Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 29, 1870, Image 3

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    fradford *quiet.
v a - y- 4 1`he Sunday school which has
441 during the past summer-in the
I ;1.E..; school house, Towanda township, closed
s essions for the present season by a grand
p;c:iie on Saturday last. We learn thp• affair
r a-sed off pleasantly, and was. enjoyed by all,
• re - ,:r At the meeting, of the Lacks
wAttna Presb:ctav held in Wyalnsing last weeli,
the tollmring named persona were elected ad
d:nad-trustees of the Susquehanna Collegiate
: Rev. N. G. PARR; Rev. S. C. Loosit,
Rev, S. F. COLT, S.W.ALVORD and J. 0.
Frr.s IS SLIIItQUIN. The dwelling
4,t . Mrs. TrionrsoN, in Shesheciuin,
d,..troycd by fire on, Monday night 'Last.
fire WSW discovered about 12 o'clock.- Mrs.
T. me,: absent and no ono n•as in the house at
the time. `Origin of the'fire is unknown. Loss,
r;r::" IS AAC ELuorr, of Bheshequin,
:.raided tuc circus in this place, on F , tattirday
and imbibed rather freely of u hfy On
....Mi.:slime ho climbed into a cherry tree and
Imm:ea himself in the presence of his father,
waa all the ,while commanding him to
• •„ , li• down. • •
..-.r. Mr. E. 13. MoonE, of Ulster
~-, hip, who was very severely injured by
le •I.
caught under a stump which be was as
-tin;; 1., retigove, about a year ago,.is steadily
- . ring. lie is now able to walk:arennd
•,.. t.y the a,sistauei• of a cane. He has .
, , e v. r:.• patient and resigned under his af.
:,.!,, and has had the eonmdation of a large
- I. ef friends. .
Urs.. HumrlinEr, widow of the
J. It. lit-nrimrs, died at her residence in
t h i : p:see, Sunday morning last, at 9} o'clock,
411 , r a long and painful illuess. Mrs. HIM
•!, lens& most excellent christian woman,
will long be taisFed by her family, by the
and by the community at large. Dur
.., the many mouths she was called to suffer
,: ”10 , rover murmured, but bore her afflic
t thristisn fortitude.
CY. ,- "Y" A meeting of the colored
,,P this place was held in the. Grand Jury
1:-ma Taesday evening. Speeches were
2 „ ,:.•t r .iveral colored gentleinem all of
urged their brethren to vote for the
ty that hail stood by them. Ono
man from Danville said he was
Ciortiuted with Capt. BROCRWAY, And
• .101 tell thc•ni just what he' wont& Slly in his
ell here, which would be " nigger, nigger,
it the' regular meeting o
', - ..‘cmala Division, No. 103, Sons of Temper
21, , • held at their hall, Tuesday evening, Sept
27, the following officers were elected for th
ening term :
W.F., A. D. IlAnntsci ; W.A.. M. A. D. HA Ir.D
co: ; R.S., C. F. .TAYLOR ; A. 1:.5., Mrs. C. F
Ttn.on;F.S., R. R. 110(`KIVELL ; "Freak., A. E
Con., A.C., Mr& DILL";
. Mrs. B. W. Emsnr ; D. W. F.7.n:hv
chapLui, O. A. Di..tex.
AV" At a meeting of Lin-ta Hose
eapaity, held on Tuesday evening, it was de
ti have their araning on the .20th of
iiii,l6Tstand s:iveral
1.:. hnu
nr,,,;isremain unsold, and u hop?
..:I;,:ens 6f this-plms: arc.
• -.1 i,e• tla 14.tcatuer will r.Askt the company
of them. That the Ste:111112r will
of real practical benefit to property
a r•r+ has fern proved: and the young Melt
I.Ttve the matter in charge and have ad
.l lie bhould not I, permitted to
tli:• I,i•oration
The Free says
'OH ~,Nll
1. I preM'llt n goVertirliCilt em
11'a:biu tam , e. lin n visit with his
1 1:i I:te in 12111 /IN.', sin re by nil] a fi•W
11,rtinu and Bum: Tc.tcr, of the
!.,u c Departlneut, are both home on a
Dry. Illinois, is
~.1. A. ,31311,11 , 1‘1,
~.... night, Sept. '23.
•• .Jfthe Ivnheitnll ”Cis were re
. 0111 4011,, /11:411 ill 11
•• . Tle• e 11 111111 di 'covered itt the
• • Slp rltitnney, oil, of the
1,11 th, liatl rettrett and
nearly an occurcd
at ; iwicit, is not
• Thbi tilt'
thollgil partly tasuratico
t'‘a such a his , do:0 , 1y
fall upon a woman iitruggling
:. • nailiort and thy Kapport of a family of
1, n With a mnall farm. she , i..trnlii• de
•• ~1 c. 1:: far kyr
•.. ' t of hi:NU:esti on tier farin,
..., 11 and trust. that the ti.en(roug piddle
in 11-placing her hilts. 'The toss
- , . ry the fact of the ,icastin
!wanly (pint. It is too late to
I„fdding. Ecii;ariy wit;,"l t any prep-
II I,n Sept. 2:1,'70
PltUr. J. " W. S/10131.U:.1:1I. - This
.!.e p oW lecturing hifure the Teachers
h m Pe 4 k ,, 11 in this place, has a reputa
,.. ,s a n'ad , r and lf , ..turer which should at
t!,' Ltt,nt . :cm of stir eiti2f a as Well as
He has tcifn the loudest coma:lend:l
- th , press and people wherever he bas
•nnr eonot% superintendent assures us
:'..; L, ha:dallied his reported ability before
Center to
• de;.;ree. lie is evidently a master
l'hurrlay ev, Prof. SW)LN.VKI:II.
r...adings in the Court Honso, conKisting.of
! • .; ,us wont SIIAKESPEAT:g. DlcKExg,
Tno\cl:ulra,r, ]lens
TIVAI'S, and ether
niar and Auwrican authors; al b o
th, sacred :::triptures.
Fralay eveaing tho Peofe.;:or will dcliver
• I lecture "Rom t.) any things." This
'arc is fall of instruction, yet wouderfull: ., :rid as dcreyted by the public press of
!:...Llclphia and uther eities, has rosily primed
11,:alon wherever it has been delivircd. Oar
n. have n feast in stbra for them on those
and we trust they sill compliment
eustain The Institute. and laver
1, 3 14,ittbr, peseta.
At a stated meeting of Union
. A.Y.31., hold It 3livionic
reolutiong wero
kvo •re is. In the dispensation of an all-wise
• Cummings !fasten, a member of
has beett called from the scenes of
to the presence of the Supreme Architttt
t 1,, mn‘erse.
That de.,p!y deploring this sad be
• • int et ellerehe an earnest, warm-hearted
.0,•1 t outlet 3lason has been removed rrom our
wit kray in submission to the will of
.'• • 1 .• , 'lt • t fraud .11,mter—that in the loss of
bryther this lodge has been de
. ,4 one of her most zealous members,
,• • ec-onple WA; for the enitontAgement of
• urll-‘l , .mg.
That we tender to the family of our
•11,ritther oar sympathy in their time of
• •• r I.ereavemeot —that as it tnark or
••:—:: t. hit memory we wear the usual
•at mu: truing fhr thirty days; and that a
thes:• re•olasions be sent 11 the family .
,1•• •t•asi.,-.1 brother.
" It has plcasod the Supreme
•1 the tinlyerse to remove trout among as
• r 11. fur many years 'M.D.!).
an! eV, inn, s a 111051 earnest and
hat while deeply deplore the
•-• ~ t ar d‘•••••••asicd brother we bow in submis-'
'•" 11:,n who doeth all things well. 'ee
.• itie e. th , , memory of this good man and
!'t t, Lear witness and testimony or these
::• tie of character which made him 'so
''''y•• to the members; of our order, in his friend
•aturt his warm frimidsiiip. and his deco
to the great principles of masonry, we
we d o that one of tie• fathers has
..• eallid 1,, rest.
Ert•t Ti-ezt We tender to the family of
oar sympathy in
tilli,•t , on and bercaremeitt, that as a
•• • ••! t mentorv, we wear the
...Age of hemming for thirty day; and
.•.,' of these ;isolations b•• Fent to the
• • •1. -tar deeeased brother.
two: N. Mild:.
Emma( _BRADroiR.,-Mr. iirdifor;
We take up the pen tit *riteeithrititingUli
crops and prospects of eastern
B radAud. '134-
Ten drolith continues, and field 'potatoes ire's_
light crop. Buckwheat is very "red_ in the
face "—the sign of u Oats do. tuft,
turn out as was eipixted, anl , are - protabli
below the average. Hay falls short of last
ear's crop at least twenty per 'nt. some
localities pastures Ric so dried up that Omit
needs foddering. Grasshoppers and dry 'math
er !Ave kept grass from making mach vim%
sine° haying; brit the "hoppers" have served. I
to fatten-the chickens and turkeys far . thanks-.
giving, for which ive are. Winkled.
generallkgood; and•the squirrels art) alreadj•
husking it on shares. Apples are a fair crop in
most places, and the cider presses-are in oper
ation. There ie also a sprinkling of peaches,
grapes and chestnuts. The breadth of winter
wheat sown this fill is much above the average.
The crop of officeßeckers has fallen off consid
erably since August, and our people_ who had
their button holes worn out are now enjoying
comparative repose. The hired girl crop comes
far short of equaling the -demand, and "My
langdom for a hired girl" is Ibelommou excla
mation. There are pleanty of "gal children,"
but with many of them housework - I/O cents.
tutional. Their dolls and "Mother Goose sto
ries' occupy their nursery years. From . 9 to
'l2 they attend boarding school and
_study eti
quette booki6 et 18 they are put in corsets,
take lessons on the piano,* and get up flirts=
dons. Is it any Wonder thßt at 18 they are
fitted for nothing but matrimony? Don't un
derstand us that the nusjority are of this style.
There are some at least who know how cows
are milked, how washing is done, how shirts
are made, and corn is planted.
Oar young people desirous to teach are .viell
supplied with school advantages of the normal
grades. Rev. D. CRAFT teaches at Wytansing,
Ur. Hums at Camptown, Miss Laos at Spring
Hill, Mr. GORHAM at Limo Hill, Mr: Mantra
sox at Lellaysville, and Mr. Cataiwmt. at
Remo, 8;e.
Politically, eastern Bradford strongly terat,
penance and Republican.
We have aimed at plain facts and leave the
ornamental for "Ismussrmo Sax." t
Sept., 1870 . . Ben.
r The Presbytery of Laeliawari
no held its first sessions at Wyalusing during.
the past week. The Presbytery as at present
defined by the Synod of Philadelphia, of which
it forms a part under the reunion of the two
groat- Presbyterian' families in the United
Sti(tes, is made up of parts of the old Presby
teries of Susquehanna, Luzern° and 'Montrose,
covering the counties of Bradford, Susquehan-,
na, Wyoming, Wayne, Sullivan and that part of
Luzern° lying north.of the Wilkes-Barre wenn
tiin, and comprises sixty ministers and sixty
nine churches. At the late meeting there
were seventy ministers and elders present and
a goodly number of vistors who felt interested
in the doings of the new body.
The place selected was the church which is
built upon the site where stood the old log
school house -in which the first Presbyterian
church was ofganired within the whole teritory
now covered by the Presbytery, and in the ad
joining cemetery sleep the ashes of the fathers
and mothers who composed and fostered the
infr.ut church w i h they planted in the wli
, derness.
The semsium: of the Presbytery commenced
on TiwsdaY evening, the 20th instant,. and
were opened by .4 sermon from Rev. S. C. LOGAN,
D.D.,:of Scranton ; after which the Presbytery
was organized by the election of J. G. MILLEn,
of Montrose, moderator ; Bev. H. H. WELLEs,
of Kingston, stated clerk; Rev.. 4. 13. Flack'',
of Providence, permanent clerk, and Rev. S. F.
Corr, of 11)soi, temporary clerk.
On Thursday Rev. C. C. Conss, the late
stated clerk of the finsquelianna Presbytery,
read a instorical sketch of the old 'Presbytery,
which was listened to with great interest. In
the afternoon ofthat day all united in cele-
bratiug the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
The historic associations of the place, the pecu
liar circumstances of the occasion, as well as
the soleninity of the ordinance all contributed
to make it a season of peculiar interest. The
Presbytery adjourned the same evening.
A delightful spirit pervaded the whole body.
Many of the discussions were animated, but
alitliont exception were conducted with ehris
tan courtesy and forbearance, and the results
reached gave general satisfaction. In so large
a lb Id as this covered by the Presbytery, there
arc many points demanding the attention of
the lio.ird of Honig Mission. Upon this work
of home evangelization the Presbytery adopted
a liberal policy and entered with becoming
zeal. The general routine of business also of
necessity consumed a large part of the time,
and several items were laid over for considera
tion at the next stated meeting,. which is to be
bell at Honesdale.
The beautiful weather confrihnted not a lit
tle to the enjoyment of the occasion, while the
people of the place with their accustomed
erality, handsomely entertained their gueSts.
The la. E N. Y. It It. Cu; gave eisnirsion tickets
to all the members who came by their route,
which, by the wa'y, is one of the most delight
fill in the countrx t
.I.N.ropos With phis 11103 , 111 g of It Presby
tf,ry shoutil he mentioned the visit of •a party
et. M navians rant Philadelphia' and Duthie-
Item to Wyalusing. It is known that trout' 1763
until 1 . 773 the Moravian prosecuted tritlt great
success a mission among the Indians at Wya
'using, but fur (MUty tan: the exact location
of that tins:4o4'll:ld been lost sight of by the
chervil. ib.-cer , huwefer, Rev. E. DE
SCif Wa N I:7, the biographer of the celebrated
I ter. 7.menroair.a. it ho found the mission, ob-
I wined the knowledge of its precise location,
and thr party above allitded to came up to
visit the place, learn the traditions of the mis
sion,i. various points of interest preparatory
to eructing a memorial pillar upon the grounds.
This is probably the first company of Moravi-
VV. who have' , visited Frieitiosliwtivo, for so
NI.1( 1 noi
thc,place Wad , named &Uncut 11.4 abantiounicnt
nearly a century ago.
Wyaltu4lng, Pa, C.
fad County Teachers' institute was called to
order at Granville Center, by County Superinten
dent A. A. KEENEY, Sept. 19th, at 2 o'clock p.m.
The exercises during the afternoon session
consisted in a short address 'by the County
Superintendent, in nick lie slated the object
of the meeting was to gire different methods of
instruction, and fo impress upon the minds of
teachers the importance of employing those
best calculated to prepare their pupils for the
duties of active Ids ; au exercise in which mem
bers of the Institute were required to give .
proofs and practical demonstration, by the use
of a globe, of ririons phenotnna's connected
with the earth, sher which questions were pro
pared and assigned for discussion. .
Called to order at i o'clock,. when the tines
liens prepared were answered and disenTA
Miss D. D. Wheat road au interesting essay
entitled "Life is reaL" A. TAilley an ad
dress, biking "Habit" as the subject.
TCTESbAY monNixo toascunc
Called to order at D o'clock. First Exeriaise—
Jliackboard demonstrations of common frac
tious, by members 'of the Institute. Second-L-
Prof. J. W. Shoemaker; of Philadelphia, was
introduced, and presented. his 'views as to the
importance of elocutionary training in such a
manner as to force &mviction upon the minds
of-all present, aftr which "Forty
years ago."
Fractional i.'._tercisea continued
Prof. Shoemaker made some gonemlremarks
on `Penmanship," and then proceeded to ex
plain the principles of Ids system, after which
h read "On the shores of Tennessee" and
Opened with prayer and reading a portion of
scriptnro, Lc INN. H. Bruce. ,
EB.say by Mier Ruby !Alley, entitled " EdiV
. Rev. P. 11. Tower deliVerial a lecture on
" 4001 government,' which was runekappro
ilated by the atuliende, and designe4 to be of
M•umit to tf:achers. J. W. Shoemaker read "Orator ruff,"
•• Scott and the Veteran," and "Tim timack - a
bawd' in suet a manner as 'to satisfy th,
Id'' exact critic
:101INZ•.:(3 SEMION
'lletil.;ious exorcises were conducted by
P. 11. Tuiver.
A few general remarks were made by key.
Tower on grammar, after which A. A. Keeney
gare'his.nint hod of treating the snbject.....
Prof. Shoemaker entertained the teachers on
'• Thin relation of reading and conversation to
pubhe addrem," premmting math• practical
Keeney peer piseKedil lein s pnetrethins
of itie princiPee cd. 4 . 1 4 1 * goll y tthlclE be ra
itiembeioi' Institute= to raj**
lebiebt "Compound Proportion" 'mu! taken'
> .
up in sjudielernanner::: - •
r;ProVlDebiniekei again took up 'etooaiton,
giving an exition• of, the dithrions and gib
!lidded, when by reqeeitte
read The "Farm-yard Song.' • 'e
isEssuor. ;
Devotional er.oreises were conaneted by Ber
Vrof. EL P...l3avicerarincipal of r banton Grad-.
13I1` San '.l4dayer,ea•lectaie 'on " Haw lie ,
rod," which presented Seep thorlght, and
thorough'preparation. • •
CoL Thunderbolt, \I Ployd's Light
lingoved Artillery,' being introduced delivered"
aliurlesque speech on "Southern Chivalig
of course it "brought down the bane,"
Prof. Shoemaker then: read, in hIS \ free and
natural style, "No Gal," "No sect in 'Heaven,"
and "The Ghost." - • ' - - •
Devotional exeMises ware conducled hy+.l l
&P. Barker. -
trot Barker addressed the teachers on the
"Rebalm snatabacd by. Principal and Aside.
ants:: • •
Prof. Shoemaker continued Lis theme—Elo
Supt. Heaney denfoustrated cube root and
other mathematical principles.
The necessity of thorough, systematical
training in intellectuol arithmetic was forcibly
presente4 by Prof. Barker, followed by Sept.
Supt. Keeney gave practical demonstrations
of Wzatheniatical and geometrical progression.
' The Institute decided to hold its next session
at Canton.
Prof. Barker made a few Well-timed remarks
on the importance of teachers understanding
phrenology, physiognomy and physiology, in
connection, so as to properly discern the really
predominant facultip of their pupils, and thus
be prepared to do the teachers work more sup
sessfully than is possible to with Out.
Prof. Shoemaker continued his elocution.iry
Prof. Shoemaker rendered the following
"readings" with satisfaction to a highly appre
ciative andience : '
"Thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians
"Over the River," "Baty LeolandWillie Gray,"
"The Battle of Lookout Mountain," "First ap
pearance in type," "Cassius' instigation of
Brutus and Cmsar," "Sam Weller's Valentine,"
"Will the new year come to-night," "Sheri
dan's Ride," and "Darius Green and his Flying
. _
Sept. Keeney took up the analysis of senten
ces presented by members of the Institute.
A. T. Linu, king E. Tabor and Emma A.
Peckham were appointed al) committee on res
Prof. Shoemaker continued the subject of
- Austin Leonard demonstrated cube root.
Prof. 11.. H. Button gavo a few practical ideas
concerning grammar.
'F.Pro.f. Shoemaker again took up elocutionary
analysis and primary instruction, after , which
ho read "Nobody's Child;' and by request,
" ThaSmack at School."
Prof. Button interested the Institute by re
marks out "Geography" and, "Composition
Writing."„ •
The committee on resolutions made the fol
lowing report which waaaccepted and adopted:
Resolced, That teach Ors who fail to attend
teachers' institutes or other edmiational gath
erings are recreant to the best interests of the
Resolved, That in Prof. J. W. Shoemaker, of
Philadelphut, we have an elocutionist who is
thoroughly practical in his teaching and emi
nently. proficient in institute work, therefore
we desire to have our county superintendent
secure his attendance at the session of the In
stitute to be held at Canton next year.
Resoired, That it is with gryttitude we tender
our thanks to Supt. A. A. Keeney for making
this session of the Institutes -one of the
best ever held in this part of the county.
-Resolved, That we feel to express our appre
ciation of the valuable thought presented by
the lecturers and instructors who have been
with us during this session.
Resolged, That the 'kindness and hospitality
with which the people of Granville Center have
entertained nit during our stay with them, will
be placed with - our pleasant memories of the
at•El(Rta SESSION.
Essay by Miss Mary E. Tabor; subject,
On motion-of A. T. Lilley, decided to solicit
copies of the essays read during the Institute
for publication in the county papers.
Prof. IL.H. Hutton, Principal of the Troy I
Graded School, on being introduced, delivered
an interesting lecture on "Aims of the teacher
and systems of trenching." .
Prof. Shoemaker rendered the following
readings : "The Vigabonds," "Dull= versus
Doatam," and,'` Your mission."
During the various session murk: was dig- -
pensed in Buell a pleasing variety as to be
highly acceptable to all present. The evening
scansions were well attended: by the citizens of
the place. Closed with the Doxology.
Sept. 2:3,70. A.l'. LELLET, .'‘eerettley.
LOST.—In this borough on Monday
tact, a gold braelet. The tinder will be re
warded on leaving it at this office.
Vir Go to 111n4...J. D Hu-Cs, oil
Bridge street, next door ti the Red, White and
Btne atere, for your Millinery Goods.
Vir ASPINWALL tir, BALDWIN. are now
prepared to put in Gas Pipes and furnish ti: -
tare lof at kind.
themselves on the excellent quality of the:r
flour, and we know frotu experlence tint they
have a right to.
BEir It would be to the interest of
alt to get their Wail Paper at CAIALsa Book
Store, an lie trims it free of charge.' He is now
receiving a tine addition to his stock.
Soar• B. A. PrrrE.s & Co. would. re
spectfcaly.invitv the attention of tha Ladies of
Towanda and vient;ty. to their Opining . or
Millinery Goods, on fiaturdts OetnlKT, 1,187 d.
PIIINNEY, at the old stand of
8. T. DECIMII, has now on exhibition some
the fiucet furniture wo have errs nem 1.
alsoltas a large - aesortment of common
Stir Do you know the reason why
the Singer Hewing Machine Company sell
more machines than any other? 'Because it
is simple, sewn very fast and roue easy, and
dots a great variety or work. Remember that
every machine we Fell is warranted. All the
company ask is a trial for the Improwd
'Singer. •
MVCABE & Mix still beep
full supply of seasomibie groceries at the most
liberal prices. They have received the new
crop of green and black teas, pure Java and
Itio coffees, the best fish, and the purest spi
ces." Their family . flour is the best Made in ,
this country. In fact everything in their store
is A No. 1, and they warrant every article just
as represented.
star ROSENFIELD'S clothing store
should he skated by every one, whether in
want of anything in the clothing lineror not.
It will pay you jatt t. call in and see Lis inl
-moose stock. of fine clothing. His - motto,
"quick sales and small profits," is rigidly ad
hered to, and we rawer heard of any ono com
plaining that they didn't get the worth of their
money when they bought their goodsof flosss-
Stir A Now Piano Forte Music
Store attracts the attention of residents and
strangers. Col.; Paas►os & Co. have opened
rooms iu the second 'story Or, PATTON'S block,
where they have displayed the finest . assort
ment of instruments—Pianos, Vrgaus,
ans—ever before placed 'on sale in our town.
All, whether wishing to buy or not, should call
and see them. The instruments are all fine in
tone and . beautiful 'in finish. The musical
ability of one of the members of the new firm.
together with the business energy of the other
members, will give them front rank in their
business. By their facilities they offer great
opportunities for those wishing good inittru
wilts at reasonable priers.
It hatt,liehsaltAti! Very notice--
. able hat that With. beat- dressed-young men
in tbikiiinpa and vicinity ,bny'.t,heli.c.loddnkf
,!r,tm4a.,h, Ciessi:,,Yon;marisee heti* of '*4 - ;
listi,.*Old l 4# l o• l o l rof 49. 11 4. 3 " if 4tte.:
their counters, and sir cutter, - lir. -- tU . *l p!tt'i;
is'alwayaabutts 'sa a:loce. It isich4nora
Pieligant-t°loo.)!J,P;:itell tO*,l#ltutiblistt-
Ment Agit ittftiime - and get' i' into
suit of clothesthen to be compelled to 'Send off
ti the city, and not- know..vrhat you ; fare going
to have. ' Meists. - Tenon it ipknii; .the
best quality of clothes, and's° fir have gleint
the best satisfaction., establishment
ie a necessity in a tomi as large'as ours, and
should be liberally patronised. • -
COUGHS AND CoLes.-L-During the
wet, changeable seukaons of 'fail and Winter,
when throat and lung diseases are so frequent,
persons should bear in mind thi3 importance of
promptly arresting their progress by using the
'proper reekelliei; The "Menem:Ai' Who' die"an
ntially of consumption were first attacked with
what Huerthouglit to ordtsoilightcough - nr
-cold 011'ilie"breast, and erroneously belicvinj
4t would wear itself off, neglected the proper
remedies until their disease terminated' in con-
a tion and death. . •.: •
noson'a Compound Syrup of Tat* never
&ban tiring the worst cases of coughui; colds,
hoarsen ,ca tarrh on the breast, sore throat
and as
.: ;It is' sak, infallible notiody for
whooping-co cl(t., •Itis no private' quacleprep 7
aration, being repared ander the immediate
im t
perrislon ITh
of a radnate of e Pennsylvania
Medical College, d prescribed by some of the
leading physicians i the - United States. It 1$
strictly a acientille r ation, containitkg • all
the medical virtues of t e Pine Treo Tar in a
concentrated form, combiktod with • the best
demulcents and .expecforan s. known to the
profession. Price sq cents p , bottle. Sold tut
P. W. " Diu:in.:es Drug Store,. Owanda, and
KEELED Z:, VAnouni's Drug Star Wyalusiug
Russr.m, A: LANDIS, Proprietors o I' . delptda. si
,ArA.A.R.TED. ;
CRAWN—GMGGS.—In Wry!, sox. &pi: 14, 870;
by Rey. H. J. Crane, Jackson Crams and )tips
Emma Griggs, both of Standing Stone. N
HUNT—WESCOTL—At the bride's home, Sei;:
• 25, 1870, by Rev. D. Personens, Enderson
'Hunt; of Nichols, N.Y., and Miss Martha
Rnot, of Litchfield, Ps.
HYDE.—In West rittston, Luzern() minty;
Sept. 8,1870 , After an illness of one hour;
. John J. Hyde, formerly of this county.
E17101111EY.:—On tho ramming of Sabbath;
Sept: 25, 1870, Laura IL, wife of the fate
James D. Ifttmlwey, of this place,. aged
52 years.
YOUNG.—On the 3d instant, in Warren, WI
Nathan Young, Sr—. tr the: - 83d year' of
Mr. Young was born in New Grantham, (now
Plainfield) New Hampshire. His first visit to
Bradford county was in the spring of 1814. The
country then was for the most part a dense
forest, and brit little to attract the attentiort of
settlers. The soil, however, had been pro.;
nounced good, and though requiring great
bor to prepare it properly for cultivation, yet
to one of Mr. Young's vigorous constitution of
body, and determined purpose of mind, the
labor in question Was nothing, and espeCially
where the prospect of success was so certain,
And accordingly ho chose ground for a honk
-stead and at once took measures to prepare it
for his occupancy as a married man. Having
this done horepaired to Verratuit to fulfil, as it
would oppear, an engagement proviouslymade,
for onlbis returning te 'Warren in the spring of
1816, ho trought with him a bride, and with
whom it was his privilege to live happily and
prosperously 51 years, being separated only by
his recent death. Ur: Y. was a good citizen,
and his endeavor was' ever to do right. In all
the relations of life it was his aim to bo faithful,.
and it is believed that he in the main was sn&
cessful. As a christian parent, especially, his
example and practice acre not without their
influence on his children. Of the three sons
and three dorighefrs loft behind to mourn his
all arc witlinj the pale of the church, and
of the - sons, two *le spiritnal officers of the
same. And is • Mr. Young fired as he died.
'• The sting of death " was entirely taken away.
The day before his death the writer conversed
freely with him as to his " hopes , beyond the
grave," and on leaving him ho was heard toi
express himself in dhitinct language, "Death
his no Jolters." "Mark the perfect man and
'behold the upright, for the end of that man is
peace." ,
• 'De - Books posted and accounts
balanced. Ilefereuces if desired. Address
Boon-KcErEn, Towanda. r.
ItEn Atm Co.u..—R. M. WELLINIms
iliSt rOtTiVtli a 1 , :!Oply Of lied Ash Anthracitic,
U on t, aw l tt isIICY ; : ur 'F.ovancht houstweiwrg to
Z _ ,
price paid, for all
kinds of Fara:vex -'r•.Qnrr, at the Ih•d White k
Mlle 'Store.
Second-hand Sewing Machines
for sale at a bargain by Wickham
Also, Machine .Needlc, , , Oil, Thread, Silks,
Sc., .s:c. ' April 2A, 1870-11'.
Mr' We guarantee satisfaction in
all the work we do. We cut, make, and trim
clothing for men and boys wear,
B. HA 111:1s &,Cll,
4 Bridge-Street. Towanda, Pa. ,
Se - A Second-hand Top Wagon,
with pole anti shafts, moping gear nrarly pew,
for sale at STPLEN's Carriage Faehir:, 7 9 price,
$1.40. z Sept. 22,10-ff
Fon SALE.—One span of Matched
Day Horses, 5 years old,
_good team or road
horses, weight 100)) pounds
Enn:o, Sept. 21;7041
te - HENnr }Wins, Merchant Tai
lor, Bridge btruet.
M. - TAYLOR & GORE, Merchant Tai
Da. Great reduction in Teas at the
neo whim N. Bine Store, Bridge St.
Teas, Coffees and Spices &
Groceries generally, cheaper than the cheapest,
at the Red White k'illne Store.
• •
Va.. Your choice of the.very best
TOW, for 1,35 per lb. at the Red hit°
19e... Goods delivered to all parts
free lied IV4ito AS;
Sell sour Butter, Eggs etc., at
the Red White foul Blue Stori•.
Cash paid for 'Grain at the
lied White and Moe Store, Midge St. I owanda.
Bfl.tatuALL tlil.w .x.
i- Mrs. SNYDER & Co., Dress
Sinkers, over KcEGEu ' S grocery store,.llridge
street. The latest styles of patterns received
weekly from New York. Work done on reason-
Ole tenni; and on short notice. 5ep.29.44:0
NuricE.—Upon all •accounts duo
late firm of Loo t timers rein:tieing mask
tied after Oct. 10, collection will be enforced.
Those intercoted. will please take notice and
save costs. ‘7ll. J. LONG.
a. 'W. Drrrraeifs Music Store,
st of Merenr's Bank, tirsi door, where Ton
will find Pianos, Melodeons, Organs,,
Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Aeccirdeon
eks, Flutes, Sheet Music, Instruction Books, for
all Instruincuts, Music Books and all kinds lof
Musical Merchandise. , April 11, "10!
Satz Gut tr.—Two Horse Fewer on • Wheels,
with 'Thresher and Cleaner, Se.., ,• all complete
and ready for use. Wilt be exchanged for a
Tatum team -horse or for good time, notes:
bee ItErourra or A rtpss for the past two wens.
Towanda, Sept. G,770. R. X'
i* Security, Fire Insurance Coni
piety; N.Y. ' Assetto V.,017,869 81. For a policy
in this reliable and sate companv.eall on . •
JN.). W. RIX, Agent,
Towanda, 14.
Oflice 3tvucutia new - block; north tittle of
Public Square.
_ No. 1. MEnckt's BLGCS.---GLOVIS AT.
ItnAmrr informs her patrons that she has plat
received from Europe a supply of Journali
Gloves, which she can oiler at *1,50 at retail. .
Also Shawls and Darks in Lama end Chnmy
Lace. ' •
Miss Datum calls ORpecial attention to her
fashion platen and patterns. She regularlvie
(vises the Berlin "Razor" (the original of tar
per's), as. well as the Paris ".Ifoniteur /lea
A lino stock of the latest 11at.4 and Bonn
always on hand - . May 4, 1870—tf.
Tb by
o mot, -the
csiciadeloui, arseßizig goad fioneat tho
tit ossible stook ht,NoftWvw et memos
athen p tagesklittreedy mute" for the
1 0 1Pfflor who ll /All o *bat: sispfdies . eon
sewers "ph itqterol•wheirtertot article or
'fresh ippoeldiesileeenateirattesotheakee
• ribudeptetfbr the ,210 h. '3,Ver - 1a
Jlooadiblztorolk aro herb* the Mee
prices - 030We it 1111 'time sell
J*2l3, MO:
D : ..1.
.1 beg leave to inform my old . friends, and the
r i nt i dil u anaritite. tbst time opened A NEW
and respectfully invite- an- inspection of my
goods and prices. -As my stock has been prtr
-chased entirely for. CASH, and as _I, pupae) .to
sell for READY, PAY.-I feel 'confident that my
prFes Will coMparo .favorably, with apT what.
hutment fn-tbe 'oonntty. -
'I have paid particular attention'to the- eel co
tion of Gnoruplititess, and warrant them PURL
-. My assortment of TEAS is
_complete, and.
ranges in prices from - SIXTY CENTS to ONE
to order, and sohlat the lowest tnee. - Give me
Towandii,luly . ll, 1870. I
1820., MONTANUS- - 1870.
Conatantiy on band and' arriving; seasonable
goods of every satiety. dot:amain and foreign
manufactures. bode bought exclusively on
the cash'system and sold at a correspondMgly
low figure. Going out of thisliardware 'trade;
*re offering a lot of goods in that line at aston-
Way- lbw - rates. Great bargains for. builders
and contractors. • -
U411130. - r.-11eur*. Taylor dr.-Gard• have open
ed, hi connection with their Clothing Btore, a
Tailoring Dep artment ; and having secured the
services of a first•elass cutter" and competent
workmen, they are now prepared to .malte up
work in the best style and latest fashions to or.
der. IlsNuat receivedte new. and fresh
stockefelo they are prepared to offer bet.
ter indubemen a than ever before offered in To.
'wands. The public will find it to their advan
'tage to give us' a call before buying - chewhere.
Remember we warrant our work and guarantee
'good fits. Repairing done on abort notice.
March,l2,, 1870. • • .
• 091-The Bradford Co. Teacher's In
stitnte hoklithree sessions of a week each,tlie
present selitrol year, as follows: Beginning at .
Granville Centro Sept. 19th ; at Towanda Sept.
2tlth, and at Leßaysville Oct 3rd; commencing
on Monday at 2 o'clock r. m. at each placo"and
osing on the following Friday. It is hoped
that teachers will make every endeavor to be
present at ono of the sessions, as those Who ,
shon\a proper zeal in trying,to elevate the two..
fession,by attendirig to all convenient opportn
nities fOr self-improvement should be preferred
to those Who do not. • -
The Instructors engaged and other details
will be annenneed In doe time.
I . '
• Ma. Choice\ Mackerel, only one
shilling per pound, at M. J...l,oxn's.
Juno 16, 1870. \
ser " sea Moss F,ariuo " for Pud--
dings and Custards, for salp by
inne 16, 1870.
lEN.Burnett'a celetralca flavorinr ,
extraetg, for sale by, J. Loco.
June 16, 1870.
ice. Crackers manufactured, daily.
and for sale wholesale and retail, at tlaetakerv,
.I*t dour north of Ward House.
March 30.1870. D. W. Soorr
\ New Advertisements.
\ OE THE Lopor. ov TUE
I. O. "s, OF G. T.
in this place, would announce that they have engag
ed the following named lecturers:
Subject —•• To Thu IttNeue
Sub;Gat—••Thr Lost Art,."
Subject—•• After Lark iu Nov York
Soltit,t -I. Carious Contrasts. Old
The dates npon which the leggures well be deliv
ered, bate not yet been fixed, but will be announced
when they iwr.
Adruhotion NI cents. Reserved Seals 75 cents.
Ncason TieleatA, entitling holder to reamed arat,
Jolts F. 515r0r.n....0.N.
CITAIILE. , L. R. 1 .
and J. \V. VArTyii., Committee
S,pt. 15, IS7O.
L. L. 310,,DY
This Institution has Just been thoroughly repaired
and improved, and, will be reopened
REPTJUIBER G. 1870. under the charge of O. IV.
Ryan and E. E. Quinlan, Associate Principals, who
Rill devote their entire time to instructing in The
various departments and to 4 the general mg. vision
and management of ,the sehooL They will be as
sisted by excellent and experienced teachers in all
the departments.
The courses of instruction are Preparatory. and
Graduating 'English, Normal, Commercial, Scientific
Classical and. Ornamental.
_ The Preparatory is designed to thoroughly (pal.
ify the imudier pupils for the studies of the raiglish
Graduating Course, irhich comprises all acsulemic
studies, languages excepted. •
The first year of this course completed, they can
enter either of the other courses. The Normal
course affords thorough instruetion in COmtoon
School studies and Theory and Practical:if Teaching.
Students in the Commercial Departments • have all
the advantages of the best commercial schools in
addition to thorough drill in necessary academic
The Monti& Course in addition to the studies of
the Graduating English. French and German. COM'
prises special instruction in the Sciences Illustrated
by an excellent collection of Apparatus recently pro.
The first two yeats of the Classical Course are in
tended to prepare students well for College; the
third year to fit for, adisuced classes in College or
to combine classics With a epeeist/ course in the Sci
The Oruarnentali Modern Lauvagcs, Music,
-- ill be taught by • —.tent'
Drawing and Paintltg.wi
Board and rooms'ttre provided in the Institute.
For further particUlara addrosit
Associate Principils.
Krum, FOX, Prestacjit Board Trustees.
mANstuax, non oausn. pa.
Fall Term begins September 7th, 1870.
Winter Term begins December 12th, 1870.
Spring Term begins Mach 27th. 1871,
For catalogues or aditdiudon, address
CIUS. 11. reami,
lluneileltOuly 20,1870. Principal
MRS. S. M. WATTS , would re
/V 1 specifitUy inform the public that aim ie nom,
prepared to do all kinds of
ltekdonic near .indgo Pinsoss* • Pashiun Plates
received monthly.
Bent. 22,10. • • ! .
OR SALE.:—Mi, House and Lot,
on Pine eimoct is offered for sale at a tiargalii.
For further particulars enquire on the iireinises.
Sept. 72.'R0. -31:31AA MAIM.
Oats, Putter. Eggs, and all hinclS of country.
produce by FOX & MEIICUR.
Figh, Codllxh and Herring,.
A. A. Knatuy,
Co. Supt
M. J. Loxo
4 41tbject—
Su' , ;rct—
and Our TiIIICA
(Fifth District)
.-,~ ri ~ ~ .-
toptatti •Ar
a -
4 4.1 • '
'• - '
Adt attention - CO=
the attest! ot thiAlt4ie
- • tf. _••
to their ezteauttrearoes _ :
. ,
• ,
autitiAGE GOODS,
- -
RiclitirunAL ThiPLEBIENTS, -
• • • - • tLe;
Which in variety and 'cheapness is unexcelled in
liorthern Pennsylvania. Wei quote a few pricer only
Its @bow ;Or goods are Boast this time, suti while
ljble to change,' an 'Pap ell at the icryloirest
1 per cant. a month added to accounts of over4o
days standing. . .
Nails, per kegild'nnd up • $4 50
4.311a55, per box, Bxlo _ - •2 85
Cr4ss, per box, 10x12 • • 310
Glum, per b0x,..14(16 • 3%5
Linseed 011, per ,gallon.: 1 10
Al Factory rates.
Always on baud.
W i t4l3lW'4oo:W. - CdOgko
St 9 14 . 0 3. P° 0 E 1 .1 ' 'O. o.E
cl3 ..4 t 9t im e: "Fri L 5 n e° " 0 ' •M 4
c 0 =et no - - 6 -..-4 E . 5 . 5 .
rtt ~ 0 ti" g sb la,‘ "0 0 p S" , tt., 74 P
EA Per "S ~ ' 5.:* 0 rs- --- .ts
e. p, , r 5 n . tilw
'. 1 4. § or,
5 era • -I% R.
..... .4 . , o
»r at ••
5 -. ed '
Delivered tree on cars at low rates for easy
Pore. lined and Gem Fruit Jars,
Q. at $2 per doien, $23 per gross
2 Qt& $2 fo per dozen, $29 per gross
CIDER MILLS $25 to $45
• .
.1 • •o
• 1. 4 0 . o n . . - e
1 7 h 1 I
e b
°A - 1 . c... ;74 :::, • 0
tzi a: C.? ..
V • it . n
9 'B,
RR ~...,
c). • 6
v. \ ..1 7
: \ -
And farudug tools iu 61,
Good Steel Knives au d Forks :it One
. Dollar)per 4t \ ..
Universal Wringers, Benel9Wingers,
Novelty Wringers, Doty's Wash- .
ors, Brass Kettles, Porcelain
Kettles, Tinware,
'Wooden Ware,
We sell the 11113111 fork -t itinves; Itazers. tihears,
and Bilges-plateeware because we keep the largest
assortment of any here.
Kerosene Oil Lithe barrel at 28 cts.
• per gallon.
Dupont's powder by the keg $3 50
Itille 6 5U
A %cloy for
: Not oiceltid, if rqualle , l by aby They always
In great vrtnk•ty
. .
Boring : Machines,
. - Haines, . .
Anvils, .
. 'Vises, " •
We incite tho attention of builaers to oursuperio:
mock of
As well as to our dotretes Pare, kind:dor, and °the:
reliable brands of
Wagon Blakent and Calilags Builders would do
well to visit us. Ws have Philadelphia flub, Jersey
Spoken, Fins Axles, Feboss, Springs, Thils, /cc.
Oak spokes, 21 in. :list. set
2 1 in.
2 in "
We have.,
800 T
- Pistols of all kinds always on band.
St. Germain Student Lamps, Church
Chandeliers; Gas Fi.xtures, Gas
Pipe, Pumps, Iron Sinks,
Burdens Horse
1 Shoes.
National Horse Nails by the Los,
at 22 . eta per pannil:
HouseS fitted withlias Pipe, Fix
tures, Heaters, &e., &e., oti, short
TOWSIO3, Sept. 15, 1870.
raga -
- LANATlON.— enact efAlsetribli
of ► Pelmaylynnba,m4lllol raw
acittenaing tetieteriecernte of thhietninumntealtku
Ithealtinlnedtiguarminto give iiuhllessettas Of such
ehistion.tolm hald.. l and .• abio.o4.otualierallbm.
inch tuition Whit ofilortir are eleefeda, J. Y.
-VAIIFIZET, High Sheriff of,tho ctiuntY Of Bradford ,
r do hereby mate - Imam andativeziettee to the electors
of old ccanst6 on TUESDAY; the 11th 104=0.
Ell. 1870, to the . several dtstrlcia In aald„ceunty,
In Albs bormigh; sit the
house occ upied
by•D.P..lClutpw •'' ~ . • ..
In Albany, at the school bongo sear Wm. Balm'.
In Aolum, at the ached hove near B. Decker's.
In Athena borough, at the house formerly oompl.
4417148: 2dathewean; •e .
/n Athaulatoile , at the Sense formerly occupied by
B. Hunt, in Athens bores. *t.
born', at the-house formerly csru
- In Burlington tsp., at the bonne of- dits:Wilcoz. ; •
In Burlington Islet, at thb haw of Ezra Godard.
In Baralay at the school bonne. - • ' . , •
In Canton•borte„ atthe Cardral Bonier. ' • • ,
In CantotlttvP4 at the hotels formerly by
13. Wyersits Carrion berough. ,, •
at house of Jas. Morgan: -
In Prankihiat the' house' tow.ocoupled -"by S. S.
ImOnunille, at the house of Beal. Y. Taylor.:
- In Garrick el the selicol house near Datil& Du
bs I..elblynille at. the horse formerly ocolt.
pied by J. It Bietcbet. '
. Tnidlebtleld, lathe totem formerly occupied by'
Colley, at the Centre school bonus. • •
In Monroe tarp., at the house formerly isxuredhy
lk R. Itorkwell. , ' .
In Monroe bore, at the house formerly Occupied -
by Ethel Taylor. • . • " •
.In Orwell, at the house of Francis Woodruff. -
In Overton, at school hbuin No. 2.
In PMe, at the house of Traver Bosworth. -•
Inltornetwp.. at the Academy fp &Mir boro - .1 •
In Boma bore', at the Academy.. ;I.
• In Ridglearyist the home of Bent . Hermans;
In Sheshequio, at the Valley Blouse. •• • ' . •
In Springfield. at the bowie formerly occuided by
Jesse Hammond. • • •
In Standing Stone, at the home of Simon Stevens.
Iu Smithfichl, at the house-formerlyoccupied by,
Jerould. '
- In Sylvania bore', at the house of Curtis Merritt: •
"In South Creek, atrthe honk, of 0:13. COO. • -
In Terry, at the house of JaCob Frutrhy.
In Towanda bore', at the Grand Jury Itoom. •
• In TowanitStwp., at the school house near IL L.
Scott's. I
In Towanda north. at the house of S. K.
• - In Troy, tarp:, at the housoof Long in. Troy
In Troy bore', at the home of V. M. Long. •
Ili Tuscarora, at the school house near Jas. Black's.
- In Ulster, at the house of S. B. llolcolm. - .." -
In Warren, at the house of B. Cooper., • r
In Whadloun, at the house et B. "Rato:alit •
In Wyalnaing. at the imposer J. B. Black. • •
In Wilmot, at the house of A.. 1. Stone. • •
In Wpm:, at the house formerly ecbupled by 1. H.
In Wells, 'at the house 0f.1... Seeley. -
At which time and place the electors aforesaid will
elect by ballot
One person for Itepreeentatire in the UMW Con.
gross, from the Xilith District. ;Composed of the
counties of Bradford, 3lontour, Wyoming, Columbia
and Sullivan.
One person for Additional Law Judge of tbWl.lth
Judicial District, composed of tbeconnties'of Brad
lord and Susquehanna.
Two,Persons to represent the counties of Bradford
and Sullivan in the House or Irepresentatives of
One person for Cotinty Coremissionerfor the coon.;
ty of Bradford. •
Ono - person for Jury Conimissioner.ler. the-County
of Bradford. -
One person for Auditor of the county of Bradford.
And io and by baitt act, I am further-directed to
give notice'•thstatiy person excepting justice 'of
the peace who shalt head any Entice or profit and
trust under the government of the United States or'
this State. or of any incorporated district. and also
that every He aber of Congress and of the .Leffisla.
tore, awl the select and commou council of any city
or commissioners of any incorporated district, is by
law incapable of holding or exercising at the same
time the office oi • appointment Of Indge,-Inspector
or. lerk of an eleceiou of this Commonwealth, and
that no Inspector or other officer of any Such elec
tion shall be then eligible to any office then to be
sorted for.
llyathilth section of an act passed the Ist day of
April:lBln, it Is provided "that the Itth section of
au act'Panned 1563, entitled An att relating
to the elections of this Commonwealth.'" shall nob
be construed so as to prevent. any military officer
from serving as ;fudge, Inspector or Clerk, any
general or special election of this Commonwealth.
An Act to change the time of closing the
. polls at
the General and Township elections
e in th e county of
Thu General Eleetion in all the Wards, To:Vit.:hips,
Districts and Boroughs of the county is to be opened
between the bourn of six and ,even o'clock In the
forenoon, and shall continue without interruption
or adjournment until seven ticket in the eventing,
when all polls - shall be clo.:ed.
A further Supplement to the • Election lows of
Witunzas, By the act of the Congress of the Unit
ea States entitled "Ate Act-to amend the several acts
heretofore) passed to provide for the enrolling and
calling out:the National forces, and for other purpos
es" and approved March tnird. one thousand eight
hundred and sitxtydlye: alrpersons who have desert
etlthe military or naval service of the United States,
and who have not been discharged, or relieved from
the penalty. or disability therein provided. are &TM
cd, au:lb:ken, to have v oltiotarily relinquished; and
fo;filted their rights of eititeuship. and are deprived
of exercising any-rights of citizens -thereof :
And whereas. Pereens not citizens of the Tinted
States aro not, Under the • Constitution fael Lines of
Pennsylvania; qualified sectors of (thy Cc:nano:l
- : - • - •
Seems L Br if enaded by the Senatana house
Ilepramtatires of Ike Cc.noannwealth rye „Penneyl
taala fu I;enesed Assembly met, and it cis keri;Ly enact : .
ell by (he aleharitY tf the same. That in all elections
hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, it shall
be unlawful for the judge or inspector' of the elec
tion to receive any ballot or ballots from any person
or pereowsembrated in the provisions, and • subject
to the disability imposed by said act of Congmas
pravrd Mareli 3, Dee, and it shall Sae unlawful for
any finch person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots.
SzeTroe 2. That If any such judge and inspectors
of election or any one orthem shall recciva, or eon.
woo to receive, any such unlawful ballot or: ballots,
from any such disqualified person, he, or they, so of
fending, shall be guilty of a meedemeimor, and upon
conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of
this Commonwealth, ho shill, for any such. offence,
be sentenced to pay a line of not less than ;Pal, and
undergo an Imprisonment. In the jail °t - tile: proper
county, for not less than 60 clays.
SEctION 3. That if any person deprived of citizen
ship, and dimple:tied as aforesaid, shall at any elect
hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth,
vote or tender to the officers thereof, and offer to
vote a - ballot, or ballots, any person so offending
shall be deemed guilty of a misdetueunor, and on
conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions
of this Conmionwealth, shall: for each offence, be
pnnishcal In like manner ea is provided in thd preyed
tug section of MN act. in the case of officers of elec
receving such unlawful ballot and ballots.
Sr:crime: Thht If any.person shall hereafter per,
suede or advise any petson or persons deprived of'
citizenship, and disqualified its aforesaid to oireany
ballot or ballots, to the officers of any
after te be held In this Commonwealth,: or shell per
suade or advise any such officer to receive toy ballot
or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship,
and disqualilled as eforesati, , sueb person so offend
ing shall be' guilty of a misdeme,anor, and upon con
viction thereof, in any court of quarter se - set:out of
thin Commonwealth. shall be punished in like man
ner as is provided in the second section of this act,"
In the case of officers of Mich election, "reeeiving
such unlawful ballot pr ballots.
By an'ket of Assembly of 'March flu, Itifie. entitled
an Act regulating the,roode of voting at all elections,
in the several counties of this Commonwealth, it is
enacted at:follows :
Sr.tertoe":l, ii enacted by the Nenat" and House
liepresenlatires of the o.anmontealth. of Pebrysyl.
t:nnta In General Assembly met, and it is hereby enact
ed by the authority of Use recite, That the qualified
vot e rs elf the several eonnttes of this _Commonwealth
at all general township. borZugh, and special eke
time:, are hereby, hereafter authorized and required
to vote by tickets printedor written. severally classi
fied no follows : One ticket shall embrace the names'
of all judges Of court to be voted for, and to he la
beled, outside, -judiciary:, one ticket shall embrace
the names of all state officers to be voted for and be
,labelled "state:" one ticket shallembrace then:trues
-of all county officers voted for, including office of
senator. member, and members of assembly,ll voted
for. and members of congresa, voted for, and be
labelled ' , county:" one ticket shall -emb - ince the
unrar4 of all township officers voted for, and be la
beled otownship;" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all borongli untrue voktl for. and shall be
labelled "borough," and eni:h class shall be deposit
ed in separate ballot-boxes.
Election officers aro authorized anti commanded to
strictly observe the provisions of the Registry Law
ranged by the Senate and Ilortse of Representatives
of this. Commonwealth, on-the 17th day of April.lB63-
' ExEctrrivE
. oam - ram, . 1
' Pa., Aug. 27, 1870.. j
To the (busty Conam Winners and Sheriff of (8.. County
Witt.T.L.t.a,. The Fifteenth Amendment of the Con
stitution of -the United States is as follows: r.
SECTION 1. The right of citizens of the Unitdd
States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the
- United States, or by any State, on accountrof race,
color, or previous maditrou of servitude."
Fir.criorr it. The Congress shall have power to en
form thin article by appropriate legislation." .
And Whirens, The Congress of the United States,
otithe.3lst day of March, UM,passed an act, enti
tled “An Act to enforce the right of citi:ens of the 2Tnit
ed States to rote in the pn.inni Slate: of this (Wen, and
for other fkurpos , l." the first and second sections of
which areas follows: •
$1 00
3 50
3 00
•1ir...7r10s 1. Ik . it ennetea bn the Senate and' lionise' of
Reprennantire2 of the, United Stater of America is Con
grlSl elsPrtnUor, That all citizens of the United States,
who arc, or shall be otherwise • qualified by law to
vote at any election by the people, tit any Eitate. Ter
ritory, district, county, eity b parisl4township, school
district, municipality, or other territorial sub-divio.
Jed, Shall be entitled and allowed to rote at all such
elections, without distinction of race, color, or pre.
Nions condition or survitudd ; any Constitution, law,
custom, usage, or regnlation of any State or Terri
tory, or by, or under its authority, to the contmy
Sec nos 2, As& he it furilwr enacted, That if by
or nailer sfuthority of the Constitution or laws of
any Slide, or the laws of any Territory.,..any act in or
shall he required to be done as a prerequisite or,
qualification for voting, and by such Constitution or,
laa., persons or officers itio or shall be charged with`,
the performance of duties in furnishing to citizens
an opportunity to perform such prerequislle, or to
become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty Of every
such person and officer to give to all citizens of the
United States, the same and equal 'oppoilenlty to
perform such prerequisite, -and to become qualified*
to vote without distinction of race, color, or prmiems
condition of servibato ; and if any such 'person or
officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full ef
fect to this section, ho shall, for every such offence,
forfeit and pay the anus of five hundred dollars to
the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an
fiction on the case, with . full costa and such allow
snort for counsel tees as the court - shall deem just,
and shall also, for every such offence, be deemed
guilty of a Misdemeanor, and. shall an conviction
thereof, be fined not lbs. than five hundred dollars,
'or be imprisoned not 'lees than' one toting* and not
snore than one yeSr, or both, *QM discretion of the
And whereas, It is declared ..hy'tbe second section
of the VI article of the Constitution of the Called
States, that "This Constitution, and the laws of the
United States which shall be made In pursuance
thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land, *
anything In the Cisusfitutien er laves of any Stale
to Me contrary notwithstanding."
And tehereas, The Legislature of this Common
wealth, on Ibe 6th day of April, A. D.' 1870, passed
en act, entitled "A further supplement tOiiii3 act re
lating to elections in this Commonereslth,•'the tenth
section of which provides as follow.:
Sucrtou 10. That so much of.every act of Assem
bly as proildss that only white freeman shall be en
titted to vote Or be registered Se • voters, or as claim
ing to vote at any omelet or special election of this
Commonwealth. be and the same is hereby mpeolcd;
and that hereafter all freemen, wiihcmt distinction
of color, shall be enrolled and registered according
to the prcivlsions of the first section of the act ap.
proved seventeenth April, 180. entitled "AP net fur
ther supplemental to the scbrelating to the elections
of this Commonwealth.' .
and when otherwise quali
fied Mader exieltsur laws. be entitle.] to' vote at all
general and epeclalehttlionstnildeCommoniesitli-,
:and whereas. It is my constitutional snit Mehl'
-shgty to "take are that the !awls be faithfully semi.
felt; ' and it has coma to my knowledge that sundry
assessors and registers of voters have refused, and
art refusing to sums' and register divers colored
male citizens of lawfui age, and -otherwise qualified
'.selectors: - • -
Timm:roan, In consideration of the prend
testi the county COMmUudonoso of isild county are
hereby notified 'and directed to Instruct the several
assessors and registers of voters t - .herein, to obey
and conform .to - the reqtdrementa of said constitn-
honed amendment and Issu' and the sheriff of said
county is hereby authorizedmid required to publish
in his election procleinetlee. for the next ensiling
elections, the herein.reelted constitutional Moen&
mcnt, act of Congress,,ind act of the Legislature, to
the end that the same may_ be known, extorted and
obeyed by ill assessors, registers; of voters, election
officers and others; and that the rights and privilege
guaranteed thereby may be secured. totill the citi
zens) of this Commonwealth entitled to the same.
Orris MOUT. ITT rrAND awn Tun linear Suez OT
run Stem at Ilatriabarg, the day and year
• L first above written.
F. JosuLtc. Se! of Coneriiorsierala.
u3ecting of return judges for this ItCpreeenta
five Tristrict. will be held at the Court Ifouxo, at To.
wands, on the seventh day after election, which will
besot the 18th day of October.
Mewled:leg of return judges fordhecounty of
*Word, will be at thOCourt Rouse to I . owande, on
the. third day after election. which will be an Friday,
the .14th day' f October, ai 1 o'clock, p: m.
Coxigreasioaal Returh Judges to meet at the• Court
House in Tiankhatnack, on Tuceday the 18th . day of
Cietott, -.
Judicial Return Judges to' meet at Court
House, in Montrose,. on Theaday, the 18th day of
October. • -
. Representative Return Judgco tb nteet at the Court
norm. in TOWIIIIIA, on Tue lay, the 18tb day of
, •
Sept. 1, 1870
Itzt ACT to .provide for the erection of a house . for
the support of the pbor for the county.of Dadford;
lincnoxj.' Be it Cll4cted Gy tha Senate nod House
V.grpresentattrfs nj the COIAMONWNIIII f Pennsylva-'
nal in Gerferat.tathildy tad, - and. it is hertl:r onatbul
6y the authority of the +ajar,' That be and
'aro hereby appointed comnahisioncra, whom duty it
shell be, or 4 majorltrof them, on or before the first
day of December, Anne Domtni one thousand eight
hundred and aixty-one; to determine upon and pur
chase such real estate as they shall deem necessary
for the' accorrunodatidu - 44 the -poor et Bradford
eetinty: and it Ilan be lawful 'for saki compilsatim
as, ore majority of them. to take conveyances there
for, in the ratite and for Meuse of the Corporation
mentioned In the third section of this act; and they
. shall certify their proceedings therein, l tinder their
hands and seals, to the clerk ofthe court of quarter
,pensions of Bradford county, to bellied in his office;
and 'at the next general election the ciali2cd
ore shall elect throe reputable citizens of the said
county to bodirecters of the pope and of the boner
Of employment for the county Of Bradford for the
ensuing year; and the judges of the election of said
county shall, inairkdiafely on receiving, the returns
fromthe several election districts, and Mating up
the number of votes therein, or within three days
thereafter, certify, undei their hands cud seals, the
narnce.ef the persona so elected directors, to the
clerk of the court of -quarter sessions of the said
roman.. . who shall file the said certificate in
his other-, and forthwith avant:dice in writing to the
said diteCtors of their•be:ng, elected, and the said di
rectors shall meet at the court house in the said
county on the first Monday of November next ensu
ing their election, and divide themselves byjot into
three classes, the place of the drat to be socated at
the expiration - art the first year, of the second at 'the
expiration of the' second - year, and the third at the
expiration of the third year. no that those who shall
be chosen after the first election; and in the mode
above deserilird, may serve - for threoycirs, and; one
third may be chosen annually.
. SEcnot: 2. That every director elected in• the
.manner aforesaid. oFenpolnted as hereinafter direct
ed, shall,. within ten asp; after ho le notified of said
election or appeintment,and before he enters on the
duties of said office: take an oath or affirmation be-
foresaw jestiee of the peace of said county, 'leho ie
hereby'authorizedlo administer. the FM/li, that he
will iliacharge the duties of dtvetor of. the poor for
said crhinty truly. faithfully and impartially,. to the
boa of his knowledge and ability; and in case of rieg.-
leet or refusal todake the said oath or afrirmatiou
within the time aforesaid,-and pea - Pam Ma duties
aforesaid, he shall. fortlit and pay the sum of ten
dollars for the use of the poor of said county. whteh
fine shall be recovered by the directors, for the time
being; as debts of *the saitioamount are or Shall be
bylaw recoverable; and the directors qualified as
aforesaid are hereby aiattiOrtied to eilrainisti , r oaths
or anlaniationh in any COW: where it shall be necessa
ry In relation to the ditties Of their said
Seorins 3. That the said .lireeters and their suc
cessors shall forever hereafter, In the name and in
fact. to one body and eprpointe iu, to all
Intents and purposes whatsoever, relative to the poor
of the county of Ilrailford. and filial hare r... , rpetual
fnircer,-ion, and may sue and be sued, plead and be
impleadsd, by the name. style and title of the direct-
Ors of the poor and of the house of for
the county ofitracdford, and by that name shall aye!
may receive, take and hold any lands. tenements
berislitaments.,net exceed:ill the yearly vu IIIP id ten
thonsand any goods and chattols what
soever of the gift, allenat.orior lazgaeat of any per
son what.oever; to purckf,sr, take slid le - ld any lanibi
and tenements within theireounty. in fee NivaD.l.l er
iltilenViw.e. and erect thereon suitable huii.lim•.a for
reeention. ore and ziecEinantodation *of the pane
of said county; to provide all things neee-ssry for
the re;certion, lodging, Malnti , nanee and elnplo:-.
meet of sAl.l.ndor; to appoint a treasurer atinnally
who shall give Inartil, with soilleisat surety, for the
faithful discharge of the duties- of Ids office. and at
the eapiration thereof that he will well and truli pay,
and deliver over to his succes-ordit pifcti, all iuone ys
bonds. Iltitt,S. books, a.crounta and other Pamirs, to
the said corporation belunging_ whieli shall then I t o
renisittlng in his hands, cuitioly and 110M4t.”•fiii.r;,
and the directors shall ruploy. and at pleasoru
remove, a steward nr etewa rvV, and require of hint
or them an oath or ai:Exiftatlnn, and such security fee
the faiththliscrforthance of his nr their drities, as the
board of direetora tlesrn expedient. and to-ap
point a matron or Natrona, phys,cian or ph.:
surgeon or surgeons, and all other attendaids that
may be necessary for the said poor respectit ely. and
at pleasure remoye; - anil-to bind out, as appismitices.
su that such apprenticeship may - expire. if males. at
or before the age of twcritoohe years, and ft•walee
at or beforg the mil'Of elehtt en years: Prolqiretl.
that no ei ild shall be bound put for a longer time
than 'until Do arrives at the age of eiglit i een years, un
less be be bound eat toli trade other ttiama fattier:
.;Ic4 P, ,,, y1A1, That in au cases the person to whom
they an lioinol be required to give VP...Chilli at lea , t
three schoolini; in earl: year:Provided also,
That no child shalt be bound wahout the limite el
the Btate, or It a r.,:reate.: , , I`-tance than [Mi . :Mk,
front the poor honer: find the said direenee shall
eYereise and enjoy all buck otherpow,t, tier reited
in the overseers.irf the ?nor. as are ia . ;reby frrented
or stipplted;andthe said directors: are loci eby em
powered to use one common real in all Yung , se
tatin;t to the eaid eorporat:on, and the Same at th';c
pleasure to alter and renew. •
fikertas 4. That the acid shall, on or
before the East day of, nuathonsaal eight
hundred sod sixty-one, famish to the eoutly eum
tulialonata an astimate of the probable expense of
pitrchasing the, laths, erecting the limb:lnca and
furnishing rile thine, and maintaining the pots' far one
year: whereupon they shall and they are hereby
tbotized to Increase the county ta: - , by etc-fourth- of
the sum necessary for thd• purpose - liforcsaid. and
srocnre. ou 1050 or credit of the taxes beret,.
'directed to hi...levied, thortmeiviuMg thr, ctoinths
thereof. to 1,04,aid iminetalmerts, with Interest, out
of the ceunty. taxes: d'rifir'idra. affrays; That if s uch
loan cannot he made, them hole-mooned of the 2511111
necessary fee the purpore aforesaid. or arch part
thereot as uety he die:rued proper, shall immediately
lie added tr; the county tax to be-paid by the Vellilty
treasurer to the directors aforesaid. on orders drawn
their favor by the county- coniroiseioners, as the
came may be fount nece•isery.. ,
tree nos f. That it shall be the duty of the s a id
directors, on or before the first day of November in,
earl, awl everyyear, to -furnish the commielotiere
of saidcounty with an estimate'of the probable
pence of the poor and mihr Loose, fee one and, '
It shall be the dutrof said counnisiouers-to aSSCFiI
and-Cat:sem be collectedi the Mitoinit of raid esti-1
mate. width shall he pall to said directors by eel.
county treasurers on - warrants drawn In their fever
by the county cornmi4.ion , rs, vs the same may be
found necessary,: and the said directors shall at icoet
once in every,year render imp:Count of all the mon ,
eys by them received and expended, to the utiditors
appointed to audit and e..e.tie the county a.•,•ounts,
subject to the-same penaltiesinles and regulations
as are by las - directed respecting the accounts of the
county commissioners; and shall at least once in
every year lay before the court of quarter sessions
and grand jury of said:county. a list of the number,
ages and sexes of the perrous 'Maintained and tn;
ployed iu the Bahl - house 4f employmeut, or by them
bound out to.; or apprenticed as aforesaid, with
names of their masters or mistresses, and .their
•trade, occupation or calling, and shall at all times,
when thereunto required, submit t, the iuspection
and free examinatiou of such vieltors•as shall from
time Winne the - court of quarter
sessions of the said county, all their .books and a. ,
comas. together 'with rents. interests and motesyt
payable and receivable by said corporation, and ltiAo
an account of all sales, purchases, donations. devil:-
es and bequests as shall hiveliCen made bythem or
to them. . •
: to.crum 0. That as' roots as the •taid buildings
shall be erected and all necessary reconinealatious
provided therein, notices shall be sent signed by any
two efilie said directors, to the overecers of the
. poor of the several towuslrips and boroughs of said
county of bratlford, requirino, them forthwith to
bring the poor of their respective townships and
boroughs to the said house - of employment; which
crier the eaidovereeers see hereby enjoined and re
quired tq comply with, Or otherwise to, forfeit the
costs of all future maintenance. eecept in eases
where skinless or any, other sufficient ganef. , ally.
poor milieus cannot be removed, in whicti'rese the
Bahl .overseere shill represent the same to the Mare"
est jnetice oftbc peace, who being satisfied Of the
truth thereto, shall certify the same to the Said di
rectors, and the same time lesie an order under Lie
band and rand.- to the said overseers, directing them
to maiutain such teen until. such, time as he or she
nosy beta a altuatuntlo be removed, and then con,
vey the said pauper 'and deliver him or Ler to the
steward or keeper of the said house of employment,
together with the said - order; and the charge and ex
pence of each temporary relief and of such removal,
shall be Paid by said diroctoes: at a reasonable allow
Secitos 7. That the said directors Shall, from
- thee to time,,,receive provide Inc and employ, ac
cording to the tree ihtentand meaning of this act
all such poor and indigent persons as shall ha enti
tled to relief. or RS stall hare gaintal:a legal settle
ment in the said comity , of ilratlfard. and shall be
sent there by an order or-warrant for that •purpoec.
nuder the hands and seals of any two Makes of.the
peace, directed to any eenstable of the mid county
of Bradford, or to the-overseers of the proper town
ship In any other county of this commonwealth; and
thee:Ad directors are hereby authorized. when they
shall deem it proper and convenient to do so, to
permit any poor person or persons to be maintained
elsewhere? PrOcide , F, That the expense of their
maintenanee dose oat in - Any I=M, cooed that for
which ' they could be maintaieed at the poor donee
.of the said county of litailfoid. • .
fir.crters 8. That the said directors or any two of.
them; who shall-heal:oomm in all eases to do bust
'ness. shall have foil power tot Make and •ordain all
, torchordinate:ell, rules and.retulations as they shalt
think proper, convenient and necessary-for the di
rection, government and support of the 'poor 'and
honed of employment aforegaid, and of the reventoss
thereunto belonOng, and of all persons . as shall
come tinder .their cognizance: Prariffed, That the
same bit not repugnant to this law or any of •the
other latrs of this State or of the Molted States: And
provided also. That the Ranee shall not have tiny
forte or effect until they aha i have been submitted
to the court of common pleas. for the" time being,
of thecounty of Bradford, and Shall hero received
the approbation of the same.' -
Siecriox O. :That a quorum of said directors shall
and they are.Lereby enjoined and required to Meet
at the said' Louse of employment at, least • once in
every month, and visit the apartments and ree that
the pour ere . 'comfortably supported, and hear
all complaints and redreseor cause to be redressed
all grievances that may happen by. neglect or unit:
'conduct of any person or persons in their - employ-
Ment or otheawice.
Stern& 10. ,That this-said directors shall catch of
them receive for their services annually the sum of
forty dollars, to defray the expenses of their neees
eaffr attendance' on the , duties of their office..
ScerlM: 11. That in rage sily vacancy or Vann
happeh,by death.' - resignation. removal
out of the country or otheriVise, the remaining di
rill:dors Or director. together:with the court ;of quar•
Aar sessions of the said county, 44 ippeent a salt.
'able.etttren or citizens to fill =eh vacancy or mean
eke until the next general election, whin a director
or directors shall be elected for the Unexpired term
of mkt meancror vacancies. • . .
suzmlr'l2. That the connoissionera of,.the. said . -
earthly of Bradford are hereby directed to pay to
each of the anandsidonera named bathed/at aestkin '
of this set. the mmt of 'one dotter per dry for each-
and .Very day ho shelf nomtemrArspast4 In perform.
log the ditties described by the And section of this
act; and also, to pay each of the directors a moon- -
able compensation for their services during the terns
they are employed ia,erecU6g any building or
bags d: Prerided, That the same shall
including the annual sum allowed them byB&W,-
exaced Iffy dollars for any one year. - •
Benno% 13. That all clairmaand demands in re-
'lsteen to the poor in the aforesaid county existing at •
the thus of thin set being carried into erect.. shall
have full form and effect as if this act had not been
passed; and when the tame shall have been duly ad-
Jested and settled. all moneys =mining In the
hands of the overseen, as well as the uncollected
taxes levied for the ompport of the poor In, the said
tournahipsatid borougharin the odd county of Brad
ford. shall be . paid Over to the Comirdsattnign of the
highway, of the reapeetfye townships andeboroughs,
thereinbe by them applied tlicarcts repairing the roads -
Um/lox Is. That act*ndi of the laws 'of this
commonwealth relating bathe - 00er, as are' by • this •
act uttered or suppled, be and the same' are hereby
tumbled, eo far as they next the county of Bradford.
• Scenes 15.. That the sheriff of sant county shall
in due time notify the said oornentssimistre of their
appointment, and when and where they skald meet
for entering upow=the duties assigned them by this
act, which piaci of meeting shall be as near the oen
tre of the comity as possible. •
BECTIOS IC. That for the purpose of Ascertaining
the sense ot ankh/zees of Bradford limarty as to
the expediency of erecting rbasse, for 'the employ
ment and 612 of the poor. It shall 'be the duty.
of eacholthe for the several townshiPs
said boroughs, at the netts general 'election, to xe
ecive tickets, either Written or minted.• from- the
qualified voters thereof, labelled on the outside
"poor bowie," and on thAltusido "fora loos leinse'
or" against a poorhouse:" and if tt shall appear, on
casting up the votes of the different districts at the
court house on the Elmo day that the other returns,
are made out, that a majority, of those who voted are
for a poor house, then the foregoing act is to take .
effect; but if a majority of the 'rotes are to be 'found
again6l.4 poor house, the foregoing act to,libAnd
the same is hereby null and void.
• gr.erm:s 17. That the sheriff of Bradford-county
shall cause thie act to be published lb two weekly.
newspanerain sold county, at least six weeks preel
ens to the next general election, the .expejtses of
which to bo paid out of the county tremeary:‘
ELISBA w. 'mit%
Houle of Representatirr-t,
P. PKViI."Y,
• Speaker of Me Senofe pro few
Akecovers—The first day of May, Anne Domini
one thousand eight hundrvl and sixty-one.
As to extend the time so sa to allow tie«
county, of Bradford to vete upon the prelrlfficlnw or
an Set entitled ' , An act to provide for the erection
of a TICITIAe for euipleyment and support of the poor
for the county of Bradford," approved May Ant. one
thonsand eight hundred and sixty-one
SECITO:I 1. Rt if Made,/ by Me State - and House el
of the Cqmpouscenith orrenney7cava
in General dumbly met, and it is Lereby , enacted by
Me auMnrity of the same: That the qualified electors
of the county of Bradford are hereby authorized and
empOwered to vote at the next'g,eneral eloctlott, for
or against, the erection eta county poor hotter, un
der the provlaioun of an act approved May first, one
thotuanul eight hundred and sixty-one. entitled ...An
act to provido for the creation 01a house for the cm.
ployment and bopped of the poor for the county VI
Br:Alford, •
,Secrxox 2. That William Kingsley. It. laport,,
C. F. Niehols, L: htalford, George Dunham, Will.
ham Ti. Sit•venn. Criah Terry. Witham Bnuyan:'aoh,-
ert F. Redington. Daniel F. Pomeroy. George &Low
num, 'John F. Overshire. John McQueen,- .Tareek
McFarlane and Benjamin Kuykendall, shall be and
are hereby authorize I and required to act as cent- '
misSioners under the provisions of the act to which
this in a supplement.
SyH,nke,• rte I.o, ,, egrlPproentaliree..c
- Speaker of V..r.Scrinte.-
.ixth day of April. Anno Dotntni
onct tlioueand eight hundred and seventy.
•r.pplctJentary Art of Aril].
names of now Conlmit,ioners,
0 ti1 . 1"1 . 0\;
PE _ C • '
Ffon..£ - ABltf.4 B. STIMETM, President Jthlge
of tlao Elth Judicial Dlbtrict, conzisting of the con!,
ties of Bradf,..rl Pn , l Sus/p leb= tot, and lions. ZEBU
LAN I'm:intr. and J. tl. Vat: E. A.Asocia.t.fy
in and for said countx,of Braaford.harn is4nao,l shelf
precept ',oaring date , the 28th day of Sept, 1870.-
to me directed for" bolding a Court 0!
Common Plonk of Troy for the County-of
,Brn , :-
ford. on St. 1870, to c0nt.4111 , 1
Notaie is thore'ere her, by given to the . Tornn2-ri:
alit Justin, of tie Ttaoo. of the Cow e.ty of Drsitforil
that they 1: Caen an.l there intheirprotu.:: persenh
at, foo'rlca: in tl:e for:, n - ion of said &'(, IN all Ir.
cords. it:et:lir:aim:s and other ter.tembranors. to e
" h:•11 their (idler appertains' to t
flou t aodth,s, r.ho are hound by recottr.iZatleel
Ot her WiSP to a:eain,t the rripioncrit
at, or Itg4y , to , to tl; 6 , 3all 01 c., , tinty, or Witt 0110;
be bocort et the • said court are to be tt - or
and their to pr0......,:t4q , ,p4r....int4 them RE
11!rk , r4i pule.tual to .their
to their uotivo,
attoil nt Totraurli, the 41.33. of Sept., hi ti
ult. of our Lord. ono thQqratui chat; hued-e 4 tau',
or:relay. uet of the Iti.tiipott.l3nc,... of the Tjaitt• , :
Str.t., , .
.1. P. VAN xtrkr, sferitr
6t MOS', .
: vs. Tray...!,..
G. C. Svyai - ottr vs. S. 11. Fitch
AJ..t1. , :t1 C. Entvtns RIR. et Al
Dobb!no vs. Troy twp
T. H.
Alvm tiorard
0. D. Ilow;..ud vs. F. I): ('hase.
A. C. lti,ol Cnt, tu tr,,,
da s. do
scut r. r, ranzra.
Wut.,4l Fret:tr.:at 1 . 11.4_3111e1it
SKIN:tn. - 1d tArri vs. J. L. Phillips
P.:nous Cat !Inch:it - I vs. A. Long'W•alluir's : .:alo,..l
Smith dee'd clc . .t
Ju kstell et al No. C. T. Merry et a 1.... ejectment
3'311n ANtell vs. U. P. e„;ectrorr. t
W. It. Fogir vs. W. A. Porter elcitmotl
s. Patrick 5: .10110 Hallan Apit
F. L. Third vs. Edward Ptak. aihur 2PI"'
VS. Bailey, VitnNartier
sultrietia.: for firpt week returnable on. Moatli.:,.
- O c tob e r 2t, 1870, at 10 o'cick a.ln.: for sccoatl we.
AL 11.1.1 y, ocioLer 31, 18;11, at 10 o'clock a.m.
.I—l_ xonA diawn to be jurors in a Court or Comino:.
Picas to b. held at Trc.. coinnieneing on ;tin:lds,
the :l.ith. eky of Ocl4 , berila;o. at 1 o'clock p.m.
71AVEUSE .71• • /./C.5.—xle. - iT 1VE.1?;. . . •
.IS.IIIIIII. E. J. Ayers, : Wilstea H. Decker. Win. I .
A,la ; Athens taT.. Frau: S. Morley. John Radical:
Athens horo., Fred. Pike; Barclay, solommu Tkilady .
Iliirlibaton Weft, Horace Spencer; Canton bap_
Sheldon fl' Lindley; ('anton born., Waiter 'Leavitt .
Herrick, J. B. Allen. H. H. Smith. F.-N. Cogswell;
Monroe tv. v., J. V. Woodnid; Overton, John
Mat :s; Pike, Wilron Buck. Riley.CogswellAßhhir
be • Miles Cocille; Rome twp.. John Allen; South
Cree -. 'Hiram Mason./Alk. 'Enrmati; Smithfield. Jai , -
.per King; Sprilignold. Loranzo Allen; Stieshegniti.
Cyrenus Webb:. Tuscarora._Phillip Detrick. Laney
Keeney . ; Troy boro.. Charles W. Ilitnyon: Terry.
Gabriel Yeller; Warren, Reuben Pe - ttis; Wyaluatr.g.
Samuel F. Taylor ;.‘Vilmot, J. 11. Milford. Wm. Pa,..-
more: Windham. Gen. Lawrence. Denj.:Kuytendali:
Well , , E. 1.1. LiLleatou, Ranson Tanner.
A.ylura. 'Bacon Edcnberger, E. H. DeLorr,;; Atheo 1
tArll.. Horace Feller. Michael 'Coleman: Alban!,
Jones; Alba. Jana.. H. Fellows; Barclay. Pat
rick Ji,'Crowley.• E. J. Flared; BurlingtonWegt.
Calain 'Rockwell: Canton itrp., Wm. S. Jayne; Ca'a -
t o o r 0.. S. J. Hickch:k. T, H. Morse: Columbia. ..
London Budd; Leßoy, M. L. Wooster, John-R1c1i.. , y . .
Litchfield, t. J Pish. H. F. Maynard; Overton,
H. Ileichlta^r; Orwell, E. Workliclscr, L. 0. Brown;
Rome boro.. 0. F. Young; Smithfield. N. T. Dlckin•
son; eacsliccntinAlarcus Vanciae; Troy twp.. M. L.
. .
P.oekwel). A. S. Msnley; Troy . bore., C. S. Dun;
Tuscarora, 3lVlett Cniver, P. F....partly; Towsnth
bore., Win. K. Mar.hall: ToYeancla Nbrth, Isaac Vos
burg; Windham. Geo. Good=.. - 11, S.lnulel T. Af.ulikn,
Jonathan Franklin; Wyalotting. 7.3#2h D. Huff; War
mth Samuel Wheaton. Allen Drown."
Matter or tho e.tate of 'Naar Snyder of
SheAltequin towr.sliln. deceased. In tho Orphan's
Court of Bradford County. 9, February tern.
The undersigned an Amliter appointed by said
Court to .ic.distribute moneys in the above Mite
will attend to the duties of his appoattruelit at
his ofti, in the borough of To:rands. on bIITITILDAY
the 6th day of NOVEILIIEIt .I•H., I$W. - at 2 o'cloch,
p, in., at which' time and piece all pervona having
claitns to Fall limey . are requested to present such
claiius, or be debarred Iniin coning In upon !aid
fund. 4. THOMPSON.
Sept. - - Auditor.
e matter of the ineurporation of nTbeTrizatees
of the SPrillghin3letbediat Chu:the:4r
Also, in the matter of the incotptiraCon et' the
Union Mirth of Well , t. I
INeqce is hereby given that the. alxivo Trustee'
hive severally' prteented to the Court of Common
Tina of Bradford County, their articles of. A.PASOCia,
tion asking for a decree of Incornoration. and' the
Fata Conti bavinl examined the 'wane; and finding
them correct, deeyce that the acts to Made
as prayed for, on Monday. December 1, 1870, at lt
o'clock p.m., offirso cause he shoot' br tho contrary.
W. A. THOMM. Prothonotary.
• •Prothonot.iry's Office, Sept 7J. 1870.-It • z
.. To John Brarra.—No. 752 . May term, .1870.
Tou are hereby notified that Elizabeth Brarra, your
wife, by her neat friend; J. T. Learne has. applied
to the court of common pleas of Bradford county,
for a divorce from the bonds of, matrimony. and the
amid mart has appolutealtonday, the sth of Dee..
Is7o, for hearing the said Elizabeth Bran - a in the
premises, at which time and place you can attend If
yen think proper. J. PI:allY VAN FLEET.
Sept. Sheriff.
T. parin3 NetAon—No. 343 Feb. term, IPe.3o.—'
Yon aro hereby notified that Phineas Nelson, your
1u .baud, has applied to the court of ernnmon pleas
of 13radford county, for a diroree. from the bonds of
matrituotiy,,and the raid court bar appointed, Mon-
day, the 411 of December 1870. for tuaring the said
Milne= In the premisea. at which timerand pl,ace you
eau attend if you thin): proper.
'Sept. 0;70-4 • Sheriff.
C'ontt of the United Stateit for the ll'estrin li:s
-trict of Pennsylvania. Ire/tern Pistrict of rennsyi.
ranio, S. 8. fn the tuatt.r of Itichard Ashton, a
A. Warrant &Bankruptcy has been ikeited by said
Curt against :the estate - of ItlellAßD A1•111ToN, .11
the county of Bradford sod State of Pennsylvania.
_in said District, who has been duly adjudged a Bank
rupt open petition of his creditors. and the paynient
of any debts, and Bo delivery of any property be
hinging to said Bankrupt to sire or to Ida use. and
the transfer, of any property .by him are.forblddeu
by lan.. A meeting of therredttors of said Bankrupt
to prove their debts, and choose ono or wore as-
Eigneea of his estate, will be held at a Court of Banks
rvirtcy, to Le holden at Towanda, Pa., in said DU;
'DIA, °II the 'lsth day of . October.' A.D., 1870. at 10
o'clock, a.m., at the stile". of ELAVARITIOTXIITON.
nol.,.onet,of the llankrtiptcy.of said
Dlidrlet. • 111.711D1N111.
Sept. 22.,'70.--be Instal, AS livAliCtlger.
A. at 3IcCABE
apt , r
• • :AC, •
a pi
..... ..
apix al
appo3 •