I= II New 6 • From all Satins: --:-Florida is in debt $1,285,376. —Real estate ii going down in [ —Lake Ontario is traversal by lee USIA _ The James river and Miriawha «alai is oven. --The 'corn crop for the year was Liee,ooe,ooo —The ice Crop hi very large thr o ugh the north and welt: —Wolves are preying on Illinois anroc will probably be:elected in Ilexief!. —On the Texan frontier emmling is earned on openly. _ - r -Staves have been introduced on. Brooklyn street earn. -.. —The Steamer Dacia is still 'grap- Ong foi the Aapinwalllaable. • —Green Bay, liris.;s.hipped 350,- poo,ooo ahingloas hat year. —The St Louie and St. Joseph Railroad it bankrupt. —New York lute _shipped, $9,727,- 6060 alms to-France.' • K paper is published in, the Cherokee nation in the astivectialect.. - —OntUrip legislators are allowed ten dollars a scission for ststLouery. --Washington territog has been viatted by heavy flood& - • --Chicago is to 'have a. firc-proof hotel mating 1L,V30,000., —Delaware owes ,$507,850, a de crease of SAM in.two learn. —Every week 2oato i4 s of silver ore pass, through Salt 'le.* -The losses of the - United Staler. fix - 1870 mediated to 149,500,000. —The b igitl4 l • l o Ca onna,lrnown as the Sequels is on 'it itthltion la Mc:lwatt. I ' Le a vr ,Ka tuias ; barely sec cuteell years old, am( hie PAM inhabitants. - 7 -Pure Hayek; Began are made in aboo 11,000 !arteries *t the United Btatea. —A home, fort piing wonten in Boston ig doing a great gintonot oT good. 1---TheNiexima'aOhorkies are in tarot of annexatieri toi the Toiled States. —Thirty-threeladies, graduates of Vassar College, has.° hoconse Bachelors of Art. • =Brad rirer l „ South Carolina, froze over last woa for, the that time in 37 - years. c - . —Porpand has a large steam whis tle ow the eity halt which is blown in case of fire. - • raid *108,825 55 for amusements in 1870-4 M increase 0f...421167 55 over 1869. There is a sli4ht activity in • the Ilroisk'yn Nan-yard preparing ships for the —X Chicago sauktge maker, with notism4l:eactilaz, advrtiseeg las Wares "dog cheap.-7 —I Hartford, Ico-operative store Lan jest declared a cf4rterly dieldend of ten per cont. —A Virginia girl -of sixteen has died cif siokness•At a Riclim9nd boarding Ikon s'% mign, tuniouncing ¶'The Vaca um Coro." Eiaup from the window of a Loudon rating-house. . , —The ifil nds in Late Erie are „ i t now ;4 - Itched vr i h teams, the ice being very thiclifaml pert ! ly sate. • —Titropillelati a whisky . shop to every RO inhabitants, skid protests Intl tho licensing of any Iporo. .. - -, • • —The town of Harwich,' o Cape Cod, raised 1,084 barrels of cranberileslast year, and *AI them for 1 16 ,0 0 0, • . . ; Hiram Powers will ' visit the l'iiito.l States this summer. , Ho has not been home for thirty-three ram' .• -The Evansville, Terre Hait i me and A lticago Railroad is now completed to within three miles of Newport. 1 • ' • —Sixty-six par, cent. of the poptt- Winn of Chicago bard no religious; belief, ao -corling to a religions paper published there. ••• —Three men claim to be Lieuten ani-Oort,ibor of Florills, mid the dispute is die tracting tfie Ropreme Court of ths finite. l. - —Anna Dickinson's newest lecture 1, 0 Mateo Itights," add she does It up "right well." - ' 1 ,.. - !" - i—FivallIonsalid fire hundred and tats-ritiwchildren go Ito school at Ne d wpoit Ken tucky.-:•'''' . _ 1_ Dickinson's lecinro on inefsight's created great enthusiasm in New y,,r , ....ft v. r • . 21 -. The produis of the fisheries lii. _._. tiii, Atist riet of Darn Oat& the peat year atuount-+! rd jv $2,537,73. ,I : ` , 4-ResUrVoyEi, of both routes, here- , tofore Marked out the ticeilthern Nettie rail road,W are be Kna9 • = .. __ - —Miss Agniiss Palmer, heralded as an eminent oontralSo, has arrived in Now York from Italy. i . • , - —The Philadelphia Ledger is to hare a press that will print sisty-five th6nsand. copies per hour. 1 1 ~ . .- —:-Some ;monsters ' attethpted' to throw; apasssnrr train from the track- of The Wilgh Talley ,ailtoad. —Early iii life Peter!Cooper broke down in three different kinds' of business, and then tried‘ the titatinfasture of glue. That stuck. —Nndrew lirentlinger, a respited murderer, has ' -ask4Goiernor Elam of Ohio, . -to be hanged. . she great; dock, sunk at St. :Thorns by the hnrricane of 1867, has been raised and towed into shallow water. irruptiOn of the: Ceborocco volcano, in_Melico,; dostmyed the villages of Alinaostalan, Izlaw and Ja bs. —Switches worn on female heads are said 'tó I,c quite as destructive to hutaaalife as minpLiged switches oatailroads. --l Extensive sales of rights to mine iron oro In Bedford county have lately been made, at pricey ranging from $0.5".t0 $lOO per acre. —An Indiana sheriff, taking a horse thief to the State prison, foil asleep in the railroad car, and when he woke nit file prisoner was gone. : —Kansas will pay its outstanding debt, amounting to $239, daring thi' enrrent Month, and haro a large balance in the mai:au. F , —As Many -as pssev'e French dukes, of the oldest and/ hp* distinguished lineage, hare b.en killed or treribusly wounded dm-Mg. the'present war. ~ I . —The California and Oregon road has been cempleted . to Ichnoia, 122 miles above Sacramento. It will reach the Oregon line during thopreseit year. —The' Wyoming; National Bank of wska,barr, it is reported, has just oleCted _a lady director, abe - owning or representing a large amount of the stock of the bank. • • —Potter county las•-ad no limns . ed . places to-the sale ofintoxiCating.liquora,for nineteen years, and, as a consequence, is a', model emattaatrity of peace and good order. —ln retort:op' to the orange crop a Florida paper sali'tliat the damage done by the cold weatherise hot beta stUlicient to pro f _ rent a full crop'nezt year, - —Train is indifferent as to who loaves hall while he is speaking. Like Tennyl:on's " Brook s--men mey awe and men way ge, hut runs on foreror. EMI • -'Chinese imimigration is growilig - Kindler and smaller and beautifully ( less. For the sae? 1870, the-artisan liVve been sbottt tind lees than in 1869, and the departures about / one-tenth greater. fril• f • e great : square tower on the , top of a certain hotel in the Rue Grenalle,Psris, ' has been fitted up as a •pigeim-honse. In it32o pigeons of reporter breed are being trained as messengers. • • —Bost on criminal statistics riot speak veri . sell for the mortality of that city. The Wink; number of commitments in 1810 was • 12,862, or near 1000 over 1869. Just 8122 per : 'sons were emoted for drunkenness. The worst forms of crime, too, - seem to have increased 'most largely. • p • • -Lrit6re are how ou French soil 217 permanent and 82 movable postal Stations, helonging Ito the German Ma il Service. Unin . temmted etuninntitastion, bylmail, is thus ob tinted over 300, English square miles. The northernmost points; is Amiens; the most southern Non. and the nuttiest west to Char , • Ivs. Inutford ppo EDITORS* E. O. GOODRICH. S. W. Towanda, Thursday, Jan. 101.'11e members of the County Compd tee are requested to meet routzu ;Wee, In Towsida,. oil . ' TIII :=l, p.m., for the WU: visoreirstr. to the State Contention. _ FS: W. Ar onu s = 1.. t . ii , „‘. '', t. .F4"...t.t • ' ';/ The following nutted gentlemen compose laid committee : 8. W. Alvord, D. Bonnie, M. H. B. Parsons, James Dono luie; G. W. Ilrh2k, B. S. Pratt, J. M. Tracy. We are under many obliga tions to the numerous friends: of the REPORTER, who have interested . them selves. in increasing its circulation. The substantial evidences of t their•re-. gard for the paper,"and the interests of the Repnbliean patty,. ttsi well cis their kind limas of, encouragement and approval, are appreciated by us, and it shall be our constant - Mtn to furnish a paper worthy of the cause we advocate and the support of aIL While our subscription list hai been steadily increasing, . there :are: many pundreds of Republicans who do not take the REmarsa. Some of them • say they canndt afford it, but we do not believe there is a man in. the county so poor that he cannot spare two dollars to pay for a paper ; and there is mutely a - family in the county who would not, be benefited many times that amount by its pe rusal. In order to increase the circula tion of the REPOATER • and thus aid in promulgating. Republican. , principles, we have concluded to make the fol lowing offer. There are half a dozen tdwnships in the county where - the whole number of subscribers named can be secnied : For every elub.of 109 •,- al,scrtbrri '(at clith rates), accompanied by the midi, we will give a eirfy dollar serring machine, or sixty dollars' worth of Books, from J. B. Prriscorr Co.'s Catalogue. Club's trust be made up and VIC mqney for warded before tbe first of .tuly. 1 / 11E DI/TEAM:E.-1u the Demo cratic Senate of Pennsylvania, the other day, when the seat of a Demo crat was contested; tht: cOtnruittee, with,Senator 13UCKALEW as chairman, disposed of the question, by giving the seat to the sitting member, with \ out inVestigating the facts in the ease, even though it was alleged up on good authority that it could be proven that env& illegal votes were cast kir him to give the seat to his competitor. But this Democracy. In the souse, when a Democrat contested the election of a Republi can J_udge. in Philadelphia; a com mittee was appointed who arc inves tigating the facts En the case. Which mum is the most honora ble Y • has become known, from the publication of official docriments, that the Pope in October last in communicating by-telegraph with the King of Prussia, requested his, lifm josty to secure his (the Pope's)do parture from Rome with due 'honor, in case he should conclude to -leave the city. King WILLIAM replied . af firmatively and telegraphed to King VuTron EMINTTL to that effect 0 1 / 4 7 EAPILY,—Many Democratic pa pers are hoisting the name of Sena tor THURMAN as their candidate for President in 1872. Are we to under stand from this the,t, HENDRICKS, PEN.i. ,DLETON, VALLANDIMIAM, 11111 . 4 other shining lights in the Democratic , household sre to be ruled out and • I ;kicked overboard? • i. The annual report of the Eric Ratway Company for the year end ing:September 30, gives the follow ing!: Expenses of maintainig the road, $3,689,693; expense of repairs and , machinery, $2 ,601,691; expense of operating the road, $5,781,626 earnings, $16,179,461. Ileir We are :unable to learn that any "important change has taken place in end around Paris. .it is re- ported that terrible 'destitution pre vails in Paris. A REMIIILSOENOE. A friend was recently looking over a pile of journals some thirteerryears old, when he stumbled upon thejol lowing : , - [eofrespnrid ,- .ncik cif the Petw,. virer.] DANvtraz, l'a.,,Jan. 27, MS. I learn that there is to be% a' meet ing of the creditors of the Montour company in your city on the first of next month, (next Monday), at which it is tkought an arrangement will be made for the resumption of work at their establishment here. Such a rest* vronld 'be hailed with joy in all parts of the country, and especially in this place and vicinity. The disbursement of money at this establishment in days of prosperity is very ; large; some 2,500 hands are employed generally, and their wages range from one to two-and,-,a -half dollars per'day. I have been 'here frequently.% good times when this was one of the most bustling places in the State. Now it seems like Sun day in' comparison with what it did only one year ago. The, coal and iron, interests are suffering very mach on account of the depressed 'condi tion of trade of every 'find. Yours, &c., w. A. i. Thattit was in 11355, you ,observe, when there was no " panic," no " re- I vnision."' when we hael veryliOit" in taus' lames; and 30 per cent. - duty on pik-iron.under the :reventie - tariff . of '46. Twenty-five hundred men standing idle in one Democratic stronghold, and all eager to get work again at $l.OO to $2.50 per day. Just lot tho " Revenue Reformers " get the upper hand,.and such spectacles will abound in' many States beside Pennsylvania..? If this is , bound to come, we pray ,that it .may be 'upon us before the next election for Presi dent. "In 1833 . ,'! says the. World,' " the DeMocratic party repudiated the doctrines of protection, and were i ready to folloi.Mr. Verplanck's lead 1 he being a i life-long, tlat-footed Free-Trader." : In 1873, it Will be in just such it position as it held in 1833.—N. Y. Tribtr w . , , , 4 4 tleespollitbeir duty," with dim recollection OfftitUsitcl orgies prolonged into the small houn of sight, hogs bowls of sag-nogg paw ing smaller by degrees andbeantilally less,"— maudlin speeches; and the oftArepeated Rip Can TuiklttoatU Your health anAyonr family's : may they lite — Vag andprosper ;7 end auddle6 brain—perhaps a druiskeli sleep underneath the table, followed 'MOW"- ing head and baths and as unusual Wan for 1111.t=-r or some b""ail• WWII' coding bE t 4 native ;for all of which. the holiday won is • made the muse, and like, charity; made to corer multitude of Bills. In the dirk , agei, this was held a Viably custom, and he who bad cibe capacity of a Payrrarr for holding sack was 'deemed most fortnnate,ls it gave'him the • vantage of enjoying frilly drtmk,--thanks to the progress of 4 siriliaitioa' bolt looked upon with abborninoi and. dirgnat—and placed upon the list of barbarians belonging to the put. In accordance with enstom, very many, of our citizens, with characteristic hospitality kept open doors during mato hours on • at which time they cordially received gel wel corned their, friends who chose to favor them witilla call. la manyinstanees most worthy of mention while tables abounded with the choke and good things of •this Wade, roast meat*, vegetables, (miters, and all the 'palate 'conid suggest of which all were heartily.invited to, partalie. The ardent was carefully eschewed: neither whisky plain, nor mixed, nor under the common disguise of egg nogg was to be found, but instead was proffer ed a "towing bowl" of pays old mocha, fresh, fragrant and-deliciona, a charming substitude, and one which gave general satisfaction and delight, yet as the Irishman world say, "not withstanding that ,P,amo, 4 there vas an illy concealed look:of disappointment observable among a few fond "interriewests,"„who still in 'cline to the belief that true hospitality, pledges of friendship and fidelity, assurances of peace and good will=forgpisea as.soon as made—can be no more properly given than over the intox icating bowl. with whet strange tenacity we cling to'lhe customs and nano" of the past. There was not that btusineMike hwry of wee men, that "hot haste" and mtmrrying to and fro; which characterized- the movements of many of cur nice young men on former occas ions like these, when aide-bnrils groaned 'with boils of punch, and the sparkling wine cup was temptingly offered with the jewelled fing ers and honied words of Eve's fair daughters, forgetful of the Divine command.:" Lead ns not into temptation." • We are sorry to note exceptions to this rule ; our usually. quiet and orderly street were this day the frequent scenes of rowdyism, debauch ery and 4i:4 - gruel even some of our staid and sober-minded citizens pursued the uneven ten or of their way under the disadvantage of hav ing on board an unevenly . ballasted - cargo, or were top-heavy from having too great a press of canvas to the breeze, an- occurrence, altho' unusual, which was an example to the present as well as the rising - generation, certainly to be regretted and deplored. Oecattionally, too, was. met the Stolid Tenton, who had risen from his iiroMeht and sweitxerkase, had ceased to splut ter and gesticulate - crier "mine Faderland" and the war in Europe, and from -his,.Soiprig and uneven motion on the sidewalk, hylid spliatutly shipteul with his commiasary an over slimly of lageroptlly damaging in its effect. and dims* Irons in maintaining a proper equilibrium, and when late; in the day, or as day advanced into night many of our goodly Citizens having be .tome somewhat exhausted from making their Many friendly calls, or, otherwise, were to be - seen with soiled garments and damaged Him under the watchthl Owe of our eity 'guardians, kindly aiding them on their homewird way; While at every stop they repeatedly declared they were "jolly good !Client'," and they wouldn't go home till ..morning,”—the career this day of . thousands, commencing with the fashionable reception In the morning and wad ing in the gutter in the evening. In consequence of the . death of lies. Bet- KNAP, wife of Gen. Beutsie, Hecretary:of War, the held on dew Yesea day bi the President; ,was I not given, doubtless a great disappointment to the many who on these days tine the sidewalks . Illldfcirrbil of the carriage-way; leading tram the'Avenne to the Mansion, eager to - gaze ?tri m] the representatives of royalty, with all their ostentatious trappings,! their courtly- costumes of cocked hats' and gold-let:Sit coats, as they rune to pay their respects to the President; to look upon our own civil and military Ohms, Judges, Senators and Ikpresenti.tiTes, the dia. , - lingnished and not distinguished, as well as to shake the we ; led Preiidetitial hand, to gaze with idle earl on. the Presidential drawing and reception a, and to trample over preig : wipe °listen to the Inspiring strains , , of mnsic hythe Marine Band, - and to crowdthe' spacious halls and groat East Rom "of the,. biattsioa to a fellness amounting almost trivia& foqation, certainly beyond endurance—a dm:go y:relic privilege for one day greatly lITAITCIird, and asgreatly enjoyed. We have been, there aZd - we know whereof we speak. So have we been wedged in among* the swaying and surging mass of people collected, that to move in any way but with the tide was nigh an impossibility, and when we finally succeeded in making good our egress, we felt relieved, and thankful that we had done so without injury to" onrselres or to others, Our 'fait impressions are not yet 'entirely erased from the &ding page of memory. We have recollections how eve were several times very closely and very warmly embraced, and although we sari amid the crowd many fair ones young and beautithl, the blonde and the brunette, with long, stray, flowing curls, waving gracefully from 'towering chignons, yet we have no pleasant remembran . ices- nor tokens that we wore in mariner a subject of their admiiation and regard. We would willingly believe so if we could ; public receptions world then be mom *atm, than otherwise. Yon knew hew that is yourself. Old winter since putting in an appearance, is evidently on his mnacie r and during the past few-weeks we have had "an nipping and an eagei air," the very coldest days ever knoWn by that "oldest inhabitant." Creeks, ponds and skating rinks arc firmly frozen over, and slat- TSAR are having a glorious time, the &it in this latitude for many seasons, and crowds daily and nightly are embracing the opportun4. Ernm the easy manner and perfbet looseness with which they throw themselves around and gracefully glide over, the smooth surface, we conclude they enjoy themselves bhgely. As we stood - and gazed awls them we did not envy their happiness, but we almost witted we were a skatist, and when we saw them sr snore the refs of tutor, mid become the - support, guide and instructor pt ye, gentle fair ones in their first attempl4 then we beemne certain that we wished that we-were a ekatist. This it the only one thing that clouds our entire hap piness; we had . tried itiwe - earnestly made the attempt, but we were not a success, at least, in the manner we desired. We. forind what we knew ofskatittg was somethhag like what Garr, atr "'knows of farming," only with this differ ence : while he succeeded it raising big squash. to aril turnips, we sueociu4d in bruising our selv,es and raising l ) pe; otherwise, we were the living monument of an entire failure, fully testified to by our broken skates and the increased else of our respected smeller, turned up more skyward than ever. At the close of our Aorta we lOoked as if some one had "pat a bead on es," and we returned to Sur domicil . a sadder and a wiser man; .we invested in 'a =beet steak tot an application to our somewhat - discolored optics, and reconciled to our late, we came to the conclusion we' would make rear. Mote attempts tosbeeorne a skillet, no, not tot JoMph. , On the night of the Last day of the 'year, by the blazing light of bttruing tar barrels, the paving of from the Capitol to the Treasnry Department, was completed, and on New Year's day it pre sented a lively scene of faahkinable turn-outs, with fashionable ocetmanti futile:Ably attired, fast women, foot men, fast horses and fast driv ing—the foreigmblittistere coach with liveried driver and footmen, the' sioleatal establish. silent of public a .d private citizens, the morn- itEW TELI7I! VAT, ANNUAL lINCTITIOX WRAT I KNOW Or SKLTINO. PENXSTI.TANIA.Ariecri, Yesterday the President sent Is ,ths, ammitts the nornhudion of Yr. Dunararn, of lowa, to be potninhakmer at the. General Land Grnee, in Owe of ha. I),Wp f acrs, ithoubtio¢d, to resign, sad rotate pilsg .tiositstri•fhttlituagota Wasou belongs to that class of politic:hum *4 at Jackson DenitiCe* 'yet It grgienne, does pot tare to enikese the oldJacookra dekteine "' To the visitors belong the pikes ;7 mkt Wit only re. gardkinid as wishes of the 'Preside*, *skis idea Ids right to apiece him, a position with. oat peseedent nadentizely new in the hlitory of oat Goverment; The Conunissioner having served in this office in various gradus wiggler raptidly during the last forty party has' per- haps arrived at the conclusion that his semi.. es as indlipe sad-that be really owned and" carried the Land Cam in - hi. breeches polikc:t, an error often heretofore fallen into by others Wake position. • The statue of LocoLi by Alba Yuma Italits, ordered 11 Coogrees same t w o or Devi" years sga, has wised train Italy, witeie it was actilptortil, and mil yesterday *mad in the roi lands of the Capitol, where Formations were being made far nidocaing and liming it on es lattion. It has not yet beep accepted by' Caegress, but thereM little doubt but wharf is will be. - X. THE STATE trinsuatin. SENSTE, Jan. / 03.—The following bills were presented kit act to au thorize te,Urthed voting in the selec tion of schoOl-diniebns. On m . • . of Mr. Bnckalew the bill was amend ed to read ea follows : That in !tame elections of dire* , tors of common schools in this Com monwealth; whenever. two or more parsons are to be chosen in a district for the same term of service, each voter may give his vetes to one or more candidates upon the following plan, to wit: when two.dircctors are to be chosen, he may give one vote to each of.tWO 'candidates, or two' cotes to one. When three directors are to be chosen, he may -give one vote to each Of three candidates,. two votes to one candidate, and one to another, one vote and a half to each or thq two candidates, or three votes to.one. When four directors are to be chos en,- he may give one vote to each of four candidates,- one vote and one third to each of three, two votes to each of two, or four votes to one. When six directors are to be chosen, he may give.one vote to each of six candidates, one vote and one-half to each of four: two votes to each of three, three votes to each of two, or six votes to one. In each case candi dates hi r ,,, , Thest in votes - shall be de clared elected, and any appointment to fill & vacancy in a board ofdirect ors - Abell, whenever practi.u.ble be madd from among the voters of the proper district who shall have voted for the directors whose place is to be filled. Sec. 2. Whenever a voter shall in tend to give more votes than one, or to give a fraition of a vote to 'any • candidate for director, he shall ex press his ,intention distinctly and closely, up on the face Of his ballot; othemele but one vote Shall be counted '6L:I allowed to each candi date; but an allot Which shall con tain •or express a greater number of Totes than, the whole number to, which the voter shall be entitled,' shall be rejected. . After -a somewhat lengthy discus sion of the bill, its further considera tion was postponed for the present, and -eve hundred copies ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. An act to authorize the choice of female directors to common schools. On motion, the bill was made the speCial order for Feb: 8, after the regular morning orders. - •I• An act to repeal the first section of an act; entitled ' An act" entitled, A supplement ,to the act providing for the taldnghf game,' approved the Ist of April, A. D. 1869, said supple-, ment being approved on the sth day of April, A. D. 1870." - The bill permits the killing of deer until the Ist of J'annary, instead of only to the' 20th or December. After some discussion on the ques tion of agreeing to the bill," the yeas and nays were required by Mr. Tur ner and Olmsted, and resulted in a vote of 25 yeas to .6 nays. So the question was determined in the affirmativei and the till passed. Horse- = Jan. .19.--The following, bills were rend in klaco: An act authorizing the Commis sioners of the Sinking Fund to sell the bonds,. stacks , and other certifi cates of indebtedness belonging to the State, and apply the proceeds to the extinguishment of ' the public debt. The preamble Sets forth. that the credit of the Commonwealth and the interest of the people demand the ex tinguishment of the public debt, and that thereis now in the hands of the officers a large amount of securities; and the bill enacts that these be sold at public sale, for money' or , on standing obligations of the) State. An act to provide fr. a geblogical survey of Pennsylvania, appointing J. P. Lesley State Geologist, with poiver to employ amistinata, and ap propriating $50,000` for expenses du ring 1871—a full report to be' made -to the Legislature before the close of its next session, and the whole pith lished, with descriptions, draivings, maps, etc., and distributed to the people as speedily as accuracy permit. An act relating to county treasur ers and auditors, repealing the pro vision which makes a person w i llto has been auditor:within one year in eligible to the office of treasurer, sad enacting a provision that one who has been treasurer within twd years shall be ineligible to the office of an ditor. - A supplement to the Li relative to the liens of mechanics and 'others, providing that the security required hif the act of 1868 shall be a bond with warranrOf attorney for entry of judgment thereon, to be a lien against the property from- time of entry. - = - - An act to' protest and prohibit sane persons' from being) admitted as patients intO, hospitals or other institutions for the insane.' It pro- . tides that no persor'shall keep an asylum or hospital for the insane un less' authori.zed by the Legislature; that na such institution shall take charge of drtinluu-da and inebriates, or any persons suffering from nerv ous diseases. Violation of the -act is made a misdemeanor, punishable with a fine of $lOO on 30 days' ita prisonment, or both. A supplethent to the jury commie sioner/Inw, providing that the draw ing of jurors shall be , of the same ef fect when the number- is' not desig nated by the omits as if so designat Eil whim*. Intent =I as the tety has oorre re•Pay• albedo tt Is en the god ot mchl ele. t , . defeigienAtedd ellirtiWtiii lighplitilllPAVT_9l Totels3o2l3...elticit, ed; in . . , .le distircts, focl to be vetedfor, :4 thesis hileettia. The ~ ~ ; ' forty" ' to be given td the Medi it - each elector vogng for 20, and the highest 40 being eWted. . The Goierner Audi prochdur the result and I cill the comventio . to is- somble in Harrisburg on' . e first Titesda7 in Nevem*, an. decid' e upon either & new • . ... • , 'op, 'Or ai allbealdill to till. .. - -, , one, which a be sub .. .. to 4,12 e pep pki, for . ption or r e jec. at an election for thepurpose, l and,. if adopted, it ehall be thence,. rth the constitutibn of the State. 1. e dale-, gates shall receive -. . per day, and tbe same mileage mem bers of the Legislature, 4a th State Treasurer shall pay tikeo th - )f - '' au ..,i and 18 e' spa of repo on . publishin said convention' theE order of it presiding °Rica ' , ...• i An act . ' call s• conventon for tit L.. • : o =ding the COailtitn , i' , , :If, .. ' for a special 41 :014011 ill 3d Tuesday in 'Tune. a majorit, • faro ; the I convention, ' shall be ~ mposed of 133 delegates sp... -'.. :•. the same as t h e Sena; • tors and Representatives are at, the time of. election. The convention shall meet at Harrisburg on the Ist Tuesday of September, and Submit either am ndments or a new constir tution for ption or rejection. The delegates officers shall receive the same Lary as members and offf 'eers of th Legislature of 1870, to he paid by specific appropriation. , 'An act erecting out of a 'part 0 Luzern kunty a new county, to be calleda. awann •• • A joint resolution recommending joint to our !Se ators and Representatives in Congr . the passage of Mr. Jeucksti -.service, as wily managed, is"unsati actor,: in, its' results, de moralizin in its influence.. A.joint resolution declaring that [ the importation of Coolies is the in troduction of a new system of slavery, demoraliz ng in its influence and eal r cnlated to oppress and degiade labor in all bra elms of industry: and reci mitten' g , 3 our Senators and Rep resentati in Congress to aid in the passage of laws to prevent the further immigration of Coolies-to this cone try.. , An act supplementary to' the acts relativethe State 'reasurer and cotntnissi ers of the Sinking /N and. This b il l i similar to the plan' pre sented by the same 'gentleman last *hater. roposali are to he received I n front ban , - to become depositories of State funds; the commtiraoiserii Lidiall sea t, lour banks in Ph il adel- Is 'labia, thre in Pittsburg, And two in Ha ' , and deposit all the funds . • therein. All Claims against the State shall be Odd by checks and' drafts non the* depositories. The banks shall k.- account and pass the in terest on eposits to the credit of the State.' • eepl i The ac ount of the State Treasurer and ; de sitories shall be reported i t monthly the Auditor General. The banie to `ye security to the extent of the greatest amount , deposited therein a i one time. , After deposit-, tag the f ds, the Treasurer shall not be accou table for loss to 'the State, and his ndsmen shall only be held for his i t ormance of the duties im posed byhis and d - other nets. ' • g y An act . r ohibiting the buying, sell ' in, or gi ing away of an epintrtens or malt li nor, wine or ciAer,'or any thing con, hag alcohol, on any illy of general or special election; aid makinge' violation of the act, a. misdemc nor punishable with not less than 10 orinore than 100 days' im prisonm t, and, in addition,' a fi ne of not I than; S 2Q nor more than, e l $5OO, . •i An act allowing the voters of any city, borough, ward, or' township to decide b3i ballot, once in every three yeara, whether any license to sell in toxicating liquors shall be granted within its litaits. If the' vote' is aglaintst . lieense, ao license - shall be is sued until a majority decides in its favor; an a violation shall be pun ished wi $5O flee 'and six months impiison i i era' for the first offence, and $1 , fine and one year's impris onment for any subsequent offence. Owners of vineyards may sell' (on their premises) their ewn manufac tures, in 4 fiantities not lesa than one be gallon, carried away, but not to' 1 be drank i on the premises. The remainder of the 172 bills con sisted ofood of local bills, moat of them e ntire ly .unimportant to any one but few' directly interested par ties. t ROUSE kialt, o.—The House met at the •tial ' hour. Opened with -1 prayer by the Chaplain. . 'fix. Xilunkin favorably rePorted from thelJudicisa7 General Commit tee the b.ll relative to the eligibility of coun treasurers and auditors. Mr K , from the same committee, reported the bill relative to insolvent persons. Mr.ion ton 3 the bill providing for tLe more im Anil selection of jurors in the Erne 1 counties of this Common wealth. . - Mr.= H witt, reptorted the bill to en large thi jurisdiction of the courts of I common pleat; of this Commonwealth relative granting charters of incor poration and confirming those here-1 totem nted. - - Mr.` lib repo t ted, the bill from the sa - committee; entitled An act ,to the second Section of an :IA relative changes of varines, approv4 ed April 213,1870. rel . 1 Mr. .1, hnston reported , i with a neg. alive namendatiOn bill to protect and prohibit sane persons, from being admitted as patients into hospitals or other insititutions for the insane. Mr. Man, chairman of the Com mittee on Constitutional Reform, re ported from that _committee a Men-. titled At act to provide' forthe call indof a p-onvention to, revise or e mend the Constitution of Pennsyt. collie. I z.. 1 The b provides that if , the eleo-1 tors o f e Commonwealth - decidei by ballot o the Second Tuesday of next June, th t a convention be called,tit shall Ea 4 11 t the first Tnesday in Sep ' tember,and be composed of 143nenia bens, to he elected as follows: 40 - to be elected at large, each voter in the State to vote for 20; 103 o bo elected by Senatorial districts---in"single die. triet 3 !olbe elected and each voter to vote for E 2 persons:4u doubled stricts ii perso s to be elected, and each per. 9 3 1F,DitikE 7 - 711tieWsicieritiiii invisEctienre 4 6 It ll l ol l dain u 143 0 0 ) 41 / 7 . Snit mortgage raihraf bonds hold ; and - 'haft: 10 which el can public ittontion in this .Ilftidle . . . are par aceleme in no ' • Their Wow is Int upon - such Mild basis as to kayo no q don is to Mehl safety, and they yield largeof Interest, The natkaui impOr rites s of the Northern 'Pa cific 'Railroad wis beamed to be ft great limit Mess granted Orr; mosi stupendous' land s:WO to *Company, to aid in its comarno- Om, of which Ira bare any knowledge ; which, with, judicious zassagemont, will in , itself be fully equiftlont to a direct guaranty' of the payer meat of tics bonds themselves. This land pia in area, Is On empire in itself, ainnantiog fd 71,- 000 acres per Mile, sad an aggregate s of or 60,000,000 f.sisty millions) of acres, and is of more rarield an valuable physical character than exiits elsepiter• in the known world.. The testimony of selentlOc officers of the United States army who bave.sarroyed and re ported moan tin portions - of this belt, set forth invariably its richnesociosel, mildness and sa lubrity of Slims* its comparative exemption 'from seim4 its capacity of sapparting a dons* fiopelation, in positive and uniform accord. 'Theis b seii section in the world when the cep. tainty of ledger apps of wheat, barley, oats, po tatoes, and other roots is same; and west the Rocky Meantaine, on this belt, apples pears, plums, cherries, and other feats are abundantly produced. Oar readers mast beer in mind the fact that the snow-fans en the belt traversed by - this Road are extremely light, rarely exceeding two feet in depth in the highest altitudes along the line, and much lighter than it is in the Middle and New Ragland States.. This recite fully at tested fry man and beast. The paeturage of this bolt IS a marvel. to trerelem. The domes tic cattle. ir Montana, Idaho, Dakota end Wash ington Te Merles range out all' winter and are fat in March. Mexican horse* Brought here by !ethane, are turned out to stint for them serest on the range from latitude 4lrib sad. come in fit and strong in the spring-- italions of .this Dead will pass through fie winter homes of hereto, elk, deer and anteloye, which are alweye fat in spring. Trains of paeli-nsuies ihrift - throngh the winter without forager olele subjected ito considerable sorrice. There 'j no question as to the mildness alio cliniate, the richness of the soil, and the fossi l:slay of et:crating daily train s over this Road the year t irtingh withoutinterruption by. snow: Besides; the agricultiral resources of this belt, reimi of bituminous coal of excellent qual ity and inexhaiuttible quantities cross this roots in varionslphiees. Iron and other ores are also foduit in ebundance ; end timber of the most, valuable epecies and all varieties, in quantities beyond computation, abound along the belt of country through which this gmat North Pacific Read will pass. Such, then; is the gene'rel character of the climate and productifeuess of the land, and the, certain stieurance of oremting the Road at all seasons. [Vie trostees are required to keep and hare at etltiotes londo their rantryt, a. sicarity slo; Ihrfirit morlfgrtge bondlwklerti, 'at /rail }tea stand tierce of ore rage load to erery thousand dollars of 'Aissfsfaiereig Loads, besides the nea rest) ascii, with its equipments andfranchims. Can their° he any batter Security then this? We. think limt. It Ds equal to a hood and Toil gage on Unproved city property. . • The value of this empire of laud will in part be measured by the rerennevderired from a I completed Road, and the inducement,' to settle' 1 upon the 7 larals. The way traffic and trarel will' depend upon' he soil, climate. timber, hied, mine:gamed wa 'er-powei contiguous to it, as will also the,eet lement Or the coontry;.end ire know that no road eveti projected had al these -features i* stick protniac and certainty as the .Itiortti The tfirough traffic and travel, hit* equal 'aims tion tes, •IL the Mad wlI trans-con tinental rill Ind cheap est; Thlch is control the gresibtill of the travel and business. It short ens the rr , nte between Lake linperior and Pu get Stoical, as compared with the distance be tween Chiesge , and Han Francisco, SOO miles,. and makes a great saving in expense, Owing to easier ,g - Tadelk, it will be the shortest, fastest, sad clieriPesirionte of commerce and travel be tween Asia and„Enrope. bringing China andja pan and kuropo 1,667 miles nearer each other Than by san Praricisco, which is - sufficient to control this *rant. 'On the whole, note:: i'1 . 195 an enterprise entered' upon whiclehad equal prus i x,tri In itatki;laitil when we add that out greet Nittioruk; bankers and _financiers, Jar Coors ato., litandythrtnigh whose eft:time countrl Wan siipPlied with tho sinews of .war dnring.orir late struggie,"liacc control of its fi nanced and a potent voico in its management, we may tell be inspired with confidence that srerthing is otusection With this mecrprise will be Managedwith practical economy; safety , and inticrity.. We heartily i-urnmetid these sce.nrities to our rtiaders:;—.s". Independent. . . 1 It is; reported from Washing ton thnt the English goiernmeut hTis Madn Overtures to; this Goveriuuent for the re-opening of the Alabama Ellaimi question, and that Gen. ScumCit's departure for London. has been postponed,onthat account. L 9 LE DziawAsr.—While the debts of Republican States are stead ily decreasing,- .Gov. SAITINIMBY re ports that little Delaware's debt is $4634009, an increase of $48,000 two yOara 19.1 A. large fire occurred in Chica go, on Monday evening bat, deitroy ing ahout $60,000 worth of property. INew Livertisraeits. . Teat TAI3LE OF THE SIILLI t 3 Till( k ME 11.31110AD.-lallag effect. on Iffoodir.l, Jan. 23.1871. ' BOMIWAIak ErtATLIVSiII ' ' sorrawiatkr P. A. X. t P. Y. P. Y. 2:30 1:00 TOWANDA 19 : 70 ' 7:10 2;40 8:10 BARCLAY JUNCTION 12;10 I7:00 3:00 , 8:30 ...:..molutcrE 11:5e 6:40 I= 2213 WILOD.IB 11:13 : 4:05 3:43 5:36 - NEW ALTUNT.... 11:05 5:33 3:58 915 .......WILLERS. . ...... 10:33 5:0 410 82SO 1 DUiIIOTLE am am P. X. A; X. I 1.-a.. Z. .11. . R. W. ROOD Jaa.2301. "... deal Paaisagar kee:B2. . TN BANKRUPTCY. - DISTRICT .1. Court of the Calked lbates for the Western trict of famnsylcania. Waters Distrid of Pow* ramie; d i X. In the matter of Chutes . Wdt, t Bankrupt : Tins to Circr. :Orrice: That on the 28,1 of Jan.. 1871. a Warned in Bankruptcy was toed by the Court asiainst the estate of Cbaa. Wells. of Miter tp.• the county of Bradford and Bf s te of Pent lB 7l•7Bda. in and *strict. who has been duly armed a Busk. rapt uPri 818 own, petition and that the pigment of suy dktits, and the delivery et any property be longing to said a rty by or to lb - use. sod the banger of - by him are forbidden by bar. inesbot of the ereattorrof said Bankrupt to pwww. that debts, and choose one or more as. slows et his estate. will he held at a Could of Bank. replay. ale hidden at Towanda. Po. to 'said Din. *tot. on, the 27th- theme. A.D.. 1871. at 10 o'dock. pt of Orerton Etsbree. be. fore EDWARD OT11:11=1. Jr.... out of the Be`. Mars in; Bankruptcy of sabl s • • • A. KrEWICII. Jam wa.m...sw .17, S. Marshal for odd Dirt. .NOICE TO CARPENTERS! . The azdershreelll have assia aresAmeents to ha. we Carpenter's =MI 'Of . Meg irlioasvzo NICaT LT All delibieg e4 = lainavaaie are toepectfully lavitesi to ve.= a CARP k Tmarr, &arm . laszusoo•Asti. TowasisePs. ALLA IXERDM LL KINDS GR AND P IWa.•at.Ldesalesadeetfil. st Xtr nOlertkl, TEA, •SU GAB, FISH, %.1 tel, wholesale sad retail. .July i. - McCABE k E V_ ANS *' 111:4141811 6: tbe bested • c"; 4 3:slR.'m at. f•ilL 0, 1 • • ).2 Their whoks Mail being ow - tioltid AIM Wilk est point ta bl i ng lam Ameba& •in eight years, therefote them to give their enstoseare law 'Goods, and at Ten low pekoe. - In their stock eaq be found CLOTS. ALL 4 : 04 - : PLUM SIMON PL►ID6; ALL WAX% SEIM, ._4lqp 3113111. ALSO. ALL WOOL Imam m wee POP,IILAB COLOWS—BoOlsOrees, ram C•ior. Dirto4llllllll DOM% ' - 0111EE413 4 1:Ai r li BSI ALPACA, my Face. ant Flatlah. best roods la aiiartet elan only be found at - • , ZiASS k nniennA. won A FULL LINE OF Vir/TER -1 MOOTS, in Ones. Seem mad lisalt Alga MACY Txxxxruss. Clow and vim. ohm co to WA= k 114011.1331%. (12.RFAT i =AINIge IN LINES NAND LIM NAPKINS. TA_. ELI =nem TOWELS. TOWELING 'AND Ill B* l'7lllllk ace bet " ageer4lSl4 , Tutizstri. AGREAT VARIETY OF. HOME au= CLOTHS. aottabla for IlLes ~a Bop: wear. cm be found at IMAM k HE GRATEST ASSORTMENT T ETINGS, SEIMTTNGS, And the finest stook of PSllils. endersiAng all eityles. the market alftnts. !SUS k HILDBITIIII. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF , ROW= AND GLOM& Dieteas( ttea cis. brsted Dario tiletzaltaallki Okrves, at EVANS'it HILMIZTHII. "IVOR WILL FIND THE MOST JL ATTRACTIVE STOCK to select trams la PAIS. TEV SHAWLS. Double and Single Wool Shawl. to ~Ladku and Kisses, at EVANS k ELLOBETRII. TN FACT, YOU • CAN; ALWAYS -a_ find a, MosT COMM= -STOCK of DRY GOODS, in all ltis branches, at - - EPA t MLDP.Brlffil. • Bridge street. Towanda. Pa..; Jaaa.lB.ll. :PDX & MEROUR srei - ;now receiy- JL. Wig a trash stmt . .* Goods in their line, bought slam the Id Jammu. to which. the indte the IV tention of their friends. W. keep the-arrest stock in town. Our goods are trash and desirable.. We aell at lowest zmiletft pekes. - . Jan. 19. FRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought store the recent &dine toprice. and sedLne .c. re .hPap at tail. t FOX =COL Jan 19. UM. • . rOl & 3tERCUR are selling Gro _s_ aeries at retall.7 • . Jan. 19. 1811. - PDX k 3IBRCIJR are selling New , spd Fresh floods: . Jan. It MI. VOX & MERCUR are selling Gra= -1: eerie* cheep. Jan. 12. 1811. 'VOX 4. 1 MERCUB are selling ark- JI: c s Goods only. , Jan. 11, MI. .PDX are selling cheaper than ever. Jan. 19;1171. F° X MERCUR do not deal in It BkuNkly Goods. - Jas. 19..1571. UR . CUSTOMERS can rely upen %Jr settbag the wry beet the nteatot affords awl at knreat prier& ` ' E. T. Fox... • • T 0111111416 lan. 19,11. ' ILEIRT 10260178. - Tit EME3IBER that we. are selling _LID Croatia RETAIL' - And that lie wna'tba InadiUsold. Jan. 19.18 t. a isncuir. - MICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC CO—irty-eholoe--st Saa. 19. 1871. ,FOX. h MERCUR.S. ONNED FRUIT very low at , Jan. 19, 1871. - Fox & uziectrirs - PORE, Hama, Lard, Dried Beef, JL Useteini. Pam*, Idar.liz Tor a i taw Tritrat, at rata& .7an. mam. F 4 . 0 '.•- billtg O r: eICLI Ce Jas. IL 111,71. • POPAIiTNERSHIP.—The *luider tagned have this Agri formed awls, the hist:same of Itoeantield,e Wing l =2 continue the elothing bathos's at the old stand at X. L Iloaealleld, where they will be pleased to see all their old parasol and friends. Jan. 10.11171. A intrirsTßAToß's .NOTIOE.— ..Notic• Is hereby Oren that all peewits Indebt ed. to the estate of • DAVID ELLBVT, late.ot Allah township.. Atesed.. ere reqnntett to snake bunediate PoYessot. and MI permut haring claim against said vacate met present the same 'd.n/y authenticated for setthement.. JAMMU & PATCH. Jaa.11•11-*4 Adottaistratoe. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE • INSTITUTE Tow.ixiAa. isaaproim Tide institution bee Jug been 'repaired end Improved. And will' be AT, SEPTIOMER, A. 11110. ENGLISH. COMMERCIAL. BC rrwiC i CLAW no 'polkas/ Csitmas roamers special' *beano" to preparatory tristraciloa saA bishar academic brsnehei, ciamics excepted. The Omorractu.. an um adnoteirea erf oar led Communal &look with scomaary Maidatigostadles: The Noma. thoransk drill is mamma actual Madles mad Theory sad Practice 'lobelias. '74e.Sciurnur., modal Mstractioa In the 11101001:10 fibutrated try at exteastre citlectlon of apparatus recently repaired sad soppliet—aad other Mambos' usually primed in College, modern lampiages bells rabatitated for ancient. Casancazi thorough presarshons for our bestOol lems. and =dept. langua l stes. • Onnaugutss lerenebes-4tuate. Drawls& Mating under, excellent tristroetals. , Board sad ROOMS may; be obtained In the lash tuts. Apply IoQ. W. Ryan arid E. Z. Quinlan, Ammo. date Principals. Towanda, for ctresdars and parries. humMTLLPAX. A11:10,'70. CANDY ! CANDY! ! CANDY! n ..ILINCPA&ITIRJECD ricor PURR SUGARS. Wholesale and Retail. at 'prices that defy competi tion.. Consisting. In part] of • "lIOL ID AIY- •G IF T S," • Candy Apples. Peaches 'and Pears. Onm Dm% Cbceobbs prof.. Chocotite Caramels. Molasses Zees. Cream Bars, Cream Donbas*, Smooth Burt and Jordan Almonds, Clove Bud, • Cinnamcol String. Peppermint Drops . and Losengea, lifted Candy,Jap. 1110#11118 Coma.. Im. • . pedals. Tar. r and Lemon Pee . ant Itar Bar.,ltose • Blotto's. Jahn 'Post" Pig Nate. . . Cream! Dates. • Cenversition Marta . • ' .Lozenges. Napoleon Bon - • • Bona. Grained. Mar, and Sugar Toys, Cindy Beartmiolain ' and OUR As. Oranges and Lemons. • Chewing Own, resoluta. Peacan Filberts. Almouds. - Brasil Nuts, llnglish Web nuts, and every thing kapAby Confectioners, in general. a C. 8. imam Opposite CoddLug. Itiumedi J< Coil N 0.121. P. B.—Betnember we mil the 'Family Favorite ?Weed Bowing Machine. I a • Towanda. Dee. U. 1810.! • BOOTh AND SHOES MADE AND 12 =MUD. I Um asada that are ecreetantty calling with boots and Shoes Am MT edam etc.. am 4 have is inn them, to thistr crest disadvantage. until another day. The it WI for this kind of we& andl the deeire to hare it done inumedistsly. has induced zee to mats sash ar rangeinents that you need net return home Without your sole being revered ead.7our heels set . roe prices that are "Itoaaiand perteethr fate. Ladies that bane rattan tint are broke at thee kto. To this repair-shop la the plaor fo t io w to To got them re-Tamped. wetly or halt soled, 41,. .poar,taat watt protestadtroot tratitod thooold New Wort we era tasks you wait the above Die quick • WO can teaks mem for yea tam; or we esa give them to yes oda, We sea =be them with high beets, at we esa she them to yam OA,, 8o ion need not dew with I brick to year hat. Oood.eldose stitegar f sele by barrel or get. tract at Methodist thumb. or NSA street. Towanda, Dee. 13.1 , ' • 1.. 0, NILSOT. MISSES KINGSLEY & EATON Sava opened a new DBISS DILETKO . In the room. over Miss Zlnlsli r a MalinesT Stet*. (one door month of Pot it Merely's), where they are =to do all Made of win* In thie Drese•Msk at reasonable, rates. • IPASHION maims Of the West style received so Woe se Psildisbed. They will also give inettartion la CtiTTlNik, AND FIT Tnies MAIMED& Ivan plitonkr; LYDIA 0.5161:g.„1. C. B. ?Altar& Sept. 29.'70 wor Ul4. 02•0110% crop • imßarra. IK. Z. ROSICIIIIBI.O JULIE'S ROI" re.ldwt Erd L. C. -T=OX. M . ta L.. • 10 . AI IS •L A G MI r a j; a3~ . ~~,y~d MOST COBIPL-ET-E ( '.:; f. ; Moodie *ld of L Ir, - - WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATED WARE; eau= , WARE, ',60/10 BIN((, GOLD CHAINS, &C., Zee: opened in Ude market : t L pair .on'enhibition and jar ail* to m. ktijOrs 'tors at , . 1- = C H A ‘ __24.B'E , RL ,A•T Mr. 0. lea just returned from the city, and flat- tea htmatif that,bia Platt has been bouglit at bot, Ism Vireo. and that . be can offer better Andnae- ,sionta to parebooers of first.cloaa goods than any sislabilatituesit fn thecometry H UKPHREY BROTHERS kili n ote)aW 4;ike“:l4!i;q4 100 OASES 100 CASES 100 CASES MEN and BOYS BOOTS. 'MEN 'and - BOYS . BOOTS. MEN and BOYS BOOTS. _6O CASES '.50 CASES Ea CASES ,WOMEN'S an 1 MISSES , SHOES. WOMEN'S and KISSES SHOES. WOKEN'S and MISSES SHOES. FIL M - V AND BEST QUALITY. AND BEST_QUALITY.- AND BEST QUALITY. 100 100 100 • FINE TRUNKS, VINE TRUNKS, FINE TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, kC. TRAVELING BAGS, &C. TRAVELING BAGS, &C. EtNys7 juoT IN - TOWANDL FINEST LOT IN TOWANDA. FINEST 'LOT IN TOWANDA. 200 200 200 SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS, SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS, SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS; EVERY DESCRIPTION. EVERY DESCRIPTION. EVERY DESCRIPTION. Large tof Largelot of Urge lot of csitomatv FANCY RIIGEL&C. FANCY RUGS,' &C. FANCY RUGS, &C. MI .. , . Marto( enlarged our latearooto aoB motto'eaten. she toirettatos of all goods In otir brattoh of trades we ore prepared to offer sites laducououtts. - Sept. air lIITYPERIGY SUOTHEREL MO*BY SAVED, e STOVES - _ AND HARDWARE'. OtirsiL iea, Od-ID" P EiIt&EBER THANVOX. 4ic HER- Ctil We t'ftig a1:1 Kau at Omearkia at otitis's]. rims. The bora Moak Is town. . Goods Ileal dam Prkei low. ; s. T. FOL fort MMIMMI Mg t N i k Dec.ll, 7 0 EM STYLE. STYLE STYLE imi • BUFFALO ROliS, BUFFALO. ROB:ES, BUFFALO' ROBES, TOUR nuollsox J Eln i nty: uzactra.. • . 3644111•Cu5: TO • .X..A.REZ.r.. 14 71011.1 1 1.3t1: Corrected gym Wpdam.km, subject to changes Amur, E ^ 9 hitt wbost, bush: .... ... . ....... . . • " itys, 11l bosh • l • ......... . Boawbest, '4l bash.... . • ....... I 6 1 1 4.. ... oney *bash .../ ..... _Oats.. la ...... ........... • ' Beans, it. bush.... ................ Utter (rolls) lit lb, ......... ..... do @shy. la . .......... . ..... : ................... . .... . : 7 • .... • Poor. ill barrel.. ............... .... sr ! ‘i .. • .• I ........... 12 4 ,•-• • Ohlons, bash ......... , Mawr' ar &ill:. • oft :c !: 1.1 14%. 54 M. - Oste lbs.: Batley 40 ILL • Bn A 46 P.M 412 lbs.:: Bean 20 lbs • ci • • OVlNtsp w i Rm.; • Timothy Hoed 44 lbs. ..Delsit "Thiell Apples 22,1b5... Flai SCed 50114. • --t• AIL ABRANGENEENT S THE TOWANDA POST-OfTlet tledafartber notiewthe AIWA It QII* IMMO allit departs* foams : Arrise. ;:- - • Northers mu. - • 7.11 A. VE.... . , .... 5:11 P. ail .. .. , ' ..5:15 r. it,... . i : . .1:1S L I Troy •.:- 4. ; ... ...... 12 :00' X. ', .I.* V. V. Pintas - '•• ~. ...... ..5:0( it, .... Dubow __ •• .. ..... - - ........ te, y Lataysvilki" .. • ... , a. lll/0 13 to • Barclay••:1210 Eaton tuatla arrives every Monday, t i y ;;;:• 1 Friday at 6:00 r. and mat 7:eo Tuesday, Thuraloy. and Walla,, Lt perty•Conieri mail arrives every Tu esday, ittr, day and &badly at 8:00 Depart. at 0:00 a.a. • - dfiy • surcau gusa• dons 30 seinun:n tnfinnike tnnn parteerr • and the : magi aorta and 4* ithy," 11" kipnale64. •K W. Auvolark, MONEY .. QUICKLY MADE- By active Men and womentgettiny for the groat esligiona and literary weekly time edited b 7 finttlf trAfth Bruzza. Having tft its Uttelard.. COMO contribntore the abie.tt i l, t of - A r buvoing aerial at e 1- 4 t ht fantenuranttiorrat of " rude Tures Cabit, • begun.. ..Vety. entraeriber for. 1411 paper rola 3t3yxr tyLW, ab 4 the peOplig. mmuqtai-va winrisr.aes, mime wroth -11dieltaw and num, cumbinatirm.ii uLn LAM Iftt.bittltt.. All Ere doing well. STO to VSO A ttsy. Now is the rimtvticr, Ta m wrgEty and Qricirt.i. TbeA ie positively ?, , ,t lt , that wilt ray YOU as wxy..l.. Copy , of .paptr of ef447 And tars terms, free, addrvii, . .A. HUBBARD, dec.l.lo 100 Chestnu ILt St.. Plulatitki.. *T AyLows- ELECTRIC !. Thin Oil has proven itself a nicylk - lne tL the cure of Rheumatic larneneeut of any quiring an outward application: Re defy th. eel world to bring a material better adapted te alleviation of pain' and 1M1V.134.1,A in Man crai es than la thia medicine. It works apon the saniipe z . ciple as its nearest .kin—Elnetricity ; and alth ilit like all of our best theaicines, it sometimes hals.e, the cases of failure are very rare, and sit liani ecmiplicated ones. It works like roskOc - open tt-, frestebites, stink of. bees, and an . ortermil day.p• Every family should have it in. cues of fresh cv.i. brulies or waffle. 'twill not 'manlike nuat4~. kismet wheltapplied to a new..more. It .4 ,nn rpai preparation, but is composed! of dairir: ,of Us. materials known to mcork motive, On scientific principles. As a; itorgleinuelauth.,. baking the lead of an§thing in- =Salk neye and try it. If yea 'do not like it, return it Ica". mite your money back: For, saitu by all diniuuou dealers in medicine. Price Ni cli nts. per bottle. - - LIOWNLNG TAYLOR. I, u t n ikor, detll"7o.o . . JEW BOAADING H' 01:SE.- 1 -11, ;LI robirariber luring lekked Icel.?. Vas P.:, Las Dw..4.ltug limits! ma State :•:t.rert, ,one 14..1* at • :if tar. Pratt's only.. -Di n.w pinartd t., ytc.,: ? Boarders by the day or week at rrssosahl r ' rikt ,... . ~ 's.ll..Perwous attending Coral sill and tlr.4 i convenient mut, comfortable pLstai tostop. 1 . 4c.1,11). ' . - 1 'L. T. EON: PRICE LIST-,-CASCADZ 3ri4Ls = ••• 'hundred IN barrel .. . . Coatotn 'arivallug, usnallS: dorta at .once, a. t4A. it, racily °like mill Is fatfecioqt for a tarp', ait , ..zt x work. ' .'r . ; IL B. L\Gal ' :Camptirwn, Italy 23, iii. i -• . , TOWANDA COAL • YARD. ANTIIMACITE AND IIITITIi.LSOPS Thc undersigned, haiing leased Mid. Leal Yard itipek at the old "Barclay liasin," and'-just i''''mf'•••t••• ijilarge Coal-house and OtTlee,trpcna tick prezaitesis how prepared to furidsh the citizen tick Tres - Waco. Ticin:ty with the different kinds and sties named c4als upon the trot reasonable tend,. - quantity desired. Price' at the Yartt tudd notice : Store ..... Large P4g • • Atnall Egg :Plyvnoth . Pittston Nuts... ..... •filare•lay" Tgunp • " . Run of Mines " • Fine, or .. : ....... The fellnwitn; additinnel charger will be made delivering Coal within the borough limits Per Ton ...SI/ cs - mts. Eatra,lit carrying in, Se et:a Half ",„ •• Ton —23 " • ~• • " 35 . -• Si- Orders, inay_be left at the Yard, eezioor of ft. nail and Eliiabeth Streets, or at Rorior Di s ug Store. - • SN.Ordera must in all cases be aeoninpanhol the cash': . WAlti) k MONISM!, Towanda., Jan. 10, 1371—U. SYLyANL-1 STATE NdR:IIAL S(HOOL (Fifth District). SILNSFUELO, TIOOA COUNTY. P.l. Fall Term bsoini September 7th. 1870. Whiter Term begins December 12th. 1.79. Spring-Term begins March 27th. Ir4l. For catalogues or adintesion I dress T VE11.11111,. Mansfield, July 20..1870. . B AKERY AND DINL\TT 110031' First bloOrporth of Ward limn., D. • :--- tIES • CAKE • r• . - I A.ND CRACKEIIS • , • bako daily and cold anlro3ll.- ' Itl och)TITIMI ROOltsevrinrill nerennn.lo , th pnblie *ith either a lnneh or a vod meal ct all Ct. , .of - the day and evening,, , i ` OFS3ERC A - 14'1:1 ICE t'/ZE.411 on hand during their geseon. Al!c, a litie assortment ofDroeerina.Cont4'ot" Fruits, tints. ke. . . • ' Towanda: may 19, '7O. D. W. SCOTT IrCO. Heallistato for Sale. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE Tho vpinablc mill - Property, nt Dnalora, Sarum county, belonging to the of Sabatini Pklrrid deceased, consieting,of a large .Groit complete miler. Saw Mill and hens., the watnr privileges pertaining to the Mill prive,, , , q. Prlee and bwrneapplY to D. (1.. DeWitt. Aux. T..wan.la, Pa.. or to •lira. Mari Executrtx,ut Morristown, Morns, Jersey. The property cauis? seen by apply k*Danieyalreltild, at Dnshore. Pee. It IS7o.—tf 4c."' _. • • FOR SALE—The ; hone. ktiown the ....tcadorny• Elonse." - situated 'Street. between' Thlril and. Fourth Fit:Teti. w 11 .0: 1 731151 feet. House well finished and neatly pared containing 10 or 12 rooms and cellar. Water fling into same by lead pipe, arid the Joint us., , A l never-falling well on the prentisia. ALSO—House and lot on Seconll,Street. adjoit.r.: the residence of John A. Codding. Eaq. feet. The honse eontains,o or 7 rooms, and cerg- Goal well of water en _premises. Possepsion Immediately to the former. and to, the litter Arr., 14:1571.,F0r prices 'and tern; s . andy to K. VC. Kingsbury. office of 11., C.. It. Towanda; Pa. • ' • D ON'T BE. FOOLISH AND 3US ss YOUR CII.VSCE.—I will sell, joy Firm F: acres, In Stirling ton. 3 Miles from' hirnpike : t mile west of McCord's. The nn.i-t wheat land in the county: 30 acres miw abort 123.000 feet of pine. - , chestnut sell ami and 30 Cords of dogwood standing 12in the veriotindi New barn sch4o feet; new Gothic HOW., E rtw , tik • good well: of soft water at the door, under C ,Ttr. new two -Story shop: just right for wagon-hear ad 6"Fatters, three lasting .springs on .the far.. r— , property in an ready for an enterprising man. but little monosr, to soon make the beet farm in tat hewn. We want to sell out our property here are Mechanics. and don't no farming—are gii.ILSI. I work in a minufactury. . The tific is go 4 . TERMS will be made' easy. or 1a libesE for.:eash. Price $3.100. or the farm* and 'liarn be sohl separately ftbin the Lonna and stvip. 0 0,1 and look at it, or - addraes • CRAB. J. or JOS. nishiana. , Bradford ConntT, 1,31. jsn.s'7l•tf ARM FOR SALE.-I WISH T i TI *4.1 my farm„ and the same wi4 be solitat bargain. Toarna. Stock. Grain Far Ming t.oeli. would be *old . with . fares contains, F acres with fair improvements.. Forty acme Eiji p , oughed. farm will keep 2S or 30 paws : bar , fnil some growing stock with the present,luiptee menta. Soil warm—gaol fur grain br gray.. Pe mentnta made to favor tae pnrchwer. rand be , ted tnilos west and south of ftylvaniii. Braite. C . o. Pa. Growing crop.' should be seenon the fare t. have the genie appreciated. Do not heettarte to oaiii you wish to buy'; as tide farm will Do sold. . ' Address or call on .31easers:Poineroy.k . ItrV Troy,. or on the Linn of the owner. ' jan.11 . 71 JOIIN TOMLINSON .OA . . House - and L F , on Fine street is ofii3ied for •41e at, • lianni For further yarticulars vnquire on the Ovine:, JULIA OUSE. FOR SALE.-:-HOVSE AND .LOT. • situate on r multi stroet, nrariatnea Ronne 24i32 Pot, with well mud cistern, goorl 1111U1 !hilt. Enquire of o.ll.Wicsit.ut. at the :store ,4 Wiekbant t, 15, I'KO. _ VARM Fah SALE IN: MON.IIOr , subecribar offers' fee is.* bts valuable Virtu, lying on the. Berwick turnritn,.:* Monroe town4hip, three miles from the vtilare McProo, a,nd seven miles from 'Towanda.- wqr. goMI real le ding from bOth the above pLsees. It? Sullivan & "Me Railroad also passes throuo Ih farm. It contains 11X1 woe. about ZS ,wres dad.' good state. of cultivation: good buildings; Siva Itr.:" orchards, and is well watered. Terms easy. • J. C. RIDGWAY. 21 South Branch, Aug. 1 unt • Cli?Ell V.ENTEGAR IAT c • 'Fox & lartar.k QtRUP AND kinAssts Catki , 1,1 at - ', ' POT. k MEllitli'li. .11 GEM FRI:Tr JARS, ITHE T_. . best I n me. wtio.lgtale and retail. 4 111 Y 1..' ' . 11rtlAI3E k MIX n lIE