=I tabu! ftfotta. • ,: - .RXIITOES I *, • GOOSWISCO. S. 'W. Towanda` Umlay, Bei* inn IPtr,LTICASCOI7NTY FOR COIROODSk • 0 HON. rwirsars maiouß, or sianraso ovsrr,.• ADD - 11101PAL Wr RUM, HON. PAUL •IX- 31ZROW,, 1 - or omprOluzi - ootTrf• - FOR Iftr =CM . . • • J A IA E,S . - B Of Smithfield towiwildp„ . ' PERLEYr Le BUCK; , . ..ous. •-4 you common= ' 4 - EZRA C. KELLOGG, 01 Monroe tompihip. JURY . 001FIRISRIONER, E. REUBEN DE LONG, Of licath Towards lorruship. COMITY Amgron. - . JOHN S. QUICK, Of Wilmot towil!ihip: .Republieqn Meetings. , _. Public meetings for the. 4iSCCUISIDI2 of . tl4O politicnl questions ofthotiny Gill be held u followa: - _ At ALBANY, Friday oyeinn, Sept. 23d, at the School llonkenear Wnt..' Bahr's, at 7?, o'clock. speaker, Hon. - E.. OVERTON; Zr... and .7.llOLCOlat. ' I At ROME, Thursday evening, Sept. 22d, at 7 o'clock. Same Speakers. . . At WINDHAM Friday evening, Sept. 23d, at Center Church, at 7 o'clock. Same tipeakkra. Sittrdayecenhig,Sept. 24th at the Valley • Houk at 7 - cccic. 'Same Speakeri. THE JEDGESRIP. It is claimed that Hon. B. S. Blom! LEY of Lycoming county, was on the 19th inst., nominated icrfill the office of Additional Law Judge for . the 13th. Judicial District, .comprising the counties of Bradford and Susquehan na. He was nominated by ; conferees of Susquehanna county .alone-the regular conferees having nominated the Hon. P. D. Monaow. It is pre tended that the conferees of Susque hanna derived their authority to make a nomination for Additional Law Judge as a separate .. and inde pendent body, and INjthont the con currence of the conferees of Bradford, by virtues_of a - resolution passed by the Republican County -,,convention of Susquehanna, held at Montrose on the Bth of Aug. ult., but a . eareful ex • amination of the resolution will eon- \ince every reasonable man that by ( every principle of fair and proper construction, no such authority is ei- ther expressly or willingly given by the resolution. Judge Bently was empowered by the resolution to select his own conferees, to be equal :in number with Bradford county. Stich conferees not to go into the confer once for the nomination of Judge un less admitted in number equal to the number from Bradford. In - no 're spect does the resolution authinize the Susquehanna conferees to set up, a distinct and separate conference, and.` in no manner does it direct or em power them to make a separate and independent . nomination. And their action in this respect was a stretch of power unauthorized and revolutionary,,contrary to usage, and only calculated •to embarrass , and disorganize the Republican par'-' ty of tbe district, and to inspirit and encourage its enemies. The Susque hanna conferees were instructed and authorized to the extent not to go into convention under certain con tingencies, and not further. They were to claim an equality as to num bers with 13radford, ankif this claim was not recognizcd,by 00 resolution their functions cease& In other ' words, they were to prote.t. \ against the alledged inequality' to the extent, if necessary, of refusing to partici pate in the conference, and this was all they were-authorized to do. Had the Republican party of !Susquehan na intended to have conferred on them the power to make a separate nomination, tlint power would, have been expressly given in the resolu t lion, but upon This the resolution is silent, and we believe Unit the Re- Republicans of Susquehanna ivill re pudiate at the polls the tinauthorized and undelegated action, of their pro fessed agents. That it may not be said that we have misrepresented the tree meaning of the resolution re ferred to we hereto - append a copy, It is' as follows: .. . " Resolved,..' That' tlis convention authorize Judge Bently to - nominate an cquaj number of judicial confer ees aity. Bradford county, and that unless allmitted into conference with an equal' number with Bradford county, we will not go into _confer ence on the nomination of Judge." Taking thii view of the case, Air. Br.yrity cannot be looked upon in any other light than a bolter, justly deserving the .condemnation and re buke of every true Republican. • zar The opposition papers have dubbed BROCK'SV.IY, their candidate fur Congrcis, " ColeneL" By refer ring to the Adjutant General's re port it will be 'seen -that at the close of the - war he was a Ist Lieutenant. • Perhaps, however, be has beenhre vetted a colonel, in the "'Fishing creek Confederacy,". as he is the candidate of the patty that organiz ed a very formidable opposition in Cokuubia and' IN'yo - Orkg countio, to the war. The Enropvins 'appear to be anaking history quite tuii'.ra.piatc . 1 / 8 we did during the late. War.. Follow ing close, upon the fonnation. of French Republic, waihave the grati fying intelligence • frem Ita that Victor Emmanuel lunching on Rome, and that Italy I:auk,renounced the temporal power of the Pop e . •I terlimmaiy, tuf3 R9,41..Lpg candidate for Judge, was:atiottu on Tuesday, to consummate his arrangement with the copperheadstasecure their sup port, • Co B. 11.1110CIEMAT: _ . The opposition are claiming credit for putting in nomination for Con 7 gross in this*district a soldier, one of tliat class who Were denounced by the party as "Lincoln hirelings," • ditring the war. With Mr. B. as man and a soldier ,we have niithing to do, bat we hope and expect to him on the ground that he is the _representative.of the. party that was devoted to slavery, justified, and dafei46o' secession,` sympathized With the rebellion, contended against nnivcraakanirtne,n=b .. PPosed and still opposes rgaangractiort,,,favogeCre, - ,, yndiation, is adverse to, the' reiluc ' tion of the public .debt: iind the re d\ Auction of taxation,- and, c.omraitted to and the advocate of free trade, and the consequent redietion of the wages of labOr; 'and we confidentlY expect to ;electMrazera, because he is put forth as .the ,representativn of the party -that' abolished slavery, establish4l universal suffrage, 04 liberty to and protected the civil rights of our ptiople, defeated rebel lion and repudiation, 'built the Pacif ic railroad, 'secured pensions to Unitek Soldiers, their wives and chil dren, redkoecl the 'nntional debt one hundred ; and forty-six millions in sixteen months, reduced taxation eighty millions in one bill, and pass ed a revenuntariff with fult-,:inuiden tal protection Isi.*nerini, Surely here are issues brocil,, and deep, and distinctive, and of- dbsorb-- ing interest stiffielent to enlist the intelligent action of the people, with out descending into the cess pool of personal detraction and abuse. REmexacalt PROSPECTS. I Chi' Senator Wilson, irman' of the. Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, at - a meeting of the com mittee, held' at Washington, repre sented the Republicanparly as high ly satisfactory. From the South all the reports received are of the most encouraging character. In Louisiana and Alabama the Republican leaders are sangunine of increasing majori ties over those heretofore given. The committee do not entertain any hope of carrying Georgia. So that State is set down as hopelessly lost to the Democrats. in the Northern and Western States the Republicans are gaining rapidly, so that the Commit s tee do not doubt that there be good working majority in the next Congress. -Delaware is set down as Republican by a: small majority, and even New Vork• is not considered lost, but in a position to be redeem ed from the control of Tamany by a hard and vigorous fight. Senator Wilson reports that Masse.chnestts 4vill give a Republican majority rangy ' ing from twenty to . forty thousand. He.thinks that the Wendell Phillips ticket will get an aggregate vote of ' twenty-fire thousand, which will be 1 drawn about equally, from both po ll litical parties. Mr. Wilson hits no IRlubt othis own re-election to the Senate next winter. te'• The Demecratic journals con tinue their aspersions of the W4r . ' - mans as opposed to the French. A. few days since that champion Dem ocratic paper of the West, the Chica go Times, indulged in the following elegant paragraph: • " The party which syrnpatizes with Francis the ;party of "Waahington, Jefferson, Wright and Douglas. The party which sympathizes with Prus sia is the party of the rail-splitting Lincoln, the • horse-thief Brown, the beast Butler, the renegade Logan, the pedantic.Satuner, the Fourierite and - free-lover Greeley, and the im becile Banks, the nuscegenationist Stevens,. and the drunken Yates, Nye and Charidler."• The same journal in referring to the enthusiasin of the Germans for Fatherland, says, "The 'Germans rash to:nrrus when Bismarck signals with tinger,,as swine rush to the slaughter-house," Another western paper of the saMo complex ion, ' the t Cincinnati Enquirer, in speaking of the Republican party_ and its sympathies in the. European contest, says: "It has uo good word for the brave - army of Frenchmen, command ed' by men who have won their way up 'from the ranks, and filled with volunteers - who are fighting for home country, and freedom; but it ap plauds-the army of marauding princ es whoi would ' Wade thro' slanghter to the throne, And shut the guys of merey on nuaind.'" We give ,these estracts to show the estimate placed upon German patriotism by the Democracy. vtel., Since the war quite a 19.4 number of prothinent Sbnthern m4k have embraced Republicanism as the only hope of the South, and have gone to work with a will in the in terest of political reconstruction. The following frank admiesson by the New Orleans Tiin`e.q of the 9th inst., shows that the Republican par ty is augmenting its strengthin Lou isiana from the ranks of the old De- MOCTIIST • " In . niaking our 'commenbl on the Democratic recruits who hate joined the Crescent City Republican Club, we had no idea that they were so re spectable in numbers and , e.haracter. The list,- as published in the .. Repub lican, shows quite an array of old citizens; and we cannot withhold the expression of our , surprise to find that they hare ..thus_gikne 'over to the conamb - n•enemy: .-Our preTious allu sion to this defection was-made .tui der the impreision.that its personnel was composed bf the ragtail and bob tail 'of the - Damocratio party, where as we find that in the list ' figure some of the shining lighbf Of the dayi gone byf WV - The official eturns of the late eleethiniOtiahie *ve the 'fellewing ieTillt: Pia4AF) -p., 54,051; ROB s*, Aiell., 4176..-.PEzunee fnajor. #yii. 8,875. :The et, , grtgate..,nu th - p Ceniressi r enel: , iiife ''-s . bet Ween ten tininglia " - 11, ~ . :I - - ger- Don't 4Viii4l . tO register ._.: _JV CIAL' OO*V*pC*.. The oedema( of the._ District met at the Bredfol in Athens toWitsbip k idcpbv ii it: e***l Ilillna . ° 6 a o T-Avf°!* l f Aianlzor is. Bahl; Priiiialas' ros, jr., Secretary. • On ntotion'of Ono. Hon. P.. D. -gaI:MOW- jnonalyan,k!ginated for Additional Law , . Judge this District. The gentlemen composing the con ference, were J. M. Smrrn, E. Oviarron, 0 . • ~ AtonaTA. SEPTI:J.I. A. Contonie, 'lllld .11.18DBEN RPM In connection nu 'the 'nommation the ,conferonge, prawn* - the fo . Moving statement of facta : - •.- 1 • mi,east'unitemic4neld /a this ..tudielslDistrict sites the orgunisttloifof on the 7th of litcptember, 1838, and . I t be camber of emifereceiutrerme?lt*b W in g, there 4ll Ir l 4)* AA follows ;11zadford . county Mx and lituspiehistim four. of EMI arrangement, the miter wee was organised by &dinning B. W. Taaaii k Lunar& D..i3anneoue, J. Nozonnt4.•ktcßtthi. End 11, F.t 513 0 j. from alrag_ 1 . )14 49ilukfr 01 14 A_ P .' Bran, P 5280 31C1F.11, B. B. 2dortOna land ilts nont, from tinsit4iMita DaviD Nor, srai monicisied: • The riest.tualdal contarence was heldieptembei' 2241881, and was composed of air Caolerteit on tite part of Bradford, to witE.O. Oakum% N. C. Ers , mwv, W. C. Bowan', P. p. Mown. B. If. Wan. ante. and J. A. Coruna, and four on the, part of Susquehanna, to wit : F. Intim—Jour Tonna. P. Wails and C. Naar`..` Non U. Ifinicim was =Md. mously nominated. . ' Inßcptember 1883,-Non. P. B. Erimszna& at Bo* undue= count', was tumnimonaty ncenlitateliby* conference'=imaged of siaconfercestroinliradford. to wit : E Bszarox, Jr., J. N. Wren, C. ,M. Wasp out's. W. A. Pecs, E. O. Goomucit. and P. D. Mon. new'; and four from thumuthinna, 41. B. Wo: Diem 1). Bratimai; W. H. gureswoae, 0. Wean= No other Judicial Conference an the part of the . Itoputd icon party has been held hi this distrid, and the conference as originally establishedhad not been changed as to numters. and it, was a 'turbo to us' to find sti conferees appearing 'on the part of Sus. qiusbnars county asking admission into the canine. ence Willi the right to cast sit votes. It was a clatm without precedent, lusiligonintibocattb/bardugaP of the party. The number of conferees was Axed af ten in 1858, of which Bradford was to fare six mid nnsquebstuii four. This wen agreed to on the part of 'Susquehanna. and has beep acquiesced in ever tines -Die power could legally change the numblir of eon term, except the conference 1114-40 effort. on the Dart of either county to do it Would be . revolutiona ry, and exhibit a imrposo to 'diatribet and disorganize the Party: lievertheless, the =fines of Bradford county,. both before told after the organiiatiOn of the conference, Invited all theconteries at finaqualumna conntyto come into the 'conference—they to bunt four votes, and Bradford six, as heretofore practice - This they declined to do, Saying a resolution of their , convention directed them to decline to go into con ference if they could not have as many votes as BrrdfonL The conferees of Bradfordreounty, being a majority of the conferencei then prOceeded with the business, and nominated Bon. P. D. Afoastow, for Additional Law Judge, as • above stated. and unanimously adopted the following reeolution : Referred, That in presenting Bon P. D 3. Morrow, .ea the candidate for Additional Law Judge, we feel that his =anent ability de a lawyer, and hie fitness for the positioni as shown by hta conduct on the Bench for the 04 few =Atha, will commend him to the favorable consideration and warm support of 1 every voter of the district. . a. L. scarr. rierident E. OvErrroN,..l , e., 47dary. • ; t ," • ie. A Wa...iingtkui correspondent of the Montour Am erican, in • writing. ~ to that paper upon the subject of politics in 'Montour county, RAYS "The nomination of ;fudge Mer cur, for a fourth term, iby the unani mous voice of the local convention of each county of this .Congression al district, is one of. those rare events in political life which attests the existence among the peaPle of a wider liberality and a invader prehension of their own , interests than is generally admitted. geo graphical jealousy has controlled the actions of the, 'Republicans of this district, nor has„ any mere perional consideration blinded them to their true interests. Judge Mercur served them Well heretofore, and they tender him a renewal of their confidence, because they know he will not fail them hereafter. "It is a graceful compliment, gracefully bestowed. To be made the recip ient of such an honor as this, is worth a lifetime of toil and self-denial." Ear Wastinveros, Sept. 19.- c -A dis patch from- Minister Motley; dated, London, Saturday evening, has been received at the State Department. Mr.. Motley says that the ' statement that Prussia refuses to treat except with the Regency, and intends to re instate Napoleon as Emperor of France, is -false. Prussia, he says, objects to recognizing the present government, not because of the proc lab:lotion of the Republic, but on the ground that it is • unauthorized, unstable and incapable of giving any lasting guarantees. The, dispatch adds, that a favorable repty was hoped-fori- but had not been received, to the proposition for aninterview between Fevre and Bis marck. es. Thirst for judicial honors has become chronic with Bum. Des pairing of realizing the object of his ambition in Susquehanna county, he sold himself a few years ago to Theit- Inc, and and became a citizen of Ly coming county: `Btilit seems he is too heavy n weight for even Pm= to carry, and& is now striving to rid himself of the: load by making him a candidate in this district. But the people are - satisfied to let him remain where he is: Amemr,JOHNSON in still float ing around Tennesset politics. The Congressional Convention held at Greenville,, having &lie& fA norm nate either him or. anybody ',eine,' he says ho "does not want to rtin • for Congress unless he is forced to do so for the good of . the . 00nntry.-" Then he will be perfnitted . to,reinain. in re tirement fora long thne. .The.. good of. the country will-never hinge on; a necessity for running Each a man as Jotorscq for Congress. • ms;.3feifira.--,BAznErr and Rm.- ~ coats opened the'earnintign.,Stiturday evening taut. :They in the ehtleh'at TAberty Corri4rs, and 're rith .20 in that' loathly 1., pa leans ciridP - la:arake, for gptellit j , and the whole ticket:. Wit " What. have done :thit nuiie ' eneinies . 4tfulf - pray!, me?" may well be the etel..tuilat,ii)it 'flts,t 1.E411§- 04312 en ite . ,4OIMCWI )611 Vieniaatepublict' noto , dock *ibis Support: ' E B. B. STRANG tqui,S.,ll. Om ;love, been nominated. for . : the dame". in 'ilog,a coanty;-: bee mkt 1342;istiegisteroci. /Mil and distant manatriin failing into - sombre gray awake anggestkaa for sedative libouglit: and naiad us_that aware in the aka Miamians' Oat et &tithe year. W4if, The streets a 4 f. zwxdAteiitts har e d e . _ . . . ne!l*ilti4 inliPlektet,', l non .11M7 telnoto QatWbais 144 'lama 1100 s_'mod* vs; iotiseifilt, ellierllP tie SW rain* lYoeiFtha4 niertiol agejneeilipear4 ketone hneeiiiin laidelheir sii*lneeiezebt tleslomfot Wei* Red the video ind hustle; di uteri day life. , The amid, Of bilifottabie &est the Owings and the enk ehorgis sheet meted and the . :Ont tan will soon oiloon4 Flinn it ,lift *One, ,when saloo!ol , es#otately mansions long cloae4 will be once more opened andAemed for the coming find/PU* l ;o,m", Ponder the ttn) chum, areraeir:iiieoeithreOW ktt the ' s etexiikiiii was. During the last weekmiliavehad on exhibi tion not ArtinsialVitße griniiihrid Of "Moral we figures,* Asa- ollarge Mdkvtiod =of use besst.,.birds santersaill frith the inevitable ;DA median; his sidelentOlie inbrent; of which is tilmtjakstikd With sociamatbas of deltht by, ceitall.: ol4o lrlr.het-fie 'Abe oßtliliolMx APO: eldrri/ls th y , Pow Fag Aare.% ilowevor, grad,* sight- the wadi msype sussedor Fund bqd tone* tbo Mar - of ,the• lion and tholionekies there are othqconsider.:, aliens which nixie sit good titimmirijniceltbat MaybaVa deePhigipartnienho lei tlMvicinity porches and sheds where wicked, end' perverse cstsdo congregate and make 'nights • hideous by their cookesta for. stinTnacy. To every, snAl 2 wciat24.4r.iihdd " the manOilera-of the tald bib= of free admits/Mir Ifs - cat deed or alive' was '.hreraght to theirlents, ind every meth* during their stay ooriliibe obsened' se their doors a - long procession of boys eacbium ed widow -ofi.those feline gentlemen whose angry spirit b e d brokenmany a fkii ones'idnm-' hers or disturbed the gentle course Of many a poorArls'dream. Our blessings be upon: man aged!! and their managers, may their Oven! among us be often and thdr 'Stay. • long:Amy Abeyfinger with us until the seasonl.is tar is& • =seed, into the one and yelfoir We' until cats cease from troubling and' the' 'Weida 'are' ' at rest. May their shadows nedu grow loss. "A Wiirrit 3tAleB binsiAEfre In the political news attic idailt is °boomed that the Democratic leaders have again resort to their old cry,a white men's sentiment, once the,wacthword of rebel li on saulAte slave ,lxias- • tar' s argument, an appeal - to predjudices that e people, at this period of enlighlanent cease to enterta in, , the progress of civilization. Lai swept us too far onward an d ideas like these are only entertained by those who tir behind ; the intelligence of the age are foundering in the mire of conservatism. • It lean attempt to revive an issue. dead ' end buried with the carcass of slavery;. now passed we trust forever out of etatence. A safficisid length of time has transpired since, the ballot WWI placed in the hands of the chattel, .to test itapractibility, and do the people experience any change predjadkial to their - interests. Have 'their tights in any way become jeop . ardized, and is the nation in any loss degreoprospermis. Not it single Argument is produced that suitains the assertion or in any way proves that this ise white man's, government restricted . to its func tions to the benefit of the white Juan only. On the contrary is it not a government, sufficiently broad and magnanimous in its claracter 'to afford shelter and protection in every form to ovei7 citizen be ho white or black. Proscriptive of no one's rights. The Deamexatie party has ever heektlie ene my of the negro--and the advocate. of slavery, it luta for generation constantly laughed . .Ai "moral rights" {md sneered; at " higher law.' Nor is it at all Surprising that such is the fact. From the very'foltridation of Its existence its leaders carefully and constantly taught con tempt for thisdcictrine and implanted a hatred so deep that even at th is day it cannot partake of the popular sentiment surrounding it, which prompts.the true Republican , to view all actions with a spirit of "malice toward none and.chari. ty to all," nor are 'they tilling to accept and respect issues that the war substantially settled bat are continually repeating the exploded doctrine of state rights and state severignty. In view of these Acts, it then becomes the ditty of the llepnbliCan party 'to Eltlialllll Its vic tories and prefect those principles which gave it an existence. sta'.. The four Democratic counties in this District. declared in 1864 by their votes that Union soldiers, were not entitled to the right 'of suffrage. Will they vote for a soldier now?' sir The Prussian army is still in front of, Paris. No material change in the situation has taken place since , our last. MRS. IL E. GARVIN. . IlEßcult•fi BLOCK, over PORTER le EIRRYIL • DRESS -AND CLOAK MAKING. PATTERN& . • ThiPitOM FRENCH CORSETS, ' • • I would respectfully announce to the Mites of Towanda and vicinity that I have Jost returned - from New York with a toll end reeled amortrocet of Pall and Patterns, for ladies and, children. Im proved Enoch Corsets and Laces—neirstyle. dashes and 'Ties. Of elegant design; also, a Gro,pleoes of Tar latan. in boußful shades, for ennilm wear, Organ disc, eta, etc. , f CUTTING and FITTING_ Promptly and Matt/ dame,-with the positive mem *nee, that all orders. however small. entrusted to the shall be filled in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. .I remain, Toon, veryreapeetstar. arra. s. P.. GARVTN.: Kept sl.yo aBAND OPENING: „ , FALL A.M) WINTER GOODS . marsJ. ItINGSIIEY • Begs tease to return .her thanks to her patrons for Mcsatnattsinde heretofore, and assure them that no ezertions.will be spared to ensure a continuance of the acme. Keying just returned from • . • . with stage and well selected stock of Of the Weld TANDON and PAWS atzrlea, such u r i r tr i / Ao:r 43iffor to the Tosianils and Also, s fine selection of Mir and Fancy Goods ttACES, • HANDICERCHIES, . • • 1 . CORSETS ; ' I brie altwijrocl.2 . in oinneethin witlitite above mar DAPS , MulkikkiKkarta 3 o4urPlikand I am now GUTTING and VITANci., the lintriashlonstdo Wleaon liblPit l iaoLfce• itt=nest door to.ltat ;kVA:teat' si.np stairs. 7 0. E • • . '• 3 • . oß,Taran DAY& Aloota awl. Shoes Accost Ikaake robtu JO= tarOrirr2B2,7lo: WO BIiALE.4-411 fHwase: and, ,Lot opluto Argot is ograrod tor ode st, bargain. :tor itailborpitetiethisempitrit on the pgtotheik • &ft. %Vied :MU CHAIM , g : t. - W4il'Ti3 - re.. cetitti Worm ihie`pal . o , 6 , ti* obe li OW :( do ea kinds of „ ; „ -. 1;7 AntE4B Nana - 2/esideisci' Isar ;Flo ", • New Advertisements. or irrw sioN Tout o,isifiAsolti:Vaciejej*: 'BOMIM - 11n8. I;,INKti COLE ARK ; ; • • CI : 11..MATANFS,- Physicim sod . 1 e le s • 1 .. ~. anatara, 41r4.. 4:30 . 4. th0 r ktv4. - :, Ask or • " j ",.,.., , i : l6* - v .,„,,, , -- ~ ; -i- , ,Ti i- 4, I. o lll° ' pept. ort4o; ' , 4- - 1% . :.. - , 0 4 /-, , -1.4F:4 - 4 - '• - 45.4,..1 , '" . , It , . 4 . ti-, - 4 , ,i-,- i c-, W WX - Xi Tr - Tomas. IS. ISICyr MISSHUNT'S SCHOOL : 77 cme!l on Itoa4a7 the MS of Bewtember. EniUsh Itl3'sdM - • IT OD to oo 4IYA 11; IWO; WILL gbz,b4: due% 9A.lndilkell=a Sept.litb.inzoolltobee by Wm an Second st. 4 4 , ti Drain* g • - " • 8,14C141410c • VOT/OEF , ' 1 4 A.A1.W 1110i40 ioieleid'xi the =room of .04. OM , C 0.44 Tountlie until dope. 24% &knees, for the itetetiat ildebnittoetbit et the JbWiegeai the Tenet* ist.fd, 4 4 AND UPVIILDINGSk • ' - M 0171711 4 ftedifto=l titre bi 111;4 et tbei elitionii M. !iria wikei fog lieciesiurr cvlaxinions,. - The debt wade* my or MU% If •regiided uloatOothealoutAt foOrriiF7 the &Maar. V44lll4l:llept:vr; • uompa,ip, wm be sol9AVo . blieiteilibut. the 19094 biol 44"42 IyED ‘l/OtMtPrID, et t< g*F3°llll 39. 4 , at the: -• " ' • ," IM : AAPF BD fr.ONSE, • ; 19 . ep .. me* lickvertyl; the followinibtocts UM904:40 19 k estate qtDilkierit4 l 99this cleresio4 WO or Amens ' shires of *bob- in the Wsierty ietketai Beek of 9100 Arch.* 0 shares of Biggs stoc.k lu the Ferro- AetAsiocittion (lotoviti: teloare Itrldgekof lab This stock win be, sold 11111a13,11/001 . , thi pur l 'chaser to have the privilege or'ans umber not el. . 0 0ftit tim shitres. „ • • 2 .7 T e ri nk ten percent dawn, the balince to be peal in thhir dYls, - faith- interest. Tidies - be' tit* T41 21 41 , 9t0ved seinv4o , • ' E. u. =BUICK, Exeentors of Dazalei*Doilbs,..tecoaaed. Athens, 5ept,15,1870. • ,• ' VOX & IifF4R9IIR , . panaaattalliinform the vabile.tbattboy barojasi ,opened a fple assorttaeat of NEW GOODS, „ cintegghig of eintOit everything fa thearocery stud ProdstoU Witt; withilftheyjoirer for silo at i. I, inprAssigLiAx, RETAIL, At tilt lagrestttiatict nteei; We feek nonfident• that with oar soverienco anti facilities, we dull be able to please. the mat fastidi ous. 'Our Ifotto is "Good Goads at Reasonable Prieea." . We shah worn hard to please- Try nk Corner Main and? Pine street& • • E. T. FOX, Towsurta, Sept.. 0,7. •11M112 RlEfteOlt. MCLEAN it ROMER, gum; uvz kraal FASIILY SEWING price.saa 00 This Machine trill stitch. hem. ki/. Inch, quilt. cord, bind, embroider and gather in - the Most perfect manner. end will neer from the:4loWe% to the herd. get goads WITHOUT .CHANGE OF TESNOX. It to not a " Cheap Machine." but in Ja vitals the higher priced once, while in edm= dowhabiutcr to get out of ceder, and eased matmge ment rr summon mi.' An emmination ti delimit from all to ton the truth of our assetttclui. ALL Namara Waitaarrrin rim% MART E. WATTS, A,gent Towada, SePt. 1. 1870. . , : - "PENNSYLVANIA: STAFE AGRI-. CULTI3II4.I. Stieirxr.—:•Thri eition of this Sada; ftelfle WU be heidatticranton, onTuesdag September 2 7 th. •WedeeidcF, Sept..2Bth. Thursday. Sept: 29th. Friday, Sept. - Seth. The grounds are spacious, the-Wiling* Sep t. accionuriodations and the premium est Marg. ?Were is no darge for entries except Horses entered for speed. Entry-80*S open Tuesday. Sept. Gth, For catalogues or infor motion, oldresi at Scranton. JOHN 1e.:..31-oBBle..Prost. A. W, Ratram. Rec- Bec'y. SMUDGE MoCoNver. C,or. Seel N°ll° IS HEREBY GIVEN that eppllcation.will be made at the next meet ing of the Legiadatum of Pennsykrania for the Mow potation of a .Basings Bank, to be known , as the Athens Savings Bank. to have a capital of oily thous and disilarliNithetttlunity to its:realm the same to/MY amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dol lars. The-objects of said bank are to receive money on dwelt and to discount • notes. bills. kg., and to exercise genera baukbig privileges. to bo located in the borough of Athens. sanity' Bndford, with authority to establish branches, at other placca in said county . • • ' junel6,lo-61n- • W Y, A L. U S' I N G C. W. CLAPP Having leased the Storehouse and oaf' flaturcii bolo:Watt° the Messrs. Welles,' would notify tho eltizetui of Ifyalusing and vicinity , that he trill keep constantly on toad a full stock of C 0 A. L , EOO. STOVE, OIEEN'TNUT, PEA AED nencLAY. L I 11 L' , IN BULK OR BY 3.917. BABRRL S A L T, IN • SACKS, BBLS., AND BAGS C E M .E N T , BLASTER-AND KEROSENE OIL, Which he will be pleased to sapid, them with et raeonable prices. Zone but the MST quat.rrr lvs offered for sale.'oeusequently cannot fail In giv. ing eutire.ssttsfsetiou and.reeetbig the wants of the .ecnsurntnity. CASH ,PAID TOR GRAIN, On delivery, arkdqiir every deseztkllaa 0,1 • FARMER'S PRODUCE, cor taken iv exelianee . toi Coal,_Lime. Salt. Plastei Cement and Seropone 1/3.4A0 LE' DIGIT, ma my agent, will always be the Wards:num to attend to customers. AXIM 20. 1870. , .A "4'o & CO. HAVE 'MST - OPENEb VERY LARGE STOQR z,~:a: ~ ~- ~ L s, ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES Atilt Rea Flannels, Phiin :White Flannel, Ullo:I Red Fla4nel, Fancy Shirting Flannel, lhati sad Ftaw 4:2pent iavizt4 bit:wl;l at WO =lli JA IME I.i'. 4ii 7 --z, :,, • i i....7e ..TAYLOR & CO. Sept.l,lo. 11/AOKEREL;''..TRolll%'hWitillt M1Gh4. 1 5 44 , 11 -, 484 . ' nOFPFX,' TEA; 'BUG* 'FISH; ; 11 .L.lbe.VirbaleialiisAtiodatl. r, • . Mkdow= A ' ' - ds• r/10 A . A N ACT IN REFEREN -. . , 19h. POOR, aorazi .!---- , • . 1,.., . ••• ~ - '• - iaitimir eci:V Via ' aiffor the Midi* id: - for bYrailteaSK CP. 111 4 4ip rd • legoeuxiedg. Hese Amid, .2100406- ' A, tr atimile“ • Detimh , Anne triftret t er hundred and eittienie, to-WWleiliptineuld pia- chaos sea real estate al they abid,4ltent‘ nectaltare for the accommodation of the voleerdtradierd, countlt and It shall be lawful for sold comreltelon ewe, ore majority of Wen, to take conveyanola there. . iller,lnliketaniltriteletif Of tile mentioned In the third section of thieeid„; and the y shad certify their proceedings therein; under their fiends and seals, to the clerk of the court of quarter aesskins cd Bradford Manly. ha be Mai in his office; and's& the next general reeedon the mantled elect atstelen elect three Typeable citizens of the said Dahl duneford WA, poor and of the house of exithlot for the , We Of Bradford for the maniugyear _ end the Judges of the election of said county shalrladraitthrinf btrWeeltitig thiF Muni from the geverat eleetion Match:tie and dating up thentruster Oettitimethereth; or ',Uhl:olllra days ,=l7,,,certify.medie their Wide sub imatee 111 e pement ild'electedAireetore,lo the clerk Of the tonted'ensrter. limestone !of the 1014 'county, who &bellfile r :the ;said certificate ill lea oftlim, and fiwthwith Pe notice in Weiting bathe . 801 4 411 % 4 103s of-ihtde being 4 ,04 and the said 41. rectors Eau meet at the courtjhouse In .the, said 'county on the firetlfnaday Of ataavainaber nest ensn; fireheir election, and divide then:soaves by', lot into threii chases: the ib. disco of the drst:to be imaged at . Ala u°f Ana arigaf tbif ateord be • et the world ye M a r. and . lite thirdst, e the lle , MAMMA Oftbe thirst etera- se Meet/lose' whe, aball the chesenefter the Arta election. and in, the toode abomeloacribed, May serve for thoelyeare, ti d, cage third maybe eleriensuilli ' ,• Berrien 3,.. Mat' every :elected, In ,the : , manner aforesaid. or appointed aiherelnafter direct ed, shall, within ten days after be is notified of • Old abeam or 10fpninbfeent, and before he enters on; the duties elf said eithdo.leke an oath • a r affirmation „be fore any Mathis fifths peace of 0114 county, -who• is hereby authorized to administer, the mono, that he will discharge the dudes of dir •etft of the peer for aaid eannty Only iiithfally end frapartlaNya Oa . the beet of Ids itnowledge aid ability; audio dee ofineg. tart or refusal to tea 'the said 'oath or affirmation *Alain thetimetiforetudd, and, perform the:duties aforesaid, he shall forfeit anit pay the anm often dollars for the of the peer if said comity, which tine atoll be recovered by She directors. teethe time being, as debts of the Mme amount arc as shall be by law recoverable; and thedireeteti qualified as stomp:Wl are berebtantherlzedto innaltilster - oatha or affirmations in any raise where itehtill be necessa: silo Madero to the duties of their said, office. , SecTioult. Mat the said directors so their sue-, oeseors 'shell forever. hereafter, In the name end le fact, bp one body . politie andeorporate Iv law, to ad Intents and perposes whatsoever, relative to thepoes of the comity oflimadford, and shall have perpetual enecessiomand may sue mad be sued, plead and.be Luipleaded, by the mime, style and title of the direct err of the poor end of the house or employment for the county of Bradford. and by that name Mall And mayreoelve, tateand bold any lands, tenements and bereditunents, not exotedingthe yearly 'rine cil an thousand dollars, and any goods and rhattele what- Boone d the gift. dictation or btentest of any per. eon whatsoever; tepnrehase, hike and held any lands and tenements within their county. in fee simple er otherwae, and erect thereat' suitable buildings for the reception, use and aecommodation of the poor of said county; to prov Ade all things neeesmry - for the receptive. lodging, maintenance Aid employ, meat of said poor; to appoint a treasurer annually, who shall givelrond, with wollileistall'allrety, for the taitbfni 41i/charge of the &tiffs of his office, • and at the expiration thereof that be Will well and trulypey, Ind deliver Over to Mastweessor in ogee, all moneya bonds, Imlay books, accounts and other papers, to the add corporation belonging, avtich shall then be rettuthertg in hid hands. custody and possession; and the said directors shall employ. and at pleasure remove, a steward or stewards,, and require of him or teem an oath or iftirmation, and such security for the fatthtul performance of his or their duties, as the board of directors •shall deem expedient, end to ap point a matron or madrona, phylliciatt Or physicians, surgeon or siwgeoria, and all other - attendants' that nay be necessary for the said poorrespeetlvely, and at pleasure remove; and to bind out, as apprentices, so Oat such apprenticetship May expire, if males, at or befOro ithO AV, of twenty-one peens audit females at or before the age of eighteen years: Provided. That no child shell be bound out fora longer tine than until he arrives at the age of eighteen years, un less he be bound out to a trade other *an a farmer: And Prodded, That in all cases the person to whotn they are bound be required to give the child at least three months' schooling In each year: Prodded aro. That no child stall be bound without the limits of the State, or at a greater dfdance than filly miles from the poor house; rind the said directors shall exercise and enjoy all such other powers now vetted in the overseers of the yoor, as aro hereby granted 1 or supplied; and the and directors are hereby em powered to use ono cenution,seal In all baseness re lating to the r.alil eorpomtion, and.the same at their Oaten to alter and renew. , Stenos 4. That the said directors shall, on or before• r the first day of December, ono thousand eight hundred and sextgobe. ihrnish to the county com nalssionera an estimate of the , probable expense of purchasing the lands, erecting the buildings and furbishing the sameand maintaining the poor forme year; whereupon they shall and they are hereby au thorized to increase the county tax by one-fourth of the sum necessary for the purpose aforesaid, and ' shall :room on loan or credit of the taxes herein directed to be levied, the remainining three-fourths thereof, to be paid in Instalments, with interest, out of the county taxes: Prodded always, That if such ' loan cannot he made, the whole amount of the sum necessary fur the purpose aforesaid, or such part thereof as may be deemed proper, shall immediately , be sddedto the county tex to be paid by the county , treasurer to the directori aforesaid, on orders drawn in their favor by tile county corundseioners, as the same, may be found necessary. • fizorim 1 That It ehall be the duty of the said directors, on or before the Drat day of November in each and every year, to furuleh the commissioners of said county with en estimate of tho probable ex. pease of the poor and poor house, fur ono year; and it ant to thirduty of said commissioners to assess and cause to be collected the amount of Raid • cell- mate, which shall he paid to said directors by the county treasurer, on warrants drawn in their favor by the county coundisloners, so the snow may be wand necessary; awl the , said directors shall at , -Imist °natio, every year render an tecount of all the mon- , eys by them received and expended, to the auditors appointed to audit and settle the county accounts, subject to the same penalties, rules and regulations as are by law directed respecting the accounts of the county commissioners; and-shall at least once in every nd year lay before, the court of quarter sessions and gra junco( said county, a list of the nrituber, ages and sexes of the persons mei:indeed end em ployell In the said house of employment, or by them bound out to. or apprenticed as aforesatil, with meows of their masters or mistresses, and URI; trade, ockimation or calling, and shall at aft hetet, when thereunto required, euleult t' the inspection and free examination of mob visitors as shall from time to time be aointed by the court of quarter sessions et the said minty, all their books and so. counts, together with rents, interests and money 4 manic and receivable by said corporation, and ;deo in account dell salee, purchases, donations. dole es and bequests ashen luxe been made by them or to them. SEcrios G. That as soon as the said buildings shall be erected and all necessary cream:iodations provided therein, notices shall be sent signed by any two of the said directors, to the overseer,' of the pour of the several townships and borough, of and county of bradford, requiring them torthwith to bring the poor of their reaped:lvo townships and boroughs to the mid house Alt' employment; which order the said . overseers are hereby enjoined and to quired to comply with, or othoorice to forfeit the costs of all future maintenance. except in• cases where sickness or any other sufficient cause any poor perseu eat/nettle eemos oil, fit which case th e said overseer° shall represent the tame to the near est justice of the peace, who ring satisfied of the truth ( thcreof, shall certify th same to the said di rectors, and the same time is to an order under Lis hand and seal, to the said overseers, directing them to maintain such poor until such time as be or she may be In,* situation to be removed. and then con ley the said pauper and deliver him or her to 'the steward or keeper of the said Louse of employment, together with the said order; and the charge and ex pense of Gaels temporary relief and of such removal, shall be paid by said directors at a reasonable allow me°. SrariON 7. That the and directors shall, from time to time, receive. provide for and employ, ac cording to the true intent and meaning of this act all such poor and indigent persons as shall be enti tled to relief, or as Shall have gained a legal settle ment in the said county of Bradford, and shall be sent there by an orderer warrant' o r that purpose, Urea under the and sods of any o justices of the peace, directed to any constable 0 the said county of Bradford, or to the overseers of the proper town ship in any other county of this contreohwealth • t end the said directors are llerqby authorized, when they shall teem it proper and convenient to do so, to permit any poor person or persona to be maintained elsewhere: - Provided, That the expense of their maintenance does not In any case exceed that for which they could be maintained at the poor house of the said county of Bradford. 1 tlecoom 8. That the said directors or any two of them, who shall be a quorum In all eases to , do bust-. nese, shall have full power to and ordain all such ordnance% rules and regulet ne no they Shell think proper, tonvenient and necee for the, di reetiop, government and support' at the poor and house of employment aforotaid, and of the revenues thereunto belonging, and of all persons as shall come under their cognizance: *Provided, That the same be=got repugnant to this /SW or any of the other laws of this State or of the United States: 'And prodded also, That the same Shell not have • any force or effect, until they shall have been submitted to the court of COMMON pleas, for the time being. of the county of Bradford, and Shall hare received the approbation of the same. 1 fiecrrox 2. - That a quorum of said directors shell and they are hereby enjoined and required to meet ` at the endgame° of employment at least once in . every month, and visit the apartments and see that the pbor . are comfortably supported, and bear all complaints and redress or cause to be redressed all grievances that may happen by neglect or mis. conduct of any' person or per-seas in their employ ' mentor otherwise. Beerier( 10. That the, said directors shall each of them receive far their services annually the ' sum of forty dollars, to defray the expenses of their neves an/ attendance on the duties of their of Sncrwe 11. That In ease any vacancy or Mean ,des shank" happen by death, resignation, reorient out of the country or otherwise, the remaining di rectors or director, together with the court of quer- Wr zealous of the said county, shall appoint a suit able citizen or citizens to fill such vacancy or mean .elee until the text general election,,when a director or directors shall bo sleeted for.the unexpired term °fend Mother or vairarriee. - Stenos 12. That the commissioners of the• said enmity of Bradford are hereby directed to pay to each of the commissioners named In the first section of this act, the sum of,one dollar per day for each and every day he shall necessarily spend in perform- Mg the duties described by the first section of this acts.ind also, to pay,esch of the directors a reason . able compensation for their eervioas during the term they are employed In erecting any building or build ings eforessid: Presided:That the same shall cat, Including theeannual atm allowed them by this set; exceed fifty aollars fur any ono year. , 13nerion 13. 'That all claims and demands 11P re hition to the poor in the aforesaid county existing et the time of thiaect bebtiVeinT:ed lute a_frect Mall have bull force sod °fiften, If this 'minim not been Passed: tunixeleistbe same shalthaee been ete rs & hated and "settled, all moneys remaining in the hintleof the' blefiumra,'iii vmn litltlie • ineolbeted taxes levied for The sdpoirtel the poor fa the aaid. toteuebiret and boron is in the' aid county of 'Brad ford, shall be paid erver A to the comMiselosers of the highways of the respective townships and ben:Rl/lbs , fo be by theta applied towards"repairing MS roads dr,.crentiit. That so much of the laws:„Of this, Lcoinnidnwealfh relating team poor, iii , Ste 01 ' this , ed alteredor grteriled, be and the same are hereby rapeeledom far as they affect the comae of Bradford w......ncet ns. That the Sheriff of said COMAS shall Via :Mont= trobity the saLLonneuteeteeteri ; of their appointment, and whdn and where they shall - meet [or tattling capon'the dude* aestyned them by this • ext. Which tilsee-cf moe.ileg ;Idaillbo4* dear ihe eet , ” t in Of the bounty As pOssible: . 1 . B=lof id. That Oar the purpose- Or. SOSOrhiihlng , the atintoof the eitizene of. Bradford ,county,na to 'UM espedlency of °reeling a house. Ibr an err:ploy ment atn- mpport.•of thepeor; it 'jihad lathe. Pty of each of the inspectors for the several townships sad berembs, at the tart general diactichi: to' re- Calvet tickets e either Wriitml ye Priatieil, fled the. t ~~, .'~} s~~;~, Mil IMM Att. ~~';.lX MEE ileAltiradiang" • - "rr" — ..' . • 'oBl3lmr* • . *.p . oarbouea!'alad as . • alaa aoor Moe e as isplaat space bowel =o= l 4 ca austAat up th e vote. °Ube Aldo wart Wataiat the ssi t epat the other salimpt sea made. aut , that s ottbcas Tab 'OM OM S oo for & poor house. then act .1s li!a. lika", elbal; Wit a algoaittot , bra_ __WW,___ sabot a, pooulonaa,. Mos, . sad the same la hovers atilt aid '.:'-' , '"g - i' i -,', -.• • fiscrsas 1 7 . Tbai th e @begin ' l aausai. shall ewe Ma set to be pu I ab , == ...w r i..o4.o..t ati lis. ...to ...t 0.6. i. ~..,:tignimpc of which to ba paid aut,of tba 21.11111A til MVIS, . , • ', Speaker oft li e llostiset. - 'JOHN P. POUT. ._l. - Speaker of as &swap° tem _ - iapaorta.—Tl* first day of %lay. Anna Damial .oaa aboanapdgbabsuidaolimalalaaPooke-- _ _ • .+l. G. cumin's. • _ As ACT to extend the Unto sO aw IOW: OP .‘county of 'Bradford to vote uPen the hrtsettkes 'et - enact entitled ..An act to provide for the erection of ahcmact forromi armour and 'rapport of the pow for thkroutity of Bradfmt," approved lbw dist, one thormand richt hundred and abitpree. __ • threshes I. Be it enacted by tie &ate end Howe of Ibpreseatati Coossomocata'qf Possaytoct 50-04-...raltivebremortatty arotharity qf tie saner That the - tausillielf declare the county *Whet 'whereby autharsed and. empowered Winbuilithe nexhippletrat. shation, for or against. the ereetionnf a county.poor haute. nue der the p d V a xloaVLl s i g 4 approved Nay ars l woriVfoTG "." lttecillin of =serwr the . em• V oymeat and support of the poor for the cranny of, Sermon . Wham glartaler;:.D. S. F. Itleholi. George e tam rt F. od d!no e It ctinr.„ firtalD anieLY efar Powratd. Whin= Itulehrui .%.4 g 12 0 Um* man, John - F. Oveftbire, John me - Ammo McFarlane and Berdsmin MuyloaMerM did be- and are hereby authorgel and rennired OCCINII com mix-stoners undeethe provhdons of the art tb - which this is a supplement. - • , !; • ti: B. STiAIRI. Spetair iT the Hoists of Repktootatire.:. CH&BLESIC. STIR SON. • - - • Speaker , of air &We. Arourrxr—The AMA day "FB, dono. - Domint, one thoneaed eight hundred and seventy. • •' • - •Jogs V. °kitty. nee auppleitientary Act of ' , April' e, ` - 1870, for ,Heinen of new Corombudoners. , .4. - , - TN BANKRIIPTCY. -- -DISTRICT court of the Untied Stites for'. theNlitein I:rict of Patistiyhtma... ,Wegers District:of Rimia.rhi- : A Warrant in Btinkruntcy bas beentssited by said r Court against the estate of RICHARD ABBTUN, of the county of Bradford and. State Of ,Bennsilvania, 'in said Distrlct r who has boon dulyadindged a Bank. rapt upon petition of his creditors, , and the payment of any debts, andthe. delivery ...s4 any property be • longing to said Bankrupt to. *dor to his use k and the transfer of any property bylaw' are fel:hidden by law. l c A meeting of the credit= of *aid Bankrupt to Prora their des , and-choose, one or mare as signees of his Sstate, willba held at a Court of Bank runts'', to be holden at Talmud*, Pa., 'said Dis trict, on the 15th day of October, A.D., 1870. at 10 o'clock, at the, Once of FIMADD OVZIErON, Jr., Esq., one of Me &Ryden in Bankruptcy of said District:. ' A. 31071WH, Sept. 22„ , 70.—tw IT. B. Maishalp ss Messenger. SHIP YQUR '"BUTTER, EGGS, rOULTILY, CRPINE and FRUITS to Tm PAE . ifER'S PRODUCE ASSOOIATION Olken and liocelving Depot, 247 Washington fitreet, New York. This organization to as d....19P0tt of Farmer's . for the purpose of 'leeching and' Selling all kinds of Farm Prodneo on Commtision Only: - , All communications_ to ilia Association should km' addressed to , d. A. Faz,imui.Ser.l.. '• - 217 Washington st., N. Y. Shipping cards may be obtained by schiressing the Secretary, or of J. E Souza. LeßaysvLne, Es., Who is the Trsvelizig Agent in Bradford and Susque hanna emulates. A H. FAMZAND, Vice Pres. , F. 7 1.3-"PZ:i•sammi. See'9. Sept. 22,10 WHITLOCK'S PATENT SAW tiksvg Hardware Dealers Or others have agouti Ave years of_ counties. • The improvements are the ttimiteat ever made Ln saw frames. Bend on for the Ntszter pertlfleate. ABEL WHITLOCK. - Patentee. awl Hanfaeturer, Danbury, Cone. Sept. 22,'70.-I,w* 48171° HOG CAUE IN TEE enclosure . of the subscriber, in Oration top.. Bradford county. on Sept. lith inst. The 'hog is a white boar About one year old. The owner is re 'quested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take it away. WM. W. COM 3. - Sept. 22,10.-2w* Ili 1113LIC SALFI —l . . will sell 'at, public sale, on my prembies, on Moore's Mil. !Mater twp., on Tuesday, 'November let, 1870, com mencing at 18 o'clock a.m., all . of My- Stock. Farm-, ing utensils, Bm.. together with my farm. Sept. 22,'70.;tf M WELLES' R. COAL YARD Until further notice prices at yard, are Egg, or No. 2 $5 50 Store, or Nos. 3 and 4 $5 50 —Nut, or coarse. No. 5 $3 25 Pittston Nut. or No. 5 45 pa The following additional charges will be ramie for delivering coal within the borough Ma ~ lta: , Per ton SO cts.. Extra for ,carrying'in 50 ets.! Half t0n.......35 o •• •, a• a. 55 ..... Quarter ton , ..25 ..' Ey" Leave Orders at any Coal Office, No. 3, Mer cury New , ISloOr. - ism:Weide. AM—Orders most In all case be accompanied by the cash. Towanda,-Sept.ls,'2o. 7CITYAIitISING ACADEMY. • V V Tho 1101Terin will commence on tbo 'first 7am (lsy of Eeptember, 1810, and continue 12 weeks. . "Tirlintl-For Common. English 11 00 Foriligher English end Clssalcs. . 200 DAVE. aciii. aug.l7.6wPeineipal. • TOWANDA AG-MOULTITRA.L • WORKS STILL ALIVE! The superintendent of this sitopja now olferNig some of the best _LUMBER WAGONS, •PLATFORAI WAGONS, • -COVERED AND-OPEN BUGGIES, ever offered in this market. Best selected Orklc AN]) • HICKORY ,- TBIBER used, and all work made by the most t , • EX EItIENCED WOIIKALDT. We have the PATENT RITSELI IRON SEATS, very light, and so durable that oven time has bat little to do towards their decay. P else where. ii=o ig oi a tr on w o ? o r n k airing ebort antics: AL C. Manors. Prest, Towanda, July 20; 1870. Superintendent. H :0 S I E.R `i"•! • TAYLOR Invite particular attention to their HOSIEBY. BEPIIRTBIENT comprising the largefitsmi most CO:RP-LETE STOCH OF'•HOSIERY ever offered in this vicinity,. for LADIES; 311SES, CHILDRENS, All qualities, all, all: tlizes, at -the 'Ver'y lowest prices Soptl,lo. ;TAYLOR $5:: CO. ',WASTER. —BOO.TONS= BEST az; antes Gmung - nelltat t Bytage. Nam. mow roown. for which all kinds. oft Gaeta will be taken tifotebauge. IWO 4, MO. . , GEM .rattrr :JARS, THE beet 03:1044 - 9iheleimleilidietli4 • 017,1. : -:]: I, • 31014.11. t, xtE.AsgoRTmENT,O . 0 2 - • IictIABE VIAOUR,-- ...EKED AND MEAL sco, • sap;M COWX4I, k WSW& TrHE BEST FRUIT JARS IN USE ;I;tt r - MaCASS,tt mu. • . FLL -, ASS RTIAENT QF L3J one ciista at as 69 k.:- • k JQ irVI-Dtt Wirt BEST - OROLL•* - 0. om 1. Anwit brthe quotititi or " ht":' • .i.vozir/azzterors.' G' ..`r~ Allow tut to call ottoilll on to an t 111EPA1ATIOX IMITPOVSD .3211711.107"BUCEI tr. Thu :stew*. isessrvoir ire straw: r Lily; -coma. Jun. isaist Dania, bydlatillatlon, Ittriotin s pke Cu. bolts ostasistott by tlisPlastenier Q with spirits obtain. per Eerrli; 41tic suga is useo. put,. ins9,provorsion . set more past- able tb,lp IkEY zrir !MK 8UC 1 44 AO Dr 6 1 , ;'7 . 3 u 7 P,r1444 15 i, 111 of s'atri mbar. Itels a plant , that emits ito , fragnwce ; iction of i name this Me active Pri=lOC leaving 'a dart and glatineusilemetton. 'line to the colf.l of ingionc . nti , ,.. TirftOtt idtoy preparation predoin÷ ftteinitalto4 : Zsacttty of the oth er ingredteutir arc adcle* to proven! Icemen ht ttoti; up on Jul fOiitid . zu4,. to be si Tincture.. as mile In l'lninuentrotek nor. le mrsrunt therefore can bo used in cases where •fever or tuba. ~ . . baton axle. In day, yrei have the knowledge of the ingredients and the 'mode priparitiop Hopiug Mai you will. tivoi it with a trial, and Slott nyouiusperiloo It will zueet with : your appro. batiou, . Cheiiiaat and Druggist of pears experience. Wrap' largest s wam:dim:Wring I,:lieuiisbi iutlio I ain acqatthited with Mr. H. T. Heinahold.; he occupied ttio Drug tore-oppositeiuy reeideucc, and was successful in conducting the business where others had nOtbsen.equalls so before him. i.have been faverublr impteezed ulth his character and eu- LEWIS LpYLS. HELIISOLD'S FLUID cr Bveux, .for ,Keak new arising from indiscretion. The exhausted . pow ere of Natmaiwhieli are accompanied by so many alarming syMploms, among whim)) r, i be found, In- disposition to Exertion, Lam of Memory, ,:tVattofol. nesa, Iforr of Disease. or Forebodfuge of ; in i B. U. WELLES fact, tritiyetasl Lmsttude ;Prostration ! and inatilit; to enter into We enjoyments of soda" The coustitution. oars affected With qrgaule , , „• . i lla Weakuca#, requires the aid of medicine to ' etren . au anidinrigarate the. !cistern, which HELIO3 0 k; EXTRACT •III:CHIT invariably does. If no irt t• went Is submitted to. Consumption or insanity en C= factions peculiar to Females, la nnognalleel by any other preparation, so In• Chlorosis. or Retention PaWill:me, or Shirr State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the cex, or the decline or • cluing° of life. • mom) Boers WAsw will radically exterminate frbra the system, diseases ariShig from tudats of dissikla tion, a little expense, !Ago 01' 4 no cliange in diet, no inconvenience or eposurq; sompletely.superselUng the unpleasant and dlingerons retnettles,CppaiTa and Mercury', in all these dlacases, thin Ilriatnoan"s nnw EXTINCT 13ncnu In all dianagen of these orbmtin, whether exlsting'in nude or female.. hum 'whatefei cause originating, and no matter of bow long standing. It is pleasant In taste and (AO, .Ixnuardisto" hi action, and more strength. cuing than any of thc,preparatio9,of Bark or Iron canstitationalpraeure.tliarotedy at oil= way be the attack of the ab o ve ateeseei; it Idcertein. to Wed the bodily bonne and mental pciwers GENTS AliD YOUTHS , • retie. illiaLl3otD'S EXTRACT. B1:1 1 92(17 - is the groat Diurette, per bottle. or 0 bottles for $0:30. Delivered treany adieu. Depaibe.mgdomp.lll-41 comm on" Huns. w. A. cal Wherchouac..l9l Vrciadway,',N. Y. "7: N't AltE C*241111.41 UNLIMS DONE-UP atoet•etw'sr . e4 - irra'pper, with Lax : 64liUe of myChrinl• cal Warebotise,"and migued. r ll= sor 7fotk. Auf ust 15tb, 286& With I reeling of eorifideo}v,. I gm, TerY reniept talk. T. TIEIMOLA Uorld.l ir mmo*4:l3s4: iinocsAral ivElowpskx, ' Firm or Powers k Weightrassi,Varturacturirm Chemists, Nineth and Drown tits.. Eltin Erin Art. o 3 Brcnn, in at 112=c842.0'4 nt-To EsrFai /16CHU AND /X- Those-suireriug from. brokeu-down or aelicge The reader roust be irre that, however slight All the above diseases 'require the ald:pl a Diu-, Said by Druggists :everywhere. PRicx—:sl.23 , _ Addreqrii. T. ttumnoLD, Drug - slut Chew' Ili;LMB01.1;0 Has I'. Lb7O.—l♦. t Xisconancous. OWANDA mA * W itRET ZIOL ALE ES S. 'Vrer7 Wednelelsr. by I. Atrit Wbo64 74 etrt almost 40. a.t, "*.besb " Bye VI barb ... . ....... Itarinthest 14 bulfr• -- Cern, bae1t.... , -• • Oats, Vt bluer Boar. bulb.. • Butter Volla) 115 * •• • do ry, w aoto xr,... 4 " root, Is barrel ..... ... lb Warw. itbguth, f . , .. ;,;.; .. , . • • rrot or yete ;a,— Cr yeWara 66 lbs.: Osts 32 lbs.; Barley o; ag Beans 62 lbe. Brea 20 M.; ch,„ U HL ; Timothy it ibt. Dried reao a• Dried Apples 22 Rm. Flu /teed 40 Ihe Ma • Alb ARRA.NGEINIENTs (4. Tug TowAsrDA POST.O.I77cE. Until farther notice the /Mb' arrive and depart ea tnlans at thlt • Arrire. ......7:13 • ~•...5:15 ....12GO aaq.34. Norttard3in.a, Simthern +•• .7rOr - • Vauban Due/tore • ytv _ ille •• a. u. ...... '.1A; .. . • 91i00 n. zr......, . tk.tsl Barclay .-',... ... 12:00 u. .. ....... 2.% r. n Eaton maga arrlies etc .ry Mc=lay, Wenhuva i 4 ..,. ! .r rido i t mbe r. AI., LA dePait9 It 7:0(.1 h.. ;4. .., Tusday, Tbursdny,'att daturdaY. stbarty Corners mall arrives every Tucnday, r,,,,., day and Saturday at COO .I=lf. Dtp1111.9.,1, ' at 9:00a45. • • 11".• All mails etnivrBo nefisulei 144 r, cl, ii,„ ,/,,, parino; and the alai/Amara and Jana Owe 4.lnfp',. get Retie'''. -.' . ' ' Si. W. ALVOSS, P..U. ---------- - .pMMIC The sabeertber will offer for eale at Lila in M Alemb er bany, Brad-ford miMa nty, Phe 4 Pa., on t,t y • of elating fn part of 1 pair Ilorfte, Welt prep.rty, r eatehl.q . )--..,a, ottet. 2 Cove; 3- Spring Calves, 1 tWo Lorre luxe!, Winton; 1 light two horse sarong IVSGOIs, Uarnese, 2 Plow., 1 Cultivator, I Harrow. Mill, Chains, Forks, Carpenter'e TeolN. aei e. a , other articles too Anutercue to [neut.'', • .F.S.R3I yon SALE AT Ar,'7l.o);t . , At at the name tl.tre and place 11.4 t o Civet, r.,, i . vrill. 130 offered for sale the sutiscril 's rtal • ,„tZ culasistlllitil .50 aerea Of land. all ini rived, /tad e, der a state of cultiratlen, I. ws.l frame hra..., frame bara and shtuf, large orchard of graft,l a good Lying spring handy to both` hou,e,teellorn andinstrl. other 1 3011VeniCLICVAS taa 1:01113610133 to IL' r.... V tiou thereon. 'Raid farm eltr.ated .i.; /4lie from s. t E. It. R. .t Lasidsbrlrg. Sate to cumi:rave al 5 c., Cluck LLD., 'when terms of Hale will be c.,ulk, kt,,,,, For further- particulars call or writ; to the ~r. 1.-7. bee, ~ blatt riTEVENs. , Laddatirtrg t Pa., Aug. 2), 1870-3 s• STRAY. —Came info the en . c10 , 6 , ure of the xuberriber, en Wednemlay 41, 16"10, a mutat BLACK RAIIE. The owner le meetet• ed to enhee feenre.rd, prte , ein4Terty, pay charge,. end take the meme away.. ALLEti .5111 N 9. Xerth Totrauds,-ttept. 3, 1570=-31 TO , THOSE 'GETTING THEIR ciLOTIIINO MADE - To oltotat lOU !Should study two tl:inge. First, GET Tli W4/31/.: Y11i5". 5..,0nu4 WIIE.Itr. THEY ARE SOLD CHEAP And. in' order to be able to sell a good article cl,a; the merchant roust underanuol his banners, a.: know bow, wbero , ,nl.4l whet to buy ,as a pract-) man does; end a PRACTICA TAILOR I❑ all it i brandmsl profven to he, having ha EIGHTEEN VEILS EXPERLE,:c: ll4vg ban l cuttv: a heuttlAytt, iu NEW YORK CITY „Itdo ray, own buying, and my pront6 With UV man, SO that h of do--and with low rent and other expete....;, is r. portlon,lhas making - the em..t et car:7l72a bubiness eery In mading the,above you win 1.42 I CAN SELL GOODS CHEAPEU Than Well foll9wing the Fuzin.•F.4. knowledge , /f it theineekes, have tn emr,l , •y othr large salarien to zitt , lail.to it. p.r,l pay seeordingly--aS they. lite hissolf, DO BUSINESS TO LIN : DBY IT Il putt alAn. by cfniw en 8r.:.1g,, Tu./ zhda. Aug.1.0,'70 TAyLori & co. MI thc iicst hp.r CS OEM:F. P UR f tar• •• H. S. ti a. Nab - at S..pt:-fj, /670. - UNDRY FOlti SA.T.lEL—Situnte - - 11 in Rome, Ilrailford.county. pw. The cheap:A property in the world. r A large Foundry In rrinnot:: order. with everything used 'm the businea, terns, Flasks, 67 , 0 A good Rouse and Barn, At acres of choice land, good trud, well, .ne. All two thousand dollars. Inquire of li. W. DRow,,. ING, Rowe, Pa.. or Ilraiuhall .t Ridgeway, at th, , Red. Naite - anil Pine sOre, Ilridze Street. Towanda. Pa. jnly 27,'70-3ul F].l . SATJE.-4. firm of, 20;3 acres In North Towanda township, atcl about cue mite North of Towanda borough. Men on la a new image. new barn. and a good orchid. - Will sell the whole, or the buildings with . Ace or po soma, as the purchaser may desirc. For (tun, particulars inquire on the premiers. Sept. S. 1570.-3 t. JAMES FOSTET:.. FURNIT:CrItE! U ro-lug purclabcl awl n.:Menislio.l"thu CAEAP Prit:IVITCRE' STORE' of 8. T. Decker, on Ifnin-at.; first door below k 3Eyer'a store, and a little south of the ae.net I am preintred to furnish .FIIIINrrtrRE OF ALL KINDS. Wholesale and retail, as cheap as tile Rule , tll had at any - establishment in the county. Ily eW is fell and' Complete, comprising all the. usually kept in a firsteclas Furniture Stori, public are respectfully solicited - to eterniey. tiV ft 4 k and Prices, at No. 155 Nlairtret. N.l3.—Picturea framed with Loatuess aud Towanda, Sept. 1, 1870.—tr TOWANDA COAL YARD ANTELIKCITE AND BITGULNOCS CO The undersigned, haling leiled the Coal Yard bock at the old ...Barclay Basin," and Put ccrup!.. l, . a large Coal-house and °nice upon the prennses, ar now prepared to e furniala the eitizens'ot"f ow‘u: atx da eel- vielnlty with the-different kinds andelzes of the named coals upon the most reasonable tarns 17. "quautley desired: Pricks at the Yard uptfl notice : Largo Egg - • Small Egg Lump V.inspth Nut - • ' sr. ritt.itOn ;Nut ° ....• 5 011 ..Barclay. ,, Lunn)' . - 4 ....1 .... Bun of 31111e 1 .- • , 3 .711 Fine, .or Blacksini)n..., The following ad:ll4lms] charles tint ho made for delirprlng Co*, trltilin tho borough Waits: • Per Ton ...SOlouts. Extra for carrying in. 50 ct. ut • . Ball T,..23 1 .. Qr. T0tt„...2.1,.:." ." " " " ~ 25 ." 476- iilrde.rs }nay be leitnt the Yard. corner of E.,:1- road and Elizabeth Streets, or at TLC. Porter's Dii.g Store. Urdf.irs must in ail eases be , .1 the cant. WARD /t". 3tONTANII2. Towanda, June 1, 1870—tt. _fiLT BY THE LOAD 01: L) Single rr.l IVY lc KERCl•tt'n. • VOR SALE.-SOUSE AN 1,.0"1 xi tuate ou Fouctli etreet, near Jaw(' MOW!? 44:32 rem', with welt and ei,tern. good Wu , : -and irtfit, tirqulre of o.lk.Wicau.or. at the ; ten Wickham k Sept- 15. li47d; • TOTill '..-I,ADIES AND CHILI) P.EII OF ATHENS. MMffi=inffr= 1= PATLEIINs of ALL TILE LAMM STI - LEA r.n: S Booms over Post Office-31a. lloyt's oh! stzinll. MRS. MARV Athens. Dec. 21). 1962 'Agerd TEA. IN GREAT VARIETY; Tlll :fineplt in Ihe nrlrtrt nt FOX ;I: 0 Si i° IMMI Gii 0. 1,',., Urpa r r . • ..7:).; A. v y, • I'l9l, rs crane 711: ! HENLY //A R/ZIS, {LOVES thy tc,7 TAlLbti k 11YA 11. 'PH INN Ey BEI