Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 24, 1870, Image 3

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    Vradford Ittpoder:
Joinq G. SAXE delivers leis great
cutitle4 " }Ave—A Poem," oar the 2Stb.
:6- The stores and business places
„ i n be closed as usual to-day, on account of
is ! - The ( sale of reserved muds for
the lecture Ammences on Friday morning, at
1' nrFn S; KRIM'S Drag Moro. '
pg.... Mrs. E. KR" VP, of Herric.k,
has left at this office a "Toppy Hawkins" ap
ple, weighing serenleen otuices.
g 976. Tlooszn, mother of A. S.
HOOKER, editor of the Northern Tier Gazette,
diol in Alba on Friday last, aged 73 years.
tor The Episcopal Church Mite
society will meet next week.= Thursday even
iz g. at the residence of Mrs. H. 9. Mmecnu.
Be' - There will be fifty-three Sun
days in the year 1871, the year beginning and
ending on Sunday. It ought to be a good year
~ed'a happOnie.
Rev. J. S. STEWAET, of the
rr,,,h 3 terian church, will make a Thanksgiving
,Beourse in the M.E. Church this morning, at
104 u'aak.
rviccs will also be held in the Episcopal
clItIp:11, et 10i am. and 5 p.m.
g&- W. H. JESSUP, Esq., of Mon
has been appointed referee in the ease of
Tie Fall Croek,Coal Company via CODDM'Ci &
la - ,srit. and It. Lrruam, and will hear the par
t( s at the Court House, in this place, on Tues
a..v nvst.
re - The Central Express agent at
11., place, F. E. Bannnu, shipped over six fens
f rvultry on Monday morning. C. B. PaTan
fun i,Lt d over three tons .of it. If other towns
do es well s our city friends will certainly . 'be
u,ll 1 rovified fcr Thanksgiving.
tai '' DENNIS J?liEs (polored) was
it ,tE d on Friday tart on a charge of larceny,
! o , ntined in jail.
Il ENRY CAMPBELL, one of the prisoners who
e : .o4ls.'d from the ." dark cell" several months
tanc; 3 ; was found loitering around town last
sul, and was again arrested and hpged in
Li' Es-Governor PAcEr..4`'.. left a
duo of old coins clued at nearly $.30,000,
and supposed to be second to but one:other cols
4.tu.n in the United States. This immense
,qlection he had made with great sacrifice of
end money, anciTotsists of many rare
FrvellTlenS fro a r date anterior to the Christian
,ra down to the - fiesent time.
-tom - We understand that Franklin
r: re Company have ordered a steamer from the
Manufacifiring Company, exactly like the
h , Lin-ta, No. 3. The machine
'till I.e here within a month if the committee
snored in raising-Fullicient funds to pay for it.
pver three-quarters of the amount is already
can d, And we ask property-holders to assist the balance:
t The Sullivan & Erie Railroad
aia L,. completed early in January. This road
‘,lll open up a valuable cow ry, and enhance
;alas of property thron which it passes
fur 4 ,1,1, For all this the people' benefited will
1. ind6bted to the liberality and indomitable
ranee of M. Ce.Mencua, who baa furnish
, a the money and brains to put this enterpdse
If we only bad a few more such men'
, o ',k o would ere long be a th_pring city.
There are now sixty-nip*-or
gailintions of the "Young Men's Christian As
"iu our State. Forty-one of these
torn formed within the past year. The
r , p , mt made Ly the Chairman of the Executive
t'.4o notice. Mr. Tnos..K. Ctinici, says " the yea
s ba . congratulation is not the number of as
- ~ ,a •ips s. much ss the spiritual improve
in•mt in our work manifested by all our organi-
SI ' , IDE AT SfF.ANTON.—A - young,
28 years of age, named GEORGE F.
•Nnter.mtnu, of Honesdale, committed
Friilny evening atScranton,byswallow
at fi , ur ounces of laudanum. Every ex
. rt:iit. a an made to resuscitate him, but bodied
the night. H. had squandered 1190. in
e... and was aAkanted to return home.—
, hurry Tinos.
Le - As the of little people
e unlimited confidence in the.attemenra of
thur mothers, it shows how noportant it is for
mothers. to exereke the most studious care in
Co.:: int, reour..c rdth !heir young children'
)1..A. , •r, aro chiefly yesponnible for, presAens
nia.h upou the mind, of their httleinics. They
tor} tari , , to cnothie or doubt. The fol
illustrution of unshaken faith :
•11, I”,y disputing wit!4 his sister, recently
'• 'fgs for ina ; end if
-.t . • -0. ft . :. so if it ain't so:-
Slir!-PF TN .1)1:MO('Ii.-9n Saturday,
a )01mq man nranc(l Jl - I,,u\ A. Gu.Es,
r ,, .::e:; Due mile ,outhca,t of Dimock Corners,
su,ll. Loins 'e nutty, committed suicide by
lentNelf. Placing the muzzle of the
_ • _ lirt.4-',sle discharged it by
•ela :dick. The eiihrge consisting of
I.:,.sed through his heart, lungs, and
blade, and lodged just beneath
lime most of it.was cut out. Death
t-1. 1 ms;lntly. An inquest was held by the
0., Thursday morning last, a urn was dia
-1 riti uudia the south aide of BIITANT'S Car-
FactoAy. When the fire was first ohserv-
...I it Ltd made but little progress; nut before
ai.-I.,l,:ttee could be procured the flames had
!aide such advance that it was impossible to
sa,c the building or any of its contents. Mr.
, e.aletee adjoining his shop was else, soon
which baffled the efforts of the fire
pa ato subdue. Most of the furniture leas re
to acd. The hotel of P. ScLuv.ta, on the op
posite side of Elizabeth street, was also badly
damaged, but the frame was saved. Mr. 84-
s sfs loss is very heavy, amounting to about
:40,000, upon whisk there was an insurance of
iu 0, D. BABTLETnI agency. Mr.:Sum-1-
% cs was iiiku - ed in C. S. RraSELI2B agency.
. •
B/VIANT 11118101 Wed a part of the Molar&
shops on the rest side of Main street,
ac..l is already at wt.zirsgain. Ho is an indus-,
tfloa,, hard-working man, and has , the sympa
iliy of the entire community.
N , , rice whatever can be discovered as to the
the fire.
PEI sONAL.-7lter. B. J. DOUGLASS is
rtes mg at Whitestone, LI., for the present.
--D. O. liou.oN. of North Towanda, who has
quite dangerously ill fors-several weeks
i. out again.
.1 tmr_s ilswes, of" llonroeton, has- nearly
, Ted from his recent severe illness.
D. W. GORE, mail agent between Waverly
aa.l Easton, received a severe and painful cut
thy lett cheek, at Jeansville, the other .day.
The portius.ter at that station threw him the
while the train was in motion, and the
iwaiy lnek hit him just under the eye.
WATKI:tiS, late of this place, has been
,•;ected Probate Judge of Montgomery county,
KaL , as. Mr. W. is a promislng'Young lawyer,
bound to make his mark-in the West.
, Dr. l'EtArr, of the C.irningi Journal, was in
(n Saturday last.' He was looking it.-
nlarkahly well, and did not appear to be dia.
Is•srtetirq at the defeat of the Republican par
ty 2:lNinc jork.
---ittAttratter TONER; pastor of the Catholic
Lurch hi this place, hai t lust returned from a
si,qt to the Emerald Isle. •
- -Lev. Mr. WitslamsoN, of Wilkes-Barre, do,
heere.l two excellent and practical discourses
111 thi. Epe.c . opal church on Sunday last.
t. H. StwAnn.Ja....f AnbUrn,lnd JOHN J.
I tri,n. or 0wt.....0 were guest 4 at the Ward
ti n ::.e on
. 4 'oanty Girumisgionur has just re.
1-.rnei !rein a wei.tern trip.
—1101). J. F. Cmusarzirs, of 11'k/dosing, is
, rrinnr: Lie claw,ttvr in 11linen,.
SS. We barn from an Oshkosh
paper that our oldhiend and fornter
OoL &v. Sax , tiat been engaged as areW
tort on the new Wisoanain Insane Asylum,'
Mir LANNIEIO3 theatrical troupe are
to commence an engagement here on. Tull*
evening next. The theatrogoing rnblie lathe
glad to have another opportunity of witnessing
the performances of this company.
e We print in another column.
au account of the discovery of a silver islaadon,
the north shore "of Lake Superior. Mr. J. L'
Giusirrns informs us that be has lisamirmti
specimens of the ore at the Mint in Philarleb
phis, and that the story is entirely true.
is.. Dr. Mar, formerly of this place,
was mayri&l in Binghamton last Week to Miss
White , Themsomony took place at the Eprico* -
pal church, and-is spoken of by •the Bingham
ton'papers as a pia:Adair:3Th° Doctor is now
a resident of New York.
Imporraarp Daarstox.—The late term.
of the Susquehanna County Court was occupied
in the trialof a very important case from this
county, L. Qom' vs.. the Susquehanna and Wy-;
oming Valley Railroad and Coal Company. The
plaintiff claimed an heirship title to some coal
lands occupied by the company—two lots, worth
abo.nt 31,000,000. The case has been tried here,
Ind was taken to Ifontrose for a re-hearing.
After an eight day trial, the jury gave a verdict
for the plaintiff to recover one' lot, styled the
Miner lot," containing 333 acres, which may
be safely considered worth at least 3500,000.
The court granted permission to the defendants
to Hie an application for a new trial within roue
. daye.—Riff4on Gazette.
- -
An application for a new trial in the above
case will bo argued before Judge STREETER, in
this place; on Monday evening next.
BAsnltAm.—The return game of
base ball between the Hageppiut, of Wyalusing,
and the College Club, or Towanda, waa played
at Wysanking, Nov. 12; resulting In favored the
College Club by the following score :
Runs. Outs. Buns. Outs.
Keeler, c., 2 4 Ross, 4 `6
Lome, p., 1 6 Bartlett, p., 4 '5
Harrison; ss., 4 3 Carman, as., 7 3
Vaughn, lb., 4 3 Satterlee,lb.,6 0
Hornet, 2b , 4 1 Thompson,2b 3 '- 7
Corwin, 3b., 0 3 Howes, 3b., 0 0
Elliott, If., 2 3 Osborne, IL, 8 2
Brown, cf., 3 2 Brown, cf., 7 3
Fowler, rf., 3 2 Weed, rL, 8 1
Total, 23 27 Total, 56 27
Home runs—One by Osborne of College tine.
The College boys think they never played a
more friendly game of ball. They think the
31.zeppas " staving " fellows.
list of lecturers which compose this .course,
comprises the names of Jonr G. BALK MET
Sites, OLIVE. LOAN, MArrutw HALE
Season tickets are. now on sale at PowrEa do
Kmnr's Drug Store.
The first lecture will be delivered Monday
evening, Nov. 28, in MEIICUIeti Hall, by Hon.
JOHN G. fitxr,, and is entitled " Love—A Poeta."
Mr. SAXE is one of the best lecturers on ttie list,
and as a hiunorist has no equal. Read what
the press says of him :
Mr. Saxe's subject was " Love "; not merely
the despotic, dangerous, delicious love that is
usually represented with wings and bow and ar
row, liut love Maternal, Patriotic, Philanthrop
ic and Divine. Mr. Saxe kept the audience to
an uproar from the'commencement to the close
of his poem. Laughter and applause strove
long for the mastery; but at the close of the
last stanzas the latter carried the day.—N. F.
Of the poem by Hon. John G./3*i°, we would
say that nothing of its kind was ever received
with more true delight—the audience warmly
applauding its touches of sound sense and no
ble sentiment, and indulging in the greatest
mirth at the poet's sparkling wit, felicitous ex
pressions, and tho lively tone that pervaded
every line.—Boston Post.
Saxe's poem on "Love," last Saturday even
ing, at Metropolitan Mall, more than made good
the expectations of his warmest. adinirers. It
was dignified and. chastely classical through
out, although buliblingower with the. richest
humor; and the roce.on of the poem was ge
nial and enthusiastic to the end.--Chicago
ice- AIR. EDITOR : The announce
ment of Abe accidental death of &AM 0.
VaconAN, late of Wyalusing, sent a pang of sor
row to hearts ef a large circle of relatives, and
friends, which was heightened by the fact' that'
a brother was lying at the point of death at Lie
father's heuse. Ili answer tihirrmerous inqui;
rics, the following facts:have been learned:
On Saturday, Nov. 5; Mr. VAUGHAN was re
turning home at Keokuk, lowa, from atisit to
Osceola, when nearly opposite his houdernibout
three miles from the depot, he went out aeon
the platform (if the coach, and becoming dizzy
and likely to fall ho jumped from the train,
though in rapid motion. An examination of
the ground where he fell, as well as .his own
testimony, showed that he struck upon his feet,
but was thrown forward by the motion of the
train;a distance of six or seven yards, falling up
on his face with Lis alidourn against a large,
* sharp -cornered stone,.which produced the in
juries froth which Le died on the Sabbath even
ing following. '
Although the concussion was a violent one,
he got up and walked a distance of several rods
a house, where he made known Lis condi
tion, Ntliell medical aid was sent fur, but his
case was found to be hop less. His wife was
speedily with Lim, and everything done to alle
viate his no fferings that kindness and skill could
suggest. He remained 'conscious to the last,
giving assurance that lie rested in the faith of
that Gospel which he had believed and would
soon be with the Saviour whom he loved.
He was known and respected by a large cir
cle of acquaintances, whose sympathies were
deeply moved fur the family in their double be
reavement. He wSii buried just one week pre
%%0113 to his brothel'. lie was 32 years and, 4
eiths old. C.
AinEss.—Tbere seems to be no
need of petty scribblers sending our fiscal news
to a foreign market while we are favored with
two sprightly home papers, whose editors and
assistants•are ou the alert to catch every item
of little-or great import and blazon it forth to
the world. But even at the risk of being cen
sured for my presumptions meddling, I will of
fend just once.
Our long-talked-of railway connections are
now about completed. Grading on the South
ern Central is finished, and the iron laid with
the exception of only about two miles between
the junction and State line; and the Ithaca
road will be finished in a few days, but the iron
will not be ready before early in the spring. So
our dreams of future greatness as a busy, thriv
ing railway •entre, aro already begun to be ac
cepted. Prophets for once are honored in their
own country, and the followers of their bright,
particular creed am showing forth their faith
by works, in purchasing lots and building reai
deuces among ns. Even Siackerville, where the
territory a few years ago was given over to the
encroachments of the raging river at high tide
and the habitation of weeds andmulleris, is now
redeemed by secure embankments, and is laid
out in streets and has been built np so rapidly
as to now present the appearance of a young
cit and "the end is not yet." "Sic maggit
The fall and winter term or the Academy corn-,
menceil Monday, 21st instant, under the ad
mirable management of the Preceptress, Mrs.
S. Emia GIBSON, and assistants. This school
bas become very popular, and is in a flourish
/kV. PHILIP Beam will open a high school
here about. December Ist—its objects as stated
in circular being to fit its pupils with a classical
course for entry in the Universities of our coon.
Mr.ZEntmos B. SPALDING, ono of our oldest
residents, died quite suddenly Saturday-even
ing, 19th instant. His funeral was attended by
preliminary services at the residence hero at 10
o'clock Tuesday morning, when he was taken
to the family burial-ground, in Shesheqninjor
Gcv TOZEII has purchased the ruins and land
where the Tootletown mills stood of , AIIIIAM
Wisrnr.oott, and designs erecting a now flour;
tng mill at once. The mill this time will be
built on the high ground near Tozen's bridge,
where it will not be molested by high water.
Mr. E.lo. Dnzw, recently :a clerk in Panit's
store, has become an interested partner with
S. D. Fasszn, in his Stationery and Variety
Store. Hang out your new shingle, boys!
A house belonging to ANN WEt.ert, on the
Susquehanna River street, was destroyed by
fire last week. As no one was living in it at the
time, there must have been some meddler to
cause the fire. Insured for 1300.
The ladies of this vicinity organized a secret
" Female Beneficial Society," at CALVED. 8 Hall,
Wednesday evening, 23d blatant. They are to
have a Fair, for the purpose of raising bands,
Friday evening. 25th. KTELLT. Pm :.
LEwis in Bur
ummthip, war si4tr oz ioy Ara oa Non;
daj tight, withal iticonteitts. • • ri -
XI: flairiB now need in -the .Bap
tut, itlibi:west and Presbyterian churches. The
County' Oinxiiisidouere should ague one or two
itsspasts tO Asceir la hot& of the - Court
.House andipubllc (ghee&
la- At a meeting of Ashland
Lodge. No. 978, LO. of MT., in Wellsburg. N.Y.,
on mini* 42111 inst.,' Ike following'
°Seers were Installed*, the present term :
W.C.T.—A. J. Decker ; Oupen•
ter ; NV:C.—A. Dickson;, W.R.8.--Boswell B.
Moss; W.A.B.—C. A. Messier ;/W.
nett; 1R I.—H.B.Eserett; P. Todd
W.D.3L-43optirmda Merriam; W.Lo.—Mary.
J. Merriam ; ;
J. E. Bailey; L,D.—Warren
war Cupid has been busy of late,
and numbin among Ms vicsilins nome of oar
meat enterprising and nary yotmg People. *On
Tuesday last, Lieut. Jut Mama led to the by
menial altar a young lady of Detrnit lifich.
the same day, Mr. Cues. D. linnentirt,' of the
drmwf Hunrnartfinonanis, indnied Miss Nxr
sin Cuarrs. of Williamsport; to love, honor and
obey him tia death does them part, and -on
Wednesdiy. Mr. J. B. HAS/118, attorney-at-lair,
of Troy, entered into a life co-partnership eritb
Miss 511iLicr. THOM" of this-place. May many
more go 4 a_nd dolkewiso I -
OLD LAND Trruzs.—Judge &AL.-
roan, of Wyalasing, has the deed, under Penn
sylvania authority, dated in 1775, fur his farm.
It was made by Jos Caltiowey, a converted
Indian, to Gen. RUBY PAWLING, grandfathe;
of the present owner, whose farm embraces the
old Moravian mission site..
In 1773, NICHOLAS Tartan', an Indian chief,
bought a tract of 180 k acres in leiheshequin,
which ho sold to Joint Bay:maw, of Philadel
phia, who sold it to Judge Onianiat Goa; grand
father of Onanisn Goan, the present owner. -
Are there soy olaer deeds for lands in this
county 7—Athens Gleaner.
clay.—A row occtaried at Barclay on Sunday
evening last, resulting in the death, of a man
named RICHARD A/mini. The circumstances
as - we learn them are as follows : Wx. Comtism'
keeps a boarding-house in Barclay, and Mr. Ai
norr was hoarding with him. On Sunday night
two men, named Jour Curtereartesi and Taos.
BENSON, with whom Coctutaivr. bad Otarrelled,-
were seen coming towards the houie, when Mrs.
C. told her huabspd to go up stairs and keep
outer sight. When the men - readied the door,
Mrs. C. told them they could not enter ; where
upon they took hold 'upon' her and. pulled her
out and commenced an assault upon her. An
son went out to - rescue her, and COCHRANE,
hearing the disturbance, came down stairs, and
in the dark it is sippOsed fatally stabbed the
man who was attempting, to protect his wife.
The parties wore all intoxicated, and the sad
affair may justly be chaiged to rum. Coen
tun., CussINGHASI and Bmsos wore brought
to this place and lodged in jail.
ice' The 'Bradford Historical So
ciety met at the Academy in. Wyalneing, lion
day, 14th instant—Dr. hlssoN, President, in the
chair, and 0. N. WORDEN, Secretary pro tern.
Ileum Davin. 311{Thitar, G. A. PEIIEDIS t and
ALB. 0. TRACY were elected, and Jrgrus Lcw
kers and Jcnsos HOLCOMIt were proposed, as
Wm. C. REICHEL, of Bethlehem, was elected,
and L. H. Etmorr, of Mansfield, and Bran
RTINMAY, of Franklin, were proposed, as hon
orary members.
Messrs. ifonros, hiatus and Clan were re
quested to prepare a history of Terry and Wil
mot townships, for the meeting in March.
Bev. D. Casrr presented the Society with a
copy of " Life-and Tunes of David Zeisherger,"
It was proposed to amend the Constitution
BO as to hold'meetings on Tuesdays instead of
Adjourned to meet at Mr.acua's Hall in To
w:tint*, Monday, , Dec. 12, at 1 p.m.
I 3IR. EDITOR : I notice, thin
week, a letter from some one who signs himself
Cluakiv," but who intimated .that ho wo d
feel better if people would call him 4 ' Prot." As
it is always pleasant to have folks enjoy , Mon
selves, and will be a very cheap way of imptii - t- .
ing happiness, we will designate him as the
" Prof." from Overton. In these days, when
almost eveiY horse-trainer, fiddler and dancing..
master is dubbed a Prof.", sonic men might
not consider it any particular boner if people
did choose to give them that appellation ; but
witch a man really desires it, and publishes his
wish in the newspapers, every gosd-natured
person mat "be in favor of his having the covet
' ed "degree:"
We arc sum to hear that " linualet'sAddresa
to the Players" wasn't_apprechitesl by-his
; but we don't understand whether they'
were unable to appreciate Shakspeare'a compo
sition, or the " Prof.'a " own elocution. In the
fatter case, it is just possible that the " Prof."
forgot the good Old rule, "Never attempt what
you are unable td perform." What lie says in
regard to providing merchandise according to
the requirements of the market, is very just,
anditlis to be hoped that . the next time he goes
off to an Institute after " a fresh stock of ideas
for his pupils, he will not commit such a blun
der as to carry back "Hamlet's Address to the
Players" and present it to a set of scholars who
can't appreciate it. Strange that he cLuld make
such a mistake about the demanda of th.lpver
ton market
It 18 hard to tell what some persona do ex
pect from these Institutes, of less than flee daya'.
There is time to clear up most of the kuotty
points which we, as teachers, find most difficult
to explain ; and this was, perhaps, never more
thoroughly accomplished than Ulna at the In
stitutes this fall.
Those who expect to drill in veiling and read
log, and to go over the rudiments of all the oth
er branches, too,,in that limited time, are foe
absurdly .unreasona..lo to notice. If, on the
other hand, the " Prot." from Overton is so hr
advanced that he could derive no benefit b i ota
the instructions that were given, we hopd it
will not be long before ho will rise or; out yof
his obscurity and receive $lOO per week, with
Other " Professors" of Ls grade. •
lie sacs, "Those resolutions were submittee .
at the last moment, when there was no chime.
to question them," &c. Now, what char. .
the " Prof." want? At the Institute wli ..1 we
attended, the resolutions were present... to the
middle of the afternoon, on Friday, and wo fail
ed to dctectany sign of dishonesty, or any tm-
Aue haste in their adoption.
If the " Prof." wanted more time to deliberate
bow he should vote, why did he not indicate his
wish? We, the other members of the Institute,
would have held a short quaker meeting, while
ho bowed his lofty bead and pondered the
weighty question! Or, if he had anything to
say, -Why did ho not arise and " lay in his ideas "?
Surely, the "Prof:" must hare one of thesii
" ponderous minds" that "move very' slowly•
if it took him two weeks to decide that he had
anything to say on the subject!
• Since he has such a desire for titles, wo would
like to call him a Right Honorable Professor,
but are afraid some would take us to he a little
sarcastic. A TEACHES.
Burlington, Nov. 3, 1870.
Sat.—With a view to secure a series of illustra
tions of American localities that should be en
tirely fresh, the publishers of ..4ppleton's Jour.
nal sent last summer" Mr. Harry Fenn, an ar
tist who ranks among the foremost of our wa
ter-color painters and landscape draughtsmen,
on a trip through various parts of our country
in search of the piduresque. He has returned
with his portfolio filled , with. a series of very
striking and beautiful sketches. These, having
been engraved with the • greatest care by'our
beet artists, are now publishing • in Applelon's
Journal in a series of papers entitled /law
esi America.
Tile first of the series, "1 Journey up the
John's anti Ocklawahl hirers , Florida,' ap•
peared in the Journal, Npmber:Bs, 'published
November let. Others of fhb Series will follow
in rapid succession, and will include views in all
,parts of the country. Mr. Fenn's drawing's ire
no stale rehash of old pictures, but are fresh,
vivid, graphic delineations of unfamiliar Ameri
can scenery, such as will give the American
public a beiter idea of their own country than
they have hitherto enjoyed. This series of illus
trations, Obtained expressly for Appleton's Jour
nal at very large cost, is handsomely printed on
toned paper, and is accompanied with interest
ing letter-press descriptions. We believe that
to such series of American illustrations. has
ever before been published. •
.Ap*dolue Journal of literature, Science - Clint,
Art is • published weekly, and consists of
thirty-two mutt° pimps, each number attract-
helin y' IThistrated. I tof eerier_
sodS= r a rei
ni nturet,tad 'uponpepses, all the
stenkte tbot Porten to.rbo• P= 111 4104 reglos
Prieelolez .rO tit
or ewol.l parent:mu;
in armee. received tor twelve
or six mosithsis,New orittD WON,
n blOpti za Mrrl . `:4"C.r
• —Mess = tar Taorrabarii-:Pamngi
Yraii.;--Dfikihr•Lioing Age, being , published in
weekly numbers of sixty-fourpiges each, gives
to Hs Seadeegjnerethen 4rtreilpstilioutde,.
eohann octavo pages 'a year dike mast valua
ble, instructive aDd
enter readingi w
oe the
toliv,Poo •
politica:an Wmc No artr-Ariat • not
twin Ea it is the only compilation that pre
gents with a satisfactory comp:demo u well
treatinms, the lasit atilt, almost
numerable andnenerWUteMnab , lberspe
an quarterlies, monthlies arid weeklle*a
atpre embracing the productions or ablest
• meg euitiired orders being. Ins enders
indispaisible to every one mho dourest' Moro'
"compendium of all that is admirable j and
noteworthy in the literary world," who has •
taste far tbe bestliterature, or i4oAdestx
keepTaice withlhe intelleetaal progress ir ofjtne
• Consithuing theildantity ;of . mirk motet
banished, the sultiaiption print )_firvery
cheap; bet
amendese who desire 'the cream of
both home orei literature, a still cheap
er offer is made, of witch the lovers of the Nat
literature will avail themselves in great num
bers: viz., for $lO.OO remitted to the publishers
of The Living Age, they will send that...maga
sine weekly, and either me of the - following - id
&year, "Harper's' Monthly," " Weeldy,"or oft
sax," "The Atlantic Monthly," "=The Galaxy:
" Old and.NeW '"-lappineott'S. Monthly," 'or
" Appletonl Jclram." 'weekly); or for 118.50,
they will scud 'The Living Age anci."The
side Magazine" or "Dux Young Folks" for a
The Living Age is pronounced by Bev. Henry
Ward Beecher, "The Nation," New. . York , and
other high criticalauthority to be the best of
all our eclectic publitations;" and we can doom ,
readers no better service than by calling their
careful attention to its Prospectus, published
in this, paper.
Demorest's Young America monthly, . with
rpleadid • Supplements; and always sparkling
with entertaining Stories, Poems, Pause's,
sio Travels, Games, and other entertaining fea-
I tures, pafasel.Vlltistrited, and calculated to
amuse, lostrun and elevate Young America.
Single copies, 1' coots.. Yearly, $1 with the
choice of the fallowing beautiful AD valuable
premiums to each subsonlier: A line parlor
Uhronso, worth $5 00. • Size; 10112,and-equalto
a fine Oil Painting; or a flue morocco gilt-edg-.
ed Pocket Bible ; a • dna, peartlandLo two
blade Pocket-Knife, and a Pallet of best Points;
or, a superior Spy-Glees ; the ,Brighttlide,
(Weekly) for one year ; -or, A golloolday %Uttar
for ono year ; or, Wood's Household Magazine
for the year ; or The , Do&_ of Adventures,
uncoil 00; - or a choice fro:cane list of upland
id premiums offered to. single Subscribers la
Demoreara Monthly Magazine, and numerous
others valuable andsplemhdpreaumnsof-clabs.
Thirty-seven subscribers at $1 50 each, secures
a $55 Grover & Baker Sewing-machine, °Awes-
A ty sebscnbers and $25 extra in money, with
%Ingle premium to each subicriber: , Opielmen
copies,, with circulars, mailed post:free on re
, ceipt of 10 cents. Address W. Juswous Dint
mix; 838 Broadway, N.Y.; Do not fail to send
for a specimen.
o®' s A ms lectures next :Monday
Wiir Santa Claus has arrived at
ma. Misses linvasmy & EATON have
just received a fresh supply of fashionable Win
ter Styles.
Mir Preparations' for the holidays
aro in order. Your, diet step, is to look over the
now goods just opening atWmanax BLACK*.
110!).. Mr. Plumyis daily receiving
a large assortment- of fine Furniture, which ho
is selling off like hot cakes for tho holiday trade.
Baru you want Christmas Pictures
sit for them now. IL&ulnNa Jc, Guru *ill fur
nish you the best pictures Made at reasonable
prices, their work is excelledty none.
ser Mrs. J. D. Thu is receiving
Millinery Goods every week, ,pt prices unsur
passed by any establishment inTowanda. First
door east•of BILIMUALL RIn6EWAVS, Bridge
street, ^
irar Mrs; J. D. Hut has, every new
and novel style of Bonnet and flat that can bo
bad in New York city. First door east of BRAM.
HALL & AUKUVVAY'S, Bridge street.
Jar If yon want the most accepta
ble and appropriate Christmas present_ for your
wife or child to be found in. Towanda, go to
Fames Furniture Store and buy ono of his ele
gant bedroom sots, or an easy chair. -27
Kir Just step into Mrs. J. D.
Hiles and see her winter styles of Borihets and
Hats. just received froze the largest importing
houses in-New York city. - First 'door east of
1159.,CR080 has already sold ord,his
firk invoice of goods, and is now In
,the city
making new purchases. He expects to open in
a few gays the largest anat-best assortment of
Books itnd Stationery ova.' offered in this mar
ket. ricer) a sharp loOkoq, for his return.
VICTORIA Crtuom6 PilawGuArap.—
The latest and most elegant style made,not on
ly an Infringement but an Improvement on the
celebrated Dutch Chromo.
Made by HAIIIMSII & Ocarn - , and especially
recommended for*holidays.
nel.. Another new stock.. of. Milli
ner's, Goods just-received at the signor the Big
Bonnet, opposite the Court House, will
be sold cheaper than the same quality of goods
can be bought elsewhere in Towanda. •
Also a splendid line of ladies' Velveteen, Plush,
Astracan and Beaver Cloaks, from $2,50 up.
ma— H: B. Mclirxes Law °face
and Insurance Agency, ' over Paren's Stein, west
side of ilfain street, Towanda, Ps., furies poli
des on all kinds of insurable property in the
Etna Insurance Company, and in other good
and safe companies. Losies promptly adjusted.
J. A. Raven is an authorized solicitor for the
..Etna Insurance Company.
SEASON Ticiczro ton THE Tit,cruor,
Coons—Pontsord Ilium are now selling sea
son tickets for the LO. of Q.T. lecture course.
This course comprises the best talent in the
country, *and none should fail to avail 'theta
selves of the great intellectual treat afforded by
these leetimes. dowa-G. tlame—the first on the
-lectures next Monday evades, and seascel
met, of course, be bought on or have
that time.
• D E risrar. —Dr. MtaoN WHEATON,
of Binghamton, X.Y., will be at Mr. Can MUM
runty's, near South Warren P. 0., on Monday,
Dec. 5, and, one week later (Dec. J2l at Dr,
Sroxz's, vicar. Warren Cesare P. 0., at which
places he will tendi3r to the public the benefits
of an extensive experience in the abovo•named
science. All who suffer from bad teeth and ill
health shoulcli.Ove the Doctor an early - call, as
Ids engagements will permit him, to remain but
a few.aays only.
TEE Somas Smso-liiscancz ; Pt
unr.—One of the Binger sewing -machine pi.
tents expires next Friday, and the Wahl to
extend it is officially announced to-dity. The
Oomnbudener of Patents states, however, Usti
the refusal does not throw the right to make
the Singer sewing -machines opep to the pub
lic, as there s lumber of other *eats hating
several year. yet to nm,,whichprottictlhe Bin
ger Manufacturing COMpany in the exclusive
right to Manufacture their Machines. &sera
of the existing patents do not expire until 1877,
and Ono of them, flit Commbssioner states, cov
ers substantially the same points as the one
that expires next Fridity.—N. Y. limes, IV, v. 3.
Mir Poets and romancers have
long filled the popular imagination, but if we
re a d the signs of the times aright, a new 'class
of literary here; is a the future to gain the
world's car and sympathy. It is probable that
little can bo addedlo poetry, rom a nce or eatitY.
Tbe bnlltaut anthers in those tlelds have Itinatra:
ted every ihaiie of character, dwelt upon every.
beauty in Native or, Art, 'depicted. the - whole
range of human passion; and every ciinecivible.
relation betweeisman and woman. Literatnie
is even now repeating itself, audio the
tion of not a few critics it shows signs orez
baustion.. 'While this view, of the world- ef ; lit.
'eraturels undoubtedly tiles; it is equally well
authenticated that Urea= & stock of
groceries is never allenied krbecome oshaustell t
froni the fact that they are dally addidglargely
to their assortment.'
ISIT O4 ' lit PfPfir PP 6 10 1 4 1 q1Pthat 11: r
- ~...4 -, &Ana kgrudurn....,_
i , - 10, - ,,, ;;, Vr 1,11.7.14, '--uwan,lll:
--, ''' . 4.*: -. ~- ' 4r l l.?' ‘
110 1 t - 1 1 44 11 4 1 4 44 Ca ? ak fit ud i
~.- ~ von \,.. • 1' • r IQ:-
' , 214,1 • . t-.4t , .--..0-1-r•---- t, t. 410 v, ~,p.i
Irish ' r00n5.414 colol!, just
niceivia 2 si' , - -- , - 1 -Eviss" 416:143meg; ~
; 166 I f - 1 61 41.*1',-4 0 3104 . :..," 11 P.
Alpacas in market, double face; silk lustre, go to
kHu quera'4.
MO Tire best Tebketeetiel taw
kit, . Euars,4l,,jiit
• • t ;1.
BlaolcAnd , aolored Nelvetatiit
on bisSior triMmings, at
- •
• ' tweVirrippers trid - Draw
era, and fall line of Childien'e Wiiippere,at
Cotrdin 'ANI)
wet, changeable f . all and winter,
when throat and lung diseases are so frequent,
persons should bear in mind the importance of
pily arresting their progyesiby using the
.per remedies: - Vhd then:wands who die an.
cousrunption were that t attackel with
et tlionght to be only s slight cough 'or
41d on the breast. and erroneously leaving it
likuld wear itself off, neglected the proper rem
edies until their disease terminated in co - tun:imp
0 3 1 11 1 n drdeltb.• •
Elinson's Coinfoontui Syrup of Tar neier' falls
in curing the worst cases of coughs, colds,
liesrseness,catarrh on the breast, sore throat
and asthma. It is an remedy. for
whooping-cough. It is no
_private quack, pmp
aintion; being
. prepared". tinder - the immediate
of a graduate of the penusylvania
Medical College, and pieiiirilied bisome oft
leading physicians in the Untted , States.
strictlps scientific preparation, containing all
the medical virtues of the Pine Tree TO - in' a
concentrated feint, combined with the best
demulcents and expectorants known to the pre
63ssion. Price GO cents per bottle. Sold at F.
W. BROWS'S Drug Store, Towanda, and KEE=
1 VAUGHN'S Drag Store, WyShiSiUg. RUSSEL &
Limns, Proprietors, Philadelphia. 't
• 0ct.8,'70.70m
HUMPHREY—CRAFTS.—In Williamsport,l'a.,
Tuesdav, Nov. 22, 1870, by Rev. IV. Ed.
wards, Mr. Chas. D. Humphrey, of Towanda,
andiMiss .Nettle Crafts, of the iormer city.
• Nov. 16, 1870, by 11ev. Bela Cogswell, Mr. EIS
more L. Clapper, of Tuscarora, to Miss Sarah
A. Morbacher, of Rush.
LADOUIC—VOS:E.—In Terry township, Nov. 8,
1870, at the residence of Elder 0. Schoonover,
and by the same, Mr. OliverLadoux and Miss
Martha Tose, both of Wilmot twp,
Nov. 15, 1870, at tho Parsonage, by Ito,
. C. V. Amid, lAr. Nelson A. Chubbuck, or Or
well, Pa., to Mica Theresa STArnold, of War
ren, Pa.
ALLEN—WILCO " arc wnship, Nov,
8.1870, at.the sidenee of 8. A. -
„en, by H.
W.MoCranoy Mr. 8. A. • Mbn
Frank W . of 'bony, Pa.
RUCHI • GON.—In Meshoppen, Nov. 9,
1870, h Bev. (. Hanlon, Henry L. Rugg, „ f
Trl..rara, Bradford connty,-to Miss Ella .
Flardgozi, of Forest Lake, Sutkplehanna Co. t.
NUTTY.—At Wyalusing,
`Victoria, wife of -
of John and Mai
Months and 8 dr
N., son of John
2 months.
A young man
many virtues, which were sanctified 'by the
Holy dpirit, and softehed by a lingering illness
which was borne with Christian feelitude and
patience. His end was peace.
PIAIy =A4 Terrown,liar. 16;1870, Nathan
iel, sinfol Charles and AuuNiall, in the 19th
year of his ago. - •
TAYLOR.In this borough, on the 17thArist.,
Anna, wife of J. W. Taylor, ago &I years.
Eight years ago Mrs. Taylor came to this
place, a bride, radiant with the hope of a long
life e happiness. Her lifeless remains were
taken to the house other ehildhePai it ilooift.
N. Y., and committed to their final resting
niece, while a loving husband, a young son,. and
is circle of sorrowing frienderneu rued her un
timely decease. During her -residence here,
Mrs. Taylor; had won the lore of hot intimate
friends, and the respect of the conuminity.'
:Her illness was long and painful, but she bore
it witirmCluistian fortitude , and resignation,
never murmuring, but giving Goo praise for
his many mercies. She submitted with cheerful
ness to the will of her Heavenly Father, and
departed. full of confidence in his poWer and
willingness to : make all thlitgri well. ; • •
• •
Ski' The Quarterly ConveutiousTD,
the TM. of G.T. of Bradford county, will nice
at Towanda on the third Wednesday in Decent
ber, 1870. G.W.C.T.. cll4BO to be present, ~
S. B. Gateau, gee:o,s'.
Wyalusing, Nov. 21, 1870-Ltd.
NO. TAYLOR & GORE, Merchant Ta
its. Highest price paid for all,
kinds of Farmer's Produce, at the Red White d:
Blue Store. •. •
" ter Good Molasses at 44 cents per
gallon, at. the lied, White and Blue Store,
Bridge Street s Nov. 10, 1070.
Nonce:—All persons who are
members in good standing of Union Lodge No.
108; Union Chapter, :No. 161, and Northern
Conimandety, No, 10, are hereby notified that
an election will bo, held at Masonic Hall. To
wanda, Pa., Dec. 21, 1870; at 6, P. M. for tho
purpose of electine a President, tilecreiary, and
three Trustees or the- Masonic Hill Association,
to serve one' year. H. B. Mclits.B, Sec'y Ma
sonic Hall Association.
Nor. - 11; 1870.- 4-w.
RED AlittiCOAL.—This coal requires
less draft than the hardest white ash coins, and
burns freely and all up clean—leaving heavy,
red ashes, of less bul k thanthose of any other
owl. It will particularly please those house
keepers who hive l been using soft or Barclay
coal, as it gives • steadier, more durable and
'cheaper fire, and much less objectionable oh
account id-dying ashes.
I would be pleased to have the citizens of nor
wanda and vicinity give • this '&4l a - fair trial;
and =confident it will give good satisfaction.
I have all sizes and at same pdces as other coal.
ate. Orders left at my Office, No. 3 Blercur's
Block on Park street, or at F. J. Calkins' Book
Store' (Post-oft:4T receive aompt atten
tion. 3 ' Wzguatt,
'Tow d '
a Nov 9. 1870.
• • •
Jmninsas has recently se
cured the: seifloca of a first class Cutter and
Ifitter,"direckfront New York. The patccrnage
of sU desiring anything in the dress and cloak
making line solicited. AU the latest patterns
on hand:nßobms over' Boakwers sforez 3d
floor. •
Nov. 10;1870. -
Dr. H. C. Porter, Son Alt
keep Teylor's celebrated Electric Oil tar sale,
RCM 13,1870.
,F 4 BENT UNTIL vt VW. 1, 1871.-
One ditto finest and beist'fistited !Boise inV.;
wandsi Engidre of Grilfiths t Patton. or 11.
Barr* Mer Slant Trdb*Blidge streOL;
Nos. 3, 1870—tw.
. .
• , ,
_- The Wi nter Term of WiilianlB
- idlekinscsibiminary, at Willhampori,-Pt.,-
awohoittl tot both ilexes, will begin , -Janniuy . lii
1871, with buildings thoroughlyunpriwed, new.
Phil ' . hire" Apparatus, new pianoti, ' a fell
corps effielent teaches& The school is wor
thy public,- patronage. Buildings coMmo
dion whistles &Vitra ~ . •
To charges per year (Ftglish bra nc h es) ,
$l7B, , • ,
~ ~_
-For further information address the Preis'.
dent, lr pen" for $;o1= 0) -
v.. 110, 1870---2 m. ' Fresh:lent,
... ...
r. 31188 BRAND*, the zrepet
- 31ininery 'and Diestmakings 88%111140
Towinds, ono door east or 111. C. Iter
tnk. ' • _ , Nov. 9,1970.
meat •
cues 1 1
`' •• il . r . ' EDI-100,000 feet BeeeliAgith
and AI phi Hark for which the highest price,
will be paid. ' ' .V. • • .
- two good Cabinet lifalier T: '' • •
rir ' tming: , Nov. 7,1870-4 f, , 4: Ijr -
- 6 , " ;
,1:i- - i.17 — . eeneri. e . M 13 * and
and shop still exists over Ili Ore'.
1416. oiro lli :wi t 161 te the :l lleana °e M ilortsO l . 4ll .-.F. 14 1
e a t y grandmothetgo there for Keen
er's ke of Boots and Shoes: A call from old
and w friends will cheer him in his telnfonrary
a4v 'fp , . He still sticks Co his last' and his
work cannot be excelled. Special attOtiolk
° all4ll!ll T ' o clill urs imm tri ' l lih y, pesi J. r. KLEWEIS ' : ''
' .72,a.v;:61 . • 4 , -.._. •:. 1. ,
, 1 014 - • .. .4 . :-- rat
t i
L Y )) - PSG 'Lc 5 • NTORN IN
LEMANitv _
_. 55 , • 5 5 c ‘5. s 4 :' , '
ail nipeothinythrwaa .. ,-,.. at
Ventß e titummx.,ool
I. for BEAD PAlleol road ' t my:
; elme asil l i tin the Pli r ell "- . • 11": • . '
j tumprapartirodor %lift ' i tomorloomot
lon at Oltovxv thi ,, • emit • I Womast:-
Nly amportmoptlot-riri_gigtc
I =,%eto ßoarcu alcili=
ttiorder,lnd foliar " 71. 4%1176
II ealL
.: I . GEO. , IMEMIL
' •
fcr 114 44V 11 "111.,‘WIltaw
Aso, •N
a t., , , • Apru2B o .B7 -ff.
tris • • .
itir L -1 1 4 " :e - all fell A tF to
allall the Work di' ett,
Ind .:. I T
I - o .. 4iiidge Street. Towel:eh, Pa. .
win Go to tWe B, Aid door
ot*, fl Wool pi l l film4Srai*orit
• o6t. 41.• • w. Shaw& CA
Great roduetionin "resist the
Bo White a Blue Store, Bridge - M. .
E.II7:LIA - .:: lEtiumnu.k aIDOWAT• =
limit , }Lurie* Mere' hiihr Tat
lor, Bridge street.
rEI. Bnrnott i o. Fialebrnteg._ flavoring
extracts, for sale - M. 3:Unto.
Jane 16,1870.
r ',1..,
Scucior---.,The :Winter Torii 9f.
Nome Amide* witreoretnenee Not
21,1870, and continue 17 weeks. Those tv(ish
;ing to enter the school irtilltntlft
vantage to azt early. ' •
Pst , uatfl & t2ssistant.
• o
Nov. 8,1870-4 w.
• us. 69ods delivere4`. to all parts
°RIM ti ll age' IMO 'Of Charge. ited White t 4.
Bloc Storu,
1826. MONTANTES 1870.
Have pint opened ti large aid carefully t•••
etl stock of goods for • the fall trade. Dress
Goods; shafting', Blannols, Prints, &a. Teas,
Stigara,'Syrtms, and` Groceries of all kinds at
Now York prices. Crockery and Glassware of.
onr owtrimportstlten, -in-lint - too - extenaffit
stock to itemise, bought exclusively for cash,
and guaranteed to be add at 'Wirer prieeli Dian
ever ofiarl in this market.
MS. The - course
. pnraued the -
Catteadf'/Illja, of telling good OM* the !tai=
est possiblb pric'es; is productive of numerous •
advantages. It makes a ready market for the ,
auperior wheat of our. vicinity; supplies 0 . 011.
sumers with a cheap and wholesome article of
fresh ground dear, andas austurittretodt makes
active - basinessaar the - Mills? War hr-Europe,
drouth, and short crops, aro having the effect rake prices; but This Mill at all times sell
at minimum prices.
July 28,1870 !
. .
lg. Sell your Butter, Eggs etc., at
the Red White and Slap
11g6. Cash paid. for Grain at the
Bed Ighipto*, Bina Store, Bridge St. Tottinds.
Brumitatt. do BWORAX.
lifir Candies of all kinds, war
ranted the best, at wholetialo and retail, cheap
er than the cheapest, at the Red White and
Blue Store. Oct. 13,10:
W. PITTRICH'S Music Store,
east of Mercer's - Bank, first door, where you
tied Pianos, Melodeons, Omens, Vkdme.-
Guitars, Denial, Strings, Accordeons, Clarion.
ets„ Flutes, Sheet Music, Instruction Books for
all Instruments, Music Books and all kinds of
Musical Merchandise. - April 14,'!0.
1, 1870, Addi
Furnishing4iitore; Millinery, Dress and Furnish
ing Goods, in Beidlemates New Block, Bridge
St., Towanda, Pa. Mrs. E. C. Acizawsic would
respectfully announce to the ladies of Towanda
and vicinity, that she has leased one of the
commodious store-to:amain Beidleman's Bio
on Bridge Street. and has Opened a first eta&
Dress Making and Furnishing - Store. Ladies'
End Children's Goods, ready_ made, constantly
oh hand or made to order: Madame tiemorest's
Pattern Specimens every mouth, and furnisned
WAR desiring thee. By using our best endeav-,
ors to please our patrons, we hopee te secure a
share of the. public patronage. Mee ear and
examine our goods and prices.
MRS. E. C. Acus' sutN.
• Oct. -•
New Adverdsoments.
tinrojsr 4simea Butt there has been died and at.
Voila theafhai orthellegtaterjof • Wills, in and for
the county of Bradford, amounts of administration
upon the following estate's, mit:
Final acct of S. B. PettengilL adiar of Samuel
Pettengill r iato of South Creelt, decd.
Final acct of" Humphrey Beckwith and Henry
'Gibbs, guardian•of Watson E. Barnes.. ..
. Final acct of A. N. Spalding, clap:dor! bf .Abirum
Spalding, late of Leßoy, deed: _ 4 ; 4
Final acct of Isaac Strait, guardiadof Elmira klor
acct of John itcarisleU and elad° Bow-.
man, admra al,James H. Bowman.
Final acct of Geo. 0. Page, acunr ot Amos Cornaby,
late of, Athens twp.. decd. • • ,
Partial scc't of 21 E Renner, guardian of Edwin
Purple late dt Troy.
Final accolint of Geo T Granger. adni r of Robert
Ridgway; late \ of Wysok, decd
Partial acct of Mary E Heater, guardian of Sam.
nel Purple. late of Troy.
Final account of itobt McKee,' 'Adair of Jeremiah
Jiggers, late of *Towanda, deed.-
wet of Ebenezer Saell, - ex'r of John Snell,
late of Pike, deed. . ,
Elul ocelot A H Illahop;exo'r et Shepard Mee.
lato Wysor., dee'd.
Viwikapet of Jame! VaAdylke. Wrier ef Apdrenr
idetpieen: late& Hider twp.. deed. • • '- -
• • Mal aryl of Mary E Hermer. windien of II 31
yEalgrove. •
Partial.*et otAaron P. Allen, guariliiya ot.Lln-
MSG-4h° appraise:neat of property wit off by
executorti.or adtniiniit,tU(ss to widows or children
of the following decadent". 'VIZ:
&tate of Jared Philips.
A. N. Russell.
Samuel Brosni.
James D. Howe. '
Daniel Waltman.
Diodats Spencer.
" George C. Gore.
And the same will be presented to the Orphan's
Court of Bradford county, on THUREDAY, DECEM
BER 8. 1870, at Vo'clock p.m., for continuation and
allowance. C. E, GLADDRiO,
Oct. 28. 1870. Register.
Sept. 29:70
, •
Meese° offiyotketetetoicertguitesP: s
Han Iti32 Mt, andehrtere, good
and Itaft.:ll=trecteaTticriteit; at theV a
8 0 14:15. 11M. •
vqcs4A3l & BLACK'S
. Powilt4l, !ah-ikz
.i - ri'. , l .'':`‘` -- 1' ., .! P',-T.:;.7:.1*,'
:II a.-4:4114.)::_ar-t_
, •
• 't )
received a vet 7 large lot- 'of._
Cotton •
.- 4 •
since the great
and are now wMig the very beat.
STANDARD S#I,R . T:NcI at 12ic,
per yard.
y . :S .r. j 4
Also another large lot of
nowi kiting' at,
, .
equal - to the besfmannfactured. - ;*
ilso, from the late Auction sales,
timmss, a-oobs,
suauy of which are selling at
•• • •
A large lot of both ,
- i
Also a splendid stookrof
- -
which are beinggold at
NIN. 9,1819.
'lrromi, moti,
icliactuthintAL DimusLENTs,
- &C., &C.
attention to their great 11,6!)ty,
•of kinds of•
T e Lxiirovecl - •
_gar BLAST ,'
pumpilled talk.
with-amailiary. Air phamhor..
with combination Hearth and Door.
proem leading; patterns of first-class
13esidea these we' have the
".31411TC. SHIELD, . .
.• - WEN: GRANT,
- and ~PIONEER.
And the'gro&test varioty of
evoreffeyed byua s cOrnprising Olt;
_BASE Bpnnst,
tATIONAL, "1 . 1... ND • FAVORITg
Also'Bitbla Diampad
BAZ,Tir.fif oit HE A'2'.f,R-S,
for wing upper rooms from the
Chiainey.,without pipes, the -
-the-best in use,, and the
FActory rates.
. Always otibatli
__ -
..0 1-' ' r
,..,c) bk I'll • t
;a 0 ,r:. - ' 4:s • a
1 . ;:-• a
2. P
-P. 0 - tw
Cf: EL
/7. 4 1
0- i t 0 cc' - -
0 0 . r......'l ct . g- , c f 4
:g. -- - r . ^7 ' kii
. Cc ..
fr' .i.• , tr
= .1
et. ,?;
- -r I' ' . IT,
roftwEr.s . AND
Good Steel .Knives and Forks at One
.'•Do r per set.
Universal Wringers, ne t ii Wringers,
Wrir.ger:s. :Doty's Wash
• ers, Brass Kettles, Porcelain
Eettles, Tinware,
Wooden Were , .
ttc. •&e
Kerosene. Oil by the barrel at 2,8 •cte.,
--J.., per gaihm.
Dupont's poiv4er by the keg $3 50
Rifle 6 50
Not excelled, if 044 ailed by any They always
please. tr. !.
Saws, , • - ,
Boring Machines,
Anvil• •
, Chisels.
stock of Wqinsite.the attoprion of braless to our superior
As troll as to mar ,iewett's Pure. Excelsior:l62d other.
reliable brands Of
. . ,
Wagon Makers and Carriage Balder. 'would der
well to visit us. We have Philadelphia Rub. Jersey
Spokes. Floe'Azles, Felloes, ac.
Oak spokes; per set i $4OO
" " • 2k . in. " f 350
" 2- in. " 3.00
' We
. 1.
' t
St. Germain Student Lamr, Church
Chandeliqs, Gas Fixtures, Gas,
Pipe, Pumps; Iron Sinks, -
Burdens Horse
.1141 tin Horse Nails by the hex,
at 22 els : per.pOund.
• ,'72 • /
HOUgeS fitted with Gas Pipe,
tures, 'Heaters; on short
; •• . GOODING, Bcsa.t,r, &co
rol-india, Nor. ilt.; item
Dagen In
Roger & Brother's
in great variety.
Agency fur
g!st miety
Pistols of 14111,ands always on kind.
_ILMES,—_ Brrirthe of
l A - vood: zooLososoa swot ow Coon
of Coreonon.Plats of liesdford soaaty sad to MO di
iewso red wlti
Conn Ifotts‘ in the bolos p of oa VA:
DAT. Dictum I: 1174 at ono Vida*
j daos,of _petooLot baidslisols bt
doh] tow 'Wanda is folicien‘Voitt:. Cis
. 00rtb bi wy essi iesor eer IP*wm WI allatair,
emit as loads of Leek Vita -4 sad
swest byem
Isnd or
_AOtsbillotiog fifty of
l semi o less, ottlopoossil,aboand boobs : sad
frAtziod Ism Cads far frolttress theasia .
i Stoked skid taboo filo cosoatlotrat Vito sod of Rim: -
II B. Tama Ts: lino, Prom • • -
AZSG-LTho tbnOwtho lot, ateoi 'roe of load,
amigo ootlistbsa flaCTicetk br
0410,1 • 1 4- aid by hold Of Kra Jaw icobna, matte.
:by toff eit Masao kind's; sadweirt try litkl of Tip
lor Moe, Containing Oro
,amos Cl axon or
Ws. all Improved , with ens framed dwelllog, hoes' s
44 a few trait treai tbsestos: • •
; MAO—Ono Mho lat, Oros or wool of load; de
ltaic la said bccoaihi amid boinided sortie by Led of
J. W. Orittia. oast by load of tem 'loot 1C Colwell.
south by - cia•st.. sad visst.ty loads of POW*
Fitz Coefttaft Moot two send" bfload more oi
less, sit Immoral. sad thit 4,1414445.
Sniffed an 4 taken into Meoptiow et . the salt er.l.
E..Bnitock tome of J. W. Deltas re. Wm. Drew.
ALSO,-The following lot. plea or weal of bad
situate to Wyse% townehM, bounded cattle nowthby
land of the Towanda Beggs Co. au thereat by land
M .t.E; genartlf, smith by DOA of .I.Gelow.eall
wed the North Broach Canal.
_Ccottelning 1 ads
at Lend. more or km: with' e VOMMi Warn itirmil
Lehigh Volley houso.bad a honed Ws, C ol shed attache& • •
AL8411,12a0 one ^thiti Digetbole
altuab3 in said huirmildp. bounded north
Coolbaugh and -tbe pi k W.Y.:Osits3 & Oa.. en
tbe easiby land of Iterdjninid,dllen, aad south by ;
ibe Susquehanna Inver, and hat lbe land of h
Containing IT mom. num oer leas, ad •
er.rea • . a Duped house. andinonsit
barn. Model ores barn, and an. orchard of fruit
trees thereon. - •- • -
Seized - mad 'taken Into execition at the snit oflaisos
Wood's use vs. Wth.Vanlirnnt and Dewy ihaltrunt
MAI:S.:Mho following lot. News og Pont of lint
situate In Dome township. bounded northbr had at
Um ethos Wassail. east by land as Dayton
south by Land of Nathan Daman, deed. and Job,
Rawl!, and Wert by land of Thomas VowedL, Co•-
talning SO ices of lend - more ,or ken . Qd amositle
proved. a framed house. steamed Isms. Ind =own
Com house. and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
• Seised anstibiken Into mouths at the suit of An.
bury Beeeheth erers vu. Isaac IL. Lent.
ALso—This following pleas at pared at issad,
situate In Pike township. hounded Oa the north by .
land of David Norris and Thomas Norris. rut by
hnd of Wm. J. Davis; south bribe yobileldifhway.
west by land of W. Gmriord. Dindaisdast sae,
of land more or less: about 90 acres imperrod with
one framed dwelling - house. named hone - barn, and -.
two framed barni, and sheds attached, and frill
trees theme*,
ALSO—One, other lot. piece orParrof of lend. 10-
ate In said townihip of Pike. bounded north Dy _
of ?Award Owens. eut by land of MMus B. Darts.
louth"bY land of Win. J. Davis. and west by land of
Thomas Morris. Containing 75 acme more er less.
about 45 acres bolircired•
ALFO-.4:1nt0 other
p: lot. pieee orl of land,
ate In said townshiof Pike. bounded gairce on the northsitu
by the public highway, east by lands of Dr. Roberta,
south by land pf llortimer Pratt, and west by lands
of George Welles. and Platt Wood. Conlalelag H
acres of land. more or less, about enures Improssid.
fleizedyind taken into execution at the mit of
BLanYille es. Richard Ashton.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel, of lend.
situate In Rome township. b 'ended on the north D%
the public Whiny leading from Nortbßonsa
put Aaron Drake to Rome boro", east bydind cf goad
Aaron Drake, south by land of Iretne Rich/rib, and
west by the public highway leading from Rome bore -
to Litchfield. IConteini 20 of land. more Or --
less. hriproved. two one tram
barn and cow alled.attached e one framed be pen.
hod corn house. and a framed blacksmith shop, and
an apple orchard thereon.
' Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Luis
Dolan's use m James Randelpb.
ALSO—By,rirtuc of a writof P 1 Pa...tha following
tut, piece or paten] of land situate in Albany town. ,
hip, and - bounded on the north by Lead of Isaiah
Ranee arid Niamey Ranee. slat by land of Pefefek
Dyne, south by,the estate of John Oyu. deed and -
A. Waltman: and' west by John Shad. Col:biting
7434 acres , more or less, 72 acreirtmpiared. witb
plank house. two log barns, one trained graham and
an apple orchard thereon. ' -
od and takers into exactdion at the ruitofjlehit
M. 'GIs ca. Jacob •-•
ALSO—The following lot. place or ;arta
situate in Tbwands lioro'. botinded on the north by
land of Wm. Mix. on the east by land' of Austin
(ninlen. south by tinsold plank rood. and west by
land of Waiter West ;' Wog about - SO feet front on. -
Said plank road. and alwnit 75 feet deep. with a ono
Story framtd house with t?asetnent thereon.
Belted and taken into execution at the suit of. Jas. .-
0. Frost va- Thomas Fitswithain. o
. Also at Um suit of Jas. Q. Trost rs.. Thomas:Fite
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel at 12uvl;
situate in North Towanda township, bounded as fol.
lowa.viz ; Beginning on the wett beak of the North
Branch canal it , corner of Horace Onnger's
thence westerly by said Granger** land about thirty
perches to corner of Juni* Finnertrit , liind, thence
southerly by the same and lands of Catlin and Owen
Brady about .I..nT rods to John Biles! land, 'thence
euterly by said Biles' land about 20 raft to said
canid..and thence northerly by the canal shod Ito
perches to the place of beginning. Containing me•
lell-acrefi of land, more tn. lees, with a-stone quarry
"Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Pat
terson ti Kinney vs. John Cantwell.
ALSO'rlie following lot.plece or parcel of land.
minute - in Terrytowpahlp, boarded on the north-by
lmail of Nelson Vanderpool, east by land or Denni
son Crimmins, Samuel_ 'Taggart, and Patrick Mc
Guire, south-bp laud of Daniel Welles and WOW*
Storrs. and west by land of Peter Layman and Sam
el Johnson. Containing 258 acressif land. more or
lessynbnut 75 acres Improved. with one log house.
one bqesa house, two framed. barna, and two apple
orchards thereon. :• • • .
ALSO—One other-lot. ptiVe or parcel of land. sit.
nate Its said Terry township. - bounded as follows
Beginning at a post earner thence by land of Corne.
lius Vanderpool, south 87 deg. east 66 per. tri
hemlock Corner. • thence by lands of Petah Terry:
south 2 der. west ca per. to 'a post corner. thence
by the sonic north 87.iy, deg. weals 62 per. to a poet
corner: thence by land of3l:v. D. Wheeler. north 27.
deg. cast /7 6.10 p-r. to a white pine stump corner.
thence by the same north 87. t; deg. Weft 4 par. to •
post and stones cogier. thence by, the other bads
nortli 21-; deg, east.'3B 4-10 per. to the place of begin.
Cdutaiping 25 acres, more or less, about sis
acres beprovid. with a mudl house thereon. •
Seized ar.d taken In execution at the suit •of J. P
Kirby' ifs. J. y. Dennison and N. Marshall.
Towanda, ktm.B. 1670.
. .
virtue of an order tuned out of the Orphan's.
Court of Bradford county, the undersigned Adman
istratrix of the rstato of Win. M. Watts. deed., will
sell at public saloon the premises on THURSDAY.
DECEMBER 1. 1970. at 1 o'clock.p.m.. the foils:wing
described piece or parcel of land situate in North
Towanda twp., bounded and described as as follows;
13tgihning at s corner,on west line of Manson Lore
ham and north-east csmner :of Badger's lot. thence
along north line of Badger lot, wouth,So degs.lo
.min.. west 84 perches to public highwa y leading le
Towanda born'; thence along the nate 'north is
.decs, west 97 two-tenth perches to the ionthwist
corner of James Emitter lot.-thenee along the same
north Al degs: east 91 perches to the northwest
coiner of said Lovelaie lot; thence along the line of
the same south 34 k deo. 36 seien.tenths perches
to the place of beginning; containing 21 scree and
31 perches.
- ALSCr—Adjnininn above lot. a pieta
described u Wawa: On the east b main road
leg from Towanda to Athena; north. south and
west by other lands of maid decedent; - containing 3.;
acre. pore or leas.
ALBo—One other piece of land Likening the
above. amt.boonded as follows: On the - norfb by
Charles 11. Brown and the lot above described. east
by Towanda road. booth by Reuben belong. welt
by Linda belonging to eating of the late Joba
Adams. excepting therefrom acres Likening Esq.
ben DeLong. which has been mot spirt to the widow:
containing. alter. deducting the 2 'acres set apart to
the widow. about St acres. • - • •
ALSO — One other piece of land bought of 'UM
H. and S. B. Warding. and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in kntre of this. Towanda road
on the earth lino of • other linde of said decedent
'herein described; thence In a westerly direction
along said Uri mentioned Is d , ID rods toy stab.
or stones: thence In a northelif direction parallel
with the Towanda. road 6 rode to a stake and atones
corner; thence in an mated, inrection Parallel
the north line of other lands of said decedent. 211
and ti rods to centre of the highway; thence south
eels' along said highway 8 rods, to the place of begin
containing 1 acre; strict measure..
All of the above, described lota. Pieces. or-. la
of land are a part . of the farm owned by the aid
William M. Watts. deemed, mid emitting altogeth
er about 57 acres and 11l perches:
.. The property will-be sold in lota of one sere, or
more. to snit purchasers. •
TERMS—Firs per cent. of the purchase' money le
to paid when the property is -Knack down. 33 per
cont..t the coilirmaticrn of -sale led the balance
with intspest annually, from confirmation in -three
Nnal luataliments. - MARY E
. , 1870.- Administratris.
-6,': Barrett—No. 231. Feb. Tem.
1870. In tho Court of Common Pleas of Bradford
The nuderaigned an Auditor appointed by said
Court to - distribute mOneys in the hands of the Sheriff
arising from Sheriff's sale of defendants "personal
property, will attend to the duties of, said appoint
ment at his ofice In the Boronsth of Towandi on
THURSDAY the lit day of DEM - ICBM UM, at 2 d
etect p. m., at which time and place all Persons hay
ing claims to said money are - required' to present the
salmi or be debarred from coming In upon told fund.
Nov. 3. 1870.4 t..
Matter or the estute of Abtram Pierce. deed.
In the Orphan's Corcrriof Bradford Counts.
The. updersignal an Andltor appointed by soh,
Court to-dispose of exceptions died to the Partial
Account of Wm 8 Pierce.esecntoe of Shims Pier*,
dsed,elll attend to the duties of his appolntanentlit
his office in the borough of Towanda. on 7 fidai
2 na day. Of December, 1810, at I D. in., at Which
time and place - all perions having claims to said
money are regnant' to present such claims, or -be
drbarrcd from coming in upon said fund.
df. PECK,
li be herebyinren Catlin Indebted
to the estate of .7011. N K. •J'Alt late of Pike
twp.; deceased. are requested to rusks I ;rouretato rni j°7
ment,' and all persons hartnit claims against es
tate must be present the same dray authenticated for
settlement. . NANCY Y. ;AMY%.
Nov. 24, 1810.• Adadnlstrstrii.
-L - Hon. FABIUS B. mama, President Judge
to the nth Judicial District, ccmaistusg of the mare
ifesef Bradford and Ituaqueleanna; and Hone. Bur
ins Pins= an.e J. W. VanDradr.; Associate JWges.
in and kir said county of BradfooL have issued their
precept bearingdatnthe let day of November. 1870.
to too directed" for holding a Court of Oyer and
Tareolueen General Quarter Smetana, and, ri
Pleas. at Towanda for the county of Bradford. on
Monday. December 5,1870, to continue three weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroners.
and Justices of the Peace. of the omit/ of Bradford.
that they bo then and there in their proper parson,
at 10 o'clock the forenoon of saki day, with re..
cords, Inquisitions and other remembranees. to do
thou Maga which to their oaks appertains , to tee
donee and those-who are bound by reannisanceer
ortherwise to probeeute against the Ousters who
are or may be in the mil s 01 said connty, or who shall.
be bound to appear a - odd court are to be then
and thire to prosecute against them u shall be Mat.
Jurors are requested to tie punctual in their at
agreeably to their notice.
reawd at Towanda, the Ist day of November. In the -.
year of our Lard, one thousand eight hundred and
seventy, add of the Independence of the United
Beth a, the alnety.fourth.
prprisione , at wholesale and tat& at
Slay 2( 0 . C. fa PAM&