
I:7o.—tf •
•pc.,Tr The ljorit4e'l:hierol•n•A
the •• Aea.l. , iny • 2..a.1141t , 1 4'nt
~ 41.64. 110tIwt is Third and Fourth St.:ect; , . , %lth 1' I
axl r , S,t. rnie and neatly : p s apt
opt iii u: IO or 12 rooms 'and' eau: MO, Int,
anol'the joint
on the vrt
A I.St.) 7 1.1uu , •;• and lot Strict;
the nqidenee et John A.. CK!..ling, Esti. L - t.
N ..t. The hono' eer.tain , Cer 7 re. , ratt, and e.. 1 1 , -
‘;66.1 . ..f realer prt,
intineditals to the fohneri and ti the latt, r
1.4.15711 rer pth ,, s- and t , rniq apply W . . -
Kingidntry. oftft of - P. k N. T. C. 4 . . R. IL en..
Towanda, P. °
. ,
_1.../.. Y(.11T1; eliA.Nf: - 11-4 will Roll my Farm. of - Ft
..wren: in Iturlittaton, 5 Toilet" from lowaiola, on tit
- .turnpike . ?. t; mile wok . of'Metorfro. 'The' fin. x:
vilest land In - Um contlt: - %`aeror now tioar.,l:
-about I•2s.nan foi.t - .)f pine, blielt . tnnt. a-11 no! , id , ". ,
and 00 cords of domond.ottanding. on tho r,q;:liatui.
;ion' bard:aim-VI foot; nop. , fiotbio - Bongo. u1r,...n0t .
rt.od i‘ - f4l of t‘ot - t u., - ,;, , r at t 1 door. ma.; 00 . ,,,
:i. v tea -sthry t:1141p, just ri:titt for *apon'titonr.• :r.
~..rrar,, r . throe lasttn , ..; stirtittzs on tit. , Tari.t.'
.Pror 4 'rty is ail ready for an enterprising ;Ilan, if mitt
but littl.i mousy, to ~...ton. mate tbe boAt t .Vl.l 1 , 1 t:,.
town.. No rani to Solt out ourlarttporty , 11(:r , .. , rtt
aro n :reit at/I CS. and 110111 W.,-.1 farming--uro go : , ',4 t
U`olk. in a rlatinfactnry. The... title is rood.. .
trlims will hen ft,. eAsy. or - a libttil - •:- , )'', , •''
for en.h. ),'ricer--" 00. or tt , ,e-fspi and b.trtt t+ l!
tlo g , iPlßeperately tenu the.ltowto ani FjirT. C"r l - 1
and lota . at it, or address - • -
117 1 . 5 7.-
Itf , ' lfigtfla C 1 1
3.11, 54 1ira 4, ..1 0 f( r ‘r j a Mul:nAl:T:..l;f':a.
-4,.. cell me fa':p, aril the Pam. will . , 4 , 10 nt 1
tirttatn. - ."TPam.., .Staolt.'Qratn. Farrnii , it twos. A- 7
Semil I , f`' X , 41 \Vali tdriii. -Sai.l'fartn conilln , ' '_. r..
"'rel. firth
...afair:inn.roven tit s: Turfy ;, , re; tail
114 \ s.
*p!.,tigt..rd. • rn.:f.irib r a ill! re , .:25 c m 3(1 ~,,,,-.1.07ua
it.1 some !troa.(ngr sfolt. W he precut 1p.1. ,,, --.
tivalts. • l'oi.l'Ararrtii--;:tookt ut din or L:*.,..... , •, P."'
tiwittnt„, nrulr to frier tie .purcliacer. Fan, 1••. J•
led :2!:,. inaei , 'wort at 9 a suittliof Sylvania. 17ra. 11 " , `1
0 , 0. Pa. (, , iet.olar aboultltte /awn on.tli.‘ Cara 1 ,,
!la., tl;•Z i.ani.• artireciatest: .14. mil lie,itat. , l , , A' 1 •!.
Trot *larticLima.r.- - aa this faim,will be sold. .
- - Ada reKg ..r cart on Nfp... - .4r , . Pomeroy A: Frottaa -, .
Tr*. Pa.: nr on the farm of the nwner. •
jan.ll'7l • ../01.15:T03.11.1N50N.
. _ --,,,
4 - 4 7,01 t. S.A.L.E.--3 Ty - 'Rolls(' and tc,f:
nn ri, ; e•Ftreet ie efrvred (pc l.nry;a m.
tartlwr I,,rti‘nt:art , tnonre on the prrni;,....
1 -1 (_)11 SALE -L:HOVSE ANI) LOT,
• 4 • •
• • -,lttjtatf, (.11 Foorth street, neat-4210es Plilm.ey:s.
ft,liri• ..,, , ,V-'. wilt •.•!,ll and ri..trTn.. c. 00,1 gal-41 ,,
2i,•, , 1 ,14, r n . t nne of 0.1...wic;, - ;It tr, -t•. , ~: !!
w!,!ishsoc.S. Wsolr.S. ' r- • • P'''.
Z.,•••,,pt.'17•• „!..;71,, '- - ' , . '
• ,
.. , •
1.11A -Rai FOX - BALE •fl . :NIONIiO.F.
: TOWNSiIiPTIL6 CiubiicritXar offers. Int Sale
his saluablo farm. Lying on the Berwick tnrociair? in
Monroe: towoehdp.:fixres mil;!Ir trotn the vttl:wo of
Monroe andisecen. miles from - - Towanda. !*oth a
giwil road.l4a(tinst fmnl i botli tho above plabsE: T It"
tinhiran - & Edit Italroad also passes ! throurh
- farm. • It c•mtains 190 acres; about :. GS aerree ,, kTi
good - lA.IIIW miltlVatioli: go , l Imil , 141::! , : t‘t",:!!!" '',
d , r,Lartll4, and I.:t lir il isatcrod. Ten& ease. • , !
- - J. C. ItiI.SPX.C.:4, .•
s°,4lA-t, Aug.
PUTtE:', ,
-A- • • rox , A, 3fERCOt
"*. ' • • - FOX 'VSIERCTR'i. •
cowl;zLA ItYrirs.
00XV1.111,41,4 ,- MYRit. APE
TiA'vrry • '
WSII,VOIIIC Tlbig A`l) .1 - 11ItP;
" ,
rrer'Nrativi,at t.:.
1 r:
L. I.
Dievis t
AND leitA(IKEltS
nrsT5:R.4 AXD CR15.1
Real'Estato for gals