Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 24, 1870, Image 1

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Tat ElaaprOltD UPON= ill published scary
Theradalb3' B . W. ALVOED at Two
poilars per-annum. to advance. -
sg,adrertising In all cases szeinaire of =bag*
• nn to the paper. -
..4ECIaI. NOT/CM inserted at Tams =raw
re or first Insertion. and Iles cwswa per line foe.
~esequent Ineorttorta.
,LOCALOTICES, same style as reading Waal:
T WV:TT CENTS • line. -
ble a r VTEI aill be inserted ea:ceding to
he following ta oans I
Ito Pr I- 2m I Itm dm 11)?.
i $1.50 1 3.00 1 6.00 1 .
ir , c he,l7l - 2.00 1. 5.001 6.00 1 10.00 1 15.00 1 20.110
3 :schai I 2760 1 7.00 110.00 1 13.00 120.00 30.00
4 inches - 3.00 awl 14.00 13.33 00 T 33)
c olumn 15.00 112.00 1 moo raw som I moo
column I WA 1 %°131&00
1 ~-,lu-ru-n I 20• OD I 40 0 ° I . 80.
Administrator's and Executor's, Notion.' SI; /Mi.'
toes Noticca. $2 30 ; ansilleell Carla , eve WS, tper
~,,,r fS, additional lipea $1 each;
. rearie advertisers are eniitledto quartedyeblings.
Troieentadvertisementemaxtbe Paid for inadreince.
Mwhii gions nnicatints
fi i,,dortioneof Aiacsa: Comm
.i ndllldald interest.
and nottom of War
riaiee and Deaths, exceeding five lines. are charged
•im csa - ra per Ulm ,
The Worms having a larger circulation than kr
:1,.3,4,e in the county combined. mates It thebest
l,fitiehme Medium in Northern Pennsylvania.
JOH PiII'SIDIG of 'Tory kind, In 'Plain and Fancy
relor., done with neatness And dispatch. Handball.
B .nlie, Carle, Pamphlets. Billheads, Statements. Ike.
0 , every variety and style. printed at the shortest
n die,,,The RZPOICTES Mee 111 well supplied with
Power Pres•eft. • 050 d assortment of new type. end
• evm-thing in the Printing line ran be executed In
h, meet artistic manner and at the lowest ;rates.
CI Ni. TINGLEY, Licensed Ave
C + • Harlem Dome, Ps. All cath RraTptly attelB7ond
C P 179
BLACK, General Fire, Life
)1 • and Accidental Insurance Agent. Office et J
Hotel, STsalusing. Ps. 7un2:70-Gm
T A :11.13. Sept. 13, 1870—yr
—Offwe formerly ocenpled by Ifercur
M• ov. one door south of Ward donee.
• slte. ~rnayl()."7o Nr. a. wreceirr.
• 1) 1. XT.E.I I . No. 1611 Washington Street. be-
Lasalle and Wells Streets. Chicago. Illinois.
n F.,tate pnrcbaFed and sold. Investments made
)1 • Loaned ' May 10:70.
ci-TTINO AND FMKG in ill fashionible
ittort notice. ROOMS In' Mercur's N.
'•.. over Porter IF Kirby's Oritt. Store.
MRS. 11. E. GARvis-.
Pa.. April 13. 1870.
ke.. made In the best rtuukner andlateststyle,
'-e Ward Rouse Barber Shop: - Termaraasonable.
T.4samia, Dec. I.
T , ...tnn , ls. Pa.. trial ten yearn experienee. la coa
t, i b...-nn give Ow bent nattsfaction In Painting.
StthatUg. Glazing. Papering, kc.
r Parnentaz attention paid 'to jobbhag ha the
april 9. '66.
P `ii , .CROETON. PA., pays particular attention to
poi:zits. Wagons, Sleighs, ke. Tire set and
pa:nu,± done on short notice. Work and charges
c-iarinteed satisfactory. 12,15.69.
:& acute, estahlished himself to the TAILORING
. •INF_SS. Shop over Rockwell's Store. Work of
description done in the latoft styles.
Towanda, April 21. 11170.—tf
'"."!.,• under* , rued would respectfully annonnoe to
1 . • pubbc tb he beeps constantly on burnt Woolen
eassime • flannels. Tuna. and all kinds at
fl , .Y.e and ret . HAIGErk FiROADLET.
10.'70. • Proprietor.
A. E. MOE, Licensed Auctioneer
ill eallg promptly attended to and satisfaction
oanntNNi. Call or address, A. 11,...M0t. Moaroeton,
, Pa. 0ct.26, 69.
lir Kill, :add Life Oil, are the Great Family
that find n welcome In every home as a
• .-.: ; zu Remedy for more of the common ills of
1,t. , than any other medicine In the market. Sold
,ierA in medicine generally: Manufactured
T . ,lIFFORD, Chicago, 11V, .arld:l43 Mani at.,
N. V. March 111,'70-3
IC Scia-fit Association.
M ~I.,ship fes to secure at death $2.000 $lO 00
A•,. 112.1 AA- ^+RIIICUt .. . ........... ....... 2 00
m , per-y .6mt,Snierit, 'age from 15 to 515 110
" - 26 to 45 100
_ ••" - 46 to 00 210
Ct. F. SO Fsl, Wyalusing. Pa,
1. -.11 A2. , iit I , :rl:rielfstr3 county. .I.neat.Xuenta
. . : i Sept. 24.'70.
I Company of Hartford, Conn Pay
, , tiet aipheaton for insurance to be made at
1 offic.•, Main at , 'Towanda. ,
General Agent.
rompnte.l my new brick shop. near my
len.•e on I am now prepared to do
- F. in all its branclo.s. Particular attsution paid
`l.ll Irons and ett.!e* Vols. 'laving spent many
krt in Ito., community, in• this ImAiness, I trust
of. me receiving it liber
.,...euut of the polio pate..l,nxe.
, •
G,c. 3. 1 , 1 - 41 --ti
i. N. DrATEr.„ , , Vioifor or Paten/.. ,
,irawlngs. elweincationm and all papers
11/MLIII:Z and properly conducting Appli
t.o P iu thn rNITED STATEN and FOn-
':'• 14..
Denlcre "'"-
11.1194, &C.
• tu • Incbeat cash price is paid at all timcs.
k 7. • NI L lie•tittseld'astore, Main-st.,
:•.o - re''. ( 114 , ...1.1L'71) TOWANDA . PA.
, •• 'coon. eareptown. Brad/ Jed Co.. Pa. Thank
' t •• • ncioy ••moloyers for port patronage, would
ttsny lir:erne the citizens of Bradford County
h. I.D•par,4l to do any work in Ida line of bud
, •••,•,..t may be entrusted' to him. Those haring
lime would de ... well to hare their property
1-M,•:y gilt% ry..l ts•Nre allowing themoolsga to
I. airy their neighbors. All work warrant.
•••, • so far as the tishr et the Mite will per.
stot ill unt,atcutd Islas a 2 ended to as soon as
:: ; ti• are obtained. W. ST S.
& °Penedo a Ranking Ifouae in Towandi, !wader the
of O. F. MASON k CO.
Col- are prepared to draw Bille of Exchange,and
collections in New Tort, Philadelphia, and an
r - .rfionA of the United States. SIB also England, Ger
i“..ny, and France. To loan money; rewire deposita,
s'l ,- 1 to do a general Banking bnainese.
F. Mason was one sf the late firm of I...aTOrte.
of A: Co., of Towanda Pa.. and hie knowledge of
t iot,!ness men of Bradford and atijorping counties
!.a.*;ng been in the banking busineas for about
years. make BUR hou se a drairable one through
to make collections. O. F. MASON,
T Oct. 1. 1866. A. O. MASON.
VOlat , l o Farms, Mill Properties, City and Town
1 . 4';0, Laving property for sale will find it to their
~ .h- E ntaze by leaving a description of thl wane. with'
at this agency, as parties are constantly
, c1i7114144 - 4 farms, &c. 11. B. IdcIC.F.AN,
Real Eatala Agent.
4,1-pr Mason's Bank, Towanda. P.
AT 1110!iff.OETO:i, PA
Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Drags
liralrincs, lierommue Oil, lamps, Chimneys.
hve stun, Paints. Oils. Varldsh. Yankee Nn'
Cigars and Snuff. Pare Wines mid,
quality. for medicinal purposes
111 t.o.d, sold at the very lowest prices. Pre.
earvially compounded at all hours of the
Give us s call.
Pa.. .Tstile 24. 1.5t7.1.—.1y.
a CO:t. LISE OF gTE.I.III/11111 *MOM On TO
y l -r.T.N4TONvIc On LIVEWOOL.
(imstes old Blaek Sfax Line — of
er4try week.
' Um. of Packets from or to London,
tvo a month.
Ell:land, Ireland and Scotland
L 7 31...r partteMara, apply to Williams &
New VOTIL, nr
n.tBt.):N k Bankers,
—VOwanda, Pa.
t % l. 14r..
. C.. 4, per galion at FOS IIEACIIIM
WOOD, kirmern
Cousgsmoa AT LAW.TowiMds,Ps. •
Law:Towanda, Pa. June 97. 'ft
LW, Tomcods. Ps.. Office with Elbaoso
' Smith. south side Mayor's Block. 'April 14. 70
TOESLT AT LAW.Offlee—anner of ]Gin and
Pine Streets. opposite Porter's Drag Manz
rEAT B. R7:1:17g, DENTIST. OF
v Y
. flee over •Wickbim &Macro, Towanda, Pa.
Nay 2d. 10.
1-1 001ce In Patton's Block, orer Gore's Drug and
Chrrrdcal Stare. • • Pint 418.
South elle of Meretir's New Diock. lap stairs.
April 21,10—tt,
I. • AND COtTSMIOII Laer„ Towanda. P. par
bold ar
Corot. attention paid to businesag the Orphan
July 20,
. tom AT LAW (District' Attorney for Reid
ford Comity), Troy, Pa. Col:bottom made and prompt- ,
ly remitted. WAS. 14—tf.
P 1
AT Law. Towanda. PL Wittman attention
en to Orphan a' Cnnrt bustneaa'sConeeyancing and
Collections. ifir Mice at the Register and Recor
der'■ office, mouth of the Ceurt Rome.
Ilea 1. Mt.
H. WARNER, Phinician and
c• Surgeon. Leßayevllle, BradtOrd Co.. As. All
cans prorpptly attended to. ,Office first door south
of Leltaysville House.
Sept. 15, 1810.-yr
L. U. BEACH, M. D., Physician
e and Sew,. Towanda. Ps- Particular attea-
Una paid to all Chronic Diseases. and Diseases of
-Females. Oft-a at Ids residence'on Weston street,
east of D'A. Overton's. nerv.11,09.-
K, srv's Law, Towanda, Pa., having entered
into copartnership, offer their professietud services
to the public. Special attention given to tipsiness
in the Orphan's and Register's courts. spll4'7o
-2.. Plill3 AT LAW, Towanda. Da. The undersigned
having associated themselves together in the practice
of Law, offer their professional services to the public.
March 9. 11370-:v
gain street, opposite the Court House, Towanda, Pi.
BE.N. MOODY, , M.D. -
Offers his professional serviees to the people of Wy
Musing and vicinity.. office and residence at A. J
Lloyd's. Church street. Ang.lo.lo
Law. Towanda, Ihndford Ca., Ps.
Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphans'
Court business. Offlce—Mercur's New Block, north
side Public Bquara spr. 1. '59.
nounce that in compliance with the request of ;
hie numerous Mende, be is now prepared to admin . -
later Nitrens Oxide, or Laughing Gal, for the patm
leen extragtion of teeth.
Leltayaville, May 3, 1870,-11
ate of the College of -Physicians and E:neaps,"
New York city, Claim 1843-4, gives exclusive attention
to the practice of-hla profeasion, Offlise and realdenos
en the eastern allipe of Orwell MIL adjoining Henry
Howe's. Jan 14, 'Ca
DR. D. D. SMITH, Dentist, has
purchased G. E. Wood's property, between
Mercer's Block and the Elwell House, where he has
located his offloe. Teeth extracted without paltary
nee of pas. Towanda. Oct. 20. IB7o.—yr.
well-known house. haring recently been refit
ted and supplied with new furniture, will be found s
pleasant retreat for pleasure seekers. Board by the
week or month on reasonable terms.
E. W. NEAL, Prop'r.
Greenwood, April 20,
Oct- B. MG..
ted on the north-weed corner of Main and Did
both streets, opposite Bryant's Carriage Factory. •
Jurymen and others attending court, will e...teci
ally Coedit to their advantage to patronize theMft
v•rance Hotel. . S. M. BROWN, I),FOSpr.
Towanda. Jan. 12. 18743.1 y,
Near the Court House.
We areeprepared to feed the hungry at all times of
the day and evening. Oysters and Ice Cream in
their Reasons.
March 30, 1870, D. W. SCOTT k CO.
Raving leased this House. le nosvesdp to aocotnmo•
date the travelling public. Nopaius noresrmse will
be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give
him a - call.
ins-North side of the e public square, east of Mer
v:Les new block. .
Raving purchased and thoroughly refitted this old
and well-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff Grif
fis, at the month of Rurrimerfield Creek. is ready'to
give ;mid aocommodatimui and sattsfactory treatment
to all who may favor him with a calL
Dec. 23, St.—ti-,,
.111 Pe.. Thomas R. JonxsB Proprietor. This
popular Hotel basing been thoroughly Stied and re
paired. and furnfehed throughout with new and ele
gant Furniture, will be open for the reception of
guests, on fIATISILDAT; MAY 1, 1869. Neither expense
nor pains has been spared in rendering this House
a model hotel in all its arrangements. superior
quality Old Burton Ale, for invalids, just received/
• April 28, 1869.
. C. GQFF, Proprietor.
This Hotd having been leased by tlei subscriber,
has been repainted, papered, and refurnished
throughout. with new Furniture, Bedding. ke. His
Table will be supplied with the best the market af
fords, and the Bar with choicest brands of Liguori.
This house now offers the comforts off* home at
NIODZIIIA.TIC rites. Jurymen and others attending
Court. will And this house a cheap and comfortable
place to atop. Good stabling attached. aug,lo,'7o
At the bid stand of 8. II• ingt=o.s Woolen Factory
and e.arnal, to
In charge of an experienced *ccluinic and builder
the public may aspect a
From the recent enlargement of tidewater power.
work can be done at all seasons of tbdsear and on
as sent in. In connection- with the sawmill we are
able to furnish bills 01 sawed lumber to order.
Cal:uptown. May 23. 1870.-1 y
Price,l33 00.
ml. Machine Will Mitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt,
cord, bind, enikmoider and gather In the moat perfect
manner, and will new from the lightest to the, heavi
est goods •
ft la not a Cheap Machine," but in all respects
equals the higher priced ones, while to slmpriclty,
now.liabilitp to get out of order, and ease of manage
Aa exaninuaton is desired from all to Leatthe truth
of our uaertions. ALL &tempi's VirWIANIXD Pr:A
Towanda, Sept, I, 1810.
Floor, beet quality, per sack ' $2 Oi
" hundred 1b5.... ...... 00
Callum grinding visually done it once. as ite ea.
parity albs mill is for • large.amount
work. ' $l. 13, /12071.131.
Campton, Jilt 23, 1970.
On 3lairi Street, near the Court House,
C. T. METH. Proprietor
..:,;, -, _::‘,.!:
*WO jothi.
FAlit WE TREB Alm'Ootm.
By ars:-)toalue.
Speidcninght,Maie trot;btit fistna,- -"
:The iaNt.or gold; ,„
No ripples on the river, no stir in field or fold;
All gleams bnt narght_doth •-' •
Save the far-et/unseen sea.
Forget days put, heartbroken,
Pat all thy memory by !
No grief on the green ; hillddo, na pity in Mao
Joy that may not be spoken!'
Fills mead and flower and tree.
Look not, they wilrnot heed thee; • !,
Speak not, they will not hear;
'Pray not, they hive no bounty ; curse not, they.
may not fear;
Cower down;' they will not heed thee;
Long lived the, world shall be., .
Hang down thine,head andjutarken,
For the blight eve stocks thee still ;
Night trippeth on the twilight, - but tbeettminer
bath no will
For 'woes of thme to darken,
Anp the moon hithleft tho sea.
Hope not to tell thy story •
In the real of gray-eyed morn,
In tho dawn grown gray and rainy, for the
thrush, ere day is born,
Shall a shiging to the glory
Of the, day-star mocking thee. •
Revenant, worn, and weary
Till this,tyranny is past, -
For the summer joy shall darken, and the wind
• wail low at last,
And the drifting rack, and dreary,
Shall be kind to.hcartuid see.
Thou shalt remember sorrow,
Thon . shalt tell all thy tale •
When the rain tills up the. valley, and the trees-
amid their wail
Think far beyond to-morrow,
And the sun that yet shall be
Hillside and vineyard hidden,
And the river running rough,
Towards the flood that meet the Northlands,
shall be rest for thee enough,
For thy tears to fall unbidden,
For thy memory to go free.
Rest, then, when all moans round thee
And no fair annUtten lie
Maketh Hilt of sorrow underileath a brazen
sky I
And the tuneftdiroe 'lath found thee,
Over land and over sea.
—Scribnces Monthly
[For the Itizeorrrn.]
The World is a book—of which ho who has
seen no other country than his own, has read
but a single page."
So says a French proverb ; and it
may further be said, that the _travel
er who visits Europe without seeing
Itleland, has certainly missed one
page, and that an importaztt one.
The general idea of the Emerald
Isle and its inhabitants is often-asso
ciated with_that of turbulence, want,
and disorder—so that it is frequently
omitted from the programme of a
tour abroad : while its fine and re
markably varied scenery—the oppor
tunity it affords for antiquarian re
search—the truly original character,
disposition and humor of its people
—the interest connected with its pe,
culiar political and, social condition
=these, with various other features
and characteristics of the country,
combine to render it In fact a plea
sant and profitable region for travel.
The Irish people will generally be
found courteous and accommodating
to the stranger, and especially so to
an American ; frequently intelligent,
and " ever ready to communicate "
—sometimes, it is true, to an extent
beyond actual knowledge.
The cultivation of the soil, especial
ly in the south of Ireland, is bat lim
ited—embracing throughout its whole.
extent not more than one-fifth part.
The production of beef and butter is
extensive, and the quality excellent ;
but the most of the producers are,
alas! too poor to afford the use of
'such luxuries at home, and by far the
'greater portion finds a foreign mar
ket. As beasts of draft or burden,
the donkey and the horse are in gen
eral use, to the exclusion of oxen.
The plough is generally of wrought
iron. Its general introduction into
use I specially recommend to the ad
vocacy of the " society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Animals," as it
is of such extraordinary length that
.the utmost stretch of the imagination
can hardly render it possible for the
ploughman) to reach his team with
either whip or goad. The axe is pro
vided with a remarkably lcng bit, and
a perfectly straight handle—like that
used for the scythe (as I afterwards
observed) in the West of Engliaal
The handle of the Irish scythe, how
ever, branches out into two, some- ,
thing like the letter A, with a nth on
each projection. While it has been
dogmatically asserted upon high tind
learned authority that " a spade's a
spade," the Irish spade is in fact but
the half of one longitudinally—Ahe
blade extending out upon one side
only of the handle. Barns for the
storing of hay or grain are seldom to
be seen : the crops being neatly and
securely stacked, with a thatched
roof, and in form like that of a build-
The humid atmosphere and the
mildness of the winters would seem
specially favorable to the cultivation
of fruit ; yet rarely, if ever, is an or
chard to be seen,* and although wild
fruits and berries are said to bthibun
dant, they are seldom found in flit')
market or on the table. Limestone
is found in abundance in most parts
of the country. ' It is often burnod
'Passing one day pp the lino Eausbonrg St.
Honore, in Paris, I chanced to form some se-
iinaintance with an English gentleman of Qoa(
ker proclivities—a teetotaller for 27 years
(thereunto converted by an American preach
er)—non-resistant in .policy—not believing- . in
written discourses from the pulpit—vegetarian
and Gratiamite—the owner of a place at Bou
logne, and of an interest in shipping at Liver
pooL Touching upon the subject of Ireland, I
alluded to the absence of fruit orchards through
the country. With a lack, as I thought, of due
charity, ho maintained the idea that it was
wholly owing to the general proPensity for
plunder, rendering the idea of them cultivation
there absurd—as connected with any proba
bility of the planter's even sharing in the pro. .
ducts. Such a supposition world hardly agree
with statements made to me in regard to the
general security of peatetacks Indsimilorprep!
erty exposed to pillage. At the same time,
would it notte difficult to vouch for thosemeri
ty of the fireffruif orchard in any country, un
less surrounded by the high walls within which
English and Irish proprietors genersliyimmure
themselves? P.
for use upon t h e sod Where eulPvat4
, One - of the incist reinexliable
tures of the- country tonsists in its
extensive bogsior -mown* of peat;--a
wonderful provision oUlinture for the
cheap and neeessarluel of the great
Matte of its inhabibuibi.' tiittiof great
.eitent nre .flynna,,freque#7 14 feet
or even more iii thickness . ; mifis the
formation peculiar to the lower lands
or levels. While the formation or
origin of the substance - of these bogs
affordiftni interesting subject for the
geologist, no less interesting: to, the
Antiquarian% an acqUaintrinci 'With
the strange deposits often found be 7
neeth their =dam They *eel, like
amber, to preserve for centuries, if
not for ages, whatever may have been
entrusted, by accident or design, to
their keeping. , I have before alluded
to the kegs of "Bog butter," and the
immense deer's horns, relics of a nevi
unknown race•of animals, here die-- 1
coveredi Prostrate trees; of Italie
size, and in ;great numbers--their
wood of a jet•black color, and ex-
Aremely hero:land heavy (known aa
Bog Oak), are also quarried out, and I
supply the material fore greatvarie
ty of articles, ornamental and useful. l
Even the:, shillelnh--favoOte- 1) 111 9 -
thing of Ireland's soms'—lis sometimes
made of it, as combining weight and i
toughness. Flint arrowheads' and,'
axes`, resembling the relics of our
American Aborigines, strange :orna- -
mints of gold and silver, together
with a
,great variety ,of stonejars,
querns, and other ,queer utensils of
an unkno*u. period, tiro also found
in the Bogs, and form collections al
most rivalling the wandeis of Hercu
laneum and Pompeii.
While the country is to so great
an extent beautiful and' fertile—its
rivers spanned with - stone bridges of I
ad le construction and abound
ing hi the finest of salmonand other
fish—its plains and mountains alike
traversed by splendid roads--ita
towns and cities connected by finely
bitilt railways, and many of them dis
playing excellent architecture and
great outlay in edifices both public
and private,--its interior surface dot
ted not only with majestic ruins of
- .7castles and abbeys, but slat) with fine
modern residences—its climate re
markably salubrious and delightful ;
yet with these and • other. important
advantages, , i natural and artificial,
-there is, as everybody knows, " some
thing rotten " in Ireland, as was once
said of Denmark. " Sure and it would
be the finest country in the world to
live in—if a. man cortld only Use there,
do you see !" The great mass of her
inhabitants lack the feeling of inde
pendence which can alone give rise
to, successful industry and enterprise;
—the small extent of their uncertain
tenures is fatal to improved culture
and the true idea of home. While
the cottager ekes out a scanty liveli
hood from, the few acres for which he
probably pays an exorbitant rent, his
children (frequently, of course, con
stituting his most abundant posses
sions,) are growing up, each to need
a eeparate allotme nt—and where shall
they. find-it? Great scarcity -of . em
plained of ; even at the .shilling a day
which ordinary labor (and that but
occasionally) commands in the south
of Ireland. Many were the enquiries
made; and deep the interest evident
ly felt, concerning - America. ; many
the wishes expresa.,ed - for the means
necessary to go thither. Ours seems
the land of promise to which the
waiting eyes of Erin are ever turned.
I The amount of emigration within the
last few 'yeari has been large, and
I many of those who leave their native
soil being not of the lowest class, pub
lic attention becomes of late More in
terested- in a consideration cop.,, • the
probable results of an exodus which
is, and has been, reducing the popu
lation of Ireland's aides, and vacating
through the country many, a row Of
straw-thatched cottages. 'Brit, for all
parties there, in the existing state of
things, it is undoubtedly desirable
that it should be so. The final re
sult, as affecting our own national
prospects and institutions, remains to
be seen.
In regard to the terms and elandi-. 1 ,
tions of land leases in Ireland, the
Scotch and English, who, as I found,
were: not. generally disposed to be
lenient in their judgment of the Irish'
people, state that the-system therekst
the same with their own : claiming
that the lack of thrift with their neigh
bors of the Green Isle is only the re
sult of their lack of industry. But
Gansrose—who should - certainly be
good anthority—remarks thus in his
Parliamentary speech of Felletuury
15, 1870 :
"Irish land tenures are widely different from
_those of England and Scotland." •
He adds further :
"The Irish landlord usually differk from lila
tenant in politics and religion, and seldom lives
on his estate. The tenant was bound to
provethe land; but was often deprived of the
crops be planted. 'The people believed that the
soil Was - their ern, and that it bad been taken
kola diem by conquest and confiscation— Dur
ing the
- last ten years; while the value of labor
had remained 'stationary, the cost of livrng bad.
increased and the progrcia of Ireland bad been
- Even supposing the mode of ten
ures to be the game, it seems certain.
that if in England and Scotland the
masses 9f the'people had' no otker
resources than from the land they
themselves rent and .cultivate, their
general condition would Vary but lit
tle from that of the Irish. - The great
advantage of the former would seem
to be in the , ; prevalence of manufac
enterprise and .investment ';
and also, in their having, more gener ;
ally a , resident proprietorship, ex
pending a considerable portion of its
income -in' dOmestio improvements.,
These manufactures and improve
ments create widely diffused oppor
twaities for induitry and US compen
satzion,•to which the greater portion
of Treland'is almost uttnrlY?ii stran
ger. 'To a greater nxtenCprobahly,
than in any civilized country under
the sun, do the Irish huidlo;ids spend
their lives and their incomes at a dis
from their own doniains.
And„ thus is the Irish peasant call
ed upon—like the enslaved Israelite
of old=" to make bricks without
straw " ; thus, with scant opportn4
nity for employment, is he,Compelled
to pay aligh rent, destined merely
to swell themeans of a fereign career
of extravagance, folly and dissipation
on the part, of a fellow man who is,
I perchance, personally an titter stran-r
". When things come to the word,
the nest, change must be for the bet-'
ter" ; and'sOme tibnilei,7aCoordin . gly,
have irekand are being - -LTV. •
with: ,
Thni; the syistem known - in
Irelandna .that., of ,Midiffilae, — . -4aaeU
to n great extent in„.yogge-- - -is noir,
fortunately fpr, the lower' classes,
mostly suppressed. Under this ar
'rengement, a single individual would
formerly rent hundrels. or thousands
of-notes froni their proprietor, divid.'
ing-it up at An advanced price to sev
eral- others ; in which way the hind
frequently pmeeid through a Timber
of baba' befOie riacliing the poor
cultivator oU a few
.acre-n, who was
thus compelled-to pay' an 'exorbitant
price for his trittence'of soil:
:The " Enctitabered -Estates `Bill;'
which became a law of -Parliament
not many years since, applies only to
Ireland, and' was the result. of the
hopeless pecuniary embirassments
in which . were often ' (naturally
enough) involved the ahtailed and
dissipated min-r&sidint heirs of broad
acres and sometimes-lofty titleti Un
der its provisions, both estates and
titles--otherwise inalienable—have
frequently passed into more thrifty
And deserving hands.. The story was
told me of the returnof,anlrishman;
who had been a fortunate adventurer
in Atuitralia, to the'cottAge home of
his boyhood. On glancing over the
Columns of ,a. newspaper, while at
breakfast, not far from the place of
his destination, he observed the no. ,
tic° of the sale, to occur next day, of .
the whole esto; to—a small portion of
which his aged father had so long loc.
cupied as a poor_ tenant. He pro
ceeded without delay to the plaCe of
sale, and (having fortunately &UR
cient means at , -his command)-bestune
the purchaser of the entire property
king subsequently•exter.sivi no
provelients, upon its long dilapidated
surface. _
- ~.- • -
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Not unirequently . , while viewing
some fine manorial residence or aris
tocratic- mansion, the traveler may
imagine it still descending, "from :
sire to son;" through the lineage of
marquis, earl or knight ; but - on :en
quiry wilt*iid it to be perchance - the
property of some parvenu banker,
merchant, or professional man—the
architect of the fortune he has found
opportunity to invest in a noble es
tate, and in improvements thereon—
to which, in original hands, it would
have continued long a stranger. " B
muove!"—as the imprisoned
GAinto exclaimed to his persecutorst
"And still it moves!" Block its
course as you may, the wheel of For
tune will still revolve.
The present condition of Ireland
is too much opposed to the spirit and
progress ot the age, to be henceforth
of long coritinnance. Under the ten
dency of recent events; let us hope
that at no distant day—freed from
the social, religions and political bon
dage under which fur centuries they
have struggled—her people may
emerge - into a degree of light, liberty
and 'happiness corresponding to the
natural advantages which Providence
has bestowed Upon this fair, but un
fortunate country. C. C. T.
Iturniixo rnoi Busntss.—One of
the greatest mistakes men make-is in
their "Tetiring froui business," as it
is expressed, after they have made
what they consider reong gnough.
If a man means_ simply, Dy retiring
from business, that he changes it, or
pursues a different occupation, well
arid 'good ; but if- he means, as he
generally does, to cease work alto
gether, and live the rest of his life in
laziness, no greater mistake was ever
made.. Stick to - business. Die -in
the harness. There is no greater
mistake ever made by sensible men
1 than that of supposing that, after an
• active life from twenty to thirty years,
they shall be hay7pier in retiring front
business, and in having nothing to
do, or only some, puttering around
every day to make themselves think
they are busy. Idleness, like every
other trad e,' to be enjoyed, must
o early. A. man who has woiled .
for thirty or forty years -will fuid lit
tle enjoyment in idleness. , `ThOse
men who.retire from busineis in the
prime of life, go on to' "estates,"- or
live for pleasure, get tick of their
bargain speedily, and frequently ab
solutely die because they bare nab
lag to live for. The fact is, that work
ing the
,normal condition of man
The active use of our faculties, in
some regular business, is a condition
of happiness, and, when old age
comes, of life itselC Thigh!, the Most
sensible view of,this case, althotigh
peculiar cases may require and justi
fy a different course, now and theE
But the general idea that as soon as
a man has amas§ed su ffi cient wealth
to live comfortably he had better re
tire from active business, is likely to
lead men to unhappiness. An old
man who has nothing to do is seldom
a happy man.
Jrfamar..-In' Spain;
when trait vlitildbetLi o nfarit':dieit, a - least
is spread, and all the neighbors round
come, not to condole with, but to
congratulate the parents. "We re
joice with you that you have a c ld
in glory," they say ;.and the las
nay, the first journey of . the sin ess
babe is' a triumphant march, theJu
neral a festival; the music glad. Oh
ty the/mother weeps. In Greece, the .
last journey follows quickly upon!
death. The next day, at dawn, the
train of vtlitelrobed priests and chor
isters ;nay be seen,.:winding along the
road 'toward )-thechurch. There,
dressed as in life, and having the face
uncovered', the dead lie - at rest before
the altar , until the moment comes
when they must be committed to the
earth. It is in the church that the
last farewelLis taken, that the last
kisses`given.' What ofthat ter
rible.last journey in the cold North,
where 'the dying Esquimaux is built
tip in his' snow-house and left to draw
his last breath alone'? Or of the M.-
rican tribe, who bury the- hiqtelessly,
sick before Ideath—hurry them out of
the world altogether? They have
been described as taking =affection
ate leave Of their relatives and per=
forming this burying with the. con-'
sent of the person chiefly concerned.
Habit is everything, and they are
used to it ; only one fancies it must
fall-rather hard upon each individual
as it comes to'his own tutn.—Onee a
Week. ' -
. t
.. ci;
:'. .:,.!".1.1.-. .-'- •4r., '
, i;L:
I . }l.°u " h°2 f aneh * nk ''''''cral./ . e i ght days we sojourned, and
it is 'of
'', ki -4_ , , ..„. 0 , I / 1 40.! 104- :.. , -, that delightful time that I now pro
pose writing.
„; - i . Orvrell ' townshiP-' was originally
' ( . si i. , : ili s , it t:h.., ,ef ., o d i te h er. ,4: D . , Claittiedanider.what- is known as: the
iv* . m„, ,,e nvanylw ithms o i x wp., - 4 Old Conneeticht Charter, and in "rf3- -
tear ttadit on the Z. ,V.:.- Ifs.lß.,.,forqt. :Wien to which there was-for an . in
definite period a' moat 'bitter fight.
sPnriinil.tter-t 6 " . iitinakird county .
Th e da y : was, et - o• e n dlah ,ts.2 i . The early settlers were all Connecti
rain, but the arrattgementa -lieeFet t .-92 - 'cat nien, and have transmitted -to .I
eewli d ete.o 4 oo awar.we spe d ;e n 'their posterity the' customs, habits'
the lion- rail_ Nothing. 'of intermit, aid dialect of . the Nutmeg State
attracted our attention.-:unfil ' air "Be you_ goin' to the - apple car
thtuidering -charger, breathing . " Br ing titttile ceows," " Wall' ae°w, "
!` Linnet to knew," "Dit tell I" and
and - Freak° :from his .red nostrils,
sereamedids wild meeting; from . o i n World of other odd idioms, met me.
lit every •Peint and'amused me not at
looking:to. the :Wari
to 9nt.; e
little. ,For hospitality and ,:_greet
*mime discovered that , we, wernon
'hearts I have never met the eqals of
It mattered not in what
thelop of the-mountain 'overlooking ,that people.
the .Valley .of the . Wyoming. , Oh, :direction I treyeled; there was the
what a worhyof,,thonifht leans, . ii n to ,liarne, wonderfagenerositYeXhibited.:
life - as the lig= ftre cd rin h a i n . that If I went into a man's private
Stretching away iiß"and grounds to shoot squirrels, as I fre
down for miles, i s . one. of the m o s t quently did without first obtaining
consent, • I foiind nowhere - notices
magnificent scenes , that ever inspired
poet or painter
,Large tracts • of warnin g off trcssPassem with a do g"'
in-the-manger nnaannessois is largo
landbut in a high. state , of:*Cultivation,
ly practiced in C irbon County,
separated from each other by patch- upon the other band, the owner, if
es of woodlands, at this season of the, about, invariably approached me
year wearing the tinge. 'and ‘ tint, of warm sympathy for my suc
-More than the rainbows.: colors,
tene t incited me into his house, in
spread away*over . the valley; and
troduced me to his family, (after
down to the river, and back to the
first introducing himself) and then
mountains, and up their steep -sides
advising as to where the sport' was
to the very aummittewhere small
best, volunteered - to pilot me to the
groves of trees still itanding, cast
place designated. Throughout My`
themselves ageinit the sky, and look
-entire visit 1 - found 'no „deserted.
like castles and battlements of the
olden time:- The giert rive rent al homesteads; no poverty born
'of indigence and . sloth ; no' seedy
through the centre ,pf, the "beautif
mendicants asking alms; no ; .. pale,
-valley, adds largely to its lineally en
emaciated wives, or forlorn children;
traneuig loveliness, and completes a
no rickety, tumbledown - nimmeries,
picture before most splendidly corn- .
or bestial drunkards with 'purple
plete, Memories, too; of its ear)y
settlement intrude themselves upon ,
nose,-and : reeling strgger; and. upon'
inquiry learned that there was a full
the mind, and paint in panoramic
explanation the non-existence of,
freshness upon - the heart the. red
baptism of blood to which its virgin all these miseries, in the fact that
there had not been a licensed tavern
soil was subjected by'the barbarian
seems or grog shop in that township for a
red man. His wild whoo p fix period of twenty years. On that ac
still to burthen. the - air, as f count content and thrift crowns every
es won some spot where the devour .. -
homestead, and the Almighty's gold,
"".i flames licked up the homestead
en sunshine streams in fan happy
iof the hardy pioneer. And tis the
' hearts throughout all the borders of
''minds eye wanders. to the - far'
_ reada . the land, where the invading demo n
site of WyomingV 'and illag e, with desolating woo, has been kept
the names of the slain in that fierce
out by the stern endeavor of Chris
and fearful massacre as to-day they tiau men and women. In 'that tem
are insiribed.upon the monumental peranco community, extending over
shaft that marks the spot, a new, but an entire township, there is no want
sad and mournful interest . invests
the wandering gaze. Advaaing civ- and no crime, and no scalding tears
of sorrow over the falL-of loved sons,
ilization has dotted the valley from
end to end' with flourishing towns fond parents, or doting husbands,
but each of the sturdy descendants
and hamlets, until from the Valley of an illustrious stock looks out with
R. R:: on theimountain top the tehote
. _ hopeful heart for the advancing, fu- ,
seems one: • , • ' ture that is to crown - their gray hairs.
Arriving at - Wilkee - -Barre; which with honor and. peace. in their chil
li; the county seat of Luzern county,
and is in a most prosperous condi- di en
view from the hill near Mr
tion,- we were almost inblined to Frisbie's house, and upon: his .splen
leave the train • and sojourn. for a did property, is rapturously fine. •I
I season bi the centre of the loveliness
that from our first peineef observe- am of the calm judgment that it is
equal in grandeur to that of the Wy-:
tion recalled the familiar lines: ow ing Valley. to which it bears a re-
1 " sw,et fl i iida arrayed in living aree '---
And river or delight.- n ' . niarkable likeness. And :then those
great, broad, - smooth, fifty-acre pas
"screamedßut the bell..rang, and the whistle
true lands, graceful ea. lawns, and
its echoes over" the sur
rich as thavirginaoil of the San-Set,rounding country before our Minds
were fully made up, and so onward joining one another, ono after the
other, for miles at a stretch—how
we whirled. At Pittston we crossed
can I ever fOrget them'? ''l traversed
some imaginary lines, bounding or
them in search of game while the
defining imampary rights, and with
out a change of caul, engine or con- pearly dew drops yet lingered in the
lap of -Nature, and before the . early
actor, we found ourselves -transfer
sun had drank them uR front -tiny
red from the L. V. H. R. to the Penn.
I &N. Y. C. S, R. R. Co. Upon this blade of. grass. But in these 'early
end of our route we were under a hours I foundlnit little game for the ,
reason that from watching the Day
new management as to Superintend
ent and Assistant, and while it would King rise from his cloud-curtained
couchin the east; or the long Linea
be a most ', difficult and impossible ,
of fog that struggled skyward from
thing to improve upon the able corps
the far off river, or ' the, catttle . anon lof gentlemen who have the L. V. R..
proper in charge, yet I must snyS a thousand hills, ,or the hundred
11,. ,
[that the supervision 'of I P. Cox, other objects of pleasurable emotion
largely assisted by the born qualifi- I
with d
whi o ch that region is so blessed,
ha n time for anything else. Andl
cations of his Assistant, Mr. Thomas
so by the hour I have sat -on soap©
Desmond, of Towanda, is exceeded
- by none and equalled by few. Deg- commanding eminence.-not en tingil
is one of - those seldom met but feasting upon the splendid r
personages who is a host within hiiii- past 'So bounteously- spread before
self. While on the Lehigh Valley- me, until I was in the ,condition of
Josh Billings' goat, of whomhe says:
R. R. as a conductor, his very pres
ence in the charge of the train, was All it cats seems to' go to appetite,"
a guarantee to passengers of safety, and I have wandered back - to the
and his large experience has at last horse as -ravenous as a wolf, not -like
deserved and won a promotion that the goat "'preferring to steal a • rot
hae placed theright man in the right ten cabbage. leaf , out of a garbage
_place. I was on 'his train' once at barrel, to coming honestly by a peck
Xilendon when engine, bapgrge and of oats," but to partake - of the good'
-passenger cars, all le ft ° the track cheer that ready hands and generous
while in rapid motion, and ran for a hearts, had already prepared and
kept in waiting.
distance of several hundred yard on
'the 'rough cross-ties.- We were all 'Of my sports I can say but little
dreadfully alarmed within the cola on account, of spice. Suffi
w ce, I en
for at that point on the road the all joyed everything hugely, and Was
is perpendicular fe the' river and cti-
fully sati s fied. The 'Squiremade a
nal, but no one -sustained the slight-
handsome shot at 'a squirrel, and
est injury, for when at last the train after recovering from the recoil .of
was stopped, we found every wheel the gale, ejaculated enthusiastically,
in the entir e train again,on the track' " There goes his head, anyway," to'
- and ready for an advance: Desmond which his brother. - quietly replied,
explains this wonderful feat in rail- " Yes, and his body with it." Time
totaling with a glow• of pride and aeon sped away, and the' end of- my
pleasure, but I have never been able. visit was at hand, and I bade fare-
The road front Pittston to Waver- well `with heartfelt regret -to - friends
ly, N. Y., ,is substantially . built,. in and region; indulging the fond"hope,
aplend repair and as smooth as a however, that in theanear future—l
floor. It hugs the river for almost may renew those _splendidacquaint-.
the entire distance, andis tireless .in . antes, and live over again those
its introduction of its passengers , to thrice happy hours. '
new .scenes of beauty and interest.
Wild ducks may be seen singly or in
large flocks disporting in the ; water,
or winging their flight through the
air, and there they may continue to
be seen for all time, if there is no
other war made upon them than
-that which I waged from the door of,
the baggage car with my Henry rifle,
for while I am esteemed a most ex
cellent idiot under ordinary circum
stances, I could effect nothing. from
a train of cars flying along at the
rate of thirty-five miles an hour. I
had the fun of shooting frequently,
'however, and am glad now that I
.killed nothing, for, with all the ur
banity and kindness of our' gentle
manly Conductor, Mr. -Phil Fagan, I
do not belie - v - 6 he Would have stopped
Ithe train to get my game. We reach
ed Towanda and quartered at 'the
Ward House, where our aceemmoda
tions were first class, and the kind
limas of the worthy ost so agreeable,
that we were soon at heime and de
lighted: In the morning Mr. Hum
phrey placed a pair of horses and
' carnage at, our disposal, and in a
short time 'we were a Sugar Creek;
~disyant about 3 =ilea, and elaughter
;ing the aquirrels.: - On the evening of
-that - day, Mr. Gaylord ' Frisbie, of
Orwell, -one of Natpre's noblemen,,
diet and conveyed
_us by carriage
twelve miles into the 'eastern part of
Bradford county, to ..his S hespitable
-home, titer& for a Period of about
• -.,',.,- i 4 - , c-.-: - ;. - 1• : ':=;'.,
, .
•r. 02 per Annum- in Adv an ce.
THE Banc.—BO as for the baby,
whatever_ rudimentary arts he may
develop, he does not show the slight
est possible glimpse of the_ develop
ment of n moral sense. Hid notions
of sleep sin simply inordinate. :His,
times for awakening are the small
hours, when all conscientious babies,
are asleep. He then displays a ca
pacity for yelling which' therwise
could hardly be expected from so.mi
mite an insect.-At„ other times he
reclines, sucking his thumb, in dim
yearning after a pipe, or ddubling hiS
fist in view of life's doiaing struggles.
A baby is generally born looking ex
tremely old. One_ almost begins, to
speculate whether theiPlatonie theo
ry of.reminiscence may not be true
and whether; thus alleged baby may
-not be some extremelyiilld_gentleman
who has acted ratherAmdly in anoth
er sphere of , existencei and has an
other mundane chance given him.
Babies look awfully old and wrinkled
When they are horn. Sometimes they
look . ninety, -but I have seen them
look as'young as eight-and-forty. In.
a few days they throw off the old ex
istence, and unfairly embarked up
on this real sea of human life, where
Cloy will have rocks And shoals. and
quicksands enough before they 'can
come into Any sort of haven. And
yet there is something maddening
about a baby. Boswell is reported
to have once said to Dr. Johnson
• :
""Sir r what would you , do if yOu were
shut up in a tower with a baby. ?" I
forget what theresponse was. "Sir,
you area fool," I should Suppose, or
something - equally laconie Or straight
forward. - The suggestion is an aw
ful, one, probably , animpossible one ;
hut still the dread idea recurs: "What ,
would a man do, if he were shut up
shine with a baby ?"—London Society.
This is the point that I wish to int-,
15ress on my lady re.aders---tliat their
clothing should be suspended from
the shoulders rather than from their
waist or hips, because the shoulders
from their firm and position are bet-
ter adapted as to points' of support,
those portions of the shoulders on
which braces . or suspenders rest be
ing 'formed mainly of, bony parts,
which have hardly any other office to
perform than to furnish points of at
for the muscles, and, for
`support for the a:lair-and it is -Un
necessary for the braces to.pre-sshea
vily; on any part of the•chest , that is
actively'. :. employed in l' t .respiration.
That is why the shoulders should be
used for the support of the clothing ; we will show why the waist
should not be used. On the freedom
of the frmale from all undue abdomi-
nal pressure, us Drell in t the single as
in the:tarried strte", depend Snot
ly on the health, but the very ems-.
teuce, of tbcir 0ff51024 , --tair entiro.
race. The 'organs affected b 3 such
pressure are couiplicaied and delicate
in their structure, and if confined or.
prered upon in way become sub
mt. to' those innu;verable " diseases
of women " which Were but little
known among the sex, until the intro ;
duction of tight. corsets: and waist
bands, and the dragging skirt, and
which increase in frequency as fash
ion increases the innovations and
styles of drese, designed . merely •,[o'
please the eye(Wit - generally failing
in this cieti)• without :the least regard
to the comfort or health of the,wear
er. • Men,. who - would not be liable
to suffer one-half the injury that wo
men aiekliable to, rarely wear their
elatliino suspended this way, the light
weight of,the trousers even being sup
ported' from , the•shonlders by braces.
That the abdomends not as well fi
ted as the shoulders for 4 4the support }
of the clothing, should be evident to
any one from their - different form and
construction, the latter being bony
and resisting in character, while- the
parts about the .waist are soft and
yielding'; the superior shape and vo
sition of the shoulders is a great point
intheir favor. Women forget—in
deed many are never aware of
that the abdominalniuscles have im
portantotlices to perform in addition
to the part they play in.respiration.
This'3'sanothir indication of the great
want of education in, .the physidal
constitution of our ,in,
which is
so apparent in even those classes of
society where no pains or expense is
spared to make the pupil's education
perfect; yet , the one thing needful"
is neglected. applies to both
sexes, and until the rising generation
is taught something:of the construc
tion and organization of their bodies,
we cannot expect to hate a healthy
race of men and.women. If a baud
be tied tightlkiround a- muscle in
any part of the body so as to prevent
its natural contraction, the substance
of the muscle will gradually waste .
away, become smaller , in size, and; in
time; lose all its power. This is just
the way that the milscles of the chest
and abdorrien' are affected - by tight
lacing. ,Every physician is familiar,
with the thin, attenuated appearance
of these muscles in Women who have
been in the habit of wearing tight
corsets and bands.
Women in the lower orders- of so
despite ' their vicissitudes of
hard labor, exposure, want and suffer- ,
- lug; as
.a general thing suffer less in
this way than their more favored sis
ters of the upper orders, for the rea
son,-I think, that the poor cannot
afford the luxury of tight corsets, and
their active duties preclude them
wearing their skirts . and dresses a its
tight as the fair ladies whose hands
are never soiled by labor, and whose'
shoulders never bore a burden.
The*oustion of the relative merits
of rthe shoulders and waist as points
of Itilitport for the.clothihg has long
been discussed, and many arguments
have been advanced - in support of
both modes, but 'the, preponderance
of testimony is decidedly in favor of
the shoulders. It is said that straps
- offer the chest will impede respira
tion ; and so they will, if improperly
worn, but a little judginent will easi
ly 'remedy this defect.. It is also kid
they willjyestrict mnscnlar motion
and freedom lof exercise of the arms ;
but this will not he effectedone-half
as readily by braces over the shad
ders as by the tight-fitting waists of"
dreases.lhat are worn now. No wo
man can make her hands meet quick
ly'over her head with =the arms ex
tended at full length, with any cora
fort, while tied up in ono of the fash
ionable costumes of to-day ; and the
objection that braces prevent respi
ration itt-tiot valid, for they can be so
arranged 'that they need not, interfere
With the movement of the chest in
any wa,y,—Good Health. _
Wuv JEwEssv.-*ItE BEMATFUL.—
Chatearibriand gives a fanciful but
agreeable reason for the fact that the
Jewish women are so much hand
somer than the Men of. their nation.
Ho says Jeivesses have escaped . the
.curse4W r hich alighted on their fathers,
husbands and sons. Not a Jewess
was to be seen among the crowd of
papsts and rabble who insulted, the
Sou of God, scourged Him, cro wned
Him with thorns, and subjected Him
to the infamy and the: agony of the
cross. The women of Jndea believed
in the . Savior, and assisted and sooth
ed afllicfion. A woman of Beth
any poured on His bead 'precious
ointment, which she kept in a vase
of alabastei. ° The sinner anointed
His feet with perfumed oil, and_ wip
ed-them with her hair. Christ, on
`His part, extended mercy_ to , the Jew
esses. Ho raised from the dead' the
- widow of Nein and Maitha's broth
er, Lazaruk. He cured Simon's meth
. er-in-law, and the woman who touch
ed:the hem of His garment. To the
Samaritan woman he was a spring of
Ovate i "Limi4• if etnntfeellhona . te
judge. the woman* adultery, The
daughters of Jerusalem wept over
Him, and the holy women: _ •
pied Him to WWl , ' brougbt,Si va
balsn and spices, and, weepier, eougA l t,
Him in the - sepulchre "'Woman,
'why`Weepetit' thou? . His first' ep;
pearance,after the resirrection was
toillsty Magdalene. He said to het,
" Mary.' ,
- At the sound of hfil sofcq
Mary Nag: dame's eyes were opened
acid she answered " Master." The
reflection i)f some beautiful ray must
have rested on the brow of the dew-
.. T •
Maine-was so called as early . as
1623 from Maine in France, of which
Henrietta Maria, T Queen ofglaid,
Was at that time proprietor.- 1
• New Hampshire was the name giv
en to the territory conveyed l i ri a - s te
Plymouth Company to Capt.
by, patent of Nov. 7,1729, with refer
ence to patentee, who was Gov
ernor of Portsmouth, in 'Hampshire,
Eng,land. . .
Vermont was so called by the in
habitants,in their declaration of in
dependence;• January 1777, from the , .
French -yen! mon (the green 'no u n-,
tains.) „
faxsPehnsetts was so Called' from -
Maslachusetts Bay, and that from
'the Massachusetts-tribe of Indians, -
in theiteighborhood of Boston. T _ he
tribe is thought to have derived its.
name from the Blue Milton.
•• " I have learned," said :Roger
iams, " that the Massachusetts were
so called froni the Blue Hills." -
Rhode "Island was so called in
1664 in reference to the isknd::of
Rhodes, in the Mecliteranean.
Connecticut was so called from , the .
Indian name of the principal river. \
Coannectient is Mosheokartnew
word, signifying long river. '
New York was so called in 1664 in
reference to the Duke - of 'York and
Albany, to whom the territory - Was
given b the Kizqcof England.
New Jersey was so called in 1664,
frOm the island Hof Jersey, on the . •
east of rance, the- residence of -the
family of SO, George Carterel, to
whom the territory was granted:
Pennsylvania was so called in 1661
after William- Penn'a daughter, Syl- •
Delaware was -so called in 1603
from Delaware Bay, on which it lies;
eta which received its name -from -
Lord Delaware, who Was killed by
the Indians in this bay.
Maryland was so called in honor •
of Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles
I, in his - patent 'to Lord Baltimore,
June 30, 1632. - •
Virginia was so calledt i in- 1584, .
after Elizabeth, the Virgin.nreen of
Carolina was so called, by the
French in 1594, in _honor ' of King
Charles•of France.' •
Reorgeoras so called in 1.632, in•
honor of King . George 11.
'Alabama was so called in 1814,
from its principal river, it being an
Irilin name, signifying "here' we '
11ississippewas so called in 1800,
from its western boundary. Mississ
ippi is said to, denote the whole
river, 1.. c., Jiver formed by the
union of many. - -
Indiana was so called in 1806 from
the American Indians.
Ohio was so called in .1802 from
the river whith forms -its, southern
Missouri was so called in 1821,
from its principal river.
Michigan was SQ called in 1812
'from the lake On its border. - •
Arkansas was so called in 1813, -
from its principal river. -
Florida was so called by Juan
Ponce de Leon, 1582; because it was
discovered on Easter Sunday, in
Spanish Pascua Florida.
Boys AND Suons.—The French pee-
pie carry the-practice of smoking .to
a degree of perfection which_ c,onsti
tutes it ahnost a fine art. The men '
'smoke, the women smoke, and the
boys smoke _whether the girls and
babies smoke or not we do not know,
but they have so few - of/them that , it
does not perhaps make much differ
ence whether they do or not. The
effect of smoking; on boys, is said by
inediearwriter, who has been
investigating the subject, to be most
favorablelo;the development, not of
a manly, noble, healthy character,
but of pallor, anemia, palpitation of
the heart, a diminution of the . nor
mal number of red globules, dyspep
sia, wantof intelligence, and a liking
more or less decided for strong drink.
This information must bo 'decidedly
gratifying to tho , satNins of science
who have so often proved tobaCco to
'to so-wholesome a narcotic.. Added
to formercfidence, it will - make an
=argument so strong that. even
: that
enthusiast laborer against its axe;
George Trask, will
,perhaps see the
folly of doing any more, and give up
his work of distribnling tracts broad
tast .to induce the boys - to let tobae
-co alone. 01 course, they will not let
it alone. Its effect on French boys
is : incontestable. What better evi
dence do they want • that they can
Use it? And then again, this same
authority has noticed a very Strong
objection to breaking off. - He says,
- I 'Those .who - abandon the prastice
before any lesions are pro
duced perfectly recover their health."
This- is unfortunate. Why should
boys wish-to be so unlike other peo
ple as to be .he'_althy? If they are
sickly they ean c be petted and pam
pered, escape werk., and die, and go
out of this naughty world early. But
serionsly, Why do boys ever smoke?
Because the example is set them by
_their elders. They are theimost per
fect imitators in the world. They
like to try their hand at whatever
they see others doing. Set them a
good example' and they will follow it.
Set them a bad One and they will fol
low that, too. 2
A. RIVER IN TILE OCEAN.—There is a,_
river in the OCean. In the severest:
drouths it never fails, and in the
mightiest floods it never overflows.
Its banks and its bottoms are of cold
water, while its current is warm. The
Gulf of Mexico is its - fountain, and
its month is the Arctic Sias. It is
the Gulf Stream.: There is in the
world no other so majestic flow of
water. Its,,current is More `
than the Miisissippi or the Amazon,
and volume more than a thousand
times greater. Its waters as far out .
as Carolina coasts, are of an indigo
blue.l They are so distinctly mark
e(l, that the line of-junction with - the .
,ka water may be, traced
by the' eye. Often, one-half of the
vessel maybe perceived floating in
the Gulf Stream water, while the oth
er half is in the common water of the
sea, so sharp is 91Er line and the want
of affipitY'-between these waters; and
'such too, the reluctance, so to speak,'
on the part of- those of, the: Gulf
, Stream, to mingle with the waters of
the sea.