Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 06, 1870, Image 1

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Tas Duaoroarr Irma= le published every
Th r sraay Itcsulam by j3..,11%; rta.ieaß . at, Tiro
TRU:raper arinvina; advallea.
Advertising In ill ism! exeltudve of subacetp.
hot tolhe paper. -
FI Al NOTICES Inserted at nrnitis atails per
Eir er Drst tapertion. and Tim arm per line foe
soi-Niient insertions. • s
tocA L NOTIcES, =so style as 'man* mat ter.
>.s - rs CZNI'N a Enc. •
V T ISTat ENDS srill be inserted sizoraingtci
Lc fonosinr table of rates; - • •
. . .
lw 4w I Rin 13m1,Gm -1
$1.50 j 3.00 j c.. 'I 0.00 I 10.00 I $ iti
t 2.100 5.00 8.141 10.001 15.00120
7.00 I 26,00 ' '
1 , / -
3 .; 1,4
8.50 I 14.00 118.25 I 95.00
-.ltratri I :O 12.00 t 18.00 I 22.00 I 10 - .00 145.00
_I 3.0'4
r 11 -nn I 10
„,„ n - 1;300 j 40.00 1 60.90 1 - 84100.1 $lOO j $l5O
- . .
t.irseristrator's and Executor's Notices, $4; Audi
t .1; 'tees. f 2 50 : Business Oardi, flue lines,iper
additional lines St each.
• • 1 ••••• alvernsem arc entitledto gnarterlYcharigea..
T: itavertiFements ronstbensidlorinaleasee:
•••:,:i.t.oris of Assodations Communications
ef ' mte.,l or is lividnel interact, and notices of Mar.
✓ and Deaths. exceeding Ave lines, are charged
• esrm per line.
Tie Ilia•oarmi having a Luca circulation than all
in U county corablinA, mates It the beat
al• medium In Northern Pennsylvania.
„1,14 lIINTING of every kind; in Plain and Fancy
eel , rs, with neatness and dispatch. -11arsibtlls,
Pamplaletkltillheauls.Statenients, kc.
• ,ry variety and style. printed at the shortest
Tha itzron-rEn 015ce •Li` vrell supplied•with
T. v. -r Presses. a pond assrrrtment of new type, and
in the Printing line can bo executed in
• •
'n ova artistic manner and at the lowest rates.
CM. TTNGLEY, Licensed .Aue
r. Rom'. Pa. All calls pmnaptly attend-
May 9.1870
r BLACK, Gen4l7l Fire, Life,
l• an , / fccidental Inzuranef Agent. Mien it J.
M. •'s n's Wyninstng, Am2.'70.11n2
lew - y r
\ icrnwrly occuplod by Mereur
d 4 .or ,outh 4f Ward UOUSC.
F. S. YrNcEyr
AI WaEliingtnnStrevt. be
and Wells Streets, Chica g o. llttnoisv
‘....3- 2 • • P 1,0 1331,1 and co ld . inVeknlelltS made
May 111,"70.
; AND FUZING in all fashionable
untie°. ROOMS In Mercur's New
„ c,•er Porte: t Kirby's Drug Store.
MILS. 11. E. GAr:vm.
1 a.. April 13. D. 70.
I, in the be , t In:11111er and latest style,
H Ilaelyte Shop. Towle. masortable.
~ a , 1 1,
~.11.11. eat; ton year.: experience, eon
lo ono are, the Lot satiEtaction in Painting,
Sundry,. papering, ke.
. .1%a:1ollar a ttoatton paid to jobbing in the it 11f1.
- !I Nl:oEnpart!enlar nteention
.% 4. Tire• &t and
r:lng ,lohr ahort notioe. Work and charges
r t hiin.rif in the TAIT.MIING
. 11,0i:well's Store. Work or
.Ic,ripti...ictlot:e in the latest rtylrs.
v Inta, April 21, IS:0 \
•• rtrulerelgrevi world r• - ris.cll,lll3- 111/11 , 111100 to
I'. ,•1.1.11e thst 1,, `seers c.nrf, 'rand ntly On 'nd Woolen
• • .•,-, Ca,sirneres. Flannels. a rno. and all kinds at
.. ....1. -:,;•• and r, tsil. 11.116 A: TIIIDADLEY, -
A.1,2.10:711. Proprietor.
protnl.tly attended to and satisfaction
11, Cali nr address, A. R. Mon. Monrocton,
t 1 , 3. 0ct.26, C.
... z . rt , .er,,ng !aireltAiteil the I.allaysvillo
..,1 t. :wed We haute in good order, tot now
o do tioe4 work, ::nil to give general stitte-
dept. 22, 18C2.-1y
Ti• Isoy4' nnil Chll,ll,,n's
L.:41.4 s' I;n4l44rOotlautz and Pri3ssea mod!.
1 .: M4 , 144 - nr'4.. Nock. 4... 4 4-ond door
Hon,.el.:ft:A:loll 1 uaro:'.4d.
\n,l 21. I r. 70-
( i.'( )1 tIYS N.!.TIONAL PAIN
r "r rod ljt' Oil, arc the Greet Family
11. teary 3,1 3
mire of -Ire common ills Of
I ' .415, ne,lieir.e in the market. Sold
:•1 gen •raily. Munifacturei
• T P1:R.3% Pl., and 143 Main at.
March 10, '7O-5.
! •T 1 .INCE AGE
tca :I,y new brick slurp, 11111 r my
• on Main•otrcet. I am now prep:trod to do
• . Ito brinelt .. q . attcntavn paid
. q t.. .it• I • I, t e L•al, Having opt nt many
• it, • ••••••n.tirg , •. - . in this business, I (ntot• • . i.t is raratl.. of toy receiving
of tho 1,0 tilt , I,.ttr,nnge,
T E 1 ; T S
N. DrVi of J'all
rix•cil'wnt7W,S 211111 Itil pnp , lll
‘. • rtdr . rtrprly co.ntthr'lry. ,
- 3a the 17,arEn are! Fon
. •'... NO
SO .1"...V 17.NT1L P4I72NT
• “m 3 1tuv.2.1. Co., Pa. Thank
:_i:.-h inlet patronatte. would
„ttiornt c:',..t,to of Bradford County
• . t . -„•,.., t :thy work In hia hno of hunt
t! Inv ho i.• trto.h..l to him Those hat-mg
I 1.1.4 woll to hove thei: property
ye:so o :.llnwl,. t1.. , -,•:veo" to
tL .r All mo.ek 'A-Arrant
. t -oior oF the icature of the ...toe will per-
L:,1,1t lando rat.. ioied to ao *non ite
V. IV. S;TEVE.:a.
. 14 4 1 s ,T.
• phis in:th.dorinfnrmlng the
.I , T ,•..1% 1,1,1 ti,lnlty that he has opened
. •1 - 13 . 6 bral.
3:1,1 that he is now pro
' •, hne. nnall as CLEANIN't/
n:141 r:.•utlemen's garments,.
11.a:titer and on the most
In, R call anti examine my
.1 4' 11.ankin 3101.1. in Towanda, rtraterthe
•.•: •i. F. al klatiN CO.h
are t. draw Bilis of Exchange. and
• .1 Yott, Philadelphia• and all
tho United Stat. , , IL9 Pen England, Ger.
• • and Fran,. To lean money, reed c depoolta.
'Th r;ent•ral Parking burincas.
Sfaaon was one of the late firm of Laporte,
& c • O.. of 1.1,,171‘17.. Pa.. and his hnoa•ltdge
rn•n Pradroini and a , lloinina• entratls
thri h,11:111g UllOnt
thni honste a destrabni ono through
1:1 ra:,l.. eullectione.. G. F. MASON,
ort. 1. ISC,a. A. (1. MASON.
M9l Prvert.iiia, City and Town
, .. ,
pri,,,rthfor rral End It to their
.y :I , lll'l a rlesrrlption of the vane. with
parties are c'onstaltly
t , q• fznns..!:x. IL 31(71:F-17N.
Drat Estate Agnnt.
= Tolr'sr,,la, Pa.
Ar moo aor.ToN,
1 : 1.0 ¶ll Groceries and Prothrians, Drugs
Nt,! . .no:nee. Herop9ne OP. Lamps, Chimneys,
strl3N. onN, VarnM,Yalake4l.No ,
•:.' una Snuff. Pore Vie es and
or the best quality. for mcalleizal ITUrposes
• - • , Y WA at the lowest prizes. Pm
carefully compounded at all hours of the
atrt GiN'ir• us a nail.
TRACY & mum;
11:t^ 15d3—iy.
' ^•., a tnt t'^.
.'• 0:: LIVI:StrOOL.
...111a,ik Star LZito " of Lir
L,” from or to London
t. , 1",....a11.1, Ireland and S.-ctlaul pay
r apply to NlMans k. Gatos,
C. F. :iLISON k. CA.. 113.uterli,
Tow:ands. Pa.
p,r f 2 00
" ..... 4 00
•• lir - szrt a GO
t usur.:3,' done at onc , , as gle ca.
r th.• sii:ll,:iett fur a largv, amount of
11. D. riallin
S. W. A.l4*Cati),
li Livr. Towanda, Pa.. Jnno 27. '66.
- -
LAW; Towanda. , Pa.: 'Mind. with Ethan=
Smith, eonth lido Merenes Block 4 April 1.41. 70
TORII= AT LAW. Office—corner of Slid
Pine Streets, opposite Porten' Thing Store.
• flee over McMinn & Black's. TOVlndi, Ps.
May 2d,'10. ' ' '
DES. ELY & TRACEY, associate
practiir. pennanetntly toentodainxiington,
Bradford county, P. ' mays"lo.3m.
Office in ration's Block, over Ciore'li Dreg end
Mee:Wind Once. ' ' Wt.
• 14w, Towanda.; Pa. Wilco over tho Ba
kery, south of the Ward HOUBC, and opposite the
Court Howe. nov 3, 'ea,
South side of !detour's New - Block, up stairs
April 21, '7o—tf..
• an) COLICREttor..ATI.A.w, Towanda, Pa. Par
ticular attontkon,paid to business In to Orpbanfi'•
Court. j ' • july2o,To.
W • H. CARNOCHAN, /irron
• AT Lear (Diatict Attorney fer Brad
ford County). Troy, Pa. Colleitioae made and prom_pt
ly remitted. febls,
JOHN . cArAFF,' AvircatNEy
AT LAW, Towanda, Pa. Particular attention gtv.
an to Orphans' Court business. Conveyancing and
Collection*. ZlV.Offlco at the Register and Recor•
der's office south of the Court Rouse. ' •
Dee. 1, 1864.
CH. WARNER, Physician and
• Sorgoom Leßaysville., Bradford Co.. - Pa - . 4111
calla promptly attended. to.; 0111celirat door Routh
of Latayaville Houre.
Sept 15, 1870.-yr
T U. BEACH, Ar. D., Physician
A_A• and Surgeon. Towanda, Pa, Particular atten
tion paid to ad Chronic Diseases. and Diseases of
Females. Office at his residence on Weston street,
east of D'A. Overton's. n0v.11,69.
VET'S LT LAW. TOWIJIaII, pa., having entered
Into copartnership, offer their professional services
to the public. Special attention given to business
in the Orphan's and Register's Courts. apll4'7o
E. OVEETON..M. N. C. W. 1.61031.2.
AT Law, Towanda, Pa. - , All bualness entrusts]
to Ilia CASA will receive prompt attention. balm in
the office lately occupied by Meraur a: Morrow, smith
of Ward HOMO, up stairs. July 16, TS.
ETZ4 AT LAW, Towanda, Pa. The tinder - ill:pod
having nneociated themselren together in thoyrnetice
of Law, offer their professional services to the public.
ULV4SEEi kEnciUlt. , W. T. MMES.
- Nardi 9, 1870. • •
13EN. MOODY, .M. 4.,
Offers Itis professional seniors to the people of Wy.
alit:into. and vicinity. °ince and residence at A."l - ;
Lloyd's. Church street. Ang.10,19
el LAW, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa.
Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphans'
Court business. Oihee—Mereur's New !Roan north
s!de Publlc Square. ape. 1. '59.
noinice that in compliance nth the.regnest nr
b numerous friends. he is now prepared to admin
ister Nitrous Oxide, or Lauftilnr, OR, for ttlo ritn
less extraction a teeth.
Liltaysaillo, May 3, 1870,-13.
ato of the College of "Physicians and Rtfigeons,"
New Tork city, Clan 1643-4, gives excludes attention
to the practiso of his profession. Officelnd residence
on the eastern /dope of Orwell/all ininn Henry
liuwv; e. Jan 14.'69.
ron and Dentist. Dr. &tau would respectful.
ly inform the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity,
that he has permanently located plaid: - here, where
he will be happy to serve all who may stand in need
of his professional services. DR Smith has recently
removed from the city of Philadelphia, where he has
had a city and country practice for over twenty years
which he thinks will enable him to do the most diffi
cult work in his line of business. Teeth inserted,
from one to a full set, on ell kinds of material used
in the profession. Special attention given to the Rav
ing of the natural teeth Teeth extracted without
pain. Dr. Smith administers Nitrous Oxide Gas,
Chi. ireform, Ether and the Freezing proCORP..
It rail: Dr. Smith axtracts the natural teeth and
inserts astificial set for twenty dollars. 'Roams op
posite McCabe & Mix's store, Main street.
Towanda, April 21, 1870.—tX
2\ (.•' 1
N—A .well-known house, having recently been rtit
t....a and supplied with new furniture, will be found a
pb.asant retreat for pleasure aec.kere. Board by the
a or mouth on reasonable terms.
E. W. NEAL, Prop'r.
Greenwood, April W. 1870.—ti
Cri Main Stteit, tioar the , Conrt lionse.
C. T. snrru, Proprietoz.
ril E 111 P Ell A.N CE HOTEL !—S itu
ted on tt,. north-went corner of Main and Elle
strretm, opposite. Bryant:a Carriage Factory. •
Jurymen and others attending court will especl
ally 1,0 it to their advantage to patronize the Tem
parancq llotel. P. M. BROWS, 'Propr.
l'owspda. Jan. 12, 187n,—ly,
Near the Court House. •
Wo are prepared teffeed the hungry at an Sines of
the day snit evening. Oysters and Ice Croons in
their seasons.-
March 30,3870. W. SCOTT & CO.
Hating leased this House, in pow ready to a ncoinmo.
Asto the travelling rattle. No pains norerpenae. will
be owed to give satisfaction to those who may gi!*
him s call.
4-4- North side of the public square, east of bier
cur's new block.
R I,
Having purchased rmd 'thoronghly refitted thiA Oht
and well-known stand, formerly-kept by Sheriff Grif
fis. at the month of Rummerffeld Creek, is ready to
Ore good accommodation and satisfacto:7treatrnent
ti all who mayTavOr him, with a calk, , '4
Dec. 23, : • tf.
liourcor, Proprietors.. This
popular Lintel haring been thoroughly fitted 'And is
painxl. and furnished thronglidut with nme and ble.
gant Furniture. will be open for the reception of
pests, on hartnumr. 7.:lAy 1, 1869. Neither expense
nor pains has been spared in rendering this HCITIM
a model hotel in an its arrangements. A euperlor
finality Ohi Burton Ale, for Invalids, just received.
April 23, 1869.
G.T l 2o. l 7l , :rropridon '
This Hot.' having been,loas,..Nl by the 1411bReilllei,
has been repainted, papered, and refurnished
ihrougliont. with new rtirp.Wiro. Bedding. ten: ;gts
Table win be suPplied with the best the market
fords. and the liar with choicest-brands of Liquors.
This house now offers-the comforts of a home at
• Jurymen and otbeis attending
Court, will find this houses cheap and comfortable
place to stop. GoOd stabling attached. aug,10,70
At tbo old shod of H. H. Ingli4neiWoo!en Factory
and Salmi% In
in drug, nt an xperinnciAt3lrelunne and builder,
tbn initilln may vont a
' D jOl.l .011,BY !11M
. From th, m•eint ealargpmont of thla water power.
ar,,rk can Ito Logo at all 11049(..113 of the year and wiAb
as sant in. In connection with the sawmill we Iwo
ab:o to furnish bills of sawed lundier to order.
Leamptown. May 23. IS7o.—ty
The Fall Term *al c ommence on the first Mon
day of September. 1810. sui.2 continue 12 weeks.
TERMS—For Common English.., ' SI 00 '
Nor Higher English and Ch . '
' On
. .
mkt) ind cANNILD rums, at r '
March 10, 1060. LONG NEEL.iIt S.
..:u: ,, ..i , ::.:1!i:.:', , .••;! , , , .!: , '
. - ... • . . . , , . ,
if ,
frip.. „....../ . . i i,1 , 41: 1 13 '-.- - .. 17: ''' ~.... ... 1- 7 :711.1
ilkt ,„ t ic: t i , .
\ -.., ~/ • k. „..._. ,
1 , _ • - .._,
' •-•`••••,...- ..... .
CREEK '' Ho=
C,UIPTOWti, rkswA
ttttttlt todri:
NuE-STIBIWAL moopsipti..
k thkie o 77-C rar thi t i" . . ! I*
0 friends, n :th'irhom my feet haroleod
• The qukt!ahaes et prayer, ' •
Cilad witness to your zeal for God •
And lore of men-I b:ar,
4 :
.. *JAM& your lino of argument - ;
. I .:.7'iotir logic, linked and strong 4 /,.
I weigh as ono who dreads dissent. '
And fears a doubt as wrong.
But 441 tny hanianjianda a n d weak
T°l l ,o'ltd.tir / 11 30! 1 ' 4 ?0 8 ;
Agnirist tbeivoiad ioSid and apeak
heliit within me plead's.
Who fathoms the Eternal Truth?
Who talks of scheme and plan?
The Lord is God I Ho noedeth not
The poor device of man.
I walk with bare, hashed feet, tho gronud
To tread with'bohloesti";Jhod ;
I dare not fix with,zoptottiad.borind
Tho love andmrer'of Ged.,.. •
To praise Ids justice ; even such 4 , ..
His playing love I deem ;
Ye seek a king; I fain would touch
The robo that bath.tio 'Sewn. ' '
Ye i ttee thwourso which , •erigOode , < .
-A. World of'paiii fsadl
I hear our Lord's lx;ati des
And prayer upon the Cress. ,
gore than your schoolManiteach, within
, Alyielf, alga,. I I;ncoti; • _ _', . • ,', • 1 ; .
O dark 3119, I=l4 ro i tnt -, ther On; ,
Too small the merit show.
I bow my forehead to the duet,
I veil mine oyes for shame,
And urge, with trembling iilttlistnast,
A prayer withottt a claim. '
Isee the wrong . . that round me lies,
I feel the guilt within;
I hear, with groan and travail-cries,
The world confess it sin
Yet, in the maddening maze of things,
And tossed by storm and float
To one frzed stake my spirit clings;
.1-,know that God is good!
S;ofinine to Iva
And saraphs may not sec,
But nothing can be good in Rim
Which evil is in me.
The wrong that pains my soul below
I dare not throne above:
I kno i w not ofhis bato--I !mow
His goodness, and his Imo!
I dimly guess from the blessings known
Of greater ont of sight,
And, the chastening 'Psalmist, own
Ilia judgments ton are right.
1 long tor Iworzeltoßt vtlfues gone, .
For ravished smiles I long,
lint God loth led my deneowli
And Ile can do no wrong.
I know not what the future Lath
or maii•cl or sorpriso,
Assured alone that life and death
His mercy underlies.
And if my liettri and (lout are weak
To bear an untried pain,
JTho bruised. reed Ha will net break,
But strengthen and sustain.
No offering of illy otvrt I have,
Nor works my faith to prove;
can but give, the gifts He saw,
And plead Ills love for love.
And so beidde the Silent &a
I wait theaullied oaf ;• •
No harm froin thin rail come
On ocean or on Atom.
kni4 not where Ifls islands lilt
Their ...onded palsnis In air;
I only know that I cannot drill
Beyond his love and care.
brothurs! Jr my faith is ve 4 rt,
Jf,hures like these betray,
Pray fur me that my feet may gaiu
The sure mid safer way:
Anti than, 0 Lord! by whom arc esen
Thy ernatt7es as they be,.
Forgive me if too gfuse 1 luau
human heart on Thee!
It was no use; the letters danced
before his eyes, • the whole 'world
seemed wavering and uncertain in
those days. He laid his book down,
and began to, think of the great
trouble which was shutting him in.
When the black specks first begaeto
dance between him and his paper,
months ago, he had not thought
about the matter. It was annoying
to be sure, but.he must have' taxed ,
his .eyes too severely. He would
work a ' little less by lainplight:—
spare them a while—and he should
beull right. Su he had spared theili
more mad more, and yet, the Eii , pka
kept on their elfin dance;
for weeks the cont,:el.. :I had beer
growing on.him slowly that, be
going to be blind. Ile had'nOt tt,r.d
his wife yet—how. could he bear to
lay on her shoulders :the burden `.of
his' aWful'ettlamity ? 0, it was too
hard! Y
And yet was it too hard? Dared
he say so? he, God's minister—who
had told other sufferers so many
times that their chastening were
dealt out by ;a kind Father's hand,
and that they should'Count all that
brought them nearer to Him as joy
ous. not previous?
Yet speaking after the manner of
this world, his burden seemed great
er than hbldonld beir:;tWliat could
he do—a blind, helpless man? He
must give up his work in life—let
another take his ministry—sit help
less in the darkness. Heaven only
knew how long., Could he_he thus
Then, suddenly a i flash of hope
kindled his sky, there: might be help
for him. This gathering darkness
might. be something 'which science
could - remove. He would be sure of
that before he told Mari. .And
then he became: fereriahlylimPatierit.
He mustknow at once, it seemed: e
lifkm-7-he.epuld. not wait._ Ho, called
tiTY I J - 9 1 ( 1 h 6 r w#4 Intoiii4!
which he tried hard. to make'eel*
that ha - Was going mit, pf font' . the
next morning on a little business.
I:re t woudered that,he was panne*
tiltnitcittiVe-L-it'Vrim..,i,str iil,e;:binki
belt shp would, trottbla. ,kith no
questions. , • She should . - tuiderstand
it all sometime,. aka : knew, .she
thought there was tnnethingstrange
in his way of speaking. ,
The minister. strove hard , for I I
tuaStery.of his own spiritoas the7 , 4niat
whirled him along the next morning
, 1 , - ,,r7,-, , 2_ , . , .,,, t:: — .- - `, 4 , .,.e..-, _ --:- -:-.
': ?..
fs :
~., ~.
towards the tribmud at whic' h bras
to:receive his embrace. He , tried to
th# dc - of *something else, bat found
Um effort vain; so he : said;over and
over. as a: child, one form
of, words:
"Father, which ever , way it turns,
O givelne - strength tohear
-Holding fast to his prayer;
. as to
an anchor, he got out Of the contend
went into the- streets. . What a. curia.
mu Mist eann'ea to gransinna all
things! The lokses lOoked Mee a
spectral through it; -the vezy people
he met seemed like ghosts. He had
1113 t reitliZed his defective' vision so
much it home where it had coraenn
him gradually, and all . objects were
so familiar. Still with, an effort he
ccnild see the iigns'on the street cor
ners and find his_way. •
'Heat last reached the residence of
the distinguished oculist for whose
verdict he had come. He - fozmd the
parlor half filled with:people, waiting
like himself. He Was slaked for his
name, and sent in. a card on Which
was written::" Rev.-William Spencer,
Montclair." Then he waited his turn.
He dared not think how hong the
time WAS, or what suspense be was
in. He. just kept his simple child
prayer in his, heart, and steadied him
'with it.
The time came for him at last, and
he followed the boy who summoned
him into a room shaded with green,
.with green furniture, and on the tk
blo a vase of flowers.. Thi6 stillness
and the cool-scented air refreshed
him. He saw dimly, as he saw that
morning, a tall, slight man, with
-kind face and - quiet manners, who
addressed him by name, invited him
to sit down, and then inquired -into
his symptoms with such tact and
sympathy that he felt as if he - were
talking with a Mend. At last the
docliir asked him to take a seat by
the window and have his eyes ex
amined. His heart beat chokingly,
and he whispered under his breath:
"Thy will, 0 God; be done; only
give me strength." '_
Dr. Gordon was anent for a- mo
ment or two—it - seemed ages to Mr.
Spencer. ' Thenhe said with the
iliat nderest and saddest voice, ski if ho
f It to the utmost all the, pain he was
' flitting:
"I cannot give you any hope.
e malady is incurable. You will
not lose your sight entirely just yet,
but it must come soon.
The minister tried to ask how long
it would be before he should no blind;
but his tongue 'seemed to cleave to
the roof of his month - and he could
only gasp.
Dr. Gordon understood, and an
swered very kindly, that it might, be
a month, possibly two.
He stood up then to go. He
knew then that all hope was over.
He paid his fee and went out of the
; room and out of the house. It
'seemed to him things had grown
darker since he went in. He hardly
knew how he found his way to the
'cars. It was two hours past his din
ner time, and he was faint for lack
of food but he did not know it. He
got-to the station somehow and wait
ed for the train to start ir Mont
'clair. All the way hoine''he,. kept
:whispering to. himself, "One month,
ipossibly two," as if it were a lesson
on the getting by heart of which his
life depended. He heard the con
ductim call out Montclair at last, and
. got out of the cars mechanically.
:His wife stood there waiting for him.
She had been anxious about him all
" 0, William!" she cried, and then
she saw his face and stooped. There
was a look on it of one over .whom
some awful doom is pending, a white,
fixed look that chilled her. She
took his arm and they walked On Eli
lently through the summer aftei
noon. When they reached home,
and she had taken off her bonnet; he
spoke at last:
" Mary, come here and let me look
at you. I. want to learn your fay by
Slib came and knelt by him, while
he took her cheeks between his
hands, and studied every lineament.
" Aro you going away ?" she asked
after a while, for his fixed, silent
mysterious gaze began to torture
" Yes,dear, I am going; going in
to the dark."
"To die ?" she gasped. •
" Yes, to die to everything that
makes up, a man's life in this world,"
lie answered bitterly. " Mary lan
going blind. Think what that means:
A few weeks mom and I shall never,
see you again or our children, or
this dear, beautiful world where we
have lived and loved each other.
whole creation is only an empty
stand forever more! 0-God! how
min I bear it?" '
"Is there no hope?" she asked
with curious esininesS, at which she
herself was amazed.
"NOne. It was my , erriurd . to
town tr.i4i;tio fold out. ,I.'have felt
it coming on for months, but I hoped
against-hope, and now I know. 0
Mary, to sit in the- darkness' until
my death day, striving for a sight of
your dear face! It is too bitter, and
yet what am I saying?' Shall my
Father not choose His own way to
bring nie to the light of Heaven? I
must any, I wild saY,_ His will be
done." • -
Just then the children came rim
ning in, boyish, romping Will; shy,
yet.merry little May.
' 4 l - lush; dears;" the inothei add
softly, "papa is tired. You had bet
ter run out again."
"No, Mary; let them stay," he in
terposed, and then he said, so low
thathis wife's ears just 'alright the
whisper, "I cannot see them - too
much in this little while,-this little
0; how the day wont on after that!
Every day the word looked dimmer
to the ministers darkened' eyert Zee
slient almost all . his time' trying to
fix tho things he loved in his mem
- ' r
It! was:pitiful to see him going
round over each well-l; own, well
loved scene, noting anxiously jtuit
how those tree boughs stood otit
aglist the sky, or that hill climbed
tow. rds the sunset. He studied
every , little flOwer; every fern the
children gathered; for all creation
seemed to , take for him new beauty
and-Worth. 'Host of all he studied
.. -• 1 \:---r;:iyi
.-; , t1.),1 , - lin ,- .; - •
AI :mot -,t' \ :, . r .k..1-1.1.0 1
1 17 ,i 10 'li l '
1 1...,,,....
i, - iiioi':. : - 6.6.iy•;,- - ,,a ., ,!,._60 - 6) - 44i;;1k..:::...
their - , dear :home faces. ` -His wife
grewrtused tut the: Oyes
following her so. , constantly but the
children wondaa :"Why papa liked
So well fo''" keSp them m sight; why
did he not read or "study'. anymore., •
There',eame a . " time-at lastirone
Sunday morning, when the brilliant
summer sunshine dawned . for• himin
vain. •• " ,
"Ts'it U r bright 'dew?" he
aikedi hearing.- his.' -wife moving
['bent the roots.
- g !tVerY
" 0 - pen,tho blinds,,pleane, ; and -let
the sunshine in at t
t he east win
Mary Spencer's heart stood still
withinlier, but she commanded her
'voice and answered-steadily: • -
"They- are open, William. The
whole room is full of light.'
" Maiy, cannot see; the time's
come: l dm alone in the darkriess,"
"Not alone, my love," she cried , in
a passion:, of grief, and pity, and ten
derness. -Then she went and sat
down beside him. on ,the bed, 'and
drew his- head to her *mom, and
comforted him jtust as she• was wont
to Comfort her , children.--' After a
time her tender carresses and her,
soothing tones seemed to have healed
his bruised and tortured' heart. 14
lifted up her head and kissed het.,
hie first from. out the daikness in
whiCh he. must , abide and then he
sent her away. I think every soul
standing face to face with an untried
calamity longs to be for a space
alone with its God.
Threehours after that, the chureb
bellierang, and as usual, the minis
ter and his wife walked out of the
dwelling, save that now he leaned
upon her arm. In that hour of se- .
elusion he had made up his mind
what to do. They walked up the
familiar way, and she left him at the
foot of the, pulpit stairs and went
back to her pew in the front.
groped up the stairs and then rising
in his place, ho spoke to the weeder
ing congregation: ,
"Brethren, I stann before you as
:one on whom the Father's hand has.
failed heavily. . lAM blind. I shall
never seeyou again • in this world—
yon, my c hildren—for whose souls I
have striven so long. I have looked
'my last on your kind, familiar faces
on this earth—see to it that I miss
none bf you when my eyes are again
unsealed in heaven. Grant, 0 Fath
er, that of those whom Thou has
given me I may lose none."
There was not a tearless face
among those which were lifted np to
him, as he stood there with his sight
less eyes raised to heaven, his hands
outstretched, as if to bring down on
them the blessing fqr which he
prayed. Some of the women sob
bed audibly, but the minister was
calm. After a moment he said: •
"My brethren, as far as possible,
the services will proceed as usual."
Then in a 'clear' voice in which
there seemed to his listeners some
unearthly sweetness, he recited the
one hundred , and ' thirteenth Psalm,
' " Ont. of the deep hate I - called up
on Thee, 0 Lord; Lord hear my
Alterivards.he gave :out the first,
line of a hyinn which the congrega
tion sang. Then- he prayed, and
some said who heard him, the eyes
'closed on earth were surely behold-i
ing the beautiful vision, for he spoke
as a son beloved, whose very soul
was full of the Father's presence.
The sermon which followed was ,
such a one as they hrid never before
heard from his lips. There was
power in it, a fervor, a tendernsss
which 10 words of, mine can describe.
It was the testimony of a living wit
ness who has found the Lord a. very
present help in the time of trouble.
When all was over, and he came
down the pulpit stairs, his wife
stood again at the foot, and he took
her arm and went out Silently. He
seemed to the waiting congregation
as one set apart and consecrated by
the anointing of a special sorrow;
and they dared not break the holy
silence ardund hull with commcin
speech. •
The next afternoon is committee
from the church went ki the parson
age. Mrs. Spencer saw them com
ing and told her husband.
" It mist be," he said, " to ask my'
advice in the choice of my succes
sor." '
" I think they might have waited
one day," she cried, with a woman's
passionate impatience at any seem
ing forgetfulness of the claims given
him by his years of faithful service.
The delegation had reached the
"door by that time, and the minister
'-did not answer her. She waited on
the men into the study aad left them
there, going' about her usual task
'with a heart lull of, bitterness.. It
was natural perhaps that they. should
not want a blind minister, but to tell
him so now, to-make the. very first
paw , of his.s4;itrow oharper by their
untliankfuluess. it was too, much. -
-;An hour passed before they went
away, and then he heard her hus
band's voice calling her, and went
into the -study prepared to sympa
thize with sorrow. She found him
sitting where she left him; with such
a joy, and peace, „and thankfulness
upon his face as she, had never •ex
pected to see it wear again.
" Mary," he said, "there are some
kind hearts in this world—My parish
wants me to stay with them, and in
sists,on raising,my salary j hundred
doltars a year.'(.
"Want yon to stay will' them?"
she cried, hardly understanding hie
" Yes.. I told them. _that I could
not.ilo them juatiomi - brit they would,
iioclisten;:. they biOlieve that _my very
affliction - give me newr power
over the i liegta : of Alien; thatir eau
do much, as ever. They_
hot wait ti. day yon see list wa 'shO'd
bo anxious about our future."
"Audi thought they wericothing
in indecent haste to give you notice
to go," Mrs. Spencer cried penitently.
°How I misjudged „them". Sball I
never learn aristian charity?",
So it was settled that the minister
cf Montclair should --abide :with his
For three years more his perusive
voice called-them to choose .' the bet
tei Way; and, then his own stunnio4
came 'to" 66 VP higher: the&
of zniznownos =i tim in wennii.
' r
L• S:
r? -. ..i,-..
Arc* Aims he had sown trierti
, seed
andireaped moretirvest than some
Melk itk q k)fig life4ime. He.. did his
'work fathfullyould. Wag ready when
Elie hour came for NM to go , bome.
Just' at the last' -whet Those 'who,
lovid him most atood weeping around
his bed-side, they -caned' upon_ his
face the, r,adianco of ;11, - light not of
this world.'- H u _put out his hands
with-a "glad (Ay ' •
" r seci,rsee! Olt ''of; tbei dark
into-thelight - • I •
And; before they could look' With
awe and yonder into cub: ether's
eYes, the ,glory. had begun to fade,
the outstretched bands fell heavily,
and theY knerici thatihe blind minis
ter was gone " pastnight, past day "-
where' for him there would be no
more.. darkness. .T.ouisr,„;,_ Chandler
VAPII VAI4 . IIE Or A Warn mu.
Under this Caption the rortsmouth
Chronicle . has the following
; sensible' article: - '
• 'lt is often remarked by- 'persons
who ,do not possess any property,'
and who depend upon the labor for
ithe support of themselves_ and fami
lies,' that they ere " wort, nothing,"
financially speaking. This language
is generally indulged 'in: by men in
'MO community who style themselves
business men. Let. us examine the
question final:Lela* and see if their
11110361#113 are correct.
'La - A
- year the price of common
bor averaged per day. Admik
ting that tho laborer received $1.59
per day, and it required the whole of
'that sum to support his family,
nevertheless we contend that the la
borer was worth in cash to his famiL
ly the sum of $7,980. t
The amount ho would receive for
-one year's labor at $1.59' per day
would be $475.60, which amount
would be interestat six per cent. on
47,980, which -latter sum would
;the cash value of the laboring man
'to his family. - •
The cash value of the laboring tam
to the . community is much more than
the above named sum, as labor is the
Only true wealth. of any country.
Without labor our ; forges, fnrnaces,
Woolen-mills, and indeed manufac
tures kinds Would cease to be.
!The music of the loom and shuttle
would be silenced forever. Our 'na
tional and other banks would close
their doors, and eur - most -enterpris
ing merchants would. take in their
signi. Without' labor, civilization
would recede, and the bat and - owl
soon occupy the crimson chambers
of our would-be business men. •
Let the laboring men of the Unit
ed States, realize their true position.
Let them reflect that labor is honor
able, that labor is wealth. Letihere
remember that they , are a poWer in
the State; that to_ them• this' great
Government is, indebted for gall it.
possesses (if - liberty, glary and grand
Let them' only reflect, that . labor
is honorable; big late those who look
down on the humbe laborer and
mechanic reflect for one moment be
fore they speak in terms of dispar
agement of the "hewers of wood and
drawers of water." The custom is
too prevalent in the. community, of
making remarks in a sneering man
ner of the greet industrial mass of
our people, leading youths among us
to think that' honest industry is not,
honorable, be it what it may. That
time has passed. •
Honest, industriousinechanics and
laborers are the wealth of States, and
until they are encouraged and foster
ed our people cannot be ,prosperous.
It is not the cash value alone by
which he enriches the place of his
residence, but he adds by his labor
to its material, wealth. No country
or 'nation can command the respect
of the wotid-unless that respect was
gained through the skill of her me
chanical population. Then let all
classes, more especially the rich, re
spect and inculcate their childten
with the true' theory of life, 'that la
bor is honorable,. and if in after life
misfortune should overtake them,
willing hands will be put forth to
earn their support.
It is often painful to observe how lit
tle children are handled. It is ''not
an uncomm - on practice for parents
and nurses
,to, catch them suddenly
bylhe hand. or arm, , and drag, or,
hurl,,them, over some difficult spot,
such, for instance, as a Mud hole, or
over a brook, if in the country; or.
.from the steps Of a horse car to, the
paveMent,' or . over some broken place
in the pavement or, street;, or over
the gutter, if iii Vie' city, ...without a
single thought about what the can
'sequences might - be from such pro
cedure. - ,
If parents and purses who aro
giiilty of such conduct_ will, by way
of experiment, just
,allow .themselves
be viddenly /3118in q ed by the
wrist or arrnoind - at the samei time
hurled across a given space, they will
have taken the first bison in refer
ence to the iniproprietY, not to say
barbarous Lin& brutal eliaracter, of
such a practice." ,
THE MAN "Wrrsotrr AX Emmy."'
Heaven help the man who 'imagines
he can dodge "enemies ", by trying
to please everybody! :If such an ,in
dividualc ever succeeded, : ,we should
be eaa te,iinow it. 14ot that we be
lievein'it' man's going ihrimgh the
World trying to find Watery to knock
his :.head :against; ~disputing P-every -
MAU'S opinion; . fighting ansi elbowing
and : 1 apwding -... all who differ from
him. That again ie Another extreme.
Other:pettige have:a right to their
apinions-z , 80 hatgli-Vai; don't fallin- ,
to the.error: of supposing they will
respect,you lessior =Aligning it—
or respect yonmere fin turning your
coat eVery day to match - Alio color of
theirs. Wear yoteetrUir colors, spite
of Wind and-Weather; skirts or sun
shine. Itcoslirthe Nacilleliting. and
irresolute ten, times- thu,trouble, to
wind,' l
un4 sliuttle and twist ! that it
deee inie4 nunlli independence to.
stand its'-ginurid:' Take wlutt ' time
you p ettilo tocrnake up , your:mind;
but having made it up,:stick tort! . :
THs;Virst Eve-angelicalAlljAncp 7 —,,
Adam's marriage in Edem ' •
.. •
: 1 ,.:`..ri. 1 :.;"1,1.., '-,!';..'.. :7- -';',"
11) j).;•}1';;;;;;Zii.2••• • .
.):' •
;• 1
IP‘ *
will be' seen by the repot ta of
confereei published herewith that
the conferees of Susquehanna and
Bradford failed to - unite - in the nom
inatiOn, of; 'A-, candidate' for. Judge..
Much the same course was pursued
as at the Representative conference
at Springville. The - Susquehanna
conferees refused to go into confer
ence without an.-equal representa
tam, and the Bradford conferees re
fus'ed to. -admit them on those :
terms. Ti.e result was that the Brad
ford men, claiming to be a maority,
organized, and nominated Judge
Moiroiv; and, the Susquehanna men
also organized, and nominated Judge
Bentley.' •
We have looked the situation over
carefully and _impartially, and have
come to the Conclusion that this
paper, as an Independent Republican
paper, belonging to no rink or clique,
and only. seeking to promote the best
,intersts of the Republican party
and of the people,,is duty bound
to sustain the nomination of Judge
Morrow; and accordingly, his, name
is printed at the head of our columns
as the nominee of the Republicans of
this Judicial District -for Additional
Lai. Judge. Some of our reasons
for thinking that this *the right
coarse we here give: '
1. The majority, rules. This prin
iciple,lies at the foundation c•of our
systeni •of government. We recog
nize it• in our political relations=
in tha Nation, the State, the District,
the- county, the township. In each
and all the vill,of the majority, law-i
fully expressed, governs. And so it
is and must be in our political organ
izations, if we would preserve them
„from disruption and defeat. Suppose
- Pennsylvania presents a candidate
for the RepUblican nomination for
the Presidency. Wo may think that
our claims aro strong—Pennsylvania
is a great State, and has never had a
Republican Candidate for President
—bat if we aro defeated in the Na
tional convention, and some other
good Republican is nominated, we
are not. going to bolt and run , our
Pennsylvania candidate in opposi
tion to the decision of the party—
thtitt disorganizing avid perhaps de
feating the party, because the minor
ity cetdd not have thdir own way.
The same principle applies to a Judi
cial or a Representative District. We
recognized it plainly ;enough in our
dealings with Wyoming county a fes ,
days ago. "We are the majority,"
said Susquehanna, and proceeded-at
once to exercise the rights of the ma
jority by nominating both candidates
for Representatives. Bradford ceun
ty did the same in nominating a can
didate for Judge. The Republican'
vote of Bradford county last year
was 6653. The Republican vote of
Susquehanna county last year was
-4064. •
2. , The conferees hf Susquehanna
coital!, had ~no authority to make a
' 91071/ inalwn at all, except as members of
a conference if the two ' , counties.
When men assume new:and extraor
dinary powers, their t iredentials
ought to be explicit and queltion
able, and they Should not exceed the
powers conferred thereby. T.n this
case, even admitting that the resolu
tion so hastily adopted while the,
County Convention 'was breaking up
and when many delegates, if not the
majority, had gone out, was a correct
expression •of the voice of Susqo4-
hanna county and binding on the
conferees, it gave them no authority
whatever to make a - nomination by
themselves. The resolution is as
"Reentred, That the Convention authorize
Judge Bentley to nominate an equal number of
conferees with Bradford county; and that, km
lead admitted into conference with an: equal
number with Bradford county, we will not go
into conference on the nomination for Judge.
Here is no authority for our con
ferees to make a nomination outside
of the conference, ner anything like
it. If they considered this resolu
tion binding :on them, when they
failed to gain admittance to the con
ference with an equal number of con
ferees with Bradford county, their
mission was ended—they had gone
to the extent of their authority 'as
given by the Convention, and should
have come home and reported
the failure of ' their mission to
the Republican party of Susque
hanna county. They clearly exceed
ed their powers in making a nomin
3, The number of conferees each
county was entilleq to had been preci
ously settled between the counties, and
it could not be changed by the action of
one 'county—more espececially of the
smaller county. The only proper and
binding, way to, make a change in
the ratio of representation in confer
ence =Would be in a Convention be- 4 ,
tween the two counties. Bradford
county had n right to stand by the
established ratio, till a change should
be thus 'made. We recognized this
principle when we refused. Wyoming
an equal voice with Susquehanna in
the nomination of Representatives.
The Wyoming county Convention
appointed three Representative con
lerees, instead of two as heretofore,
thus claiming an equality in the con
ference. Our conferees refused to
admit the three-on 'an equality, but,
claiming to be the majority, went on
and organized es a, conference, and
made their nominations. And we
consideilheir action binding. The.
-same 'principle:precisely- applies in
the:ease of the conference between
Susquehanna and Bradford. And
shall We say that the conferees,repre r
senting the larger constituency were
right-in'tlie one case and wrong in
the other? Can Susquehanna, coun
ty thus blow, hot and cold at one
breath? We can never advocate
such.eiident inconsistency.
4. There is lidpsissibility of electing
Judge Bentley • He is not a resident
of this county or °tibia district, and
has not been for, a number of years.
He lives in Williamsport, Lycoming
county, where ho served as President
Judge fora short time by appoint
ment of the Governor, and was after
wards ecandidate before the people
foi That' affice, -and :,was defeated.
And Ow, While still a resident there
he is'bronght forward as a-candidate
in this district. We understand that
it it is expected that- the Democ
racy of the, district will vote for him,
and it is hoi*,d that enough Republi
cans Will join with theni to elect him.
itlitat-vertit • dvance,
.... . . .
In case of his election, he.,woula, of
course, move hick into the district.
But Can be be elected? WO can see
no chance for,it. We are assured
that in Bradford county,. Judge Mor
row willicceivo just about the usual .
Republican majeirity, say 3,000. In
Susquehanna county, from 'What we
can ascertain of the sentiment of the
people,otc believe that if every Re
publictuifplpsi in Alm county Should
come out in support -o Judge Tent,
ley, he' could, not, as know brought
out against Judge Morrow, get half
of the . Republican vote. And the
idea that the Democracy will be unit
ed in hie support we. are assures is
erroneous. What then is the use, or
where is the - geed policy of getting
up a contest in which he is • sure to
be defeated, the party to be more or
'fess. divided' against itself, and no
body'can gain anythinghut the cop
per-heads? Will it pay to distract
and divide the noble Republican
party of; Susquehanna, county to
spite Bradford county . because she
has not'always been as generous to
us as - she-should have 'been? Wyo
ming makes the same complaint
against, us,:yet we do not think thai,
would justify her in bolting from the
support: of our candidates for Repre
sentatives.. 'Sauce for the-. goose
should be sauce for the gander. ,
5. This is a time when especially the
Republican party ought to be kept her
nzeitioim and; its organitation_ intact,
both for ,national .and local. reasons.'
The DomoCiacy would move heaven
and earth if they could—not to men
tion any other place- . --to elect a ma
jority of the next Congress. A' divis
ion among the Republicans of this
judicial district will evidently tend
to weaken -the Republican vote in
two , Congressional districts. 3fer
cur's district is very . close. A few
hundred Republicans taken from him
in Bradford county"would defeat him.
And a division in the party always
tends to lessen the vote for ,the
whole ticket,. Therefore, the Repub
licani 'of Bradford county, in our
opinion, shoidd stand by their ticket
and do their best to promote harmo
ny and to elect ciery nominee of the
party. A break, in the Republican
ranks in Susquehanna will injure the
prospects of the'electiou of Mr. Shoe
maker, of Luzerne, - for Congress.
Every such occurrence (Tank a
chance . Tor trading vote 4, and the
more of that there is the worse it
will be for the Republican majorities
and the Republican organization in
this county. We therefore can see
no other proper course for the true
Repnblicans of Susquehanna county
—the, men who supper 4 the party
from Principle and because they be:
here that in so d•ong they promote
" the greatest good of. the neatest
number "—than to stand by the reg
ularly nominated Republican ticket,
as printed at the head of our col-.
umns. •
—Againsethe good intentions of
our -conferees—who are. influential
Republicans anOave a straight Re
publican record—We have not a word
to say. But the movement which
they represented—however it may be
believed to be warranted by the con
duct of Bradford' county towards us
—was entered upon without a proper
consultation of the wishes of the Re
publican party of Susquehanna coun
ty, and fails to receive . their !united
gr general support. - Before a purpose
such as is expressed in the resolution
adopted at our' convention—pointed
evidently to a disruption oithe Re
publican party in this district, and
the pitting of the Republicans of one
county against those of the other—
wai attempted to be carried into ef
fect, there should have teen a full
and thorough discussion of the niat-..
ter—the people should have had time
to consider it maturely, in all its near
and remote bearings and grave cou
sequencee, and then shbuld have ex
pressed a unanimous, or nearly unan
imous determinatibn to sustain such o lf tliis movement is follow
' ed, weonly diride- - the Republi
cans of Susquehanna (part of them)
from the Republicans of Bradford,
but divide among ourselves.—lnde
pendent Republican.
The Bishop a London, as provin
cial dean of Canterbury, has forward
ed to the bishops of the province of
Canterbury who bavela greed to recom
mend as a help' to private devotion
daring tho continuation of the pres
ent war. The Archbishop, in a letter
to the Bishop of London,"states that
he found that precedents wereag,ainst
the issuing of a public -form of prayer
while his min country is not engaged
in'the war. The form recommended
is as follows:
"0 Almighty Ef od, s -King of all
kings, -whose power no creature is
able to reeist, to whom it belongeth
justly to punish sinners, and to be
Merciful to them: that truly repent;
assuage, we beseech Thee, the hor
rors of this war, which Thou bast
permitted to break firth` in .Europe;
restrain the passions of the combat
ants; • inspire thel -compierers with
mercy, and the vanquished with.sub
mission to Thy will; give patiencejo
all WIM suffer;• prepare for the suin
mons.those who are to die; and, set
to this Warfare bounds which it may
not pass. We pray the, 0 God,
speedily grant peace to the nations,
and so overrule, in ,Thy good Provi-'
dence the course of all events,. that
our present anxieties may end in the
spread of righteousness,. ekaighteo
ment, and true liberty, Thy'Kingdom
day-at last be established on • earth.
And this we pray through the, merits
mediation' of Jesus Christ, our
Lord and lkivior, the Prince of
Peace, Amen." •
SOAP is tmdcrnbtedly a citilizink
agent, at least among .the North
American Indians. The superinten
dent of the Nebraska tribes says
that more soap was in demand the
past season than any othei previous
year, from whichit may - naturally be ,
inferred that civilization is rapidly
advancing among the. savages.
. ,
SOME of the stuns .in -Um mental
aritlimetics have about as much senso in as the
following.• "If four dogs, witb.l6 legs can
catch 29 rabbits, with 87 legs in 441ninutes,henr
Many legs must the same rabbits lave to got
away from 8 dogs, 'with - 32 legs, in 17 ' minutes
and a half. ,
watfq..-Payr, A ZtitaHAW.
'teem ! to be a pretty gna' fin
presaion, says'. tv recent :'writer, that
Paul was' a . bachelori'eftaifikar'bt-'
diels,of the present dafliave,lcomed.
opinion of hinalirliieiry
Unfavorable: I believe, and •
to ehirKthat Paul was of enuin's
Rights." The Corinthian Church
had written - 4o -bini 2for!directions
upon the subject of matrimony in a
time of great persecutiear,!nid,_ under •
the circumstances, he seems tnthink
that for the time being the tanner
ried had better remain ao.'r,usebius,
Clement, and other historints; steak
of Paul as a married man, 'And ac
'cording' to the best bieterierd evi;
dence-we can get, he mast thertircie
of writing this epistlati, widower. And
thus he remained true tux hid dead,
andlulmonialied other men who had
lost th'eir wives to• pursue a similar.
course. Is there any thing very ob
jectionable in this advice ? If there
is a woman in America who is par
ticularly anxious for her husband to
marry again • after her death, .we
should like to see her. The apmtle's
".advice to wives," in the fifth 'chap
ter of:'Ephesians, seems to be very
offensive to some because he admon
ishes them to"obedience. Husbands
are very fond of ()noting -If there
is but one text in , the Bible with
%%lnch they and itefinainted, *it is that;
but do you ever hear the twenty-fifth
verse from masculine lips? ListeiA.
"Husbands love your ,wives, even as
Christ loved the church, and gave hirn
saf for it." There 'gentlemen, is
your rule . of conduct-:-don't forget,
and, by.the way, hoW do you like it ?
Where is.there a greater love than'
this? ' and what an exalted opinion
Paul must hive had of-woman to
deem her worthy of such- affection!
Rest assured that obedience - will
gladlpfollow a love like that. When
men are honest, loyal, and true—
when they: tenderly love and shield
even at the,sacrifice of self, then wo
n:lea:will "honor and obey," without
any objections or regrets.- .
DeSiring-tolnow just how much
saving there is in soilihg, and haying
an excellent piece of crover;in its best
eCtate, just, coming into blossom, wo
measured tarty square rods and com
menced feeding it to seven cows and
four horses; it fed them liberally- fif
teen days. The two succeeding years
we tried the came experiment,- the
animals differing-somewhat, bat with
the same rest; in each case We
found forty sqtiare rods equal to the
summer feedit& of cow. Bnt these
crops of clover were very- heavy, and
Could riot always be equalled; yet al
lowing for contingencies, ive Came lo
estimate one-half acre of land, in
good condition, in -clover, as adeqriate
to summering a cow- 7 -thus soiling
equal to from four to six times 'the
space in_ paSture. We tried after
ward much larger experiments—soil
ing 'thirty-five cattle and horses, am? .
using "some:land in much poorer cul
ture; but we found the saving coin
.parativly, quite as encouraging. We
selected one hundred acres—barely
sufficient to have pastured this num
ber of animals—ten of it' in 'clover.
oats, and sowed corn; we fed the::;
ffom the 20th day of May to the- tt
day of September. We had a 'sur
plus of sixty-five tons of hay, after
feeding these animals six months rin , '•
ten days,- which sold in the barn . fe:
$972. It required six hours' labe:-
Per day to soil-them, which amount
ed in those cherip.tilues to SCS,
hundred loads 'of manure-were saves.,
in fine condition, worth at least - $
more than the dropping:of 'an
finals in Pasture. • The experise - of
orating and housing the sixty-five
tons of.hriy was $1 50 per ton, or:s97
50,,which added to. the labor of soil-
ing, makes $162 . 50. leaving $859
as the net gain of the soiling experi:
nient.—Live Block Journal. '
THE following anecdote of Beechr.•
has been made public: It seems in
has bli,'served the injustice of - obligin!,
men,to work on Suho, 11. TV;
preached drry a sermon on it. Next
he entered into conversation with a
car driver,, while riding down to Ful
ton Ferry, 'and,asked if he did no;
think some plan might be adOpted
to dispense with the need of running
the cars all day Sunday. The dm;
,ver being, in entire ignorance Of We
name and nature ofhis interrogative
friend, made a frank reply: "Xes,
sir, I think there might; but. there's
no hope of it so-long as they r keep
that: . d-- Beecher's theatre cipen
in Brooklyn. The cars have , to ran
to accommodate that." It is hardly
necessary to add that the driver's re
mark was a ' home thrust,' and was
considered so good that Beecher
told of it himself.
WHAT HOPE DID.—It ,•Stolo On its
pinions of snow to the bed of diwase4
the sufferer's frowri became a smile;
the emblem of peace and endurance.-
It went to the house of mourning—,
and from the lips of sorrow there
came sweet and cheerful sow ' 's; It•
laid its head on the arm of the poor,
which • was stretched forth at the
command of unholy impulses, aid
saved him from disgrace and ruin.
No hope, my good brother? Have
it. Reckon it on your side.• . Wres
tle with it, that it. may, not depart;
it may repay your pains.. Life is
hard enough at best; but hope shall
lead you over its mountains, and Sus
tain thee amid its billows. Part with
all beside, but keep thy liope. •
How Sods FOIIGET.---.& leaf
torn'fronl. the tree by a - rude. gale,
and borne away to some desert spot
to perish. Who misses it from its
fellows? Who is sad that" - it is
gone? Thus it is with human life.
There are dear friends, perhaps,
whO are stricken-with grief when\ a
loved one is taken, and for many
days the grave is watered with tears
and anguish. But by and -by the
,crystal fount is drawn dry, the last
drop oozes out, the stern gate, of for,
getalness folds back upon the ex
hausted springs, and Time, the bless
ed healer of sorrow, 'walks over the
closed sepulchre without waking a
single echo by his footsteps. -
A.;=srouv is told of \ the • Rev. Dr.
Alexander Vinton, of Trinity Church,
which inculcates a moral of general
application. The Doctoi was' a Ur
bocce chewer,. and with a. quill in
his mouth, wasgiving a young lady
of twelve some good -advieb about
observingient..She replied f , "Pshaw!
don't preach self-denial to me when
you hare your -mouth hill of nasty
tobadco !" The reverend .gentliman
turned aside his head, removed` the
odious weed frOni his' mouth, and
has never since used it.
Scrum a great. crowd Othered in
the street, a genUerean, meeting a boy, said to
"Is there anything going on?" ,
"Yes, sir," was the ready , reply, "There'll
two things goin' on ; you're gan' on-And Pm
go& on."