Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 26, 1871, Image 3

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VTdf4 IttPdet,
The xt term of the Collo
iiate jil,s3titute 001ZUM11100 on Monday nes.
A. PAGIBR, the. nets supet-
Antendent 'l4 i`s. it.N.Y. Rat, has e4terod , upon
tho 'duties et hifilffice. • • .
NB- The belt meeting of the Epis
copal Apia liocietr 101 U -held at the residence
of S. W. Wow en Mbriflay evening.
s oir The present term of the Stls
quehahna Collegiate Institute show, the largest
number or students ever 111 attendance at that
The , ; Waverly En ierprise comes
to us &naideruhly sulared. The .Eiderprise is
ono of our sprightliest excitant*, and :should
have a largeldrcalation. , -
SW TILED'S° 111713T1S have re ,
moral their Art Galleryto the thlid 'story of
Yoon's new bniidtng. •
-4. N. rxtxrr has also removed his law office
to the second story of the seine building:
' as,.. We are informed that WEN
!my rwminw will not lecture here on Monday
ei - enlog neat,. as heretofore announced. Be
his-positively engaged to be here, and will
probably fulfil the engagement about the mid
dle of February. •
Ater fiev. D. Clurr's-History of the
rresbytenan Church at Wyalnsing . and the Ito
ravian.Mlssion, has pelt been published at this
office in pamphlet form and odutains about 130
panes, including Very correct views of :the Beo
ond Presbyterian Church end the <4;11-4Elecke
welder House.
wk. At a meeting of therDirectors.
of the First National Bimk,held on Tuesday the
lith hist, Joaspn Powtaz was elected , I.!reid-,
dent in plice of E. H. Barra, who was compel—
led to decline a ro.election on account of con
tinued 111 health.
.JERoMIi S.. SALSBURY died at
deuce in Monroe , township, on 'MOnda,,s
g last. Mr. 8. wsisi just in the prime of
' was one of our Isiost• repeasful, 'mai
m. By - prudence and economy he 'had
slated quite ii, fortune. His loss ;will be
11 in the community where he resided,
soral will take place at his late resideneii
this afternoon
va.. A young man named -.AyFas
has lie vu various parties by pro
fi•scing to represent the well-known Aim of
13EL111161 Cvuatn.oe, of New York. ltiougua's
Dank 'suffered to the amount of s4Gs,lst,eashing
a elo . Tk purporting to have - bet n dawn by.
Draw. Tniixas lc Co., Canton, ispon ; , ostraior
lie ITI11.3:3, Troy, and payablo to BEARD. it Cult-
MIN(, , , Mr. A. formerly resided In and
bore a good'eliaraeter• there.
:Er DeddplAy the most entertain
mg and iustructivis lecture of the course was
&livered by BCC. HATTIIEW HALE Egrin (Bur
leigh tou Monday-evening last. On account of
the unpleasant state of the weather, hs , ', had but
a small audience; hut all who were present felt
amply repaid for timinconvenietice experienced
iu getting to the 111 Th No one trho listens to
the lecture, " Old Times and {Mr Times," can
.go away withopt indulging a feeling of honest
ode in our (114 and nation. We trust the com
mittee will ltve.Mr. Stunt repeat _the lecture
at sonaelritnre time, sswe believe it calculated
to do great; good: '
s Regnlarpassenger traitils
Ineneett running upon the 8. tit R. &B. Imitcreen
thin place and Dnshore on hlonday morning
last. Trios. Dat3MOND i lias been appnii3l.ed lem
• porary Mnporintendent,, at3a IL F. CfrOODUAN
4:enorsl Passenger Agent.: Within a few weeks
'the roiid will be cempleteA. to the mines, when
a large ainonnt Of °nal will be ready for shipH
moot. .
ifitncun Is entitled tctind receives thei
thanks of etverybody.itlong the line of the road,
for his indomitablo energy and perseverance in
scenting its completion. 2i , 10 other man in the
country has done so much for the development
of this section. • - • '
te,.. The repetition of the Cantata ;
of Esther 14y the Towanda Choria ilesociatian,;
on Wednoadsy evening last, for .the benefit of
Hook and Ladder Company, No. 4, exiiee - dietir
possible, the previews presentation. The ladies
and gentlemen were in excellent voice and spir
its; and the enthusiastic appreciation ot the
large andiencp present evinced that the twain,
-coneePtion of f ermih character was educated and
consonant. ;}hiss HOWLS was the accomplished,
pianist, and on this occasion was ably assisted
by Mr. H. Brutus and his violin. The piano
at both performances was from the estabgali
mknt of Cots, P.s.sston & Co.
At the conclusion of the concert, the mem
bers of the AssoCiation and a few friends pit.-
' took of some refreshments which had heonpro
aided for thorn in a room adjacent to the Hall.
\ AT. , X. Dance has been elected President, and
CHltg-,11. GT-awn:co Ifusical Director of the• A
ssociation, for the omitting year. •
sir : Will-yen allow me through-your columns
to correct a mistaikettf youieorrespondent from
this place, in regard to the death of Mr. 'hams
Tnottrsox. lie states that JAN= Tztoarpscx,
familiarly known as " &Tamen" TIIOXPION, died
at the residence of his Benet the old homestead,
tinnday m'orning;:,N,,.2:s. It is well known
here that he drofethe'r.esidence of his son-in
law, on the &Fiji! known ad the "Ilickory Swan, -
on the ey.-euiug:•!rlf--- Dec. 21, at thirty minut es
. Last sore ltir.
l'uoiersox left his homestead
roof about four mouths, 'nrevions to his - death;
and resided with his 'soh-in-law at the piaci)
above-mentioned, when weevers illness seized
his - aged body ;which soon confined him to
hie ioom, where kind lends administered to
',his niftily wants until :Christmas eve, when his
eves wore closed in death C his Mends and
relatives met at' the. house of Mr. ROBERT,
ParrsusoN, at one - o'clock- on Wednes4y
afternoon, and then proceeded to the Pres
byterian church where the funeral services
were 'perfonned, and - his remains were
deposited in their final resting -place beside his
wife in the old cemetery. Tours,
Jan. IS, 1871. ' . Satarri
:(4....11R. EDITOR: Many •of your
riadcrs are familiar with the fact that there w$
aft Wyalosing, - proviotot to the Itorolutionat7' l
war, a settletnent - of li/orafian . Indians - - under
the missionaries Zarsininoza and Ilzettrwr4.--
Lan. Though traccss of the ancient town hays
existed within the memory of men now
all Bitch are now completely lost„and there his
been nothing but Tradition to tie; to future gene
, orations, the sits •or this earlieat and most in
teresting suttlotnetat within the limits of our
eonntr. . •
It is a matter of oong4lnlation that this to to
Le the ease no longer.
Lest September, as you may recollect, a par
ty of Moravian gentbimen and ladies prom Beth
lehem, Nazareth and Philadelphia, visited Wye
lasing ; and after roaming ever the scene of
thole. early Moravian labors and triumphs, and
gathering such Mementoes as they could of
- what was Si , them a most memorable and de=
lightfel visit, - retnrnild well pleased to \their
bows; not, however, before they had resolved
tl) return the following year, in much grallei•
fort..., for the purpose of erecting upon the site
of Fiiitimisbun - rrca" a suitable and enduring
was. the 'desire .f the projector of this mcn I
nmenc. that it should bo cut from the nahro
stone Of the country, as posit as prigible to the of its erection. Stich a' stone. baa latdly
been quarriea, and a contract has been Made
with Mr. Geo, hfcCate,, of sent town, to dress
it suitably and get it tip on the aneient ground,
inscribed with the brief history of that almost
forgotten time.
till* it is.expected, will done soma .time
during the present season; and no doubt duo
notice will be given, that all who wish to do so
may join in the festivitiel of the occasion.
' '
_ -
It is not improper to say that the expense of
thirmomorial is to be defrayed by a gentleman
of Philadelphia, born in the Moravian column
: nion t whose public spirit, evinced in this and
many other nudortakings of the sort, is only
(lusted by a nvxlesty that vronl'd deprecate the
public use of his camp in any such connection.
Wynhising, Jan. 91,1371. X.
WrArtiiiiiiii4 l l4. ARCA — theie
modern•tinicsorhen Imnypg „relics
the 'cileFoffrnhhisli : of thagOok old
ago interest so many loins of the past, we -
pleased to know that some inquiring genius has
discovered-"Joe* Old dun Ciiitytikidifillial
it from BS comparative obsCurity in the centre
of our to*n to good, readable' iiewitriaper fame.
" klaseppa," while riding -past, smut *Ana&
minded touch,of whltewash l alum which, it les
been nmrodured in glowingpietirea sit skes—
tirttfliew er t nod u lit ! ahlgispbs,*pr
skillful filial of "our thiA !4:
trans oxide g f ir" ired thebusismspibilejellbW
allege that a 'much T.,jon4yia74t
our midst - invented the embalming process.)
But it matters little who may have been ;the
particular individual that has sand the ':bid
Crib" fintaits.threetened mortality. ,and Kti
ered its weatlier.beiterirobfandniked tiMbers
with a histode glory that- shalt deft Alm rava
ges of time and malicious devastations of our
boys site hero already FF•tilled it of Its doclYetd
slats. It novilskes its position in hitt-dry', and
moves toward the frame. -
Bnt as areeentacle of earthly goods, the "
Crib" has had its day, wane doubt sheltered
its last bushelof corp. . The atoms, winde,,su4-
shine, and usage of Many
it of nearly all bat di oaken frame; which has
lately, been the means of faroringoar tonn.with
a now scribbling genius, who, while those of
older scribbling fame were actually desponding
Ibr a inbject upon which in display then' 'tal
ents tic the columns of some newspaper, as.
woes the character of "Oid joe; ',Fits on the
threadbare s eoat . of ancient style, seizes- with
nervous hind his tithe-himored staff, shoulders
the " Old Corn Crib," uncorks and displays the
"BptCle heti" of patent medicines, -britshes-, - a
feed a his neighbors, andhins w the ranks tbst
are mining steadily on towiut the '"Temple of
Pima." lioansas Vitus:
P.3.-:-Since writing th 6 above another . fledge-,
ling of the has intrisi the shell of
obscurity and is opt hovering over the "Old
Crib." Wonder When the rest will be hateheAl?
Jan. 23, 1871. • N. U.
Mir Eprpou BRADFORD Riroutrat:
As the synopsis of tho•bill before the Legiila;
tnro relating to our streets in Towanda, on
tained in the letter of your Harrisburg corr6i
pondat; has given vise to a general misconeep.
Linn of itiLobjett and provisions, I herewith
send you a copy of the bill: itself, with two or
three slight alterations from the originalbill to
make it more perfect, to be published for the
information of our•citizens, to show them that
it is intended to protect property-holders in the
-peseable possession of their property &saki',
vindictive proseZutions and lawless usurpations
of grasping avardce. Tours truly,
W. PATivx.
• ,
I r l
AN Aer to legalize certain inVie etrcete 11.;
scale colt/its Imo la of pidrity Sfrede, ae4el to
change the elanieq . South greet, um tlu Boc.
011911. q f Towanda.
Warainui, The original plan of the borough
of Towanda has been lost or destroyed; and in
consequence thereof, mistakes have been made
in relation to the precise locality and width of
certain Streets therein, by -persons building
thereon and in order to prevent confusion anl .
litigation hereafter concerning said istreeta- , --
St.c. 1..1k it enacted, itc., That the weal line
of ‘l'ater or River street in said bormih, smith
of the public equarqbe.and the same is hereby
legalized and confirmed as the same is built
upon, from a point on the south piffle of Court
street opposits the southeast corner of. the
Court House, and thence on a line with theeast
side of the American Hotel, im Midge street,
to Elizabeth street ; and tha said River street,-
south of Elizabeth street, being occupied by
buildings and railroad and other public impruve
melds, be and the , saute is Ilmkeby vaeat44.l;
Phyr however,;that said vacatton shall nut
affect the present means of access to the schuto
and (lain in the Susquehanna river.
SEC. 2. A nd be- it -farther enacted, etc.. That
Court and Park erreCts, on the north and south
sides of the public square, in said borough, be
and the same are hereby legalized and cenfirm
od 'as the same ire reapeetivery opened out and
built upon from Main street to 't% ater or Inver
street. a
Six. 3. And be it Priti,cr r:sa der!, That
those parts of Maple and Lombard or l'ainu
streets, from Main' to Water or -River/ streets,
in said borough, which, for many years, have
been occupied as private properly, and in which
dwelling houses have been built, and are now
occupied as such, be and the sanie are hereby
rat atoll.
4, .4nd he It further enacted, .4.e., That
l'ine, "%Oar, Maple, and Lombard- or Paine
streets, wes t Main street in said borough, be
and the same are hereby legalized and confirm
ed according to the resliective widths thereof,
as the name hare been opened out and built
Sa.'. 15." . ./nd be it fararr enartevl_ rte., That
the nmnicipal authorities of said it rough be
and they are hereby authorized and directed to
open (mil South street, west of )law, in
said ilorough„. as far as Third - street, of the
same width as it is opened out and built upon
east of said Main street 7 ; and that said - Sorith
street west of said Third street, being occupied
by private dwellings, be and the rains is hereby
Cr. And r,* iit Prltc , ;:"i . :haefed. P., 'That
Beech or State street, in said borough,,is here
.,:l4 legalized and confirmed, as 'of the saute
as the same is opened out and built upon
la accordance witlithe'clumges thereof, ,made
necessary by the location of the Stale Road
• .
kiEO. 7. it tol be - it, farther ,eacieteal,
se • nen* street called Elizabeth street ha* =re•
cently heen . laid out and opened for public u,e,
month Of South street, in said borough, the name
of saidlSouth street be and thelarue is hereby
changOd to Washington street.
To. - say that the " Cantata of
Esther," as repeated at the Jiall onlVednestlay,
18th,, was a perfect success, is . to express lint
feebly the enthusiasm manifested by the large
and appreciative audience in attendance.
The evening's entertainment opened with au
overture from Tancredi, rendered in a most
masterly manner by a pianist and violinist n
favorably known in onr, town and vicinity to
render it needful that their names should be
given. The opening scene was truly magnifl
sent, and The wheats—" Long live Haman!"—
was given with a riu that awoke die sleeping.
echoes of the hall. During liamaifs line wile,
" ItC•heldthis Mordecai in scorn," the sclgyix.iii ,
of 0 this 3lordocai " WilA refreshing. In the
festal scene introducing the vluett of the King
(every inch a king) And Haman, ." A song- a
song °rico'!" nothing could have prbdueed a
mare utterly weird and beautiful effect than the
dark-draped, grace&l ham of the Prophetess,
as she suddenly stood midi drotiping head and
outstretched arm, like an accushig angel, be
fore the revellers, and in a low, sweet, and per
feclly distinct voice, rendered the beautiful
solo—" So o'er the wicked." .
At the rising of the curtain on Act n, in irtiich
the solos oof Mordecai and Esther and the chorus
•Of Jews, "Israel, oh Israel [for thee do Ltram
hie," were gtven,'the dark-robed assembly with
its three central figures, (Queen, High 'priest
and Zilordecal,) with the quivering 'ga;slight
skillfully thrown in au artiatiemannet upen the
upturned faceS, presented a beautiful,
brandtpictiire of ligrt and .shade once
seen.will-nevoit be forgotten.* As fipple (5 this
ant, was that Most beautiful of all choruses—
"Ho that gueth forth and weepeth.” of the
fine„ntellow bass sung by the . gifliticlumOn the
choruses, too 'ouch minnit be said. 'ln Act 111,
where Queen Esther " takes her life in her hand ".
aniVentera the King's proSeneo unbidden, the
query. would present itself whether Vashti
wouldn't be.o , if, on beholding the beauty and
gram of tier !successor ?--to think rhe
'como lrhrt. ;bidden? The alto solo--" Why
should this Hebrew?"-was as before most beau
tifully rendered ; and the oriental splendor of
the dress of green and gold gave to the . graee
-ful.figute of Zerikh the apricarance of a p. in
cess who had strayed froM the enchanted drys
of the good Caliph Houran Alraschid plumOin
to tiles° preitaical times of oura. And beet: it
may be remarked, that ant only the singing but
also the aeting'of Zerlsh in the scone' wh'ere it
is decided that Haman shall he aerated to 'this
great 4istintlion which he had so disinterested
proposed; for Mordecai was superb, and the
r;a4amdmi with which ishcpirew herself upon the
seat just vacated by him-ill:ad the graceful poie
of her ladies 4d honor, foiined a tableau to
:is seldom eo.lutilletl—neco4 excelled. It seemed
as if one cOnlil never tire,bf the beautifurchan-'
ging scene's and exquisitC music of the Canta;
ta, ss keg:tilted by thit‘.bilouted Sosigeeinind.-
Tlic beautiful faces, flowing hair and graceful
toms of the ladies of the, chorus, displayed to
the greatest advantage hi the richly-hued ori
eetal costumes in which-they had so tastefully
arrayed themselves. And tor the e gentlemeal
words fail to express their imposing appearance,.
as be-turbaned and be-slippered • and be-trow
scrod like any Turk, they trode the boards (the
one who executed a pas sem( at the . wing in a
general exodus hail our thanks). In speaking
of the musical direetor of the Choral Associa
tion, we are reminded of this passage in a fairy
story : " The Harp was enchanted and rang out
loudly, crying, 'Master! master; master!""—i
fot this gentleman has indeed proved himself a
mister. Hl
The Hook and ,Ladder tompiny,No. 4,de*iire
their sincere thanks to be given the Association
for their liberality and kindness; and also to
the proprietor of the Hall, who is indeed a pulr
lie 'benefactor In providing the town with what
110 long neodikildll4l a awl ona and
bie ha for public entertainment.; with
• • Rlikillrfq Pr in FPEFlrl i f s l a g• ati b.
irnany . -alatins tO which - we are tuNittnialcii,
, • . „ M. 2.7.
t, /A,
, IPS; We regret to learn that 'lir.
f,* htlxoX,r,wboltall been lahoriltraKkg* .
;denary of the Protestant Episcopal Church _ in
;Eastern Bradford andliallisats musics, Is about
to renlove,to Lancaster conntl. He ha's labor
ed faithfully In the lifaater's vineyard in rite
itown_ ship and at Laporte for several yearsand
iiir• - onirs.regiral tic
.Ibrrcsii:" The old
tint " One sioiy is good until another is Iola,"
.sea..ll l o 2404sist*ligiveucm: Sha
F z fering amounts of "Old lorstmore" demise.
The account which I amisihnted to your cid
umns was giteurpo by '
a.meiubcr qi,one of thh
'most respectable'famillea in the 'County.' The
outliner of the darnel:it were' written' down in
'my note-book at the time. So far u' veracity
and credibility ire concerned, it s i bui nem
saiy tostata that " my.informant" is as "trust,
worthy" as any other respectable octogenarian.
As UM "Venla Oiled Of bawd:gadabout or
years ago,it is natural fo, suppose that the
accounts of the old ic;lks should ,nary a little.
Some . taty the snow was knee dtiepLothers that
there 'was but a light snow. Some say that
Aunnes.4x,tes was the man instead WIL-
Lann thmint'l others 'again' say that Wita.ann
OF= first discovered tat corpse—and so on.
Imsenatien Ind oilier feelings trlitettltis rill
sometimes crowd memory aside; different cir
cumstances will' become mixed occasionally.
Wu can hardly decide which informant is. teeh
nieallj correct. Butte that as it Mae, we have
undoubtedly received tlui main facts of
. the case.
Itds fortnitate.that these bare lx,.en; arrived at
before the "Yrifeutsaethate . all :-41.arted—fortu
nate for the interests of truth ; but nufortu-
Pale for the foyers of romance, a few years of
silence and forgetfulness on the subject would
give ns on its ritylval extravagant results. As
it is,'seores of figments about a backwoods
mon, a murdered hermit of liable descent, bu
ried trksnie,consesieuee-strieitex inheritor, etc.,
etc., have been shattered by the literalistic cor
respondents. What wild pranks imagination
will ectannattittatarratiye.--Perbspo-the -"story
' . ,came;" as played by the young folks, will illus
trate this : At a partfilow- evenings ago, the
Toetical statement that "The King of Shadows
loves, a shining mark," after being whimpered
from person to person, got twisted" up at . the,
end into the absurd ques,tion, • Does the' king's
shadow make a mark on the earth r •
Just here, allfir me to say that the spirit .of
romance, and historic invention is very active
among us. We have many talcs based "ou the
air,vlabrie•nfit. vision," or semethirig less sub
stantial, floating about anieng us; 0/., tho
Breakneck legend (nhich was gravely adverted
as history by ailnet:4de gentleman tit the
first meeting of the Historical Soeleto rims
thus :
Some wandering dmidcia hired a' squaw fur
a drink of rum, to leap from the dizzy rocks in . -
to tee liquid 'depths of the Susquehanna ; squaw
made a successful jump, earned and appropri
at(cd her ruin ; Second offer of ruin, second sue
cessfnl leap ; another oiler of liquor, another '
jump—but the treacherous i)vis1)11 had • taken
effect ; the third leap ended iu a broken nor \
—hence, Breakneck. Dowd doubt the :ton •
Upon the frowning rocks can bir seen a sPhin ,
did 0) likeness of the.departed squaw, cured
in the highest stile of Indian (?) art by the
large - A nizcd paint brush—czocated by the drs
consolate husband of the unhappy squaw,
y \ chitri t tably suppose. After looking at the
antique date (107) we may - not presume to
The simple fact b., that in ,44 times a 'trader
lint hi panic-hotSe from these rocks. rerhapei
Gen. SULLIVAN 104 some o the ilontoys aml
mules ivhich act.. , ?mpanietl his army over thl i s,.
rock 4. • Col: lirm.En, in his journal, speaks of
the hill at , follows :. . .
t' This numn ton, derives its vane- from the
great height 4.4 the Alin:mull and itturenv pas age
not more than one foot Avid-, and remarkable
precipice, Nltich is immediately per.).•ndienlar,.
and not legs than Iso feet deep. One tnig.iitv
mat inevitably carry yon from top t 4 Lott! ni
Without the least chance of revovery."
Tlm present road probably is nut tri.tre . than
73 or 80 feet above the water. 'Dim is an out
cropping of rocks away up , above, which
perhaps marks the place o f the old pais of
which ther , Colouel Ppe4s. It is perhaps ISO or
200 feet above the river.
There are many other runiinees of which- I
sbonld like to speak, but want of time prevents.
Pigs for. sale. Enquire at the
Ward Ilona°,
H. WEsTios, DellaSt l
PITHS 4 PJ.:rroN's Block, Bridge tit., Towanda
114, - v- We are informed by the Co.
SuPerintendinit that he
,is in receipt of a supply
of the new edition of rennsylfaniaSeloilll,Laws,
and of the Superintendent's Reports • fur 1870,
and that the ramp can be obtained atlas office
with BEss. M. Pr.c y s, Esq.
BoAwn:co.—A few boardors can SO.-
-cure drat-elasa roams with boattl,• by applying
at No. 32 Second : street. F. E. pos-r.
Also a new one•horae covered Carriage (rub.
her top) for rale at a bargain. F. E. i'oirr.
DoNAzioN.—The friends of Rev. H.
J. 01A:ern - in pay him s donition visit Wednes.
day afternoon and evening, Feb. 8, 1871, at his
residence in AU are invited..
Dou(•rioti.—`The friends of Roy. W.
S. iir.ATODINT propose to make him a donatio:
visit aa the house .of AtazoN Flas.mi,. E_ wt.
Camptown,:on Tuesday evening,. Jan. 31. Al
are invited.
NOTIC.—The friends of Rev. E.
W. Br.y.cKißrtmot will make - 111M a donation vis
it at his boarding place, Dr. N. J. Cotisvrtax's,
afternoon and evening of Tnesday, JaM di, Im.
Oysters will lilt provided, and no pains spared
to make it a iteasant and nuoxeeptionable visit.
13y order of committee.
ter 31 . 1CADR, tt. EDWARDS. sold'
shiprva one h uwired and fe‘ehty : lfer barrels of
gout on Tuesday last, The reptitation. this
house has gained for ileitling in fir3t-class goods
is fully snstained. Their sales nro continually
. Zer• Cow' ELL.,V, MYEn have on hand
a large. and fresh snpply of ehoieo gr.werie,l A 1
pr"vittioni, I Melt they offer at the lowei.t eml
prices._ Thar meat market is alt , .) al-a ..yet ACMI
Stocked wif all kindg of frectr and. sal tetrni.ats,
poultay, oys , game in season, ,te. l'lcae
give them a all. , .
far T e Book Bindery has been
removed frc n the Ars3;,s buildiri : to the third
story of the new Ittromran„ letildhig, where all
- kinds of binding 1 - ill he Bona on .4hort rwth:e.
'Blank book made; to order. .
LS- J.'o. FROST it SONS have the
largest and most complete stock of Furniture
to be fcmiAin any cstallishnient outside of
large elliea t et6l every one who has prima their
-goodilinoWs that \ their price are way ilowti.
The friends of 'hey. HALLOCK
AIMSTRONIi will, hake Wm a donation visit' at
din parsonage, goßrocton, on Friday, "Fels, 3,
IS7I, afternoon ind Oysters and oth
er refreshments trill Lc furnished. All ale cor
dially invited. . • - Stir
ter 3rirs. Fixrciar, of Bostimi, MU .
Mrs. SsuNtrzas, /of Towanda, would announce
'to the ladies of Towanda that they will open on
-February I, 187 i, on
,Bridge street, over Lnwis
It SON'S - Hardwire Store, c tirst-class Dresv
ni king where will be found all
the latest Paris,Now York and Iloiton fashions.
Cutting and tittfng done at short notice. Abo
particular attention paid to childron's drass
14. v..E.IIERS6N, of
Boston, author of " Choral Tribute," I 1 rp of
;mash," " John - ate," etc., has engaged tq con
duct $ Musical Convention at teßamill4 -
inepeing Febroary 14th next, and closing - with
ii•coneert the Friday evening following. The
" - Choral Tribute" 'And "Sabbath Guest". Will
be furnished foti the use of the claps. This wit
be a rare opportunity for loceis of music, and
it is confidentlylexpectodthat it will be appro.
dated lira large attendance. By order com
.AnbikiiiV 'Convention,
LO. ot G.T., Bradford and Sullivan counties,
will meet at Camptouvi, Feb. Zi and 23, 1
The Lodges alibis district, and also •
beranfWyoutin,tand Luzern°, are reques
to report the names dell expected to be in
tendance to the Secrehoy at least two
previous io the meeting of said Convention,
the) , will be ituviisbed withhalf-fare lumbago
the L.T.11.4.
• Arrangements are being made to convey all
the delegates to and from thy depot- Creel of
charge, And to make this Ay Convention_ of i.he
series. G.W.C.T. CHASE to be present.
9. C, DisUleor.
itirt-Mrs. E. C. Apaatxue halt e
ployed MP. si-1CA 11 : 3 4 Lift the Poi'lils4
maker, who will at* thisth of Debentter Jae
shit her in the dritiet pocnliartu her voci' ttairt.l
To - those who hard . employe &her, the annentice
ment will be anflic eOt; to thoao who biro 'mit;
been as fortunate trfi CAII only lazy, if YOt want.
yotir dresses cut Mike meataipprterefl stlleind
nicely fitted, give het. s call. - I
3tra• iax-natax tato.keepa n tine l assortino nt
of real Bees , embroideries, patterns frOm
Diatonlarr ; slad ttie - greatlf Colebr+id
LDL Jai-so:ea Improved Cb fiir cutting{ la
dies', misses' and children's ' dre'Aies, leasquos,
sacks, k.c. Charts - of instruction tp be tisd "on
ly of C. tioiniaxsx,l3riAglifttiost, tro
wands Ps
sea- Several - desirable farmis ' for
sale: -Enqnire of 131.111 . 11 ms k l'arrox, at tjicir
office on Bridge Stroet, Towanda, l'a.
, .
207 Sevend desirable dwelli g
houses and town lobi: for salj.l?;tininirci of
GNIFY/TON'&" PATTON, ut their Unice tot )3ridge
Street, Towanda, Pa.
Feexrrent. , = •After .the 115th of
January, goods will be sold for cash at t the
Bridge Street . Furnituro Store, and a reduction
in prices from 10 to 25 per cent.. Parlor and
chamber snits decidedly low. Great reduction
in center and extension tables, lounges, 4c.
Everything coming ilinvivat the Cash litorii on
'Bridge Street. :yip croditziyelt, ,
- T 11.nixxily.
J. D. HILL has just ro
ceived a large supply - of Millinery Goods
great reduction in price—likewise a fine a , • rt
meat of ..riecr styles of /fair and. other fancy
goods - for the lfolidsYS. First door ca&t of
BeA3mam. Itinergar's,Bridge Street.
31 A R 11 I- E .1
Dr.NNETT—VINC.ENT.--On ti! - 19th lost., by'
\V..\. Shiyter, Esq., st his other in Nortli To
- •wainta, Enel Deinictt, of Sigth Towanda; and
Vincent, of Towatala..b.orongli:
STONE—V.IN,DYEE,—At the residence of the
bride's father, Davis Va.nDitts, Esq., Lc ,
'Ron Jan. 19; 1871'; by Itov. J. J. Turton,:lBol
- !onion J. Stone to Frioiccs ViinDyke, Pugs
'tit' Lcl-I'.;y.
. ,
l'%'.‘3:l:EN IIpiTMAN.---Jaia. , lh, in I, ny I I ro.Y.'
S..r.i.lates, Joseph , Warren. of Canton, to
Mary, Eabtman,nt Granville.
1 . .
QulcK.-4,4101Tir revidrove of his non, Erintma .
C. t,?nich, in Wilmot ton nalm., Jan, 4, Xs7l,
R e y. rani Qnick, ageil 71 years. 7 amis., slay.
Ilia La !A:111.1i114'?....•:1: illtt.r.refl . at QItiCIC S
lct:il. He '
Was' fnllowed. I.. t lus dast relkilig
i-laeo by a large eeLeonrne of weeping rel4tires!
and friends. a tathi Ole was honored and
" , 1" c et , “;‘ , l , l n truth it may be raid ,
.t bat lie was a ion Mug and alaning lightl and
hii (Ind was peace. 'rho funeral sermol *as
preached Iv the aubncriber from Rec.. 11:13.
-Alitn, at the residenis , of Erasolne-y.
Ouleii, Jan. 5, Is7l. Gerona, the only
C. and Harriet Quick, aged 6 yearn, ln r ,..,
20 days.
• Only about eight I;imis eliped between 1116
. .
death of grandfather and grandson. Thokflied
in the same room, unit m ere interred 4.
same time in the ieu MP gra% eyard.- lie apa pa.
tient in entree/lig mid do d witlnitit a stregqle.
The sight witnioisc.l at the funeral mill Leh; be
rcmesnlx rod.'
, •
Our less is their cteruai gain. • 6
Fst.;nr Run, Jan. 17, pa!
149- Maple Lumber and Dog vocid
wanted. Apply to 11.ttrt's BetruEtt.4,l
Jail. 4, 11$41. Greermixxl.!
, •
I have just 'received a i4are,..:o
sloe i F cif Tea, bought - since the reduction,:in the on tea of tenrent!, per p 0100„ atB . l otter
them sit the low prices airni:xeil : i; -
Best Young.[Hyson, $1,25; Good Yonzi,v , tl7-
son, $1,00; ()glom ;, 70 to 00 cents : liyson Fine,
7.i cents ; .11yson Good, 50 (-elite; Ilestll- 1 aiiall,
:1,4 , 0. Call and examine. 'l ' -
Jan. 18, 1871. Gro. T.. Kt:F.l:4.,
~.. ...............--.4,4,-..-....... :, 1 :
‘SF,_:),.. Do not forget that Tea i 4 sold
mt,firubleA,for 50 cents. • Jan. 18, 1871 i
; .......-.0.40-.• -.--.-.- ; f
1 &LOX.
Fresh Oysters by the ghllon,
4.1.111 or dish at the ltalsery 4. Dining Iti;squs.
D. W. Scorr A
2w.—Towanda, Dec. 20. 1s n. ! I
ANTth..l IMMEDIATELY.—A w o od
Turner and tiro or sis. Cabinet Metiers jat :the
Towanda Furniture Manufactory, to wliom
steady finiploynieut and liberal wages - ill be
given. . 3. 0. Fnogr & Co.
Jan. 1871..
art.r.mi.—llitt inatitutiou re-oiwn for
Spring Turin IM7I- t wont v ,
-tonr , A , , hs_on
riqnS , I%.•brut:try 10.
For geiwral circular, catalogue and
tuldresa Titus - . II: Dcrittowr.4,
Agricultural Collcgc P:10.,
Jan.. 26,'1ti71-4w. Cent l / 4 . c CO., Pa.
- '
se -The Bradford Connty,.TdaCE:'
era' Ass.xiahon meets at Monroeton lbc loth
and 11th of February. Lecturer—Wl. J.. K.
littivart; Alt(l:nate—Rev. M. Bowe; Eses;isltf
—.Marc SIVrCtli•V and Addle rAqstilnie pe
elaimera,-Gro. Spencer and P. 1.. Cliris;vll;
Masiness I.'ominntee—ii. Armstrong.; A. 6.
Cranmer r .o,lS. tinlith, Annie Myer, and Jennie
Phinnee. G. IL 13.inss, Scc'e.
Jan. 24, IS7I---2w.
'To Ti it; Puinac.—.liter th 4 date
oar busizier:s will be conducted onAhe
No credits laid Lu ,grantral. Thanking Lho citi
zen% of the county for the very liberal! patron
age given us during the past years, we; can 46-
sure them that we shall spare no pains , ,to keep
up the reptitation of our work, and expect' to
largely increase our facilitiesfor manufacturing
Boots and Shoes; and also expect tot demon=
strate to our old customers that it is for their
interest, , as well as our own, that good% be paid
for on delivery. We have Made this ;pew ar- .
rangement, believing it to the only' ine sys
tem of doing business ' and expect to di!vote the
time heretofore-given toborik-keepin7,land col
lecting to selecting- the best good% in ?our- line
th, rhg.t affords, and pa3 . ini; !hurt. par
lien tar at :eotioti to tie manufacture ',of_ first
rls uorli than - •
j,i i . In, 1%71.
We are-selling, tirst-elm•ii-riartiNg, Organs and
31elodrona at rednoed pricea-and eaigy terulA.
I'..rsen4 !Om arc iu want of gola
it gtratly to their adranttlge togivetta .
a call lit.f.)re Os , where.
Jan. Is, IS7/. , Towarida, Pa.
Rim. BEntaik:c
/Al itiiirgc. stock of very lieu'
ellinN . gArat cut st•cowELL Shin's until
Jan. I. Now is your chance to lay in 6 Fripply.
Satisfaction guaranteed money retninled.
te?'• For insurance against loss or
damage Lc lire, in reliable companie4, apply to
Jun:: W. Mir,
• "Towanda. Pa.
Mice Ilerenes Block, north aide
Square. Dec.d 1870.
set... C all at Miss E. J. KlllgsrefB.
for the Moody Cosset, Abe being thelcinly ag2mt
in the comity. We would reeonmiend it an piw,-
14eAsing many advantages over any other. In
addition to
_its fine share, it is highly' recom
mended by the mcdiCal faculty its a ritipporter.
Dec. 1.10:470 —tr.
.119— For. it first-class PARLoit ST EVE,
at a;reasortable price, go to the Wolaiting Hard
ware Store. G. F. CILIAMES:T.MS.
Wyalusing, Hee. 5, 11170—tf.
gm: Fresh Oysters at wholesale,
at the Oyster De t. • Office at the lied, White
and Bine Store; Bridge Street, Towslida, Pa.
. Dec. 8, 1870.
-.0 '.
sir Go - to the Oakery, fist Cloor
north of Ward lionse, far fresh. Crackers.
Oct. 27,1810. D. W. Bcotr Co.'
ter Second-hand &win(' .Tifichines at a bargain br Wickham it tad:. •
Also, Ifachine ..Ncoalca, Oil, Thrtad, Silk*,
ke. I , - Apri1:21,4870--tf.
taf-`'A. F. BALDWIN, (suooenor to
Aspinwall & Haldwini dealer in Hardware, Tin
ware, Stoves, Ziails, Iron. kspe, Belting, Paints,
Oils, rutty, Bash, Glass, Doors, and 'everything
nuttily ker. in Hardware Skre. Goods sold
at wholebale sad retail very low. Terms cosk.
Dee. 22, 18"i0,---tr.
- We refirkiiiiiir:selasfactie L n me
al adleViniiti V i t a e'
biya - 1 1 .1 pri
• Hans & -
„ 4 Bridge Street. 'Towanda; Pa.
L' — ‘'o"4 4l - 64 4 4 • 44 -.0„
- _
• .MONTWES . .1$70:
ed stock of goods tot the fall grade. !Drum
Goods, bbasikawiflannela, Prirda.dra.'i , Teas, ".
Sugars, Syrups, and Groceries of kinds at.
Irtit 02 kViVF antl . Wieletelouint
our own nation, na r Ct`too Interiiirre a.
stock to itemise, bought eschudvely Lei cask
and guanisteedto be meld, plies* Ohm
ever offered in Ibis rearket. • •
ter HENRY Haunts, Morchant Tai
lor, Biidge street.;
' STRAw, -- 1 will piy..,ularkpt
for Sid await Idnt Aetna &rigid gin ar ,Mbest
Straw, to be deliveroa on Towanda ° Flats:
11er...1, • • .13. li, Witiatale„
Drtratcres Music Store,
out of morm . LDank, Arai door,
Itilrflnd Mints; MaloSSons. ;: firtriins .
Ginilsts, Binlos, Strings,: Accoracons, Clarioo.
eta, Finks, Sheet bastructiou Books fir
all Instruments, Music Books and all kip& of
Morclispclist, . April 14k770.
• is'. Tht3 course. puraDea by t he
wade Mills, of selling good flour at the low
e+• ooaaible prices; is productive of numerous
ad% Antages. It makes a ready market- for the
superior, wheat of our vicinity ; supplies eon
sumers,nith-n-eheap and whokticerio article of
fresh ground deur, and as a natural rosultlmaktir
active basiaasa for the Mills. War in Murope,
&mall, and short crops, aro,having the e ff ect
to raise Prim; lint this Mill at all "tiines salt
at minitntini prieci. • -
July 28, 1570.
Now Advertisement,
NegANs r HOUSE, TolV
. .•
The norms; Harms' s. kc. of all ansala of this
bonus, Insured against loss by Fire, without !any ez
llaii dartire:. ,
A sitiportor quality of Old English Dans 'AIN just
renetred. T. U. JORDAN'.
Towanda:: Jan. 21.11. • • Proprietor. --- — t - i -
_ _ _
NEW _ 7-30 GOLD ..LOAN.
;r iukre! 1110FITABLE ! !
Offer for sale at par and accrued Intepeeti the
- .
Therm beads are recurred, rtast. by • Firil Mort
gage en tre - Railroad ltAsl, its rciding•etock; and 41
equipments; moose, by a Met Mortgage on Ito en
tin Land Grant, being more that , 21,000 tierce of
Land to each mile of Road. ' ' I•
The bonds are free from - 1. 7 i - iil.7ttrtitatca tax :, the
Principal and Intereat are payable iu'Onl.l,-the prin
cipal at the end' or. Thirty ,yrars: and 'the Jiutereet
Sembannually,“ the rate of SEvuzr Tii n
TR* eta CLIO. per annum.
They are tuned In'denontinAtlona of ;1(t), 4500,
$l.OOO, $3,600 and $19.000.
The. Trustees underthe Ifortgl4s are Ifeesrs. Jay
Cooke, of I'hiladelplia, cud J. tigar Thomson.
• Presitient of the Pennsylvania Central Railrmul Co.
These Northern Pacific 7.30 'tondo will at 1,11 times
before maturity, be receivable at TL. 1')!u
Pntatirm (or 1.10), in eachatige for, the Itoiapany's
lands at their lowest cash prier.
Inadilltion'te their absolute safety, these
yiold an income larger. we believe. - than :My other
first-class sCeurity. l'ersons States
5.20's eau, by-converting them inta ;Corthnin
tea. Merest.* their yearly ineome
'till have to perfectly- reliable ililertrilent. - - 1
HOW TO GET TILEM.—Your nearest Iltank or
Banker will supply these bonds in any desired
onn . t, and for any needed - denomination -I per.o.„
lung to exclaan,ge'skocks or other bonds forAneso,
can do so with any, of late agents. erba_will o , ns the,
highest current pri,x2 : 9r ALL Ifaux.r.rint.4 4 bnettrirr•
Those living in localithOirere.obii from
blnks,. map
send money, or othek directly to us. by es
1 , 111.11. and we N% - 311 send 1.41. k Noriln•rn ra.-ine.13011,18
at our own risk. and withtdd cast t i thelinvestor.
For further information; pyuplilets.'inliyie, ke„ call
on or ibld*itss..ilin undersigae.l, or any of the Bak,.
or ...I Pi well this T. ,, an. • i
. For sale by
:%11.11:C1 I:,'S BANK,
G. F. 11.150N,1 Co., •
Towaoila, Pa.
riFf'o , l Noirthem Rrtiiro4•l Cimorarty.
4 - fl4.tittr Thira Street. : i'orner
N.ookau .sit.l Wall Street, Nevr York; 472 1 1-'lllk.it4
Stn. t. by Natimull :tad
Broker,. cenerally throughout nu, rollutrr.
J3ll. 11. Is7l. ,
NEW 41.1nt ! NEW GOODS !
'we are 11,,,v viTering var WhoiPstle 611,1 Belli
The greatest in4tsuetuctits to those In *ant of .
I •
Ever oftered in this market.l
The attention of the public Is. especially ealleA to
our recent purchaese from the late Great Anc.
then Balea of
M" 12, MT
We arc now offesiug
AT $75 00. Apd
Together with MIL COMlliete , 04!
I .(
And in I :obe t eTerythitr teutl in i Firsi-ilex
Ft titture Store,
: . CilE,Jil'Eß Lilt'S THE . Clll-:AVEST..‘ *
111:111 , 3111f.131 TII&T AltE NOW IT.NITAC
-11. taring. anti do offer goods c‘onni manu
facture ch,;arer than 3-on can 'my ity-Ma.lo gontts
elacwhwre. Lumber taken in emelt:lnge for I:end,
ala:9 furnish
• 1
of every daseriptiou:
° IIUtUL IFS. CM'S, Sc .
Ant' we also have the
In this section of conntryi
Goods delivered to the Perot fret of
Tnirankia, Jan. 11. 1871..
I. O.
In thi; place, would k11112 , 11.711X that tinri• hare cw2c,
ed the following named lecturen:
J'OliN U. SA L.
.• lore, A roctu.r
. , . .
Date, November 2 8 , ISTO4
i '
Aticr Dark in Not 'icrri."
i Dab . ; Dm-ember 14, 1870;
Iv. •
Sabject—.•• Curious ContAlds, Olil Times,
awl Our Timex." I .
Data, Januari '23, 1b71.;
Ar 6.."
. •
Pate: Jsititnry. lit7l
• vt. i '
OLIVE Li 1.1 . N.,
Date, January 7,1571. i
iiibjea.:.•••To The Roscitc.••
" -
I • D.te. Ap4115.
Resumed Seat
Sear= Tlact,lGoed for Zzaertea Scat}.... ;A
Reason Tickets and Deterred Sesta. Are sold only
sePOILTEIV k Knows Drug store. The .sale of
,Deterred Scats will commence three days before
each lecture.
Causuuk r. IL Facia. WiLLl.l3i FOILF.•
41711/. W. VA :MM., CoMilitteo
NOV I. 1870.,
rt it a I It rat
• ouzo Man& •
Aarluto, Jno (101jajlicutinikan_
. prb
. 1?. Soper;
Alexander Lmit. Rainnamrogwom vaincri vav ron3ll
Columbia, Hosca Wolk; Casten Bost',
lituu; tiltchalagelon,
Mtn*: Litchnolde cr =mom - Roast tip.- lonaCk
illeelan Standing Sinne. )11 J Bina; labeetteglan.
-1111tendli,J Oglimeold, It CI Kinney: &nth
Daniel Chase; Smith/SM. A Keehn. Troy acrp.'
Alodzo Merest Toaranda Wiry W
Decker. Theodore Mullork, Daniel Moody; Wilmot,
Richard 43 . me, Alavichkr Do d; Raman. Edwin
• -
AMens tsp., /14, Ucibutel 'Edward
tembersori. R ?Welt, Jacob ltraumback; Adheres
bore', B N kterrill; Aaylona.lenims,..lobri.
'Arm 'Albany, N •12 Itelbolds; Wm Itartim P D
Wilcox; Bards, , WAIT Dugan. L Helder, o:teemm
awry. 111. B Northrop. Denis O'Dottomn. jaw
Late; Burtingten two'. Df •lif Clark; Darlington
Week, O W Goddard; canton top. W W •Landomi
T Ilanle4Lllerriek. Otte ,Duttles, W A Wetmore;
Lena' Deltner /Loom Drina,O B Allis t Pike,
LTEL;tealfletcbstri Home top, . John Raton; Mg
berry; J south Creek Jesse, Smith, 'Enter
Dell; Brultragokl,, C It Brown. Cyrenna Form*:
Springfield. Joel Adams, Welbre.Gesee; Sylvania. L
L Gregory; Tommda Boro*, , Nauxesel Walbridge. I A
IMTaeton; Towanda Melia Fred Fester Troy
boro•,'lltrana Lewis Tuaeuvra. J N • Lewis,
Warren. 0 W‘Talmadge. 7 F= Whtlaa; Well"' Cha t
IMO Wtadnatn..o
maytarptenter., -• :
s:tut noes—mcost. wise.
Athena twp, D D : Paz ker. 0 II Wilkes*, 8 9 Clark.
J lEJenies, Geo Hunch; Atheul boro'.
.1 X )1y; Asylum. :Dwight Kellum: - Barclay; 8 0
Vsnaiiken: llirriek,4 it Stevens: Litchfield. El E
IleHltiney. John Loveland : Le Soy.. II W West ;
Mom* taro '; Denuaid Oranumr: Monroe tip, John
Northrup: Orwell. Sims! Welles: Overton, Wm W
Cahill; Itidglierry. H. A Berman,. Hobbhusia. 8
W Craig; Boma twp;:l3 IT TOwner,' Bonbon White;
Smithfield, C W Skutt: Standing Stone, Edwin Sill:
Sbeabequin 0 0 9WEV,Bl. l elkirileld. N Hubbard;
South k I trarnmond; Towanda Done,
uel Woodlnrd, 1104.1derm i W G Gordon: Tow.
and* 04..7.1 Domain, Greial: Term A - B
Jarkichi. "ir Terry; Troy . boro', U C Porter; Tiii
eamra. / 3 D Orgy;LOlates.. John Bowman. Il W
Thompson: Wylles",7 31 - 31oOre; Wyaluaing, p•
71:14 .
. .
Asylum. Jonas CIPO; Martin 1101511101:1;.
Albroa boro% 0114 : 11:)rake ; Albano twp, Curtis
Thurston, Justin Soda • Brulingtoir twp: Wm
Shiner; Bairlay,.Tbluusa Ditchroan; Candon bore',
C Krlae.-Eplastrit Cane, W S Newman; Conlon
twp.o 1 VAG 6 P Manley; Columbia, Furman
elleck B Poe-lard; Lltebdold , W H
, Cormer; Lollard)* L P Madman; Monroe twp.
Samuel- Irvine , . Cliktllo Brock ;. Orertou. Darius,
anima: Pike, J Pletcher; foutli Creek. - Modes
Crane, G.g. Dunltion: • B M l lnlilold. Clark Booker.
Smithfield. OF. Wilcox: Troy twp; 'Obediab Will
iama, Troy burn', Sohn Christian; Towanda Amp,
Mortimer Parioons:lTorranclo boro' 11 Pox; Tarry,
L Jones; Tuscarora; Charles Darldion; ,Clater,
Amber), Trader, -(1! Hovey . ..Chorine Obnineod_;
N'ilanli. J G Drown; W/ 110 1. Robot ,
Unf , g; Win,lllllll. Pinch :Warm). Orrin Bogen,
ndolph. L',eaT,lalel: Niles, P Y ]lawman.
‘ _'l l 'I7IIAFTII''E SALE.
I Kill of '.r f'Or n.+: y at cost, for the nest 30,4714.
TANES, (ilt(l.lM' UES, SASH.
• 3 •
• .•flw New mid Elegant
r...viies'esU and ei,, thy ;:ri . . atg>t b1r:.41101 , ' In thCFO
rfircHls I‘VOr ofTercAiTillim pia,-,..
?IRS. li..t. tiAtNIN.
4 :m . 11, 1,71. 1 )1 - cr,-;11.':, B Z
lock. ANanda. I.
. i , •--
TO 'TII_OSE (43 , 71`1N(i -THElli,
i'l.ollllNti :US W: Yu' ciumai
study two t i lling+. First. to
GET THE3I w11u0..11 , 1118T-c . L.V33 cLoTillso
'S, :mull!.
An 4 In "tier to,be ahle. to Plqi !mod arttile cheap
nwrchailt, no n 4 utplon.tana Idn haPueer•c, apt'
kuow how. whero, aud i% hat to Lay as a•practdcal
1111111 (115.. A; 21.14 1 .
II ail Lt' branohrp I prA6Pc to be, haidpg had
n th
, t1)11,11y....4m. Ifavqluoun a cuth.T.ln some 060iie
do my own - buying. Pilling and cutting, and
divide my ptolits with tin man• en thht les* of it will
do,and with low .rrnt and othrr ctpouges In pro
portion. thus making the tAt of tlirrying, on the
Lusters,. very , einalL •
LS re.ltling the 41,(ive yotill Esc itlq it tt,ttt4t
Thin pion following Um tntslness. :and having ncr
:knowlodgr of ft thritiselrrs, hare to egiploy others it
totlitrie,4 to sittot,l to it, and rgstrouvre roust
pay actx . rdifigiy—am they, like myself,
If you &mid th ab.r . statcuuuut, Lo convinced
. tv ng uti
Mordant Tailor. tiridgie St., towapda, Fa
Aug.lo,'7o . .
Wishes to Worm the ladies of Towanda lind.
that efts koomi constantly on hand a large-supply of
G(X/111.1. suitable to the, season. Thanking hor.,.pat
row. for their patronage liertkoforO, she- as
stares them that no exertions will he spared to en
sure a continuance of the same. She klwa has a flue
selection of-
Such as
Linen Comire,
'rt e. d . ;
I have shut rcniw•ncd. to rolinectinn with the ahoyo
my LEIWSS :MAKING eqabliEhment, and I, ail noly
prevared to I o .
in the latent fashionable styles on 'short natio , . •
EntranCe next door to Enz. S Mereur's, up:stairs
Jan • 72,11..,
i ' • 'las lx•tin awarded ;
1 .
. .1.1 the '
. ,
. . .
' • Nr.:7 YOUR. Ri.t.YX PAM . -
- '
. - t . .
(2 Ilrfrize medals). . ' .
(7,e11,4 tine stab all the leading stores of the nay.
'AI., . First Premiums-id the \.a - Jersi.y State Fair,
as - b .11 1 ao at litunerons County Fairs: • ; ••••
w say by • M. LEWIS k SON.
- Ut:tatt.":ll. ' Bridge st., Towanda.•
G, 111
r WELLES' • _
C O i A.L Y A R‘l) . •
entil.llsl - ther mike prices a tyard. are
Elf.% or No. 2 Oo
More, or Noy. 3 and 4 . $G 00
Nut, or No. • 5 75
followirmlnblitiottal charges will be made or
deitvering .-"al within the borough limits:
Der ton et.A. Etta for carrying' in 50 eta.
llalf' .• 25 ••
Quarter ton •• •
In- Leave Orders at my Co:11 011 Ice, No. 3, Mer
curs Nsw liiu t , south sole.
1.4. - g• tinier* must, in all natio be Arco:Kiwi : led by
the rash.
ToWanda, Jan. 11, 'l'l. It. M. 1V1i1.1,1•24.
; •
51.41i1. 7 F.V.11:11r.11 AT
.-4 0 Y N O. I ,
- 3D DISTILICT OF - 31.1111"LAN.D. •
IK:T" Bets that Every •I".4ekitge you bay -bears that
• Dec. 4. 1870.
!Al ce! l t ta
clan bend. Scotch Honey. Orange. Raison. Lem
on and Ginger Cam. iWaahington Jumbles and
Coffee Dimond. and all kinds of Crackers at
March 1,10. W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
ia.tricEral •nrnoca-runt
1. - 01 . TrIn!nairrg
hest hoilgem
Real Laces,
- Corset d,
adEcasTEas 140ram-ragotice it
hereby given' air th ere ibe , tom ' MO;mid
is the oiliebof the Ileikdse Ot -Wills. to led
for itie mot, Of Bream'. eocoosto of adadidatts•
flea th e foli= g o o % Bs. latoo. vie:
noel of lodui's of AL
_IL *w
eer. 'd. -:. ' ,Li..l-,_;. . •'t '
Mal wet Of Be qi±min Lyon. 'iit 'Aidliit of - tme
=. minor child of W.U. fireman Jr.. late at
*Final acct of C.ll. Mize end Levi Scott. rum.*
tors off. 8. Mitchell. deed. .
j - mai wet or L /I.lratibt 'tat a rt l 4 4 lts IVca'
er.'deed. , , .
- Final icet of Canrpben. saner of Jim, Camp
deed. '
-4 3 1 1.1 ed soet of P. H. Buck. adru'i of Sena Pen*.
,:srLoal soci of W. A. We l ipare, evator of the win
of Fanny Stewaxt, deed.
Final asset of
_UM= Putnam, taseator at Mara
I: Stevens. deed.
Yinal acct of A. L. MiLean.\ sdni'r of eharicri — li.
- trottit, deed.
ecet of Mari P. Watts. Matra Of Wm.
Weans Iffattq late of Towanda, deed. . •
appralsoment ofin._ty 'set bY the
, etemitor or admirdshmtore to children of
the following decedents:
^.Z.Mbie ore , . L 011 dwell.
David Titus.
• John D. Willtma
Alvin W. Mama&
George W. Wallet :
had the same will be prosentOt to tho Orphan's
Court-ot Bradford county THURSDAY, FRBRIDABY
9,11111, for confirmation and allowance.
Notice is hereby given that all persois indebt
ed to the estate of OW. W. WELLS, deceased. late
of Pike township, are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and all persons having admit against
aaid estate must protest them dolyant Leatlote for
settlement. J.W.• LEWIS,
lan-11'714<i . " -administrator.
T° Bonbon a. beranpeck: —No. Sat Boyd.
71.—You are horeby notified that NM= 41. Devon
pock. your wife, by tow mit friorui,Y.C.Clark Pulpplied to thy court of common picas 'of Bradford co.,
for • Airorbc,from the bend , of Itildrimorl-.."4 tlio
said court hra appointed. Moodily, the inh• day' of
February. 11•110.h3e basetint the said Emma In 18e `
promlaca, at which time and plead yon mu attend if
you think propor.
• . Sherif.
IV7 OT ARRANGE=,3IE.ST--,-To save time. money. extra Interest,
any dispute on settlement. and long friendship.
We lave apppinted tram Jemmy 1 to 10, 1811. to
settle one book account. and every three rectathe
afterward. April Ito 10, to - 19. sod October
Ito 10. We intend leCarry WU role Atilt out to Me
kft*r. • Ten per rent - till be charged on all book
&crowds - from purchase of geode. If not' settled at
the times mentioned above. An those. batting un
settled hook scoounts with C. It. Lafferty.previous
to April 13, 1370,111 i n -can end settle Immediate/7- •
ramptown. 1.1811.-we
. •
Smith Vent's UPO TS. 0. X. Plll3Oll ad fa
John Carman TR. H. IL 11111. Ct. al.. ......... —ease
J. P. Horton TR. P. Wilma. et. al • replerlin
John 'Sterling va. Pa. k N.Y. Canal /a 11.11.C0.,
John G. Norman rm. C 11. DlaArtllr. .. .. ..dobt
Joreph Wileos'e nee vs. W. 'W. Rodgers k Co...debk
J. E. Gillett vs. J. A. Smith • • - treapasa
Stephen elayson va. Jacob Emery, et. al....treapaan
P. 5. Wynkoop Tin Elhanan• Smith . • trespass
Ahuirr Carley ra. H. Hevritt. , *e . g••••••coninsui
Thornan brook mi. P. T. Ferguson .. .. ..ojegment
1.1.; S. Neils va. G. F. !Gaon •covsnant
Wm. IL Campbell v.,. J. P. Van Fleet. truspois
G. F. Mason vs. Abijah Northrbp • ejtctment
PECOND viii.' .
Enima latioliewiti vs. Samuel Kellnm....ejectment
Win. rhemherlitt ca. nee Vaughn - .. cue'
Win. R. JIM TX. C. A. Wilkinson__ ... . ...... debt
Daniel }.l.•lluzuld re. A. 0. Crane - case
F: A. Tike, it. al., va. A. D. Smith - • ejectment
Lyman Blackman vs.SuHirai& Brie Coal
k It. IL Co.,
\ Gordon, Felfores k 3lclfillln re. Welke,
Friable Ai Col . •
Henry Strove vs. Milton Bailey'
G. B. Davidson rs. S. N. A5pinwa11....... .
Union N. Bank. Lewisburg;
H. W. Patrickwa. iMniel MeDntr, errs..
.1 .IL M. Hinman vs. Sullivan .rie Coal
kU. IL> •
B. B4vison s. S. N. A5pinwa11 .........
Wm. t re. Junction Canal. C 0... ..
C. F. Welles vs: Jess* Spalding
Lunacylof Francis Tyler
31argark IfcD'Foril rs. l'a. A- N. T. Canal
k It.t . . Co..
........ ........,..
Harriet L.' Mullau is. Sullivan A: Eris Coal
k It, co dams es
Subp4ottas for first week returnable on 3fonday
February 13, Is7l, at 10 o'clock, a.m.. and for see
and week. on Monday. February.. 20. 1871. at 10
o'clock, am. ' WM. A. THOMAS,' Prot:
DISSOLUTION.—The copartner-,
ship beretofere existing• between the under
signed, under the firm 1:41111e sr McCabe ik Mix, is
thleday dissolved by inutnatvonsent. All accounts
of the iato firm will be settled by us at the store of
McCabe & 'Edwards.. JA.IfE3 IfeCASTe. . t •
ficiPARTNEIIBII - IP . :—The undersigned have . thhi
, day entered Into eopartnarehlp. under the name
of Meklabe it Yelivardr. and .will continue' the km.
eery and protielon bnaLnosa In in Its Drenthe's. at
-the old gaud of llceab.: h kliz.ltercne's now block.
. 3ferkßE.
'an, 11. 1871. . _.F.IIW.IIIPS:
.C 1 LS:February Somalon, 1871 : '
P.,11.Mx - n=4er.
Jeremiah Blackman
John ctiarnßinn....
R. S. Dodson -
Wm. R. Li , lda.--
Peter Lamlmeearr..
Allen McKean.....
E. W. Neal
J. S. Pitt
W. N. ltirliarde
C. T. Smith...
N. It, Steen• ;
P. U. Wilcox
Dan Keflo .....
- E.irmg not-ss.
M. A. Al
31. B. Calkins
Thomas, Lafy
E.-W. izsctutm,
3. Bracknor
Join Carroll k co
li. :Nobles
NOTICE —The Board of llevision .
hayelized upon ibo following date! and places
for holding appeals for A. D. 1871: - • -
Towanda hors .— At the Coretnisatoneeo orrice, Thur.
day, Ica. IG. .
Towatela ttop. and Towanda nortb=-411 Copirtnaaf,on
era Filday, Feb. 17. '
kayluni—At the school hose. neat Sin?,eon,Deklitte.
Monday; Feb, 20. • I.
Terry—Al the hous&Of . S. iloarman. Trfeaday.reb.2l.
Wilmot—At the house of .70niah Stewetl,Wedubsday
Feb. 22.
Albany—At the house of D.
23. KellwAtjhuredsj.,Teb. '
- ••• . .
OrertottAt the house orllenry Sherman, Friday.
Feb. 24: . .
Monroe twp. and.boro—it tho house Of Phllo Ming ,
on, Saturday. -Feb. 25. 1,
Uleter.-2At the Louse of If .A.Ferrost.Monda.Feb.27.
Athens iwp. and horo—At the honed J. 21: Pike,
tueaday:Feb. 28.
Ithlubury—At the house of 11. S., Owen. ltOdne.a,
day, March 1. ' fle '.•'' . .
South creek—At the house pleb &Co*, Thiare
day, March 2.
W-t•-• .-
ells—At the honso ofJeftan sail, triday,'Mar..i.
Columbia and Sylranha.—Aathe house of J. /1. Mor.
gen. Saturday; March 4. • .
Ttoc twp. and - bor. , ---24 the honer Of V. •11.
31arch fl.
Armenia and Altra—At the house of 'NAL Reynolds,
Tueiday, 314reh 7. ,
'Canton twp. and born—lt the house of deo.3fetUer„,
s lreklueeday. 'March 8. . •
I.A\Rey—At the honk) of C. 1). Iloleotob, 'Than:cloy,
March 9, • :
Grantr s ille•;—At Inuta• B. T. Taylor, FrMit. March, 10.
oix tr"
Vrankhn—At houde of W. S. Le .Saturday,Mr.ll:
Burlington OAT. and Vero—. Wiliam of -N. B.
Steven a, Monday. March 3, ' •
Burlington treat—At • the Longo of Geo. Goddard,
Tuesday. March 11.
Smitmtleid—St the house of Emily Vim Allen, Wed
' Deader, March 15. •
Smithfield—At the house of L. D. Forrest, Thnraday.
March le. .
Barclay—M school Lowey near Foot Of Plane, Satur
day, March 13. .• • .
Wysox,—At the house of John S. Sherman. Monday.
hlareh '2O- k
Sbeshequiu—At the house of J.. P. 'Rogers. Tuesday',
March Zl. '
Litchfleld—At house of S. M. Layton, Wednesday,
Man:h 22. , , •
Windham—.lt bongo of Beni. Kriykondall, ThorAary
' .March 23.
. ,
Wariin—At house of Jan. Cooper. Friday,Mareh 24.
Orwell—At s honse of April Hunt, Saturday. March 22.
Rome tu . p., and boro—At th+ house of A. A.,Taylor,
Monday, March RT. • - 14 '
Herrick—At house of Chas. like. Tveadar, Mar> 28.
Ihke and Lelliyaville—At house of John Champion,
Wednesday; - Mareh 241.
Tuscaiora—it banso Of D. d i di pack. Thursday; 'Mar.
30. 1
Wyalnaing—it bonne ofJ. If. Drown, Priilay,lfar...3l.
Standing Stone—Attionse of Pater Jacobna, Saturday
April 1.
. .., , oseimors win be
ginctnai is 4tliioripg . notices to
s win he vincula....
taxablee and in making their retrima In' person. at
the time specified iiptheir warrants. at which: lime
and place the Board of Revision wlld attend and bear
all who el:lnsider thextiselyes aggrieved by the As
sessment. and make Ouch alterations as to them
shall spree:ollst and reasonable.,'
By order Of the Boart.
Attest—R. B. Coon warn. Clerk. .
Commiasioners' Mice. Jan. 21. 1871. ..
IV"..EW M . IL-L I N El It
151118. J. D. DILL
Would call the attention tit the public 'to het largo
@dock of,
Diroctly from New YMI city, of the very.
All of 'which win be anld CiIEAYEZ.- anylrif e.
in Towanda, comprising.
BoNlitTSimad ]BATS„
: KID emorms,
p SIB,
• -
, • X 11& 7. D. Hitt.
First door east of Bninshali k Bidgetraj'a Bed.
White and Bine store.. Bridge Et.
Sept, 29.10. - • • •
Iug at wholesale pricei
FOX if 1111:10:811.
Notazatithettol even Satin perions
ed to the estate 'of WAS ALM late of
tp; dee% ere requested to make immediate payment.
snot ail persons Mein* dahlia against said estate must
prennit thiim duly authenticated for settlement. -
Atte* ht hereby ppm that all pinions indebted
to the , estate of JAB. A. THOMAS, late of Athens;
hp.. kanmsed. are requested to make Murrediate pap
mmea and ail pereorm havinvolalme against said es
mica be premMthe sante ditty sethentlakted for
settlement E.%ovzsrsumn,
- Jaii.,2s; tan. -- ; - Ltetetter
-CI- Notice is hereby givestihatoila
to . the .sistate , of lAN= NAXIMON. , lateVt k
wands, deceased. -are requestatt to mats immedluto
psyinent, and all imam's hullos dam* sgaiDA raid
eststs must Omani them duly authenticated for set.
NOtice is lire* given to all petions indebted
the eitate of Z. B. Opmmoo. lite of Athens bold
decamped. mod make immediate payvewat. and an
warm, baring elstine against mid emtate mold ppm.
sent theist duly anthentkated far settlement.
Mc. 2. 1131 D
To Tiani. F. Tuer.—lto: M. Sept. T.. 1 .
You are booby notified :that J.,ottle Turnet, our,
wifo.'by her near friend ; James Stiller, has a lied
to tho court of common Pleas' of Bradford county,
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, And the
said court bar appointed . Monday. - the ,atle, day of
February, 1871•. for Nhearina tho said Lottle,in the
remises, at which Um* find! Piaoe you can attenda
yon think propor.
- .Sherijr.
.OL. To Ptillip ATTalinrr.--lio. 259 Sept. T., Wit
Too - are Uraby uceldird tlutt tants Z. Tamer, 'Jour
vrifo, next friend, Wm. P. Cue has, applied
to Os court of common 'pleas of Bradford eottutr,
for s divorce from the bondi of matrimony, and the
said Court has appointed .116nday; the 6th of Feb.,
WI, for homing , thh said' Laura' E, Palmer - In - the
premises. at which thine and place yofd earArztd if
youltdak roper. • PEARY VAS
jan.3li.w4 • - Sheriff..
itLICATION . iDrvontt.—
-C1: To Mary Prinoe.—No. 071 Sept. .1870:
Ton,are hereby notified that Q. Prince. your
husband, has applied to the court of common pleas
of Bradford - eounty.for a dlYorco from the bonds of
mat:Amour, end the said court has appointed Mon
de): the oth day at Fob.. 1071.10 r .tloaring aaid,P. 0.
in the premium', at' which time and place you can
attend if you think proper. - • •
J. PrlißT VAI.: FLEET, •
UDrTOR'S NOTICE.--441 7 .0):V*-
ALea use mt. Wm. /rev—No..6K Sc!IYL: Tenn.
1867,' In We Court Of common Enact)! Bradford
°minty. •
The undersigned an Ariditer appointed by said
Court to .distribute moneys in tio'brinds of the Sheriff
arising from Sheriff's sale of defendants real
estate. will attend to the duties of said appoint.
snout athts *nice in the llirngb. Of Towanda on
MONDAY the Mith day of JANVARY, 1871, at 2 o'-
clock p. m., at which time and place an persons hav
ing olaime to raid money ace' rerinired to present the
isuninr be debarred from-coming in upon saidinfid.
1 • L. p,
Dec: lu; . ' Auditor.
A UDTTOR'S- - Xo' TICE.' —' ln the
" matter of Me estate of Z. -.ln
the Orphan's Colirt. of Bradford county. •
Tho underslgnedhaving been appointed Auditor by
said Court to distribute funds In' the bands•of.
John Morro', decease, adinknistrauti of the estate
of deteaeed. ;among the persons
entitled to the will - Mt/3nd Bre /Lines 'of-raid
appointment. at his °M e% in the Dom' of ToWanda:
nn TUESDAY. the 31st day of ..1:4:13;:rAkr; - - next:
1871: at: 10 o'clock. a. Ut.. .at 'hick -time And
place all • portions having • claims on said
motley afe requested to present the imue,or be de
parred Fran - coming -in for a share of said. money.
cLimat , o+t
Dee:l9, 1870:-it-
• NOTICE.—c:
rs. Richard ..ds; f;if No. 401..SePt. T..
ISTO. • In the Court of Co.nnion auto, of Bradford
The nuderiamical,•an auditor; aprointed by said
Court to diatrilmfr tanAn in Sheriffs latidaJaristm
"from Sheriff's sale of defendant's real esta.e, will
att4nd •tO the duties of said appointment, at- tho•
office of Overton k Elabroo, in the borough 'of T.
ou WEDNEADAL thts Ist day ofIEI3.IIVABY.
.1811, at 10 o'clock a. M., at which time and-place all
persons having' dahlia on said' oney arc require
to present the same or Ire debarred from coming. 0
said 'fund. •• E. OVERTON, dR.,
jan.sll-w4 • Auditor.
.fot• att
dima,z, , ,
A'rost v, Thomas Filavillam. Noe. 1a4•4: 165:
Ilay T.,'1870. In the Court or Como on Pleas of
Bradford county..
The landor sigma. an 'Auditor appointed by•isald
Court tai distribute money in thd Sheriff's bands
ral&'d from the sal• of defendant's real estaie. will
attend to the (klieg of his appointment at
his *Mae in the borough of.Towanda, on,.Tueiday,
the slat day. of January. 18.11. - at. 1
. p,m.,• at, which
time and place all persons 'hieing claims to said
money are requestsd to present such claims, or be
debarred from coming In upou said fund.
Jan:T7l-11A • W. A. PECK.
, • . • Auditor.
-AupOit'SNOTICE.;--4". ./', Kir—
by ps.r..P-ni4410, arid' iforAhall. Ng. 651,
Dec. T., 186 e. Court of common P,lecs of Titadforil
'-Theundersig'n'edafpointed 'an auditor to distrib
ute (nude in alai Sheriffs hands: raised from the sale
ill defetelentstsal estato; will attend to the duties of
life appointment at his the boro' of ToW
nude, -.on FRIDAY. • JANUARY •27th, 1671, at ,2
O'clock. in.; at which time and place all per
ilous ate required to present; their or be "de
b.trel from sharing is the assets. -
Jan-5.71-m4 • . •
• Auditor.
.tthon4 twp
...... ;:..MOnme
nine.ina (Canton:
~Standing Stone
. ;Towanda Dom•
..Smith Creek.
• Burlington.
matter of the Xsitife . 67Addiron McKean, deeensed.-
Jrt the Orphan's Coart or Bradford County.
The underfttnnisl. appointed by the Orphans' Con;t,
of said eounty,an Auditor. to tuarahall assets and dis=h
tribute funds In the hands of the atbit'r of "said estate,'
will attend to the &tiles of , his appointment. at his
office in the bero' of TceaudA. on Saturday, Jam 28.
tErl'Lat tto'clOc_k, p. m.. et which time and place, all
persons having claims to said Dansms, are reetuired
to present the same, or be' for6 , er e tlebarresl from
commit in upon saidtund.
jan.6,'9l-4w i If. PEET, Auditor.
TOwsrola Boro
do. ,
NV... THOMAS. etiktk.
matter of (hi tarts if E. -A. Kinyea, drirascd.
In therorphan'a Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned having 'been appointed auditor,'
by Mid Court to distribute Nada in the hands - of
the administrators; will atend to the dutitte of his
appointment at hiS oake in the Berbugh' of Athens.
Friday, February 1, 1811, telt, at 10 emu.
at which time and place ill persona having claims
to said- money are requested to present the same or
'be debarred Bent oomin,g .fa for share of said
Money. J 43. 'MEM
jsn.s'7l.W4 • ' Auditor.
pa. Jam - es Itandniph.• 10. &Q. Rcpt. T..
186.8. • In the Court of ,Common Pleas of Bradford
countr. . ,
The undcraigniid an emitter aPpointed by said
Court to dlatdbute money in the Sheriff's hand*
ralsed.feem the sale of defendant's+. real estate, will
attend to the duties of Ms appointment at his <Ace'
to Towanda Boro.. on FRIDAY. FUR 3, 1871, at l'
o'clock. It Which time and place all persons'
-haring chime qn said money ore required to-pre
sent the same or be debarrod from coming in upon
veld hand. • I. N. CALIFF,
jan.B'7l-w4 . • ,d Auditor. •
glljah B. UM', a Luuatlc.—No: 136. •Feb. T.
1870.-,-In Court of Commonia of Drailforl..coun
, - s
. .
Noticeds hereby given that : there his been- filed In
thA office ofthe:Pmthonotary of - Bradford conuty,
the thud account of the Committee of estate of Elijah,
.11, Gibbs, a lunatic. and the snide will be presented
to-the Court of Coltman Pleas of Bradford county.
on Thp.rsday.Pebruary 9, 1871. at 2.o'elock, p.m., for
confirmation. .• 1V: A. TTIOMAS,
Jen.s•7l-w4% lt ' ' • - , A: —,..„ Prothonotary—
* .
irtrfe of en order issued out of the.Orphanti•
Court of Bradford County, the unat'irailmed pmirtlf
an of the estate of Jendma Elliott and Lucy E. Fall
'ott-ininor children of Isaac Elliott, sate of Sheshe
9nin,-Bridford iitannty.Pennitylvania, deceased, will
sell oaths premise,' -ort SATTILDAY: DEBI:CARY
4, -1811, at 2 b'eltick,. p.m., the 'following described
piece or parcel of livid situate 'in Slieshinnin twp.,-
and bounded 'folltiws: Beginning at a' corner of
Davitßand Lewis- Horton; thence a north-easterly
couraii.l62 and one.tenthrodi by land of David and ;
&milli:art' Horton to the - centre of the highway;
thence by said highway a sonth.c:saterly,conrse 58
and . hine•tenth rods to a corner of J. B. Gillett's
larid; thence by lands of Gillett and Brigham 160
and fire-tentth rods to corner of Lewis Horton a
south-westerly course; Wence by lands , of said
Leir:is Horton a north-weaferly course 54 and one
tenth rods to the ptaCe of beginning. ' Containing
63 acres. more or lesa. • .
TERMS—J•SOO on We property being struck down
'and-the balance on confirmstion. • • ,
• .4 Oo
Lawry, ~r:~
virtue of an order issued . ont:of the Orphans'
Court of Bradford county. the undersigned cuardt.
au. erliarriet E., John 8.. Fred. A.. and Charles,
Felton. minor children of Stephen Felton, late of
Towanda Boro.,*doceasevi,: will sell at public sale at
the C'nrt House; In Towanda Dora. ' don WEDNES4
DAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1871, at 1 o'cloct.,p.nt . 4 the
following lot. piece or tercel of land, .situated
:Windham twp., andboonded on the north by rands
of Cowles and O. W. Webster, *east by Jonathan
Payne, sonth by . Austin Gleason, west by public
highvesy containing aboul 34) acres, more or less.
TERMS cavih on confirmation.
jnlL.r 71•x3
N../ intim of an order issued out of the Orpheus*.
Court of Bradford county, the undersigned Admin.
iatratrit of the eatat6 of William Means Watts, late
of Towanda Borough, Bradford county, Pennsylia-
Ma:deceased. win sell en the premises on EATER . .
DAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1871, at 2 o'clock, p.m., the
ollowing piece or parcel of land, situate in the'
- Borough of Torrandtaforesaid; and bounded and
described - as follows : ,Beginning at -the north-caet
corner of the Episcopal Rectory lot, on west line of
York Arcane: thence by ,Episcopal Rectory lot'
south 78 dogs. 20 ruin., west about 210 feet to south-
eaStcortier of Mix and Montanye Menee along
of the same northerly.l4B and fire-tenth feet to
sea line of Dr. H. C. Potter's land; thence along
lin e of s h tme north 'lB dogs. 20 mln.east 310 feet to
west n it s r York Are. heretofore mentioned; thence
along line of hams south 74. dogs. 40 min. east 148
sue ei g ht_teui, ‘ 'set to the place . of 'beginning, re
serving tn ere - 15„,t1 c 12. feet for an alley along south
line of FL C . p er i er. itand, laid alley to be for the
use of the laud berein'skaeribed .for other parties.
c ento i n i ng 314,4 sq uare %iet, be the same more or
lesa. • . ""s
, nunt ik 1100 on the roopek r tieing struck demon;
one-half the balance of 'money 4. l ... "garat ...ith Iti tntTL o s t f
asie.the balance - in oae.year thereattilQ -
;mu confirmation, _ MA= r_
Ja ' 5 l l-1 "
• !AL-grix. '
sf . . AdMlntsff.r•
DitIXD curszo rittitti. it ,
Marc& 10. 186 g. ' ••
, ,
the matter of the inconaoratllon of ..The Aoldiera .
Monument Association et itadtaild;" • D. D °ll " uk .
H. Webb L.V.,l , l‘ceno•, and others, Tniatacca.
/Otte.' tittctebr iffed' ; Mat' ebetie - irTrafeee
bee, promarietvvvta• Court ef 'Comma
Plans Of .Cocusty. their imitafee of •Aavocia.,
Von'!eaZteMl'or e'dertetcof Inomemition. inCtiatt
mid 046114611011 atittotheittio• mime, and lease,
thvni, decree that Om- acts be- Sado •
on` 'ohasy:. Malley 6. urn, at '2
o'cloeittpn, oapAa r BYoemt fo the contrary.
AL,60.-M2 the gie of tbeOtition to change thd
name; end ttfe old.piesbytermu gar&
ALSO-lii tite„itu tct, etiiiiostrptic' !hid: fu'am,ypi
delete; of the "Peogolow CouritiPtlon'of *Uinta." ,
il.Peoe team% 10553. )
ALSO-- - Ili the :natter of Mut theorfooettcat of the
" /Mita " and - Mese/ Fire , 144 1 114. - Corupeny.' • -0 . .
So. 272, elik. T., 1671.
-AV.: Ai Tit ( Pnottritary. ,
weinossouigsr•4 Once. , _
'llllf4 '
. ":vbittikaf another lobelia oat of the Crrilbl'a
court" jot Ilradkird county, the ..nrsdertignect Adutiri
14n Or of e tie. of Attatliti 14. Iluissalt. lain PI
/UMW tint:: salt on the ptrinbses - on , Mies.
DAL,XEDIVUA Y. 16,1871 , at 2 o'clock. p.m. ? the
kit Of bind; al ted in lima tetli.,- and bonndell as
foUotia:• _ big at Lbe tortlatse.# corner of a
lot ialiareied hi:. DainieVllmetalk Jr:`;: theme -*lop k;
lino, Worrier, month 09,e/ degfieft met 61 perrio*,
and. iiolith. Otte [leg.' w ad, 47 brit to . the north- •
*via coiner of alat , ,contraetadto be cold tollkliact
.M.dtiti;iiid now iti posaesiadon :of • Ilaire . 746l7bnon ;
theace along the north lino (Inlaid kit eart - - 7 211 8,11, *r
ea tollte"northr,ant corner thereof; thenco north 57
perches ton corner; theaco:trest 148 and thcck,
tenth pPreliea to the north-tart corneK of a lot tun
trotted to be cold to Maui ,Ittoksell; thence atom , :
the east line of said tot: iO-percher to the. plow "of
beginning';, containing 68 settee and 6t pvret,ery '
inoft- .
or less. . - : . - - .
AUKt—Hite other plow or parcel of land situate in ?,
-ItOnieftwp.; and bounded AP 10110 WE BegilOvil , g at
the tiorth-reat cO i rnor of z lot - of 100 velvet heist, sore -
eonynyad by Wm. D,. Glynadr to Dante '
thence Along line of land conveyed, to Manson TX,-
brto,notth 115 and fiVe.tenths perches, month d
degrees east 86 and three-tenth perches. • aml '
20 perches: thence - lit/44*H and three-tenth De - relies •
to the nortb•weat outlaer of a lot conveyed 'to .1. fit,.
Vibbeit thence. aloncfrergst litic,tt,crecff aul layst
-hue all " o ther h i nellteilieied
sell. 1014171 percbell: .thetio* along the, north line '
of flref-tatutioned lot; mirth 80,ti degrees. treat 16::
and adidentlL perdu* to the; 'plico of
containing -75 abresknioreor,less. '. • ' •
TEltsffl- - --$lOO fbr each.rdeca on the prpperty
lug Struck down, -ore-Wit tho . balance on . each
Piece Oa cmonnation•Df salc.,and Liao remainder - iu -
one year from cordirThation,-steli interest from eon.
tlrmatieol; ; the ptirqbase :Tries to-be witted. by
indgmentbotid. and Übe same trn be entered ;le a
lkaton atfiff land. - •
Je0. 31 . 1- o 4 ' • . - Administrator.
, . •
Q11T4.411 , 1"S SALE.,--By VIRTUE
1...1! of 'aundrY .writi loaned our of the ,Crutrt
Common Pleas of Bradford =lndy and to no ill- •
en -tea, irlll be exposesido public wale at flie Court .
Howe, in the Bortighof.Tirwands,'Brielford. tone
trrennaybranta, .en THURSDAY: FLlllirAitY. •1.
1871, at 1 o'clock. p.m:, the fedloWing described I , t:'
piece er torcil of land *Mute in Towanda boCongb.
bounded as follow's:. On the north, east - and west
by laudlielonging to estate 4C. L. Ward, degeased,
and on the south by .Ettte Street, 'being about
fest front on State - Street, and --, feet' deep. ,•sith
nue framed building thereon,,,itSeri as a church.
Seized and taken ip execution`at the suit of S..N. '
Aspinwall vs. ISt Colored M.E. Church of. Ton - ate t,, -
formerly lot Weslyan Methodist aktrell of- put
, ALSO--:-The following ditscribed lot; piece, on par. '
col of Maid. situate in Litchfield tap .„ bonneted as •
follows: - On the wilt .by lauds of Thomas 'Cotton -
and Warren Struble, 'east by 'Warren Strubre and
.L.L.•Parker; secith and west 'by Janiee:Rando'll.B:
containing 02 acres of 'land More or - ILF , S no in - ..=
prorements. • . . . \
ALSO ,Another piece of land , situate -in Itenn>•.
tap.. bunt:idea-on the north - by above -describui let,
east by J. L. Palker, south by Smith Lent, West by
! other, lands of games Randolph : •contairdiii; 1(:, - ,
acres, more or less, no improvements. - • -
• Seized and taken in execution at the- snit of -W; a.
'R.. Cl.tmervs:James Randolph.. • - .- . .
. . .
ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or r;.,-..
ccl of land situate in Alba Boro., bounded as fol
lows: On themath, south: and- wet •by lands 1 • 1
Geo. li. Foss, east bypublie highway leading from
Alba Boro. to the Northern - Central 11.R.depert; cOi-- - _ •
taining 2.i. acres, nor or less, allamprored, -with a
.two-story framed dwelling house, small Itfmied
•barn, and an orchard of fruit ,treesthereon: - 1 '
.. AI,,SOL-The defendents bne-half interest i s b 'ene
other lot of land situate in Alba Rom.. butindEd net . ,
described as full vs: On the north by public Loch
way leading leo Alba Dorm: to .orunville. • east ty '
tintrris Merritt,' . south by. Columbus Palmer and
V. M. Wilson. west by said N. M. Wilson and public
highway leading (tufo Troylo Clinton: containing , -.-
itere,• more or less,' sIF iniprored, 'with a framed,
building used as a dry-goods store, Itoftse and th....:
shop attached .. - , .•: . I . ~_
Seized and : taken in eaten tot atibe suit of Le.-
lard Lewis vs. E. P. Rockwell. . .
ALSO—The following des4ribed - ' lot . piseo' or i+4l.-
cel of land situate iu Asylum 4wp., bounded. a.." ',g
-lows: On the north bylands of Win. R. suorrs Jou
east by Enos John Son, south by John V. liantsmin;
west by laud of Robert 'Sealy and Harry ..L.11,1.11ii II ;
containing 101 acres: More or less,' abnnt M ler,.
• improved, log hpusi'. Trained barn and few - fruit -
'trvs - thereon. ' - ' . . - - =,
• Seized and taker in executiotivit the snit-of-t;•.., -
Gard' vs. A. E, Benjamin. ' ' .
- ALSO—The following de s cribed 14. piece or 1.:,-- •-
eel of ;au,' situate in Windham twp.; and_ bound. , d -
as folios's: On thenorth by *els of Richard Van
Etten and Joseph Sought, east by -James- lligmos,
south by Daniel E. Russell; west. by John Eirk -, n- • .
I dall: Cootaitung 61 aert:o,- Furore - or.....yes. — ithont tau "-
acreg.irnrrocod nith• a •feW - fruit trees thereon; n o
betzeu and taken in execution at the ettitAi.f dail'it
Ellsworth vs. Martin V. Sehoonoter.-
.U...130- 7 -The billowing described. lot; piece or par...
eel of -land situate in Litchfield twp..• bounded as '
follows: On the north by public highway lemb tr..:
from Udine bon). titLitchlte.ld Centre, on the rant by
public , highway leading from Johnson's Corner. 1.. , -
RindOlP4 ' S mill: south by James Randolph, west b:,
• Ti10610.9' Cotton; containing 50 acres, more or less. •
about 10 acres improved, with .a framed house; 1 , .•
stable and few fruit trees .thereon.
._ - . • .
Seized and taken la execution at the' , suit of ,Nita.
Harrington vs. Michaelibtley. ~; -, . .
AtSU—'ll.Le following deacribedlok: piectsor par
tn.'l of land situate in Wilmot tap., bounded as 10l-
Iowa: On the north by land of Hichnlas and Mar
tin . O'Neil, east by John CaniuniskeY, south.l.r
W ' Nyreonk and Widow Carnes; west by Patrick.
Carro • corittining 100;acios. More or. less. about go
acres ant roved, with an old - log. house Intl hoard
kitchen attached, and franied barn thereon. . 1
Seized and taken in execution at the, suit of liiran:
Horton vs. James IL Collins. and, Elizabeth A, Col
lins, • . .
• 7
Arsul--.Tliefollowittit,described lot. piece or par.
eel of laud sit ate in Pike twp. • bounded as follows: •
On. the • north- by land - of Lacey Stevens: case by.
Clinton Keeney, issuth by Henry Sherman. west fey •
highway leading from Stevensville to the State road;
anal lands of - Lacey. Stevens; 'esittbiliting 33 acres.
more or less, ibent 23 acre* improved, one •
house, one board stable,,ono board cooper.ehop - aud • .1'
few fruit trees thereon. .' . • ' •
Seired•and taken in execthicavat the Endo( Joseph
Coleman es. Milton 311ddaw and HenlTSherman,t,t.
'Atsci_Tholsolliewing described If2t,. piece. or par.
eel of land situate Jut Towanda Dore.. bounded ae '
fellows: On the north-by land of C. 5.,1in5i , 441. east
by Third , street. Wouth by 11. W.. l'itibles,•now iri.,l l- 1 ,-
possepisioti of Judson Bacot:lab, west by' Fourth -
street: being about 100 feet nu wild streets and :theta •
300 Wet back, with . r a frateed'ilwelling house, and , •
few fruit trees thereon. .
-reined and taken in execution nt the silt of Sadler
k Straus- re: J. 3L Control. • . .
Also. Fowler. *Recant & Forman vs.
'ALSO-I-The following described lot, piece or .Par
cel of land situate in Pike tap.; bounded as follyiea:
On l the north by pnblie higiseraY, east , by lands
Dr, Roberts. south by Mortimer Pratt. West by
Wenedaltd rtitt WOW: containing 94 fierce, inure
or less: abort 40 Simi improved. .•
Seizill and taken inesecutiou at the suit of H. -
Mardi vs. Richard Ashton.
ALSO—The following'thlscribed lot, piece or. par
cel of land' ethnic In Burlington twp., boimiled as
~, forlows: Beginning at , the serene of Sugar ere( k
running north by litiadti of Gee: C. Hill 9 dogs. west
188 perches: thence-north 86 dogs. east by laud'. „1
Gee. - 0. Hin and Ji'qMorley 110 perches to
corner; thence south 9 'devil. eastby• lands of Isaac •
•D. Sophor 39, perches- to a corner; thence south bl
dogs. west by lands of Isaac Motley GO perches to tx .
corner; thence synth 9 Oen; seat by lands of 'lssasMorley In perches to the centre of said Sugar
thence along the centreof Sneer Creek aforesaid tle.
several courses thorrotlo the .plifice orliegiuning;
containing SO acres, more or less, - abaft GO nen- ,
improved, with a fruited house, framed . barn with ,
shed attached. 'end fruit trees thereon. ' • • .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit 'of E.
Smith's use•vs. L. T. Reiss.
ALSO—The Rdlowine described lot, 'Piece Or par. •
col, of land situate in Franklin tsp.. bounded as fol.
lows: - Ilegidning 3t the soutiscast cdr: of the lob,'
*being the north-east corner of ands belonging to sf - .
31. Latimer, and in the*est line of 'lsnils
fo the estate of Gates :Wilcox.f deed.: thence south
-72'lees. west 54 percluzs' to a , corner; thence north
19itlegs. weld 58 perches to a corner; thence north
COldees. cast 20,5 perches to a corn 0; thence ••fierth
n.percheS to a corner; thence north 19 (Ices. ca.t.
4 Nrches to a corner; 'thence south 19 (lees. past. • •
1453-10 perches to thc!placo of beginning;
Mg about 26 elms, more or less. -pout 25 acres
prortd, with an old, house-And few fruit :trees tln,rc :
on. •
Seized and taken In execution at thesuit of I.; • `
Crsnmer & Son vs. D. , d).• Flemming.' Henry J ,, io
and Albeit L. Moore. Eerie tenant.. ' •
ALSO—The follo•,ving described lot, piece or' par-•
eel of laud situate iu Litchfield twp.. hennaed, a•-,
(cams: On the north', by
. I;nds of Zina 'Ooesim•ll. •
Jonathan llnnt and BeLsey•alisne Rogers, east by
Betsey Jane Rogers, Wm. Wright and Owen park,'
soutliby Owen Park, Edward Barton and S. 11,..'car.
nier, west by John Rivers end Owen Paik; 'eon
tatting 2M acres. more or less, aborit 100.acrialo,- '
proved, with two, framed dwelling, houselt.;
framed barns with sheds tittachs , 4i, and large 8 11' 1 '1: - ,
orchard' thereon. • a
Seized and:taken in execution at the snit of
J. Rogers and Martin• Rogers,. admrsi of Jblinson...- •
Rogers, decd., re. John Rogers - and Ilarris
terre tenant. •
ALSO—The following described lot rieco or , i
cel land 'Undo in Bonn! Creek tn., bounded a• -,
follows: Oaths north by lands of pesniour Smith.
east by Joseph /UMW, south by Martin Lidda; wt,t
by henry Thompeen; containing 1 acres, more or
lees; all , improved, with a and. fram6l
addition, and framed barn thereon. . •
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land -sito
ate in said South Creek tn.. and bounded as fol.:
•On.tbe north by land of 3fartin , 'Lida. east
by public highway !siding from from Trq. 1'3., to
12ruira,N.Y..soOth-by Joseph Smith. %rust by S it.
Smith. known as the Smith tract); containing
sere*, mare or less, about 20 acres improved.'
,i3etzeti and tacit in .exec u tion at the suit of E.
roniesoy"amie vs. W. B. Windt.
jan.14.'71 - J. PEBRY VAN F7.EET;Sberiii; •
Iloh. PASSES B. STREETER, President Judg••
to the 12th Judicial District. consisting of . the corm! • •
ilea of Bradford and Susquehanna. and 1.1.;ne. %EI:V-
S.ON Fermis and J. W. VartDrers, A.seociatriJode , ..
hi and fot said county of Bradford, bate iisued the. r ".
precept bearing date the 9th day of January. Is7l,
to me directed for holding .a Court of_ Oyer and 4 ..
Terminer, General! Quarter, Sessions, and Connuon
Pkas, at 'Towanda for the county of liradfor , l,
MoxidsT. February 6,18T1. to continue three weeks .-.
'Notice is therefore hereby given to thpCoroneni,'
and Justices of the Peace, of the county of Prad ford,
thaktbey be then and there in their proper person,
at 10 o'clock in' the. forenoon of said day, with re
°olds, inquisithins and other remembrances,'
those things. which to their ernes appertains toan:
done: and these vrho are bound by recognizance or
rartherwise to prosecute' against the prisoners who
are or may be ma thojail of said county, or.orb° shall
bobound to appear at the 11334 pourtare to be then
' and there to prosecute against them as Shall be just,
Jurors are requested to be 'punctual in- tbeiii awn. ,
tlance,.sgl.4 to their notice.
Dated at'lowanela, this. 9th:day of 'January,. in tin.
you., of our Lord. ono thonmedeight d ;Ana
. seventy-ono, and •of the Independencb'of
-United Slabs,. the ninety.fourth.
• J. P. VAN FLEET. ,ch,*?.
• . • cow.E.L.L. & 3111,1::