Mradfoti Kttportet. s LOCAL , AND , GENERAL se- The next Mite Society meet , g will be held at JudgeMaactra's. pa- We regret , to learn that R. ltnownt, at one time proprietor of the Ward Milthr, (Ertl in norriellsrillo on 'Tuesday morn- Notwithstanding the recent me, "mine host " Wltsott . is still prepared to inroish entertainment for both "mate ‘.. and !vast," totting socnred:amplo stablaroom.l sir Mr. d. Butts will opetl.' a IN'riting School, In this phieo soon. We have t• xaminea sotroa of his specimens, which we oon ,ider superiot to anything of the hind we ,have rvcr seen We bespeak for him a .. .ergo clue. A Pm! STORL—The Waverly Ad mre " On Wednesday night & G. CzAsa caught 800 eels in his rack on the Susquehanna near his farm. He has captured over 1,200 this season." for Mrs. STIION STETESSi of Stand iug Stone, raised this season twenty.four citrons, weighing 345 potuds, from one seed. The largest one weighed 24 pounds and the sandiest $ pounds. One of the largest found its way to our sanctum. Ifir The second game of base ball between the College nine, of Towanda, and the "Fleetest" club, of Rome, esme off in this phiop on Saturday last, and resulted in s tic-each making 39 111128. GRAHAM BASTLICIT Rua cap tain of t4o College nineshd G. KINN= of Rome club. .04! War ?Ir. E. K Svntormer, who las - been taking photographic views through the eastern part of this county for some time past, will open a permanent gallery in Laity*. yule xoon. We congratulate the people of that place on securing the services of so geed smar tish PERSONAL.—The R. W. Grand Mao 'ter of Pennsylvepitt, B. LANDEILTON, Win lila Union Lodge, No. 108, A.Y.M., at 'Plasonio Hall ereniug.. --WS. GOODRICH and daughter have - returned train the West. • Bel. F. W. llama, late pastor of the church in Ath cms, has renounced Episcopal orders and united with the Presbyterian church. aer JAMES SHERWOOD, democrat, has been elected to Congress over ARMSTRONG, re publican, in the 18th district of Pennsylvania by two majority. The district is composed ei the counties of Ilona, Lycoming, Contar, Clin ton and Pother.— Adcocate. Not exactly, Mr. Arirocate. Jastra Smut wool; although a brother of the 'Dogs con gressman, is a staunch republican of Shsehe- , (min township, this county. le r The recent fires have fully demonstrated the necessity for 'sadist Steamer, and we are pleased to notice that Franklin Fire Co., No. 1, are making efforts to eecore one. A imbscrip tion is being circulated among the business men and property holders for the purpose of raising funds. We hope all may consider the matter favorably, and that the Steamer will soon be purchased. The Ltn•ta Hose Steamer has already saved ten times its value in property. ' se-b. B. BARTLETT, formerly of the Means House," has taken a hotel at Whits hall! N.Y. We find'the following notice of Mr. B. in the Whitehall Times Tiu C (MAN HOUSE RE-OMIED. —D.l3;Batt lett, lately proprietor of the Poultney House, at Poultney, N t., has leased the Vaughan House, in this village, and.thrown it open to the pub lic. Mr. Bartlett is a gentleman of large expo rience as a hotel-keeper, having been engaged in it for more than twenty years. We wishlum abundant success M his new quarters, and have no doubt ho will have a large share, of the pat ronage of the traveling public. ea - The County Superintendent of a neighboring democratic county received the following letter from a female applicant for a school. It is strange that she did not receive her certificate: As the school I will write a line and find out the _reason you have not sent a certificate. They -Icxpected this school to commence to-day. U you ar agoing to send one I wish you would scud it this week or send word so 1 can tell them let them get some one else if they can. The people of this place all of them wants I should teach school I went and se them al that had not spoken to me ibout it. Be sure and let me know this week if possible. 1 sent tho nines. I did not keedw -as yon got, them. Vii' The con4Arts given by the Tim- M.UNE BILLOTIIECS and intrs G. Pumsow at illEs- CCIN Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings, Oct. 17 arrElB, were more satisfactory than any ever before given this fall. They have won for themselves a reputation in our community Whish will alwifs insure them a good house. The VEMAINE Bacrrukas are agents for the celebrated granFr Organ, and the main ob ject of their concerts is to show the merit of their instruments and thus toiintroduce them. Everyone was surprised and delighted with the power and variety °Allis instrument. The Ma sonic Order here having purchased one, this troupe aro to give another entertainment for their benefit et a to be named. We trust, not only for the purpose for which this concert will be given but for the gratification of attending so meritorious as entertainment, all will attend—that Attunes Hall,. will, be crowded. All the proceeds will be deiOted to the benefit of the Masonic Order. Tickets 50 rents. RumnizaFtELD.—Hr. Editor : I no ticed in the REPORTER of the 6th instant, an ar tick nil regard to the bridge over the canal at this station. The writer was evidently sarcas tic, and wished to cast a slur on this station. The nuwov is all right and gives credit to the Company. It ism(' solid framework, fifteen feet high, instead of " twelve," and is very consols iebit fur the citizens of Northeastern Bradford to pass over with their freight, and we do not wish to see It misrepresented. ' We admit that there wia one woman the other day, who was going to see her friends in the lower part of this State, who got so frightened in going over this bridge that she could not be induced on any consideration to go into the cars, and gave up the trip; but she was undoubtedly nervous. A person that cannot go-over a bridge fifteen feat high and four feet wile and carry a carpetbag, is not fit to travel onVsrailroad. I hope your correspondent will hereafter find subjects of more general interest to write on, and not draw the public attention to such little local affairs. Our tavern-keeper, PrrintlwantEssza, Esq., met with a severe accident on the 15th Instant. His horse took fright while on business in Her rick, and threw him out of his buggy and broke hei leg. He was brought home, the limb. Was net, and he is doing as well as could be exPect. rd. F. L. Oct. 21, 4170. LERAIIVIII.E.—Esrrpa Itaspowno! : in looking over tho columns of your paper in almost every issue, we Kelton* fromaoructOno, o! our sister towns acquainting you with whet is going on Of Intend in their: place. No one in our little town aeons to ;think. it worthy of notice, but I think it will compete with any Of our inland towns in many respects. As far Is business goes, we think our town is ;bead Of any of its also anywhere around. Same reiy iuee buildings - ere In course of erection. .Tottit. sox's fundturo ware roams are nearly com pleted', and would be an ornament to anyplace: Man= BAUM' has Just pulled, down his old i' 101,11 7. and !shading a new one an a ankh Luger scale. Arrangements are. now being rondo to build a large hardware *le, do She bpripg, and there hi Berne tea or a . tievii' dif goods store, which re hope may not beat talk, but will goon be seen. The Congregations lsts hare last been repairing their e.hurch, and 118 understand the Methodists are inakhog arrange.- manta for repairs also. A. iiow ansl magbiDoeat bell lux Just been placed on the pnblie school. arenas, which, if yon listen. attentively,, an be heard full a quarter of a Odle, and its tones are about as musical al an old cracked fiddle, Poloties . has boon the topic of conversation for a few wzell , gait. Election pissed olt:galetly," and there has been no great excitemeit wince, excepting one of our demoetatio hinds got a little excited and let his elbow . tads eras of our ittitiblican'ii tit*. • 4in 'Watt. - • Inizrolisont.A. Bare Our= or roiss.-04'weby4,34 elesfing;Aath instant, at about 10 o'clock, an alarm of fire us sive, and gaiter woe seen lanshig from therbanktott ,tonging to Messrs. Wzclaa &_lll.amr, locatea in rear of the " Means House." The *Moen, as ustua• nee *Me/ old, and aucceedil-11 confining the destructive element to that strap. tore, bat could neither save that or its con tents, which consisted of a. valuable_ horse and cows carriage, Adel, ,hay groin. JO. Their logs Is about $1,500, on which there was anlinnirance of 050. , , . . . AbOut an hoar after, while the sky was yet hula with the glare of the ;Mewling 'and before the engines had been boomed, the i'irM.- ful cry wee again sounded, and now were. lama leaping and dancing the forked tongue' rd'the relentless en cm, intermingled with _clouds of smoke,,from tim roof of the "Eleeol Home' . barb: Owing to the combustddis .eontents:_of the barn, before the already wearied firemen sr rived, several adjacent buildings had caught, and an.eatensive and deatmetive ,cordlagratkm seemed inevitable = and altkorigla the Principal lessee were sustained by those who could - illy afford them, yet, thanks to the gallant men who did so nobly; the damage might have been math greater. ~This disaster is as folklore: . "l tirrell'Horia" barn mite large berm occu pied by E. E. 817117111M0N IS I livery stable, both buildingowned by licwiu. A Emma= Loatti,Boo; imraranee of $l,OOO. • Blrvrcausrld Ong *.*Pthlg sinitriu Mty of hay and Mr. Mims, proprlekw of the "Elwell Holm," lost throe Ursa, one ha*, one buggy, ono Bhrharm; hay, grain: &c. Lae about $1,800; no insurance. - Guests Guests of the "Elwell House " loat as follow: Wit. Nmaza, ollinahore, a hone, Waal, wagon, and goods valued at about SW*. No insurance, • Casa, KNAPP, of Burlington, a mare and colt, harness, new baggy, &c.---about #5OO. No in surance. ,Muss McDosam, of Dashers, horse, buggy, and barnesii—s6)o; no insurance. JAIL Rissurr, Bcotbnille, horse and harness $l5O ; no insirance. J. A. RECOIID kVA two dwelling-hoaxes, whir* he bad Jost puretuumed from H. W. Nou.s.l.oyse insured for —. One of the buildings was occupied by Oro. Boarwics, Who removed most of his goods, but suffered considerably by breakage. The other was occupied by WastAr Pans and Mrs, Hot, Lox (colored). • J. W. Themes, house and barn. The hoitse was occupied by MIS. FELTON and Mr. J. R. .Dews. Sheriff VA' FLEET had his bosses hi the barn, but was fortunate enough to get them out. Mr. Bistonix's loss on buildings Is about CIAO; insured for E 1,200. Mrs. laurost and Mr. Davnts , both bad their furniture muchdam aged by removal. Mrs. Moon's house, occupied by herself, IL Yaw, and C. H. Maio, was considerably dam aged. Mrs. M. and Mr. A. both bad a large pottion of their clothing, silver-ware, sta. len. The person who would take advantage of such an occasion to steal, is little better than the incendiary. Mr. YAW'. furniture was much damaged by removal. Me - also bad a quantity of lumber and fixtures tor a new house stored in Mrs. Moonx'a barn, which - was destroyed. Lose $3OO insurance. ANOTHEII.—On Friday evening last, about 10 o'clock, an alarm was again given, which proved .tabs a email paint shop near Second Street, belonging to Wm. HEELER. There was an in. surance on the building, but a small loss on materials inside. O Mons.—On Monday evening last a bridge on the line of the Sullivan & Erie &IL, crossing Towanda creek near WK. Eam.oces, in Monroe township, was totally burned. —The cause of those fires is known. Circum stanCes emphatically tend to show that there is a . gang or gangs of fiends, who, froth - an inex plicable motive—or perhaps none at all—seem intent on the distraction of our village. Two suspicious individuals have been arrested, and after a hearing before Justice Booster were committed for trial. One of them was clearly identilled by a colored woman as the man whom she saw in the act of thilig the "Elwell House" berm The borough authorities hare offered a re ward (SAMOS for the detection of the party or parties who fired Mr. lizaran's shop, and the Sullivan do Erie ILL Co. offer to pay $l,OOO for the arrest of the bridge-burners. We tract all the offenders may be apprehended and rebeive their just deserts. • Couvornou.—The execu tive committee of the Young Men's Christian Association, in ,view,of .gse atumal, convention to be held in Scranton, Nofeniber Bth next, have jawed the following address to the aeao• dation : ' The committee earnestly desire that the con vention may be specially blessed to all our as sociations, stirri them up to greater efficien cy in the - Maste r service; And that it may excel' our last one in numbers, spirituality and practical good ; and that its influence may be carriedinto the'associations and churehes in all pails of the State. No limit being fixed to the number of delegates, we urge each association to send as large a delegation as possible, of its" most efficient men, these interested In and con versant with the work:F. We would recommedid. , associations to send their officers, that we may learn from efficient ones how their importan,duties can best be performed, and that others may learn- of the duties pertaining to their p osi tions; to send older christians actively engaged in the work, that we may have the benefit of their counsel and experience ; to send young chrbitians, just starting out in christian life, that they may see what other christian laymen are doing. Knowing that the Evangelical Ministry, under standing our work, are in hearty sympathy with tut, and realizing the importance of !rat ing their co-operatfon, induce as Many as you can to come as delegates.' We greatly desire each association In the State to extend its influence by stimulating, and assisting in organizing new ones ; and to fur ther this object, as well as to extend the influ ence of the convention for good, we extend a most cordial invitation to. ell Evangelical Min isters in cities, towns, and country districts, where there am no organizations, to come up to the convention, and bring with them one or more of their active laymen. .A circular wi ll balsam! at an early date by the Scranton association, giving the details of arrangements, as to railroads, topics for dis cussion, place of meeting, 'de., and all who 'wish to avail themselves of the privilege of re duced fare on railroads, and of entertainment while at the convention, are "requested to send their names to the chairman of the executive committee. We ask all to come in a spirit of prayer, that the Holy Spirit may us the scriptures by the way, and that the Muter may abide with us and be known to each as we commune with Him. We deeply feel the importance of tnn thii, as ,witho ut his p resence cur coming togeth er will fail of to us or our association cause. Wed to have many earnest, active, consecrated c workers - meet - together, that we may Morn from them what work is be. ing done, and horse maypeat do it; and to devise new ways for advancing the Holy Spirit to a more entice consecration to God 1114. His , . TEACHERS' INSTITUTE AT LidiattothiLE. —Mr. Editor : It is a great blessing to live in a free country, where we can enjoy our owp opin• ion Mich was the remark of the undersigned atter reading the communication from "Fwscr- Tr' ißoar issue of to daf. ' • His, " " is apparent: for he says he has been "getting behind his clue Now, if we were will assured that be is only a week behind we should offer him our condolence; but as it is, wo should:be but miserable comforters—so we forbear. "'rime once past never rettints. 6 Xint let me ask : u "great onis 'lotto Teachers' Institute are not allowed to parse or do any thing else in a "whangdoodle, highfaluting" style, who are? Dr. Fatszr.rt says that " Vutithltslit may.renkare =OM But little boats should keep near shore."' Now will !'Ffpwizr" plena to.give ns' the comet Parsing of the word " sitnited," in the sentence—" Tamils is situated on the Susque hanna river"? We are all learners. Some of tie think that if we give good heed to our batiks, ,and the instruction of wise, teachers, we peed not get behind our, due. The chase will be. Wninishigoitall events. • 7 . • " noun:" is right in his idea that a Teach ers' Institute should be so conducted as to teach kat:hers:how fa teach.: No one can gainsay this ides. We are *lad, too, that be admits that our tuperhitendent is interested in the welfare of the teachers, for.certainly he is at the work with willing bands, • warm heart, and with, brains equal to , the situation: The help he secured this 1111 proves that he fully comprehended the wants of the-, teachers and peciple, and the marked attention of the crowded houses at etch of the lectures at Le ! Baysville was such as to convince the most I"likeptical that the, people appreciated his efforts to instruct and eettegtaie them ; while the tuuud moue ,request lithe teachers for him to secure die avreicesof thiewsuans next '11s11; was as eonclusicethat they were more than " owluo• ed" with the Professoe'i reading, and insinto Why not id Your Welk lq seen at all times and in all places:4:Wiiiiikeill- with modesty? Where were you when that resolution liaised? 111crdidn't 3rowspesili thenn,ad there?. 130,* tag might Lave relieved you. • 4 liVhy, ek k gerepty-five or, one hundred dollars a week Is tot eitravagant wages for, he "great 'ones." Only think! many a one puts in fill time at d re( s2O dollars ari evening wlxi could learti.of Prof. anosausen "How to Bay Things"—yes, and how to Write them and flow to teach them. The Professor's work among niwas pleasing, instructive, practical and sr*oiesome—just spat as u for the sobetrealities af_life"" tr we will learn. Because he commands greater wage!, thin we do is no reason for compiaint.' Let us remember that " What man has done man may, do "—that ours is not an " ungrakted, revabllc,"ind that wheal wa ire eaarlhionehun; dred dollars a week we can g it. Then let us work away=keep up wiih' our_dass, and hold fast our "fidelity"' to the end. • - Q , an Ton CORNER Chimney Corner, Oct. ?0,1870. WYAMSING.—No 'doubt the readers of the Barmy= are bet:inning aware of the fact that Our town is rapidly increasing in impor- Unite. -It is therefore , unnecessary for us in each communication to &lbw every item of growth in our place or to mention each of , the many new, comers who design making the "Pleasant Hunting .Grounds' their future homes. Let us take a pituidelo the bill north, of the village and enjoy a beautiful prospect. Where Man years ago stood only the hut of the wash awonuus, now flciuriahes an extensive planing nu 11, manufactory, and where the goose end gander disported in umEspisted free dom in the liquid elements of a mid-puddle, now dosuishes one of the ...finest . wagon ,marin factories in the county; end new business es tablishments and dwelling-houses cover .what was then a productive farm.. Towardi the riv er are three bridges spanning the Wyelusing, beyond which aro the extensive farms of Messrs. Warms:divided from the mountain view by the alien waters of the Susquehanna. But while enjoying this lovely landscape, beautified by the variegated hues of autumn that adorn the neighboring woods,'we are sfifferitig• from an indescribable, vague !cantor the Mighty,lo vincible, unrelenting "Saw ELY* is after us, with that deep, penetrating, *cunning wit and sarcasm, that ridicules the infirmities of old age with such cutting, refined epithets as "bait Pate," "squint eyes," "hump-beck,' &e. We caripsver expect, while we lay any claims to decency, to get down to y " fine nes" acute style of wit. Over the nom deplane, "Solu tes*" he asserts th at ono of our citizens of un disputed temperance habits and principles is a 'PartiOly reclaimed drunkard of the O.T. Order (when he knows they expel such), which state ment is a fair spaniels of his truth and veraci ty. He says our statements were false, although we described things as we saw them and ae oth ers saw them. Notwithstanding "Silo° ryes" knock (town argument of not sharp, not true (another Sash of his brilliant wit), be says in his ' , drippings' that strangers reading "Goras'" article would be led to think that there was little else going on here but battling, drinking, itc. ; but as our article alluded in that respect to only " Snoo Fix," he must consider himself by far the most important portion of our town. Ai "Snoo Fix's" next "drippings" will be apt to inundate us, this will probably be the last of . GUESS. SHESHEQUIN.—Mr. 'Editor : Some writer says, " Procrastination is a slatternly housewife by whose fault chiefly the moth and the rust are allowed to make such dull work of life, corrupting all the gleam and gloss of earth's perishable treasures." Truly I have been vic timized, then, and fur several weeks Nit have entertained "an enemy unawares." Various duties (self-imposad 'Us true, yet pleasant with al,) have been neglected, said neglect being at tributable alone to the seductive voice which has ever interrupted my good resolutions by the tantalizing words—"l will to-morrow."' Since forwarding my list, we have had an un precedented season of line weather. The ilo rions scenery our auturnnal landscape gives nit is unparalleled. It seems as it by some elec- Ade miracle the dyes of the earth's heart had struck upward throngh - tho roots of the forest, and like the angels that in olden time were said to enter the bodies of the dying, reanimate the perishing leaves and revel an hour In their bra very. The Indian Summer,-which G. D. hods vtcr. called " Nature's second thought," and to us the sweetest of all her thinkings, seems to have designed coming. earlier and remaining Aster with us than ever before. With soul and eye opened to the glories around ns, who could not appreciate the exquisite beauty and truth Of PHOSEE OMIT'S words, that bow much wives' " We may turn from the sacred page Where the holy record lies With itavacions plans and promises - Hidden from our eyes; One volume writ by the hand of Odd_ Lies spread before ns std,• And and we cannot shut andelasp the book Of nature if we will." The Association held here a few weeks ago, passed off very pleasantly. Delightful weather gave everything the appearance of a holiday. Rev. Mr. Cnosmr, of Otsego county, N.Y., gave us an excellent discourse on the morning of.the first day. Rev. Mr. Peen occupied the pulpit in the. afternoon. Oar old. friend and favorite, Mr. Dexoxo, made a few remarks at the con ference meeting in the evening, which won for him many comments OZ pleased approbation. The second and last day Mr. PECK gave us 'a wealth of fine thoughts . on the noble theme of Human Happiness, as connected within' text. In the afternoon Rev. Mr. CAM= occupied the pulpit, and with the sincerity and' fervor which characterizes his sermons, and which is an ear nest ()this fedure meccas in the "good cause," thus cm:minded the religions exercisee . .nf the Association. The foilociing Sabbath Rev. Mr. eIIOSBY was again with us, and I believe his discourse was appreciated by all who were present—teaching rut as it did that theuldeal" in all man's lefty dreams is the Real, and that Hod never yet per mitted us to frame a theory too beantiful for . His power to make practicable. Like. Cesar, we mast knew the name of each of outsold**, among whom the great geniral, " Faith," 'shall shine pre-eminent, and "Will make tli , iinely Peal ;The blghvet farms of ocr Moat." Oct. 22, 1870: ficatv=4:r. 11611" Mu. Emelt: Perhaps, in Chris tian handa,no one of the twirl:lonia Ii tailed down with such'care from one generation to another, surpasses in interest or value the carefully re served family Bible. The affection.* of f and kindred tenacionsly cluster around the ven erable volume. While the symbol of household salvation remains, it is the mute but sure wit ness of the highest and holiest hopes of.snootis sive generations. Who can recount the solaces :and comforts derived from the old bible, hand eak-down, it m ay be, from the great grandfather, or,lt may be, • more ancient bequeathment! What precious associations cluster around the priceless volume! How vain it:were t place mere money value upon such an object; "The mines of earth uo treasures givci,. That could this volume bray f If the time served or your columns !entitled - the space, I might with apparent reason indulge al some length in - these reflections; but my preieritlaik is mainly a' descriptive one; Be fore me lies one of those old heirlooms. It is thick folio of over a thousand pages, with solid "Oaken covers bound . with icather,-with , Laity brass* clasps. and corners. It weighs , eleven pouhde, and was printed about one.hundred andilfty-foui or-live years ago in the Dutch language, in the best style of its time—its value was then abontlitty:doliars—pro trated with maps, charts, engnivAngs, he. Many ditties') engravings are. , quaint - almost •tik the, verge of emnicality. To give a Partial idea Of. the book, we ; will traescribp.the..title-page ut the New' .estaimit, the' Old' Testi:tient title. , page having wastid away "In the, slew Gianni - or ar,ea": • , VET !MUM • TESTAMENT, -orra .+1 ri0.a.*464.;i Odes nsuaa ,TICSU , ;r0 Door Laft,, Van de Hoogh—Mag : HEEREIC: T.L'T GE EA f.O Der Vereenigbdo Nederlanden, ende volgens• Demi, fin de Byziode. „1160irod o gelniThlen Jainn 1618 code 1611 . • • .. Vyt de Ooripronckelicke Grieektele,, oin onto m tisTdfc aitrgese t t dnyftere pbalekeni=lattelD. lez • 'toydrmde Tole!, elidei l Tekt?eii Nbnw Beg 6 -. ler. : I M* ' ' Door gemeeneordre der Nederiantrehekerek en verbetert nn Dm:Arden endolikftbDite. gen, die in den oesftenDnyL . gerendenworden. (Vi mine. trial n :wider ne bowel and bis‘orerPow.) with spade /biking, and the motto: 1131 C Tlf l polt F! WV by t' lISTERDAM by Pieter Roilentam fn , '?" 3 P a g n !e',.. ; + 7 A.D. hi The book is the property of Jous Tom; of Wysoi, and the Atom of its,preservation fur nishes a highly romantic bat truthful addition to our local history. To the kindness of Mr. Amos You, of Wysor., , ,Eints first, Indebted for my first knowledge of the book and a gemiral sketch of its history. Since then, by the- mer.;, est accident, I have met with an old copy of, the " Preabyftirian," publiebed nineteen yeari ago, in which there is a full and well written account of the litatorymf the book-I bare • been endeavoring to deseritie. I shall freely quote froi out thepaper in question.. the etotifse of. afti Obituary 'notis of Mri. Mint Ttiiri.i,l4 Wyse; who died on the 16th of November, 1851, in her 70th year, "trusting In Christ fora glorious immortality," it goes on to state "Mrs. TUTTLE'S grandfather, L3AAC VAN VALIUSIIIIIBI3, came to this country with his family in &nearly day from Albany." " He, with a numerous fami ly by,thettame,of )38905, possessed *tads in Wysoi." " " gEntiniitc and lonic" Suers, his sons-in-law, resided with him." They were at the time apprehensive of danger from Indians, as in the month of February, 1778, they had carried away from the. Wyalosing Mr.,Amos You's family as prisoners to Canada: "In May following they made a hostile demonstra tion in Wysox." SEBASTIAN STROBE had been to the fort at Wyoming, aching for protection. The Indfans after this regarded ,lialkactuir "with peculiar, ill will." In the month of Hay an Indian came to Van . VeutuntritoU hone.; his daughter was working 'butter at thotime; He Ahrnst tdaharitl into the bowl, Ind, is relitod to. me * antearisi his face with the beifer. As her remonstrantsis only produced a repetition of the deed, she hor hither. He proniptly put the Indian out of doors.' "The crisis hid now come." Slum - Tux made his escape to Wyoming, and was in the battle afterwards. The remainder of the family - its prisoners went to Canada: Hrs. TOT .T.OHN &sores daughter, was then five years old, and vividly remembered • the trying scenes of that time. The family had buried most of their house hold utensils; .the rest-the Indians endeavored to carry away or destroy. "Among the latter was the family Bible, which, with other books, they threw upon the fire: The old gentleman, with the resolution of a martyr, Sprang to the rescue of the precious volume and saveditfrom the flames:" The covers of the tiooli their the marks of that fire at, this day. : For ten years the old gentleman carried the precious Bible in his pack. lie was for some time confined in prison at Fort Niagara with his son-in-Liw, Joan &malt.. The latter they tried to starve into loyally.. For Ave dale be was kept without food or water. "Finding their efforts vain,,their desistedbefore the spark of life was quite extinguished." After ten years' absence the family returned to their, original home, dug np their pots,: Itet ! ties, Ac., and began the world again. , We can well believe that "the family Bible, that had been their solace in captivity. was now doubly dear to them." • . s . The memoir good on to, explain the reason why these families (the bona', STROTEN and others,) word.removed. "They were among the Whigs of '76 and were like. a picket guard on the north of Wyoming, and would not fall to giii notice of any hostile demeirudration." But these families were cared Jar by • kind Providence, and all lived to return. Their ene mies limp perished.. " : , Hero, M. Editor, you have the history of the old-Bible; and as you can perceive, it for a valuable addition to our local annals. :You may hear from me again. lAIIOX. sp. The" Gift Enterprise " draw. ing of Lints Hose Co., came off on Thnivilay list, according to preFions announcement. Notwithstanding the sterns veld& prevailed, Merces Haft was crowded. Messrs. C. F. NICHOLS, JOSEPLI - Comany; Gilman OilD, A.'ENE, E. B. Drifonn,,ll. J. Cootzuwoit and A. Duna, wore aeleeted to superintend drawing the • tickets from the wheel, and everything passed off to the entire satisfactionof the ticket holders. C. B. Ponrza, Chairman 6,t' the tom mittee, announced each prize and,the name of the fortunate individual, as they were taken from the wheel. Considerable amusement was occasioned when the announcement vat; made that, , prominent Bepublicana had drawn copies of the Argus and vice versa, Democrats, the Iit:POUTER. OZ. PATCH also received many congratulations on his good luck in drawing a "Velocipede," an article which will undoubted ly prove very useful to him.. Below we give a f all list of the prizes, with the named of the ticket holders; No. Punic. Mom Powr•Orzcs. 1585 Barrel Flour. Ida Roselle. Towanda, • $lO 00 4320 Box Cheroots, E W Smith .. , 1.00 3815 Case Canned Plums, F Molder, Sylianis, 10 00 119 1 'Copy Reporter. A Banks, Wyalusing, 200 3279 .. Argus, W A Chittenden, Towanda, 200 2539 . 4 '.. Thee B Jordon, 4. 2 (10 Mid 1 Box Cheroots../1 .7 Heeler. .. 100 1367 Case Canned Peach* Vandyke k Co., 10 00 684 Pound Ten, G W Green, Wysox . - t 00 .4901 Box Cheroots, El 0 Done, Troy. • 100 204 .' II L Scott, • 1 00 5565 Pound Tea, Camp k Vincent ' 100 1143 .. Porter it Wolf. Troy, 1 00 ' 3390„. . 4 James Leggala. Waverly,• , 1 00 4129 Open Buggy. 8 Work - Columbia :Roads, 125 00 3743 Bradford Argot., E B Campbell,' . 200 1706 Fancy iron match holder, It Jacobs. ' 1 00 9003 Box Cherootti, Mrs 3 T Dudley, Elmira, 100 5881 .. J 0 Keeler, 100 2133 .. Samuel Hawkins, - 3802 1 Plow, Henry Harris, 4378 Cedar Pall, 3 M Watts, 5620 Box Cigars, C Claire°, Warren, 491 Pair Lava Vain, J H Hines!,' - 5 0,.. 2535, BradfOrd Argos, Thomas Woodruff, 2 00 3519 .. Reporter, Allen M'Kean, 2 00 4756 .f Argots, 'Hymn Hume,., ” 200 5718 Gents Pockot—book, H L Simpson 1 1 50 1692 Totind Tea, .7 MVEilcox. South Branch, 1 00 , 3179 Kerosene Lamo.ll L Kinney, Laeoyville, 1 00 3156 Found Tea, Ll 4 (lanipbeil, . 100 ' 5241 Velocipede, 0 B Patch, 50 00 4301 Box Perfunery, 0 H Gibbs, '2 00 3408 Box Cllgara,WHFranclaco. Warrlington, 5 00 202 Boaewood Box, T 0 DeLano, 4503 , One ,T' , Frank Brown, 3 00 3709 Toilet Sett 411rathea, Geo4l Corbin,' -- 500 3710 Box Che,rootti. /no H Overton, Monroe, ,I.oo' 2023 Ladles Pm*, H L Scott, 2136 $lOOO Lite_ Ifs Policy, Jas Shultz; Wysox, 20'00 5 76 0 Deeming Cole. A M Stutaltochtster. It/ 00 22}6 BA/ Cigars. Port Wilcox, Albany,6 00 5865 $5 00 Greenback , To wanda. 500 5713 Bradford Argos. F . E Barber,Agesit 200 2234 Jar Pomade. .7 M Smith, Troy„ 1 50 1419 Box Cigars, 0 L Trticy, 4 5 00 $5lB $2O Gol4l.loella Card, Sylvania, ; " i 2310 4335 'Bradford Reporter. W 8 Taylor, DUshore, 2 00 1411 Sett Tinware. 5 El Griggs, 955 Box Cheroots, Axmlallinto, • - TOO 893 Sett Sash and Blinds, Geo 8 Hrrmet 125 00 3242 Box Cigar% W 8 Pun:"... . _ ' ' 500 913 Doi ifilieShhist Jai Oar& Wpm. 011 00 5517 Small Chromo, Mason Doane, 2 00 2357 Fancy match holder. Mrs J T Turner, 1 00 4739 Barrel Flour, C 0 Finch, Laporte, 10 00 2= Bradford Argos, Mrs Webb, 3 00 4859 Balt clothes to order, ARl3elleck. . 50 00 4207 Oil Painting, Jae Corbett, Tali Creek, 25 00 5805 Bradford Reporter, Maladllo 2, • 900 2616 " Argue, .1 J Horton, 300 3023 Large Steel Plate Engraiing, Jno Beman, 40 00 1122 BoiCheroota, 11 C Mary, ~.2, 100 3E19 Box Toilet Soap; Alice E 11iller Leßoy; 503 2846 Fancy Match Box, A Ladd, New Albany, 1 00 5326 .. Henry Gaff, 100 438 Bradford Argus, L Winston, 2 00 4010" Reporter , . M Ward, Greenwood, 200 Ors cedar Pall.Mm Grillils. 150 078 Bradford Reinder. T 0 DeLano,, - 300 697, Ladlea Purse. J E Brown. - 210 8767 Box Cigars. WA Chamberlain. ,)1 r 6,00 2490 220 Gold. J'YPrhari, Paterirlile, • 4 -;I -- 211 30 1 3435 01110 CT? gre!as Water, J Potter, _ _ _ •-- 12,00 DM $2O Oatd. Liana Depew _ 2421 -Box Cheroots: J.ll Waid. 1806 dents Pack eared; Thee Desmond. ; ; 1 , 60 113 Ton Coal. BB Camp, Wralusing. 400 4375 Barrel Flour. Mn L O Newell. 10 00 1868 Deadtbed Arges.l. &Eaton, • 2 00 3432 Cutting bees..-Cliossdand. LeYoy. 13 00 sart Oillasinther, Geolemales. ; • . • 12 00 1434 Colthrstor, GeoMentanrv-- 01 2450 Bos agr% Thos DeLano, . ; 00 3860 Velocipede, Henry H0ak..:::.. - .. • Ai 2309 Chester 'White Bow. Early t Lane. Washington 'treat, N Y afifi. , • - "50 "u• 4481 Bradford Argos. P D Marrow. . 900 3571 Cam Perform:v. C P Palen. • • 300 273 Billdbott ArDul. E II Horton. H Toirands.2 00 6072 Bradford Reporter, Jas 0 Anderson, 1 2 .00 6421• leroiene Lamp, DWI:Ina, • ' - 110 1909 4 light Gm Chanddlier. W DPal" , • 110 90 sNt MribiWateh, T Wooing, w-mmagide,ls 00 1408 00 001:110beit 11235,• ,- ; :00 90 4610 Dos Cbereatai - ••• •,•:*1 2111 Cook SltmaiJeff • 1151:00 1181 Ladles 13656Watelt;LWMMW. Bird", MO 00 4533 Boort% Toilet Demi Foam; N 3110 5208 Pound Tck.E 0 Goodrich, 1510 -00 Plinend. 1121;de Writs: . • • 10 OD , DNB Kers 1,m% Boehe;Brop Bersholds„ ares3 l oo 1882 lkadfOrd SipOeW,•43 11 Ironton. Meier, 2 , 00 SID 'drink ino Mitaltpr 1.00 48 - Cedar pNI.B W Edna • - 1 , 50 3526 Marble MantleNhalf. L finilthp Crow* 00- 5808 Box Clgara, Bald No 2, • , gg• 1799 Bolt Clothes. -, $0 00 2213 Fiestelasalneigh„Cchaffee.Leßsyrrille,lss 00 321-07 1 551 Bradford Atr•Edmet: Allentown._ 200 , cage. AC9014400. 00= kfil/MW Colt Odrital. 'l, 1'; I 4.00: 6468 02 Panting. Jon Rohl ABM:Mire, 12 50 4691 Osuiltolliti Templeton... •-•- • 76 00 3251 Colas. Pall. Em Bartholomew. 1 60, - 1 11 L 414.t tSyrieg N es ' l ;88-- 1 01= r 1 4503 Pound Tea, James Foster, • 1 OW: 1 23 0 Wl.OPotteettlo 700§ A7A3100. W 10 0 ,4 20 00. 3029 Bou W Dedos. Derrell, 100; Old" P Itepard, 40 2062 Old" Heatispbere, Om Sackett,' 12 Oil 4807, p 0,404426044, Panklia NO 1.. . 00 4942' coaelltoirti kittntteti, IPCOors Ott 13 OD ,~BllllTrs,.George • , 104 lIMEiMM -1933 Barrel ChOrk D W Ilesslssy, Cason. e lie 5265 Merino D PetterisHowilL 20 00 1252 Born' lea; 5031150. Say /Warn% 400 00 '. 710 Ton COM, Dr Stemma.. "' - • _ ` s , ' : • 6 111 son Pon3lllW II )0 0 to• Slltftlha n 4; s at 4367 CM** HO 11 & MOP .6 0 00 2456 Rae Cigars. TOM MBank • .\ ' 500 3967 11111 D Prilerk Dr Gleason. Waskirsgtok 20 00 4160 ebbe Maiiimi, ZullaMßoosa, ,,, '; `46 00 4115 (Addy Chokes Tea, W Bonk Watkins, -10 00 477/I.3arandlio, Bangs _Beaells. :-...,_ ,-; ''. ; • i , 140 NOill die PerfOrnery. Prank 144.41 1 311.' ' ' 'll 00 - NOD ' - .. -: - Naiad NO 2. .. •-3 00 Aooll.Ton lises Cada -2106 One Canned Peach ß es, Miss L Mershaßi 10 5 00 1133.TertW.4 0 116 Nom '- ' - 4 .4* : 110 1 5.meemoen II aratilia. : 7 : , '-' , - $ l4O 1796 997 Bha le i nel. fr ar , eu • SCO lan 13 ~,... ~...-,• ~:,-, .;.- , :.:100 863 4 0 me . o _,,_ _... ... - ;5 00. 32113 Bradfad Argos: Horton 4 CrP Pilch: ~1 00 2973 Rmall arrow. Johnßrennsk 2 00 1587' Barrel Flo ur , Mary Ladd. - - 0 00 . 4186 Box Soap. A R KlngsburY. 19 00 594 •Bradford Reporter, N X Reynolks. Alba. 2.00 _• 1. Globe Remispbereall Rendhead. - 'l5 ft 3704 Iron Mat& Holder, H C Illisby, 100 ' 679 Coliathik RA M t tomoM.,•• :,, • .• I, 110 ion' _ 4 . 811 5883 Pound Tea. N Kinney. -. - __ , 1 90 7901 rge Redd* Horse, .113 add. AID', ' - ' WM o Coal..lllJudd. 4 00 2730 large Albano. 12 A Tanighlk • . 400 4160 Piney Watch Holder, I Altars, Pittston, 100 6717 Ton Cad, F Z Bieber. Airold;„ 440 2sszawaviococig 01. r c a, a 1-s 71355tImmIlreiwer.7 C Bb. Terroullk — 'ls Mr 1537 Cutting Box„ GII Wood, 4 . . 13 00 - 607 Barrel Omani, Pat Ptelan. 6 00 SRI Jar Pomade, C A Preston. 11 Talmud'. - 1.00 SOU trloS l7l Hot 81110 5.; A 011101,1181111H114.2 OQ 5232' Reiter= Lairip Webb; Ilieshermik .1 00 2374- Brad Reporter. T 11 Booby. Monroe, '2 Mr 1172 Brad•rgus.W LRearanimproyMititldeld,2 00 8167 Cedar Palla F Mena. _ 1 110 5561 First clue Chiceast to order. Franklin 1. 53 00 4091 Kerosene Lamp; C T Endes,' 1 00 2724 Lot in It Towanda, 1111birrett,Mttaton.500 00 1312 Bradford Haporter. • L Tharnste, .. : , , 900 3295 Box Cigars, WEvans,Towands. : 500 629 Bradford Argus. F D Decker.. oi ~ _ ? 900 4731 DreasPstterli, EFrook-: '. ' 000 1254 Bradford Argus, F. F Smith, - 2 00 3064 Ban.6lllmar. F Huntley. Tornado, • ' 4 37 50' 4004 Barrel Floor. H Cunningham, Green•wd, 10 00 4559 Pound Tea, Franklin No 1, 1 00 1667 Globe Heinispliere, Flo Berth, 06 ' 2278 Ton Coal. Ens Loran's. Troy • 400 1169 Palmy Iron Match Holder, ZKendall, • = - 1 60 '2265 Ten Coal. olt Porter, - 400 1889 Kerosene Lamp, (Matching, 111ster,, , 1 00, ;3044-Oultiester. WlB Mann ' ', • 11 015 4034 Bradford Reporter, Geo Fox, 2 00 MB Pound Tek J F Means. . 100 4229 Cedar Pall. H Barton • C P Patch, 1 60 .4563 $lO Silver, i P Duren, . 10,00 '4722 Merino D Pattern 10 yds, Miss e D Pratt, 20 00 1344 Box Soap. H G.Merenr. 33 00 4882 Dm Cheroots. 111 Horton. ' s ' • . , 100 1424 Pair NR.,Booto. Reed Stevens, . 15- 00 .1101 Marble Mantle Shelf. W 8 Vincent, 6.00 2274 -Box Cheroots, M 0 Locinlai-Z, Troy. 1 00 2306 Bede:ad Re JpoTr tCeroo. k W KM Ds N Y. 11 0 0 05727 P ou nd Tea, 1765 Bradford Argus, ° 2 00 5131 Kerosene Lamp 3 Marin, Fall Croek, 100 5166 Jai Pomade. Mb Kane. " 3 00 3233 Barrel Flour. Mrs Johnson: ' 10 00 1226 Pound Tea. 0 It Wood,. 1 oo 616 Brad Reporter. J D Lynch, Fall Creek, 900 3180 Globe Hemisphere. J F Means, 15 00 413 Roll Brussels Corpet.Siun Kingston. 70 00 5299 Cultivator. 11 11 Taylor, 800 3457 Reel Reporter, I A Moody. Rome. ' 2 00 5002 A IrDougall, Pittston. 900 709 Bradford Co Plow, Heaters. 9 00 5343 Brad Reporter, 3 G.Wrlght, Ferluntlle. 200 220 Dble HarneneLoulia,sumealKscedrods. 711 00 5538 Cedar Pail, Franklin No 1, 150 319 one Perfumery. OF Powell, Pittston, - 000 352 Barrel Flour, A 0 Mason, 10 00 2044 Box Cheroots, Thermos Clammy. 1 00 601 Ladies Purse, W B Stevens, ' 2 00 1241 Bradford Reporter, Fannie Gard, 9'oo 1003 Box Cigars, F. 8 David. 6 00 4175 Box riaord levera g a us . 1 Krinamen El W Urge), . - - - -.., - • - ------- -41. 1 .a 4059 Bradf Ar, 1433 Toilet Sett. Hattie Phelps. Burlington, 5 1030 Bradford Argus, 12 M-Dnrfey, 2 00 6824 Gents - Pocketbook, B Granger, N Tr:elands, 1 50 3522 Box Barp, HI Chubbuck. Warren, 9 00 2921 Pound TervElarn Coolbaugh, Wysok 1 00 5182 Map Towanda; Patch and Blackman'. 800 3548 French Shawl, Ira Varney, Franklin, 15 00 3784 Ton Chestnut Coal. W A Chamberlain, 5 25 2008 Bradford Argus, Mason Beals, • 900 2149 Miss D Northrup, 909 3627 Churn Power, L D Caderty, Binghamton, 33 00 869 Wood Beam Plow, 8 J Berger, 8 50 380 Point lace Shawl. May Bowsnan.Towanda,7s 80 382 Box Cheroots, A C Stevens, Wyalmang, -.1... 00 4164 Bore led 5011.50, D W Burr,Keshoppen4oo 00 3012 Kerosene Lamp. nos Jennimm, 1 00 4789 Tem Coal 3 B notion: Tarrytown. ' 450 8155 - Boa Cheroots, 0 L Grant„ - G Summit, 100 3993 , 1, Plow. Patterson k Kinney, 33:6 Ton Coal, Humphrey Brothers, 4331 Pound Tea, H Davenport, 473 Ton Coal, 3339 Kerosene Lamp, F A Cash, 1 00 780 MerinOD Pattern, 10 yds, Jim Mitchell,' 20 00 2062 Box Cheroots. ..1 K Ferguson. Pittston, 1 00 4131 Bradford Reporter. Bobt Jolley, 9 00 510 Case Perfumery. M Bennis, - • 3 00 2828 Bradford Reporter, G 11 Dimmock,Orwall. 2 00 4709 Sett Chamber Furniture, Chas Gaaley, 75 00 3897 Bradford Repinter. L A Case, Troy, 2 00 5207 Cedar Pa il . Xl5 Moody, IXi 3752 Pound Tea, R Erman", N Ir, • 100 1429 Sett Single Harnmkli Ii Montinye, 40 00 1373 Ton Coal, E Orertob: Jr, 6 00 1588 Jar pomade, Jas Mlitle, 1 50 4890 Marble Mantle Welt, Clarence Nevins, 6 00 3391 Box Cheroot.. X M Reynolds. Alba. 1 00 3578 Oenta pocketbook, J 111 12110tt,Sheshequin.1 60 1725 11 0 Howes. 1.50 5966 Barrel Flour; Thames, lO 00 4379 Kerosene Lamp. C II Wilson. Elmira, 100 1388 Globe Hemisphere. Mrs L Mundy. lli 00 3139 Cedar *B. J M Collins, 1 50 2599 Jar pomade, A II Dodge, Leßoy,' 2 00 3566 Silver Wateb t 0 Benjamin. Urn bin, 28 0 0 4886 Sox atruit, NH Kingsbury , 1244•111sible Mantle, Raab Donilibertr, Wysom,-11 00 152 Ink Mud, Ira P' Ihena, 760 _ _ _ Step _he,- , . SO Barrel Flow, X It Maw. - -.. 5107 Box Cheroot Jerre Broanalian„ Wee, 100 5115 Bradford Deportee, O W Sweetland, 900 315$ Marble Mantle, 3 IS Cahn, 6 06 208 Brad Reporter, A 2 00 1644 .. T i =ter, E Canton. 2 00 5403 Buffo* Pig, 0 W Rabbi, 25 00 3529 Gents pocketbook. Sit Moray, 1 se 1939 Cedar pall, J 3EDarling, Portage. WM , 150 3219 1 pound Tel.llßeaX B Brain. S Canton, 1 OD 1107 1 plow, Dr Smith, Waverly, 10 Oft 321 Case Bair Restorer, J P Post, P o st BM, 10 00 351 Fine Boots to order, A 0 Mason, 12 00 6997 Bradford Argo.s. - 7 7 Taylor. ' 200 5428- Boa'Cheroots, L D Forrest, SmitbAeld, 100 .5881 Bpadford Argue. 0 L DeLano, 2 00 ' 3188 Box Cheroots, J F-Means., 1 00 5371 - .. Ben Drrpew. . 100 3304 IWle, Dare Leonard, Meter. 25 00 4660 Iron beam side bill plow, --, . 10 50 9007 Merino D patters, /13 Yds.4llool4llw. 23 00 2942 Tali Coal, Id 3 Coolbangt, - - 400 Stir M. T. VANoonoin, of lolonrol) tenniahip, has left at this office • /talk of corn me*. antingfeed and ten tad, es in length. 13=NESIS Lois. 16-Rose Blat — i - ge it EVANS & Hu.Dnern's. - • ser According to pearances, TAYLOC'S Electric Oil is,giving universal antis-. faction ISt. Diagnal Serges at EvAss Sr. an Wawa Viir gave. you been into Mrs. J. New Millinery Store on Bridge street ? Her prices are very reasonable, and such beau tiful styles l Next door to the' Red, White and Blue Store. - 1 00 10 00 1 50 lap EVANS At, linmaErn,;sole agents for "Thn Queen's Own" 'Bilk Lustre Black Alps caa. The best in marktit. X 3.1871. The last YoL of liar psr's Megazhie is new closed. My subscribers who Wish to. disiaintizino or change for other mogazines, will please do so at once, at the- D member number commences a new Vol. Those Rho do not so direct will bo ontinned another year. New subscriptions solicited.— I am selling wall paper cheap, and trimming it free of charge. A large assortment now ready. F. J. Camas. IMO . kktl. You . can find - :' the- cheapest Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, &c., at Evans it Huanurrn. HUMPIIILY BROTHEBS have just reoeite fineethndleat : lot of 'Fancy lap Bobes,Volf and Buffalo Itpbea, Reese Blankets eta; ever offered in Towilida. Their Ileritees Department * under The sOpervieiop of Mr. Will cox, is as usual producing tho best 'vrork ti• be found, Ind they4re reelierect to =kilo ord& any description of Carriages or ,Team Harneei at short notice.' They also 'invite xi °lamina. • thnle)filmir large ._assortment of Trash* , eli Traveling Bags, Beticifilee. &c. A NEW MING Et TOWANIiA.---111101iES .itirldsblng Storey Millitudy, Brom andltanddr ing Goods, in Bddleman's..New Block, Bridge Bt.; Wanda, Pa.`- - .Mrst. E. C. would respectfully announce to the ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that eh° his' lased one of the commodious etore•roonta in Beidkormat's Block, ,on Bridge sink!, and has' opened s lltat _clew DreMMiddiwind *Faridsling *re: . - *44llits' sfeselilidren'e Goods, ready. made, einstudkr ,Oti,ks4oor;t.ado to order. Madame beioloreit- Pattern Specimens evesywiesto rondined toillf &tidal( them: Ottrtondeay.: on to please our patrons, wolioia to natio a 16117,44 Of`POU o l,=rr c r?tY4 eximitif3 bur gobthntn • .. MULE. G. AMMAN. . Oct. 20,1870. • LEI Thocuita ficio4*.--;3lersan3. CArauil JCPUIWY have announced in their card in ;this iisni,thailthes. milepost it set* &xi hotrod tion in dancing and deportment, at the Ilk** **WWI 0 10 4 . 0 4. 4 ,4 1 044;* • ltrAturnsattuts lonfteniorid an invialde men -1014 1 4L44 1 : 4 cill#raa a , ***lt*, Psalm - wno is at present anptcped. as -ma i liedr. ll o.4 o l4ata3laltair YOkiaila i ii* L .for, a otysarstengaged at - oak ea vatilthkis UM 4 be:o ntstp tti?f the,ntest iiiitialiks l , l6 4abe-rs.t.tiiir ter *srl l arenta 'war aaW - hint thidinittldren to their ears. The." *.,. played - in the school will consist of • harp and ir ioty;;y) (i MEM 118 ..Bbleskitalian . 1 40 4 -7749/12e thing new 'kilt aiiiiiistarat atm (mop, it ‘r-„ , ) 144 914t 411149.",:ar . • Couonsl-olac Ona . iv—Duriag the wet, changeable NUM of .faH • and winter, when throat and king dfskiasi4 aisteo frequent, persona should bear izimind &Importance of PIMPQF arresting their Peeteeee bit** The r,elPei*L, tlFineleds.lot9l t4e..W Mildly of commuiption were Shat attacked with whatthey thought - tobeenWit inght ease, ori oold on the bream', and enorteatudy i leaving it would i!earitisell Off, neglected the proper rem edies until their disease terminated in consump• Hinnies Compit3yrup of porcr fajls the hoist cities of `coughs,' Colds; hoirsenessonttairh mi the breast, ore throat and asthma. It \an infallible remedy for, nhooping.comih. Ills uo private quaCk" prep. i rati(4l 2.2o°B PreParea ogler { # l ° iguYilidiAlto supernsoirof s'graduatiref the Pennsylvania Medical college, and preseribedby, agree of the leading phYsielMil in the:United States. It is Strictly a scientitio, preparation, containing all the medical virtnes'Of the Pine Tree sr in a concentrated .forna; combined *o34 f: heat, dimulcerits aridts known to the pro. ;fession.s . Pil*,6o.quits pi3A bottle. Sold at F. W. Bnouires Ding Starci,Vowanda, anti ilntaxa & Y&uens ' s Drug Store, Wyaluaing...ltunext, 14stros, Proprietors, Philadelphia. ' . . Det.1,40."..11m " ' ' DODbE-PEPNEL - In th e 'Cluteclan ChrUreh in Franklin. on Saturday, Oet. 10,1870, by the Pos. noel tor.W. W, l Dodge of .Franklin. to• Was Mary:Ten.. of Asyum. . „ • , VAN DTILE-11ABDING:=At the reildence of Ur. J. Dann In Canton. Oct. 204870, by Bev. J. L Watson, D. B. Van Dyke and Mai A. A; Harding; _ both of Cake, Pa. YOUSE-CPAYNght.,-An Darlleirtorn, at the bonne Myron Calkh*Vek 23, ISM. by Bev. Z.-• Lane. Martht U. Morse arid Mtn Nellie W. Cratnner; all AYEBS—ESSErtwure..—At Luther's MUIR, Oct. 18, 4610, by • Bey. Z.: Lane. ,and idyls MiresMit Essenwine; of Darlington. ELLIOTT—VIROUICIId—in Wylets.f.o6l. . 11170, by W. If. Conklin, Emil. Mr. W. M. Elliott of Le. Itaysvilla and Miss Martha E. yergison of Wyscrs. PRINCE-LEINEIL—In Warren; Oct. 16, 1610, at the house' of the bride's father. by Rev. Wm. C. Pack; Abed Mace and Miss &Truth Hines; all of Warren. DICKFXBO2t—BOWEN.-.—At Windham Centre, Oct. 18,1870, by nee. Wm.' C. Peck. J. C. Dickerson and 311 is B. M. Doren; allot Warren. BUBSTIT.—In Sylvania 04. 4; 1870, of internal . loorpta. man of Francla and Ludlam A. Dural; kind 2 years months and I day. • Of auch ' ts the Kingdom of Hoaremr, • SUMPIIIIEY,—In tills borough. on Thursday. Oct. 19, 1870, Colette 8., infant daughter of Ira B. and Heitto_llonuabtoB..-.marlin ana 041.11; • INSt. Highest price paid for all kinds of Farmer's Prodnce, at the-Bed White Blue Store. DON'T NEGLECT THIS NOTICE.—AII perms owing 8. N. AsrunvaLL or Aevniwarse Baunna by note or account must pay brt November first, or collection will be enforecit . Oct. 20,'70. Dar Second-hand Sewing Machines for sale at a bargain by Wickham & Black. Alan, Machine Needles, Oil , Thread, Silks, he., &c. ; April 25, 1870—tf. 7 50 600 1 00 4W WIT We guarantee satisfaction in all the work we do. We cut, make, and trim elOthing for men and boys wear, H. MMUS k CO. 4 Bridge Street. Towanda, Pa., • . Mir A Secondhand Top Wagon, with polo and shafts, running gear nearly new, for Bale at Braves .Carriage - Factory'. -.Price; 1150. Sept. 21,111-41. es. Choice Mackerel, only one shilling perponnd, at - N. J.Loxo's. Jilne 16,1870. liiir " sea Moss Farino " for Pud dings and Custards, for sale by Rine 16;1870. mg.. Your phoice of thi3 very :1A1124 Tetai, for 1,3 per lb. at the lied Mite .t . 81n4 Stare, , 10 00 118. Goods delivered to all parts of the village free of .charge. fled White Blue Store. • JMiss GIUITIN has received the latest styles of Fallisnd Winter Millinery Goods. A variety of Heti - and Bonnets - Butt cannot fall to please the ladies who examine them. hand some Flowers and Feathers, rich Satins and VelYett si ßibbons, flashes, Laces, and all binds of Bra Coils and things for the hair, which will be sod on reasonable lorms.. All who are indebted to Me will "Please - call and settle immediately. Over Montanye's of fice, corner Main and Find . strmts. Oct. 1870. . , Ifir Go to the . Bakery ; first door north of Ward Honse,lo r fresh - Onickers. Oct. 27, 1970. D. W. Boort& Co. ' air The Germania Fire Ins. Co., N.Y., has become ik favarlte Company to insure in, ofi account of its promptness and liberality in settlement of-losses. -Por a policy in it apply tti Jona W. Agt Ia ce Wercnr's Bloc k Towanda, Pa. • Oct. 27,1870. . DANCING AND DEPOBTXECT.—MesSrs. Canham & Purdy respectfully notify the citi zens of Towanda and vicinity that, they opens School and teach all of the meet fash 'enable Dances now taught. The Subsoriphon List will be found at Ur. W. Dlttrich's Mina Room. , . • , Messrs. Canham k PardY iefer to Mr. W. Dittrich for character and ability. School will open Thursday, NoTember 3, at the Weans Bowie, at2.o'clock, p.m. - • Oct. 27, 1870. Kb. Sell your Batter, Eggs etc at the Bed White and Blue Store. Se. Cash paid for Grain at the Bed White and Blue Store, Bridge Bt. Towanda. Ba , ••w•:.•. & EMIWAX. Evairs J. Hummers CiiirrEri Mori 'nos.' —l.' lay° for :ate a quantity of Chester Whito Pigs. Ulster, 0et..1,10. A. B. Smartt- soir pandies of all kinds; wai =tet' thabeet, it wholesale and retail, cheap er than the cheapest, at the Red, White and Blue , • • Opt. W7O. • tiirTobacco and Cigar!, in groat satiety, wholesale and retail, cheap for cash, at Red, White' and Blue Store. • • • Oct. 13,70. Burma= & Rnximirar. --7,16-Burnett'n celebrated flavoring extracts, for sale by , M. J. Lona. Jane 16, 1870. , •-• • = iss.. Crackers manufactured, daily and tor•sale whoktsaliiand ietal,• . at tlie23alery, first door north of Ward March 30,1870. D. W. Socrrr Is Co. -V•Tearatm—Onit span of 2/3itched Bay Horse!, 5 years old, good team or road horses, weight 1000 pounds. Boma, Sept. 21,1041 L. L. MOODY. 1826. MONTANIrES 1870, have just opened a bate and carefully salea. ed - stock of goods for the fatr trade. 'Dress Goods, Sheehngs, Manna* Prints, k.c. Tel Sugars, Syrup!, and Groceries of all kinds tu a :New York pnces. Crockery and Glasawarep our own importation, in -fact too extensive si stock to itemise, bought exclusively for cash, and guaranteed to be geld at lower prices than error offend in this market. ms. The course Fumed by the Caseadelgtr, of nelling goOdllgur at tho iow est posidble prides' ,is prat:Lotto° - of nonterons silvan It makes a =aka 'for the wheat ,of ntity'rlohd sepPlies con' tonna With a cheap arid w e • article of fresh groapd Scow, awl as a nataralieredt rashes lettrelnstness the i llfilla s it In Europe, drouth, and short crops, are ring the effect hrniasla#s s ; l 4# thiS boll , . -& ,*- 1 4 1 it l reP Be l l at'nifilinenn pr ices.' 1nt29,4870. - • Drrrmen's ?Susie • Store, east of Mercies Midi,' first door, where yon will And' elodoons, thgans, Guitars, •• • • r.,.:; Acoindoons, Carlon. eb,Flutes, • . • , Instruction Books for all Ins •• • , *nide • • • aid all kinds of Mud* • • • • - ~Aptcl.l, 70. One aollaf and saitireigi beir- Brno=An...wydriog. Po.. for: an l'itotesismilt tlio Stafford Ocs. Crowson be.l44l4temorhoVkirst Sept. tit aialo3Blo, or so wao ot the Lsekawsonspresbiterr at its first std Sliest :lllg aliT l Y s i l #9 4 k r i et -t-•1 Ea OFST 20 . 1 ,9F 1 4 ' • TOLoy, & G* Merchant !I'm: - rcitilegri*Reandion - 0 1 4, 0 :alits* /ISPAIWAVAni*Tes„.IVO . :. -- : ; - ,•‘:•4.i 7 !•4T 4 _RWM-614• 4 ' TtP•4W4IO. rer6.l , • • • - • MABSI,ED. DIED: enna NOTICES. 111.;1. Loxcti - lir Ham I,4mus, gerchant or, Bridge itieetic-- • ' I beg leave to inform mfOld friinidi, -- azut Met po i l=rl b tha p t ß lVapened i t t E NEZ .0 BEIDLENANS BIRCH, BRIDGE STEM,- and resP o oUnkr -$1:0410 1 an Inspection , of, 26y goody and prices.':As rriyatock hail been; ptir chasetlentwelrfor CASH, and as I' propose - to *afar =SDI( PAY 1 fml confident that my Pwill ii ccanpare f t siorably with' any eilt ola WZlTattantia to the. sel4O of Gaorrox Smuts, and warrant them Pt*. '''Aty assortment , of TEAS nicomplete, and in prices from SIXTY CENTS to ONE theses AND FORTY CENTS. Coffee ground to - cider, and sold at the lowestepricc. Give rim GEO.' L. =MEW Towanda, Joly 14,1870. • _! M.F.BCFM ' S BLOCII.--OLOVEp. . T $OO -LACE lIIA'WLI3-LAIZST FAORIONS. —W i ns Baum informs her patrons that she has Put ranaired from Europe sap* of Jouvin's (}loves, which sho can offer ar $1,50 at retail.) itlsoShawls and Barbes in Lamm and plainly LAO. • , Bnarwr calls especial attention.. to her thalatori plates and patterns. She regnlarlyrii. mints the Berlin ".11azarn. (theoriodual of'Har per'a), as well as the 'Paris " Moniteur des _ Mi*a." • ' t• Aline stock of the latest Hata and 'Boupbts *away' on hand. Slay 4, 1870—tr. . 74 1 4 ATCO ' T I •• Sl* HMO ES All Inencm.—Messra. Taylor & Gore are opMt ad, in connection with their Clothing Store, a Tailoring Dep artment; and having secured the Services of a Sret-elasscritter" indeerepetent workmen, thirjare prepariafii 'Stork in the best style, and latest-fashions to or der. Having just•Mosived -s'iterw and AC : Meek of cloths, they are prepared to o ff er t ter inducements than ever before offered hi hands. The public will find it to their advitn-. tags to give us a call before buying elsewhere:. Itemember we warrant our work and grutimitee good fits:. done notice. - lifarchl2ls7ol• .- I " ' • THE "SILVER TOEGEEs."--4./tlito a large party of hidies andgentlemen assembled, it few evenings since, ata private Fifth Avenue; forthe • u urrppooseee of hearing ono of CannairrA,NESTMA.VEIPiu - or Orgaminiamprilat edby 'a celebrated compAter aud'performef. It waa.a delightful treat to all present, for lew' were strain bait_ vast a Stride has boon' Made towards bringing these charming instruments to perfection. Among the guests was an Eng lish lady, who is well:known in v 4merica• and Europe as a writer of popular tat and. sketch es, but, more particularly •on • Sue side of the water,' as'a poetess of distinction. Her neme will probably suggest itself to our readers • perhaps, it would not be in good taste tet intro duce It in this connection. After listening, in almost breathless attention, through several thrilling performanoesby the organist, and being carried from pathos and sadness to a depth of solemnity and grandeur at the will of the pillow—sometimes swaying jo andlro to graceful measures of the mune, and again seeming spell-bound by the enchanting strains which filled the lofty music-room—Mal= 16.--• arose from her seat, and approaching the organ, laid her hand on it caressingly, saying. as she did so, ".Sweet singer, thy name should be .774Airer.liestue- n -- Still later, in contaraa lien, the same lady declared that in all iher travelii, she had never listened to so charniing an instrument. The host proclaimed his Mau and incomparableparlor organ rechristen ed, and promised that bencefbrth it should be known only as "The Silver Tongue." NiThen Mesars.C.tatuar&NErmitamthe manufacturers of the instrument in question, are mit& avvitre of the honor thus sowed neon one_ of their invc- -mentions, they will doubtlesii adopt thwifunee. In this event, we may look fora new sign, soon, on the broad front of. their manufactory in Twenty-third Stred, having something like the following: `Vttantifilvturera of the Celebmted Mew Ibngue Organs.' We suggest the idea: So much for having pleased a poetess ; and who shall ask, " What's in a name ?"—home not Coin, PAssaosA' 'Co., Sole Wholesale Agents for Bradford, Tioga and Sullivan Co's., Pa., and fllogs County, N. Y., .41so.yoalers in First-Class altos, No. 6 7 PATTON'S Block, Towanda, Pi.. Also for Bale by B. P. LEONARD, Troy, Pa, October 26,70. Now lavertisementa. HE - I,EarIIRE COMM TEE OF TngLOVOE'OPITUE I. 0. OF t ".31% T. in this place, would announce that they h wte engag ed the following named lecturers: ANNA. E. DICKINSON.. 84bJeet—“To The Reeette7" IVENDELL PHILLIPS, yut xis lost Arts. " JOAN Gt. war,. Su.idect—"Umi." . WIRT SIKES , . • SubJed—.••After Dariln New ouvg LOGAN. Subject -7' REV: 141 1 ,THEW RALF, SMITH Subject—“Cdriolus Cont.i'sats, Old Tunes, . an 4 Our timeA The dates Upon which the lectures well ld deliv ered, harltdoeset been axed. but will-be announoed when they leer. Admission 50 cents. Reserved Seats 75 cents, Beason- Tickets, entitling holder to resorted Bea, $3 .50. M!MERMR!!MI and J. W. Vann74, committee/a Sept. 15.1870. COWRY. : - CHINA, CM GLASS-WARE , a~;.: . ~ . 'I`ABLE Oummt, • • PLATED WARE • AND- HOUSE rURNISHING GOODS, MI F:~ OEM gMA.cHENES nieP */ tii:ll7 - . AT • • .:- El gift: punivaeLiBoo'- - TONS BEST toiiiiiii. °sl rV i rd ilute " / "Z' 2E14 li°ll - hinds Grabs will DO VOR'SALE.,HODSE AND tOZ, X..; /poison Voialkstusetoiszlis* !Mit 2423 i Isetorittivtll and calatera. Arm ana hint at OANWICRIaIti 01) Ingralanaaaat ,1 - 11,11 . 4" . .;; . • , • ^ 8: CODDINO, RUSSELL •& CO., • -,t - • - - -TOWASiA, PA. Ask the attention ofthe people of iiitedfortrcounty. Ts., to their etieitsiteretock of • ItARDWnit. • '4 . 31 1 9VE5,' IRON, Which ln . variety an d'eliespueas 'nnexeened in Northern Pennsylviinla.'ilro quote a .fewpiiees only to pa hint iooda ate sold at this time, and labile .liable t 4 'eta*, elm lamp ail at the very lowest rake- , - . , month *ed to giononatalof over 90 digs 91010{11g. Nails, per keg, - 5d and up . 44 50 GlasS, per box, Bxlo 2 135 Glass, per b04.10x12 3 10 Glass, per box, 14x1G • 3 3j Linseed Oil, per gallon 1,10 • _ SASH AND D. 00.138. nEsH CEMENT AND LI!AE *STOVES OF ALL KINDS. :., . , • r. gitlZlXegta4l ,g 2 gg. s ,r. g s 3 rs '44 : t . 4:. ra n I P WEI n. _II.. ?,-.•„-zq Erl l es., _ - ,_ : , O o o Le.. g. r - 5 - 4 2 obd ...—, - pI. t> rSI • 5 0:1 ssie 1.14 ai , I .:b ~ . 6 td . Delivered fret ou cars at low raga Tor Pore. lined sudthian Fruit. Jars, Qts. at $2 per dozen, $23 per gross. 2 Qrs. , $2 tio par dozen, $29 per gross. . . CIDER MILLS $25 to' $45. .. . . r.,• it : 4 1f et... .% t ,,,t OQ • . • g i* § 'A' t -e , • g - • ,c,,, ,-, - 0 E. . • _ tzl . -7., ..,-1 .0.. , tid 0 -:- 0 , tt , -4 . • .a , --g• - ft - 4 n . •ft. .7' '', -7 = es g .7 , , .. .' 11 7 1TRELER'S, -IND BLOOD'S. • _ . • , - - MORSE rOWlllii .C.CD.T111110311E6.8, .` Sl.iti lanuing tLipls in:viler—l. Good S,t•eel Knives and F041:t3 at One Universal Wrinaers, Bench Wringirs, Novelty Wringers, Doty's Wash . ers, Brass:Kettles; Poreeh4. Kettles, Tinware, Wooden Ware, Pze. ' EIMI We sell tlie most Pocket Rohr& Rum's. Sheank gml. Silver-plated ware becanseyout keep the isegeillt assortment of any Kerosene-Oil by *6 barrel at 2iketa. Dupont's powder by the keg $3_5 0 0 Rifle 5 1131 Not , eatielied. if equalled by any They always MECHANIC ' S TOOLS In great varietzr. • Sam, • Boring Machines, Hames, - Anvils, Vises, - • . Bellows, • Drills, Chisels. breitrythe attention of builders to our imporior star* of • `DOOR 1.441.$ AND TitIMMINGS, As well as to our Jetrottb Pure, Excelsior, and other reliable brands of • , PAINTS AND OIL& r : • r ' • Wagon Makers antrrilige_Bauaera world do well to salt no.' Ma have Ma&lpbia, Unb,annai Siiokes. Fine Axles, Felipe!, Springs. &c. • Oak spokes, 21, r per set $4 00, de IS 5 - 0 ti _is 2 4- " 3 00 ME El SIMI SL Germain Student Lamps, Church Chandeliers; Gas Fixtnres, Gas - ‘" Pipe, Pumps, Iron,Sinks, Burdens Horse . . ' - Shoes. Xitional Horse Nadi by the iv; at 22 tete. per pound. * ME *wales k MACK'S . lietuxe. fitted with Gee Pipe, Fit. ,Heaters; &a., .&a. - ; short MI notice: cxzeute, ituega4 co s ser' t. um). • Coddin,g,Anon & CARRIAGE GOODS, &c. At rictorq,ndes. Alwiplon Lcwl .Dollar per set per gallon Ageney for ELIAS. HOWE SEWING IKTLUMIZIDI RO Irrro 'MILL SAIVS4 I)4CKINQ, • OILS, LEATHER AND litTßEtiM BELTING, PLATFORM SCALES, IV,ffkKGBARBOWS; slier ems, Pistols of all binds always ou band. pßOcLotwrioN.--Wintims, ' Bon. FABIUS B. ITSICEISS. Preddind Jude, to' the 12th Judicial eabiehog or the eons. Ifes of Bradford and end Seas. Usu. tou FIB= an.* LW. AzDna.- Aleadate ill and far mkt connifel Seedbed. leave Isenell in rdr -• precept besting date the 12th day of .Ctetaber, tore. directed for tohling an selbeteed Comet ec , cowmen mei. at Towanda for the wordy OWN& ford, on Monday; Noremher !VOA, matinees one week. . • • • • Notice he therefore here* . ciren to - the tbronera, and Juaticea of the Peace of the mu* of Bradford, that they be then and there Whet, grope" Pilo% at 10 o'clock- In the forenoon of ilia dec. with re- • cords, inembitione and ottreerdeunclehreesule. •to do -those things width to their oaks appertain !to be , done: and those 'rho' abound recegelsenes or ortherwbe to promote sabot the labours who are or may be in 06,1'00 isid county, or who shall be bourat to appesr et the said coot irle to be then - and then to prosecute egebst them es Adwilteleet. Jurors are:masted to =Oast In thei r atten dance, speorMy to their - Dated at Towanda. the 13th day of October In the , year of our Lord; me thousand eight In:tidied and aarenty, and of the. Independence of the Vetted ' Statue, the ninetr-tbird. - J. P. YAM PLm, thertf. • ADITO • 'Et NOTICEm-lii the , !tatter of estate of Bumf anyder fate of Bheshequin townehtp. dammed. Ins Orphan's Court of Bradford Colin% No. 9, Yebretary term, 1870: • - ' The undersigned ark; Anditer sppotated -by sellt Court to redistribute moneys to the above cam will attend to -the duties of his appnatatent at , his Moe to the,of Towanda. on SATI3BDAY. the 6th day. of 21 A.D.;1870. at $ Wota n. p. ni.; at whlelt time sod all weans having denim'. to said tamer are re quested to present such c laims, or be debarred from coming In -mid od. . • W. EL TB altardor Sept. 99,1870-1 t .•A lIDITOR'S - .NOTlCF...—Stknuel , UM. Tokettacrer use sr. Berrie Yaw. Mb. ilk May Term, UM. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. .. • • Th ,,, .„ , r ad a, an auditor.. Wnt.ed b - IBM court to Ta ribute funds in MieW a hulas wriest from Sherlfre sale of defendant's reel estate, win at. tend Unite duties of said appointment. at his cees in the borough of Tormada. on WONDATi the 7th day. of ZiCY"."4IIEII 1870. at 2 Woke:tip. mole which - A , v s ›:.131 . perimmu_hating chdms on mid -.., rr. 4, zr o . .red .oa t um o pmaut tind. khe maw or be deb*. , ed th 5:4 t - il l, i k.„..„ , WX. FOYLE.. • ~... .. . Audner, reputat ti . - tut 1X)541 Jess usanng — Trnd- ' • mother-wit stood very high. 'He re- • sided in the Pei-chibli-provin' ee and was much esteemed in the commnni- • ty. Upon - a ,certain occasion, two men, one•of Whom sold tea-oiL and . _ the other rice, .came before him - to decide a dispute regarding the pro-' prietorship of a measure made of, . basket Work. It sholaclioe iguntinn... At:LUi.l.uPtti, A Li l itirs.--71310 lIIV‘ • derligned aoiMed an sadttm to distribute • hindi! in the ban& of eseatiors, of . the GAMS of - Jo gAil 11158ALLoleceased, arising from agile of real estativf said dmeedent, win attend to Madeira of his appointment at the orate of Deka gam, BK. in Troy horo., on TIII3BBDIY.,BMInatIB ad, It. at 11 o'clock a.m., at which tithe and plium all per. sons are required to present their claims or be &- ham 3 from sharing in the meets. - J. IL MEM. Avatior. Oct. 13M.-4w A lIDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Sylvanus A Vanbutkirk vs. P. P. Iralktits, Ovr W. • Ailey and &tido Wail:W.—ln the Court of Cotozoos Pleas of Bradford County; No. We February Teem. leen. lthe undersigned.liastng teenaprftell . liodltor by 4. said Court to distribute Mangy.. Shatra bands raised front sale of Orr "07. Bode 'a teal estate, will at . tend to the dutlesrof said'appslalareat at hia of in the 13orough of TOinnula, on BONDAY. the 2'st day of 20V.. - 1810, at- 1 delock. p. m.,at which time and place all peneme having dalo on mid money are feguaned to reagent the was or be do ' barred trial Truing Infor ashen) of said money. W. A. PM. Ott. 26, 1870-4 Auditor. ORPHANS'', COURT SALE.—=BY ....,r,ixtue of an order Jutted oat of the Orphans' . Court of. Bradfordco . tye Underl_ltuarailin of Harriet E.. John Free A. =4 %macaw Felton. minor children of Stephen Felton. late of Towanda bo ,• deceased. will sell at public sale at th e Court. Rouein Towanda boro'on THMISDAY NOITEX. Elk 21 1,10; at 1 o'clock; p.m; the following lot' eh or parcel of land situated in Windham town. ship: bounded on the north by lands of N. Cowles and G. W. Webster; op the cut by hinds of :one. than Payne; on the eolith by land of luatin Gleason and on the west by the public `highway; containing about thirty acres, more or leer:. Terms—cash on confirmation otrle.- 7 1:3LILY B. PHLTON Guaidian. Sept. 3th. 1770. EIECUTOR'S Is hereby given that all park= indebt ed to the estate of J. D. Williams. Ids of Monroe tp. dec'd, are requested to mats immediate payment. and all persona having claims sigalnst=nanst present them duly anthentlested for IL BUM. Jos. mixotis. raseasaii. Oct. 4t 1870 TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 'United 'States for the Western Distitet Penneytvania.. In the 'matter of ICLCHAIID 4811. TON,Basdatipt, IN BLNILBUPTCT. •• ' - • To same d nay concern—Vie tindersigned hereby giros notice of his appointment as Assignee of Ench ant Ashton. of the township of Pike, in the county of Bradford, and State of within id District, who has been adja • Bsobrupt upol petition of creditors by the District Court o. said District, . - Dated at Tossed., Oct. 24, 13i0. ' • JOB LUDY, Assignee TN THE DISTRICT COURT - OF. AL the United - States for the Western-Distriet of Pennaylrania, in the matter of E. P WILCOX, Bank rupt, • - c ISi BLNBItUPTCP.. • To Miami IT MAT Commix: The undertdgned hereby gin:wax:4es °Chia swot as Aastignee of E.- WILCOX of the borough of, Cattlets , to the county of Bradford. and State of Petuustrazda, withinwaid Diatrki; who has been adjudged a Bank rupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. . Dated Towanda, Pa., the 21st dry of Sept., 1870. BYRON W. CLAM, Asahmer B. A. PE'rlIS & CO., Have Just received a fresh stock of FALL' GOODS In Mete hue, bought to New Toth ehl Phibuleaphia. at prices that warrant them in agingthat they will BMW CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Their stock mullets laltwasteriad other DRY" GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, zr.PHM, CO 31ILLENERY DrPLUM:EN?' s thoroughly tarnishel with the y+=i .I 1 V. t~ ..,t .Ia For the season Oki Isthett tAPS AND HEAD -RIGS , , •- "Constantly on hand. Main at.; opposite the Court Mouse Sept. 20."r9 'WWI FOB ME IN MONBOE TOWNSHT9.—The sable:Mbar oOkas for sale his valuable arm, lying on the Merida Umiak% to Monroe township, three sides from the village of Monroe, and Mtn . miles front Towanda,. with -a . good road leading from both the above phew. The Sullivan k. Erie Milford ,also 1)111111611 through Ms farm. It contains 190 saes, about 65 sari under good state of vaittvettoas good boildbilli two hags orchards, and ls wed watered. Terms easy. - 1.0. arDOWAY. 2d. Sontlittranch, Ang..11.19. HEAP PASSAGE PBOM - 08 TO IRELAND. OR ENGLAND: 0020 X s oQ.i rm or sesissors 11iNg itlithiscis k (Motel old 2 1111s*1 1" 17 - 1400 '; of Lir. Liss 44 rodicor rblati. letha rAds lisik rcis or to Loam .tan raw Woo s loos& Readttsoost to instrid. irdasd sod litoesad Alas on demo& - lor forGor swami" sgply to WlllionS Gam. Sp Boodny. New Pork ay - 'Q. P. MASON & 00.1Mairess. Oct.!. INd.• loosed& Ps. SHOT, .. VT A.R14. - EB, .Ll* we TCHNA/012 AND "JETIELSN, Iteapecttuflp Wolin* the Pattie that be keeps ten, Matt:ran babd all *ads et' - - AIEEDICAS AID SWESS WATCHES, Also a Soo smottimatot , _:: . . • 00W, SIINJES AHD L ATCp JEWEL at Eaustethlt of *NW*, Map. Ildothbis,= RisliPu bot other allotoo too numaxmo to A grog wirsitiq-Ot Ho moot oplotwod Clotho. . The WA= SW Attune mAopity to Pte : ti and be Sateen hbossittliatwe Ma twenty tura exporimme IA Tamale, ho WI ho eh to =ll ,l l who may favor litot VIM Mob - las the Past Hama Pataalsek =Ur pea° that hm ammo shall tot tomosobio, mod so plim =Bommutor tlumboo. us Illateat", Po two doors meth at ' DWI &We WOWA . TairMAS. Pll., ad, 32. UMW r , • . , - • VOB BATA—My Rau and tat on Pine direst Is oared tor aile st a wean. For !Rather patta(igteisdtt - -' ClUef• SEI En WOBSTED, .XOTIONS, &C THEIR