• Preparing for ruder. The time is close at hand when the farmer will have closed his prepari titins for the winter's forage. The drought-has very seriously , reduced the hay ct, but, on the other hand, it enabled him to save his grain in extra condition. In thresh ing, care shotdd be used to save the straw carefully, in compact, well-built stacks. One or, two extra hands will do•it, and its value 'for feeding will be nearly equal to ordinary prairie hay,. The waste of straw in the great grain-growing districts of the West is enormous, for the - want of cattle to eat it, but this season many farmers will 4, obliged to, make their straw go' far in wintering their stock, and it is ,good or bad feed according as it is wall or badly saved. In the first in • steTieTcattle, young horses, and mules wiM come through the winter on it in fine condition, with the addition of a little grain, but if carelessly stacked, they will hare to be tailed up in the spring, if they do not die outright. Two acres of well-cured corn fod der will bring a cow dr steer through the winter infme condition. The ex- penso of cutting, Hauling and feeding should not be more than five dollars —considerably less than the expense of two tons of timothy hay. One acre of fodder, and plenty of straw will do nearly as well. For milch cows there is no better feed than corn fodder. A little extra exertion this fall will enable the fftrmer to go into winter quarters without fear for the cattle. Have you made provision for sheds and other shelter against the bleak and freezing prairie winds? More stock suffers and perishes for want of adequate shelter than from lack of feed. And if not already_ attended to, now . is the tim e to prepare shelter 3 for the coming winter. Do not wait until you can build a stately barn. Cattle can be made as comfortable in a cheap structure as in a more costly one. In fact weibelieve that they are more comfortable and healthy in good warm sheds, *here they have com parative liberty, especially in the West where forage is cheap and plen ty, than where closely confined barns. If timber is near they may he built of poles and covered with surplus straw or slough hay—the sides only, being boarded up. . Many persons only top their sheds with a light covering of straw. *this case, the water is- dropping through . con stantly from the effects of each suc ceeding thaw, to the evident discom fort of the stock. One of the principal sources of evil in wintering stock is a lack of water. Driving them once a day to some frozen pond in winter, and allowing them to drink a scanty supply through the ice, is not conducive to their well being. If running water is not pres ent, wells supplied with a good pump, andplenty of troughs should be pro vided, to which they should have ac cess at last twice a day in winter. It is better still where they can drink at will. " Pedigree "in feed, water, shelter and care is as important 83 in the animals themselves.—The Interior. Horse Shoeing. Ite presume there is no part of the 'treatment of tho horse which is so important and necessary to his use fulness as the shoeing. Certainly not less than half the lameness which ruin so many horses is occas ioned by the ignorance of the black smith. For sometime the 11. S. Go)l-ern ment, recognizing this fact, has been in search of a method of shoeing which could be practiced by any or dinarily intelligent blaekgrnith, and which 'should servo as a protection to the horses' feet instead of as had been the case with the old lack of system, doing the animal infinitely more harm than good. About a year ago, thorngh the in- fluenco of Mr. Robert Bonner, Mr. Alexander Dunbar, a Canadian, who has devoted the greater portion of histfe to the study of the horse, and particularly to a correct method of shoeing, received a commission from the War Department, directing him to visit the several military posts in the country where horses were 'em ployed, and instruct the farriers thereat in his system. _ So fully impressed was Mr. Bon ner with the excellence of Mr. Dun bar's method of shoeing, that in his letters to the War Department, he states that had it not been for his knowledge of-the benefits to be de rived therefrom; he would never have purchased the celebrated Dexter, whose feet, at the time, were so con tracted, from ignorant shoeing, as to render him quite lame. Mr. Dunbar visited Carlisle Bar- racks soon after the receipt of his commission and at once applied his Imowledgo and experience to the - treatment of the horses there. In an incredibly short space • of time marked improvement in the condition of the animals' feet was observed and • up to the present time the system has been practiced with the most gratify ing results. At Mr. Dauber's depar ture, Mr., John Kiernan, a most skill ful farrier, was appointed to the charge \ of the instruction of the far riers at ,the post, and to have general supervision of the entire shoeing de partment. lis success has been, so marked, flint he has been induced to publish a work, giving his views and practice e which is destined to become standard authority on the subject.— Carlisle. Herald. TEA BISCUITB.-Six potatoes boiled and grated in hall a milk-pan of flour. One tablespoonful of salt, three tnm -tiers of milk, two ounces of butter, warmed in the milk, and a cup of yeast. Beat the whites of three eggs to a froth, and put it in kneading. Mix not quite as stiff as bread dough and put to raise. Cou Punorso.--Grate ears of green corn ; add to a quart of it aleacnpfol of cream or milk, a lump of butter the sizo of an egg, and a teaspoonful of salt. Mix all well together; put in a dish and bake an hour and a hall To be eaten with butter, pep per and salt. • 31oLksars Pomo essr--Flour lbs., l sugar Hi., 1 teacupful of molas ses, 4 eggs, It lb, of butter, a table spoonful of clores,',einnamon and all spice, then a teaspoonful of soda dis solrefl in a teacup and a half of milk, then the flour and eggs. SPOT OS Elm—nave a colt with a white spot on the cyo. What can be done to remove it?—M. W. N. Ans.— Draw over the ball of the eye, daily, a feather dipped in h solution of four grains of nitrate of aver to an ounce of rain cater.--,S`o"!• Journal Books and Btathansry. DiARTVA FOR 1870 PAPER a EMLOPES NEW-YORK. PAPS SCHOOL BOOKS PENN INICs Music, Sums= AIE) PICTURES BLANK BOOKS , - YANKEE NOTIONS. Tomas, SO% 19, WEL Inscellasteous. ITM " DOMESTIC ' LOCK STICH SEWING pfd CHINE? THE " DOITTISTIC " is a Shuttle Sewing Machine, which has been used for • the last five years in the West, and is now introduced for the first time in thif?, section. It sans faster than most, easier and more quietly than any, doing the lightest as well as the heaviest work done on any Sewing Machine ALL ALE 114. - VITED TO CALL ANI2 O SEE IT Plain Machines - - $65 Half Case - - - - $7O All Machines have Blake's Paten Table. *e atm wanted in unoccupied territory. Address EL ME it CO., Scranton, Pa. For sale by My 12, 1870.-ly EASE AND COMFORT.. THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There isnothing so valuable as perfect sight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by using • PERFECT SPECTACLES! The difficulty of procuring which is well known. krwaslul. LAZARUS k MORRIS, OCCULISTS AND OPT [CANS, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, IHANEFACTURETtS OF THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Have, after years' of experience, experiment, and and the erection of costly machinery, been enabled to produce that GRAND DESIDERATUM, PERFECT SPECTACLES! Which have been sold with unlimited satisfaction to the wearers in the Western States during the past fifteen years. Those Celelwated Perfected Spectacles never tire the . eye, aid last many years without change! Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS have appointed JULES HUGUENIN, dealer in Watches and JeW elry, as their sale agent for Towanda. Penn's. and vicinity. . Aprill4, 1870. REPORTER JOB PRINTING OFFICE. arleinifyin,reicZletyvirrait=of our facilities, we 303 PRI - NTING AT LOWER PRICES AND BETTER STYLE Thin any esiabilsbment in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA • , CALL AT THE REPORTER OFFICE , AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN PA PER HANGINGI PAPER BANGING DONE FOR 10 TO 15 CENTS PER ROLL. ;mil oh. yes' it makes me laugli to know that r is reduced one-half. Graining only $2 per day. Pocelain finishing only $2 peqtay. Glazing only $2 per day. Painting of all kinds only $2 per day. Blinds painted green at only 75 cents to $1 per pair . Blinds common col lora 50 cents to $1 per pair. and all materials furnish ed. Tin and Decked roofs painted with patent roof ing for 123 i cents per yard. I will also furnish my customers with Lead and Zinc of the beat quality at cold. thus saving ffom 10 to 25 per ceut cm every hundred. - F. E POST. Towanda, Juno 18, 1870.-tt No. 32 Second•et CENTRAL MARKET The imbsctibers still continue to keep constantly on hand a fall and complete assortment of every thin pertaining to their business, consisting main of :0014 :WO :4 tl*J "VIP 0.10:111,0 SUGAB, CIIIIED R&MS. MUTTON, lAMA SAUSA VEM. POMM GE, LA= Y, BOLOGNA. MATEDENME. -imarxm&c.;&c. • Also, F' I S FRESH Ftoll THE Tdirmc; 1.)t:10A:kj:7:44:40:44.111.44 ErtsTsrl+t*+.e•~ Parties arishft Oysters in Largo or small ainanti. ties will b e abed on abort notice, at tha old stand. Ciorrnar. Masser. Montanytet mock, Drat door north of Dr. Parra Tnan CHM =, UZLIAIIf ft MOM= Fab. norto-tx FISH, PORK, RIMS AND LARD COWELL k WM'S rowEr , 41, & NYRE ARE SELL tag TEA vet, atop. ROYAL BAKING POWDERS at COWELL & MYERS FRUITS OF KINDS AT antzuhmmrs, WM. HORSFORDS BREAD, Propeasam as a a PLTaaa 20. CHEMTER Warn; PIGS ' MRBALE By Mg 14 .' 70-ft A. a slam. niter. 21, A FULL STOCK OF IVOODEN " C. D. VATCIr& ERIE RAILWAY. two km* maze aco anus *3102 OXIII MUMS OP Mar!! BROAD •auata—ix= Taics.3. i . CLEVIEU.ND. TOLEDO. DETROIT, CIDD*IO, NI.LWAIIKEE. BT. PAM. muse. . And 110 points West and Northwest. seisenweo. swim DAYTON, CINCINNATI. DRDI Own. ANATOLD3. LOUDIVICLE. 6P. LOOM. A" "Itaihts South sul anthems!: • 'Nor SID =MOM duo= .Ares En, Somas =mom cams To BooarsTes. 111711712.0, Dow- Elas. CISTICLAND AND I:o3KtnataXl. leanand after Mead., 13, 1870, trains will ly Waver at shoat the ZONE following hours. GOING WEST. xpbd)f4:24 an., NIGHT EXPRESS Mondays or Rocheeter. Buffalo, Dunkirk. Olmstead ladtan- Mona% connecting with the Like Stone, Michigan Southern. and Grand Trunk Railways at Bu to. Dunkirk andCleve/And for the West; also at Clem land with the 0.0.`13. Is Rd. Railway for Ind apolis; and at Cineinzoll with the Louisville Short Line Railway, and the Ohio & Inidadppl Railway for the South land Southwest ; also with connect leg lines at prindpalstations Cu main line. 4:19 a. ut—NIGHT EXPRESS, daily, for Rochester. Buffalo, Dunkirk. Cleveland and Cincinnati. mak ing direct gpnnection with - trains of Grand Trunk and Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland. for W1 3 %1 t eak and at Cincinnati with the Ohio At and Louisville Short Line Railweye for the and Soutn.west alao with all connecting lines at principle stations on main line. 8:28 a.m.—MAIL TRAIN. Su:WM - excepted. for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 6;35 p.m.—EUEIM ACCOMMODATION. Knoditre swatted. 6:18 p. 11.: DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted. for Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland. Cincinna- Rend the South. Stops at principal stations and connecting points on main line. New and Improved Drawing Room Coaches accom pany this train from New York to Buffalo. and Sleeping Coaches are attached at Bennettsville, run ning three to Cleaveland and Gationsithout change. 5:16 p.m.—EX. MAIL, Sundays excepted. for Buf falo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached to this train riantdng through to - BMW°. 1:00 a.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted: 4:10 p.m.—EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily for the West. GOING EAST. 140 a.m.—NIGHT EXPRESS,Eandays excepted.con necting at New York with afternoon trains And steamers for Boston and New England cities. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to N. Y. 5:50 a.m.—CINCLANATI EXPRESS. Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Jersey City will; afternoon . and evening trains of New. Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wasimigton; and at New York with steamers and aftEinoon Ezpreu • balm for New England Cities. Also stops at prin cipal stations and connecting points on mainline Sleeping Coaches accompany thistrain tolfew York 12:35 p.rff..-Ztalt EXPRESS, Sandayaexcented. con necting at Jersey City with midnight n - • press train 05 New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops at principle station's and connecting points on main line. New and improved Drawing Room Coacheraccom pany this train from Buffalo to New York. ' 3:35 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for Susquehanna. 8:38 a.m 9:25 p.m., NEW YORK MAIL, Sundays excepted. 9:05 p.m.—LIGHTNING EXPRESS, daily, connect ing at Paterson for Newark ; at Jersey City with Morning Express Train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington ; and at New York with Morning =press train for Boston and Now England cities. Also stops at all principal 1314101113 and con necting points on mainline, Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New York. 315 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. US. A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie BOWSy and con necting lines, has recently been published, and can be procured on application to the Ticket Agent of the Company. L. D. BUCKER, Supt PA. & N.Y. CANAL & R.R. CO. to r aro A.Y. P.Y. P.M. neve P.Y. P.M. A.Y. Wayerly 5,35-5,05-4,42 13,01-1,18-8,10 Toiranda 7,15-3,58--7.35 o 5,15-12,25-7,20 Tunkhannock,o,23-45,17—P.M 3,07-10,10—A.1i Pittston 10,95-7,30 o Wilkesßarra,lo.ss-7.55.....• 1,15-8.30. • • White Haven.l2,Bs P. M. • 11,68 A.M. TAYLOR & GORE, Towanda, Pa. A. A. =MIR. Athena, Pa. Wyalasing. 0 10.55 9.49 9.95............ lo'veo,os ...... 6,00 Down Train dines at White Haven. trp Train dines at Pittston. Manch Chunk.! . • Allentown, 2 33.. Betnehesa,....9,so— , 317.` (arr)....5.02.. Nowlrork(arr.) 6.05.. P.M. . . . . Passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia without change of cars. Down train connects at Allentown with Through Fast Express for Harrisburg. Pittsburg and the west. TADIP'ORTANT TO ALL WHO VALUE THEIR SIGHT! The sight bf the aged assisted, the weak strengthen ed and As perfect preserved. PHILADEtP Ink Orricei. InTrrun, CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES, LONDON MOE= AND TLITED GLASS FOS VILE OB The Concave Convex Crystal Spectacles, - made by the above institute are pewit long time before the public, and the rapid and increased demand for them combiniid with tho universal acknowledgment of their clearness in vision and ease to the eye, shows plainly that they are superior to any other glasses in the market., The majority of Spectacles, (mostly imported) and no matter haw floe the frames, contain but a poor and worthless article of glasses; (generally cast or pressed;) they are made to be sold only, without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, end therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thousands are using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after short usage, or require an intensely strong light and therefore destroying the eight, which, were they properly suited, would ho preserved a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses are the following : The Lenses are ground of the best material, pure and hard, and made only for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable to get scratched or dim. They confer a brilllaney and distinctness of vision not found in any other glass. They can be used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They aro ground mathematically true in the ton- Mire convex mirror, according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting nature only instead of forcing% That thelenses are centered correct into the frames. They can be uteri longer than any other glasses without changing to a higher power. The frames are made strong and durable by expo rienced workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. WM. A. CHAMBEII,LEN, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Towan. da, pa., has the sole Ageney for these glasses in Bradford county. to Beaters employed. July 12, 1870-tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK, This Bank offers UNUSUAL FAO:LIT/7S for the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS.' INTEBIZT ATDIOII O DEPOSITS . AOCOADINO TO Serciu. Csatton - = TO Yrte COLLECTION OP 2cOrES AND CHEM. Parties wishing to MONET to any [part of tho Untied States, Erigl a .Jre , Scotland, or the prin cipa cities and toUnat7dit ope, can here procure drag for that p se. To or from tho, old country, by best steamer or sail Mg lines, always on hand. E. H. S3ITH, Preaidont. N. N. BErrs, Towanda, dane2l, 18C9. Cashier TILE, OTTOMAN DECri , fI3RE! A NEW ARTICLE OF FIJRNITIIIIE. • CONVENIENT TO EVERY ONE. INDISPENSD3LE FOR • nrimaDB AND CHILDREN. • Avoiding the unsightliness and suppressing the offensive odors of , the Sick BOOM and Nursery, At once usebil and ornamentaL It is more useful than any article of Furniture,of the same cost. For sale by all . principal Furniture Dealers. Price $3.00. febl7 6m BEM', .. sa4B~: WM. B. BM= : Pass'r dIittANGT OF PIOW2NOtat, TRAINS. Commencing May le.lBlo GOISO SODMIL, 001140 193,1711.1 JOECT P. COX. Superintendent, Miscellaneous. For the manufacturing of the OF TOWAIIDA $125,000 40,000 CAPITAL SVEPLUS PASSAGE -TICKETS FAMILIES lIIIOI3OHT OTEIt AT EEDL'CIS3 LUTES Iligkese Price paid for U.S Bonds. Goki and Sarcr B AKE: 4 Y AND DINING BOOM! First block nortli of Ward House, BREAD, PIES, pARE, *AND CRACOW - • baked daily and lola at wholmale and In our DMING 1106118 Ito will acOonunodato the public ;with either Curia of igood meat at all time: of the day and ermine.. • " otorins . - 42q• -. .rox -west' on band during their NUM' - • - Also a tine assortment of GrocarktaXonfectiatiery, Prat*, Nuta, ace. Towanda, may ID, '7O. D. W. k A LL RINDS . GROCERIES. AI. TD 131- /venial= .sit Irtkokeale ail re aU at • nay= , C. D. 'MOM ftmeded - wa . .. r i pui,vmats_yipirpoiLo7.2_lG, -.::.;,•:-::i,i0iiiii*:-.ti.imze .• ._- .-*****":----:--. •::,-:, , Toga Aria att. iiTOll Oti. ow wirsi to Or to thiiignasiiiikadisaivictut. trot large irelt odeciol Sock dl - 4 .9.,i ? R 9 : 9: - ,g, It 1 7,.14 .; Which /as" r i b 2l.l " fcgOlia. Sea *el ass*** tbatjansellatVlow IMpftsas m, be . pazobseal ebiewhere. I now otter to thepnbUoiapianylA abct TEAS; COFFEES; ;Ma% sumuTtna, IMO, to. Zara an band slam stook of AKRON .FLOUR; GRAHAM DO BYE DO . . nuommEn ikeep constantly on baxid.PMIEJIAMIL LABDoukd ~~~ ptibllc, to mar Bobcat STOCK OP TOBACCO, In quilt,' or prim. Juso OikleraColarstedlalui drY. Nom Tozig 01?osolool atultgovii Soap. Maio call sad osanaloo our do* of WOODEN' WARE. Largo assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, ke., &e. I will pay the highest etushprietit for COUNTRY PRODUCE.. giTe tilts ixiore ehtelrhere. C. 8.. PATCH: All persons holebted to the late hem will plea/eon and mato Immediate payment. Towanda, March, 11, 1867 GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. ItUoCA.BE d; MIX. Wholesale and Betell Dealers In FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIQNS, 111210IIIPS NEW BLOCK; TOWANDA, PA. Wo do not deem lt necessary to enumerate all the diferent articles we keel). Our assortment is ALWAYS COMPLETE. We cell nothing but FIRST CLASS GOODS Cash paid for Parmere Produce March 1.1870 pEOPLFS - *OM AND PROVISION STORE, BODiII 00XSZEL MUDGE AND MAIN SZBECTS. A. now and complete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which will be sold st the lowest possible prises. CODFISH, MACKEREL, HERRING, PORK, MTTTON, HAM, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, M 1 AT,, GRAiN, &c. Bring on your produce, which worsy cash for DAIRYMEN, A constant strpply of Ashton Saft, i ,oll sized Owns. Butter Firkin'', Tuba, kc. Plano call and 100 k through our stock. and wo will do our beat to please you.. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 28. 1869, L OOT HERE! • COWELL & HYEB, At the old stand of Mumma & Contra, are now receiving a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES AND PROVIRLONV Which they offer to cash buyers at prices that defy competition. Cash paid for all kinds Farmers' Produce. April2l. 186 S—tr. Jewelry. JITLES )11:1GUENM; JEWELLER & SILVERSMITH, One dim ninth of MERCUIV NEW *OM TOWAYDA. PA Ras just received from Flew - York a naa easortment of tine Gold - LADIES' . WATCHES, AMERICAN WATCHES of all descriptions. Also a selected assortment of GOLD CHAINS, 'FINE GOLD M IAT M's R. 72" , moms OF ALL STYLES TRW 'AVE CHEAP Wl' TO MEE 800. 00W, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES AND ETE4LAINES to 4114 cases of Intio idght. Ipi•W PATENT4CMIOD.ANNO.SPECTACLEa. By this patent I am enabled to exchange Mama g any time Ittihad min charge. Call and see. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED Ato sgsxtuarittb; Iteeinae, Dee. le, Hee , . MACKEREL, CODFISH, BUIE . Mackinaw Treed. Claccea, Pickled and Smoked Estmon, eniakMillalibitt. and Dried Beat. at LOW k UMW& ? I I A 714 4 c °2 he' 0 0 E• -''- I liz "VA l tho4l l a T ail f . l oo o PlC' : ' , .'' -,-'::;,;-:'•;-.--.-- arbi r kEl:•AVti :' CASEOltell" __ •1 [ COAZWIS, keie. Welch they arei prepared to seker* ta, area ss to salt their areareserra. .sane fs& - 7 -* Ahmse l i nalida i l i rk ! lict REM-MADE OLMEING. vmx el!ti• are cbmt thqi MEATS ' GENTS ,TVENDMING tiOODS, mni awl full MI6 a AU %elated silk& - Ahrsyntni handnnAl in groat mtn;y; NECK VOWS, &O. Also the New Patent. WINDOW UMBRELLA. AU or any - of o 9 Gooda . l , lwM be sold as Call Ind look throUsto. cur Mock Towauda..tpril 21. O. C. it. P=:l. VI 4 § ini - Thla space belongs to E. StiIVIA.EZ, dealer in Ckaing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Ho is so huhu selAng Clothing that betas not time to write an advertisement: JAMES HABiri HIIRRA.H ! HURRAH 1 READY MADE CLOTHING, I cm now offering to the public a large and photo° stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, And all tho Mo at lea for Spring and Sumner vc ear • Which will bo sold 25 per cent. lm than,toriner prices at H. E., Also a barge In voice of . 1 , „ , • 1 1 lINDERSHMTS AND DRAWERS • • I I intend to selfless than cost, to make room for Fall Stock.' Now is your timo to buy a Snit cheap. Call and convince yourself that /It E. /10- 812G1EM offers Great Bargains in tho lino of Clothing and A DISPATCH JUST RECEIVED. GLORIOUS NEWS FOIL =EMS OF TOWANDA AND VICINITY : 'Thom is constantly being received at the "lIHILPLE OF FASHION." a large stock of I= SWISS WATCHES, all new. t=-4 ~.~ _1& ''s , -," t AND Azo smnam raw or CHEAP FO4 CASH As any In j,he market. El k GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF AT E. ROSE 'S, (Opposite Powell d: Cos.) CansietLng of LINEN GOODS, FOB MEN AND BOYS GENTS =FITIMSECING GOODS. • Call before giu.' ?chasing elsewhere. E. 110 A " Towanda, Jan. 25, 1870 SPRING AND SUMMER GDODS, which have been purchased for cub,. at reduced prion. sad torn be sold to cub buyers at lower rates than over before offered in Towanda. My stecic con slate In part of KM - S. BOYS' AND YOUTH'S CLOTHLNO naowx Axo DLVE LEAPED scrrs. PINE DRESS COATE, OAPIPEEME SUITS, WEN Coats, Pants, Tests, and Wlike Linen Dock Snits, also &Urge variety of GENT'S FURNISAIN(34 GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SUSPEND , NECH TIES, PAPEII AND LIRE? COLL.UNI, of the latest styles and faahiona. Remember the in dilemmas that I offer, and that I am not to be un dersold by any dealer in town, or ebiewhere. All .wheWiah anything in my line are respectfttlly invit ed to 'give ewe a call before purchasing and convince yourselves. H. JACOBS. No. 149 liatn: 4 t..lonlinell Mort. Towanda, Pa. sfir Cash paid for Hidea and Pelts. GOLD STILL COMING DOWN AND LIMO! TIMM IN 171:6 GROCERY & PROVISION LIN • aro now being offered at C 0 Ng II 7- E 'l3 = e tr annot fail to satisfy ellthat are not take undersold by any one. They bare enlarged their Stare by _ ding so that they now fume room for the fresh' eundies that are daft' received by them. They hare connected their store • Karketwhers they how keno fresh with meats to sell by theguarder , or piece. and a full supply of Oro. cedes and Provisions, to which they would call the attention - of all cash buyers. , Come and azsmine ewe Goods laud Prices, before purcg oods hning andgive satiety yOurseires.• guaranies an t entire sathinntisn. •We We are thankful to our ourtam o ers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the autos . , COWELL &VM Dec. 00, , TRY OIIE TEAS c A ( c iiD Xlier mE, ~~ ~u":: Mit* .A '4870. ' ' !BM" FN D TERI - , , mAinnalt TAR TELSOR ; MEE , '-:1Uill(114!Nr- : .-:2!NZ02r4%.:' 68 Bttgid: Tir:AVERLY;.TIOGA. CO., N.Y SP: tb"*" Me ItATZ A eIITITEIf 120 i DIM TOAX sten3rmyrroN . Gll Alms dock pt Si ;Ili) : otio.l o IDI HATS AND CAPS, E Dr=77;Wr7.7171571117557171 os. WM be at the Ward Nimes the Arid and third Tuesdays: of each mouth. with samples of Goods, and prepared to tab mesurea. maim GEO. o. YAW Sept 1870. sour. 11. *mints. NEW SPRING §,ol=l R. W. EDDY Would announce to tho citisatui of Towanda, and the pnbllo and generally. that ho has In store and daily ro calving new FRESH GOODS-, In his line. suitable to the Wanta of the people, which Le will aril for Currency at farmer GOLD PRICES! Consisting as usual of good, Weil and reliable made CLOTHING, (No Shoddy of any kind) a:insisting of BUSINESS SUITS, grades, • COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, DRESS COATS, PANTS dyi.VESTS, Linen Coats, Dilators and Pants, Overalls and Cwesehirts. Linen and Paper - Collars, Linen, Casatmare, and Flannel Shirts, Neck Tim, Sus penders, Gloves, Omen. Leather Dago, Spring Style Silk, Salt and Straw Nab. All Arst.clias. Remem ber that good Goods am cheaper at a fair priM than poor goods at any price. Call and examine my goods before baying. No. 3 Patton & Griffiths Blockatridge Street. Towanda, Juno 8,1870. li. W. EDDY. BLOOD ay CO., Still continue to manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS 14. CLEANERS, and will soli a better nuiebino. far less money than can be bad elsewhere In the world. Wo claim for our machines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, and are more lurably built. Wo personally superintend eur work and see that it is wall down. We will sen 4 DISCRIPPVB CATALOGUES. • of our machines, on appllcatton. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One rE Toro Horse THRESHER .1 SEPERATORS, TIIRESIIRR and CLEANERS, FANNING MILLS, CIECOLLII AND DRAG SAW mass. SAW AND GRIST kIIGL work dono to ord= Give vs s call before purchasing elsowhere. Vs' " OD atIOALTIM 'SN'TITLIT '.O 2s , aci o a NW CARRIAGE. FACTORY ! On Pine, between Main and 'Second, Streets, back of G. F. Mason & Co.'s Bank, TOWANDA, PENN'A. HOMY 13TULLN, (formerly alba Ann of Bryant & informs his friends and "former ['strong, that ho has built a• NEW BRICE CARRIAGE FACTORY, where he win constantly keEp on Land a fall assort ment of FAT ILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES; PLATFORM WAGONS, TEICITTING SULKIT; ' 4..4D SSELETOIa Made of tlui hest . meterial anc finished to the beet city style. His Icing experience in city Carriage rectories gives hlna a decided advantage over others in the Finish, Style and Dur.ability of his Wagons. All ho asks is an INSPECTION OF MS WORK prologs to purchasing elsewhere Az.z. WORK ir.uubwzD To arm PERFECT Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex- tended and respectfully ask a continuance of tho same. 111171:1.10: 4 Idt_7.o Ito frffir v 0440 D 4 §litsi Towanda, gay 24.1870.—tf NEW. PLANING MILL. The undersigned having built a large and commo- dious Mill in the Boron& Of Towanda, and tilled It with the most modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of . . WINDOW SASH AND BLINDS. Are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon theshattest noUce. We have. also a large va riety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we furnish much cheaper than they Call be = s hyd. 13,_ • TONGUING. . GBOOTINO, 1 AZ . ID edltool, - _ i SAWING. And all other work pertaining toieinery. willbe done to suit our customers. ... L ~ Peramsbuilding and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will and it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and - have tt worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Mooring, or other lumber, aad while-your twat is feeding, bare it ground out and take 1t home with We WM pay CASE AND HEMLOCK LUMBEK delivered at our lumber yard, come and see us, er if yam can't come, write. Towanda. Feb., 1564.. L. D. DODGEM h CO. MORTANYES, • General Dealer's Jn STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Geoczams, Cacatistr. Mea/WA/as ' BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS painter, Hate, Caps, -, llmbrellie; ke., • • TOWANDA, PA. No. 105 10103 t., corner of the Public Oquaza. may 19,1870. L. ronear.. . ME '~"a GOODS I all Wool. Manufactories. SATISFACTION. at reduced prices 11:1D•otVI:vtgLt a l ISMI - . • - MAUSHALV,PIMEEZO .IURDWA'M iiiii . o - iiiii.ii' , .*** - i:*[o:oii TOWAMiti. :-.; U turn *see ci; H: & D'W"A R jar: teat:: We ,bitt*. asa , haadAmarawiatehlat a .; ';'7:1•,=:; : . ,- - ' l ' '-; kale dock of=: HOW - CXXWS, .DOOll4 SAW: erne:`, Ouse; pirrir. "LSD DEL'11110.• Our Plinth - dile; ;Ite., are of the beet veiny and 'we: !old veil low. We are gee sge nto f ar ths AIiERWAR STEAM ~ S AFE, , ! • (UNBORN% PATENT/ill Tbo• .„,1 Only reliable Ilre Proof Safe *de. Also =FAIRBANKS'S SOALFB, SCHAGHTICOIE,E:mgra iiivarrs new' soNr: SUPHER ,PHO'SPHATE Our flack of ' TM • • - ts ieri and znargeaet Matte ant :of;_tho but Wo are also prepared fo doiobldng of all kind& We are MO only agents for the Celebrated new EMPIRE COOKING STOVE, beid enticing • stove In ire, and every stave warranted to g ive aatiataction. March 10,'70, Furniture. - FURNITURE SUM LOWER .14,5. 0. FROST, Would announce to thepeople of Towanda and the feet of niankind,.that afkr thls date, his magulficeut H r ETMZsWITIZTIZIn will be efferent rooDrviardivonigemmvoNDk: 317 stock is coral:data and consists of PARLOR SUITS, LIBRARY SITITS, CHAMBER SUITS, DINING BM& FURNITURE, AND ITIUNTEVE FOB THE EITCHEN, 31ATTIIESSPS, PILLOWS. BEDDMO, lantsons, E.inctstox TAm.rs, &c., acc BED-•SYEADS! Iffy own manufacture, gni warranted superior, will be sold for less than city made otica will cost clso• where. COME ONE, COME ALL; Pmmino for yourselves. Sc and be convinced that Furniture is sold cheaper at MOST'S than at any other place In the world. Gantry dealers supplied at the lowest market rates. I furnish COFFDTS of every description, Metalie Burial Cases. Caskets, &c., and have the pals.32kyaisurAt744l,lll.lolv:sx:4o4o;A Towanda, Jane 22,18;0 FURNMIRE WARE—ROOMS. JAMES mAirmsox announces to ihe public that he Mill continues to manufacturo and keep .on Mind a large assortment of , CABINET FV-UNITIIIIE, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Chairs, ke., of every description, which are Made of the best mate. Male, and In ttio Most workmanlike manner. s o I Invite the liispdclion of the public t o my ork, which Shall not be surpassed In durability at any hep In th e country, and my prices will be found to as low as the times Wilt admit. Heady-made Coffins constantlren hand or made to order. A good Hearse will betornished when desired. Aug. 15,1865. Wiscellaneous NEW ARRANGEMENT! /laving purchased tho • BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT lately conducted by DAVIS & =NEN, at No. 1(8 Main.st., Towanda, Pa., I would respectfully inform the phblic that I brut just received a largo assort ment of . LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOES ! Consisting of LADIES GAITERS, Of all grades. Ladies GOAT AND 'UR A THEE SHOES, KISSES AND CHILDRENS SHOES Of overy varietiochich will be sold cheap far cash. Give him a call and satisfy yourselves that ho La selling cheaper than the cheapest. I would call esspecial attention to my CUSTOM • DEPARTMENT • I make to order everything in the line, of • LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. I feel confident, that I can give entire satisfaction I employ none but llrabclass mechanics. . I guarraniee perfect fits, ar4 all work Warranted. itapairing neatly and promptly done. .Remember the Owe, No. 14 Main - at., a few doora below the Means House, Towanda, Pa. Book out for the sign of the Big Boot. Mr. DAVIS will conduct tho buatnese u my Super. intendcnt. Towanda, Pa.; ilep't. 1, - 1870,-4 '4, BOOK-BINDERY.—Tar: PllB lic Is respectfully Informed that the Book• Bi ndery bu been removed to the Argos Iteilding. third story, where will be done • - , BOOR- In all its various branches, an terms as reasonable as "the times" will allow. Tho Bindery will be under the charge of 11. C. WHITAKER.. An experienced Binder, and all work;ill be promptly done to a etylo and manner which cannot bo excelled. Nualc,lilatpizinea,Newapapera,Old Boo', ac... bound in every variety of.style. Particular attention will bo paid to the puling and 'Binding of 15LAN8 BOOM, To any desired pattern. which in quality and darn. tinny will be warranted. 'AI work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of, the public' is solicited, and - per. feet satisfaction guaranteed. Towanda, •Augustl, 1866—tf. CONSUMERS OF 001;TFROTI0NERY! COStE, LET US REASON TOGETHER! How can any person manufacture' Confectionery, and sell it at 15 cents a pound, when sugar is worth 16 cents at the Refinery. (unless it is terribly adul tersteo . How can any dealer retail such a rile compound to Ws customers and have a conscience void of offence? Hew can' any consumer expect to purchase pure Cenfectionery at twenty-nve and thirty cents per pound when a pure article cannot be manufactured less than thirty to forty cents per pound, consisting of OWL buds, burnt almonds, and such elan of Within a kir days we have been offeredeasta buds, etc., for fifteen cents per pound, and Choc°. late Creams at twenty cents, and the agent acknow ledged that they were adulterated ten per cent, with lens Alba t and It is feet that tons of this cheap 'Confectionery are made an sold in this country every year, and the consumers are the only persona injured by it: Ike benefit of there who Wiera Aire article qfololz :d ux wi ll warrant every article °lour man re •ly Pure and free fro= every %Pre dict! dekk to hada. - A. HAIM,- fltorafirrmell4frided by Jiltu Cartnin,Hain Street. Toirenda,', her 91.1869. • - - filArof FOR. SALE IN MONROE. TOWNSHIP.—The ' , subscriber offers for sale his Tenable farm, lying on the Berwick turnpike. In Monroe township. three mites from the. village of Monroe, And moron miles from TowaseW with a Rood read loading from both the above places. The Sullivan k Erie' Railroad also passes . through the farm. It qontains 190 acres, /UM 65 acres ander .good state - of cultivation; good buildings; two large orchards, and is won watered. Terms easy. J. C. =DOWSE, 20.- South Branch, Aug. 11,10. M.IM4 ISE =NM ON & Y. PORTEII! G 13TORL,P i-toLD ' PBV ILEUM donsot Meld and Ms Eltieete. Towanda, Ps.. • ,o »twllt4 wilaintrdelY‘thettataek,ition end complete eseettraaat constant/so eu estershiront , embridavotay articles need In the AAA foe oteedeodtd aerefolly Weeded with ood to Ute Temente aft* pa lotted tow lie _ .aapgied parebsees, mod adored on the road reeoelebte teroui Ittudelet ear Boa r cona hu n g of . .Pitddfl; :Ardli=n4 Oicauczaw *-- yank . =LK resonorrs, . EMI EOM ALCOHOL AND_ Di SASH. 'Ara, TAENIEB; MEM-WAS% And ail kinds of Brsudies, KEROSENE OR COAL 014- 1.9178,1311ADE5. MOM CUM MS , Opaal, lard. *bale, Nobs Hoot, TANNER'S AND:MA.MINE Piaui sad Toilet ArDelea M all their vs:l4y, SPO2i3lO, SUIVEHE% cows. Pomades. Hair-Dyes, Perfumery, POCKET WKS, POI4TMONAIS, TOME. siciN ARD gaa PREPARitIIONS. • - .Tosecco $ Prks .‘42w- CiAtati HIMI , Garden, Mieli awl Wm: Beeaet Truism Bay. : porters, Buspessortem, Shceaderqtraces, Weser ItV• Teething .111 age, Niushig• Mask „.slppla Mena - arid Melds, EtyrtseM Pane, Self4seling Fruit Jas. Theo. , inosartors. llororhy 14e , cis„ Brno!, Jogs, Glass Ware, Bottles, VIA", Costs, Batg. Brick and Wire Blacking. Fish Tackle, Am munition. ite., Botanle, Wadle and Bonitremith. io MeinCOM and,sill the popular Patent • AU articles. warranted as represented. Pen Mis at a distance can receive their orders by stairs or ma/I, whichlriU receive prompt and careful attended. . Medical advice givery.gratatitonaly. at the dace, charging only for medicine-. • rip Thankful for past Ilben;el patronage, would res. pectfully mincginoe totheir Mends mid the public,that no pains shall be spared to satisfy. and merit the con tinustien of their confidence and patronage. - -Awl:Open Sundays for prescriptions from'9. to-10 a.m., end la m. to I. and sto 6 p.m. • N. C. SOMA BONA July 1, 1870.—yr. . . F B R,O . W • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The subacsiber respectfully announces tithe pub lic in gems's' that he has on band a large and well selected stock of I . DRUGS. - - "MEDIEDIES, CHEMICALS. ' . • PAINT% ..., OIL. VAILEYSIDES . . - :vtinow or.,Ass, • . . • . DYE STUFFS . . • ire-. &c. All the popular Patent Medicines of the dm% - PURE WOE AND , LIQUORS ror Medical purposes only PERFUMERY. • - • • Fancy and Toilet articles. • . . • Soaps of every description. , • • Thermometers, DSUW:4, Surgeons,,. and Common Sponges, flair Brushes, . • Tooth Brushes; Drcsaing Combs, • • . . Pocket and Fine' ombs.. •• • Toilet' owder, ' .Prift Boxes,' • ' : Tooth Powders, ' . Tooth Washes, . • •. ~ " . , .and Tooth Soaps. And other articles belonging to the. Drug trade too numerous :o mention. Paying the Agency of Um - .1. . . . . . . . GRIOLI U. S. "I.EA. COMPANY, . . To, ptovhasere of goods' in their line. ?hystelans , prescriptions and family receipt§ com pounded liy persona thoroughly competent, at all hour§ of the day or night. JAMES 0. FROST Thankful ..for the past liberal patronage, I re specthilly solicit a continuance of the mine, pledg ing myself that no effort shall be spared to =he my catiblisbpent second to none in thisoction, Dr. T. F. Madill may be consulted at this store as heretofore. . F. W. D 110197. Jan. 31. 1870. G I RVAT BARGAINS IN BOOTS& SHOES Tho undersigned are redoing a largo anti well on, Icetnt.:l stock of BOOTS .. AND SHOES SIMEdES AND FALL TRADE GENTS, SEWED .iiND . PEGGED. BOOTS Tbankfat ler - past favors, we sdicit a eOntlntuulee of the sum. EIAMIII2. WOODIVILD. • MIME= U. CLAIM Towanda. April 5, 1809. I;NDIN0I FOUNIMRY & Ii&CHENE SHOP The undersigned having purchased the Foundry. and Machine Shop lately owned by John . Carman are prepaked to do all hinds of work appertabilng t their business. with promptness and dispatch. • C.T.IteVLAR .SAW • . Of the 'Meet end most Improved kinds manufactured and kept coustautlyuu hard reedy for use. PLOUGH'S, SID 7 MIL. MON PLNiI WOCMES BEAMS Of all kinds. , • CULTIVATORS, CORIti"LOUGAS Of all kinds; and the latest improvCuleate kept STOVE C'ASTING'S - CELL4a GRATES. • SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES Wags sill !Wog. Tslam! uus. PIIIIE WESTER AND IaQUOALS, For Modkinil ruo), P, I`C I , N E S;, 137 HAIN STREET, TOWABIDA. PA. DRUC+G-IST• I AN OE7EB fl GREAT INDUCEMENTS Boots and,Shoes. Era= NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Sontl end of Ward House Sa.itabli fel the wo offer low for Cash. Consisting of T, A T)TES, MISSES . . AND CHELDIiEN 'WEIR MADE TO ORDER REPAIRING NEATLY DONE km) Er*nr m:tv , z PROXISED Putnam , and machine Shop. MILL GEARINGS, MAN DRILLS, And all kinds of /Y - • It O.N: S SLIDE TO ORDER. - - ENGINES REPAIRED?... And all. work warranted to giro sattafaction:' SHINGLE MACHINES AND PLOUGH POINTS constantly on hand. . CHURN. POWERS, LARGE "AND,.IIMALL 15IZ LARGE • - MON KETTLES And alt Undo of castings furniadied to . March 90,147 F. Brunt & lON tj'r. p. l'i t.S" , ' "1 . :":"i!' .1 , f 4 , .: i ....f. WATIO,NAL LIFE INKTRANcE • iX):6I UAL . • Qs* gure 111,00000—nip zir • , , ci4am,mt h 7 *memo, Ma EMI manes a. MAIM PsCsidalt, ; SKY COOIE, (Kmlrma Mama awl PM- Com. ; um= D. COOP, ITios Preddeit ; .KKKOSON W. MET, Coactary amg 4ctuary, , . . Tie stinatagea of 'ill National Life Ituraratio c o are i ' ' ' I. It In a trallonalempany. auto:m.o 7 c ol , mtn: 2. It ban a paid up capital of Ono =Jon Doling 11. It: cairn krw moo of pronsitims 4. It lornisheser lazg mkt. for the lowe i l = 1 ; than other Cori. 5. It is definite awl eaten ; 6. There is no poodbiliff of mlareprtmotatinn sige94, orpoisundegatandlog by polky.twkk, i; 7. The paUtlea aro plain contracts, so much:also. moan for Do mach tame, ; • 8. AU poll** are nowforreitlng O. The policies are exempt from atbchinent. : E. w. CLARK k CO., Itankers,Thitadd p h ia. • • (t 11134 Agents. • •D. S. RTISSELL, Manager. ELSBBEE h A,. G. MASON, AS.Aiondi for T9wanda and victut4, 4 Jan. 9, 1869: .eAlktP & VINCNT'S ,/ INSURANCE 4CENC, f-7 i Pslicks virlfren in all of the following popular and reliable Companies. LOSSES settled and puldat our oine, FAEM priopitirry, (including Litz flaws,' nisi dwellings in town insured agabla ALL DAYAC,E al Liourinsa as well as Fran. LIFE DISIIIIANCE affected in one of .the Largest and Safest Companies in this country. Intralacz COMPANY. London, England.' CM $10,000,000 _ • - - , AIDE 4 biIitTANCE Cowes's'. ' kk Cincinnati, Ciao.) UM CISYLLASID Issrah..ncE COZPANY, I Cieretand, Ohio. MEMO Wiroxneo LtStrUASC : IC CONPAXY, • Irilkaßarre, Pd. Assetts , $250,000 LANCkIifITS LITIMILIZCZ CONPAIST Lancaster, J. J 1=1:3 Carr Fraz LYSCIUNCE COMPANY. As I to //ar(ford, Conn., se Nonni at ,,,, MC.5.:1 LFIIVILINCE CO.. Hartford, Conn. $491,47,0. E=32l VVIZON Fri= I...rtmnascz COMPANY. New I York. MEI LIZEPIENIYriT LvircLacr.Brc,l &ears, Mau. j $630,C, MIN NEW Your. Lam 15srlwicz Comre3T. New York. j Assetts. AGRIGATE CAPITAL. a E OVID $25,000,000 . Strict attention to business, fair dealing, and prompt settlement of Losses, is °us irorro. Corns and bins. Mace on Main street, opposite Court House; up stairs. Mr. Vrscmrr at Ifercurs Batik from 9 a. M. call 3 o'clock. P. in. T. 11. CAMP. w. O. VDICT—NT. Towanda, Pa., duly 20, 1870,—1y TILE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP .NI, 921 cuE.s'nwr smuT, Puna INCORPORATED 417. ACCUSIDIATED FUND : , over $3,000,000 IZ:0031 E FOR 1860; DIIIIMSDS HAVE . AVT.W.G ED ANNUALLY ABOUT 50 PEI: CENT POLICIES ISSUED ON ALL APPROVED PLANS Premiums may be paid annually or semiannually or a loan will be made for parrot' the amount. SAMZEL C. HUEY. President, SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice President, JOHN W. HOIINOK,A.V.P. and Actuary. H. S. STEN:LENS, S'arctary. jl3 - 13,'70-tt H. B. It'KEAN. General. Agent GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 251 11110ADWAY, NEW -1:011E: Vol cxzs mFoncr....„ Assnts, over.. 4... 4.. ANNUAL Iscout t D.V6ES PiLD ..... .. All approved luring of Policies issued. Liberal Modes for payment of premiums, Policies nonlorfeitable by their _terms. The entirs prollts of the Conipny divided - L.llot. ably among the insured. -.A.TNTJAL DIVIDENDS.' WALTON 11. PECEILLII,,knEsiDEs - r. WILLIAM T. HOOKER, VICE PI:EIDEN - 1% LUCIUS M ADAMS, firer AND Acrt-Ars. PIILLADELPIIIA REFEBE' , ..;CES JAY COOKE 8.1 CO. Bankers. DaEXEL CO., Bankers. JooN Woobstoz . 1 / 4 Cu., Tea Slerchaub+. S. A. atructu, PTest. Farmers' . 1 / 4 , Mechanics':Bank. T. B. PETERSON. Publisher, J1y12,70-tf CON.N.TECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE MIIIIANCE COMPANY, OF ILARTFORD, CONE • 1 4 101113EDLCG MOUE TILtN 50,000 ITENEEiEIik. ASSETS grate 1, 1860) over $2.,,000,000. Surpltus bver $7,000,000. MU= DririDECD FROII 40 TO 70 Pat CD:T Total Claims by Death paid to date, 0ver,56,000,000. ,pOT*l. DIVIDE:NM Pam To ParU,OVEU 6G,0").00. PURELY MUTUAL CONI'4NY. All 'dimTins is equitably. atuoug the Pol• Icy holders in ANNUAL DIVIDEND'S, Which may be applied In reduction of Premiums, or may be st,xrurrolated'at Interest for tho bosetit of t Asamud, or may be received by them in Cash. Pahl-np Polities are granted after two or more, years' Premium:lA hay() been paid, thus practical)! tasking ALL POLICLE:S NON-FORFEITING. It Issues Policies upon all DESIRABLE PLANS OF INSURANCE, And has adopted In its workings several • SPECIAL FEATURES . 1 OHIGHIAL WITH THIS. ecairdNY AND OFFER ED: BY NO OTEEEL B. liletEiN,Lut . 1861,—tf OEM NEW -ROUTE TO PIithADEL PIIIA. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILIZOAD Shortest and most direct line to- rbiladelvltia, LW timare, Waahington, anti the South. Passengers by Dila route take Pennsylvania St New York Railroad tral,h, passing Towanda A. 11., make close .connection at Dethleheni with Es. press train of North Penn's Railroad, and arrive In Philadelphia at 5:03 P. M., in time to take night `trains either for the South or West. City passenger cars are at the Depot on arrival of 11 trains convey passengers to the various Depots nd to all parts of the city. D=TIOM:CO 1.431 : 0 North Penn'a Railroad DepotCcerner Berta and American streets, Philadelphia, it 7:35 A. 11.. arriving at Towanda 5:15 P. M., same availing. 31ann's Baggage Express collects and delivers bag: gage, ofilco No. 105 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. Immo= ACODMIIODAiIOSIS Freight received at Fropt audliehls streets, Phan delphia, and forwarded hr Daily Faat Freight train to Towanda, and all, points in gdii.viehanna valley with quick dispatch. . ELLIS CLARICE. Gen. Agt. N. P. R. R., Front and Willow Ets: May 16,1870. . i Fhtladelphia. TAILOR'S ELECTRIC OIL ! A Medical preps' /Bon which tomb; to remove all unnatural properties when applied, either on Man Beast. It Is conceded, by all who have used it, to be the beat assistant to nature In the restoration of affected parts to their natural functions, which the medical world has over roc-eyed. It has cured many Pules of Itheumatiem wideli could not be releived by any other medicine. It is used by many of our ts physicians for that purpose, Is also unsurpassed in the cure of Corns, chilblains, Cramps, Cootrim, Bon of 3luscies, Strains, Lipari's*, Bruises and Sores .or all kinds.. It is called, by those who have used it. the best medicine for/Horses in the market. Is al• -Ways safe, epectly, , and effectual. Every bottle Rua:• =raced to give satisfaction. or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists and dealers in medicine. . It. BROWNING TAYLOR. Leßaysville, ' am:23"MM Boleltroprictor and Manufacturer. D 1111.1) FRUIT OF ALL KINDS cowirra, & MTEE. WI 141 TOWANDA, PA $1 .000,000 EEMEM $2-15.000 ES= $3Gl.=4 $13,000,0w CAMP & TneMiT 57CC,233.12, J 2.400.) . J. A. RECORD. Agent. Towanda.72.