- TEEMS uB pII13149(1,21011. raz Durrrosii,. Eamma is publisbesi IMO Thsisda • Wails& 4411 /I'.. W.Azefflio I t Tr, potters per erIPIRee, te • :• zir- Adverts's* Irkiti-bissoksaskialre !mbaat• Mp• Lion to Um paper'. ^ -• 4 * • • • : • • splat•L NOTICES Insane:dot ihrrsatir Clarre per IA or first lnaerttoo, sad Fns- asST• per lief far enbseygent tesertioaa, • • - • LOC.II. NOTICES, male aty , le es Yeaamgmatter, rwrCTI CENTS &IWO. EU'fISEUEISTB will be - iniforteg b:: hP !„posing table or rates : • • • '- • • lw. 1 4w I $l.OO I' 3 . 00 . 5 . 00 1: &MI . :VICKI I A•li l - . . 6 20.00 c i”B 1 - 2.00 5.00 .8.00 I 10.001 1.00 1 :Hu • - - - Ea 3 - 1 - 27E5TC00 1 le.oo Imo va.poi 50.00 3.00 I 850 lioo J A8.23.151.00 Mitinr7l -I‘ MOll 2.4lo ,ll§:lo l 4 2 jrni 8014 . 43:60 10,01) 120.00 ►-80.00 1 40.00 1 moo p 5.00 sio 1 atm 1 110 Q 1150 ~,,:— P Eo.OO 140.00 A im.nistratoi o itild Fakt;tiesiiatioos.42" Audi ,r's Notices. $2 AO : Business Cards, On line', per ,r) 55, additional linos. Al ••••• • • • • y e 1v a. isertiaors are entitled to.nnarteely changes. ,tocent airertigementannisthe paid for inodeasce. .11 fleaolutioca of Msoodit101 11 : . Ccssuntudostiont .4 headed or individual interest, and notices of Mot riager. am! Deaths, ewes:thing Ave Una, are charged TEN Mae per lino t The REPORTEII having a target% circulation than all the opera in the COUI3tj COrnbiPeat lushes it tho best adrerticine medium in jiorthernrennsylviuda; - JOD rmarnam ..3.erpryku4. ta Mtn anxl Fancy ..•.07 , ra. done with theidnes and dispatch. B:anks- Cards. Pasalahltdaatillheade. Statements, de. every variety and Male, 'stinted at the • shortest notice. The Bs:Pohl . = ; Otitee ;Is .well Implied with power Presses. a nood assortosent of new type. and tserything in the Printing line sin be executed in the most artistiti..nunnievand at .the lowest sates. TERMS IEtiVABLABLX CAREL • „ . tlStiddi 'Cktti .• 18 . CM. TENGLEY; iLicitistsed Auc- Pa. All calls promptly attend, 11 to. .70.59•/870 BLACK, General Fire, Life, • And .144clrnta4Luaranes:2pei4 - . Office it/ , tiremn'a Hot.M. W.Talpaing, Pa. inn2.,'7o-8m W WALLACE REELER, 110E5E.. SIGN Agrfra.girsco PAINTER. r , wantla. Sept. 15, 18711-yr riAlfl 3 & VlNCENT,.nistr,u &Nat AnEsre—Office formerly occupied by , Marc= . one door south of Ward House. • may10."10 W. A. VINCMir. - p FOWLER,' . 11F.AI, ESTATE II • DEALER, No. 1.60 'Washington Street. be, • n LaSalle and Wells 2itreets, Chicago, Illinois. Estate pnrebasednnd investments made ~ Money Loaned. May 10.'70. D RESS ;MAKING, PATTERN' CCTTING AND FITING in all faahionable Short notice. BOOMS in 3fercrir's No Main-at., over Porter It Rtrby's Drag Store. MRS. IL E. GAMIN. T ••.% antla. Pa.. April 13;1870. • TTS, Sr.. made in the beet manner and latest style, a: the Ward House barber Shop. Terms reasonable. Towanda. Dec. 1, 11349'. • VRANCIS E: ' PAINTER Towanda; milli ten 'yearsexpeiiencier.fanni bo ran give the beet aatiafagtion in Painting Staining, Glazing, Papering, to. u",.Partcular attention pall to jobbing' to the ' april9, 'ad. TOILN DIINIT,E, ,I3LAGESAUTH, aIONItOETOi4. pays particular attentionio :roniin; Buggies, Wagons, 6lei4ts, ka. Tire set and ',pairing done on short notice. Work and charges guaranteed satisfactory. 12,13,0. . ENYYPACKEit, HIS Minis& in the TAII,ORING tr liockwelra Store. Work of in-thnlatertetyles, , 1870.—A! - ' ,LE WOOLEN MILL ...-o - ttn4r,...,..toilfit'ould respectfully announce to tnn nuldfellaiit be keeps constantly.ou hand Woolen eassitueres. Flannels. Yarns..and all kinds at ~.enlesale said retail. - 13120ADLEY. Proptietor. 011, - YgS ! OR TES !-A.IICTION! A. A. MOE, Liernse4 .4uctionter. •.1 Al. promptly attendvd to and EatLitaction cltirauteed. • .eqll or address, A. U. NOE, 31011r0(4011, lIMMM= IVFORD'S - NATIONAL PAIN A - 4 i:i"•.-a. 1 Life Oil, are the Gnat Family - that find a avclcome In every Lome ae a ltcmed;• for more of the common file of life than any other medicine in the market. Bold' I. .1, here in medicine generally. Manufactured r. T. OIFFORD. Chicago, 111., and 103 Main et.. i:or.NELLSVILLE. N. V.. March 10,'50.5+ C . S. lIIISSELIi'S 61-I , a n 'it, Y U 1? :INCE AGENC MEM - 4 00D TEmmans MUTUAL r . G 11..nefit Association. Membership fee - to secure at death 82,00 - 0 810 00 Annual 2 00 Islvrtuary Assessment, age from 15 to 55 1 10 26 to 46 160 46 to 60 2 10 G. r. 401. - PB, Wysdneing,Ta, Agimt for Bradford county. Local Ap.o . nts want.id. Sept. 29.'70. THE CONTINENTAL LIFE IN- A- ' , cram:a Company of Hartford, Conn. Pay. tor.!Lta and application for humrance to be made al In:. :it - rat:es office, Main at, Towanda. WILLIAM BILACILIif. General Agent. 13.11).-1y6m. BLAEKSIIITHING Haring completed my new brick shop. near my r• on 'Main-street, I am now prepared to do w in all its Imam:hes. Particular attention paid MLII Irons and edno tools.: Rasing spent many • a, in this community. in this bUslness, I true v.ll ban aufficent guarantee of Illy receiving a fiber , thicount of the public. patronage. - Tolvanga. Nov. 3, p:‘.TEN TS! T. N. ];`irsTEr., Solicitor oj'Pat•'ut.. 7,1.11U0i10 .51131.:Lt. WAVE:IIIX, N. Y. "c,f , ar.a. drawitige, spLvllleationi ant aII papers ..-czli . ed in making and properly eoniluellng fur rATENTS ill the "UNITED STATES and FOR runt corterßrEs. No CHATICIES rtr rotarceEssarth NtiArt . OllNUY'S TEE TO PAT UNTIL PATENT I , las r.USED. • S 113G-tt ) W. STEVENS, C6UNTY SUR • vm - ort;Camptcram, Bradf >id Co.; PR, Thank. lig to his many employers for isast patronage,. would r...y.setfully inform the citizens of Bradford County that he is prinsamd to do auy work in hie line of basi n. Cud may be entrusted to him. Those baring tt.pet...l lines would do well to have their prupertf a ,-iirat.ty surveyed before allowing themsela r es to t. iyt-ri,veil by their neighbors. All work warrant. so Jar as the nature of the ease will per ”.d. All impittented lands attended to as soon as w..riants are obtain.). O. W. STEVENS. tb. 24. Vlii9-Iy, XTEW ITENT. DYEING- ESTABLISH The atibecriber MI:61111s method of informing the of Tiarmula and vicinity that he has opened 1 , y, , 1te Efotablisliment in Col. linals new bald ;ng. • NO. 166 MAIN 13TRht:,4 p, t iton' t d, and that he Is uow pre -9,ar0.1 In dn all work in his line, such as CLEANING and I/LORI:SO lathes' and gentlemen's garments. &c., in the neatest manner and on the most onthlo terms. Glre me a call and examine my ALENEY mdd. Litt& - t THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE opened a Banking House in To watula., underthe ,t of O. F. MASON & CO. They aro prepared to draw Dille of and coliections'm New Tor):, Philadolplaia, polmes of the United States. its alai) England, Ger di and France. To loan money, recolva deposits, aud.to alio general Dunking buytueea. G.T. Mason ices ono .af the late (inn of Laporte, Ala,on t Co.. of Towanda, P.a.. and btu knowledge of bn-iness men of Bradford and adjoining eduutiem havimi been in the 'banking linuinfas tot about •'..•!, - ,.11 yearn, tizaketflis bons a desirable one through 1,•. - h to make collettions. G. F. MASON, ~,m34ll,'Oct. 1, lAG4I. 0 . 11 D C 0 ITN T REAL , ESTATE AGENCY H B. MOCRAN, REAL ESTATE AGVIT Valuable Farms, Mill Properties, City and Town ti for sale. Parties baring property for sale will find it to their alvantage by leatingei aescaiptlori of the saine, with t rrros of sale at Oda agency, ae parties are constaittly eeporing for farms. ha - B. MeIIEAN, Real Estate Agent. - • . °lire over Mason's Bank. Towanda. ra: lan 29. 1567. VEW FIRM! NEW GOODSAND LOW P.RICES! aT traftoETO*, PA. . • TRACY .& • HOLI,iON, Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Drugs ^ 4 a Itwikilies. &ermine Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, 5 , 2a , 1 , 1 , .. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Otis. Tarnish. YaakeeiNo t,..n., Tobacco, Cigars ,and Snuff. Pure Wines and Liquors. of tbeTbest quality, for mndleinal purposes only: Mi Goods tol4 at the very lowest prices. Pre -I,:nptwaa carefully compounded at all hours of the 4 a aUCL Wgbt. Give uss call. )rnAcm & H0L14:4 Monroe-tan. Pa.. Judo 24. isati—fir. T) RICE LIST- 7 CA.SCADE MILLS .. . . . . .n.. , ,..b.t..ia2u1. 1 -;p : r seek . l $2 00 " " " . hunared. lbs.._ . , .... 400 1: " - " , barrel '0 00 i..... - .14 ,- ,121 grind:nit usually 40ae et 'once, es the ea pa ity - of 114 mills stiffleient l tor. a lerre amount of 4..,:i.. . :.f. 8.1NGAM.C494007. July 23.1010. ' H . .NOTICE is heteby give thatthfreo-. vsitnuraltp- lately casting ander th tLrm • u k offilamsy a Cassxim has been dissolved by t'jretiring of 31v. 110 Icy. The boors and,setiodrits me Well:mare in my bands ant mutt be settled - ociatsilattly or costs trill be made. Caton; Oct. 13;70. W. S. iTELA.IOIIB.. T EEt z " I McCADE & 3/IrS. ME a. tar 1v 6nl; I !lyr _ W. cii.;;:tr..skey - , so . VOLUME XXXI. PINTESSIONAL CAIMI. cot...x. as Imr. Towaxdaali. NRY PEET; ATTORNEY AT / 4 *.T o liindlie Ittaks 21,'66, FOYLE, ATTORNEY AT In . ;.7ceessids,4Ps.,%ollos siith =ma Smith, south side Yereuts Block. April U. 70 G - EOBGE D. MONTANYE, AT loans anla.lofikce4annai, of n and Pine Streets. ordanne w Porter's Drug Mor Kan n - DEMEM,If 1 OA . floe over Wickham t Mack% Towanda. Pa. May 2d. O. DRS. ELY ,klll,Aerrie.askiciati3 practitioneii. permanenttiloesta&Burlingtoll. Bradford coardzr. Pa. t0a7510.3m• lc' it- IP °Bice in Patton's Chemicel Store. LP. ISITALLSTON. 41 ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA. •=ial,464ferLlllrr:sl°clc7l4"tairl.e.,„ tff.B. MaKE AN, ATTORNEY '• Ocnistillt ol- AT tor.e6wpat i ti,ta.l Peri u munition t.1:?1,411,er 111 .• 1ta67.0.5. W H. CARNOCHAN, ATTOR , XIIICT 4T ..i.l.lll= is Atiarl3, ter. ilmwd. ford , OottetyhTroy,Te: toadearidprempt ly remitted. feb.llV69—tf. TOHn , N. OALIFF,-- ATTORNEY EP, 4.7 . _14w..,T0wi1Ati, .PirtlgiJir atte n t i on iiv azu.taXktab.hlizte. Gaut btuddsia. iCOlknllaall. and Coliactinna. air Moe at the Righter and Bacot , !dar% °dim smith of Oa Caurt,Hai , H. WARNER, Physician and C• Surgeon. Leltayerille, landlord Co., Ps. AU tills prompUi attended tat , Moe snit soar 'oath of Lellayortlle Haase. - Sept. 16, 1870.-yr • • LII.: 11. , BF;011, .31. D.; • and Surgeon. Towanda, Pa. Particular 4WD tion .paid to_ad : Chronic Diseases, and Diseases of Females. 00ee at Ms roaidenisl of Westonstreet. east of D'A. Overton's. n0v.11,69. (VERNON & ELSBREE,,.. kgon- NI:le8 AT LAW, Towanda, Pa., cnterod into copartnership, offer their prof iervicia o the public. Special attention given to , lynalriess n the Orphan's and Register's Courts. - ap11414 MERCITII, - & DAVIES, ATTOR natzei, ; Towanda, Pa. The undersigned toiTing gwometTee together in the practice of Law, offer the trofewdonal lerrieea to the public. trLYBBIIB .. W. T. DAVIES. March 9, 1870. TAT A. St, B. M. PECK'S LAW • OFFICE. • -• Main street, opposite the Court HOW% itnfada.ti. 1:=13182 BEN. MOODY, M.P:. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, • . . •2 7 to the peopiJpf, Wy altisthr,4o4ll, , dedidty.• Moe J anrcb street • • 1(1;70 12221114 JOHN w. ATTORNEY AT Law, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. GENERAL ECSUp.ANCE AGENT. Particular attention paid to Med:lona and @trouts' Court btutineaa. Office—lirercur's New black, neva &file Pane Square. 4114.1. • TAR:- DUSENBERRY, would an , „ 1.1, mance that In compliance with the request of his numerous friends, he is now prepared to admin ister Nitrens Oxide, or Laughing Gas, for the rain less extraction of Meth. Leltasswille, May 3. 1870,;-dr. DOCtOR . o: 11111.4§:.11.1201AIVU an) oftlieedilegeof ..Pliyidelaisi and Burgeons," New York city, Class 11434. gives exclusive attention to tho practico of his profession. Moe and reside:lw en the eastern alopeq2f Orwell Hill, adjoining Henry Howe's, Jan 14. ..• TOWANDA, DA. D R. D. D. •SUITH, Dentist, (his purchased O. H. Wood's properky, betweem licrcur's Block and the Elwell House, where he has located his office. Teeth extracted without pain by use of pas. • Towanda. Oct. 20. lffin.—yr. GitEENWOOD . COTTAGE.—This well-known hone, having recently been ref& ted and supplied with new furniture, will be found pleasant retreat for pleasure seekers. Board by the week or month on reasonable terms. E. W. NEAL, Prop'r. , Greenwood, April 20, 1870.--g WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. lEEE= T • EMPER/INCE HOTEL!-Situa tea on the north-west corner °Main sad ESA both itrecti, opposite Bryant's Carriage Factory. Jurymen and others attending court trill meet any dud It to their adraglage , to 'patronize the Tem peranoo Hotel. -1, S. U. MOWN: Prior. Towanda. Jan. 12. 1870.-Iy, DINING ROOMS- Ii CONNECTIoN WITH THE DAZERY, sear the Court House. . We are preored to teed the hungry at all times of the day 'and evening. Oysters and Ice Criam to their seasons. March 30. 1870, D. W. fiCOl74 CO. tIiWELL H0135E, , 11101Y4rDA, JOELNAN WILSON Having leased this House, is now• ready to accommo date the travelling public. •No pain. nor expense will be spared to Tice satisfaction to those who may give Situ a call. GTlforth side of the public nnare, east of Mer cue's new, block. • • DII T SI Iti E F L D OREtivK J:10- L. PETER ILASDATVSJER„ Having purchased and thoroughly refitted this old and well-known hand, formerly kept by Sheriff °Tif lis, at the month of RummerfleLd Cra.k.,ll ready to give good accommodations and satlafaeitory tatatment to all who may favor him with a call, Dec. 23, -868—tf. MEANS HOUSE, TOWANDA, Tnomas R. &mum Proprietor. This popular Hotel having been thoroughly fitted and re paired. and tarnished through Out with new and ele gant Furniture, will be open for the reception of guests, on Sarranar, Marl, 1869. Neither expense nor pains has been spared in rendering this Hone a model hotel in all its arrarqpnrierda— A aupeelor quality Old Burton Ale, for invalids. Ad:received: April 28, 1869. A lIERICAN HOTRL, BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA. PA. 1 7 .:: IL G. GOFF, Propridor. Mils hotel baring been leased by the subscriber. Las been repainted, papered; And ref nrnished throughout, with . new Furniture, Bedding. &e. . Via Table will be supplied with the beet the market ford., and the Bar with choicest brands of Liquor!. This bnnee now offers the comforts of a home 'lt MODYDATE PRICE& Jurymen and others attend* Court. will find this house a cheap and comfortable place to st,op.i (food stabling attached. ing,lo,lo NEW PLANING ATTTNI„ MMM 3.1.1TC7.MG, HE-SAWING, MOULDINGS, Ac.,' At the old /stand a EL li.lagliam'a Woolen Factory and Sawmill, in A Iit.AVY SIX, ROLL PiLLNO AND 11.Tataci in charge at an esperienant Mechanic the public may ealket a GOOD JOB . EVERY TINE. . . From the recent enlargement of this water power, work can be done at an seasons of the yearand soon as sent in. connection with the saw•mill wears able to Punish bills* sawed lumber to order: - • STEWART B9BWORTIL Camptown. May uno,-1.7 - . WYALUSING ACADEMY. , :. The Fall Term wilfiximmenee on the Ant Mon day of September, 1870, and - continue 12 weeks. TERMS—For Common English $4 00 For Higher English end Classies . 5 00 DAVED.CRAFT . aug.17.0*.. ' ' . • TO LADIES CAI:CD- . P.M.Or A.T;37p.• NEW MILLINEkr DRE§S'AIiD 6211i.41E- • . maspra prdipLISILLIENT.. i'Arrzzccs oti,er.x. 18E LLTI:Bs erns' mos Buz. Rooms over Post Oitice—Mrs. Hoit I '7 ILififfl A. WA Grinrl4 ' rAthe . na, •. ~.•Agga. , AL , FIILL ASSORTMENT- .010 ea-x.l=nm and cars= /Burrs, stem 70.1t09.. Vfl k MEM S. WEEP, SAW TICE twilit' use, wholesale - and seta inuly MAINZ &MEI - 4 , rT,r, t!,,;n11: FIEMEIRIM 0') :r ..T;1': Ze , qr -, 1".• BEM -.! 'e",:fyi' - .- - - e';!---.:v IMIII ffiiii DEMI/AT:42 e, Gores Drag and Ili E=M On lisin Street, near tha 0511,14 C. T. MUTH, Proprietor CAMPTOWN, iiI,C6O/1 0 .1 , 11 ... ......... - .. . _ . . i I - • - ,:- IItq: ' 0 I . . 'of - 2.."'--- .-:-• I, ,r... -'\ ' , ' ,°.' .'• I . P . . . I : . , . , . . . : '' '''...(...-. . i l i , I , - _u , Z t .z-1-: i _ a • 4.1.00...t.,f,.,.„. gins DAIS111LII;' '-8t IRII6 ~ n R . t~VflbolF: - 1 0. 'When Mei &idle& hicdd,.-% $ naw4 • Attu . enough Or iota " To keep him chewpr.fU "4 ji: . 11 When earth, clad in her best, &to by her neighbor The sun, and Us - I - rest . From summer labor— t , :b.., When prodienkal4ecarzs i Y.,.., The world in hazes, tho 944kt 1 4011 1 !#"••,,,-7 sc• • - , 11/IFFq,.the-A 01 4* . th. 1 4:71P4 September's graces, Antchartised thirjbvi - al son: , With,their . bright faces.. • Whp lho,y gzeftiober!,.. •••••o: airc • He gave them leave to wait For all the quiet 141).4„ (Eri Were 'dunce) . TWould halite to make it graddlrJ :MCI With dear bought color. So all, in fields and torus, Dressed in old fashioned gowns They wore in-aummer ; Stay yet awhile, behind Blooms that struni;Vs, Anil p lay with fifth and Still happy, still * alert, Still merry-hearted— Droppediiroin September's skirt When she degasted— 35/188inier COMCS so DEM His shadow Andthiy long half the cheer r September wills them ; Till their old friend the sun ' Becomes forgetful, And - Autusan has began ' To grow regretful; Then they make haste to hide ...Theiridiero *Pi; „ AUdlic down side by side In grassy pla l eeS. . —Harpers Magazine for Septerakr isallantons. --lETTRE PROM 'KANSAS.' • [The folleittrefetfei Vraireatl kt it'meettng of the 8. of T., in kflater, Saturday ov,ordits, Oct. ,15, 18701 ••• • ' • • • ~k• LkinWar /4.10 21 .9 h-A WO-- Worthy Patriarch and Members of-Tentperance &witty of Ulster: Believing -your., noble fraternity wOul(4.weinnn/PV.Onte;taktePistle "from one of your distant brothers, I determined to pen yote r tVe following, hoping it will be judged as emanat ing from a heart anxious for the ad yancement of , that reformation of which you: are an. instrument. emigration to this 'country' of .tmdo .yeloped capacities hee afforded me Many opportunities of .beholdin_ 'the greatest ervitlaWfully'.existinr in , the land vf.Americii.,.. Here. . in this hier ionic city, renowned and honoredfai 'its fidelity to Freedom and' Right. in the dark hnursmf its infancy, •I. see structures of the finest mechanism erected for the promotion of chrio; tianity and knowledge, surrounded with scares of grog-shops advancing in popularity, wealth and power,with 'out any apparent check , froth' the standard-Bearers of christianity and education. Daily I meet in her streak. opulent `and public melt emerging from the thresholds. of ;these male factors, disgraced end . unfit , for the positions" they oecupy.' while making these painful observe,. tions, the interro‘Tative has forced it self upon me—Why, with all these professed institutions of benefaction r with , all these fountains - of lasting: and elevating acquirements-does tikl) stigma and sin prey Ministers : preach against it, education , exposes; ihi,eyils and .deceptions.; its arm is not paralyzed. Like a 'monarch it goesforth in its devasta tion, fearless and uneheckedonvfiep ing before it into the bottom pit of ignorance and degradation the hope and support of widows and mothers.. The youth, influenced by the customs and b.ahiona of fanciful societies, submerged beneath its billows, With intellectual powers panting for devel • opment and expansion, carrying to the heart °Of an anxious 'father 'and prayerful mother sadness and re morse. Thousands, withendow ments equaling and surpassing Motu) of Webster, in disregard-• of . the ducements extended them by our in ( stitntions of equality in the chances of eminence and utility, are made vassala , of thetie Amide and led •.into the low, groveling pursuits .of the, ig norant and debased. Many yoimg men with whom have becomast quainted since 'my arrival liere,..end for whom I entertain the highest cs: teem of their natural' abilities; at a by me frequently seen staggering under a load that is slowly but-surely sink ing them into a swamp from which escape is impossible. And what a picture! 'With souls immortal and. accountable to an undevious Judge, who has irrevocably, declared that all leaping_ from time into eternity, a drunkard must endure the punish ment of the dainned.. ,Writh all that is ennobling and grand flickering across their pathway to beckon them forward fOr the :pal at the terminus of the studious temPerance scholar's. journey, and make themselves useful in promoting the prosperity and hap piness of their country, sinking be low the surface - of manhood'- into idiotcy and madness. _ Young men, comrades of'my childhood;' to wkiim I have in part addressed. this letter glance for a moment at the feebly but truly 'dfsioribed- condition of these victims 'of intemperance. Contraat h.yours. , Would you,exchanga witlk them, though they arc rich an you veir—thougli they, are free froth, bill ;and yonthe wearied labarerl. COtild I hear your reply, I know it would be with emphasis, No! No NO! !! Let-us live as men though we die hi want and poverty. Our 'home§ otir afe, proack in fear, of ,alluse, and brutal treatment. The hearts Of our par ents shall not be sorrowed by IIII• grateful and rained sons. But around the Banner of Temperance we will. everrollypdatermineiLto Bye in:lrr: mony - with the dictation of our fun erring, iionsoienee; -and :escape- 'the I drunkard's eternal doom. ,pinat r and many are theinitiectinenta throlinin lo . nrwarby-tualicions men, endeavl . onng by deceitful 7,ltudopuftnatit Ini .3a:.fi":liF:~.. %?..11.M.Ut ' ligi ,111 c 1, 1,,,k.-1 MEM MEIER= ZEZIMI MUM Ni EIEMIMMI -'I.Iu7"4.cI TOWA:I 4 IIIA ADF,ORD'ICO. ntratagems to„Attar , you Ato the !whirlpool' offiukhaii &ffliction. { But buckle on the Amnon azSdelity and manhood ; . snake :melds ; despise an _evade their so manffeating;li • your deport ment and "z esa of Yr ' .6.3l=itt. 'tineiny„' den e more easily ;the future will-lindttrara all men of 'utility and 'enterprise; honored and fa/Tooted by a country of Liberty, Audios ,and Fronf-Your • ~ 1 %; ,‘; limions. It'sw the Ilzrounut.] COUra IfirgaSlTZ a 0-ill r Lame, .11:Y.; Oct. S. W. Aimargl-tDear- Sir : I had thought to trouble.you with no more ',`-fresle oominulliAgiO4s.. but, .uP. O 9?- reading. swarth:le . .:theLlistrOsawsz Of October 2Cit 'motile 'alined iideeig stilf that i*tiStac& do' so. "The vie versity, and is,ao 1 edia_L.,E.",•Whe. isadhighisietter; - Waii krObly., re minded of ihStmehtif perspr i fir t by which a-given occurrence is made-to assume almost opeurtiw,(94 here; accordifig.to the position of the observer. Thestatternfacts, of course, reiniii the htirtilloo&Atrif the whole complexion of the affair may be chang4 GY'ine i rely.niterii4 his oviiiittalidpointvag apiece, of scallk! tuts,: or ether - object, , tasy, assume differenCatitleets diffekent directions ] ',Thus this "men tal p_etivet."..44l4Bes &WA truthful, persons -to, make,. statements dianietrippoeite Alit'ffekeribing the same Scene,. althicaigh both speak in perfect good faith., ;It is possible thatbeing "fredi tde - Of seeing..things'in their prOpet light; still, as "L. E." has takenthe trouble to review and criticise IMIt statements, stikw m9 ; to,af..the part of a reviewer m tetttrn t. " 'Cert a inly, many Freshmen lost - eoiibi 'end hats in *Ziauful , , l 6:scoutgers, but how many Phoniores • fared the Same? Let the tairorit'and hatters of Ithaca answer. ".rushes 7 si,e , nosp thing no . nieiti`to at'COrnelLshlet: us not-dirpes ,them further. one oi tvko titer iirents mentioned by " I *lna like' 4 0 :He says "'Beth 'classes haie bees com pelled to sign pledges that they- will not participate in any' fat:n.6..1'6 . 4: ing.' We do not know how many Syphpmores were thus compelled, but we do knoW-thrit the Matter' of 'sign ' ing that petition—and thus saving from expulsion our fellow students of both classes—was bronzlit.before a meeting of our class and argued,for Aid against.. At the close of the meeting,:thOse who considered that the PiitthWn litight to be' reigtied/ea our unfortunate., fellows restored to their Standing, signed it accordingly. Those opposed did not, and have not signed.it.6 If #4 . tanopulsion, may we never enjoy liberty! Again : " The class of '73 honors '74.for their magnanimity in signing_ the pledges, ire it hittfortait'Weight With," theiFil cult fiting their deciaionin regard' to these whom they had summoned before them" 'Onery. Did the pltyige from the class of 13 have ,no . ,winglit with the Faealty? The words of " L. E." stiein,to intiimit.e that; itAid not. c,. • - - If it were mA,for the bigliiiensOnai estimation' we. 'held ;;l our friend, "L. E.,'4•Nve might afro inti mate that in'thirit: is not eeinsideredge:iillerairilkiki citU anotherprson's name, in—eriticisto of his wort, in a public print, lint iu the present case;,pertUinakeoitilderrif lions prevent our saying anything Another match - game a foot-ball was played, here on SatOrday last, in which a member of '74 was very se !iiinisly. injured by being jostleddoicru and trodden uponi4bis ,fellows, in tent only on pursuit of the ban. ,The, 4r.leztirrence wasppnrely accidental, but it.'sliociiithe and rainilte. °hieing too mach in earnest in sports. After November Ist, the wearing of, the military cap is to be strictly .enfarecd cases by Faculty _or-, detill i ":40rapp .is 'to ~. -'worn upon citizens' hats by the stride its' to-day...in,racauldng ,for their : gamy departure. Probe/4 a funeral .orb-; cessicin, end the burial of the defunct' citizen's hat, will also take place. irdphigqlnti ha,veliet calkilfiray one's Wratbsdown upon me this thae, 74 ? ) ithlticed44l4, Effl " [For thilicrOorms.] 71115141WE'':TIM iluggssilnlity,-Of Platiang - eini*tiody *is. an iianntted fact.,, Altera i 1 44 1 4 anYr, 4B . l3 ° Igage,f . boleirer rc.stiectible; ihat pia not . afllicteds , :iith one orimore chronic tiiniableffir 01 •conssel,i!..llleyvalw,ays, .disclaim the possession «a Op. Lion's ori fauWfiriding. like the renowned Mrs. Candle in her most eloci . nent tirader acre",*nispl planting ' and " peicabre anfi hel!" • Though 4ach ' a person may tilikixatjalittio influence whekB'lb;ii€l known, yet when he:" lifts 11:, his yoicnin,print "lt - sometimeshocomea Ikt:tetanal' , to treat him with mama tention than he renlly'derier4r: I never attended a , Teachers' In , sante where so mach time was spent yith . thd Arieck . .s! sober * - *lities . , • pf science, as in the one held itifinnin , 49.7 rreitiWploe4 the *0 looks of the yonno_ , O.dies who cam , plained that. it Was' : " hard:k''.fair forth" Appallinglenount of - orna"aseat," voc-thonght dine , Was ri,teciPhAt dalisild ilktelligeniTablio CWahowlar - thitie.4lio helpeittni away thatiree";:defraada* Of that -ialqable 4torninciaitiliaing . 66 evening; . , The sentence There wawa cas fleiltha'6WriiirLiahriWlTssf "?-flialabr was bip3ght befeFe the.Piertpte -for digkssionlf -It is-'well known that 'the - word*Orof is ilient*' tt by - our arithors on grammar es Acne of:those wofide w.bic.10213i440:640 5 3,3Me4t0 . ,otef) , cla r jfication.:,: 6 :Th",t it is-rtiv -"lea to ' of Oath - but, irlkitig it'd it sinesin , the sentence, to *tot class ofwardii:tanit-: Pita ap-, rihainiately be referred ? '.ll:43liern talwereklintiani.ipinioniatptvas-'; idly calling it intltil I f4.41.. , 0$ I.ll , l4litterl}lnit ' 11 %9 31 1V 1311 P -Ri gg i q9 l(9l ll J 1)4 1 EMI .;,t11:11.1 .J:5: e.r, - 4 1 91 r e tr-ii l P, 7.42 1 4 0;' rPlearki , g pt' ? ; • coxeniofie toethfir l ; ke00193 -, le - j ytflhatia - v-litatdit fwhiah sic seinerelk, tiaras adverb • 41feathItYlrelittekt.00$14 1 /".tRJA::fr, ec k : St.fr,!•!?,.;%..??lr enineino tifile;iotde did Haig& ingirprOpdiediblbei*Airsittc woo lirmtflowtOlt Imo majoOti o drp34 it op An A ct-, jetEiez z BON ? inyseiten4`tittifiede.' Isa_teduOrty,4F ;IW that: piresittp.'4hatt ;whOntlekell wet bleinaga 1 4 : 00 01r 8 4•Prad.l'Irdrul t 711 0 •T , Italnly . niiietenthas of ' .14 ind'otti " dbiti I" situated town" I heard no :wish. "abominibleWilWelther'orthe In dtititteQ thia, attenaed;xuia tysiet iifiewrimieinbitio ithintof • dp • -ef L : So:doubt. Prof.: B,aerferle able leaßeAt l i 3 fAL batif:we,vrer.e.*k 'efit that hc t i conduct the' three InetituteiVene, different: :branches for -fifteen' (days. :and fifteetrinightsi with .44areelyAny 44iirnAgaionj Preaina„ ...that ha, pr,_ any other MAN Wcl4lo th ink, s, a: lit '„//c .too CaMpftilteiitaii..': If e luau ebild enlyperformihe labor , mu wilcrzen7;.l whfatf - efl prodigious.: work Alight be. acOomplisked In Elocution, Prof. Shoemaker. be- Van with the rudiments" of hiS Pa t " if 'course wliicWev er ingfit i• • rd 'es erafriently ; ithinkf "ive oiliett// ••tbut :as:retOlyktutid.l'etolerelerfilatheniablYi *era as , 4W:,:teaeheAl s , listen fora s nit time t o o one' of the iiniiate~sthe thO' Ptiy 7 ing chit 'so inteh'inoney dtit he. one old' lady: stpu3al One LardyNee ay l ,whet•o• heap of money :man* jest ste,yin' in the,house and nothite !" hot expect to hear - it from liT4 . adeer", who should ,befable• to' ' take a• in4rci• intelligent .vievrofitheinibjectoi Tobe sem:Ahem wholftwo net, learned 147 , .e4earral3t , ly ,slionklEbe pentvta.a ekeaper Bawls and:they shOtild' lie 'kep i - there, fan.. and L'ciralnaa oriliogrephy u' far ewe l'eatifit.4 . at thorared.; 'lowed to insult the publicebydfaliag. their services as teackers...4,o, -will pacify Fjqejily,mit:yegrAve - iiill' agree ,gq: Xerfge other"i9nnee meets elseag . g4 - e SuPe#P; den 4, to "give whallaa l g S i ttt! = sumgial alpimi4iiiiiierin the Of ,13_11irig Ipssp i p§ti , -"WAl0114410MS thlll4l4*lllll4ll*Fr Qua wouhl,auppose.giat tke Patffliiimeafi,YetereCthp . three lusti„;" tute4 4144,tha,. ggialegaelident to secute the services .44: Slioeina • • , h its to wlio aut i orize e. That sentoWdoireala might have been used " paying -the - faithful tattebet 4 o7.', 4 4 briild!',So' 5chb014,0‘08,44-10414.4z1410 • teViaittpanlid bliteWardsjitnd bete: tar stoles and:fueli lira it Well:if:tire completely usedlip that Aber priewet hir.loeitdleemiglifelleZ!*Tilkittoxya licAvb umy,'D ,rehildrmr will -Aoki oolcl -sod die winter,' Jae'. for Want of the 'good'bindling'weed that might: have been bought with that weed g then„then,,this roa4,that. s hirid Prot' fihmott*er will be the Wiittalrer of all:•thefie Linttiortifit childreue• - •• • • .61,..anw,nati.,-; r.41446*; coofta; IWO •. •• j..staki ifthly' last-ielte trY:the , that I had VOW intention ofloining a party of Greeleyitee who • were abbut_to `visit iioine,of ttie; Mountain peaks, and probahl ;climb song's raE. The . exptilfiaik staxtqa from Greeley at the_time Foposed- but , l had bean studying: ;the, "signs, of Ilieheavens "lot a day or two; and I conelededthat in the words of a ptiras - elrliicli used in 'Colorado, ." I didn't want any of 'that' in mine;' and lucky I NVil for ones that I Ofd not go, for scarcely; had the party left town when it. began to rain in as dowmight earn - est ii!;4 4 l.tiver knew it : to out Pennsylvania. At this time of the year when it rains on the prai riss, it, snows*the, mountains, arid• the divisteci eirnorent found five or, gi;vinchea et snow ; on , their arrival in Este's Park - , at the foOt . of 'Long's; Peak. I presume Mr..- Meeker's , let-; ter to the New,. York li-ibeine will; giye au intgesting: account of. their adventures. • 1 -Slorace Greeley, the venerable " Godfather " of this growing. town,„ paid us a flying • visit, ) a few days since. He arrived on the morning of Oct. 12th, and left on the 13th for. NeycYork, Although a majority of the ;people of this Territory agree iv4:l‘ ;dr. Greeley on the political queSti* of the day, -hiqviews, and teachings on the Indian question are bitterly denounced by nine-tenths`-of the 'white tieople,". not Only the Territory, but in. / Wyoming, and': I pre§nme it is the same in all the fa; Western Statiiiiiiiii-tfOrritories. Yet Mr.,Grepley r lmowing this tor ho the case, boldly advocated his side of the question, ins public meeting at Denver, and was listened to respect= frilly. The Caoraddqerritorial Fair came off at Denver ; during the Jest week in Septemberr , - 2 Having some curiosity to see what:Could be raised here in the Cheat American Desert I concluded' to attend, and I .must confess thittPwat) agreeably . disap pointed: ' The 'dhow of grain and vegetables. vies fully equal to any- Au* of thoiltiusl eyer i saw. the States,Whilk its eihibitioh - eif nifetirr ale was enough to stir nvoovetouti feelings in `almost any one. One piece of pure, rifinea silver, taken from a mmiin Cleai.Creek county, weighed clev t ert :tundred and? forty one pounds,-amth bar of gold; be 101114ff.A041bA) Fifst 4.lo94aViduat of Noy York. .we4gke:d.:one hundred and ninetyrsix. :pounds. I did not' attempt to " eonfiaeatet l either piece, _because•l had.notanticipated seeing, mrythhtrof 4he kind amlimykxikets, ,stiere notiargeommgh. -,Oue Of tihii iniViirtetitarear wati'A'rade bet Ween sin italwEi*wari *.taLottADNPlttlibe_gillajalwirkP. 'priss*ingernew Sandia and,brhile. 3.F4 ll tolintaVies; Pthitelikeo I I presume, peciumedein-161/4463C1 F. A. D go' ;~l~T.i } -tag rt i•rf t y~` y ~ '*. • l i~~ R k 1 All Intl CUES c , nut I »-$• • !• ' of - 0 1.)-:ir..pr -•- • • r - • 2 . per , _Ann 411411., Ad vauce. qla • • 1411 • IMEI g l / :Intnertniti*iin • iiiiiiSvari; „ inne4fighljtittto*hneo i romg...:f r ptiof k ipftiftji t tOthey, ?M* f tet •• tEisiiiinyllanin*tuttiitiVniti, lhellYtethai*thtifivpubith)rileof - 11 6 V)od:letthidi tO Lthe • --- ilihtntliinteenntilnivor Colors.' 'tileinetd6nAitielitthein'inlienti ~e~}pir•o~•oii,tte~plsitlL.f~~e head estininithe;.Moetlfoinietalt- 100kingi e-. „;; gm inein tinift ,' • oirthitheindoklintraluan: , witifirtalP iithatinitzfauntilronTlineinidenni • badrsaldliatklishaala thinkliy lcibettnied il/qtesirlitnllkihaiiing. been- by nomnmore or twb ofleant Bei p. 1 ":18;:vr; -ntlSreeiinallrueiftil ; •, entztliivtop of the:hamse oh; hhgeopairi,ofterctschisii tidhEtim-i um)* green'glumienq Ifurpoliy magi ti , beatitypentkiron*wite*Trinnii* mile in itarn , inifinteinnd , fift . sedi g apyi - t --,DenveiftbriiiiieviatiyEherineTfoLitlie tinkalast..place,,-: althongiL int rind,. itra mokerespeetahle,than 'of.Chetennei,then,apitar tifithe of,M7oming.-. , nn::Chaenne was: thelereliztewpt A D.Ah. , -titEllll4l ODD 14. iy ti ghatViet* West; , Heik'rniid • Int via -in Ate ! preeeur eed state, thanthe 111(13ifi . W88' 14V•.= 4" ' 0 441 - ,aliciDeuvet..peopleviike. Lie of 'k even', nth**, western seta aweitip above..highlwater.inarlt Init. that. Mighty , leveler; the , vett, she, :has. takeu • the ognceit (Mit of th032:..2i MlLeigatee show .but about five thousaud.i-ieliebiteitts , while belbre thq_eensue wee taken, it WWI AI fighting matter tor. OA :any Denverite that.theix , :pePolatilm :weal lea than Aen i thpueand.. The Derk-' veal newsPoPere.;..ara•Terv.uensitivo, about easternimpeP denoiThe'tett pjAheir manner4,oo.;eitetomeielaim lug that , they4art.ro , iswee.bl72rOalitY tbau their Volkern •hrethre l 4 l -4.Alei notamo* but t Ahinnag :: l4o , , tJie . fact, fersiria .that ice; .coMmitto - 2 on-,the, al l y ill eastern. Miler; are -here, eon-: .u!itted openly :and. - . .h0141Y4ir , y night braSe band !Mays UpOA the. eidewtak. frgot. `!Criant,!, wlWre: the , mWeeo by footed YO,tIW *lee/ in fitlfe,seektiM rOment e ,if r: ttett. iq POsittbies,theit *ILO perform OlglitlAbet.gr 4 ) igii§t9qaffie l'udigages * ,, mg /54'azEKie-OPerai. Do!, _:in . ' tffir !: 11 4./kMAPF f,Part 9 1 : tho hoilding niennre engaged 0. fight,ing the tigeenightrand dayovh4 the pc ho• .Ivh. 6Bo . 4 4tYA.ie to. eoPPrese such MPOtgtion l o.,49,k c o ol ly on,, , Herein # l 4 geloWimgrq9AltivAtortf_Lsif,Men ttr9149.0gr917. 1 44. Adishirte4, _er% freNA.,,tliul 3 utouA t sarong weir; 41 4 4-tterPc4ridott at. 4 tkeee4f; cit y : 1 4 641 / 4 - .rougerett STarthllllefeilet* browpd half-brepasi,'rich and ; poor, Old and yiong, all looking, that "rtinbf luck . ', that seldom .wines: But to the credit; of the :"heathen Chinee be it said, that in. the half that I. witnessed the ~various punk did not See fir cirogA: , china! clan ~li}thexoom . . 71 F': Denver ,now enti ioy ; the 4f9i4ed.bY three- .ifferent. railroads, - 4140 direOk. conainnnicatiOn, Wei 444.40,PitY4M4 S.t.:tOOle; 1 3 a-. P4cCheyenne,and t Yi eTPol9r4a9 efaltia t At 4 presnt ifiunhig bider frarnDppver to -- Gulden , City. , The V.i,Las94, P a cific pro r bahly Jinn southward, another„,year , to. Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico. There is already war to the' knife between the liiinSits 3 PaCific and'-theArnion Pacific: The latte4in.order Lain its share of the,mountain: trade, is aboutito build a branchroad, leav ing tbe - iivilu trunk 'of the' Union Pam citie neVinillTUffii, n hinidied utilee eat: of Cheyenne , anpbonneotbig with the Colonuio CeAttaLikif EFreer Aey, rwhich, petintthogp t it,ur F rqwl. ;43 to bo extended at once„ - C4ntriel'ors for grading the road,iiiPalien dyad-' verb - bed for, and thelibingoie to 'be put , throuirli - withltheliwelli known ViergYief -the 31 4 1 1WO_Rf - Prlion Po!' taucnto the, disgust of the pea plc-cif 'Denver, 'An the; load to be built from Sideiliurg, on the It I'. Railroad, fellcridivg up she ralley the South Platte kiver,,and connect -iug with ihe,DenyiF .at Fort „Tettpton, , r Deaver, alreadyialiow4kg Its'teitili . at the rapid grOWthbf Gree lef,' '-descied- to keep The new Initteadjicway train but they .111113 1.: -..j We,b4ve had a snow storm . here credit' ' that, woulddo to Pennsylvan i a in jantiary, - bitit is all Seiene at present. A party of hintenrfrOuk Greeley went flowrythe :Platte river sbout;a hundred *lea to ;the. eaat ward of hera a couple of -weeks since and hive, just ielurned; "we laden 'With 'decer'anil They about thirty buffeloes.l' Tlie reddess manner in whiehitbe buffalo are being killed off„,will ocrpn, drive. Ahead from region, Thii r piaKtY brOfii. fi t in blitAhree'ol. four' earonsies, leaving the' test/ to be • devoured • by 'the • - • i. I.lwPin rather : a disturbed; home of inin4,ie regar d , to. the result at the elSegonin - Yens - distriek lint. I m happ" ppy to - ace Jiff the Denier. 'pi-, pertrtbial Mr.() Bleretiri is reelected, although Labouldiudgal)Y , :4la. fig weans given , lbsA , Tan a,„ :pretty even-thin , • Colorado strong; flue Sall;; and when our' Tieoide• in Greeley been. long 'enog.b. in the Territory toheeeme citizens, they ,will slier ,thiegs ; wtrifle, in this coun ty, which. at, presentis shalt evenly balanCed" Whalen-An' two the -I:othriatriltie lifildidatefor'Cbn- , grew? getting six vilijority in the .eatmty, and , thelllEtnblioan • county „ticket, being, electe4i s by 'about the • ks 4 1.2,p ,num ber of every „person itidieilly'Rejinh linaitilicitigh brit few' &Add' Mite' at the 'recent election: .. I ani not certain but year seeders. to think that4becelit ' some Aunibsg, Greelei:'someiliere / _When oiu t 1( ,;=.l 4 1% great • ralicivriniti i i i iequ l ;etneicholiter , in the .town,? Una .illpattanw ;he' tile firm.doing.,tiia Jargest , business ArYjaAavill , .a l .4toug.4:49)is•aat a, resident hero bitaself.-; ; t-4, , i;c; "c'e - 7 , '1rtv,.., EIVIOAB7O - / "7.61. C. , ,„: •• - . ; acme, lirr.,z 4 " tor; ituTeiti' oh thit ti of#l, pepublic an party tir-the lalitlf-Ahs-7 Oictesioviao,:tiit ,NVllelip) the, , OV.r4 ; 6 9SresaWnai:ekTtion '64t I be in Bradford, fop aaa oils tlicA'Mpiit#faainitiithity.' • ;se p lo m um . , !, ; ••./ 4 1; 441 1 - - "" gowiwz, FEVER IB SPREkt I 6 1he'iiiiiiiii&LEAiortalit±fioni sear ;let feiii-whiolappearsin the Ftegie.; *ltaerieral'alnortality:llills.it , tem iIR:P44 I OI I YO.. f:4cria } f4ig t q_uku. tify• ;1614. asFunmg-proportmeni wilco. are abajohig lioti,,tic .Ip m Sci,;'beceuse theyere iiictiiiedbrindividual care s& nit haesbniyabeenesource ' tgres# .r.tolit ,f,odre3 B , eucn wire peihsess irk ..vitc.7 icuittffon fcii sraiPpex, and hyattetiL- Aida. toithe vrater-eupplY !kid Idrain *Piot cholera 'and some:"forms of, IPYttil9o.olielßTeTibecgmes'Ahei44 o .;p riemsary accurately #lYe4igitte. nitialis by 'Whieh . thiee May-be siunined -up chiefly in A- few words. It iniepreacilir Per - . .fionaleatelesiounis, by neglect, and ily; reekkiiiimeidof individuals as to the iardY-; *Fist ifiv,er- PrepiP r ec ted lF CM rrsen-te person bY;(I4- , Able inenee and 'criminal niag- : t: C ss and general Beni , tarp regulations are of use in miti gating the severiq of the disease, but ' are mil= to its,;_propagation. Let ni take the experience .of'one. Lon- Oon •physician during the past week, Owl it w4leliell . Yexplain how scarlet fiiieriii'mAr being spread. He tells no that become 'Cognizant of the :ftillostizig, easel. during_that tiine i Traveling .was , requoted not to , put- down, the window, as a little boy in the carriage wainofvery well. The boy was on-his way home ;rom 'a •school where ecarlet fever had rokanYout • rand, ' on. =enduing him, • - ;thaTeimition • was -eyident. in clirgyan'brOught into 'his Fo9m •a 4ad, not to consult him abont '• the lad, lei t inadveitentlY:"lle was'abent to !take him into the country. This lad ;had just .recovereddrom scarlet fever, ;mut w4in. -- 1 1 4 desquamative stage !or convalescence, , shedding about 'those scales Ai& are so highly in undlike'• enough to poison ithe Whole population.` His washer: ;woman had scarlet fever in her feud ; sire Ascertained that it Was 'con? !v,e3 , e4Vitlie clothing of ti.scailet fe ;ver pitied sent by the,friends to the ! win& without ,any• caution. - These ;are: ll acts of the most culpable and idangerous negligence. . Scarlet culpable ;is one of the mostintifniely and con 'emuonilY 'contagious diicaieS. Till t the 'completion cfithe subsequent pro - - cess:of peeling Of the skin, the pa= his,telothing -Mid 'discharges, I itind, the light scides;which are diticis `6liri the atinoSphere frinn - Ilia Peel surface-Skin, are ;pregnant: with poison; shotddle lie ewe fully isolated ; riot only: should his clothing and all that comes ini con tact with. him be carefully-and thor 'oilettlY disinfOted ; not only slichild his bcdy be o nnciintedr,. e r e Dr. .Budd iecbmiciendedorith oil to limit aerial rial ditlusion of the epidermal scales ;, but the-utmost , care shcitdd be exercised by , the , Rersons attend ing him 'tiof to become -Carriers Of thicrigrulent aid subtle ' To send.to.the laundress garments fatal 1 1 6 tb 9 se 4 4.D.eia*a , te,epose: is a .publie carriage or,a crowded waiting, room the' fertileikiiireeirof a deit4 'poisini,." ate terrible offences•-against:the safety. They are constantly,. and carelessly committed ; and,ll,„i o sAhus that scar latina, is spread:—British Medical t• i" ' • - SERNOI TO YOU G vi3ry, able and eloquent Berman to young men was preached by Retr. Mr:Krohn, in his church, •last'gtui day. The'. Congregation. Ac:as very 4ard sae at4active, We gvro - here with a synopsis (4 . the discourse: , 41 . 10 ivelitiiitiOat doing good."—Acis x:39. These'words, are ' a =part of the. Apostle's referencei to Jesus Christ. They show the .grao, aim • and par posa,of llis.ljfe, they exhibit. the one ail - co9tTplling,P l 9b.ve of his earthly paiiston, and in addressing the young mewbeterivnie on the great IpurpoSe of life,. I *bow 'of 'no better example to. set beioreithein :than the -life of . particularlyithat part of, it to which reference,is hati in the text. „ 'lt is - obviou „ s Waft observing minds that cierithing in the 'Universe', has a poirpose.,• Nothing high) or. low, nothing great Ar smell, nothing ani mate„or ,Jminimatew in ...heaven - of eaith,undeOhe exists without a purpose, ' 'Elvery star - gleaming in the-night, -810, guiding the mariner an-his- per-, ih?aa way acTbsi±-,the: trackless; sea; and every grpinpf„ *sand on- the -Ocean's- shore, reflect ing the skill , and 'wisdom of their Maker, have a grand and an important' niisi3ion •bilfiL Everything has e purpose , worthy :of . its capacities and . The noblerthebeing the nobler the pur ' pew. , , Men are . trying to SOlie the problem ol'irther - eristeuces, but they pass by asvfnotineount the mystery ot:.theit , own _being.. will. avail .them-,nothing.if,lhey *id, that. other ,niTatnres : 411all respectively .their gussioii, if man fails - Wilda his. L'a:Tife'great piton; of life is not in action: The law of Weis the 3 biw of labor-,-, there OW beAcihappy, much 1.1. w; healthy life, with - out' labor. Ac tion is thetlaiv alfhealthfal indolence'is a curse, Stagnation is death. "Many ' promising loung In:ion - have:been :ruined by not having Anything: te.:. da,.: and, having : large fortunes left. them, ycitli. neither wm 'dein nordiscretion I.4l'usti it. Their wealdi'luninnide them' prond,i they htte neither qte4ifleation itOr ditipo; sition for toil, hilt hare: squandered their.wAftlfh azukdied in poverty and disgr_ace, would be a god-send to 'the yOinig Men of i thii place . if they Were forted circumstances ' to 'carveyont' their own: :fortunesi it Lwould develop a., sterner and better Alpe; of *aloud - . The acquisition of wealth, : power, oiqame, is not the' final' purpose of bait; Get' rich if 'yen can without compromising honor or ;integrity; if ,the social and political interests of 4 0 4 r- 7S tll # 7. couunand, your s atten tion, yon may seetu'e power; if you EMUS .11110 - I,it;fl-•• (9T 'A, • 111 r. • L 511,.: ~• • . • '4" . MEM NEM 44116 honestly tuid . uie-it,ltiitimate- 11,,1f Yonr,.pr . ofecOon the ~iielenl afiel.o literar y, - world. you With'ett- afilbition to `become famous; lehriatiiiinitiedoes not :forbid4tS in - it- , iticatimii,bnt not •43ini - of thetelis, the: great,eusl of life,affer 0.11, they are ,only subordinate , te - it; :they- perish; htit •-; /ma seel3Liiiirt of Your- Tiernon• frOni the-:infer or. - ecietdarivorldis . not 'the great end. • ' The . yirtue 0f.40 torivent.is . sickly • sentimental,. and Wanting 'manly, iv,igiiiand coura g e . wants -. his Ifierwinta °to Stand•like the: Prussians 'at: 'the_ battle- of Sedan, ..where: the thunder and shots of the enemy are :doing their deadliest work. ' 'is net. the'great end: •.:-The instinct after happiness is one tlie.strinsgentin Ate huinsin soul, and may be obeyed a subordinate degree,, bot.. - ..tn. enthrone it •in the soul, and' . be - 'governed by. selliSh.: Messt,. is not only wrong but periloni. ,Siiltishrteini and hakrinesarco•-exist: : Butlhe'great ;purpose of life . is., to do g00d..:. Ati it Wiis said of Jesus,. lie,tvent about_ dobik, good.. ThiS ac-- cords with the highest - ream, With the" purer instincts Of "the liuman heart, and with the spirit.clf--Christi unity.ln the associated.and persist ent efforts of the-young men of our city great "gOild can be accomplished. • There are it* ny,fOrms of good; but 'the- highest of all is' rescuing young . nienfrom sin and Satan, and bring ing, them, to God. All .have an . op portunity. to do , good according to .their nieaetirc and iiipeir sphere. All • young Men' haiej influence, time; andtalant. In the great day of judg ment,•,the greatest-men - will be.those • who, have .conducted_. the. most souls into Enliven: forth then the name ofJesue, and -let that lonely figure bent over with the woes'of a' race, wending liis tOilsorad. way over' ...Tudean. focif:tere 'and . weary, doing good to.the bOdies.as - well as I to the souls: of nienbe, your exam ple' Mid. publican: •• . 7'. . COMMON 812111313. . , To see ehildren - Twinning . about the streets and lanes in such a' state is if-they had no parents . who.lcared for their welfare. • To see ginshops - and public -houses more cipwded with people than 'prayer-meetings, To see young:persons wanting in due, respect for the aged. To see people who are sinners and .do :not feel it. To • see .peoi)le careless about the one.thijig -needful." -To §v.9...persons who are more tom -1*3•14n4 theil, contented. , • • To see people Who . proefesa,what ii right:arklprettiCe whatis . Wrong. • -••To see Anty of spoilo children. To see-disagreement•in families. To see more people eager fia mone4 , thiui.merey: To see human beings cruel to dumb 'animals. • - • • . To see people "led captive by the dovil at his will." . To see. -people" findiug their own wleasures," and doing their own ay's " oh the Sabbath. daft. To see people show -dislike at hear .iug.thelruth about their state as ru )uedy, sinners iu. the sight of a holy, To tee Children"behating towards' their prirenth as if it" were written in the Biblejt" Parents; 'obey your chil dien;”vinstead - of " Children, obey your parent's in.the.tord; for this is • . ,To see little . children unwisely brortg,K-ferWard! when company , is present, Where they can hear all. that is beingsaid, -inaesid of being -sent out,to play, or into the nursery to be amused:., ' To see people vined'by intemper; slice. • ' To see peoplo forward in spread ing an evil report. . • To see . persona showing a sort of pleasure in. pointing to the failings of God's people. - - To see some young persons more forward to teach than learn To see - more worshipers of gold than God. To see , ni ,ore than spirit- To see persons lookiug at the clock in places of worship, as if, they wished the. service over. To seen certain. class of debtors more disposed to abuse their 'credit= ors thail to pay whit they owe-them. To see-hard-working men, with all their stating, hardly able to keep out of. debt, or to _make two ends Meet. , • 4 ' GOING IN . , • In Hong tong where China gam- Iling and bawdy house are gladly licensed for the revenue Europeans ' are not allowed 'to gamble by law. Henceilhii greater . part of the sport ing community make a trip everyday . ,or two over to lklaeoa, where gaming :is the prineApal occupation of the priest-ridden people. But it hap ,was searching for a young man •to whom I 'brought a package, I was : directed to the back room on , the upper floor of u hotel, end instead of.firiding the.young faun I found a room full of gamblers. I do not know thatlt would be called' gambling-among "professionals," but there -were -several- round tables atio - und which were gathered a num-' her of, decently dressed men betting 'on cards':: They would bet on the denomitintion'of the card drawn at randoni from the pack, or would deal out= a ° hind. and , each bet on his chance. ' , - It was rather a strange sight for me, and 'I sat down by the door to see the games and note 'the sayings . of the. players. At the table nearest me.was a young man,. about, twenty five.years old, who . ,..frism his accent, I took to be an American, and an old man somiftwhat.gray. They had twen betting, it•seemed, and drinking too, foi the bottles before them were near ly • •. • . When I first noticed them the old. Was shuffling the cards, as, her " new deal," and the _ yonng man, " ,a swaggering,, Careless 1. leaned •in chair, and 7 ay, . . aftertrying , . cigar . d finding it had gone out, h ga tune., After-a while, the old man was -dealing out the carat, the young fCI • =EI IMRE= < , NUMBER' 24. IKEw brolotnat izi a low, -- earekuatos, be gin erhe n a rdee Ze ougld. words : ''" dliiinfeeil746lo;iirk thi;tillt Comes to me o'er ami der, . ,rm nearer my home today" Thin rviterer bees before; J • Nearer the crystal gets • , ? ... 14= " lay our burdens down • Nearer w my aim." . • . ThO'youngnian lad .an' exiellent Voice,iend its sweet tones" and those . beat tifar warda,liad • a:st sago'. ring in that gambling den. As for me -it.. made-me shialder, while several gam • ers `-looked are 2 from, their 'igarass with warpriae. ' But - the old manthat was dealing t h e car& pat on a look . of, melancholy that, I never shall for.: get. — lleetOpped dealing - the. cords fora . moment , gazed fi xedly at the - young blasphemer, and their other ing np the cards .he had - 'distributed, - he dashed..the whole 'pack on the floor under the table, evidently in a passion. 'Tiff; young:man suddenly stopped his singing, and looked first at the car& under. the table and then 'At the old_men, utterly at a loss to know what it alrmeant.. • , . , ," Where did-yo u - learn learn that tinier' inquired the old man, in a half angiy, half conciliatorytone. But theyoung man did not, or , pretended that he did not knowi t hathe hid been sing. • ing at all. • " Well rno - matter :1 'said the old man, " I've played my last game, and that's the end of it.' The 'cards' may lay there till doomsday, and I will never pick them up." , ;.. ' • • At this the young men- in a •pet. protested, eaying.tbat, the old man had won his money, andnowwished to stop witheagiving.him chance to win it back. The -ad- man then "t". - took out of his pocket the- bunch of • : - Hong Kong bills he hair.stuffed in there, and counting out $75 or $lOO. (I. eonld not tell exactly) Odd, .There, - Harry, is your, money ; take it, and do good with, it. I shall with mine." He then went to the table, or bar, as it was called, paid for the liquor and walked out iiy me, arm in arm with the young man he called . Harry, and as I followed them down stairs I saw them conversing by the doorway, and Overheard enough to know- that the Old man was saying something about that tune which the young Man' had se unthinkinglOmng. . • A THRILLING MOMENT. A clever and genial writer in the dllichigan l'reemarsori gives the follow- - ing graphic sketch of an incident oc curring during a Masonic . excursion im,the '3lissiosippi i Which cooi,find chivalrous Knight Templarship alone; saved from proving. fatally disastrons: It 'was a magnificent sight 'to see . . our immense boat accompanied by , the . Lady Gay and the Belle of Alton, their decks crowded with fair lathe?. . and 1ir44, - Thtsl i eraplar, bands of mu, sic ; distinguished citizens;guid invi ,ted 'guests, as they steamed up the Mississippi, then down to Jefferson Barracks, where_ we all went on shore. to - Spend-a pleasant hour, after whiel. we again went on board andstertmeti mer Lily up, the r#er. wa§:sttunling near the' eaptah. The 'commander the , Templar- came and. leaned wearily on the cap stan:. I turned l to Reuben 31iltoti and whispered these words: "That man was born to command." 11:i had form of a Hercules, the head'• cif:Apollo, and the eye• of an eagle, :ind, as circumstances afterwards de monsta,ted, the.heart of a lion. Al- tholigh,not so very large, he appear- . ed larger tharche really was ; he w,a full and athletic, and every movement a. grafie. While he was still leaning silently on the capstan, and while E was anal yzing his fine countenance, thii cap tain of the steamer; with pale lips and blanched cheeks, approached the - youn g Templar, and in a low tone and t rembling voice, said : " Great God! we are sinking. _We - are snagged; sir,"in the bottom, and • nothing can save us," " Efow long- 'can you keep her afloat?" carelessly -remarked thc young Templar. _ _ : " Sue may go . down in five nun- totes, ,, replied the captain. "Do not make your situation' known to any except your crew, or we will have a panic, and then all will be lost. Signal the Lady Gay to lean to ; none will notice or under stand' the signal of distress. Get your drew and hands ready to leave, I will manage the rest." . L' "Blow, Warder, blow !" said - thel_ young Templar, speaking to his en- T. sign, who stood . near him, at the same time leaping upon the capstan. Every one was startled by' n. shrill blast from the Warder's trumpet. A hundred Templars' swords leaped from thhir stabbards at-the lilt*. " Attention, SirEnights 1" shonted the young commander. " The, next ceremony in the programme is for the Sir Knights, ladies and gentle men on this boat to make a visit to our friends on board the Lodi Gay. As the steamers axe rapidly approach ing each_ other, and cannot be kept but a minute or two together, the movement must be , a rapid one. You will formn - processien at once, and as the boats come together, pass o 4 the gangwaly under the arc of stee , - to the lower deck of thi3 Lady Gaz. Forward, Sir Knights, to the gang way 1 ,',Music in front. The band will play the 'Knights Temphir Quick -81411 " ..ebettence to these orders, the ..:ghts formed a double line to the gangway, facing round, with swords crossed aliove the heads of those :Arming the procession.' In less than eight minutes the whole,preciorts car gq of human life had passed from the 3rississippi to the Lady Gay, even to the colored cook, except the two files of Templais whom the young com mander &tiered : . "-From the rear, right and left, in ward wheel, march U.- and filint in- , ward, the Teniplan3 passed: over the' gangway to the Lady Gay, the young commander. being the last to leave.:, One minute more and the Mississippi steamer sank to the bottom. LATE. AND Lena.—Last week two boys left their %glary homes to seek their fortunes in the'city. - " I shall see what'luckwill 'do kg , me," said one. • ' "Isbell see what labor will do for me," cried the other. - . -• Which is the better to depend up on—luck or labor. Let us see, now. , • Luck is always waiting for same-, thing to tarn up. Labotwill turn up something. - -• Luck lies abed Wishing. - • Labor jumps up at' 6- o'clock, and with busy pen or •-ringing hammer, lays the foundation of a competence. Luck whines. - . Labor. whistles. Luck relies on chances. Labor on character?. • • • • lock slides down toindolence. Labor strides upward to inde-, pendence. - Which is likely to . do : . most for you', boys? • -• •