II MMI ,11 - ewi 4 ..•.::',,: , .: an': Aitions. ---Cluukg and Eng are worth $260,- etv betreen thessi. - —;43lind Toth nets his goirdian fif ty thonsalid dollars s year. , -Don Plitt saysderealiahlißlae.k is the one groofman of Pioniqtrania. ' • ..:Monkey skin inn& are offered for said this mime —ice huntirecVdollaflace *Ms are•aeed as overskirts for ball drawer. --fraue's paper mill at Dalton, "Slass.f vas hurried on the 16th ult. Lose —The sub-marine cable between the island.of Malta foul Tripoli has tittddenly ceased to work. =Judge 0. A. 'Cochrane has beeii o 0 r t o c i , n , ivy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court J ' The peach' trees are blooming in iTex4l. • .; . . —A New , York vessel has been :named Parepti. " : =London is to have a season Italian opear buffo. Young ladies ;don't like - self . fastening skates. An a weighing 3,500 pounds is ou exhibition at Lancaster. —ln England the cards` of unti 'fled gentlemen bear Mr. before the name. . —lron is believed to abound all through Tinmontit Mountains, Vermont. The plan of leasing out convict labor well in the' Tennessee penitentiary. A bazaar for the general benefit of the.women-suffrage cause is progressing in Boston. z , - -- Large quantitiesfif tobacco and igarm have been seized by The revenue officers at 'Jewell, Na.s. --the man who "owes something ).4%; couniry." is after all the_man who forgot t , . pay: his tax.eq. ---,The telegraph line between NionkT,ity and Yankton, Daootab Ti;tritory. is lei aticas4ful operation. di latch from Lori(lou states !1 at multittnlek of . nocirtle attended the funeral .. Gen/ Prim at Madrid.. • • .Fan Francisco n, wonld-be , on-in-law silenced hh4 intended father-in-law's 'objections by a:revolver. • —The Repuhlican - Sfate Conten-. t ;on of New Hampshire, inet at Concord yester day. —Mrs. Byron, anThxtress, the for an theatre in Albany, so badliburniid on Alouday'.night by her, Clothes taking fire that shd - u4 not expected to live. • . —WatermaThilron Company's stock house atSharon. Pa., was des Toyed bt esterday morning. Loss forty thousand \ dol lars. The insurance is unknown. _ • —The brigantine Brlel:, from New Lk.for . Liverpool, hat been lot on the Welsh coast. Two of the crew were drowned. '. • --They say the fleas are bad in i ; 'alifornit, and that ladies at balls carry ft little iroryi.tiptied instrument called a " teraicher."- '' —The Cambridge ,(--„IlaSel cattle iitai•ket it to be .discontinne, and Medford is stirring to gut the business transferred there. ---A lirb in New' York.ciiv on the dettroyed the Phoenix Piaster Mills, tv.tite stables and , teneuient houses. Loss sow. .440,9,00. . . • 4-The Coiling & Boativiek _Paper l'Oljv Company, at Lanenvillo, Conn.; are about to gngago ; manufacture ot wrapping and- inint ingpaper, -Oyster festivals are very popular mitOng. the Connecticut chtircli folks. At these fentivals system nra .servett in every Style iwor knowp to the cooks. • , reside the of J. Winislow Jones, near Portland, Me.. with '.noarly all its - contents. WWI destroyotiby.fire 'recently.. The lintfse cost S:10,001) a few years ago. • Tweed bovereil his iodititude - of political ftifiro with mleheek for i Al,- 470 its a ChnstroaA preseht for the poor .of the , 4ereptli. ward; New York.. ' ' . • iirst ball mentioned in his ;,.ry wao given nt Amion% in 13535. on eho oeca -ion or the tantriage of charlei VI. with Isabel 1, 4,f Davoria. 7 ,—The 16chester Iron Manufacttfr lug Company have ibipped 'by railroad 1,10.4 e, over 12,000,?i00 pounds of pig' iron during the yearlendirig Dee. lat. 1870. I 4 —There is a trifle' gossT .- - dinAti. v. the effect that the Pieitit cut's daugh ter N'ellie i 5 otatrithopia4y tqiiiiged to a Cur .ngton. Ky., youth. ( • .. . —=The agents of a large German. .oiony. have pnrchased .100,0002 cm; of land on :1:c1". I: rig cc, iu Wet Virginia. which they pro ) . , po4e t i.pell,le with .ilerrnan emigrants. • . --Asteamer .passed through the 1L,4,1 (;:ip Canal with a ltergci tow, it being the .first rf tisel to g,o through BiligX , the canal was ‘:lo4.2il'ont by the great t 10951, . .. ali ' o certificates of depo - sit of the v,,:, tractors La. the twonattneiien of the Oneida ' Lakc Canal arc to bc rwtnrued to them, and the work aban.l:rAl hr the State for the want 'bf :finida. ' • etiniated value of the Ji6l; taken it' the Gloneei;ler, Masc. distrii.t, ineluel -111.4--Roekport, ditrifiU the season of 1370. is i3,- 71.1„ - iffl. There arc fire lidiulred and! seventy throe vessels in the district. 4--At a recent - fashionable ball in Nt.w York, a mild-roanneerid man approncliPid elaLorately dressed lady and said : 'Will you please tell me lyhat 'S•on hare on? a fs'illion re porter wants toiinow." . -31 rs. Eliza .Logan,aged one hun , an!(.l and eleviau years and ten months. clic:d in the almshouse; Hartford, Colin.. recently. She vas lshn in Canada, of French-Ca:lndian ances try, in February, 1701 . i . . —The Siete' of ] lts lie owns inure , hipping - thiln sitiv State i the l'ition eletT3 New York, its 'tonnage bein •• 516,-;.... , which is 16,000 tons snore than is owned in wisit . :Ind 'cli the (Awe ports of Missarlitiset ts. - , —Oa the. 17th alt, , at El Pit. , Texas, difficulty occurred between several 'mar tith: during which IL F. 'Williams shot Judge. fi'aylord, and was in turn killed by a_metUbere the State rOlice'who attempted to Arrest him. i • • • —A- barn 'oil the faroi of. Elmore Everett, near tiaekett's Harbor, was destroyed tiro on the 21iit]ult. Beside much hay aticl grain, seventeen head of cattle wavbiiineuli It ' ITLIS the work ol7an incendiary; Loss/12,600i iituircd far 81,500, • —Theie w6e . 1,47000 bushels of itkaiau rorii rained in Verinbnt iu 18G), with an AVVragC ykid of thirty-four: bushals to the acre. ~i trot on 41,352 adrek,whitth3ras valued at $l,lO per bushel, nankin:a; the told - , valuation--of the crop • Mass meeting of planters of Feliciana. La., will convene in Clinton on .he, first Saturday in January, with the 'view of menteralizing the Legiglaturelor l a .stoillaw aitei.to the present public -nece , sitles. Two ProPritions ' • • •, An ingenious watelnimker of lurkhas r&ently Constincted, under the auspices of the Young lien's Christian Aasocia lion, au al - par:lend for registering; the. number of oaths liorke.(traeley swears tinting, the day. -The object iei to show him the 'reconi every nif.,•llf, and make him ashamed of Itinholf. • • • --;-0110 of the largest cotton mills in New York is:located it Schnylerville, Naratolfa eounty, employing 5.30 hands, male and female, running 70) looms. 24,000 spindles; and • con smiling 2.000 bales of cotton per year. Itturns 3,980;400 yards'of manufactured Inatome per -yrar, aid' pay. , c 101,0130 in trag,ca, ---The bountie's offered by the State ,t Mainehaat- growing ara:repurted not to 'have materia; a l - yincreased the Abon 39.-: 000,u00;were ernended the last year in the re for tkin 4, lroin abroad, and the amount of eat ~r oibic..ll is }cps than in ally other State except v. here little; if any; grown. -Tit - kitty pliTtibiL, to be selected by. (;ot,r'itor and Secretary of State of .11holie tuo :et I,c educated free at Broirn I . in aceaniance with the agree-' ti .• fitato ttid rnifentitT.groNng r.,0 the tr.f-r lands-given hi-the Uned t.:!,ate e thc• , E ., liliAinient of an ..kgricultttral . . 4 .ll l( friilT:ong young ; woman taccerAlild tor girtie %pars I,::.tvarg raelf , 41 . 1 at a rerpeclable lioaiding_ t,r m Su-4.!,:. blll t‘'W/ ..,rartde tr.,fatu. , l3 . t, r-vrittiii!rmaltbrAloge, t.„ :4 ~yl t h ,r, t, clap t cbiumx..if hur .-t r i4taLlAt. 3 Ting *ll xrit tug Lt,v xubpigi..r.,t in rtvr.pl .b' Emil] wnio• Kand dliEjltWl4. ctrtain Nev . Ycirle is Tck4,4L, 46- wytt 1.4 It 1.200: „part y iL 'New (. ridtiai.o 'New fork /LI Vu der Et; eitt,rAl Latettitilf wodeulot Ntiv:.rc aie wae tv LiasrLt r aLe ktritikarnali, aki isi .rtuaiLy isvut i,, varty th 11.0,1,4411, retzlititog 11422 W 1.,;,,1yt. Likey th, rar.tumag ttia'44 uffaio. vitro 6.1:e i. - as !,,,:te:t - 1:47,4k,441 , 1 , ) Vir ''.: l ridfoid. 'borttt.. 1y ED ITORs , ' P• , . .O. aooonsco. I. W . aLvintio. 1 ..... •• • Th. -- 0 iTan. 5 181). , 4 =Oro • . = ttfter. au existen ce tot - over 'thirty Years, the l EFORTgahas just secured a permanent JectOoti in the new brick building I erected diving the past'season by Mr. Goomuce. Our friends are invited to give, us a. call when in town. - • , Both Houses id . the - Itewaylvanik Legislature met on Tuesday. The Senate organized by the election of A. 'WALLACE, (Dem.) Speaker. In the House, JAMES H. WEsn, of thisl county, -was chosen Speaker. We have received no particulars up to the, time of going to press; but shall endeaVor to keep our readers posted in i and to the doings of the Legislattu e 1 during th a session. . ~ - • t • I The committee of three appointed by the Board t bf Indian Commissioners to attend the Grand Council of the . tribes in the Indian Territory recent ly held at Oki.aulgee, under the pro -1 visions (:of:an act ofeongt:ess,lias made a. report to thOlHon. Felix . It. Brunot, Chairman of tfie Board. - the report , Stateltat delegates where hi attend-. and from the Cherokees, Musicakees i i or/ Creeks, i.. Choctaws, Chickasaws, Seminoles, Otfawas, .Ikis.teri Shaw nees, QuappaWs, Senecas, Wyandof-, I . tees, Confederates, Peorias, Sacs and I Foxes, Great and Little Osages, and absentee Shawnees. The Council of the delegates, after a dignified ~and I able discitsifion, by a rote of4B tols, adopted a report advising the perma nent organizat'ion of the Indian Go-i -ernMent,' subject to the several treat-. - 1 ies'of the tlnited Stalegmith the . d. re specttive tribes,an appointed a com : 1. mittee of 12 to drift a -constitution, to conform to the treaties under which this Council Was called. The three Indian Commissioners - statethat in their Visits to pie various tribes they N4iinessed inncli.to encourage themf , in the 'belief tkat the present policy of . . the President and Congress in behalf of the Indians is showing . evidenee of . success. The Commissioners visited the Legislature of the Cherokee Na tion\Convened at Talequlshconsisting 'OrT , ': Senate : and House of Repro- Sentatives, with a Governor or Chief, and •Couniil. The Commissioners were received in a joint session of both Houses of the Legislature, and, state that- they witnessed a display of talents, ability; intelligence and. dignity in, the man agement of business,which would be- conic any legislative body of white , men. , Oluulg . eq, in, the sittings of the General Council equal dignity andintelligence-Were'disidaved, and gravt deliberation, good ordt7r -, and cordial espressions of sense and duty preNailed. The general interest niau ife'sted bk' the Indians for the educa tion of their children is stated to be very encoming-and although na merous,sclools are in-operation, they are desirous of increasing the number, so as to end equal educational ad .vantage to all. The Commissioners say that the country Of the Indians of superior quality, with tut abun dant supply cif timber. but that a comma rtively small ' portion of the lands are improved, and that ! there is a great deficiency of roads and a neglect of general internal improve ments. • exertions 'Lade by the civilized tribes to induce the wild tribes plains to coLte . in and adopt the 1. abits of the whites are highly praised. • `Jhe (..:uniinissioners,- in conclusion. express the belief that I nelnt vi:its to the: Indians and- to their Council by person in an tlio;ity will continue; to produce hap pyresults, and tend to renew a gen eral confidence in the Government: r tn. .-.l:, , nator Wilson ; it is stat”d s has introduced a bill into Congress providing for an election In Utah for delegates to a convention to forth a congtittitiou. The ob ject is - to effect au organization of Utah as a State And / to a;linit in into the Union with Constitution poly=gamy. It is suggested that the election are under the control of Brigham Young, and that attempts to prohibit polyga my -would prove ineffectual, unless Congress should - by stringentlueas fires secure s free.and fairexpiessiOns, of the sentiments of the INlormons, many of whom,it is assert - al:010d be thankful for it change of, rnleri Brigham Young, it is reported, keeps a record of all the votes cast in Utah, and by' whom cast. The ballots are. marked with the nulnber correspond ing with the nmber - of' the voter, and iu this way the election papers dis 7 close tO President Young the. candi dates for whom each member of his clinseh rofes.74xdoee. . C I DD - FELLOWAIII'• STARTED IN - MAN , . - .-L-A Lodge of the Independent Ordelr of Odd-Fellows, under the juri4dittion of the Gland Lodgp the United States, ha's been insint ed at Stuttgart, in Germany, by th 9 special deplity ccautuissioned by the Grand Sire of the Aiilerican order. tbe - Anieriean - Order of Odd-1 - eIIONV- . ship has the endori.euient of the Prussian g urnm oit , secured ,the influt* of Min6.7ecr• BAN('llk A ff,. and it is b4lieed . that the order. will rapidly through the (.; leration. There are many n(ls 011-FellowS , c,3u try already. - • tga., - ,Tfu public cicbt stn.:uncut isllowkl ten: uction timing the mouth of pecr.mh.r of $2,240,700.95. The Irilan:e $. 1 ,07,802,250, "liiiieutts,; 426,1 , 19,000. j), Ing coin El TIME LFGISLA.TeRE. Ell 3 INDIVCS. We observe by a referencie to Con ralmionig. P MieffAinfti A* . _O l -4;i• j ui l i " 4l l l ii;lmiiiixoflte i,:..a:, I T co o zu l t4m) ci fl lui ' b wi L i t e " -razoi ,Kr. 47. Ho - a t , .r,r; 1 ,. : 1: . basis of representation un der, late mural in the Congress of the 'United States. -• This is in-important 'duty, and it is fortunate for Penn sylvania thatthe only merabei from our State upon _the Judiciary Com mittee; has been intrusted with it. . The rights of our State will be close-. ly guarded by, Judge lifsactra, and oho will probably gain ,two members under the next apportionment; giv ing her 26 members in "the lower House.. ' This action of the Judiciary CoMmittee is the strongest evidence of the estimation in which Judge Maura is held by Congress. _While it maybe n shun* of annoyance to Kr. Baocovar; who made inch a pa rade during the late canvass, of what he claimed/10 be Judge 141{CUMS past record in Congress, it is 'a grati fication to his constituents, who are proud of his position. The bails of representation and the quota to which each, of the several States will be entitled, is fixed by Cengros4 and the Corsional districts 4e ar ranged by the State Legislatures. 1111 -in. There is reason to expect that the Post-office Department will soon by authorized by Congress to' issue .forlhe pnj use postal earls Bina-. lar to tho tnow so popular in Ger many, and which have lately been in troduced. into the 'postal- service of Great Britain. These cards have . a plaCe for direCtion,.name and place. They are about two And a half by - three and a half inches, with , rnled lines, and a postage' stamp printed on one :of the Corners. They will probably be sold at two cents, and will find here, As. in Europe, -abund ance, of purchasers. Kept ,in the pocket book, a message may be writ ten on them While on the street, cor ner, in a car: or - cariage, and they may be dropped -into the „nearest post box or thrown into-the mail car, and thus hundreds of melssages will be sent bymail which are net • sent now simply because the materiali for writing arei not at hand Or it too much trouble to write a retter:'which is always supposed' to •,b6 - ,niore or less a formal doennientese . basil ly'seribbled cards hae*ded largely tot: English 'postal revenue, and prod a public convenience of no • meausLiaracter. ' 1" er.. A movement is on fo ot r - New, YOrk .to build a magnificent crystal palace for an industrial exhi bition for all'nations. The stock is now. being taken. • The Industrial Association was chartered by the last Newi York Legislature, anct compris es some . of the most , wealthy and public spirited citizens of that great State. • H OF REV. ALBERT BARNES. eminent Presbyte'rian, Minis ter died suddenly in Philadelphia on Saturday last in the 73d year..df his age. Truly, says a Philadelphia cd teiuporary, a:prince tunl greaLman has fallen in ; Israel. The name of Albeft Barnes is more widely known throughdut the world theii that of , anY Presbyterian minister of the ',age. For • the laSt forty years 'the events of his -tainisterifd life have been - eminently and closely coniteeted With the historf of the -1. 3 r - esby6.rian Church in Aineriea. His written werks, 'constituting a vast ainotint of religious. literature, .the result of laboi probably without, a parallel, have been, wholly or in .part, published Wherever the English language is spoken, and lan guages of many of the civilized and setrii-civilizel nations of the world. It is not designed to attempt, at this sudden announcement, a — sketch of 'his life. His exposition of the sacred Scriptures, published in some fifteen or more vorumek are so manifestly the work of one poss. , sing proTound learning, sound judgment and rigid.l candor, and love of truth. %that they have received from all readers, , whether assenting, on dissenting ,from his Conclusions, ~;27eat respect; and his 'demeanor through 'life has I been so marked by frankness and gentleness,that he ,thjoyed the re spect aniffeverence of all who - knew him. Mr. Barnes has out-lived, by a few years, the allotted' 4‘ three score and ten " in,general good health and 1 with undiminished vigor of intellect; On Saturday afternoon, while enjoy= hag, with More than usual animation, a walk in. West Philadelphia, he complained filightly of a difficulty in breathing; reached:the horse of a friend, ~ tat down and died.: Thus, with a translation of soul, more - rap. id than, that of the, prophet Elijah, I this venerated man .: c has left; otir, , world, for a better ana higher . ,[exio- ence. • ks ' , tom' train 6u . the Mississippi and Tenuesse railroad wss'yesterday morning thrown from a bridge near Memphis, Tenn., by the - breaking of an' .axle of th‘ front passenger car. The forward and 'secondcars were precipitated over • the bridge and took fire. Five porficals were. killed, and mane severely injured. Ilife The Union League of_ Phila delphia, by the unanimous rote of its Erectors, has authorized its Presi dent, Morton McMichael, to exteud the privileges of the League House to the Republican editors of Penn sylvania for the year 1871'` . MS. Col. foway., TI lig' ton C'hroniele to Mpitios, N\ will Ureafte - ",? - r: duct teat iglu miJ. be. The New York Lrgislatnre met on. 'rues,.lsv , Am' extensive fire occu.n•ea at Mifflin, Juniata county, Pa., Dec. 3f, destroying sixty - - - )ne buildings. Loss over - 200,060'. • ; . ter Geu. Pram - diel in the - , tight of Dec, .21. !==a ---~ r~►r-:.~ - * -4 11.11. 4 .- jtis 'I I t'l ti li MS. ea . Dash. .`r• arapd - VI the buildings on ' • - in the cats*, were • •2 o'clock this es, Berk, Sam uel : 11. a .4 and Mrs. Emily Cilmaditsehe housekeeper at the hotel, 'were burned to death. - Erionnusitose, dint of Libby during the war, is miming, and Is supposed to have been burned. The -btunneaa houses were Branch CT. / ranee stare, i i Adams ittipress' • Codiminfs - fifties; Howe's-eowing -machine-stow - other smaller stores. , • . [ISZCONIi DISPATcIt ,) . ' Rica-wan, Dec. . 25,•-Tisast . night was theeolt*it Where for thirteen year'', and a (magi one . - for the, ca lamity Which ocetirrect The grtinrui was covered with hard-frozen snow, tad the thermometer Stood at 5 dog! • At 215 o'clock thbs morning. just sit the porter commenced awalapg the puss for the Southern:train, the Spottswood Hotel Was discover ed to be on fire on the lower floor, and an effort was immediately made te-waken the' guests, and the scene became indescribable. Nen rushing about trying, to save their baggage, and the women, nearly na kediuid barefooted were fleeing in to" the anow-toifired streets. The steam engines were promptly on hand, but the water wakfrozen, and it was some time before water could be thrown on the building. In twenty minutes the flames spread to such an extent that escape by the staircase was cut off. The guests then ..com mewed leaping from .the windows and lowering themselves by ropes made from blankets and sheets. P. P. Clarke, of Philadelphia, the stew ard of; the hotel, leap e d from ft - third story window, receiving mortal in juries. The most fearful scene of the disaster was: the appearance. of Mrs. Emily Cornelius, of Baltimore, 'the; housekeeper of the hotel; in a fifth story window with one or two other ladies screaming for help. The fire company's ladders were put np, but' failed, by two stories, to reach the window. While the firemen were making efforts to lengthen The lad- ders the crying women disappeared in the thick smoke and weie ltist, the room ?lightening up a few minutes after with the flames., • 'Up to noon to-day, the only per sons Burnell whose names are inown are Erasmus Ross, clerk of Libby Prison during the war; Mrs. Emily Cornelius, housekeeper, who leavesu family iii Baltimor*; Sainuel3T. Rob inson, elerk•with Enter & Brother; and Saiuu, a clerk with Mil laser & Cr . The reg tel was deli fro:vett an, mible • to say what strai It i perish \ ed, as there are about zi dozen - tin 7 claimed trunks of portieo . from New York and other Northern :cities. It is a notable fact that the - fire after destroying the block left one store on the corner,•the same building that st'ipped the conflagration at the evacuation of Richmond. The %rem: thertwas so intensely cold that the telegraph wires in front of the burn ing buildings were covered' with ice while,the fire was raging. The fire steamers were encased in ice an inch thick.' Aniong the remarkable es; capes was ttiat of A. Q. Shafter, the State printer, who, was in the fourth st&y, and escaped' by dropping from window-cornice to window-coruice until he reached the ground sate,. _though badly burned. The corrcs-. poudent of the New York Herald nor-. rowly escaped. Ile guests :loot all theie clothing, !and the ladies walked barefooted user the, snow to reach shelter. Th© ,toird lob& by the fn . ,: *3OO,- .00, insured :nostly in Northern coin rinies. 2.l—The following arc additional manes of the , porsOns who are known to have z been burned to death in the Spothwood: H. A. Thnntas, agent for the panorama of the - Pilgritu's Progress; W. H. Pace, of Danvi , Vu., at; lifted States mail agent, and inessenger of the Southern'Express Company. - The hotel WaS valued-at $140,000, and' w - as , insured.,in , Northern com panies, represented }'y D. N. Walker, for $G0,000; Branch ik .Cursant were iusared in the North - British and MercantEe.for $5,000; Sublett, Ltick & Co., proprietors of the Spottswood, had their furniture insured for $20,- _000 ; and.theitywines-and carpets were insured is the North British.fur 000. The National,lnsuranee Com pany, of:Baltimore, loses•,8,000 ; and the etintinenjal,• . of New "York ; 000. All the goods ready for . deliv -M - ery the cellar of the Southern Fa preConapany were destroyed. .company's_ money- .safes are buried in the ruins. ' Au incident of the the was the ap pearanec of a man at one - of the up per windows, paralyzed. by fear, who sat tearing paper into 'small pieces and throwing them Out of tha Win dow till he fell back in the flames. AMOIT those - who made very nar row escapes were M. ..Maillefort, of New Yorl:, engineer - of the James river obstructions; S. A. Pearce, .of Colombia, S.C., private secretary to Senator Sprague; Mrs. Elizabeth Ma gill; proprietress of the theater, and B. H. H. Stowell, member of Con gress. The Delave tripe lost. theik,• , ,ba , - gage. The hotel register was found to night, and there are . only siv. stran gers not accounted for.. - It is proba ble sonic of the citizens. have taken .some of 'there to their horses, was done in some eases. The name of the housekeeper burn ed was His. Rmily Kennearly. [rourru ,DiSPATCH. RreauoNo, Dec. '2s.—The following are the names :of the missing stran gers: J. F. Wilcox, of Lynchburg; Nathan Bernitein, of ' Washington; A. Leil, of Tampa, Florida; George and E. IL Andrews, of Syracuse, N. Y.; lienrf lirotte, New York, and John H. Hohnan, Jr., of Jackson, Tenn. While the publication . these - pames may frighten the relatives of i-onie wire are doubtless safe, it. • will relieve the minds of some who -have cliends in Richmond. New Aavortiss=ats. AIER'CtiR'S HALL, TOWANDA. PuSITCVELY TWO NlGind ONLY. MES. VALENTINE LOVE'S C9IIEDY 'AND B_L - ELESQVE, THEATRE: 13 ARTISTIC STARS! COMEDY,TARCE Buia:csQuE! F , LT .511 ALL 111 LIS AND I'OSTERS TULaDAY . r.r.cl Tr I .lts sate it Porter t Ktrtry.• Drug Sta-e. TZ E E NIT; TIIIS TA ' ATF NORMAL ! 1CHQ9.14..1 Fan Tema twins Segolngmar Ith. UM VOW Tor bffirlop / 8 0aliT.Imil /NOM /Z eI M 1 04". Yoe amtdopies at admiddela. Warm noialthad. July f 0.11170. Petnelpst; R am;NG BAO - wet eau' Ilrarg Boeisri, • t z Bs - ,.: - C'AICE, • 3. A 1412 QBACKEIIB baked datly ..;gd wilossios aiwt Taw. ' in owt EIII zooms wui WA. milk 'Moe a Week its pod meet at all thew elf Ur day mil trreediag. • . 037111.11 . ALTD JCS CMS on bead deem their anew Also a ins assortment of Otocartim. CoakeZoitscy. hafts. Nuts. ke. • Tommds. my 111 D. IL SCOW CO. riFANNUAL x . 11METINCIt OF ellaiiiholtim of the IWO Method thaek of Toweade. fte the &whoa at ihreetoce „via be bead at the a 5 of dee Beak. ou Tuesday. Jsztoery 1212; Wren as lours of 1 sa4 11 y. S. N. v.m mg. Jt.. Towanda. Dee. 6.10. _ Cashier. FOX & ICERCUR Respectfully Lufatm that of lia . that tbey bits put opened a foe amoortotea of • * NEW GOODS, Conedsting et abneet everything in the °meaty ail ; Premien* line.-which they offer for,* at A NM:MI:WA AlfD At the kneed =rid isles. we feel coaldent that With onr eatirnes'ace anl twilit:se, we shall be able to please the most fastidi. Qui. Our Iloilo is "Good 00011 at Iteaeonable Prima:" , Ire shalt work hard te please. :Tryas Corner Minn sad Pine streets.. , • 'PM - Tcrivaada. Sept. 13,70. • HENET ittEncra. ST r f ir , FURNITURE ,lIANU- ina . if 71i0 MlZlACtlfettg kindi F 'CT' EL N . I TT' Hu fecilaice ar unequaled by any mane[ - furor la northern PcniasjiTania. The maebanery is the latest sad best. Hone bat wottme* of experkuare are employed. He bee a arst-clese Carrir employed . d ad le prepared to 11l ordatf far carvluga on abort notic. AU ants of Lt.11.13E1l TILES a SMCIIANOF. FOR 0f..101,43. 100,000 feet ) at 2 Inch_ Mark, Bird& of Beach rdanl, and atao 1 Inch enciraberandßaarsoad hum. Der visas& Marra Den. a; Bill. P ERSONS IN SEARCH OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS, I= JAJLES HIIG.UENIY: • JEWELLER : . SILVERSMITH, J/ZP' , 'Tr T ; - Prr /4/.01.T. ratsa .1 DA, PA =IMI2MMWM suitable iq preseuts. cu.h is LADIES' WATCHES,. AMEItfCAN WATCHES, 4 • SWISS WATCHES, . - of all de.otriptioas. Alio a isolf.e.l muloitzi-nt, of GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD' CLOtI' OF Ali., 11711.1171 VI:IQU TAN CNPAP. GOLD, SILTZU ASD STEEL SPECTACLES LTD EYE AU +M ER to eA gal ties of Iteraircl alght. • W YATI: NT ACCOMOVI ?VW SPECT4 a ES: Ey litioi:aknt I 'um .mlLied to ex.-bari7o Glugei at all' lino tritikult extra charge. Call and are., CLOCSS, *Annie:B AND JEWELS' .1415 W42.111::17.3. TOWIILKIII. IAN. Y. 1110. NOTWE, TO CIRPENTER:i The lauciera/zae.l hi :wade a_-rznaoloLuss sure Carpenter's 01 • TOOLS. revto - tuz them NVIIIXEVES Ttprt ILLY hr. All tir•siririg su^ti ii:marahre aru tielly . lhvite..l to give to it call. CAMP .t VIN4•ENT, *ea. loam-star *Agta., Tow&mla. dsc2s'7li THE LECTURE COISIIIITTEE • Or AA; O• OP G. sT In Liva Owe, winilkl itatmumee that they have ytickl -ed,the follceinz usztellezturert: . JOHN. G. SAX.E: LcTe, .t Poem.", 1:11 . T , SIXES After Pail In !gm Turk." ILI. OLIVE LO,GAN. •• BOILETGH," IIy.LIIATTEIEW HALE SMITH Aitz ! lnbie ,: t- 44 Cul eJtpl Cottrasts, Old znd Our Titles." r.Elt.ntilry 23, lira c. V. IVE.NDELL PHILLIPS. ANNA. E DICKINSON Suleoct—" To The itescO?. Admizoiou Rexerved Seat fiessoa Ticket. (Good fir 11c4c:TAI.Sect) Season Tielets and Remorse/ Seats are sob% oniy at PORTER k ,stßttrs Wag stare. The sale a Resesreed fiesta sral C.CtlairieLlCC t hllte days Delos each ketone..' Jots T. B.l==w:qt. • CsLassa Y. UALL. L. R. Faun. Wu -Lux Four, and J. W. VANTir r.,, Nor. $.1870. TrpHE UrEll FRUIT. JARV ni IIE best In usa, wholosals and ivisfl. July 1., IIoCIAIIII - ILL ADS - GROCERIES AND rivrworia Thcilosate . and retail. at I[q 2t. 8. PATCH'S. r' - pp FM:EMBER THAT FOX & 31ER _l_t) Ctit a.-• retailing all kinds of Grourielt at wholemale peens. The largest stock. in town. Goods ere. dart. Prices UM- F— T. rom. 'Se t. 29.'70. LIESTIY,IIEECTIL , COFFEE, TEA, SLIME, FISH; ke., balesuls tad 1411ai1. /tar 1. Sic:CAI:II .Ic. ~OR THIRTY DAYS. I cl:f self floats az.4 Stoat" at cast to mat• root tor Near Pt k.. 40.1r5 WINITEM, Elf. 22,71.1 W IG( ' TRIES AND PROVISIONS err voila!!, r-.-a 1 by l'Ca. =tern., 3?idd!4, .. TIOGA COMITY. PA. I:ACET. Vlisahseing. Ps Unit not forget Mak O'ne tax aorth e! ail '4Ol/ ELT TO TUX BEST NaTPuil)Al- 211,357 e. bite, roceiabe7 11.1T:0 Out ,;ect —•• Oir!a. Debi, Jaauszy 7,187 t. v"" iabjett.--•.1121 LRt JL.-14.7 Date., Ja4us.:Aa3l473 Date„ipnl L .....5u cents —.73 ••• •• . . S 3 to bamboo, diode* loweiremr.rolirshor Cici;in:dal Schools tii - th neeed academie studies.. - The Notatat,thorlentik in -common school' studies and Theartand Practice Teaching. The Scinaninc, special instroction lti the sciences Untainted by an eatensir• collection of appaintua reaW riffi f elei g ini re. .4 other br moc}crni a t n , ti c e •be_e_ CLAmacal-. 4tinro 11 .11mb ,& 1 4 13 1/Itr • Oacteactrrat. branf. "k* , VtZiri . ling indersteilhoLloatrecnonW - 4:t ' - • •I • j#l • Ziliza infl-Bacaaa rag lie abis'alior talc -Apply WO. V. Ilya. and E. 8 Qsfxn. A,OO O artiltelailvds. Ttrwatii. tar rletalots VlZ astparFOClica , Mrs., • Yn Atar.10...16. z Paladattlakpard Trit Tax - xtztiT'. "#ND'„6-1. ,CHOICEST .•. • SMOKING fit) 13 A C:(1,0, 11L4311.711.C1TUD . Al" 4'. ACTp R )- WO. 1, . - so Duir' ram or 114,1111 AND. • • iT boo that Ever? .P•scoige you boy belts that 14740 n.. • . 1• Dee,. 11. 15111. • " . - • CI!.ANY CA.NpYIt CAlstM ! C - TrDED FROM PCIE 31:41.11.5:- Wholesale and Itetall, at priest; that defy competi tion. Conslatinz In part, of , • "HOL'IDAY •GlF:rs," .Candy Apples, Peaches and. Pears. 4ont DrOgs, , Chocolate Drops. chocolate Cararnals, Ifolaasea \: TISK Cream Bays , Cream Bonbons, Smooth I . that and Jwita, Altuonds. Core Cinnamon String. Perrin...mint mops C.,au I Loneng. ea. Mimed Candy. Jar. . • . arifyir.. Calor. Cuinaruou Teriails..Tar,floor me a Dr,, , . Yoe not , Bar. 11•Dm -7 , i r • Fig .1"201`... *. • Juba train Unt•e: Coritcrliatica lic.Nrto ' 110 ii '• ;Ports. Grained. Ors?. and !toga.* Toys; Candy Ilcy rte,Plidia 1411 (igt. fir. , 072171g:510 and LerUtYnq.', Chairing - Own. Peanuts Pao i@s. IFilberta..Cruautle, rraz_d.Nots. EN;lieh nuta, and erery thing kertb'y , Confcetoncrsc in general. • - • • C. S. Frrex. , Opposite Cassell k Ora No.l'll. Mali Hit P. 8...-11ermoubce the Family Vinci:4e Weed 13”riag 2facSine. Towanda, Dee. 13. ire. -BOOTS ND SHOES 31.8DitAls;D TtEVAIREP. • L. e. I.:EL*2k:: s9Cy MIA tnado 'llan:temente in act'imnto date c nitoin,ra that ere constantly calling with. Loots nail Shoes ft: new soles:etc.. and Lava had to kiive t httu, ;to their great disadltilistago. mint a Dither day. Tlis 'natant can for ,:thi,nd of work, and the desire t 6 have it -done irnmedisteiy, line induced rue t role 4ueh ar. ranger:tents that ytot need not return Lome Wittiort you?: o 1 bikini rc:ri0 , .. 0 . 16.1 :roar here act v./mire, l'or itziers that an: L.:1111. ar.,l. perftc.tly fairq 1. - ,tltos that l,sae, guittnithat aro Lroke titit9v, Ti Ult.& r9.4dr- shop is t .e - pta.m for to go . f. To ttt jhata re f % =pet ueatty. or haff-sa•it. Ind y via...feet well prot••ted fru= Ilia wef auft LSO cut :1 New icor!..cretan make yvti aiU tti ibove , Ra can mate [belt for rot tkin. or we eartirilo tbetu to yo;t We can inst.° them Lee:N. or iiiee ,tteta to yeti !lat. -So Ytafi Lets Lot f•Liger %it'd a br , ;vl; ~a)ur Stet. :` , .;.13,2-Ago , Yl eider vinegar I".sl , 'sale bxrret or gal. • Frost of Nl...th-s!lct e..nrch, MJC.:I street. Towietdc, IKc. , 3 1 4 70. .1... C. Ni.,144(10111. r ( TANT TO St :ITT 11.0 n'.ght'of Ate :Si erc strti.zth;:n ed awl s ie Ful,-ct-presp.rved.. PirlL.tDl.7.l'lllA OPTICAL -T_NST:TI.4E, ralnufa , Nr:u4 CONPA YE; CONV'M CRI*AL LONDON ac. card .1:!CD RIN1L1) Gt..IAS PAR WRAX ILA)a rya:, The concave Conr.: Crystal S tarps;rriarle Ly ,the above lustituno are uriw a longtime lieffre tile .pubiie,-aud the rapid end inerearkz.t demand fr• Unita earithinesl v. 45 the univenhil acknon - I..dgurnt of. tl.o.ir clisZni-ex..S Tiaiun and ei.e to the eye, showy phonly that they are, totperior ti any other:gLissee in tale market. . . . I .TLe t-: tjority of spe'Lir:Ls. itad,tly 142.11-2r4. r and 31) 12'1 rnatt..r how fine the frurres. contain Lulif a .•iii.'ir 1 . . and worthiega article . r glasees, tirer.erally;caat or 5Q CASES'. psessed;) tb4'..,; r.xe lutae to bm :obi only. 1171,1.14.1 - to csaetiLith,3 . trt.l••rtiol I•enett In !hr , (:13..1111t1 50 CAS ES tben.f..l,, the great cornplaiit of i your anl weak sI- oo c.viRS i4..:ht. Tb0.i....1.“1., arc. ~,,..n.,.: 1 , .k5,,,..,u.... •..w-! t bre .• and fatigue the (ie. where the objects act .1. tu niter i- . - , sl i ort trow.u, or rhittlt'e an :utensely t.trousc light ~. auil there lcare deatrlyin4 Ile sight. v:hieli, neje th•l i 2 ,preperlyawited. would be presdrsed it life tirte. ' I .." The wl'..antapcs cltinard inn the coa - s.uilionvel A Crystal / itati?!..P3rf. the following.: , ,: ' ~/ i TI:.: LT.:es ar.c prinin.l of ,Lho beet materiel. purr au I bar I. 311,1 ing.i.. noiy for optie.i.linirpe-- - is.thi.i are therci..re no: linble to iiei eel - Melted or, ..nt0.... , , 'l - bey canter a I.lra li aLey 3 n.I oat tinctuesa iiliirticu .net Want 111 any f•thcr :Ai.... They can Le n-=.l r.,•. Ili.. - .W..11 1.,, .I s a/c.t. , eaudie ligi.t without br'..kut , r...rtit...;: - .1..t11/1 ey..„! .1 They are r..reund histheip•iti.nliy t; - .0... in tLe con cave cem ex it.irrnr, acct , rthug to tV's i liilosppdy of nature. v.t..1 ch.we of c..rtf-% .4' . ..... , 1. eye. thcrinore areikting rummy (mly ite-itcrol of P•reirg it. : - Tint the len.ieg are terh..re-.1 qr.': rni In h• !b.; rrauu.A. They .an be 11,-1 1 , 1!...:yr tl...irt aLy E.th.f.•r . .!gl.L.k.,s wit b..ut el.%ng:uuW a L , 4.1..4r05 , ~ k. Ti. , , tram •ace-Luis!, .fpf.q.z. , a i,.:',1;.1.1.140 hr exic:;- rien,ol uArl:*".".,:. :;:::: r. , „"ra1.t..,••1 t , ~ .;:to eat - - : , 11 , ,a. }{ . 74. t. t:g.VA.I3I,ruIIIN. Thal. r: 1 . 1V.r.c?...- ....I/v.1...r:: :.::,1 . - .lre- W4ze.Tuwa.:2- ' d., I:: . h. 7.-: ti...,41: , *.-. - ~, 1 , ,.? th,•:,a : ::a,, F .., 3 fu li:gclioril coui(tr. li .Fr !•;• - 1. - (. ...-,-1, 7 ,..,,t, July . 19, lii:,.i-if . -- • - • T..tYlieilt'S J.:C.D. !SE C OIL, s. / . . mi. va Li, :,,,,. , t—l: . :,, , ,11.,:.-, I' nTh'tif ~ .1 In Of:A ( 117o of liLl.ttwo.f.ie. 1a.J , r0...i.• ..f.0,.:, kind re quikifo; an outward api.nc.&ln. `4"a defy tb.riinedi tta,-trorld t r brinir, 3 n,a , ...1.1.1'. 1..1'..-r• r,:b.iilt..l to, t'-.e AZovii.t:ot v.1.-yit'm and lanoenei.3 .0 Man dr Rea.t 4433 it tt:s Li.,.... -in,. 'lt ....-...1i., np , h ti....., ~014 e prif.- tit.'.e a• its iiies`rc.i,exin--P.:e..tri-ity : net allitr.34l.i. like allcal.r best nieilicince, it ariir..t. , 14111/. yet the cal/ego! tei.a re :ire very .rare. a: 1 ciab.:3;•e eonipli.isted enc. , . It worlte .10- 1,,,ri alpful.born,, ,e SF frust.b.tos- /ding of hots. and all eiiter‘al tici.sons. Fee'-' fainil3't.b.,:itlf bay. it in; , - 1. , .,, of'fr,r3 cut., lieu:act or /clueing. It will notionart lik..• twist. r.ted i4W.* 'Lett applied to 3 11.`.7 ',ore. - It id DO fl:l3ed KT , ' 7.1V101.1. Ltd is C4)1311 , 4"1 0: tine of rico best at crisis knewn to outtrig ca•dicl; eon/Pomaded gip. on acientifieirinciplee. . 1 0 :4 1.1":-:3 Medidue ft la .t i tan{ thrdea.l of anything in the market. Buy it cl try it, li you do not like it, return at and re er *ye ymtr, mcmoy hia..F.O. stie -Ly- till;Lull:gills:1d d alert in tnedfrisr. I'TiCl , to eent• per bottle. • ,1 ...6"70..f a ll r • .4. Buor:NING TAY - Wit, • . '--- Proprietor, Lelleyaville. Pa.. ' ISSO L.T.7.[10N.--Notic.o -is lie reT ) r _........_ ..........___________ , . V that the co-tirtriership ezieting he tereen WM. IL w r kroiEH sett Jt./EV MIX. ender th 3 attar et Vi'sruerik Um. is s day dissolved by mu biz] coneent. Theb< oicr and dez - caadii'of mid firm are no is the hazels of Wei. IL Warner. Canton.rho al e t 3 payment. H. w trEN - r.H. Nco. . JOHN iII. - AUTIO Na.7l:iimarY bah' ion tut' bO•t and boar,t- without jiist cause or rruNoraton. I Hereby forbid ail per. .stns harboring or trusting hot on my areognt. as } mill issy to debts of. hot* ronirsoting after ibis" data. ehiaittoleiti. Pro. 7,':00r.i 4 BORA& E WEED, - leo ARTICULAR • II)TICE.-111: _4.. , - Imaitand. Iltatai - z. N'scrie ha% lii given notice t:ir.l.l ita%e .-lest hist bed and board without ins: pii, t viario,,,oa," 1 I.=e; it my duty 14 fake the milowing , aiittinaenia . . rim% d am jind lichee, ha lilt me. at ', my ratter's litmse„ and where I wit , taten tic him, i en the - 10th day of September laht, atter - being th..mix,frotn. • wagon and very sevently icktrei!, rims. which I have not yet ret.-orcite.l. 5,..,--,n.t, while we were keeping hoagie. which was oti my father's farm, ail the beds we had were my cn Li, and pearl' ail the. board we had Wks , furnishod I.y me father ; 'I and if he had said tablets. my lAd and my fatbut'v i board. that wonid Lai, been true. Lilt it la not in:* :,that I have lett. his. Therefore I mution eli person s spinet giving lan credit oilier in wuril or saodsi, upon the principle tilt any man who wilt lea', his wife ;cyan the mercy of oUvere shelf entirety unable to to ...e men cL hertalf. on ace6unt or inj nay. , ret•eiv ell as before stated. and then publish :her dvAtertou from Lim tet mit,il payment of the expenses .it h, t , ai..kuvas. is entirely unworthy of c r edit in any et. i• . r Weil community. '74.1,111 - WEED. Smithßelel, Dye. 11..1670: VDITOR REPORTER: Ii .s our 1 J1..41 loupe of the 22^.1 I note , : that you hate pia. - ! . . Indent under tats notaeo to Ile.. ealdlf andotheia, thst if 1,7- kept rny INl'fe away frert ice any le; 'nger.. . wilkont ray consent. I e. ould'pay no mote; hills. a L tolizo cliraordinirv• containing than_ villainous 'FNCY RUGS; &(.. faleseta - xxls, and beince.statentetts purporting to ! FANcy RUGS r &c . come from my - w,?.. T. I.luLl'ai 1 ..1,.. i.t.tt.ni bt.• . - i Jantes'll. Weld] at the request of Liras C.adlit ar,:t .-INCY RITGb &C. is false in all ILI pains. rtmer. After..., y wile trite I ! ! . r,! . , .hajurtil ahc was talc-n to Ler father's h Liao Ali:lout ' ' nay consent arra aziihst zny wiehes ex . -eel at ths. I • . ' -. ; time. lacce.o:o. Alter?las rm. talll,lll ~.11., I hared , • ' 1 a girl to take' care of her, l'aaid 3 '174125 - IT her ; 1 , boa.-11, alai paid tide 'for n IKee and that of tar 1 ' wile, and paid Calit' (Cr his two s..eict• „ i Ba t Tel of Call - 1 11% wag enlarged cal saieart n iom and - ma'am viten. pin; vette, at .$.:1.:;11 pee c loos to tb•a we :. .• ' ! 11,1'e purchases of all goods i our brio:whit-4 tea h•, lifllo mllin: hotneCalif,Bt. 1 we are r-parrgt to offer extra inclenteithents, lug Lapily t0g;11...r. aL,...1..E no vim , " ce, , ..v0l any ! se „ L ti. 18;0. IlllM_PilliKY BROTHERS. aid from CalxiT er any of' hle..f.rt .7. art.l if. 1 hi , ! t t '.. __.; .. . .- . . ._ _ needed s;•.ostanoc 1:-V,7 '', inn he would be thew HONEY SAVED, , last man to grunt it t ) :L.:. . : a , ,y the else. A r 13113., , that Is mean enong to invite an hited relative to 1 - 1, spend ef, week . 1:1 , , 111131„ •Ass a victor. and then, e , . ••'' ehariie him h-n t:'‘ll3.:. I, r t , .. ~ ,,-Vo 1.e.L.r,1. is not 1 Heade to-he an libcral o. P , :t+preitat?.il in that 1 notiev. Finally I tiv.:at can. =a .01 world tl..it if my. wife ; igned rho r.. . tke ard f - , , ,, , b0051a let , rred ; to, oho wax e. rlv e n , wed fetred to do - it. by her father I to the 11:u tr,..n fur,q-a !....) 1,..‘, Le: 1.• .... 213, do : . rosily ...:_'.'vq. 0,1124 to 1::: . di - el:oda •aa•t• toy own. /Atlas ealdrhas rohl•e , l :Lee of 11.. v wif---ol ray goxl.i •: ' in yeti-oat wa'..d. Pa i t.i.: , : , -;er.t. hln '...:V01;... 014, 4 , i- I the: aArsaitigl• ,i: -,n; I wlvertis,•l Ler. Ili e. n I , ready and r:..:.1 Ive.v. ec•.v. RI at illy reaseci oe • I . IP .1 . 11. , r5•At....r. pr0v,..1,1,..: ~:ti, !t L": 1., 311, ~t 1 , OIL • THE • fart.: of life: l•ett. I Ima not .stillintt to pay l i inas OUR CHO.ICEST:I, IN . , C41.112' fur ke.c.iii?./4 L 0... , 41.;ch 1.. , .: Las etolon trona me, • Market. *.l.hef tadr. or barrel, Cap X%-eAh any Ignr:. - . "Etlf...li.'E WEED, . snagged Com Neal. Areeci.' kc.. lit lowist- tetarket raft st-,9` , ..1.:d, Pt . IT-,..; - ;. - :o. rates at ' - ' 1 FOX d: XERCIts, . .. , . - ' ' T H E MOST CO, .T* Z ( )Viel/tittY „ IVitCHES, CLOCKS PLATED WARE, • • • I -. r SILVER WARE; .GOLD RINGS, GOLD CIIAI\S, -'., &C., • i '"'lLrer opend! O 3. tide mark et, i, :no* on eihibition ,atul for sale at the well:trtolni atom ci • • ; Sir. C. 1134 ju.st rtt.itt d . ....Ay. 1;t Lc . ntbianiatl! Om t r Lis stalk his been bon•jbt it hoot tam N.:rt.. all 4 that :qt. eatt L.f7er itlJace meats to Larch w ere of ; arta-Oat:a rx.de talon an c.4 . 31')11v0z.:r.)t in th. A.LL H I:3IIIHREi BROTHERS 100 cAsr. : i 100 CASES 100 CAKES I. IWOMEN'S and MISSES SHOES WOMEN'S - and MISSES SHOES WOMEN'S and MISSES . SHOES LAT4. - 3sf LATEST LATEST _ '(,) 17 ALIT AND BEST' QUALITY. BEST Q 1.7 i ' • 1 1 100 . 1 ( 0. . ) TRANBLEA; BAGS, &C. TRAM ELI BAGS, fte.' TRAVELI.NG . BAGS, cke. FINEST LOT•IN TOWANDA. FINEST .LOT IN . TOWANDA. ;-, FINEST LOT IN TOWANDA. 200 200 20Q . . I. H • . : ~ . . I - SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS, I) SPLtN.DID HORSE BLANKETS; SPLENDID MORSE BL4KETS, 1... , i EVERY Dr CRIPTION EVERY DESCRIPTION EVERY ' DESCRIPTION , -. • . Largts, lot of • • Large lot of - - Larc,r,e'lot of - ROBES; • itUFFALO--ROBES, • I= • • STOVES' .0,Z1.) HARDWkRE EOM OE II: .1 j .1•0_ ,-. . ... I ~] .... I. 1 1 - L E. T E 4 • ;:.# 4 lalortirnt yf _'tiLJ4 .-" IN ~~ ~..~ ' 4 t., C'1413 E L N [ . i WILL OMli rU ts wEiat -^ MEN - rinft BOYS BOOTS MEN 4iid •BOYS BOOTS. mid BOYS BOOTS. • FINOTRUNKS, FI&EITRUNR.S, FINLITnuNES, BY . Yl. , ncil .x Nz , UN ; WA: , . • ..ut•rtows: NOTICE.-C' • 31: . ,I.:faille es. Riesarri 414.51 tat.: 'N0.464, 'Sept 1"... La the Court of 'Common _liras of Bradford e . . -• noilereittned,.an" audithr.. appointed by Mad U. to distribute hinds to , Sherlif s .hands. "Timm --• Sheriff's sale of defendant*" real estate. win` il to the duties of "alit appoisitmf•nt. tit ue °Woof. Overton k Elabree. in - the borough of To. wands. on WEDNESDAY. the lstday of TEILSVARY. 1871.4 t 10 o'clock ". m., at which-ttme and place all; persons havinie claims On said money are.requirril to present the um* or tie debsirr.l from coming us fine& ••—.-7-i*-- - -- - -----L - IMIFTOSI'.^III.I -, jea.3"ll.wi - • ' - . Auditor..., 1 , 1':..1. , a" ---/- -at- - - / -Ir A uvrrultS Nefilcit—giniii , s 0: ,c -- x.. Free es." rhowir Fiistrilii,nn. Nnot. 1.64 k 163. Niay T.. 1170. In the Coirt of Cutorepu Yeas tlf, Bra4ford county. ,•, ,: t - • • i kThe tincterstmusl art_ A to*: , ' ' e *r e itopnktid . I),'inua ronrt to dietribide - rocuey its the tilitTilre •barelo. *tlit.fZUU-1114.1.14.01.kifeadaut4.2114 estate, *ill Attend, - to tie duties of his appointment -at his elk** It boroptivolluitindw.clu Tuesday. i the 31‘elnycet:.ittokary - ,AoflVaii 11mw. - .. at which __time and . place all persons having claims to raid mow, aro, requested tol - preeieut snub rldrae.pr ha debasred trout coital:it 11.1,1126 n _said tuna. t „ NT. A. PEelt. - '• • •AAMtdee - _ ; , jau.;'7l-, • , • • • - - - . xE cr-T GR'S- T .E.:— Nutics, IS .beersbr ihreu -that all persowirosieb al kr it* '4lstitte or - str,A.,; twee of itome Sec drefd. are renneeeed to Seat* Unniediate psyinen t. and all perilous hairiest elatmseemiust meigl estifs "up* present.t4ou da, , y,authenticste4 for settlethent ; . . 01130LITIC88t. - • , Etscutors. . • AUDITOR'SNOTICE.-=J.' P. Kir, ty rr. J.:Piestkois amt. X. •Aforskak. 10.-4:31. Dec. T.. 1909, Conn of Common Hess of Bradford Tb• andendaneilapnolataki 111 slather tollitith.. tile fa:Os:Walks Sheriffs bands. ns • ' tht ssle of defettilents roil estate; will attoill ' duties of Ms appointment at bis eller. if ' of Tow'. I li f ihs t ands. on . FRID4Y. iliklit'Aft - .27th: ..11171. in 2 oclock. p; ni. at Ifhleis time ' And place all per Arms ars negnireil to present 'their chinos or he de , : !AFe..l from shining In the assets. • .1171, T. YOVIX.. - .1 a 7. 1 -W4 , • Anflitor, 1())i -T BE"FOOLTSIT AND-STIS'S , yort eIiANCE.--1 will 5. , .:11,1ity" Pintas 4 81 gents. in Burlington / 5 initem front Towati.la..nu the , turnpike mile - rivet of Ittrflord'... - The 11tiet . wheatland in tly eir;ttnty:i,,ao ac,r, el4ro.i; ab. 0.125 elf/it felt of pine. 4:llPRtant. a 4 and: oak. an,l SO mrits of itottoi - nod statpling nn the woallstpl. New barn Vifel4fl feet: now Toshio flon*.e. 8.• romls, good wen of 'soft' tester at the doer. i new. two rtitiry . Blion-Jrl;t ivrigon-hrusf ant grittPrr. there !aiding' Tosfinga en the tom. , Thiad l eyeortr tit an ready for in enterfri.iirt min, if ITith I t little mo”0e. to Peon ;frolic the hoet-farrA Ire the town. " want to ref One tronnerte • gem es we t are iiiN.LAVACR 674 don't fire '" rotn.a timnofaetn-y. The trier. rook • ', 111"..1* carty; or a• iff.erat I'M: CS Oh. Pr 7 (l. thoj.irri) and arthrat , *•rately'frota-th.; boner and (Hine loOk at It., or aiielti . -r4 • • . • CHAS. J. or - J419. : 1tA ' 11-adfortl -A.PPLICATION To 710.F4n•t• are bk..rbby •uotilioo 1.11.11. I,ktti•• Tnruer. von: by lier urxt fprud .ivies him. Ap9l:i.4 tii,i,coort of r, • pleas. of Bradford. COCIT.tV. fyy 3 dh - .3%, fi.0711. bor t i4 Of. matri•i n c. l ay. amt court bas, wirpolniel Monday. tbz 46 , 12y• of, boltry. for borin.i 'Tr th.• Etlic zad 1,13. ct• cam ittb : ti,l if cirtthink- provr. !•,‘ — 1 .er t , _ . 1 I ) PLICATIO . N- - IN InVORcE....._ 1 TO Pl,•'en A. P , ..7.r.) , *.--7.c,,,, 'l;u s*.?,- ‘ .f. T..-Is7l.— A •I•‘;tt lir^ ) 1 , -re-by tr*.in,l tl•rt,Latira E.Pabner. 3 - f•tir / Nritn. 1,3- her nntt fr - I , n4. , Wni. P. CA CO . halt. apt - .4eA . i .Ito the-r-011 , 1 nr rortrrlnn I)`'4. -, zs a P.rattinrd conatt=. • fry , . a. 41ii r.??4,‘ freqn,lll.l , orpli! .1' radtrimoa7. find tbo F7l;'l rO9ll 'h.. 31'99:11tt er . 4 , 1.,113". the GIL 9f 1'0)1, IS7I. tor 1ui...-4,..! tl.:, , •a:l , l..^:tr - . T.. Pahnri-,itt thql 11ft.L3i.a... at 1rir . ,211 tnn. 3;11 r , a.4-• IN-nt rap / attend a • v. n 0,10; r.-,,p,.. 0;1.7.'71-1.4.. t. I,'I:P.RY TIN. FLEET. , 1 Sheril. ~. A PP-Ll‹!.-ITION*T.N n VORCE.— 1 - - i_ 1,. Mw-•,- P - ,- —\ •. C7178..0.,17.. IK . ,'-j o. Y ,--: :tr.. , 1),...r, I,y tr..l,:llet: :CAC /1 , . O. kr iiiek, r-rnr ... Ito .a Lag z. ,, r1,:iN114 t'lw .- opitrt ~ r "1m :-fl ..: 1;r3 , 1f... - -.1 - ,'....nt\ - . flr'rti: 'ore, fr ,,, r.t- tio• besnat , c ,ip a ,t,„ mst:t..l:l , ,n7:* nd lit. ha! • ..1' . 7 urf. ham arlllw,:t.,l')Tnt.kr tiny, th,:tlth •14. y .d I-',.b x - , 71...: , .r..:2 , 1rit1:z ..".'sl P. 0' an the pi • rta:s.. , .. at whtch- tone and jdar:.•yott •••a.-4. 1 atriAll if yen think r:t•Pi'l^- • • - N•• .7-PE:LEY VAN PLET.I',-1 S.: tit:. I 3 ' e / i,- .11n W 4 . - - - • t T:IXEIQR S II ; IL re (%.,:a,:g. tr41%,,k by the Orpli3:1::: t a 1.0.1 • t711,:t://- f or flout tit , : - Ask; of run; oetat.. pI atvivi t) t bf.err.ilifmcut. . iftia^ f er.l gottur.f..y. 4, ,41?.. 1;1.. zit. veltie‘ •-131 .- :ns 11)• 0 1 ,0 3 . !, Se". r.f,ffted .r.• • ; . 1., fqt , ,vcr al. • • 1 , :ln•511- . .ri • :* . PZELT; AucLia. • . 'TCY NM • t 117.1)1TOR'S 1 Cio zi • , 1" ray. r..f..:1•.• of E. dr , • ,se•g. It: the Orphiii's C•oirt Og npulford Cortot , '. Tire undPlsign:cl havinr.-I,ve a;,p9!nt..;nlaatEt-ir bc,s3A Co•:rt 2J h. 11,15 711:IL'iztrZ.t. , ret. nt , 'the duties . oehi.* ap::oiniraent at . 41s 1.:11ro fn the of Athena: lebritary t. le":l,it.t. et' lo at whi , :h Oar') .:11 - y.Q.rsouit,hasina saki I money. are rerri.ltrd tt. present th , same or fvuot coultrnr ;:2.1 lo:s. a' share of.sa'.d. itF.EVE. • - sc:ol.ci'() I Z,A7C.IoN N()rii . E. —IN -L , 11.2 t the tic.. Dallnt...k,„ J. 11. Webb. LI W. VincE;:t. a ttltcrs.- • l'i ,. 4twe .114 h rf.l.y trttrthat th.; ' T.rro vr;•<;:r:t , -;', to the cr , a,:rt l'kas of I:ra(if l'ottn7y, ,: . f.,.7 a - arla the 1 :;!:11.t theta ecrrr.4..t. wilt a- v..-ar,l vtr: 1:. 1: , 714 01 't, 2 '.. ..;•• •. • athl I', • Cu- ia - .lt-r t :.•• cf tLe. :." 1 ~ t , . T 1,„ SITLE STYLE STYLE i,. ...•, LA Ai:: a:A7fl .• Ut - 7.111.16,1P. itz-• .v .:•:• , .•2 -7 • -It . for • ' 'l%:/ A.. Tl•br,fAS, . ( ttl"Ft N ( )1 - :( ; '11Z..1 11 - 1 7 4 . 3 v wit . - .f tho - •.-1;.;at;:„Or ".:1 CARY' vo, 2' 4.', a 1. - Aniai.a a, 1..• ME tt..zta.l.7, ti..) • 1.11,1, 1 titt •tihrttt krt:• r . .' t. 1t• • t• 1. 1;thi:011 1.4,14tiau.. t.f:ll.lr‘e.:. \Ltoc•oti- tt:ong 1,4 i.a - r =t 71.! t.• the tio.ll.•,ipt.tO , to a eurovr; 144 ato t,tlt4 parches to the north of plot ctNLV t•-a. to!E,l(110 Rin:Tif a_1•11X 0... 7, 1 1•• riart.--ot =TM r,th I: , ny..tvp.,1:::71 at riorth-w. st er.4 - I , q•%'*t . a lot 6,1 , by ( . 1177:1.•7 toDanko. to 'l ,- ct..l?rtit It'. .i 111.1%, fast I•t: -.TII pc"...1.1 , .. , .; ,)"a 1.4 ',..2nv0yc.1 to J. I . :. t: tilet , •j• 1:11 , tL.-aa.l t; 4 .40n7, 111, j...r...kirs to Ulf. I,:hc. - of - u :1:1•1 t". Co:Alrrip.loll4-witli lirti.ltk.n th. , ;--nee - to t,. I Van t, mi 3 ben. on sa4 land: . ST.I.`PRE NivicrzirAlr. • • • . • clEpHA:_s;s . •(!orTia.T SALF.:*--By tl.w.t.) , Cott.; cmmt.y.. .°14 , 1 , -ir,:i , irtt .A,11.,!a -t...tr.tr.l of Wt!ltitfit • Yfesttrt R - att4 burr C.. ~ 7111 a. 11.a.:foot 20,4. ofti .4-11 MI 111 , -pit•tl:4•4 +Con S'T[g. PAY 4, 1:•.7 . 1. at 0•411,.;i, r • or tke_ 1; •i. 1 as t: .1 t. line of t!t.t n•••,‘ by Ep.A.4, I!•- a• •• . I:114; . . !) ; et t , t .t • tiller stf RCA *atnnyt. :.!1 41141 ot :Ali t to stmth law I.f ltf.ll. C. Pott tett land: 1:11 ,, of .-att..• tlertlt tttf •••:,:,11 1.• 1 t w•••t I,tt Ase. berefofor,T,of t tjon t ta ; ti t .q t , f 41 , LIM. ..Iwi liM ant ei.tht4..tith fret V. the Poire her,ittaing. r. 1,2 -1 ,, r an cil:ty a:0114 sor,(11 porter:. -I;tb'ni:ey ht. fur tt:e !b4,:tot I.i....r.w.lesrrlLFett for- 111.1 , 5 ...1.1.;.•f.. t, v t:: rc 11:•.•tv ur le,. • - s , ift) On . proltt , ” r ty I.atatlef. ..1 on"....:"izirtnat;oti . 1 , 31.11 n- . to‘ , 11i•:! , .11.1. th‘tft with in:et - N.0,4 front erallt - zu . ..:ior,. V.. \‘' I `.411.1 . 41••.. A- littitl.:sl.raffix.. .4, l'l'tlT()R'S —1 : • . J•.-.• f• ; !: EM rotnt Lf )1 , :1- : ME a .: t • : • 4 1.`,• RE .'....., , .71 NTOTI.(JII:.--2‘.;.EW -Ai..:1.1...k.NG.t....- '. ~ ,, :t. 1:„..1,-..; ..i..N II r. 7-: -: - T., 5.;. , ,.r. i'...:...111 ~!.,. ,it ^:Ci.. I , '' f':-”t • ',.. - 2 car: ,ii - . , it , 011., , Ati'...1.r.rt, nl4 -I 11 , .;. z tr.. , 1!,1,..‘'.11, .•. _ 1 . ‘ l l'll - 11 l' , OlZ SA ),L IN , '; i. ' -. .., - xv. , i.a,... im..nt;..: r..... 11; .1:n-, , ,...v I t , . It , . 14 - .1. t . ..: y.. - .7. , :- - .1 , 1:. , .-- . 1"... , F u1,,, , ,, 1.,..r.,i,:r..,., ....ttlo t•ar 1,1.1 c . t o , , t ,,t.., ..,,•, 1. ~.v , , i'....:. ~ 1, , ,•! , .;‘ , ; i‘! 11: , ,, 0,1- , ..,, p-1.1‘13;•; ot., the V.,...r.v....k.tart !, • • 11 1•' lo• .7 1 *- 1 ' - rt , 10 , 11, 1 1 \ 1.: 1 . , ' 1 , ' • N.:, 7 . ~. .:‘,..:,...,- , ,1t1A:e., t:.:,‘.1 , fr..i.l 111.. '‘', 1•' :-..:1 ~.-• al!l. A! r. . .) , I t,. ".... ' , Fe ~,:-,‘, 1 ,,, • 1:,-,, ~,': ~ , , e ,', i,':r ,• • .•, ,': e 1 NI, ;; :„ : „: al ,,i ~..•v, 1, tr,i... , S fr,, t , - ~v . , . ~. ~, leff- ,•.. 'Len le.r etint. ,, .*",l! 1 - .,. I.,pr,:ip I 4,-.1',..."1 1 , 0..'s 1 :.•;,; re 1 4.1.1,,, , 1fre.: fr,Lti L. ~ i ~,,., nhm,...r1e... ... e. - .,.. - •:r.t• f...,;111,1;r!.11.1,- .".t . p..“ , • , 1•-• I.' , • , ;i:il . tv.....i- : -F.,i,•••.r.i1r,,,,1 'lll. , - r ag•CA , ... IL, 1,?.. , - 11-.nt,,;:i. , ;!..;„ ~.. A• 1 1. 1„....,, 2,...,:.; A ::::- i r..:111 ;li . c ..: tiiiZN It l .l a1.:' , .... 1 . 11...i1t 0 a CNA ..1 O. t L, "\.'''' 1 - 1 " 7 "' 7 ' .lll `'''' ' '''wl'"l T l -• '•' '' , i's- 11 ''!` •• ' o;v111 - 14,, at:al... w,.114, - ,...ter . .i , ,t T , -rb:4 ea.:- . ..1"..v...1 - :..it - r: :: 1.. , . s: P.: , .•. ..• . • 7- • •J. c. ltincilt.tYf 2: ~ t:tr:,~ ;~; :e; ~ —'--- :•A..,:t111..1 - ."an '',.. Ant: 1.7:71 1 . . c 4 ► YTTP ANI) I.loli-ASSES CHEAP. i TyurtE CIDER N;INEer All AT . .. il it - • - N • - ' .: rot ~ , -,.NrErct.r..q. I . liz • 1 • 1.- :'ox .lEErt•lt _ . r. l'r1:111! 'VAN FLEET'. Slerjr. • MEE = o_T (.7 V. L tt 4 .IL I I ' v 1 I 1 . In , . ,I INE =ME OEM ME ZEE 111 e !. 1. iThicfnardous. _ TO W.Arii-D ILA REET 4 WHOLESALE PRICES, • • °rarefied etrray-wolnellat bl er . irobject toebanbea WT. ).. •' Wheat Buckwheat,. bush. corn, it bit:lst' . ; .... ittht ... e. W • .Beaus. *.boats.. . ` ...,... ... ' do tdah-P. .E dor ... .......... ~. gtps. ' Potatoes. * bad:. . ' .. ....... ...... loes. tstreil .. .. .... ....... ; .... ,ilaxo 'ft rb ... .......... , . On Lima. *.basti ............... . ' • Wooers cir OSSOL—WII,%t OXI ; co, Eye 96 Oats 32. tbs.; 44/ley 4,c 48 Ma.; Bemis 92 Am Mi.; Orazt 211 : et 844 4 , r Tlinotby Seed is lbs. Dried Atples 22 tbs..• Flax 8.c•••I L.l 18p, 4. I tRANGEILENTs - r ;,;. f./Y4- TILL TOItiIiDA:POST-OFFICE. 4 ' 'Walt fartlirr noires. Ilia liagn. Llll.l lirtiV, *414 4il6 . .pirt asLLows r : . • ..Northerai . • . 4 .7:15 4 A. ...... southern ,d -4 3-15 Y. ....... Troy' " ...... 12:co ..... . . Cautou. Zmatore .... . s:Of P. ,!5 . :0 1 ) 11, - ....... g, " /AA A. 3/. ...... '‘,;* Na. 01,7 ' Eaton aerh . ea evez7 Monday, *4 ni d ratc r is and drlartd at :.(‘,.: 14 ? Tuesday. Thursday, and daturday. Libeht COMM MIL/ arittel erery TZ. , 34.4) . , - day aril Saturday at, 8:00.1 Dtpan i r at 2:oo*.rag. . , . IWAII maits e.byie' atimadet 14i; p fr ar , ; , u rt z4 3th an . ct ?nctik nor h . t y vie. - 0 1%1 active -: na . t . ia ' aii'Ll . linmen l g.4 Y t.t. ,, ' , 3 2 , 111) , /..• PA' for thlt / aTeat religions sttd fittrart .4, A ;:i k t .'1•7;;;;1' . 7 , ... tics Ctilinguiptited. 67 Iir...NRY W...k114 Buiti.:,' fitinius.bi its eerie.' of ennirlanlA.r.. th,i ,i , ,,,,. t., :q- . ... of the land. A eliatining,kettal ^V.7.1..." n... AAA . . ' famous -antboreas egy *.triach t ,To, r , 4. ‘. .,.., ,.2, ' ~,... 1.•exa.13... ° Every eubaribcr for 19t1Cri.....r.r.,"7. paper I:to:yrmar WELIA, Rita (ho TC40.4' 5 f'..,:: . Hisliflei.s. W6l . so..irs'Ovizt.. faYine A-c,rt n . F ' . .i. , This lictr iind.-untnuilled vanciitten n t u .,.. 1.1,0! *mai mr.. An aro &tag av , :l, a_.. , t ,4.„, $lO t o itfho a .13r. !Cow is t:.11 toiarrs-r , r ,.. ;.: vit..,ri.x atid 1,t1i..a.f.T. 'Then il4 pe , f,t,i,:y , - .._. that wilt rvr tor e fP.7171:1-... Cni.y of rri,-...; , ...,.; ~.. of ' , tory and rare t-rtnt, fret. wi1r...% . • . ... : • A. If. IirREVRIi. .. eve.l-. . 4 1 .1 f) rlic ttn _StW . ,•1•11:4...., • ..._. nRITEIANSI- COURT S.ILE-- tY A.,./....virtlie nf an order ittnel gat' A.!' t , ,,..0..,,. 'Court of Era,lforAl efl Ont.% th.• 1. 1 1 - ...1-rAizt.,d d ..:. ao of the e§t....te of detain.= Elhott a*.1,1 ui- - 7.f1. ott. r,i nor i-hila ~,n fi` I.aar E 1i f , :t..:1• ., ,' Fil... , I n'r t . p il 7adf.irrroitt:y PPlitisylrrinia ,IN.,- ! ...1 ,r 1 o a tip, Tap:dp.,.. 02 SATritTAY E_F:Att-A"..T 4 1.471. at 3 ri.!lo•ok," O.ra . the foPowin.r.,-,7•, pi.,ri. or i?ar, el v"Loiil r'!natt , in 5t , a1k , 311.:1 r•-• -. and 1.4ii:0.1e.1,a 1 / 4 followA: p.eijotiii-g;it, a• c ...., mr .. Darid aiA Le.v.l4 'Horton: .th ,, •,.., , a rie-tli-pa.t., rottrae If 2 rncl'ope-teritb volt by,land of Dasai...... • p,,Apjato;ri Ifortnt , to the retire,- of. th e teglt,„, thectot by *lilt hi :may a - enni.h-earfuls et.4ru. •• and - nine-tenth r 0.114 to n .corri. , r of .J. P. 6 11 , :t k bn .l ; el , no.' by lands crt ,Calilett and BrirLi. r . l'. z til t s . r.tirl . r t ve-t.rtth r , :li, in •orter of Lew!, n , ,, t , : :: : trAlth-trir'it-'li C' , Urt.4` ' thepetf by .lanAlt a -r, Lewis 110, sort) . eeterly course 31 and -.;. t.... , mtli'rudg the tibs.T..v. , ,f beginning. (..' , qatLa. l 53 akire.i.l4Orii , or jrai.... - - • . IsElllfF,--isr4),Anh the 'prover ty he l ms4truLl d -v-, and the balar.e/en coritnnatioo. - i • . - : ELY:SSE:4 linftl'ay . . 1 ,'tar fix- • , tIRPITANS'. couRT .slum—tt • I'6-ttic of a;•orsleidisuf , loutcil the Coati of Bradford . countyl. st : Sf Harriet. Jobri It.. Ilea. 'A.. and ilton, laity,: children fit Stupid:en: Feltau. zh iron auda Dora., deredped. at. 1.111'..,: fa';;. the Court Irouse. In Towanda Dore.. Rn n1:11:11 , ,, D. rEDItrAlitY 'l. 1•471 at r.tlz tE , following pie,: • r ~ parcel of land, Viretls•at, rap. u hottudert on the'north by bib of N. Cowlea a d.G. W. Webstar. east by 3, Lsii Taint. seatth Austin Gleason. wca,t by hitzbwiyl,c..utztning about :Al aeres. niers ot Ica etruErrestion. :171.74 i,c‘TIEW BOARDING HOUS . Lq - 1. - /ng tran , ..l of J. P. Var: Hot:4 Oo State Strret, Ono' •,:,cf Dr. office', i 3 now prepared , to Vrt•• the day - or week at teatuniable.raf.,. .N.l.c—Pereori* - attending , Coctet will trd i covrrebi•ot ,nq c , q,..fort4ble place to stop. l• Puc: '" .L. T.. •LUTS:.:. A. ai. - 1, 7 1 - EN .couNTY A:1 Lp Toicanda, Pit. (Ai:, B. door Lelwar tße Ward V;;i: at lAst.b.ltdriay - uf eadi ar.d. ,t'iler't.inet 'Lou not away ou 12,4 i Witilthe su:Je.r:Lewleney. i 1 I.ttrt itlwa.l‘l htne4it.er 1 . 5 d addrei‘eate above.. dec.: 11017 SE LOT 'FOR SALL-- I , 74ks.tgro)l odexd h.d hoasi.. iur eye. r t,ll StiOet. Towanda. ra. Lot tr gu,A. tart:' Vdcre,on. Enquire -s of . A. 7, at 134.1 .4 ... r. 15 1 .wp w,ltt of Elwell 11,,11..:. tt TA. CO.. .a.!!! NV FPI.. :In );0-e: ►./ 0 !II:, forms a ; , -ra: terrier th.ir prufeswitak4l plll,ll :f attenticra giver: to EVERS pI.PA; 3fENT cf tlaw, "1” , ,w`ar2re. MMIE r OST..—On Bt .D. , -euttJer 11, :1879.. a Poetet Mernoraudnu.;lo: oniz - ...unia tapers and entries ut no rajue-tnar,y 1‘1:1 foy The fttider will be rewarded s u Z A.C.KEIt Pee. 19.-1670. VW_A.NDA.c.IOA.I4 . .I":i.III) . AL.VIIIII.IC:T D ZS. T.Lb the C..al Ykrl Dokt at the old !‘.l..tdiclay ;net cv:iy•AL:. a large Cos,l-Itoit,•;i:, and. Otto , upon 11Z , N7.prel•dicd. to farni,ll the'cit.d;rus ai To :11,12 it V..,C11.1(y WILL the! : IV of 111:0!1 tly?inust rea,ocab:e te:11; 'tr. L-7. qua;d:ty at T.1.1-i . _ 1•;•!:,;•:::li : • • .... 11 , :t •• " ThP 1-. ;:., - lIIMM EMI Ell =I Inr.?l,e !I • I . l . l;::lV,..tbStzertz. is 1 lul;;;11 - a 1;„ - .••v, • i WA •.; 1. IS7O -tf. • 11IS'SE,`•_i :ii. -- (7.431',EY & E..TL)N: I)iZT:-4.; T'51,1.31Lf..,11.r.r.EN1. I. ft, y*, . in 1.1:e t • OE • gal ejvc, . (.1 - I ;IN,. - .JENNIE (i. EATON ,l. r • Beal Estate for Sale. s.ii,E.-11puse ) ciat)o. 4 tr.l.t. eapt of 1714n1:"1 , 7 r!Zo e.+, oth , r-yalr.a . lol. , town prope;AV. t • cl; ILL PR (5,1" El: TI FOlt SA T.E it . llll,pr[,;,(rt-7P.L•sit c•mniv i 12,Ion.tiiitn'tt; ti,Cat.. of ri•uriNting (4 a I.trit , , 3 t,":••1 r. Sa'zi gut in I .4.!„ .trat.ir prit , Licg , !xpertainiug t.7taf••• apply to 11.. (I. Antr' y-at.-Law f . T•rsautia, P.L. or-to Mit. Mari.t ileasPi.y. I:ter:aril. aG 11..rri,totrn, t , antr .Ti'pr.T.trt v can in:. son I.lanipi :Fairchild. at • 1.570.—tf..- • r . OR .SALt. 2 ._,The,Lioust..litiowii no.. • - Ara,lt.m) - • pitn,totl tacrrell Third and , Pot:trill Streets. I fcrt. Hon' 'troll tini.thr.l anti molly pa cot , rtlnttn; It) or 12 r'emtna' War r'', nin!... Into lits.n.o 1,a4 *ml tire t''• • t:,•\ tve:l wtvtit.. •- - • A LSO-onum, itu 11,t on S. coed al' 't. thr res•rictn - o rothling, fo;.t. 711;..L. ot . • .v.•!I of Water on pronlis,t. thr. aTII,. l t:,1" - '.. i I.t 1,71. r and terdr..l ••••• • Kinti4ltlrry. off Pa. . 1 / 4 . N..i. .k• 1• 1;,, It. I.:, 1.• T una ,. I ~VALUABLE - PII()PEIZTY .1 - '0,1: . , - isAl.E.—Ninety-fi....e ar're a of land whit tt . ' , " , '.• eiVar Sty - 11111 find:n:ll , l . ilupreventepts. sltr.tt i .. All , at.i : toirtt.hip, a ,Lott nifie above tb. , ~ 1 . ,. : - C..%.. 1 f1fri1i; , , t1p . 1 , 0.t.i.•11 of- tlOo mitt it is EC:7 - 11'` Ar - to - De ttle tpr , - , t plae,. we the t.:irPatu. for either ..:-...• riL Saw *lt, rlaY1111t: .milt. manuf:tctui!np. N..... tu: - ......t . nay s.t. - 10..1.,ira.?!: .1 vaNt 311101111( or I. -1' nli-•!... 1A.,: ood, N'ai-In. 11111 . 011. ash aril h.r 1. 1, 1• 1, I.rou••'..t it.:: , t1,i.. , m:ll.by tiv. ttei::ll,l). - s a 1 ' 1.31.. :,-;,.. - rl,n yr ,, primor.bni shout tuvl,oiir ,4, :. tr.. , k, ii ... 1i1`,3111111 hat. prn \ 04i rile a..:13.1et ./ 11%; Waleors 5111..... On. ..1:1 mill was tmilt a 1 .. , ,,it , i ,,..-4- •• y; . .tr...5.• , . "rt . .- Ilu•itor.... ItAilrold il+ t.1i11•1:1 . tr: if jl, t :111. l'..:erprit it - . 1! persona . will' do w. O I. ~- . ,••..•"ti1i• 1'.. - . - q•,•Tt . . - 11:... propnvtoe Nv. , 11. t , • - „, 0 - tri •• 11 ~ c.).-11:11t lA. , p.,f , on • of izo , 4 s'i 71 -.' I ba! , -.111:1 i:lr •- t.71- 4 :1; ;. - C.. tie, thans ,, n d” . 4 ;, Tii the. , fiu,:lne,. , s . . .. ' t:''- t .anyal:tl i.'t l.' ' l, l' , WalltLi 1.:i3 - F. NVor' :. 1',,7 !.r.rther .. partirulars,t,: , at ~iti Imits.n nr at, 1:...; rt'ill. _i.'"''-1.-":9-i:n. 4 11011.1111 T MeINT.of:! ; 1~0 BALI:.—AI,- SAT —AI , - house` 111 , 1 I k ni--. , -; , i, , •-t- i:- ..t,•-(..1t,r rat ,, at. a - i. , .t.:; . : - t, MI ,•Il Vs , • 1..c4 )IZ. , t- sve. t, daniet• 11. In. • t, : - .11;!.•. , j•-•:1, - ' ).D.NVI• LtN.S.:I .• =:=M Isoo : )414. I " 1 , -, FELIoN. aarna . J.t MI b. M lEEE REM