Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 06, 1870, Image 3
Vrat,lfot4::: - Ippp . lltr, LOCAL ••AND GENERAL. REPUBLICAN C4ecus. r --The Republi cans of Towanda Borough will meet in the Grand Jury Some, on Saturday evening neak . October Bth, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating candidates for borough officers A. CE. liLtsos, Hmvnr &alum, - Vigilance Committee. • We shall be prepaied to print ww-pship Notes 'any time before the day- of BEE Dar' ElArnq liEntAx has been ap- F inted vpstmafiter at Canton, siooA.J:. CONE.. usct, rt siguca. KELLum. & MuLtoca hare a 7;4, raitzeillbs Ittaj.l'Dimi . tot L'this - place, which neighs one laindred pouter's, /N Z' lire. ()LINT. PRATT, mother of Dr. Priam, died in this place on Tuesday after noon. ,Iler funeral was attended on Wednes day. tiff - ,Limited space :compels ns to forego the publication of several, communica tions this week, among them a very interesting one from a Troy correspondent. ger Our enterprising, townsmen o. iloi_Loi.; and GEORGE STEVENS, have taken a ~..stract for erecting the depot at 'Standing Aorr, and constructing a switch there. PrnsoNAL.—HOn. JORN PASSMORE, ,4 Rome, who is now engaged in an esteMite railroad contract in lowa, came all the way lulu , ' to vote the Republican ticket.. tra- Rev. F. D. HOSKINS preached fir -t an:lavers:try sermon as Rector of Grace Church, Elmira, on Sunday last. The discourse 1.• :,.ahlishel in the Daily ..ildrpliscr. The Episcopal Mite Society -was omitted this wool: on account of tin• ;rck•ntrnry of the weather. The next ting will be hell at the reehience of J. P. Monday evening next. Fisri.—`jr. K. MAEsnALL of I lace. has taken front the river during the w. el., one Lass ivelgbing eleven pounds pc,! ,e%eral smaller ones. 11ml:1* is etonsidera ,nle of a e:earist. and fish that prefer to stay in tb %vat( r had Utter keep out of Lis X .. - 74- Let it be constantly borne in tit,l4 Lai the Eqourynt office is prepared to a:1 lut,i - ts of printing in thi. Lcst and most tasteful manner— front a. eingh visiting cat 4 . t0 th, largesl poster: Bring )11 yonr jobs it You want them well (T.Lcuted' Thrung,h an error, ,tile Poor ll,,ute tickets were printed npun the vennty tichet. They cannot bo so voted, but most be ',wed open a seimrate ticket. Elettim ,!.It.utl only eunnt thobe voted open a ,eparate tielzet. Clip oßtbe Pour liou,e vote front the ticket County." L. Our obi frier.d P. 0. lioLLos i...spincea us unit,/ rc:,..17t a obli. , ations by Uhl, a 1n0 , 10,t of the finest am 111,1.11,i tier s,-en this srasotl. )1. E. REED, ~f Herrick, also let on .4 • r, „r hr t iwy a. ! i thim: :thou tiiktit from ozic of Id, patot 1.:m.!1 ,111's hive. 3! r. R. iliforms ns that 111 t hi, inv.: Ow best t..-73- CNrCgo Gazette says: WAR . Tamiery, letter lirAvn as the : r;," rola wik s u1,.1 1 , 1 this o'rstro, d b lire at I oeloch on morning of la,t arch. " The tire is d t.. have caught Cron: the machinery. is ;39,0W, iiith an insurance of ;10,000 14.1iling, tin• insurance on the stock be- I, pFC sent Unknown. .k. 3 - Mr. HAmorr, the Elocntion t• h.:lei:ill to with much interest and at ft% n, ::t Munenn's Ball, on Tuesday evening. good audience. Mr. Ti. 112.6 pr=-feet an•t n wonderful pcm•er and flexibility. of •ire peculiarly adapted to almost every phase ~r f.. lei g and passion. We bespeak for him a future in his chosen profs=sion. The t proceeds of the entertainment were given h. the Young Men's Christian .issociatton. writ' A sad. aecident occurred in s•:nithtield on the 'loth inst. 4r. WEED and wife were not riding about two %,..d the ecnter, when a bolt holding one side of the thills to the axeltree dropped nut, and the horse Inking fright ran, throwing the out. and then freed itself front the bug ,.. Mr. WELL was not Ferionsly injured, but -. WELD weii thrown violently on thefonnd .1 Inv; on her bead. She Wan taken tip treieti •.:! • :nil hag since rernsined in a eery critical I: t Troy 6114r/IV. Tho annual meeting of the I:no:font' Connt3' Snnday-school Association dl be held 'at Itonvoctou, Wednesday and Tion,lay, °duke!' 1211 a and 13th. The en ia -p.i,41 wilt be called to ordtir at 104 o'clock r.f Wedneday. An address on Sunday • h•—! v•orli will 1w delivered un Wednesday flee. There will be a }..Lin•u: meeting on Thurillay afternoon. T. , 1 „•:. of inter t tt, teachers and friends of the :-.ltntlay-school will he discussed during the -• of the convention. Pastors and Silver i:it, :.dc: ts sty• requested to notice the above. Lveev Sunday-rchool worker in the county is invitel to attend. iz.Z. A very shocking' circumstance rlrr.•o. on Friday, the: 23d of September, in nr wilet little tint uof Alba. An only son of la. Ihrtmsfrros, abont ten years old, wa. found by'his mother at a back stable Erns -1.1,1 with a rope arountllna neck, and to all 4;l:ear:ince lifeless. The fri4litened mother rnst ant ly tlew to the boy and relieved him . from the rope, and immediately made the alarm, Dr. \Vmsos, who lives on the other aide of the street, Boon 'came to her assistance. Through lly energy and good medical skill the boy was recusitated, and is now able to be about town. It is not kndirn flow the boy got :nto the noose—ho cannot tgll Alba, Sept. 21. I 3 \SE BALL. --The following is the or a very interesting Banes of ball played eftintown, on Saturday last, between the i‘ts?,',, or Wyalnsing,•and the Herrichville NAZE:IPA. a IL :3 5 i Drown . , c 2 4 J ‘l..Phersrm. p 0 P Abby, p 5 1 )1 l':,. 15..11, s s 2 . 3 ,Keerer, s 8 2 2 L1n,1011,1 b 2 5 Bourem, .1 , 11 2 1 ihtrpt. eh, 2 b 3 5 ILII.Mills, 2 b 1 L Warner, 3 b 3 4 I Congdon; 3 b 2 2 J.M'lllerwm. 11 I G D.A.Mills, I f 3 2 l'i It% v f 3 5! Lamb, c f 2 3 Csip, r f 4 3 Vanghn, r f 2 4 2 1 11 R • TrscAmogx.—Mr, Editor: We are •••.iza to hear "Amm.Cs" apology or rather to hear he .thinks an apology is due, but we think dhe had dated his letters at Spring Hill it ife:ll be more appropriate. There has not been much improvement ltcre since my last, except H. F. Krnsgr is' butting a t.w tenant house. • • We un(lerstand that a man was found lying lode Of the read with a gun at his side, ` that he had;shot himself. Well Mr. (a, he had shot hunk)f at the Mace the charge entered the mouth and vffeet (Tun the brain. Ant Ferry to say it ••.., a charge (one quart) of Whiskey., It would 1, th.r for his family too, if ho v.'onld leave .. .ittuunttion" at home when ho goes sport th. vicinity of a tavern. The bills along the,exirek are nearly all "dry .,l (In for the wnit df.water, there was a small r here yesterd4 hot it did not & l ulu& .6(naze. nor there has'nt been tench done by n ,. c. , :.7!aihs since last t..yriug, there is a contin ual (ry of water here. Yr.nri; Itespectrully .7rurs C1:1131.INS 'Ali. 2C Wrsoz.;;;=Ttuitsaay, October 4th wall be ever remembered as a day of delightful interest to the loveral.of the Lord' inWlinx. It has witnessed the cordial the unanimoes union and consolidation of the two Preal*teri• an Churches in this place. At the recant meet ing of theVresbytery of Lackawanna, at "Wye lasing, a commission was appointed 'to visit the field; the two Churches were ordered to meet this commission in order to saute their unifiCation. "Not by might nor. by POwe.r, but by my spirit, Banks the. Lord - of hosts.- Who art. thou, 0 great mountain? ?Scion Zerabbable than shalt become a plain." So, in face of all the conceived difficulties!, and . notwithstanding the many obstacles which weed considered to be insuperable, these two are happily made one. There has been , mui l ls prayer and the spirit of the Lord evidently melted and [Used all hearts and;minds to *perfect apeord. lelujah--,sunen. EL F. C. Ann H. 3. C. AN Esr Crrizcri Gosz.--The number of those who settled in this_county when it was almost literally a wilderness, is fast diminishing. The half century Or more that has elapsed, brings them to the end Of the span alottod by the *lutist as the num ber of a man's years, and we are almoit weekly called - tipon to chronicle the demise of the "old settlers," whose toils and privations aspioneers have made the "wilderness to blossom as the rose," and who depart, full of years, belord and hormiedzat.vm W. Tamar" of Troy town - - ship, died Thursday last, having attained the ago of 09 years, and having lived in that - town ship since 1808. Knowing him.well, we bear of his decease With" unfeigned regret;:as one who was identified with the early history of the townshiriAn',which he resided—whose integrity was proverbial, and who ftO4IIPAI all the rola-. tions of life with kindness and rigoroue.exact nest. Poise/wing more than ordinary strength and quickness of mind, befor e demo supped his physical energies his opinions were sought and respected, and his neighbors confided in his judgment, as they conceded his =selfish ness and unswerving integrity. He was a brother of Prothonotary Tmandse and,of CrmsrEr. THOMAS, once sheriff of this county, but now a resident of Kansas., MR. EDrrog: You have failed to notice 'in the ;Baron= that a wonthirfal bridge twelve feet high has lately been erected over the waters of the canal at the Btrmmer field railroad station. The inhabitants of north eastern 'Bradford have no more to cross the canal on a common swing bridge to reach the depot, as at •some other stations. They only have to ascend a flight of fourteen steps with their freight to reach the top iof the bridge, .therourn to the left and decerid the same distance to the platform of the station. This bridge is wide enough to take over a good sized trunk, if carried endways. In going up the steps it needs a man at each end of it. Great:ermlit is doe to to officers and workmen for this wonderful - structure. We n•ouli ad 7 vise them to get it patented, so that they and their heirs may enjoy the bemitit of this great ev( htion, as it will undoubtedly be used of all stations that are situated between a river and vanal. Snell a bridge is a great help to dizzy headed persola tO look off into the water or on the train us it passes. We would recommend as a further improvement that it be boarded en the sides, se that if a barrel of apples or pototoes tie spilled in getting them over the bridge, they a old nut r.ll into the canal and be lost. Sept. 28,70. Onsunvt.u. DON'T STOF THE SCHOOL !-,—The tithe is at hand when many timulay-sehools eti,P for the whit.. r. 'Why? is there any reason which will not apply nith equal force to any and very moral and religious work—to any social ~r (.64c:qiwinl movement as well? If there is Fitch a l reason let it be presented. Ind do not stop the school without-it: lteligions privileges and influences will be few enough this winter ; do not stop the Sun d.ty,chool, mid so make them less. Temptati. , ,t,s and influences for evil will be rift.; the children and youth are fearfully 'ex not storolle fclu..l and t-ie away iii safti•gniu-d.. Diseases and death will tote away some out of our schools and classes. Do not stop the school, and let them go to judgment complain ing that we did nut care for their souls. Revivals, we hope and trust, will he °sten s;vely enjoyed this winter. Let ns prepare the way of the Lord, and hold our dear on con stantly in the position to receive the coming blessing. Teachers and Stinday , school Workers we need this work .to do for Jesus to keep our own souls alive. Do not stop the school, and be idle and rusty in the harvest field. Much of the work of the past will be lost, if the school stops; much of the good we hope Tor w.,.; shall never see, if we stop the school this winter. The children do not:want it to stop ; parents who thiq... on these things do not wish it ;; angels th'at hcrcr over, watching the progress of this work, cannof wish it.; Jesus, our Master, certainly does not say stoP. Why should the school stop? - Satan and wicked men -may rejoice, in the open field we leave them to compass the ruin of our dear ones. All else cry do not stop the school. No it must not stop. Let us redouble / our efforts ; add new attractions; spend more time, if it be necessary ; pay more money, if it is needed; Pray more earnestly, and believe more fnily ; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. I will do ail I can; write me freely; press forward ; by 110 mesas stop the school. Yunrs in love, li. CIiITTENDES, Misssionary Am. S.S. Union, L ii flaren,Oct.7o. For Northern renna„ ; As our growing Uni versity- continue S to attract much attention ithronghont the comitey, and is many of my friends on learning that I:fioposcd coming here, expressed a wish that r - wonld let them know what Cornell University was doing. I thought it might Le better and easier (lone by asking you for a little space in the REPORTER than by (,citing numerous letters to itillividn als. Hoping my communication will be favor ably received, I send it to you for the satisfac tion of my home friends in eastern, Bradford, (Orwell) as well as others in our County whom it will interest. First, what "Cornell" is. By this Ido not mean what the University is to be—that is much better expressed by The University Reg ister than I could hope to do—but the state of development which it has already and actually reached. Many persons suppose that because students are received and studies pursued that Cornell Must be a finished institotion. Noth 7 ing could be wider of the mark. Any one who comes hero will , see unfinished buildings; un graded lawns, Sc., in place of the completed buildings, and beautiful stretch of meadow shown in the views of the University to be. Im mense piles of stones and lumber iri various deems of preparation cover the space around the buildings. Professors, students, carpen ters. masons and laborers are indiscriminately mixed, and the Premises are covered with the usual debris of construction. The 3leemtw building is nearly ready for the roof, excepting the high campanile, which is to contain the chimes. The contractors intend to finish the exterior of the building, I believe,before win ter. Ground was broken last week for the foundations of the SIMI= building—a recent gift from lion. Maus Sonar; of Rochester. It is to be of stone, one hundred ) by fifty feet, designed to contain' , the departments of Civil Engineering and Mechanic Arts. It is hoped that the minionr3 of thialiulding may be com pleted:during the year: When these buildings are completed.the University can boast of six truly magnificent edifices, all of stone with the exception of the Chemical Labratory, which is of wood. But let no one suppose that tbis incornplcOia interferes in the least with Uni versity exercises. Everything mecca on in the most perfect manner and with clock-like pre,- 'cision. Work in all departments is going rap idly forward. ,Finnt the very magnitude of the enterprise it is simply imimsible that it should be completed in, three, or evsn ten years. Several changts have been made in l'rofes , sore since last term. Six likve resigned and others taken their places. Certain enemies have made this the, excuse for sland&ons at tacks against the unanimity of faculty. I have only to efer all persons to the °wadi Era, in 'which is explained the rcrsions why each 'professor resigned, all piaceable ones. Militiry drill commenced some days since. All not especially excused, are required to par ticipate. Drilling takes place on Monday, I Wednesday and Friday, at 4 - .30 - p.m.. Among the topics of interest at present ex citing the attention of those here, I may men- NEiGnr.Jn. 21 20 don that Prof. CiadOWII limit expiate to be visited soon by hie old college triendt the Rt. Xei*Toar Zoom, of P44gbuid, the oed.lovolto anti* of "Tarn Brawl at Oxford." Re wino received by the Imrl9!3e dames with ,appropri- The new _Class, '74. commences With, I am told, pro hundred and elgutpsix members. All the general !Seines ate well represented, although the coulee In science is mach the ful lest. The visions optional and special courses are also well filled.. _ • . • The class of '79 despite their specific resouln don, and - promises .of a pleasant t:eceptierilu store foi"l4;whieli were 'made last . year, have baCa neable to withstand the temptationto train 'freshmen. Our reception has been as warm we could desire, at all events. Some of our memberw . eonsidering that moral right was Of more account than college custom, persisted in wearing "plug hats," although warned by the " Sophs" that:it would not, do. Thereupon a hat was tikes from the _heed of one of our number, and cut into trophies to be worn as mementos of sophomore valor. . Next, 74 held a Meeting to organize. The building wra surrounded by '73, windows bro ken, bffekbats thrown inside, horns blown, etc. As soon is the meeting broke up 73 made a rush on the FresbriMa M the street. It was fairly met, and was nearly a. drawn battle, be cause certain gentlemen with a star on their coats volunteered to keeit the peace. The next day the classes engaged again near the South University building. 'Beach claims to have acted en the defensive of course, but 74 won the Held. Several members of 73 managed to get before the Faculty on account of these " rushee-I'er* not ; yet known. Yes, them- - hers of '79, our friendly enemies, you lave given us a warm reception, and found us pre pared to return the compliment. Yours truly, Ithaca, N.Y., Sept. 26,70, MnEnrron: I-flhink - it ..isAno, in honor of the Ulster Division Sons of Temper ance, and to the friends. of the temperance cause universally, to make a brief statement in' reference to the progress of the good work in this focally. This ~d iviaion- was organized in December, 1869, with about twelve followers. Since that time its membership has fluctuated something as the Wall street gold standard used to, brit now, it is More 'settled, and boasts of- over seventy-fiVe membars. Here, as in. other communities, old BACHE% has enlisted in his • licentious ranks --:that wear upon the ends of their noses his inevitable emblematic blosioms—too many 'Amu citizens. And to the credit of the "Sons" be it remembered, that they are indefatigably working, andwith cheer-_ ing success, to get all the half-bloomed noses to desert the old mischief-maket and affiliate with the more temperate if not more respecta ble. And as a cure for the dead-ripe cherry red and full-bloomed noses, they, have pre scribed a dose--of which if enough can be pro cured—that must prove sure. That prescrip tion is chiefly this : No spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors 'shall - be manufactured or sold within the limits of Ulster township, under a penalty of 1200. On the 27th ult., on short notice, a largo number of the division assembled at the hall, (by the way we hare a juvenile temperance division here, and many of its members were present, tdo), cloned regalias, forfited a long procession, firing flags, banners, streamers and mottoes to the breeze, and proceeded by the memorable Ulster Brass Band—marched thro' Maim and Smithfield streets to DleCAirry's grove, where we listened to temperance senti ments of the most pure, prolific and uncontro vertable kind, from the honorable and able lips of Rev. 0, L. Unison, of Towanda, and Rev. T. WeAvkut, of Ulster.. Why, I think the most skeptical, on the questions of temperance, would work his own reformation, in spite of himself, and in lcss than ten minutes, if he dare, silently and stead ily gaze into the eyes of either of those gen tlemen for so long a time. Next on the programme was to read a peti tion to he sent to the Legislature of Pennsylva , nia as soon as signed by a sufficient nuntber of voters, asking an art embodying the pre scription before mentidned. 'Atter many signa tures had' obtaitied the- procession was again termed, marched back to to the hall, and with appropriate ceremonies dismissed. _Now, parents of Ulster township, the fines; tion is, do yon, or do you not want whisky, within your borders? • If you. would do some-, thing for your children, help to enact a law that will protect them when you are gone. Ulster, Oct. 3,70 TEACHERS liiSTlTCrrE..—The Teach ers' Institute met at the Court House in:Tow anda, Sept. 26, 1870, at 2 o'clock p.m., opening with prayer by Rev. 11. Armstrong. Geography was taken up by Supt. A. A. Kee ney, who proceeded with. clearness to _demon strate many of the facts contained in Mathe matical Geography; he also illustrated of the interesting phenomena of arhe Prof. J. W. Shoemaker; of Philadelphi4, gave a short but very profitable drill. in elocution, and in so doing developed much that is "fine'' in "Hamlet's advice to the players." Geography was again taten up, resulting in an interesting diseussiOn. EVI:-NINO SESSION. Item. H. Armstrong, by means of the globe suggested 'and *rained many facts concern ing the earth's surface and motions. The Ihstitute was favored with a lecture on "Amusements," by Prof. Chas. li. -Verrill, Principal of the State Normal School at Mans field ; he took a, aepsible, practical view of the subject, I,howinl; the necessity, also the vari one uses and fawns of amusements. Prof. Shoemaker succeeded the lecturer, and entertained and delighted the teachers by reading "Katydid," "The child and the star," "Excelsior" and "A parody on Excelsior." TUIZSDAS 31011K12i0 SESSION Devotional exercise a were conducted by Her. H. Armstrong. Prof. Shoemaker devoted three-Murtha of an hour to a drill on Elocution, and anabyals of "Hamlet's advice to the players." Prof. Verrill presented some general ideas of the correct method of teaching grammar, fol lowing with a blackboard etch* in false syn tax. His ideas, as express t are excellent in practical utility, and shonla be stored up in the minds Sr every teacher. Fifteen minutes were very pleasantly' ciccn 7 pied in dispensing sweet music, after which Prof. Terrill presented . Lis method of teaching arithmetic. Prof. Shoomakor recital "Orator ruff: A,177.1tN00N NM; lON. • . Prof. G. W. Bran, Principe, err 4,0 Towanda Collegiate Institute, upon being introduce , ' delivered a lecture on Geography, in which presented formulas for preparatory an:: ,:d -vaneed perceptive instruction that seeto„l to meet the approval of All. "Prof. Shoemaker delivered the Brat of s. se ries of lectures on Elocution, which was fol lowed by a fifteen minutes exercise in music. Prof. Verrill interested the - Institute by .• lecture on the Constitution of the United States, in which lip lwesented a practical meth od,of instruction.: tVENCCO SEMCON opened with music. • Dr. A. C. Smith, of Manch Chunk, deliver - C4 an addresson "Education as viewed from a utilitarian stand point." On motion of A.-I'. Tilley a vote of thanks was tendered to Dr. A. C. Smith for his very interesting and entertaining address: Music. Prof. Shoemaker rendered the following readings: - "The yagabonds," "Scott and the Veterans," and "Darden versus Pickwick." WEDNESDAY NOILVESW SESSION Opened with music and devotional exercises. Prof. Shoemaker presented a system of elo- cutionary anabysis. Sept. Keeney demonstrated "Allegation." Prof.,Vorrill demonstrated "Proportion." TAilloy, P. L. Chrispoll and Miss Frank Mills were appointed as committee on resold tions. • An=cows SESSION Music. Prot Ryan again enteFtained the tostihtte on the subject of geography. Prof. Verrill conducted ii spelling exercise. Rev. H. Armstrong presented en outline of his method of teaching history. Prof. Shoemaker treated on "The relation of reading to publte address. EVENflta mssiox. . , Mimic. Rev. P. B. Tower, of Camptown, do 'tiered- a lecture on "School GOvernment," which seemed to lie well appreciated by all: ir Prof. Shoetnaltet recited "Katie _,letii" I"Tbe Haven," "Socrates Knookar midi " Villie G ray." inonenst w.. stowsma Mtoir. Defolloual eternise were conducted by ProL Verrill. A discussion on English grammarlicas Liter ed into by Prof. Verrill, which was followed by t!=slMlZ=Ml=Z=l== an imnztal) In MakOla Oat drew out many 1194121xnnalrer again took up the caUbjeci Prot R ,--•":, (*swim fan Pneentedli Inethosia . miP ng !Lnd Polunanal4P. _ SaPkl 4 4o 4 l. 4 o lo3 atrat , Fall*oitkie Prot almemaker presented Ws, method of primary and advanced instruction In reading. P. L. elkrisixd omulnoted ' - OM in 'mental arithmetic. .Erizawro arum. Shoemaker tuudertelz: . the following, readings in his peculiarly free and easy style, to la large and appreciative audience : "The Pasta* Of the :"drer the Blur," "No Sect in Heaven," "The Smack in School," "The Beef contract,". from-Mark Twain; "Trial Scene," from Shakespeare; "The. Ghost," "Sheridan's Ride," ," Will the New Year come to-night," and "Daring Grben and the - Flying Machine." - rimy YOUMNO sansto r. Devotional exorcises, ecpattek.4l -by : Wor. Shoomalior.' - ' • • , Supt. 'Keeney demonstrated decimal- and 'can tinned fractions. Prof. Ityan„presenta a short method fur tho computation of interest. Wm. H. Thompson, demonstrated square root. Supt.-Keeney .conducted a dnll in_ granunur. Difficult sentences were presented' and dis cussed Vth mach interest. ' .- APTEROON SESSION. • Prof Verrill demonstrated "Progression." • Prof. Shoemaken ,condneted a drill in the elementary sounds. P. L. Chrispall denionstrated cube root. On motion decided to leave the question place for, holding -the next session for Sept lleeney to decide. F. A. D . Tbo.conatnitteeOn resolutions made the fol lowing report which was accepted and adopted: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Trustitute it is the duty of teachers to attend at least ono session of the Corintrlnstitnte and' that those whoa to'do. so, unless unavoidably prevented are recreant to, the hest interests of the : Tr°. fession: • 4tesolcal, That it is. gratitude we tender our thankatind best dishes to the lecturers, instructors, and County Superintendent for the able and efficient manner fn Which they have labored to make us better prepared to perform our duties as teachers. Resolced, That in Prof. J. W. Shoemaker, of Philadelphia, we have an elocutionist who is highly accomplished ; and eminently 'proficent in Institute work, therefore we wish the County Superintendent to i3ecure his attendance at this place next year, to, drill in the various styles of readirig the selections found in our school readers. tvENtnti HEESIO2t. Prof. Shoemaker delivered his 'popular and entertainbagleetnre on "How to tay_things," to a highly appreciative audience. • A. T. Lusxr, /. saviar " • ADDLE Rumen; j -• TEMEE litioAintm—At 'this season of the year, when every intelligent family is. considering the question, 'Which is the best pe riodical for us to take? the following just and , able review of the magazineA.ld i by the editor of the New York Erening Mail, Will be read with great intereid The recent announcement of the intended absorbtion of Putnam's dllayazine in a new peri odical, tube called `crihit ei s Monthly, makes it proper to say something. about some of the present aspects .sf our magatiae literature. The oldest,and on the whole perhaps the best,ef our monthlies has net been affected by the ap pearance of Vigorous competitors for popular favor. llMper's bad a constituency of . unpre oodent extent before the Atlantic or GoDiry was thought of, and it has each year enlarged the number of its readers. Its greativariety of contents is made possible by its large amount of reading matter, but there has been unusual taste and knowledge of the' popular wants in making up this variety, while the wealth of il lustrations has given to /framer's am advantage peculiarly ita own. The Atlantic has made a history of which its founders may well feel preen!. It has given us some of the finest specimens extant of scholar ship, originality. rhetoric, logic, arid humor of the school of literary men chose headquarters, may be located either in Boston 'or in 'Cam bridge, indifferently. It has grappled with Ih-- hives:men iu politics and social philosophy with vigor - and earnestness, and has contributed the best thought in New England toward their 'so lution. Such a galaxy of contributors as have,. first and last, given their intellectual offerings to the Atlantic have seldom been gathered in support of any magazine. Emerson, Holmes, •Lowell, Mrs. Stowe, Motley, Longfellow, Ages viiz, Thoreau, hawthorn°, Barton, and a score of others whose names aro known on both sides of the Atlantio,-are among the long list. Many, of those - whose 'contributions first gave its pe culiar character to 'the Atlantic have latterly written little, or, not at all, for the magazine, but It is old features remain unchanged to an extent greater than might have been expected. -Since the Atlantic reached its highest fanie„ a new and.vigorous rival, an occupant of a similar field, has made itrappearauce, and grown with a Moldiness and rapidity which have been real ly remarkable. Wei:neon, of course, the Gat axe. In the good sense of the World it has shown more of the spirit and enterprise of "Young America" than any other of the monthlies. It has refused the aid of the old • and well-known writers, but it has never Leann ted to give its imprint to articles of originality and merit from those who had to make their reputation through the Galitry. It violated all the old magazine precedents by publishing the names of contributors, thereby offering fresh incentives to young writers and enlarging its list of " avalilable" articles by absolving itself froth full responsibilit. The reform which it thus began its contemporaries have been forced, one by one, to adopt inpue way or another. Its editors have also shown their, enterprise in procuring articles on fresh and timely topics. The 6 7 i/tory has thus had something of the fresh and lively interest of the newspaper. Late:- ly it has brought about the discuanimr of im •portant historical and, political questious by men of high oftleial standing, and thus, in an other wny, enlarged its interest. Such contri butions as those lately furnished by Mr. Thor low Weed, ex-Secretary Welles, ex-Attorney- General Black, and ex-Postmaster-General liing,'have been striking and valuable novelties in our magazine literature ; while such articles as those of Justin McCarthy on foreign politics and notabilities have been equally interesting and instructive. BXIIII We did not intend to devote so' much. space to the Galaxy, but its vigor, its enterprise, its full and seholarly editorial depaxtment its ,lib erality to contributors, and its newand itaraira ble features hail) compelled us to maim this recognition. THE SCIENCE OF ADVENTISINOc—It is now well understood that Judicious and exten sive advertising is essential to success in all kinds of.busieess, with. scarcely an e'sception. Even those who have been largest engaged and whose bnsiness is most generally known to the pubhc, acknowledge this to be the case by in: creasing instead of diminishing the amount of their advertising. The N. Y. :totrrnal of Com merce, in speaking of one of the oldest and most successful, banking institntions in the city as attributing its continued prosperity to this cause, says: "Any one would suppose that such a bank, so long established and so widely known, raiklit -•dl its bills_aud drafts ; and obtain collections nongh to satisfy any reasonable ambition with= ont ~.dollar of outlay for advertising. And so it might be said of Messrs. BROWN Bros.& CO., I)VNC.III,. kiIIEILMAN & Co., and other leading bankers, whose advertisements appear all the year In our coinnins. Messrs. A. T. SIEWART.t Ca, who are more extensively known. than any other house on this continent, pay us more money for advertising their brainless than any of their would-be rivals.. U a house-is not well known it 'should beechno so by liberal -advertis ing; and the better It becomes known and the larger its business, and the more independent it would seem to be, the better still does it pay to advertise it.. Advertising is not only a Fearls of success, but it is at. once the evidence . m it, and a guaranty 61 its continuance. Many ble houses data the decadence of their. trade, from the shapes:ton of advertising." . • . 4( The BaltimoreWfus adds "If this is true of such - extensive:odd well-establiiihed houses as thoiie iismetland that it is, no one can doubt —how much more fOreibly 'does it apPly to smal!er financial, mercantile, and other 'business and particularly •to those .seekingto.estalliSh. leir J. M. - Eharrit has been putting a fine looking house on his' farm just west of the :railroad, south of Troy. There are a number of other people in that locality -who could well afford to follow his example.—Troy Gazette. Now he had bettor got somebody to occupy' it with him, - 1 :11IISINEga, 1404 L. Arg.'CARTllll', opeithd . a fino assortment f.af_ Holiday Goods, Zephyrs, which aliods selling cheap. . seer- teosiEas just opened a heavy stock of Blank Books, of every grado,.which he is selling very- cheap. He bays' largely and sells at low figures. I .... ~ '4, • - ; , w.., .. . 1.500 RS FOR THE nOLiDAli.—Persons ', tishing'special books can leave a description of them at GuLulns' Book Btore luny time dur ing the present - month, and tuve them ,par• chalscif nretheir liking.' • - • —..---- • it4:j iThe lifluisard Doui2Li Reservoir _cook Stove, for sale by LENT k F Bridge St, It is the best and most conveni nt stove ever offered to the public. Don't fail to see it. _ ~,:^:r~.~..i;~'ec,• _iS`J+-r.'4.:U':.i....~.4:i ;;.~k:r ~z~:ic;s:', . ^, a ,'Wn..... t_~a x:.,4'c:.9:i..~.:~axs>vxt _.w , ..f...~.F~rt_-.tit=n.;¢e. »n,~ .. ... par Rurrzw . icerk Minty keep the best groaasiap t 4y9r tatabligunipat- in town `and theifirees* as ltii se iparintosivisikinirbiaries refilled I :PoPcem 6 "l l clizi firsent. ,"*"and: ;44 , 1:9 th e BOoklitoie 110114 tho 'pre:t ot ,motOtOvith :deeFlption supbor of thb page; tail havo them iiitittf tor J We A9cl 9n ,inquiry . :44: thos e hiving tho Impieviidlhatlinoro Heater in nee, : that they will beat tho. room' they aft in; the room hack of it, and two 'roans above it, and do it 'comfortably with the same nntennt •al Coal need in . tho ordinary Parlor Heater. As- Trawir.e.illainstris-:' aro istily;iiicitht for :them. They hire 'alio some nice Bops and Malt for sale:'- • - \ • • ser Dr. T. F: 31m4u.htit h,ad lined up a private ioninltation Drug Store, PaTrox's block where- he tes.9 be razed own .Saturclay: Wo oleo notice that Mr; *Tr Ina Oven hie -piano a general me ,v - ittion, and is betitir prepared than, over to servo all who may .favor hint pith a call. Z $7OO a day—this- is the aver age amountper day paid by . the • Travelers In sum= Company to its' policy holders, :ter death or injury by accident, for the past six vars.': Ono in every fourteen of all the per sees insured have been paid a claim of' from $5.00 to $lO,OOO each. No form of insurance is More valuable, in proportion to the cost, than . Accident Insurance. And the only company in ' .this country writing yearly policies is the Tray 'elars Insurance Company, of Hartford. C. S.- Rimszt.t., Agent; H. A. Buaaanx, Solicitor. A CUM.—OUT = Itnely intretl434A ialeg during all of. the present2leasort show plainly the advantage of keepled r at all times a full and complete lino of goods, adapted toile wants of the people. And In order to meet tho demands !kip "fall trade, we havo made heavy purchases of Men's Boys, and Youths Boots;Ladies, Misses,and Children's Bhoes,alth all styles of Rubber goods, which with the sum. rior work of onr own mannfacture,apd the cele- brated goods from Enwu C. Fe Jamr.s M.Bunr's factories (of which we aro the agents in Tow anda), give us au assortment unequaled in this place. To this line of goods we invite the at tention of the public, "assuring them that it will be our aim to sell good work at low prices. Brum= Boos. Couees An) . COLDS.—During, the wet, changeable seasons of fall and winter, .when throat and lung diseases are so frequent, persons should bear in mind the importance of promptly arresting their progress by using the proper remedies. The thousands who die an nually of consumption ,core tifst attacked with what they thought to be onlyla slight cough or cold on the breast, and crroirennsly leaving it would wear itself off, neglected• the proper rem edies until their disease terminated in consump tion and death. HAS SON'S Compound Syrup of Tar never fails in curing kite worst cares of coughs, colds, hoarseness, catarrh on the breast, sore throat and asthma. It is an infallible 'remedy for whooping-cough. It is no private quack prep_ aration, being prepared under the immediate supervision of a graduate of the Pennsylvania Medical College, and prescribed by some, of the leading physicians in the United States.. It is strictly a scientific preparation, containing all the medical virtues of the Pine Tree Tar in a concentrated form, combined with the. best demulcents and expectorants known to the pro fession. Price 50 certts per bottle. Sold at F. W. Banws's Drug Store, Towanaa, and Kr.mina VADGLIN'S Drug Store, Wyalusing. Russia. & LANDIS, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Oct. 6,'70.-tr. ea. Wanting to confine ourselves chiefly to the Tin and Stove trade, we offer our stock of Hardware at.rediteed rates. We als• call the attention of the public to onr stock of Stoves. Botli Cook and Parlor at reasonable rates. M. LEWIN Sos, Ltridgelit: 31 - A R R'l E D MITTLN—ELLIOTT.—At thii residence Geo. W. Elliott, °sq., Sept. 1870, by -Rev. D. • Cook, W. J. Mitten and 115 , 3 Ida A. Elliott, both of Herrick. C: INSCHO—BUTTON.---..kt the house of the bride's father, Tiog,a, I'a., Sept. 28, 1870, by Rec. Chas. Weeks, Miller E. Inscho, of Law renceville, and Miss Banal J. Batton. BOWMAN—DEW ' ET.—At tho same time and place, by the same Chas. If. Bowman, of Towanda, and Miss Bettie Dewey, of Tioga. SADLEB—BLAKSLEE.--:At the house of J. G. Blakslee, East Troy, Wednesday, Oct. 5,110.), by her. M. C. Dean, of Canton; Will 0. Sad- ter, of 'l'ruy; and Bliss Frantio Blakelee, of OMEN COON--CARL.--At the Bletliodist parsonage, at East Canton, Sept. 21, 1370 by ltov. J. J. Torten, Liana F. de am, of Lolloy, and alias • Maretta Carl, of Leßoy. POWELL—KINGSLEY.—At the residence of the bride's mother in Towanda, Sept. 17,70, by Rev. J. S. Stewart, Henry C. Powell, of Pittston, and MiK , Amanda Kingsley, of this Mace. DIED. ALVOIID.—In Troy, Sept. 26, MO, after a long dines, Geo. B. Alvord, in tho 36th year of hia age. SPECIAL NOTICES.. t Books posted and accounts balanced. lteferences if desired. Address • Boos-KErr.n, -Towanda: 1111-„ Highest price paid for an kinds of Farmer's Produce, at the Red White & Blue Store. gee' Second-hand Sewing Machines for sale at a bargain by Wickham A Black. Also, MaChino Ned Oil, Thread, Silks, Ac., Ac. April 28, 1870—tl. Se' We guarantee satisfaction iri all.the work we do. We cnt, make, and trim clothing for men and bops wear. , 11. HAtaLlg SE CO, 4 Bridge Street. Tumult* Fa. ler A ,Second-hand Top Wagon with pole and shafts, running gear nearly new for sale at Srutmes Carriage Factor'. Price $l5O. .Sept. T.2,10-tf tel. Choice MackereL only ono shilling per vouna, at Id. J. LONG'S. Juno 16, 1870. tar "Sea. Moss Farina " for Pud dings and Custards, for sale by June !6,1870:.. , , M. J, Lola, ma.. Burnett's celebrated .flavoring oxtracto, for sal° by M. J. T.,0x0. Juno 14, 1870. • _ its: Crackers manufactured daily and fur salo wholesale and retail, at theßakery, first donr.north of Ward House. • Mardi 30, 1876. D. W. Scorn t Co. .F.Oll SALE.—One span of Matched Bay Horsea, 5 years old, good •team or road horses, weight WOO pounds, :Rome, Sept. 21,14-tf ter HENRY HARII/8, Merchant Tai lor, Bridge street. Be). TAYLOR,. A: GORE, MCrellallt Tai lors. IS. Great reduction in Teas at the Bed White .t Bine - Store, Bridge $L Bu.t.zauLL RIDGWAY. tek. Testo, - Coffees and Spices & Groceriea generally, cheaper than thecheapost, at the Red White &Bina Store. • Itell,;•torti'ehofee of - the 'very best- Teas,re. for 1,35 per lb. at , the Bed . hite & Blue Sto . • M. Goods delivered to all parts of the village free _of chain. Bod White & Blue ,Store. ' eft.. Sell your Butter, Eggs etc., at ,the Bad White and Bine Store. IS. Cash paid; for r . at' - the lied White and I.ll= Store,Bridge Si. Towanda. Dannieu, & BIECIWAL 1826. MONTANYES 1870. Have just opened alarm:. and curefullyselect ed Mock of goods for tho 'fail trade. Dress Goods; f3heettngs, Flannels, Prints, .ke. Teas, Sugars, Syrups, and Groceries of all kinds at New York pnces. Crockery and Glassware of our OWII importXtion, in fact too extensive a stock to itemise, bought exclusively for cash,- and guaranteed toLbe Held at lower priced than ever offered in thisuarket. • ET 'Or' MEW Eon OA= ClionCrToo -1 10foRfPoner on .Wluleisi stittklbresber alteoinfietit told ready for rew...llUl , bo volumed for wij' av teant book nrifortilood lime notes. ITU or Amos for, the past two weeks. Towanda, sell, MO, - B. ificiAss. ler Security. Fire losuranoo. Qom taiiNs. - itvirloVa'B l :9l*.it : - : Ofitoo Nam; 's` iit;w blo c k„ n To orth Of ,Tablio &lore, =I NO.I MER.CMO3 LOCH.---GLOVEB' AT $1,50.6445ca Onawns-Liaritsr FestaconW-411sa itaaser informs her patrons that OM has jest received- train , Europe' a 'emptily.' of Jothin's Gloves, which she can offer at $1,50 at retail • 'Also Shaw's and Barbee in Lams and (Amity iace. • Miss TheAsErr calls especial attenticin to her fashion plates and patterns. She regularly re ceives tlip,Berlin Bazar"'CUseciriginal of au pees). as welt as the" TAria ' l . l. Monifiur 'des Nodes." • - A fine stock of Oa latest Mite iud ifohnota always on band. . May 4,1870-td. Ncrrice.—Upon all accounts due late firm of Imo 4t. lirstawroinainint uunt-r Old atter Oct: 10' collection' Will' be eetotta Those. interested will please lake notice and Sept. 28, • NO. Drimactes MusicSteit z east of Merour's Bank, - first door; irbe , r i tat will find Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Accordeonc Clarion ets,Plutes, Elbeot Music, Instruction Books for alllnstrtuneptiatosie:Booka and all Muds of Musical Merfbandisc..„ April 14, '7O. se- Mrs. Sarii) . k Co., DrOss Makers, over ICznuta's grocery store Bridge street. The latest styles of patterns received, weekly from Now . York. Work done onreason. able terms and on short notice. - sep.29-we • - NEW lifilatottirr muLohami EATAB- EwnwEErr.—Meisr . s. Taylor it Gore have open ed in ocanootkis with their Clothing Store; a Tailoring Department ; and having secured the services el aufirst-clatrentter" andcompetent workmen, they are' now prepared to melte up work Mille beat style and latest fashions to or der. Having just received' a new and fresh stock of cloths, they aro prepared to offer bet ter inducements than ever before offered in. Te wands. The public will find HA! their Advan tage to gtvets a call before buying elsewhere. Remember wo warrant our work atitl guarantee goad fits. Repairing done on short notice. branch 12,1870. igt-The Bradford Co, Teacher's In stitute will holdlthreo sessiontgof a week each,the prosebt isCLool year, as follows.: Begintthig at Granville Centre Sept. 18th; at Towanda Sept. 26th- and at Lellaysvillo Oct Srd; commencing onldcmdi f y - at 2 o'clock p. x. at each place and closing ou the following. Friday. It is hoped that teachers will make every endeavor to be present at one of the sessions, as those who show a proper zeal in trying to elevate the pro fession by attending to all convenient - opportu nities for self-improvement should be-preferred to those who do not. The Instructora engaged and other details will be announced ip duo time. A. A. KICMCET, Co. Supt. M. The course pursued by the Cascade Mills, of selling.good flour at the low- . est possible prices, is productive of numerous advantages. It makes a ready market for the superior wheat of our vicinity; supplies con, sinners with a cheap and wholesome article of fresh ground flour, and as a natural result makes active business for the Mills. War in Europe, drouth, and short crops, are having the effect to raise prices ; but this Mill at all times sell at minimum prices. July 28, 1870. I beg leave to intorni my old friends, and the public generally, that I have opened A NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE' IN EIDLEMAN'S. BLOCK, BRIDGE STREET, and 'respectfully invite an inspection' of my goods and prices. As my stock has been pur chased entirely for CASH, and as I propose to sell for READY PAY, I feel confident that my prices will compare favorably with any estab lishment in the country. I have paid particitlar attention to the selec tion of Gaon:in Setcas., and warrant them rtrgE. My assortment of TEAS is complete, and ranges in prices from SIXTY CENTS to ONE DOLLAR AND FORTY CENTS. Coffee ground to order, and sold at the humid price. Give mo a call. • CEO. L. KEELER. Towanda, July 11, 1870. FOR ONLY ONE DOUAI:. —A. Photo graph on 10112 inch card Of the members of the Lackawanna Presbytery at its first stated meeting at liryalusing, _Pa., Sept. 1870, will be sent post paid to any address on receipt of $l. Over 70 members repretented. E. K. STUILDEVANT. Wyaltming, Oct. 3,'70-w6 Now Advertisements. THE LECTURE COMMITTEE I. 0. OP In this place. would announce that they have ougag ed the following namedlecturcre: ANNA E. DICKINSON Subject—.TO The Rescue." WENDELL PHLLLII'S Subject=•• After Dark In New York.' REV. MATTHEW HALE SMITH. Suilea Curious Contrasts, Ohl Tirues, and Our Timea." The d tes upon which tie lectures well be delis , crod, ha e not yet been flied, but will be announced when they arM. . Admission 5Q cents. Be seived . Seats 15 cents. Season Tickets, entitling holder to emceed scat, $3 50. Joas F. agrogriacist, _ emu= 51. Mu., L. IL 'nose. WituAtt. long. and J. W. VANTIrn. Committee. ' Sept. 15, 1870. ' SATUPDAY, OCTOBER Ist, 1870. MISS inatam Respectfully informs the ladies of Towanda sad vicinity that she will be ready - to exhibit be now !stock of . YAM ASD WUCTER ATTLVINERT GOODS, , •. VELVETS, SILKS ,AND SATINS,. Together with a full assortment of . FRENCH FLOWEIN,•, - HANDKERCHIEFS AND LACE COLLARS, On SATURDAY. October Ist, .12170. My Satin and Silk Goods are cat Waiting. MISS E. BRANDT: One door south of Mortar ' s Bat* Sept. 20,10. ( L NEW MIL:LIN.ERY. Would call the attention of the public to her large 'lock of ' .t c, FALL AND . WINTER ' ItiLLINEItY GOODS., Directly trim Now York city. of the veil, All of Which Will be wild curafert than any place in Towanda, comprising . BONNETS and HATS,, I#CES. CORSETS, gBEL J. D. HILL. Pint door east of Bramban & Bidgewag's Bed, Wbita and'Blue store. Bridge st. Bept. 29.'70. FOR SALH -- -Hy House and Lot 1 On Pine dreet is offered for aslil at a bargain. For further particular, enquire on the premises. SePt 22,*70. RILL! CHASE. M= C. 0. D or rim LODGE GIP TOE Sabject—" The Lost Arts.' -zo JOHN G. SAXE Subject—. Li?tve." WIRT SIKES OLIVE LOGAN. Subject-4. Girls. " BIITRLEIG.H," Mtg. J. D. IULL• LATEsr ' STYLES. SID LOVER, .ItAllt, • • JVWELItY, • •r te,ko. bolding,= Bnall Co. • CODDENtcIiIISSEIati.&-CO., • - - at the slatatfeikoktbs people of - Biadforil tbanty r ;io.tbels - Siteauiliash4Ot `'CARRIAGE GOODS' • 2 • - STOVES, IRON, . AGRICIILTUItiLIMPLEkENTS, - • &b., &C. ' , • whicii In variety-, and cheapness ill 11110S.00U04: In TiOrtheiII,PCLUISSTIMIL We quote s few prices onl7 to show hew goods are sold at this time, and while liable to change, .can always sell t st tb very Owes* . . Mhfil CAM. 1 Per Dent itautAlthisdied to, accounts of over 311 • Nails, per keg, td and pp $1 50, Glass; per box, Bxlo - 2 8e Minis, per box, 10x12 3 10 Glass, per boi, 14116 '3 35 Linseed Oitper mdlott: 1 10 SASH BLINDS AND DOORS, . - ai Fedor) , ram , FRESH CEMENT AND LIi(IE Always on baud. STOVES OF ALL KINDS. . ... gHt71V.0014 , -Ittlogt. , - ~ er , ti 0 Poo g 5 r1.Z.0 g c 5 ts e b 0g....i w trig g 0 B . 2. ri .ri• - :::. N. n't s ' . --4 to ► 4-* 0 0.- -- , , = 0 Er .• g . - .4,.. lc) .§ -5 c 5 . 1:42z . P ,fD • ~to 0 ti . .P • - 2 e eD \ Delivered free on ears st low rates for cab • Pore. lined and GQM Fruit Jars, Qts. at $2 per dozen, $23. per gross, 2 Qts. $2 50 per dozen, $29 per gross. CIDER MILLS $25 to $45. kti c: e 1 74 • rb o t tb E. : - • . 1 r • n • WHEELER'S, AND BLOOD'S nousE polyzur s ASD TIIRESLIERS, And fanning tools in general. Good Steel Knives and Forks atOne Dollar per set Universal Wringers, Bouch Wringers, Novolty Wiiingers, Doty's:Wash- . ors, Brasil Kettles,•POrcclaih Kettles, Tinware, • Wooden Ware, - . &e., &e. We Bell the most Pocket Knives, Razors, Shears, and,Bilver-Plated ware because We keep the lamest assortment of any here. Kerosene Oil by the barrel, at 26 cts.. per gallon. Dupont's powder by the keg $3 50 Rifle 6 50 Agency fur, ELIA.S HOVE SEWING 11.A.CHINE. blot execurd, if Analled by any They always Ovum. MECHANIC'S TOOLS In great variety : SAWS, Boring Machines, 1 Haines, - . Vises, Bellows, - Drills,- • Chisels.- Wo invite the attention of bulldcrs to our superior k of DOOR LOCKS AND TRIMMINGS, AR well as to our Jewett's Pure, Excelsior, and other reliable brands of • PAINTS AND OILS. . • • • • Wagon Makers and Caniage Builders Would do, -well to visit us. Wo barn Philadelphia Uub, Jersey Spokes, Fine Arica, Felloce, Springs, Thils, &c. Oak spokes, 2i in. per set . $4 00 111 ft 91 i n. •44 - 1 3.50' • . st 2 _..i n. g, ' 3-00 Wo hato - ' 'MILL SAWS, PACEilth, OILS, LEATHER AND BUDDER DELTDaI, -PLATFORM SCALES, WHEIMBARROWS, . . StICT DMUS . BaOT, Pistols of all kinds always on hand. St Germain Student Lanips, Church Chandeliers, Gas Futures, Gas . . Pipe, Pumps, Iron Sinks, Burdens Horse : Shoes. National Horse Nall by the box, * at.22 eta. pet pound. Houses fitted with Chas' Pipe, Piz tares, Heaters, &c., &c.„ on short notice. ' COMING, HOWELL &CO Towinda, Sept. 13; 1870. Now-Advertisements. powlEr4. & co: IMIN Mellow opocring Pali goods, to which they root* Wily adlyonr egtent!on. DREss-opiiik A splendid stmic of SINGLE AND -DouBLE-wooL SHAWLS. EVERT ONE; SLIV-AXD" =I FLANEL and. DOMESTIC STOCK COMPLETE. The greatest variety in . PRINT'ED CALICOS AT rnim A large assorttiiont of CLOTHS, . (ittSSlll - PRES ; BEAVERS, &c., c. -WAITE GOOD S ,' TABLE LINEN, TOVELLINOrkS, • &e:, .Ic.c. er sNi,,h3, ..v.v arrni NI : .-w - qr IL -......:..- . I NM We are now opening a lain° and tllite...k A I:IDITQNS NOTlCE.—Samrtel rukestraVy's uat rs. Norria Fargo, No, 11% May Term. I$ &. In:the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. . 1870. 'ln the Court of Common Pleas of 1241010 rd cOnnty. The undersigned:an aeditor, amioinied by Sahl Court to distribute fon& Sher • hands arlcn from Sheriff's salo of defendant's real estate, will at tend to the duties of mid appointment. at Ids office in the boronah of "Towanda, on hiCrtipAY, the 7th day of NOYESIBEIt 3,870, at 2 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all !lemma baring claims on said money are required to presenYthe Batas or be debar red fromoming, on said ttind'i. and WINDOW lIIIADE STOCK 1 • Oct. 8,"70.—it NOTIONS, lIOSIERY,. &c CARI'LT, 'WALL renal. Was never more compete BOOTS AND SHOES, A better aszortmeat iliarit ever before openeA by us OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Being cniargrd we Lace many goods not fornierl) kept, to which, we ank attention of our owtomm. Sq,t. 29/70. . KEYSTONE STORE. CROCKERY; CHINA, Ell ' • GLASS-WARE TABLE CUTLERY; PLATED WARE ED HOUSE FURNISHING GOIOD4; 1- SINGER SEWLNG ALICIIINES / AT BLACK'S Sept. 29.'70. B. A. PETTIS CO., Have just received a fresh stock of FALL GOODS ... . .. In their lino, bought In Now York and PhilacUlphia., Maniocs that warrant thdm In saying that 'My will rtaa CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST noir stock consists in Domestic anti other DRY GOODS, • HOSIERY, LOVES, •1 • ZEPHYRS, WORSTED, NOTIONS, &C., &C DEPAATM:kNt. In thoroughly fu:lihed with the LATEST FASHIONS Ap BEST GOODS For the season Old ladles CAPS AND IThAI) RIGS Cortstantly on hand. Main st., opposite the Court House Sept. - Z. 31. WARNER, A. WATCILVARER :AND JEWELER, 1 - 3,134 La Skeet, Respectfully (Whims tho public that he keeps con 'tangy on hand all lcluds of • --- - a AMERICAN AND SWISS 'WATCHER, .4lso`s>>ne essortmeniid GOLD, SILVER AND PLATED JEWELRY, • COnsisting of Chains, Ring., Thimbles, Napkit Rings, and other, articles too nun/woes to mention, great variety of the moat approved Clocks. The WATCII REPAIRING is ,lone by himself. personal ly. and he natters himself that with hie twenty years riperienoe in Towanda, he will bo able to please all who may favor him with their patronage.. Thankful for the past liberal Tatiana" ho lennitea-the iribßo that his charges shall be reasonable, and no pains spared, Remember the place, 136 Main-at.. pattoter Block, two doors south of Powell A COr Store. Towanda, Pa.. July 12, /870.-lf M c.llan Da. riIHE' , ANNEtAIc of Teachers for pi! Public &hoots will baleld Oa. 17 :Wilmot, 18 Alhttay. " rze Rua Home 20. arwurflia,. . •". • " 21 IragorT, , - • Corners . Canton, . born. 21, Troy, • - baro. "" Waal Burlington, Center 26 Springileld 41 " 27 • Columbia, - A.ustinvllle ," .28 We ll s, - Rork/ 11111 29 South Creek. GNetb - 31 11 1 4eburi; Center:ale • Noy. 1 Smithfield, caviar ' Burlington: 141124 4 / 1 1/1 9 " " " 3 ,Meter, • Vl2/age S 4 " rAthans born. IA 44 . 4 6 Litcbd;24. Center • • 7 Windham, Kaykendill • 8 Orwell. - Orwelll/111 " " 10 Rome,- • • Coro: • 0 " 14 libeshequin, Lower 'Valley • 15 Asylum, Center Terry • Tarrytown • 17 Wyaltieing; • Cemptown IS Tuscarora, Cognswell 21 ram, • laliaysville 0 0 "• - 22Jlerrick„: 21 lfenroc, 'lfour4tt 25 5 (2.: . " • " Towanda; r .. 29. S tanding etone.l buic,ons .• g • 1 ApplicauM pkase provide, tlicniselrea with Tirades, IN;n. Ink and raper. Exerciser to comment(' erg o'clock a.m. • A. A. RF2C:CEY,. . Oct. 6,111. . Comity Supt. 1/13.9. IL T...GAIIVIN. • MEACUIt 5 BLOCK. over Itor= DRESS AND dLOAK =M! IMI'fIOVED FRENCH CORSETS, LAQES, • I - would resivetfolly announce to the lidlea of Towanda and vicinity that I have just returned front New York with a full and Yllited assortment of rAii and Winter Patterne, for ladies and children. Int proved,rtvneh Cors'ets and Laces—new atyle. sashe., and Ties, of elegant design; also, a fa* pieces of Tar laton, In tamntiftil shades, for evening wear, Organ disc. etc., etc. CUTTING and FITTING: .I'rvmptly and neatly dodo. with the positive as.uir wive, that all orders. however small, eutruAtol to 1.1. shall be filled in a thoroughly satiefactory mann.r. I remain, yours, very mrpef.. - tiullv, caltlllC, • Sept '2.2,'70. AYLOR CO INVITE ATTENTION r TO TiIEIIi NEW gL ( I ,c; .\LPACA 50 PIECES 13,ECI4IVED frISEY TUE fri:ANDARD .U&ACA OF vit . United States, of uniform make, and unistirpientiAi in color, quality ur li MI Tosrultad, Al4f. i.,1.70 TIARA' FOR SALE •IN BION1101: RA' stibacrihor oirers for his vain:tide farm, lying_on the Tlertsiek turnpik- Morzoe toalroddp, three miles from ~r Morro% an• . seven miles from Towanda. u'lth 'good:toad leading from ' o h:3111 , 010 above places. Vo. Sullivan ;Edo Itailroad also passes through the hunt. It contains 190 arms, shoot ra; acres under good state of cultivation; good bnildings; two larg. , orclucrds, and is well watered. TerniS ea+y. South Branch, Aug. 17.'70 FRUIT & pLACK'S Towinaa, Juno 15, 1810 MTS.'s M.. WATT, wouldara .ll fpectfnilp infoina the - pub - lg .- that she Woox prepared to do all *nets of - DRS MAKING AND SEWI2IO. Residence near Judge Pansome Fashion Platte received monthly. Sept. 22,10. . Educational. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. -I- TOWANDA, Bit fDrar.D This Institution has just been thoroughly repaired and improved, and will be reopened TIIE.hPAT. SEPTEMBER G. 1870. nnder the charge of G. W. Ryan and E. E. Quinlan, /asocial° Principals, whd will devote their entire time to instructing in the various departments and to the general JrtliefilalOn and management of the school. They will be as. ;slated departments. byexcellont and experienced "teachers in ell The • ' The courses of Instruction are Preparatory and Graduating English. Normal, Commercial, Scientific Classical and OmareentaL The Preparatory is designed t 6 Daimon:tidy vial. - Ify the smaller pupils for the studies of the... English Graduating Course, which comprises all academie studios, languages excepted. The Arid year of this courts completed. they can enter' either of the .other courses. The liortnnl course affords - thorough instruction, In Comukin School studies and Thcery and Practice of Teaching. Students In the Commercial Departments hare all the advantages -of the best commercial schools in addition to thorotigh drill In•uecessary academic branches. The &knit& Conrse in addition to the studies of the Graduating English. French , and German, corn- • prises special instruction in the Sciences illustrated by an excellent collection of Apparatus recently pro. vided. . The drat two years of the Clandcal Course are In tended to prepare students well for-College; the lad year to lit for advanced chews in College or to classics with a special course In the Scl. CUM& • ' The. 'Ornamental. -Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will be taught by competent , instructors. EIIMMiMME G. W. WAN & E. E. onstax. Associate Principals MILLER FOX, President'Board Trustees pENNSYLVANIA . STATE Xoll3.lkt SCHOOt (Fifth District). , • amapIELD, TiOCVCCOUIVIT. ; PA. • • FAL Term September 7th. 1870, 'Muter Term begins December 12tb, 1870. Spring Toren begins .11arch 27th,1871. For - mMlognes or edm: issiom - adilress ' . _ - CHAS. Et. VEDDIT.T., hirinsficid,July 29..1871). LI, KINDS GROCERIES AND Tzosiston; letsll, at ' _1L730. . C. B. EITGICS. - _ TIIE BEST KEROSENE OIL TN town 6y tho quantity' or retiii at FOX k W.F.CRIVS. CI ASH PAID FOR WHEAT: RYE, ,J, Oats, Batter, .r.ittpf, and all kinds of country prodttro by MERCUTL. MACKEREL, TROUT, WHITE Fish, Coansli and Walk:. =PS W3l, FOThr, Audit TAYLoI: w Co J. C. MbOWAY, 2d