Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 17, 1870, Image 3

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    'abid Ittpotier.
air /AMos Wabox of Leßoy twp.,
htcred a soven months' pig the other day,
wciglied 306 ponnds.
re- The colored people of -this
r ho, will holds festival in -theit 4 ,:ohtireli this
, Thins:toy) evening, for the peciiviary. benalit
of their pastor. All aroinvited:
vt ,A . union Thanksgiving meeting
sill be IMitilen in the M. E. Church on Those
lay morning ntl.t, at 10} e'elnelt. Bey. 3. B.
SITIVART, of the 'Presbyterian Church win
plench the sermon.
-• • -
Lost—ln this' borough, near the
,tore of Fos. A: Mmccu - a, a silver portemonaia,
!; 01d edges, containing twenty-two dollars in
I, 1114 and:some small .ehango. Tho finder will
lit , trally rewarded on liaving it at Wu. Drr6
11.1 '. ( 4 k MOTO.
BASE Max.—The 'Union Club,"
of Pleasant Valley, defeated the "Smithfield
'Centro Club "ott Tuesday, Oct. 25, by a score
ofSS to 32.
Also, the "Union Club" defeated the "Troy
Club".ou their own ground,tSaturday, Nov. 5,
a ecore of 47 to 2.
MITE OCIETY.—The Presbyterian
tie Soeiety wilrbiect for the first Unto this
T .ason at the residence of J. 0. FrinsT, on
±' day evening next.
The Episcopal Mite Society will meet on Mori-
Jay t %ening next, at the residence of S. W.
A large attendance at both meetings
)leech Chunk, who has become somewhat
L I , 'on to the people , of this county, was pre
_...t„l by the Mauch Chunk Teinple of Honor
tl, a fiac gold watch last week, as a token of
nppr, elation of his efforts in the tent' er
, Mr. K. delivered several temper
„i;,, addi,sis in this county during a recent
, ci i wer , circry' highly spolien of. We
L, :it sprat! future time fb have the pleasnre
1.. :rug Lim in thu. place.
On the occasion of the last fire
several young ladies made them
,,eful by providing thC d tiremen with hot
t tt. At a .meeting of Lin-tr, Hoge .Conapany,
1 t it Tbur,day morning, the following reso
: :• ach.pted :
\Vol ar.ks.,At 'be late fires in The borough.
Coirpany is indebted for kindness
them by the ladies of Towhth
1,. That the t banks,of the •_Company
r. hr tendered .for their kindly rernem
i flirt this Company needs no higher
t duty than the approval of the fair-
::0.1 0.0 of West Burlington, will leave for Eliz
.::•• O City. ou Tuesday next, to spew] the
MeGLATuLtiv, of this place, and
Mr. WILLIAmsoN, of Wilkes-Barre, will ex
cliege, pulpits for next Sunday.
• -Miss FRANK OarrEn has resigned her posi-
Ln ns organist in the Episcopal church. The
l:.c•regation regret to lose her. Miss Mmar
11-,Ls will succeed her. •
Is. T. DT: DLET, recently of Elmira, N.V.,
song-writer, favored us with a call
. a Ft:. -.lay. He will make Ilintiesoia his home
Nt , FILEILFIRE.—About o'clocr
r, IC. diessday night of laet week, fire wax die
,. ed ue the upper part of the Ward House
alarm was immediately given, but
: I,o:standing thy most strenuous efforts or
tint building and fl mies ;EVCry
-• ...'• tt,..rr totally destroyed. All of the horses
1:1”,t Of the coutents,,of both barns were
ti be no doubt but that the
• th.• uorh of an incendiary, and that
;• . ..n ...ganized gang of desperadoes who
la ou destroying (Air town. No c ffort
~ m . i ttti.l to apprehend and punish
";..t.-).- The following is the result of
h ball played at Rome, on Sat ,
12th to lm:yen the Fleeteat" nine
L. -T:l,, and llornbrouk nine, resulting is the
! : r NINE. 11011:R1100,6
• roS. It. R. Nathc..,. - 0. R.
c. 0 10 Forbes, c. 4 3
p; 1 7 Horton, p. 3 4
Ir. Fs. 3 7 liotton, as. 2 5
11,. • 3 4 l'haffee, lb. 2 3
1' ,, • ,
It. 1 7 Brigham, lb. 5 2
lb. 7 2 Horton, 2b. 3 3
If 4 4 thlhdf, If. 1 2
11, el. G 2 Gillett, cf. 5 4
I'• I . f.. 2 G Goodin, rf. 2 3
• t Tli.• tirst ii 1111,): tiliS Institution under
tt • 1. ~tion f rr.E.. MAN QUINLA:' , r, do,,d
last. 1, !..11 c.
?..i. i r it!ii r inviinisianees, in
)ni• the
:.•,„ y. aitainid ill,
'it.; V, ;11,1
• ,1 , 1. dit to 111.,nis..lves and the Fn,nlty.
V.. 1 tin Ins n re, iewing
Ai the stuli.•• plirsuca;lattil it ie the
v.h.• prt,ent to wauev.s the
that hey could not have been exeell
• nittiAly devoted to
S t'. The sub
•t• 1. The orit4inal tivtiele-t
th•ittgla ou the part Of tilt:
•."I heji. , feet "viler thrt..aaoitf.l
•to titro-
Lti vec..lllll.llLl {LA could be
,Ito have i•luarly
I 1 -
1 tut they arc cnnltctent to sus-
V vrmi Slinirs.—ln a few days
,-. , : ~I .: I‘,. tu ,, in us in all its vigor, and the
'• - • 1 '-e preparing for it now. We are de
-,,- • ! .4 amusements by the reign of
.• ,: , -..ti e r, tet no•re are always others Intake
:. , . ! ... e. This is one advantage of a variety
• • - .1,.. E.uli has its peculiar pastimes as
tnniper. Thor, is no nionotony, but an
• ••-an: round of change, change of sport aud
. : ..i. 'rue frost Ling, while ho piles pus
. t. ar, Intecture 011 the window pane, and
..., s-h.r, gaudiest palace patterns to scum :).
1. - ..i sg s oter strea, 1 and pond,=so that the
~' •t:el, , skat:r may 1, n 1 the ringing steel to
!:.- Ic, !. and outspeed the w aids. The snow
!...d., s w.ll - itut Dols disport in the air, suggest-
Lig 11..• plclssig "r cyl , , , tal geese, but gather
' : 1 1L'..111i , •:, and firm on the earth will make a bed
• f - deezy down for the Idle sleighs, and awake
air rry untinalmlation of the bell s .
`a !Ca frolieing fun the eittberant boys find
::...,.ftetaig the storm and pelting each other
, -- 4 1 .now -balls! flow the sleds are in demand,
.'1 :-11.1 arroWy, cud pretentious named as the
.t clippers of the-sea! Indoors what
cart s and what zest in their pursuits! What
• - ;;:ol,enco.;s around the Waking hearths,
..:...., , inter only knows! What Christmas
.1., , - i , is ! what New Year jollities ! And then,
I:. :Li, there. be days of clouds ,and gloom,
~• , ~- ...,. is a step of time towards
' - .. . , ,,•ril in tears, and blushing May,
rt, crown and glory of the spruig."
:NIP.. EDITOR : It, seems pretty
a pear, ignorant mortal should be
• a I,tt*le more 14,4 it "in this day et light'
•'"'^ st..'sl,lge. We were moderate in our de
'^ • ^^, illy wanted a more light"—ar
". We propose in part to"
,rratify Lila, - 0, cruel "i^inricril'l hear
• ,•t
we, whose minds are lighted
With wisdom deep and higli
to men benighted,
'.l little light' deny?"
111 try h; improve upon thb,f` in rart,"
• • h.r ho• ore. Lt ipeak,ing
nerd ",ituated? you say—'•Dl4T uo
not all adju,c4ive and cannot
•ed a, en.., tufture ant murder `Unclu
••• a, 14 mill." 1` s • "Mut we
• huot, the difference between an ad
). • :1:1(1 a patine verb. "Strange
!••• t ^i , I.ould ever be confounded. —
I , •gwilg the gni:stall' to may that
. ) , ..issi're verb? Does nut the
• .;;Id y. , ant(ti jatit't such a conclusion?'
thad :t.t•7l ,irsigih'd to omit so touch
h a him innolon,3ou.Nrant
• •• • all the time. Our good I'm
•. • ;.d u, hom mhy not "hold
f.,••• •••lhell to g00d..?
sitnaltil an adj‘vtive is not a " high
famtula notion, neither is it so "far-fetched"
as to make thole haul than a wick behind that!'
clan stare.
!ow ear=µ Prove 'all Ahlpga.N WA tljetiy
do not "skedaddle" or "in part gratify bEft67
ovn3 tip
Rums= says (page PassPM Verb]
are:formed by adding the perfect participle of
en active-ft:water° verb to the neuter verb to
be." Page 78—" A Participle is a .word &mired
from a verb." "Towanda is situated ". - oe lbe
Busqucliantut river.", „"Is" is the itentoi _Verb
="situated" the participle. ft ts Vertvoil
from a cent , it fa et partic(ple. The verb:Skim
which it is ildrivecV is not to tie foetid in , our
Corner." Will " Fromm " tiend up one? - b
it '.‘B-0-S-H
But perhaps Mr. lintimit 4 `bsui4Alen the
round of all the Teachers' Institutes lip fall,"
and is not popular authority. We blitr him,
therefore, to Betuoit, - Com, Hata. andlllost
Waxers:a, LL.D.
The Doctor situate and lhitintted" ad
jectives. Says that "in the Hilted States situ.
ate is less used than Situated, bat both are well
authorized." Here hills definition of situate':
" Peraianently fixed; placed; as &town situate .
on a hill or on seashore "—or on the Soar'
quehamaa river, it. u please.
Ho you see, "Pro " "we are not alone in
our opinion on thiii Meat," and youhavecvery
reason to hope. • !
You were "able 'to spent folio of the big
words "In my forinclr artielq/(You could no t
have done-bettor had you / had the 'drill' is or;
thography at the Institute.) A little investi.
gation of the facta:now presented and you will
understand them,/ Shortly, you will be up with
your class, none"tlie worse for having spent a
week at tho z Te z acher's Institute at Leliaysville.
Prof. Stitinuaszn did not take'iway as Much.
of ” lbolieople's money" for all he did, as the
paople paid for hearing him read ono evening.
So do not elniae_tbat any longer. You have a
'capacity for nobler things. If you como this
way give us;a' call: We are Minion. •
Q tv TEE Comm
Chimney Corner, Nov. 10, 1x70.•
.G/ 4 EANTSI3B.—( Contin
ued.) r-
"Tuesday morning, May 16, 1815.
"Igautso oi run CUIJICTI '
"At a Court of General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, &c., commenced and held at the
Court House in the Township of Towanda, in
and for the - County of Bradford, on Monday the
eighth day of May, in the year of, our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fifteen, before the
Honorable Jour; B. Ginseng, President, and John
McKean and George Scott, Esquires, his -ease
elateS, Judges of the same Court:
Upon the Petition or the Inhabitants of the
Time Phu laid out for the seat ofJu.stiet iu ilaid
County, to wit—Simm Kinney, Chas„P. Welles,
Harry 'Spalding, Ebenezer B. Gregory, Jesse
Woodruff, A. C. Stuart Adam Cooly,
Emits, Andrew Irwin, Burr Ridgway, and
Holden, being all the said in ; And
John Franklin, •Jniius Tozer, Joseph lintnev,
John Saltmarsh,Joseph Einglibury,DaVid Paine,
Michael It. Thorp, Ezra Spalding, Nathaniel Al
len. Salmon Bosworth, Edward tierriek, Ethan
Baldwin, and other atrzens of Bradford County,
setting forth that the Inhabitants of Towarlot
afurecativl have C.N.l:SilatoUsLY selected the - name
of )lON norm •
. -
for the deskgnatiou of said town ; And that the
Petitioners, the said inhabitants and others,
citizens or Bradford county, have concurred in
the adoption of said Name, agreeing to intro
duce it into general and permanent use;
therefore respectfully requesting that theflon
°rabic, the Judges aforesaid, viould permit the
Yutitiou aforesaid to be tiled and remain on
Record among the archives of said Court;
" the Court permit the said Petition to be
deposited In the Lidice 61 the Clerk of the Court
"rer curiam,
‘• At te,,ted : ' Jolts B. GissoN,
•• CHAS. r•. WELLES, Cllr. Pretudent."
It appears that the citizens were not satisfied
with the high-sounding name of Monmouth.
Before the year had expired another name was
recommended, as the following item si itnesseth:
" The name of this village having become
the source of considerabloimpetriosity and un
reasonable strife, the editor, willing to accom
date all, announces a new Elaine tins day ; may
An interesting cluipter might be written on
the various attenap4s at naming our county
seat. The matter was not. finally settled till
1828. The ptestint name was then rendered
perwumut by legislation.
A number of political items have been over
looked in former communications. The neg
lected fragments are here gathered together:
"May term of Bradford Cu. Court. Ilepubli
cans-tuet at Wl.ll. Means' house and appointed
Coin. of Vigilance, viz :
Athens ; Col..luhus Tozer, Edw. Herrick,Esq.
r.sier • Capt. Joseph Poaell,4;:lijah Salt
.s'illithjltitl; Cul. Samuel Satterlee, Capt.
aurzer Cieruuld.•
ll'elles; Capt. Lie°. Hyde, John Cummings
.Serioalieid; It.uben Wilber, Noah. Murray
Columbia; Isaac Wheeler, Esq., David it
Burlington; Col. -Samuel 14elicau, Samuc
cos/on ; Isaac Chapel, Esq., John Blimp.
Towanda ; Eliphalet Mason, Esq., Capt. John
Mintz. -,....
.i . Asylum ; Bartholomew Laporte, Maj. John
Wind/win ; Edmund Russel, Jouathan Peas.
11"arren• Jatues &men, Benj. 17. Case.
Orwell ; Major David Olds, Joel Barnes.
Pike • Isaac ROSS, Esq., Itathel Stone.
try/ImMif; ; John Joseph Elliott.
llzystix ; Jonathan Stevens, Esq., Geo. Scott.
Samuel Satterlec and _Samuel McKean tip
p,,intial a committee to confer with Republi
cans of Tioga
T , 0.a1,• 27 29
" Republican Meeting in Durliugron twp.., a
uuae ,d Muj. Ebenezer Kendall, ltdb June
. -
1615. Capt. Nathan Ballard, Chairman, John
6,:e. Cul. Samuel Idelieau nominated
"Republican Meeting at Capt. David Wat
none, Columbia Twp. Samuel Strait, Chair
man, David IL Hazewvll, Sec. Samuel Me
Kean nuniinatcd."
"Federal Republican Meeting at CoL H.
Spaldiug's Moanuouth ( Towanda). E.
It. Giegory, Ch., Hu am Mix, Sec." (Augtn.t,
" Wysox ; -Cul. Wm. Allen nuntipated for
Sheriff b- public meeting at lioyibe of Olin
'Co Hicks,
"John M. Sec." (Aug., 181.1)
"Democratic Meeting. (Towanda?) 611 -
Ch., Henry Welles, Sec.
Hem, Senati4
- Sdntuel McKean, Assembly.
. Julius T, , zer, Sheriff.
Jahn lloliennaek,'Counnis -3 yr.
Samuel Satterlee, " 2 yr.
Ilenben - Wilmr, Coroner.
Gordon 1.14,1% it, Auditor.
"12th Sept., 1815."
"F,dcrais p•nninated, at Gd. 11. Spaldipg's
John Fiat&lin, Senator.
Joheph Kingsbury, Assembly.
Ebenezer'B. Gregory, Coroner.
John Spalding, 2d, sneriff.
Salmon Bosworth ; Commi3-3 yr
Nathaniel Allen, " 2 yr.
Theron Darling, Auditor."
"Another in the field. Wm. Allen A:
John blintz, Slientr, Charlet; Brown, Commis
sioner, 3 fi r., Jonathan Stevens, Esq., 2 yr.,.lleu
ben Hale, E„ 1., Coroner, John Ilane.uck, Audi
tor. BnowN, Ch.,
TIIO3. H. WutrE, Sec."
"In Bradford Co., Jos. Kingsbery's vote for
Representative was 117, agaubt 114 for
Kean.: (1811)
"Satonel Streator, J.P. for Orwell, Bradford
Co., Jan., 1816."
" Republican -Committee of Correspondence
for Bradford Co., in the election for President,
April, 1816, Samuel Satterlee, Chas. F. Welles,
John Heilicitback."
The series of old time gleanings will conclude
with this communication. There are in these
quotations scores of biographical, political, and
other useful hints, for the purposes of. those
who are interested in local Itistor . Y. If the con
tribution of these copyings has been the means
of awakening a communicative spirit in the
breasts - of those who hatto been actors andpar
ticipants in some of these bygone scenes, and if
thereby the fund of useful Information should
be increased, the purposes of the copyist will
have been served, and lie - will consider himself
amply rewarded for the trouble taken.
• sr4 MR:EDITOR : On a - genial Oc
tober mottling we departed from the hills and
valleys of fair and freedom-loving Bradford, to
wend our way to the busy scenes of other 'sec
tions of the old Keystone State, As we passed
`llinnequa and An- her late improvements, we
wefc forced to say, PEriu ilEimic does not m
er n!. the credit from Western Bradford that he
Along the Lycoming, new - dwellings of vit.
lions forms and dithensions are frequently met.
This may be accounted fur by knowing that the
new inclined plane just north of Ilaist 'on affords
a passage - to the top of the mountain, where
there is sunlight itilabtuulance and the sun may
be seen to rise and set. It may be well to add,
the pimp e hare 'never had-any difficulty in as
certaining when it is noon, as the sun shines
just then at all seasons of the year, except. per
haps, when it is cloudy. Thus the people are
blessed with a good "regulator," and for aught
we know the 'inhabitants of Canton and Wil
liamsport hake made arrangements with the
"operator" at Itab,ton to sold a dispatch at the
Instant the sun reaches its meridiawgreatuess.
We found a little mure than 16,000 people at
Williamsport, many of whom are Germanata
few "Bradford county Yankees," and some oth-
er Individuals; days were
silent in the iv...hod-room, causing a "hankci.
14111%16 to aloe tons, tiel
to &reit:our ingoings, upgolngs and out
to Hoopla° schools Of the city. , . The gentle
ma* thiPerintendint, Hev: lions,
kindly offered hie iervices, to which we aro un
der great Obligetions to him. We .viited 'six
teen out albs forty-two schools, having mop.
portunity to see the work as conducted in the
various grades from the primary to the high
school. They are fairly graded,' the tesmifieis
are ult4 o4l !cidliPdiffirrAUX.4 oo 4.,44Pfe'r
iituliE - 7Misliof the' echoer-rebuts ish &corded
with pictures, house plants and , ferest leaves.
Some Of the teachers are exc,lient, indeed.
J. C. Dosive and lass Etersii Dose% of the 7113
_Want whoa* and ProkT- . asstair,- are hemß radtord . oonrity .
Grakt(e cat Bußeffn,
the Sun, and theAtiteateroippear , to be in a
flomishing coudition, although the typos of one
office cluumed to be in :II "sliding!' condition
as we pooled by the entrance; 'but as soon al
the 'stamps " dire were handed out all.went to
As we were passively carried away from the
'city of Hearne's many advances, in the beauti-'
fel West Branch valley. our mild but
revert 'to the many thrilling scones. hat are re
lated by the old pioneers of this region.
Our desire to visit the schools of Lock Raven
would not be abated, consequently the City So.
perintendent, Prof. A. N. Barn, received a call
which mimed in several schOol 'visits. The
Professor is President of the State Terittier's
Association, and Alive. to ednattkinatinthests
of his city. On the following day County Stk.
perintendent A. D. ROWE conducted us through
the remainder of the city schools. A. T. Lao
:Lit, of Bradford county, is priecipal of the
FiftlfWard schools. His school-room is deco
rited with pictures and wreaths of Bradford
county ferest !bates. The schools of this:Mace
have improved much since we visited theWie
'63. A State school building is to be erected
here during the coming yiar.
'lt is impossible to tell how many people we
met here, as the papers only give the popula
tion of other places ; but this we do know, that
there are many Dutchmen, a score or more
"Bradford county Yankees," and some other
Although the county. is democratic, yet the
republican ,organ has the greater number of
Perhaps some one asks, How do the schools
of Bradford comity oompareawitb those of Wil
liamsport and Lock Haven? Well, taking every
thing into consideration, they compare very fa
vorably. We. are confident there, aro sortie
schools in Bradford that are as good as the hest
we have visited in either or these cities, yet
there aro some that - aro poorer than any we
have visited in either of them.
The standard at teachers' examinations in
Bradford is far superior to one which we attend
ed a NW days since, in one of the central coun
ties of the State; Two hours and a-half, only,
were spent in asking questions which any child
ten years of age should be able to answer.
L'raillard county roust ho the county of hot
cakes, Lotter and honey ; at least, ono would
think so as ho passes along the streets of Lock
Haven and Williamsport, and Beholds largo
"posters" declaring "Bradford County But
ter," "Bradford County Buckwheat'Flour," or
Bradford County Honey For Sale Here."
Nov. 10, 1870. OTIIIDDLE STYX.
Rome,-21/r. Editor: We have had
a !Ire in the borough, which has furnished us
with an unusual and not over-agreeable excite
ment. I have gathered a few particulars for
On Sunday evening about 10 o'clock, as the
Rev. Mr. SHELF., on hiireturn from the.usual
pastoral excursion, hact.just put his hers° in
the barn, he noted a peculiar column of smoke
rising from the rear of Miss Wastimmx's - tibuse.
In a few minutes signs of fire-were but too evi
dent. Baying the alarm immediately and rush
mg to the house, Where the inmates Were wrap
ped in sound slumber, he was obliged to dash
in the door and hurriedly tell them of the dan
ger. The gathering neighbors vigorously Set
to work to get things out of the building, as
that Could not be saved; it was reduced to ash
es in short order.
They succeeded in getting everything out of
the lower floors, including the stock of milli
nery, a valuable piano and ether articles; but
the bedding;-.clothes, and everything up 'atairl
was licked up by the devouring element., The
fire caught, probaoly, from a heated stovepipe
in an upstairs room.
The Baptist church, next to the burning
building, was saved by desperato.exertions. It
was fortunate that there breeze at the
time ; if there had been even a slight - wind, it
is not to be doubted that scores of btiildings in
the centre of the village would have been swept
away. I understand that Miss WASHBURN has
an insurance of $2,000 on the various parts of
the property. The building had lately been'
enlarged, painted, and lint in .a state of thor
ough repair. Miss W. has the hearty sympa
thy of the citizens, as she is a general favorite.
Mr. SHEILP may be regarded as a practical guar
dian angel. But for his timely discovery of the
fire, lives might have been lost.
The following officers have been installed in
Rome Lodge, No: 479, 1.0.G.T., for the present
quarter: W.C.T.—P. L. Carom:Lt.; W-.V.T.
S.—Fmsa. Rroowax ; W. WOOD
BURN; W.T.—DELLA WArri.ra - ; W.C.—S. E.
SEELY ; W:31.-1. B. EDDY; W.D.M.—Leev,At.-
°En; lI.H.S.—Eu.a Yorso ;
1.1-avNaeo ; I.G.—Aneir BOWMAN ;
WHITAKER ; P.W.C.T.—E. Car.v. The lodge is
flourishing finely.
A post of the G.A.R. lies been instituted here
by 31aj. of Perkins Post, No. 202.
.1t is
mimed " Spalding Post," No. 217, in honor of
Maj. SPALDEKO, killed at 'Gettysburg. SI3KM
liuSSELL is commander of the pool instituted
last October (sth). Meets each alternate Sat
urday. Next meeting on Saturday, 19th Nov.
The concert at the M.E. Church greatly in
te•restcd 0 - ell-filled horse. Want of time pre
vi,nts me fromglancing at its ink resting fea
tures. The same eatse simply allots me to
mention,that the Teacher's' Association meet
ings here last week were very pleasant.
Mr. Citutsrr.u.'s school commences next Mon
day (21st). The last one was an "eminent:led
Hymen has Loen waving hillorch among the
yeuthS and maidens of Rome.' : YAIIO3I.
llt~ he annual meeting of the
Bradford C'onnty Teachers' Association was
held at Rome, Nor. 11 and 12.
In absence of Presides:, 0. J. Chubbuck was
appointed Chairman, and (1. 11. Barns Semi
taq pro tem. After devotional exercises, the
reading of minutes of last ASsociation was c-. 11-
ed fur ; approved.
The Business Cotuniittce reported the fCiow-
Mg, which were accepted:
1. Re/mired, That the " Common School Law"
ahoulu be so amended as to make education
2. Reantied, That a graded school should be
established in the central part of every town
3. Reao/red, That teachers who habitually
peruse the light literature of the day, not only
net a bad examp.e, but pursue a practice which
unfits them for the proper discharge of their
duties, and which should prevent, their employ
ment in oar schools.
yin es second resolution discussed by Messrs.
A. A. Keeney, 0. F. Tong, 0. J. Cbubbuck
and P. L Chrispell. Discussion arrested. Ad
journed to meet at 2 p.m.
Met pursuaht to adjournment. Meeting call
ed to order by President 11. Armstrong. Mu
sic by choir. Discussion xesumed by Messrs.
11. E. Pitcher, H. Armstrong, O. 3. Chutibuck,
Supt. Kinney and P. L. ChrispelL Music. A
committee appointed to nominate officers for
coming year; also one on membership. De
demotion by Frank Vaught. The third reso
lution discussed with much spirit by 'Messrs.
Keeney, Pitcher and Chrispell.
The order of bnainess arrested. A recess of
a few minutes given for the purpose of group
ing and photographing the members of Asso
ciation. Called to order, mom music, and dis
cussion till the hOur for adjournment.
' Music., , Declamation by I. McPherson. Miss
M. Addle Pratt, at request of Business Com
mittee: read an essay ; subject, "St. Brandan's
Isle." Miss Lizzie Rico sang a .Scotch
playing accompaniment upon guitar. Selected
readings by Mr. Loomis, of Watkins, F.Y. As
were disappointed in lecturer, the time was.oc
cupied by answering questions till adjournment.
Called to order by President. Devotional ex
ercises conducted by Rev. &Jelin:me, .of .War-
Ten. Music by choir.
Committee nominated 11. E. Pitcher, Towan
da, President ; A. Leonard, Liberty Comers, lst
Vice . President; Isaiah McPherson, Lave
Tine, a t . ; sopigkkilleney,34 &h . ; Miss
G. ILlliirstlyftlie, Itennantl l36 Netalil
ItZliar4*. Orials i lllta
0.1. Chnblipet - authorizoilio t V o r pzi lef
combine... , .•
Cdnintittie cairn betiblp!epoit thebiatit
LIN. Wattles, Ainsnan thilitiew; Waif* T 174
lot, Lacy Alger, Wait A. Pitcher, Moist's:
W. Cllngftli:WainViirtlMAiThigtery, C. IL
Tingley, S. Allen, 0. H. Taylor, Bey. IL F.
. .
tcrliseidatifia &win
years of age, who told us something about edts !
cational masters in Connecticut 60 year, s e go. ;
Tinitellaidiewlibilinvdid'ASSoidition and
Resolved, That the attack of g 4 certain* per&
biers with regard to the County Institute is un
called for, unjust and indecent ; and that we
re-adlrm the resolutions passed at _the several
Institutes, and heartily approve tM Manner of
conducting-the loNitutslb pursued byerir Conn. !
ty,Superintendent. .
. Also the - •
74iotred, That we tender the eitizensoflitome
our hearty thanks for their generous receptimx
and, entertainment of the members of Associa
tion, to the choir for their excellent music, and
to tie trustees for the use of 4 ithe church.
Adjourned, to meet at litonrocton the senotai
Friday and Saturday of February, 1871. :
G. H. Muss ?
ILT. Vicar* Pietdpeni.' ' •
Enrioreri TADLE.--Scribner's Mondi4 .
ly is something new in Magazine literature, .or
rather it is the offspring of Hours at Home and
Putnam's. It . spraug*' btim their. ashes, for
they have both ceased to'exist. ' The first ritim,
ber Ie before us, beautiful. and inviting in all its
appointments. It looks attractive and good
It Is published by Scribner do Co., and Dr. J. GI
Holland is enthroned as editor. It is bountiful
in Must - MMus and engravings. It promises td
be one of the best finntlymsgizinesinthe con*
try. Subscription price is 73,00 per year. The
first three articles arr. Illustrated. Jeremy
Train—His Drive, is a humorous poem by Dr,
Holland, with spirited ilinstritions, and would
itself redeem the number frnm dullness if there
were )10t4ilig else. 'The Bottom of the
with a imbiber of illustrations, pushes the in•
vestiOtion of the naturalist . into ,44movince
ithirein our tuff:Midge is exeeedingly
It is by T. Edward, Clark.'"A Day' with Dr.
Brooke, also illustrated, Ii in interesting , ac.
count of the working of an institution to re.
claim homeless, friendlese and tudortunatechil
dren In' New 'York: 'Following these are Notes.
'qua, The Bondage of the Pulpit, Twice Alone
—A Tale of Labrador, The Writings pfaeorge
firDonald,Fair Weather and Foul, Mitred-Cain
bennede—An Autobiographical Story, Tapers
of the Times, Books and Authors Abroad, Books
and Authors at Home. , • -
-Tor. PENNSYLVANIA SUPOLI lomat,. roil
NovEnnin.—Thbi educational magazine for t l i t e
past eighteen years edited • and published
Hon. Thomas H. Barra/es, but recently pur
chased-by Messrs..l. P. Wiekeraham, State tin
perintendent of Common Schools-god J. P. Mc.
Caskoy, its late Assuiciate Editor—has just reach
ed us, with the valedictory of the late veteran
editor and the broad "platform " of his succes
sors. -1t ountainsM large'sizel pages Of mat
ter of special Interest to those at .work in the
educational field; Articles by Messrs. T. H.
Burrowes, J. P. Wickersham, A. N. Raub, Hot.
ry Hulick, J. G. Moore, Edward Brooks, J. J.
Anderson, and others; a familiar 'lecture win
the Second Day of Creation,—of itself worth to
many a teacher, a year's subscribtion; the edi
torial and official departments; educational M.
telligence and book notices,—all combine to
make this a richly freighted number with which
to inaugurate the new management. SUbscrip
non pnce, Five or more copies, $1.25
per copy. Specimen copies, 10 cents. An at
tractive clubbing arrangement and premium
list will be found on the third page of cover.
Address J. P. Wickersham .k Co., Lancaster,
Pa. Every teacher should be a subscriber.
—The first number of a nevi paper published
at Harrisburg daily and weekly, appeared on
the 3d inst. it is called the Pennsyleania State
,IpurnaL In its prospectus it lays:
" It will be devoted to independent foul/al.
bun ; will defend and advocate the rights and
interests of the people„ and will assist every ef
fort to advance the religious, edncational,Mor
al and social conditions of humanity. So long
as the Itepnblican party continues to be, as it
now is, more than any o th er political organiza
tion, the enactor and defender of liberal and
impartial laws, the protector of American la
bor, the promoter of Amerksti 'manufactures,
and-the leader in all great reforms, the Jour
nal will advocate its principles and defend its
principles and defend - its policies."
It is well printed, and exhibits ability in its
editorials. Me hope this paper' May survive,
and become a worthy advocate of the great in
tercets of_our State. Daily, SG; weekly, U.
Address sate Journal, Harrisburg, Pa.
Tile Go/ery for December is already on our
table. This number completes the tenth vol
ume. The Galaxy has made a reputation for
itself, of which the conductors may well be
proud: It bag really become a necessity in the
world of magazine literature. In the January
number a new departmest will be opened—a
department of science, which will be under the
charge of s distinguished writer m that field.
Hr. Mica/mt. GRANT Warm will early in the
year begin his series of articles on American
isms. WEILVLS—SingIe subscriptions 1-1,00; sin
gle copies, 35 cents. SLIELDON & Co., publish
ers, 498 Broadway, N.Y.
A few more first-class board
ers can bo accommodated with board and
rooms, by applying at No. 32 Second Street.
ai' Mrs. J. D. AUX is selling Mil
linery Goods at greatly reduced prices. First
door cast of Red, White and Blue StOM Bridge
Kir A new one-horse covered Car
riage, rubber top, for sale very cheap for cash
or will exchange for country produce, by
Leaves hold their life lessons
and seem trembling with thouglas as they lie
shrouded in splendor upon the ground. Try
are already giving back to the passing footstep
the rustling sound of the fall. There is noth
ing, says Hsirruonse, more autumnal than
that sound. We are more disposed to muse
than moral Lie over their decay and death—and
yet they recall Girrns's elegant expression,
"The year is passing away like the sound of
bells!" Let it slide. In the meantime, don't
let the opportunity now presented by McCann
3ltx to buy all kinds of family Groceries,..kc.,
cheap, pass unimproved. If you,
do yon7lnev
er-cease to regret it.
WA- Mr. 'Veen may ll* called the
pioneer furniture man of this section;fishe was
the first to introduce in this market a full !ap
ply of Furniture. His establishment now` Hasa
reputation extending into several adjoining
ounties, and his constantly increasing sales are
evidence that ho sells-cheaper than any estab
lishment in Northern Pennsylvania.
Cnoss, the 'book man, leavei3"
for the cities this week for his stock of holiday
goods. In the meantime, hal will continue -to
sell books and mall paper a littl lower than
anybody else. . .
P.117.1180N & KENNEY will be
p:..pared.. to famish Thanksgiving "fiXings"
to their numerous customers and the public
generally. Examine their stock.
tes,...rumsEy's husiuess has multi-'
plied so much that he has been compelled to
rent a large storehouse for his Furniture. Ile
is selling very cheap.
ttir F. W. BROVti, druggist; PAT
TON'S Plod, Maur-Street, has,,_ a complete, as
sortment of goods in his lino. ' -
Millinery Goods reeeiv
ed at the sign of the big Bonnet, apposite the
.Court House, Towanda, Pa., this week. La,
dies, call anil see the latest styles, .
VzcToui Curtonio PiaroanaPus.—
The latest and most elegant Style made,not on
ly an infringement but an ImprOemeut on the
celebrated putchChromo.
Made'by EtAlarm; .t'Grerrnt, and especially
recommended for the holidays.
tar If you want Christmas Pictures
sit for them ttoti. t Ilastobra tr (tram will fur
nish you tlps_best plctures made ` at reasonable
pricektheir — Work is excelled by tione. '
Fresh Oysters, Sausage, Mine
ecl Meat, Poultry, Laril,:Tallow, Smoked Hams,
Fish and Fresh Meat of ill kinds 'at anti', &
Mr - nn's Mdit Market.
aS. Gowns, & elm 'have a splen
did atocic•of Teas, awl woa't be beat in Trice or
Ater F. J. Ckiips is just opening
three laindied dollars' want of Diaries for 1871;
comprigiug, all the styles, which selling
very cheap. • .
ATMTION.—More New Goods just
rccoired at the now Dry_poods House of
Brifte Street, Towanda.
Fon 5u5.=2,111120. etiture $
W° ":"Nril l . k 'S`fl u6 'l, If 0a 7t i:rr
,11,111-Arsort-1 1 Xrutt iegffips 3fit
mierOiciolfirit*ilaiiliaiiilainprice. Emit
_~~,:: a:, ~....
ie. A splendid lob. of Cloaks apd
Cloaking', at Erase & Humana's.
Eviaeit 'si
*TV yoti want the - best - 13 hack
, Alpacas in market double-taco, silk lustre, go to
A EVANS & Unman".
ec-T. A o :. •
stir The best „Velveteens in mar
ket, at ' EVA3I§ & IlttDastmes.
'fir Black Mid colored Velvets en,
on !Aisle!' at ' " '
Ladies'. Wrappeips and Dr_tkiy::
irs,andit lino.oF-.thildr gn ' i.A'T*p&ere, at
44 nthitsflL;lToviin44-,P*4
wet, changeable season/ VRten t
when throat and ling Ilia ,4 ;P r a arelso 'frequen4
Pp ,iho t'Fof jzi Idinitibtimposawok
promptly arresting their progress by - inung the
proper remedies. The thousandi who die an:
nualiy of consumption were first attacked :with
what they thought to be only Cough or
cold on the tireaat i , aqd erroncpus3y hearing it
would 'wear ifseltoCueglected the proper rem
edies until their disease timminateil in consump
tion and death.
HASSON'S Com Syrup of Tar never' fails
in curing the worst cases ,of - cqughs, , colds,
hoarseness, catarrh on the breast,. sore &oat
and asthma. It is an infallible remedy for
whooping-cough. It is no private quack Prep.
oration, being prepared under the immediate
supervision of a graduate of • the Pennsylvania
Medical College, and prescribed by some of the
leading physicians in the United States. It is
strictly a scientlflo-pregiSiratit*, coitainfig all
the medkal virtues of the Pln3 Tree Taro in
concentrated form, combined with the 'best
demulcents - and expectorants known to the pro.
fession. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold at F.
W. BuomesDrug Store, Towanda, anti ICEMEN
e VAUGHN'S Drug Store, Wyaltudng. Resent ,t
Lucius, Proprietors, Philadelphia.
Oct. 6,10.-dm
-BEEBE—BOWEN.— At Leßaysville, October
30. 1870, in tho .11. E. Parsonage, by Rev. 8;
E. Walworth, Mr. Sherman W. Beebe and
Miss Melissa IL Bowen, both of Warren, Pa,
WOOD—COLE.—At Lcltarsvillo , Nov. 1, 1870,
in tho M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. S. E. Wal•
worth, Mr. Aaron A. Wood, of Rush, Susque
hanna CO: and Mrs. Elizabeth Cole. of fair.
dale, Pa.
SCRIVEN—BiRDICK.--Ociober 25, 1870, by
Rev. B. Amos at the brida'a fathefq,.llr..l.
A. Serivem_oeNew York City, and
y iss Carrie
Bindieli Of Albany.
HOLFOItD.—In Granville, Oct. 24, of fever,
Dora, youngest daughter of George and Elvi•
ra Holford, in the 17th year of her age.
KINGBBURY.—In Towanda. Nov. 2, of scarlet,
• fever. Eddie, pit:ingest son of A. 11. and 8. A.
Kingsbury, aged 3 years and 24 days.
JOHNSON.—In Towanda, Nov. 2. 1870, Willie
Clyde, son of J. B. and Mary S. Johnson, aged
2 years, 4 months and 14 days.
VAIIGKAN.—In Keokuk, lowa.. Nov. 7, 1870,
Mr. E. 0. Vaughan, son of - Jhhil and Jane
Vaughan, Wyalusing, Pa., in the 32d: year of
his age. Deceased leaves a sire amy two
small chddren.
lars. B. B. Werra, wife of W. G. Warn, was
born lion 29; 1830, in Towards, 13isdford Co.,
Pa.; moved to Marion, lowa, four, years ago,
where she died at her home, Sept. 10, 1870.
She was converted in 1858 and united with the
M. E. Church. In her hogur, in the social cir
cle, and in the church, her life was pure and
beautiful, and in her dying hours her faith was
clear and Unwavering, in JESUS as her Severe..
During her-Illness she talked calmly of death,
and when ahe cable down to the margin of the
river, she took an affectionate leave of her hus
band and daughter, who mourn their loss not
ai those that-have up hope:
"There is a voice by sorrow heard.
When heaviest weighs life's galling' chain,,
That voice is the Almighty's word—
, 'The pure in heart stunt meet again," .
Mi.. Highest price paid for all
kinds of Ferment Produce, at the Roil White &
Bluo Store.
ter Good Molasses at 44 cents per
gallon, at the Red, White and Itine..4toro,
Bridge Street. Nov: 10, 1870.
Norlca.—All persons who are
members in good standing of Union Lodge No.
108, Union Chapter, No. 161, and Northern
Commaudery, No, 16, are hereby notified that
An election will be held at Masonic Hall, To
wanda, l'a., Dec. 21, 1870, at 6, p. at., for the
purpose of electinv a President, Secretary, and
three Trustees of the Masonic HalLAssociation,
to servo - one year.. H. B. AlcKaia, §ec'y Ma
sonic Hall Association.
RED Asa Coin.—This coal requires
less draft than the hardleit white ash coals, and
burns freely and all up clean—leaving heavy,
red ashes, of less bulk than those or any other
coal. It will particularly please those hones-•
keepers who have been using soft or Barclay
coal, as it gives a st'adier, more _durable and
cheaper fire, and much less objectionable op
account of flying ashes.
I would be pleased to have the citizens of To
vranda, and vicinity give this coal a fair trial;
and am confident it will give good satisfaction.
kayo au aizea and. at same prices as other coal,
'O3. Orders left at my Office, No. 3 Mercur's
Block on Park street, or at F. J. Calkins' Book
Store (Post-office) will receive prompt atten
tion. WELLIES.
Towanda, Nov. 9, 1970. _ ''
S Miss JENNINGS has recently se-
Mired the services of a first- class Cotter anu
Fitter, direct from Now York. The patronage
of all desiring anything in the dress - and cloak
making lino solicited. All the latest patterns
on hand. Rooms over Rock - well's store; 3d
Nev. 10,1870. .
. Mr. Wm. Datriehlaving teen
appointed agent for. the Burdett Organ in Brad-.
ford county, Pa., we would Most respectfully
request any parties desirousof purchasing these
instruments to give bun a call, that aull fig,l
it more advantageous than purchasing at -our
Ware-rooma in New York.
C. 31. Tcitittse & Eno.,
Nov. 10, 1870-2 t. al Broom St.
lo- Dr. H. C. Porter, Son & Co
kosp Taylors celebrated Electric Oil for sale.
Nov. 3, 1870.
Foiz LiE2.7 UNTIL APRIL 1, 1871.-
Ono of the finest and best located Stores in To
wanda. Enquire of Griffiths 4. Platen: or ,H.
Barris, Mercian' Tailor, Bridge street.
ligv. 3,1870-4 w.
Si' L. L. MOODY having" sold his
Store, gives notice to all indebted. that he trill
remain at Rome for a very short time only. All
matters dne.must be paid by the 20th or this.
Rome, Nov. 1, 1970. •
„Mir The Winter Term of Williams
port7Dickinson Seminary. et Willitunspart,,Ta.,
a school for both sexes, will begin January 5.
1871, with buildingsthoroughly unproved, new
Philosophical Apparatus, new pianos, 'a, full
corps of efficient teachers. The school ia -wor
thy of public patronage. Buildings comma
dions—situation delightful,
'Total charged per year (English branches),
For further information address the Presi
dent, or sendAtr a mitaintfo.• .
W. Lr.r.'Srorrawooo,
Nor. 10, 1870--2 m. President.
• Miss BlzesDp 7 6,. thelikost fash
ionable Millinery amr , Dressmaking . Establish
ment in Towanda, one door east of M. C: Met
eor's Dank. Nor. 3, 1870.
. •
WANTED-100,000 fe lt Beech, Birch
and Maple Plank, for which the highest price
will be paid.
Also,Ann good Cabinet Makers.
liyalashig Nov. 7, 1870—tf.
lam" J. P. Keeueri the pp opnlar and
fashionable Boot and Shoe Hater, still laves,.
and hls shop still exists over Bockwars Gro
cery Store, opposite the Hears House. .Every
body and his grandmother go there . for Keen
er's make of Boots and Shoes. A call from old
and new friends will cheer him in his temporary
adversity. He still sticks to his last, and his
work • cannot be excelled. Special attention
given to Ladies' custom shoes.
Yours truly, J. P. linnut.
T vp.7a7,74",..j i
.., ...__,- - A
$: $ $ t ir:: , ,to : 0 .tell: I ....
.i• IBE s.
BED .Sii I , : .4ill . . :4 t
and respectftdly Resits s;ao- , / pf
goods and t qr has beta p ,
chased en as I
sell kir READ Mabel contl4enri " al
alitobinpiatW•illtileliMr *UR illie • •
• , telli in tho. &bitty ° i.
-•-t° , llisvwplld ,` ' •011 4 641iVittistiktili thr '• • •
don of Damao firtmind wartiwt.,theln
My assortaleat'arW l .Mlirplete,
ratrktp i r from M - MM CENTS to 0 :-
DC" A ll O OPPLIP 1 111)*
to order,' sow al ans lowest pries. tltie ~
a call. OEO. L. ElPvtlnr *,
tantiValhalltirklB7o, , m-nr,i ~ , h lt k ..' ~.17,
"R=te secianaatm - seiviiimaidiiei
tat WO at A bargain ia lowa= & Black 4a
AL*, lifaeldne Needham, Oil, Thread, Bilks,
&e., &c. April 28, 1870—tt. .
e millet and :l4 4
clothing for men.=O M
• • York-, HEZS .. it co
• 4 Bridgo qtreatt7?Zasadl—
„ , _ -
• •
ettrnos.—All 'persons are hereb y,
Zet i telia * * W fs; s t r at lN (11 I / ter
1124, dated. Oct. 8,1870, ' satenOte ° w:i 'pro.
cured tor.rabotrorataatattt i arodErsiad and will
not be esid. • • ' E. E.
.2fr,491 r ,./.4 187 ...,1fti.5.' .14:h.: T 14,11
F.wris & HuDnsru L -
418iftE3o .to
north of Ward Honso, i fff f
Oct. 27. 1870.. - 1r: Co.'
imia at the
{ , god White k Blco; Mom Bridge Fit.
hoz,: ;•••._) r ‘ PrAx,rdoss nzbowita
air Heart, HARWlterehittlPTiii4
lor, Bridgg street.
1 .
as. Barnett's eelel?rated flavoring
extracts. tofliale V . ',' :' :: tjy' )' ;IN. J. Loma.
Juno 10,`1870: ' {
- v
' tj i`SciteotC;Z-Tliii ' IV/int:Or" 'Tenn' . ' - of,
nopik.44e.w.yArik. wm*snce • liondsnliov,
21, Itl7o;anTeontinnd 17 - weekr. !Those wish?
ing to enter Op eclippl 19111,u4 It ,to
,their all:.
vantage', to alipty vany. 2 '1
. . ' '
. - L. CUIUSPELL, Principal.
, Miss A3I t tNDA O.ILISCIEU, A"
, Nov.' 3,'1870=4w:
'rood's delivered to all
of the Tinge &co of charge. - Red W.
1826. MONTANI'ES 1070,
Hive jtist opened a large.and carefully select:
ed stoeki of goods , for' the tall trade.- Dress
Goods, Slieetings, Flannels, Prints, &c. Teas,
.ttntrara,.BsTum and' Vlthoceriel a 'all itindec c at
New York prices. Crockery and Glasswatwrof
our own thaportation, in fact too extensive
stock to itemise, bought exclusively for cash,
and gninuitted to be sold at lower prices than
ever offercol tithisnarkV. cr -
26.. The course pursued by the
Cascade Mills, of selling good flour at tho low.
est pessible i prices, is productive •of nuteerottil
advantages: - It makcsa rest market for tho
superior wheat of our vici ; supplies con.
sumers with a cheap and '
who mo article of
fresh ground flow, and as a natural result makes
active business for tho Mills. War in Europe,
drouth, and short crops, are having the e ff ect
to raise prices; but this Mill at all times sell
at antrum= prioss. • , - 1 1 'r , .
July 28, UM. I
IS. Sell your, Butter; Eggs etc., at
the Red White and Blue Store.
ite.... , Casb - • paid Cot Grain ;at the
ed White and Blue Store, Bridge St. I owanda t
ipayi , ' Candies of all kinds, war
ranted the hest, at wholesale and retail, cheap,.
er than the cheapest, at -Ry. Red . White. and
.Bltte Stosi.i • • t/Ot. 13)10,
prrmx c a's. 11.4*, Store,
, ,
east of Mereurli 'Bank , , first door, where you
will find' Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, Violins
Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Accordeons, Clarion.
eta, Flutes, Sheet Music, Instruction Books , for
all Instruments,,Dlnsie Books and all kinds of
24tutietil Merchandise. —'• April 14, 70. •
Da. TAYLOR it GORE, Merchant Tai-
A Ntur TEttiza IN TowaNia.—Lathes
Furnishing Store, Millinery, Dresslud rant;lit
ing Goods, in Beulleman's.licts • Bkidgrt
St., Towanda, Pa. Mrs. E. C. Acaenatsit wonld
isivei-tfully announce to thelthies of Towanda
and vicinity, that she has leased one of the
comtinxlious store-rooms in Beidleman's Block,
on Briar4 street, ind hatNipened 'a' first clasp
Dress Making and Furnishig Store. Ladies'
and Children's Goodiwready_ wads, constantly
on hand or made to order. Madame Demorest's
Pattern Specimens every monthpand furnished.
to-aLl_desuisow them. By using pa:wingless:l94i ,
ors to please onepatrons, we hope to secure
char© of the public patronage. Please call and
examine rim- goods and prices.
COPIES TO ',TAN. 1, 1871.
TUE COUNTRY Onmr,ElktiN FOR 1871.
"The best of all Agricultural Weeklies In America."
says The Horticulturist. New York.
"it has No Equal In the Entire:Field of American
Agricultural Journalism."—Maise Farmer.
has been much enlarged atid . .improved during the
past year. and cesitinues do maintain Its former rank
Tully. Including all the departments connected With
the Cultivation of the Soil for pront or pleasure, it
Is its aim to promote the beet interests of its read
eria.—to protect them from fraud atullabsehood,—to
provide them* with the information most , essintial In
their calling,—and. leaving to others the task of fur
nishing she 'transitory entertainment of the hour, to
present our periodical of frequent issue, always fresh
and seasonable, sod especially &tap/alit every do.
partment to the practical wants of the Famine and
In extent of Correspondence—lu Practical Sugges
tions—ln AgileUltural News—it to believed to be
WITHOITT Ail EQUALAand ft should be placed in
the hands of every Farmer. Frudgrower, and Breed
er to the country. , For them, ua well as for their
wives and children. the interest sufavalne of Its ben
tents have never before been ad 'greet as note.
_ .
TERMS,—Tho terms are lower than those of any
other paper of similar standing : One copy 81 50
per yam ;• Four eoples. 89 ; Eight copies,
I)I) Alt NEW Subserity , ra to THE CULTIVATOR
AND vOUNTRy. GENTLEMAN for 1871. payingja
adranfe; previous fa Om dati of 1871, WILL REFUTE
THE Paean WEEKLY, from receipt of remittance to
January Ist. 1871, wrrnour CHARGE.
W Any person wishing to try the per before
imbsertliing will be impplled with copies regularly
from date of applicathip to Jan. Ist. 1871. for the
nominal price of .2k:emits.' :SMOLL Nusmans AB
SP/VIXENS. FREE! Address.. !;•"--
hereby Given that there MIS been flied and set
tied in theollhie of the Register ed 'Wills, in and for
the county of Bradford, accounts of administration
upon the following estates. viz:
Final scot of S. B. Pettenglll, - sdinr of Samuel
Pettengift, late of South Creek. decd.
Final acct of Humphrey Beckwith and Heury
Hibbs, gnardian of Watson E. Barnes.
Final aect of A. N. Spalding, executor 'or Abiram
Spalding, late of Lettoy, decd.
Final acct of Isaac Stunt, guardian of Mid= Mor
. • .
Final acct of John Beardaleti' and Orlando b0w
.... , admmofJatuee IL Balmese, - -•- •
Final acct of Geci. - C. Page,..admr.ot Amos Cornaby,
late of Athena tap., den*.
Partial stet of Al Elleimar, guardian of Ediiin
Purple late of Troy. .
Final account et Gaol' Gnunios: adm'r of Itobert
llidzway, late of Witiox, dro'd. • '
Partial noel *Mary E Harmer, guardian of iglu)
aid Purple. late of Troy.
T. I. Lim
Oct. 29, 1870.
New Advertizentditis.
DA ER. TUCKER k - SON, Publimbers.'
Final account of Roth McKee, miner of Jeremiah
Rogers, late of Towanda. deed.
.kr14.11 acc't of Ebenezer Snell. ea'r of John snell,
late of Pike. deed.
Final 'eel ol_A II Bishop, ezo'r of Shepard Piece,
late of Wyao:`,44ec'd.
Final acc't of James Vandyke, adm'r of Andrew
McQueen. late of Ulster lisp.. deed..
Final acct of Mary E former, guardian of 11
Partial wail of Aaron Allen, guardian of tin
cola A, &ovum.;
ALSO—The appraisement of property' set off by
executors or administrators to widows or children
of the following dim:dents, viz:
Estate of Jared Philips.
• A. N. Russell.
" Samuel Brown.
Jamea B. Howe.
, Daniel waitmau, •
C. L. Waid.
Diodate Spencer.
, Geom. C. Hare..
And the same wifl be presented to the Orphan's
Court of Bradford county, on THURSDAY. DECEM.
LUX, 8, 1870. at 2 o'clock p.m., for confirmation and
allowance. , C. E, (MADDING.
Oct. 28. 1870. • Register.
V virtue of an order tuned out of the Orphan's
Court of 'Bradford crinnti.• the finderafghed Eve
cntor of the estate of 7amesll, Martin, deceased,
will sell at public sale an PreEPAOS on. SATURDAY.
wovEmsta 26. 3810. Mn' o'Cloek p.m,„the
ing describod lorplece or parcel of land situate in
Asylum twp., in said county and bounded on the
north by lands of F. H. Hornet and Hiram Decker,
east by lauds of M'Donald and others. south by Al
esander King and Bichor&E..ollbert, west by Mad
ison Decker; eontaining about 12; aeres on which is
erected a house and Shed.
TERMS—SAO doom and balance on Confirmation
Nov. 9;1870. " = Executor.
rie of a NS
rtu p order Issued out of the Orphans'
Court of Bradford county, the undersigned guardian
Of Harriet E., John 8., Fred A. and Charles Felton.
minor children of Stephen Felton. late Of Towanda
boro', deceased, will sell at public sale at the Court'
House in Towandi boro', on THURSDAY NOM!.
13FR 'BF 1870; at 1 o'clock; p.m.: the following lot
piece or parcel of land situated in Windham town.
ship: bout:del on the north by lands of N. Cowles
and G. W. Webster; on the east by luta& or Jona
than Payne; on the south by land of Austin Gleason
and on the west by the public tilghw.y; - containing
about thirty acres, more or less. . .
Tarim—cub on confirmation of sale. •
EMILY B. 17/110N Guardian.
• Sept. M. 1710. - •
fiv.itz•k•..roltaaft,„ - 4-
- ..t.',.:. N , ;:,.', - _, -- ;:','.". 1 " ;:',', -. ::;, 4,F
• ?,' 4 4.50. '371 . 1 /
owEr.x lc CO.
" Have.reeeitied a very large lot of
• - • ,;?,-.,-,1(,:-.i , ..-1, , -.-_,l t li.::
mestin - - Cotton Goods
,`..- .
sines the great
and are nownelling - the very best
•Tet Yid .
' •-• •
4 . t. ;
, - tiXtti f
I i .I._
f 1 1
Also another large lot of
now selling at
equal to the best manufactured.
Also, from the kite Auction stiles,
IDB,MSS C3-oops,
many of which ive Enlng at
'A large lot of both
1 • ' '
Also a splsoclitistock ot
which are being acdd'at
Not. 0,1870
- • -
Ask attention to t heir- great variety
of all kinds of •- - .
wth auxiliary Air Chamber.
with combination lictuth and Door.
are the leadi,ug patfOrns of & t-dim',
I •
. 'and PIONEER,
And the greatest varietylof
ever offered by us : comprising the
NATIONAL, AND nvoßrrgt
for *arming upper moms from:, the✓
Chimney, Oithotavipes, the
4oddbilf,lusiiii a Co.
JWA•tD.A: P.l
- Dealer.
'43•;(0%% nioN, ,;
4;0 . 4' '4C.
The Imirroved
With knainelled Tank . .
AND .1131;.-HOT BLAST,
Besides these we have the
Also Biiib's niamna-
the -best in use, and the
At Factory rates. ,
Always t:11 hand.
`ti 1 t
oOCD 0 . g
7 - c , 5 ,
` l '
.CZ 5'
cr it
.a ,7;
O. a- • ( 1)
g • .1 ,-
7 t •
I •
Good Stii(.4 Knives and Forks at One
Dollar per set.
Universal Wringers, Bench Wringers,
Novelty Wringers, Doty's Wash-
ers, Brass Kettles, Porcelain
Kettles, Tinware,
&c. •
Roger, &,Brother'g
in great variety
Kerosene Oil by 'the barrel at 28 k ; . t4.
per gallon. •
Dupont's powiler . hy the. keg $3 50
Rifle - " 650
,Ageney for
Not excelled, It equalled by soy They always
&DOING, npssraz.. k co.
It great variety
Saws,, .
Boring :Machines, •
• • Vises, • , .
- Bpllows, k )
Drills, •
Wiinviti? the naention of bglders to our superior
Ai'well•aa to our Jewett's Pure, Excelsior. mid, other
'reliable brands of
Wagon Makers and Carriage Builders would do
well to visit us, We hare Philadelphia flub, Jersey
Spokes, Fine Arles, Feßoca, Springs;"Tbils,-Le.
Oak spokes i :2l4,in. per set $4 00
if tt 21i n. « • 350
• 3 00
We haya
7 1 r 1 LT,'S'AWS, PACKING,
Pistols OF all kinds.aiways on band'
St. Germain Studeni , Lamps, Chutth
Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, Gas
Pipe, Pumps, Iron. Sinks,
Burdens Horse
National Horse Nails by.the box,
54 . 1 •
at _22 cts."per pound.
Houses fitted with Gas. Pipe, Fix
ures, Heateri,' 'Sze., on short
Sowed', Nov. 16,1670. •
. __ . , „
WlERlE r rdat et ifilittO Of
KY a writ of Irib& pale,, [ — eft ei Ss Cant
4%rota i rgaZtim4 di
-4191.33rAT, al
Or MOM . jp.
4 4 . 0 1111/1411110164 1 411.
r ep. IngeriTottv,
taste awuptlillfliew4 tl cimay i
amore fro a
filall l lo , n'int '
A =l. Rod= alto Sig spatogAgg.
WO& ilfftat sa.lllw.` ' J 1 e qi: 4 -i i nt il.M
ill WA
Mitti==. MisinSiMtak
iffiltattili bplattil OM"
ttY 44 att . :llmM? #iiwill4n4leakigt4o all. -
'tor wand. to , two omit' or NW' sitattpe
d g S alt lMC4dri wigs alltolitined tlinglitif taw
an a few trees tharsow
'' nth-OWe other hkridiiit 40 Piriel'at4ii4iib•
tiAtiet#4ll l444ll Mbillie4ll
4. IV. Oritlitt„ east byWd of J
• sontbby Enicatit.;inite lator br , lime *DIP**
lu z 4 e li tZZ lll 4lZetiMi / 0 4 11Ple
les, all imp 0
• , &Maid Mid tattailluto amble 114 - fintilrea7.
g, BMW* ton /VOL V... Oath 1,041fr0. list, I
' 'sl.llle w. n ftftwimiiWpfiteat or paftel 'or land
I d a f ira=nda lmr . li dtt ina Ccoo CreZ i a lgr a
of AiE. KenardOiloptlifer of 41:1E. , ski
twit by the North 8%44 coarkst rCatitalai liters
of hind, More of to a framed
as as 'Lehigh V paicinglifialidatillabpdide
uhti r, 2l sc dtieed. - , , ,_• • , •. 1 .th. t i. •. •
'Phe one eiiipt DMptryir 'eland
sensate. inglikil 404 SIMMIOIIO
xi ityi 1114.
op/tough audit pn. k ILL Qom k o u .
flit cast by badVeif Vettifilmellistil 'ad Nth
tin. Fi l u fr c haunalt a rflOtri.lo las ifsste(r% Vsi
J. E. NUM, Coil Laing ages, mortiz a =
acres Immured:NMl )015gimet
r r-01- ...rwi b vp, - 04A5( P re / 11 40AV
ca thereon.
' acirad.takeiatioiliteantioidailholiantotheas
Wood'eape ra.. rult=id,
Ai.B9-Tterto tit' kap,
alma. in Rotwelinsnnhirkiboataled Maid
lir*: ems Russell, east by bead of Dayton
swath ( hens entinhattteerara;Meea. ilia! fa
animU. 144 'Weikaitystana If ThotimoViMidlls4 i Cillb•
tabling 80 serener land mom or less, 40 acres las
preyed. a home" dimes, afrattaalliagnalflintald
Itultidt n taken 4"fwth ieltrtiltb ei tf litriatrtil ' .
,bureliemobeßis ells ga. llalaelf. LOU- 1•...'"17 ) I
Ate' ' h
fonOdnltlot, 'O/sr moral cd,lagul.
sibuter in
Pilo teen:Alp, lotteod mr ihe dbetb by
. 00f;Ilarill: Morrie red Amara mot tm
land OA= I. PPI" , south bY h IMP;
west by bind of X: 0101011 i. MO twee
onee or leta. shoat 80 / 1001 1 1 ifinalitliar*„.
wd illwellitighon'se framed lhte tan; Mid
two trawled barbs; and shads abiewbA liode)ron
tress thereon. . ~ , ,-- - ,_ : • ..., : i
A1.80,4b ut o th er lot. Piece orparest sit' . W, ant.
ate in said township of Pike, bounded mot*tipbind
of. Edwarkl Owens, east by land of- William di Rolla.
south bylltad of Wm. J. NOM. and West by bialltot
Thomas -11 orris.. Cootaining 75 urea maravr,ksa.
about 45 acme improved. .
AT.4)—One other lot. Owe orilwrool - of bud. at:-
4 o in maid township of . Pike., bounded eqq tie north
by the public blabway. east by lands orble. /inherit.
month by bind of Mort ImerPtait. Atla *lad BY Wag
at Oman Welles. lad Tian Mood..=nignelli.
acres of land. came or laws. about. 46
gebing mid taken twtoerooMisat. the swa t =
maardie re. Richard Ashton.- ~
Aifit)---The tallowino lot. piece 'cit; lime& et fad.
situate in Rome township. b , nowiset on_oo.22oeth by
the pnblichlahway leading trona Worth =ale church
pant Aaron Drake toßsene bora% sad imbued of said
Aging Jamie, south byland of Indust iiilchalfalls lad
'weattnr the public ldahway leadineftentliordelioro
to Litchfield. Coutataing 20 arras of lands; Maim pr
les,. all irLlMOred. two framed houses. Wind •
barn and eowilsed attached. nue framed- gash.
eltd,corg holism. mul a framed hiadomenle, aod
ao apple orchard thereon, - •-__. -
Selaed and taken Into execution WI ftwifillitif Ltd°
Dolan's gee' vp, Janet Randolph. •,, -, •Th,
H „ . ,
'ALSCI T -My, 'virtue of a writ ofF! Fa., the &awing
lot, piece os parcircif land edema Lit Mhanyl.toent
chip. and bounded op the north by laud. .Imdallt
Eimer and 'Michael Roney. east by land If
Ryan. sunlit by the estate of John Clynec„Alotrit. mid
A. Waltman. and west:by John. &lad. Cotittotwit
-to • &veal More or lem. 72 am, On'prowed4 with a
plank howte. two log, arms, one framed grating:rood
an apple orchard thereon... ~. •
to " ti
&mei and taken into exentatiowoliddi
11. Utz ca. Jacob Naafi. _ ' ,'''
ALSO—The follccwinkt lot, pi eat r
9r laud.
satiate in Towanda Rom'. bou, tbb *Mb by
land of Wm. Mix. on the east by, Mud oh AnOIII
gainllVlLMOlltli by the'old plat* rasa; atatt west by
44111 of Wolter Welt ; being about 50-feet front&
said plank road, and about 75 feet deep, with a oae .
story framed house with basement thereon:. •
&amid endetaken into execution at the coif pf Jai.
O Frost vi. Thomas Fltrividittn. . ,
A.M3 id the unit of Jas. (?. Float ex Thomas Mts.
• ALSO-Tile fotlowing Tot, pteavorp i rcel'ot tan!. •
situate in North Tcnnizida unewahip, bonded itatai•
tes‘e.vir: Beginning on the wistbink of the h'calh
branch canal at corner of Bolide Granger's land.
thguice westerly , by said Oranitisila bad about thirty
Arches to corner of James Finuerty , :sla ti nd, th ence _
sentheely by th e saineand lands of I ar ofol,Owita
Brady about 150 rode td',Jelisi gdee, And, thanes
'easterly by mid Woe bag rbetd.2o 'rode ID WI -
canal. and theme ' northerly by llieinatial abortile
peirhee to theldsee of lantlquing. Cantaintea 147
en acres of land, more - or leak ; wi th a stOturquartg
Seized and taken into eieLtfon st:We suit of V.
,terson k. Rinney vs. John Cantwell, . 3
ALSO—The following lot Vete or parcel Aisne.
Fituate in Terry to rnebtp. bounded of the birth fry
land of Nelson vanderpool, east by azure= Mani.
sou Calamine. Sanund If smarty and Plablick Mc
(Mire, eolith ar kind of Teentellrellee and'Willtarn
Storrs. end west ti p Motet Ades Layman said Sam
ecl .10hee on. Containing 358 scree °Spina ., woe. or -
lee., about 75 acre* improved. with °held, louse,
one board houie, two fringed Woo. 4 1 4:ST 01 131/ 6
orchard,' thin-on.
KL,S6--One Other lot, 'pities or weal or land. sit--
nate In mill Terry tow - I:Mirk:bounded as foltowe
Fleginning al. a. past r.oruer tbenco by land of Corne
lia,. yanderpool „south Ert% dqt.. ea.; 08. per, tolt
lwroltwk. corner. thence hy• len& of Urith Terry.
,onth deg. Wet f'..2 Per. to s post carnet:Um/es
by the rams north deg.!, west 0 vela° spas!
eorndr. tiMore by land of 01 re. D. Wheeler, north:lt
dee. east 23 6:10 per. to A, white pfne:startrp COMM
iiol3 CP by the same north 81),‘ deg. weet.4 Per, to.s
pok.-and clones` corner. thence by the 'other Linda
north 3 !,4 deg. mist 38 4-19 per. to Slid idare'ef begin
ning. Containing' 25 acres, atore,or lesa.iabout six -
acres improved. with a small house thereon
Seizeder.d taken Imegeetdron at the snit -of 7. r. •
Kirby ve. J. W. .Denniaon and N. Yarehall._
Towanda, N.v, 8, 1870.-
_ ,
virtue of an order tamed out at. this,Cuphaa's
Bonet of Bradford county. the undermined 'Adzatn
ttaratria of the entity:A Wm. IL IratmASeed—vitt
sell at public age on the premises cal TEVESDAY.
DECBMBFII 1. IMO. at 2 o'dock p.rtm. the foltnwfme
'dewaibed pieewbf parcel of. laud alba* ist , lforth
:Towanda twp., bounded and - wtfolltnrat
Beginning at a corner on west lined Alansist Love
lace and 'north-east corner of Badger's .14k thence
along north line of Bader, lot, sonata° dega. 30
min.. went 134 perches to pnblia .111gbleryLtittlizuc to :
Towanda bow: thence along the, time zipdh.
demi. west 31 rio.tontli Perches' VI fbe'smdb-went
corner of dames Fosters tot, thence stow the same
north 61 dens. east perchcs to- the northiregt
corner of said Lovelace lot: Thence along the , tabs of
• the liana south 24 5, (Imp. 36 mfflen4enths: perches
to the place of beginning; containing' 21 acres and
31 perches.
ALSO--AdJoining aboveloL a piece booaded aad
described as folloars:• On the oat byroda Toed lead
ing from Towanda , to Athena.. aoritta.Aoath sad
west by other lands of said deeedetat; ednalagada.3i
acre. more of. lees.
ALSO—One other
. piere of bad adjoining the
above. and bounded Jae fotbows: On A. north by
Charles R. Brolitiind the lot above deilettbed.• east
by Towanda road. wroth by BenbelikXiiProoriltaMeat
by Uncle belonging to estate of Alin late So .0.
Adams. excepting therefivan 2 atures'ad}ottdial Ren.
n Oi.Long. which ham been set aPaft.Pao o 4
containing• alter deducting the 2' setts set
the widow. about 36 acres! • ' -If
ALSO—One other piece of land bottidlciillilael
A. and A. 13r: liardtert, and &teethed Billows:
Beginning at a petnt eintre of the Toiratufs road
on the north.line of other lands of. wad aocedeat
herein ; tieserlbeilt- thenits to a westerljoiliseetko
Wong sallied montltred lead • 21X, kande*
dr stones; titmice Insnortherly dir ecti on parallel
withlhe Tlrstinda roads rods to table lad stones"
corner; thence in an Oderly direction want with
the north line of other lands of said deosdent. 2a
and % rods to nm of the highway; thence sealkh•
erly along bald highway 0 rods to the place of begin
ning: 'containing tame. strict 113e111111te. - • •
• ALL of the above dereribed iota. ptaeea . or pine I*
Oland are a part of thr farm own 44 by the raid
William H. Wrttr. demand+ and ao n tantteel•
er abort Yr acres rod 111-percher. , •
TEMIS—Five per cont. of the mahout money to
be ratit when the property to -struck down: $3 per
cent. et the confirmation of sale satt the balance
with Interest annually, from confirmation In three
cqtthl installments. MARY P. WARTS.
Nor. 3. • •-• katmlnistritrix.
IT-Drrows . P. Kir
hs.l44 Rif:lord 'Airreff—lfo. Term.
1470: In the Court sd ComnionPless; of /30edford .
&ooty. . • ,
Tho undershmed an Auditor aPpeihtedt lot said
Court to distribute moneys lathe hands of the Sheriff
arisino. from Rberffrs said of defendants personal
proorrty:willattend to 'the 'ilutieent'seld appoint
mont sit hie °Mos ttnisp Bm•:h 'Tavamilson
TIM - miI:AY the lit day of DECMt: MIX at to'.
clock p. en.. at which umeand time idtperonful hue
ling claims to said money are Waled to Ramat the
error or ho debarred front mown upon fald find.
• • O. ThileliTANTE s
No - v. 3; 1870.-4t' . . , Auditor.
NoncE- 4 4,iani,„
P. mains, Orr W. Ram
awl .I.frirt Wilt-h t.:4n the • Coati of Common
Pine of Branford Ocientyvita. 604 Ifehrsegy Tenn.
ThA 1'21041.10*d beidngLeeti aptwlated Atiaitor
add Court to distribute. mane, lA. Sheriff's. sands
ra!oint from sale oftor W. Milers real eltife, will st
feod to thicAnttee of tahlisppeletnimat. at bat Mice.
in die Borough of Fow eadp.E on )LO DAY. the 2et
dap of N'OV..IIIIO, at' 1' at .which
tiny) and place` ell larentis hawing define .op said
moncr. are reTicstst to *seat the me pr be de
barred from coming In fors share of - add money.
. • PPag:
26, 1870-4 t - ' • Malkter.
AUDITOR'S.. the'
Matter of the estate ad Alslrani Pienras.'deed.
In the Orrhan'a Court of Bradford CoOnty.
The u'etrared an Auditor
_eupoeted by said
Court to dispose of *licentious sled the Partial
Aeeonnt of Win B Pieree.eteentor of Xbistm Pierce.
deed.will attend tq duties of tda a at
hie office in the borough of Towanda. on the
2nd day of December,. 1614, t 1 p. lb-. it videb
tune and pace all persons ..lasinig .elatmA, to said
money are requested ter present .sueliebdlns. or be
debarred from coming Drirpon laid tuna. '
NOT. 0.11 . 1704 t. - - Auditor.
United States for the Western Instalet of
Pennsylvania. - In the matter of =LARD ASH
TON, Bankrupt,.
To whoa it may eatmerts.—The undershinedltereby
gives notice of his appointment as Alidgßea 0: alCh
ard'Astrtort; of the township of Ptke,ta , thercounty
of Bradford. mid State of Pennoplants. whits aid
District, who has beau adjudged, a Bankrupt" upon
petition of hie yeediteis by adjudge
District Court of
said District;
Dated at, Towanda, bet. 21. 137 i). . •
. P." ithart Asidgose.
VsrlomlNG irnamt & ONTA
- RIO RAIL ROADO.—The commissionete
named i n Act of Assembly. approved the 18th
i by of meal, A. D., 1868. to incorporate the Wyor -
.tog Vallex and maul° Rail Road company. will teeet
at the Cimptown Hotel. Bradford county to open
books. and recelva eubscriptlons to thocepttel attici
of said company on tho 28th. 29th and3olh of Nor.
next. . C. S. LAPTERTIT.BeVy:
ar. 9, 1871.;4t