TMMILUW,PI7III4CATION. Two BiIaMAID BERM= I. preolithoi Wray ThumNO Nom% Li t L os. W. Arran al Two Do uai per asums. sa- Aftirtheas all awe osithstro or watorrlp. Sou to tko piper. • - SPECIAL NOTICES Istoortod at mins, arm per near Ent lasertkm. and Ms mass , per Us. for Otero' ant twortkout , Low. NOTICES. able as 'mew =rater. Morn ours Sm. LDVEIMSEKENTS inarated. icaardlnito be 'Wowing tales of ribs 1 inch lBl.OOl 8.001 8.00 2 i nc hes I tge 15.00 I 6.00 10.00 I 15.00 I 20.00 s i n ches L &00 I 8410 1 14410 11L1111*.00135.00 g cohann I 5.00 I 11.00 IILOO 1 ittoo I 30A0 I U.OO column WOO I 40.001 80.001 80.00 $lOOl $llO Adeannstrio o es and Ilicitar's Notices. 112 ; Audi. tees helices. $9 60 : lateiners Cud& nwe Unita. (par .year) $5. additional lines $t each. yearly advertisers are entitledto apiarbatychmtges. Transient niecatisementemuntbe pall forth advance. AU Reaolutions of ampociatimis ; Coninthiliketione et Molted or individual interest. and notices of liar. lieges and Deaths, eaceediag Ave lines. .are charged rze, calms per line. The gamma having a larger circnbition than'all the papas in the counkr combined. makes the bed advertising medium in Northern Pennsylvania. JOB PRINTING of every kind. in Plain and Fancy colors. done with neatness andNandbills. Blanks. Cards, Mallatleill. Mftßil Statements. ko. of every variety and style. Tainted at the shortest notice. The Emma Office is well sapplied with Poser Presses, a good assortment of mfr type. and everything In the Printing line can be.-"MemW is the most artistic manner and at the lowest rate& TEENS MAMMY CASH. 41F 4 • p C• M. TINGLEY, Licensed Auc e tioneer, Borne. Pa. All cons promptly 'Um:i1 871;1 d o. Ma 79. "iif BLACK, General Fire, Life, 171* and Accidental Znaarance Agent. Ofteat:. M. grown.s Hotel. Wialnaftg. Ps. inn2,lo-4!tra W . WALLACE KEELER, DOUSE. SIGN AND FRESCO PAINTER. ToirareisL. Sept. 115. 1870-yr CAMP & VINCENT, INSURANCE Aomero—Once formerly oecupiod by Mereur Morrow. one door south of Ward Howse. T. B. CAMP. maylo-10 w. a. VINCIXT. RFOWLER, REAL ESTATE • DEALER. No. 160 Washington Street, be. twern LaSsile and Wells Streets. Chicago. Illinois. Real Estate purchased and sold. Investments made sud Money Loaned. May 10;70. DRESS - MAKING, PATTERN t,utitSO AND PITTS° in all fashionable aryies on abort notion. BOOMS in Mermen Hew Block. 31ainAt..„ over Porter k Kirby*. Drug Store. NM H. E. GARVER. Towanda. Pa., April 13, 1870. rfAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS, such as SWITCHES. 081 x, MUMS. ram EMS, de., made in the beet meaner and latest etyle. at the Ward House BarbetShop. Terms reuonsble. Towanda. Dee. 1,1ti69. FRANCIS E. POST, PAINTER, Towanda, Pa.. with ten years experience, is con fident ho can give the best satisfaction In Painting, & 4 WD& Staining. Glazing. Papering. &c. gm..Partictilar attention paid to jobbing in tie country. aptil9, '66. TORN DUNFEE, BLACKSMITH, MONROETON, PA., pays pirticular attention to Ironing Buggies, Wagons, Bidg,, Ls. Tire set and repairing done on short notice. Work and charges guaranteed satisfactory. . 12,15.69. A MOS PENNYPACKER, HAS A. Vain established himself in. the TAILORING BUSINESS. Shop over Rockwell's Store. Work of every description clone in the latest stales.. Towanda, April 21, 1570.—tf LERAYSVTLTY, WOOLEN MILL ' The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that be keeps constantly on band Woolen Cloths. Cassimeres. Flannels. Yarns, and all kinds at wholesale and retail. HAIGH & A114..10,10. Proprietor. OH YES! OH YES !-AUCTION! A. E. MOE, Licensed Auctioneer All calla prompUy attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Call or address, A. R. Mon, Moaroeton, ttradford county, Pa. 0ct.211, C 9. LE RAYSVILLE lifirLTS ! The subscriber. having revamped tho La'ermini' Mills, and refitted the Janie in good order. is now prepared to do good work, and to give •g_neral siethi• fartirm. M. J. FIIIITCHEY. Leßayaville, Sept. 22, 1869.—1 y GENTS' COATS, VESTS, AND Pants end Shirts. also Boys' and Children's Clothing. Ladles' Underclothing and Drenses made by Madam OLMSTED, ?demur's Block, second door from the Elwell flame. Satisfaction guaranteed. Towanda, April .21, 1870—tt GIFFORD'S NATIONAL' PAIN Killer mid Life Oil, aro the Great Family Specifics that find a welcome In every home as a Sovereign Remedy for more of the common ilia of life than any other medicine in the market. Sold by dealers in medicine generally. Manufactured by C. T. GIFFORD, Chicago, IIL, and 143 Main at, ROIL )VESAVILLE, N. Y. March 10, '7O-5' C S. RUSSELL'S GENERAL -INSURANCE AGENCY - mny23'7o—tr TOWANDA, FA. BLACKSMITHING ! Having completed my new brick shop, near my residence on Main-street I am new prepared to do work in all its branebea. Partlctdar attention paid MU Irons and edge tools. Having spent many •care in this community. in this busineai, I trust till be a sufficent guarantee of my receiving a liber tlantount of the publie patronage. EEV'iltT ESSENWINE. Towanda, Nov. J. 1N9.-41 PATENTS! J. N. pExTul, Solicitor of Patents, 73 DUOA➢ STREET, WAVERLT, N. Y Prepares - drawings, specifications and all papers required In snaking and properly conducting Appli cations for - Parrarrs in the Marro Srarss and Fon =on COMOTIIIIIS. No manors re. rx. steccEse.,,,t, CARTA /IND NO.ATTOMILIeII rELTO PAT twain PATENT IA OISTLIIIIID. • Sept 16, 1810—tf O. Vir'. STEVENS, COUNTY SUR , %Trost Camptown. Bmidfard Co, Pa: Thank ful to hiamany employers for yogi patronage, would respectfully inform the citizens of Bradford County that he is prepared to do any work In hipline of busi ness that may ba entrusted to him. Those having disputed lines would do well to have their property accurately purveyed before allowing themselves to feel temriered by their neighbors. All work warrant ed correct, so far as the nature of the clue will per mit. All unpatented lands attended to as soon as -warrants are obtained. 0. W. STEVENS. reb. 24, IsO2-Iy. • N EB DYEING z ESTABLISH KENT The subscriber. takes Ma method of ltifonnbill the people of Towanda and vicinity that he has opened a Dyeing Establishment in Col. Mimi' new build ing. NO. HA MAIN STREET. (opposite Gen. Patton's), and that he is now pre pared to do an work in his line, each a CLRANDIO and COLORING ladles' and gentlemen's garments, clothe, Om., 40 the itestest manner and on the moat reasonable terms. Give me a call and er.amine my work. „HENRY REDDING. Sept. 23..1869 THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE 1 opened a Muting Mouse in Towanda, under the name of a. T. MASON k CO. They are prepared to draw Bills of Exchange, and make collections in Now York. Philadelphia, and all portions of the United States, as also England. Ger many.. and France. To loan money, receive deposits. and to do a general Banking business. G. P. Mason vas one of the late firm of Laporte. Mason k Co.. of Towanda. Pa.. sad his knowledge 'of the business men of Bradford and adjoining counties and haring teen in the banking business for about fifteen years. niakethhi house a desirable one through which to make collections- G. F. MASON. Towanda. Oct. 1. 1866. A. G. MASON. BRADFORD COVNTY REAL ESTATE Aomner. H. -B. ArcH.EAI!T, REAL EsTA.TE Aana. Nslnstils Farms, Mill Properties. City anti Town Lots for sale. Parties haying property for sale will find it to their advantage by leaving a descriptkm of the tame. with t arms of sale at this agency, as parties are 'constaatly enquiring for tarns, /co. K. R. McKEA.N„ Real Estate Agent. Office over Mason's Bank, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 79.1667. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT MONtOLTON. TRACY B,' HOLLON, Retail Dealers In Groat:leo end Pr:Risk:iris, Drugs and Medicines. Kerosene Oil. Lampe. Chimneys. iiihades. Dye Stuffs, Paints. Oils. Varnish. Yankee No tions. Tobacco, Cigars and Bnuff. Pure Wines seal Liquors, of the best quality. far medicinal purposes only. All Goods sold at the sty lowest prices. Pas scriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the del and night (live us a alt • TitACY & 1/OLiCIN. lionroeton. Pa.. June 24, 1442-17. CHEAP PARS GE FROM OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND ortos • oo.'s Luz ow - . . Waal= k Onion's old Black Star Line" of Lir repool Packets, sailing erer7 *wk. awallow-tall Liza of Packets from or to London, sailing twine • month. Itemittanas to England, ballad and Scotland pay able on demand. For farther particulars. apply to Williams fc Onion " Lroathray. Now York. or G. F. MASON & CC. Bankers. Oct. 1. UPS& Towanda, Pa. pRICE LIST-CASCADE MLLS Flour, beet caddy, per sack • 112 00 to:Llama Ms 4 00 ..' - .• .. barrel 890 Custom grinding nenally done et come, le the tee rock, of th e colli to rofildent for a largo smoim4 of work. H. B. INGHAM. ploopkowo, July 27.18'1. IX] MOO S. W. A.M.V011.1), Publisher. VOLUME XXXI. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TAMES WOOD, ArronNEY AJD comummow AT L. Towszda. Pa. I Di` FOYLE, ATTORNEY AT - Tcnisnaz. Ps.. Ocoee with_Elhanan Builth, south side Moroni's Block. April 14.70 ciEORGE D. MONTAN.YE, AT ift=e=ite. 9, Mah and virß. KELLY, DENTIST. OF- See over Width= Alk Moles, Towanda, P". 211. ' DRS. ELY & TRACEY, associate en. permanently Inated.Barinatou. Bradfordcounty. Pa. mayslo.lka• R. IL WESTON, DENTIST.- ..I.r Office In Patton's Block, over Gore's Drag and Chendad State. isk A. PECK, ATTORNEY AT law. Towanda, Pa. Office over the Be. kory. south of the Ward House, and opposite the Court House. nos LI& P. WILLISTON. • AITOBNEY. AT' LAW, TOWAADA. South side of idercUeo Nevi Block, up stain. April 21.10—if. , 11Cr R. McKEAN, ATTORNEY 11 AND COITNIZISON AT L►w, Towanda, Pa. ticular attention paid to business in the Orphanie Mart. Mr 20. %IL Nu H. CARNMEIAN, ATTORe: V . m AT LAW= u AtiXtrtley for Brad ford County), Troy. Ps. made indr i rr 17 remitted. MIS, •e JOHN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Towanda. Pa. Particular attentkm gtv• en to Orphans' Coati badness. Convey=chat and Collection& sfir Office at the Eettistea and Bever.. ger% ogle& moth of the Court Howe. Dec. 1, 1864. • CH. WARNER, Physician and . Burgeon. Leßaravfllo, Bradford Co., Pa. 'All egla rompUr 'attended to. Moo Brat door month of LeealartUe HOWL Sept. 16,1870.-Tr L• U. BEACH, M. D., Physician e owl Surperst. Towanda,Ps. Pares atten tion paid toall Chronic Diseases, and .Dise a ses of Females. Office at his residence on Weston street, stud of D'A. Overton's. ' n0v.11,C9. OVERTON k ELSBREE, Arrort- MIT'S AT Law, Towanda, PL., having entered into copartnership, offer their profbailsual services to the public. Special attention given to business In the Orphan's and Register's Courts. apll4lo ovircroa, in. 214 o.ELISBRZE. BEND. M. PECK, ATTORNEY AT L. Towanda, Pa All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Office in the office lately occupied by Messer k Morrow, south of Ward House, up stairs. July 16,'68. ATRtreERCURATL.NA DAVIES wenda.ra. im TAT de OR associated themselves together in the prsetkw of Law, offer their priffessional sertices to the public. ULYSSES MEECUB. W. T. DAMES. March 9. 1870. B EN. MOODY, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND strrinnos, Offers his professional aerviora to the people of Wy 'lasing and vicinity. Office and residence at A. J. Lloyd's. Church street. Ans.lo,'7o TOIEN W. MIX,'.ATTORNEY AT Er LAW, Towanda. Bradford co.. Pa GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Particular attention paid to Collections and OrPhatut• Court buaines& Ofilee—alercur's New Stock, north aide Public Square. apr. 1. 'SD. DR. DUSENEERRY, wonla an nounce that in compliance with the request of his numerous friends, he is new prepared to admin. later Nitreus Oxide, or Laughing Gas, , for the pain. loss extraction of teeth. Leltaysville, May 3, 1870,—1y DOCTOR 0. LEWIS, A. GRADE"- ate of the College of “Physichns arid Burgeons," New York city, Class 1843-4, gives era:wire attention to the practice of his profession. Office and residence en the eastern elope of Orwell MIL adjoining Henry Howe's. Jan 14,'69. TIR. .DIMMCK D. SMITH, Sur peon and Dentist. Dr. EISITTU would rexpectfol ly inform the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. that he has permanently located himself here, where be will be happy to serve all who may stand in need of his professional services. Dr. Smith has recently removed from the city of Phibidelphia, where he has had a city and country practice for over twenty years which he Whiles will enable him to do the most Mll e-nit Work in his line of business. Teeth inserted, from one to a full set, on all kinds of Material used in the profession. Special attention given to the sav ing of the natural teeth Teeth extracted without pain. Dr. Smith administers Nitrous Oxide Gas. Chloroform, Ether and the Freezing process. Give him a call. Dr. Smith extracts the natural teeth and inserts satinetsl stet for twenty dollars.' Noma op posite 'McCabe eifix's store, Main street. Towanda, April 21, 1870.—tf aREENWOOD COTTAGE—This well-known house, haring recently , been refit. ted and supplied with new furniture, will be found a plea nut retreat for pleasure seekers. Board by the week or month on reasonable terms. E. W. HEAL, Prop'r. Greenwood. April 20. 1670.—tr WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. On Main Streat, near the Court Home: C. T. SMITH, Proprietor Oct. B. 166 G. TEMPERANCE HOTEL!-Situa- ted on the.north.west corner of Main and Elisi beth streets, opposite Bryant's Carriage Factory. Jurymen and others attending court will especi ally Bud it to their advantage to 4:attronlze the Tem perance Hotel. B. M. BROWN, Propr. Towanda, Jan. 12. 1870,—1y, D INING ROOMS IN CON Na."TION WITH TICE BAKERY. Near the Court nonce. We are prepared to feed the hungry at all times of the day and evening. Oysters and leo Cream in, their seasons. March 30, 1870. D. W. SCOTT & CO. VLWE.L.L HOUSE, TOWANDA, A...a Pa. JOHN C. WILSON Haying Walled this House, to now ready to accommo date the travelling public. Nopaine norexpenre be spared to give satisfaction to these who may give him a all. EirNorth side of the public square, east of Mar ches new block. TEL. PETER LANDBIE&SER, Having purchased and thoroughly refitted this, old and well-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff 131:11- 11s, at the mouth of Ituntmerfield Creek, la ready to give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment to all who may favor him with a call. Dec. 23, BGB—tf. MEANS HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA.. Jor.nas k lionrcrs. Proprietors. This popular Hotel having been thoronghly fitted and re paired, and furnished throughout with new .and gloat Furniture, will be open for the reception of guests, on B.tronoar. MAY 1..1869. Neither expense nor pains has boon spared in rendering this House a model hotel in all its arrangements. A superior quality Old Burton Ale, for invalids, Just received. April 28. 1869. AMERICAN HOTEL, BRIDGE STREET. TONVAND.L PA 11. G. GOFF. Proprietor. This Hotel hating been leased by the rmbaeriber, has been repaLited, papered. and refurnished thronstiOut, with new Furniture. Bedding. kc. Hie Table will be supplied with the best the market at. fords. and the liar with choicest brands of Liquors. This bongo now offers the comforts of a home at JAMMU= paters. Jurymen and others attending Court, will And this house a cheap and comfortable place to stop. Good stabling attached. angavro N EW PLANING ;►m.7,! MITC2DIG, ILE-SAIVINCt, MOULDLIOS, kc., At the old stand of R. B. Umlaut's Woolen I%6Ni and B.rinulll. la CIMPTOWN. P=S'A. A HEAVY SIX ROLL PL&X.NG AND MATCHLNO • MACUU(E t in charge of an experienced Mechanic and builder, the public may expect a GOOD JOB EVERY TIME. From the recent enlargement of this water power, work can bo done at all seasons of the year mad soon as sent tn. In connection with the sawmill we are able to furnish bills of sawed lumber to order. STEWART 1108WORTIL Camptawa. May M. 1870.—/7 WICALUSING ACADEMY. The Fail Termisill commence on the first MOM* day of September, 1570, and continue 12 weeks. TERMS—For Common English $4 00 For Mew English and pumice— . 500 • DA* aKin, ang.1745• Principal. • A FULL ASSORTMENT OF DI 1113 d CAMP =elm et March 10.1860. LONG * =LIN 8. 11111 j _ • , • - •• •- Hotels. CRFYR HO- ..~ yYa ~ Ylr r r r - ' 4 Itietteb lad . OCTOBER. The Tear growi splendid! oti the nionidaln Now linen long the warm and 'gorgeotw Dying by slow degrees; Into the deep, !Miele= zdght.' ' The final triumph of the perfect year, Risathe woods' magnificent array ; Beyond, the purple mountain-heights appear, And slope away. The elm, wfth musical, slow motion, laves His long, litho - branglum In the tender sly; While from his top the gay Bordello waves Her scarlet hair. -Where Spring first hid • her-violets 'noath the fern, •- Whore Summer's fingers opened, fold after fold, The odorous, wild rod rose's heart, now burn The leans of gold. The loftiest hill, tlio lowliest dowering herb, The faireskikuit of IMAM and of clime, . All wear able tho mood of the superb Autumnal time. Now nature Pours her last andnoblest Wine I' Like some Bacchante, beside the singing streams, Beelines the enchanted day, wrapt in divine, Impassioned dreams. Bat where the painted leaves are falling fast, ° Among the vales, beyond the fartherest There alts a shadow, dim and sad and vast, And lingers still. And still we hear s voice among the hills,— A voice that mourns among the haunted woods, O' And with the mystery of its sorrow fills The solitudes. For while gay Autumn gilds the fruit and leaf, And (loth her fairest festal garments wear, , Lot Tim; all noiseless, in his mighty sheaf ' Binds up the year. The mighty sheaf, which never is unbound ! The Iteoper whom our souls beseech in vain I The loved; lost years that never may be round, Or loved again. —Lydia A. iscellantous. [For the RETORTER.] A' TRIP AOROBB THE WATER. No. XPT "Chiefly by numbers of industrious hands A nation's wealth is counted : numbers :also Warm emulation: Where that virtue dwells There will bo Virtue's seat—there will she build Her rich emporium." [EuttAra—Nl! l ..slm—ln justice to the "Prns-, situ' traveler," it is necessary to state that the "immense antlers" were not said by him iti• hare been "obtained from the boys,' but tram the BOOS and peatmosses of Ireland. The Irish boys are wonderful no doubt in their way, but can hardly be supposed capable of such pro (lndians. Heinslike these might be consid ered more appropriate to Irish Speaking of /mak harps—instead of "the one that hung on Terra's walls," an allusion was intended to " Tho harp that once through Tema's halls Thu goal of music shod " and which; according' to M0011E— " Now hangs as mato on Tara's walls, As if that soul had lied."] Leaving Dublin on the 28th of June, I proceeded northward along the coast, by railway to Belfast—distance 112 miles. The most important towns along the route are Drogheda; Dundalk, Newry and Lisburn. At Drogheda, (pronounced Droh ady) we crossed by a lofty bridge the river of the Boyne, upon whose lands not far hence the famouS "Bat tle of the Boyne" was fought in 1690, between the forces of King James 11, and those of his son-in-law, William, Prince, of Orange. Its result • estab lished the final supremacy of Prot estantism throughout the British Isles. King ..Tames seems to have dis played but little courage on tie oc casion, as he fled from the field be fore' the battle was fully decided-- re,achnig Dublin in a few hours, and next day continuing his flight along the coast to Waterford, a distance of 100 miles. At Dublin Castle he is said to have remarked to Lady Tyr connel, " Your countrymen, madam, it must be acknowledged, can run very fast!" With prompt Irish wit, she replied : " In this, as in other respects, your Majesty excels them, for you have won the race!" The country along our route, tho' in some parts fine, seemed in others rough ~ and rocky, its natural advan tages ,itpori the whole inferior to southern Ireland r although with the resources 'and avails of industry more liberally afforded to tEe great mass of its inhabitants. We began to see tokens of the foundations of its prosperity in the extensive mills and bleacheries of linen, great , quantities of this fabric were sprenl out upon the meadows "-Of the linen trade, Belfast (with about half the population of Dublin, bat on the increase,) is the great ' centre, although nearly all the, towns and cities of the North participate in the business to a greater or less degree. To this, some attribute the great comparative degree of thrift and prosperity in the north of Ireland; others meantime to the prevalence of the Protestant religion, and third ly it is claimed to be owing to the extensive infusion of the Scottish element in its popidation. No doubt these causes are all connected each with the other, as well ad with the main result. A rich harvest was reaped hero during our American rebellion, from the great demand for linen fabrics, . occasioned by the fail ure of the supply of cotton goods. Next to Dublin, Belfast is consid ered the finest city of Ireland.. ' It stands upon a river flowing from Lough Neagh (about 20 miles distant, and the largest lake of Ireland) into the Lough or Bay of Belfast. The streets are generally wide and well paved, and the general style of the residences good—though its public buildings are inferior in style and magnificence to those of the metrop olis. It is stated that the first-Bible pub lished in Ireland was printed at Bel fast inl794—no printing press hav ing been brought into the country until about the year 1G96; Ireland being behind even Russia in thin,re spent. - The territory on which the ?city. Stands is that of the llacQuis or Don- NUL, to whose ancestors it was given by - Xing James 1., when the present thriving city was but,a small village GE kilUtiMtZiEtiliWMMlO=aitAa.Mal 1-. - - „ , . - ~ 1 , ,gBRADFORD 'COUNTY' PA': • OCTOBER 13,4870 —subsegnenni ecildinioo -thi) qatal-kia aaaTalata! inalwaa'l 4 nt*, tiontenutts-kalf dollars - a year.. Through 'MO sMiiitosy, OU a_ Bolfaat 'gentlamaW(Witif Wham.' had : formed an hour'ilacqnaintairiee.on so 'return by the cars from the Cant* way- to the city, Mid 4ilio went out of his way a 'quarter'ef milo for the ParPosa) , / was afrardad an aPParta nity of ' passing throigh one of !.'the most extensive of the. Linen: Mills, with a goide who explained -to me the various interesting processes . by which the flax. is converted into a great variety of fabrics, useful' and ornamental. The Meet linen and damasks are however only made by hand: many of the' first families of Europe having their coats of arms drawn and woven in their napkins, tablecloths,ika. , The extent of the manufacture' may be inferred from the fact that one establiehnient alone (that of the Idesaw: Mulhollan) is said to give employment, directly or indirectly, to 25,000 persons. The cotton manufacturers of Belfast ate at the same time by. no means incon kiderable. . - By way of Carrickfergus and Cole raine, I proceeded ,74 miles, north westwardly to the town :of Poxtinsh, in the county of Arrnasu'' on the northern coast. A high promontmy of rock,_ with a tolerably smooth,snr facOnd affording a fine promenade and Seaview,liere extends.: into The waters, , toirarda- . .the rough r rooky reefs known _as' the. SLerry /Ands, presenting a barrier -. against which the: wild - surges of the Northern Ocean Icontimmily dash. A jannting car was in readiness here to tummy passengers from the railway station six miles to the , 01A1tT'S CAUSEWAY, , by an interesting route, mostly along the cliffs of the seashore, where our party, mostly' Englishnien, arrived about noon. After taking a hearty lunch at the Causeway Hotel, (a fine- Ifsituated and well-kept house) We proceeded With a guide, by a steep descent frcim.the lofty proinontOrY to the foot of the majestic and peculiar precipices . which constitute the great " jumping off place " of northern At the water's edge we embarked in a boat manned by two or three sturdy oarsmen, for the purpose of exploring some •of the grand caverns and recesses •Which for countless years, the billoWs have been '-scoop ing out from this tremendous wall of rock. From the • greatest elevation of these headlands (some 400 feet_ directly at the seashore)' is a regu larly descending grade inland: it is consequently a ready , inference that the pillared rocks that line the coast become of less elevation, as by slow' but unceasing inroads the ocean ad vances—with recesses and bays a thousand feet or more in some pla ces between the projecting, promon tories;--through which in their turn, many a fantastic and magnificent archway is laterally bored by the,nig ing tide. , ' :Dyer's " The, grandest of these ocean timpi theatres is known of coarse as .The Giants—being nearly a perfect semi circle of great extent, and more beautiful and impressive in its fea tures, it is eftid, than those of Rome. Certain it is no human productions can be thought to - rival those of Man's Creator; especially when .as here, the latter assume the appear ance of systematic construction in detail. The summit slopes down ward to the tops of a vast circular range of regular columns, 80 feet in perpendicular height—amid which is to be seen a group of pillars, known as the Giant's Organ, (their arrange ment corresponding in a conSidera ble degree to that of the organ pipes of some 'grand Cathedral) from which, as one surveys it, he might almost imagine the deep bass of the ocean wave, here forever sounding. To proceed. A bench next ensues, which Hibernian imagination con ceives to have been the seat of the giant guests of Fin McCord:lit the grand feats and high councils of the unknown times. Succeeding this, another range of pillars descends for about 60 feet to the slope of debris at the water's edge—along which are to be seen vast -piles of globular scoriae and conglomerate. Upon the lofty head of Pleaskin . Promontory stand the " Chimney 2ops"—insolated columns whose companions long since haVe fal len—themselves still standin,gsolita ry and alone, forty-five ;feet in height: and long must they' so have stood, if we attach credit ta the cur ,'Nat tradition that- the shipalof the . .Sp.-,iieh Armada opened tire upon them—led by their appearance. to suppose that they were the turrets of Dunluce Castle, some miles distant along the coast--mid that one of these vessels was wrecked here by an inclintions approach. It may however well be doubted if any por tion of that famous invading fleet ever advanced so far northward. 'As our little boat with cautions skill is propelled amid the white breakers and rocky reef of this dan gerous coast, the best possible view is obtained of this sublime coask scenery. Occasionally we passed be neath -*the arched portals of some ocean cavern, pknetrating far within, where the rising billow lifted our boat high up as if on a giant's•shoul ders—alternately sinking again with the wave's recession,: the eh nge of level often being to the extent of some forty feet. • The Cave of Dun-. berry, into which among, others . ., We entered, has it is said„ been pene trated by boatmini to The distance of 220 yards amid, the profound -dark ness. The majestia*ched - entrance -being in height - Herne 90'feet-;--the echoing shouts of the boatmen, com bined with the reverberating thun der of the waves far amid the impen etrable obscurity—together with the rapid rise and descent of the vessel upon the tide, give rise to sensations of a novel sort—not unmingled with feelings of awe And even apprehen sion; while thin singularity 'cf the scene, is enhanced by the brilliant colors of the - reeky ' from the whiteness of chalk *to the' darkest shade of . volcanic haaal%:and 'curiously intersper se d with veins of a bright red ochre. In strange contrast with .theseitu multuons sounds and scenes, was to INS be heard tha eipoing,,of ;les tun 4 th far up.e lofty reeemes o inner aliffs:Lilieir favorite'. r The Inhi'cl Wit dbeniat no unapt- emblem 'Of an angers *lna' per of'pere, still .heard :above - the !!urreuhiling turmoil of worldly *k ees, anddangay. Iteiergin - g fiain thisinightyne 'vett:4'ollr ht continnedbefeaurse amid the - dashing sprgm to various fa vorablepointtelrew,antdat length wediiimnbarkedapon ,the Causeway itself. Th re e `Cat seguyit.are often spoken of, but theyme - all 'Ante and the same; their„ separation 'consist ing merely in a : partial submergence bY *tem waters, - :Here - we tread ~a vast , pavement, .70 by 359 feet in extent r -,itii . nneven Ganef ea sily traversed surface composed of the tops of cylindrical-pillars cloaely fitting together:— their `true and smoothly polished • sidesil•verYing from five to nine in WamberAtifi'd eacli Side being from about ; fiVe to nine inches inwidth. These extend per pendicularly downwald to ' an' un known depth, each , filled accurately into its owntproper place whintecan by. no otheimember of ihmfiriouP, it is probable, be exiictly fitted.. Their extent upwards; was. once in all prob abilitylthe same :with:. greeter than that of: their more loftly neigh bors, whose serried ranks look down upon • them from the surrounding heights. , I - had seen the number of columns thus grouped together, upon the .Causeway alone, stated as. 8000; . but Ives-convinced at the first view that it must helix' greater, and •a . brief calculation still suffice to convince one of the feet:.: I had it, too; from good 'authority at the Causeway, that by an• approximate reckoning, the number ,of columns uncovered by the sea had been made over 60;000 —while the horizontal extent of. this remarkable formation; beneath the water, is in all probability some sixty , miles to the cpast of Scotland atFm- GALS CAVE or STAITA, which Queen Victoria, on-her visit thither, declared to be the wonder of her Emfitre. For at. Staffa the same formation emerges from the sea, as• Well as at the Island of Rathlin which intervenes. When • broken the columns uni formly show a smoot clean fracture, presenting alternately a concave and convex surface. That flint arrowhead, with all the marks of human work manship was found imbedded in the hard basaltic substance of one of these columns is a story related to me as a well authenticated fact:" but who' would,care to vouch , for its cor rectness without a personal inspec tion.? - _ The.diameter of different columns as well as the width of the side! in the•same column continually varies: so that each has its brra appropri ate place, not to be exactly filled, it is probable, by any other.,.. Suppos ing then these 60,006 columns, or sections of each, to be • taken up and laid iu a'promiscus pile—what dar ing genius would undertake the task 1 of again fitting , them together, and finding for each its own unmistake able place ? No description can convey any ad- I equate idea of the grandeur and cu riosity of the -scene--.-either in ita general effect or in the observation of its details. Nor can the mind of the beholder divest itself of the idea of vast and ingenious artificial work manship—a ipystetions and most wonderful combination of immense effort, skill and persevereance. -If we could believe - in accordance with the traditions of the country, that it were an artificial; instead of um/era/ work, how diminished and trivial In comparison, would appear any or all of the hoisted productions of human handiwork 1 Yet, without apparent effort, the hand of , Nature, acting under the laws of anAlmighty Arch itect, seems to have inchientally thrown out this grand and most cu rious display of her systematic powers, for the wonder and admira tion of the perplexed human intel lect. Is it not at the same time reflect how much the mind is disposed to lessen its admiration of Nature's doings—the moment it recognizes the action ofa general law? Just as here, for instance, when we call to mind the fact that, flour starch in a properly moistened state,.will when , cooling, assume on a. small `scale, the same cylindrical formation with that of Fingal's Cave and the Giant's Causeway.. C. C. P. ai:Vxl4%rAll -r.!t.72 if rrf l 3,=11= . 0; ,- v:; , •‘ :sile•r , • sr• •py: of DiklgialAnOli( Intel* qIIAII.TERLY 001 t VENTION I.'o. G. T . J The quarterly Convention of the L O, of G. T., of Bradford county, convened in Stevens' Ball, Stevens ville, September 28, 1870; 'called to order with Brother White, of North Towanda, in the - , chair. After the absenteep noted, and pro-ter ap pointments made for the vacant offic- M, the following committees were appointed: On Credentials, C. IL Hall, of-Towanda; Elena Horton, of North Towanda, and. E. J. Rasta brooks, of Stevensville. •On Resolu tions, J. H. Webb, of Smithfield, F. H. Stalford and G. C: Gaylord, of Wyalusing; on Business, J. R. Lee, of Camptown, R Seely and A. -Taylor, of Rome. - ArrErotoox SESSION Convention met at 2 P. ta., with W. C. T. Dartt in the chair. Com munication read from Bro. Sander son, of Towanda, stating that .other engagements,prevented the accep tance of the Secretaryship of, -the COnvention. On motion opened' the nomination for. Sceretit. ' and S. C. daylord,.of Wyalnsing, was nominat ed and elected. • . iommittee_on. Credeniinis. repmi ed thirteen.lodges represented, vii: North Towanda, Terrytowii, "Bast Springhill, Wyalusiug, 'Mahon., Canton, Rome, Martha Washington, Smithfield, Steremnrille,' Leßoy and Laporte lodges. e Cominitte on Business resented the following reports: L ' rt of Delegates; 2. Discusgiu of Hone; 3. Selecting place for next meeting; L Remarks for pied of the Order. The , delegates, reported the Ledges as being flOurishiuecen ditions,lwith many iuldilicinsin num ber and. but few violation:•Thel W. ' o. T. then offeredsome appropri- I ate remSrke on the increasing strength and influence of our. Order, i - A~i.Y rfi'. :,", if SE EINEM MEE =ME :~>' *,:,:; ~ IN andlthen;reviewing_tmetir tthe good already.accomplished, Bra; Stever* of W 4 111 81 1 1% lidded , MO4l-104 1 19 interest, by giving,-;l3lB,,earlr.esperi r once u a,tempertince•aavneate., theit niging,the necessity. ; ol..the, oirenla lien of tenapereneetxtuata and period -Colimittee, ;en 'Beaolatens submitied tluk following, were adopted afteracussion and =mud- UMW: • , , .-",Winms" It has- pleased • „Al mighty God thus far -te bias the efforts put‘fortlily onr Organization, wewill therefore pat .on the whole armor-kg tempo ante, realising. that if :we have the approiing smile .of Provideneennr, labors shall...not be in vain. . , Raofeed, Thai. we regard it the dirty of -over7 Christian to make com mon °cause .witli our, bzetherhood at the.Thrgne of Orpee,_ iin4 there seek for the, promotion , temperance throughout the land. Resolved, That the cause of tent-. perancels one that should arouse the energies of every good man and inwo man the'noblo work of educating. the youth E andieclaiming the &lien, that mankind may be elevated there.; ~.,Reietcx4 That it the . duty of laborers in this glorious oak to use sampans in their power 'to prevent the sale and use .of. all kinds, of az-: dent spirits. That,, while Ncre as tem peratice men detest and abhor the license syiteth of_the Staie,:as legal izing trade calculated to ". destroy both mind and body:" yet aa good citizens we will do all in, our power to diminish the extent of thntraffic. Besolved. That as woman is the equal of man, morally and socially, she ought to be politically, and should be- allowed the ballot, that her Toice might. be made known in such manner as to require public men to heed her demands,, which, are always made on the side of temper ance. Resolliecl, That we recognize-in. thb Good Templars Mutual Benefit Asso ciation, an organization well calculat ed to sustain the cause of temper ance and insure permanency 4 mem bership in temperance socitCes gen erally, and that wo give it our coun tenance and support in preference to other Life Insurance Co's." On motion, it" was agreed that a special invitation be extended to Bro. Chase to be present at the .meeting of next Convention. Adjourned to meet in the morning at half past nine. A public meeting was held in the evening at the Church, and some very able and convincing remarks made 'by. Bros. Dean, Mutt, .Craft and Tayl or. The • second -- day's proceedings Opened with Degree ra t eeting in which there were • several initiationi:, Convention called ta order at 9, A.M., and proceeded to the. diacussion resolutions. Bro. Dartt, 'of Canton, offered the following: .. "Molved, That we. are gratified with the co-operation of the Church and Christian ministers, and believ ing that the speedy completion of oar-work and final triumph of our cause, requires the strength of. union, we cordially invite every minister of the Gospel, and every Christian man and woman in the land- tonnite with us and give their example and influ ence to drive intemperance from our land." Adopted. Bro. Hall offered the following, which was adopted: • , &salmi, that . we hold it to be grossly inconsistent and wrong•. for men of temperance : principles, or members of churches, to sign peti tions for license, and that in the fu ture the Order should publish the names of such signers. Resolved, That wet recoriunend to the several lodges of the county,' to coo as mach as possible in the way of holding public temperanee meetings, lectures, &c; and also to make great er efforts_ to circulate the Keystone Good Templar, Tunkhannoek &publi can, and. other temperance papers and tracts: ' Bro. Keefe, of Canton, presented the following: "Reso/ved, That it is the duty of all temperance men in: this common wealth to make an extra effort to bring about the passage of the Local Option Bill. at the next session of the Legislature." Adopted. . Bro. Dean,. of ±satithfield, offered the following: Resolved; That while pledging 'our selves to labor for the. abolition of the license law, by the enactment and strict enforceMent of a prohibit 4. ory statute, we will recognizea high er and, more necessary work, in so educating the popular mind and conscience; that temperance will be the - natural. b outgfowtli of principle,: rather than forced results of law." Adopted. f Bro. White offered the which was adopted. " Retolvd, That the thanks of this Convention are hereby tendered to the citizens of Stevensville for the very liberal and courteous reception extended to the delegees and visit ing members. "Resolved, That the Secy. be re quested to furnish copies' of the pro ceedings of the Convention for pub licationin the Keystone. Good Tem- I plow., Bradford Repor&r, and, '2unk 4annock .Republican . Adjourned tin meet at Towanda on the.third Wednesday in Decenaber. After adjournment the ,officera and members were. arranged 'in ,front of the Church, and ,photographed by Bro. E. I[. Sturdeiank Wyalusing. S. - C. GAIiLOIiD, Seo'y. Wyalusing, Oat. 1,1870, SEknia a great crowd gathered in tit° aired, a gel:Alma), meeting a boy, said to " Is there anything going our . "Yes, sir,"..was the ready reply. "There's tWo thins !loin' on; you're pin on and Pm 4.1037 z of the • sum . s in the mental -arftmetics hare about u much seise in as the following: "If four dogs, with 16 legs can catch 29 rabbits, with 87legs in 44 minntes,how many legs must the same rabbits hare to get away from &dogs, with 32 legs;', in. 17' minutes and a half. „ • - TEE First Eve-angelical AWEncr-- Adam's marriage 1n Eden. A girl thatliS lost her last beau as-irell Lan* *liar fiddle. - Eifinuct as maiii otyportnnities Zow:Pbalw , but ooly ono woman. Wan , man waata---all hi can_ gat. What a manila wants—all Ae can't get. . ME MEM M=MtEM •:. --- -,•---- • V I - -,.....-,.r :,.--...,.:_.--•: '.. "%t ,a 4.1 ~-; .„ .7‘ ) t _ „, ...... • . -. : - ..: ~ " . •.- - HEI MMO9 MEE ENE LINES SELECTED FDA Dias. ,pcm is amosmd is tholraroyard, "'A' - short, stdnarro! . .110 geese Ia ermang on it; And'aci marido at its hCed Yolt,iusy sail erep.iiesido it,. • 'You may itiMel and kiisi the sod; 1 - ;' lust you'll and no bairn for aorrow, • . 4 . ,In tlideidd Mid silent Thera la anguish-in the household, It is deaolato and lone ; , For a fondly cherished taiildhig, • Freuilitio parent nest haitilown • A littio form is A heart has 'ceased to,heat ; And thaehafn of lovelies shattered: At tho desolaters feet. " Iternore tho_empty cradie,, Ifer dresios intng away; ' ',141e1 tho other litthi fixings, "WON y nr choicest treasures lay : eStriv - inot to clieck4be'teardrops, -.That fall like simmer rain; - Forthe sun of home shines thro' them, Yon shall see your girl main. . , think where rests your darling,. Not in her eradki , bed : Not in the distant graveyard, . With the still and mouldering dead • But in a' heavenly mansion, - tilion'the . Savior's breast x - • With the Savior', ;write around her, She tikes her silent rest. • She heart on robes of glory, For the little robes ye wrought l• • And sho fingers golden harp strings, For ths 'earthly toys nnbought Oh weept but with rejoicing; - ' A heart genfhavoye given :- And behold its glorions sitting ; In the diadem c . ll.lleaven. Coition, Iday3, 180. A TRIP THROUGH WESTE'R'N NEW YORK. • • :- . . • . Mu. 'EDITOI.* nking , you may like to -hear.soitiething: of :a ramble. through.western Sw York 'we un dertake to jot do*n some iotes:of the scenes we have viewed in that section. _ . . Leaving Towanda on Saturday morning we took . :passage on the noteworthy L.V.R.R. cars to IValier ly, where we changed for the E.R.W. Proceeding to Corning we landed 'there and having some time to wait for our conveyance, we 'deemed it expedient to regale' ourselves with a substantial dinner. .Whereupon we made ouidebut .at the "Dickinson House," where we found what we wanted got up in a nice tidy style, and supplied by obliging waiters; so We think the "Dickinson " •is the stopping place in Corning. About an hour after dinner we again took the cars on the- Ruffalo Division of the Erie Rail Way. About o'cjockp.m . . we arrived at Livonia station, Whence we .staged towards 'Livonia Centre, to our destination. On SabbathiVraitied so hard we did hot venture out. On Monday. We took a trip to Rochester,. There we took , dinner at the "Clintoni House," ‘then went out to .:see the wonders of the city. But 'findihg . our time more limited than .we an-: ticipated, we concluded the_ most speedy way to "do" Bothester was to take n.,bird's-eye view of it from the Oonri House dome, which is 165 feet high. We enjoyed a treat too, though not so good as if it had been. a clear day, for tholog obseured.the very outskirts of the city, and also of the lake, which can readily be seen when clear. We were impressed, with the fact that Rochester is indeed a beautiful as well as a large City. The kite census returirshowiits pop ulation 62,400. . - -We now descended Once more to terra firm and crossed over the way to observe the new Powers 'Block, which is l built entirely of iron, brick and brown stone. The latter is-bro't from Ohio—ii beintifully carted and the design of 'the block is certainly handsome—thus creating a mania cent '`building without. the aid of wood. We then left the city_tind 'made our war back to the Genesee country; passing through the far-famed Gen esee Valley. We were charmed with the fine looking Rochester Ntirsrries, of wide renown—prosperous looking 'farms, stock, Ac., of that garden of New York. The late drought - has not affected that section, and such thrifty looking grain fields and apple orchards! it • was never before my fortune ter enjcry. Apples are abun dant and offering quite low—Bitch lower than with us. • . The next day, through the kind- - ness of friends, we had an opportani ty of visiting the famous burning oil well. This well is situated - about 10 or 11 miles from the villa g e of Lima, and about 28 miles froM Rochester. Entering a large - natural basin we find in its centre an iron tuba shoot ing upward about 12 feet, and from the top of this tube proceedS a per petual name (if I, may so.apeak) brightly flushing, and roaring so loudly • that it may ho heard . at' - considerable distance. ThiS roaring is caused by the Louth of the tube being partially closed with an iron plate. One of our party .:knocked this off, and though the roaring ceased the flame burst forth with re doubled fury. This well which is sunk - about 40,0 feet, has been burning for. at least five years. A party 'were boring for oil and hadroached the abo-vo men tioned depth, when some one in us ing lighted matches dropped one iii the well when the gas escaping from it ignited, burning up the -derrick' and all the wood within Its reach,. . and has continued to burn ever Eince, a source of wonder and awe to . all be holders. There is , a rude dance house, &e., erected ..near it, where parties have assembled probably to view , the flame by night,. when it must be reag,nificent. One of our old townsmen, Mr. E. N. Frisbie, in company with some others have conceived the -idea of carrying the gas from this well into Rochester. It yet remains to be seen whether this is practicable. Next day , we vested 'Hem:dock Lake, whichabout 25 or 30 miles from - Rochester. This lake.: though small, being - but seven miles .long and abgut one wide, appeared - - very beautiffl to one who had neier be fore seen one. Here is a largi) board, ing house which often acconunodates 40 and 50 boarders who come to en joy the delightful scenery,fudaing, &c. There are also .some dwellings built ENE 1122 Annum- in Advan'6o3, upon its, shores *which are occupied by families • during , the, summer months. • Here workmen were busy com mencing the laborious task Of guid itig the waters of the lake to Roches ter for the supplyof that city. They had already made some headway in digging-the new course for 'the out- 'After enjoying this sight we made our way back and bent our course in the opposite direction to Lake -Cone sus.- Here we fotind, t to our tastes, a much more pleasing scene. It seems more peaceful and the shores are lined witli thriving looking farms and villages. Taking a short ride out upon its waters, we proceeded to Lcmg's Point, about mid way bet ween the - lake's .shOres, and . from here we could see laakeiill at its *feet -and also the belt of timbers growing at its bead. "This lake is about nine miles long,' After enjoying this we were compelled to . forego further sight-seeing; and the nest:day, Thurs day, we retraced our way to this, our headquarters, to find that a number changes had taken place during our absence, Among- them we were pained to learn, the death of Mrs. L. B. Humphrey—as find a christian lady it has seldom been our privil ege to know. According to our mor tal judgment she was well fitted to enter, our Lord's presence, and wo can bilt rejoice that our loss is her gain. - Fearing I have already' encroached upon yo space and patience I will take pit bid you adieu. espectfully,, Novice. MI MAY. GIRLS "HANDLED TOO ICOR." Somebody wants chapter on what might be termed etiquette. This is touched by• such enquiries as we see in the correspondent's column of ladies' papers, where Lucia wants to know whether she ought to allow a gentleman to .kiss her when she comes home from a concert, and Car bline is Alubious as to whether she sh9rdd correspond with her friend's betrothed in secret. • • One can but sympathize with -the ladies, knowing how inconsiderately some one has neglected duty towards them. :Mothers and guardians seem often to fancy that,knowledge of how to conduct one's . self - in the delicate dilemmas of life, comes by, instinct. Girls leave school and go into socie ; ty with the vaguest of notions about tneir relatiOns to it, and stumble through it small difficulties, hiding their embarrassthents as best - they cani, keeping-a :brave front to th 2 last, `while the world hover guess7s the secret tortures" they undergo in trifling matters. Often enough from Mere restless craving for noVel confi dences, girls. seek . public instead of private advice, when mothers and friends ara competent to give them all the help they need. • But there is a, great deal of trial that besets young girls at - the age when they feel allure. ments most keenly,- whiCh the best parents forget . to provide against. They ought to recall their own de bates of etiCluetto in .their youth, and teach their children - prudence before they need it. Forewarned, forearm-, ed. . "Nellie, see here," says a prudent father to his girl of sixteen, in her tarletan ball.dress, warming her Slip peni before the fire, waiting for her escort—if 'girls ever de any of the waiting—'l you're looking sweetly fresh tonight, and as fresh in heart as in dress, I hope.' . You are to stay` so; . do yon hear, madahan 7 . You are not to let people hold you dose when you waltz; nobody has any business to towli you, till you have a lover or a husband of your own. 1,. don't want my girl talked, about. Remem ber nobody has ti,right, on any pre tesne, to-do more than to touch your fingers, or lay his -hand on you in the permitted_ reedom of the waltz, unless he is your relative or going to And after that,i she would proba bly sit in the cobservatory, letting handsome Jack, the fast flat and lady killer, slip his arm by degrees from the back of his chair, lift her locket from her bare neck, and kiss her hand till he dared kiss her lips, and gather her close to him, which would probably he the sixth time they had met at farthest. Yon see men and women like such things. It is right they should:. lam not going to belie the blood' that beats in, this wrist, one instant, to.say they should not. Only 0110 may have some choice as to Whether one will accept caresses from the wholesale stock of natural liking, or the special reserve fund orprecions preference. Suppose, young, warm-heartTl - girl, that, as you lean e on that 11)broad shoulder in the ludflit parlor to night; thinking how nice it is to have 'Somebody finid and .protecting, and 'how dear you seem to be to him— suppose you should, by some invisi ble, magnetic sense, be made aware of all the checks that had rested on that same shonlder, and rill the forms that arm had „encircled. It's forte nate you don't know these things. It might lead you however-to keep your self more sacred for some one who will love yoti as as entirely as you love this man; who_" takes iife as it comes," and by force of habit, if not by inclination, cOnld not remember one woman six months, if his happi ness.depended. on it.. . • Did you ever see that oldlashion ed book on . etiquette, called -the " Young Lady's Friend ?" ' 4 0:lood - Mrs. FArrur. will never guess the penefit that - that straightforward, Wholesome book, of advice has `been to girls She know: the clas&she was writing for, and gave her opinion in such frank words as those I quote from memory: "You are to allow no, personal freedoms from young gentlemen of your acquaintance. If a finger is put on you'to examine a locket or chain on your:dress, draw back and take it off for inspection , if you choose. The .renson for *this rule is clear to those who are better Acquainted with the 'world." • , • The reason is perfectly "clear. to every one who comes to twonty-five years of age outside of a reform insti tutim A man of society, who dealt in occasional roughness of speech, said env in a parlor before *lies, that he' would.never marry a then , tit 4 r r''' . , : =EI MEMBER 21. • New -Mel& girl iesbiblN: far. the' olese thernielies be handled, too much: A girl. who pro-. teats herself from -the: feee4o 33 2 ,too much. in ymue inNOCZ:increhimm her own value, if she linear: it with those she may have, to. nptdso, I don't believe biprudinimestror taus picion, but I do believe that when men or women are not contenttwith the friendship that.can be ex,ressed bylrank," End eyes, and cord* brief hand-shakes, and clear words one is not,ashamed the world 'should hear, they should know what intoxication they, are sharing. There is Vfillo distinct, line between the t cordi al commerce of:good will and -Heaven- - warm affection that the human family together, and these loadings of attraction 'that • with _nameless license destroy the bloom of refine ment ° Teem is one rule Aliakettles a thousand queries of , the =nature , we are now considering. 'What is secret may be safely untouched. The touch, the look, the intimacy, the corres pondpnce that needs to be secret, has something wrong atm . :ll2CA. If you are sure there is no evil in -Jour mo-_ tives, for Heaven's sake''come out and-avow your. friendship, your de- . sign, whatever it may be. Yort make world purer, and set a precedent by your frankness that tears away a thousand:- hypocracies. The world. has, a keen scent for the May' inno cent, and it you cannot face its first sneers df criticism, you - have reason to 'doubt yourself. LINGOLN AND;OXIIVION. • Cameionelated by Senators Wil • son, chandler' and Itam, S= -Viee President Benjamin -P. Wade,Chief Justice Chase , and the late Se cretary or War, Edwin, Di. Stanton. - A short time after the cleith of Edwin M. Stanton,'Hen. son published a sketch of that great man in the Atlantic Monthly, in which he incidentally referred to the resig nation of Secretary Cameron,and the appointment of Mr. S tanton through the advice of. Mr, Cameron. Black, answered this . in the_ -June number of the :Galaxy, and denied with - the dogmatism for which he is notorious, that Cameron _did resign: He charged that he. was removed. That he had no Choice; in the matter,. And that ho had nothing to do with naming Stanton as his successor. •Mr. Wilson rejoins in the October number of the• Atlantic, and - disposes . of Black's assertions in the following' extracts, taken from - his paper in'that Magazine. He says: - .“ In my. article I incidentally re ferred:to what I had understood - to be the fact, that Mr. Canwron.- had proposed to resign his commission as Secretary'Of War, provided asucccsdor could be appointed not" unfriendly to him, and -that he had suggested Mr. Stanton. -Mr. Black avers that this was not so, that Mr. Cameron ditl not resign, was in fact renio'ved, and had no part in 'naming a successor': • I am content to rest the case upon - the follewin,g testimonies. Mr. Cam eron, in a recent note to me, writes: "'I called on Mr. Lincoln,. and ' suggested Edwin M. Stanton to him as my successor. He hesitated; bte. after listening to me for' a time,' lit , yielded, and sent me to offer the place of Secretary of War to him, and added: ‘.Tell hint, Cameron, if he accepts, I will send his. nomina-. tion as Secretary, and yours UT ister, to the. Senate to , gether..' "Senator Chandler, in a recent note, writes: "' Before Cameron re- signed; he invited me to breakfast at his house to meet Edwin M. Stanton, whom I had then never met, and . told me that the gentleman I was to meet had been, nominated for :Secre tary of War, at his request. At the bereakfast, the fact of, Cameron's hav ing recommended Mr. Stanton als his successor, was not only mentioned, but the meeting was expressly for tht puipose,of enablinisome one tin whose friendship Mr. Cameron placed reli ance to judge of the, wisdom of . his curse bed actual contact with the com ing Secretany. - "This statement of Mr. Chandler, concerning the ; meeting at the house of Mr. Cameron, is corroborated by the following extract _from a - later addressed to me by Mr. Wade: recollect," he says, " very well, that Mr. Cameron made Amown. to Mr. Chandler and - myself his determina tion to resign his position as Secritary of War, and recommend: to Mr. Lin k coin Mr. Stanton as his successor in. that department. From my long ac quaintance with Mr. Stanton, and. my confidence in his ability, integri-' , ty,. and fitness for the ,plap, as well as his determined anti-ala Very prin ciples, I was much pleased with the suggestion, as was Mr. 'Chandler. Shortly after this we, were invited to breakfast' at Mr. Cameron's, to meet- Mr. Stanton, at which meeting Mr.. ; Cameron mentioned to Mr. Stanton the resolution he had cifine to, and that gentleman reluctantly gave us to understand that, if he was offered the appointment, he would accept.' , "From - Senator Ramsey I- have . received a note, in which he says: desire to relate a circumstance which carries with it the best attainable evidence of the truth of your state ment—the words of Mr. Stanton him self. I mot Senator Cameron and Mr. Stanton at Mr. Chandler's house in Washington, during tht) inipeach ment cif President Johnson. In con., - versation, Mr. Stanton, in referring to the ,unpleasant and delicate situa tion in which he was placed, in seem ing to cling -to an office which the President was determined to drive him froth, said, half playfully, point ing to Gen. Cameron, This gentle man is the man who has brought all this trouble upon nie, by recommend ing me to Mr. Liliccln for Secret( iry of War,a7zd then urging me to-accept the place.' . .1 - "Chief 'Justice- Chase, in a letter written to Mr. Cameron, from which lam permitted to (rote., is-still more explicit and conclusive =Alio point at lth3tle : Senator Wilson is quite right in his statement that you re signed the post of Secretary of War; and that you indicated Mr. Stanton as your successor. I supposed my self at the time, and still suppose, that I was well:informed as to the circumstances. Some time before you resigned, you expressed to me your preference for. the position .of Minis ter to St. Petersburg, endl convers ed with Mr. Lincoln on the subject under your sanction. No ; intimation of a thought on Mr. LinObln's . part that the resignation of the one post, and the acceptance of the other, were not purely voluntary acts on your part, was received by me. , NOr havp . l now any belief that it 'was not 'at the time wholly at your - optifin to remain in the Cabinet, or to,kave it for the honorable and. iniportant position offered to you." • A "SUPPLY" once prayed for an ab sent pastor, referring to his arum in England , u " worshiping. Clod in s foreign;hold, where the language is the Lune bet the accent