- LOCAL E :4SP"OENEBAL. a§r nom Air S.DlPatx.otiihni Las added to thp . 2,,,l3iniroit?? . !, ispiendid i n residence, lieriity Cif WOO TWUMeIt. p i ptioNAL—Rewqt? UtikotrOAliF as in town last week; iitpl;*tp6:llllol, 4 * o f ChriStChirillb op ; Ce.. : ;V.3 4 11. • • gir Tho Toctifsend Family The 4: ries! Troupe sill gift lesiartaininehif 11 1 !A1 eur's It'll on Wednesday, Friday and 13atdry upping' of next week. , -.. :7 • . PasoltAL.D.:llA.prus,:gB4., 4 ,and rusiar, ate vending a few data in eastensßradkmi Shock ing equirro:s. • • . .• i • . , sEr Eniino No. . 64, oinect by the L.V.R.B. Co.,'-was blown up at' IVOtit ,( 2 9 2 Tuesday afternoon Fortunately no one was Injured, !Ithongh Mr. Drum, the engi neer was on the engine at the time at the acci dent. i The bellowing is adist of ofC core installed in Bradford Lodge, No. 167, LO. 0.F., for the term beginning October 1, 1870 : N.G., M. Lasts; V.G.; l'A.lttootto P.iteey., A. D. ILismeno ; B. W. LI". Wie ll 4, C. T. Sxrra. • .r, le- Trade with those., who mike tise. They Fair afford to sell , cheaper, beau they do the most business. Any of the gen tlemen whose advertisement appear in the ittlkkgrrEll will sell- you cheap. Examine oar columns before making your purchases. mar How eloquent- is the , homely 'word, Fall! The towers fall in the garden, tly fruits tall in the orchards, the mite fall in thelwoods, the stars fall from the sky, the rain tills, from the clouds, the mercury rani into the tubes, the leaves fall everywhere, and man falls into eternity! 01Fr Et:TERMS& The Lih-tai nose Co. gift enterprise drawing and ball will come off on Thursday next, at Blsmons's The drawing trill take place in the afternoon, and as many of the ticket holders as can should be present. The tickets have all been disposed of and tlArizes will certainly be disposed of on that occasion. Orr.; TEMPEnIiCr. first of a series of meetings for advancing the • cause of temperance, under Joint auspices of Good Templira and Sons of Temperance, will I be held on Sunday, at-8 p.m., in the ball oven llosvarvns store. Services will consistot ad dresses, singing and prayers. Como one, come an. _ BE Skmanu.E.—Do , not be above, your business; las who turns up his nose at•lde work, quarrels with his bread and diutter. lie is a poor smith who quarrels with his own sparks; there is no shame about l imy honest calling ; don't be alba of 'soiling your hands, there is plenty of soap to be had. All trades are good.to trades. You cannot get honey if you are frightened at bees, nor plant oorn you aro afraid of getting rand on your boots. When you can dig fields with s toothpick, blow ships along with fans, and gloir plurnetikti in flowerpots, then it will be a fine time for ditn dies. .. Lam' ribner's Monthly will appear n a few days as a handsome illustrated maga zine, under the editorial care of Dr. Illoti.a - ND. 11.1ra at Home and Putnam's are, or have been merged into this new corner. Hours at Homelier' prospered so well that its publishers feel warranted in widening its Held, And at the same time deem • a change of nimo _adviFable. Though the new magazine promises to he an advance upon the old. set we are loth to part with the old familiar title.. war about to give up the ghost, and to PIM) it the publisher% have sold out to &Imo:En ,k co. We await the advent of the new nionthly with impatience. • stir At a meeting of Ulstei Dhis- V.ll, No. 134, Sons of Temperance, held Satur day evening, October 8, the following named, utlicers were installed for the present torte by C. F. TAYLOR, Division Deputy: W.V., Ozo. W 1 NICHOLS W.A., idles ELLA /1. A ; iis amr. slum; S., Esl)lErr Trrn..E; Treas., T. D. liOthoS 1 8; F.S., Eiesuri Itoutzwma.; Con., Jas..3rti.tink SnAw ; LS., Main D. Oursrzati; 0.34 - ANCIT. flouxlsru ; Chaplain, S. DErrits. This division was organized less than soyear ago and now numbers nearly one hundred no tire temperance men and women. They are taking aCtive measures to abolish the sale of ilquoll in the town and with a good prospect of success. May others protit by their ocain -11 YON Kik R I Day OF ATONEANT.--- Tins important fast day began, ou :Tuesday ., vetting last, October 4th, and lasted until IVednesday erening.. As an important holiday tt 1", kept strictly by all classes of Jews, no manner of food or water is Wimp during this time. The festival has its origin from Loyal- cub tciu.37 , "But on the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement, a holy v convocation shall it be unto yon, •and yo 4611 fa,l; . an4 no manner of drork shall ye do; for it 1., a day of atonement to make an atonement 1 ,, f , ,re the - Lora your God. A Sabbath of rca it shall be unte,yon, and ye shall fast : on the ninth day of the month at evening shall ye be gun, from evening with evening shall ye cele brate your Sabbath." In former times when the Temple stood, the services on that day acre grand as the High Priest entered the Holy of ,Holies to atone for the nation, brit, not prayers are substituted for aneritleas. BASE BALL.—The Academy Ball nub assembled on their grounds On Saturday last with the expectation of playing a match game with the College Cluh 'of Towanda; but they did not come. There was about aeventy- I Live spectators present composed of men, we,_ men and children with every nerve tensioned .to its highest pitch with the expectation of sce nic a very close contested game played, and so they. did. The Centre Valley boys of this place were ox the grounds. The taii clubs ex changed players. The Centre Valley hope took half of the Academy hue in exchange for half of theirs. The result of tke, game stood, Union, 45; Orientals, 33. The reason of changing the names of the clubs is 11CCAUSOibV exchanged players. We Impo the College boys will not get discouraged, but will try and come up some otbandimef ,Rotne, Oct. 10, 1870. FotE.z—Abont 11 o'clock on 'Weds . esday nigioi-fire broke oak in the Eagle Hotel barn. The flames soon spread to thek,loiin glry end Machine Sbop of J. F. , limn /iSore. The barn was completely destroyed, aid the fulatiry badly injured. Tbe machinery. wai all aced bat the loss on patterns,, he., is heavy. J. DE i lIONTASTS lost : 11 Urge quantity of r hnubtr which wag ailed on the bank , of the The loss on. Anmdry is nearly eefered b.y, in buramee. CoL iloltnta's loss . la ;about "1000, mostly covered by insurimee. 31r. licau.r. lair 'of voluablo horses burned in the bars Col. McKcax also lost horse. 3lostissras loss la shout $l5OO. The fire companieamera soon on the ground and succeeded in saving the adjoining preporlb, Tie engine! all worked well, but it is thetgen.: eral npinion that the Steamer was the means of saving much valuable property which must have been destroyed without it.' THE ERIE RaiLwAY.LOCtOber ends the second year of the adtiMastrition - of Messrs. Pula end (imam in the management of the atfalis of the Erie Railway. When an look at the contrast that exists Se ttre.m the c ulition of itr wren' now and dein. ve comet hut eangratnlato the stockholders. as welt as the pnblicon the remarkable achieve ments of these truly groat.railroad uutuagena nen those gautletnert took ,charge ,of the / . ...141' 4 )raa",a, 'WI' Mil "{V hid' a heavy floelliebliX;, the kin was vroni oak the ties ratted, AM gibe • I stoxsfreignit &ion. Since that time they bine honed the whole - Ml\ eith steel and heavy liw iti r ft ra g li tr i l lni iirlitttlY kr% t ' Varga amount iicathle friars, ago* dile al tracks andiron bridges, imam" the a otau7 fro,* 1 $1 0 .,„A 0 4 1 , 1 0.,010Ak .4.994 14 . tiiitfiiririsuieilie . haVdreol, added ever I 1 612 *0 n, s l,ir***', l 4 l 4. 1011I'dniM, .010 3 / 4 :oliiit -, theilbalt; lairillo )fatibargh Altirril Sirki e at " 1 P 1 4#. 1 NIP /1 9 n .44*4 E;40 1 :Q oiii ndr mideattiralft: ihkaeltaans +tti etaltiattipa). \The7 have parchaied large' tiii6 ' alua at Ott, Ngltalltit fellairPals: illesPiatelehi to the mad. constAallMocki. PiaresPellie Wl* (a depots and worebouses_at a cost of 41 1 Aoliiii l / 2 -Qii tgditi . ttie"liristirtiaiVilliigi nit Mut' ti: 4 1 .7 n 4 # l . - 4 3 P#9 6--- 42nthr- SEEM • - greater ‘iitary could - one desire Omit s , cosoluetable easy chair id . whta, Iv toiodine itfter . tra toiLandisbot of the dui is ores? ; , We .rodectkin!a . 14/ eFI qfI29TY, r f u ta i r= es t-H t U # 9 ,oll 4l/ Ibh, Sllnt in - th it veaendah-ofalmost every beasemse:oeltwo of those ineissioaorilhalw mired bl A- E. CQ9 1 !1R4.9.i.d0 Emile= Atikel andwebe lievc oiteryme whi ,buys hi :thope k phi*, will llier the *ilk- Cioola .d4m7o Ake everlastioggratitade otasery btudness man amigrfelMit.ii444ithatmetler,lng Went ing sod manufacturing these Chairs. They belie just ternidbirt a' 4e tvhdliiiBowiriChair,"whititi is very popular,' and a-extensive sale ; Berutfor a price. list t04,,g. Coopei r a ilains;'if. Y. WlALvancti.-4ince'. tr#• - lAst ortr town bin been somewhat arensed, and the dame,'lrrith' the plaleint on her tongue; has ime ceedixlizinbtairdigi few atOrolise holier. and VW* and petty diadem tre now teuratid for current news and gains some 'areheine. Even Saab Viz has again Spread his literary wings and tried tomake an estralwis,but poor .demecratic electioneeringwhisky• has done its work, d:4 tts .dlgbt Wei IoW and gitmaiiig. - The? poor tittle drunken thinghaduotbrainsenong left' to tell the' differrime IsAlteen '4l,lticon .and bar-room. or theman Ides got fib fine %dark ened, and the Irishman who 'ran the footrace with the - Indian &Cale:slum Wittit'a mill is Isgaillin running order. The darn which was carried away by high water a , year ago hakbeen rebrillt,lorming a belt:Vol sheet of water, which will no dont be applied ated by skating parties daring - the costing win ter. Weeds are being thined oat of our town otbdo4kostyiiiiiits lie !Wilk them- B. Bross is laying the foundation for a newbsuldlng Ilrapectstreellrllnr farm ers are'at engagedin • the collec tion of crop*, and the merchants • and mochas-. ics supplying the wants of their nionerqua cas tomere. Oct. 6, 1870. • Guess. THE thBM AP Ii ALL RACES .— The - en tries havi closed fot: the fail races of the Bing hamton Driving Park, with a list of sizty-flue : entries, comprising in each claw horses tueltig the best in the United States. There are eight purses, aggregating $lO,OOO, making four days' races, commencing October 18, and ending Oc tober 21. On the first day there is a 2:50 race, with eight entries, and a 2:30 dims, with nine entries ; on the Second daj a pine for 234 horses, with twelve entries, and a 2:27 race; with five entries, including the famous mare None Auch and Harry Harley, winner of the 520,000 purse at Buffalo. The third day is that of the 2:40 class with ten entries, and of the great race between Ilitshaw, American Girl, Lucy, Hotspur and Mountain Boy. On the last day will be the 2:32 race with ten entries, and the 223 race with six entries, including the celebrated winners, Derby, Prince and. Colonel Busse& Several distinguished visitors from New York alausfiected to witness the great race timing them CPINNIODORE VANDERBILT, who rarely fails to witness a contest in which Mountain Boy is engaged. A committee has been appointed by the iissociatioa to: receive and entertain the COMMODORE end other visitors, consisting of Wx. M. Et y,' Sammy D. Pam" WALTON DWIGHT • and Wx. E. T►Tros; , also, another blether committee to look after the wants of strang l ers unable to find accommodations at the hotels. , Tfie different railroads kenning to Din& am ton will issue exenrsion *tete 'at - reduced rate& A grand rush in provided for with the eilleien arwideh rid*fyireliiitiTCWiTtialiiraiilera of this aissceistAtio.-- 2 .Binghtrinias Republican. TEActiEns' um.-,=The Bnd .ford County Teachers' Institute convened It 4,eforryinr._eqtaber at, and maa called derby 'Sept X. A. Itoeney at 2 o'clock Prof. J. W. -l;hocmaker, gt, Philadelphia, opened the exercises by reading a portion.of scripture and prayer. A. T. 'Alley conducted an eternise in-mathe matical geography. Prof. Shoemaker conducted a drill in articu ation and nature as taught by questions. =1 Devotion'al exercises.by 11ev. D.' Cook. Mu sic. key. C. IL. Lano, County Soieriuteudent of Wyoming, lectured on the subject of educa- Prof. Shoemaker recited several choice aelec tioaa. TUESDAf .11 ' 01MING SE&SION Devotional exercises were conducted bY nos. C. R. Lane, after which-he conducted a very precise drill in decimal fractions. The relation of conversation to reading and public address was taken up by Prof. Shoema ker, and presented in such s clear and concise manner as to impress the minds of all. AFIT.BOON SESSION Music. • 801 l call. This. C. li. Lane pretionted - his _method of teaching grammar. Prof. Shoemaker presented an outline analy sis of elocution. Rev. C. R. Lane continued the subject of decimal fractions. EV&VINO srAmolc. Musk.. Rev. P. B. Tower delivered a lecture on " True Greatness" that showed deep dm% and thorough understatinding of the imblect, Music. Prof., Shoemaker recited several "selections whickitnte listened _to witlislose attention and great applause. WZDXZaDAT 1110IINING EGISSiON Devotional exercises conducted by Prof. Shnennikeki Music: 801 l call • Prof. Shoemaker presented a plain, dimple aistem of penmanship. Supt. Keeney 'demonstrated decimal frac tions, repetenda and continued tractions. Prof, IShoctotikor ooesbtcted an ,esorchni-in light gymnastics, and then continued the amid- Isis of elcentioti. , ; arrsitoon enerto:c. bias c.' Pall call. Supt. Keeney suede some general remarks conoeruing the different meth ods of teaching grammar, when ho conducted a drill in prirsing and conjagattain. Prof. Shoemaker presented an analysis of utteranceo following with a drill In the carious tones of tile coke. EVENING SESSION The twin deters, 'Hail and Era Reencry, played,the.lrish Fandango on the guitar. Mis Ktite f‘ilion read an illay on "Schools withunktlie . On motion a copy of _thB: creasy was requested for publication. The success of the lecture, "How to SAY: Things, by Ttlif. , Shoemaker was complete. ';hcp , rest audience, assembled mimed. Who en traileed bY his eloquence &hag 'the hour and a-halt which he spokothe interest never roused, Il l isariVelit is. slow and fresh' , treated in a feircita 'original style, aid 'powerful with magnetism- of his eloquence. 21113p8PAY 1111DAVIr1118910X. Devotional exercive 'were co&lacted try Rov R. Tower. Muria . . Rev. I'. & Tower lectured .on the " Theory of Teaching," presenting many valuable thot's. Sept. Keeney followed on the same-subject. A. T. Utley, Marion Ackley rural Lettia Tay lor were appointed as committed' on resolu tions.- Prof. Shoemaker conduct light gymnastics and phone ;EFI:002: 81, Musk% Shpt Keeney demon tion and Alliktitkni;• I. S. Cra Boot;, Bev ! Crlchniniti„ 4EIMP - claim of fractions; ifcherson, Cutio Root';' Rapt. Keency,-Progression. Prof. N/oczoakor ,illtuitrate4 his method *Unction lor ailyanced classes in elocution. At - at early hour the commodious church Mittabilll4ol 3 4 o 4takeNitit dime that listened with the strict a 11 1 3 .3222 ter ' b rf t s 1f 4 0 48 a. !Vt.. dhigist, MUT 11101111.1011121110 X. . 9 t 41111 0 1 4 1 944 P R. likipt. Kema l Masked, .mne.h of intereit eoceernieg arctic life. Prof. Elheemskertook tipthesobject of pei manship and Mutated his method of !nitrite -11010/11kret tfTgesta ttikair* on .6 Riding !n o the itaiL • :.LlPleaksessiom dzedatlierrioki • 0. L Chubbsuit i tintlifibemakee and snpi. feetu7 pude elfaiggilswaski• It , I - - 1 103 banoth nuab - useful lowing report Which am airptsd and adopted: . WnTaxas, Weriesid lhd Teschese Institule as an unpottantmmt in the , goo of generU education as, treW in (helanding up a4l support of ibeiteacketteprosbasion; .and WILIDIZAB, This session of the Institute is oas the meet pleasant and batmen's - slut/mkt ( to this part at Ossionity; therfore - Resolved, Thit teeeheie who fail to attend it least one session of the Institute, unless li g ; vaig e = ii cia: rZ , Wiltdr,_du Resolved, Tbettils eitkidesmue we present our thanks and best wishes to the leetnrerli, Inatreeture Mel County Superintendent for their earnest &kits to make usbetterpreparod to Madrid. the childruil p lod under our charge,. e: . _ t Resolved, That the kindness- and hospitality -us la ate =KA ItuSslnei 11W be' with our time:miles o pact, W Shoemaker, the entionist, ohm *Goaded the sessions of tie Institute during:3Kit three weeks,..ltiLty . binumnostness, lind; Mitirtebui bentributed much to ferest and benefit t=i as teachers; therekito, . , Besotted, That we hekilily, approve of the course by the gooney Hypitintendent is obtainitirlift Semi" and earnestly desire; that arrangements be made to metro his at lendanee ai the tessiOntote held at Hetrick -next year. 1 . There were 63 names enrolled - at Granville Centre; 126 at Towanda, and 1123 at Lellays ' Ville. Total 40t. The Tote for' niesiabeia of the. eottiii colt mittee On permanent certificates at the thieo leastotok stands as !Moire: '' %Ma, griaille...2llawas2B4le- Itayrrillo, 30; total, 00. 20; 28; total, 76.. H. Ainistrong, Granville, 13; Towanda; 27; 141 ,4 1 04, as .4; - M44: Tit 1 1 1 4 11 11 ; .319141 any Gran Ville, 20; Towanda, 15; Leltaynille, 26; total, 61. Attatin Lootorci, Granville, 22 ; Tow anda, 15; Lollaysville, 20; total, 57. 11. • Pitchee,Granville, s;'Towanda, 28; Lelityikz vile, 15; total, 48. .Chas: Warren; : Grain/Se, 13; Towanda, 11; Leßayaville, 6 ; total, 30. , z -,Th3oonunittee.coninatant Amthereforir ti 4: 1 1,1114, - EllA Johnson, H. Arntetrong, Sarah Morrison and Aristin Leonard were declared elected. awed with benediction by Bey.,Wallworth.; A. 2 4 ..LILLEY, Secretary: ter If you want a good Lantern call on M. Lzirls k acne, pri4ge Street. Miss GI=TpT has removed her . 'lSMlnery Store from Mutant's block to rooms over GEo. 1). Korman otlice. , Mir: Tile .best Cook , and Parlor Stoves in market for sale by M. Lewis & Son, Bridge Street as. Persons in want of Furniture, will oonsult their own interest .by examining Goods and PricOs at Ftunrrn before purchasing. ler Found in the street• in this borough, a safe key. The owner can hare it by paying for tbie notice. ' . Or- PEW EY has a - tall supply of kurnittire of all kinds which ho is selling at wholesale and retail very cheap. Give him a call. par If you want to find the cheap est Millinery Store in Torsos, go toldrs. J. D. flux's, on Bridge Street, whore yon will Aid every novelty of the season. - jilor Rev. S. P. Buoys, of Wok hannock, will lecture on temperance in Wee Franklin. on Wednesday and Thursday even ins, October 12th and 13th, at 7f o'clock p.m ter Whenever you are in want of any article in the grocery and provision line, Jost call at Parrrasow & Klawar's. They have a` ine assortment which they aro selling very cheap. tfr N e w Fall ar.d. Winter . Milli eery Goods , Oring, r ing, Ode . ber 15 1870; corner M and Pine streets,. (up Oahu and opposite Poll - ma's Drug Store. _ air, The Third Quarterly Meeting for Rome charge, will be held at Myeraburg on the 2241 and 23rd otOct., commencing On Sat nrdarl at 2 o'clock. : • W. Bump.. Paster • ser Mrs. ands haa just opened a Millinery! and Ladies Putnishine Store in - Manz.=Area new idoek, on Bridge street. She haastilee apaortmont.ot goods, and -the ladies stionld give her a call. • 740.5.r—0n the 3d of September last, betwoen'my residence on Northern Liber ties, Towanda, and Franklindale. • Broebe ShawL Tho tinder will be suitably rewarded by ieturning;the same to me. To (ma RrAszna—My trade has steadily increased until it has gone way beyond our expectations, and . forcing us -to make farther enlargements to our already spacious store, and we are now In condith*Tto'display more goods than all, other Clothing Houses here, thus offering to the customer an, advan tage of selecting from the largest. most (ash loMtble,, cheapest and best nitiitock of 4oth lag in the State, and we - do hness itrietly en the. one Price system. He mark our goods in plain figures. Customers need waito hit little tivneln selecting what' they may do sire., Thanking all who horn .pnironized us sad desiring a continuation of their favors • • assure you that we will at all times be four , " our post, assisted by - gentlemanly clt.r to servo you at your leisure. AI.LL filowaros . , Popular One Price iMoret , Towanda, Oet.lo • 123 *sin .Btreet COUGM - AND COLDS.—During the wery -changeable seasons of fill and winter, when throat andlung diseases aro so frequent, persona ehould bear in mind the importance of promptly arresting their progress by tieing 'the proper remedies. The thousands who die an nually of consumption were flat Otacifed with what they thought to be only a slight cough or cold on the breast, and erroneously leering it would wear itself off, neglected the proper rem edies until their disease terminated in consump tion and death. , , . Thee Compound SyruP of Ter never . fails in curing the worst eases of coughs, eoldsi, balmless, catarrh, oti the hawk sore ibroat and asthma. It is - an infallible remedy , for . w4okrydng.cough. It is no privet° quack 'prep. *ream, being preparud under the immediate supenition of a graduate - of the Pennsylvania Medical Carew, and Piessraped by some of the leading physicians in the 'States. It is strictly * scientific' preparation, containing all the medical virtues of the Pine Vree Tar in cozicoutrated form, combined .with the best demulcents and expectorants known - to the pro=' f&slimH -- Price l 4o cents per bottle: Sold at 'P. W. Therwres Drug Store, Towanda, and Emus liancont's Dreg Store, Wynlusing. RUBIT.L LaftD/I, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Oct. G,'70.-Sm MARRIED.' , . • . , LErr--scaurr.—lD Wynn, at tho beim) or the bddn't parental, Oct. 5.1870, by Rey.' ILI. Crane, Edintuid Lent, of Cowderaport, Pa. and Hies Ondelialr; Bchritt. ' • = (BEEN—ALLEN.—On Wednesday, Get. 5; 1810, by Rev. 8. F. Cot.; at the mildew:o, of Mr. Lit Allen,'of Wrier; Win: IL'Oreettand dies Elizabeth C. Allen. 'MORROW-WEBS:—On same day; by the sattio;fitt thtrani4thee pt , Mn Athew Webb, Eheabegnan twp Frank O. lifecrclriazd Wu With E. W p b. • ' an exercise In .AC .c v 0.13,1 spelling. ted Propor usm ear **ws= B=ISEI LOCAL. 8. M. Giwri:f J. B. Joincsox • DOMlNlTlainlifia Wlndhiun Cen - Oats 111M-brikse. Wnt:O.-Pselerfk Nate - n An illtb —IIANYELt;.4i'• the iniiiie i a Ifttulptreg4o44‘ N.Y., and Nettie E. Haight; ,'-.. PF2iMPACKEIt STEW:NIL= ht • mogivrr a t " . i , . 1 , , toI e terms, all . Towanda. . • • 4 15gatifmoo a trw t t Heston, C. te very . and t 3l B:iinie . Chaffee, both of Camptown. • ' PARlCF.B..;ilWittaileXilay, Oct 3. 187 i. r W., itz t lim , Luz Andray .. Parker t i ltir ir , z9rmief °?,2l3tfi - 71. - fr k a —llitOWN.--At the bride's te ch in Orwell, on the 11th inst., by the lkv . Shelp, Mr. Jesse J. Illtheart 16' Iliks" - Brown all Orwell. Pe,_ - I PBAIZOE.-4n Dome, on the 9th inst., Mri. Mary Pearce, ailed 90 years and 6 months.: 1,1870, Of cancer in the breast, MA; of Dr. H. Bosworth, in the b7th year of bq age. •- wife.of Joseph 3fingos, was born in Wadi, Oct. 15, 1815, and died Oct. 1,1870, intlonroo f Bradford'o4.34o-- Mrs. Mingo' was one of seven sisters, all f 1 0 1 Rattlr.Ptrgwet 3 PiPY.4001 1 0 9 Pl e a t • Our aster was converted to God in early 114, and was a devoted member of the M.E. Choral many yeari. She lut4ssen a great Before*, but through it all she found the religion of sus her into IMPPflit. 11114 An ',husband a u dit "abibisaiNia gu‘sk 6124' 1 166. 0 ' JARVD3.—In Pia, on Sunday morning,. Oct. . 2, • 1870, of arysipelaisayof. 3. Ring Jan* Ris funeral took place at East Herrick4r Monday, following.,, 1 594001 1 4andbf t t t• ( 46elainich witietutfabdi- with in au in • tuns to pay - their bud tribute of respect to the rtunninkof Ito? departed 0n0.., /4ft' '4174 tho 'itain - earki-iiitiblidd..l4l4l while engaged to ,the duties , of his*, , thosenfpierettattitt:-teacbing '1 .0 0 1 ; foir himself hook pf , Very few, if any, ever-beard him. speak of sity paernpdef Any olanttintibrits.d.“ VF fu neral a beautiful hymn, his own last ednipir salon, was read liediPminister, Rev. Mr. Til den, of ftsqnebarini countyij? the copgrgal toit. click sank th e wards conuanc e ing 1 "Asleep in 4esusl: bjessiod, *opt' ,to. a tune 'oopaliOsgdfar..L bY tko Acongilied . lad Published in the Sacred Lute lulus-teiteittp. His rt)WLim "Ice idrpoliite4, 41 Shoji last rest ing Pfins& blth Witt Masohldriteit The me ; 1 1 1 4 1.#9 1 VeN enn4nntod by brothersof Towan da—menibers, at. Uniat . r - Lodgoi-lio: i#ol3oi4d Vart4Pßad,lnrb/ n,unnt)ernot otlfor lodges. The bereOe w idow w; and ' add 'late' the aym ttiteyof P 49 514/ 41 1 1 0. 1 0 11 W0 31 444 1 4 - , "(ions to the grave ht our loved one, ; ' flone adthia -Lowly we benda,i9h9o/11114:Vflfriend Passing away tci the tomb. Calmly-114 Amin nowis i alchlinr; " Under the cyprnap shade ; ISad though wo bo, fondly will we -:' I:Cherish tbn.namd torihi Read.- He has gono down the valley, Tho deep, dark valley ' ..IVollaniotis - face Till wo pass down the valley, • • The dark, death valley,• And ineethins on the other shore.' • • art= vo=ms. .• • • -• 166.1Etigheat_ price paid for On kinds of Farmer's Produce, at the Ited White Blue Store: Ear Seccind-han4 B eiving Machines for sale at a bargain by Wickham k Black. Also, Rubino; Weak% OikeThr i cail,; Silks, - • • 11170-41. ear We' guarantee satisfaction in tho,work we do. .We cat, make, and trim clothing for men and boys wear. • lL HALMS k Co, • Bridge Street. Towanda, Pa, • , • , Beir A.Second-hand Top Wagon, will', polo oud abates, running Lear nearly new, for sale at EiruLes's Carriage Factory. Prior, $l5O. liept. 71,'10-tf 4 . . 1.. Choice Mackerel; only one Pulls Per i g o ui4tt 14 1 - 4 11t03 16 ; I ".Sea Moss Earitto:', for Pud dings and Custards, for'iilo br June 16,,1870. • Your choice of the' very best Teas, for - 1,35 prr lb. Itt the' ted White.llllac Stare. . . esti..l3l.oods'deliyared , tof all :parts of the village free of charge. Bed Wfiito .1; Bluo.l3tore., r • r• • -„. i Sell your Butter; Eggs etc., at Ited White nud plap•tmre. :;. • - Cash paid for Grain at the Mad White and Dine :Vote, Bridge gt: 'Towanda. . - liaminuct. k littow.tx. CHNI3TEIL %LITE, PlOB.-4 have for sale a qnantity otChcsfct. White Ms. Ulater, Oct. 1,10. A. IL SMITH. ; Site Candies of all kinds, war ranted the heel, at wkeinsaio and retail,. cheap. er than the Cheapest,' at the lied ' Whi,te and Bine Store . ' 0ct.019'70. • r Tobacco and Cigars in Brea varioty; wholeode and retail , chest, for cash, a 'Rod, White and Blue Store. Oct. 13,10. .13nammu.t. & BILKiEWt%Y. itat. Barnett's celebrated flavoring extracps. fpr &alp ,1?y . Z. LON . G. June 16,1810; • , . . aft. Crackers ,manufactured daily "and fdx isle *holes:do and r6titif,nt thiinakery, drat door north of ‘l7 . arcl House. MarChAN /6 7 9+ HO- WL.AAFT & Co. Fos SA.LE—One span of ,Matched Bay Horses, 5 years old, good 'team of road horses, weight 1000 pounds. Bomo, Sept,./1,70-tf Stir HENIW HARRIS, Merchant Tai lor, Bridge street. Da. TAYLOR & Goliz, Merch tore. IA- Great reduction in Teas at the Bed White & Blue Store, Bridge St. BE,9tru i u.k. IltDowp,r. Tea. Coffees and Spices it. Groceries generally, cheaper than the.cheapest; tt the Bed White A: Blue Store. NOTICE--Upon all accounts due la!e firm of Lowe .2 lithimt remaining. inset tied-affer Oct. 10. collection will be enforced. Those Interested will please take notice and aavo coils. .. 13, J. LONG. '. ' Sept: 28,1870. eta. W. Drrnucil's Music Store; . esst'of Mereiti's Mink, grit door; where you will find Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, fitriUgs, Accordeons, Clarion eta, Flutes, Shed Minoe,lnstruction gooks for allinstruments, Music Books and all kinds of 'Musical Vercbandise. _ , . April 11, 10, sue' Mrs.. Poprom A . Co,. Dress Mikirs; over Semen's grocery store, edge, street.. The latest styles of 'materna received weekly front New York.. Work one on reason— able thrum and on abort notice. sep.2s4r4* war_ Security Fire Insurance. Com pany N.Y. - Aiming $2,817,889 81. Fora policy Hi this roliabki and sate ocrin_pany Call on • • • 33rci. W.' Kix, Agent, • • - • • ' 4 * ' Towanda; Pi; Office. Ileacun's now block; north aide - of Public Munro. MONTANYES 1870. Have just opened a large and carefully select ed stock of 'gads for ine fall - trade. 'Dress Goo , * Sheeting Flarmels, Print's; Ice:' ;Teas, , 0 11 11 1 4 1 "4 fffruPs,Sed' Citexeries "4.141 Linda at New Yarkprlcca '.lCtocliery,and:illiussware of our own impartation,. in ;bet -- too extenslic a sleek to itemise, beught exclusively for mash, and guaranteed_ ,lo' be meld at lower prices than ever offered in tlaiiinarket. Fos 02iLY Photo graph= 10112 inch card of the members of the - Lackawanna Presbytery at its first stated meeting at !miming, Pa.,--thipt. 18,70, will . be . sent post paid to 'any address-on tkeipt tif $1 Over 70 members repretented. E. K: Ernmsassyr. Wyainsing, Oct, 3,'7041.6 BM • • The mem, puraued by the Cascade Mills, of selling good flour at the lost. est possible Ric" precluetiye ~ of -numerous oeliantagri. males a ready market fdl the superior wheat of mar vicinity; supplies cozi.e sumer. with s aboaplaulyholedome article of , fresh ground dour, and as a natural result mikes active business for the Mills. War in Europe, drouth, and short crops, are having the °Act to raise prices but this Mill st"aH 'time* sell inighwim %Sing°. " - " 1 r t "" - *Odra. gightinzu \ ,'-7-4 4- se * Wig lif • Inn* F a W in - taken rip her . na b 0- waidsounlhopestaradilwe 01/0111 13 ,_ • I L% . t i a t tairni g aii a Wi: tfi .:-..: , i . . , ......- . 'f . iv. 134444,444 0 4 41 Eittllivan'aitore: • • • , - 5 \ ri agetindlin9etilliVinist lea gie..% aait,lr:: , ,), :' . 1 )1, NM sl,6o—Lacs fisawns—LatinT lastnese.—Al It kalkfik reeelved tramlines's ca Apapady4ml4-Jonalqs' Glares, which she can - offer at SPO at retail. Also Shawli andßarlitalp Lama and Penni/ Ditee lins.nnT calla cep*, al,Alteh io ti i g u kblr I fashion _plates andloittertn" r • i ceives the Berlin. '!Bazar" (the - ori of 24- " . Reda. & i1na.0404 1 94 ttuk,j,444;llata.,and i llosuiels always onliandi '" • lias 4; In0;:te. NEW an - ii, --. V.IILOBUiG BMMe- r Mr 7,, • • - • , •!^. ring Depattment; and having secured the services of: "first-Mee cutter". and competent werkmpther are now prepared to mak e . up vq-k 0 401***104kKil fal!htboB44 or dt?: • aviiMccerred a now and' Fmk stock of pia , Arp prep_ arciA cger bet eve befereit in To wanda. The public will find it to their advan tage to give us a-den-before buying elsewhere. nememWr we warrant our work and gu l srantde good fits- •.t.. 0. _44 l 4Pti,ldtPrtot4 *Net . March 11, 187 - copeirqnshorrtT rut iiiir e Rocradb PROVISION IN BEIDLF I J4W3I97,I3EIDGP STREET,: r f llnianilMii?"lmY goods AsitpeLilPn tagetiyfor CABS ,d propose t 4 ,Ae4l!fQi:#EAlflPa'JfetatAlir tillarty prices will compare favorably with any e.stuh. lishment in the cbuntryi . I have paid particular attention to the selep lion of opm:um Swcnotii,d_warcipit thentyunt. Hy assortment - 15Y TE AS is oo m and.; ranges in prices fnun,SIXTY lo' ONE DOIJ'AR MG) NOWT CTS. ' mad , to order, and sold at the lowest price. Give me a call. - StROA. L. HEELEII- Towanda, July 14,1870. . Dr= Euromum of On walking up Main atinit thinnew . no . . , I gazed hi every window that came within my view ; Until I came to ItosnanzLn'a, and gazing:above his atone, I saw, Oh! Such beauties there, I haul never : 1 1 • 7 4 n. li ure • it N A it , botEsded tile stalls, 'of& tilt heart felt emotion, Aud landed are I knew in Miss I{ixosmit's rooms of fashion ; And Oh! the lovely things I saw, of bonuois and gay dresses, i And not in one's or two's, but botheouni less masses. Her fashions for fall aro certainly superb, Her, bonnets are, Oh! such gems to be soon, lolow,-ladies, my advice is go see for yourselves If you wish to be dressed like a queen. 311 RA BUSMEBB HOUSES.—E. H. Donuaut. & Co.—llamovau—Fixa AND COMMO- Dwes NEw QueirrEns.—For twelve years E. H. Donstatrhints been engagtkl in ••business in gi mbal; and during that' time 'by . , honorable, lib , eratand - iteecmarrinditting 'destine be hate at tamed an enviable reputation add .warted his 'may along until ho has reached a front rank in the line of solid business meta A now eranf.prosperity his now been:entered upon by this well-known andpopular inerehaut, for ho has just taken possession of one of the elegant and commodious stores in the HALL. Brothers now and splendid block. lar. Doh matn.'s quarters are not surpassed in any par ticular by any store in this city or section of the State, and none of the larger commercial cities of New York excel in adoption style and at tractiveness the new store of the enterprising Dry Goods firm of E. 11. Donstaut, t Co. The second floor, tb which communication is. had by a broad, haralsome stairway, is to be used for the exhibition and sale of carpets, of which the firm will carry a a immense stock. A portion of the rescsib stock of the house will also be stored here` ': The first or ground floor will be occupied by the extensive assortment of dress goods whirl' the firm propose to cairn on, and is literally Nicked With evereulass andatylu of gotitei that May berdemitideiV. Thu roar portion--will he handsomely fitted up , as the shawl department. The store is very hglit and so arranged that purchasers can examine goods in the boost sat isfactory manner. .The basement will also be ascii for the stir ago of heavier goods and for their exhibition; Altogether the premises aromdmirably adapt ed to -.the immense business enjoyed this well-known and reliable house,' - mal arid their that in ch neighed teriitody itlirie hey will meet with greatly increased an an business prosperity.,-E/okira Gazette. J. LONG Now .Aavortioomonto.. THE LECTURE CO3I34TTEU. OP, TEM lettOOF Tart • .4 • I t ; I. 0. OP T in this place. would announce that they hails enyng ed the following named lecturers: ANNA 1,1. .I)I,C.WSON Subject—" To The Rescue.- ' ' ivE*lsitrit prit r uip,4 : 1 • • stibiod— , The'..)Lost Arte.'• 1) 1. W i g - Subjeet—•• After iDiao, in New Yuri.. .L. L. MOODY REV. 2dATTHEW IiALE 81TITH tEell Subject--.!curious Coptzat}ts, Ql4 Wictea. • TAO. dotes ppon islOsh helwit res delir eren:liiretiot yetweir A ed, butwill beannircineed when they are. ' Admission arenas.. Itesereed Sesta 73 cents. Senses Tickets, entitling Itohler to reserved seat. , Jon? F. SANDERSON. thititua!ll.st.t.,, L. IL rttnx, and J. N.-VANTm,totmlitttee. 5ppt.,1.5.487.0, H. 0.8 1tE,11,-l_.! invite _particular, attention to their iill 1 t iii ±E I3'. iiiiiiik T comprising the Iggpst And most, C;p 3i ' r 14 E.T.E' S , ZO 6itei offeredia this visiuityr4r :lft :it 'ft ) LADIES, Tr, i 411'qualities' - ft nit-ttiV eir,9k*O-...the wry lowest prices. 511 , 71.00pfa s 10. TA 6 X 1..11 HAMIKH g Subject-44 Love OLIVE LOG-AN. ' sum " . ect?:—AiiiiriB:. , • and Our Timex." T A Y L'alt •Sz • C 0 ()F • HOSIERY 1111 ItILSSES, ' 1 ' ' CilitaißiNii, i ' • 6*ENl l $ AND El '"I ' ~ ,~CSCCGH~. =BM MIMEO itl_ n r___ ce rayikpagE , rt VDETIM, 14 14,401 p....tas ina) . 71:LP:ti• . Ask tho attoil on las pe0 70y... licadford cor tor,_ Piiit:lhirhs,44ls47.ferAgr.fE 1: et:sr: rt.l l gmuywkiET. 4.119-117 C "'Vs UUUL IS , - ,LI all, i). SiOvr.z -IRON kmitortfrulit Patna - Errs, ,LE -4 • :-.1h1,,f,;-!-:•:1aA'-41-44.414A1v*PP- il I . , -e - . -....;::- - , , Wbith it.: variety and eheanneas la une,xeelled '. . N m ih er n ' . oentisylvania.' We quote a tali 'pieta only t 0,140 0 10 i °° l l l.! l rP* l igitt llBl t.. 'Aifilid labile liable to chalk - le, ean s always sell at tile raj - Imeg \ ratest. - ..... , .Y1.3;:-. , 0: 1.:: - Licii.:11. - , ,, ~- - ..1" li. - 1-, 1 .: . -\- r; - TERMS (ass. . ' l.- • - iddefiV ' 7 . 1 per t ea t goiii tt etv- to Imouuts; of over a' days standing., • .s Nails, attain` " ' $ 4 ao e lass, treibea; 41fif ' tatudirforlial; Glass, per lies, MiusbelifilikfticTr Ipillaii - 50TP. 1 10 ~.~ SAfRUB. AMI'DCHSRBs. l'ii'ciO.4s74: - FRESH,CMMTv.ItYIi LIME :in; 11, ::: Ali . * - 4066 i ti ga,zlr , . ',..:, .. 7 , , ,L 7. BEE sTOVVl:..oYrittri- 3 tifW . l47, r 4 eio• I iar) ;0 2. s 4. o.a ?, • 4 1 14' ,1, C.. re 5 5 5. e ett It! § g WEE To & ip wed,OF.P.,9„g.-gt- 1 41-14 aa .oeff. : • — , ll- , 5'5 -= •• I ' sa. 0 .1.774 y (1, INA )V-tit,;:iri Delivered free ou care at lot r rates for caids. 1! MME=EIESE Porc. lined and (lea' Fruit Jars, Qte; at I s 2 per de: sen; $2O pe ße. ns s. 2 t),tfi. $2 50 per dozen; s29,peF ------- ; -- ;77:, -- 7:7 - =.. - 7 - •. .: i -.-------t . „ - : CIDER DIMES $25 to $44. ! ' • :‘, 5 -7. -! - 14,i 1 - : ".. i 1 i : . r , It , k. It 1- " , „, • , 0 S 5. 1.0 tie ; 7 7: 5) '! 5 . . t . • P ;-. i 71. ca o F . •_. , ,_ ...., ? i,- • ~ - oa -..•- jr F. . , . . . • - . , waunza - t3, AND ,BLOOD'S HORSE rowmis AND TIIRESIIEUS, _ .., , -1 !; • ) '.,'' Tl[ i . Aud tiriniiiitciao iu aeuerii. ;',V Cloorli.Stoel Knives told Forks at One Dollar per set. Universal Wringers, Bench Wringers, Novelty Wringers, Day's Wash ers, Brass KettleS,Vtirehlitin', ~• , • ,Kettles; ,Tinware,k Wooden Ware, • • \} 1} most: Poela,t *Olt}, .Itamrs o Abram scud Silver-plated ware twvause we keep the larkist • staaortmeat of auy here. Kerosene• Oil by ,the barrel at 28 cts per gallon. Dupont's powder,by t 410 3 ,4 $3 50 Rifle ' t‘: 650 itgatr* ... foe - I WAS HOWE,SEWiNci ' MACHINE. - ! • Net excelled, if equalled be any They always please.. SAQUAN ,.. /VaiTOOLS lutu C ‘!at vuriety. • „!. , Boxing .11Inchiues, Ihnues, ° ME MN MEM We invite thv attention of builders to our superior stock of .!k DOOR LOCKSAND TRIIMINOS, As well air to'onr Jeltetrer ihitc,Exceislor, and other reliable brands of . PAINTS AY,'D 011 S • . . Wagon 'Maker% 'Ana Voridage Dadaism. *au!' d do well to visd•ue. We hive. Philadelphia 110:Jersey . . • -"Antolglt'llOoWl!lrrlttgaVniltaille.. - Oak spokes,liltifilper set 400 tf Si " a 50 " " •2. iti.• ." ;-.. • 800 RIM VTLY, SAlt!, • 14A6KING, rxrnitn . AND !Mill i= =Lula; PLAIT:94N .„ftScArp,' :2 =':llr IVBXKLBABINAVS, SHCT OHS% SHOT I 4- 14 - W.21 - orall ;kids 81420 St. • Gernaain Student Lamps, Church Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, Gas 7 " :13 rank taro Sinks, NatiOnal Horse Nails by the box, . si per peun • Houses. fittod.with- Gas Pipe, :Fix, tures,Afeaters, k 6.; on short f aiCOl/Alld6.susatidl.6'•6o.`' Sopt✓ls, 1870. houWc-siS. BEES :tt1.1,?" K ME : ' lEEE EZEMII biLs, !ll= Biirdeuy Horse srr -~° ~~J Eow.''s e. f'. , do. . c7,llLrek,f(f.' tal. 4 c-L ; tim'op e sin g yin goods, to which thivrcirci- Alitr call rf r irdrZil I', fitaly2i': , DR SS GOODS great variety attanctina• fiINGLE AND DOUBLE' WOOL SHAWLS. , EVERY ONE NEW ANN 11Olat. FLANEL and- DOMESTIO,:IMVK k~ .1y :MM .Vbe greatest variety U. r ~` I' RI NT,ED CALICOS =WM MMEWI A large aseorttuout of FMINM i CK~~ BEAVERS, ,7; • TABLE LINEN, TOWALINGS, &c., &c AN ENTIUE NEW STOCK We are uow operdiur a large and full stuck of NOTIONS, 110-lELY, CAI/'ET, . WALL I'ArEIL and WINDOW SHADE STOCK Was %tut cutoplete I LOOTS AND..HO.I;S, A butter assortment-than ever before oveiMil by us OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Being enlarged we have many goods riot tonateriy kept, to which, we ask attention of our customers. Sept. KEYSTONE STORE. CROCKERY, CHINA, t3FIA . 3S-WARE TABLE, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE AND HOUSE FUIiNISHING GOODS BMW SINGER. SEWING, WICKUA.M. 1314CE:6 Sept. 29.'70 B A. PETITS k, CO., 1 , • 'lave juPt temlired a fresh dtock of FALL GOODS In their,tine„Lqught lu New Yorkwnd - at pares that warrant them in saying .tharthey will nil as • CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. ' LEelr sleek vandals in Domestic and . Mlle? Y CiOODS, HOSIERX,. , GLOVES, ZEPHYRS, WORSTED, i NOTIONS, Si ~ ik,C TLR DEPthillig,l4ll thoroughly flirnlshed with the LATEST ,FASIDONN AND BiAJT GOODS , Far the 9 "di° s- , CAPS AND. HEAD ItIGS ConstaziAr on band Main et., opposite the Court gcrta e. Sept._w."7o.• • • M. WARNER, A. AND,36IrELER, 175 MAW B.troct, Respectfully Informs the public that he keeps con stantly on hold all kinds of ASTERICAN - AND Reffilf WATCIDER, Also • fine assortment of - GOLD, fiILTER.A.ND PLATED JEWELRY. .C.nial4ing 'of 'Chains .' . Binge, Thimble,, : Napkin Mingo. and other articles too miniums to mention. A Stnefracletf tho mut *Moored Mork& The tWAEOR - REPAIREFIGhf done by himself. lieraottal. Ty. and be Ratters himself that with his twenty years experimmo in Towanda. his wille t t r Zto please all Wbolioay War 'dna aria:theft , for the put liberal patronage, 4 aienrea.the piddle that his charges shall be reasonable. and no pains Vosi. eabortliPlo o o , liale.4iPaaten's ' twOttocea Pa. - , July *tough of l Powell 1k Co's more: - Vomits, 12, ,270.-tf • 101 - lIMPHREY BROTHERS ' 4 44, 100 CASES' 100 CASES 100 CAM 50 CASES 50 CASES 50 CASES WOMEN'S and MISSES SHOES. WOMEN'S and MISSES SHOES. WOXEN'S'ands MISSES SHOES. DOM LATEST LATEST LATEST 100 100 100 111111 FINEST LOT-IN TOWANDA. FINEST LOT IN TOWANDA. FINEST LOT IN TOWANDA. 200 200 200 SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS, SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS, SPLENDID HORSE.BLANKETS, EVERY ' • DESCRIPTION. • EVERY. 'DESCRIPTION. --. EVERY. DESCRIPTION, L.r.,,re lot of , L4ge lot of Large lot of 1 lIIEI FANCY RUGS, &C FANCY IttIOS,..SzC. FANCY RUGS, &C !laving enlarged our salesroom and mole exten sive :purchases of all j;oods in our broach of trade we aro prepared to offer extra inducer - acute. Sept. 2241870. HUMPHREY BROTHERS. T A Y L OR NA: C O. BLACK -3 THEY ABE. YEE kANIMAD ALPACA THE 1. United States; of uniform Wike, and rauturpssised veloit.rhtuditrer-prtte. 'to:vandal, Aug. 13,'70 TAYLOR & CO Fur sale at FRUIT JARS, • . VOR JI: on Pit hi offered tor sale at • bargain: For further particulars onqnire on the premises. Sept. 22,10. - • JULIA CHASE FOR SALE.-HOUSE AND LOT, sitnate.on Fotaiti street, near James ilitnnsirs. Haase 2142 feet, with well and cistern. good garden and trait. Enquire of o.D.Wiclumi, at the store of .Wickham k : - Sept. 15, 1870. •.. PLASTER.. -'800= TOES BEST Capp Ground Plaster at Bridge Mills. Mon tweton. Pa.. for which all kinds of Grain will be taken in a:change, - Match I, '7O. Nei" iiitititements. WILL Ofil ft Tras:wros " i'''KEN and WYE BOOTS. 'MEN and TOYS BOOTS. MEN and EOYS BOOTS. . Al • IMMEII STYLE XLE - . WYLY, - , tiNP BEST QUALITY. -AND BEST QUALITY. AND AEST QUALITY. FM TRUNKS, FINE TRUNKS, FINE TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &C. TRAVELING. BAGS, iS;C TRAVELING BAGS, &C. BUFFALO ROBES, BUFFALO ROBES, BUFTALO ROBES, VI VETE ATT E;N T TO-THEIR NEW. 'A,LPAGA, 50T PIECES .RECEIVED, TAYLOR & CO Are aelliug the beet low priced KID - GLOVES lutll9 %coda, Tor 75rCENTS A PA.th Mau, a complete issertructit . of the 41ebrated H. S. K. G • • T.5,1%011 & COM. $l.; 15, Iny WICKIAM• - & BLACK'S Towauda. lune 15;1870.7 W. A. ROC:SWELL . . . • . 10ROMAITATION.--LIVIEFIREAS, Ifon. lAMBS Patgiideut Judge of the 12th lu Ogle eoun tka of Bndfordttehatuza r Rona,Zenc. LOX INA= and Z. W. lraidlexe, Mieeteee-jed gas . 14 and.for said county of Beedifdolaters tweed their widf,beariisg. date the. 2111 h. der of de. • to. me . directed ; for -j holdlne et , m't •of Coruna Ilosa. at Troy for the, County of Brad ford; on ?Jonday, October 214820, to.coritinue two 11111 Notice ,Uot therefore hereby yieenio Coroners, ind Justices of the Peace, of tho Cenenty of Bradford. that they be then and there irrthedr MPer person; 0,10 o'clock in the forenoon of acid day, with re- otitis, inquisitions and other- remembrances, to do those things which to their once mosrlohni to be done; and tholte trto are boned lrf or =to prosecute the who o e str be In the ja il o saidounty,sor *ha shall be bOond to appeir at the said court tre to be then and them to prosecute seminal, them as shall be Mat. Jurors are requested to be 'punctual In theft. alien. Wife, agreeably to the* notice. • Wart at ' Towanda, the Zits day 'of Sept., In the year of our Lard. one thrummed eight hundred sad seventy, wad of theitulependesares of the Vetted §tatesk, the ninety-third. J. -P. VAN BIZET, Mart/ iROCLAXATION.—WEIKa r4B, Hon. PAIIIiDO. STUEEI7II, President :ridge to the 12th Judicial District. coniditurg of the MD .der of Bradford and flusgnehanna, and. Hons. Ulm /oil Pitman an kJ. W. KusDug, 'Associate Judges, in and forwald cotinty.of.Bradlesol. base issued their Precept bearing date the 12th day of October, 1870. tp mc• directed, for holding id adjourned court of. 'Common Pless,at Towanda for the county of Brad ford. on Hun*, November 7,1870, to continue one week, Notice-la tirirefore hereby Oren to the Coroner', and Justices of the Peace, of the county of Bradford. that they be then and there in they. proper person. at 10 o'clock. ha the_ forenoon of said de . y, with re cords, InguisitiOna and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done: and those who aro bound bi recognizance or orthersitie to prosecute against -the prisoners who are or may be inthe jail of said county, or who shall be boned to appear at the said court are to be then and there to prosecute against them la shall be Just. Jurors are-requested .to be punctual in their atten dance, agreeably to their notice. ' Dried at Vero:oW the 13th day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and . gaventy, and of ;the Independence of the (hated ' Kaes, the ninety-third. . TTRIAL' LIST- FOR • OCTOBER 1370 . : • • . - . .1 - 1117 wzr-4. . Tolat df rdfumiu var. Freneis Orecn..... E. C. Eklinonr VI. S. H. !lick Abunts Moore vs. Brutus HUI; a al4 BIM= S. Dobbins vs, Terry . .twp Brett IT. ear. WMlares Alvin Seward vs: A. Coburn O. B. llinvlanct vs. F. D. Chime A. C. Moors ve. Jollucuminirte. do vs. do vs. '