I=ll The barn yard mutt!--lull Wasszk regtdayxl by - the &under Of the Land on whlch;largitaYlor other I:lona:Ur atious, has been - found -necessuy to locate:the buildings,. yet it should have its due . ymight„ in-determining the location. ' - , . When cattle are kept - -0 Vague; at least during the day time In sum mer, it should be a very good reason that mduces a farmer to so place his barn that ha comet hive the yard on the warmest and sunniest side of it. Ordinarily the coldest winds of win ter blow from the north and north west, while the munath of the morn ing sun in winter falls best into nooks where lookout is toward the south amt. Therefore a southeast anomie 'is usually the best. If there are to be severslbuildings, they should be so arranged _ as to . shelter the yard from the north and west:,,, Shelter from the past is not so important, but if it can be conveniently procured has a certain adiantage, d act-arrang ed auto allow the early morning sun to fall in the yard. A close fence, six or seven feet -high wardd be better than a high building. f When a shed is to be used, it is a good plan to build the barn on the north side and the shed on the west side of the barn. The barn yard ought always to have sufficient slope for surface drain age, but the wash should be collected ' in a pit or deep hole at one side, and into this; straw, leaies and muck may be thrown to absorb the liquids reach ix„ it. If cattle are to be fed in the yard, and are expected to make ma nure of a large quantity of corn-fod der and straw, it is very well to have a nearly level yard, with a slight de pression in the centre, and to'give them a dry footing by a profuse feed ing of these materials, of which they will consume the best parts, tramp ling the refuse under foot. Such an accumulation properly composted during the summer will make excel dont manure for autumn use. No farmer, however, who has once learned the feeding value of both corn-fodder and straw when cut and mixed with other food, will continue to! waste them under.the. feet of his animals, finless he is entirely careless of his own interests, or has a Eapera bundance of fodder that he cannot sell to advantage. By hook or by crook, he will contrive, in some way, to make them available for food. Whatever plan is pursued the sur face of the barn-yard should receive no water, save that which falls direct ly upon it from the clouds. Surface gatteri should protect it against the flow of Water from other ground, and the roof should be supplied with cave trough, discharging into cisterns, or outside of the yards. It will alWays pay to build a rough shed over that part of the yich is to contain the pit or hollow for the manure, and yard drainage,—espec ially if theAlroppings of the cattle are daily removed from the rest of the theand added to a compost under the sheds.—Waring's Hand-l' t ook of littAandry. Ignernnee in Planting Trees. The Aberdeen (Mies.) Examiner, in its notes on fruit eniture in Missis sippi, speaks as follows of the death' of trees by starvation or wrong plant- ing: "In planting trees, the custom has been almost universal—and sanction ed, too, by the highest authority—to, first, dig deep holes down into the stiff clay, or barren 'sand' subsoil, as the case may he, and then fill in with soil that has been highly immured— sometithes with manure alone, and covered. With soil—and then plant the tree in this highly enriched and .thoroughly prepared soil, while the surrounding soil beyond the limits td these holes ifkleft unmanned and uncultivated. Now what is the con sequence? If the subsoil be a stiff clay, the hole becomes a recepticable for water, which stands and stagnates at the bottom. The roots, at first, stiMulated and nurtured by the rich soil, put forth fibres rapidly, and the tree starts into a sudden growth. But, as the roots descend, they soon come in contact with the stagnant water, which operates as a deadly poison to the roots. This is commu nicated to the tree which soon ;sick ens and dies. Nothing can be more certain than this result. Its growth suddenly stops, the leaves turn the tree dings out a sickly_ existence for a few years, and then ',dies from. starvation.'? /WATERING HORSES. -HDTSGS should be watered from a brook; pond, or river, and not from wellior springs, the well water is harder and colder while the running stream is soft and rather warm, The preference: of horses is for soft, even though it be muddy water, to that which is hard. Horse.s•should be allowed in summer tithe at least four waterings a day, and a half-bucketful at a time, and in winter a pailful May be' allowed morning and evening, which is suffi cient to assuage their thirst without causing them to bloat or puff up. Care should be taken that the horse is not put to work, immediately after drinking a bucket of water, especial ly if required to go. fast, because di gestion and - severe exertion can nev er go .on together, and moreover purging is apt to ensue. In some cases, broken wind or heaves are , thus produced. Avoid giving warm or tepid water to horses that are often driven from home, because cold or well water will then perhaps be given them, which will be liable to produce'a congestive, chill, followed by lung fever, and in some cases colic,. When horses are thus catered, if any of them should refuse their accustom ed food, something is wrong that they should not be taken out of the stable to work or be driven farther that day; but an examination should be made as to the cause with a view 4.t0 its remedy. .. PICKLING OLISDAGE.—Take as much cabbage as you think it would require to last all winter, and chop it very fine; then add enough salt to make the cabbage taste a little salty, (too much will kill the vinegar&and stir it thoroughly through the cabbage. Then add mustard seed, grated horseradish, and black pepper greimd very fine. When these ingredients are thoroughly mixed through the cabbage, pack it in stone , jars, and pour strong vinegar over it, and in a week or two it will be ready for use. This recipe is excellent for pickling cabbage in the spring of the year, When cabbage has been buried all winter it is likely to rot, or at least wien exposed to the: air. But by picking it and placing tlao jars in a Pool niece, it can be kept until - new is ready for us& man: make.a square meal off teal? nniteMl , l , 2 2611‘30 - ERIE SWAY. *3OO NILES =Mt NI BROAD GRAOR—BODB;E TURK TOR - + • A TO DETROIT._Bar k MILWA ST. PAUL, umAMA. , And &points Went and 2Rttitymist. - Gums, - DAV-ioMgrri en, INDIANAPOLIS. LOW:MIME ST. L017D3. And atUrlnts Sloth lava • raw ' am '.tiormarnstv Vacs atrN rtatoimi Irresatit, Mime Rocusata, Stmso, Dux. EntiF. r ciammoto #4D Cumarssrixt. Oa tad after Monday, JUNE 13, MO, trains will kite Wavertr at about the fallawiag hears, viz : • GCMG REST. F la& am., NIGHT %EXPRESS etlondap ciegeptoal fot Rochester, Rural% Dunkirk. Clend - and Cin cinnati, connecting with the Lake Shces,.ldiebigan Southern, and Granitlfrunk Railways it Brdslo, Dunkirk andCloveland for the West; also at Clear land with the C. C. C. k Inn.. Railway for baba 'pals; and at Cincinnati with the Louisville Short Me Railway, and the Ohio 3 / 4 . Mississippi Railway fares, South. and Southwest ; slab with connect. hag Runt at Itixb stations cm lhia._. a..en r —li_EleltESS„ daily. for rter. 'Buffalo, Dunkirk.' Cleveland and Cindwastf, mak. Ang direct eoanectiou with trains of Orit 3 / 4 1 flunk and lute Shore Railways at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland. for all points West, and at Cinriwwsit with the Ohio /V Ilisaissippi and Louisville Short Line Railway! for the South and Soutn-west ; also with all connecting lines at: principle stations on tnaln WWI ain.*.-11AlL TRAIN. Sundays,excepte , for . Real° and Dunkirk. 6:3llpan.—EL.ALlll,& AtComIIODATION, Sundays excepted. 6:18 p. 31., DAY ICCIIHMS. Sundays excepted. for Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland. Cincinna ti and the South. Stops at principal station], ;tad emulecling paints on mainline. - • • New and 1m roved Drawing ItoomCoac hes eczem a= train. - front Taw -York tcr Daffalo. and Coaches are attached at .Heamellaville. run 7 nlng three to Cleardand and Gallianittimat change. 6:16 p.m.—EX. MAIL, Sundays;excapted. for Buf falo. Dunkirk and Clecelankconnecting with trains for the West. • • A Sleeping Coach is attached to this train running through to Buffalo. -r 7:00 a.m.—WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted, -. 4:10 p.m.—EIIEIGHANT TRAIN, daily for the West. GOING EAST. 1:00 a.m.- - mcurr EXPRESS,Sundays excepted.coll necting at New Fork with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and hlaw England cities. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to N. Y 5:50 a.m.--CHICHINATI• EXPRESS. Mondays ex cepted. connecttnge Jersey City with afternoon and evening trains of :Dew ;Jersey Railroart for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washnigton and at NeW York with steamers and afternoon Express trains for New England Cities. Also stops at prin cipal stations and connecting points onlnain line. glieping Coaches accompany this train to New York ' /2: 3 5P.u.--Da EXPRESS,l3undaysexcepted, con necting at Zesty qty with midnight - Fa:press train c 5 Now Jersey Railroad aplphia. Also stops at principle , stations anefeuraweinirypointa on main line. - New and improved Drawing-Room Coaches sccom pany this train from Buffalo to New York. 9:9.5 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for Susquehanna. • 8:38 si.m,-ELNEHIA MAIL. Sundays excepted. ' 9:25 NEW YORK MAIL Sundayi excepted. 9:05 p.m.—LIGHTNING EIiBREGS,AaIIy, orinect ing at Paterson. tor . Newark ; at , Jersey City, with bforalog-Exprefa Train of Nelr , Jersor Railroad for Baltimore and Washington ; and at New York with Morning =press train for Boston and New England cities. Also stops at all principal stations and con netting points on main line, Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through' to New York. . 3:45 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. naocaop. CHECKED TIIIICUGII es. A revised and complete 4. Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and con necting lines, has recently been published, an. can be premium' on application to do Ticket 'AgCnt of the Company. Supt. ps. A; N.Y. CANAL & R.R. CO. AntusurinprL , lar .PASSE.:.76-46 TEAM COtamettina May 18, . aunlo Leave A.M. P.M.P.M. ar've P.M. P.M. A.M: Waverly . ,42 •• 6,05-1,18--S,lO Towanda 7 15-3,59 .35 I " 5,15-12,11-740 Truakhannock.9,23-6,17—p.m 5.07-10.10—a.'m Pittston 10.35-7,30 " 2.00-8.63 Watestlarre,lo,ss-7,55" .1,15-8,30 , White Haven,l2,33 P.M 11,58 Minch Clan* ,1.30 ....... Allentown. 2;3 4 3 " 9,49... .2,50 " 9,35 .3.17 0.05 (arr)....5,05........ NewTort(arr.) 6,05 6,00 P.M. Down Train dines at White Haven. Up Trains dines at Pittator. Passengers to and from New Tort• and Philadel phia without change of care. Down train conneeta at Allentown with Through Fast Ex - press for Harrisburg, Pittsburg and the west- ;- T3LYOIi I TAIs.TT TO ALT,. wllO - vatur. THEIR SIGHT The sight of the aged aeeieted, the 'croak strengtl . cu ed and the perfect preserved. • PHILADEI . A.III,I OPTICAL INSTITUTEf For the manufacturing of the CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES. -LONDON FMONED AND TINTED GLASEFUE SCE on ,ts- The Concave Convex Crystal Spc-eta, les, mode by the above institute are now along time before the public, and the rapid and increased demand for them combined with the universal acknowledmuent of. their clearness in vision and ease to the eye, shown plainly that they are superior to any other plusses in the market. The majority of Spectacles, luiiistly imported) cod no matter how fine the frames, contain but n poor and worthless article of glasses. (generally cast or pressedg they are made to be sold only, without any- maculation respecting benefit to the eye. end therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thousands nro,naing glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye. where-the objects get dim after short usage, or require an intensely strong. light and therefore destroying the sight, which. were they properly suited, would be preserved a life time. Tho advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses are the following The Lenses are ground•of the best ng.terial, pure and bard, hod ma do only for optlealpurposes, they qv therefore not liable to get scratched or dim. . They confer a brilliancy and distinctnces orvisinn not found in any other glass. They can he used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or*tiguing . the 'eyes. They:-are ground mathematically nue iu the con cave convex mirror, according to the ninlosophy of nature. and shape of cornea of the eye. therefore assisting nature only Instead of forcing . ft. That the lenAes arc; centered correct into the frames. They cats be used longer than any other glasses without changing to a higher power. The frames are made strong and dgrable by eve. rienced workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. WM. A. CIIAMBERLIN, Dealer In Witches, Jewelry and Sibrer Were, Towin ch, i'a., has tYo sole Agency for these rds......seatis Xtraarprd county. No Potlturs croployed. 12370-t! SIISQT:EHAA. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. Thin institution has just been thoroughly repaired and -improved, and will be reopened TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER ft. 1870, under the charge of G. W. Ityan and E. E. Quinlan, Associate Principals, who will devote their entire time to instructing iu the various departments, and to the general supervision and management or4he aellool. They will be stated by excellent =and experienced teachers in all the departments. - The courses of instruction arc Preparatory and Graduating English. Normal. Commercial, Scientific Classical and Ornamental. Thd - Preparatory is designed to thoroughly qual ify the smaller pupils for the studies of the English Graduating Course. 'which cdmprises all academic studies. languages excepted. The - first year of this course completed. they can enter either of the other courses. The 'Normal course affords thorough - instruction in Commoil School studies and Theet7 and Practice of Teaching. Students in the Comnierchr Departrueitts have all the advantages of the best commercial schools in addition to ; thorough arm in necessary academic branches. The Scientific Course in addition to the studies of the Graduating English. Frenalt and berimn, com prises speittl instruction in the Sciences Illustrated by an excellent collection of Apparatus recently pro vided. The first two yeare 'of the . 01neeicel Course are in tended to prepare students well for College; the third year to tit for advanced classea in College or to combine classics with a special conrcc in the Sci ences. ' The Ornamental. Modern DlEVilaga9, Musk. Drawing and Painting, will be taught by l competent tnstructom Board and rooms are provided is the Institute. For further partinlars. address • C. W. ETAN &E. E. QUINLAN. AtAcetate Principals MILLER POS., , President Board Trustees. Ai:m.lo;7o. PENNSYLVANIA • STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ! (Fifth District). MANSFIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA, Fail Term begins September 7th. 1870. Winter Tann begips-Dtvember 12th, 1870. Spring Termbegiff .6yard' 27th, 1871. - For catalognes or n.lmtse!ont salrC4B. ruartu.l.4 MatuttielS, nly 20, 1870. • Trlncipi! BAKERY AND D t NG ROO3ll First Lloil-..uorth of house, 8REA.D,..P.12.6,, CAKE, Parties wishing to km um= to any put of dm United States, England. leelar.d. Scotland; or tLpprin clpalcities and some of E' , 1 . trope, can Irse proctrea ; drafts tor thafpurpoie. -- • . band deity and sold nt tvbf. , l6Anle ark,' r,tath ; • , • AND In our masts 1100115 accoturaodate the public with either a lunch or n good meal at, all times of tho day and evening. orsrEas 4m) in' on hatz4 littrin?,-tbetr wagon ahio a fine ageorteunt of G rocerLee, Ceafeetlanery, Frans, Nate, ke: ' Voirsadaonly 19, 70: • • mRs. J. M. WATTS „wotaa; re -LT 'e thllly inform the' itabllC ligre thohi•noti• PnDarod to do of Dalitsl.4 MAIM AISD 'WM . * • Rechlenca near Judge Peatentre'. Fathion received monthly. 6"14. DTARIESP.O.F 4 04870 sco mitts WITHOUT.-- PAPiffit .• NEW-YOB ; r,Apxp3, !.i.t SCHOOL BOOKS Rms. 13-117 1 40, t§TATtoxxg , :PIP ' . . vat. le. mita, " • Clen'tPstss'r ,Aet JOHN P. COX, Superintendent rpA3mD ftes. • • D. W. SCOTT & CO. tl•t MEE MBE =I BLANK BOOKS ii T 1, YANKEE NOTIONS.- • Towanda, Nov. 19, 1868. Mscellamous. T HE <;f,'(`., "DOMESTIC" :,;.1- - ::, '. LOCK STIOW .:T. 1 ,i'ii! SE w . r e iVG• MACHINE! THE " DOMESTIC "- Shuttle Sewing Machine, which has been used for the -last, five. years in the West, rind iSCII . O — A; introduced. for the first time in this section It runs - fasterithan most, easier and more quietly than any, doing the lightest as well as the .heaviest work done on any Sowing Machine ALL ARE INITTED :TO: CALL , MID SEE IT Plain Ma . chines - - $65 Half Case - - - $7O Antachines have Blake's Patent Table. Agents Nestexd tit unoccupied territory., • Address BLAKE fc CO., Scranton, l'a.; , • • For sale by TAYLOR & GOItE, Towanda, Pa. A. A. EINNEIL Athuna, Pa. ACKLEY, LLOYDS BLOEF.E. May 12, 1870...—1 y 1 / ! fnalusing. EASE AND COMFORT, THE BLESSI.L.NG OF PERFECT SIGHT. . • .. • • There Is not ,14 so valuable as perfect sight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES! The difficulty of nrocuring which in well known MESSRS. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OCCULISTS ANP OPT [CANS, th r' LIARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, MANINACTUICERS VITP CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, nave, after years of experience, caller - intent, and and the erection of costly =whir ery, been enabled to produce that GRAND DESIDERATUM, PERFECT SPECTACLES! Which have been sold with uulhnited satisfaction to the wearers i the 'Western States daring the past fifteen yeark -Thole Nehrute4LPßlectoltEpectueles nosOr Uri) tith eye, and last tinily years without change Me,sni. LAZARUS &. MORRIS barn appointed . JULL'S ituraumlni. dealer in Watches and Jew elry, as their solo agent for Towanda, Pean'a, and vicinity. .April 14, 1870. REPORTER JOB PRINTING 0:H 1 H' I C . Having recently added drcatly to our facilities, wo are now prerared to do all kinds of • .JOl3 PRIZTTING. ~ A T LOWER PRICES AND • BETTER STYLE Than any establishment in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA CALL AT THE REPORTER OFFICE AND, EKAMENE SPEUINENS. CETRAL MARKET. The sUb'scrilicrit Still continue to - keep constantly on hand a fall and complete assortment of every. thing pertaining to their , business, consisting main ly of BEEF, PORK, FRESH . AND SAW sut;Ar. CURED ILX.ILS MUTTON, - 11EEE: ~ . 1 1 1 .A3ILS, VEAL. • POt'LTR i, • SAUSAGE, LARD, BOLOGNA, ' DRIED REEF, , TALLOW, kr..., fi.c. --. Also, , • ' . , • _P S 13. FRESH FROM . TEE- LA.EES OYHTERS RECEIVED DAILY ./ 11 04 P qeaor Parties wishing Oysters in largo or small quanti ties will be furnished on shoji notice, at the old stand, CENTRAL Mannar, broutanyo's Block, drat door nort,li of Dr. Porters. , 'Cm OT.zintim, SELLIISI kft'LLOCE. , Tato. filmy:wit. - 1 Feb. 24, 1876-tf FIRSTNATIONAL BANK, /-1 4 orTbw.L.IDA. Sunmus FUND.. This Bank °Coro UNUSUAL FACILITIES for the transaction of a ! GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. AID plz io im J , ,v:lc(;)ra?m•G TO SPECIAL Cum btirmf TO TEE Cou.z. - rnoziOF NOTSB exo Cazars. . • PASSAGE. TICKETS . To or froin the old countrvby Lint sitearrr or aril fug llnes, e always on band. rs:rairs LT.01.7011T OTIS ATMS:DUCE!, ILATTI.- 'lligkett Price paid for e.S Botytt.CoU and Su'rer E. IL num, Presiaent. N., N. BLIT% is.. Towanda, ituicat, 1869.' ROYAL BA IN POWDERS nt - COWELL & MEWL CONv.mL & WMI ARP. SELL- FISH, PORK, HAMS Aid) LARD it COWELL hc MEW& p TEm oyA A:414 MM In* Slim oia 1 . il:Taitt* is pow r +se to cos to tho otthow ot nomad coo* onairitiot- isod wen selected sioaitist • Gf ii''.'o'a'-;.t'tli'.l,':'*-'iv-, —,•.• • Villoh 1 novo. purcbaiod ror Claab. sad fed eonliderst .thiia liellstAslAr limbos; elseviserei. I now eser to theisiublic ii*l4l stook lEif3' . o)lfJrOES - Stfaititig . =IV irixicif, 81MM*. &c: AKRON FLOUR; aitacrkm• -Do.- ~p ~~tuw ou ivaa . rouk ; ~inrs.zsun:ana in kind' of NUL would callthOsit6Uon itttbo public to our Can't Da Boat IrlIM STOCK OF TOBAICPOi 4 1 . *PO' o .r F"./f , " 10,CelOw4041.1Sal dri. Now Yark Chemical and Brown Soap. • -: 3', r Flame call and ;asinine our stock of f WOODEN WARE. ~. fir • large assortment of YANKEE-NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, k &c. I will ply the higliest.esahpriee . co . 4 • Y PRODUCE,; Farmers, give nee beforeselling elsewhere. - - ; .r, z jro.- PANCII All pr,r43.9liao4.oatekt.4* w:mpicasecau and roue immedliie pair:sent. • - Ten.. ToWsnds. (larch; 1867. _ GROCERY AND PROVLSN 2.I9CADS MIX.. FAMILY GROCERIES PROV,ISIONS, BIERCITE'E NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA, PA. We do not deem it necessary to eatim rateptl.the dttereat ertielek we keep. Oar tie ALWAYS COMPLETE FIRST GLASS _ GOODS Cash paid foi'Parmors Prodaimi. JAMES McCAEE, Kuehl, AMO:'' EMMY MIX; EOI LE'S souTu COfl nymxas Alm MAIN exatants. GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS, Mach will bo.sohl at the lowest Voeaible prima. CODFISH, - FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED, MP A L, GRAIN, &c. Bring on your produce, which wu pay cash for. A constant supply of Albion Salt. all sized Churns, Butter Firkins, Tubs, &c. Please call and look through our stock, and wo will do our beat to please you. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 28, 1839. LOOK HERE! CO WELL & MYER, ' • At the old stand of Baminat.z. & Comma, are now receiving a largo std-well selected stock of cinothais AND P111:41131ONS. \T lich they oder to cash buyers st prices that defy competition. • Cash paid for all kinds Farmers' Produce. April 21. 186.9—tr. , JULES HIIGIYEAN, JEWELLER & SILVERSMITH, NERCUR'S NEW BLOCK, TOIVANDA, PA Has just received from New York a new assortment of fine Gold . LADIES.'. WATOIESS, $125,000. ;40,000. of all descriptions. Also-a'sclociad assortment of GOLD- CHAINS, FINE GOLD J R 1 Y, ciocus iniza ano4 T E amp . . . GOLD. sllitift r AIM STEEL EiPtOTAtILD3 Ara) EVE-GLAZSEI to It slimes of inglaired sigbt. NEIV P . l TEST 40fX111 - ODAthro eLES. By this patent lon enabled to 'cichange Gibraea at any time without extra charge. Call and see. • CLOCM3. WATCHES AND Jti;rMJ:tY nEPAIIiED AND trii=JlN=D. To‘mnda, Dec 16, 186. A4 - ACKEREL, CODFISH, .imur nab, Ittaetinaw Trout Medea. Melded and Smoked &twin, Smoked Halibut. and Dried Beet at LONG & NEELEIII3. Ilsnre; 'kook of BYE DO.. BIICICRIMAT DD 110 1 1 1 0 R.. . Wholesale and Itetail Dealers lit AND We sell nothing but GROCERY. AND PIIONTISION ; 43TORE. A new and complete stock of MACKEREL, t HERRING, PORK, MUTTON, HAM, Y 4 Kll NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, Jewelry, One door north of XAERICAN, WATCHES sltias WATCHES, El= EST TO THE BEST ' I • - • • • , g 4:." of allthelskafrolijokfit . ? coAZN,Gs; ' s.P:flig.i . . 40-Aq IBM lowatheeawmpiratoiimuctli.esr:ol4to 'oft their enstoisemeteibaeleekbee;',.,ii., aspiezted no* stack ot, :,1 1 R , .,!4YY-73 , 41)E• rMigt! 7 , l F°l 4 / 0/ Iq l !'V°rU i , li oar . Ell •-, • •: 7 tf• . ' • ELATS7 - : • • •'' tin - - GEIT B athte, &nem ana roa,linfio; all the Wept atlas. .; =M= 1 4 , ,1 1111 rire LiTzter AXI) AIIIII:Iii . EITTLI2i 0.11 Olt.O; Slf ;i1 EOM Also the Iterer-Patent—,, WlNuo.w .[JMBR:EL.LA: • • - XI or any of Our f;loodta will be #241.4u CHEAP F ••C.A-SH As any In the market. Call and hole fttrodgh onr.aka. Towanda. April 2:1870. itol ° . • • .•. - • • • • . • . • • • . • .• • . . • . *This spam belongs to E. • VAItZ; dealer In Clothing and Gent's Furnishing t• ; s. He is so bulay selling Clothing that ho has not oto write an advertisorwmt. • • t HURRAH' I GREAT REDUCTION IN PISICES OF READY MADE CLOTHING, MI M. ,E. ROSENFTELTYS, (Opposibb Powtll cos.) I am.now offering to tho publio a large and aholce stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Cousisitug of LINEN GOODS, And all the into itylon for Spring and hummer weir FOR BIEN AND BOYS Which wilt lie sold 25 per cent. less then torso= prices at BE E. ROSENFIELD& Also a large voice of - UNDERSHIRTS ANtDRAWERS Hand to sell Ices than cost. to "make room for FaU Stock. Now is your titan to buy a Snit cheap. Call and conrince yourself that M. E. RO SENFIELD offers Great Bargains in tho line. of Clothing and GENTS FURNISDING GOODS Call before parchardng elsewhere. M. E. nosEmpram Towanda, Jan. 25,1870. A DISPATCH JTJST RECEIVED. OLOlgous NEWS, FOR =Zen OrTOWANDA r%:uivtar;rrr Thore is constantly being received at tho “Tran.q., OF FASFLON," a largo stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which have been purchased for esah, et reduced prices. and will be sold to cash buyers at lower ales thaw/her before offered In Towanda. Aly Mechem'. sista In part of HMS'. .13011Vq,lip YOUTH'S CLOTEMCG. 13,1406 D4OWN Alip BLUE BEAVEZ ME DRESS COATS, CASSUIERE SUITS, LINEN Coats, Pantii, Ve r di. and Width . „Linen Duck Suits, also &largo variety of GENT'S FURNISHING , GOODS, HATS. CAPS, SIISPENDEBS, NECK TIES. PAPm A=i MaM COLL4I3B, of the latest styles and Luthiona.. Remember the in dud:anent. that I otter, and that - I am not to be un dersold by any dialer in 'town, or elsewhere. AU who wish anything in my line are respectfully invit ed to give me a mil before.purchasing and convince yourselves. H. JACOB& No. Blida-at., Boldlonian's Mock, Towanda, Pa. 4r3' Cash paid forilidea and Pelts. GOLD TILL CORING DOWN AND EVERT 271TRG 13 THE GROCERY if'PROViSION LINE, are now being offered at- COWELL k . FLYER'S" . . at prim that 4112110 t fail to matey all that they are determined not to be undersold by any ono. They have enlarged their atom by •Wildlng so that May now have room for the freak sup Plies Abet are daily received by them. They have cosnocted with their store a Market where-they row keen fresh meats to sell by the quarter be piece. anus foil supply of Geo• caries and Ptoristons to which they would call the attention of all cosh buyers. Come and ex mine out Goods and Prices,before purchasing and satisfy yourselves. We -garentee all goods to give entire astisfactiem. We are thanked to our customers for their peat liberal patronage and solicita cantiMumee of the same. . IXMTELL k Dee. 20,1869. - TRY 911 R tt,,F,4 AND COFFEE, 11870; 41- -' • 2 XVISB . . • 'qiiikOfiait2;l4:tati6B , ••,„. • I lit '6B43rOlial,l3tieek , ,. I ;;;;IF:10 1 301ItnIXEM 1 0.6,11iirk:6, 1, =2l „;., f.7. - --, , ,7, - -..•': - . r..ii! , ii,-, 7 :.i,, , ;1:1 - ; , :;' ,. .•• :,, . . . #M- 4. .44..R.TP0, , .1 .:7,.,.......... -..'f, . . FP4 r?, 2t 2a T, (117!;. ; SATISFAMON GiaItRANITED MS /age - stook of H Curaw AND OASSMERES. 'sIISLZIIu ix 7 HATS_ GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 115-Wtil be at tho Ward noun tha first and third Tuesdays of ow% month, with samples" of 4:1000. sod prtpared tat tals - mestuti. • . • - , Sept. t;lB7aFir, Nom: edam AIT slansp7.4% R. . . • .t • • •,. , W :. • E- D 0 - , Y- ~ Wetdd annou • n c ee to the citizens or Towanda. anithe publ latnxe igeno, that 'ho his In atom' and daily in• cet new =dr ' . • ' ,' "' • •. ! qo op s, In Ws lino, 'killable to the manta of the people. "Mx& he will sell for Currengrat fennel GOLD' PlacES! CanaWing as usual of good. well end reliable Made CLOTHING, (No Shoddy of any kind) eonalatlng of AVUSIZIESS StrITS• COATS, VESTS' AND `"POVS; DRESS' COATS PANTS & VESTS, Limn Coate, Dusters and Pante, ' - Overalls aid Cyanides, Linen and Paper Co/lara, Linen, Catslmam and Flannel aft* rock Tics, ads panders:Gloves, Canes. Leather Dam 'Spring Style Bilk, Soft and Straw flats. 3rgt-alaaa.. Samant ha' z that geed Goode are cheaper at's fair price than pobr goods at any price. Call and examinomy goods Wore buying. , No. 3 Pattam&OrtilithaDlock.Brldo Street. ~Towanda, lone 8 , 1878 . IL W. EDDY. Br.' Still continue \ HORSE PO\ and will sell abetter eau be bad elsewhere In our ruactint they w than any Other. and are mo - personally superintend our wor Well down. We will send DISCRIPTIVF, CATALIXI ES; ( A-; of our machines, on,amilication. ONE TWO HORSE al S. One & Two Morse 6 O.4WW.RA THRESHER am; g.E.t.vziz;. FANN4NG.4,.TLkS i ';2. crucimut-A2ID par am:sit:is" 8 1 111[4.ND GRIST MILL Work do is to outer. Alvo , wha call before purchasing eyowliarak. V 4 "00 .alloartra `SNAHIV `••oo aooria Aug. 2, 1869 NEW 'CARRIAGE, FACTORI" 04 Pine. betweci Slab) and Second, Streets, bac& of (I. V..3tason & f10..11 TOWANDA, PENN 'A. HENRY STULE.S, (foruicirly athe firm of Bryant & Shako) Worms his- &limb:ism' former patrol*, that be has built a. NEW BRICE CARRIAGE FACTORY.. wc. 11 ?1 , 9 wPicopPtPitLY kml),Ati_ /4u(LaJle , swwrt mdnt of FAMILY .CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM. WAGONS, TDDTTING 6111,73.178, AND fikELETONS. • Made of the beet material and finished in the best city etyln. Ills long experience In city Carriage Facteriesgices bins a decided adnuttage over others in the Finish, Style and Durability of his Wagons. , All he zalcq Is an INSPECTION cty 'HIS WORK weviclns to imrohastng ols e ALL WORE' WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT Thankful for Um liberal patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully ask' ,a continuum ,of the Same. • REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Tiwandi. 3by 24, 1870.—tt NEW PLANING MILL. The undersigned having built alarge puLoommo. dions 10 the Borough Of Tovesa, and filled it with the moat modem awl thaprtnred machinery, for the manufacture of .wniDow 13418/1 ASD Are prepared to fill' orders, whether Large or small. uponihe diluted tettee. We have also a large ' vs; of MOLDINGS. of the latest also andpattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they cantle workia by hind. . moitick., : . • , Toicrurisra. . ' - oitoovmd • , , ' - -• - ' AiD SCROOL .13AWIISG, And all other work pertaining to J g l siery. WM be done to snit our customers. Persona building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles dietlint. will And itlargelytor their inkiest to buy of us , or bring their lueriatel have , it worked by our. maeldnery. 'Bring your at of Flooring. or other lumber, and while your team•ia feeding, have it ground out and take it home Irah you. We will pay CAMS for ME • AND. HEMLOCK lAMB= delivered at'oar lumber yard. Crane. and see us, or if yogremet come, Towanda. Feb., 1664. L. D. DODDERS Ai N. M 0 N Y - -Gaueral peakis STAPLE ' 4Z . FANCY DRS' GOODS, Guacsade, cuocztßy Ou.saarr. BOOTS, SHOES ; SHOE F"Thi TKOS. Leather, Bate, Caps, thitbrellaz. - , TOWiND.C. ro.4losltala r Si., cairie ' rattle,Dttars. , • - i. D. MONTABif, • • may/9,1070. L. D. MONTABEE, RE ELM GEO. It. NAN vmson. BOOT. N: MANNERS. GOODEI I all Wool. Znchctories. OM ea CO.. to manufacture tteh. celothsMsd , ,, ‘ \ ki RS - & CLEANERS, no, ter less money. than o *mid. We clam for do as much, or more, -durably built. We • and see that It Is SATISFACTION. at rettuceaprices lIKNIW. bTQLEN ....„..,______ „ , --.,-; -, , ~.-. ~_ -7 ~. :-- " e , -.,-,..f1 : . -,,, ~ . .31:A0.014A 40.0114- '''''' ' i . . . . HARDWARE 4412 7 0RA"' , ' 4.1.! tOWARINt. . , illigjig , oo to ON" al of ;.•!;::'"? • rev ff . OUS.B. : g'.IIIII4IB HENa ;4300Ni, 4 , DOOllB, SAW. '• aid,* " Palate, ClPe;ke,. are 4 f.ttio-lmat.qualigilua 'Kittle sold Wry low. We 'ere, day egad, 'te OMB% • - " -e•TEAm , itto only regablolfteliroof Bath RIIR B '2 , SI P 3 'S'.§PWP; SMAGY,Mq O . I i4 YgAYPP ,taf Ddi~~Tl'S t ' 3iSri +'DONE' . , sv r - EH'OSPHA .E • • Oalkitelikar • - • . 8 1 1 1 - 1\1727:446.1 ' ; very nuaitfactrireil oat of tilo,,beitt Wo, , K o .., lso .ldp.plirittte? Jabblew_aca.ll ttada. We aretbe oply, manta lei th e celebrated new cooxixia„,STOVE., . The beet cooking sten la , "tee, and every stave' warrtuited to give eatiereetfcni. Mich [... Fratui~nie. • - FURNITIJHE STILL LOWERI Jjb9= CL . FBOST,: Would annotuico to Um pooplo at Woaraods rest Of trunk:tt that altar tido ate; 14s nownltloent IPTT vr-umeim elll tio ofroica sit GREATLY REDUCEI) PRICES Ify Mock is complete and coneista of PARLOR SUITS; LEfIRAIq SUITS, C SUITS DIN - LNG, upon FURNITURE, AND FURNITURII Ign TSE SITCEMN. MiTtitESSES, TTV;O,NrA, ,tiEDDMG, 111111t0 EinaCSION TAMES, I:C., 4te L' , E . D - STEAD-S! . . , . b My gnsn malmfactme.-aud :warranted . 4nperier, tail be sold ;or lege than city made one, aril&cost, else tvbeim ,COME ONE; COME ALL, Examine for yearselrk Bce and be iOnrinced that, .Eurniture chetper at-FROST'S than at any other place in the war d. Country *dealera supplied at the lowest market rates. - I furnLth COFFLIti of every desetiptloti, burial Cases, Catheta, de,, and Lave the - .toms - 17.47,ApE Iti Noanwaci Frars'4. Towanda, Juno 22, 1870 FuRNIITuRE .WARE-Rooms. • • .7A31£13 MAEXNSWannouncez tothe public that ho still conga* to tezinafacture and' hoop on hand Paroassiftneptat - • CABiliigr •kunlirrunE, Bum 0, Table's, Bedsteads; Stands, Chairs,Ac., 'of every d ption, which san made of the bst mate alas. an • n thO most woriananlike manner; • 1 hick° • • inspection of thik public to ray work,. which 'dual .• • be surpassed hi durability at anl , ellen in the country,, my prices eli}be found to be as low as the times admit. • • Boadyi•made •ow constantly on baud or made to order. Agoodffs - will be tarnished when desired. Aug. 15, 1865. N EZV ARR NGEALENT! p.aving purcha l • d the BOOT AS; S?OE EST AL taiNT . F.N% lately condneteit by DAVIS St as• S • at Sto;l4B ' Main-st., Towanda. Pa., LwouldrespectSuLlyitntorm the public that I.liiNe just received a 13; assort ment of LADIES' AND GENTS' S.Et ' ! Consisting of LADIES" GAITCERS, dr all grades. Ladies ' GOAT AND LEATHER 'SHOES, ML' W' AND CHIpI=S SHOES, Of ovory Variety, which will be sold cheapran ciish. Give him a call and satisfy yourselves he is selling cheaper than the cheapest. ' I would call esspecial attention to my CUSTOM DEPARTMENT - I I mate to order everything in the line, of LADIES' AND GENTLEZEN's I feel confident; that I can give entire" satisfaction. I employ none but Brat-class mechanics. I guarranfee perfect its, and an work ,Warranted. Repairing neatly and promptly clone. Remember the place, No. 148 Main-st., a few doors below the Means House. 'Towanda:Pa. Look out for the sign of the Big Boot.? Mr. DAVIS will conduct the business as my Eitgier, intendant" JOHN MeIRTMIE. Towanda, Pa., SOL I. 1870,-4f . P I -AJP lie le reapec e ry informed that the book-Bin dery bag been r oval to the Argns , Building, third story, where will done B 0 0 IC - INDIRGI In all its various branches. sin terms as maiensable as n'the times " will anew. The Bindery will be under, the charge of u.C: R~HITASEtt. An experienced Binder, and all work will be Promy done in a style and manner which =toot be excelled. Muelc, lllagnalnem Nenenapers,Otdlfooka, kc., bound to every variety o! style. Particular attention will be 'pant to the Inning and Bind up dt MANX 'BOOR% To any desired pattern, Vitali in quality and duns. Witty will be warranted.. All werk.will bo ready for deligery when ruralised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and per fect satisfaction guaranteed. • ' • Towanda, August 2, 1266—tf. • MRS. H. E.,GARIMT • 10B.CUMS BLOCK, over PORTEU bt MEW& . DRESS AND .PLOA. PATTfialiki. , IMPROOD FRENCH CORSETS, LACES, &c., R:c wonAd respecthilly . arirtetmee fo''tho ladies of Towanda and vicinity that I have Just retained from Now York with a hill and varied asaorttnent of Fall and Winter Patterns; for ladies and children. Im proved 'French Comers/lad Lacca—new style. gashes and Tics. of ;elegant design; also, a few pieces of Tar laton, MbeinUthl shades, for evening wear, Organ . CUTTTNG'and FITTING Promptly and neatly dyne, with the positive assur ance, that all orders. however small, entrusted to me shall be filled in a thoroughly saUstactorrintnner. I remain, yours, very renectlidly, Mrs. H. E. GARVIN: Sept. 22;10. RVITS OF ALL - KENDS- AT COWELL L& /MEW& PHORSFORD'S BREAD JL • • . tion, et - O. 13..PATOW8. ~~ ORESTER WHITE PIGS - •.• ' , Fon Aux BY " s. 110 12. "73-2 m A. B. 8111111, Ulster, I's. FULL STOCK OF WOODEN .Ware. C. 11. PATCH'S. ALL KINDS GROCERIES AND_ Provisions 'at wliolcsale Sag retail. at May PATVIPS. r 5 Ram .0.-19 . 1 MER, SON k CV . :miliarql. -• • t 4.1 r • 914) . VAS/X Pittick• ArrOiXes a7aw ,` 4 = ' ' 1111NUMIliallb !Mitt!!'`" itelekiiiiil4lll2oiirteta4l , l*4l , * .1 • .3.3 . 5, iii r o rrOgi Itkiidided=r *di 114110 vow& joM ~om. sesec "iinitigviebetal.- tttt 1 : 3 13Vi ( A la =et. atmaide team* tomktOg —. _ Daucisr - Mtviinzgi -- Cimacau, 1 :I:ausainsuc.vmtitapp,;. '`Q:= 001 lift AND'Vritt i Eg i riNE J l rasa Aratiil olintuitioa;-t PrhORTP,QA c. 04,614. Fwd., MONA! qiltlealtB; - ;:k7.l6*.poArk!fahlffffisil4 ANP .T 4 Arapoiriwadf Takt Azt4otlis majimie SPONGER; iIItUtO6IISPEIOAPEI; COM% Pai l laal; ! i; * r . ."0407: 41166 ..-o* - - 1)6 4r 2 i 6 04. 1 4 . • AND'sent 1111PARMICiiil. ' : • , r " t ,;;O, 93 ' ZI PI PQITt 3 A I ‘ , t • C/aM, . . Add and Mower .Seeta TawSuP- 3 : tee, 'Emporia:miss, Shoulder Ildees. 'Bread. Ptunps, Toethinglalapi,-Nursing Bottles, ,7 - 11ipplau-Nipple so'd Sitiedds, /Iriales• 8ed141111,6611431111/1144 tooanekow, arrottes Estrada, : Mono " Jul* Elul Wire, Eiottros:"lals,'Cotts, Bath Briek, , and Stove Maddidg..lllsli'Taekle,'Am• tanooloo.:&c,, Botank, - Kokooti- o owl Eezianpath-: is Nedicind, and all the popular Patent 31 -I C. I 'N . E , 5.... „, • . , . All articlatPwartantedia representeiL 'Persons at •diamaci_cui reeelre,their. order!, brittle° or M al l , irall rhich rceelve prompt and careful attention. 'Medical advice -lifter' grataitotutly at the efilcit. - -1 thaeging teda for roetlb:inw • • air Thapktul tor past liberal patronage, would rep; I pectfolljannrenteeto their friends and the imblic,tbst nopstns shall be stared to satlefa , „ 'tame-tit the emit tinnatim of their confidence and patronage. • • Openlittratart for .prescriptlonn froth 9 t. , .; and•l2 riti-to It and 5 to 6 p.m. - ' • . P9.117E1t, AlOhl 00.! I •. • • ; 117, • B WO' •N , - t .; July 1810.--Iyi )137; 24..di . . 13TREET. PA. iIII ? DLESALE AND ..RETAIL. DRiUGG-IST The mbar:Sher respectnally announces tothe -pub he in general that he has on .hand a .urge and well selected stock at a - DBMS. CHEMICALS. SIEDICL4IIIS, PAINTS, VAILNIKILEB - WINDOW GLASS, , " STITETS ' " • - All the popular Patelitlfedlcines of the day. PURE WINE AND; • LIQUORf, For Medicai yrwp6s.4 poly PERFUMERY. ~ . . • . . . Fancy .and Toilet articles. Soaps of every description, . Thermometer*, •, • • . ' ... . i .Batbing, Surge and Common Sponges, Hair Brushes, ' Tooth s, : : • . - +ming Oxides, •• • ••• •, ' Surge rocket and-Fine Comba t . - Toilet Poirder. Puff BOSON ~, • • ' . • .... , Tooth Powders, , • . , Tooth 'Washes, . • mid, Tooth Soaps. Awl other..articlea belonging to the Drug trade too numeroue :o mention. raving the Agency of the GREA.T S.: 1E COMPANY GREAT "ThiI_YEICEFUENTLI Mi=al;32= J'ANMS o. non kluticikugprescriptons a nd waiy.:mmipla cm; pounded by persona thoroughly culapeteut, at all bolas of the day or idea; ' • ' • Thardifel fin the - past liberal tratrotaage, rre spestfelly solicit a continence of the itiane, pledg ing myself that no effort shall ho spared to rusks my establisbutent second . LS none in thls set:than: • :Tor. Ti eciesnited.' at thho store as heretofore; ' !,:o • ;• , . • lira:lwpm. - Jan. GR EAT BARGAINS -INI moorrs LVF.iV noon AXII &RIZ. ST011.15; The nndersigned are rosining a large and well se , lasted stoskof 800 TS IND SHOES SIIMDS AND: FALL 'TRADE, %o::Lich.we offor lo‘y for Cash. Ccoalstiaz, of GENTS, AND CHILDREN S • tEAR. SEWED .AND .PEGGED BOOTS REPAIRING NEATLY-. DONE , AND-READY Wahl; PROMISED Thankful far past -Divots, we' solicit a eattUnuanea Of the lassie. -r ; ; - ; SAMUEL WOODFclitt... - mum= M. Apiil 5, 186 4 3. - . Foundoty and Machine Shop. FOUNDERY & IUit:OM:NE SHOP. The umfersigne4 having _purchased . the Foundry and Machine fihoplately owned by John Carmen, are prepared to do elf kinds of wort appertaining to their business. with promptness and dispatch. MILL gRA:RINGTh 1.,R 0 N S 51ALE:ro oßnErt. • ENGINES• 'REPAIRED , And all work warranted to gime satisfaction. MACHINES Of the West . l eud most imProTedkilldsmanneirbulisi and kept constantly on band ready for um.. rICS., G siDr-niv.,„ moi l . AND WOODEN , BEAMS CULTTVATOIt PLOUGHS PIOtrGICPOINT.S. oral' kinds, and tho latest inipm-ements kept constahtly on Land. . LAIiGE AND • S3IA'LL SIZE. STOVE CASTINGS SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, • • Ault sit kindis of castings furnielted to - Math 39,'187 - r." IiBANB ~. ,~ .:.fli; ~. OFFER Bo* .and mica MIMI tloutligad of Ward Iloi'go Suitable for the LADIMS;' , ' .IrApx To ORDER MAY DqtILLS, Anil all kinds of Ot all hindx MEE CHURN * POWERS, CELLAR GBfIES. LARGE;. ,tETTLEB NW. ' • ... ft raw ba I' • I • • iNerf iz i . - '450. or v. try. • ' , ' irZna.g, (2.oftiMbyCoagress.jiiiiL C~sitsuCD a DiARK: ; JAY 0001136 Ifixame amd Its. Com. ; HE D. COOK% VfmtPraddeat ; )993404 ' ',.. 416 . - • • • „ - Tie advantagerOtihc Ifanortal Life Ineartzv. -- , Ca 1. 14 fa a Natfottaldeop44, ehorier t d bic cif • ban a intdtitiineintal of One Wilton Do m ' n;r B a rat Wiwi liar rates otpreininaia • 4. it furnishes larva finanianai than ether Q 4 , 1, wine, for the mane inoner; " 's.ltit"antAiii inn! iertith ; • to atilionifbtlity minamseirtation nerds. of nnatmaleniteraliagh7pc 7, ova polkiia are plinn_ entracte, en inneh-iii. "ince for so moil money ; jB2.4brinllehltszettotiabeitingi t poki est aro 04044 heel atlnehmeal. WM CLAI,PL Ba3Bcre, r • .Btuer4 Agents. • . D. 8. gustiria. Manager. - a' resAiii o. 'mu/ . ,x r 3• 04 fa{-Tor ltdaPtuYJcillitY• Jan. 9, ISO. "V;ly 0E N T s •„, iN,SU/?4A I L: ..IrlG-ENCY, ' , slides written in allot Cite following poplar / a n d tills/SW Cos rpanleur: WSW settled Ind Odd at our PROP,2IiTY. (inelncling irn Lisk Sni and dwellings ifilown insured against nattier nylacerneuto as well as Fran. , M ' LIFE UM:MANCE . iti one of the Codt,i, 4ri1e.41 and Salnst.cinippien,Lndhis country, I34tiatilp itiablemicr..ooUrvir, . tornikm, England. J Ath,} INiCluack Courxnt, , (thi,4 .... MEI 4.1:14ru.0rn Iseklui(c.r.Ocans:n. , Cleveland; Ohio. Assette, WY031.1:41 INI3C;CACE COMPANY.- Wilkeslktrre. Asgetts, .12:87iiSCE'COltr.ticlr, —Lancaster, Pa. f' Crri FIRE IsSVILLINE CONPAFX, liartford, ("man. 121=1 Nolan AMLIRCAN billfirtNeeeo.. tt ilateford, (mu. f EMI 11 . .2.Tox Fur.r.b:sunazaz C4IIPANY. Sew York: j • . PSDEPMILYINT /551,71ANCE COILIICST. Boston, Mass. I MEM • NEW yocs IJkT Ixonwc.F. Colmtasir, 'New Fork. As , z,..ita, AGIIIGATE CAPITAL REPRPSEN. TED, OVER $25,000,000. Strict attcwion to business, fair tltaini;, prompt setticrakent Of Losses, to am MOTTO. Come and try us.. Office on Main street, opposite Court Borer, up - Mr. Vtscrm' at Ilercurs Bank froixi'da.M.Ull3 o'clock. r. T. D. CAMP, W. a. VINCENT.] - Towanda, Pa., July 20, THE PENN MUTUAL. LIFE INSUILI.AE COMPANY, NO. 921 CILES7a:LIT traiEET, ECCOI.IPOFUTED 1817 .g.CCUMULATID FUND, oTer $3,_000,111)11 INCOME FOR 1869, ,5b6..e,:aj5.19 DIVLDE:NDS /LAVE A:VEIL-WED ANNUALLY AB )UT so PER cErr. roucrEs IssrED O uL APPIVITED rLaas Premium psidAnuusilx or sclui•auially or a loaf will be made for put of the iunouta. • samrEtc. Pret•lthint, SAMVEL . E. STOKER. Vioe rresidpnt. JOHN W. - 1101040.11.. A.V.P. and Actuary. 11. .8. 'STEPUENS, St.cretary. jtyla,'74-tf H. B. 31'KEAN, Gencraj Agtut GUARDIAN 3II.ITUAL WE . INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 231 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. I . Pom tint; P . ontat itssirs: °Tar AN - snit. INconsE. over • LOttiES PAID . • All approved forms of foliett4R - stied. Liberal moles forpayitient of - premiums. Policies non.forfeitublo by their terms. ,The entire proEts of the Company dirt ,1,-,1 0,02. ably among tim insured, ANNUAL sDIVIDENDS. •WALTO3.I IL PECKHAM, Pnr.nor.rr.. WILLIAM T. HOOKER, VicE,Plitinbrr. LUCIUS M ADAMS, SECT ASD ACTrMIT. • PHILADELPIII.I lIEFEItn:CES • JAY COOKY. & CO., Banker?. Intexra. & Co., Bankers. * JOHN Woonstnz & Co., Tea Merchants. S. A. 31.EReEtt. Prert. Farmers' & Iltcharace Bank, T. B. PErEr.sost, PIA-Usher. Ry12,70-tf _ CONNECTICUT 31111tA_L' LIFE INSURVICE Cd3IPANY, OF H%BTFOBD, COPS. MISSES, Ncostonurto MOLE =tax 50,0%1- =annum • - AtSETS (Juno 1, 4800) over $2.5.000,000. Surplus crrer• 87,000.000. CURRENT DIVIDEND FROM LO TO 70 PER C1.51' Total Claims by`lDeath said to date, orer $6,04.10.00: TOTALpIT/D=DA PAID TO DATE, omit $6,000.0M A rtnELy aruTuAk COMPANY. AD its surplus Ss equitably divided among th e Po icy holders In ANNUAL 'DIVIDENDS, Which may be applied in reduction of Presaiums,or may be accumulated atliderest for the Mutat oft Assured, Or may be reCeived by them in Cash. ' !Paid up Policies tae granted alter two or mote yeartelteminems ban been paid, Bins practeallY making ALL. POLICIES SOX-1 , 0 FA7II.Vq. It issues Policies upon sll DESIRABLE PLANS OF "StBANCY, And has adopted in its viorldogil several SP:FCIAL FEATURE S.' ORIGINAL Trull THIS COM'ANY AND OFFED 11. 13. MoF.E.AN. Al:Ca Towanda. July 22; 1862—tt- NEW. ROUTE TO PRILADEL- , - NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAU AD. t. Shortest and most direct line to Phi thnort , Washington. grid South..d the onth; Passengers by this route tak ennsylrama New'York Railroad train. rate Towanda at A. 11.. make close co:it:option a thlebrni with Ez• press train of North Penn's and arrive in Philadelphia at 5;05 P. ..11..-An time to take night trains either for the South or West. City paattenger cars are at the Depot on arrival of all tminstoennves passengers to the rations Depots , - - net() an parts-of the city. • learn North Penn's 'Railroad Depot, corner Derki limit American streets. Philadelphia, at 7:35 A. 1I.•1 tithing at Towanda 535 P. , 'AL, saxes evening. Men'. Daimage Expn,as colleeta and delivers bag. (isge. office lio. 105 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. raztotri accointonsortosia. Freight received at Front and Noble streets, (hits delphia, and toriarded brTy Saar Freight rain. to Towanda, and all •points in liuspehanna valley with quicballapateh: ELLIS CLARICE. Gen. Akt. N. P. R. R.. prtnitandWißmiSts. ?Say 1T,1870. .1? • TAYLOR'S ELECTRIC OTh ! A medical preparation wbich tendsto remove zll unnatural properties When applied, either on ]pas or Beast It is conceded, by all - who have- used it. to be the best assistant to nature in the 'restoration of affected parts to tbeir natural functions, which the medical world has ever received. It has cured many cases of Itheutuntlim which could not be releived by any other medicine ; It is used by many pf our best physicimes lor , that purpose. Is also tinsarPsmsd the cure of Corns. Cbilblains, :Cramps. Contrse• tion of Muscles, Straka. Sparing, Bruises irtditorei of all kinds. It is called, by those whohave the best medicine forlitirsca In the market: Is al• ways safes speedy, and effectual. =Every bottle gua ranteed to give satisfaction, or money. refunded. or sale by all Druggists and dealers in medicine. , lI—BROW:WM TAYLOS. • • Leßaysville, 4 aug23'70.11 , Solo Proprietor and Manufacturer. DRIED FRUIT OF ALL BO! IE9 i TOIVA.NDA, YA. $10,000,e 4 $1 ofx),( 1 MEI 214' :1" EIBMI DEM eJ 1.4 a , . 11881.7.4 CIZE 61.1,Outhut, CAMP. k VINCENT. $25,t ^.OOO • 1,070.( Lf.rU,OV J. A..nte.,onn; Agent. Tomind& Pt ED BY NO OTHER. elphls. Da,