Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 26, 1871, Image 1

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    /vs gip, ifr:IetTIBLICATIONiI
Supross riatiisa As-labllehett ever:
nyciorgino ds p y ir
anirmifoll4ll=46llll► =s.
gr Wllets' is eases Irsolistre of
onplA to tbe FL
' op lOss inserted at surges cm:spar
,net ro t iguertion. and ?Mt 0113 M per Ilse [as
.e,wirit tneerkas.
-I,OcAL NTICES, same -elee eis reeding matter.
rout curs Hu. ,
orfUlTigno"l win tr Warted sonort* to
o tiolios table of rates
b. •
I lw 1 41 / I to 1 I eel I 17?.
tort 1 $1.501 3.00 I 6.001
_6.001 111.001 $ 16
2 ,,,,,, 1 1.001 6.001 8.00 I 10.001 16.00110.00
__ 19:501 1.00.1 )0.0)1 13.001 20.00 1 80.00
:-.. - ai" I 3.00 1 11.60 1 11.00 1 16361 96.00136.00
;:lio 4
.s LOO I MOO I 'MOO I * I alt.oo 1 30.00
tisi 00
.- 1 - iiiiiicu 0-16.0010 0 , 00 I 30.00140.00 1 55.00 14000
Ir e avail l9O. 140.0 1 Oa. I . I 100 Iv.
sam r t aepra ,s and Esectitnes Notices, 03 ; fniii.
o t og 501ees. $2 50 : Business Cards, An lastly /per
~c rl t. sda:oW lines _ .
' p. 0.: 'Oavertime are eatillad to qmsietlythasgea.
Troont saTerueements must be paid for in whams.
-, k it acoollattent of Aneeisticrns ; c ommu ni c ation,
er:nniai or Indlyldnal Interest. and notices of liar.
, l a Douai', ethooltss Ave lines. ire charged
vo (ors per line.
Ty. nucarraa tut-Mg.& lamer etrentatt than ea
, n i T oot' In the cannty_eomblnea. makes It th e best
; . ,,...cus reedhun In Northern Penni:Omni.
donutre[ nor
of sTery klnd. In Plain snare:3oy
0..;70. h nestness=delL_Niandina,
Yr to. cards l'amphtets. m, amusements, he.
~. „in. Tatety and .tile. panted et , the 'shortest
~,,,. The Itteownot (Mee to well suppled with
-r to Presses a geed assortment of new tyro. and
.rthing In the rrlnting line can . be execrated to
0 . m ost artiste Manner add at the lowest rates.
TE2112 11V1RLIDLY 061111.
131:71111TMEI CARDS.
c If., TOTOrLti', Licensed Aut.-
, - • (er • • Rome Ps. All dale promptly stbstul.
. hOll Mai 9•1870.-
1r : BLACK, General Fire, Life,
.31. god 4e/ideate! heetwasel Agent: Office it J.
g wines Trotol, Wrillisti*, - P. pin2,lo-6M
IN 6
rews e; SIGN' AIVD FR7070 .r.o.7rift.'
Sept. IS, 18111-y?
A6RSTA.--Offtee formerly oc , enpled by 'Moretti.
t m, r row,oo6 door 'south of Ward HOUR&
roc mayIEVIT it. a. Ttncraer.
D• - 11` , " A, • D•
Ito DEAallo LER. No. 180 Washington' Street, • •
ttwoLoS and Wells (Woofs. Chicago.
rtal Fstar
purchased and sold. Investments mad
an , l nosey Loaned. May 1900.
crTrrso AND lannur. eriashionAble
r, ter on short notice. Bpoms in, Mermen New
over Porter k Klrby's Drug Store.
s. . A
- --
r rrs . .madee ha the bent. manner and latest styli,
21 Rant Manse Barber Shop', Terms remonable.
7 ,, rinde. Dee. 1, 1569. 1
Towanda. Pa., with ten yetits exportenee. to rot
ran give the beat satisfaction in Painting,
filnzini t Patierlng. k„.
t w:l'artienlar attentl9ri paid to jobbing In the
- *MB 9. '6B.
MoNROETON,TA.. pays partieniar attention to
Wagons. Sleighs. kc. Tire set and
, ; ,i.r.r,g (WEEP on short notice. Work and charges
.Elannterd satisfactory. 12,15.89.
ar.ain extablielleatitmeelf itr. the TAILORiN(i
r.f., , ,NEss, slop pver Rnekwell'eAiltore. Wort of
d..seription none in'the latest etyleit.
T4ands. April 21. 187c).—tf
• en•Vreigned nonid l 'reepeetredli annonnoe to
rlibllc that he i44 , ps conatantly on band Woolen
cr..Nicwrpg. Flannele, Yarns. and all kinds at
,t•;.,Cr• *nil retail. 'MIMI /4, - . 11BOADLET.
kqz 10 , Proprietor.
A. It. MOE, Licensed Auctioneer
V.l rano rromptly attend 4 . tn.. and aattifaction
r t all addreao. t. B. Mot. Mnarantmi,
rannty. Pa. oct.2G.
T ant T.OP Olt, am- the Great Fainlit
that (Ina a w,.1,(1tn. to 'very benne a. a
reuv•ly r mnrr• of the common ttle of
1,". than, sty modletne the nisirtet. Bold
In mfrll^tu.+' geaetally • Manufbanred
T. GIFTORD. Chicago, I and 143 Main at..
11. , tivF.U.SVILLY., 'S. V. , March 10.'70-6•
P•rtif fit AAsorlaflon.
Il.t'”r•ittp le* In otectirr. at death ta,ooo
k• • .;,1 AlowSllll.lPllt.
11 O.lars ,Vglf-sitnont, dgo front 13 to Fi 1 10
26 to 1 GO
(1:7. JoNEs, Wyalnalt;, re.
•:..r Aeon! fir Brodtorrt oonnty. TnfalAitonts
Sept, 29,'i0.
routeny of Ifariford, Conn. Pay
and appli,stion for Insurance to bo made
1)!.. SrtvE:4's Wilco, Main at.. Towanda.
General igeht.
• , m 13:7 4 1 -Iyr•m•
onmpleted my new brirk shop, near toy
• •-• nn Main-street, I Sin now prepared to do
s-k in all Its branches. Particular attention maid
MAI louts and edge tools. flaying spent many
• e - [ , ‘ In ails community; in this bnsiness, I bind
v,..[ be • anftioent, guarantee of my receiving a fiber
"_ scnriant of the publie patronage. [
- • MINILY ;11.SSENWLNE. Nov. 3; 1869.—tf
DEXTER; Solicitor of Patents'
I . pparel ,drawings, npocifleatiozus and all papers
ir.p.a..l making and properly oendnetinig Appll•
rr„ tnr PATEN - 114 in the UNJTILD NTATES . and FOP:
Cm . wlT-0.8. , NO CEILEOLI rpr vsKrc . cEgsru - t
g`l . t. I r.. lBnn-tf
Dealers 12
F highest caith prick la paid at all times.
11 E. It;.mrilfic , lEl F; Store. Alatn-et
I);tri - 0%.
41 - 1 , 4. N. l unr.14.',0 TOWANDA , PA.
e Camptowtt, BradtirdTo., Pa. Thank
hl• Many employers for past patronage. would
r•s; -, tfzilly Infont the citizens' of Bradford Ccmitty
t' l,l -!•.• prepari.d ti do any work In his line Of buai
c,-• that may ha entrusted to btm. Those! having
, ht;ettid lines vronld do well to have 'their property
' surveyed before allowing themselves -to
I• avgner,rt t.y their.neighbore. All work warrant.
"'"riv , i, en far as thsa• nature at the case will per
11111,st-zit.," lands attended to as soon as
• , ^ar., i , btainc..!. 0. IV. STEVENS.
21. 1J.4.1_11.
a t „Inking Bona. iu Towanda, under the
• of G. .y. ksON k.
Tlor are%4 , repamd to draw Bills of Exchange, and
• .-. , 111,4ien s in 'New York. Philadelphia. and all
P 71 ,4. )4] the rnitedTttates, as also Eagland, Ger.
Fromes. To loan money, receive deposits.
sat t, algeneral Banking business.
r Maion wM one of the late firm of LsPortei
t Towantla, ra:, and his knowledge 01
1:•• .I , men na Bradford and adjoining mantled,
in 1 hlvia•4l , een iii the banking hnsiness for short
Eft^ , r, rear. make this bons. a dealrahlo one tbrongli
-••' h to mate rollentiona. iO. F. MASON,
T••...nnlaj Ott. 1. isoln. !Add. MASON.'
V , lnta , Dipanns, Propertion, l City and Town
- Paris , li's;lng kaiterty for sale will (Ind it to their
ii , lvantage ty leactr4( a description of the same, with
"f '''',' at this agency, AI , parties ars ennatattly
l' ilnirlsg, isr (amts. kr... • H. 11. 31eKEAIC.
I Heal Estate Agent.ofil-e pits lia.on's Batik. Towanda. P. I
. 1 9t1 29. I*S7.
E ) 1,011 7 PRICES
AT 31 ,, NitO)TroN, PA
I in (Iroceriss Protiaions, flrugq
het - O'4lM: Olf,
' I
". I! . hln l T. l'aints, Oils, Varnish, YaideseNo-
I'^',.. T .h o . Cnrara and Snuff. Pure Wines aatd
the boat gnality, for [medicinal purismes
i(o) ,'is,l,l at the very lowest Priee",. Pre
"' rarantly cornpotindsd at all holm; of the
rqint Also a calL
- - • I
Pa., June 21.—ly.
Gry.s 11, co.'s Isms misrEativetris TROY OR TO
• , 9r/I:NM - Art on lair/WL.
W. lhit A t linion'n old ....knack titar_Line" of U
0. r
rnt.. P llo3tm. sailing r•rorY *eel.
"I l•O.0 dad I.m.' of Pactota from or to Loudon,
ta;•iine tyr#R. I month.
L ' 1 `' , 1•"411 , .. to I:aglanit. Ireland and Scotlaeol pay
al., •ot d?.,matl.
Fo r rurther partloara, apply-to Williams S: Onion,
29 Broadaiy, Sew York. or
• ~. G. F. 1,1..0i05• p; 0* , Itank.-re.
L9'..t 1. I,Ge.
_You:ands. Pa.
N-A (-pm per gallon at FOX k bllSECtitt'S. .
S. W. A i4Vcortri, Pi bli.her.
VOLUME ‘xxxi. ,
Liar, Towanda, Pa. • jam 27, .66,
.LAW, Towanda. Ps.. Otago, with Manse
Mahn. south shim Macneill Block: ' Ape) 14.
:ow= As 'LAW. Oftee—carner. et Kalil Dad
Pine Streets, opposito,Portar's Drug Store.
• Ace over Wickham di Mack's, Towanda, Pa.
Map 7d. '7O.
JLI Deice in Psttan's Bloch, Om Gyre's Drni, and
Chemical Store. Jan 1, 68.
Beath side of Mercer's New Block, up stain
Arai' 21;18—tf.
• •
Lim ceitriocaos AT Lbt.Triwatids:PL: rat`
conicSatr attention paid to bnaineak in the Orphans'
• 1•T w (District Attorney for Brat
ford'Carinty), Pa. Collections made and prompt
ly remitted. feb 15. 'sll—tf.
J& D. C. DEAVITT, AtUornetys-at
.. Lan Towanda. Pa, haring formed a co-part.
nerehip, trader their professional vertices to the
public. Special attention ghat' to EMILDEPAP.T.
MP= of the bnaltien, at the eonntl wet ca isles
where. JACOIt DcWITT:
D. Ci.
.inzTox DrATIT
Towaxna, Pa-, Dec. 12, 1870.
A-W. ARMSTRONG, Fashionable
• tarter, near the Ewell House., Towanda, Pa.
Public patronage solicited. dec14.70
AT LAW, Towanda. Pa. Part ca attention Ow
on to Orphan"' Court businiss: s Conveyatteing and
Collections. gir Ofdos st tho itniator and Itecor
der's office. south of the Court House.
bee- 1, 1864
H. WARNER, Physician and
C. Surgeon. Leßayevllle, Bradford Co.. Pa. All
calls promptly attended to. Office first door south
ofptayerille House,
t. 15, 1570.-3 T
U. BEACH, M. D., Physician
-ILA "aid Surgeon. Towanda, ra. artlealar atten
tion paid to atl Chronic Diseases, and Diseases of
Females. Office at his residence on Weston street,
east of IYA. Orerton's.
set's AT LAW. TOWlLfitili. Pa.. having entered
into copartnership, offer their professional service'
to the public. Special attention given to busincas
in the Orphan's and liegiOter's Court!. apll4'7o
OVSZTON, TR. - C. warn.
PrElll ►T LAW, Towanda, Pa. The undersigned
having associated theeneelren together in the practice
of Law. offer their professional services to the public.
Moth 9. 1870.
wA. & B.
_.;sl. PECK'S LAS'
*sin street, opposite the Court House, Tosnusds„ Ps.
Oct. 27,10.
It:EN. MOODY, 11,D.,
Offers his professional minima tp the : people
&losing and Oflice anql rest
Lloyd's, Chitral street. Aug
Law, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa.
Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphans'
Court business- Office—Mercur's Now lock, nqrth
side Public Square. - *pr. 1, 'lO7
DR. DUSENBERRY, would an
nounce that in . complianee with the regnost of
him numerous friends, he is now prepared to adrixin.
later Nitreus Oxide, or Laughing this, for the pain
leas extraction of teeth.
LeftaysTine, May S. 1870,-17
- 110 00
A A. KFjEls
' • 171RIANTENDKCT. - Telwanda, Pa.- (Mice with
Peck, second door below the Ward House:
Will be at the office the hot Flatrnrday of each te nth
and at all other time. when not called away Ba al.
nese connected with the superitendoncj. AI letters
should hereafter be tuldrea.el as sUove. dee-1,70
ste of the Colloge of -Physicians and Surgeons,"
New Tork city; Class VS 13 4 • gives exclusive attention
to the practice of his profession. ice and resider:los
en the eastern slope of (Unveil Hill, adjoining Ilunry
Howe's. Jan 1
DB.D' D. SMITH, Denlitst, as
purchased 0. 11. Wood's property, between
Xeroxes Block and the Elwell Hense, whrrFhe has
.located his office: Teeth extracted withont pain by
use of . Towanda. Oct. 20, 1870.—yr.
well-known lionise, having recently been nai
led and supplied with new furniture. will be found a
pleasant retreat fur pleasure seekers. Board by the
week or mouth on reasonable terms.
E. W. -NEAL. Prop'r.
Greene-find, April 20,1870.-4 f
• On Main Street, near the Court Howie. -
C. T. KIIITH. Proprietor.
Oct. 8, 1665.1'-
frd on the north-Icent corner 'of Main and Eltal
beth Avila, opposite Bryant'. Carriage Factory.
.Jitrymemand others attending court will expect
ally find it to their advantage to patronize the Tem
perance Hotel. S. M. imows, Propr.
Towanda. Jan. 12. 1676.-Iy.
DINING 1100.A.1S
Near the Court House.
We are prepared to feed the hungry at all Unica cd
the day and evening. Oysters and Ice Cream in
their Rens rms.
March 30. 1:41.0.
14 •
Having leaned thin rfonxe, la now rra,ly to aoromino
date the travelling pnblic. Napalms nor oxpen will
be spared to give matisfaction to-those w ho may Love
him a call.
arg- Igorth Bide of the rblic square, east of Mer
enr*.x new blocs.
Having purchased and thoroughly refitted thin old
anil well known stand. formerly kept by Sheriff Grif
fin, at the mouth of Ruintnerfleld Creek. is ready to
give goo&acoom modat ion s and satisfactory trestutont
to all who may favor him with a call.
for. 21. r. •
. .
• This Rotel haring been leased by the subscriber.
has ben repainted, papered. and refurnished
thronghont. with new Furniture. Bedding. Hi•
Table will be supplied. with the beat the market af•
fords. and the Bar with choicest brands of Liquors.
:This Louie now otters the comforts of s home at
monenars Patera. inrymen and others attending
court, will And this baste a cheap and - eandortable
place to atop. Good ktablizig attached. aug.lo,lo
MATCIIINO, RE-SA7ING. *urinates, ke.,
At the OW Mewl of IL B. Ingham'e Woolen ,Thetory
and Sawirdll. to
(harp. of an experienced Sit:chink. and bander,
th".• public may expect a . .
Fran Ibo re eent enlargement of this water power.
work can be done at all seasons of the year and scion
s t s sent in: lir emmeetion with the saw-mill we ars
able to finaiish lulls of sawed lumber to enter.- -
- ' .- c'snit - itown. May 23. 18701—ly - .
McLEA_LN 1100fER,.
Price, 533.00.
This Itiv.hlne will stitch, twin, fell, tuck. quilt
cer.t, bind. embroider, and gather In the moat perfect
manner, and "will pew from the Baldest to the betel
ept goods
.It is not a ...Chopp Machine," but in all respects
'4iernitlssttle Warr mired ones. While in itimprirtty.
uutphability to get out of order, and ease of Minn,
tni•nt IT zed: II PARKER ALL.
_Asiexaminationlsdesiredfroi an toted the tenth
of - our aasertions. ALLKacffianWaaaasz=oPsito
Ite.u.z. WAITS. Agent. •
P. W. faCOTT & CO
14(1- Pr:irietor.
(,004, Jo n r.vr.ny TIME;
Towanda, Sept, 1, 1870
Vow treirg
ritAuscis i*rr. mums.
Apostle, in s strange disguise,
What Swett old.texta are these! We hear
"Tatennaling 'gated, and naught- in sitali4
setting down,"
Whilst seeing human hearts in wildest moods.
Wandering with thee titid eanona deep and wild,
Hart 1 *bat huniliar words ara echoed. ere*
their roclgwalls,
Where sinewy miners hush their clamor, lost
they waken tiny Luck—
"A little child shall lead them.•
Poor, prior Hentnckt Didst think the baby's
sinless soul
Could take thino own straight up to Pleat-en?
Perhaps in slipping cCthis "mortal coil" thou
mighst stand with Mani - where
"Always their angels do. behold oar Father's
giahltf,ds,* kest. --: Thellwg'Well with .9 1 . 1- ,
bound-WA— ' - - • :-
Poor MotherliUstptott's starring/acs turatd 'to
the wall,'
A noble ending to a- wretched life. "Greite;.
lore bath no tun
Than that he will give his life for his friend."
. _
The thief who died upon the erogs awoke in
: •
Perhaps poor T entrpco did look with shining
taco . t -
Upon his part/nes-whom, poor human lore
Was "faithful unto death."
Ilamond's self-accusing face iu friendly shadows
Prop - mincing sentence on himself—'
the nian."
Quaint moralist! Thou teachest us to look be
' yond the haiik
And find the kernels, Lots and Charity.
Maar N.llocitarri.L.
The- New York Tribune says:
• In lOoking forward to the next
Presidential campaign we can, draw
hope from a source that has never
failed in every political contest since
1862, and that is the absurd folly of
the \Democratie party—a folly rattier
of the heart than the brain, for there
are wise men among the Democratic
leaders, 'who see the bad policy of
mining in the old muddy, disloyal
rata, and would be glad to get - their
forces upon \ new and higher ground,
but the masses of the party will not
be led thus to iictory_and constantly
force their leaders with folly and
ruin, like the herd\Lef swine at the
precipice. The Democratic party is
still a rebel party at heart, and the
poison of treason evaporates front it
very slowly—much too slowly to dis
appear in the next two _ years. For
example, if a secret ballot could be
taken to-day in Ohio among the
Demaxrats for an eipression of opin
ion as to who is the greatest states
man in the country, nine-tenths of
the votes lionld be for Vallandighant,
beyond a doubt. A good illustratio
is afforded by the experience of the
Hon. Mr. Beck, a fair, patriotic, Dent
ocratie member of the House from
Kentucky, who, when' he returned
home last summer, found his constit-
uenta enraged bemiiise they had heard
that he had dined with Speaker
Blaine, and had gone on an excur
,sion with a l party that included Gen.
Butler andlother ipromiisent Repub
licans; and ho was compelled to apol
ogize for having acted with gentle
manly courtesy toward his political
opponents. The Democratic
is much worse thin its leaders, and
will continue to refuse to be led with
any liberal or progressive vie — it's. This
fact is an element of universal strength
to us.
The chief danger to the Republi
can party is in the difference of °pia
ion prevailing on financial questions,
and especially on the tariff. If the
Democratic party dared to declare
openly fur free trade, it might possi
bly secure enough jecrnits from &-
publicans demoralized by the reve
nue reform sophistries ; to sweep the
West, and thus seem to have a chance'
of electing the next President; Nan
dare not take the , hnzard, with the
certainty of losing - Pennsylvania,
which it regards as essential to suc
cess. Pennsylvania may be called
the political key• of the situation. It
prevents any division of party lines
on the tariff question. There is not
likely to be any rupture in the Re
publican party about the tariff. The
extremists on. both sides will see that
it is impossible to carry oat their
views, and there will be a Union on
moderate ground, to which all will
assent as the only reasonable policy.
In answer to the question, Who
will be the Republican candidate for
President in 1872? there is thus far
but one reply, and that is,General
Grant. It is agreed that h has lost
in popular strength within a year,
and some even - insist that his admin.
istAtiou can be plausibly charged
with grave errors; but there's thought
to be no man who can command so
much popular strength, and he has
yet time to correct mistakes, and to
see the necessity for consulting the
harmony - of his party, and - thus free
ing it-from any danger of disintogra;
tion. The nomination of Grant
looked upon as inevitable by perhaps
a majority of the &Publicans in Con
gress, and there-would be no anxiety
about the result of the election if he
would use his influence to. heal 'the
fends already existing, and to pro
vent the occurrence of any new ones.
Especially ought the Missouri split
to be allowed to go no further.
. A gentleman who probablyrepre 7
scuts as well as any one the golden
mean of opinion among the Republi Congress, when asked recent
ly about" the future policy of the Re
publican party, its duties and respon
sibilities, said he thought it world
find its career in continuing and com
pleting the work of social; financial,
and commercial reconstruction, in
bring,ing the country back to a nor
mal peace condition in respect to
currency, prices, trade, commerce;
.t ransportation, general indiistry and
social life: keeping no other fruits of
the war beside the new moral ideas
gained in the struggle. .The wrath
of the war Should be put away, the
word rebel wiped out and forgotten,
and a complete act of amnesty pass
ed. Something should be done, too,
"Thou Art
• t
in a wise and prudent way to help
the cause: of general education'in. th e
South, so that the millions of 4mfran
chised necroes may speedil.rbeanne
imbuid with th ei e v 4ht and. heat 'of
our odUcatianal m.,
There is, th ore, plenty of work
for the 'Republican party to do. There
is, too, a tolerable degree of harmony
of opinion among its representatives
in Congress*, as to its future policy,
and no disposition to accept its dis.
integration u 'inevitable because it
has been completely =acanthi in all
its past efforts. - With -wise leade6i
ship- on the part of the Administrk
tion the party can he greatly solidi
lied and its emcee-saes - made certain
r~ ire tJie Presidential election; for
it already pseud the deniers
-w *eh threatened its disruption. c's
[Foe the
LIMED 201 rritiOi t
• . •
• • . Przeoa, Jae. Alen.
DiAR EDlTini: theSi 'tititniiiiitei4 l '
that there is a tiine rejOiCejited
time to mourn.
The time to mourn is upon us.
great and good man is deal
Saturday morning last, at 5' o'clock,
Rey. -Dr. 'Win. Wisner exchanged
mortality for a never-ending , life, at
the residence of his son, Judge Wik
ner, at Cedar Rapids, lowa.
Over ninety Sears ago this pici
neer of our, Christian religion was
born. He was a promising yontti,
and *hen he arrived at the pro
age he chose the profession of
and in due time was admitted to t3te
bar. He was a careful student aid
a successful practitioner. His knoift) , .
ledge of law and gentlemanly bear
ing won for him an enviable position
in society, and his prospect for a high'
position in the legal and political cir
cles were very I)attering indeed. He
had not pursued his -forensic career
many years, howelver, before God
sent His blessed Spirit to awaken in
the noble, young na..4.0 an interest in
the welfare of his soul. He was con-
verted, and the: . Holy Spirit said to
him, "Go preach my Gotipsl!" At
such a bidding many young men with
Such bright prospects before them to
becosne - great in the eyes of the world,
and the possessors of wealth and high
social position within their grasp,
would . b.ave grieved away God's Holy
Spirit. Not so with Mr. Wisner. He
turned , his back upon perishable
thing's, and answered to the sum
mons of his Master. In the year
1816 he took charge of the First Prot
byterbm Chirch in this village, with
but a• membership of twelve souls.
Though the generality of Ithaerts
citizens were lawless and averse td
any religious movement in those early
days, he labored on fearlessly in the
face of great opposition and persecu
tion, till several hundred _souls were
added to the church.
It was said of. John Knox on one
occasion, that, prior
Idlers enteted
. prior to is entering
the pulpit, sey
416 ,/h
the church with low ed Muskets, de
signing to take the life of" that noble
divme as soon as he made his ap
pearance. He was not to be fright
ened, however, and went into the sa
cied desk with no fear 'but that ,of
God before his eyes. His sermon
was BO\ werfnl that the wo \ uld-be
' wept and found g use
for thei rhands in wiping away eir.
tears. • \ ,
Dr. Wisner oncei preached a -
mon under similar eircumsterice.s. A
villain was piowling around the
church with pistol in hand, waiting
for an opportune Moment to rob him
of his life. Though the man of God
was aware of his enenly's movements,
he preached load and long, and the
Savior whom he loved aint faithfully
served fought his battle and his,
\\ l
foes were put to flight. •
The church soon became small
to hold its members. Other tingl
es were organized—the Mettidiiit
church on Aurora - street first. \ln
1830, the Dutch church was formed
of 30 members from the Presbyterian\
society. It can readily be seen what
a vast amount of •good has been done
by pnc. good man, when we contem
plate the power and influence of our
churches at the present day in this
vicinity, all of which owe their origin
to him 'who se recently has been ta
ken home to be with his Mutter. In '
the year 1831 he accepted a call, to
the Brick church in Rochester, corn-
Juenced his labors there on the 23d
day of July, same year, and continu
ed them till Oct. 14, 1835. Over 700
• souls were added unto .the church
during the four years. From Roch-_
ester he - removed 'to St. Louis. There
he and his family encountered much
sickness, and in the year 1838 'they
left for Ithaca, Their only daughter
died at Pittsburg, on their way .to
this place. , He has buried six chil
dren. Only two sons survive him:
Rev. Wm. C. Wisner, D.D., of Lock
port, and Judge Samuel. P. Wisner,
of Cedar Rapids, lowa. -
Dr. Wisner was a member corpo
rate of thg American Board-, of For
eign Missions, and generally attend
ed its ineetin a irs. His is the sixth
death within the past - three months.
Rev. Albert Barnes was also a mem
ber of the Board.
With the exception of a short time
'spent at -Athens, Pa., and the two
other places mentioned, Dr. Wisner
has been engaged as an active minis
ter in Ithaca alone. Nearly his whole
pastoral and ministerial efforts have
been bestowed npon this people.
Well may they mourn his demise.
He was an excellent 'preacher, and
his daily life was an example of pie
ty. All who know him could but ex
claim—" He was.a good man." ,
When the intelligence of his death
was, made known to our church, there
was universal mourning. Thechurch
.was draped in heavy mourning; and
on Sabbath last a brief 'tribute was
paid to. the deceased by Rev. Dr.
.‘Vhite, our present pastor.
The corpse arrived here thismorn
ing andwas 7 conveyed to the session
house, where his friends were allow,
ed to view-his remains. • -
His coffin was beautiful,. of rose
wood, embellished with heavy silver' '
trimmings, and elaborately trimmed '
within with white satin. A large'
white lily lay across. his , right arm,
and on the coffin-lid' was a beautiful
cross woven of geranium leaves, and
set with nice fresh , forget-me-nots.
Also a wreath of geranium, beautified.
TT ~
11 MI
FORD OUNTY i PA.& . li.litIARY 26,1871 .
pßiWsolO ace;:das. In
the arreatkwas heitvy
plateredtlithe !cawing inacrip•
Ray. Wit. D.D. -
.4prit 18,1778—Died Japturrif y,1871.
• • IPS yestr.l
At Si o'clock - thil afteilioon hisfa
nem!, took 'plaee in the' 'Prtua)' ytertan
church. The house was filled at •
earl ir hour. Reiv. Dr: White was ac•
conx i milad to the desk by 'Revs. 'Drs.
Shady of `Rochester, Strong of the
Dutch chfirch, Relict of the
fil.Fi r 'ChUrch, and Reia..Wiiren and
MEof the First and &con& 11. E.
hey ,Ithaca ; deb Rev.
'inSon, of the Baptiit church.
Drs. White and Shaw • paid a
bea tiful tribute to the demiased, the
ces kiting two hours. Rev.
Dr. zhavi siddAliht the saint smite
fore hith was er't in figure -,through
all .'. long life, and. that if . I .Ake: had
living in the days when our Sa=
belronld hale been the
, . • Musing
i tt: &stilts!
ffia "
Calvlin, with a blood red h in his'
hand, with Ithe words written over it,
"'give all to Thee!"---below these
Wig*, " I keep nothing for myself!"
The prayer of the writer is, that
his life may ever be as spotless, and
blameless; and as energetic, as he
whq gays all for Christ.
[For the RErowittn.)
[ e following was composed by a young la
dy o this connty whuli blind. Of course, i.he
very n aturally desirps to NY it in print, and we
doe fully' publish it.-En.] •
liarding . waithe son of a
ricU merchant who lived in London,
Untlwhen ho wus of age he came to
Ainrica and settled on u farm_ in
Mullis county. His talk When a -lit
tle toy had alwaYs been of being a
farther, and owning a great many
twill's of land in America. So it is no
wouder that ho enjoyed himself on
his (beautiful farm of two hundred
But William, like., all other men,
hail hia first trial in love; and a. sad
t lit proved. Ono morning while
riding on horseback, he suddenly
ca e. upon a beautiful young lady.
Ho p arasol had Caught in' a thorn
bu. and she was,trymg to extricate
it, ut the obstinate limb would not
give up its treasure. 1
' i Let me assist yon," said he, rid
ieB up to her and taking the, parasol
fro i her
,hand. Then biking his
knife he, cut the limbs away, and suc
ceeded in getting it loose and rektor
i it to its owner. • Sim looked up
in is face with, a pair of the must
n : tiful eyes he had ever seen, and
I thank you very much, -indeed,
sir for Ido believe I neiei, should
have succeeded in getting it loose had
mnot came along in time 'to assist
And I hope I shall be able to
l ,a
I y e y n o cen u for re y;ur y.m kixt ee dn ew ess. by " te ll ieg
m your name,' said ho, casting an
admiring glance upinthe young mai
den before him. -:
" My name is Lizzie irknly," said
she, 100 • up in his face with a sly,
1E11E 1;
g ce.
r i w Vr to • his name, he said: " I
hope I shall have , the pleasure of your
actpiaintance hereafter." And so
lie rode aking_he thought of the
beautiful face ho had just left,-= and if
In 4 had looked'closel,y he would have
Jonud deep in his heart a spark of
love kindled by the . fair beauty. He
' ditermined to meet her again, and,
,if r•ossible, win her for his own. •
About a week"after the event par
rldrited, he was on l . us way to the town
oI) -------. As he was driving through
a *p of woods, be was startled by
allow voice singing not far away.
ruing his eyes to a clump of alders
h • saw seated upon the grass his
i• of beauty, engaged in entwining
a • • .of beautiful flowers.
"t .. morning, Miss Manly,"
. *. he, .. •' . gallantly; " for whom
• • youmkini so beautiful a wreath?"
".For n one in particular," she.
r.plied; and, selecting .some of the
e .oicest' flowers, she said, " Accept
these in retinirku. your kindness to
1 " lauk you. to your flowers, Liz-
Tiick an
willkeep there for the sake
ci the , it giver." And taking her
d • his, ho said, "'There is some
t ng rth more than all the flow
eks to me—would you lllie to know
i hat it is \
li S turiug he looked gien u ee p , in en his d
leci ffuie d - 4.l i el th an :
l me
what that may be." i '
He - said; "-Could I , call' you \rat
wn I would be the happiest of meik
Tell me, dear Lizzie, will you be int
wife and share my heart and home?"
She looked up in his face with *
le and answered, " Yes I" _ _
We need not narrate - all that was h
. 13; suffice it to say, the day lima
t that was to' make him a sappy
nun. But it is an old adage that
4' The course of true love never ran
smooth" ; and we find that, young
William's case was' no exception.f
lioay were to be married in Septem4
r, but before that time' came poor
William baud that we are all likely
meet with disappointments in thie
.1 ,
orld. .There,came a ; young man
iinmed Harry iilton, and it was soon
be seen that he was using his most
Atli:int charms to. find his way to
e's heart.. Not becai(se beloved
er;—for her riches only did be care r
One day as she was sitting iu her
lensant, arbor she thought she heard
footstep, and glancing upward she
held Harry looking his best and
holding a bunch of flowers in his
ihand. Taking .a seat by her side he
said, " Lizzie. I have something cif
greet importance to say to you, which
t coneerns my happiness for life."
1 Reader, we will not anticipate.
( Suffice to say that an elopement was
Planned, in which' she consented to
leave a fond mother and lover for one
;she bad never seen until a few weeks
,before. _ .
As the day approached that waa to
make her the wife of William' Hard
ing, he was making preparations for
his bride. Little did he dream of
i .
I l
, ,
the disa • . . ' • tiiiiit - ihatiwaftedhim.
The . • . t belkiaithe day on, which
the wed , '. , . :waa to occur, Lisle
complained of a bad headache, and
retired esrly .to her • milli. When
*le there her headache was soon
s forgotten, and array' rig herself as
'kin' as possible in her -bridal dress,
slil left the house quietly, and with
ilying Steps
. soop readied the gate
where& carnage awaited her. They .
'Were soon en their way to Europe.
Eer mother was up early the next
tanning getting ready for the wed
dg; and noticing that her daughter
was not up yet, she sent one of the
servants - to mill her,' fearing she was
ilk • She - soon returned with. the newel
that shelved not there, and handing
Mrs. Mealy a note he mother read
the terrible fact th ;her daughter
heft le ft her home fo \
Ter I
iPoor.Williain !. it al broke his
hart; but being a of Fong
will he determined to ens her from
,liia heart; and lived a lolrlYbut not
n Y We
how wee it wfth Lizzie -, At;
;fair, squandering her 4ealth, s ilairy
1141:berto make her own liv ing as
!beet - she could;--and she soon died
:brokeikleazted. '
'This declaration may be found in
Bev. ix : 10. The Whole verse reads,
"And I fell at his' feet to worship
htm..And ho said unto me, ' see thou
de it not; I am the'fallcm servant,
and of , thy brethren that have the
testimony of
.Jesus, Worship God
Or the testimony ofJesns is the spir
it ofprophecy." From - the Urhest
period, .mankind , have been called
upon to " worship God." Adam no
doubt understood the history of Cre
ation as given by Moses, that " God
created the heaven and, the earth,.
and was the proper object of wor
ship, and as the custom was in the
Liter generations, communicated it
to his sons, and from them handed
down tofuture generations.
i In the great length of life given to
tb those before the flood, we see the
Wisdom of God displayed; fir 'order
that they might orally communicate
to a number of generations, ',so that
Adam was enabled to converse with
Idethusaleh, and he with Noah, who
was preserved in the ark—a fathertto
future generations. Early indeed we
are' informed, Cain and Abel Irought
"offerings to the Lord," and soon
It began men to caU upon the name
of the LOrd."
But . soon the wickedness of men
was great upon the earth, and God
instructed .Noah to build an. ark for
the Lliiition of himself 'and faMily,
for He declared he woulddestaby all
flesh upon the earth. Passing down
the stream of time, we soon mid' of
the nations becoming idolaters,
except the Jewish, and that
they were constantly reminded
4 ` That there is a God." "I am the
i,ord thy God, which brought thee
Ont of the land of Egypt, from the
house of bondage. Thou shalt have
none other gods before me. Then
Shalt not make thee any graven ima
ges, or any likeneps of anything that
m in heaven above, or that is' m the
earth beneath, or that is in the wa
ters beneath the earth : thoti shalt
notter down thyself unto them nor
serve them."
Passing down,to the days of the
Apostles, we, , . read _that when Peter
'was coming into the house, Corne
lius mat him, and fell down at his
feet and 'worshipped . him. But Pe
* took him up, sant:lg.." Stand up;
A myBe/f also cm a men.' :
The circunistance of Paul and-Bar
'nabas, in Lystra, one of the cities of
Igconia, healing the cripple, gave
,rise to a desire to worship them.
'They say to them : "We are also
men (Alike passions with you, and
preach unto you, that ye should turn
from these vanities unto the liefne
God." • z-
M. X B.
Would it not bo well for us to ox
amine and see whether we are allow
ing ourselves " to worship the crew
lure more than the Creator."
How is it, that we see such a de
sire- to "revere " and "'venerate"
certain individuals, when we fully
understand that all men are of like
passions and liable to turn aside from
th, commands of God. Then let us
listen to , the injunction : " See thou
do it not. 'I am thy fellow • strruunt,
and of thy -Breihren that 6113 the
'testimony of Jesus : Worfhip Gal."
_ OsszuvEn.
\ pee. is,ls7o.
UpOn \ the highest . point of land in
the Skated Ohio, between lake Erie
and the Ohioißiver, called the " crest
line," stand.”‘ barn, the roof of which
sloped on one aide toward the north,
on the other• to the south.
TWO twin rain-drops fall - upon the
• of the rooL\ One runs smooth
lidown the north aide and falls to
the ground, were it joins the rivulet
on its way to the stream,; which bears
it on to the Sanduaky; \ which empties
into - Lake Erie.
The other rolls doleit4he southern
slope into t e streamlet below; and is
carried by it join the Scioto on its
way to the 0 a fiver, which bears
it on to the •• • ~ * ppi with \whose
waters it is empt • into the Gulf of
Mexico. •
How different the journey and the
destination of the t*ol \Both.fell
on the roof at the instant. A pro:
jetting splinter, a nail's head, or, it
May be, a 'breath of wind, turned the ,
one from its original directions and
parted it forever frem its companim
This reminds us Of the separations
which sometimes take. place in fam
ilies. Two. brothers, reared under,
the same influences; both appansittly
destined for prosperity and happi
ness, - start together ! upon the jourvis,
of life. One goes resolutelY on in the
right way; overcoming all obstaclea,
,to hear at last the welcome "well done
Food and faithful servant, enter thou
into the joy of thy Lord." '
The other has equally high hopes
and desires. But a little circum
stance, perhaps an invitation from
an agreeable friend to ioin,a Sabbath
day pleasure excursion, a visit to the
theatre, or, it may be, the 'offer of a
glasi of wine, prore the splinter or
[ For the Itiarowtsi.)
the ash's heed which' divert* bore
the y. •
He Adis into the stream of pleasure
to be borne by deeper, :darter, and
swifter Waters to' the deep, to hear at
List the'tearftd sentence, "Cast ye
the unprofitable, servant into dater
dszkness; there shaftbe weeping and
gnashing,of teeth."
NY 11.1T11.116 'LADY.
Darnley drummed - -
la axe Isaaay brit.
Walks ray little lady. .
Her frock is white, and worked all royal;
Her shores with booty bows are bound; -.
A nib as blue as rummer skim -
Yet not to Mao as her racer eyes, e ;
Clams my little lady.
.; ,
Bach Mr, ,
shoes, so mall lad neat,
Are Sisal to bold her tiny fret.
Her reeks are worktd, so tidbit and trim,
And soltlyelasp re* mettini barb
_Of lily little laity. •
Her hair beneath a string of pearls
Escape In golden shining earls ;
Tha pearls are et lbe rainbow's boo,
Her saris Übe mmny beams burst through :
Bright little lady. ,
With may a bhtah and many
That tells of a heart serfree from gone, •
Bit slims forth a slight touch of pride . the
while, _ ,
Daintily' drrWd•
In bee Banda/ beak
• Walltitny lithe lady
The fir;wers belipieplie star above,
And kluged to Miait Its airy live,
BO longed In van. A dow-drup fall . 4
Into the rich and fragrant bell, . •
`And - then the star was imaged there,
AA - though it dropp'd from upper air, •
And glancing down from Heaven, had come
To seek on earth a kindred home.—Aco:c.
This question is often asked by pa
rents in regard to their sons, and by
the friends of many young men. And
althotigh there is no definite rule for
ascertaining, we may - get some idea
of what ayoung man w s l become, by
observinvbis act ions - and works.
Solomail said, monY centuries ago,
that " even a child is known by his
work, whether it be good or , whether
it be evil."„ Therefore, when you see
a boy sleW; to go to school,lndifferent.
about learning, end glad of every
opportunity to neglect his lessons,
you may take it for granted that he
will ben blockheid.
When - you see a boy anxious to'
spend money, and who spends -eiery
cent as soon as he gets it, you may
know that he will be a spenithrift.
When Ton see a bo n y hoarding up
his pennies, and unwilling to 'part
with them. for any good purpose, you
may set it 'down that he will be a
miser. -
When you see a boy 'willing to
taste strong drink, you may rightly
ELt . spone that be will become a drunk 7
When a boy is .disiespectful to his
parents, disobedient to his teacher,
and unkind to his friends and play
mates, it is a sign that he will never
be of much account.
When you see a boy looking out
for himself and unwilling to share
good things with others, it is' a 'sign
that he will grow up a selfish man.
When ytailhear a boy =using .pro
fane language, you may take, it for a
sign that he will become a wicked
and profligate man.
When you - see boys ruda, to: each
other, you may know they Rill be 7
coma disagreeable men. '
When you see boys pouting and
grunibling, _when told to
_do any-.
thing, and always displeased when'
they have any work to perforia, it is
a !Ica that they will be good-for-no
thing men.
But when you see boys that are
kind and obliging to esol other, obe:
client and'-respectful to their parents,
attentivelo their studies and duties,
His ft
.sign that they will become
good and useful men.
When yon sees bey that loves his
bible and is well acquainted with' it,
it is a of, great future blessing
from Almighty 'God.
When you see a boy' that stay's
away from theatres, grog shops,
rooms and gambling houses, it : is a
sign' that ha will .w up a- man in
principle, knowl and goodness. -
Whens'you see a' .. practicing the
virtues of morali and Christianity,
you may at he will grow up,
a man, who will an honor to him
galena family, ful to his country
and the glory o , Maker.
Although great changes may some
times bike', place in the character,
these signs, as a general xi*, hold
- One of: the leading predisposing
causes is eating too much and, eating
those kinds of f... which tend to
clog up and burden 'I. e system. Any
thing which weakens the body or de
presees the vital" Poiwers, seta as a
predisposing catise.l For. , instancti,
the use of 4oAolie Liquors is a pow
erfol predisposing cause, although
they are taken under mistaken ideas
that they tend to prevent colds. It
is now a well ascertained fact that
persons who do not use stimulants
can endure cold longer and are much
less liable to, colds—the same is tree
of all dieeases---than those who do.
The reason is plain. It is that , the
effect of- stimulation , is always ex 7
The , • . .pal exciting cause of
colds is . -: . : shut trp in over-heated
and badly ventilated .rooms. * Per
ions who are thus confined are much
more subject to them than those who
- are ranch out of doors in all hinds of
weather. The following' Pict will
serve as an illustration : In ,the win;
ter of 1861, a portion' of a 'regiment
in the army of the Potomac built
places '.of turf, Wee, and - other
rough, \ material as- they could
fin rude heaters but capital ventibi
tors; hile another portion brought
little a eet-iron,stoves, which were
capable f making the tent as hot as
an oven. The result-ivas that among
the first dies the* was fictively a
case of severaoold or pneumonia du
ring the .winter; while the secog
class suffered se erely. \Purer air, not
too highly hea , is one of the first
requisites for pre tin bold& Foch
one must determine for himself or
i i
per Amnia= iii ..Advancei:
lewd, just bow it is to be to secure
it in his own individual case. It
shOeld be done, however, so .as to
avoid vi strong draft upon any part
of -the body. The diet sheuld be,
plain, nutritious, unstiumlating, and
,ncit clogging„ and care should be ta
ken not West more than the system
can properly- appreciate.
The body should be warmly cloth
ed, especially the extremities, but not
to over-heat any tart Protect the .
feet from wet, - dress comfortably. If
jou have a cold and wish.l9 get rid
()tit quickly, eat ,little or nothing,
drink cold water' freely but slowly
and is little at a time;; and induce a
general perspiration, either by exer
cise, Wet sheet pack, liunp bath or
Turkish bath,, If accessible.; Colds
will make 'short *ls' wider such
treatwent,7and not very liable to re,
pest them.—Herald of Health,
/ff UNA.
The condition of •women in India",
to-clay„ says * well_knOwrilecturer, is
ar different from whit it was in for
mer times. When he had
business -intertwine -with a native
Hindixi, but on no oce*Sisii. did he.
dare to make inquiry, concerning his
wife, a* it would have been taken as
an-insult; Froni birth to the grave,
woman is regarded . as in, all respects
inferior to man. When, a son is
horn to a native, and he IS' congrat
ulated, he replies vrithevident pride,
" I have received a boy;" . but if it'
happen to be.a girl; he replies with
sadness, "I haver teceived nothing."
The son, to some, extent, enters into
the saliation of :the father, for on
him, especialll if be be the elder, is
laid the duty of lighting. the fire
which is to consume the — remains of
his fie her;, then en a - 6ertainoccasion
afterward,..he is to - Collect. the ashes
in vessel, and'pritting 'it• to' float. on
the , waters, with appropriate ceremo
nies, the parent is Wafted to the spit=
it land. _With woman the only hope
of stilyation- is in ter husband; .on
him she is dependent both in this
life and that which is to' come.. The
daughters, too; are portioned off lib
erslly-:--so liberally that it : impover
idles many of the peoplcc and on this
account, : perhaps, alio is the more
unwelcome as a charge on her la=
ther's estate. He described the sacri
fice to the. GOddess of Destruction;
which daring thirteen days of October
caused a suspension of all bisiness
in which thousands of children were
offered up, but which, hi 1804; was
abolished by act of the British Gov=
ernment.• At from the': age of from
four .to seven they are betrothed,, and
at twelve years married. From the
hour of betrothal the wife was - se
cluded , as effectually as -after mar
riage. When married, her chief duty
was to prepare., her husband's meals
in accordance with hie peculiar taste.
She is never allowed to -go into the
street without.peingveiled, and whed
her hisband is absent, she is- under
obligations`mot to look. in a- mirror,
dress elaborately or' eat -flab food.
When her'husband dinek she stands
by and - Renee hull; dilligently keep
ing away the mosquitoes. No stron
ger evidence of o conversion to
Christianity- band than to
see a Hindoo walking side by side
with his wife,or permit her to sit at
the seine table with,hini..
Sometime Atom TALE.—Arthur
Helps, the pleasant. English vriter,
whose books owe their distinctively
bright iittality to the fact that he
makes his characters converse, (and
quit; naturally, toe,) states in a par
agriph the essential drift of my ar
gnment: ' ,
41 in extinisite thing is good .ceu
veriation. It winds round and rem&
the subject, It has such . charming
pauses and int4ruptioas; . it is not
merely like a'real life—it is real life.
I thilit, too, it is not only verfbean
tittd, but„very useful.. ¢ I believe that,
if a man were' to loot back upon
some of the.most important 'resolies
that he has take.min the course of his
life, he would find that they have
been greatly influenced 'by what he
has hoard in a chance' way in good
conveisati9p. •
'" I often pity the lower animals for
their want of talk. To be sure there
is the lowing of kite; there ate the
songs of birds, which Milverton,
who hates their noise, calls twitter
ing; there is the grand-roar of wild
beasts in deep - forests; and; there ale
the queer whistling% shriekings, boa
ings, and other unaccountable noises
of the lower animals, which, for my
part, I like to hear, because I am
'sure they convey some meaning and
are well understood by kindred crea
tures. I dare say. that love, hatred
joyemsness and terror are well enough
expressed by those sounds.
But where rare the .quips, :the
Talks, the"bright iests, the pompotut
periods, the sly rejoinders, - the . hard
conclusions of mexorablelogic, which
belong to good buns* talk? *_ *
All other forms of convetsation are,
comparatively- speaking, elaborate
work of art, When I read or listen
to -"speeches, sermons, essays, novels,
epi sonnetspecially
seem' to walking in the trim gar
deni of our ancestors. But when I
I listen to' good talk,-ft is like survey
ing the natural - la - Agape, which - at
first, sight conveys a distinct meaning
and purse; but gradually a result
appears in some influence or other
upon one's mind, and-that th e re.sult,
comes sweetly, softly and undenia
OCCEPATION:=-What a glorious thing
it is .for the human - heartl Those
Who work hard sebiom yield
_to pm
cied or real sorrow. • Whe4 grief sits
down, folds its hands, and inotirnful
ly, feeds sits ovrn, fesxo, Weaving
the dim . s s ows that a little 4ertion
Might sweep away intos ftmeral pall,
the strong spirit was shorn of its
might. and sorrow become 4 the. mas
ter. When troubles flow *Toon you,.
dark and himiy; toil not with the
waves, and wrsatle not with the tiir
ient;. rather seek "by .oecupation to
dirert the dark waters-that threaten
to overwhelm you into a thousand
channels, 'which tbe duties of life al
ways present: Before You dreani of
it; those waters will fertilize the pros
eut and give birth to fresh dowers,
that will become purer and holy in
thovimmain .. „,
elt ,
ponetra -- torta `. th - , e
plUenfridnty,in spita of every obsta
cle. print, after au, is hut a -selfish
feeling t and most selfish is _the, man
Who yields himielf to the indulgence
of einy:pssion which brings no joy
Aoldafidlow men.
On the 10th otliTentuuy. Mi. Mer
eir Introdneed into , the:Horse ,of •
.Representatives a bill,,which-was re- '
(erred to the Committee oh. the In-
die4ry, for the apportionment of
Representatives among the States ac-
cording, to the ninth census., • The
eubjec - t waa.referred tip' the einninit- ••• ,
,tee to that gentleman, who has Pro- • . •
posed the following report. • . -
"'The Committee on the judiciary,'
to :which NM referred House- bill
No. 1823, entitled, in-act to provide . ,
foi the apportionment of Represen- •
tativei to. COCgress among • the . sev
eral State s,' , with the Senate amend- -
ments thereto; haiing considered the
same respect 'filly report: .
"That inasrauchf - as said bill was
acted upon b' each House - of . Con
grese priort the' taking of the ninth - • •
census, and. *th the object of hating.,
Representativeselected under_ it in
the year 1870, many of its proVi ions
have become useless and ire` acti
eable, yet the House of - Repr nta
fives thereby 4dicated two hundred -
and seventy-five Representatives. and
the Senate three hundred Represen
tatives, as the:number-of which' the
House should be composed. 'Your
Committee liss given due considers-
lion to that foot Believing, howeret, '
that three hundred Representatives/ .. 1
(4o be increased by the ,admission off
new States is n greater-nincher:tban '
public policy now -requires:, we Dave .
concluded to 'report in favor ,of
two hundred . and eighty menibers; ''--
commencing Iwith the Forty-Third
Congress._ This number is arrived at -_
by fixing upon 137,800 persons as
the ratio, and else by:giving an ad- .
ditional Representative- - to ' etch ..
Stite that has a fraction greater than r... , '
one moiety: of the .said ratio.
• "Upon this basis, the ordy.States -
whose reyirese ntation -• will be les
sened are; New . Harapshire andVer
mont will each lose one Representa
tive. The States of MaineFltliode ,l'
Island, Connectictit. - Delarware, Lou- -
isiana, Ohio, Florida, Oregon, West
Virginia, Nevada, and .Ig e bra,- ; k a
_will each retain its
n present repre
sentation. The States otlltissachn-
setts, New York, Maryland,.Yirginia, •
North CarOlina, Alabama, Mississip
pi, California, and Minnesota, * will --,
each gain one over its present repre
sentations. The States of New ,Ter,
sey, Pensylvauia, Georgia; Texas,
Wisconsin, and Kansas,will each gain
two The States of Missouri, Michi-,,
gan. andjowa, will each gain three,j
and the State 'of Illinois' will :gain
four. - = I
" The number of Representatives
to which each State will be entitled
is.shown by the bill which the eon'.
mlttee herewith report aS n substi
tute for the bill rferred to them'."
The bilLintroduced by . Mr. Strong,
.fixing the first Tuesdayin Ncivember
.a.t thellay holdipg elections in all
the States and Territories will-proba
ly be incorporated in - the bill to be
reoprted. Under the bill Represcn
tatives will be appointed as •follovrs:
Maine, five; New Hampshire, tiro;
Vermont,:two; Massachusetts, eleven;
111 - cde Vivo; Conneticut, four;
New York, thirty two; New Jersey,
seven; Pennsylvania, twenty -six;
Delawnre, one; 'Maryland,-. six;Vir
ginia,,hine; Nortli Carolina; eight.;
South Carolina, five; Geor:a, nine;
Alabama, seven; Missis sippi
Louisiana, five; Ohio, nineteen; Ken
tucky, ten; Tennessee r nine; Indiana;
twelve; Illinois, eighteen; Missouri,
_twelve; Arkansas, four; Michigan,
nine; Florida, one; Texas, six; lowa,
nine; Wisconsin, eight; California!
four; Minnesota; three;. Oregon; one;
Kansas, three; ,WS'st Virginia, three;
Nevada, one; and Nebraska; One :-pro
tided, That if after such apportion
ment'shall have been made any new
_State shall be admitted into-the' Un %
ion; the Representative .or Repre
sentatiies, of such new State (shall be
additional to the number of two hull
dred and eighty lwrein 'finite&
There would be no tight living if
girls could he made to understand
this simple fact—that men dread the
thought of marrying a woman who is
subject to fits - of irritable temper,. to
bid headache, and other ailments we
need-not mention, all of which every
body knowf, are the direct and inev-
itableprOduct of the
.compresion of -
the waist. - Men like tO see a. small
waist, certainly, but there, is a very
great.- difference betWeeie, the waist
which is well-formed and in proper'- -
tion Co the rest'of the ,figure, and'n
waist which is obviously and artifi
cially- compressed, to the destruction
of that graceful c:tirriage which is 01113
of the chief charms of a woman's ap
pearance.' Anunnaturally compress
ed waist is far iniore certain of detec
tion than a mass of false hair; or a -
faint dusting of violet powder. !The
rawest youth who enters a ball-room
can, pick out they vomen who Vivo
straightened themselves artificially,
and - there is no more ready handle
for his hare:de:3s jokes. If the young
lady who, to obtain the _appearance
'of a dragon-fly, has been subjecting
herself to considerable physical pain,
and who has been laying up for her
self a pretty store of ailments, which
only want time to, pronounce them:
selves, could only see the stare of
scarcely-disguised contempt, anitim
derstand the . 'scornful pity, which -
greet- the' results of her labor, 'we
should have a ,change of~ fashion--
and it is merely a fashion. There is
nothina..intrinsically, beautiful' in an
unnaturally small waist, and if it
.were the faiihion to go into the oppo
site extreme, woman would see beau.,
ty in padded_ waists. It is a great
misfortune that popular taste never
alters- in this as it alters in 'other
matters. Observers may notice with
what' regular ebb and flow wide
skirts and. narrow alternate, how
we have the pig-top garments
of men followed =by the sailor's
wide-ankled 'attire ;, how
, square
pointed boas give place to peak
toed boots, and how the peak toes go
out again for the square points.
Through all changes Women remain
true to only one fashion. Whether_
her clothing is as long and lank as
that of It Grecian virgin, br whether
she builds the ewer half of
'her figure a rotund and capacious
structure Of steel; she is forever faith
ful to the tradition of a small' waist;
and' she will weaken her circulations
al's will make herhands red, sho will
incur headache, she will , crack lie,
Telco she will rain her digestion, ntl
tb .p roduce a malformation which
Wise men regard with pity arid - fools
,with derision.
i 1 .
' D.Eki` Swift remarked . that we
could jags !ghat God Almighty thifilie a rich
se, by the flea He givasthem tu! te